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Tble o0 2o#!e#!%


Chapter 1: A Record of Thing to Co!e "

Chapter #: The Brotherhood of $tee% &

Chapter ': The (nc%a)e *

Chapter 4: The Rep+,%ic of Ne- Ca%ifornia 1.

Chapter ": The /a+%t 11

Chapter &: GUPR$ 0a%%o+t Gaetteer 1#

$ett%e!ent 1#

R+in 12

Deign 3o+r O-n $ett%e!ent 15

Chapter 2: (n)iron!enta% 6aard #.


Chapter 5: Character Creation G+ide%ine for the GURP$ 0a%%o+t ca!paign #'

Chapter *: 7ate%and Ad)antage8 Diad)antage and $9i%% #2

Chapter 1.: GURP$ 0a%%o+t Racia% Te!p%ate #*

Chapter 11: GURP$ 0a%%o+t Occ+pationa% Te!p%ate ''

0a%%o+t o, Ta,%e '4

Chapter 1#: (;+ip!ent '&

(;+ip!ent '&

/ehic%e 4#

7eapon 44

Ar!or "#

Chapter 1': A 7ate%and Betiar< "'


Appendi= 1: Rando! (nco+nter for GURP$ 0a%%o+t &'

Appendi= #: $ca)enging Ta,%e 0or GURP$ 0a%%o+t &&

Appendi= ': $a!p%e Ad)ent+re: Gre!%in &*

Appendi= 4: Bi,%iograph< 2'


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2HAPTER 7: A Reco$d o0 T"i#6% !o


It’s all over and I’m standing pretty, in the dust that was a city.

> Nena8 ** ?+ft,a%%oon

GURP !allout, li"e the !allout computer game series, ta"es place in an#alternate universe.$ %his means that, sometime a&ter 'orld 'ar II, #real$history and !allout history diverged, although where this happened is note(actly clear. %he alternate reality, hence&orth re&erred to as the #!alloutUniverse,$ is aw&ully close to the real world, )ut with some ma*or

di&&erences. %he oviet Union survived well into the 2+st entury )e&ore it&inally splintered in the Resource 'ars. %he microchip was never invented,and &ashions, weapons, vehicles, and computers "eep a very #retro$ &eel,almost as i& the +-/s never truly died. %his did not hinder the advances intechnology, as supercomputers, advanced ro)otics, and &usion power all&lourished )e&ore the 'ar.

It should also )e noted that the nuclear weapons used in the !alloutuniverse are not as strong as the nu"es in modern arsenals0 they aremuch closer in yield to warheads developed and tested in the late +-4/sand +-/s, which means that the level o& devastation is slightly di&&erent1and potentially &ar less severe than it would )e in the #real$ world. Inaddition, the dust cloud necessary &or nuclear winter never &ormed, so thatphase o& nuclear war is unheard o& in !allout.

In 2/2, the Resource 'ars erupted, threatening to tear the world apart.!amines in &rica and the Indian su)continent, massive pollution in

outheast sia, religious e(tremists in the iddle 5ast and the Paci&ic6orthwest, coupled with an ever7growing need &or irreplacea)le &ossil&uels, led the planet to a )rea"ing point. merican corporations, desperate&or now7none(istent cheaper la)or and new mar"ets so they couldcontinue to ma"e pro&its, )ecame more and more )ra8en a)out their tiesto the merican government, which in turn )ecame more and more )ra8ena)out its imperialistic tendencies.

hina, along with the 5uropean ommonwealth, )egan its own &orm o&imperialism, raiding resources in the merican sphere o& in&luence. 'hilethe world had not e(perienced a massive war in over +// years, the houseo& cards created )y ailing superpowers and limping )usiness interestscould not withstand the strong )ree8e. s the 5 and the iddle 5asts9ua))led over oil, hina turned its attentions towards 6orth merica.

%here was no one incident that decisively led to the declaration o& war on

hina )y merica 1or on merica )y hina, )ut the hinese invasion o& las"a and its still7&lowing oil&ields in 2/:: was all the e(cuse either sideneeded. &ter )rutal )ut indecisive trench7and7plane war&are dragged on&or months and then years, it )ecame o)vious that )oth sides had toomuch to lose to )ac" out ; and the corporations running )oth countrieswould never allow such a pro&ita)le war to 9uit. merica eventually too")ac" most o& the las"an &rontier, )ut more than a decade o& intensewar&are le&t a good deal o& the &ormerly7pristine land a scorched, uselesswrec".

In the early morning hours o& <cto)er 23, 2/==, the war )ecame the 'ar,and reached its inevita)le conclusion. pears o& &ire rained &rom the s"y,destroying the planet’s ma*or cities, polluting the oceans, and creatingnightmares no scientist could imagine. %ens o& thousands o& soldiers,scientists, artists, and wealthy people reserved spaced in enormousunderground shelters called >aults, )ut )ecause o& the constant &alsealarms, only a &raction made it inside on that day. ?igh7ran"ing U o&&icials

too" re&uge on an oil plat&orm o&& the coast o& an !rancisco, evidence atlast o& the corporate control over the government and its army.

 s the radioactive dust coated the planet and the last matchstic"s o&civili8ation snapped, the sur&ace survivors died )y the )illions, leaving thosethat were le&t to try to &end &or whatever scraps they could &ind. %heGovernment, sa&e on Poseidon <il’s provided o&&shore plat&orm, too" tocalling itsel& the 5nclave and secretly )egan plotting the return o& their#pure$ version o& humanity to the mainland. %heir sense o& genetic andmental superiority allowed them to *usti&y their actions, *ust as regularsurvivors stronger than the others *usti&ied atrocities )y the same twistedlogic. !ortunately, the 5nclave’s in&luence was limited to the e(treme merican 'est )y its location on the plat&orm, and the rest o& the worldlimped toward civili8ation ; or descended into dar"ness ; at its own pace.

5ventually, though, the >aults opened, some at pre7appointed times,others )y apparent mechanical or planning errors, releasing theinha)itants to mi( with sur&ace survivors in a much7changed United tateson a much7changed planet 5arth@ the setting &or !allout Unlimited.

A 6itor< of the Reo+rce 7ar

%he Resource 'ars was a series o& con&licts which )egan in pril 2/2 withthe start o& the war )etween 5uropean ommonwealth and the iddle5ast, and ended with the Great 'ar on <cto)er 23, 2/==. ome o& thecon&licts include the anne(ation o& anada )y the United tates and thehinese invasion o& las"a.


 April: %he Resource 'ars )egin. any smaller nations go )an"rupt, and5urope, dependent on oil imports &rom the iddle 5ast, responds to theiddle 5astAs rising oil prices with military action. %he long drawn7out war)etween the 5uropean ommonwealth and the iddle 5ast )egins.

May - July: %he United 6ations, already su&&ering, )egins to collapse. In aseries o& heated de)ates, many nations withdraw &rom the organi8ation asthe U6 tries to "eep the peace. t the end o& Buly, the United 6ations isdis)anded.

Note: %his in&ormation comes &rom hris velloneAs !allout Ci)le timeline. ccording to the ierra Depot G66 %ranscript holodis", which vellonediscards as non7canon, as it was supposedly modi&ied )y the ierra rmyDepot soldiers, the U6 still e(isted in 2/=4


December: Ei"e an e(clamation mar" on the end o& a very )ad year, aterrorist nuclear weapon destroys %el viv.


January: Eimited nuclear e(change in the iddle 5ast raises &earsthroughout the world.


%he nchorage !ront Eine is esta)lished, as the United tates increases itsmilitary presence in las"a to protect its oil interests. %he nchorage !rontEine causes tensions in the United tates and anada, as the Unitedtates attempts to pressure anada into allowing merican military units toguard the las"an pipeline.


%he 5uro7iddle 5astern 'ar ends as the oil &ields in the iddle 5ast rundry... there is no longer a goal in the con&lict, and )oth sides are reducedalmost to ruin.

%he 5uropean ommonwealth dissolves into 9uarreling nation states,&ighting over the remaining resources.


Winter: In the winter o& 2/::, hina invades las"a. %he nchorage !rontEine )ecomes a true )attleground.

Note: %his date &or the hinese invasion o& las"a comes &rom hris velloneAs !allout Ci)le timeline. ccording to the ierra Depot G66%ranscript holodis", which vellone discards as non7canon, as it wassupposedly modi&ied )y the ierra rmy Depot soldiers, this happened on<cto)er +/, 2/==.

Winter: s a sign o& increasing tension )etween the two countries, anadaproves reluctant to allow merican troops on anadian soil or allow merican planes to &ly over anadian airspace. %he United tates andanadian tensions rise, )ut anada eventually )ac"s down, and U troopspass through anada. %his sets the stage &or the anadian anne(ation in2/=:.


%he &irst suit o& Power rmor is deployed in las"a. 'hile lac"ing the &ullmo)ility o& &uture versions, this Power rmor is incredi)ly e&&ective againsthinese tan"s and in&antry. Its a)ility to carry heavy ordnance )ecomes "eyin various locali8ed con&licts, and it has the power to destroy entire townswithout endangering the wearer. hina rushes to create its own versions,)ut they are many years )ehind the United tates.

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anada )egins to &eel the pressure &rom the United tates military as the Udraws upon anadian resources &or the war e&&ort. >ast stretches o&tim)erland are destroyed, and other resources in anada are stretched tothe )rea"ing point. any mericans re&er to anada as Eittle merica, andanadian protests are unheard.


%he United tatesA increasing demand &or anadian resources causesprotests and riots in several anadian cities. n attempted sa)otage o& the las"an pipeline is all the military needs as an e(cuse to )egin itsanne(ation o& anada... which in &act, had already )egun in 2/:=.

ompleted C.<..C. missiles are sent to di&&erent space centers around theU.. so they can )e carried into space and installed into the C.<..C.satellites. %he process is slow, )ut it is )eing carried out &airly regularly.


September 15: s hina )ecomes increasingly aggressive with their use o&)iological weapons, the United tates government &elt that acountermeasure was needed. %he Pan7Immunity >irion Pro*ect 1P>P iso&&icially &ormed and plans are made to )egin e(periments at the 'est %e"research &acility in outhern ali&ornia.


6egotiations )etween the U and other world powers come to a dramaticend, with the President wal"ing out o& oil tal"s with the other world powers. &ter a much heated de)ate, the President stormed out o& the meeting anddeclared that the last "nown supply o& petroleum will )e used e(clusively )y

the U and the U will not sell or trade any oil to outside parties.ontrary to their claims o& see"ing only to reta"e las"a &rom the Reds, merican Power rmor units, in&antry, and mechani8ed divisions aredeployed to hina, )ut they )ecome )ogged down on the mainland, puttinga &urther drain on merican resources and supply lines.

Note: %his in&ormation comes &rom hris velloneAs !allout Ci)le timeline. ccording to the ierra Depot G66 %ranscript holodis", which vellonediscards as non7canon, this happened on <cto)er 22, 2/==.


February 14: anada, a&ter )eing almost entirely ta"en over )y U troops,&inally agrees to )e anne(ed )y the U.. %he anne(ation is &inali8ed almost ayear later.


January: %he United tates anne(ation o& anada is complete. anadian

protesters and rioters are shot on sight, and the las"an Pipeline swarmswith merican military units. Pictures o& atrocities ma"e their way to theUnited tates, causing &urther unrest and protests.

March 30: %he U.. President ordered the Paci&ic !leet to the Poseidondeep sea oil derric" located at a secret location out in the Paci&ic.

June: Power rmor prototype completed, resulting in model %+7) Power rmor. %his is the pinnacle o& Power rmor technology )e&ore the Great 'ar.any o& these units are sent to hina, and they )egin to carve a swaththrough the hinese &orces. %he hinese resources are strained to the)rea"ing point, and the supply lines &rom the nations hina has anne(ed)egin to )rea" down.


January 10: las"a is reclaimed, and the nchorage !ront Eine is again held)y the mericans.

January 22: %he &irst domestic use o& Power rmor within the United tates&or crowd and 9uarantine control. Units originally serving in hina and the

 nchorage !ront Eine &ind themselves &ighting mericans at home. !ood riotsincrease, and many civilians are "illed. everal soldiers de&ect &rom themilitary )oth in anada and the United tates. %hey are captured, and aresent to military prisons.

March: Prepared &or a nuclear or )iological attac" &rom hina, the presidentand the 5nclave retreats to remote sections around the glo)e and ma"econtingency plans &or continuing the war.

Octber 23: Great 'ar@ Com)s are launched0 who struc" &irst is un"nown...and it is not even "nown i& the )om)s came &rom hina or merica. ir raidsirens sound, )ut very &ew people go into vaults, thin"ing it is a &alse alarm.%he >aults are sealed.

2"p!e$ (: T"e B$o!"e$"ood o0



%he ran"s o& the C< is generally recogni8ed as )eing composed o& the)est and the )rightest, which means the C< is a relatively smallorgani8ation, at least compared to the 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic. %heyma"e up &or this with their &rightening arsenal o& pre7war and post7wartechnology@ %hey have laser weapons, Power rmors, surgicalenhancements, com)at implants, and the Crotherhood Paladins whohave the a)ility to erase an entire town &rom a map without a scratch. %hevast ma*ority o& C< mem)ers are )orn in the Crotherhood 7 they very

rarely accept outsiders into their ran"s. %hose )orn in the Crotherhoodthat want to )e neither cri)es, Fnights nor Paladins are &ree to leave 7the Crotherhood does not )elieve in &orcing anyone to serve them againsttheir will.

'hile theyAre generally not hostile to others without a good reason, unli"ethe legendary chivalrous "nights 1and very much li"e historical militaryand religious orders li"e the Fnights %emplar, mem)ers o& theCrotherhood are not interested in *ustice &or the o)viously wea"er andless &ortunate around them. %hey largely &ocus on "eeping their secrecyand preserving and developing technology, which, in many cases, theyput a)ove human li&e. %heir motives are o&ten unclear, and Crotherhoodmem)ers are not people to )e tri&led with. It is sa&e to say, however, that i&a group o& Crotherhood "nights appears to )e helping some less &ortunatepeople, their motives are not altruistic.

%he Crotherhood doesnAt li"e to share their choicest technological )its,despite the o)vious )ene&its their technology could )ring to thewasteland. ItAs commonly accepted within the Crotherhood that thepeople o& the wasteland are not responsi)le enough to use 1and maintainall o& the technology the C< has at their disposal. %hey are "nown &ortrading some o& their technologies with &rontier communities and 6Rstates in e(change &or &ood and other resources, )ut they "eep the moresensitive technologies to themselves.

'hile they have great reverence &or technology, most o& the Crotherhoodmem)ers have little regard &or non7technical &ields o& "nowledge 1andeven &or non7com)at technology. 5ven most o& the cri)es donAt carea)out history, and some Initiates donAt even "now who Roger a(son, the&ounder o& the Crotherhood, was.

%he CrotherhoodAs attitude towards mutants ranges &rom disli"e 1e.g. inthe case o& ghouls to outright hostility 1in case o& super mutants. 5arly

contact with the asterAs super mutants was mostly hostile, and the C<helped drive the ma*ority o& the mutant armies away &rom ali&ornia.'hile a&ter the asterAs de&eat many super mutants settled peace&ullyamong humans, the hostility )etween the two groups didnAt disappear.C< contact with ghouls has )een limited, )ut negative 7 itAs di&&icult &orthe C< to respect a stum)ling crew o& emaciated scavengers that tendto dismantle or !UCR old world technology. C<A anger grew even&urther when various salvaging operations )egan in the Glow, a locationwhich the C< came to regard highly )oth &or their &allen comrades andthe Pre7'ar technology there, with Dayglow ghouls at the &ore&ront. ostC< mem)ers see ghouls as &ilthy scavengers.

7et Coat

%he head9uarters o& the Crotherhood is the Eost ?ills )un"er, the seat o&the C< ?igh 5lder and the ruling council, and the place where theorgani8ation was &ounded. It is also the center o& their research and

military activities. ?owever, )y 2242, the C< is spread across thewastes o& ali&ornia in small )un"ers and installations hidden &rom theeyes o& common &ol", and &inding them all and wiping them out would )ea di&&icult and dangerous tas". %heir installations include )un"ers in theDen, an !rancisco and hady ands 1capital o& 6R. ll Crotherhoodoutposts are &ormally su)*ect to the Eost ?ills authorities, even i& theysometimes tend to act independently, especially i& theyAre located &ar &romali&ornia and contact with the head9uarters is rare. %he Eost ?ills )un"eis surrounded )y the town o& a(son, which, while named a&ter the&ounder o& the Crotherhood, is o&&icially outside C< rule and is a mem)eo& the 6R.


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a(son Cun"er is a Crotherhood o& teel outpost in the ri8ona area,commanded )y General ndrea Cri(ley. %he )un"er was intended to )eused as a staging area &or e(ploration teams scouting the east. ?owever,once the war )ro"e out with the 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic the )un"er)ecame a &orward )ase o& operations against ?oover Dam, an 6Routpost. %he war e&&ort has gone poorly &or )oth sides. %he C< hassuperior technology, )ut the 6R has superior num)ers o& troops. s aresult, the war has )een at a stalemate &or years. orale on )oth sides hasplummeted )ut the C< has )een severely a&&ected. In the wa"e o& thesetrou)les, a covert group o& &ormer C< operatives has come into e(istence.alling themselves the ircle o& teel, this group raids caravans andvillages, con&iscates any advanced technology they may have, and does so

in the name o& salvaging man"ind &rom itsel&.


uch &urther 5ast there lie the territories o& the idwestern Crotherhood o&teel, a splinter &action which lost contact with Crotherhood leadership atEost ?ills and has )een an independent organi8ation since the 2+:/s,where the airships o& its &ounders crashed near hicago. Unli"e theoriginal, isolationistic Crotherhood, this &action rules over a large part o& thearea )etween the &ormer states o& Illinois and Fansas and dra&ts tri)als&rom villages under Crotherhood protection into its ran"s. In an even moreglaring contrast, while the idwestern Crotherhood treats mutants andghouls as, at )est, second class citi8ens, some o& them were actuallyallowed to *oin the organi8ation. 'hile more open to the outside world, thisCrotherhood is )y no means altruistic 7 the villagers under Crotherhoodrule, while protected &rom raiders and mutants, live in &ear o& the in&amousCrotherhood In9uisitors. %he idwestern C< )un"ers are called Cun"er

 lpha, Cun"er Ceta, Cun"er Gamma, Cun"er Delta and Cun"er 5psilon.

(at Coat

<n the 5ast oast, a &action "nown as the apital 'asteland Crotherhoodo& teel esta)lished a )ase called the itadel, )uilt into and )eneath theruins o& the Pentagon in 'ashington, D. %his &action is led )y the idealistic5lder <wyn Eyons who decided to ma"e protection o& human inha)itants o&apital 'asteland &rom super mutants, instead o& the ac9uisition andpreservation o& technology, his top priority. 'hile Eyons is o&&iciallyrecogni8ed )y the ruling council at Eost ?ills, )ecause o& his changedpriorities he receives no support &rom ali&ornia and his &action is mostlyindependent. 'ithout rein&orcements &rom the 'est oast, Eyons has )een&orced to recruit locally, )ut most new conscripts are overeager, uns"illed,or )oth, and as a result their survival rate is atrocious. 5lder Eyons’daughter arah commands her own elite s9uad, Eyons’ Pride. group o&disgruntled mem)ers who pre&erred to stay &aith&ul to the CrotherhoodAsoriginal goals le&t the itadel and )ecame "nown as the <utcasts.

$<!,o%i! of the Inignia

In the Crotherhood sym)ol, the gears represent their engineering"nowledge, the sword is their will to de&end themselves, the wings are theupli&ting hope, and the circle is the wholeness that ma"es it a )rotherhood.

 nother interpretation is that it represents each o& the orders. %he swordrepresents the Paladins, the wings represent the 5lders 1the wings controlthe movement o& the sword, the large gear represents the Fnights, and thetwo smaller gears represent the cri)es and the pprentices, whoseservices "eep the Fnights supplied with the in&ormation and the manpowerto get their *o)s done.

'hile )oth the original Crotherhood and the apital 'asteland division usedi&&erent colors &or di&&erent elements o& the sym)ol 1)lue &or the wings, grey&or the sword and )lac" &or the gears, the idwestern Crotherhood usesseveral monocolor variations. )lue version is used )y the Fnights and

Paladins, a )lac" one )y the cri)es and an orange one )y the 5lders. %hegoldenHyellow variant seems to sym)oli8e the Crotherhood as a whole. %heidwestern version is also reversed hori8ontally 7 the large gear is to theright o& the smaller ones, not to the le&t.



%he &ounder o& the Crotherhood was aptain Roger a(son. ?e was amem)er o& a military team commanded )y olonel Ro)ert pindel,originally sent to the 'est %e" research &acility on Banuary 3, 2/=: tomonitor the e(periments in the interest o& national security. <n Banuary =,2/==, all 'est %e" research was moved to the newly constructed ariposailitary Case, along with pindelAs team.

<n <cto)er +/, a(son and his men discovered, to their horror, that thescientists at ariposa were using military prisoners as test su)*ects in theie(periments with the !orced 5volutionary >irus. orale in the )ase )ro"edown, and pindel su&&ered a mental )rea"down, eventually committingsuicide days later. a(sonAs men turned to him &or leadership.

 &ter interrogating Ro)ert nderson, the chie& scientist, and learning a)outthe e(tent o& their actions, a(son e(ecuted him, and the other scientistssoon &ollowed. a(son, now in control o& the entire )ase, declared himsel&to )e in &ull desertion &rom the army via radio on <cto)er 2/. trangely, hegot no response, as the rest o& the army was )usy &ighting the hinesethreat. %hree days later, the )om)s were launched, and the Great 'arended two hours a&ter it started.


%he ariposa ilitary Case survived, the soldiers within protected &rom theradiation and !5> &looding the wasteland. %wo days later at ariposa, ascout in Power rmor 1Platner was sent out to get speci&ic readings onthe atmosphere. ?e reported no signi&icant radiation in the areasurrounding the &acility. &ter )urying the scientists in the wastes outside o&ariposa, the soldiers sealed the military )ase, then headed out into thedesert, ta"ing supplies and weapon schematics with them. aptaina(son led his men and &amilies to the government )un"er at Eost ?ills,and this event was later called the 5(odus. In 6ovem)er, a&ter a &ewwee"s in the 'asteland, the soldiers and their &amilies arrived at the Eost?ills, su&&ering many casualties along the way, including a(sonAs wi&e1)ut not his teenage son. %he Eost ?ills )un"er )ecame the head9uarterso& the newly &ormed Crotherhood o& teel.

(ar%< <ear6ot much is "nown a)out the early years o& the Crotherhood. In 2+34, a&action led )y ergeant Dennis llen gained strength, and they urged the5lders to let them e(plore the southeast ruins o& 'est %e", called the Glowa&ter )eing hit )y a nuclear )om), &or arti&acts. %he 5lders re&used, so llen and his divisionist group split away &rom the Crotherhood o& teel,ta"ing some technology and weapons with them. Despite that, under theleadership o& Roger a(son, the Crotherhood grew in strength, developingtheir technology, and the orders o& Fnights, cri)es and Paladins were&ormed. In 2+3, Roger a(son died o& cancer, and his son too" over asthe ?igh 5lder o& the Crotherhood.

Gro-ing po-er 

In the 2+/s, the Crotherhood esta)lished its control over the areassurrounding the )un"er, )ecoming one o& the ma*or powers in the region. round the early 2+/s a raider group "nown as the >ipers )egan toesta)lish a power )ase in the )adlands to the outh o& the Eost ?illsCun"er. Driven )y a religious &ren8y 1and the need to provide &or theirmuch larger num)ers o& soldiers and disciples, they )egan raiding more&re9uently than )e&ore, eventually attracting the attention o& theCrotherhood o& teel.

In 2+, %he Crotherhood sent out a &ew s9uads o& scouts to trac" the>ipers down. %his was more o& a training e(ercise conducted )y the ?igh5lder than anything else, as the Crotherhood was convinced that a smalldetachment o& troops in Power rmor would )e su&&icient to deal with agroup o& raiders, no matter how large. <ne Crotherhood s9uad, led )ya(son, &ound the >ipers. 5(pecting the raiders to )rea" and run, a(sondidnAt ta"e into account the religious 8eal and &erocity o& the >ipers . . . ortheir poisoned weapons. single arrow nic"ed him while his helmet waso&&, causing him to die a &ew short hours later. Bohn a(son, the grandson

o& Roger, too" up the role o& 5lder, and Rhom)us )ecame the new head o&the Paladins.

%he Paladins, now led )y Rhom)us, )egan a &ull scale campaign againstthe >ipers, trac"ing them down and wiping out almost all o& their mem)erswithin the span o& a month. ome o& the >ipers were a)le to &lee north andeast into the mountain range.

During the campaign, the Crotherhood sent a &ew scouts and emissariesto the ?u) to trac" down >ipers mem)ers, and &rom these )eginnings, the?u) and the Crotherhood )egan &ull trade relations 1caravans haddelivered to the Crotherhood )e&ore, )ut not long a&ter the destruction o&the >ipers, caravan trains ran directly &rom the ?u) to the Crotherhood ona regular )asis.


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$+per !+tant threat

everal years later, the Crotherhood were to &ace an enemy &ar greaterthan any )and o& raiders. In <cto)er 2+:+, a Crotherhood o& teel patrolcame across a dead super mutant in the )adlands. %hey too" the corpse)ac" to the cri)es, and ?ead cri)e >ree )egan to study it. &ter severallong e(aminations, it was shown to )e completely sterile.

In !e)ruary 2+:2, a man "nown as the >ault Dweller came to the Eost ?ills)un"er, wanting to *oin the Crotherhood. 6ot ta"en seriously, he is told togo to the ruins o& the 'est %e" &acility, which was now called the Glow,a&ter )eing hit )y a nuclear )om) during the Great 'ar. 'hen, a&ter sometime, he returned alive, and )rought with himsel& a holodis" with the record

o& a lost e(pedition o& several Crotherhood Paladins to the Glow, he wasthe &irst outsider in a very long time to )e accepted as a mem)er o& theCrotherhood o& teel, even though some prominent mem)ers o& the C<resisted his *oining the organi8ation.

It was &rom the >ault Dweller that the Crotherhood learned a)out theasterAs army and his plans to turn everyone into a super mutant. 'ith thesupport o& Bohn a(son, he managed to convince the ouncil o& 5lders tosend a s9uad o& paladins to the ariposa Case 1which had )een,ironically, where the C< originally came &rom, although )y that time evenBohn a(son didnAt remem)er it, where the asterAs !5> vats werelocated. 'ith the help o& the Crotherhood, the >ault Dweller eventuallymanaged to de&eat the aster, and was never seen again in the Eost ?ills)un"er.


 &ter the death o& a(son, Rhom)us, head o& the Paladins, )ecame thenew ?igh 5lder. &ter the death o& the aster, the Crotherhood o& teelhelped the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away withminimal loss o& li&e on )oth sides o& the con&lict. 'ithout the a)ility tocreate more mutants and en&orce their harsh )rand o& *ustice, the ma*orityo& the mutant armies &led to the east, )eyond the no7manAs land.

  much smaller &action, under the leadership o& ttis, tried to recreate themutant army in %e(as, )ut was eventually de&eated )y the Crotherhood.

Mid-etern Brotherhood

%he Crotherhood &ound themselves at odds with their need &or new )loodversus their code o& technological secrecy. %he de)ate went lightly. !inally,the elders ruled against sharing the technology with outsiders, convincedthat they would endure what they had )e&ore. !urther discussion wasdiscouraged and the elders ordered the minority on a mission across thewastes. %he Crotherhood constructed airships and dispatched the minority

5ast, to trac" down and assess to the e(tent o& the remaining super mutantthreat. ?owever, a great storm )ro"e the main airship and &lung it &ar &romits course. %he mighty airship was )adly damaged. %he smaller sectionswere torn &rom the main cra&t and never to )e seen again. any o& thee(pedition leaders were lost to the winds. %he &raction o& the crew that stillsurvived, struggled to "eep their ship alo&t )e&ore &inally crashing on theouts"irts o& the ruins o& hicago. %he survivors eventually &ormed anorgani8ation called the idwestern Crotherhood, which diverged greatly&rom the ideals o& the old Crotherhood. In time, they esta)lished a harshrule over the towns and villages in that area.

 &ter long &ights with countless raider )ands, a warli"e technological cult"nown as the Reavers, and a super mutant army led )y mad PaladinEatham, a survivor o& one o& the other C< airships, in 2+- theCrotherhood eventually &aced their greatest enemy 7 a ro)otic armycommanded )y the alculator, mad I o& >ault /. 5ventually, the ro)otswere de&eated, )ut in the course o& the war, the idwestern Crotherhoodlost many o& its men, and territory. s o& 2242, the splinter &action has yet tomeet the original, 'est oast Crotherhood again.


 &ter the de&eat o& the aster, the Crotherhood had )ecome a shadow o& its&ormer sel&. 6o longer the sole custodian o& advanced technology in thewasteland, the Crotherhood was struggling to &ind a new identity. &ter they&irst encountered the 5nclave, they started to raise small )un"ers in variouscities throughout 6orthern ali&ornia, and in 2242 they eventually cameacross the hosen <ne, the granchild o& the >ault Dweller who, withCrotherhoodAs help, destroyed the aster in 2+:2. %hey sent him to6avarro to retrieve the verti)ird plans &or them, )ut it is not "nown i& theyeventually got them.

7ar -ith the NCR

In 22/s, the Co leadership, led )y Beremy a(son, &avored a return topower )y wresting all advanced tech &rom the hands o& lesser people )yany means necessary. %his attitude didnAt win them any &riends, and)ecause many in the Crotherhood disagree with such )rutal methods, thewhole organi8ation was on the verge o& civil war.

In the year 2242, Beremy a(son renamed PetersonAs )un"er, &ound )y ndrea Cri(leyAs e(pedition in 223+, a&ter his &amous ancestor, Rogera(son. ?e then sent a &ull compliment o& troops &or occupation. Cri(leywas promoted to 5lder, given the ran" o& General, and placed in charge.%he remainder o& her e(ploratory team was given the title o& 5lder as well.

It was not long a&terward that the war with the 6ew ali&ornia Repu)licwas announced.

!or years the war waged on and was considered a victory &or theCrotherhood o& teel. ?owever, no matter how many troops &ell to theCrotherhoodAs superior technology, the 6R always seemed to have morereplacements availa)le. %he Crotherhood, however, was not so &ortunate.Ceing an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon )ecameo)vious that the Crotherhood was doomed to lose the war to the 6RAsgreater num)ers. orale at the )un"er )egan to &alter as the war seemedmore and more hopeless. 5ventually the inevita)le happened. Eowerran"ing mem)ers o& the Crotherhood )egan to desert their posts.

In an e&&ort to end the war once and &or all, the Crotherhood )egan to usenewly discovered su)versive technology "nown as tealthCoys. %hesedevices could create a &ield o& energy that would )end light around theuser, thus ma"ing him virtually invisi)le to sight. %his allowed Crotherhood

operatives to penetrate deep into 6R territory &or the gathering o&intelligence. ?owever, it was soon discovered that the devices had severeside e&&ects. Paranoia, delusions, and eventual schi8ophrenia were thema*or ones. %he Crotherhood disallowed the use o& tealthCoys and onceagain &ell )ehind in their war e&&ort.

6ow the Crotherhood o& teel is &acing yet another pro)lem. %he sidee&&ects o& the tealthCoys were not discovered until the team using themhad already )egun to &eel their e&&ect. 'hen the team was dis)anded,paranoia over the reason )egan to set in and the team plotted againsttheir leaders. %hey stole the tealthCoys, &led the )un"er as deserters,and &ormed a covert group "nown as the ircle o& teel. %he goal o& the< is to recover lost technology and re)uild the glory o& the Crotherhoodat any cost.

Capita% 7ate%and

%he CrotherhoodAs ruling council decided to send a contingent o& soldiersto the 5ast oast, to recover any and all advanced technology &rom'ashington, D and to investigate the reports o& super mutant activity inthe area. 'hen the group reached the 5ast oast, they &ound thePentagon largely destroyed, )ut they &ound there a technological marvelthat, i& restored, could help the Crotherhood re)uild a strength andreputation that had )een declining steadily &or years. &ter the discovery,Paladin <wyn Eyons, the leader o& the e(pedition, was promoted to 5lder.  permanent )ase "nown as the itadel was )uilt into and )eneath theruins o& the Pentagon. Eyons and his soldiers also &ound the supermutants in the ur)an ruins o& downtown D.. and helped stop the mutanttide &rom overta"ing the entire region, )y at least "eeping them at )ay.

5ventually, Eyons decided to ma"e protection o& innocent inha)itants o&apital 'asteland &rom super mutants his main priority. In response, theEost ?ills elders cut o&& all support to the 5ast oast &action, while stillrecogni8ing him as a leader o& the Crotherhood o& teel, and the itadel

as their D.. head9uarters. ?owever, some mem)ers o& the apital'asteland Crotherhood )elieved that )y a)andoning the Crotherhood o&teel’s primary mission o& ac9uiring new technologies, 5lder Eyons hada)andoned the very values that de&ined the order itsel&. <ne night, thedissenters departed &rom the itadel, a)sconding with weapons, Power rmor, and other pieces o& technology and e9uipment. Eyons )randed thedissenters #<utcasts,$ traitors to the Crotherhood o& teel ; it was a namethey would ultimately wear li"e a )adge o& honor, proud o& the distance itput )etween themselves and Eyons’ #soldier sycophants.$ 'ithoutrein&orcements &rom the 'est oast, Eyons was &orced to recruit locally.

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2"p!e$ 8: T"e E#cle


<ne o& the &ew old world organi8ations to survive the Great 'ar, the 5nclavewas once the shadow government o& the United tates. em)ers o& the5nclave were hardliners who )oth em)raced the idea o& a nuclear war and"new that the common man could not survive it. %hey )elieved that as longas the important people o& the United tates survived, they could regroup9uic"ly and wipe out communism once and &or all. %hough not technicallypart o& the 5nclave, many power&ul corporations )ene&ited &rom the5nclave’s actions and their research &acilities were protected during the&irestorm o& 2/==.

In 2/=3, as the glo)al race to e(ploit the hand&ul o& remaining naturalresources reached its &evered pea", the United tates managed to sta"e aclaim on the worldAs last "nown supply o& crude oil, )uried thousands o& &eet)eneath the Paci&ic <cean. Poseidon <il, a ma*or U.. energy concern, wascontracted to )uild an oil rig and e(tract the oil. Ce&ore long, the oil ran dryand the oil rig was a)andoned )y Poseidon.

ome 2/==, with total nuclear war rapidly arriving at mericaAs doorstep, thePresident o& the United tates and a num)er o& other United tatesgovernment o&&icials leave their posts to ta"e re&uge in a num)er o& secretlocations around the world. mong them was the Poseidon <il Rig. ?ere,the President himsel& set up a secret )ase &rom which the U... couldcontinue to e(ist and wage war on hina, with the eventual goal o& reta"ingthe continental United tates.

6ow, the 5nclave essentially represents those parts o& the U governmentthat managed to escape the Great 'ar. %he 5nclaveAs scientists continuedto do research on armor and weapons a&ter the 'ar and thus have even&ancier toys than the Crotherhood o& teel, who only have U.. ilitarystandard issue &rom when the Great 'ar )ro"e out. Its president in 224+was Dic" Richardson, the son o& a previous president, and his vice7presidentwas Daniel Cird.

The (nc%a)e@ P%an

!or a long time a&ter the Great 'ar, the 5nclave sat 9uietly in its <il Rig,consolidating its &orces and wor"ing on gaining a technological edge overanyone on the mainland. 5ventually, though, when they &elt it would )e sa&e,they decided it was time to move out and start wor"ing towards the re)irth o& merica. Using their rather impressive >erti)irds, the 5nclave sent outscouting parties all over ali&ornia, the closest state to the <il Rig. 

'hat they &ound there scared them considera)ly@ mutancy was rampant.%he 5nclave scouting parties arrived in ali&ornia a&ter !allout + ended, andso saw super mutants and ghouls littering the land and the destruction andravages they caused. 'hen this was reported to the higher ups at the5nclave, it was decided that all the mutants would have to go. It occurred to

the 5nclave that those who had lived out in the open on the mainland &orover a hundred years since the end o& the 'ar must have )eencontaminated or compromised somehow )y radiation... or worse 1indeed,most people living in the wasteland were inoculated with an air)ornemutation o& !5> immuni8ing them to the &ull e&&ects o& the real serum.%hese mutants too, then, would have to )e destroyed )e&ore true humanity,true merica, could once again lay claim to the mainland. 

Reconnaissance and e(ploration o& ali&ornia continued@ the 5nclave didnAthave any means o& carrying out their genocidal am)itions short o& destroyingthe world all over again with nuclear weapons. 5ventually, 5nclave troopsstum)led across the old a)andoned ariposa ilitary Case, where researchon the !orced 5volutionary >irus had )een done )e&ore the Great 'ar. !5>was what created the super mutants that most threatened the 5nclave, andit would eventually come to )e the 5nclaveAs solution to these samemutants.

%he 5nclave e(cavated the ilitary Case 1ruined )y the >ault Dweller in

!allout, largely using slave la)or gathered &rom the near)y mining town o&Redding, eventually &inding the >ats deep inside the lower levels o& the)ase. %hough they had )een )uried in roc" and &orgotten &or decades, the>ats still contained that old &amiliar green )u))ling gun", !orced5volutionary >irus. %he 5nclave gathered samples to )e sent )ac" to the <ilRig &or &urther analysis. Ce&ore long, though, the slave miners, some )eing&ully e(posed to raw !5>, others li"ely &alling into the >ats accidentally,)egan to mutate into a second generation o& super mutants. %he mutantslaves soon overthrew their guards. ei8ing their weapons, hardware le&t)ehind )y the &irst utant rmy or anything lying around, the super mutantsstormed the upper levels and 9uic"ly overran the troops in the )ase.Panic"ed and retreating, the 5nclave troopers on the upper levels & led the)ase and used e(plosives to seal the entrance, trapping the secondgeneration mutants inside the )ase.

 ccording to hris vellone, 1In one o& the !allout Ci)les the uper utantsat ariposa did not get all their armaments &rom the 5nclave o&&icers. Instead,with the help o& elchior, a agician &rom Redding who retained hisintelligence even a&ter e(posed to !5>, the utant slaves had in &act )eenhiding weapons &rom the 5nclave &or some time, only to arm themselvesagainst a s9uad o& +/ 5nclave soldiers le&t )ehind when all other personnelhad returned to the Rig. %he slaves were no longer use&ul to the 5nclavesince the re9uired !5> samples had already )een ta"en to the 5nclave main)ase at the Poseidon <il Rig. Cecause o& this, the last remaining 5nclave atthe site sealed ariposa shut using li)eral amounts o& e(plosives, whichremains shut until the hosen <ne arrives several years later.

till, even though things went )adly at ariposa, the 5nclave still had thesamples o& !5> they needed. Cac" at the <il Rig, the United tates hemical

orps )egan wor" on the serum immediately. %hey &ound that it would )epossi)le to ma"e &rom !5> an incredi)ly potent and lethal to(in. Cut, in order&or research to progress, they would need test su)*ects. %hey needed two testgroups@ one o& clean, pure humans and another composed o& the AmutantsAthat lived all over the mainland, su&&ering radiation and !5> e(posure &ordecades that, to the 5nclave, made them unclean. %he unclean sample waseasily o)tained )y "idnapping the entire population o& rroyo@ who wouldnotice i& one isolated %ri)al village disappeared overnightJ ost civili8edpeople in the wastes hated %ri)als anyways.

