HAPPENINGS Holmes show to-night. Adv. Holmes show tonight. Adv. Robert H. Thomas, 3d, of Mechan- Icsburg, Pa., for the past six weeks employed in the Standard office, has Prof. C. W. Appeline was a large j olned u, e corp. of reporters who buyer at the Canham auction. He se- gather newe for the Associated Press cured at low prices many articles of at tne clty hBil Philadelphia. value. i I The Board of Education has appro- The Martha family have left thel pr , at0d $25 ^ defray expenses of dwelling and are now residing Prof Anan j Williams who will at- the Barnum cottage on Railroad tend a convention of state lnstruc- avenue. | tor ^ he held at Syracuseduring the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, of Po» | holiday vacation period.' Mrs. Wil- cantlco Hills, will spend the winter llams wiU accompany him. with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Vreeland. Arthur H. Scrlbner, of Charles Scrihner's Sons, bids fair to out do Philip F. Beal engaged in boring a'Peth Low as a farmer. He has Just 'ell on the rock-ribbed county farm added to his possessions between surprised to reach a depth of Bedford and Mt. Kisco. a farm for Inety-eight feet before striking rock, which, It is reported, he paid one- quarter of a million dollars. Henry Dick's auto truck is a busy vehicle. The highway between Brew- 1 Thursday evening Miss Hasel Stam ster and Danbury is not in the best received a large number of friends at condition possible, but Dick's wagon. C. A. Ganung's residence. The friends this afternoon. produced musical instruments and music for dancing. Other assistance S I M M 1 M OtOTOK PALL8 Herman Juengst spent Saturday In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Artrhur Outhouse spent Saturday In New York. Arthur Smith was confined to the house for several days this week. M. O. Adams Is building a barn on the Robert Hyatt place at Somers. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and Helen Juengst spent Sunday in Tarry- town. Mrs. Elisabeth Duran, of Peekskin, visited relatives in town for several days. Rev. Mr. Rimpo has purchased a Maxwell touring car of E. Fowler, of Carmel. The Presbyterian Sunday school will hold their Xmas exercises on Xmas eve. The annual entertainment given by the school children will be held WBDDED. Lucss-Bloomer. Funeral of Serene I. Payne. | Diphtheria Toll of 1*77.8 Recalled. Robert. 9 and Edward. 8. died bev On Sunday the official life of the On Monday, Undertaker Furraan, of tw «en June 30th and July 5th. Edna nation paid final tribute to the late Haverstraw and Undertaker Charles Hooper, aged 9. daughter of Henry Sereno E. Payne, for more than 30 H. Smith. Jr., made application to and Lavlnla Hooper, who had been cooal chunfh Salem Center was wit- year8 ' memb « r of the House of Re- Town Clerk Barrett for transit per- ,ivI n* with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bailey nessed by a large audience one of P^^tAtlves from New York. Black- mits for the removal of the bodies on Dingle Ridge, hoping to oscapa ithe nrettlest church weddings ever * arbed legislators executives and of Norman H and Philip Rush, aged the disease, died on July 11 th and held In this vicinity when Miss member » of the Judiciary were Joined respectively 4 years, 9 months and wl,h her death the scourge ended. •r.tht« n i n iH„,. ,i a ,,«rM«r «r Mr by the representatives of foreign 2 years, 2 months, eons of Dr. and JfjJ CnaJl^H Burner aid, COUnUies ln the f,ret formaI cere ' Mw> Norman B **»< from **•*-" B ° thner Thr ° W ' ' JaP " Male m 8 Lucas of Montreal Cana | n,ony neW ln tne chamber of the cliff cemetery to Haverstraw. where George Bothner. the vr'eran wreatl- da were joined in holy wedlock by. Hou » e In " y ? rs fc . , |«g **+* f burted £, wl ».*• a f K avor,te w,u » *Z"™* R v J h S 11 i lit I cloud of sorrow hung heaviest The Standard was appealed to for fan * and has been seen on the mat e prectee"y at 12 o'clock Mrs Height oter a IlttJe BroUD <* legislative vet- names and dates. Norman died on w,th Henry Goddard at the Town struck the first chord on the church enuw who sou * ht thc cold comfort April 2, 1878 and Phttlp two weeks Hall met Tavlo Miyake at Brown'* a d ^ Te8t ed choir began to of companionship in misery, far back later. The cause of death in each °y m > Ne w York, Monday night. The inarch un the aisle of the beautl- ,D * corner ,n the rear of the case was diphtheria. The scourge Evening World of Tuesday says: fullv decorated church singing "O chamber. Tliey w»re the R-nnWicans made its appearance early In Decern- Th at Interest in wrestling here I* Savior Drecious Savior" After the " oid *"*"*" compaiiio.is-iu-^ **• of ber, 1877. Louis A.. 6 years and 6 not entirely dead was evidence by choir had finished the lines of this tho dead t ** e8man ln t* 16 legislative months old. daughter ot Ferdinand A. the ••*•• crowd which witnessed this hymn and reached their place in the batUe of a 1 uarter of • century and and Lydla A. Hoyt and Arthur E.. contest. The sale of tickets had to chancel they rendered "O perfect 0icy W—* uncomfortable in the aged 1 year and 2 months, son of be stopped before the main exhibl- Love " When this song had been com- P ubUc 8,,ow °* tne,r Rr,ef ' In the cen " Joseph and Julia Heady, died on "on was staged. Included In the Dieted the organ pealed forth the ter ' B,iffly uP ri *"ht. wi,n folded arms. Thursday, Dec. 6th. In both cases crowd were half a dosen fashionably sat "Uncle Joe" Cannon, the dead death ensued within a few hours af- dressed women. never falls. strain of Lohengrin's wedding march. ... ... ,,. , i The four ushers Messrs Anson Lob- man ^ chief in many a hard-fought ter illness was noticed. The next day Wrestling with a large carbuncle Mr. and Mrs. George Flewellln, of deU Hlram Stevens Robert Wilkin rtru &Sl e ° f policy and statecraft. Be- several other cases being reported U« on hi* right shoulder. Bothner was at The ladies of the Presbyterian j - " ^ , ^ thVe"vTnlng"enJoy*bta~wMl KatoMh ' vl8,ted Natives in town ' d ' C h a r l e s E. Keeler led the bridal B,de «"««> Ja,ne8 Hemenway. of pub n c BC hool was closed. Within *!>*?*•* ^"advantage and hi* ' 'procession, then came Miss Annette Indiana; John Dwlght. ol New \ork; twenty-four hours the eldest daughter *tren M h church were gratified to find $82 ln renAere6 Mr and A , r8 Ganung- the hands of the money changers when last Friday's sale with Mrs. W. L. Scofield closed. All buyers far- ed well. Court Bernardlne had election of officers at their last meeting with Ithe exception of a few changes. All 'past officers were reelected. Tues- day, Dec. 22d, will be the last meet- , . . . ing of the year and all members Salem. The drills went through 30 feet ghouId make an effo|t ^ be present of eartli and on Friday last. waned after twenty minutes Bills are posted for a benefit dance Bloomer, dressed In green broadcloth Ebeneser Hill, of Connecticut and C f Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, Jennie M.. "J work. He was very fatigued when F. Beal has finished an artesian for George H. Hoyt, of South 157 feet of rock. A flow of 20 gallons per minute was obtained. Officers for the year were elected at the annual meeting of the Men's Club held at the club rooms on Tues- fcJ5 »A" ^ - P :.-™ a, ! a,S !I. 0 L!!!! day mint The following were chos- en: Dr. W. L. Scofield, President; Dutcher House. Pawling, Is not going to the Hotel Green. Danbury, to sue- Jameg M Vice-President; Thorn*, ceed Manager F. A. Cantwell. who , A ^ 8ec retary; Joeeph Scolpino. has been promoted to the Stratfield. Trea8Urer; Dr . C. W. Appelin. George Bridgeport. (Schneider and Howard Tuttle, House John Watte, of Patterson, recently Committee, sod quantity of timber on land of the late Dr. Birch and The Girl Scouts, true to their motr to are always on the lookout for an expects to move his saw mill ln <>«»«* opportMIllty to m some worihy deed that he may begin operations there without delay This Christmas season has opportu- nity written large all over it and i carrying a hmmu ,,i in„i carna- John Ihil«ell. of Pennsylvania. ! a ged 10 and three children of Michael l5, e Japanese gained a half Nelson tlons as maid of honor and then the '*' 8Wore l woU,d never enter thlB Cod y- VVillUm C , aged 16; Isabel, and leg hold on him and this time bride who wore a traveling costume chamber again until I came with a ^ e d 11 and James H.. aged 7 were his efforts to break free were mn- „„„ ,, r „, , ,,, , o„ MM ~n V of tan colored broadcloth trimmed certificate of election in my hand' M6<* to the death list. Two days availing. •3i«««t1^Jr« nT I with fur with hat to match accom- Baid " Unc le Joe" Cannon his square ia ter , on the 9th. Iwo daughters of Tlie American appeared much evening at 7.30 p. m.. with J^ur with hat to mate*^ accom ^ ^ .. but Partte dled and I j o h n and Mary Hancock. Millicent H.. Wronger than his swarthy opponent Mrs. P. L. Hitchcock * * * * ; " £ Tho* manage M the had to come to the funeral' Lg* « flnd Emma C .. aged 4. died- after U»e five-mlnu.e rest and after several ladles at a whist party on ™ " V e n n °J \ \. i Neither President Wilson nor Vice-' toU1 of e , gh t deaths within four tli'ee minutes of rough wrestling he Wednesday afternoon. l a n ^ her broTher FranclaMUOSMT r « sld c nt Marshall attended the ser- dRyB . , took tho offensive. As soon as he be- Mrs. Thomas Flood and children, of mMtnm be8t ' n At ^g ^ ^ vices but both were represented. The The death of Carrie M.. aged 6. cam e the aggrespor he secured a firs* Llncolndale, spent 8unday with her JF ^--^fl- the procession re- Senate entered the chamber headed daughter of John Heady, Dec 14th. * rl P on the Oriental and by superior mother, Mrs. Mary Shay. ' ' ' ' '-" " One of the holiday festivities will the Girl Scouts are prepared. They ex be the first meeting of the Auction pect to use the proceeds of their Bridge Club which will be held at'recent entertainment ln furnishing the home of Mrs. W. L. Scofield on several Christmas baskets which will the evening of Jan. 1st. Members are be distributed ln the neighborhood requested to come at 7:30. The Camp Fire Girls of Pawling will appear in two plays, "Any Girl" where they are most needed. A 400-day clock at Dahm's Jewelry and optical emporium is as neat and and "The Dress Rehearsal," at the lasting as anything in that line. A Dutcher Opera House on the evening much more useful device warranted of Dec. 22d. There will also be music- for a life time is a silver cleaning numbers. Reserved seats are now cabinet. The guaranty extends to ef- aale. jfectivenees as well as durability. The Ail who use them bear testimony « * « • • from ^coloration to bright- to the protection, warmth and coal- ness. removing every particle of ao 1 repairing the damage done to E. C. Purdy's bungalow at Peach Lake. Willis Smith was confined to the house several days with a cold. Norman See Is reported ill. Miss Alecla and Sarah Robinson of White Plains, were guests and Mrs. Dorney over Sunday. Mrs. Sylvester Tompkins spent sev- eral days with her sister, Mrs. Jaa. R. Ostrander, of Union Valley. