F I Environmental Protection Agency /In Ghniomhainechr urn Choornhnli Comhrhooil Dii-ector of Sei-vices - Envii-onment Cork County Council I nniscara Attn: Ms Sharon Col-coran, Director of Services Cork Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821 Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaislean 8haile Shedin Contae Loch Garman, tire Y35 W821 T +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie LoCall: 1890 33 55 99 Reg. NO. PO986-01 Notice of a decision on a licence ~ ~ l , p _ l _ i ~ ~ ~ j ~ n . in accoi-dance with Rerulation 37 of the ~. EPA .... (Industrial . - .... Emissions) ..... ........... .. Ilicensine) Rewlations 20 13 D ea r En v i ro mien t D i rec to la te ; The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Tiinoleague Agri Gen Limited, Bai-ryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, Co. Cork in respect of an activity located at Baiiyshall, Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork. !, 1 ; i: 1 ! 1: The Final Deteniiination and all other docunlentation relating to the application is available to vie\v on the Agency's \\:ebsite at the following link: www.epa.ie > Licensing and Permitting IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infoiniation on public participation and juclici;+l review processes at www.epa.ie. Please note that there is 110 requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours sincerely !I r P 1.0 gramme 0 ffi ce I' E nvi ro nm en ta I Licensing Pro gram m e 0 ffic e of E iivi ro nm en ta 1 Sus ta i na b i I it y

In Ghniomhainechr urn Choornhnli Comhrhooil · /In Ghniomhainechr urn Choornhnli Comhrhooil Dii-ector of Sei-vices - Envii-onment Cork ... and Permitting IED and IPC Search. Please

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I Environmental Protection Agency / In Ghniomhainechr urn Choornhnli Comhrhooil

Dii-ector of Sei-vices - Envii-onment Cork County Council I nniscara

Attn: Ms Sharon Col-coran, Director of Services Cork

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaislean 8haile Shedin Contae Loch Garman, tire Y35 W821

T +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. NO. PO986-01

Notice o f a decision on a licence ~ ~ l , p _ l _ i ~ ~ ~ j ~ n . i n accoi-dance with Rerulation 37 of the ~. EPA .... (Industrial . - .. .. Emissions) ..... . .......... .. Il icensine) Rewlations 20 13

D ea r En v i ro mien t D i rec to la te

; The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Tiinoleague Agri Gen Limited, Bai-ryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, Co. Cork i n respect of a n activity located a t Baiiyshall, Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork.

!, 1; i:

1 !


The Final Deteniiination and all other docunlentation relating to the application is available to vie\v on the Agency's \\:ebsite a t the following link: www.epa.ie > Licensing and Permitting IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infoiniation on public participation and juclici;+l review processes at www.epa.ie.

Please note that there is 110 requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely



P 1.0 gramme 0 ffi ce I' E nvi ro nm en ta I Licensing Pro gram m e 0 ffic e of E iivi ro nm en ta 1 Sus ta i na b i I i t y

E ii vi ro mi1 en ta I H ea 1 t h 0 ffic ei- Health Sewice Executive (South) 2nd Floor, Oak House Lime Tree A venue, Mi I lenn i u m Park Naas, County KiIdai-e Att. MI-. David Molloy

15 November 20 16

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhaireocht m Choomhnri Comhrhooil

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa21

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastet Chaisledn Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. tire ~ 3 5 wa21 1: +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

tocall lago 33 55 99

Reg. No. P0986-01

Notice of a decision on a licence q~~~&$itiI:, i n accoi-(lance \vitli Reculation 37 of the -. E P A ( ........ I lid us tr i a I .. Em . .............. is . . . s . . i .. o . ... n ...... s) ,(ice i i s i ng ) Re cu I n ti o 11 s 2 0 I 3

Dear Mr Molloy

The Agency Iiereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Tiinoleague Agri Gen Limited, Bnrryshall, T imoleape , Bandon, CO Cork in respect of a n activity located at Barryshall. Tiiimleague, Bandon, County Cork.