%he clean group would )e more di&&icult, though. %he 5nclave wouldnAt allowthe hemical orps to use people living on the <il Rig 1presuma)ly )ecausethey were all too important to the 5nclaveAs various pro*ects. o, they had toloo" elsewhere. <nce again, the mainland provided the needed stoc".

The /a+%t (=peri!ent Progra!

%he >aults were &unded )y the U.. government and, accordingly, thegovernment had control over them. <vertly, they were intended to allow a

selection o& privileged United tates citi8ens to survive the Great 'ar.ecretly, however, a large part o& the >ault Pro*ect had a &ar more sinister goal%he U.. governmentAs real plan to survive a nuclear war was simply to &indanother planet to live on a&ter )lowing up this one. spacecra&t designed to&erry the human race to another planet was either under construction or readyto go )e&ore the 'ar. %he plan was &or the government to &lee to the <il Rig,wait out the 'ar and then pac" up the populations o& the >aults to go intospace. ?owever, the spacecra&t was li"ely destroyed, disa)led or renderedinaccessi)le )y the nuclear )om)s, so the 5nclave had to a)andon that planand &ocus on reta"ing the continental United tates.

 ny voyage to space would have )een very di&&icult and &raught withun&oreseea)le complications. %hus, to test the aptitude o& the average

 merican person to travel to another planet, several o& the >aults weredesigned to have some sort o& critical &law. >ault +2, in Ca"ers&ield 1)etter"nown as the 6ecropolis, had a &aulty >ault door that wouldnAt close all theway, allowing dangerous radiation to lea" in, leading to the creation o&ali&orniaAs ghoul population. >ault +, which is a &ew miles east o& >ault +3,

was )uilt normally 1the roc"slide that )uried its control center was accidental,)ut it was populated with a diverse mi( o& races and peoples to see what sorto& tensions arise when varied )ac"grounds are pac"ed into a smallenvironment. >ault +3, the home o& the >ault Dweller in !allout, was intendedto stay shut &or a &ull 2// years to test the e&&ects o& long term isolation 1thetrou)les with the water chip &orced the <verseer to improvise, potentiallyruining the e(periment as much o& the >aultAs population le&t to &ound rroyo.%he types and purposes o& the e(periments go on. >ault 1which is the >aultthat >ault ity was )uilt around was a control group, a >ault intended to e(istnormally to serve as a re&erence point &or the other >aults.

In order to monitor the populations )eing e(perimented upon, the 5nclaveAs <iRig possessed a great deal o& e9uipment that allowed them to o)serve andcontrol the >aults. !or e(ample, the 5nclave sent the all clear signal to >ault shortly a&ter the 'ar, prompting them to leave their >ault and )uild their ity.%hese monitoring tools also let the 5nclave see that the population o& >ault +3was largely intact. %hus, they traveled in &orce to >ault +3 and sent acommand to the >aultAs computers to open the >ault door. &ter ta"ing care o&some mild resistance, the 5nclave troops rounded up the residents o& >ault +3and shipped them o&& to the <il Rig in verti)irds to ta"e part in the hemicalorpsA !5> e(periments.

The 0ina% $o%+tion

Ce&ore long, the hemical orps developed their superto(in. It was &ound to)e +//K lethal to tainted humans. Bust as the 5nclave was preparing tolaunch the poison into the *et stream to "ill the entire population o& themainland, the hosen <ne arrived at the <il Rig on the Poseidon <il tan"erthat had sat in an !rancisco &or years. ?e &reed the survivors o& )oth the>ault +3 population as well as the rroyo tri)als and started a sel& destructse9uence in the <il Rig that destroyed the entirety o& the 5nclaveAshead9uarters, saving the world &rom horri)le death at the hands o& the mutant!5>.


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2"p!e$ 9: T"e Ne1 2li0o$#i


%he 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic 16R is a &ederation o& towns in 6orthernali&ornia. %he capitol o& 6R is the town o& the same name 1population@3///L, previously "nown as hady ands. It is west o& the Roc"ies, in themiddle7eastern portion o& ali&ornia 1almost straight east inland &rom an!rancisco. In 224+ the Repu)lic consists o& states 7 hady, Eos ngeles,a(son, ?u), and Dayglow. %he population is a)out =//,/// people. %he6R is argua)ly the largest "nown power group in the world o& !allout, andmaintains the largest standing army.


%he government o& 6R is much li"e the Pre7'ar United tates, with a?ouse o& ongress sta&&ed )y elected representatives 1ongressmenelected )y their states. %hese representatives decide upon the Presidentand >ice7President to head the council and govern the repu)lic 7 underadvice &rom the representatives, o& course 16R, at the time, has noe(isting term limits 7 %andi was currently serving her tenth year at the)eginning o& !allout 2. %he titles &or these representatives have ranged&rom ouncilor, ounselor, ouncilman, Representative, enator,and in particular, the ?u) 1in its own o)stinate way pre&ers to call theirrepresentatives Governors. 1%here is a lot o& &riction )etween the ?u) andhady &or a variety o& reasons, usually related to trade rights and caravanroutes. In any event, all titles are recogni8ed and accepted outside o& thecouncil cham)ers, )ut within the cham)ers, the titles are occasionally usedas insults and spar" &urious de)ates 7 nothing more than petty displays o&each state trying to e(ert its independence.

6R has outlawed slavery in their territories, have one o& the )est and

largest standing armies in the wastes, and have )ene&ited under theircurrent President, %andi, who has )een with the Repu)lic since she was ayoung girl in hady ands 1see ?istory, )elow. <n the plus side, the 6Rhas outlawed slavery in their territories, has attempted to )ring civili8ationand law )ac" to the wasteland, and they donAt 1openly discriminate againstghouls and mutants.

%here is little to no se(ism in 6R 1unli"e most other territories in thewastes, most li"ely due to the communityAs origins in >ault + and )ecauseo& %andiAs e(tended presidency. %he repu)lic also has shown littlediscrimination against ghouls and mutants, though many political analystsargue that this is )ecause 6R has had limited contact with them 16Rhad little contact with 6ecropolis or the asterAs rmy.

'hile radesh )elieved in the teachings o& Dharma, %andi always )elievedin the separation o& church and state 7 and resisted any attempts tocanoni8e the >ault Dweller within the city limits 1the statueAs &ine, )ut thatAsit. Coth radesh and %andi &ound politics and religion donAt mi(, especiallywhen they got more e(posure to the people o& the ?u) and visits &rom a&ew well7spo"en mem)ers o& the !ollowers o& the pocalypse. In any event,the 6R allows any non7psychotic religions within their capitol 1they are all&or &reedom o& religion, as long as it doesnAt involve human sacri&ice ordipping people in >ats.

%he 6R military is composed o& several Divisions, including specialcavalry and mechani8ed units. <ne o& their pecial !orces units consistso& the 6ew ali&ornia Rangers, a select group that is pledged to protect thepeople o& the 'astes much li"e the %e(as Rangers o& old. %he Rangers aresaid to have numerous sa&ehouses throughout the wastes, and they usethese to stri"e at slavers outside o& 6R territory 1usually in the 6orth. se(pected, the two groups hate each other with a passion. 6R was also inthe ha)it o& esta)lishing marshals in the ma*or population centers in theirterritories, responsi)le &or en&orcing the laws o& 6R throughout theRepu)lic. Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all "nown to serve inthe 6R armed &orces, even in the rangers.

 lthough nearly hitting a hundred years o& age, %andi has done more tounite the people o& the wastes than any other leader )orn &rom the ashes o&the Great 'ar, and she is revered as a saint and even a Great other )ysome o& the tri)als outside o& the Repu)lic territories. %andiAs tate o& theRepu)lic messages were &amous &or inspiring countless people to *oin theservice and re)uild civili8ation. Under her rule, the repu)lic has grown,and she has &ocused e&&orts on re)uilding the pre7war in&rastructure tosupport the growing population, &inding new &orms o& transportation andmanu&acturing, clearing roadways and rail lines, )uilding &orts, &osteringcaravans and trade in the repu)lic 1and with other territories, and dealingwith threats swi&tly and e&&iciently. In all her years, she has never &orgottenher roots in the small village o& !allout +, and she has always strived to putthe wel&are o& the common man a)ove the wheels o& progress.

'hen people tal" a)out good people, %andi is good people.

ommon 6R Eaws include@

6o weapons may )e carried openly within the city limits.Pu)lic drun"enness and drug use is grounds &or arrest.lavery, gam)ling, and prostitution are not permitted within the city limits.%hese laws were more rela(ed in the outlying settlements, )ut )ecamemore rigidly en&orced the closer one came to a ma*or 6R populationcenter.


%he 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic was )orn out o& the remnants o& the survivorso& >ault +, a sister vault to >ault +3 that opened earlier and released itsoccupants out onto the wasteland. )andoning their vault 1a&ter scavengingmost o& what they could &rom the surviving technology and collapsed lowerlevels, the &ormer residents o& >ault + &ounded the small walledcommunity o& hady ands, a town midway )etween >ault +3 and +. Inthe period o& !allout +, this community was led )y radesh and hisdaughter, %andi, eventually rose to )ecome president o& the sprawling 6ewali&ornia Repu)lic in !allout 2. 1'ithout the e&&orts o& the >ault Dweller in!+, however, the raiders in the region 7 the Fhans 7 would have claimedhady ands and stamped out the repu)lic )e&ore it even got started. tthe time o& !allout 2, 6RAs main resource are its great )rahmin herds,which provide most o& the wasteland with as much meat and leather asthey re9uire. %he )rahmin )arons and ranchers in 6R 1along with thetoc"menAs ssociation hold a great deal o& sway with the caravans andthe government.

%he 6RAs relationship with their old >ault has undergone some violentupheavals over the years. !rom nests o& monsters, raiders, >ault +

worshippers, ghoul scavengers, to more innocent 1and not7so7innocent9uatters and alvage %eams and the Repu)lic arguing over e(cavationrights, it seems to )e di&&icult &or the government or any other inha)itant o&the wasteland to leave the area alone... )ecause, well, itAs a >ault.

%he )rahmin herders hatred o& radscorpions is &amous, and it dates all theway )ac" to the &ounding o& hady ands. Rumors o& herds )eing attac"ed)y tal"ing deathclaws are un&ounded.

5ven though the relationship )etween the 6R and the Crotherhood o&teel was never without some tensions, it got much worse when Beremya(son )ecame the leader o& the Crotherhood. ?e &avored a return topower )y wresting all advanced tech &rom the hands o& lesser people )yany means necessary. ome time a&ter 2242 the war with the 6ewali&ornia Repu)lic was announced.

!or years the war waged on and was considered a victory &or theCrotherhood o& teel. ?owever, no matter how many troops &ell to the

CrotherhoodAs superior technology, the 6R always seemed to have morereplacements availa)le. %he Crotherhood, however, was not so &ortunate.Ceing an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon )ecameo)vious that the Crotherhood was doomed to lose the war to the 6RAsgreater num)ers. oral at the )un"er )egan to &alter as the war seemedmore and more hopeless. 5ventually the inevita)le happened. Eowerran"ing mem)ers o& the Crotherhood )egan to desert their posts.

 t some point )etween 224+ and 223, ?oover Dam *oined the 6R.During the war with the Crotherhood, the Dam lost contact with the rest o&the 6R and it currently considers itsel& the capital city o& the Repu)lic.

The 6ard $e%%

!or your countryAs sa"e today. !or your own sa"e tomorrow. 7 6Rpropaganda poster6R has a decent mar"eting and pu)lic relationsdepartment, and they are constantly sending couriers out into the wastes tonail up 6R posters or disseminate 6R propaganda. !amous among

these is the &rontiersman %homas oore, who )ravely enough is out in the)reach, currently passing out anti7>ault ity and pro76R propaganda inthe middle o& >ault ity. %al" a)out )rave, huhJ


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2"p!e$ : T"e V&l!%

%he >aults are a series o& massive underground &allout shelters developed)y >ault7%ec in the mid72+st century.


%he vaults initially appeared as a haven &or the endangered U..population. ?owever, there were not nearly enough >aults to achieve thetas". %he true reason &or these AsheltersA was that in &act they were aseries o& sociological e(periments planned )y pre7war government. 5ach>ault was set up with di&&erent conditions and o)served to see how thedwellers within coped with varying conditions and the pressures o&


%he >aults were never intended to save the population o& the Unitedtates. 'ith a population o& almost 4// million )y 2/==, the U.. wouldneed nearly 4//,/// >aults the si8e o& >ault +3, and >ault7%ec wascommissioned to )uild only +22 such >aults. %he real reason &or these>aults was to study pre7selected segments o& the population to see howthey react to the stresses o& isolationism and how success&ully they re7coloni8e a&ter the >ault opens.

Kno-n /a+%t

• %he total num)er o& vaults is a government secret and has )eenlost0 there were pu)lic vaults, which num)ered around +// andan undisclosed num)er o& private vaults.

• !he "A #ault: %he >ault7%ec demonstration >ault. It was not part

o& the e(periment, and was the asterAs >ault under theathedral in !allout.

• #ault $:  control >ault, intended to open and re7coloni8e thesur&ace a&ter +/ years. >ault ity is the result. Un&ortunately,)ecause o& seals present )y >ault door and on Day Passes, thatwere similar to one present on the Poseidon oil rig entry level,some connection with Poseidon <il could )e supossed 1also@similar >ault suits with no num)ers as well as >ault7Researchontrol station connected to Poseido6et on the oil rig.

• #ault 12: In order to study the e&&ects o& radiation on theselected population, the >ault Door was designed not to close.%his is the 6ecropolis >ault... and the ghouls were the result.

• #ault 13: Intended to stay closed &or 2// years as a study o&

prolonged isolation, the )ro"en water chip &orced the <verseerto improvise and use the >ault Dweller as a pawn. Eater study o&the >ault +3 records )y the 5nclave led them to their currentplan to end the war.

• #ault 15: Intended to stay closed &or / years and includepeople o& radically diverse ideologies.

• #ault 2%: %his >ault would )e overcrowded deli)erately. 2///people would )e assigned to enter, dou)le the total sustaina)leamount. %he location o& this >ault is un"nown.

• #ault 2&: 6o one in this >ault was over the age o& + when theyentered. Parents were redirected to other >aults on purpose.?arold is )elieved to have come &rom this >ault. onstructed )yGreenway ?ydroponics. %here was no <verseer, )ut MN I

was present. 

• #ault 34: %he armory was overstoc"ed with weapons and ammoand not provided with a loc".

• #ault 3':%he &ood e(truders were designed to produce only athin, watery gruel.

• #ault 42: 6o light )ul)s o& more than 4/ watts were provided.

• #ault '&: ost o& the e9uipment was designed to )rea" downevery &ew months. 'hile repaira)le, the )rea"downs wereintended to stress the inha)itants unduly.

• #ault 55: ll entertainment tapes were removed.

• #ault 5': ll entertainment tapes were removed e(cept those o&one particularly )ad comic actor. ociologists predicted &ailure)e&ore >ault .

• #ault '$: <& the one thousand people who entered, there wasonly one woman.

• #ault '&: <& the one thousand people who entered, there wasonly one man.

• #ault %0: ll *umpsuit e(truders &ail a&ter : months. %his >aultwas located in alt Ea"e ity, Utah and most o& the inha)itantswere ormons.

• #ault 101: +/+ was meant to remain permanently closed, )utthis was compromised in !allout 3 1location@ somewhere nearD area.

• #ault 10': Psychoactive drugs were released into the air&iltration system +/ days a&ter the Door was sealed.


<verseer0 Underseer0 ecurity <&&icer 1armory supervision, in charge withhis security team0 edical <&&icer 1physician0 upply <&&icer. 0aci%itie

<DO5U ; n e(tremely advanced I that was designed to coordinateand operate all o& the >aults )e&ore Pro*ect a&ehouse was privati8ed.


omplete construction e9uipment, hydro7agricultural &arms, waterpuri&ication &rom underground river, de&ensive weaponry to e9uip +/ men,communication, social and entertainment &iles 1&or total duration o& +/years at +/// capacity.

Porta,%e e;+ip!ent


De&ensive weaponry to e9uip +/ men 1according to >ault Dwellers Guide@om)at rmor, pistols, >ault7%ec Fnives. >ault +3 rmory was e9uippedwith one dou)le )arreled +2 gauge shotgun also, )ut there were no


 mmunition@ .223 !B, +/mm B?P, +/mm P

hems@ Radaway, Rad7N, timpa", uper timpa".

iscellaneous@ Cac"pac", DoctorAs Cag, !irst id Fit, Dynamite, !lare,Eoc"pic"s, Geiger ounter, otion ensor, %?% %apes 1holotapes.


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2"p!e$ ;: GURPS Fllo&! G<e!!ee$

%his section includes in&ormation on the more nota)le settlements &ound inthe post apocalyptic 6orth ali&ornia region in 2+:2 D. In&ormation is)ased as much as is possi)le on original games, )ut in many casesguesstimates are needed 7 In the games, populations always were smallerthan written )ac"ground stu&& suggested, &or e(ample, vaults hadpopulations o& +/// or so, )ut in the computer games you could only see&ew do8ens o& inha)itants. o, &or the purposes o& this conversion it isassumed that ArealA populations o& locations are always much higher thanyou can count heads in the computer games. Population values given areonly rough estimates, so G is always &ree to di&&er &rom the num)erssuggested here.

In addition, a random system 1a )it similar to one &ound in GURP paceandHor G%@!irst In &or coloniesHcities is provided &or determining what "indso& services and shops can )e &ound in a given settlement, )ased on itAspopulation rating and other &actors. %his is intended )oth &or use withadding detail to e(isting settlements as well as an aid &or the G to createnew locations.



Population@ 2/L 1PR@+ Government@ lanH%ri)al

R@ 2 %E@ 3

 rroyo is a small isolated village o& hunter7gatherers in south7west <regon&ounded )y the >ault Dweller a&ter he was e(iled &rom >ault +3 )y the<verseer. &ter the 5nclaveAs destruction, the re&ugees o& rroyo and >ault+3 resettled, )uilding the tow o& 6ew rroyo on the site o& the old villagewith the aid o& the Garden o& 5den reation Fit.

?A Bone<ard

Population@ +/// 1PR@3 Government@ Ruled )y Gangs

R@ + %E@ 40 up to %E= 1Gunrunners

%he Coneyard, or ngelAs Coneyard, is what remains o& Eos ngeles, namedso )oth &or its decimated s"yscrapers, reduced to their metal s"eleton, and&or s"eletons o& the dead that littered the city a&ter the Great 'ar. %hehead9uarters o& >ault7%ec was located somewhere in the Eos ngeles area,and a >ault7%ec demonstration >ault, which was not part o& the >ault5(periment, was )uilt there.

E was pretty much decimated during the Great 'ar. %he ma*ority o& peoplein E are people who came to the city a&ter the destruction. ost toscavenge what they could, )e it e9uipment, &ood or people. Eos ngeleshouses gunrunners, gangs, and various people with delusions o& grandeur.%he largest concentration o& people live in a su)ur) called dytum.

ost people in E died a&ter the )om)s dropped, due to radiation poisoning,disease, &amine 1and each other. ome, however, too" shelter in thedemonstration >ault, and eventually most o& them emerged in 2/-2,&ounding the Coneyard. any o& them were the &ounders o& dytum, a&enced town in the su)ur)s o& the old Eos ngeles. ome, however, &oundedother communities, li"e the Clades, the Rippers, the !ollowers o& the pocalypse and the Gun Runners.

In 2+, the aster learned the location o& the E >ault, con9uered theinha)itants and set up operations there, and the human cultists )egan touse the >ault as their power)ase. 5ventually, a monumental )uilding "nownas the athedral was constructed a)ove the >ault. %he ultists thus )ecame

"nown as the hildren o& the athedral. <& those that remained in the >ault,most )ecame the asterAs servants and mem)ers o& the hildren o& theathedral. %hose that le&t could )e part o& almost any organi8ation in E.

In the 2+/s, a pac" o& deathclaws appeared in the Coneyard, ta"ing overthe )ase o& the Rippers. In 2+- Bon Mimmerman, the townAs mayor, hired a)and o& mercenaries "nown as the Regulators to help protect dytum &romthe deathclaw and the odd random attac" )y raiders, who )y 2+:+ were incontrol o& dytum.

%he athedral was destroyed in 2+:2 either )y a man "nown as the >aultDweller or )y the aster himsel&, when he learned that his super mutantswere sterile.

Cy 224+, Eos ngeles )ecame one o& the states o& the 6ew ali&orniaRepu)lic and dytum )ecame "nown as 6ew dytum. 

Bro9en 6i%%

Population@ 3//L 1PR@2 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ 2 %E@

hortly a&ter the asterAs de&eat, super mutant arcus wanderedaimlessly until he encountered Baco), a Crotherhood o& teel paladin in aPower rmor who had pledged himsel& to the e(termination o& all mutants.arcus and Baco) &ought &or a day or two, )ut they soon reali8ed the&utility o& their )attle and )ecame &riends 1though arcus always thoughtthat Baco) would have )een improved )y a dip in the !5> vats, whileBaco) disagreed, which was always a )one o& contention )etween the

two. s they wandered through the wastes, they attracted a &ollowing o&other re&ugees &rom the war, who )elieved that arcusAs strength andBaco)As power armor gave them the closest thing availa)le to sa&ety.5ventually, arcus and Baco) lead the re&ugees to settling in Cro"en ?illsto e(ploit the uranium mine there.

Cro"en ?ills uranium mine is wor"ed on )y the towns super mutantpopulation. %he radiation in the mine has minimal e&&ect on them and theirgreat strength aids in the physically ta(ing la)or. %he mine however doesre9uire an air puri&ier as to(ic gas )uild up ma"es the mine inopera)le lessit is regularly &iltered. %he towns li&e )lood comes &rom the uranium mine.Cro"en ?ills has its own operational re&inery operated )y ghouls. I& youcan purchase uranium ore &rom a caravan the re&inery will produce re&ineduranium &or you. %he town is powered )y a small reactor that runs o&& o&uranium slugs. %his produces ample power &or the Cro"en ?illscommunity. %he uranium trade runs to the 6R and >ault ity as well astra&&ic"ing Crahmin ?erds across the wastes. %he uranium trade is soimportant to so many towns e(istence that >ault ity will chec" theiruna)iding )igotry &or outsiders and mutants and trade valua)le medicalsupplies and money &or uranium ore. 5ver since the mines air puri&ier)ro"e down uranium production has halted leading to an economic crisisin Cro"en ?ills.

'ith the vast demographics and races occupying Cro"en ?ills, a ri&t)etween the super mutants, ghouls and select humans groups has grown.%his has culminated in a conspiracy to rid Cro"en ?ills o& itAs mutated)rethren through a conspiracy led )y human purist and store ownerBoseph. %he conspiracy has resulted in the arrest and incarceration o&several o& Bosephs supporters as well as the murder o& several civiliansdumped deep in the towns caves and sewers to attempt at desta)ili8ingCro"en ?ills and starting con&lict. Boseph also sa)otaged the mines airpuri&ier temporarily halting mine operation. he ultimately hoped to detonatethe puri&ier and )ring the whole mine down on all super mutants wor"inginside. In opposition to Boseph are the mines &oreman and the supermutant !rancis.

The Den

Population@ +//L 1PR@3 Government@ Ruled )y Gangs

R@ / %E@

%he dangerous Den is a sa&e haven &or drug and slave trading. In someways, the Den might )e considered a mini76ew Reno. %hey are )othsemi7sta)le anarchies with no central authority@ while the Den is more&ocused on slaving, and 6ew Reno is more &ocused on prostitution, they)oth share an economy dependent on gam)ling, prostitution, drugs, andslavery.

Gam)ling is under the control o& Re)ecca Dyer, who also sells thecheapest alcohol in the Den, as she has her own still, rather thanimporting it &rom 6ew Reno. Uncharacteristically given )oth her location

and her )usiness, she is an scrupulous and decent woman, and apassionate opponent o& the slave trade that underpins the DenAs economy?er craps ta)les are uni9ue in the game in that they are truly 1pseudo7random li"e an honest game o& craps 1although, unli"e a real game o&craps, there are ways o& playing it that allow the player to )eat the houseon average. ?er ta)les do not chec" the playerAs gam)ling s"ill.

!or those residents o& the Den who tire o& the )oo8e, whores, the&t, drugs,and slavery that are so widespread in most o& the Den, omAs restaurantprovides a welcome respite. om ensures that the atmosphere isrespect&ul and )ans &ighting, cursing, and unli"e most Den )usinesses 1)uli"e the laverAs Guild, no orphan children stand outside her doorsstealing &rom those who enter or leave. om speciali8es in rat dishes,o&&ering rat7loa&, rat7pie, and spaghetti with rat sauce.


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mitty, also one o& the more respecta)le people in the Den, is a localmechanic. ?e has a hrysalis ?ighwayman in near7per&ect condition, )ut itlac"s a !uel ell ontroller. ?e also occasionally sells other things, such asmicro&usion cells and super tool "its.

%here are two shops in the Den@ %u))y and !lic". %u))yAs is mostly &ocusedon selling drugs, whereas !lic"As sells a wider variety o& goods. CothmerchantsA shops are supplied, at least in part, )y orphaned children whostand )eside the doorways o& shops and steal &rom passers)y, )ut !lic"As inparticular depends on this.

Prostitution is primarily under the control o& !ran"ie, proprietor o& the ?ole.?e also sells drin"s imported &rom 6ew Reno, and is ama8ed and angry thatCec"y can sell her drin"s so cheaply. 

 nother )usinessman o& the Den styles himsel& %he Great nanias. ?eclaims to have &ound a great *an7u7wine 1genuine mummy and to have ahaunted house ne(t door. In &act, the mummy is a sleeping, comatoseghoul named 'oody. %he haunted house has more )asis in &act@ nna'inslowAs ghost recently has )ecome restless )ecause her loc"et wasstolen &rom the haunted house )y Boey, a local thug and *et dealer.

!inally, the richest and most power&ul )usiness in the Den is the laverAsGuild. ?eaded )y et8ger, this heavily7&orti&ied guild prevents casualin&iltration and ensures mem)er loyalty )y tattooing its sym)ol on the&oreheads o& all mem)ers. It sells slaves to 6ew Reno and >ault ity. lthough et8gerAs primary investments are in the slave trade, he also isloo"ing &or a way into the drug )usiness as well. In the current arrangement,raw chemicals &rom >ault ity are e(ported to 6ew Reno, where the&amilies, especially the ordinos, synthesi8e them into drugs. et8ger see"sto short7cut this chain )y synthesi8ing the chemicals in the Den, )ut histeams have made little headway in deciphering the manu&acturing process. 


Population@ 3//L 1PR@2 Government@ Dictatorship

R@ 3 %E@ 0 Power %E=

Gec"o is a ghoul town northeast o& >ault ity. Its economy is )ased on theoperation o& an old, hal&7&unctional Poseidon 5nergy nuclear power plant.?arold is the de &acto mayor o& Gec"o, while he is assisted )y Eenny, whoalso serves as Gec"oAs doctor. %he power plant is administered )y !estus. 

Gec"oAs citi8ens are divided )etween the renewal cultists and the moreordinary ghouls, who resent the cult. %he renewal cultists see" to renew,i.e. )ecome human again. %hey are headed )y a giant, sentient mole ratwho lives in an underground cave ad*acent to the reactor, "nown as theCrain, who see"s to ta"e over the world. In the short term, he see"s to )uildan alliance )etween Gec"o and >ault ity )ased on power &rom Gec"o

)eing sent to >ault ity in e(change &or medical research on how torestore the ghouls to humanity. %he cult is sym)oli8ed )y the an"h, and itsmem)ers wear an"h nec"laces.

%he ?arp is a )ar tended )y 'oo8. It serves the usual drin"s o& Gec"o,speciali8ed &or ghoulsA uni9ue resistance to radiation@ Gamma Gulp Ceerand Roentgen Rum. 'oo8 is a rather eccentric ghoul@ he tells strangestories o& severed heads in hell and is o)sessed with playing %ragic@ theGarnering, although he isnAt as good as it as he thin"s.

%he urvival Gear Eoc"er is a general store o& Gec"o. Percival rump,a.".a. Percy owns this store. ?e o&&ers a decent selection o& rad7resistancedrugs, weapons, and ammunition. ?is &riend, 'oody. has recently gonemissing.

%he anagerAs <&&ice is the seat &rom which ?arold tries to "eep Gec"otogether. It supplies part re9uisition &orms and oversees reports concerningthe power plant.

"eeter is a ghoul gadgeteer who serves as a sort o& mechanic &or Gec"o.?e can per&orm weapon upgrades and, more importantly, has a &uel cellcontroller. ?owever, he is considered unrelia)le )y the ghouls whoadminister Gec"oAs supply loc"erHstorage room, since he once caused a &ire,and as such he is typically denied part re9uisition &orms. ?e is assisted )yEumpy Bohn, a human re&ugee &rom >ault ity who has no visi)lemutations li"e the ghouls, )ut is considered unaccepta)ly mutated )y theiti8ens in >ault ity )ecause o& his unusual resistance to radiation. Eumpyalso helps guard Gec"oAs )rahmin.

Gordon is a ghoul who )elieves that i& everyone would &ollow their own sel&7interest, everyone would )e )etter o&&. ?e proudly )elieves that greed isgood, and wants to optimi8e Gec"oAs power plant and esta)lish trade with>ault ity )ased on their mutual sel&7interests. ?e is also a mem)er o& therenewal cult.

!inally, the nuclear power plant is the heart o& Gec"oAs economy. %heplantAs supply ca)inet and storage room are administered )y Beremy, theplant overall is managed )y !estus, and the reactor control room iswatched )y ?an".

6oo)er Da!

Population@ //L 1PR@2 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ 2 %E@

%he town o& ?oover Dam is a town )uilt along the top and sides o& the dam. t the )ottom o& the dam thereAs a slummy area, and the damAs rim is hometo all the rich &ol" and military.

%he Dam )ecame part o& the 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic some time a&ter2242. %he town has lost contact with the central government o& the 6R inhady ands, and Governor Boseph Dodge, the leader o& ?oover Damassumed that it was destroyed )y the remains o& the 5nclave 1possi)ly &rom6avarro. ?eAs determined to hold the 6R together, and declared himsel&the president o& 6R 1or what is le&t o& it. Un&ortunately, Dodge is a wea"leader, and he &ights an ongoing war with the Crotherhood o& teel. 

The 6+,

Population@ +2///L 1PR@4 Government@ Ruled )y Guilds

R@ 3 %E@ :L+

%he ?u) is a ma*or trading city in !allout. It is a large community o& traders,)arterers, gam)lers, and other interesting scum. %he ?u) is a stopover point&or caravans north to hady ands and Bun"town and south to theConeyard. %he wide variety o& people passing through ensures that there isalways something interesting going on. %he town, not unli"e 6ew Reno, isdivided into districts controlled )y power&ul groups 1only merchants notma&ia. Unli"e 6ew Reno, however, the town has a neutral police.

%he ?u) was &ounded in 2/-2 )y a man named ngus, who set up camparound a &ilthy oasis in the desert, and proceeded to )egin trading with othersettlements.

In 2/-:, a man called ?arold rose to the level o& a caravan )oss in the ?u).?is caravans su&&ered occasional attac"s in the wastes, )ut ?aroldAscaravan out&it survived and prospered... until the mutant attac"s )egin topic" up a &ew years later. Increasing mutant attac"s on ?aroldAs caravanscaused ?arold to get so pissed, in 2+/2 he &inanced an adventuring party totry and &ind out where these damna)le mutants were coming &rom.onsulting with a scientist and doctor at the ?u), a man )y the name o&Grey, the two o& them decide to *oin &orces. &ew months later, ?arold was&ound )y traders and ta"en )ac" to the ?u). Cut he wasnAt human anymore 7

he was mutating into a ghoul7li"e mutant. ?is &ormer caravan partners andemployees, horri&ied )y his condition, a)andoned him le&t him without eventwo )ottlecaps to ru) together. ?owever, he soon )ecame the leader o& the?u)As small ghoul population.

In 2+2/ ngus esta)lished himsel& as the governor o& the growing ?u). !iveyears later he managed to stop the >ipersA attempt to raid the ?u). In thewinter o& the same year, however, he was murdered, which threw the ?u)into chaos.

In 2+2 the Great erchant 'ars started when a )and o& merchants sei8edthe water tower in the ?u). %hey demanded anyone wanting water must paya toll. %he war lasted &or 2 years. %he 'ater erchants sealed up the town,)ut were outnum)ered. man named Roy Greene 1Bustin GreeneAsgrand&ather made the peace and negotiated a settlement. %he ?u)Asentral ouncil was &ormed, composed o& two representatives &rom each o&the ?u) caravan companies. long period o& indecisiveness and meetingsmaintain the status 9uo in the ?u).

In 2+3+, the aster )egan ordering his super mutants to gather humanstoc" &rom caravans. !or many years, the caravan disappearances were)lamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the a)ductions )egin tooccur on ?u) caravans, the deathclaws were )lamed.

%he ?u) Underground was &ormed )y a man called Dec"er in 2+4/, who9uic"ly started pulling the strings in the town.

%he three merchant groups running the town are the 'ater erchants,rimson aravan and the !ar Go %raders. %he Underground is led )yDec"er. %here is also the %hievesA Guild, which is led )y Eo(ley.

%he ?u) was overrun )y &leeing mutants a&ter the >ault Dweller destroyedthe aster and the vats. %hough much o& the city was ra8ed it managed tosurvive and *oined the 6R. Representatives in the 6R congress &rom the?u) call themselves Governors.


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Population@ 2/// 1PR@3 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ + %E@ 4

Bun"town is one o& the smaller towns in southern ali&ornia. It was&ounded soon a&ter the 'ar )y a soldier called Dar"water. Instead o& theruins o& an old town, he thought it would )e )etter to )egin &rom the groundup. s the name suggests, it was )uilt a&ter the Great 'ar out o& randompieces o& *un", mostly o& )ro"en cars. %he town mostly lives out o& tradingand has a reputation o& open hospitality.

 round 2+:+, the mayor o& Bun"town was Fillian Dar"water, grandson o&the townAs &ounder, who also ran a general store, Dar" 'aters. nother )igplayer in the town was Gi8mo, a small7time croo" and casino owner. 'hileGi8moAs casino )rought a lot o& tourists and money into the town, pro)lemsalso came with it. <ther important places in Bun"town at that time includedrash7?ouse Inn, home to the "ul8 and the "um Pitt, a )ar owned )y6eal. Doc or)id was the townAs doctor. %ycho, a 'asteland Ranger, alsoresided in Bun"town &or a while at that time.

Drawing weapons in town is not permitted e(cept in sel&7de&ense. %hegates to the town are closed in the night. In 2+:+, Ears headed the guardsin Bun"town, wor"ing &or Fillian Dar"water. %he gates were guarded )yFalnor. %hey also had a *ail, which is guarded )y ndrew. %he guards wereaware o& the illegal activities o& Gi8mo and the "ul8, )ut they didnAt wantto act without proper evidence.

In 2+:+, Gi8mo hired a man to assassinate Fillian, in order to gain &ullcontrol over the town. Un&ortunately &or him, in Decem)er 2+:+ Gi8mo

was eventually "illed )y a man "nown as the >ault Dweller, who earlierhelped Fillian gather evidence o& Gi8moAs involvement in the assassinationplot. Fillian then too" &irm control o& Bun"town, drove out the last o&Gi8moAs "ind, and then en&orced his own )rand o& &rontier *ustice.

Cy 224+, Bun"town has )ecome a mem)er o& the 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic.urrently, it is part o& the state hady


Population@ 3/L 1PR@2 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ + %E@ 4

Flamath is a town )uilt upon the ruins o& the city o& Flamath !alls inouthern <regon.

It is a small community o& trappers that hunt the giant, mutant li8ards

called gec"os in the area. ?ighly pri8ed &or their pelts, gec"os and goldengec"os are the li&e)lood o& this small community. Flamath is the stoppingpoint &or caravans on their way to the tiny tri)al villages to the north li"e rroyo, and also serves as a place where mem)ers o& those tri)es cancome and e(change in&ormation, goods, and news a)out the larger world.

?ot 6i%% B+n9er 

Population@ +/// 1PR@3 Government@ ouncil o& 5lders

R@ 2 %E@ :L4 7 -L+

Eost ?ills is an old government )un"er in outhern ali&ornia0 thehead9uarters o& the Crotherhood o& teel. Eost ?ills is located northwest o&Bun"town and the ?u), southeast o& the ariposa ilitary Case and southo& >ault +3.

During the Great 'ar, the ariposa il itary Case soldiers were protected&rom the radiation and !5> &looding the wasteland. %wo days later, a scoutin Power rmor 1Platner was sent out to get speci&ic readings on theatmosphere. ?e reported no signi&icant radiation in the area surroundingthe &acility. &ter )urying the scientists in the wastes outside o& ariposa,the soldiers sealed the military )ase, then headed out into the desert,ta"ing supplies and weapon schematics with them. aptain Roger a(sonled his men and &amilies to the government )un"er at Eost ?ills, and thisevent was later called the 5(odus. In 6ovem)er, a(son and his men,and their &amilies, arrive at the Eost ?ills later, su&&ering many casualtiesalong the way, including a(sonAs wi&e 1)ut not his teenage son. %he Eost?ills )un"er )ecame the head9uarters o& the newly &ormed Crotherhood o&teel.


Population@ 3/L 1PR@2 Government@ Dictatorship

R@ 2 %E@ 4

odoc is a small &arming community located west &rom >ault ity. dwindling collection o& survivalists, odoc is )uilt on the edge o& the &ormerodoc 6ational !orest. !or a long time it traded in leather and meat &romCrahmin, )ut as other places were o&&ering the same goods at cheaperrates, and people )egan herding and raising their own Crahmin, odoc has)een on the decline. It is mostly a sleepy mountain community, with acentrally located Ced and Crea"&ast &or the traveler. odoc is )eginning to

change to a trade city, ta"ing its cue as a stopover place &or the >ault itytrade routes, )ut the change may not )e enough to save it.


Population@ 4/// 1PR@3, all Ghouls Government@ Dictatorship

R@ 2 %E@ 4

%he 6ecropolis, a town )uilt upon the charred remains o& Ca"ers&ield, is thegrim a&termath o& >ault +20 it is )est descri)ed )y Fillian Dar"water@ %heclimate ainAt good, rain or shine. %he true purpose o& that vault was to "eepthe doors open regardless o& the conditions, which spelled disaster toanyone attempting to see" relie& &rom the radiated a&termath o& the Great'ar. %he residents o& the 6ecropolis were ghouls, individuals ravaged )ythe e&&ects o& radiation a&ter the Great 'ar. %o most o& post7'ar ali&orniaAsresidents 6ecropolis was a haunted city, at times a myth used to &rightenchildren, a city o& canni)als inha)ited )y )rain7eating ghouls.

<n <cto)er 23, 2/== the )om)s were launched0 who struc" &irst isun"nown... and it is not even "nown i& the )om)s came &rom hina or merica. ir raid sirens sounded, )ut very &ew people went into vaults,thin"ing it was a &alse alarm. <nce it )ecame "nown that the other vaultswere sealed, the people o& Ca"ers&ield attempted to &orce their way into>ault +2 to protect themselves and their &amilies.

In the summer o& 2/3, the city o& 6ecropolis was &ounded )y the ghoulsurvivors o& >ault +2. In spring o& 2/4, et too" control o& 6ecropolis,wresting control &rom the original <verseer. %he >ault +2 <verseer, notwilling to ta"e a dirtnap, was driven north and history lost sight o& him.

