Hijacked Justice Truth and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka

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  • 8/13/2019 Hijacked Justice Truth and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka


    Hijacked justice? Truth and reconciliationin Sri Lanka

    NIRAN ANKETELL3 December !"3After decades of civil war, Sri Lanka is looking to South Africa'sTruth and Reconciliation Commission to provide a model for post-conflict justice !ut will this work in Sri Lanka, or will it lead toimpunit" for war criminals#As the dust settles on the #ommon$ealth Heads o% &o'ernment meetin( in#olombo) the *ress has re*orted that Sri Lanka ma+ be considerin( theestablishment o% a South A%rica st+le Truth and Reconciliation #ommission

    $ith the assistance o% the #ommon$ealth and South A%rican (o'ernment,

    The South A%rican TR# -SA TR#. continues to *ossess an endurin( a**eal%or #olombo/based) as o**osed to North and East based) ci'il societ+ N&0s,1er+ %e$) i% an+) con'ersations on reconciliation and transitional justice$ithin #olombo ci'il societ+ net$orks conclude $ithout re%erences to the SA

    TR# as the *aradi(matic case o% the ideal transitional justice model, The SriLankan (o'ernment has also sou(ht to dra$ *arallels bet$een its o$nattitude to *ost/con%lict justice) re%lected in the Lessons Learnt andReconciliation #ommission) and the SA TR#,

    As a *reliminar+ obser'ation) ho$e'er) it is use%ul to note thatcontem*orar+ Sri Lanka and *ost/a*artheid South A%rica are 'astl+ di%%erent*olitical and social conte2ts, The SA TR# model and amnesties $ere $orkedout a%ter a %ormal trans%er o% *o$er %rom the re(ime res*onsible %or the 'astmajorit+ o% crimes under a*artheid to the leaders o% the liberation stru((le,oreo'er) the dominant reli(ious belie% s+stem in South A%rica4$here#hristian rituals o% re*entance and %or(i'eness ha'e si(ni%icant theolo(icalresonance4is %undamentall+ di%%erent to the reli(ious belie%s o% the majorit+o% Tamil) Sinhala and uslim 'ictims,

    The SA TR# is $idel+ kno$n as *ro'idin( amnest+ %rom *rosecution to*er*etrators $ho came be%ore the SA TR# and made %ull disclosure o% allthe rele'ant %acts relatin( to their crimes, As such) it is *ercei'ed in SriLanka4$ron(l+4as the trium*h o% a s*irit o% reconciliation and restorati'e

    justice and a rejection o% criminal accountabilit+, Thus) the $a+ in $hich theSA TR# e2*erience has been understood in Sri Lanka is dee*l+ %la$ed, Insu**ortin( m+ claim) I hi(hli(ht the absence in Sri Lanka o% three s*eci%icconditions %or the %unctionin( o% the SA TR#) that $ould ine'itabl+ render

  • 8/13/2019 Hijacked Justice Truth and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka


    an+ attem*t to trans*lant that *rocess in contem*orar+ Sri Lanka harm%ulin the e2treme,

    5irst) contrar+ to the $a+ in $hich the SA TR# has been understood in SriLanka) the model as en'isa(ed b+ its %ramers $as not desi(ned to e2clude*rosecutions, Instead) the conduct o% *rosecutions in res*ect o%

    *er*etrators $ho did not a**l+ or did not 6uali%+ %or amnest+ $as central tothe $orkin( o% the SA TR#s desi(n, Institutionall+) the success o% the SA

    TR# de*ended on *er*etrators con%essin( to their crimes, The threat o%*rosecution $as *recisel+ the tool necessar+ to *ush *er*etrators to make%ull disclosure,