'The Final Determination and a l l other clocumentation relating to the application is available to view on the Agency's website. at the following link: w\v\v.epa.ie > Licensing and Permilting IED ancl IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on 11 i i b I ic pa rt i c i 13 a t i o n a ncl .j lid ic i ;I 1 1-ev i e w p I-ocesses a t ww w, epa . i e.

Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter.



i% '

I , ..

Yours sincerely

Progia m me Officer E n\~ii-onmen ta I Licens i iig Program me 0 f tic e o f En vi ro n ni en [a I S us t a i na b i I i t y

Secretary An Taisce - The National Trust for Ireland The Tailor's 1-1a11 Back Lane Dublin S

15 November 20 16

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoiiporht um Chaomhrrli Comhrhooii

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chatsledn Bhaile Shedtn Contae loch Garman, h e Y35 W821

T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E tnfo@epa le

W w e p a te

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

Reg. NO. PO986-01

Notice o f a decision on a licence a,l71!.!I:~,tI,~tl, i n accordance with Regulation 37 of the EPA (Inclustrial ~ Emissions) ... (Llcensin:) Regulations 3Ou

Dear Secretaty

The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, sub.Ject lo conditions, to Titnoleague Agri Gen Limited, Bartysliall, Timoleagiie, Bandon, CO Cod< in respect of a n activity located a t BaiiysliaII, Timoleague, Baudon, County Cork.



The Final Detenuinalion and all other clocunientatioii relating to the application is available to view on tlie Agency's \vebsite at the following link: w\vw.epa.ie > Licensing and Pemiitting > IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's \vebsite for infoi-mation on public participation and judicial review processes at \v\vw.epa. ie.

Please note that there is no requircment for J O U to acl<nowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Programme Officer En v i ro time ti tn I Licensing Progra tiinie 0 ffice o f En\:i 1-0 nmen ta I Sus ta i na bi I i ty

Department of Agricultui-e, Food and the Marine Agriculture House? Kildare Dublin 2 env irc) niii en t a Ico-CI rcl i na t io n@;a gricu I tu re . gov . ie

15 November 20 I6

1 Environmental Protection Agency An Ghnbmhoircocht "in Choomhnli Combhooii

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa21

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bhaile Shedin Contae Loch Garman. Eire ~ 3 5 wa21

T +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. P0986-01

Notice of a decision 011 a licence a~~~~l,i,c~,tItIl, in accoi-dance with Regulation 37 of the - EPA /Inclusti-iaI .... . .... ...... Emissions~..(Llcensin~) ........ ... Recuhtions 20 13

Dear h4inister Creed

The Agency hereby notifies yo11 of' its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to 'T'iiiioleugue Agri Gcn Limited, Barryshall, Timoleague: Banclon, CO Cork i n respect o f an activity locatecl a t Bari~~shall, 'Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork. i' The Final Determillation and all other documentation relating to the .application is available to vie\\/ on the Agency's website at the following link: wvw.ena.ie > Licensing and Permittins > IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infoi-mation on p ti b I i c pa rt i c i pa t i o 11 a lid .i LI d i c i a I review processes a t \vw\v. epa . i e.

Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

You rs since I-el y

Programme Off'icei- E nv i 1-0 nm e n ta I Licensing P 1-0 gram ni e 0 ffice of En\/ i ronm en ta 1 Sus ta inn b i I i t y


An Ghniomhoireochl um Chaomhnd Comhrhooil

e Dept of Commuiiications, Climate Action 6r Environme Ne \v t o w n Road w e s fo I - d

Sorcha. Byme~!~liousing.go\l. ie I Y35 AP90

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bhaile Shedin Contae Loch Garman, [ire Y35 W821

T. +353 53 9160600 F: t353 53 9160699 E. [email protected] W: w . e p a . i e

LoCall. 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. P09S6-01

Notice of a decision on a licence :ipp!jkgjk~~, i i i accordance with Re.culation 37 of the __ EPA (Industrial .. .. , .. . .. . . . Emissionsl,(Licensillg~ ,.. _. ,.......... ......... Regulations 20 13

Dear Ms Byriie

The Agency Iiereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, sub.Ject to conditions, to Timoleague Agri Gen Liniited, Bai-~-yshull, Timoleague, Banclon, CO Cork i n respect of an activity locatecl a t Bai-iyslial13 Timoleague, Banclon, County Cork.


i t

, :. ! '

The Final Deteniiiix1tion and all other docunie~ita~ion I-elating to tlie application is available to view on tlie Agency's website at the following l ink: \v\v\v.epa.ie > Licensing and Permitting i IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on public pal-ticipation and judicial i-wie\v processes a t \vw\v.epa.ie.