In 2+=, the aster learned the location o& the Ca"ers&ield >ault, and sent adetachment o& super mutants there to sei8e the vault. any ghouls aresnapped li"e twigs in the attac", and et &inally parleys with the supermutants, telling them that the ghouls are the >ault survivors the supermutants are loo"ing &or. %he super mutants, angered at &ailing to &ind an

intact >ault, set up a small garrison at the watershed to watch theinha)itants and insure etAs... cooperation in the war to come.

In arch o& 2+:2, the super mutant army attac"ed 6ecropolis, "illing manyo& the townAs inha)itants. ost ghouls, however, managed to escape,leading to the Great igration across the wastes to towns such as Gec"o,Dayglow and Cro"en ?ills. 

%he ghoul population was divided into three groups@

%he sur&ace dwellers were what could )e called the pu)lic &ace o&6ecropolis, as they were )y &ar the most numerous o& the three groups, andcontrolled most o& the cityAs sur&ace. %hey were typically the &irst thingoutsiders encountered in 6ecropolis, and were li"ely the cause o& thea&orementioned rumors surrounding the ity o& the Dead. %heir operationswere )ased out o& the ?all o& the Dead, where their leader et did his)usiness. Paranoid and intolerant o& outsiders and non7ghouls, the sur&acedwellers were o&ten violent, attac"ing strangers on sight and har)oring a

particularly deep hatred o& super mutants. %his was most li"ely due to thesuper mutant garrison newly esta)lished around 6ecropolisA important'atershed. %hough %alius mentions heated resistance to the super mutantpresence in the city )y etAs sur&ace dwellers, )y the time the >ault Dwellerarrives there appears to )e a sort o& stalemate )etween the two groups,though et does not hesitate in employing the outsider to eliminate thesuper mutants garrison. 

%he Glowing <nes were heavily irradiated ghouls who lived in the old >ault+2. hunned )y even their own "ind, they hate other ghouls as much asthey do normal humans.

%he so7called underground ghouls, who were &orced to live in the cityAssewers, though they were )y &ar the most peace&ul o& 6ecropolisA residentsand were much more tolerant o& outsiders than either o& the other groups.


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Ne- Ca%ifornia Rep+,%ic

Population@ 3///L 1PR@3 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ 3 %E@ :L+

%he city o& 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic 1or 6R0 previously "nown as hadyands is the capitol o& a &ederation o& 6orthern ali&ornia towns o& thesame name. It is west o& the Roc"ies, in the middle7eastern portion o&ali&ornia 1almost straight east and inland &rom an !rancisco. %he 6Ris argua)ly the largest "nown power group in the world o& !allout, andmaintains the largest standing army.

%he government o& 6R is much li"e the Pre7'ar United tates, with a?ouse o& ongress sta&&ed )y elected representatives 1ongressmenelected )y their states. %hese representatives decide upon the Presidentand >ice7President to head the council and govern the repu)lic 7 underadvice &rom the representatives, o& course 16R, at the time, has noe(isting term limits 7 %andi was currently serving her tenth year at the)eginning o& !allout 2. %he titles &or these representatives have ranged&rom ouncilor, ounselor, ouncilman, Representative, enator,and in particular, the ?u) 1in its own o)stinate way pre&ers to call theirrepresentatives Governors. 1%here is a lot o& &riction )etween the ?u)and hady &or a variety o& reasons, usually related to trade rights andcaravan routes. In any event, all titles are recogni8ed and acceptedoutside o& the council cham)ers, )ut within the cham)ers, the titles areoccasionally used as insults and spar" &urious de)ates 7 nothing morethan petty displays o& each state trying to e(ert its independence.

6R has outlawed slavery in their territories, have one o& the )est and

largest standing armies in the wastes, and have )ene&ited under theircurrent President, %andi, who has )een with the Repu)lic since she was ayoung girl in hady ands 1see ?istory, )elow. <n the plus side, the 6Rhas outlawed slavery in their territories, has attempted to )ring civili8ationand law )ac" to the wasteland, and they donAt 1openly discriminateagainst ghouls and mutants.

%here is little to no se(ism in 6R 1unli"e most other territories in thewastes, most li"ely due to the communityAs origins in >ault + and)ecause o& %andiAs e(tended presidency. %he repu)lic also has shown littlediscrimination against ghouls and mutants, though many political analystsargue that this is )ecause 6R has had limited contact with them 16Rhad little contact with 6ecropolis or the asterAs rmy.

'hile radesh )elieved in the teachings o& Dharma, %andi always )elievedin the separation o& church and state 7 and resisted any attempts tocanoni8e the >ault Dweller within the city limits 1the statueAs &ine, )ut thatAsit. Coth radesh and %andi &ound polit ics and religion donAt mi(, especiallywhen they got more e(posure to the people o& the ?u) and visits &rom a&ew well7spo"en mem)ers o& the !ollowers o& the pocalypse. In anyevent, the 6R allows any non7psychotic religions within their capitol 1theyare all &or &reedom o& religion, as long as it doesnAt involve human sacri&iceor dipping people in >ats.

%he 6R military is composed o& several Divisions, including specialcavalry and mechani8ed units. <ne o& their pecial !orces units consistso& the 6ew ali&ornia Rangers, a select group that is pledged to protectthe people o& the 'astes much li"e the %e(as Rangers o& old. %heRangers are said to have numerous sa&ehouses throughout the wastes,and they use these to stri"e at slavers outside o& 6R territory 1usually inthe 6orth. s e(pected, the two groups hate each other with a passion.6R was also in the ha)it o& esta)lishing marshals in the ma*or populationcenters in their territories, responsi)le &or en&orcing the laws o& 6Rthroughout the Repu)lic. Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all"nown to serve in the 6R armed &orces, even in the rangers.

 lthough nearly hitting a hundred years o& age, %andi has done more tounite the people o& the wastes than any other leader )orn &rom the asheso& the Great 'ar, and she is revered as a saint and even a Great other)y some o& the tri)als outside o& the Repu)lic territories. %andiAs tate o&the Repu)lic messages were &amous &or inspiring countless people to *ointhe service and re)uild civili8ation. Under her rule, the repu)lic hasgrown, and she has &ocused e&&orts on re)uilding the pre7war in&rastructureto support the growing population, &inding new &orms o& transportation andmanu&acturing, clearing roadways and rail lines, )uilding &orts, &osteringcaravans and trade in the repu)lic 1and with other territories, and dealingwith threats swi&tly and e&&iciently. In all her years, she has never &orgottenher roots in the small village o& !allout +, and she has always strived to putthe wel&are o& the common man a)ove the wheels o& progress.

'hen people tal" a)out good people, %andi is good people.

ommon 6R Eaws include@

• 6o weapons may )e carried openly within the city limits.

• Pu)lic drun"enness and drug use is grounds &or arrest.

• lavery, gam)ling, and prostitution are not permitted within thecity limits.

%hese laws were more rela(ed in the outlying settlements, )ut )ecamemore rigidly en&orced the closer one came to a ma*or 6R populationcenter.

%he 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic was )orn out o& the remnants o& the survivorso& >ault +, a sister vault to >ault +3 that opened earlier and released itsoccupants out onto the wasteland. )andoning their vault 1a&terscavenging most o& what they could &rom the surviving technology andcollapsed lower levels, the &ormer residents o& >ault + &ounded the smallwalled community o& hady ands, a town midway )etween >ault +3 and+. In the period o& !allout +, this community was led )y radesh and hisdaughter, %andi, eventually rose to )ecome president o& the sprawling 6ewali&ornia Repu)lic in !allout 2. 1'ithout the e&&orts o& the >ault Dweller in!+, however, the raiders in the region 7 the Fhans 7 would have claimedhady ands and stamped out the repu)lic )e&ore it even got started. tthe time o& !allout 2, 6RAs main resource are its great )rahmin herds,which provide most o& the wasteland with as much meat and leather asthey re9uire. %he )rahmin )arons and ranchers in 6R 1along with thetoc"menAs ssociation hold a great deal o& sway with the caravans andthe government.

%he 6RAs relationship with their old >ault has undergone some violentupheavals over the years. !rom nests o& monsters, raiders, >ault +worshipers, ghoul scavengers, to more innocent 1and not7so7innocent9uatters and alvage %eams and the Repu)lic arguing over e(cavationrights, it seems to )e di&&icult &or the government or any other inha)itant o&the wasteland to leave the area alone... )ecause, well, itAs a >ault.

%he )rahmin herders hatred o& radscorpions is &amous, and it dates all theway )ac" to the &ounding o& hady ands. Rumors o& herds )eingattac"ed )y tal"ing deathclaws are un&ounded.

5ven though the relationship )etween the 6R and the Crotherhood o&teel was never without some tensions, it got much worse when Beremya(son )ecame the leader o& the Crotherhood. ?e &avored a return topower )y wresting all advanced tech &rom the hands o& lesser people )yany means necessary. ome time a&ter 2242 the war with the 6ewali&ornia Repu)lic was announced.

!or years the war waged on and was considered a victory &or theCrotherhood o& teel. ?owever, no matter how many troops &ell to theCrotherhoodAs superior technology, the 6R always seemed to have morereplacements availa)le. %he Crotherhood, however, was not so &ortunate.Ceing an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon )ecameo)vious that the Crotherhood was doomed to lose the war to the 6RAsgreater num)ers. oral at the )un"er )egan to &alter as the war seemedmore and more hopeless. 5ventually the inevita)le happened. Eowerran"ing mem)ers o& the Crotherhood )egan to desert their posts.

6R has a decent mar"eting and pu)lic relations department, and theyare constantly sending couriers out into the wastes to nail up 6R postersor disseminate 6R propaganda. !amous among these is the&rontiersman %homas oore, who )ravely enough is out in the )reach,currently passing out anti7>ault ity and pro76R propaganda in themiddle o& >ault ity. %al" a)out )rave, huhJ

Ne- Reno

Population@ 4/// 1PR@3 Government@ rime !amilies

R@ + %E@

  large city, 6ew Reno is "nown &or its casinos, such as the har" lu) andthe Desperado. It is home to, among many other things, the Golden Glo)esstudio, the Bungle Gym and the atAs Paw )rothel. %here is also asu)stantial weapons out&it called 6ew Reno rms. %he town is currently run)y &our di&&erent &amilies, the ordinos, the Cishops, the 'rights, and thealvatores, all o& which are willing to ma"e %he hosen <ne a ade anin e(change &or a little help. %he Eas >egas o& the wastes, i& you will.


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Reno was spared the atomic &ire o& the Great 'ar, )ut with the destructiono& the rest o& the United tates, law and order )ro"e down as mo)ster&amilies ascended to power. %o this day, 6ew Reno has no o&&icialgovernment or police &orce. ?owever, aside &rom their internecinecon&licts, the &amilies generally "eep order and ma"e the city sa&e &ortourists &rom the wastes, sending any trou)le ma"ers who disrupt thetourist trade to Golgotha, a )urial site near 6ew Reno. %he tourists areglad to parta"e o& the gam)ling, prostitution, and drugs 1particularly *et,which was developed near 6ew Reno in the ta)les )y )oy7genius yrono&&ered )y the cityAs mo)sters. Bet is distri)uted &rom &amily supporteddealers and independent ones ali"e such as Bagged Bimmy. 6ew Reno,lead )y the ordino &amily, is scheming to ta"e over Redding, primarily )yaddicting ReddingAs miners to *et en masse. 6ew Reno also acts as a

ma*or trading partner in the Cig ircle trading Crahmin, as well as tradingroutes )etween %he Den &or slaves and chemicals &rom >ault itycaravans. Coth these trades are overseen )y the head o& the laversGuild, et8ger.


Population@ //L 1PR@2 Government@ Rep. Democracy

R@ 2 %E@ 4

Redding is a mining town, located south o& >ault ity. %here are two ma*ormining companies in Redding, as well as a saloon, a sheri&& and a doctor.%he mayor o& Redding, scorti, runs an esta)lishment called scortiAs cecasino. Redding mines gold &or shipment to 6ew Reno and the 6ewali&ornia Repu)lic, and the miners are some o& the largest consumers o&RenoAs drugs.

%he town is a collection o& wooden )uildings, and can )e a wild and woolyplace. %here is no real police &orce to spea" o&, and the mining companiesdeal with internal disputes. heri&& e(ists, )ut mainly wor"s as a mediator)etween di&&erent mining companies. Redding has also )een avoiding thein&luence o& the 6R, although there are elements in town that strongly&avor *oining, i& *ust to get rid o& the rampant drug pro)lem.

 lthough Redding may appear unassuming it has great economic clout.Redding is northern ali&orniaAs primary producer and distri)utor o& gold.Ceing the center o& gold mining several larger political &actions havevolleyed &or control o& Redding to gain dominance in the gold trade. %hetwo largest competitors &or Redding are the 6R and 6ew Reno run )ythe ordino &amily. ordino loo"s to &uel and e(ploit the growing *etaddiction o& Redding miners to create a )ro"en town dependent onordinoAs drugs. %he 6R o&&ers law and security in e(change &orReddingAs wealth and sovereignty. Redding is also a stop during Crahmindrives and part o& the Cig ircle. aravans &rom Redding head in alldirections, to 6R, >ault ity, and 6ew Reno.

%he primary political division in Redding e(ists over the growing drugissues and the &uture governance o& Redding. %he two large miningcompanies in Redding primarily dictate policy however they are divided )y)itter hatred toward each otherAs policies. arge EeCarge the owner o& theFo"owee& ine supports merging with the 6R. %he orningstar ine run)y Dangerous Dan cGrew is in &avor o& alliance with 6ew Reno. %hedispute o&ten culminates in tensions and violence occasionally, usuallydown at the alamute aloon. In addition to the political division Reno isstruggling to contain its drug pro)lem and the law en&orcement is ta(edthin particularly a&ter the sheri&& had his leg accosted )y a gec"o. !urtherhavoc is )eing sewn )y a )and o& gangsters led )y !rog orton o& theorton Crothers. ayor scorti is a 9uestiona)le politician as well asapearing to )e primarily a pro&iteer. ?is motives all seem to )e generated)y money as seen )y his gam)ling hall and high rent demanded o&impoverished elderly citi8ens.

$an 0rancico

Population@ :/// 1PR@3, mostly hi Government@ Dictatorship

R@ 2 %E@

an !rancisco is a city in 6orthern ali&ornia. &ter the Great 'ar, itspopulation consists mostly o& the hi, who are the descendants o& thecrew o& a hinese su)marine that crashed there, and o& the mem)ers o& areligious cult "nown as the ?u)ologists.

%he hi have managed to "eep many o& their old traditions and customs,which is more than many merican groups can say. omehow, the citywas spared a good deal o& destruction, although radiation levels were high&or a while. s o& 2242, two clans currently )attle &or control o& an!rancisco, and the style o& martial arts that will reign in the &uture. %he himanage to run an e(tensive weapons trade, o&&ering pieces o& technologyusually only availa)le to groups li"e the Crotherhood o& teel. 'here theymanage to get these items is un"nown.

%here is also a population o& artists, disenchanted people &rom variouscities, and e(7military personnel that have ta"en over an old oil tan"er still&loating in the har)or. %hey will usually trade e(pertise &or goods, althoughthey pre&er to )e le&t alone.

%he third ma*or group, which does not trade, is a religious communitycalled the ?u)ologists. %hey are o)sessed with an old space shuttle they&ound par"ed at the airport, and are attempting to ma"e it &ly again, so theycan *oin their gods in the heavens a)ove.

%he 6ew ali&ornia Repu)lic has little in&luence in an !rancisco, and thehi are 9uite happy to avoid them while the ?u)ologists don’t concernthemselves with such things.

%here are &ew &oreigners in an !ran and newcomers are easily noticed.Due to its location in )etween the ilitary Case, 6avarro and a highlydesolate &lat patch o& ha8ardous land in the wastes it is logical to assume&ew )ut heavily armed caravans traverse these paths. uper utants andremnants o& the asters army, 5nclave Patrols, Press gangs, ?u)ologistsand aliens plague the surrounding area ma"ing it inaccessi)le to wea" orcrudely armed travelers.

an !rancisco is populated )y the hi and governed )y the 5mperor. %he

5mperor and his aids live in a steel palace on the east side o& an !ran.%he palace contains vast and advanced scienti&ic la)s o& various &ields andthe scientists wor"ing there are some o& the )est in the wasteland. %heirmain opposition are the ?u)ologists who have scientists o& their own yethave proven to )e signi&icantly )ehind the technological innovation o& thehi.

%he Crotherhood o& teal has a large outpost stationed in an !rancisco.%he outpost is indiscerni)le &rom other Crotherhood outposts yet containsa more e(tensive )asement stoc"ed with Crotherhood technology andarmaments. %he )rotherhood maintains a low pro&ile and sails )elowanyones radar. %his is a sign o& the )rotherhoods waning in&luence.

/a+%t Cit<

Population@ 4///L 1PR@30 ostly slaves Government@ Dictatorship

R@ 4 %E@ :L+>ault ity was )uilt with the help o& a Garden o& 5den reation Fit )y thevault dwellers who emerged &rom >ault . %he city is )uilt around the vaultand run )y the !irst iti8en. !irst iti8en Eynette runs >ault ity with coldhands and an iron grip. %he main style o& the city is )ureaucratic, slee"and antiseptic, with a lot o& technology, rules, regulations and guards.

%he city is automatically antipathetic to all outsiders, and are pro7laversin policy, although they pre&er the term ervants. %hey claim that itAslegitimate )ecause they give the servants shelter, &ood and protection, )utpeople li"e %homas oore o)*ect to this heavily, and calls it hypocrisysince they &rown at those who openly call it slaves and do slaving 1%heDen, &or instance. %hey wonAt share their technology with the outsideworld, either, )ecause they view everyone else as thieves and )aggartso& the wasteland.

Generally, the only normal way to )ecome a iti8en o& >ault ity is to )e

)orn into it. Personal intervention )y the enior ouncilor 1currentlyclure or the !irst iti8en 1currently Eynette can grant a non7citi8enciti8enship 1though this is never done lightly. In addition, non7citi8ens canta"e a citi8enship test 1administered )y the Proconsul, currently Gregory,which is intentionally designed to )e so di&&icult as to )e virtuallyimpossi)le 1&or someone o& e(traordinary intelligence, perception, andluc", it might )e done, )ut the overwhelming ma*ority o& >ault ity iti8enswould &ail it i& they were re9uired to ta"e it.

!ull iti8ens have access to all o& >ault ity, including the original >ault itsel&, although &ew people still use it much, e(cept &or its medical )ay, andit is mostly used &or storage 1including a huge num)er o& 'ater hips,which were accidentally shipped to >ault instead o& >ault +3, while >aultAs second G5F was shipped to >ault +3 instead o& >ault .


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'hile iti8ens o& >ault ity have a high material standard o& livingcompared to most other places in the 'astes, they pay a price &or it in the&orm o& a crushing sense o& con&ormity and regulation in their lives. any77 perhaps most 77 >ault ity iti8ens never see >ault ityAs e(ternalcourtyard 1more on that )elow, let alone another city. Possi)ly )ecause o&chromosomal damage, they are una)le to conceive children naturally andmust use arti&icial insemination techni9ues in cycles which produceuni&ormly aged generations o& children. %hey are &or)idden the use o&drugs such as )u&&out, *et, psycho, mentats, and natural alcohol, thougharti&icial alcohol is still used in )ars.

Day passes are issued to non7citi8ens a)le to provide a )ona & ide reason&or entering >ault ity, such as )eing slave, uranium, gold, or gec"o pelt

traders 1though generally they are charged a he&ty &ee, diplomats, orsome other, e(ceptional reason, such as )eing a non7citi8en agent o& >aultity. Day passes allow a non7citi8en access to >ault ity proper duringdaylight hours, )ut not the original >ault itsel&. 'hile the customs o&&ice isnominally strict in its rules regarding the issuance o& day passes, there aresome corrupt elements willing to sell &alse citi8enship papers.

5(cept slaves, non7citi8ens without a day pass are not permitted access to>ault ity proper, )ut they are permitted access to the courtyard, a &enced7o&& area outside o& the real >ault ity. %he courtyard is "ept peace&ul andprotected &rom the raiders o& the wastes )y >ault ity, )ut its deni8ens aresu)*ected to harsh rules and regulations and ta(ed heavily. Deni8ens o&the courtyard &eel s9uee8ed )etween the desolate horror o& the wastesoutside and the su&&ocating repression o& >ault ity@ they hold )oth newarrivals &rom the wasteland and the iti8ens o& >ault ity in contempt.

>ault was designed as the control group &or the vault e(periments.<pening ten years a&ter the war it is in pristine condition. 5very element o&

the vault is intact &rom the overseers chair to the original computer. It is o&&o& the >aults geothermal and nuclear energy production that >ault ityAspower is supplied, though it has 9uic"ly reached ma(imum capacity. %hemedical technology is the )est in northern ali&ornia. nnual inoculationsare administered as well as advanced gra&ting technology and othermethods stored in the data)ase. It is &rom the vault that >ault ity canproduce and distri)ute medicine and chemicals &or trade. %he ma*ority o&the vault is now unoccupied and used &or storage.


Maripoa Mi%itar< Bae

ariposa ilitary Case was a top7secret United tates military &acility )uiltto house !orced 5volutionary >irus research previously conducted at 'est%e", located somewhere in the area o& the ariposa unincorporatedcommunity in ali&ornia. %he name ariposa means )utter&ly+Q in

panish.%he construction o& ariposa started in <cto)er 2/=: when large progresswas made in !5> research, and the government pre&erred to move thepro*ect to a location under military supervision. <n Banuary =, 2/==, a*orCarnett ordered trans&er o& all !5> research to the newly7constructedariposa Case, despite o)*ections )y the research team. long with thescientists, a military team commanded )y colonel Ro)ert pindel, whichpreviously monitored the e(periments at 'est %e" was sent to ariposa.pindelAs second7in7command was captain Roger a(son. %he !5>pro*ect was moved to ariposa and tested on human su)*ects. %he vatswere giant tan"s &illed with li9uid !5>. s part o& the research pro*ect,human su)*ects were dipped inside them and then e(amined to learn howto control and harness the process. %he e(periments on humans were"ept secret even &rom pindel and his soldiers.

%he >ats were later &ound )y a )unch o& e(plorers see"ing to &ind thesource o& mutated animals which seemed to originate &rom the area. Dr.

Richard Grey, was one o& the e(plorers, and a&ter &alling into the >ats,)ecame the aster. Richard grew to )e a power&ul mutant, he was vastlyintelligent, and not dum) li"e many other mutants 1indeed, the !5> wassupposed to ma"e su)*ects more intelligent, )ut &ailed to do so on variousoccasions. ?e soon learned he could assimilate other minds into his own,and started preying on di&&erent creatures. ?e soon devised the idea o& theUnity. ?e "new he was per&ect and wanted to uni&y the entire wasteland soeveryone could )as" in his glory.

?e "new, o& course, there would )e resistance, and so used the >ats tocreate the mutant army. %he ilitary )ase )ecame the main )ase o& themutant army, and the super mutants were dipped and created there.

In 2+:2, a man "nown as the >ault Dweller managed to destroy the >ats,and the ariposa )ase collapsed.

In 223:, the 5nclave discovered the remnants o& the ariposa Case.oon, assault s9uads com)ed the desert &or slaves they could use to minethe military )ase and get to the >ats. <ne o& the s9uads included soldier!ran" ?orrigan. 5nclave construction crews, as well as human and supermutant slaves )egan e(cavations. In eptem)er they uncovered !5>, andmutations )egan to occur in the human wor"ers. !ran" ?orrigan comesinto contact with the virus and is sent to the 5nclave la)s &or study.

In 223=, having o)tained the !5> data, the 5nclave a)andoned the sitea&ter more mutations occurred, causing 2nd Generation super mutants toarise 7 the 5nclave le&t a single s9uad )ehind to wipe out the super

mutants, )ut the mutants, using armaments they have cached in the )aseduring e(cavation, reduced the s9uad to ashes a&ter su&&ering heavycasualties. %he remaining +st and 2nd Generation super mutant slavesdecided to remain in the Case, and the group &orms a new communityunder the leadership o& elchior, whose magician talents had allowedthem to hide the weapons.


6avarro re&ers to the area where a Poseidon <il re&inery and an 5nclavemilitary )ase are located, located north o& an !rancisco along thecoastline. company )rand gas station is also present here, )ut itAs &uelreserves have )een empty &or a long time.

Ce&ore the 'ar, 6avarro served as a Poseidon <il re&inery &or the <il Rig,where the 5nclave head9uarters are located. d*acent to the oilinstallations, a government7&unded military )ase was constructed, togetherwith a satellite uplin" station and maintenance and repair &acilities.

Oears a&ter the Great 'ar, the )ase was commandeered )y the 5nclave,who converted it into their primary mainland outpost, esta)lishing are&ueling station &or the >erti)irds. Due to the relatively short range o& the>erti)ird, as well as &re9uent mal&unctions, especially in post7'arconditions, >erti)ird chematics were almost always present on site &ornecessary repairs and maintenance, )ut were prone to )e lost 1&orinstance, in 2242, &our were ordered, )ut )y the time the hosen <nearrived, three were already lost.

%he 6avarro military )ase is divided into two segments 7 the sur&ace andunderground areas. %he sur&ace houses the >erti)ird landing pad, as wellas a >erti)ird hangar, maintenance wor"shop, air tra&&ic control station, the)arrac"s and drill sergeantAs 9uarters, with the ad*acent "ennels.

%he underground areas o& the )ase contain the )aseAs armory, main&rame

commanderAs o&&ice and the soundproo&ed science la), operated )y Dr.chroe)er, participating in the Deathclaw intelligence enhancementpro*ect.

In 2242 the recent construction and retro&itting o& 6avarro meant the )asehad yet to meet its &ull sta&&ing re9uirements.

%o hide the 5nclaves operations at 6avarro they have utili8ed the oldservice station as cover. n 5nclave agent re&erring to himsel& as oldhris "eeps watch outside the gates and claims to )e the proprietor o& thegas station turning any wanderers away as well as guarding an entranceto the underground section o& the )ase via manhole.

hould someone attempt to circumnavigate hris and snea" through thewoods they are con&ronted with heavily )oo)y trapped e(panses o& land,though the roc"y path leading to the )ase is clear. !or those who areinterested in enlisting as 5nclave recruits,a speci&ic password would )e

re9uired )y the entrance guard. %he )ase itsel& is crawling with enclavetroopers clad in advanced power armors and armed with plasma ri&les andto &urther enhance security, the 5nclave constructed several plasma andmini gun turret emplacements. %he scientists in 6avarro are also issuedEaser Pistols &or sel&7de&ense purposes.

$ierra Ar!< Depot

>isitor 'elcome ign, ierra rmy Depot, ali&ornia 1circa 2242%heierra rmy Depot is located northwest o& 6ew Reno, appro(imately twoto three daysA hi"e &rom the city. Its e(istence is largely &orgotten )y theresidents o& the wastes, and may have remained lost were it not &or itsaccidental discovery )y a group o& e(plorers who then reported its locationto &amily 'right in 6ew Reno in 224+.


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'rightAs *o) to open and loot ierra rmy Depot is a dangerous proposition.%he perimeter is guarded )y a num)er o& de&ensive turrets, each armedwith a pair o& miniguns. anaging to &ight or snea" past these turrets )ringsone to another pro)lem@ the )last door. &ter )eing sealed &or +:4 years,the doors will never open again 7 at least not as intended. %he only way toopen the doors is to )low them apart. ommandeering a howit8er loc"ed ina topside storage shed, not to mention &inding ammunition &or it, is the onlyway to open the )ase.

Inside, ierra rmy DepotAs security is still wor"ing, despite the nearly twocenturies that have passed. %he interior o& the )ase crawls with &loatingeye)ots and sentry ro)ots, and none are pleasantly7disposed to intruders.!inding a way to )ypass or deactivate these ro)ots should )e an intruderAs&irst priority.

%ransportation )etween ierraAs &our levels is accomplished via elevator,)ut these elevators are security7loc"ed )y a retinal scanner.

I& someone is a)le to penetrate ierra rmy DepotAs perimeter andcircumvent its su)stantial security setup, a cornucopia o& destrucivedevices waits &or the ta"ing. !irearms o& almost all descriptions are storedin DAs vaults, along with mountains o& ammunition. edical supplies andother goods are also "ept in storage loc"ers and sa&es.

Bae ?a<o+tierra rmy Depot is )ro"en up into &our levels, plus its e(terior.

The (=terior %he outside o& ierra rmy Depot is guarded )y a dou)le7layer chain lin"&ence. Cetween &ence lines lie several automated gun turrets. %wo topsidestorage shac"s hold e9uipment le&t over &rom DAs evacuation. %he shac"to the southwest holds e(plsove ordnance, while the small garage to the

east houses a usea)le howit8er. long the DepotAs east wall is atrans&ormer &arm which supplies power to the DepotAs security systems.

?e)e% 18 Peronne%%he &irst level o& the )ase, at ground level, houses personnel &acilities.5ntry7point security controls the single entry into the )ase, while the rest o&the level holds )arrac"s, a gym, and the in&irmary.

?e)e% #8 $torage%he primary storage warehouse o& ierra rmy Depot, Eevel 2 is hal&7&illedwith )o(es. %his level contains the )ul" o& the DepotAs stores, as well as the9uartermasterAs o&&ices. Eevel 2 is also home to the armory, a high7securityvault protected )y &orce &ields, shoc"7plate &loors, and a small army o&security ro)ots.

?e)e% '8 Ro,otic<ne o& two ma(imum7security levels, Eevel 3 is home to the ro)oticsdivision, as well as the )ase I, "ynet. n e(perimental ro)otics la) is onthis level, and it still holds a hal&7completed ro)o)rain. Eevel 3 also holdsthe )ase <As 9uarters.

?e)e% 48 Bio $torage and Reearch%he deepest level o& ierra rmy Depot, and also the one under the highestsecurity restrictions, holds the )iological research &acilities and theirassociated storage systems. Eittle more than a series o& prison cellsad*acent to a surgical suite and a cryogenics storage &acility, Cio torageholds ierra rmy DepotAs most sinister secrets.

7et Te9 Reearch 0aci%it<

'est %e" Research !acility was a high7tech weapons7research &acility.'est %e" created a num)er o& use&ul things &or the merican military. Easerand plasma weapons were )eing e(perimented with here. Power rmor,massive sel&7contained suits that turned a single soldier into a wal"ing tan",was developed here. nd most importantly, vitally important research intoimmunity drugs was )eing conducted at 'est %e". %he !orced 5volutionary

>irus was originally developed there.During the war, the &acility was hit )y a nuclear warhead and, )ecause o& itshigh radiation, it came to )e "nown as The G%o- 

In 2/, 'est %e" Research !acility started wor"ing on a new virus to "illthe 6ew Plague. %he MN +.2 computer was )rought in to regulateconditions in 'est %e". It calmly calculated data and played chess with thescientists. any scientists claimed that MN is a )ig olA cheater and drawsthe game out too much &or a computer o& his considera)le a)ilities.

 s hina )ecame increasingly aggressive with their use o& )iologicalweapons, the United tates government &elt that a countermeasure wasneeded. %he Pan7Immunity >irion Pro*ect was o&&icially &ormed oneptem)er +, 2/=3 and plans were made to )egin e(periments at 'est%e".

 &ter a series o& e(periments, the pan7immunity virion was renamed !5> 7the !orced 5volutionary >irus in arch 2/=, as increased si8e, muscledensity, and intelligence are noted among test animals.

<n Banuary 3, 2/=: a military team under the command o& olonel Ro)ertpindel was sent to the 'est %e" research &acility to monitor thee(periments in the interest o& national security. aptain Roger a(son,&uture &ounder o& the Crotherhood o& teel, was among the team personnel.

In <cto)er 2/=: large progress was made in !5> research, and thegovernment pre&erred to move the pro*ect to a location under militarysupervision. <n Banuary =, 2/==, a*or Carnett ordered trans&er o& all !5>research to the newly7constructed ariposa Case, despite o)*ections )ythe research team. long with the scientists, pindelAs military team was

sent to ariposa.During the war, a nu"e directly hit the &acility, shattering the !5>containment tan"s and releasing the radiated virus into the atmosphere.utated )y radiation, it loses its mutagenic a)ilities, )ut it later complicatesthings &or the aster. Due to its high radiation, the place came to )e "nownas the Glow, surrounded )y legends among the people o& outhernali&ornia.

In 2+34, a &action within the Crotherhood o& teel led )y ergeant Dennis llen gained strength, and they urged the 5lders to let them e(plore thesoutheast ruins o& 'est %e", called the Glow a&ter )eing hit )y a nuclear)om), &or arti&acts. %he 5lders re&used, so llen and his divisionist groupsplit away &rom the Crotherhood o& teel, ta"ing some technology andweapons with them. <ther mem)ers o& the team included oto, Bensen andamarillo. Un&ortunately &or them, they were "illed )y security ro)ots andradiation.

%he Crotherhood o& teel used to send people who wanted to enlist into theCrotherhood 1)ut they donAt want there on a 9uest, *ust to laugh a)out itlater when they ended up dead )ecause o& the high amount o& radiation inthe area. It was 9uite a surprise to them when one "nown as the >aultDweller actually &ul&illed the 9uest, )ringing with him a holodis" thatrecorded llenAs ill7&ated e(pedition, and got initiated into the Crotherhood.

ome time a&ter 2+:2, some ghoul survivors &rom 6ecropolis settled northand west o& the Glow, and &ounded the town o& Dayglow, whose inha)itants&ormed partnerships with scavenging companies &rom 6ew dytum and the?u) and have )uilt 9uite a pro&ita)le corporation &rom their salvage e&&orts.

De%i6# yo&$ o1# %e!!leme#!=

$tep 18 Deter!ining Pop+%ation Rating PR:

PR Pop+%ation Decription

/ +7- !arm

+ +/7-- >illage

2 +//7--- %own

3 +///7---- Earge %own

4 +/,///7--,--- ity

?arsh environmental conditions 1desert climate, radiation etc. com)inedwith lac" o& resources means that the )iggest "nown population centersare PR 4 at most 7 these )igger settlements always have some specialresource e(plaining their a)ility to provide &or so many people ; %he ?u)has itAs water production, an !rancisco has higher technology, 6ew Renohas itAs entertainment industry which attracts lots o& tourists...

ost settlements out there in the wastes are usually PR 2 or less.

!or determining the PR o& a post7nuclear settlement randomly, roll 3D:and use the &ollowing ta)le@

'D& Ro%% PR

37 /

-7++ +

+27+4 2

+7+: 3

+=L 4


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$tep #8 $ett%e!ent Go)erning A+thorit<:

Roll 2D7= and add the settlements PR to the result, then consult the ta)le@

#D>2 Go)erning $tr+ct+re

/ 6one 1narchy, R /

+ thenian Democracy

2 Dictatorship

3 Ruled )y Guilds

47 Ruling !amily or !amilies

:7- Representative Democracy

 5(ception@ !or a PR / settlement, ignore this step entirely.

$tep '8 Contro% Rating:

ost settlements have &airly simple set o& rules, and their law en&orcementdepends on the local people i& o&&icial guards or police do not e(ist. <nly invery &ew places is R 3 or more en&orced, Rs )etween / and 2 )eing themore common levels o& legal control.

Roll 2D7= and use the &ollowing ta)le to determine R0

#D>2 CR

/ / 1e&&ective anarchy, no ta(es, might ma"es right+72 + 1very &ree, voluntary ta(es, any laws )ene&it the individuals

3 2 1&ree, light ta(es, most laws )ene&it the individuals

4 3 1moderate

Roll D:0 + to 3 S R 4, 4 or S R , : S R :

$tep 48 $er)ice and Infratr+ct+re:

6ote@ !or a PR / settlement, ignore this step. <nly services li"ely to )eavaila)le is strictly agricultural stu&&, and )artering &or the odd importedrandom item at a high price..

Tuality and scope o& the services always depends on the si8e o& thesettlement in 9uestion 7 s a rule o& thum), larger settlements always tend

to have )etter 9uality o& services. s an optional rule, the G can use themargin o& success &or the presence roll o& a service as a guide &or itAs9uality@ 'eapons tore which only succeeded )arely 1margin o& / mightonly carry simpler or cheaper products under the +// )ottlecap pricerange, while another 'eapons tore made itAs roll )y the highest possi)leamount 1margin o& 4 sells almost everything a customer might demand,including 9uite a &ew pre7war items li"e lasers or heavy weapons. It would)e possi)le to write these services up as 'eapons toreNQA where N isthe margin o& success.

Roll +D: once &or each category, to see i& the settlement has the &ollowingservices0

General tore is present on a +D: roll o& PRL2. It sells mostly )asichardware, )ut other items can also )e randomly availa)le, especially i&there are no competing specialist )usinesses near)y.

'eapons tore is present on a +D: roll o& PRL+.

>ehicle Garage is present on a +D: roll o& PR.

Guardhouse is present on a +D: roll o& PRL2. I& R is /, this is aercenary or riminal <rgani8ation instead 1roll D2 as to which.

?otel is present on a +D: roll o& PR. I& no hotel is present, then a muchless modest place to stay overnight can )e &ound, li"e an inn or a guestroom &or rent.

?ospital is present on a +D: roll o& PR72. I& the roll is missed )y *ust one,there is a DoctorAs linic, and i& it is missed )y two, there is a less s"illedmedic availa)le.

Power Grid with some "ind o& a power plant is present on a +D: roll o&PRL+. 'ithout electric power, there will )e no street lights at night, andeach inha)itant will need a personal power source i& they are going to useany electric e9uipment.

'ater Grid is present on a +D: roll o& PR. <& course, the actual 9uality o&tap water depends on the local water resources availa)le...

ewage ystem is present on a roll o& PRL2. 'ithout any "ind o& wastedisposal system, chances o& in&ectious diseases spreading are highlyelevated.

Clac" ar"et is present on a roll o& PRL+, i& R is 2 or a)ove.

pecial Resource o& some "ind is present on a roll o& PR72. I& the roll issuccess&ul, roll again &or another pecial Resource with a cumulative 7+penalty. %hese "inds o& resources pro)a)ly ensure a steady populationgrowth o& the community in the &uture. ?owever, note that ettlements withPR 4 always have at least one pecial Resource at their disposal to )eginwith@

Ro%% 'D& $pecia% Reo+rce

3 utomated !actory.

4 ?igh %echnology 1%E.

6uclear Powerplant.

: Earge cale 'ater Pumping and torage.

= cience Ea). ine.

- >ault 1the settlement is )uilt into or around a >ault.

+/ %ourist ttractions or RaiderHlaver <rgani8ation.

++ !uel Production Plant 1ethanol till or oil pumpHre&inery.

+2 Pre7war ilitary ?ardware ache.

+3 Ro)ots and ro)ot maintenance in&rastructure.

+4 ir&ield and civil ian aircra&t.

+ 'eapons o& ass Destruction 1nuclear, )iological orchemical.

+: Psionics Ea) 1can )e used to ma"e mutant psy"ers &rom

human su)*ects or uper utant Procreation ystem 1!5>vat.

+= Earge <ceangoing >essel 1oil tan"er, su)marine or carrier I&the settlement is inland, ilitary ir&ield om)at ircra&tinstead.

+ <il Rig 1actually &unctional or not, itAs a resource I& thesettlement is inland, Earge ilitary Case instead.