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Clark entertained Mrs. Mungle, of Margaretville and Vincent Smith, of h ® Dey _ moon New York. traced their steps down the church ^ Senator Thornton, of Loulsana. EJdward, aged 6. son of Francis and knowledge of the game, not by « aisle to the strains of Mendelsohn's as president pro tern, and Secretary M ary Phelps, Dec. 28th. Alfred, aged Perior s rength Bothner gradual* ' 11, aon of Thomas and Ellia Martin. Pressed the shoulders of his rival U» Dec. 27thi made up the village mortu- the niat and with a supreme effort wedding march and were carried to ot State Bryan headed the cabinet the bride's home where many invit- members, Secretaries Houston, Red- binson. ed friends gathered later to enjoy "eld. Lane and Wilson. The cabinet | ^ ^ord of the moat sorrowful h* Pinned them there long enong* of Mr.'the Informal reception and wiah the ! ™ " n b e r s «""» the J uat,cea of th * 8u | holiday season ever known ln B r e w - ^ b e proclaimed winner by Refer.* new married couple the best of luck;P"> m e Court occupied the front seats through life's journey. of "" H ° U8 ° chamber - D , ,r ? ctly be " Mr. and Mrs. Lucas sail to-day o n ' ^ r e them was the catafalque on the steamship Rio de Janeiro of the 'which were flowers ln profusion Lloyd and Braslllan line for Lima,, »*nt by the House, the New York , , Peru where they will spend their legation, the Senate, the president reported from that district on Jan. the Jap much against his will. He wa* ' moon as guests of the groom's ! and numerous personal friends of the 8t i 878 . m Dykemaas the death of ,,teml, / t *««•*.*•*»_ lt w , l med ^ a ^ father. The bride was For the first time for several | many valuable and ^ ^ pr eeents ed and the galleries had been filled Hter. | Joe Rogers. The next appearance of the disease! The Yonkers News of Monday re- was ln Drewville. The death of Mary, 'ers to the contest as '•BoOmer'* aged 9 and Annie, aged' 8, daughters Last Match" and says: of Michael' and Mary Kelley. were Bothner accepted this match with Clarence B., aged 2 yeare, son of «Pon bis arrival here Miyake began. Alexander and Nettle Dykeman. oc- "pestering" Bothner for a bout. Fin- curred on Jan. 6th. A BrewBter home ally, when he offered to throw George hour the months the people of Croton are be whJch g R pIainIy of the h lgh w,u » a thousand spectators, the Rev. j waa bereft on the 13th day by the three times within an hot ing supplied with water from the egteem ln which ghe was he ld by her Dr - He nry D. Couden, chaplain of the dea th of William, aged 2, son of Ed- American "called" him. The reservoir on the Purdy estate. I fr|endg We extend to Mr §aA House, opened the services with a ward Meft d. r'fJf^S' T^' , u , I Frank McCollum was the latest to MrB Lucae oUr congratulations an 8 l m P le prayer. "Neaerr, My God, to The death of George Scharfenberg. Although the majority of fans be- 6 months, son of Law- Heve that the Jap has undertaken a suffer a loss from chicken thieves. b est wishes for a long and happy Thee" was sung by the quarrtette of aged j ye ar. On Friday night 25 or more were tak- married life, en. The thieves were traced for a couple of miles but were not dis- covered. Men from Danbury are engaged ln •avlng attending the use of shingles '"*» cha8 'ng and corners is marvel- for aiding as well as roofing Z <*• * nd «"* Immediate newness to dwellings. Mrs. L. A. Shove and J. everything treated. Howard Truran are the latest con- The anuua j election of officers of verts to the improvement. | Croton Lodge. No. 368. F. and A. M., The annual Christmas exercises of was held at the lodge rooms on e Dykemaas Baptist Sunday school Wednesday night with the following I be held Wednesday evening, result: Charles J. F. Decker, Mast- 23d. beginning at 7:30. After er; J. Ralph Truran. Br. Warden; the enteteinment the ladies of the W. Garfield Gardner. Jr. Warden; church will serve a supper, proceeds Ldwaid D. Stannard .Treasurer; Wil- for the benefit of the church. UM E Smith. Secretary. The ap- , 'poiutlve officers will be named at the Undertaker Furmau, of Haverstraw. Qext wguIar mee tlug. Jan. 6th. when who was In Brewster Monday is a ^ otticen wiu be installed. Refresh- near neighbor of Capt. Andrew Cos- menU wefe ^^.^ at the cloge u griff and bis daughter Mrs. John M. | od _ e# Sloane. He reports Mr. Cosgriff hale I and hearty at 83. Mrs. Sloan*'* eldest I Hon. Charles F. Murphy, of Brook- OBITUAKY. Calvary Baptist Chursb which Mr. re nce and Margaret Scharfenberg. Fel^ hopeless task. Miyake is supremely Payne attended and the Rev. Samuel 14th , wa g not due to diphtheria and confident that he will accomplish H. Greene, pastor of the church, ft public funeral was permitted. The what he has set out to do. He defeat- preached a brief sermon. The quar- deaUl of Mary, aged 8. daughter of ed all comers and won several oatoh- tette sang "Lead, Kindly Light" and James H . and Martha Juliff, on Feb. as-catch can tournaments during a Charlotte Mead-Paddock Bragg. the chaplain pronounced the benedic- 25t , lr due u, diphtheria, again alarm- five years' sojourn In Europe and the Mrs. Charlotte Bragg, second wife tion. '©d tie village people. On Wednesday, British Isles and he declares that he and widow of the late William H. I After the ceremony the body was February 27th. occurred the death of will dispose of Bothner too. George Di»ee. toruMly ot Urowoor, «UAJ i^t u, u« iu B mie uniii iu mt? of- Gertrude E., aged 12, daughter of ls making no predictions i,ut he la at her residence. No. 3 Bennett Place, teruoou. when, escorted by a commit- prof, and Mrs. G. C. Smith, of Drew anxious to wind up his career with Danbury ,on Wednesday, Dec. 8th, in tee of 60 members of the House and Seminary, Carmel. The third child of a victory. Several of our young men annoyed ^ g5th y e a r — her age Senate, it was taken to Auburn. Mlc hael Kelley. of Drewville. died on ' Daniel Barrett, of Somers. on Sunday. rWiMUHeH WBB daughter of the •i.„ i,„m« «r Mr P«v.,« .*. 7Z. I Eli Griffin, for many years huge tree blown down during. Sun- day's utoru* wrecKed a portion of the structure. the same day. de daughter recently celebrated twenty-first birthday. Highway her lyn and Brewster, on the face of the I returns, was elected State Senator 'from the Sixth District by a majori- '" k o U ty of one vote and afterward tein- nlght. Mr. Barrett had driven to t h e ' ^ phmp Mead ftnd > waa y ^ l n ; Mf pnyne Wfts mucU gougllt for to Qther ^ ^ ^ Came , wefe Jail pendence for home cured hams will village and was nearly ready to leave g ^ ^ a s t . Her first husband was 80UD d the keynote in Presidential ., ut AIma Luda , 5 years, daughter have no Lusiness for his smoke house when the boys started throwing snow Heury Paddock( a ^rpenter and campaigns. He was drafted for that of Andrew J and Phebe 8. Hicks. «ila year. Eight and one-half cents balls which were not any too soft.. botheJ . of Angon Paddocki & 8ervice by the Republicans of Brew- Peb ]2t |, Jennie. 9 years, daughter P 01- u,, «l «• the hoof was such an Barrett aroused Constable Walker I ^ ^ - ^ , n lg96 He preBented C ondlUons of He nnan and Jane Best. March 9th. attractive price that he patted with and Justice Moses who followed along The funera , Wfl8 held u Danbury ^ clearly and emphatically that he Je88 , e g ye:ir8 daughter of Dr. James h is flock before the real corn fat- to see what might happen. As he l e f t ^ Friday laM T]xoauui P . Bragg, of carried the audience with him. H and Antoinette Merrltt. te,liug and » w eete4ilug process began, the village the boys began to enjoy Ruiland Vt>i forme rly assistant sta- H e made figures bristle with interest, ^her outbreak in this village Thus he ontained the high dollar for themselves again. The constable got mUon agent wlth M acdonald at the His speech went home to the greatest prompted Mrs Ellen L. Borden to In- hi * l*"* " ^ aaved the c,oru - their names and Monday morning; Harlem delk> t, Brewster and Wm. H. crowd of voters ever assembled In „ Igt upoIl rlgld enlorcemeut of the j ••- , - the boys were summoned to appear Bragg ^ M a UUed a p p r ent ice at the town and the voters evidently , ieaIUl ^urd rules and regulations. | before Mr. Moses. Fortunately the th(J 8tandard office, Salvation Army carried bis words to the ballot box. Uavld Davidson, aged ^6 and three boys received only a serious lecture CapUiD aod Pa ator of U»e Metho- McKinley's majority was the largest children, Maggie. 4; Jessie. 2 and BEADING NOTICKM. Superintendent has received the stone crusher and p ^ j ^ y dep rived of his majority by leased with privilege of pur- M ofder ^ supreme Court Justice . by the Town Board. He pro- Benedict, directing the counting of poses to put the machinery in op-' Blxteen ballots declared void, is now oration at once and thus provide a QU ^ be cau8e of a decision handed large quantity of material for use doWQ by fJje A pp eUate Division yeB- on the highways early next spring. j^,.^,, reversing Judge Benedict's or- On Monday evening a regular meet- der. The case will now be carried to ing of the Pattersan Grange was the Court of Appeals. Vield. It was decided that the third and fourth degrees be conferred at the nxet regular meeting on Monday Putnam County a Model. (From T h e N e w York Tribune.) For law and order Putnam county and warning. Paying for Glynn's Vetoes. dist churches at Naugatuck, Ct. and ever recorded in Southeast and in j ol , n _ iu mouths, died during the Bloomfield, Conn., has won his way Putnain county as well. week beginning March 12th. The wld- to friends and fortune, were among - ~~ " ow MA mother, Jessie, recovered af- Tlmt the incoming state admlnistra tbotte preaeat . Th e interment was """"•" D.n.e. Gr.y R...t«v.a | J J « » JJ»WI IJ^ « ^ ^ tlon will find the finances of the at Mount Kisco. Enroute thereto state in deplorable condition is shown Tbomaa P B ragg renewed his ac- clearly in the annual budget of ap- qualutanoefl with ma ny propriations desired for the coming fritfnds year Just completed by the outgoing Comptroller, William Sohmer. "Uncle" Daniel Gray's Relatives. Since the death of the Stormville Mountain hermit and the discovery Brewster and publication of the fact that his fortune amounted to $13,000, "only For Heal Estate, see A. P. Budd. H iti SB TO HENT -fl rooms to rent-nOuter si reel, liututrt- Huiuut'l H. L diet otliers assisting sible. in every way pos- . ('. Merrick. t'uruiH iVt , Un wMer. The total appropriations for ail pur- Bridget Fitzgerald, poses asked for in the comptroller's! Bridget, widow of the late Patrick budget amount to $70,092,737.86. Fltsgeraid, died at the residence of d0C laratiou of relationship to the This ls an increase of $22,193.210.