/I Please note that there is 110 requirement for you to acl<iiowledge receipt of this letter.


t Yours sincercly 1

P ro gram ni e Office I- Env ironnien ta I Licensing P i ~ g r a mni e Office oC Environmental Sustainability

Sec retaiy G e ncra I De p t of CO iii ni u n ic a t ions, Cl i ma te Act ion and Env i ron

e I Environmental Protection Agency

An Ghniomhoireadt urn Choomhnli Comhrhooil

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa2 1

Ceanncheathru, Eosca Poist 3000 Elm House, Earlsvale Road Y35 WE21 Ca \'a 11, CO U I1 1 y ca \fa I 1

H 12 ASH7. - cnrpoi-atesiipport.iiiiit(~dccae.go\;.ie

Eastd! Chaisledn Bhaile Shedin Contae Loch Garman, h e

T: +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

15 November 20 I6 LOC~II lago 33 55 99

Reg. N o . P@986-01

No1ice of r7 decision on a licence a-l).~dic~Ii.r~q-I~. in accordance with Re(rulation 37 of the - EPA , (Industrial . . ...,....,. ... . .. .. . Emissions) . . . ..... .. .. .. (Licemine) Regulations 201 3

Dear MI- GriI'fin

The Agency hereby notifies you 01' its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Timoleague Agri Gen L.imited, BairyshaII, Tinioleague, Bandon. CO Cork in respect of an activiry located at Barryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork.

The Final Determination and a11 other documentation relating to the application is available to view on the Agency's website a t the following link: ww\v.eua.ie > Licensing a n c l Pennitting > IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infornintion on public participation and judicial review processes at www.epa.ie.

Please note that there is no requirement for sou to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

' / /

3, Yours slnct.l.ely

P rogra m me 0 ffice r E nv i in nm e n t a 1 L i ce ns i ng Pro gra 111 me Office of Enviroiuneiital Sustainability

Environmental Protection Agency An hniomhoireochl om Choomhnri Comhrhaod

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821 De \ e I op in e i i t A 11 p I i ca t i o tis U i i i t

Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Newtown Road \Vex ford Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. [ire

T: t353 53 9 160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: w . e p a . i e

feni .dau@Ja 112. gov. ie

15 November 201 6 LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO986-01

Notice of a decision on a licence al~$I~c~~,&!!i, in accordance with Regulation 37 of the -. EPA (Industrial .......... . Emissions) . ... .... . ILicensing) Reculations 30 13

Dear Manager

The Agency hereby notifies yoii 01' irs clecision t o si-ant a licence, sul?ject to conditions, to Timoleague Agri Geii Limited. Bai-ryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, CO Cork in respect of 'a i i activity located a t Barryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork.

The Final Detemiiiiation and all other documentation relating to the application is available to view on the Agency's websi te a t the following link: wvw.epa.ie > Licensinrr and Pel-mittin2 .'= IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infoi-inntion on public participation and judicial review processes at www.epa.ie.

Please iiote that there is no requirement for you to acl<nowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Progra ni me 0 ffi cer En v i ro n i i i en la 1 Lice lis i ng Progra in ni e 0 fLI ce o I' E II\: i ro nine n ta I S Lis ta i nab i I i t y

Manager of Environment S: Planning Failte Ireland Envi ronment Uni t 88-95 Amiens Street Dublin I At tn: MI-. Padd)/ Matthe\\;s

15 November 20 I6

I Environmentat Protection Agency An 6hn;omhoireadt urn Choomhnd Cornhrhooil

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wedord. Ireland ~ 3 5 wa21

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaisledn Bhaile SheSin Contae Loch Garman, tire ~ 3 5 wa21