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2"p!e$ /: E#i$o#me#!l H<$d%

 s i& it were not enough that the wasteland is crawling with hostile mutatedorganisms and merciless human scum, the environment itsel& also posesseveral ha8ards &or travelers not well enough versed in survival s"ills.

 &ter the nuclear e(change, there was a nuclear winter lasting &or a &ewyears, causing a "ind o& man7made mini ice age over most o& the civili8edworld. ?owever, a&ter the nuclear winter, the climate shi&ted permanentlythe other way 7 any areas on the planet, li"e most o& the 6orth mericancontinent, )ecame vast desert wastelands, hot during the days and coolduring the nights. ilder climate 8ones got pushed &urther away towardsthe polar regions, and this all occurred in the space o& less than a decade..

urviving a typical day in the north merican wasteland environment@


ee GURP Casic et page 434 &or the ?eat rules.

  &airly normal pea" desert temperature is L+// !ahrenheit 1L3 deg , itis 9uite a )it more com&orta)le during the early morning and night hoursthough. s descri)ed on Casic et 3e page 434, roll against ?% 1or Deserturvival s"ill to avoid losing &atigue due to desert heat.

  li"ely ?% roll scheme &or a desert day@

• Bet-een .*.. and 11'. ho+r: Roll versus ?% &ive times

• Bet-een 11'. and 14'. ho+r: Roll versus ?%7+ si( times

• Bet-een 14'. and 1&'. ho+r: Roll versus ?%72 &our times

• Bet-een 1&'. and 1*.. ho+r: Roll versus ?%7+ &ive times

• Bet-een 1*.. and #... ho+r: Roll versus ?% two times

V !or every level o& the %emperature %olerance advantage, add L+ )onus&or these rolls 1L2 )onus i& the tolerance is only versus heat, L/ )onus i&the tolerance is only versus cold.

V !or a more un&avora)le situation, li"e wal"ing outside in an ur)anHruinedenvironment 1lots o& concrete and asphalt in the surroundings increasesthe temperature, apply a 7+ modi&ier to the rolls.

V !or com&orta)ly resting in a good shade, add a L2 )onus and roll only &orthe hottest hours )etween +43/ and +:3/.

V vehicle with &unctioning air conditioning, li"e the hryslus otors?ighwayman, can maintain a per&ectly com&orta)le temperature inside.%hereAs no need &or e(tra water supplies, or ?eat ?% rolls as long as the  unit wor"s.

V &ast vehicle with e(posed seats 1li"e a motorcycle or an open top canprovide enough air current &or cooling the rider. %his means that there is noneed to ma"e the ?%L/ rolls at all, and the other ?% rolls are made with aL2 )onus. 1Using this "ind o& a vehicle would give a penalty o& 72 on any?% rolls versus &ree8ing, unless going very slow...

V hoosing a travel route which stays close to a large )ody o& water li"e anocean, la"e or a large river evens out the temperature 9uite a )it, giving aL+ ?% )onus against heat o& the day, and this can also reduce thechances o& getting lost on the way due to in&erior orienteering s"ills or poor9uality maps, at the potential cost o& increased overall travel distance.

V <ther modi&iers &or more &avora)leHun&avora)le weather, winds and theli"e are o& course up to G discretion.

5ach &ailed roll causes + point o& &atigue, until !P is down to 3, a&ter whicheach &ailed roll will cause + ?P o& actual damage. %his heat damage can)e reduced )y increased water consumption 7 ?al& 9uart o& additionalwater used will reduce heat )ased &atigue losses )y + !P 1no e&&ect onactual ?P damage. %his can mean that ine(perienced desert travelers willneed a caravan trailer to carry enough water &or a lengthy *ourney.1lternatively, it might )e possi)le to &ind a com&orta)ly cool resting place,where it is possi)le to recover lost !P at the normal resting rate.

<ptional@ It is possi)le to simpli&y all o& the daily heat related rolls into *ustone roll, this can speed up gameplay a lot. Roll vs. ?%72 and in case o&&ailure multiply the margin o& &ailure )y itsel& to get the amount o& &atigueta"en, ma(imum heat damage )eing 22 points 1lternatively, player maychoose to roll every single roll a&ter one &ailed roll &or that day.

un)urn can )ecome a serious pro)lem, i& the traveler has s"in e(posed todirect sunlight &or hours 7 It is especially important to wear a wide )rimmedhat with a closed crown 1or *ust wrap a rag around the head, and a goodloose clothing coverage can )e a lot )etter protection &rom the sun thansun)loc".. n insu&&iciently clothed aucasian ta"es D73 ?P o& damagea&ter )eing out in the sun &or most o& a desert day. %oughness protectsagainst sun)urn damage at &ull value. People with more pigmentation1dar"er s"in can )e practically immune to sun)urn, )ut an al)ino might diein a day or two &rom sunlight e(posure, so thic" clothing with total coverageis highly recommenda)le in that case.


<n a normal night, it does not get colder than / !ahrenheit 1+/ deg inthe north merican wasteland. ssuming dry environment, sensi)le clothingand &airly limited amounts o& wind chill, this does not warrant any ?% rollsdue to coldness.

ost people without vehicles travel during the com&orta)le early morningand night hours 7 that is, somewhere )etween 2/// and /-// hours.%ravelers with vehicles o&ten choose to travel during the day, simply)ecause o& the )etter visi)ility 7 they can see where they are going, andthus can more readily avoid many potential ha8ards o& driving o&&7road.


Rain&all amounts have decreased nota)ly a&ter the climate change, 1even inthe )est places it usually rains only 2//mm or so per year, e(ception )eingcoasts and edges o& ma*or mountain ranges )ut there is an occasionalthunderstorm, especially near the coastlines. andstorms are a &airlycommon occurrence inland, especially during the driest seasons. 'earingeye protection and )reathing through a respirator 1&ailing that, )reathingthrough a cloth is )etter than nothing will usually )ring the traveler througha sandstorm unharmed.

$tar)ation and Thirt

%hese two are the num)er one "iller in the post7nuclear world. 'ithoutthese two )asic resources people tend to die in a matter o& days, )ut manywould rather &ight and "ill others and ta"e their &ood supplies instead o&dying 7 %his is one o& the main reasons )ehind the &ormation o& manywasteland raider gangs, &or them it is simply a way to stay alive. ome o&the most desperate savages even resort to canni)alism, a practice widelycondemned )y human societies.

 n average adult human )eing needs three meals worth o& &ood daily 1+.E)s o& &ood per day and at least 2 9uarts o& water. ee the rules &orAtarvation and DehydrationA on Casic et page 42:.


ee GURP Casic et page 43743: &or Radiation 5(posure rules.

It has )een years since the glo)al thermonuclear war, this means thatradiation levels have &or the most part normali8ed. <nly very locali8edpoc"ets o& lethal radiation remain, li"e nuclear waste dumping sites, ruinednuclear powerplants and the craters le&t )y sur&ace impacts o& nu"es. <&these, the nuclear waste dumping sites are usually the most highlyradioactive places 1&re(, plutonium has a hal& li&e in e(cess o& 2/ ///years, years does *ust a)out nothing to radiation levels o& stu&& li"e this.

%ypical radiation levels right outside the primary crater o& a great war

nuclear detonation 1li"e in the le&tover ruins o& a pre7war city are mostlyaround /.//+ or less rads per hour. ?ardHsmooth wind7swept sur&aces li"easphalt or )uilding roo&sHe(posed &loors are always the least radioactive,while soil and vegetation can still retain more radioactive particles and arethus more radioactive.

'hereas a particularly nasty nuclear waste dump with numerous )ro"en)arrels can give up to around +/// radsHhour to any)ody &oolish enough toactually wade through the )rightly glowing oo8e wearing only ru))er )oots&or protection. AGlowing <neA ghouls sometimes li"e to ta"e hot )aths inplaces li"e this, though...

ome highly radioactive creatures, li"e Glowing <nes or himeras in&lictradiation damage in close com)at. Rads in&licted this way usually e9ual theordinary unarmed damage rolled &or the attac".


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'hile most )ioweapons 1li"e nthra( last only / years, superviruses li"e!5> can stay potent &or very long times. lso, some interspecies viruses1li"e the )u)onic plague or )ird in&luen8a may & ind a plenti&ul carrierspecies, li"e mutated rats, and survive inde&initely.. Getting )itten )y a ratis never a good idea 7 ost dangerous )ioha8ards are usually spread )ymutated animal plague carriers.

5(posure to small concentrations o& !5> virus is not too harm&ul, as )ynow practically all li&e&orms have developed a certain level o& resistance toit. Ceing immersed in the stu&& still does change people into supermutants,and com)ined e(posure to )oth evaporated raw !5> and radiation results

in ghouls.

 lso, serious wounds have a tendency to get in&ected, since disin&ectantsor anti)iotics are not always readily availa)le 1although the dry desertenvironment is a lot sa&er in this regard than a *ungle would )e. %his isone o& the main reasons why warriors o& the wasteland pre&er armors withgood overall coverage instead o& ma(imal protection o& vital areas only. Inpractice, all hit locations are vital in most post7nuclear com)at situations, *ust one hit getting through with a simple &estering spear can spell thedoom o& a &ighter without decent lim) armor..

Che!ica% 6aard

any "inds o& to(ins )esides *ust radioactivity were introduced into theenvironment during the great war. 6o)ody )othered to clean up thepollution a&terwards. ome o& the dangerous chemicals were )ro"en downto harmless compounds in the years a&ter the war, )ut others were not.

6ot all military )ases were nu"ed. ome storage &acilities were le&t intact, *ust waiting &or the &oolish looters who could not tell the di&&erence )etweena persistent nerve gas mortar round and a normal one.. It is a good idea towear a respirator with 6C &ilters when moving around a ghost town ora)andoned ruins o& a military )ase. lso, i& purity o& water source is in anydou)t, wise and o&ten long7lived people pre&er to ta"e the time to &ilter and)oil it )e&ore consumption.


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P$! (: 2"$c!e$ c$e!io#


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2"p!e$ *: 2"$c!e$ 2$e!io#

G&ideli#e% 0o$ !"e GURPS Fllo&!


Point /a%+e

6ew characters should )e )uilt on +// points with a ma(imum o& 7:/points in disadvantages and 7 points in 9uir"s. Playa)le Races include?umans, Ghouls, uper utants, Ro)ots Psy"ers. !or optional Racial%raits, see the Race sections.


%he upper attri)ute limit &or normal humans is +:, )ut may )e purchased

up to 2/ with G permission. ttri)ute levels o& -7+2 are to )e considerednormal, +3 is good and +4L is )oth impressive and immediately o)vious.

Techno%og< ?e)e% ee GURP$ 4ed p"1# for T? ,< fie%d

!or most o& the places in the 'astes, %E is supposed to )e as in the&ollowing ta)le. <ne should nevertheless consider that these are average%Es, and that they may vary in some speci&ic places or due to speci&icindividuals.

%he average %E o& the world is . 1It is G’s choice to increase or lowerthis value, depending on when and where the campaign ta"es place.

%his %E may also indicate what "ind o& stu&& could commonly )e &ound atthese places.

T? Tri,a% $!a%%To-n

To-n /a+%t BO$(nc%a)e

%ransportation 374 47 7: =

'eapons 3 47 7: =7 -L+

Power  3 47 7: 7- 7-L+

edicine 3 47 7: - -L+

omputers :L+ :L27:L3 :L4

Di)ergent T? in the -ate:

7eapon: Claster weapons appeared at %E -L+. rmor suits 1Callistic and%actical suit are availa)le at %E.

(nerg<cience: t %E -L+, almost no nanotechnology is "nown, andthere is neither antimatter power nor antimatter weapons. Porta)le &usion

power is "nown at %E -L+.

Medicine: ellular re*uvenation is "nown at %E- )ut only &or radiationhealing.

Co!p+ter: In the 'astes, computers can )e power&ul and even )ecomesentient 1rti&icial Intelligence or something li"e that, )ut they are usually)ul"y and very little user7&riendly designed.

T? and Price of $tarting (;+ip!ent:

ince prices are already designed &or the average %E o& the campaign,do not increase the price o& starting e9uipment with an higher %E than theaverage %E o& the campaign.

Ad)antage and Diad)antage:

%he standard starting wealth &or the campaign is W+,///. 5(tra starting

&unds may )e purchased at a rate o& L+ pts per W//.

5(otic and upernatural dvantages may not )e purchased as a rule0 &eel&ree to as" your G a)out advantages that are important to the characterconcept.

0a%%o+t $P(CIA? to GURP$ Character Con)erion Note

• !orget a)out !allout e(perience levels. GURP does not havee(perience levels, as it is entirely points7)ased system. Insteado& Aleveling upA GURP characters gain additional charactercreation points as e(perience rewards 7 %hese can )e used to&urther improve and develop the character in a wide variety o&ways.

• Use the appropriate A%raitsA section to represent the !alloutcharacters %raits in GURP. I& the desired trait is not listed,instead use GURP advantages to get the desired e&&ect. %raitsgo into the Advantages H DisadvantagesA section o& the GURPcharacter sheet.

Con)erting Attri,+te

GURP %, IT, DN and ?% are e9uivalent to appropriate !allout attri)utesmultiplied )y 2, e(cept &or the &ollowing e(ceptions@

• harisma@ 5ach level over e9uals L character points inGURP advantages which result in reaction )onuses, such as

harisma, ppearance, >oice or !ashion ense. 5ach levelunder e9uals 7 character points in reaction penalty disads.

• !allout Euc" attri)ute S GURP dvantageHDisadvantage0

1 to '  S Unluc"iness 7+/Q4 to " A)erage  S 6o dvantageHDisadvantage&  S Euc" +Q2  S Euc" +Q and erendipity + +Q5  S Euc" 3/Q and erendipity + +Q*  S Euc" 3/Q and erendipity 2 3/Q1.  S Euc" 3/Q, erendipity 2 3/Q, Daredevil +Q

1Note: !or an action oriented character, it is possi)le to replace + pointsworth o& other Euc" related advantages with the ADaredevilA advantage i& sodesired.

• !allout s"ills do not directly translate into GURP terms. Insteado& any rules set in stone, you might want to use the A"ill%emplatesA section )elow as an aid &or representing the !alloutcharacters s"ills in GURP.

$9i%% Te!p%ate for GURP$ 0a%%o+t

1 )it li"e the A%agA s"ill choices o& .P.5..I..E. , these templates o&&er awidespread pro&iciency within their area o& e(pertise. !eel &ree to modi&ythem in any way to )etter suit the character in 9uestion.

• Unar!ed Co!,at EF1. point

Farate 1DNH? at DN7+ 2Q0 Crawling 1DNH5 at DNL+ 2Q0Budo1DNH? at DN7+ 2Q0 'restling 1DNH at DN 2Q0 !irst id 1ITH5 aITL+ 2Q.

$!a%% Ar! EF1. pointGuns1hoice 1DNH5 at DNL+ 2Q0 Guns1Eight7automatic 1DNH5at DN +Q0 Guns1Pistol 1DNH5 at DN +Q0 !ast7Draw 1Pistol 1DNH5 at DN +Q0 !ast7Draw1aga8ine 1DNH5 at DN +Q0 rmoury1!irearms 1ITH at IT 2Q0 %actics 1Ur)an 1ITH? at IT7+ 2Q.

• Big G+n EF1. point

Armoury(Firearms) (IQ/A) at IQ [2]; Gunner (Machine gun) (DX/E) atDX! [2]; Gunner("annon) (DX/E) at DX! [2]; Guns (#ightAntitan$ %ea&on) (DX/E) at DX [!]; E'ectronics &eration (ensors)(IQ/A) at IQ*! [!]; Gunner (+eam) (DX/E) at DX! [2],

• Me%ee Co!,at EF1#

!ast7Draw 1Fni&e 1DNH5 at DNL+ 2Q0 Fni&e 1DNH5 at DNL+ 2Q01elee 'eapon o& choice 1DNH at DN 2Q0 !ast7Draw 1elee

'eapon o& choice 1DNH5 at DNL+ 2Q0 !eint 1elee 'eapon o&choice 1? at L/ 4Q.

• Pi%oting $9i%% EF1'

Driving 1utomo)ile 1DNH at DN 2Q0 Driving 1otorcycle 1DNH  at DN7+ +Q0 Pilot 1Eight irplane 1DNH at DN 2Q0 Pilot1?elicopter 1DNH at DN 2Q0 Pilot 1Bet 1DNHat DN 2Q0 Driving1%rac"ed 1DNH at DN 2Q0 6avigation 1Eand 1ITH at IT7+ 2Q.

• Ath%etic $9i%% EF1.

Running 1?%H at ?%7+ +Q0 wimming 1?%H5 at ?% +Q0lim)ing 1DNH at DN 2Q0 cro)atics 1DNH? at DN 4Q0 1port o&choice 1DNH at DN7+ +Q0 !irst id 1ITH5 at IT +Q.


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• O+t%a- $9i%% EF1#

treetwise 1ITH at IT 2Q0 Pic"poc"et 1DNH? at DN7+ 2Q0Eoc"pic"ing 1ITH at IT 2Q0 tealth 1DNH at DN 2Q0 5lectronics<peration 1ecurity 1ITH at IT 2Q0 ?oldout 1ITH at IT 2Q.

• $ocia% $9i%% EF11

avoir !aire 1ITH5 at IT +Q0 Diplomacy 1ITH? at IT 4Q0 e( ppeal 1?%H at ?% 2Q0 Eeadership 1ITH at IT 2Q0 erchant1ITH at IT 2Q.

• O+tdoor!an EF14

urvival 1Desert 1PerH at PerL2 Q0 urvival 1ny other 1PerH  Per 2Q0 %rac"ing 1PerH at Per 2Q0 %raps 1ITH at IT 2Q.

• Medica% Doctor EF#.

Physician 1ITH? at IT 4Q0 Diagnosis 1ITH? at ITL+ Q0 urgery1ITH>? at IT7+ 4Q0 5lectronics <peration1edical 1ITH atITL+ 4Q.

• Gadgeteer EF'.

5ngineer 15lectric 1ITH? at ITL+ Q0 echanic15lectric 1ITHat ITL+ 4Q0 5lectronics <peration1ny 1ITH at ITL+ 4Q05ngineer 1ny other 1ITH? at IT 4Q0 echanic1ny other1ITH at IT 2Q0 crounging 1PerH5 at PerL+ 2Q0 ath 1ITH? atIT72 +Q0 omputer <peration 1ITH5 at IT +Q0 omputerProgramming 1ITH? at IT 4Q.

Ta%ent for GURP$ 0a%%o+t

GURP can use %alents to simulate !allout Per"s, this section containsguidelines on how to do this. Please note that the inclusion o& these Per"sin any GURP !allout game is entirely optional.

• Per"s are advantages which are gained through e(perience ortraining, and have various prere9uisites which must )e met)e&ore they can )e )ought.

• Per"s can )e )ought during and a&ter the character creation,provided that the character &irst has all o& the prere9uisites met.

• I& the G &eels that any o& these per"s are a)usive, he may wishto )an some o& them. 5specially per"s li"e niper or layer maylead to munch"ining or powergaming.

• Adrena%ine R+h EF&

Prerequisites: % cannot )e raised over racial ma(, cannothave Eow Pain %hreshold

Game Effect: Right a&ter character has lost hal& o& the total hitpoints, % is at L2 )onus &or ?% minutes.

• A-arene EF5

Prerequisites: Perception at +/L, %actics +/L

Game Effect: %he character has reached a special com)atawareness, which allows him to correctly guesstimate the e(acthit points, Damage Resistance and armaments o& an opponenthe can clearly see. )ility can )e used once per com)at turn, it isa &ree action and automatically success&ul.

•Better Critica% EF1.Prerequisites: Euc" advantage, Perception +2L, ny om)at"ill +2L

Game Effect: %his a)ility allows the character to ad*ust anyritical ?it roll )y one line on the ritical ?it %a)le.

• Bon+ 6t6 Da!age EF&

Prerequisites: Euc", DN +2L, ?t? om)at "ill +2L

Ga!e (ffect: 'hen rolling &or damage &rom any ?t? attac", thecharacter can improve the results o& all damage dice )y L+, i& theoriginal result is or less. %his means that i& no si(es are rolled,character gets to add L+ damage per damage die.

• Bon+ 6t6 Attac9 EF4.

Prerequisites: DN +2L, ?t?Helee om)at "ill +:L

Game Effect: 'hile using Unarmed or elee com)at s"ills, thecharacter gets one additional attac" per turn.

• Bon+ Mo)e EF1.

Prerequisites: ove +2L, DN +/L

Game Effect: Increases the ove statistic )y L2, )ut it does nota&&ect characters se9uence or dodge. I& this increase is enoughto )ring ove up to +/L, characters Atep and NA movement rateis also increased )y L+.

• Bon+ Ranged Da!age EF1#

Prerequisites: Euc", Ranged 'eapon "ill +2L

Game Effect: 'hen rolling &or damage &rom any ranged attac",the character can improve the results o& all damage dice )y L+,i& the original result is or less. %his means that i& no si(es wererolled, character gets to add L+ damage per damage die.

• Bon+ Rate of 0ire EF1.

Prerequisites: DN +4L, IT +2L, Perception +2L, Guns +2L

Game Effect: 'hen using any semi7automatic &irearm, thecharacter gets a L+ )onus to the weapons Ro!.

• Ca+tio+ Nat+re EF1.

Prerequisites: Perception at +2L

Game Effect: the character has learned to always loo" out &ordanger, and gains a L: )onus to Perception rolls &or spottingam)ushes or traps only.

• Co!prehenion EF#.

Prerequisites: IT +4L, 6ative Eiteracy

Game Effect: Ceing a very smart &ellow, the character learnsmuch &aster than others. Reduce learning time )y 7+/K &or eachlevel o& IT over +/, up to ma(imum time reduction o& 7/K.

• De!o%ition (=pert EF5

Prerequisites: 5(plosives 1Demolition +4L

Game Effect: 5(plosives set )y this e(pert always )low upper&ectly as intended, and cause twice the normal damage onthe intended target. In case o& any critical &ailure 1or mal&unctionwhile setting or de&using a )om), character gets another roll toavoid disaster.

• Dodger EF1"

Prerequisites: DN +2L

Game Effect: haracter gets a L+ )onus when dodging )y anymeans.

• (ar%ier $e;+ence EF5%e)e%

Prerequisites: om)at Re&le(es, %actics +2L

Game Effect: 5(tensive com)at e(perience o& the character

allows &or much &aster reaction times, &or each level o& this per"the character gets a L2 )onus to his %urn e9uence, up to 3levels ma(imum.

• (d+cated EF"

Prerequisites: IT +2L

Game Effect: %his per" gives a L+ s"ill )onus with any purely"nowledge )ased Anon7creativeA mental s"ills 7 most sciences,area "nowledge etc. 1!or AcreativeA mental s"ills, ta"e the>ersatile advantage instead.


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• (=p%orer EF1.

Prerequisites: annot have Unluc"iness

Game Effect: 'hile wandering the wastes, the character o&ten&inds strange and interesting special encounters. !or the mostpart, these special encounters are )ene&icial to the character inone way or another, )ut any su)stantial rewards o&ten re9uiresome sort o& a challenge, li"e having to shoot those alien )ountyhunters to get their weapons...

• 0ater 6ea%ing EF1"

Prerequisites: ?% +2L

Game Effect: haracter automatically ma"es all healing rolls,and heals 2/K o& his total hit points daily. Recovery rolls versuscrippling in*uries are made at a L )onus.

• 0ort+ne 0inder EF1"

Prerequisites: Euc" and erendipity

Game Effect: Random encounters always yield twice the usualvalua)les 1li"e )ottlecaps, )ut the character still has to ta"ethese items o&& the dead )odies o& opponents.

• Ghot EF1

Prerequisites: tealth +2L

Game Effect: 'hile moving in dar"ness or shadows, thecharacter gets an e(tra L+ )onus to tealth s"ill i& moving, L2 i&still. %his per" only wor"s with appropriate dar" coloredclothing.

• 6ar!%e EF4

Prerequisites: ust not have negative reputation, Pic"poc"et+2L and either Pitia)le or )ove uspicion.

Game Effect: Gives a L3 )onus to the Pic"poc"et s"ill

• 6ea%er EF"

Prerequisites: Physician +2L, DN +2L, IT +2L

Game Effect: 'hen using !irst id, the healer can add L+ toany hit points healed dice roll result o& or less. 'hen usingPhysician s"ill &or long term healing, character can heal L+ ?Pdaily on one patient o& choice with an e(tra Physician roll.

• 6ea)e 6o EF"%e)e%

Prerequisites: %hrown 'eapon +2L or %hrowing +2L

Game Effect: 5ach level 1up to 3 ma(imum o& the per" adds% L2 )onus &or calculating +H2D and a( ranges o& thrownweaponsHitems.

• 6t6 ()ade EF1"

Prerequisites: Unarmed om)at "ill +3L

Game Effect: 'hile parrying, )loc"ing or dodging ?t? attac"s,the character can add a )onus e9ual to his )est unarmedcom)at s"ill divided )y . %his )onus is due to superior&ootwor", and is lost i& the character has heavy encum)rance or&ights on )ad terrain.

• Ka!a $+tra Mater EF5

Prerequisites: e( ppeal +3L, 5rotic rt L, ?% +/L, DN +/L

Game Effect: Gives a L3 )onus to 5rotic rt s"ill 1as well as toany se( related ?% rolls.

• ?ight $tep EF#

Prerequisites: annot have ?eavy !rame or <verweightH!atdisadvatage, DN +2L, tealth +2L

Game Effect: Gives a L3 )onus to %raps s"ill, )ut only &oravoiding setting o&& traps on the groundH&loor.

• ?i)ing Anato!< EF#.

Prerequisites: Physician +:L, Physiology +2L

Game Effect: Cecause o& in depth "nowledge o& how living)eings &unction and where the most vital spots o& vital organsare, character with this per" gets a (+. multiplier on damagegetting through into any living )eing. Instead o& the ?ippocraticoath, this doctor too" a hypocritical one... Per" also gives a L3)onus to the Physiology s"ill.

• Magnetic Perona%it< EF"%e)e%H Ma=i!+! of " %e)e%

Prerequisites: Eeadership +2L, harisma L+ &or each level

Game Effect: haracter with this per" is so cool that she caneasily recruit an entourage o& some less capa)le )ut more orless li"e7minded +7/ point characters &or &ree, who worship theground she wal"s on. I& mistreated, these A&ansA will pro)a)lydisperse and go away, )ut it is always easy to &ind new ones&rom almost any population center. 6um)er o& these travelingcompanions is limited to the level o& the per". 6ote that unli"ewith DependentHlly, character is not penali8ed *ust )ecauseanyHall o& these companions happen to die.

• Mater Thief EF5

Prerequisites: Pic"poc"et +3L, Eoc"pic"ing +3L, 5lectronics<peration 1ecurity +3L, treetwise +3L and IT +2L

Game Effect: Gives a L2 )onus to all o& the prere9uisite s"ills.

• Mater Trader EF1.

Prerequisites: erchant +2L, Reaction Conus total o& L2 ormore

Game Effect: %his per" increases the perceived value o& thecharacterAs goods )y a &actor o& (+.2, in addition to any otherconsiderations. %he per" also adds a L2 )onus to the erchants"ill.

• Medic EF1#

Prerequisites: !irst id +2L and Physician +2L

Game Effect: %his per" gives a L2 )onus to any and all edicas"ills.

• Menta% B%oc9 EF1.

Prerequisites: 'ill +2L

Game Effect: haracter is at a L )onus to resist psionics, andany mindreading attempts su&&er &rom a 7 penalty. ould )e thathe character was trained )y a mystic, or simply has spent toomany )oring nights at a local )ar.. %hese same )onuses alsoapply &or resisting hypnosis.

• More Critica% EF1" pt%e)e%H Ma= # %e)e%

Prerequisites: ny om)at "ill +:L and0 Euc" or Daredevil

Game Effect: %his per" adds L+ per level to the critical hitchances o& the character.

• Mr 0i=it EF1#

Prerequisites: echanic +2L, crounging +2L, IT +2L

Game Effect: %his per" gives a L2 )onus to any and all s"illrolls to repair or )uild almost anything.

• M<terio+ $tranger E)arie

Prerequisites: Euc" or erendipity

Game Effect: dds the Aun"nownA modi&ier to the lly dvantage, this reduces advantages point cost )y 7 points. %hecharacter does not "now who the ysterious tranger is or evenwhy he helps the character, )ut in any hostile randomencounter, there is a chance that the stranger will appear to helpin the &ight, only to disappear a&ter the &ight is over...


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• Negotiator EF1.

Prerequisites: erchant +2L, !ast %al" +2L

Game Effect: dds a L2 )onus to all social In&luence "ill rolls.

• Pac9 Rat EF"%e)e%H Ma= # %e)e%

Prerequisites: annot have Eight !rame trait, % +/L

Game Effect: haracterAs % is increased )y 4 &or encum)rancepurposes. 6ote that % cannot )e raised over racial ma(imum12/ &or humans.

• $trong Bac9 EF"

Prerequisites: annot have Eight !rame trait or "innydisadvantage, % +2L

Game Effect: Casically the Ei&ting % advantage 7 Eight5ncum)rance )ecomes :(%, edium encum)rance )ecomes+/(%, heavy encum)rance )ecomes 2/(% and e(tra heavyencum)rance )ecomes 3/(%.

• Pathfinder EF"

Prerequisites: ?% +2L, urvival +3L and 6avigation +2L

Game Effect: Increases the daily travel rate o& the party )y 2K,)ut only to o&&set penalties &or terrain.

• P<ro!aniac EF5

Prerequisites: Euc", Guns1!lamethrower +2L

Game Effect: s &or the AConus Ranged DamageA per", e(cept thisonly wor"s &or any &ire7)ased attac"s. %he pyromania disadvantageis not re9uired, )ut is common &or people with this per"....

• +ic9 Poc9et EF1.

Prerequisites: DN +2L

Game Effect: 'ith this per", the character can &ast7drawanything he carries in a poc"et or a holster with a straight DN roll.

• +ic9 Reco)er< EF"

Prerequisites: cro)atics +2L

Game Effect: It ta"es + second less time than normal &or thecharacter to stand up a&ter )eing "noc"ed down.

• Ranger EF4

Prerequisites: Perception +2L, urvival +2L, %rac"ing +2L

Game Effect: dds a L2 )onus to %rac"ing and urvival s"ills.

• $harphooter EF'

Prerequisites: Perception +4L, IT +2L, ny Guns "ill +2L

Game Effect: Gives a L2 )onus to all Guns s"ills, )ut only &orcountering range penalties.

• $i%ent Death EF1.

Prerequisites: DN +4L, tealth +3L and0 Unarmed "ill +3L orFni&e +3L

Game Effect: 'hile snea"ing undetected, any ?t? attac"s done&rom )ehind the target receive an e(tra (2 modi&ier &or anydamage getting through the Damage Resistance.

• $i%ent R+nning EF1

Prerequisites: DN +2L, tealth +2L

Game Effect: %his per" allows the character to use the tealths"ill at no penalty while running at hal& move. !or running at &ullmove, the usual penalty is reduced )y two, into 73. It is notpossi)le to actually sprint and use tealth s"ill at the same time.6ote that in order &or this per" to wor", character must haveproper so&t &ootwear and must ta"e some care on how shecarries her e9uipment 1i.e. no metal )its clanging together.

• $%a<er EF&.

Prerequisites: DN +:L, % +:L, Unarmed "ill +:L

Game Effect: In ?t?Hmelee com)at, all attac"s o& the characterwhich success&ully get through the activeHpassive de&enses areconverted to ritical ?its. ttac"s which miss the target areuna&&ected, and so are critical &ailures.

• $niper EF&.

Prerequisites: DN +:L, Perception +:L, IT +2L, Guns +L

Game Effect: ny ranged attac"s getting through the targetsactiveHpassive de&enses are converted to ritical ?its. ttac"s

which miss the target are una&&ected, and so are critical &ailures.

• $tone-a%% E1.

Prerequisites: % +2L, annot )e "inny, annot have theEight !rame trait.

Game Effect: dd a L4 )onus to % &or resisting any "ind o&"noc"downs, ta"edown or slam attac"s. tonewall rarely &allsdown.

• 7eapon 6and%ing EF&

Prerequisites: DN +2L, % +/L, ny om)at "ill +2L, annothave the Eight !rame trait

Game Effect: Gives a L3 )onus to %, )ut only &or meeting thein % re9uirements o& weapons 7 %his )onus has no e&&ect on)asic damages or throwing distances o& weapons.

• B%+ff Mater EF"

Prerequisites: harisma L+, !ast %al" +/L

Game Effect: 'ith this per", the character can automatically tal"himsel& out o& trou)le once when he is caught stealing. I& he iscaught second time )y the same personHauthority, the per" is o&no help at all.

• Bonai EF1

Prerequisites: ust )e a Ghoul, urvival +/L, Ciology 1Cotany+/L

Game Effect: Due to care&ul nurturing, a small mutated &ruit treenow grows &rom the Ghoul characters head. It lives )y tapping theghouls )loodstream &or nutrients 1it eats only waste products &romthe )lood and thus is not harm&ul to the ghoul, and produces asmall harvest o& +D: per&ectly good edi)le &ruits once per month.

• Bracing EF4

Prerequisites: om)at "ill +2L, annot have the Eight !rametrait

Game Effect: Gives a L2 )onus to %, )ut only &or meeting thein % re9uirements o& weapons.

• Bro-n Noer EF4

Prerequisites: IT +2L, Reaction odi&ier total /L, avoir !aire+2L

Game Effect: 'ithin any ran" hierarchy, the Crown 6oser maywith a success&ul IT roll and minimal e&&ort )ehave in one instanceas i& he had one level higher ran", since he is on such good termswith his superiors. Cecause o& this, he is also li"ely to )e ne(t onthe promotions list, regardless o& his actual a)ilities and


• Cancero+ Gro-th EF4.

Prerequisites: ust )e a Ghoul, % less than +4

Game Effect: the Regrowth advantage 7 5ven lost lim)s grow)ac" at the ghouls usual regeneration rate.

• Die 6ard EF5

Prerequisites: !irst id +/L, ?% +2L

Game Effect: 'hile at or under 3/K o& his hit points, thecharacter gets a L+ )onus to Damage Resistance and L2 )onusto all ?% rolls.


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• Dr+n9en Mater EF1.

Prerequisites: Unarmed s"ill +2L, ?% +/L

Game Effect: Gets a L2 )onus to all ?t? s"ills while drun".

• G+nner EF5

Prerequisites: Guns +/L, DN +2L

Game Effect: 'hile &iring &rom a moving vehicle or the li"e, thecharacter with this per" can ignore up to 74 worth o&movementHsta)ility penalties.

• 6it the Dec9 EF"

Prerequisites: DN +2L, om)at Re&le(es

Game Effect: 'henever the character is hit )y an e(plosion or anarea attac", )eing an e(perienced warrior, he is always &lat on theground, ta"ing only hal& damage. I& there is good enough hardcover availa)le in the characters he(, he also gets its )ene&it.6ote that while this per" allows hitting the dec" in an instant, itdoes not con&er any a)ility to get up &aster.

• ?eader EF"

Prerequisites: harisma L2, Eeadership +2L

Game Effect: Ceing a natural leader, the characters presencehas an inspiring e&&ect on her near)y s9uadmates under hercommand, granting them a L2 )onus to their !right hec"s.

• ?ead 0oot EF1.

Prerequisites: DN +2L, Perception +2L, Ground vehicle s"ill+2L

Game Effect: haracter can drive li"e a pro&essional o&&7roadrace driver, getting a L2K )onus to the vehicles <&&7Road peedstat, or on a road is a)le to constantly maintain a speed L2Ka)ove the normal cruising speed o& the vehicle. %his speedincrease is routine, and does not instill any e(tra penalty or rolls.6ote that this does not mean that the ride would )e )y any meanscom&orta)le &or the passengers...

• Road 7arrior EF5

Prerequisites: >ehicle s"ill +2L, Ranged com)at s"ill +2L

Game Effect: 'hile driving a vehicle 1li"e a car or a motorcycle,the road warrior can simultaneously &ire a single handed weapon1li"e a machine pistol without the usual 74 penalty &or doing two

things at once.

• $tat EF5

Prerequisites: om)at Re&le(es and !irst id +3L or Physician+2L

Game Effect: edic with this per" is phenomenally &ast atpatching up people, ta"ing only hal& the usual time per&orming!irst id or applying )andages.

• $tead< Ar! EF&

Prerequisites: L+ or more 1uper utant or Ro)ot, % +2L

Game Effect: Cecause o& the great )ul" and sta)ility o& thecharacter, he can ignore 7+ worth o& weapon recoil penalty, thisreduction is in addition to any high % recoil reduction and couldma"e many small arms e&&ectively recoilless &or the character.

• $t+nt Man EF1.

Prerequisites: % +2L, ?% +2L, DN +2L

Game Effect: haracter always ta"es hal& damage &rom &alling orcollisions, in addition to other considerations. ?e also gets a L+)onus to all >ehicle s"ills.

• T+nne% Rat EF4

Prerequisites: DN +2L

Game Effect: haracter with this per" can crawl li"e a )a)y 7 avery &ast )a)y. ove while crawling is increased )y L+ yard persecond.

2"p!e$ >: ?%!el#d Ad#!6e%,

Di%d#!6e% #d S.ill%


Dead%< Kar!a E1" point%e)e%

<nce per game session 1per level o& this advantage, you can change anyuccess Roll made )y your character, or against your character 1such asan enemy attac" into a ritical uccess or ritical !ailure.

!or every time you invo"e this power, the G will turn a &uture uccessRoll against you in the same &ashion 1it need not )e the same type o& roll.

%he G may not "ill your character outright with this 1itAs more deadly toyour &oes than to youX, )ut should otherwise reserve the "armic)ac"lash as maliciously as possi)le to do harm to your character. %he Gmay reserve )ac"lash criticals )etween sessions, i& he wishes.

Detin< Page B45

#%here is no &ate )ut what we ma"e.$ %he Destiny advantage is notallowed. Go &orth and ma"e your own &ortuneX

Gadgeteer Page B"&>"2

%he Gadgeteer advantage is not allowed. Instead use the Casic etguidelines &or inventions. %hat is, *ust spend the points to )uy high enoughs"ill levels.

Ran9 Page B#*

ost types o& Ran" have )een eliminated &or the GURP !alloutcampaign, though there are still a &ew availa)le@

 Aca(emic )an*: ll o& the ma*or Institutions o& Eearning have )ecomevine7cho"ed ruins in the 2//7years since the holocaust. %hus, cademicRan" has )een eliminated.

 A(mini+trati,e )an*: %he leader o& any si8e community in the wasteswould have some level o& dministrative ran"0 a village ?eadman mighthave 3 levels, the mayor o& a large town might have . %he President o&the 6R has : levels o& dministrative ran", while the President o& the5nclave has levels.

Merchant )an*: ll o& the old %rade Unions collapsed with the &ormerUnited tates0 !ree %raders run the show now. %here&ore, erchant Ran"is not used.

Military )an*: %here are two primary types o& ili tary Ran" availa)le@Crotherhood o& teel, and 5nclave. %he 6ew ali&ornia Rangers andercenary )ands may also have their own ran"ing system, )ut the5nclave model is used &or simplicityAs sa"e.

