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Handbook advises on packing usage

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rosion and mater ia ls selection. Among e q u i p m e n t at the

c o m p a n y ' s me t a l l u rg i ca l and c o r r o s i o n l a b o r a t o r y i n Manchester is a scanning elec- t ron microscope, which enables fracture faces to be examined at high magnif icat ions to establ ish modes of failure. It also has edax a n a l y t i c a l fac i l i t i es to s tudy corrosion debris and any significant I~atures in "the mi- cr(~structure so tha t componen t history can be fully established.

In conjunct ion, metal lurgical and m e c h a n i c a l t e s t i n g can c o n f i r m t h e c o m p o n e n t ' s compliance with mater ia l speci- fications. Extens ive corrosion tes t ing facilities are also avail- able to just ify the correct mate- rials of construct ion.

A new laboratory is being purpose-bui l t at Weir's Manche- ster site, which will further im- prove facilities and is available to other interested parties for consultancy and testing services.

A n u m b e r of companies have aheady taken advantage of the

facil i ty by p u r c h a s i n g a few hours consul tancy on a re ta iner basis. This allows in s t an t access for day-to-day metal lurgical and corrosion issues, with full sup- port for tes t ing and investiga- t ion work, where required.

Contact: The Weir Group PIc, 149 N e w l a n d s Road , C a t h c a r t , Glasgow G44 4EX, Scotland, Tel: +44 141 637 7111; Fax: +44 141 637 2221,

R A d v a n c e d t e s t c e n t r e r e a d y f o r o p e r a t i o n

Pump has reported the Griswold completion of a state of the art test facility at the companys ' Thomasville, Georgia, unit.

Designed for both product ion and research and developmen- tal purposes, the company is capable of test ing from 0 to 3500 gpm and up to 400 psi. With 32 cal ibrated motors, the company is capable of tes t ing

up to 150 hp, in s t a n d a r d voltages up to and including 460 V, three phase.

Contact: Griswold Pump Company, 107 Plantation Oak Drive, Thomas- ville, GA 31792, USA. Tel: +1 912 226 5255; Fax: +1 912 226 5567.

H a n d b o o k a d v i s e s o n p a c k i n g u s a g e

The Fluid Sealing Association has released the revised edit ion of "Guidelines for the Use of C o m p r e s s i o n Packings" . The book is sponsored by the mem- bers of the Compress ion Pack ing Division of the Fluid Sealing Association and the European Sealing Association. it provides i n f o r m a t i o n on c o m p r e s s i o n pack ings , t h e i r c o m p o n e n t s , and the selection and proper methods of applicat ion.

The publ ica t ion is arranged to provide a useful tool for those who present ly use or are


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in teres ted in using compress ion packing. The book provides de- tai led informat ion on mater ia l s used to manufac tu re packing and t h e p e r f o r m a n c e p a r a meters of those materials .

Contact: Fluid Sealing Associa- tion, 994 Old Eagle School Road, Suite 1019 Wayne, Pennyslvania 19087-1802, USA. Tel: +1 610 971 4850; Fax: +1 610 971 4859.

Sea l s p a c e s e t t e r e x p a n d s with g loba l t e c h n o l o g y centre

A £2m R&D complex, conceived and designed by AES Engineer ing to accelera te the develop- m e n t of i nnova t ive ideas in env i ronmenta l technology, has been officially opened by Sir Ronald Hampel , cha i rman of ICI.

The 34 000 sq ft centre, at Rotherham, South Yorkshire is d e s i g n e d to o p e r a t e as the w o r l d ' s m o s t c o n c e n t r a t e d source of research and develop- ment work on mechanica l seals.

AES is a Brit ish company launched 16 years ago. Based in Rotherham using the name AES- SEAL, it has won high world ranking in the fiercely competi- tive mechanical seals sector.

Growth at the company is now so rapid - approach ing 40% this year - tha t addi t iona l space for improved facilit ies was es- sential. The new complex, at

Templeborough, will also link, th rough a high speed compute r net, the company 's headquar- ters with subsidiary units. It has seven sites in the UK and two overseas, including i.he firm's US Division in Knoxville.

The new global technology centre has created a round 50 new jobs, and confidence in the future is such tha t an extens ion to the new centre is already at the advanced p lanning stage.

Contact: AES Engineering Ltd, Mangham Road, Barbot Hall Industrial Estate, Rotherham, South Yorkshire $61 4RJ, UK. Tel: +44 1709 369966; Fax: +44 1709 720788.

Myson p u m p s into n e x t m i l l e n n i u m

Every Myson 'Compact ' circula- to r m a n u f a c t u r e d f rom th i s month onwards with it a guar- antee which will stretch into the next century.

The c o m p a n y ' s d i s t i n c t i v e 30 -mon th war ran ty f rom the date of manufac tu re which ac- companies all of its domest ic circulators, means tha t those manufac tu red during July 1997 wil l be g u a r a n t e e d a g a i n s t failure unti l J anua ry 2000.

C o n t a c t : M y s o n P u m p s , Oldmedow Road, Hardwick Indus- trial Estate, King's Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4JN, UK. Tel: +44 1553 764821; Fax: +441553 760965.

Sir Ronald Hampel (right), Chairman of ICI, opens the new £2 mill ion R&D centre for AES Engineering. Chris Rea (left) is Managing Director of AES Engineering.

i P e r s o n n e l m o v e m e n t s

GIW Indus t r i e s has promoted Mr Donald S. Powers to vice- president of manufacturing. Mr Powers is responsib le for all manufacturing functions in the Grovetown and Thomson, Geor- gia, manufacturing facilities, in- c l u d i n g p r o d u c t i o n , manufacturing engineering, pur- c h a s i n g and e n v i r o n m e n t a l / safety.

Gee & Co (Chemical Dos- ing) , manufac tu re r of dosing and associated equ ipmen t for the water, brewing, power and gas industries, has appoin ted Mr Bob Berr iman as opera t ions manager (Chemical Dosing) to spearhead the company's drive into the chemical and petro- chemical markets .

Darwins A l loy Castings, . manufacturer of high integrity p rec i s ion cas t ings of valves, pumps and process equipment, ha s a p p o i n t e d Mr S t e p h e n Graham as sales and marketing manager.

Mr Graham has been ap p o i n t e d f rom S te r l ing Flu id Produc t s , s i s t e r c o m p a n y to Darwins w i t h i n t he S te r l ing F l u i d S y s t e m s G r o u p , a n d b r i n g s w i t h h i m in d e p t h knowledge of the pump, oil, chemical and pe t rochemica l in- dustries.

The new cha i rman of the French Pump Manufacturers' Associat ion is Mr Alain Gui- bert, p res ident of Peme/Gour- din, a p u m p manufac tu re r tor clear water applicat ions.

He succeeds to Mr Michel Laroche - Salmson who chaired AFCP for 6 years and who has accepted to remain the French r e p r e s e n t a t i v e and Execu t ive Council member within Euro- pump.

The Fluid Sealing Associa- t ion has announced tha t after an i n d u s t r y - w i d e s ea rch for candidates, it has chosen Mr Peter S. Petrunich for the newly c rea ted pos i t ion of t echn ica l d i rec to r . The cha rge of t he technical di rector is to oversee and direct the s tandards devel- opmen t and approval process and to work closely with af- f i l ia ted indus t ry and govern- menta l organizations.