-'her son Patrick FiUgerald, Jr., 138th ut)r mlt iu a letter sent from Valley 12 over the appropriations of 1914. | Street, New York City, ou Tuesday. ( ., ty N OT th Dakota and addressed to Exclusive of contributions to the Her age was 74 years. ' ^ coroner. The writer says he is ins nilisil.li Buy OeldUlg,Ooailaf I HULTU old . , r call Write or flioue to Ullaru Uron , * v w - Frederick, aged 10, son of Elbert Hi©r. New Yu-k. ANTED—.V m:»u1 linui vmtlt »t»ve. to iiuni t'liher K. Ulue, lilt" C. and Melissa Howe*. Mary Evelyn, surviving relatives" have been found ^ ^ ? daughter of James L>. and buru elilirr Wood w c'o*l Urs. WUUS in several states. Virginia Little, Maggie, aged 4. Chief of Police Moith. of Beacon, , B „V, ttr n , amUmZ and Houorah DA* n UN ilikri.^t coat 1'iioe uaid tor 1 1 J .1 i«. .. daughter Of William ana nuaurmi |^ uuwturHi.ytUfliw.buo IU* fur rum ou Saturday last received the latest Qrmoa and MaKgle M ., daughter of piuiy; u waits street. letepUou lum. William Paddock, occurred during a osErH LA<X\V iue Tailor opposite Towa .. _ _. _. o«»w fl U r.risfjixd *' 11*11. UreAbUT, also U<H-4 ail kl'ida of re- the same week. Rev. V. a. unscaru. m^i^^ aU d rt-uairioa-01 Kun» Talophaas ir,. RAV W C Smith and the village 1 l>adlu or Top wlUi Kf I CCWK OU It. Iibt be It tVM-'U Till- Kot>U-r and lin•*• ur Kinder evening, but that owing to the holi- boldB ^ recor d. Judge J. B. Southard ' gjnking fuudg ^e total approprla-1 The cottage long occupied by the ^ u n e D. Newbauer and that he is i**^ - ' *.^!SI[L- n a mm t M thaa f tSkaila^wSi *5 * * • » • ? » ^ g y j f g J ? «"*»* iu dismissing the December tlong am<||ull to ^,,3,3^0.4 which deceased and her husband near the a neDUew of ^ ^ Gre y. in a poorly ^ ^ ^ ^ n and » t h from ' n boa tZTT* I S . i s , al .,. eap...» W Uullui:.-, #nicn wui prouauiy ne at tue elUier civl , ^ criminal. \ ihe approprjaUons of 1»14. the first or second dwelling erected N « w hauer claims that his father uwr-,' _^ meeting of the New Year. The cou|t told tlM} talesmen, among 1 Throughout his campaign for re- on the new highway constructed for- riwl the hermit's sister and that they A remarkable opportunity to kill whom was 8tuyvesaut Fish, the fiuan ejection, Gov. Glynn claimed that he ty years ago along the west side of had ^ ^een their relative for eigh- iwo birds with a single throw was cier, that Putnam county should be had saved the state $11,000,000 by his the reservoir, the same beiug ueces- tMeD years. The writer of the letter recently offered to Walter Barth of congratulated. | vetoes when it was dearly apparent sary for the accommodation of lieu- B u V S t | i a l j,is father and mother died Patterson. While on a bunting trip! As a contrast Rockland county. (^ anyone who studied the facts that beu Kirkham and other farmers de- uim} years ago, leaving him as the tie waa startled by a crackling of across the Hudson, has a doieu crimi- these vetoes in the main simply de- prived of a way out to the old high- ou | y relative of Daniel Grey, tho underbrush about M0 feet ahead ual cases, including four homicide |- errw j uu m 1^15 appropriations which ways leading to Brewster, Carmel , u hiu i e tter Newbauer mentions a a calendar of 1 civil bnou ] d have been made in 11*14. and Croton Fails, by the submerging faUii jy b y the name of Hildabraud to The tiuth of this is furnished in the of highways hitherto in use. Mr w hom the deceased was related but summary of the state's financial Fitzgerald who was long In the employ Bla te^. that all the members of this transactions on page V of the budget, of the city died about nine years *g°-! branch of the lainily were dead where the appropriations asked for in His widow continued to occupy the' t-JLfJl Look li u p . 1 luii have you M o u r • e u t fly. Eruubi u. ttvi-Mtt, ue. a season of prayer, requesting the •**!• N• V. ueoule to assemble iu their respce- vol 1 .-E - I *ruuraiii<e to run- 'in- Ulitm lor y*™*"- 0 ut t jaj^lJW Kioeuta Take o u e of m y I « j.\meat* ai tive churches and implore tne , he , Towli u^j i.|.aay uijfbi, li.f. «aui. K. A. Heavenly Fatlur to remove this pain- ful dispensation."" Ail business was suspended and the twenty-four houis of him. He looked up to see a fox matters and Just ready to seize upon a large rab- cases, bit. He instantly fired and both animals dropped in their tracks. The Missionary Society of the $365,000 for Dead Animals. Recmia4> for the last three years A T. cull 11 u.J, was observed with great s o l e m n i t y . , New York. A daughter of Henry Marsh, aged 3 vein,, died on March 27th and Dr. Bayley's eldest sou, Aj>ril 2d as stat- ed. School was in session but the KuTJ'Elt AND 10» A li ilOUSE trol Uaiv«4 ou btriil-'lll »a.i 100. Wrusor.iuli: iOjruah Ml llii kiiiu-r bt. Ui 004 ly a CV>U KALE t'UE.t I' —Two Utful one Uoiae uiiU 1 wasoob. a l n o Uuioi* IUIUU-J «ai{Uitb. i >u* lioioeOuiuucart C « aeiiluk, « U/UM-J A V.- , •r. h T" Breaator, V number in attendance was only 87 out Newbauer says that after a peculiar yf ^ eurolluieul « UMUly :io0 . I ^ou HAl.K. -hi-vi-ii Drawer Htxxw beaii-c MacUlue, l< 0:JIU ue« < •a<uii»u k. > juaOl:. A.Wiu, 1'ark bt . Si •• aU-r. IVU-j•li'jue l-W. Fresbyterain church met at the home ** bt * U "** ***** tFOU t * 5 * " !•*• »"»&> »"* *»t 1*15. a bill to sup- cottage until last August when she drwuu iu wL lch bis acclaimed I'ncle , •» daughter of Martha ,T f H.K. .IU, *ILK UVUUU - ,. Mra. E. W. Addia on Wednesday aiid otoer ownera. payment tor horses pJy deficIeutieB lu foruier apuro pria. was taken UI. Her son. Patrick, buy- j ^ e i bequeathed to him a large, l7U| _ , Jr B _ p . , M auppiy of « • - u d M i t a t ito his u Wednesday " ^ uUl * r owue "' ^y*"" 14 ^ r uor, ** , * , ply deficieuciea In former approprla- was taken ill Her sou. Patrick. Sup- Y and cattie kUled by the state, the ^ ai|M|UUt w Wi24(iW2W legibiature of ItIS will be called upon Mrs E. teruoou. Miss M. iiayt led the meeting- The special work consider- ed was that done by the Missions in the mountain districts of the south- As Miss Hayt has been connected with ! daily. Mau uiioe 1 u.- to appropriate $380,000 for this pur- pose- Sliuuk, after months of attendance i bed oiuAUtioi, btauaoru. conu. eriuteudeut of ("ouatructiou of the aUiOUUt u f oroperty and money, was The bupp'y bill is the bill that Pennsylvania and McAdoo tunnel*. mc i illtd u> purchase a paper. T hi*j u ^^ B[ck WUB yrob trated by the' ami ANT* Gov. Cilyuu in bis aunuai message an-. then proposed that she go wiUi him utJ dld ^j lo ^4 behold, he cauie ' diaeahe aud waM critically IU ft* many \S /gg nouueed that he Mas going to abolish to his home iu New York. Always ;acr oas an account of his uncle's The law requires all veterinarians aud ye , ^ vel0i . M tg§ direcUy re-'patient, strong, self-reliant, resource-1 dwa4Jl Tb e letter followed thia"work*"herIelf and has actually to r ** Wlt ^ th * c * wuluib * i * MM,r ^ ^'sponsible for forcing upon tbe uezt,ful and never unable to surmount any, The , etter wub druwu to a com-lu- M^n its beneficiiii resulta h*r Lalk rkuliur « the ezistence of any in- i^a'ature a supply bill of unheard \emergency she was at first unwilling . iou wiUl -j suppose 1 wUl have to to leave the old home, but her sou would not listen to any arrangement aul WlUte Way Uaiij, M days other Dr Miller, of Mt college classmates Ei> —'lo buy lor ca U. oid iWx-ki, >< nth, «id 1 buia, !'•'•. *'uii . ddlcss J W 1 ud0,». U> i.iuud N.I 1. 1 Kisco and Albany, N. Y. and u^uiit will can uu ui>> attended) |>IANO TUNING n >ou *uui untuaasj v\ , rf k seen its beneficial results, her talk was unusually interesting. fectious or communicable diseases of proportioUb I among animals. The law further pro- x&ichard Michell awakened special vides tor the slaughter of tbe animals jjr. L A. Sutton having reduced other than the plan he had proposed teres* in tbe early selection of after their value has been appraised bis claim tor services rendered in the holiday articles by offerian fifty cent i by agents of the agricultural depart- 1 examination of about one-half of the including five tlozeu alarm meul and the payment for such , children of school age in District clocks for time may slaughtered animals at a price not No 13, from $87.00 to $70, the Hoard clocks. The not be exact to the second, but to exceed $70. they are true and all there for alarm C ideas these payments are I of Education made on that basis. has decided to settle No doubt the taxpay- whicb was that she join him in an 1 will attend to my uncle's estate wail for a reply." This is the fourth relative who has declared the right to the estate of purposes. Mr. Michell is also showing promptly burduhip results to the owu-ers will profit by the settlement ln a flash light fountain pen. The de- eis of tbe slaughtered cattle as the many instances the winning of a vie* is so new and so popular that average farmed is dependent largely law suit is more expensive than pay- ordera should be sent in early. for his livelihood upon his live slock, lug the amount claimed the plaintiff auto trip to the city Arriving there 1 ^ hermit. Two claim to be sisters, the best of medical skill and *» very i another a cousiu and lastly a nephew, aid to comfort was provided, but her strength did not return. The survivin The Christmas cantata to be giv- sous aie Patrick. Thomas. William eu at the M. E. church ou the eveu- a Ild John ling of the UCth is now In preparaUou Funeral services were held in New and rehearsals are freqtteut Progress •! . ... i o B , ul rf rwmvuni Tin- * Ui lldb Une bead youi ord« r 0> p»*»taJ-ioi-ii him. ite made a good recovery 1 m ^^ i^^uheaalas Muhlciiouw £a«M«<<*ov Mucund death iu the family ol Law- awuu.-. *nu. > ooi >.uu u- 0*1 ° ** , . ' antoed. Prompt ».-i»u*\ rence Scharfenbe g. Alexander, aged' a, caused apprehension. Paul E. years 10 months, sou of James and Mary H. HuUhiu^n. died on June 1st No new case a for throe weeks led to a feeling that the epidemic had been mastered. Imagine the exi iu- nieiil follow lug the appearance of lou cases in the family of Patrick and I/OK- SALE •-««•• >•'.» une Mnx^o-uauU ' I JT blfluau I 'OO Sec i (' at-l> A1M> u J •• ; A auat> Do., i ', M«u c>t., annuo 1' " 1,lJ SAL-E. In Mux A -vUl 0> *ti-ld . l-i. 'I 11 U OU . . . u^: «.l *ilduy "Wl haluul.ij IHJC. inui a o d . Ui Thi' bale lb i< > A . N OTlil. N « \ u i i l.'iiug E-UJ York, interment at the Catholic oeme- is reported iu all of the parts and Jane Leahy, all of teiy Brewster at 1:30 to-day 'a flue production is assured. fatal. William, aged which proved 15, John, ll.jsui, T 'I'b.'u. imlrius uii'l ]• <wans Jl<! loua 1. d a t • .11 1 ui "y-u 1 w l>l o K M > b A U1 J ran •' u<. .