%he C< uses the &ollowing system o& i litary Ran"@ Initiates are traineeswho are e(pected to per&orm well enough in the training process to )epromoted to enior Initiates, and later to pprentices. &ter provingthemselves, pprentices are promoted to Bourneyman Fnights or cri)es.%he ne(t ran" is enior FnightHcri)e, and &inally the leader o& each o&these orders is the ?ead Fnight and ?ead cri)e.

cri)es are responsi)le &or copying the ancient technologies, maintainingthe current technology and even e(perimenting with new weapons andother use&ul devices. cri)es rarely leave the sa&ety o& the C< )un"ers,)ut they are sometimes called into the &ield to e(amine a piece o&

technology or per&orm a tas" )eyond the s"ills o& the Crotherhood soldiers

Fnights are responsi)le &or manu&acturing the weapons and other pieceso& technology. &ter many years o& service and e(perience, the )estFnights are promoted to Paladins 7 the pinnacle o& the Crotherhoodmilitary. Paladins are in charge o& all security and outside activities. %hePaladin ran"s are Bunior Paladin, Paladin, enior Paladin, and ?eadPaladin. s all Paladins are also Fnights, the ?ead Paladin is usually alsothe ?ead Fnight. Paladins who survive to their later years )ecome 5lders,and they num)er among the Crotherhood ruling council. %he leader o& thecouncil and the Crotherhood itsel& is the ?igh 5lder, usually descended&rom the a(son &amily.


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Brotherhood of $tee% Ran9

Cot ?e)e% Knight $cri,e

/ / Initiate

+ enior Initiate

+/ 2 pprentice

+ 3 Bourneyman

2/ 4 enior Fnight enior cri)e

2 ?ead Fnight ?ead cri)e

3/ : Bunior Paladin

3 = Paladin

4/ enior Paladin

4 - ?ead Paladin

/ +/ 5lder  

ilitary ran" in the 5nclave &ollows the model o& the old U.. rmy. I havedivided the ran"s into 5nlisted and <&&icer ran"s@

(nc%a)e (n%ited Ran9

Point Cot (n%itedRan9


/ / Private

+ Private +st class+/ 2 orporal+ 3 ergeant2/ 4 ta&& ergeant2 ergeant +st class3/ : !irst ergeant3 = ergeant a*or  4/ 'arrant <&&icer  4 - hie& 'arrant <&&icer 2/ +/ hie& 'arrant <&&icer 3

++ hie& 'arrant <&&icer 4:/ +2 aster hie& 'arrant <&&icer  

(nc%a)e Officer Ran9

Point Cot OfficerRan9


1. + econd Eieutenant#. 2 !irst Eieutenant'. 3 aptain4. 4 a*or  ". Eieutenant olonel&. : olonel2. = Crigadier General5. a*or General*. - Eieutenant General1.. +/ General

lice )an*: %he only "nown r.ani/e( police &orce in the waste is the>ault ity Guard. %here are *ust three ran"s in this organi8ation, all areshown )elow@

/a+%t Cit< G+ard Ran9

Point Cot Ran9 Tit%e

/ / Guard

+ ergeant

+/ 2 aptain o& the Guard

%he >ault ity Guard act as a universal police &orce, en&orcing the lawwithin town, de&ending it and securing >ault ity perimeter. %he aptain o&the Guard reports directly to the !irst iti8en.

)eli.iu+ )an*: ll o& the old religious orders are dust, and a new orderhas yet to arise 1aside &rom a &ew cults such as the ?u)ologists and thehildren o& the athedral. %hus, Religious ran" is not used.

$tat+ Page B#5>#*

'ith the )rea"down o& society, status )ecomes much more compressed.tatus o& greater than 2 should not )e allowed at campaign start. ?ere aree(amples o& social status with associated costs o& living.

$tat+ and Month%< Cot of ?i)ing

?e)e% (=a!p%e Month%< Cot of ?i)ing

4 ayor o& a large town W2//

3 ayor o& a town W+//

2 >illage Eeader W//

+ %echnician, Doctor W4//

/ <rdinary person W2//

7+ Poor W+//

72 %ri)al W=

73 Ceggar W/

74 lave W/


%he 'ealth advantage should only )e allowed at 'ealthy or lower atcampaign start. %here e(ists a strong )arter economy in the wases, whereservices and goods are o&ten paid in "ind. %he wealth o& a &armer will )ee(pressed in the amount o& land he holds and how many animals heowns. local ayor may have little spare money, )ut may have largeamounts o& land and a si8a)le home.


C+red Page B1#*

ursed is never recommended as a disadvantage &or a player character. Itensures a very short li&espan &or the character and pro)a)ly spoils allen*oyment &or the player.

Detin< Page B1'1

%he Destiny disadvantage is not allowed.


7i%dcard $9i%% Page B12"

CowsX s"ill is availa)le. It allows the character to use any and all )ows,cross)ows and slingshot type weapons, including siege engines. CowsX isDNH?ard. GunsX s"ill is li"e a)ove, e(cept it wor"s &or all &irearms and IT )onus isapplica)le 1as &or the normal guns s"ills.

eleeX s"ill wor"s &or all close com)at weapons, i t is DNH?ard. ?owever,while using this 'ildcard s"ill, any special weapon7type speci&ic )onusesli"e increased parry are lost.

Tactic Page B##4<ptional peciali8ations &or the %actics ITH?ard s"ill include0 ir, Eand, eaand Ur)an.


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2"p!e$ 7): GURPS Fllo&! Rcil



?umans are unaltered, and 1mostly unmutated e(amples o& the species?omo apiens. till )y &ar the most common intelligent species on thepost apocalyptic 5arth.

 Attributes: ll average at +/ and have ma(imums o& 2/. 6ote that alsosecondary characteristics such as Perception and 'illpower ma( out attotal level o& 2/ &or humans. ttri)utes o& 7+2 are normal, +3 ise(ceptional, +4 is very good, +L is awesome.

Free Skills: 6ative Eanguage 16ative0 rea Fnowledge 1at IT0 ?ome cityor area. Eiteracy is rare, unless the character comes &rom a >ault, theCrotherhood o& teel or the 5nclave.

Ceing a human gives no )onuses or penalties, and thus costs no points.

Traits:  human character may ta"e ma(imum o& two dvantage HDisadvantage pac"ages which replace .P.5..I..E. systems traits inGURP. %hese can )e ta"en in addition to normal dvantages HDisadvantages.

• ?ight 0ra!e EF"

DN L+. ?eavy 5nc ma( threshold is ( %.

• 6ea)< 0ra!e EF.

% L+, Ei&ting % L+, DN 7+.

• Ka!i9ae EF.

om)at Re&le(es, <n %he 5dge 17+2.

• Br+ier EF5

DRL2 1rushing damage only, ?P L4, % L2, DN7+.

• One 6ander EF"

Using primary arm only L2 DN, using secondary arm only 7+ DN,using )oth arms 7+ DN.

• $trong I!!+ne $<te! EF# Prere;+iite 6T11F

Immune to Disease, !it, 'ea"ness 1y)er Re*ection, terile.

• To+gh ?+c9 EF"

Deadly Farma, Unluc"iness.

• Radiation Reitant EF#

Resistant 1Radiation 2, Dou)led rad recovery rate.

• B%ood< Me EF.

!righteningly Gruesome Deaths &or all "ills. 15veryone whowitnesses the character "illing a living )eing larger than a ratmust roll a &right chec", including the character himsel&....

• $e= Appea% Ta%ent EF"

Ceauti&ulH?andsome, e( ppeal s"ill )onus L3, 5nemy@lavers.

• Good Nat+red EF"

ITL+, ensitive, harita)le, >ersatile.

• A%ert EF"

?earing L, Eight leeper.

• Night Peron EF.

6ight >ision, 7 to Perception in )right daylight.

• 6ea)< 6anded EF.

Unarmed Damage L+, DR L+ 1?ands only, ?am7!isted.

• 0at $hot EF.

6o called shots, emi7auto R<! is at L1DNH 1Does not a&&ectmelee or unarmed attac"s.

• Trigger 6app< EF1. or F"

om)at Re&le(es, utomatic Re&le(es E+ or E2 1E+ allows &or anIT roll to resist any inappropriate instinctive actions, E2 doesnot.

$+per M+tant

uper utants are gigantic gray or green s"inned humanoid creatureswho once were humans. %hey were created when an entity called AtheasterA dipped large amounts o& humans in huge vats o& glowing green&luid 1modi&ied version o& the !5> virus, in an attempt to create a newdominant species 7 an army o& uper utants 7 to replace humanity. %he>ault Dweller destroyed the vats and "illed the aster, a&ter which theremnants o& the uper utant army split up and went their separate ways.

$+per M+tant EF". point

Attri,+te AdJ+t!ent: L % /Q0 L2 ?% 2/Q0 DN 7+ 72/Q0 IT72 74/Q.

$econdar< Characteritic AdJ+t!ent: ?PL: +2Q0 Casic ove L+ Q0 L+ 12.473.4 yards tall, 3//7// E)s weight /Q.

Racia% Ad)antage: DR + 1%ough "in 74/K 3Q0 ?igh Pain %hreshold+/Q0 Ei&ting % 2 :Q0 Unaging +Q0 Rapid ?ealing Q0 Resistance1Radiation0 ?%L Q0 Resistance 1Poison0 ?%L3 Q0 Resistance1Disease0 ?%L3 3Q0 >ery !it +Q.

Racia% Diad)antage: ppearance 72 1Ugly 7Q0 Cad Grip + 7Q0 ?am7!isted + 7Q0 <vercon&idence 17+2 7Q0 Racial Reputation 1urderousmutant0 72 Reaction0 lmost everyone0 ll the time 7+/Q0 ocial tigma 731utant 7+Q.

0ree $9i%%: Eanguage 16ative0 rea Fnowledge 1at IT0 ?ome ity. !ewuper utants are literate.

Racia%%< ?earned $9i%% and $9i%% Bon+e: 5ither Gunner 1achinegunGuns 1?vy. 'eapons0 choose specialty or Ei9uid Pro*ector 1!lamethrower1DNH5 DNL2 4Q.

0eat+reTa,oo: terile /Q.

Note: Cad Grip disadvantage in this case gives penalties on usingordinary human si8ed &irearms and e9uipment, e(cept &or larger stu&& li"elight or medium machineguns, roc"et launchers, &lamethrowers or heavyenergy weapons.

Traits: uper utant character may ta"e ma(imum o& two dvantage HDisadvantage pac"ages which replace .P.5..I..E. systems traits inGURP. %hese can )e ta"en in addition to normal dvantages HDisadvantages. %raits suita)le &or a uper utant are listed )elow@

• /at $9in EF1.

DR L: 1%ough "in 74/K, <dious Racial ?a)it 1Cad mell 72,5(tra ?P L4.

• Radiation Reitant EF#

Resistance 1Radiation L2, Dou)led rad recovery rate.

• A%ert EF"

 cute ?earing L, Eight leeper.

• 6a!!erfit EF"

 rm % L2 1Coth arms, Unarmed DGL2, DR L+ 1?ands onlyCad Grip.

•  Triggerhapp< EF1. or F"

om)at Re&le(es, utomatic Re&le(es E+ or E2 1E+ allows &or a 'iroll to resist any inappropriate instinctive actions, E2 does not.


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• $+per Berer9er EF1"

?yper7trength 1%L30 costs + !P per second, Cerser"er 17+2.

• To+gh C+to!er EF"

DR L4 1%ough "in 74/K, ?P L4, Cad %emper 17+2.

• Br+ier EF5

DRL2 1rushing damage only, ?PL4, %L2, DN7+.

• Ka!i9ae EF.

om)at Re&le(es, <n %he 5dge 17+2.

• One 6ander EF"

Using primary arm only L2 DN, using secondary arm only 7+ DN,using )oth arms 7+ DN.

• To+gh ?+c9 EF"

Deadly Farma, Unluc"iness.

• B%ood< Me EF.

!righteningly Gruesome Deaths &or all "ills. 15veryone whowitnesses the character "illing a living )eing larger than a ratmust roll a &right chec", including the character himsel&....

Good Nat+red EF"ITL+, ensitive, harita)le, >ersatile.

• Night Peron EF.

6ight >ision, 7 to Perception in )right daylight.

• 0at $hot EF.

6o called shots, emi7auto R<! is at L1DNH 1Does not a&&ectmelee or unarmed attac"s.


Ghouls are mutated humans, su&&ering &rom the e&&ects o& radioactive&allout com)ined with e(posure to the &orced evolutionary virus. 5(tremelyugly with 8om)ie7li"e appearance, they loo" li"e decayed, dried up wal"ingcorpses. Despite their apparent physical &railty, ghouls are very long7livedand are highly radiation resistant )y nature. 1a*ority o& ghouls, especiallymost o& the glowing ones, are non7sentient creatures, they have IT scoreso& = or )elow, and are not suita)le &or player characters 7 a P ghoul musthave at least IT .

Gho+% EF1. point

Attri,+te AdJ+t!ent: DNL+ 2/Q0 %7+ 7+/Q.

$econdar< Characteritic AdJ+t!ent: Perception L2 +/Q0 Casic ove72 7+/Q.

Racia% Ad)antage: Unaging +Q0 Immune to Disease +Q0 Regeneration1low +/Q0 %emperature %olerance L: :Q.

Racia% Diad)antage: ppearance 74 1?ideous 7+:Q0 "inny 7Q0 RacialReputation 1utant0 72 Reaction0 lmost everyone0 ll the time 7+/Q0ocial tigma 73 1utant 7+Q.

0ree $9i%%: Eanguage 16ative0 rea Fnowledge 1at IT0 ?ome ity. ostancient Ghouls are literate.

Racia%%< ?earned $9i%% and $9i%% Bon+e: 6il

0eat+reTa,oo: terile /Q.

Traits:  ghoul character may ta"e ma(imum o& two dvantage HDisadvantage pac"ages which replace .P.5..I..E. systems traits inGURP. %hese can )e ta"en in addition to normal dvsHDisadvs. %raitssuita)le &or a ghoul are listed )elow@

• The $tench of Rotten 0%eh EF.

yard radius, 7+ to IT and DN o& everyone e(posed. Gives 73 toall social reaction rolls.

• G%o-ing One EF1.

+/,/// rads, (+// rad recovery rate, radiates + rad per hour tonear)y people 1unarmed attac" also in&licts rads e9ual to thedamage done, illuminates surroundings, no permanent li&etimerad history0 Increased Ei&e upport 1Radioactive.

• 0rightening ?oo9 EF"

onstrous ppearance, !right hec"s at 73 upon seeing thecharacter, also gives a L3 )onus &or the Intimidation s"ill.

• ?ight 0ra!e EF"

DN L+. ?eavy 5nc ma( threshold is ( %.

• Ka!i9ae EF.

om)at Re&le(es, <n %he 5dge 17+2.

• One 6ander EF"

Primary arm L2 DN, econdary arm 7+ DN, Coth arms 7+ DN.

• $trong I!!+ne $<te! EF# prere;+iite 6T11F

Immune to Disease, !it, y)er Re*ection, terile.

• To+gh ?+c9 EF"

Deadly Farma, Unluc"iness.

• B%ood< Me EF.

!righteningly Gruesome Deaths &or all "ills. 15veryone whowitnesses the character "illing a living )eing larger than a ratmust roll a &right chec", including the character himsel&....

• Good Nat+red EF"

ITL+, ensitive, harita)le, >ersatile.

• A%ert EF"

?earing L, Eight leeper.

• Night Peron EF.

6ight >ision, 7 to Perception in )right daylight.

• 0at $hot EF.

6o called shots, emi7auto R<! is at L1DNH 1Does not a&&ectmelee or unarmed attac"s.

• Trigger 6app< EF1. or F"

om)at Re&le(es, utomatic Re&le(es E+ or E2 1E+ allows &or anIT roll to resist any inappropriate instinctive actions, E2 doesnot.


Ro)ots suita)le &or use as a player character are more or less humanshaped autonomous models with learning neural net computers. ll ro)otsare either genuine pre7war items, or are )ased on advanced pre7wartechnologies 7 !unctional ro)ots are e(tremely rare, and spare parts arehard to come )y. 6ote that % and ?% attri)utes o& a ro)ot are &i(ed atcreation 7 ro)otAs physical &orm can )e improved only with a re&it or aserious tune up. Cecause the ro)ot can learn, it is possi)le to )uy o&& anymental disadvantages &rom the racial pac"age, either with (p7points or atcreation. 5ven though the ro)ots )asic shape is o&ten generally humanoidthey cannot wear unmodi&ied rigid human armor. In the case o& AseriouswoundsA o& over hit points, only hal& o& the damage can )e repaired withwor" 7 the other hal& must )e replaced with spare parts 1which are eitherhard to &ind or cost at least D:(+// )ottlecaps per ?P replaced.


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Ro,ot EF4. point

Attri,+te AdJ+t!ent: ?% ++ +/Q0 %L4 4/Q0 DNL2 4/Q0 IT72 74/Q.

$econdar< Characteritic AdJ+t!ent: ?P L: +2Q.

Racia% Ad)antage: Damage Resistance L 2Q0 ?igh Pain %hreshold+/Q0 Eightning alculator 2Q0 5idetic emory 1Photographic +/Q0 achine2Q0 Un&a8a)le +Q.

Racia% Diad)antage: !ragile 1Unnatural 7/Q0 6on7>olitional I 73Q0>ulnera)ility 15P damage0 (4 damage 72/Q.

0ree $9i%%: Eanguage 16ative0 rea Fnowledge 1at IT0 ?ome ity. llro)ots are literate.

Racia%%< ?earned $9i%% and $9i%% Bon+e: echanic 1Ro)oticsH%E 1ITH IT7+ +Q.

0eat+reTa,oo: annot !loat 7+Q0 6eutered 7+Q0 6o 5(tra75&&ort /Q0 6o!atigue /Q.

Note: Purely physical attri)utes li"e %, DR or ?P can vary &rom theaverage values presented a)ove, )ut only i& altered during the charactercreation.

Traits: Ro)ot character can ta"e ma(imum o& up to two traits, )ut islimited to this selection o& ro)ot7speci&ic traits0 5(ception@ AIn&iltrator ndroidA counts as two traits.

• Trigger 6app< EF1. or F"

om)at Re&le(es, utomatic Re&le(es E+ or E2 1E+ allows &or an

IT roll to resist any inappropriate instinctive actions, E2 doesnot.

• Beta $oft-are EF.

DNL+, ITL+, ll &ailed rolls count as critical &ailures. Real critical&ailures cause mental stun &or +D: turns.

• (MP $hie%ding EF"

Immune to 5P, Reduced ove 73.

• 6ea)< Ar!or P%ating EF1.

DRL+/, Reduced ove 73

• Infi%trator Android EF#.

6o social stigma, no eunuch, terile, ?andsome or Ceauti&ul ppearance, DRL2 1rushing only, Ru))er "in 1doesnAt &ully&ool touch, !oreign accent 1ccented speech level in 6ativelanguage, an wear human armor. 16ote@ ounts as two traits.

• Trac9 $+,ae!,%< EF.

ove is dou)led, )ut )asic Dodge is halved.

• N+c%ear Po-erp%ant EF1.

Ro)otAs endurance is unlimited, and it can also rechargee(ternal energy cells. Plutonium generator gives power &orthousands o& years to come. ssume +"' o& output &or e(ternalapplications. I& the ro)ot is destroyed, there might )e signi&icantplutonium lea"age.

•Tight N+t EF.5(tra ?PL2/, )ut any repairs ta"e twice the usual time

• Targeting Co!p+ter EF.

ust always ta"e + turn to aim, )ut is at L2 to hit with rangedattac"s. %his does not apply to melee attac"s.

• D+ct Tape 7onder EF.

an use cheap scrounged parts as spares, )ut has to ma"e a?% roll or su&&er a mal&unction whenever placed under physicalstress. lso o&ten has other minor A9uir"sA li"e lea"ing oil.

• Bac9+p Co!ponent EF#.

+D: minutes a&ter the ro)ot is A"illedA )y any reason, it instantlyregains up to hal& the hit points it too" damage 7 I& this isenough to )ring the ro)ot )ac" to positive hit points, it willreactivate. %his will only wor" once in the ro)ots li&etime, unlessnew replacements &or the ro)ots )ro"en primary systems can)e &ound and installed.

• Artificia% Inte%%igence EF#"

6o Un&a8ea)le, no Eow 5mpathy nor 6o ense o& ?umor.urious. ITL+, DNL+.

• Ind+tria% Too%9it EF1"

Ro)ot has an assortment o& )uilt7in %E tools, including amedium laser torch which can also )e used as a weapon. %hetools count as a %E mini7tool"it suita)le &or almost any "ind o&tas".


Psy"ers are mutated humans with psionic powers. %hey are very rare inthe !allout world, and most have )een created more or less deli)eratelywith com)inations o& )rain surgery, !5> virus in*ections and radiationtreatments. AnaturalA randomly occurring psy"er mutation wouldpro)a)ly mean other mutations in the physiology as well, and is highlyunli"ely. 6ormally, human )rains are only capa)le o& 5mpathy 1%elepathy3 and Danger ense 15P at most, )ut a mutant psy"er has no suchlimits with power levels.

%o have points in any psionic s"ills, the character must ta"e theadvantage Un++a% Bac9gro+nd P<9er EF1"

<ptional new advantage &or a psy"er is@

• Pionic A,i%it< EF1. pt%e)e%

1%his advantage adds to characterAs IT when determiningpsionic s"ills or using psionics passively. %he )onus alsoapplies to the Psychotronics and Paraphysics s"ills.

 vaila)le PI s"ills )y power category@

• Antipi: 6eutrali8e, Psi7tatic 1note@ an antipsi cannot haveother psi7powers.

•Atra% ProJection: stral Pro*ection, stral ight.

• (%ectro9inei: on&use, y)erpsi, Dampen, 5nergy ense,5nergy hield, Eightning, Photo"inesis, urge.

• ($P: lairvoyance, lairaudience, lairsentience, om)atense, Precognition, Psychometry, ee"ersense.

• 6ea%ing: ?ealing, Ei&e 5(tension, eta)olism ontrol, ense ura.

• P<chic /a!piri!: Drain 5motion, teal Dreams, teal5nergy, teal Power.

• P<cho9inei: ryo"inesis, Pyro"inesis, PF hield,%ele"inesis 1note@ !or more houserule details, see the

APsycho"inesis !i(A te(t, )elow.

• Te%epath<: spect, 5motion ense, 5rase ignature, Illusion,ind hield, Psi ense, ignature ni&&er, leep, uggest,%elereceive, %elescan, %elesend.

• Te%eportation: utoteleport, 5(oteleport, om)at %eleport.

  %eleportation power must always have the limitation Astral u)*ects  <nly 7:/KA, this means it can only teleport insu)stantial stu&& li"e  an astral )ody.


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P$I>de)ice +ni;+e for the 0a%%o+t $etting

• Menta% N+%%ifier %his is an unpowered device consisting o& iron)ands which wrap around the wearerAs head. It is animpenetra)le )arrier &or all mind alteration powers. %he design isnot commonly "nown, )ut it is easy enough to )uild with a %E=echanic %ool"it, costs 2// )ottlecaps i& availa)le &or sale, andweighs a)out 4 l)s. I& worn )y a psy"er, psy"ers own mindalteration a)ilities can )e used at a 7+/ penalty.

  %in&oil ?at also o&&ers some protection, )ut it is not as good ; It onlygives 74 penalty to %P, P> and 5F powers. It costs +/ )ottlecaps and hasnegligi)le weight. 'ell "nown design, )ut wearing it is usually worth a

small reaction penalty 17+. 'earers own mind alteration a)ilities can )eused at a 72 penalty through the tin&oil hat.

P<cho9inei 0i= for GURP$ Pionic 'e


Instead o& using the usual method &or calculating % and li&t weights,assume that each level o& power )uys + level o& %ele"inetic trength 1%F% until %3/, a&ter which each level o& power )uys +/ levels o& %F %.

!or calculating %F li&t weight, use the Tuad % rule and encum)rancemodi&ier depending on the level0 2( &or 4 or less, 4( &or or less, :( &or +2or less, ( &or +: or less and +2( &or += or over.

Po-er TK $T ?, D!g Po-er TK $T ?, D!g

1 + /.2 / #1 2+ 3/ 4d7+

# 2 /. / ## 22 -/ 4d

' 3 +. / #' 23 :4/ 4dL+

4 4 3.2 +d7: #4 24 =// 4dL2

" +/ +d7 #" 2 =/ d7+

& : +4 +d74 #& 2: 2/ d

2 = 2/ +d73 #2 2= / dL+

5 2: +d72 #5 2 -/ dL+

* - / +d7+ #* 2- +,/// dL2

1. +/ :/ +d '. 3/ +,+// dL2

11 ++ =3 +dL+ '1 4/ +,-// =d7+

1# +2 : +dL2 '# / 3,/// d7+

1' +3 +4/ 2d7+ '' :/ 4,3// -d

14 +4 +:/ 2d '4 =/ ,// +/d

1" + +/ 2dL+ '" / =,:// ++d

1& +: 2+/ 2dL2 '& -/ -,=// +2d

12 += 3/ 3d7+ '2 +// +2,/// +3d

15 + 3-/ 3d '5 ++/ +4,// +4d

1* +- 44/ 3dL+ '* +2/ +=,/// +d

#. 2/ 4/ 3dL2 4. +3/ 2/,/// +:d

F1 L+/ L+d

• %op speed o& an o)*ect moved )y %ele"inesis is calculated withthe &ollowing &ormulas. 6ote@ %his is more or less controlledmovement, with a Atele"inetic gripA maintained on the o)*ect allthe time. <)*ect can also )e the psy"er himsel& 1in which casethis is called levitation.

s& S sur&ace area in s9uare &eet, depends on the o)*ect0 2/s& &or a person.

t"peed 1in mph S 1=// ( 15(cess %F %Hs&Y1+H2

t"ccel 1in g@s S t"peedH2/

6ote@ %he speed &ormula only applies i& there is at least + level o& powerover the minimum level re9uired to li&t the o)*ect.. I& the psy"er can )arelyli&t the weight, ove is +. lso, when using the &ormula, treat any resultless than + as +.

• 'hen moving very small o)*ects, actual velocity o& controlledmovement is limited )y the psy"ers a)ility to accuratelyvisuali8e the o)*ects motion 7 Usually this means a ma(imummove o& /7+// yards per second and limits the distance)etween o)*ect and psy"er to that which the psy"er can see thesmall o)*ect at...

•  ctually shooting or throwing away small o)*ects with %F %

places no such limits on velocity 7 Use the stats o& a typicalstoc"less %E= handgun with e9uivalent damage &or shootingpe))les or )all )earings. Randomly shaped stone pe))les areat 7+ to 72 to cc, )ut mar)les or )all )earings are at no penalty.!or other thrown o)*ects, simply use the thrown weapons ruleswith %F % instead o& normal %. Use %ele"inesis s"ill to preparethe %F throw attac", and %hrowing or %hrown 'eapon s"ill &orhitting the target.

Te%e9inei 9i%% ro%% !odifier:

• Eevitation ta"e7o&& 1no &urther rolls are necessary to maintain thepower L/.

• Precise im, low and imple ovement 1guiding a coin intoa slot 7+.

• Precise im, low ovement 1putting an engine )ac" into a car

properly 72.

• Precise im, !ast ovement 1throwing a shuri"en 74.

• Precise im, u)sonic ovement 1throwing a small roc"9uite &ast 7.

• Precise im, upersonic ovement 1shooting a )ullet 7:.

• Precise im, ?ypersonic ovement 1%F e9uivalent o& a railgun7=.

• !ast movement, must maintain orientation 1throwing a "ni&epoint &irst all the way 73 in addition the a)ove.

• omple( ovement 1pic"ing a loc", drawing a picture, operatinga "ey)oard 72.

• Gra) a moving target, su)tract the speedLrange penalty 1must

)e a)le to see the target.

• De&lect a moving target, as a)ove &or Gra))ing, )ut add a L4)onus, or L: &or long targets li"e spears.

• Gra) a stationary target 1a guard *ust standing there L/.

• Using %F as a &orm o& radar sense 1very lightly toucheseverything near)y in a -/ degree arc 74.

• -sing . . to a00 to the &sy$ers o1n . (0ii0e the sma''er o3 .. or . 4y 5) 6,

• Per&orming ultiple %F e&&ects at once, cumulative 74 &or eachadditional e&&ect.


%his one is simple to & i(@ %here is VnoV separate Eevitation PI s"ill, andthere is no &ree Apower )onusA &or levitation. Instead, A!or Eevitation <nly72KA )ecomes a possi)le l imitation &or the %ele"inesis power, in this casethe levitation uses the %ele"inesis s"ill &or activation and A!light@'inglessAPH s"ill &or advanced maneuvering in the air 1)asic maneuvering orroutine &light ta"es no s"ill rolls.

 t levels too low to li&t the psy"er, levitation is still use&ul &or providingpartial AcontragravityA e&&ects and it still does give slow levitation movement1move + and t"ccel@/.+ in 8ero or microgravity.

<utside an atmosphere, ignore the t"peed value and use the t"ccelstatistic as the levitators space maneuvering rating 1sR.


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2"p!e$ 77: GURPS Fllo&!

Occ&p!io#l !empl!e%

Brotherhood of $tee%

 ll mem)ers o& the Crotherhood are re9uired to ta"e the dvantages laimto ?ospitality 1Crotherhood )un"ers Q, ilitary Ran" 1Co / /Q andPatron 1Power&ul <rgani8ation, - or less, 59uipment L/K, inimalIntervention 7/K +Q0 as well as the Disadvantages ode o& ?onor1oldierAs 7+/Q and Duty 1- or less, 5(tremely ?a8ardous 7+/Q.Intolerance 1utants is also very common. <n the s"ill &ront, the oldiers"ill is also re9uired.

 ll mem)ers o& the Crotherhood should ta"e a wide variety o& weapon

s"ills, )oth melee and &irearms. In addition, Crotherhood "nights shouldta"e the s"ill rmoury, and consider ta"ing the Gadgeteer s"ill pac"age aswell. ny "night who wants to )ecome a leader o& men should also ta"eEeadership, trategy and %actics s"ills.

Crotherhood cri)es, on the other hand, should ta"e either the Gadgeteeror edical Doctor s"ill pac"age, or *ust modi&y the cademician, Doctor,5ngineer, 5pidemiologist, ?istorian, 6urse, cientist or %echniciantemplates 1see )elow as outlined a)ove.

%he Cattlesuit s"ill, while important, is not a re9uirement until the characterreaches the Paladin ran"s 1when he is issued his &irst suit o& power armor.

The (nc%a)e

 ll 5nclave grunts are re9uired to ta"e the dvantages ilitary Ran"15nclave / /Q and Patron 1Power&ul <rgani8ation, - or less, 59uipmentL/K 23Q0 as well as the Disadvantages ode o& ?onor 1oldierAs 7+/Q

and Duty 1- or less, 5(tremely ?a8ardous 7+/Q. Intolerance 1utants isalso very common, as is !anaticism 15(treme patriotism 7+Q. <n the s"ill&ront, the oldier s"ill is also re9uired0 the Cattlesuit s"ill is re9uired o& all6<s and any mem)er o& the o&&icer corps.

 ll 5nclave troopers should ta"e a wide variety o& weapon s"ills, )othmelee and &irearms. rmoury 1!irearms or Power rmor should also )econsidered. ny trooper in a leadership position should also ta"e theEeadership, trategy and %actics s"ills.

%he oldier template 1&rom GURP pace may instead )e ta"en, andmodi&ied as outlined a)ove.


%ri)esman characters may )e created 9uic"ly and easily )e using the %ri)altemplates &rom ?and O+t of Ti!e 1see )elow. %ri)al characters should)e limited to %E 3 or less 1see the %E chart on page 22.

%ri)al shamans have several choices in regard to religion0 ancestor worshipis a popular choice 1a practice they hold in common with many raidergangs, as is tech7worship 1many tri)es live in the ruins o& pre7war citiesand installations. %he cult o& the Crahmin god is another popular choicecommon to the tri)es o& the idwest.

/a+%t D-e%%er

haracters who have escaped &rom a >ault made )e made relatively9uic"ly and easily )y using the templates &rom the 6itorica% 0o%9source)oo" 1some o& which may re9uire modi&ication. nother option is touse the templates )elow 1Policeman &or >ault security, Doctor &or a >aultmedical o&&icer, Cureaucrat &or a >ault overseer, etc..

 ny >ault character created, however, should )e made to ta"e the luelessdisadvantage, the Incompetence 9uir" or a similar disa)ility0 a&ter all, most>ault dwellers have spent their entire lives loc"ed away &rom the real worldX

Te!p%ate fro! Other GURP$ $o+rce,oo9

IAve listed several templates &rom other GURP$ 4th edition source)oo"sthat may )e use&ul to a player designing a character &or the GURP$ 0a%%o+tcampaign0 )e aware that most o& the templates )elow will re9uire someheavy modi&ication to ma"e them #!allout computa)le$@


ystic 1Page 2+2, modi&ied appropriately.

Baic $et

oldier o& !ortune 1haracters 2:/.


CioengineerHGengineer 1Page 2/3. 5nclave only, 5pidemiologist 1Page2/, 6urse 1Page 2/=, enior iti8en 1Page 2+/.

0anta< Mot of the Te!p%ate ,e%o- re;+ire hea)< !odification

Candit 1Page ++:. hange Riding s"ill to Driving0 hange 'eapon s"ills toappropriate &irearms s"ills, ?oly an 1Page +2/0 minus any and allsupernatural powers, >illage age 1Page +2, ourtesan 1Page 2+4,5ngineer 1Page 2+, modi&ied appropriately, Gladiator 1Page 2+, modi&iedappropriately, agistrate 1Page 2+:.

Infinite 7or%d

5(patriate 1Page +-=, ?istorian 1Page +-=.

?and O+t of Ti!e

%ri)al hie& 1Page +, %ri)al hie& 1Bungle Princess 1Page +:, %ri)al'arrior 1Page +:, %ri)al haman 1inus any supernatural powers0 Page+:, %ri)al 'anderer 1Page +=, %ri)al 'anderer 1%ri)al <utcast0 Page +=,%ri)al 'anderer 1>isionary0 Page +=.

Martia% Art Partic+%ar%< +ef+% for ca!paign et in $an 0rancico

 ssassin 1Page 3+, ontender 1Page 32, Duelist 1Page 34, Instructor1Page 34, tudent 1Page 3.


%hat Darn Fid 1Page +/:.

Tra)e%%er: Interte%%ar 7ar

 cademician 1Page +4: , Cureaucrat 1Page +4, apitalist 1Page +4,Diplomat 1Page +/, Doctor 1Page +/, 5ntertainer 1Page +/,Policeman 1Page +2, Politician 1Page +2, Rogue 1Page +3, cientist1Page +4, py 1Page +.


County ?unter 1Page 22=, on an 1Page 22, 5(plorer 1Page 23/,erchant 1Page 23/, oldier 1Page 233, %echnician 1Page 23, %hie&1Page 23.


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0a%%o+t o, Ta,%e

o, prere;+iite Month%< Inco!e $+cce Ro%% Critica% 0ai%+re

Poor o, Cot of ?i)ing 1.. or %e8 tat+ >1 or %e

Cum 16one /V crounging or treetwise or IT7 7+i H 3D

Ea)orer 1% ++L, ?% +/L +//V ?% 7+i H EB,3D

Dealer 1erchant L and treetwise or crounging ++/V PR7+ 7+i H EB,3D

$tr+gg%ing o, Cot of ?i)ing 1.. or #..8 $tat+ >1 or F.

Raider 1'eapon "ill, Intimidation L, tealth, treetwise 22/V Cest PR EB,3D H D,*ailed

Desert 6omad 1urvival 1Desert, %rac"ing 2//V urvival +D H 3D

Poor !armer 1!arming, erchant -L 3//V PRL+ 7+i,+D H EB,72i,2D

!isher 1!ishing and either Coating or 5(plosives 1demolitions or UC 3//V !ishing 7+i,+D H 7+i,+D

!ortune7%eller 1Precognition, !ortune %elling 1ugury or !ast %al" 2//V PR 72i H 74i,+D

ervant 16o attri)ute )elow , avoir !aire 2// avoir !aire +D H EB,2D

Door to Door alesman 1erchant, !ast %al" 2:/V Cest PR 72i H 73i,2D

echanic 1echanic ++L 22/ PRL2 EB H EB,2D

treetwal"er 1e( ppeal, Pro&essional "ill@ treetwal"er, verage or)etter appearance

2//V Cest PR L ppearance ReactionConus

72i H EB,72i,+D

%hie& 14L thie& s"ills at +3L or 2 at +:L 2/V Cest PR72 72i,3D H 4D,*ailed

%hug H Councer 1% +3L, om)at "ill +4L 3//V PR72 EB,3D H EB,D

DriverHhau&&eur 1Driving or %eamster "ill ( 2/ PR 72i,+D H EB,3D

hop ler" 1erchant +/L 2// IT L Reaction Conus EB H EB

 ctorHctress 1cting +/L, Per&ormance +/L "ill ( +=V PR 73i H EB, +D

A)erage o, Cot of ?i)ing #..8 $tat+ .

