Hebrew Abjad Chart

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A chart of the Hebrew abjad, including both Sephardi-Israeli and Ashkenazi pronunciations.

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  • The Hebrew Abjad

    Sound/Transliteration Name Letter

    Ashkenazi Sephardi Ashkenazi Sephardi

    Alef Alef V B V B Vies Bies Vet Bet

    G G Gheemel Geemel Gheemel Geemel1

    D D Dholes Doles Dhalet Dalet H H Hie He V V Vov Vav Z Z Zayeen Zayeen

    Kh Kh Khes Khet2

    T T Tes Tet Y Y Yood Yood

    Kh K Kh K Khof Kof Khaf Kaf L L Lomed Lamed M M Mem Mem N N Noon Noon S S Somekh Samekh Ayeen Ayeen

    F P F P Fie Pie Fe Pe Ts Ts Tsodee Tsadee K K Koof Koof R R Riesh Resh Sh Sh Sheen Sheen S S Seen Seen

    S T T Sov Tov Thav Tav Final forms these are used at the end of a word.

    Kh K Kh K Khof Kof Khaf Kaf M M Mem Mem N N Noon Noon F F Fie Fe Ts Ts Tsodee Tsadee

    1 As in get.

    2 A guttural, as in tukhes.