HAPPENINGS OtOTOK PALL8 WBDDED. - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031640/1914-12-18/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · In both cases crowd were half a dosen fashionably sat

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Holmes show to-night. Adv.

Holmes show tonight . Adv.

Robert H. Thomas, 3d, of Mechan-Icsburg, Pa., for the past six weeks employed in the Standard office, has

Prof. C. W. Appeline was a large j o l n e d u , e corp. o f reporters who buyer at the Canham auction. He se- g a t h e r n e w e f o r t h e Associated Press cured at low prices many articles of a t t n e c l t y hBil Philadelphia. value. i

I The Board of Education has appro-The Martha family have left t h e l p r , a t 0 d $ 2 5 ^ d e f r a y expenses of

dwelling and are now residing P r o f A n a n j Williams who will at-the Barnum cottage on Railroad t e n d a convention of state lnstruc-

avenue. | t o r ^ he held at Syracuseduring the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, of Po» | holiday vacation period.' Mrs. Wil-

cantlco Hills, will spend the winter llams wiU accompany him. with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Vreeland.

Arthur H. Scrlbner, of Charles Scrihner's Sons, bids fair to out do

Philip F. Beal engaged in boring a 'Peth Low as a farmer. He has Just 'ell on the rock-ribbed county farm added to his possessions between

surprised to reach a depth of Bedford and Mt. Kisco. a farm for Inety-eight feet before striking rock, which, It is reported, he paid one-

quarter of a million dollars. Henry Dick's auto truck i s a busy

vehicle. The highway between Brew-1 Thursday evening Miss Hasel Stam ster and Danbury is not in the best received a large number of friends at condition possible, but Dick's wagon. C. A. Ganung's residence. The friends this afternoon.

produced musical instruments and music for dancing. Other assistance

— S I M M — 1 — — — M — — —

OtOTOK PALL8 Herman Juengst spent Saturday In

New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Artrhur Outhouse spent Saturday In New York.