Eaw 5n&orcer 1Eegal 5n&orcement Powers, 'eapon "ill, Eaw L,Unarmed om)at "ill

4// Cest PR 2D H EB,2D

Gunner 15lectronics <peration1ensors, Gunner +4L :// Gunner 2D H 7+i,:D

leric 1%heology, Pu)lic pea"ing, avoir !aire 33/ %heology 2D H EB,2D

Doctor 1Diagnosis +4L, Physician +4L, urgery ++L ://V PR 73i H EB,74i

!armer 1!arming +3L, own piece o& land 4//V PR 7+i,+D HEB,72i,2D

 nimal %rainer 1nimal ?andling +4L, %eaching 33/V PR 7+i,+D H EB

aravan Guard 1'eapon "ill, %actics :L, avoir !aire L, urvival :// Cest PR 2D H EB,2D

?unter 1urvival, %rac"ing +4L, 'eapon "ill and0 !ishing or erchant or6aturalist at ++L

33/V urvival or %rac"ing 7+,+D H 73i,+D

ercenary 13 om)at "ills totaling over 4/, %actics, e9uipment //V Cest PR 3D H EB,D

cav 1crounging +4L, tealth, rea Fnowledge, 'eapon "ill,treetwise

//V Cest PR 3D H 72i,D

hop"eeper 1<wn hop, ra&t "ill +3L, erchant +3L ://V Cest PR 72i H 74i

usician 1ny musical s"ill +3L, instrument 33/V Cest PR73 7+i,+D H 73i,2D

choolteacher 1%eaching, avoir !aire, IT -L 33/V avoir !aireL+ 72i H EB,72i

County ?unter 1Ranged 'eapon "ill, urvival +/L, %rac"ing +3L 'orst PR ( 3/V 'orst PR72 EB,2D H EB,:D

ourtesan 1e( ppeal +3L, Pro&essional "ill@ourtesan, verage or)etter appearance

"ill ( 3/V PR L ppearance ReactionConus

72i H 74i,2D

riminal 5n&orcer 1% +2L, Ranged 'eapon "ill, Unarmed om)at "ill IT ( 3/V Cest PR74 EB,3D H D,*ailed

laver 1Guns, Unarmed om)at "ill, %actics :L, treetwise ://V PR EB,3D H D,*ailed

Ea) 'or"er 1omputer <peration, Research ++L, cience "ill +/L 1'orst PR7: ( 3/V 'orst PR 72i H EB,3D

Private Detective 1riminology and Eaw or treetwise Cest PR ( 2V 'orst PR 73i,2D H EB,4D

Prospector 1Prospecting +/L PR ( 3/V PR 73i,2D H 7i,EB

oldier 1om)at "ill +/L, %actics :L 33/ L 1=/ ( Ran" Cest PR72 72i,2D H 7i,EB


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0a%%o+t o, Ta,%e8 Contin+ed

o, prere;+iite Month%< Inco!e $+cce Ro%% Critica% 0ai%+re

Co!forta,%e o, Cot of ?i)ing 4.. for $tat+ F18 5.. for $tat+ F#

aster rtisan 1ra&t 2/L, erchant +4L -//V PR73 EB H EB,72i

Eoan har" 1rea Fnowledge1Region +3L, treetwise, erchant +4L,tatus L+

+3//V erchant74 74i H 7i

cri)e 7 Crotherhood o& teel 1ilitary Ran" +L, %eaching +4L, dministration +L, ccounting, Research, avoir !aire, cience "ill

+2// L 1=/ ( Ran" 'orst PR 72i H 74i,EB

Fnight 7 Crotherhood o& teel 1'eapon "ill, rmoury, %actics L,

Crawling, avoir !aire1ilitary, 5lectronics <peration, Cattlesuit, Ran"+L

+2// L 1=/ ( Ran" Cest PR 72i,2D H 7i,EB

Paladin 7 Crotherhood o& teel 1Power armor, Ran" :L, %actics, Cattlesuit+4L, 3 'eapon "ills at +L, 5lectronics <peration1Ro)otics, Eeadership+4L, avoir !aire1ilitary +L

1Cattlesuit ( +// L1=/ ( Ran"V

%actics or avoir !aire 1ilitary 72i,3D H 73i,D

!armer, Ranch <wner 1Eand, !arming +3L, rea Fnowledge 1<wn Eand+4L, erchant +3L

:=/V 'orst PR 73i H 7:i

Budge 1Eegal 5n&orcement Powers, Eaw +L and0 Reputation L2 orPolitics +4L

-// IT7+ 7+i H EB

Eawyer 1Eaw +L, Pu)lic pea"ing or !ast %al" +3L -//V 'orst PR 72i H 74i

ercenary aptain 159uipment, >ehicle "ill or Cattlesuit +4L, Eeadership+4L, %actics, Reputation L2, 'eapon "ills at +4L, tatus L+

1%actics7+/(=/ L1=/ ( Ran" L Rep L


Eeadership or %actics 72i,3D HEB,73i,D

cientist 1omputer <peration, %eaching +4L, pecialty "ills +L,Research +4L, 'riting +4L, ?istory

'orst PR ( +//V 'orst PR 72i H 74i,EB

 ssassin 1tealth and0 Ceam 'eapons or ross)ow or Guns 'orst ( +//V 'orst PR 74i,4D H D

laver Coss 1treetwise, Psychology, Physiology, erchant, tatus +L PR ( +3/V 'orst PR 74i,4D H EB,D

Psy"er 1PI power level1s 3L, psionic s"ill1s, Paraphysics 1Cest PI s"ill ; +/( +=/ L 1PowerEevels ( +=/

Cest PR EB,+D H EB,4D

7ea%th< o, Cot of ?i)ing 1".. for $tat+ '8 #".. for $tat+ 4

Rich erchant 1hops, erchant +:L, avoir !aire +4L, contacts +3//V erchant74 72i H 7=i

urgeon 1Diagnosis, 5lectronics <peration1edical +/L, Physician +4L,urgery +:L, tatus /L

Cest PR ( 22/V 'orst PR 73i H 7+/i,EB

Porn tar 1cting, e( ppeal, 5rotic rt L, tatus +L, >ery ttractive or

)etter appearance, Reputation

1Cest PR ( +=/ L

1Reaction Conuses( +=/V

Cest PR 7i H EB,+D

Idle Rich 1tatus 3L tatus ( +/// IT 74i,+D H 7+2i,7title

>illage Eeader 1dministration, Eeadership, tatus 2 +// PR 73i,EB H EB,*ailed

ayor o& a %own 1dministration, Eeadership, tatus 3 3/// PR 73i,EB H EB,*ailed

ayor o& a Earge %own 1dministration +3L, tatus 4 1dministration7+3( =// L 1tatus (


PR 74i,EB H EB,*ailed

rimelord 1treetwise 2/L, tatus 2L, Reputation 1treetwise (=// L11tatus73 (=// L1Reputation ( =//V

treetwise74 74i,4D H D,*ailed

ee the wealth level modi&iers ta)le &rom GURP Casic et pages 2:472:. lso note the wealth level e&&ects on wor"ing hours per wee". 'here the

e(act level o& a prere9uisite s"ill is not given, assume re9uired level o& +2L.

 ll wages are e(pressed as )ottlecaps 1+W S + Cottlecap, wages mar"ed with AVA are &reelance *o)s 7 any given months income depends on the marginthe success roll is made )y.

%hese *o) entries are only intended as guidelines 7 !or e(ample, a particularly success&ul raider )and might have higher prere9uisites as well ashigher incomes. lso, in some cases it should )e possi)le to compensate &or a missing *o) prere9uisite with higher level o& s"ill in a primaryprere9uisite 7 %his is especially appropriate &or sel&7employed &reelance *o)s. Use G discretion.


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2"p!e$ 7(: E@&ipme#!

$tarting Mone<

 verage starting money is +/// Cottlecaps, all o& it availa)le &or gear. +Cottlecap S + GURP W S + liter 19uart o& clean drin"ing water 1>alue o& Cottlecaps are )ac"ed )y the 'ater erchants o& the ?u), thelargest trading city o& the ali&ornia region.. I& adventuring in the idwest,Pullta)s 1pt ta"e the place o& Cottlecaps 1)c among the tri)esmen o& thearea 1at the same monetary value. Oet another common &orm o& currencyis Crotherhood o& teel scrip 1+ )s S + )c 1or pt S + liter o& water, whichonly has value in a Crotherhood )un"er.

?eroes may )e Dead Cro"e 1/ )c, Poor 12// )c, truggling 1// )c,

om&orta)le 12/// )c, or 'ealthy 1/// )c at the usual point costs. >ery'ealthy and !ilthy Rich is o&&7limits 1at least at character creation ; seethe dvantages section, page 2=.

$ignat+re Gear 

 ny adventurer may designate a none(penda)le item as ignature Gearand pay + point 1instead o& cash per // )c in value. %his ma"es it part o&his a)ilities, )uying the G’s word that he won’t o&ten )e without it. %heG has the &inal say on what may )e purchased i this manner.

(=tra Mone<

In addition, starting characters may trading points &or money 1p. C2:.ince ignature Gear is worth // )c H point, it’s &air to give the sameoomph to those )lowing points on things that do ris" )eing )ro"en or wornout. 5ach point sacri&iced yields // )c ; not merely +// )c ; in e(trastarting money. Dead Cro"e Ps cannot do thisX %o encourageadventurers to go on adventures, this option isn’t availa)le a&ter thecampaign )egins.

(;+ip!ent +a%it<

>ery heap e9uipment costs +H4 normal cost, heap e9uipment costs +H2cost. heap weapons are at 7+ to cc, >ery heap weapons su&&er twiceas severe penalties. rmor and other items which are not weapons haveA)lativeA DR i& cheap, and a)late twice as &ast i& very cheap 1whenDR reaches 8ero, the item is )ro"en.

0+e% Cot

!ossil )ased &uels li"e Gasoline are scarce and cost at least (+/ times thenormal price when availa)le. <n the other hand, renewa)le &uels li"ewood, coal, hydrogen or methanol cost only +( the price where availa)leat considera)le 9uantities.

Note on (;+ip!ent ?it:

•  ll e9uipment is %E = unless otherwise noted.

• ARolls to CuildA S "ill rolls with modi&iers re9uired to )oth ac9uirethe parts and to )uild the item.

• ADesign ClueprintsA S %he minimum time re9uired to design theitem.

• AEimited ProductionA S %he minimum time re9uired to )uild theitem, a&ter the necessary parts have )een ac9uired.

6aard Detection De)ice

Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

Geiger ounter 4 2//

hemical ensor + 2//

Rad%a) 6eg. 3/

6aard Detection De)ice

%here are various types o& chemicalH)iologicalHnuclear detection devicesavaila)le0 some are hand7held devices, some are wor"ed into clothing,

others are mounted on helmets and gloves. %he numerous models,produced during the &inal stages o& civili8ation’s wars, vary in si8e, shape,color, and name, )ut pretty much wor" the same. %he three main types areas &ollows@

Che!ica% $enor: %hese devices, typically hand7held and possessing amicrophone7li"e protrusion, detect the general presence o& to(ic chemicalgasses in the vicinity. uch an item detects only chemical agents 1notradiation, including ha8ardous chemicals 1any &orm, chemicalcontaminants, and various nerveHirritantH)lood agents. chemical sensor’srange is / &t. 'or"s with a small energy cell &or up to a month per charging

$9i%% to +e: 5lectronics <peration1ensors or 6C 'ar&are

D+ra,i%it<:  PD 3, DR , ?P 3

Ro%% to ,+i%d: crounging 7, 5ngineer15lectric L/

Too%: Casic %ool"it 15lectronics

Deign B%+eprint: +4 hours

?i!ited Prod+ction:  hours

Geiger Co+nter: %his dura)le piece o& e9uipment is capa)le o& measuringradiation, either in immediate surroundings, or with a more &ocusedscanning with a small pro)e. easures radiation in roentgens or rads.'or"s with a small energy cell &or up to a month per charging. Itselectronics are hardened to withstand 5Ps.

$9i%% to +e: 5lectronics <peration1ensors or 6C 'ar&are

D+ra,i%it<:  PD 3, DR , ?P 3

Ro%% to ,+i%d: crounging 7, 5ngineer15lectric L/

Too%: Casic %ool"it 15lectronics

Deign B%+eprint: +4 hours

?i!ited Prod+ction:  hours

Rad Ta,: uch items come in all shapes and si8es, )ut are usually installed

as a colored strip on an I.D. )adge, arm )and, etc. %he strip changes colorwhen the wearer comes close to dangerous radiation level areas. uch anitem changes &rom )lac" to yellow at mild levels, yellow to orange at lowlevels, and orange to red at moderate levels or more. &ter e(posure toradiation, a Rad %a) cannot )e used again. Range is immediate.

$+r)i)a% Gear 

Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

Respirator as" neg. 2/

Respirator as" 6C7!ilters neg. +/

igarette Eighter neg. +//

5mergency Ra&t 2 +//

?ala8one %a)lets neg. /

Personal 'ater Puri&ier + :/

'ater !las" + +/

'aterproo& atches neg. 2

ooling uit 1%E ://

agnesium !irestarter neg. 3

alt Pills neg. 2/

urvival Fit 4 3//

Eight Rod neg. +


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$+r)i)a% Gear 

<& the various )asic categories o& e9uipment, survival gear is )y &ar themost important to the inha)itants o& the post7nuclear world. 'hile there isgreat demand &or most items use&ul in surviving the world’s terri)le dangersand climate ha8ards, a num)er o& communities have virtual #cottageindustries$ that produce these vital items to ma"e li&e in the wastelandpossi)le.

Repirator Ma9: imple respirator mas" with 6C7&ilters, "eeps anyundesira)le &oreign microparticles &rom entering the lungs, includingradioactive &allout, dust and many )ioweapons. !ilter duration varies withthe amount o& microparticles in the )reathing air, )ut should last at least &ora day even in the worst conditions 1&or wee"s in &airly normal conditions.

Cigarette ?ighter: %his tiny, priceless o)*ect creates a steady &lame evenin wet or windy conditions due to a shielded cover. %hey come in a num)ero& colors and styles. typical lighter will have d+// #charges$.

(!ergenc< Raft: %his is essentially a )right orange plastic container1cylindrical or )o(7shaped with a thic" ru))ery shoulder strap &or easycarrying. 'hen opened and a ta) pulled, an auto7in&lating ra&t literally#pops$ out. %he ra&t is generally large enough to support eight / peoplesteadily on all )ut the roughest seas, remaining )uoyant &or a)out +72wee"s. &old out tent top can )e deployed to protect against cold and highwinds. It can )e used only once, however, and cannot )e re7pac"aged.

6a%aone Ta,%et: <ne o& these ta)lets, when com)ined with one liter o&water, will puri&y it o& most simple contaminants and parasites. ?eavilycontaminated water sources 1G’s discretion may re9uire the use o& twota)lets per liter. ?ala8one ta)lets will not wor" on salt water, or water

tainted with gritty minerals.

Perona% 7ater P+rifier: Removes particles, chemicals and even mostmicro7organisms. 'ater is hand7pumped through it at a)out a 9uart aminute. 'ill treat a)out 2// gallons per &ilter cartridge 7 pare &iltercartridges cost W3/ each.

7ater 0%a9: + 9uart metal canteen, covered with 9uilted &elt.

7aterproof Matche: 'ill light even a&ter )eing underwater 1dry them o&&&irst. <ne )o( contains one hundred matches.

Coo%ing $+it T?5: %his &le(i)le undergarment uses electric power to "eepthe wearer at com&orta)le temperature even in the midday heat o& a desert.5specially use&ul &or wearing &ull armor suits in hot climates, it can cancelout any temperature related &atigue losses as long as the power lasts. s itreduces sweating a lot, it also allows the wearer to get )y with

drin"ing nota)ly less water.

Using one small energy cell, the ooling uit can reduce the e&&ectivetemperature )y +/ degrees &or +: hours, 2/ degrees &or hours, 3/degrees &or 4 hours and so on. an also attach larger energy cells or apowerplant e(ternally i& longer operating duration is re9uired.

6ote that the ooling uit o&&ers no protection at all to e(tremelyhigh temperatures, such as produced )y )on&ires, &lamethrowers or plasma )lasters.

Magnei+! 0iretarter: %hese are high 9uality magnesium starters,opera)le in even the wettest conditions. %he starter consists o& amagnesium )ar, which when scraped produces magnesium shavings thatare highly &lamma)le 1a )uilt7in spar"ing rod is included.

$a%t Pi%%: alt pills increase the salt content in the )ody, which as a resulthelps retain ingested moisture. <ne pill, ta"en daily, reduces the need &or

ingested moisture )y one hal& &or +74 wee"s.

$+r)i)a% Kit: %his type o& item was issued to soldiers in the &ield, and manytypes are availa)le. %he "it contains a water7puri&ication )ag 1which holdsup to one liter o& water, &our hala8one ta)lets, a simple sewing "it, a )oo"o& 2/ matches, compass, &our go)s o& chewing gum, eight pieces o& sweetcandy 1these o&&er no nutrition, )ut consuming one raises the eater’s energylevel due to sugar content, and a ra8or )lade and holder.

?ight Rod: %hese are hard plastic rods 1three &eet in length, &illed withtwo chemicals which, when com)ined )y pulling a ta) on the rod, glow)rightly and intensely. olors range &rom vi)rant orange to &luorescent)lue. %he glow o& a light rod provides illumination up to / & t, and lasts upto eight continuous hours, )e&ore the rod is used up.


Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

6u"a ola + 3

Dried eat . +.

anned !ood + 2

R5 .

N+9a Co%a: Popular )rand o& so&t drin". Clue colored li9uid with warm and&lat taste. Cecause o& the high concentration o& preservatives, it stays

drin"a)le inde&initely. 6u"a ola is usually availa)le in hal& 9uart plastic)ottles.

Dried Meat: %his well spiced )rahmin *er"y stays chewy7licious &or years.ost and weight are per mealAs worth o& the stu&&.

Canned 0ood: 'ell preserved &ood, which will stay edi)le &or anotherdecade i& "ept in cool environment. pam and )eans are the mostcommon types. ost and weight are per meal.

D+ra,i%it<: DR 4, ?P +

MR(: eal, Ready to 5at 1or Aeals Re&used )y 5thiopiansA, depending onwho one as"s. eal, eating utensils and paper wipe in one waterproo& pac"age. It has an inde&inite shel& li&e, and coo"s itsel& in &ew minuteswhen a corner is ripped open. ost and weight are per meal.

D+ra,i%it<:  DR +, ?P +


Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

6ightvision Goggles 4 2//

Pip7Coy 2/// 1%E 3 //

otion Detector 1%E 4 //

Identity ard neg. >aries

tealth Coy 1%E- 3 ,///

'al"ie7%al"ie 2 2/

Night)iion Gogg%e: <ld, )ul"y )ut cheap )asic nightvision device.Reduces dar"ness penalties into 7+.

D+ra,i%it<:  DR 3, ?P +

Pip>Bo< #... T?5: mall, simple )ut very rugged laptopHPD computerwhich was mass7produced )y the >ault7%ec corporation )e&ore the Great'ar. omple(ity +, with a 4/ giga)yte hard7drive. omes complete with>ault7%ec operating system, datalin", automapping and GP so&tware.Powered )y a small integrated plutonium )attery, which lasts &or centuries.

$9i%% to +e: omputer <peration or omputer Programming

D+ra,i%it<: DR , ?P 3

Motion Detector T?5: %his item appears to )e a large metal device, witha glass %.>. tu)e on its upper side. %he device, when activated and pointedin a certain direction, detects all motion in a cone 1at 3/ degrees some /&t long. %hings that are moving within this area appear as dots on thescreen, showing their relative position in the cone and the rate o& their

speed. %he detector will only detect motion )y things %iny or larger. motion detector is una&&ected )y dar"ness, smo"e or &og, or concealment.

D+ra,i%it<:  DR 3, ?P 3

Identit< Card: %he ncients used a variety o& identi&ication cards &or avariety o& reasons0 credit management, purchasing o& goods, and access tocertain areas. %hese cards come in a variety o& degrees, and were onlyissued to those who had the right clearance 7 some allow passage intopolice armories, others into medical &acilities, others into personal homes.%hey are typically color7coded, and allow passage into areas monitored and"ept secure )y ro)ots and electronic security systems.

I& a character does not have a card o& the appropriate level, he may attempta 5lectronics <peration 1ecurity chec" to disa)le the card loc".


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Identit< Card

Co%or Ran9 Note Acce Dia,%e?oc9



'hite tage I %ypical citi8en’sID card

I 7/ +//

Oellow tage II %echnician’saccess card

II 7+ 2//

Clue tage III ivil uthorityaccess card

I, II, III 72 =//

Purple tage I> !ederal uthorityaccess card

I,II,III,I> 72 +,///

Red tage > RegionalGovernor’saccess card

> 73 2,//

Clac" tage >I Presidentialaccess card

>, >I 74 3,///

Eead tage I 5nlisted ilitaryID card

IH 7+ +//

opper tage II 6< accesscard

IH, IIH 72 ://

Cron8e tage III <&& icer accesscard

IH,IIH,III 72 +,///

ilver tage I> Case rmoryaccess card

I> 73 +,4//

Gold tage > Case ommanderaccess card


73 3,2//

Platinum tage >I ilitary Researchaccess card

>I 74 4,2//

$tea%th Bo< T?*: a"es the wearer almost transparent. Gives a L)onus to tealth s"ill, nd removes the penalty &or hiding without a naturalhiding place. %a"es + small energy cell.

7a%9ie>Ta%9ie:  classical hand7held radio &or emissionHreception.5&&ective range is miles. %a"es + small energy cell.

Po-er $o+rce

Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

mall 5nergy ell 1%E /. 3//

icro !usion ell 1%E 2 //

icro !usion Pac" 1%E 2/ +/,///

!usion ell 1%E+/ 2/ 3,///

olar Panel Cattery harger + 2/

olar Panel 3/

Porta)le Petrol Power Generator +// 2/,///

Po-er $o+rce

>arious items o& this type were created to supply power to the various

technological devices o& man"ind’s creation, *ust prior to the end o&civili8ation. %he power source 1or #&uel cell$ is an electrochemical devicethat converts the chemical energy o& the &uel into a direct7current output,li"e a #continuous7process )attery$. ost &uel cells made on pre7holocaust 5arth used hydrogen as a &uel.

$!a%% (nerg< Ce%% T?5: mall 5nergy ells are a "ind o& advanced &uelcells. 5ach cell weights hal& a pound and its si8e is a)out 2.ZZcm1+Z2Z2. %he recharging process is rarely "nown 1e(cept &or >aults or C<&or e(ample. %his process re9uires speci&ic hardware 1%E -, 4 hours andan 5lectronics Repair roll 1Power ources 7 %E-. !ailure means the celllost hal& his capacity, critical &ailure means the cell is destroyed 1)ecomesuseless.

Micro 0+ion Ce%% T?5: icro !usion ells are ultra7power&ul cells. %heyweigh a)out two and a hal& pound each, and their si8e is a)out Z+/Z+/cm12Z4Z4. %he recharging process is even more di&&icult anddangerous. In addition o& the speci&ic hardware 1%E +/, it re9uires hoursand an 5lectronics Repair roll 1Power ources ; %E+/. !ailure means thecell is destroyed 1useless. ritical &ailure means the cell shatters 1:d cre(QL:d )urn.

Micro 0+ion Pac9 T?5: icro !usion Pac" is li"e a )ig !, designed tohold much more energy. It is designed to )e recharged, and so, despite theneed o& speci&ic hardware, the process is easy@ 5lectronics Repair roll at L31Power ources ; %E+/.

0+ion Ce%% T?1.:  porta)le &usion reactor. It may produce a hugeamount o& power. It is not radioactive while it is sealed.

0+ion Ce%%

Po-er $o+rce Ue Po-er

mall 5nergy ell Gi8mos, small electronic devices + year use

icro !usion ell 5nergy weapons, large electronic devices Cy weapon%ypeV

icro !usion Pac" 5nergy 'eapons Cy weapon%ypeV

!usion ell Un"nown UnlimitedVV

V 'hen used to power non7discharge items, will provide inde&inite use.

VV 2/ uses per day.

$o%ar Pane% Batter< Charger: )out the si8e o& a small )oo", rechargesany standard si8ed )atteries and some internals.

Po-er: /./+2"'

$o%ar Pane%: )out one s9uare yard in area when assem)led. Used toconvert sunlight into electric power, which is usually either stored into)atteries or used &or powering other e9uipment. an &ully recharge atypical car )attery in a )it over one hour under ideal conditions.

$9i%% to +e: ny 5lectronics <peration. 6o roll necessary e(cept withde&ault s"ill.

D+ra,i%it<: PD 2, DR 3, ?P +

Po-er: /.2 "'

Ro%% to B+i%d: crounging7, 5lectronics <perationL/

Too%: ini7tool"it 15lectronics

Deign B%+eprint: +- hours

?i!ited Prod+ction: = hours

Porta,%e Petro% Po-er Generator: %his appears to )e a heavy machinewith plastic or metal carrying )ars 1it’s the si8e o& may)e two or three car)atteries, very heavy, )ut still man7porta)le. %his type o& miracle deviceuses petrol 12K o& these devices use alcohol instead to generate asteady current o& electricity. %he generator produces + egawatt per hal&liter o& petrol, per hour. %he tan" in the generator generally holds two litersIt can generally only )e lin"ed to household devices 1not weapons, )ut it’s&low is enough to power most devices in a small community.


Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

ultitool . /

%ool"it >aries >ariesGun leaning Fit + 2/

5thanol till 2/// ///

Eoc"pic"s 1%E3 6eg. 3/

 dvanced Eoc"pic"s 1%E 6eg. 2/

5lectronic Eoc"pic" 3 +//

5lectronic Eoc"pic" 1%E 3 :///

Rope 1+,/// l)s., 3/ &eet 2

lim)ing Gear 4 /


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Too%8 Contin+ed

Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

hovel H Pic" 3/

5ntrenching %ool 3 :/

Petrol 1+ Eiter /.= /

!lare /. +

!lashlight /. 2

Utility Celt 2 /

mall Cac"pac" 3 :/

?eavy Cac"pac" +/ +//

%ent, 27man +2 /

%ent, 47man 3/ +/

ompass neg. :/

Cinoculars 2 4//

M+%titoo%: n improved version o& the wiss rmy "ni&e, this tool canreplace a small tool"it. "ill penalty o& 73 applies when wor"ing with onlythe multitool.


•I& the A"illA gives two values, use the &irst &or ma*or repairs and thesecond &or minor repairs.

• %E versions o& the tool"its cost (4 the price, i& availa)le.

• Using a %E= "it to repair a %E item gives a 72 s"ill penalty.

• Using a "it o& another specialty can )e done with 73 s"ill modi&ier, so awrong "ind o& "it is much )etter than nothing.

• 6ote that a wor"shop also re9uires an e(ternal power source capa)leo& at least /. "' constant power output while the powertools are)eing used. %o meet this re9uirement, it is possi)le to com)ine theoutputs o& several solar panels or to use a )unch o& car )atteries.

Too%9it $9i%% 7ght Cot $pecia%t<

ini7%ool"it 74 H 72 2 4// 5lectronics or rmoury

Porta)le %ool"it 72HL/ 2/ :// echanic or 5ngineer  

Porta)le %ool"it 72HL/ +/ -// rmoury or 5lectronics

Casic %ool"it L/ +// +2// 5lectronics or rmoury

Casic %ool"it L/ 3// // echanic or 5ngineer  

'or"shop L2 +// =/// 5lectronics

'or"shop L2 3/// 4/// 5ngineer, rmoury orechanic

omplete 'or"shop L2 +/,// +-,/// ll in one

G+n C%eaning Kit: Casic tools re9uired to clean and maintain guns.5specially use&ul &or cleaning up )lac" powder residue &rom automatic&irearms. %horough cleaning o& a gun may ta"e over hal& an hour or more,

i& it is especially dirty.

(thano% $ti%%: till with &ermentation vats suita)le &or ma"ing drin"a)lealcohol. an produce up to +// gallons within one wee" &ermentation anddistilling period. %he whole distilling process uses up &uel as &ollows0 5ither2/ gallons o& ethanol 1W//, 2/c& o& coal 1W2/ or /c& o& wood 1W+:.!ermentation vats re9uire 2//c& 1W+/// o& &ruits or other 9uality plantmaterials to start with. I& the still is operated continuously, it will produce32/ gallons o& alcohol per month, with something li"e 2 man7hours o&wor" involved in the process.

 &ter the drin"a)le alcohol is )ottled, it will usually sell &or W+/7W2/ or soper + 9uart )ottle.

D+ra,i%it<:  DR , ?P 32

/o%+!e: %a"es up 3//c& 

Ro%% to B+i%d: croungingL/, echanic 1lcoholL2

Too%: %E= Casic echanic %ool"it or %E Porta)le echanic %ool"it

Deign B%+eprint: =+ hours

?i!ited Prod+ction: 2= hours

?oc9pic9 T?': Casic loc"pic" set. llows loc"pic"ing at no penalty tos"ill.

Ad)anced ?oc9pic9 T?": omprehensive &ine 9uality loc"pic" set.Pro&essional thieves choice o& tools. Gives a L+ s"ill )onus &or pic"ing any

mechanical loc".

(%ectronic ?oc9pic9: peciali8ed tool &or )ypassing electric loc"s andsecurity systems. Gives a L3 s"ill )onus to 5lectronics <peration1ecuritys"ill &or this purpose, )ut is at 7 penalty to )ypass %E security systems.

(%ectronic ?oc9pic9 T?5: s a)ove, )ut is at no penalty to )ypass %Esystems.

Uti%it< Be%t: Cig )elt with poc"ets, straps and hoo"s &or holding e9uipmentan carry up to 2/ l)s o& gear easily accessi)le.

$!a%% Bac9pac9: %ypical &rameless )ac"pac", with side poc"ets. ancontain up to 4/ E)s o& items.

• Special p.ra(e: an )e &itted with a &olding seat, this adds 2

E)s to the weight and +/W to the cost.

6ea)< Bac9pac9: %his pac" has a metal &rame and numerous poc"etsand straps, can contain up to +// E)s o& gear and in addition it is possi)leto strap a pac"ed sleeping )ag and a small tent on top o& it.


Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

?ealing Powder 1%E4 /. +/

>oodoo 1%E4 + /

timpac" 1%E- neg. 4/

uper timpac" 1%E- + ://

%rauma Pac" 1%E -L+ + =/

Ultra timpac" 1%E -L+ /. +///

 ntidote + +/

 &ter)urner Gum neg. 3/

entats 1%E neg. +//

Cu&&out 1%E neg. +//

Psycho 1%E /. +=

utie 1%E- /. =//

Bet 1%E neg. 2

Rad7N 1%E- neg. ://

Radaway 1%E- neg. 4//

!irst id Fit 4//

DoctorAs Cag +/ ://

Poc"et 6urse 1%E- 2 +///

U> terili8er 2 //


6umerous drugs and chemicals were devised )y the ncients, somecapa)le o& saving lives, others capa)le o& enhancing man"ind’s inheriteda)ilities 7 dictating what was once the sole domain o& nature. %hese items,though limited in uses 1i.e. they are consumed when used are o&tenamong the greatest treasures.


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edicines are "nown )y many names in the post holocaust world. %o theprimitive wasteland dwellers, they are #good *u*u$, or #good magic$, whileto those who hold some sem)lance o& civili8ation they are "nown as#drugs$ or simply #meds$. edicines, though vastly misunderstood )y thesavage survivors o& the holocaust, are still considered priceless )ecauseo& their #magic$ 7 they are some o& the &ew things that maintain their valueover time 1due to &uturistic preservation techni9ues, that is.

6ea%ing Po-der T?4: i(ture o& powdered mutant plants Croc" !lowerand Nander Root, a dose o& healing powder acts as a coagulant, pain"illerand into(icant, all at once. ?ealing powder is applied to the wound, it thenalmost instantly heals L+ hit points worth o& damage and gives L4 )onusto any )leeding related ?% rolls. s with stimpac"s, only one dose o&

healing powder can )e applied per wound.

Frm: Powder 1pplied. It ta"es a)out 3 seconds to apply one dose o&?ealing Powder.

Drabac*+: %he mildly into(icating e&&ect gives a cumulative 7+ penalty perdose to any Perception rolls, and this penalty applies also to any rangedattac"s li"e &iring a gun or throwing a spear.

I& senses go down to 8ero, the patient passes out and sleeps until thepenalties have gone away. ccumulated sense penalty decreases at therate o& + per hour. %he healing powder is most commonly made )y%ri)al medicine men, it is carried in small pouches which contain one doseeach.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect immediately.

/oodoo T?4: >oodoo is a potion )rewed )y tri)al witchdoctors &rom the

parts o& dead critters. Drin"ing it will ma"e the user &eel invinci)le@ 2 DN,L+ active de&enses. %he e&&ects last 27?% minutes.

Frm: Ceverage. It ta"es a)out 3 seconds to apply one dose o& >oodoo.

Drabac*+: Gives <vercon&idence &or the duration. lso gives 72 DN, 7+active de&enses and hronic Depression 1+2 &or a num)er o& minutese9ual to the time it was in e&&ect.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect in + minute.

$ti!pac9 T?*:  small disposa)le &irst7aid item, when a timpac" isin*ected into a wound, it instantly closes the wound and restores L hitpoints. <nly one timpac" can )e used per wound, e(cept &or a gunshotwound which goes all the way through the patient 1one stimpac" &or entrywound, another &or the e(it wound, heals a total o& L+/ hit points. illionso& stimpac"s were made )e&ore the war, and any surviving high7techmedla)s can produce these.

Frm: In*ection. In*ections re9uire a !irst id roll with a L2 )onus. It ta"esa)out + second to apply one timpac".

Drabac*+: 6one.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect immediately.

$+per $ti!pac9 T?*: !itted around the arm, the uper timpac" isready to in*ect chems into a soldierAs )ody during com)at. 'hen activated,a uper timpac" restores L+ hit points.

Frm: In*ection. In*ections re9uire a !irst id roll with a L2 )onus. It ta"esa)out + second to apply one uper timpac".

Drabac*+: %he healing comes with a cost. %he user will lose +/ &atiguepoints a&ter ?% minutes.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect immediately.

Tra+!a Pac9 T? *F1: Developed )y the Crotherhood o& teel, a %raumaPac" is )asically an advanced uper timpac". 'hen activated, a %raumaPac" will restore L2 hit points.

Frm: In*ection. In*ections re9uire a !irst id roll with a L2 )onus. It ta"esa)out + second to apply one %rauma Pac".

Drabac*+: &ter ?% minutes, the user will lose +/ &atigue and hits 1thehits must )e healed naturally a&ter ?% minutes.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect immediately.

U%tra $ti!pac9 T? *F1: Used )y )oth the 5nclave and the Crotherhoodo& teel, an Ultra timpac" iwill restore L2 hit points when used.

Frm: In*ection. In*ections re9uire a !irst id roll with a L2 )onus. It ta"esa)out + second to apply one Ultra timpac".

Drabac*+: &ter ?% minutes, the user will lose + &atigue and hits 1thehits must )e healed naturally a&ter ?% minutes.

!ime: %a"es e&&ect immediately.

Antidote: %his antidote, coming in a )ottle or syringe, is usually made &romdistilled poisons and anti)odies. %he e(act &ormula 1and e&&iciencydepends on who made the antidote.

Frm: Ceverage or in*ection. Ceverages ta"e 3 seconds to apply, in*ectionsta"e +. In*ections re9uire a !irst id roll with a L2 )onus.

Drabac*+: 6one.

!ime: %a"es + minute to ta"e e&&ect 1)everage or immediately 1in*ection.

After,+rner G+!: &ter)urner is an amphetamine gum legali8ed )e&orethe war. t+ time t *ic* a++ an( che .um an( m all utta .um67 

 &ter)urner gives L+ %, L+ DN and ?igh Pain %hreshold &or 27?%minutes.

Frm: Gum. %a"es 3 seconds to apply.

Drabac*+: Gives 7+ % and 72 DN at the end o& the duration, lasting anamount o& time e9ual to the time the drug was in e&&ect.

!ime: %a"es + minute to ta"e e&&ect.

Mentat T?5: %he ultimate Asmart drugA, a dose o& mentats greatlyincreases the patients intelligence &or a short period o& time. entats giveL2 IT, L2 Perception, L+ harisma &or 127?%H4 hours.

Drabac*+: 72 IT, 72 Perception, 73 harisma and )sent indedness atthe end o& the duration, lasting the same amount o& time the drug was ine&&ect.

!ime: It ta"es a)out + second to apply a dose o& entats.

B+ffo+t T?5:  dishonest olympic weightli&ters dream come true, Cu&&outgreatly increases recipients strength and endurance &or a short period o&time. Gives L2 %, L2 DN, ?ard to Fill 2 ad ?ard to u)due 2 &or 127?%H4hours.

Drabac*+: 73 %, 73 DN, and 7+ ?% at the end o& the duration, lasting thesame amount o& time the drug was in e&&ect.

!ime: It ta"es a)out + second to apply a dose o& Cu&&out

P<cho T?5:  pre7war com)at drug coc"tail with nasty side e&&ects, highaddiction rate and very impressive increase in com)at a)ility &or a shortperiod o& time. Gives L2 DN and L+ peed &or 127?%H4 hours.

Drabac*+: 72 IT and hallucinations &or the duration0 also gives 73 %, 73DN, Eow Pain %olerance, and Paranoia at the end o& the duration, lastingthe same amount o& time the drug was in e&&ect.

!ime: It ta"es a)out + second to apply a dose o& Psycho. In*ections re9uirea !irst id roll with a L2 )onus.

M+tie T?*: utie is a chemical that duplicates the mutative e&&ects o&!5> &or a short period o& time. utie gives the user a )oost o& L4 % andL4 Perception, lasting + wee".

Drabac*+: 74 harisma and 74 IT &or the duration, ad the loss o& +/ hitpoints when the drug wears o&& that must )e recovered naturally.

!ime: It ta"es a)out + second to apply a dose o& utie. In*ections re9uire a!irst id roll with a L2 )onus.

et T?5: ourtesy o& 6ew Reno, Bet is the premier street drug o& the'astelands 1a&ter 224/. Bet gives the user L2 peed, L+ %, and L+Perception &or 127?%H4 hours.

Draw)ac"s@ Gives 72 peed, 73 % and 73 Perception at the end o& theduration, lasting &or the same amount o& time the drug was in e&&ect.

!ime: It ta"es a)out + second to inhale a dose o& Bet.


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Rad>L T?*: nti7radiation drug, which protects against radiationdamage. ust )e ta"en )e&ore the radiation e(posure. <ne dose gives ane&&ective Protection !actor 1P! o& 2, every additional dose a&ter the &irstdou)les the P! i& ?%L3 roll minus the amount o& doses ta"en succeeds.Duration is e9ual to the margin o& success on this ?% roll, in hours 7?owever, even with a &ailed roll the duration is always at least + hour. Rad7N is not addictive.

!ime: It ta"es + second to apply one dose, which ta"es e&&ect a&ter +/minutes.

Rada-a< T?*: %his drug heals radiation damage, )ut cannot healpatients AEi&etime Radiation ?istoryA damage, which never heals. <ne dosecures +D: rads worth o& damage upon application, a&ter which ?% roll is

made a&ter each hour, &or +D: hours 7 uccess&ul ?% roll results inadditional +D: rads )eing healed.. %a"ing Radaway results in symptomssuch as diarrhea and vomiting, which results in some dehydration 7 It isadvisa)le to drin" lots o& water while under the in&luence o& radaway.Dehydration damage points e9uals to the duration o& the drug in hours1!atigue points are lost &irst, until &atigue drops into 3, a&ter which actualhit points are lost 7 Drin"ing one 9uart o& water restores + point o& dehydration damage.

%a"ing more than one dose simply increases the duration o& the drug, toomany doses might result in li&e7threatening dehydration damage. Radawayis not addictive.

!ime: It ta"es + second to apply one dose, which ta"es e&&ect a&ter +/minutes.

$pecia% Dr+g R+%e:

6T Ro%% 6T: a"e a ?% roll modi&ied )y the given di&&iculty to reduce thedraw)ac"s o& the chemical occurring &or its duration. <n a success, halvethe negative e&&ects. <n a critical success, ignore the draw)ac"s. %his rollhas no e&&ect on the )ac"lash and draw)ac"s occurring at the end o& theduration.

Addiction: any o& the a)ove chemicals are addictive. a"e a ?% rollmodi&ied )y the addiction &actor@ on a success, there are no addictione&&ects. <n a &ailure, the character su&&ers &rom withdrawal e&&ects 1GAsdiscretion &or 127?% hours. During that time, the character ma"es a 'illroll with the same modi&ier i& the chemical is avai)le. &ailure means the

character will want to ta"e another dose o& the chemical 1and the processrestarts. <n a critical &ailure on the ?% or the 'ill roll, the character maygain the ddiction disadvantage 1GAs discretion.

$+ccei)e Doe:

8ealin. (er: 6o cumulative e&&ects. 1e(cept &or draw)ac"s.

#(: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

Stimpac*: 6o cumulative e&&ects. !or each dose a&ter the &irst within 24h,ma"e a ?% roll 17+ per doseV. !ailure means heart attac".

Super Stimpac*: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses willincrease the duration. !or each dose a&ter the &irst within 24h, ma"e a ?%roll 172 per doseV. !ailure means heart attac".

!rauma ac*: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increasethe duration. !or each dose a&ter the &irst within 24h, ma"e a ?% roll 173per doseV. !ailure means heart attac".

ltra Stimpac*: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increasethe duration. !or each dose a&ter the &irst within 24h, ma"e a ?% roll 174per doseV. !ailure means heart attac".

 Anti(te: 9 o cumulative e&&ects.

 Aterburner ;um: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses willincrease the duration.

Mentat+: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

<uut: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

+ych: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

Mutie: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

Jet: 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

)a(-=: %a"ing two pills gives a total P!+/. 6o other cumulative e&&ects.

Radaway@ 6o cumulative e&&ects. Cut successive doses will increase theduration.

V I& many stims are used within the day, the penalty to the ?% roll is thesum o& the penalties o& the previous stims. !or e(ample, i& some)ody hasalready ta"en two stimpac"s and a trauma pac", roll ?%7 i& ta"ing anyother stim.

