In Addition From Your Ideas

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  • 7/27/2019 In Addition From Your Ideas


    In addition from your ideas, from my opinion on motivations the influence voluntary

    individual behaviours and performance in the organization, when an individual has the motivation

    that will help the individual as the motivation will guide them as toward what they want to achieve.

    Motivation also will give them strength as they will not easily give up on their task, job and give 100%

    of commitment on their task and the most important thing is the individual will become consistent

    towards to gain their goals that they set at the beginning.

    Next point is ability of an individual. As we know, ability is a natural aptitudes and learned

    capabilities required to successfully complete a task. So then, when an individual or employee has

    the ability, that will become the advantages to the company because the company has the employee

    that will contribute something that good to the company. This is due to relevant that there is consist

    of two division of ability which are competencies and person. Competencies is a ability, skills and

    knowledge while when the competencies and person is combine so the tasks outcome will become

    more efficient and effective.

    A third point is employee role perception. This role perception is depending on skill,

    knowledge, attitude and personnel characteristic. From my view, the role perception has the

    relations with sense of the responsibility on employee self. When an individual or employee receive

    they task, they should understand 100% about the task, find the approach to complete the task given

    and not doing it half heartedly.

    Finally, on factors that influence voluntary individual behaviors and performance in the

    organization is situational factor where that including factor that beyond our control which are

    economic, politic or environmental effect. The situational factor cannot be put asside, sometimes

    political believe among the individual will effect their behaviour or persoanilty. add on with economic

    factor that changes time to time make them feel streess out and also environmental conditions such

    as time, people, budget or work facilities that provide to them.

    Third is a employee role perceptions. Employee role perception is based on skill, knowledge, attitude

    and personal characteristics. Its also about beliefs about behavior is required to achieve the desired

    results such as understanding about what task to perform, understanding relative importance of

    tasks and understanding behavior to accomplished the task.

    Lastly is a situational factor. Situational factor is beyond the control as example is a economic, politic

    or environmental effect. Environmental conditions beyond the individuals short term control that

    constrain or facilities behavior such as time, people, budget or work facilities.

    QUESTION 1 : Explain four factors that influence voluntary individual behaviors and performance inthe organization.

  • 7/27/2019 In Addition From Your Ideas


    The first factors that influence voluntary individual behaviors and performance in the organization is

    motivation. The employee motivation is internal forces that affect a persons voluntary choice of

    behavior such as direction, intensity and persistence. From the direction perspective motivation we

    can see that which position they want to hold and they will be motivated to gain their goals. Next is

    intensity is how well they put the effort to gain and achieve their goals. Lastly is persistence.

    Persistence is how they put all the efforts less in doing wrong.

    Next is ability. Employment ability is a natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to

    successfully complete a task. There have two division which are competencies and person.

    Competencies is a ability, skills and knowledge. In person is job matching we will select qualified

    person, develop employee abilities through training and redesign job to fit persons existing abilities

    .So that the organization can fit the ability of person with the tasks of work so the tasks will be more

    efficient and effective.