Arthur Smith was confined to the house for several days this week.

M. O. Adams Is building a barn on the Robert Hyatt place at Somers.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and Helen Juengst spent Sunday in Tarry-town.

Mrs. Elisabeth Duran, of Peekskin, visited relatives in town for several days.

Rev. Mr. Rimpo has purchased a Maxwell touring car of E. Fowler, of Carmel.

The Presbyterian Sunday school will hold their Xmas exercises on Xmas eve.

The annual entertainment given by the school children will be held



Funeral of Serene I . Payne. | Diphtheria Toll of 1*77.8 Recalled. Robert. 9 and Edward. 8. died bev On Sunday the official life of the On Monday, Undertaker Furraan, of t w « e n June 30th and July 5th. Edna

nation paid final tribute to the late Haverstraw and Undertaker Charles Hooper, aged 9. daughter of Henry Sereno E. Payne, for more than 30 H. Smith. Jr., made application to a n d Lavlnla Hooper, who had been

cooal chunfh Salem Center was wit- y e a r 8 ' m e m b « r of the House of Re- Town Clerk Barrett for transit per- , i v I n * with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bailey nessed by a large audience one of P ^ ^ t A t l v e s from New York. Black- mits for the removal of the bodies o n Dingle Ridge, hoping to oscapa ithe nrettlest church weddings ever * a r b e d legislators executives and of Norman H and Philip Rush, aged the disease, died on July 11 th and held In this vicinity when Miss m e m b e r » o f the Judiciary were Joined respectively 4 years, 9 months and w l , h h e r death the scourge ended. • r . t h t « n i n iH„,. ,ia,,«rM«r «r Mr b y t h e representatives of foreign 2 years, 2 months, eons of Dr. and

J f j J C n a J l ^ H B u r n e r a i d , C O U n U i e s l n t h e f , r e t f o r m a I cere' M w > N o r m a n B **»< f r o m ** •* -" B ° t h n e r T h r ° W ' ' J a P " Male m 8 Lucas of Montreal Cana | n , o n y n e W l n t n e chamber of the cliff cemetery to Haverstraw. where George Bothner. the vr'eran wreatl-da were joined in holy wedlock b y . H o u » e I n " y ? r s „ fc . , |«g **+* f b u r t e d £ , w l » . * • a f

Ka v o r , t e w , u » *Z"™*

R v J h S 11 i lit I cloud of sorrow hung heaviest The Standard was appealed to for f a n * and has been seen on the m a t eprectee"y at 12 o'clock Mrs Height o t e r a I l t t J e B r o U D <* legislative vet- names and dates. Norman died on w , t h Henry Goddard at the Town

struck the first chord on the church e n u w w h o s o u * h t t h c c o l d comfort April 2, 1878 and Phttlp two weeks Hall met Tavlo Miyake at Brown'* a d ^ T e 8 t e d choir began to o f companionship in misery, far back later. The cause of death in each °ym> N e w York, Monday night. T h e

inarch un the aisle of the beautl- , D * c o r n e r , n t h e rear o f t h e case was diphtheria. The scourge Evening World of Tuesday says: fullv decorated church singing "O chamber. Tliey w»re the R-nnWicans made its appearance early In Decern- T h a t Interest in wrestling here I* Savior Drecious Sav ior" After the " o i d *"*"*" compaiiio.is-iu-^ **• of ber, 1877. Louis A.. 6 years and 6 n o t entirely dead was evidence by choir had finished the lines of this t h o d e a d • t * * e 8 m a n l n t*16 legislative months old. daughter ot Ferdinand A. the • • * • • crowd which witnessed this hymn and reached their place in the b a t U e o f a 1 u a r t e r o f • century and and Lydla A. Hoyt and Arthur E.. contest. The sale of tickets had to chancel they rendered "O perfect 0 i c y W — * uncomfortable in the aged 1 year and 2 months, son of b e stopped before the main exhibl-Love " When this song had been com- P u b U c 8 , , o w °* t n e , r R r , e f ' I n t h e c e n " Joseph and Julia Heady, died on "on w a s staged. Included In the Dieted the organ pealed forth the t e r ' B , i f f l y uPri*"ht. w i , n folded arms. Thursday, Dec. 6th. In both cases crowd were half a dosen fashionably

sat "Uncle Joe" Cannon, the dead death ensued within a few hours af- dressed women.

never falls.

strain of Lohengrin's wedding march. ... ... ,,. , i The four ushers Messrs Anson Lob- m a n ^ chief in many a hard-fought ter illness was noticed. The next day Wrestling with a large carbuncle

Mr. and Mrs. George Flewellln, of d e U H l r a m Stevens Robert Wilkin rtru&Sle ° f policy and statecraft. Be- several other cases being reported U « o n hi* right shoulder. Bothner was at The ladies of the Presbyterian j - " ^ , ^ thVe"vTnlng"enJoy*bta~wMlK a t o M h ' v l 8 , t e d N a t i v e s in town ' d ' C h a r l e s E. Keeler led the bridal B , d e " » « " « « > J a , n e 8 Hemenway. of p u b n c BChool was closed. Within * ! > * ? * • * ^"advantage and hi*

' 'procession, then came Miss Annette Indiana; John Dwlght. ol New \ o r k ; twenty-four hours the eldest daughter *trenM h church were gratified to find $82 ln renAere6 „ M r a n d A , r 8 G a n u n g -

the hands of the money changers when last Friday's sale with Mrs. W. L. Scofield closed. All buyers far­ed well.

• Court Bernardlne had election of officers at their last meeting with

Ithe exception of a few changes. All 'past officers were reelected. Tues­day, Dec. 22d, will be the last meet-

, . . . ing of the year and all members Salem. The drills went through 30 feet g h o u I d m a k e a n e f f o | t ^ b e p r e s e n t

of eartli and

on Friday last. waned after twenty minutes

Bills are posted for a benefit dance Bloomer, dressed In green broadcloth Ebeneser Hill, of Connecticut and Cf Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, Jennie M.. "J work. He was very fatigued when

F. Beal has finished an artesian for George H. Hoyt, of South

157 feet of rock. A flow of 20 gallons per minute was obtained.

Officers for the year were elected at the annual meeting of the Men's Club held at the club rooms on Tues-

fcJ5 » A " ^ - P : . -™ a , ! a , S ! I . 0 L!! ! ! day m i n t The following were chos­en: Dr. W. L. Scofield, President; Dutcher House. Pawling, Is not going

to the Hotel Green. Danbury, to sue- J a m e g M Vice-President; Thorn*, ceed Manager F. A. Cantwell. who , A ^ 8 e c r e t a r y ; Joeeph Scolpino. has been promoted to the Stratfield. T r e a 8 U r e r ; D r . C. W. Appelin. George Bridgeport. (Schneider and Howard Tuttle, House

John Watte, of Patterson, recently Committee, sod quantity of timber on

land of the late Dr. Birch and The Girl Scouts, true to their motr

to are always on the lookout for an expects to move his saw mill ln <>«»«* o p p o r t M I l l t y to m s o m e worihy d e e d tha t h e may begin operations there without delay

This Christmas season has opportu­nity written large all over it and

i carrying a hmmu ,,i in„i carna- J o h n Ihil«ell. of Pennsylvania. ! a ged 10 and three children of Michael l 5 , e Japanese gained a half Nelson tlons as maid of honor and then the '*' 8 W o r e l w o U , d n e v e r e n t e r t h l B C o d y - VVillUm C , aged 16; Isabel, and leg hold on him and this t ime bride who wore a traveling costume chamber again until I came with a ^ e d 11 and James H.. aged 7 were his efforts to break free were mn-

„ „ „ , , r „, , , , , , o„ MM ~nV of tan colored broadcloth trimmed certificate of election in my hand' M6<* to the death list. Two days availing. • 3 i « « « t 1 ^ J r « n T I with fur with hat to match accom- B a i d " U n c l e Joe" Cannon his square i a t e r , on the 9th. I w o daughters of Tlie American appeared much evening at 7.30 p. m.. with J^ur with hat to mate*^ accom ^ ^ . . b u t P a r t t e d l e d and I j o h n and Mary Hancock. Millicent H.. Wronger than his swarthy opponent

Mrs. P. L. Hitchcock • * * * • * ; " £ T h o * m a n a g e M the had to come to the funeral' L g * « flnd E m m a C . . aged 4. d i e d - after U»e five-mlnu.e rest and after several ladles at a whist party on ™ " V e n n °J \ \ . i Neither President Wilson nor Vice-' t o U 1 of e , g h t deaths within four tli'ee minutes of rough wrestling he Wednesday afternoon. l a n ^ her broTher F r a n c l a M U O S M T r « s l d c n t Marshall attended the ser- d R y B . , took tho offensive. As soon as he be-

Mrs. Thomas Flood and children, of mMtnm b e 8 t ' n A t ^ g ^ ^ vices but both were represented. The The death of Carrie M.. aged 6. c a m e the aggrespor he secured a firs* Llncolndale, spent 8unday with her JF ^--^fl - the procession re- Senate entered the chamber headed daughter of John Heady, D e c 14th. * r l P on the Oriental and by superior mother, Mrs. Mary Shay. ' ' ' ' '-" "

One of the holiday festivities will the Girl Scouts are prepared. They ex be the first meeting of the Auction pect to use the proceeds of their Bridge Club which will be held a t ' recent entertainment ln furnishing the home of Mrs. W. L. Scofield on several Christmas baskets which will the evening of Jan. 1st. Members are be distributed ln the neighborhood requested to come at 7:30.