    In %act) em*irical studies on SA TR# data demonstrate that a**lications %oramnest+ $ere lo$ amon( state securit+ (rou*s $hose members $ere notsubject to in'esti(ation and *rosecution, #on'ersel+) (rou*s that hadmembers *rosecuted or $ere under in'esti(ation4such as the 7elite8 *olice

    task %orces4had (reater numbers o% amnest+ a**licants, Thus) the threatand conduct o% *rosecutions enhanced the *ros*ects o% truth seekin()because in%ormation such as the location and nature o% death o% 'ictims)$hich onl+ *er*etrators had access to) $as made a'ailable to the SA TR# ina**lications b+ *er*etrators %or amnest+, This em*hasi9es thecom*lementar+ nature o% truth and justice and is an im*ortant reminderthat the Sri Lankan (o'ernment8s attem*ted dichotomi9ation o% 7*uniti'e

    justice8 and 7restorati'e justice8 is %la$ed in *ractice,

    The SA TR# Re*ort itsel% ackno$led(ed that the a**eal to the sel%/interest

    o% *ros*ecti'e a**lications $as $ell concei'ed, oreo'er) the SA TR#8s %inalre*ort recommended :a bold *rosecution *olic+; in res*ect o% those $hodid not a**l+ or did not 6uali%+ %or amnest+) :in order to a'oid an+su((estion o% im*unit+ or o% contra'enin( its obli(ations in terms o%international la$,; In %act) the South A%rican (o'ernment8s %ailure to %ollo$u* on the recommendations o% its o$n commission b+ institutin( ameanin(%ul *olic+ o% *rosecutions has been shar*l+ critici9ed b+ man+South A%ricans) includin(

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    throu(h $itness testimon+ and in'esti(ation) includin( throu(h the use o%%orensic science, Ho$e'er) i% the (o'ernment o*ts to take the in'esti(ati'eroute) it $ill ha'e to demonstrate a chan(e o% heart and a $illin(ness toin'esti(ate alle(ed crimes b+ its o$n leaders, Another sham commission ina lon( line o% co'er/u*s $ill onl+ ser'e to hi(hli(ht im*unit+ in Sri Lanka,

    Second) the SA TR# re*resented a *olitical com*romise o% interestsbet$een the AN# and the National =art+4the t$o main *olitical *artiesre*resentin( the hile the *art+ remaineddo((edl+ o**osed to blanket amnest+) the+ made critical concessions anda**eared $illin( to consider conditional amnesties *redicated on %ulldisclosure, Indeed) the AN#8s *osition $as dri'en b+ a dee* realism, 5orone) the N= (o'ernment be(an e2ertin( tremendous *ressure on the AN#to concede to its demand %or amnest+ b+ threatenin( to *rosecute theAN#8s leadershi* %or human ri(hts abuses committed b+ the AN# in re%u(ee

    cam*s o'erseas, ore criticall+) as Louise allinder notes) :the AN#became con'inced that *eace%ul elections $ould be im*ossible $ithout thesu**ort o% the securit+ %orces and the securit+ ser'ices made it clear thatthe *rice o% their lo+alt+ $as an amnest+,; As Dullah 0mar4then AN#ne(otiator and later Bustice inister4ackno$led(edC :$ithout an amnest+a(reement there $ould ha'e been no elections,;

    In Sri Lanka) the contrast could not be starker, Ne(otiations bet$een the

  • 8/13/2019 Hijacked Justice Truth and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka


    (o'ernment and the TNA ha'e been stalled $ith little indication %rom the(o'ernment that it has an+ interest in *ursuin( a ne(otiated and*ermanent settlement o% Sri Lanka8s lin(erin( ethnic *roblem throu(h directne(otiations $ith the TNA, Thus) unlike in South A%rica) $here the SA TR#model re*resented and $as a ke+ %eature o% a *ermanent *olitical bar(ainbet$een the t$o major *olitical %orces on either side o% the ethnic di'ide) a

    Sri Lankan e%%ort to mimic the SA TR# *rocess $ill merel+ re*resent the(o'ernment8s unilateral attem*t to mana(e its international *ressures, As aresult) a Sri Lankan TR# $ill not *ersuade the Tamil communit+ that it is a(enuine mechanism) and $ill alienate 'ictims %rom the ince*tion, In %act) it$ill likel+ e2acerbate the tension and lack o% trust bet$een the Tamil andSinhala communities and im*ede (enuine reconciliation,