T t353 53 9160600 F c353 53 9160699 E info@epa le

W wwwepa ie

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO986-01

Notice of a clccision on a licence ~ ~ , I ) I ) . I I , ~ , ~ I ~ I ~ ? I ~ ~ in accordance with ReKulation 37 of the - €PA . . . (..lncluslrial . ... . ...... ...... Emissions) . ....... . . . . ... . _ _ {Licensing) Regulations 30 I3

The Agency hereby notifies y o t i 01' its decision to grant a licence, sul3.ject to condilions, to Timoleagiie Agri Gen Limitecl. Bni-i-ysliall. Timoleagne, Bandon, CO Cork in respec( of an acti\:i(y located a t Bai-iyshall, Til11oleilgtle, Bandon, County Cork.

The Final Determination ancl all other documentation relating 10 the application is a\;ailable to \:iew oil the Agency's ivcbsik at the lollowing link: \vww.epa.ie > Licensing and Permittiix > ZDkind LPC Se-. Please see the Agency's website for iiifoi-mation o 11 11 i i b 1 i c part i c i pa t i o i i a ncl j ud i c i a I review 1) roce sses a t wv w. epa . i e.

1/ Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. 3

1 Yours sincerely

Pro g I-a ni in e 0 ffi c e r En v i IC 11 me11t.a 1 I ..ice ns in;.: Pi-osi-:i 1;: mi' 0 ft 'i c e o f E 11 vi 1-0 nm e n ta 1 Sus ta i i i a b i 1 i I y

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniornhoirearhl urn Chsomhnli Comhrhooil

Health & Safety Authority c 11 e 111 i c a Is(@ h a . i e For the attention of Alice Dohei-tyiTara Hoi-igan

I5 November 20 16

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W82l

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Conlae Loch Garman, tire Y35 W821

T. t353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W. w . e p a . i e

LoCall 1890 33 55 99

Reg. NO. PO986-0 1

Notice o f n decision on a licence a p 1 ~ , I , ! g ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ i n accordance with Regulation 37 of the __ E P A ...... [Industrial .. ........ ..... ....... ........ Emissions) ... . . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. {Licensing) Re~iilatioiis 20 13

Dear S i I-WI adam

The A!yicy hereby notifies you o f its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to T imoleape Agri Gen Limited. Barrysliall, Timoleague, Bandon. C.h Cork in I-espect of ;.~n activity locatccl a t Banyshall, Timoleague, Bandoill County Cork.

The Final Detei-inination a n c l all other clocuinenratioii relating to the application is availablk to view on the Agency's website at the follo\ving link: w\vw.epa.ie > Licensing - a n c l Peimitl i i i~~ I ED ancl IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for inloimation on piiblic participn[ion rind judicial review pi-ocesses a t ww\\i.epa.ie.

Plcasc iiote that there i s no requirement for you to acl<nowledge receipt of this letter.

Yo 11 rs s i nce re I y



!, ' 1:



P ro grmi i i i e 0 ffi cer En vi roiiiiie nta I L i c ens i iig Program in e

' Office of Environmeiital Sustainability

River Basin District Director Inland Fisheries I re land 3044 Lake Drive City West Business Campus Dublin 34 A m : DI- Greg Foi-de

15 November 20 16

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomheimorht um Choomhnli Comhrhooil

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland ~ 3 5 wa21

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. Cire ~ 3 5 wa21 T. +353 53 9160600 F: t353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO986-01

Notice of B decision on a licence ~!.l?el-!cal(),I~, in accordance with Rezulation 37 of the -. E PA ( . I . .... n cl .. 11 .................................... s t 1.1 a I El n is s i n n s)",,(Llce . n s i i i c) lie qu I a t ions 2 0 I 3

Dear DI-. Foi-de

The Agency ha-eby notifies you 01' its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Timnleagiie Agri Gen Limited. Bar-iyshall. Timoleague, Bandun, CO Cork in respect of a n activily located at BariyhaII. Timoleagiie: Bandon, County Cork.

The Final Deteriuination and all other clocumentation relating to the application is available to vie\\/ on the Agency's website a[ the following l ink: w\v\v.epa.ie > Licensing ,ancl Pennittins > TED and IPC Search. Plcase see the Agency's website for infoomiation o ri p LI b I i c pa 1.t i c i pa t i o i i a i i d .j 1.1 d i c i a I rev i e \v processes a t ww w. epii . i e.




Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this

i l e t ter . Yours slllcerely

P ro gram ni e 0 fl'i CCI-

E 11 v i 1-0 nme 11 ta I Lice ns i 11% P ro 21-3 11-1 i i i e 0 ffice of En\/ i roil menta I S iis t a i nab i I i t y

Company Secretap Irish Water Colvill House 24/26 Talbot Street Dublin I I LV en \; i ro i i i i i e 11 t a I &i] wa t e r. i e

15 November 30 16

8 Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhcireochr urn Chaomhnli Comhrhaoil

Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Ea~tdt Chaislean Bhaile Shedin Contae Loch Garman. [ire Y35 wa21

T. +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: w . e p a . i e

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO9S6-01

Notice of a decision on a licence ~ ~ I , ~ , I ~ I . C . ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , in accoi-dance wit11 Rwulntion 37 of the -. E P A ( . .... 1 lid . .. . ... us . ... . t r i a . ........ I Em . . . .... .... i .. ss .. . ... i . o ..... n ... s) . . (Lice n s i nr) R e w I a t i o 11 s 1013

Dear Secretary

The Agency hereby notifies you o f its decision to grant a licence, siil?jecI to conditions, to Ti iii o 1 ea g ti e A g1.i G e n L i i i i i t ecl , B a I-i-y s ha I I , Tim n I eague, Band o n, CO CO rk i n res 11 ec t of an activity located at Barl-yshall, Timoleaguel Bandon, C,ounty Cork.

The Final Deterinination anc l all other doctimentation relating t o the application is available to \!ie\v on tlie ,Agency's \vebsite a t tlie following link: w\v\v.elia. ie > Licensing and Peiiiiittiiic 2 IED and IPC Seal-ch. Please see tlie Agency's website for infoi-mation on pub I i c p a rt i c i pa ti o 11 a nd j lid i c i a I review proce sses at \Y w w. e pa. i e.

Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

I : Youi s sincerely 2;


Pro Era iii iii e 0 ffi cer E 11 vi 1-0 iim e n ta 1 Lice lis i iig Pro gra 111 111 e 0 ffice o f En vi roniiieii ta I Sus ta iiiab i 1 i t y

e 1 Environmental Protection Agency

An Ghniomhoireathi om Chaamhnli Comhrhooif

Minister for Ti-aiisportl Tuurisiii and Sport De pa n m e i i t fo r T 1-21 ns port. To u I-i s m and Sport Leeson Lane Dublin 2 Mi i i i s t e r~~ ,~~ t t a s . i e

I 5 November 20 16

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. tire Y35 W821

T: +353 53 9160600 F. +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: w . e p a . i e

LoCall. 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. P0986-01

Notice of a decision on a licence ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I c , ~ i t I , ~ , I 1 , i n accordance with Regulation 37 of the -. EPA (Industrial ... .. . . ... . . Emissions) ...... ....... , . /Licensing) Regulations 20 I3

Deal- Minister

The Agency hereby notifies you o f its decision to grant a licence, sub.ject to conclitions, l o Timoleague Ay-i Gen Limited, Bai-iyshall, Timoleagile, Banclon, CO Cork in I-espect o I' ii n iic t i vi t J, I octi t ed a t B a ri'ys li a 1 I , Ti n i o I ea ~ L I e. B ti nd o n ~ CO u n t y CO I-I( .

The Final Deteimination and a l l other documentation relating to the application is available to view on the Agency's website a t the following link: www.epa.ie > Licensing - IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infoi-mation on public particilxition and judicial r-e\~iec\/~processes a t \v\vw.epa.ie.