The Camp Fire Girls of Pawling will appear in two plays, "Any Girl"

where they are most needed.

A 400-day clock at Dahm's Jewelry and optical emporium is as neat and

and "The Dress Rehearsal," at the lasting as anything in that line. A Dutcher Opera House on the evening much more useful device warranted of Dec. 22d. There will also be music- for a life t ime i s a silver cleaning

numbers. Reserved seats are now cabinet. The guaranty extends to ef-aale. jfectivenees as well as durability. The

Ail who use them bear testimony « * « • • f r o m ^ c o l o r a t i o n to bright-to the protection, warmth and coal- ness. removing every particle of ao 1 repairing the damage done to E. C.

• Purdy's bungalow at Peach Lake.

Willis Smith was confined to the house several days with a cold.

Norman See Is reported ill.

Miss Alecla and Sarah Robinson of White Plains, were guests and Mrs. Dorney over Sunday.

Mrs. Sylvester Tompkins spent sev­eral days with her sister, Mrs. Jaa. R. Ostrander, of Union Valley.

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Clark entertained Mrs. Mungle, of Margaretville and Vincent Smith, of h ® D e y _ m o o n

New York.

traced their steps down the church ^ Senator Thornton, of Loulsana. EJdward, aged 6. son of Francis and knowledge of the game, not by « aisle to the strains of Mendelsohn's as president pro tern, and Secretary M ary Phelps, Dec. 28th. Alfred, aged Perior s rength Bothner gradua l*

' 11, aon of Thomas and El l ia Martin. Pressed the shoulders of his rival U» Dec. 27thi made up the village mortu- t h e niat and with a supreme effort

wedding march and were carried to ot State Bryan headed t h e cabinet the bride's home where many invit- members, Secretaries Houston, Red-

binson. ed friends gathered later to enjoy "eld. Lane and Wilson. The cabinet | ^ ^ o r d of the moat sorrowful h* Pinned them there long enong* of Mr.'the Informal reception and wiah t h e ! ™"nbers «""» t h e J u a t , c e a o f t h * 8 u | holiday season ever known ln B r e w - ^ b e proclaimed winner by Refer .*

new married couple the best of luck;P"> m e Court occupied the front seats

through life's journey. o f " " H ° U 8 ° c h a m b e r - D , , r ? c t l y b e " Mr. and Mrs. Lucas sail to-day o n ' ^ r e them was the catafalque on

the steamship Rio de Janeiro of the 'which were flowers ln profusion Lloyd and Braslllan line for Lima,, »*nt by the House, the New York • , , • • „ „ Peru where they will spend their l e g a t i o n , the Senate, the president reported from that district on Jan. the Jap much against his will. He wa*

' moon as guests of the groom's ! a n d numerous personal friends of the 8 t i 8 7 8 . m Dykemaas the death of , , t e m l , / t *«« •* .* •*»_ l tw , l ™ m e d ^ a ^

father. The bride was

For the first time for several | m a n y v a l u a b l e a n d ^ ^ p r eeents ed and the galleries had been filled

Hter. | J o e Rogers. The next appearance of the disease! The Yonkers News of Monday re-

was ln Drewville. The death of Mary, 'ers to the contest as '•BoOmer'* aged 9 and Annie, aged' 8, daughters Last Match" and says: of Michael' and Mary Kelley. were Bothner accepted this match with

Clarence B., aged 2 yeare, son of «Pon bis arrival here Miyake began. Alexander and Nettle Dykeman. oc- "pestering" Bothner for a bout. Fin-curred on Jan. 6th. A BrewBter home ally, when he offered to throw George

hour t h e months the people of Croton are b e w h J c h g R p I a i n I y o f t h e h l gh w , u » a thousand spectators, the Rev. j w a a bereft on the 13th day by the three times within an hot ing supplied with water from the e g t e e m l n w h i c h g h e w a s h e l d by her D r - H e n r y D. Couden, chaplain of the d e a t h of William, aged 2, son of Ed- American "called" him. The reservoir on the Purdy estate. I f r | e n d g W e e x t e n d to M r §aA House, opened the services with a w a r d M e f t d . r'fJf^S' T^' , u , I

Frank McCollum was the latest to M r B L u c a e o U r congratulations an 8 l m P l e prayer. "Neaerr, My God, to T h e death of George Scharfenberg. Although the majority of fans be-6 months, son of Law- Heve that the Jap has undertaken a suffer a loss from chicken thieves. b es t wishes for a long and happy Thee" was sung by the quarrtette o f a g e d j y e a r .

On Friday night 25 or more were tak- married life, en. The thieves were traced for a couple of miles but were not dis­covered.

Men from Danbury are engaged ln

•avlng attending the use of shingles ' " * » c h a 8 ' n g and corners is marvel-for aiding as well as roofing Z < * • * n d «"* Immediate newness to dwellings. Mrs. L. A. Shove and J. everything treated.

Howard Truran are the latest con- T h e a n u u a j election of officers of verts to the improvement. | Croton Lodge. No. 368. F. and A. M.,

The annual Christmas exercises of was held at the lodge rooms on e Dykemaas Baptist Sunday school Wednesday night with the following

I be held Wednesday evening, result: Charles J. F. Decker, Mast-23d. beginning at 7:30. After er; J. Ralph Truran. Br. Warden;

the enteteinment the ladies of the W. Garfield Gardner. Jr. Warden; church will serve a supper, proceeds Ldwaid D. Stannard .Treasurer; Wil-for the benefit of the church. U M E Smith. Secretary. The ap-

, — 'poiutlve officers will be named at the Undertaker Furmau, of Haverstraw. Q e x t w g u I a r m e e t l u g . Jan. 6th. when

who was In Brewster Monday i s a ^ o t t i c e n w i u be installed. Refresh-near neighbor of Capt. Andrew Cos- m e n U w e f e ^ ^ . ^ a t t h e c l o g e u

griff and bis daughter Mrs. John M. | o d _ e #

Sloane. He reports Mr. Cosgriff hale I and hearty at 83. Mrs. Sloan*'* eldest I Hon. Charles F. Murphy, of Brook-


Calvary Baptist Chursb which Mr. r e nce and Margaret Scharfenberg. Fel^ hopeless task. Miyake is supremely Payne attended and the Rev. Samuel 1 4 t h , w a g not due to diphtheria and confident that he will accomplish H. Greene, pastor of the church, ft public funeral was permitted. The what he has set out to do. He defeat-preached a brief sermon. The quar- d e a U l of Mary, aged 8. daughter of ed all comers and won several oatoh-tette sang "Lead, Kindly Light" and J a m e s H . and Martha Juliff, on Feb. as-catch can tournaments during a

Charlotte Mead-Paddock Bragg. the chaplain pronounced the benedic- 2 5 t , l r d u e u, diphtheria, again alarm- five years' sojourn In Europe and t h e Mrs. Charlotte Bragg, second wife tion. '©d t i e village people. On Wednesday, British Isles and he declares that h e

and widow of the late William H. I After the ceremony the body was February 27th. occurred the death of will dispose of Bothner too. George Di»ee. toruMly ot Urowoor, «UAJ i ^ t u, u« iu B mie uniii iu mt? of- Gertrude E., aged 12, daughter of l s making no predictions i,ut he la at her residence. No. 3 Bennett Place, teruoou. when, escorted by a commit- prof, and Mrs. G. C. Smith, of Drew anxious to wind up his career with Danbury ,on Wednesday, Dec. 8th, in tee of 60 members of the House and Seminary, Carmel. The third child of a victory.