    5inall+) the SA TR# $as concei'ed and de'ised in the "@@!8s) be%ore thecr+stalli9ation o% the international le(al *rinci*le deemin( im*unit+ la$sille(al, The la$) as it stands toda+) re6uires the *ursuit o% in'esti(ations and

    *rosecutions %or (ra'e 'iolations o% IHLand IHRL amountin( to internationalcrimes, A number o% multi/lateral treaties) resolutions o% nited Nations-N. bodies) codi%ications o% customar+ international la$) best *racticesreco(ni9ed b+ the N and decisions o% international courts ha'e allune6ui'ocall+ reco(ni9ed that there is a le(al dut+ to *rosecute seriousinternational crimes, Thus) domestic and international judicial decisionmakers alike ha'e retros*ecti'el+ declared amnest+ *ro'isions ille(al,In =rosecutor 's, &bao) the A**eals #hamber o% the S*ecial #ourt %or SierraLeone o% $hich Sri Lankan Bud(e Raja 5ernando $as a member held thatthere is su**ort %or the claim that there is a :cr+stalli9ed international norm

    to the e%%ect that a (o'ernment cannot (rant amnest+ %or serious crimesunder international la$,;

    &i'en the ille(alit+ and the shi%t a$a+ %rom (rantin( amnest+ %or seriousinternational crimes) it is unlikel+ that the international demand %oraccountabilit+ in Sri Lanka $ill recede e'en in the e'ent the Sri Lankan(o'ernment attem*ts to deal $ith the issue o% accountabilit+ issues throu(hthe *ro'ision o% amnest+, 5urther) an+ amnesties (ranted in domestic courts$ill not bind %orei(n or international courts %rom *rosecutin( thebene%iciaries o% local amnest+ la$s, ore criticall+) the *ro'ision o% ille(al

    amnesties b+ Sri Lankan la$ $ill onl+ con%irm the *re'alence o% im*unit+ inSri Lanka) and $ill result in redoubled e%%orts %or the internationali9ation o%in'esti(ations and *rosecutions, Thus) an+ unilateral attem*t b+ the SriLankan (o'ernment to (rant amnesties to its o$n in an e%%ort to sta'e o%%accountabilit+ is 'er+ likel+ to be counter*roducti'e,

    5or these reasons) an+ attem*t to mimic a SA TR# *rocess in Sri Lanka $illnot succeed, The Sri Lankan (o'ernment8s un$illin(ness to consider4

  • 8/13/2019 Hijacked Justice Truth and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka


    indeed the re(ime8s o$n sel%/interest to *re'ent4criminal in'esti(ation and*rosecutions o% those res*onsible %or atrocities committed durin( and a%terthe $ar %orecloses the *ros*ect o% hidden truths bein( unearthed throu(h a

    TR#, 5urther) in the absence o% a *ermanent *olitical deal on constitutionalissues) a TR# that o%%ers an+ amnest+4conditional or other$ise4to*er*etrators $ill be *ercei'ed as ille(itimate b+ Tamils and $ill e2acerbate

    di'isions bet$een the state and the Tamil minorit+,

    5inall+) e'en 'ie$ed %rom a narro$ strate(ic lens) an+ attem*t b+ the(o'ernment8s leaders to clothe themsel'es $ith the *rotecti'e shield o% alocal amnest+ *ro'ision $ill likel+ be counter*roducti'e and ins*ire (reaterinternationali9ation o% the *ursuit o% justice in res*ect o% serious crimes, 5orthese reasons) Sri Lankan ci'il societ+ (rou*s) Tamil *olitical %ormations andthe international communit+ must une6ui'ocall+ reject an+ attem*t b+ the(o'ernment to constitute a SL TR#) and communicate this messa(e clearl+to the (o'ernment and to the #ommon$ealth,

    -This *iece contains material e2tracted %rom a lon(er article b+ the authortitled :Sellin( Bustice ShortC Sri Lankan #i'il Societ+ and Indi'idual #riminalLiabilit+ %or Atrocit+ #rimes; *resented at :Ethical 5uturesC Dialo(ues onState) Societ+ and Ethical E2istence;) a con%erence hosted b+the International #entre %or Ethnic Studiesin a+ !"3, 5inal *ublication%orthcomin(.