0irt Aid Kit: ore than a simple )andage 1or spray o& plastis"in orwhatever, here is a complete "it &or treating wounds. Gives L+ to !irst ids"ill.

Doctor@ Bag: ontains what is needed &or treating serious wounds.Gives L2 to !irst id s"ill.

Poc9et N+re T?*: %his is a &lat, rectangular metal device &i(ed to anad*usta)le )elt, attached either to the hip or worn around the waist. %hree

cylindrical ports line the top o& the device, where special #drug cylinders$can )e inserted. %he #poc"et nurse$ is a marvel o& advanced technologythat monitors the vital &unctions o& the wearer, in*ecting one o& threechemicals into his system as needed. %he pac" can carry a ma(imum o&three drugs o& any "ind, in*ecting these as needed, one at a time, once perround, immediately &ollowing an in*ury, poisoning, etc. %he pac" will alwaysuse the most potent chemical & irst to remedy the threat 1such as in thecase o& loading a timpac" and a uper timpac", it will use the upertimpac" &irst. ince the pac" itsel& does all the wor", this is considered a&ree action. %he pac" can )e reloaded, one drug at a time, as a standardaction. %he Poc"et 6urse runs a small energy cell.

U/ $teri%ier T?*: %his electronic device was used &or scienti&ic andmedical research )e&ore the &all o& civili8ation. %he device appears to )e asmall hand7held #television$ or &lash screen, used much li"e a hand7heldscanner. %he U> sterili8er emits a continuous pulse o& U>7 1at a short

wavelength &rom 2// to +/, a strong enough radiation to sterili8esur&aces, "illing all "nown viruses and )acteria. 'hatever the U> raypasses over is totally #cleansed$ in a matter o& +d minutes. %his wor"s onall viruses and )acteria, )ut is harm&ul to living tissue 1in&licting +d in heatdamage &or every two minutes o& direct e(posure0 3d vs. &ungi and plant7li"e creatures. <ne discharge is used &or each minute o& operation. %heU> sterili8er runs on one icro !usion pac".


 ll cy)ernetics &rom the 3rd edition y)erpun" )oo" are availa)le, )utshould )e "ept rare... and e(pensive. %here are very &ew active hospitalsa&ter all, and even &ewer people with the "now7how re9uired to installcy)ernetics.

In addition, the G may re9uire either an Unusual Cac"ground or Patronadvantage in order to purchase cy)ernetics. Possi)le Patrons include the

Crotherhood o& teel and 1even more li"ely the 5nclave. nother limiting &actor is &inding the cy)ernetic parts themselves. Possi)lesources include a)andoned hospitals and mili tary comple(es, or perhapssalvaged ro)ot parts or )its &rom that non7&unctioning suit o& power armor.

Eastly, cy)ernetic enhancements in GURP$: 0a%%o+t are very noticea)leand e>tremely ugly 1the Unnatural limitation &rom y)erpun". %hey mayalso )e nreliable <rea*(n rne or  )e?ecte(  1highly li"ely in the caseo& salvaged ro)ot )its. ee GURP$ C<,erp+n9, page 3+. y)orgs willalso gain the Disadvantage ocial tigma 72 1y)org at standard pointcost.


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echanical vehicles, especially those running on petrol, are generally none(istent in the !allout universe. %he most common means o& transport are)rahmin carts. %he super mutant army is also said to have used steam7powered truc"s.

%he war was &ought mainly &or resources. %he last resources remainingwere pro)a)ly depleted in the war itsel&. 'ithout resources, vehiclescouldnAt )e driven anymore. !urthermore, it is generally accepted that a&terthe war, much o& the human "nowledge was lost. %he "nowledge o& how totend to the high tech &usion cars that e(isted )e&ore the war was lost, andwith it the necessary s"ills to repair the cars.

?owever, since there are still untouched reserves o& pre7war tech 1li"e theierra rmy Depot, it is reasona)le to assume that vehicles will continueto have a presence in the !allout universe. I& the Den is capa)le o&"eeping a &usion car &rom rotting, imagine what a more advanced townmight have s9uirreled away.

 Airship: ome time a&ter the &all o& the aster, the Crotherhood o& teelconstructed airships 18eppelins and dispatched them to the 5ast, to trac"down and assess to the e(tent o& the remaining super mutant threat.

$T6P: +2/ 6nd$R: 74H3 6T: +/ Mo)e: +H3

?-t: + ?oad: 4 $M: L+/ Occ +/DR: + Range: 2,3// Cot: 3/,/// ?ocation: $ta%%: / Note: Piloting %E= 1Eighter than ir

 Armored Personnel Carrier: n original design &rom the idwesternCrotherhood o& teel. %his is a heavily armored personnel transport. %win%rac"s carry the vehicle over most terrain and provide &or a very smallturning circle. ItAs slow though so once itAs caught out in the open itAs a )ito& a sitting duc" &or heavy artillery.

$T6P: +++ 6nd$R: 73H 6T: ++& Mo)e: +H2/?-t: +2. ?oad: +.: $M: L4 Occ 2L++DR: /H3 Range: 3// Cot: +2,/// ?ocation: 2NNote: %he higher DR only applies to attac"s &rom the &ront. ounts amachine gun 1=.:4 mm or ./ in a pintle mount on the roo&. Driving %E=1%rac"ed.

Boudicca!"#S: %he Coudicca7=H was a relia)le modern motorcycleused )y the Critish Royal rmored orps, ra)ia. %he U.. 6ational Guardused several such motorcycles during the time o& 9uarantine right )e&orethe war. %he )i"eAs =hp engine runs o&& o& small energy cells and has asmall amount o& storage space on the )ac" o& the sidecar. %he motorcycleis dusty )lac" with paint &ading and chipped everywhere.

%he motorcycle will ta"e three passengers, total. I& the P has moremem)ers in his or her party, characters must )e e*ected )e&ore the )i"ecan )e used.

%he motorcycle can travel on the &ollowing terrain types@ Road, Desert,!orest, ?ills.

$T6P: 33 6nd$R: L+H2 6T: +/& Mo)e: H32?-t: /.4 ?oad: /.+ $M: / Occ +L2DR: 4 Range: 2// Cot: +,// ?ocation: 52'Note: Driving %E= 1otorycle.

Bu$$%: o))led together )y a )unch o& drun"en raiders in a )arnX >eryunrelia)le so itAs not your ideal vehicle &or ta"ing on the might o& thewastelands. Cut it is reasona)ly &ast and maneuvera)le so it can )e usedin hit and run tactics against lightly armed enemies.

$T6P: 33 6nd$R: L+H4 6T: +/ Mo)e: H3?-t: /.4 ?oad: /.4 $M: L2 Occ +L+DR: 2 Range: :- Cot: 2,/// ?ocation: G4'Note: Driving %E= 1utomo)ile.

Chr%salis &otors 'i$h(a%man: %he hrysalis otors ?ighwayman can)e charged with either icro !usion ells or mall 5nergy ells. smallenergy cell charges it up 2/K, while a icro !usion cell charges it up/K.

$T6P: 4= 6nd$R: /H3 6T: ++ Mo)e: 2H3-?-t: +.3 ?oad: /. $M: L3 Occ +L4DR:  Range: 2/ Cot: :// ?ocation: G4'Note: Driving %E= 1utomo)ile.


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'ummer: %he design is )ased loosely on the +/2 ?ummer as )uilt )y G in the late 2/th and early 2+st century. any o& the parts used areoriginal and a testament to the 9uality o& the original vehicles. Used )ythe idwestern Crotherhood o& teel as a general purpose wor" horse,itAs a &ast and relia)le way to get a)out. 'ell armored against handguns.

$T6P: =2 6nd$R: /H 6T: ++ Mo)e: 3H33?-t: 4.+ ?oad: + $M: L3 Occ 2L2DR:  Range: 3// Cot: =,/// ?ocation: G4'NNote: Improved )ra"es 1?igh %ech p. 22-. Run7&lat tires 1?igh %ech p.22-.Driving %E= 1utomo)ile.

Scouter: Cuilt )y the idwestern Crotherhood o& teel using old >'

parts. ItAs great &or &ast recon wor". %he coc"pit is almost entirelyenclosed although the armor is really only e&&ective against lightweapons. It holds one man, in relative discom&ort, and has a reasona)lecargo capacity.

$T6P: =2 6nd$R: /H3 6T: +/ Mo)e: 2H3?-t: 3. ?oad: /.: $M: L3 Occ 2L2DR:  Range: 2// Cot: :,// ?ocation: G4'Note: Driving %E= 1utomo)ile.

Tank: ItAs a tan"X Possi)ly a herman )ut itAs )een heavily modi&ied overthe years. Casically all o& your preconceived ideas a)out tan"s )eingheavy, slow )ut virtually unstoppa)le are )orn out )y this )a)y.

%urret armament consists o& a 'atervliet + cannon 1?igh %ech, p. +4+with =+ rounds 13- P5N and 32 ?5. Crowning +-+-4 machinegun 1?igh %ech p. +32 is mounted coa(ially with this. %he gunner has a3[ sight 1L+ cc. n 3 mortar 1?igh %ech p. +4: with +2 smo"e shellsis installed in the turret roo&. %here’s a Crowning 2?C heavy machine

gun 1?igh %ech p. +33 with si( +//7round )elts at the commander’shatch, and a gun port on the turret’s le&t side. %urret rotation ta"es threeReady maneuvers per &acing. second +-+-4 is &itted in the )ody&ront. Its gunner also operates the radio 1+/7mile range. %otal ammo &orthe +-+-4s is 2 2/7round )elts. %op and under)ody armor is DR/. %he turret has DR 2+/ in &ront, DR +4/ to the sides, and DR =/ ontop.

$T6P: + 6nd$R: 73H 6T: +/& Mo)e: 2H+2?-t: 3 ?oad: 2 $M: L4 Occ DR: 2+/H+/ Range: +2/ Cot: ,/// ?ocation: 2%NNotes: ?igher DR is &or )ody &ront, lower DR is &or )ody sides. !iree(tinguisher in engine compartment. Driving %E= 1%rac"ed.

Steam Truck: team7powered truc"s were vehicles used )y the supermutants in the asterAs rmy. %hey were used during the invasion o&6ecropolis.

$T6P: = 6nd$R: 7+H4 6T: +2& Mo)e: +H+-?-t: :.= ?oad: 3.3 $M: L4 Occ +L2DR:  Range: ++/ Cot: +,/// ?ocation: G4'Notes: ?alve Eoad o&&7road. Driving %E= 1utomo)ile.

)ertibird: >erti)irds are 5nclave helicopter vehicles used as scouts andtroop transports. In 224+ one o& them crashed near the trapper town o&Flamath, and was the &irst sign o& the 5nclave encountered )y the hosen<ne. %he hosen <ne later stole the >erti)ird Plans &rom the 6avarro

)ase, )ut it is not certain whether he gave them to the Crotherhood o&teel, the hi, or simply "ept them.

%he >erti)ird is a lateral twin7rotor 1non7synchroni8ed helicopter design. n actual e(perimental prototype &or this type o& aircra&t was the Platt7EePage NR7+HNR7+ tested )y the U rmy in the +-4/As. <thers includedthe German !a 223 and the cDonnell N?BD7+ 'hirlaway. %he NR7+was the &irst merican military helicopter to ta"eo&& and hover with goodcontrol, )ut the lateral design was generally plagued )y signi&icantvi)ration and control pro)lems when in motion. ynchroni8ed lateral rotoraircra&t li"e the Fellett NR7+/ wor"ed )etter, )ut the concept waseventually a)andoned in &avor o& the tandem 1&ore7a&t twin7rotorcon&iguration that is in use today 1e.g. the hinoo". 6ote that while the>erti)ird )ears an interesting resem)lance to the >722 <PR5O, it is not atilt7rotor design li"e the <sprey. !or e(ample, the long thin rotor )lades arenot proprotors that can )e used as propellers.

$T6P: = 6nd$R: L+H2 6T: ++& Mo)e: 3H++/?-t: +/ ?oad: 3. $M: L Occ 3L+4DR: H2/ Range: 3=/ Cot: /,/// ?ocation: G?3'$ta%%: / Note: Rotors are DR 2/, the rest is DR . Piloting

%E= 1?elicopter.


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Me%ee 7eapon and 0irear!

Weapn malunctin+ in the a+te+: In the wastes, weapons are o&ten old and have )een e(posed to dust and other severe conditions. %hese weaponsare more supposed to su&&er a mal&unction. o, al&. value will usually )e one or two points )elow the usual al&. o& the weapon.

%hus al&. will )e usually + &or %E and +: &or %E:L.

%hese weapons cost the listed price.

'eapons with al&. +4 at %E and + at %E :L will usually cost hal& the listed price 1well, i& you &ind an honest merchant. ?owever, new weapons 1neverused or *ust )uilt have the same al&. than descri)ed in GURP 4ed p2=-. %hey cost twice the price listed on the !allout 'eapons ta)les.

Me%ee 7eapon ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #21>#24 and 6igh Tech p 1.. for !ore info on other !e%ee -eapon

T-o>6anded $-ord DL>"H Broad-ord>4T? 7eapon Da!age Reach Parr< Cot 7eight $T Note

= pring word swL2 cutthrL3 imp


/ +/ +/ 2?, + turn to ready

T-o>6anded A=eMace DL>"8 A=eMace>'8 Po%ear!>48 or T-o>6anded 0%ai%>4

= teel ace swL3 cr +,2 /U +/ +2 2?, throwa)le, + turn to ready

uper ledgehammer swL cr +,2 /U /// +2 +4 2?, + turn to ready

$hort $-ord DL>"8 Broad-ord>#8 0orce $-ord>48 itte$ai>'8 Knife>48 $a,er>48 $!a%%-ord>48 or Tonfa>'

= attle Prod +d73 )urn?%731/.a&& 

+ / :// 4 = Uses + small energy cell, which provides 2hits.

= uper attle Prod +d72 )urn?%74 a&& 

+ / +2// 2?, Uses + small energy cell, which provides2 hits.

Ripper swL412 cut ,+ / 43/ +/ a(imum damage is 4DL412. Uses + smallenergy cell, which provides 2 hits.

Knife DL>48 0orce $-ord>'8 Main>Ga+che>'8 or $hort-ord>'

= urvival Fni&e sw72 cutthr imp


7+ +// +. :

Bo=ing8 Bra-%ing8 Karate8 or DL

= pi"ed Fnuc"les thrL3 cr ,+ / :/ +. 7 7 7

= Punch Gun 4d 1piLL ,+ / +2/ 3 = Reloading ta"es 2 seconds, also in&lictsnormal punch damage in addition to the )last.

Power !ist thrL2 cr / +// +.2 Uses + small energy cell, which provides 2 hits

ega Power !ist thrL3 cr / 22// +. Uses + small energy cell, which provides 2 hits

$pring $-ord: %his sword is made out o& a large truc" lea&7spring,straightened with hammer and anvil, sharpened at the edges, sword isotherwise dura)le 1and somewhat &le(i)le )ut does not hold i ts edge aswell as a ArealA 9uality sword. !or )rea"ing purposes, treat as !ine weapon,)ut &or damage, treat as only Good 9uality weapon.

*olls to Build: crounging L2, rmouryH%E=1?and 'eapons L4

Tools: ?ammer, anvil and sharpening wheel.

+imited Production:  hours

$tee% Mace: Eethal melee weapon, this mace has )een made out o& asteel tu)e and choice )its o& tool steel pieces &or &langes. It is very dura)leand not too di&&icult to ma"e with the right tools. 'eapon is e&&ectively o&>ery !ine 9uality.

*olls to Build: crounging 72, rmouryH%E=1?and 'eapons L/Tools: Porta)le rmoury %ool"it

+imited Production:  hours

$+per>$%edgeha!!er:  %his ultra7tech melee weapon is manu&actured )ythe Crotherhood o& teel. It uses a "inetic energy storage device toincrease the impact o& )lows, and the all metal construction ma"es it ane(tremely dura)le weapon o& e&&ectively super7&ine 9uality.

uper7ledgehammer is power&ul enough to cause some impact damageeven i& targets )ody armor stops the )low 7 In the case o& a )low stopped)y DR, divide super7sledges damage )y target locations hit points andround up 7 %he resulting num)er is hit points o& AimpactA damage su&&ered

)y the target location 1&or the purposes o& impact damage, head counts ashaving only hal& o& the total hit points. gainst non7rigid armors, super7sledge also causes )lunt7trauma damagein addition to the impact damage.

,urabilit%: DR =/, ?P +/

Catt%e Prod: ince this weapon is designed to "noc" a cow unconscious,imagine what it can do to a human. %he cattle prod loo"s a little li"e anovergrown tuning &or", e(cept that an arc o& electricity passes )etween theprongs on the end whenever the user presses the )utton.

$+per Catt%e Prod: n upgraded cattle prod. ny )iological critter hit withthis tool has a =K chance o& )eing "noc"ed unconscious. %he uperattle Prod re9uires two hands to use.

Ripper: Castard o&&spring o& a shortsword and an electric chainsaw, theRipper cuts through meat and )one li"e a hot "ni&e through )utter. Powered)y a single small enery cell, the weapon has an operating endurance o&a)out 2 minutes )e&ore needing a rechargeHreplacement cell.

%he hain consists o& lin"ed superalloy teeth, which are a lot tougher thansteel and thus the chain does not )rea" as easily as that o& an ordinarychainsaw 7 the weapon is e&&ectively o& very &ine 9uality.

,urabilit%: DR 3/, ?P :

$+r)i)a% Knife:  large "ni&e with )uilt7in survival accessories. llows &orsurvival rolls at no penalty and includes compass, small saw, &ishing lineswith hoo"s and a small whetstone on the sca))ard &or sharpening the"ni&e. !ine 9uality com)at )lade is at L+ to damage.


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$pi9ed Kn+c9%e: %his punch enhancing weapon ta"es the idea o& )rass"nuc"les one step &urther, with triangular spi"es li"e three small "ni&e7)lade7tips stic"ing out the "nuc"les. lthough the damage type is listed ascrushing, wounds caused )y this weapon are su)*ect to the )leeding rules.

*olls to Build: croungingL2, rmouryH%E=1?and 'eaponsL2

Tools: Porta)le rmoury %ool"it

+imited Production: 3 hours

P+nch G+n: %his dangerous home7made weapon straps a very small +2gauge shotgun on top o& the &ist. !iring is accomplished )y punching thetarget hard, the impact o& the )low triggers the weapon at contact range,sending a very closely pac"ed mass o& shotgun pellets into the struc"

target, with very messy results. imple sa&ety pin can )e used to loc" thehammer into place, preventing accidental &irings.

Punch gun is a )reech loader, and holds only one round at a t ime. 'hileit would )e theoretically possi)le to &ire the gun at ranges &urther than point)lan", it would )e horri)ly inaccurate 1cc / and the shot would spread ina &airly wide cone, slowing down to harmless velocities a&ter only do8enyards or so 7 while a slug would go a lot &urther, it would )e even lessaccurate 1cc 72.

!or )etter per&ormance against rigid armor, Punch Gun can &ire slugs.It is advisa)le that Punch Gun )e &ired only )y a person e9uipped witheye protection and complete suit o& armor, to protect against any pelletsricocheting o&& the target.

 Ammo T%pe: +.(=:mmR 1+2 gauge 3 magnum

*olls to Build: crounging72, rmouryH%E=1!irearmsL2

Tools: Porta)le rmoury %ool"it

,esi$n Blueprints: ++ hours

?i!ited Prod+ction: 4 hours

Po-er 0it: %he Cig !rigger Power !ist &rom Ceato. onsidered )ymany to )e the ultimate weapon to use in unarmed com)at. Power !istis a metal glove that &its over the hand and uses small motors to enhancethe power o& a punch. It holds 2 charges, and uses small energy calls torecharge. %he glove will #sense$ when the user throws a punch andautomatically ad*usts &or greater damage, using energy even i& the punch

doesn’t connect.

Mega Po-er 0it:  more power&ul version o& the Cig !rigger. %his onehas upgraded power servos &or increased strength. %he ega Power !istholds 2 charges o& small energy cells. Ei"e the smaller version, it uses acharge every time a punch is thrown, even i& it doesn’t connect.

Pri!iti)e Ranged 7eapon ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #2">#2& and 6igh Tech p 1.. for !ore info on other pri!iti)e ranged -eapon

$%ing DL>&

T? 7eapon Da!age Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot Cot $T B+%9 Note

= uper lingshot %hr cr 2 (+/ H (+ + + + 2/ = 74

$+per $%inghot: O7shaped device which uses heavy ru))er )and to hurlsmall pellets or metal darts.

*olls to Build: croungingL: and rmouryH%E=1CowyerL or ITL3

Tools: mall "ni&e

+imited Production: 2 hours

-ption: 5rgonomic pistol7grip dou)les the cost and gives L2 to cc.


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A+to!atic Pito% ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #25 and 6igh Tech pp *4 and 1.1 for !ore info on other handg+n

G+n Pito% DL>48 or !ot other G+n at >#

A!!o T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot

.4 P:==:

olt +-+++mith 'esson 4/:

?ec"ler Foch UP %acticalRuger P-/







=L+ 13L+ 13+2L+ 13=L+ 13





- mm



Gloc" +=ig auer P22/

Crowning ?igh Power 

Ceretta +-+ H +'alther PPF













+=L+ 13L+ 13+3L+ 13

+2L+ 13L+ 13










.3/ : auser -: 2d pi 2 +2/H+2// 2.H/. 3 2/L+ 13 +/ 73 2 +///

.4/H+/ mm=

Gloc" 2/olt :2/

?ec"ler Foch P=+/








+L+ 13+2L+13+/L+ 13





+-/ !6 !ive7even 3dL+ pi 7 2 +/H+// +.2H/.3 3 2/ 13 - 7+ 2 +3//

.3= = II Desert 5agle 3d7+ pi 2 +H2/// 3.H/.: 3 -L+ 13 +/ 73 3 =//

.44 II Desert 5agle 3d piL 2 2//H2// 3.H/.: 3 L+ 13 +2 73 3 +///

./ 5

 utomag >II Desert 5agle

II Desert 5agle, +/ )arrel








=L+ 13L+ 13L+ 13





.223 .: mm


Pistolet .223Cushmaster ar)on +







L+ 13+/L+ 13





./ CG aadi7Gri&&in Pistol d7+ piL 3 44/H3/// +H/.3 +H4 + 13i +4 7: 3 2//


.22 ER %aurus odel -4+ +dL+ pi 2 =H-// +.H/.2 3 13i 72 2 2/

.3: on&ederate 6avy 2d7+ pi 2 +2/H++// 2.H/.24 3 : 13i - 72 2 +///

.4 E olt Peacema"er 2d7+ piL 2 +//H+/// 2.H/.3 3 : 13i - 72 2 +///


olt Detective pecialmith 'esson hie&s pecial

Ruger GP +//







: 13i 13i: 13i





olt Python H Fing o)raP4+2 R5N

anhurin R7=3







: 13i: 13i: 13i





.44 ==

olt nacondamith 'esson odel 2-







: 13i: 13i





.44 asull

Ruger uper Redhaw"!reedom rms asull







: 13i:13i





B%ac9 Po-der Pito%

.+ Call 4 !lintloc" Pistol 2d7+ piL + =H4/ 3H/./+ + + 12/ +/ 73 2 2//

6andg+n of the 0+t+re

2 mm G6 +/ PPF+2 Gauss Pistol 4d 1 pi 7 2 =//H2-// 3H/.4 4 2/ 13 ++ 73 2 +/,///

6eedle 6eedle Pistol +d 1/.2 pi 7 2 3/H+// 3.H/. + L+ 13 - 73 2 +//

Note on the 6andg+n Ta,%e

haracters who wish to either construct 1or modi&y their own & irearms will &ind that the Ro%% to B+i%d, Deign B%+eprint, and ?i!ited Prod+ctionscores &or handguns vary )y %E 1ee Celow@

*olls to Build: %he s"ills crounging and rmoury 1!irearms are always re9uired to )uild or modi&y a handgun. %hese s"ills start at a )ase )onus Hpenalty o& / at %E =, with a 7+ penalty per %E a)ove = 1to a 73 ma(imum penalty. imilarly, a L+ )onus is accrued &or each %E o& the &irearm )elow =, to ama(imum o& L3.

Tools:   Casic rmoury %ool"it is always re9uired when wor"ing on a &irearm.

,esi$n Blueprints: Unless the character has somehow managed to ac9uire )lueprints )e&orehand, i t ta"es a )ase o& + hours to design a %E= &irearm,with an additional 2 hours per %E over =. imilarly, it ta"es 2 hours less per %E bel =.

+imited Production: <nce the parts have )een either scrounged or machined and the plans drawn up, it ta"es a )ase o& hours to actually construct a+in.le %E = pistol, with an additional hour tac"ed on per %ech Eevel over =. %here is no time )onus to construct &irearms o& lower %E.


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$niper Rif%e ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #2* and 6igh Tech p 1#. for !ore info on other rif%e

G+n Rif%e DL>48 or !ot other G+n at >#

A!!o T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot

=.:2 mm====

Dragunov >D'alther '2///

teyr cout?F PG+







+/L+ 13:L+ 13

+/L+ 132/L+ 13






.33 agnum I rctic 'ar&are ' -dL+ pi :L3 +//H// +=.H/. + 4L3 13 ++\C 7: 3 4//

-(3- mmsu)sonic

> ilenced niper dL+ pi L2 3//H+/// :H+. 2/L+ 13 -\ 7 2 3///

./ CG

 I rctic 'ar&are ./Carrett -/







L+ 13L+ 13





+4. mmRussian

echen 6%' 2/ +:d pi L :L3 23//H/// H2 + 3 13 +\C 7 +2///

+.2 mmteyr 

teyr R +=dL2 12 pi =L3 +//H:/// 3:H2 + L+ 13 +3\C 7= 2///

2/ mm

echen 6%' 2/12/(mmR%72/ 12/(++/mm







3 13+ 13




$e%f>?oading Rif%e

.22 ER : port .22 Ri&le +dL+ pi +//H+2// H/.2 3 L+ 13 =\ 74 2 3//

.223H.: mm : .223 ?unting Ri&le d pi //H3// :H/. 3 +/L+ 13 \ 74 2 +///

.3/7/:H=.:2 mm :::

!64-+ Garand+-/3 pring&ield






+/L+ 13L+ 13L+ 13





2 mm G6 +/ =2 Gauss Ri&le :dL2 1 pi 7 =L2 +2//H4// .H/.4 4 2/ 13 +/\ 74 2 2,///

Aa+%t Rif%e

4.= mmaseless

= ?F G++ d pi 4L2 4//H3/// =H+ +/ / 13 -\ 73 21a 2//

.: mm


teyr ug!

 F +/+ H +/2 H +/4 H +/+:+

olt 4+?F N

Cushmaster 7+=s












3/L+ 133/L+ 133/L+ 133/L+ 133/L+ 133/L+ 133/L+ 13





.: mm 2/mm ?5

?F N72- CR 4dL2=d e( 3dQ




++H2. +2+

3/L+ 13: 13i

+/\ 7 2 4///

=.:2 mm 1=.:2(3- mm


 F 4= F +/3






3/L+ 133/L+ 13





=.:2 6%<1=.:2(+ mm


+4!6 !EII Galil






2/L+ 133/L+ 132L+ 13





-(3- mm = <7+4 Gro8a dL+ pi 4 3//H+/// :H+. +2 2/L+ 13 +/\ 73 2 2//

a: Rcl + 1recoilless &or 3 shots )ursts. Fr nte+ n )F an( S! +ee ;)S 4e( p@ 2'$ 2%1@

$MG ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #25 and 6igh Tech p 1#4 for !ore info on other $MG

G+n $MG DL>48 or !ot other G+n at >#

A!!o T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot

G -mm


alico -:/corpio >M3

?F Pini ; U8i

'alther PE?F P3














G .4 P::=

%homson %ommy Gun3+ Grease Gun

Ingram +/













+-/ !6 P-/ 3dL2 pi 7 3 2//H+// H+. + / \ 73 2 22//


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$hotg+n ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #2* and 6igh Tech p 1.4 for !ore info on other $hotg+n

G+n $hotg+n DL>48 or !ot other G+n at >#

T<pe T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot



'inchester awed7o&& Ceretta 4=/ ilverhaw"


pi 7pi 7




2 ( -2 ( -








CenelliCeretta +2/+!P Police

oss)erg -/


pi 7pi 7pi 7




2 ( -2 ( -2 ( -








aiga?F '

U +2Cenelli 4



pi 7pi 7pi 7pi 7pi 7





3 ( -3 ( -4 ( -3 ( -4 ( -







1V@ Reduce shotgun capacity )y + i& using +2G agnum ammo. Fr nte+ n )F an( S! +ee ;)S 4e( p@ 2'$ 2%1@

?ight Machine G+n ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #51 and 6igh Tech p 1'2 for !ore info on other ?ight Machine G+n

G+n ?MG DL>48 or other G+n at >#

A!!o T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot

4.= mmaseless

>indicator inigun dL+ pi 2 4//H3/// 3/H+ 1a +//X +/// 1 +4\ 7= 2 =///

.: mm==

24- 9uad uto 'eapon/ Eight upport 'eaponRoc"well inigun M4///








3/H2 1a


2// 13/ 13

+/// 1





=.:2 mm::

:/!6 G

Gatling +34






3H/ 1a


+// 1+// 1+/// 1





./ CG : Crowning 2 +3dL+ piL : +//H=4// =:L4/H32 X +// 1 2/\ 7 2 +/,///

G+n Grenade ?a+ncher DL>48 or other G+n at >4

4/ mm = =- Grenade launcher 4d e( 2dQ cr 2 +/H44/ .H/. + + 13 ++ 73 2 3///

G+n ?A7 DL>48 or other G+nner at >4

=2 mm Roc"well E=2 Roc"et Eauncher :dZ3 e( cr 3L+ 3//H+/// +H3 + + 14 +/\ 7: + 2//

4 mm +3: %4 E' :dZ: 1+/ e( cr 3L2 33/H23// + + + 17 +/\ 7 + 3//

?i;+id ProJector 0%a!ethro-er DL>48 or other ?i;+id ProJector at >4



: !lam)e 4/ !lamethrower 3d )urn 7 /H/ =/H2/ *et +/ +/\ 7 7 2///

Arti%%er< G+ided Mii%e I>"

+2=mm = ?ughes CG7=+D %<' 2 :d(+2 1+/ e( cr = 3:/H4+: +=2H:2 + + 12/ 2/\ 7+/ + 2/,///

1a@ in order to &ire, all miniguns re9uire a icro !usion ell in addition to standard ammunition.

Bea! Pito% ?oo9 at GURP$ 4ed pp #5. and U%tra Tech pp 11'>1#4 for !ore info on other Bea! 7eapon

Bea! 7eapon Pito% DL>48 other Bea! 7eapon>48 or G+n Pito%>4

A!!o T? 7eapon Da!age T<pe Acc Range 7eight Ro0 $hot $T B+%9 Rc% Cot

mall 5nergyell



pasm Gun'att8 +:// Easer PistolGloc" : Plasma Pistol

 lien Claster 

OF32 Pulse Pistol

+d73 ?%74123d 123d 1:d 13

4d 1+/

)urn a&& 1))urn)urn)urn

)urn 1)










2/ 13+2 13 13

+/ 13

+ 13









+2,//Bea! 7eapon Rif%e DL>48 other Bea! 7eapon>48 or G+n Rif%e>4

icro !usionell


?F 3+4+ Easer ar)ine'att8 3+2/) Easer Ri&le

'inchester P-4 Plasma Ri&le%ur)o Plasma Ri&leOF42) Pulse Ri&le

d 12:d 12:d 1d 1d 1+/


)urn 1)






2/ 132/ 13+/ 13+/ 13+ 13






Bea! 7eapon ?MG DL>48 other Bea! 7eapon>48 or G+n ?MG>4

icro !usionPac"


Gatling Easer Plasmathrower 

:d 12d 1





/X *et






1)@ these damages have the surge damage modi&ier 1Gurps 4ed. P+/


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Rif%e A!!+nition

T? A,,re)iation Na!e

:L ?P ?ollow Point

=L P rmor Piercing

L PD rmor Piercing Discarding a)ot

6o%%o- Point: Improves damage type 1i.e. pi )ecomes piL )ut ammo has rmor Divisor 1/.. 6ot designed &or weapons already in&licting piLLdamage. mmo price unchanged.

Ar!or Piercing: Damage type degrades i& cali)er ] 2/mm, rmor divisor12 1pi7 damage type unchanged. mmo price Z2.

Ar!or Piercing Dicarding $a,ot: ame as P, )ut range L/K and L+damage per die. mmo price Z.

$hotg+n A!!+nition

T? A,,re)iation Na!e

=L ! !lechette

=L lug

=L P rmor Piercing lug

L PD rmor Piercing Discarding a)ot lug

-L 5P 5lectromagnetic Pulse lug

0%echette: rmor divisor 12, range 1=H+:/. mmo price (2.

$%+g: d piLL damage, range 12//H2///, Ro! (Z- )ecomes Ro! (. mmo price unchanged.

Ar!or Piercing $%+g: d 12 piL damage, range 12//H2///, Ro! (Z-)ecomes Ro! (. mmo price Z2.

Ar!or Piercing Dicarding $a,ot $%+g: :dL+ 12 piL damage, range13//H3///, Ro! (Z- )ecomes Ro! (. mmo price Z.

(%ectro!agnetic P+%e $%+g: d 1+/ )urn damage, range 12//H2///,urge Ro! (Z- )ecomes Ro! (. mmo price Z+/.

Other A!!+nition

T? A,,re)iation Na!e

=L ?5 ?igh 5(plosive

=L ?5P ?igh 5(plosive rmor Piercing

=L % %racer  

6igh (=p%oi)e: Damage@ dmgH2 cr, e(dmgH4Q 1dmg is the )asic weapondamage. !or all guns. mmo price Z3.

6igh (=p%oi)e Ar!or Piercing: ame damage as ?5, )ut adds armordivisor 1+/. !or 2/ mm, 4/ mm and E=2. osts twice ?5 price.

Tracer: dds L+ to gun s"ill when &iring at Ro! 3L with an automatic gun.!or any "ind o& ammo. Price L+/K

A!!o Price and 7eightA!!o t< 7eight Price

mall 5nergy ell + /. 3//

icro !usion ell + 2 //

icro !usion Pac" + 2/ +/,///

!lamer Pac" + 2/ 2,///

4/ mm ?5 2 + //

?5 Roc"et + 3 +//

5P Roc"et + 4 4///

A!!o Price and 7eight8 Contin+ed

A!!o t< 7eight Price

.22 2/ /.+ +

.3/ 2/ /.3 3

.3= 2/ /.= =/

.3 p 2/ /.: :

.44 2/ + +//

.4 2/ + +//

.4 E 2/ + +//

.44 asull 2/ +.+ +2/

./ 5 2/ +.+ +2/

- mm 2/ /.4 4

+/ mm 2/ /.4 4

2 mm G6 2/ /.2 2///

4.= mm 2/ /.3 ://

.223 H .: mm 2/ /. /

.3/ H =.:2 mm 2/ +.+ ++/

-Z3- mm 2/ + +//

.33 E 2/ +. 2// +-/ 2/ /.2 +//

./ CG +/ 3.3 3/

+4. mm +/ 4. 4/

+.2 mm +/ 3 3///

2/ mm 2. 2/

+2 Gauge 2/ 2. 2/

Usually PriceS'eight1l)sZ+//. Price listed is &or )lac" powder. 'hitepowder costs dou)le.

0irear! Acceorie

Ite! 7eight Cot ,c

Eow7light Easer ight 1E0 late %E= neg. 2/

%actical Eight 1!E0 %E= /.2 2/

Daylight Easer ight 1DE0 late %E= /.+ :/

%elescope ight L+ 1%L+0 %E= /. +//

%elescope ight L2 1%L20 %E= + 2/

%elescope ight L3 1%L30 %E= 2 //

Digital Gun amera 10 %E= + //

?o->%ight ?aer $ight ?$H %ate T?2: dds L2 to hit in dim lighting, whenthe dot can )e seen. In direct daylight, gives no )onuses.

Tactica% ?ight 0?H T?2: mall &lashlight mounted under the )arrel. dds

L+ to hit at short distances o& 2 yards or so in dim lighting conditions,when the lighted circle can )e seen. 6egates any dar"ness penalties &or&iring the gun within the 2 yard range.

Da<%ight ?aer $ight D?H %ate T?2: dds L2 to hit when the dot can )eseen. 'or"s per&ectly even in direct daylight.

Te%ecope $ight F1 T$F1H T?2: Gives a L+ cc )onus &or aimed shots. lso improves >ision rolls )y L+ when panning around the scenery, and )yL2 when &ocused on a target.

Te%ecope $ight F# T$F#H T?2: Gives a L2 cc )onus &or aimed shots. lso improves >ision rolls )y L2 when panning around the scenery, and )yL4 when &ocused on a target.


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Te%ecope $ight F' T$F'H T?2: Gives a L3 cc )onus &or aimed shots. lso improves >ision rolls )y L3 when panning around the scenery, and )yL: when &ocused on a target.

Digita% G+n Ca!era CAMH T?2: 'hen com)ined with a telescopic sight,allows the shooter to ta"e pictures or short video & ilms. the Deathamsetting ta"es a picture immediately a&ter & iring a shot.

Grenade8 ?and Mine and Incendiarie

 &ter the nuclear war, the entire &ace o& the wasteland is o&ten littered withthe remnants o& the )rutal con&lict that ravaged the world. In addition toradiated hotspots and destroyed cities, old )attle&ields are o&ten

encountered where military hardware can )e scavenged. mong thoseitems pri8ed )y scavengers are military7grade e(plosives0 this sectiondetails a )road selection o& such items.

Thro-ing Grenade DL>' or Dropping>4

T? 7eapon Da!age 7t 0+e Cot Note

: 677 ? mo"eGrenade

spec. 13 yd. +. 2 + +, 2

: olotov oc"tail spec. 1+ yd. + pec. 2 +, =

: RPG7: nti7%an"Grenade

d1+/ cr e( 2dQ 2. Impact +/ +, :

: RPG743 nti7%an"Grenade

:d1+/ cr e( 2.= Impact +/ +, :

= 67+4 %?3 %hermiteGrenade :d1+/ )urn 2 4 =/ 2, 4

= 22 %ear7GasGrenade

spec. 12 yd. +. 2 2 2,

= =2 Clood gentGrenade

spec. 12 yd. + 2 +/ 2, 4

= oncussion Grenade d(2 cr e( + 4 4/ 2

= 2:+ !rag Grenade dL2 cr e( 2dQ + 4 2 +

= 34 'P Grenade 2d cr e( 2dQ 2 4 4 +, 3

= :+ !rag Grenade :d(2 cr e( 2dQ + 4 4/ +

= := !rag Grenade :d(2 cr e( 3dQ + 4 4/ +

5P Grenade spec. 12 yd. 2 4 4/ +

+/ Glitter Grenade spec. 13 yd. + 2 2/ +

+/ Radiation Grenade spec. 13 yd. 2 4 +/// +

+/ Plasma Grenade :d1+/ cr e( 2 4 // +


+. %a"es one Ready maneuver to draw the grenade and a secondReady maneuver to pull the pin. Detonates as indicated )y the&use, depending on grenade type.

2. !ills a 37yard radius with white smo"e. %he cloud lasts a)out+2/ seconds under normal conditions.

