Five principles Principle1: Focus on the content which is relevant to you. Principle2: Use you language as a tool to communicate from day1 Principle4Physiological Training: Hearing and Taling Principle!: Psycho"physiological state #ction1 : $oaing 沉浸在语言中 #ction2%etting the meaning &efore you #ction': (i)ing * creating #ction4: Focus on the core +ee1: The tool &o) +ee2: $imple word, lie a &a&y +ee': 介词,连词 #ction-opy the face #ction/: The five principles are: 1. Focus on language content that is relevant to you. 2. Use your language as a tool to communicate from day 1. 3. When you understand the message you will acquire the language unconsciously i.e comprehensi !le input "#rashen et al$ %. &anguage is not a!out accumulating a lot of 'nowledge !ut is rather a type of physiological training. (. )sycho*physiological state matters + you need to !e happy rela,ed and most importantly you need to !e tolerant of am!iguity. -ont try to understand every detail as it will drive you cra/y. The seven actions are: 1. &isten a lot + it doesnt matter if you understand or not. &isten to rhythms and patterns. 2. Focus on getting the meaning first !efore the words. 0ody language and facial e,pressions can help. 3. tart mi,ing get creative and use what youre learning %. Focus on the core + the most commonly*used words and use the language to learn more "What is thisthat 4ow do you say etc.$ (. 5et a language parent + someone who is fluent in the language and who will do their !est to understand what you mean6 who will not correct your mista'es6 who will f eed!ac' their understanding of what youre saying using correct language and uses words that you 'now. 7. 8opy the face + watch native spea'ers and o!serve who their face and particular their mouth moves when theyre spea'ing 9. -irect connect; to the target language + find ways to connect words directly with images and other internal representations.

How to Learn Languages in 6months

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8/15/2019 How to Learn Languages in 6months

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