Unit Q Facility Center 548 Shaw Blvd Mandaluyong City, Metro Manil a Philippines |Tel# +63 9499097497 | +63 25136587 | info@ohse c.com www.ohsec.com | www.facebook.com/OHSECPhilippines H  S E E N  G I  N E E R I  N  G COURSE OVERVIEW This HSE Engineering training course has been developed for multinational organisations in all sector s, mindful of in ternat ional s tandard s or direct ives and at the sam e tim e ada pti ve to loca l nee ds. It seeks to provide an excellent underpinning knowledge of health and safety, as well as a sound bas is for evalu ating (and manag ing) pot ent ial haz ard s and ris ks. The syl lab us inc orp ora tes inter natio nal, techn ical and other st and ards whe re th ey exi st. In oth er cas es, req uir ements and pr act ice s that rep res ent 'go od practic e' are followed. COUR SE OUTLINE HSE Eng ine er ing course follows th is course out lin e: The Foundations of Health and Safety / The Responsibility for Health & Safety / Introduction to HSE / Roles & Responsibilities of HSE Engineer / Key Performance In di cato r (KPI ) / Me th od of St at ement Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control / Hazards & Controls Associated with Work Equipment / Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment & Job Safety Analysis / Safet y Inspectio n Transport Safety / Hazards & Controls Associated with Working with Electricity / Incident (Accident & Ne ar Miss In ve st ig at ion and Report ing / Ro ot Cause Anal ys is Fire Safety / Hazards & Controls Associated with Manual Handling & Repetitive Mov eme nt / Cons tru cti on Saf ety (Pa rt- 1) Hazards & Controls Associated with Hazardous Substances / Hazards & Controls Ass oci ate d wi th the Wor king Env iro nment / Con st ruc tio n Saf ety (Pa rt- 2) Eng ine erng the ory/ Aud it strategy

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Unit Q Facility Center 548 Shaw Blvd Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila Philippines |Tel# +63 9499097497 | +63 25136587 | [email protected] | www.facebook.com/OHSECPhilippines




This HSE Engineering training course has been developed for multinational organisations in all

sectors, mindful of international standards or directives and at the same time adaptive to local needs.

It seeks to provide an excellent underpinning knowledge of health and safety, as well as a sound

basis for evaluating (and managing) potential hazards and risks. The syllabus incorporates

international, technical and other standards where they exist. In other cases, requirements and

practices that represent 'good practice' are followed.


HSE Engineering course follows this course outline:

The Foundations of Health and Safety / The Responsibility for Health & Safety /Introduction to HSE / Roles & Responsibilities of HSE Engineer / Key PerformanceIndicator (KPI) / Method of Statement

Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Control / Hazards & Controls Associated withWork Equipment / Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment & Job Safety Analysis /Safety Inspection

Transport Safety / Hazards & Controls Associated with Working with Electricity /Incident (Accident & Near Miss Investigation and Reporting / Root Cause Analysis

Fire Safety / Hazards & Controls Associated with Manual Handling & RepetitiveMovement / Construction Safety (Part-1)

Hazards & Controls Associated with Hazardous Substances / Hazards & ControlsAssociated with the Working Environment / Construction Safety (Part-2)

Engineerng theory/ Audit strategy

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Unit Q Facility Center 548 Shaw Blvd Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila Philippines |Tel# +63 9499097497 | +63 25136587 | [email protected] | www.facebook.com/OHSECPhilippines


Managers, supervisors and employees throughout the world take the HSE Engineering course

because it gives them the skills and know-how to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities in

any country and in any kind of organisation.


HSE advisor course or at least one year HSE experience