Plant Cell Reports 2000) 19 : 755±760 Springer-Verlag 2000 CELL BIOLOGY AND MORPHOGENESIS E. Caboni ´ P. Lauri ´ S. D'Angeli In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture Received: 2 April 1999 / Revision received: 10 November 1999 / Accepted: 15 November 1999 Abstract A new reliable protocol for the induction of adventitious shoot formation and plant regeneration from apple callus has been developed. High regenera- tion frequency was obtained with this method in four different genotypes Jork9, M26, Gala and McIntosh) and callus maintained regeneration ability for several months. The procedure consists of inducing vegetative shoot apices, excised from in vitro shoots, for 20 days in darkness on an MS medium without glycine, sup- plied with 17.8 mM BA, 2.7 mM NAA and 250 mg l ±1 cefotaxime. The explants are then transferred to a fresh auxin-free medium and given light. Histological studies revealed that all the regenerated shoots origi- nated from callus. Regenerated shoots were multi- plied, rooted and successfully established in soil. Key words Vegetative apex ´ Callus ´ Malus domestica Borkh ´ Shoot regeneration ´ Tissue culture Abbreviations AB: Axillary bud ´ AFM: Auxin free medium ´ BA: 6-Benzyladenine ´ CX: Cefotaxime ´ IBA: Indole-3-butyric acid ´ LP: Leaf primordia ´ MS: Murashige and Skoog medium 1962) ´ NAA: a-Naph- thalene-acetic acid ´ VSA: Vegetative shoot apex Introduction The availability of efficient and reproducible protocols for regeneration of plants through adventitious shoot formation is a prerequisite for the application of genetic engineering Horsch et al. 1985) which, allow- ing the alteration of a few traits of existing superior fruit cultivars, can considerably accelerate the obtain- ing of improved genotypes compared with traditional breeding techniques in woody fruit species. In fact, the high level of heterozygosity and the long juvenile period, which characterize these species, make genetic improvement through conventional breeding difficult and long term. Organogenesis from adult tissues, leaves, leaf or stem portions of micropropagated shoots of apple cul- tivars and rootstocks has been reported by several authors with little or no callus formation Barbieri and Morini 1987; Fasolo et al. 1989; James et al. 1988; Predieri and Fasolo Fabbri Malavasi 1989; Welander 1988; Welander and Maheswaran 1992; Pawlicki and Welander 1994). Shoot formation from embryonic tis- sues, including cotyledonary tissues, has also been reported Kouider et al. 1984b, 1985). Somatic embryogenesis has also been induced in several culti- vars from apple seed parts, protoplasts and leaf tissues James et al. 1984a,b; Kouider et al. 1984a; Paul et al. 1994). Regeneration from undifferentiated callus obtained from adult leaf tissues was also reported, but with low response Dufour 1990), while high morpho- genic callus was only obtained when young bud leaf- lets were used Rugini and Muganu 1998). However, generally optimum conditions for regeneration are not the same for different genotypes within the same spe- cies Caboni and Tonelli 1999; Dufour 1990; James et al. 1984a,b; Welander and Maheswaran 1992). In this paper we report the development of a single and reliable protocol for multiple and continuous adventitious shoot induction from callus of vegetative shoot apices of different apple genotypes. A histologi- cal analysis was coupled with the regeneration exper- iments to individuate the origin of the adventitious shoot primordia and to follow the developmental stages of the organogenesis process. Communicated by M.R. Davey E. Caboni ) ) ´ P. Lauri ´ S. D'Angeli Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura, Ciampino Aeroporto I-00040 Rome, Italy e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +39-06-79340158

In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture

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Page 1: In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture

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Page 2: In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture


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Page 3: In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture


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Page 5: In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture


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Page 6: In vitro plant regeneration from callus of shoot apices in apple shoot culture


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