Several of our young men annoyed ^ g 5 t h y e a r — h e r a g e Senate, it was taken to Auburn. M l c h a e l Kelley. of Drewville. died on ' Daniel Barrett, of Somers. on Sunday. r W i M U H e H W B B „ daughter of the •i.„ i,„m« «r Mr P«v.,« .*. 7Z. I Eli Griffin, for many years

huge tree blown down during. Sun­day's utoru* wrecKed a portion of the structure.

the same day. d e

daughter recently celebrated twenty-first birthday.


her lyn and Brewster, on the face of the I returns, was elected State Senator 'from the Sixth District by a majori-

'" k o U ty of one vote and afterward tein-

nlght. Mr. Barrett had driven to t h e ' ^ p h m p M e a d ftnd> w a a y ^ l n ; M f p n y n e W f t s m u c U g o u g l l t f o r to Q t h e r ^ ^ ^ C a m e , w e f e J a i l pendence for home cured hams will village and was nearly ready to leave g ^ ^ a s t . Her first husband was 8 0 U D d the keynote in Presidential . , u t A I m a L u d a , 5 years, daughter have no Lusiness for his smoke house when the boys started throwing snow H e u r y P a d d o c k ( a ^rpenter and campaigns. He was drafted for that o f Andrew J and Phebe 8. Hicks. «ila year. Eight and one-half cents balls which were not any too soft. . b o t h e J . o f A n g o n P a d d o c k i & 8 e r v i c e b y the Republicans of Brew- P e b ] 2 t | , Jennie. 9 years, daughter P01- P°u,,«l « • the hoof was such a n Barrett aroused Constable Walker I ^ ^ - ^ , n l g 9 6 H e p r e B e n t e d CondlUons o f H e n n a n and Jane Best. March 9th. attractive price that he patted with and Justice Moses who followed along T h e f u n e r a , W f l 8 h e l d u Danbury ^ clearly and emphatically that he J e 8 8 , e g y e : i r 8 daughter of Dr. James h i s flock before the real corn fat-to see what might happen. As he l e f t ^ F r i d a y laM T]xoauui P . Bragg, of carried the audience with him. H a n d Antoinette Merrltt. te,liug a n d »weete4ilug process began, the village the boys began to enjoy R u i l a n d V t > i f o r m e r l y assistant sta- H e made figures bristle with interest, ^ h e r outbreak in this village T h u s h e ontained the high dollar for themselves again. The constable got m U o n a g e n t w l t h Macdonald at the His speech went home to the greatest prompted Mrs Ellen L. Borden to In- hi* l*"* " ^ a a v e d t h e c , o r u -their names and Monday morning; H a r l e m d e l k > t , Brewster and Wm. H. crowd of voters ever assembled In „ I g t u p o I l r l g l d enlorcemeut of the j ••- , -the boys were summoned to appear B r a g g ^ M a U U e d a p p r e n t i c e at the town and the voters evidently , i e a I U l ^urd rules and regulations. | before Mr. Moses. Fortunately the t h ( J 8 t a n d a r d office, Salvation Army carried bis words to the ballot box. U a v l d Davidson, aged ^6 and three boys received only a serious lecture C a p U i D a o d P a a t o r of U»e Metho- McKinley's majority was the largest children, Maggie. 4; Jessie. 2 and


Superintendent has received the stone crusher and p ^ j ^ y d e p r i v e d of his majority by

leased with privilege of pur- M o f d e r ^ supreme Court Justice . by the Town Board. He pro- Benedict, directing the counting of

poses to put the machinery in o p - ' B l x t e e n ballots declared void, is now oration at once and thus provide a Q U ^ b e cau8e of a decision handed large quantity of material for use d o W Q b y f J j e A p p e U a t e Division yeB-on the highways early next spring. j ^ , . ^ , , reversing Judge Benedict's or-

On Monday evening a regular meet- der. The case will now be carried to ing of the Pattersan Grange was the Court of Appeals. Vield. It was decided that the third and fourth degrees be conferred at the nxet regular meeting on Monday

Putnam County a Model. ( F r o m T h e N e w Y o r k T r i b u n e . )

For law and order Putnam county

and warning.

Paying for Glynn's Vetoes.

dist churches at Naugatuck, Ct. and ever recorded in Southeast and in j o l , n _ iu mouths, died during the Bloomfield, Conn., has won his way Putnain county as well. week beginning March 12th. The wld-to friends and fortune, were among — - ~ ~ " o w MA mother, Jessie, recovered af-

Tlmt the incoming state admlnistra t b o t t e p r e a e a t . T h e interment was " " " " • " D.n.e . G r . y R . . . t « v . a | J J « » JJ»WI I J ^ « ^ ^ tlon will find the finances of the at Mount Kisco. Enroute thereto state in deplorable condition is shown T b o m a a P B ragg renewed his ac-clearly in the annual budget of ap- q u a l u t a n o e f l with m a n y propriations desired for the coming f r i t f n d s

year Just completed by the outgoing Comptroller, William Sohmer.

"Uncle" Daniel Gray's Relatives. Since the death of the Stormville

Mountain hermit and the discovery Brewster and publication of the fact that his

fortune amounted to $13,000, "only

For Heal Estate, see A. P. Budd.

H i t i SB T O H E N T -fl r o o m s t o r e n t - n O u t e r s i r e e l , l iututrt- Huiuut ' l H. L d i e t

otliers assisting sible.

in every way pos-. ( '. M e r r i c k . t ' u r u i H iVt , U n w M e r .

The total appropriations for ail pur- Bridget Fitzgerald, poses asked for in the comptroller's! Bridget, widow of the late Patrick budget amount to $70,092,737.86. Fltsgeraid, died at the residence of d 0 C laratiou of relationship to the

This ls an increase of $22,193.210.-'her son Patrick FiUgerald, Jr., 138th u t ) rmlt iu a letter sent from Valley 12 over the appropriations of 1914. | Street, New York City, ou Tuesday. ( . , t y NOTth Dakota and addressed to

Exclusive of contributions to the Her age was 74 years. ' ̂ coroner. The writer says he is

ins n i l i s i l . l i Buy O e l d U l g , O o a i l a f I HULTU o ld

. , r c a l l W r i t e o r f l i o u e t o U l l a r u Uron , * v w -F r e d e r i c k , a g e d 10 , s o n o f E l b e r t Hi©r. N e w Yu-k .

A N T E D — . V m : » u 1 l i n u i vmtlt » t»ve . t o i iun i t ' l i he r

K. Ulue , l i l t "

C . a n d M e l i s s a H o w e * . M a r y E v e l y n , surviving relatives" have been found ^ ^ ? daughter of James L>. and buru e l i l irr Wood w c'o*l Urs. WUUS

in several states. Virginia Little, Maggie, aged 4. Chief of Police Moith. of Beacon, , B „ V , t t r n, amUmZ and Houorah D A * n UN ilikri.^t coat 1'iioe uaid tor

1 1 J .1 i«. . . daughter Of William ana nuaurmi | ^ uuwturHi.ytUfliw.buo IU* fur rum ou Saturday last received the latest Qrmoa a n d M a K g l e M . , daughter of piuiy; u waits street. letepUou • lum.

William Paddock, occurred during a osErH LA<X\V iue Tailor opposite Towa . . _ _ . _ . o«»w f l U r . r i s f j i x d *' 11*11. UreAbUT, a l s o U<H-4 a i l k l ' i d a of r e -the same week. Rev. V. a. unscaru. m ^ i ^ ^ aUd rt-uairioa-01 Kun» Talophaas ir,. RAV W C Smith and the village

1 l > a d l u o r T o p wlUi Kf I C C W K OU It . I i b t b e I t tVM-'U Ti l l -

Kot>U-r a n d lin•*• u r K i n d e r evening, but that owing to the holi- b o l d B ^ r e c o r d . Judge J. B. Southard ' g j n k i n g f u u d g ^ e total approprla-1 The cottage long occupied by the ^ u n e D. Newbauer and that he is i * * ^ - ' * . ^ ! S I [ L - n ammtM thaaftSkaila^wSi

* 5 * * • » • ? » ^ g y j f g J ? «"*»* i u dismissing the December t l o n g a m < | | u l l to ^ , , 3 , 3 ^ 0 . 4 which deceased and her husband near the a n e D U e w o f ^ ^ G r e y . in a poorly ^ ^ ^ ^ n and » t h from ' n boa tZTT* I S . i s , a l . , . eap...» W


#nicn wui prouauiy ne at tue e l U i e r c i v l , ^ criminal. \ihe approprjaUons of 1»14. the first or second dwelling erected N « w h a u e r claims that his father u w r - , ' _ ^ meeting of the New Year. T h e c o u | t told t l M } talesmen, among 1 Throughout his campaign for re- on the new highway constructed for- riwl t h e hermit's s ister and that they

A remarkable opportunity to kill whom was 8tuyvesaut Fish, the fiuan ejection, Gov. Glynn claimed that he ty years ago along the west side of h a d ^ ^een their relative for eigh-i w o birds with a single throw was cier, that Putnam county should be had saved the state $11,000,000 by his the reservoir, the same beiug ueces- tMeD years. The writer of the letter recently offered to Walter Barth of congratulated. | vetoes when it was dearly apparent sary for the accommodation of lieu- B u V S t | i a l j,is father and mother died Patterson. While on a bunting trip! As a contrast Rockland county. ( ^ anyone who studied the facts that beu Kirkham and other farmers de- u i m } years ago, leaving him as the tie waa startled by a crackling of across the Hudson, has a doieu crimi- these vetoes in the main simply de- prived of a way out to the old high- o u | y relative of Daniel Grey, tho underbrush about M0 feet ahead ual cases, including four homicide | - e r r w j uum 1^15 appropriations which ways leading to Brewster, Carmel , u hiu i etter Newbauer mentions a

a calendar of 1 *» civil b n o u ] d have been made in 11*14. and Croton Fails, by the submerging f a U i i jy by the name of Hildabraud to The tiuth of this is furnished in the of highways hitherto in use. M r

w hom the deceased was related but summary of the state's financial Fitzgerald who was long In the employ B l a t e ^ . that all the members of this transactions on page V of the budget, of the city died about nine years *g°- ! branch of the lainily were dead where the appropriations asked for in His widow continued to occupy the '

t-JLfJl Look li u p . 1 lu i i have you M o u r • e u t

f ly . E r u u b i u . ttvi-Mtt, u e .

a season of prayer, requesting the •**!• N• V. ueoule to assemble iu their respce- v o l 1 .-E -I *ruuraiii<e to run- 'in- Ulitm lor y*™*"-0

ut t j a j ^ l J W Kioeu ta T a k e o u e of my I « j.\meat* a i tive churches and implore tne ,he, T o w l i u^j i.|.aay uijfbi, li.f. «aui. K. A. Heavenly Fatlur to remove this pain­ful dispensation."" Ail business was suspended and the twenty-four houis

of him. He looked up to see a fox matters and Just ready to seize upon a large rab- cases, bit. He instantly fired and both animals dropped in their tracks.