' ' and Perin- :'

that there is 110 requirement for you to aclan-owledge receipt of this

P rogra ni nie Officer En v i ixi n ni en I a I L icens i iig l 'rocp ni ni e 0 ff 'ice o f E iiv i i o n in en ta I S \is t a i na b i I i l y

Head of CI-ops, Environment SL Land Use Teagasc .lohiistown Castle Reseal-ch Centre .lohiistown Castle Estate

At te 11 t I o n . ivI r Paddy B 1.0 w lie CO 11 I 1 t y \Ye \ fo I-t l

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhaireocht om Chaomhnli Comhrhooil

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastdt Chaisledn Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garrnan. tire Y35W821

T: +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: w . e p a ie

LoCali 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO986-01

Notice o f a d e c i s i o t l ~ i a licence ~,e~~,l,I,catl,c~I~. in accordance with Regulation 37 of the __ E P A ( I ,..,....... ntl ii s ..... t 1-i ._ a , 1 .. ,... Em ...... . ...............,,. i ss i onsl/L i cell s i n ! I ) Re cii 1 a ti o ns 2 0 1 3

The Agency hercby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions. to Timoleague Agri Gen Limited, Bni-I-ysliall, l'iiiioleague, Bniidon, CO Cork in respect o f a n activity located at Banyshall, Timoleague, Bnndon, County Cork.

The Final Detennination aiid al l other documentation relating to the application is available to \!ie\.\, on the Agcncy's website a t the following lid<: ww\v.epa.ie > Licensing and Permittinc > IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on 12 11 b 1 i c pa i't i c i pa ti o i 1 a nd j lid ic i a I rev i c \v 13 roc esses at w\v\v. e pa. i e.

, Please iiotc that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. 1 I Yours slncercly -.

The Heritage Council cllul-cll Lane Ki 1 I<enn y At tent io 11 : W i Id I i fc 0 I'lic e I'

I 5 November 20 I6

Environmental Protection Agency .An Ghniomhoireachl om Choornhnlj Comhrhaoif

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W82 1

Ceannchealhru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eartdt Chaisledn Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. Eire ~ 3 5 wa21

T +353 53 9160600 F: t353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: w . e p a . i e

Notice o f a decision 011 ;I licence qI,~dic~!cI~>!~. i n iiccoidance \vitli Rewlatioii 37 of the ~. EPA (Industrial ...... ... ....... Emissioiis),lLicensini) . .. ............ .. ................ Rezuliitions 201 3 ~

Dea r S i i./M a (la ni

The Agency lierehy notifics y o ~ i of' its decision to grant a licence, sub.ject to conditions, to Timoleague Agri Gen Limitecl, Banyshnll, Timoleague, Bandon, CO Cork in respect 01' an activity located a t Barryshall, Timoleague, Bandon, County Cork.

The Final Deteriiiiniition and all other clocumentation relating LO the application is nvailable to view on the Agency's website at the following link: \+!\vw.epa.ie > Liceiisiiic aiid Peniiittinc > !ED ancl IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on public participation a n d judicial review processes at w\vw.epa.ie.

Please note that there is 110 requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this




1; letter. i'

i/ Yours sincerely



P I-og ra m me Officer En v i roiime iita I Licens i 11: Pro gixiii me 0 ffice o f Envi 1-0 iim enta I Sus ta i na b i 1 i t y

Director o f Services - Planniny Cork County Council County Hall Ca rri gro ha ne Road Col-k

Dear Dirxtor of Sei-vices

I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghoiornhoimdi urn Choomhnli Comhrhooil

Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821

Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. (ire ~ 3 5 wa21

7 +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie

LoCall: 1890 33 55 99

Reg. No. PO986-01

The Agency hei-eby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Timoleague Agri Gen Limite;ll BarryshaII, Timoleague, Banclon, CO Col-I< in respect o f a n activity located at Bai-i-yshall, Timoleague, Bnndon, County Cork.

. . 1

The Final Deterininntion and all orher clocumentation relating t o the applicarion is available to \;ie\v on the Agency's website a t the following link: \vw\v.epa.ie > Licensing and Permitti= > IED ancl IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on 13 LI b I i c pa rt i c i 1x1 tin n and j LI d i c i a 1 rev i e processes at \v \v w. epa . i e.

Please iiote that there is no requiremeot for ~'011 to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

yours SI ncerel y I

P rogra m me 0 ITicer E nvi 1-0 n me 11 ta I Lice tis i ng Progra m m e 0 fl?ce of E 11 vi ro nmen ta I S tis ta ina b i I i ty