The Missionary Society of the

$365,000 for Dead Animals.

Recmia4> for the last three years

A T . c u l l 11 u . J ,

was observed with great solemnity., New York. A daughter of Henry Marsh, aged 3 vein, , died on March 27th and Dr. Bayley's eldest sou, Aj>ril 2d as stat­ed. School was in session but the

K u T J ' E l t A N D 10» A l i i l O U S E t r o l Uaiv«4 o u btriil- ' lll »a . i 100. Wrusor . iu l i : i O j r u a h

Ml l l i i kiiiu-r b t . Ui004 ly a

CV>U K A L E t ' U E . t I' —Two Utful o n e Uoiae u i i U 1 w a s o o b . a l n o Uuioi* I U I U U - J «ai{Uitb. i >u* l i o i o e O u i u u c a r t C « a e i i l u k , « U/UM-J A V.- ,

•r. h T" B r e a a t o r , V

number in attendance was only 87 out Newbauer says that after a peculiar y f ^ e u r o l l u i e u l « UMUly : i o 0 .

I^ou HAl.K. -hi-vi-ii Drawer Htxxw beaii-c MacUlue, l< 0:JIU ue« < •a<uii»u k.

> j u a O l : . A . W i u , 1'ark b t . S i •• aU-r. IVU-j•li'jue l -W.

Fresbyterain church met at the home ** b t * U "** ***** tFOUt * 5 * " ! •*• »"»&> »"* *»t 1*15. a bill to sup- cottage until last August when she d r w u u i u w L l c h bis acclaimed I'ncle , • » daughter of Martha ,Tf H.K. . I U , * I L K UVUUU - ,. Mra. E. W. Addia on Wednesday aiid otoer ownera. payment tor horses p J y d e f i c I e u t i e B l u f o r u i e r a p u r o p r i a . was taken UI. Her son. Patrick, buy- j ^ e i bequeathed to him a large, • l 7 U | _ , J r B_ p . , M auppiy of « • - u d M i t a t i t o h i s u Wednesday " ^ u U l * r o w u e " ' ^ y * " " 1 4 ^ r uor,**,*, ply deficieuciea In former approprla- was taken ill Her sou. Patrick. Sup-

Y and cattie kUled by the state, the ^ a i | M | U U t w W i 2 4 ( i W 2 W

legibiature of ItIS will be called upon

Mrs E. teruoou. Miss M. i iayt led the

meeting- The special work consider­ed was that done by the Missions in the mountain districts of the south-As Miss Hayt has been connected with

! daily. Mau uiioe 1 u.-

to appropriate $380,000 for this pur­pose-

Sliuuk, after months of attendance i bed oiuAUtioi, btauaoru. conu. eriuteudeut of ("ouatructiou of the a U i O U U t uf oroperty and money, was The bupp'y bill is the bill that Pennsylvania and McAdoo tunnel*. m c i i l l t d u> purchase a paper. T h i * j u ^ ^ B[ck W U B y r o b t ra ted by the' ami ANT*

Gov. Cilyuu in bis aunuai message an-. then proposed that she go wiUi him utJ d l d ^j l o ^4 behold, he c a u i e ' d i a e a h e a u d w a M critically IU ft* many \ S / g g nouueed that he Mas going to abolish to his home iu New York. Always ; a c r o a s an account of his uncle's

The law requires all veterinarians a u d y e , ^ v e l 0 i . M tg§ direcUy re-'patient, strong, self-reliant, resource-1 d w a 4 J l T b e letter followed thia"work*"herIelf and has actually to r * * W l t ^ t h * c*w u l u i b* i*M M , r ^ ^ ' s p o n s i b l e for forcing upon tbe uezt , fu l and never unable to surmount any, T h e , e t t e r w u b druwu to a com-lu-M^n its beneficiiii resulta h*r Lalk r k u l i u r « the ezistence of any in- i ^ a ' a t u r e a supply bill of unheard \emergency she was at first unwilling . „ i o u w i U l - j suppose 1 wUl have to

to leave the old home, but her sou would not listen to any arrangement

a u l

WlUte Way U a i i j , M

days other

Dr Miller, of Mt college classmates

Ei> —'lo buy lor c a U. o id iWx-ki, >< nth, «id 1 buia, !'•'•. *'uii

. d d l c s s J W 1 ud0,». U> i . i u u d N . I 1. 1

Kisco and Albany, N. Y. and u^uiit will can uu ui>>

attended) | > I A N O TUNING n >ou *uui untuaasj v\ ,rfk

seen its beneficial results, her talk was unusually interesting.

fectious or communicable diseases o f p r o p o r t i o U b

I among animals. The law further pro-x&ichard Michell awakened special vides tor the slaughter of tbe animals jjr. L A. Sutton having reduced other than the plan he had proposed teres* in tbe early selection of after their value has been appraised bis claim tor services rendered in the

holiday articles by offerian fifty cent i by agents of the agricultural depart- 1 examination of about one-half of the including five tlozeu alarm meul and the payment for such , children of school age in District

clocks for time may slaughtered animals at a price not No 13, from $87.00 to $70, the Hoard clocks. The not be exact to the second, but to exceed $70. they are true and all there for alarm C ideas these payments are

I of Education made on that basis.

has decided to settle No doubt the taxpay-

whicb was that she join him in an

1 will attend to my uncle's estate wail for a reply."

This is the fourth relative who has declared the right to the estate of

purposes. Mr. Michell is also showing promptly burduhip results to the o w u - e r s will profit by the settlement ln a flash light fountain pen. The de- e i s of tbe slaughtered cattle as the many instances the winning of a vie* is so new and so popular that average farmed i s dependent largely law suit is more expensive than pay-ordera should be sent in early. for his livelihood upon his live slock, lug the amount claimed the plaintiff

auto trip to the city Arriving there 1 ^ hermit. Two claim to be sisters, the best of medical skill and *»v e r y i another a cousiu and lastly a nephew, aid to comfort was provided, but her strength did not return. The survivin The Christmas cantata to be giv-sous a i e Patrick. Thomas. William eu at the M. E. church ou the eveu-a I l d John ling of the UCth is now In preparaUou

Funeral services were held in New and rehearsals are freqtteut Progress

• •! . . . .i o B , u l r f r w m v u n i T i n - * Ui l l d b U n e b e a d y o u i ord« r 0> p»*»taJ- ioi- i i him. ite made a good recovery 1 m ^ ^ i^^uheaalas Muhlciiouw £a«M«<<*ov Mucund death iu the family ol Law- awuu.-. *nu. > ooi >.uu u- 0*1 ° ** , . ' antoed. Prompt ».-i»u*\ rence Scharfenbe g. Alexander, aged' a, caused apprehension. Paul E. years 10 months, sou of James and Mary H. H u U h i u ^ n . died on June 1st

No new case a for throe weeks led to a feeling that the epidemic had been mastered. Imagine the exi iu-nieiil follow lug the appearance of lou cases in the family of Patrick and

I/OK- SALE •-««•• >•'.» une Mnx^o-uauU ' I JT b l f l u a u I 'OO Sec i

( ' a t - l> A1M> u J •• ; A auat> Do., i ', M«u c>t.,

annuo 1' "1,lJ

SAL-E. In Mux A -vUl 0> *ti-ld .

l-i. 'I 11 U OU . . . u^: «.l * i l d u y "Wl h a l u u l . i j IHJC. inu i a o d . Ui Th i ' bale lb i< >

A .

N O T l i l . N « \ u i i l . ' i i u g E - U J

York, interment at the Catholic oeme- is reported iu all of the parts and Jane Leahy, all of

teiy Brewster at 1:30 to-day 'a flue production is assured. fatal. William, aged

w h i c h p r o v e d

1 5 , J o h n , l l . j s u i , T ' I ' b . ' u .

im l r iu s uii ' l ]• < w a n s • J l < ! l o u a 1. d a t • .11 1 u i

" y - u 1 w

l>l o K M > b A U 1 J

ran •' u<. .