3. nyone hit )y a &ragment will ta"e an additional +d o& )urningdamage each second &or 2/ seconds, or until the &ragment isremoved. ee 7+'P 1p. '-.

5&&ect is directional through the )ase o& the grenade i& setupright. ny other orientation gives :d1 )urn damage0 i&thrown, determine orientation randomly. Used to destroye9uipment and light &ires.

. !ills a 37yard radius with tear gas0 see %ear Gas 1p. C43-. %he

cloud lasts a)out / seconds under normal conditions.

:. 59uipped with a small parachute to insure the grenade landscorrectly. 7 to %hrowing s"ill roll to attac" a non7hori8ontaltarget.

=. ee olotov oc"tails and <il !las"s 1GURP 45D haracters,p. 4++.

AN>M5 6C $!o9e Grenade T?&:  mo"e grenades are used toproduce dense clouds o& white smo"e &or signaling and screening, lasting2 to 3 minutes. %he smo"e contains hydrochloric acid &umes that canirritate the eyes, throat and lungs. !or that reason, i& used in a closedspace, protective mas"s should )e employed )y &riendly &orces.

I& damaged with e(posure o& the &iller material, spontaneous ignition canoccur, particularly in the present o& moisture and air.

Mo%oto) Coc9tai% T?&: %he olotov coc"tail, also "nown as the petrol)om), gasoline )om), or olotov )om), is a generic name used &or avariety o& improvised incendiary weapons. imple to ma"e, they are&re9uently used )y rioters.

Anti>Tan9 Grenade RPG>&8 RPG>4'H T?&: %his type o& grenade appearsto )e a heavy )lac" metal canister with a dial or two on top, allowing it to)e set &or a certain designated time 1up to :/ seconds a&ter )eing armed.%he grenade uses highly e(plosive to )last straight through armor plate.

Cecause its e(plosive &eatures a shaped charged designed to penetratethe armor o& military vehicles, the anti7tan" grenade ignores up to +/ DR i&it stri"es a vehicle, )uilding, or o)*ect. ?owever, this only applies to thetarget struc", not to other o)*ects within the )urst radius.

AN>M14 T6' Ther!ite Grenade T?2: %he 67+4 %?3 incendiaryhand grenade is used to destroy e9uipment. It can damage, immo)ili8e, ordestroy vehicles, weapons systems, shelters, or munitions. %he grenademay also )e used to start &ires in areas containing &lamma)le materials.

  single thermite grenade can )urn a hole through hal& an inch o&

hardened steel 1DR +//0 it produces its own o(ygen and will even )urnunder water.

M#"A# Tear>Ga Grenade T?2: Perhaps the most commonly usedchemical grenade. %his is a special7purpose )ursting type o& munitionused &or control o& riots and &or training purposes. %he grenades are &illedwith chloracetophenone, a type o& tear gas that causes irritation andwatering o& the eyes, resulting in temporary, partial, or total )lindness. %he)ody o& the grenade is spherical and is made o& plastic. It containsa)out 3. ounces o& a mi(ture o& and weighs a)out =. ounces.

%his grenade does not have a sa&ety lever as other grenades do. %oprevent the grenade &rom activating a&ter the sa&ety pin is removed, youmust "eep pressure on the top o& the arming sleeve with the thum) o& youthrowing hand.

MA2# B%ood Agent Grenade T?2: %his type o& grenade *elli&ies the

lungs o& those who )reathe it 1chemicals used include mustard gas andchlorine gas. <n the round that i t is thrown, a grenade o& this type &ills 2yards around it with a cloud o& gas. It disperses a&ter +/ minutes, though amoderate wind 1++L mph disperses the gas in 4 minutes and a strongwind 12+L mph disperses it in + minute. 5ach round a target remains inthe gas, he must ma"e an ?% chec" or su&&er 2d damage.

Conc+ion Grenade T?2: %his type o& grenade appears to )e acard)oard cylinder with a metal end0 when detonated, it e(plodes in adea&ening and concussive )last. %his type o& grenade deals nonlethaldamage. I& the nonlethal damage e(ceeds the target’s !atigue rating, thetarget must ma"e an ?% chec" or )e "noc"ed unconscious.

0rag!entation Grenade M#&A18 M&18 M&2H T?2: %he &ragmentationgrenade 1commonly "nown as a &rag is an anti7personnel weapon that isdesigned to disperse shrapnel upon e(ploding. %he )ody is made o& hardplastic or steel. !lechettes, notched wire, )all )earings or the case itsel&

provide the &ragments. 'hen the word grenade is used withoutspeci&ication, and conte(t does not suggest otherwise, it is generallyassumed to re&er to a &ragmentation grenade.

M'4 7P Grenade T?2: %his is a )ursting type grenade, scattering whitephosphorus particles over a 2 yard diameter area, causing +d o& )urningdamage each second &or 2/ seconds, or until the &ragment is removed.

'P produces an instantaneous dense white smo"e upon e(posure to air,)urning at ///^! &or :/ seconds. 'P grenades were developed &orscreening purposes, )ut they were &ound to )e e&&ective anti7personnelweapons as well.


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(MP Grenade T?5: %his type o& grenade comes in a variety o& &orms,&rom hand7held grenades to grenade launcher shells, to roc"ets, missiles,and even artillery shells. %he )om), when it e(plodes, creates anincredi)le dampening &ield that con&uses, *ams, and creates a general#haywire$ e&&ect on electrical e9uipment in the area o& e&&ect. %histemporarily shorts7out all &orms o& electronic e9uipment 1including poweredweapons and armor within the )urst radius &or +dL2 minutes.

G%itter Grenade T?1.: %his type o& grenade utili8es a sheath o& &initechromium crystals around a central detonator core o& e(plosives. 'hendetonated, the grenade e(plodes into a cloud o& glittery re&lective particles,which re&lect and di&&use laser light shot at or through the cloud. %hegrenade is used as a deterrentHscreen, preventing lasers &rom )eing &ired

in its area o& e&&ect. <n the round that it is thrown, a grenade o& this type&ills the three yards around it with a cloud o& glitter. It disperses a&ter +/minutes, though a moderate wind 1++L mph disperses the glitter in 4minutes and a strong wind 12+L mph disperses it in + minute. Easers willnot a&&ect targets in or & ire through the glitter cloud. %argets within the cloudhave an e&&ective +_4 cover.

Radiation Grenade T?1.: %his type o& insidious grenade, whendetonated, emits a cloud o& 9uic"ly e(panding uranium he(a&louride 7creating a radioactive cloud o& acid gas in the area o& e&&ect. <n the roundthat it is thrown, a grenade o& this type &ills the three yards around it with acloud o& radioactive acid gas. It disperses a&ter +/ minutes, though amoderate wind 1++L mph disperses the gas in 4 minutes and a strongwind 12+L mph disperses it in + minute.

5ach round a target remains in the gas cloud, it su&&ers +d damage as wellas e(posure to high or severe radiation 1see GURP 4ed, pg. 43743:.

P%a!a GrenadeT?1.: %he super7advanced plasma grenade is theultimate in anti7personnel grenades. %he compact device contains aninternal cylinder "ept under constant magnetic pressure, inside o& which issustained a super7heated gas 1i.e. #plasma$. 'hen detonated, the plasmagrenade e(plodes with a &lash o& pure energy, tearing through &lesh andmetal plate with e9ual ease.

%hese grenades are e(ceptionally power&ul, )ut are hard to maintain0 theymust )e "ept in a powered crate when not in use to maintain the plasma&ield 1otherwise, the grenades )ecome unsta)le and detonate a&ter +74days once their power holding is gone.

(=p%oi)e I>" and other

T? 7eapon Da!age 7t 0+e Cot Note

: Dynamite 1per stic" +/d cr e( /. var. +/ 7 7 7

= omposition 41)loc"

=dZ2 cr e( +.2 var. 2// 7 7 7

= 2 nti 7personneline

2d cr e( /.2 / 2// 7 7 7

= +:+ nti7personneline

3d(2 2Q cr e( / // 7 7 7

= ++ #laymore$ine

:d(3 cr e( 3. 7 7 7 2// +

atchel harge 3d cr e( 2 7 7 7 // 7 7 7

atchel harge C :d cr e( 4 7 7 7 +/// 7 7 7

atchel harge +/d cr e( 7 7 7 +// 7 7 7

+. !ires a multiple7pro*ectile attac" 1p. C4/- to the &ront@ Dmg2d1/. pi7, Range H2=/, Ro! +(=//, Rcl +.

D<na!ite T?&: Dynamite was invented in +:= to circumvent thepro)lems o& nitroglycerin. It consists o& nitroglycerin soa"edinto a sta)ili8ing material, such as "ieselguhr 1diatomaceous earth orsawdust, to ma"e it more di&&icult to detonate.

It’s so sa&e that it won’t e(plode i& set on &i re. 1It )urns )eauti&ully, too.Dynamite must )e detonated )y the shoc" o& an e(plosion ; typically )y a)lasting cap that is itsel& set o&& electrically or )y a )urning &use.

Co!poition C4 T?2: Plastic e(plosives ; also called #plasti9ue$ ;consist o& high e(plosives mi(ed with )inding agents 1#plastici8ed$ toma"e them plia)le. %heir te(ture is similar to plastic putty, allowing them to)e cut and &ormed to shape. %hey’re also e(tremely sta)le, only e(plodingi& set o&& )y a detonator or another e(plosion. %hese &actors ma"e plastice(plosives easy to wor" with and highly e&&ective ; they account &or thema*ority o& special7ops demolition *o)s and well7planned terrorist)om)ings.

Anti>Peronne% Mine M#"8 M1&A1H T?2: nti7personnel mines are a&orm o& mines designed &or use against humans as opposed to anti7tan"mines, which are designed &or use against vehicles.

M15A1 C%a<!ore T?2: %his directional, a)ove7ground weapon consistso& a conve( )loc" o& 4 e(plosive with =// steel pellets em)edded in the&ront, enclosed in a plastic case a)out the si8e o& a poc"et )oo".

It comes in a 7l). )andoleer with )lasting cap, 337yard wire, and /.=7l).military )lasting machine. 'ith its &olding legs deployed, the mine ispointed toward the desired area o& e&&ect and can )e detonated remotelyor )y tripwire.

$atche% Charge A T?5: %he smallest type o& #damage pac"$, thisweapon is roughly the si8e o& a remote control. %hey were used primarily&or covert detonation, )ut are still highly use&ul.

$atche% Charge B T?5: %he standard demolition charge, still easilytransporta)le )y the &oot soldier, the C charge is roughly the si8e o& a smalporta)le radio.

$atche% Charge C T?5: %his type o& detonation device is the largest o&the satchel charges, )eing roughly the si8e o& an attach` case.

7ate%and Ar!or

Ar!or Genera%itie:

• Wei.ht BW.t@C: %he &irst num)er corresponds to the )ody armorweight the second one to the leggings or pants weight and thethird one to the arms armor weight.

I& there is a single weight, armor is always a &ull suit with anhelmet.

Ar!or $pecia% Propertie:

E1: plit DR &irst num)er &or piercing and cutting damage, second &or

other damages.E#: plit DR &irst &or a torso, s"ull or under&oot hit, second &or otherlocations.

E': DR applies only to electrical damage. DR : against other damagetypes.

E4: Provides the ealed advantage 1with ?2 helmet only. Re9uires 6Cuit s"ill.

E": Ciomedical sensors &or remote monitoring@ L+ to Diagnosis s"ill whene(amining the wearer. rmor uit is also climate controlled.

E&: Gives L= Ei& ting and tri"ing %. 1L+/ &or the 5nclave dvancedPower rmor. Provides the advantages@ DoesnAt Creathe 1&or +2 hours,>acuum upport, ealed and Protected mell. Re9uires Cattlesuit s"ill.Powered )y a small micro7&usion reactor 1%E +/ &or the reactor, the suitwill wor" &or over +// years. rmor provides P! +/ against radiation 1andas it is sealed, it totally protects &rom &allout. DonAt count armor weighttoward encum)rance.

VQ@ !le(i)le armor.

6e%!et $pecia% Propertie:

E61: Provides the Protected >ision advantage.

E6#: Provides !ilter Eungs, Protected mell.

E6': Provides Protected ?earing, Radio, Protected >ision, In&ravision,6ight >ision - and %elescopic >ision +.

E64: Gives ?yperspectral >ision.

E6": Gives the 6o Peripheral >ision disadvantage.


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T? Ar!or ?ocation DR 7t Price Note

+ Eeather ?elm s"ull, &ace 2 /. :/

3 Greathelm s"ull, &ace, nec" : +/ +/ ?

: teel Pot s"ull 4 3 2/

: Gas as" eyes, &ace 2 4 // ?2,?

= !rag ?elmet s"ull 3 3//

= L >isor eyes, &ace + L +. L=/ ?+

om)at ?elmet s"ull +2 3 =//

L >isor eyes, &ace +/ L3 L2/ ?+

- om)at ?elmet " II s"ull + 3 +//

- L >isor eyes, &ace + L3 L// ?+

- C< ?ardsuit ?elmet head +H+2 /// 2,?2,?3

= Reaver ?elmet head 4 : +/// ?2

= Reaver ?elmet " II head : = +2// ?2

3 uper utant ?elmet s"ull, &ace, nec" = + 3// ?2

$tandard Ar!or

T? Ar!or DR 7t Price Note

+ Eeather Bac"et + H3H7 2/ V

2 om)at Eeather Bac"et 2 =H4H7 +/// V

+ Eeather rmor 2 +/H4H2 =//

2 Eeather rmor " II 3 +2HH3 +///

3 etal rmor 3H2/H+ ++//

4 etal rmor " II : 3H2/H+ +-//

om)at rmor +2H -HH3 :// +,V

om)at rmor " II 2/H+/ +/H:H3 /// +,4,,V

- %esla rmor 3/ 3 4// 3

2 Raider rmor 3 +HH: //

3 5nhanced Raider rmor 4 2H+H+/ +2//

2 Ghoul rmor 2 +/H4H2 =/ V

3 5nhanced Ghoul rmor 3 +2HH3 +///

3 uper utant rmor /H3/H+ 3///

4 uper utant rmor "II

: :/H3H2/ 4///

= Reaver rmor H4 +H3+/ H: 2/// +, ?+,?2

= Reaver rmor " II +2H: 2/H+2 H 3// +, ?+,?2

C< 6C rmor +2H 4 -/// +,4,,?+,?2

- C< 6C rmor " II 2/H+/ +/,/// +,4,,?+,?2

- ?ei Gui rmor 2/H+/ +/H:H3 +4,// +,4,,V %74d Power rmor 2//H

+2/// 2=/,/// 2,,:,?2,?3

- %7+) Power rmor =/H/ +/ -/./// 2,,:,?2,?3

+/ dvanced Power rmor +//H=

+: +/,/// 2,,:,?2,?3

+/ %?56 Power rmor +/H+//

4/ 3//,/// 2,,:,?2,?3

+/ ?5R5 Power rmor +/H+//

4/ 3//,/// 2,,:,?2,?3

?eather ac9et:  heavy )lac" leather )i"er *ac"et o& pre7war manu&acture.%here are a lot o& these &loating around the wasteland, and ma"e &orrelatively cheap protection.

Co!,at ?eather ac9et: n improvement over the )asic Eeather Bac"et,the om)at model is mounted with studs, )its o& metal, etc. in all the vitalplaces.

?eather Ar!or:  lightweight armor made &rom padding covered withtanned )rahmin hide. <riginally designed &or otorcycle !oot)all and otherdangerous contact sports, leather armor is a popular choice among thescum o& the wasteland.

ar" II leather armor is simply an improved version with e(tra layers o&


Meta% Ar!or: etal armor consists o& polished metal plates 1old streetsigns and such, crudely &orming a suit o& armor. ar" II metal armor issimply a more &inely cra&ted version o& the same armor 1thin" plate mail.

Co!,at Ar!or: om)at rmor is a high7tech armor made &rom advancedde&ensive polymers, intended as an advanced personal armor &or the 22ndcentury police o&&icer or military trooper. It is highly e&&ective against mosttypes o& damage, and is relatively lightweight.

om)at rmor ar" II 1or Crotherhood armor is a superior version o&om)at rmor produced )y the Crotherhood o& teel, who have mademany improvements over the standard version. %he armor is issued to allInitiates o& the Crotherhood o& teel.

Te%a Ar!or: %esla rmor was constructed &rom plans le&t )y 6i"ola %esla

decades )e&ore the war started.%hough his plans loo"ed completely insane, they wor"ed li"e a charm. %heresult was a metal shining armor providing superior protection againstenergy attac"s than"s to the three %esla ttraction oil Rods whichdisperse a large percentage o& directed energy attac"s. gainstconventional weaponry it acts as regular metal armor.

Raider Ar!or: Raider rmor is worn )y various raider gangs. It consists o&rough leather panels held together with wire and string.

5nhanced Raider armor 1also called #>andal armor$ is a superior version othe )asic Raider rmor, incorporating metal plating under the leatherpanels.

Gho+% Ar!or: Ghoul rmor is a light leather armor designed )y and &or aghoulAs slender &rame.

5nhanced Ghoul armor is a mi(ture o& leather and metal patches, all heldtogether )y ru))er straps. 5nhanced Ghoul rmor may only )e worn )yghouls 1or a)normally slender humans.

$+per M+tant Ar!or:  crude armor that uses straps o& leather and metal)ands to &orm a sparse )ut e&&ective covering. It is designed to only &it asuper mutant.

uper utant rmor " II is a somewhat heavier armor using lightweightplastic straps and metal encased in leather panels. It can only )e worn )ysuper mutants.

Rea)er Ar!or: Reaver Canding is an armor worn )y mem)ers o& theReaver cult. n e&&ective armor made &rom woven cloth interspersed withsteel ca)les. 

Reaver rmor " II is a )ul"y )ut e&&ective armor that com)ines wovensteel ca)les with plates and interloc"ing steel mesh, encased in cloth


(n)iron!enta% Ar!or: 5nvironmental rmor was developed &or use inheavily contaminated environments, and is pri8ed in the wasteland &or itsa)ility to protect against )iological threats. %his rmor a&&ords the wearerprotection against harm&ul air)orne agents and radiation.

5astern Crotherhood o& teel Fnights are sometimes dressed in5nvironmental rmor. %his protects them against radiation, chemical and)iowar&are agents. <& course, it also helps with the Crahmin smell.

5nvironmental rmor ar" II is an advanced version o& the regular5nvironmental rmor, developed &or use in heavily contaminatedenvironments, and is pri8ed in the wasteland &or its a)ility to protect against)iological threats.


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6ei G+i Ar!or: %he hinese solution to invasion )y U.. &orces in powerarmor was its ?ei Gui stealth armor, worn )y elite hinese Clac" GhostcounterinsurgencyHterror units. %he suit has active camou&lage systems1L )onus to tealth s"ill, nd removes the penalty &or hiding without anatural hiding place as well as technology that enhances re&le(es1provides the om)at Re&le(es advantage. tandard on)oard systemsinclude GP, hearing protection, and )iomedical sensors. Its helmetelectronics include a hyperspectral visor, a medium radio, and a smalllaser comm.

?ei Gui armor will run &or a wee" on a small energy cell, a month on amicro &usion cell, and a year on a micro &usion pac". ?ei Gui armorre9uires the Cattlesuit s"ill.

?ei Gui technology was also the )asis &or the unsta)le tealth Coy wristunits developed in the U..

T>4"d Po-er Ar!or: %he %74d In&antry rmor was an early Power rmormodel 1a #om)at 'al"er$, see Ultra7%ech pg.+2, the &irst one to )eused in military operations. %74d armor will run &or a wee" on a smallenergy cell, a month on a micro &usion cell, and a year on a micro &usionpac".

In 2/:=, the &irst suit o& %74d Power rmor was deployed in las"a duringthe nchorage Reclamation. 'hile lac"ing the &ull mo)ility o& &utureversions li"e the %7+), this Power rmor was incredi)ly e&&ective againsthinese tan"s and in&antry. Its a)ility to carry heavy ordinance )ecame"ey in various locali8ed con&licts, and it had the power to destroy entiretowns without endangering the wearer.

T"1, Po-er Ar!or: %7+) Powered In&antry rmor or Power rmor wasthe pea" o& armored in&antry technology )e&ore the Great 'ar, developedin the 'est %e" Research !acility la)oratories. 6ow, only the mosttechnologically advanced &actions with ties to pre7'ar military orgovernment, such as the Crotherhood o& teel or the 5nclave, haveaccess to this type o& armor.

%he armor is &itted with a )ac"7mounted %N72 icro!usion Pac" whichgenerates :/,/// 'atts during its li&etime, to power the ?i!lo hydraulicsystems )uilt into the &rame o& the suit. ade o& the poly7laminatecomposite, the outer shell o& the %7+) is lightweight and capa)le o&a)sor)ing over 2// Boules o& "inetic impact. %he +/ micron silver a)lativecoating can re&lect laser and radiation emissions without damage to thecomposite su)sur&ace. It usually has enough &uel to last a hundred years.

%he Crotherhood o& teel does not possess the technology re9uired tomanu&acture new Power rmor and relies only on pre7war suits. Power rmor is worn only )y Crotherhood paladins. In the 5nclave, this armor is

seen as o)solete, as it was replaced )y dvanced Power rmor and dvanced Power rmor " II, though it should )e noted that it is still used)y soldiers who have not )een issued the newer armor most li"ely due toslow production rates.

Ad)anced Po-er Ar!or: dvanced Power rmor is an advanced armorinvented and used )y the 5nclave. &ew captured models are also used)y the 5astern Crotherhood.

%his powered armor is composed o& lightweight metal alloys, rein&orcedwith ceramic castings at "ey points. %he motion7assist servo7motorsappear to )e high 9uality models as well. %his power armor model wasconstructed )y the 5nclave a&ter the Great 'ar, as opposed to the pre7'ar %7+).

AT6(NA Po-er Ar!or: n incomplete power armor pro*ect pioneered )ythe 5nclave in con*unction with Poseidon 5nergy. ccording to initial tests,

it had de&ensive capa)ilities a)ove and )eyond any other in&antry armor inuse )e&ore the apocalypse. %his is essentially the ommand Cattlesuit&rom Ultra7%ech pg. +4.

6(RM($ Po-er Ar!or: Developed )y a division o& Poseidon 5nergywor"ing in con*unction with the Department o& De&ense, ?5R5 armorwas intended to )e the ne(t generation o& com)at armor used )y elite l ightcom)at troops. ?5R5 armor never moved out o& the prototype phase)ecause mem)ers o& the U.. shadow government, the 5nclave, tried to"eep its development secret. %his is essentially the cout Cattlesuit &romUltra7%ech pg. +4.

2"p!e$ 78: A ?%!el#d Be%!i$y

%his section contains mutant animalsHcreatures common to the post7nuclear world o& !allout. !or more mundane animals li"e dogs or cats, seeGURP Casic et 4ed pgs. 474:+.

tatistics o& the creatures are in GURP terms, e(cept the A<ther ttri)utesA )it, which includes special &eatures not otherwise o)vious &romthe statistics, e(planations o& these terms &ollow@

• Aggrei)e: ritter attac"s anything not o& the same or relatedspecies at sight, sometimes even i& the opponent is much)igger.

• 6i)e: %he species &orms a hive7li"e community, much li"e antsor )ees. 'ith the cooperative e&&orts, a hive can accomplishmuch more than any single critter could, and can coordinatetheir e&&orts much )etter than an ordinary pac" could. ?ivecreatures always )uild some "ind o& a hive, which they de&end&iercely against any intruders.

• Pac9: ritter is &rom a species which pre&ers to move around insmall groups.

• Territoria%: reature occupies an area o& itAs choice, and is very"een on "eeping it &or i tsel&, attac"ing any trespassers with theintent to either "ill or to chase them away. It does not much carea)out what goes on outside o& itAs tur&.

• $o%itar<: the ritter usually hunts alone.


&utant *at 

De+criptin: Earger and meaner mutated version o& a common rat.

$T: : 6P: : $peed: ./DL: +2 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: :I: 3 Per: ++6T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: 73 12A long0 +/72/ l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: 6H DR: 7

Cite 1+2@ +d74 cut.

law 1+2@ +d73 crush.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 harp %eeth0 Clunt laws06ightvision 2.

$9i%%: 6one.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: ggressive0 Pac".

Tou$h &utant *at 

De+criptin: 5ven tougher and )igger version o& a mutant rat.

$T:  6P:  $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: :I: 3 Per: ++6T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 72 13A long0 2/73/ l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: 6H DR: 2

Cite 1+4@ +d74 cut.

law 1+4@ +d73 crush.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 20 harp %eeth0 Clunt laws06ightvision 2.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+4.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: ggressive0 Pac".


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Giant Ant 

De+criptin: ItAs an ant, e(cept that it is the si8e o& a not7so small dog.Usually )uild their hives in underground tunnel networ"s, o&ten usinge(isting cavesHmines and e(panding on them.

$T: ++ 6P: ++ $peed: ./DL: ++ 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: +/I: 2 Per: +/6T: ++ 0P: ++ $M: 74 1+.A long0 2/73/ l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 3

Cite 1+2@ +d72 cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR 30 Ei&ting % 0 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: Territorial0 ?ive.


De+criptin: Eoo"s li"e an emperor scorpion, e(cept that it is a lot )iggerand sometimes hunts in pac"s. angrow to a length o& several yards.<&ten uses a nasty tactic o& diggingitsel& under soil, lying in am)ushuntill the prey comes close enough..Radscorpion ntidote can )e made&rom radscorpion tails, which areworth +2 )ottlecaps and weigh a)out+/72/ l)s, usually giving enoughmaterials &or +72 doses o& antidoteper tail.

$T: = 6P: = $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: =I: 2 Per: +26T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 74 1+.A long0 2/73/ l)s.Dodge: +/ Parr<: 6H DR: 2

law 1+4@ +d73 cutHimp.

ting 1+4@ +d7+ imp L Poison.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 20 Eong Impaling tri"er 1%ail,%o(ic ttac"0 laws 1%alons.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+4.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: 6one.

Greater *adscorpion

De+criptin: Ei"e a standard Radscorpion, only )igger.

$T: + 6P: + $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: I: 2 Per: +26T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 72 13A long0 +//73// l)s.Dodge: +/ Parr<: 6H DR: 3

law 1+4@ +dL2 cutHimp.

ting 1+4@ +dL3 imp L Poison.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 30 Eong Impaling tri"er 1%ail,%o(ic ttac"0 laws 1%alons.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+4.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: 6one.

Giant 0asp

De+criptin: )out one &oot long wasp. Usually not aggressive, unlesstheir hive is threatened.

$T: : 6P: : $peed: :./DL: +4 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: : 1+2 !lightI: 3 Per: +/6T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 74 1+.A long0 7+/ l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: 6H DR: 2

ting 1+2@ +d72 imp L Poison.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR 20 Impaling tri"er 1ting0 !light.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: Territorial0 ?ive.

Inect $ection Note: 

• )a(+crpin #enm: !ollow7up poison, 3/ sec delay, ?%73 toresist. +d damage, repeating every 3/ min, &or cycles.

• c*rach Aci(: see GURP p42 i& acid splashes on the &ace.

• ;iant Wa+p #enm: !ollow7up poison, 3/ sec delay, ?%73 toresist. +d damage, repeating every 3/ min, &or cycles. Peopleallergic to wasp7stings go into an&ylactic shoc", and dieautomatically without immediate medical treatment 7 n&ylacticshoc" occurs on a natural + ?% roll to resist the poison.


BrahminDe+criptin: %wo7headed cow. %hismutant strain has e&&ectively replacedthe pre7war species o& cows in thepost7nuclear world. 5asilydomesticated. onetary value o& adomesticated and trained )rahmin ingood shape is a)out +/// )ottlecaps<&ten used as a dra&t animal to pullcaravan trailers, either singly or inpairs.

$T: 22 6P: 22 $peed: .:/DL:  7i%%: +2 Mo)e: 4I: 4 Per: +/6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: L2 13 ?e(es0 2,// l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 2 1"ulls only

?orn Gore 1@ 2dL2 impaling.

Cite 1@ 2d73 crush.

Trait: Domesticated nimal0 DR 2 1"ulls only0 5nhanced ove +1Ground peed 0 Impaling tri"er 1?orns0 6eutered0 Tuadruped0 'ea"Cite.

$9i%%: 6one.

C%a: Domesticated nimal.

Note: 6one.

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Feral ,o$ 

De+criptin: anAs )est &riend 1)e&ore the war anyway, dogs now run in&eral pac"s, )ringing down whatever game they can.

$T: - 6P: - $peed: .=DL: ++ 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: +/I: 4 Per: +26T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 72 13A long0 /7= l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: /

Cite 1+3@ +d72 cut.

law 1+3@ +d7+ crush.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 Discriminatory mell0 harp %eeth0 Clunt laws.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+30 %rac"ing 7+3.

C%a: 'ild nimal.

Note: Territorial0 Pac".


De+criptin: %he wol& pac"s o& post7apocalyptic merica are in constantcompetition &or &ood with roaming pac"s o& &eral dogs.

$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: -I: 4 Per: +46T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 7+ 14A long0 +//7+2 l)s.

Dodge: - Parr<: 6H DR: +Cite 1+4@ +d72 cut.

law 1+4@ +d7+ crush.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 Discriminatory mell0 DR +0 %emperature %olerance +06ight >ision 20 harp %eeth0 Clunt laws.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+40 %rac"ing 7+4.

C%a: 'ild nimal.Note: Territorial0 Pac".



De+criptin:  weird mutant creature,consisting o& a plate7li"e head andstrong stal"Hleg which it uses &ormovement, giving an illusion o& a&loating head. Does not )earresem)lance to any pre7war animalspecies. ttac"s )y lashing out with asharp long tongue.

$T: - 6P: +4 $peed: =DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: :I: 4 Per: +/6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: 72 13A long0 /7+/ l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 3

Cite 1+4@ +d72 cut L to(ic attac".

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR +/ 1vs. non7energy damage0 om)at Re&le(es0

6ight >ision 40 %o(ic ttac" 1)ite0 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+4.

C%a: utant.

Note: ggressive.

• M+tant To=ic Attac9: In&licts + rad per point o& damage, pluspoison.

• M+tant Poion: !ollow up poison, no delay, ?%74 to resist.In&licts 2d to(ic damage.

)er% Nast% Floater 

De+criptin: s a)ove, )ut )igger, tougher and much meaner.

$T: +: 6P: 2+ $peed: =DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: :I: 4 Per: +/6T: +: 0P: +: $M: / 1:A long0 +/73// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 4

Cite 1+4@ +dL+ cut L to(ic attac".

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR +/ 1vs. non7energy damage0 om)at Re&le(es06ight >ision 40 %o(ic ttac" 1)ite0 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+4.

C%a: utant.

Note: ggressive.

• M+tant To=ic Attac9: In&licts + rad per point o& damage, pluspoison.

• M+tant Poion: !ollow up poison, no delay, ?%74 to resist.In&licts 2d to(ic damage.


De+criptin:  entaur loo"s li"e a random hodgepodge o& )ody parts &rommany di&&erent animal species, has several legs and at least two i& notthree heads. ?it locations provide no damage multiplier to attac"s,

)ecause the critter has several A)ac"upA vital organs.$T: +4 6P: +4 $peed: :.DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: I:  Per: +/6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: / 1:A long0 +//73// l)s.Dodge: +/ Parr<: 6H DR: 2

Cite 1+2@ +d7+ cr L to(ic attac".

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 6ight >ision 40 %o(ic ttac" 1)ite.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: utant.

Note: ggressive.

• M+tant To=ic Attac9: In&licts + rad per point o& damage, plus


• M+tant Poion: !ollow up poison, no delay, ?%74 to resist.In&licts 2d to(ic damage.

0annamin$os 2Fla%ers3

De+criptin: trange A(enomorphA organism with two legs, two tentacles,thic" chitin armor plating and long smooth rounded head with no o)vioussensory organs. Usually seen moving in groups with apparent sense o&purpose, much li"e hive7minded insects. %hough some )elieve'annamingos to )e e(traterrestrials, they are actually the initial result o&the same series o& 5nclave genetic e(periments that resulted in theDeathclaw.

$T: +4 6P: +- $peed: =DL: +2 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: 

I: 4 Per: ++6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: 7+ 14.A long0 +//72// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 3

Cite 1+@ +d cut.

%entacle !lail 1+@ +dL2 12 pi

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR +/ 1vs. non7energy damage0 om)at Re&le(es,Eong Piercing tri"er0 6ight >ision 40 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: utant.

Note: Territorial0 ?ive.


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0annamin$o 4ueen

De+criptin: Earger than other 'annamingos, the 9ueen lays eggs &romwhich her )rood are )orn. Usually stays in the hive and guards the eggs,)ut can )e e(tremely dangerous to any trespassers who accidentally enterthe egg cham)er...

$T: 3/ 6P: 3 $peed: =DL: +2 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: I:  Per: ++6T: +: 0P: +4 $M: L+ 1-A long0 3//7:// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 

Cite 1+@ 3d cut.

%entacle !lail 1+@ 3dL2 12 pi

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR +/ 1vs. non7energy damage0 om)at Re&le(es,Eong Piercing tri"er0 6ight >ision 40 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: utant.

Note: Territorial0 ?ive0 5gg7Eayer.


Bab% ,eathcla( 

De+criptin: Eoo"s li"e a semi7upright li8ard, a)out the si8e o& a large dog.Ooung o&&spring o& a deathclaw, while not as dangerous as the adultvariety, can still pose a serious threat to lightly armored people in closecom)at due to the sharp claws and teeth.

$T: +/ 6P: + $peed: .=DL: ++ 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: =

I: : Per: +26T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: L+ 1-A long0 3//7:// l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: 6H DR: 3

law 1+2@ +d72 cutHimp.

Cite 1+2@ +d73 cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es, laws 1Eong %alons0 DR 30 6ight>ision 40 harp %eeth, tri"er 1?orns +d72 imp.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: Deathclaw.

Note: ggressive0 Pac" or olitary.


De+criptin: Eoo"s li"e a huge semi7upright version o& a mutated li8ard. ItAslarge sharp claws and teeth can cut through steel plate and deathclawshave )een "nown to charge right through cross&ire to rip o&& lim)s &rom &ullyarmored warriors with a single slash. 5(tremely dangerous and &airlyclever mutant animal which is thought to )e at the top o& post7nuclear &oodchain.

$T: 2/ 6P: 2 $peed: =DL: +3 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: -I: = Per: +36T: +3 0P: +/ $M: L+ 1-A long0 2//7:// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 4

law 1+@ 2dL2 12 cutHimp.

Cite 1+@ 2d7+ cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es, laws 1Eong %alons0 DR 40 6ight>ision 40 harp %eeth, tri"er 1?orns 2dL2 imp.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: Deathclaw.

Note: ggressive0 Pac" or olitary.

Eastern ,eathcla( 

De+criptin:  deathclaw su)species living in the area o& the &ormer stateso& Illinois, issouri and Fansas developed patches o& &ur to )etter copewith the colder climate. !urthermore, some o& them were noted to )e

capa)le o& speech as early as in 2+-=, which means that they eitherdeveloped speech through spontaneous mutation, or were e(perimentedon )y someone other than the 5nclave. It is also possi)le that they were adi&&erent species altogether, called deathclaws )y the Crotherhood only)ecause o& their similarities to the &erocious reptiles &rom the 'est. %heywere also more matriarchal than their 'estern counterparts, with pac"s)eing led )y atriarchs.

$T: 2/ 6P: 2 $peed: =DL: +3 7i%%: ++ Mo)e: -I:  Per: +36T: +3 0P: +/ $M: L+ 1-A long0 2//7:// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 4

law 1+@ 2dL2 12 cutHimp.

Cite 1+@ 2d7+ cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es, laws 1Eong %alons0 DR 40 6ight>ision 40 harp %eeth0 %emperature %olerance 2.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: Deathclaw.

Note: ggressive0 Pac" or olitary.

Gre< Tri,e Deathc%a-

De+criptin: Grey %ri)e Deathclaws are the end result o& 5nclave genetice(perimentation to create the per&ect shoc" troop. %hough not as large asitAs savage cousins, Grey %ri)e Deathclaws are much more intelligent,andmost are even capa)le o& speech.

$T: += 6P: 22 $peed: =DL: +3 7i%%: +3 Mo)e: 

I: - Per: +36T: +3 0P: +3 $M: L/ 1=.A long0 +/74// l)s.Dodge: ++ Parr<: 6H DR: 3

law 1+@ 2d 12 cutHimp.

Cite 1+@ +dL2 cut.

Trait: om)at Re&le(es, laws 1Eong %alons0 DR 30 6ight >ision 40harp %eeth, tri"er 1?orns 2d imp.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: Deathclaw.

Note: ggressive0 Pac" or olitary.


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De+criptin: Upright white7scaled )ipedal li8ard a)out the si8e o& a largedog. Gec"o pelts are good raw materials &or all sorts o& leather goods, theyare usually worth at least 7+/ )ottlecaps apiece 1weighing a)out 274 l)sper pelt.

$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: .=DL: +2 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: I: 2 Per: +/6T: ++ 0P: ++ $M: 7+ 14.A long0 4/7/ l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: +

law 1+3@ +d72 cr.

Cite 1+3@ +d73 cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 DR +0 Clunt laws0 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+3.

C%a: Gec"o

Note: %erritorial0 Pac".

Golden Gecko

De+criptin: tronger, tougher versiono& a gec"o with golden scales. ildlyradioactive 1pelts must )e cleanedcare&ully to remove harm&ulradioactive contaminants. Goldengec"o pelts are valua)lemerchandise, usually worth at least+// )ottlecaps each.

$T: +3 6P: +3 $peed: :.2DL: +3 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: :I: 3 Per: ++6T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 7+ 14.A long0 /7+// l)s.Dodge: +/ Parr<: 6H DR: 3

law 1+@ +dL+ cr.

Cite 1+@ +d cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 30 Clunt laws0 harp %eeth.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: Gec"o

Note: ggressive0 %erritorial0 Pac".

Fire Gecko

De+criptin: u)species o& gec"o li8ards with dar" violet scales andheavily mutated digestive system, which allows these creatures to actually)reathe &ire. Unli"e most )easts, &ire gec"os are not "ept at )ay )y acamp&ire.

$T: ++ 6P: ++ $peed: :./DL: +3 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: :I: 2 Per: +26T: +2 0P: +2 $M: 7+ 14.:A long0 4/7/ l)s.Dodge: +/ Parr<: 6H DR: 4

law 1+@ +d cr.

Cite 1+@ +d7+ cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 40 Clunt laws0 harp %eeth0!ire ttac".

$9i%%: Crawling 7+.

C%a: Gec"o

Note: ggressive0 %erritorial0 Pac".

• 0ire Gec9o 0ire et: Bet attac", 2d )urn damage, Range +/m,Ro& +H.

&.SC6 BA,,.ES 

Giant ?eech

De+criptin: %he ?oover Dam cum Pits are occupied )y giant leechesthat swim in and out o& the large holes in the ground where the powergenerators used to )e. %hese leeches are the si8e o& a &ull &rown pot7)ellied pig and have )een "nown to suc" out enough )lood to "ill a supermutant. %hese critters are very slow and will attac" on sight. %hey alsoattac" the giant al)ino rats in the cum Pits.

$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: = 13 on landDL: +4 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: = 13 on landI: 2 Per: +/

6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: 74 1+.A long0 7+/ l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: /

Cite 1+3@ +d73 cut.

Trait: 'ild nimal0 harp %eeth0 >ampiric Cite 1may spread disease aswell.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+3.

C%a: isc.

Note: Pac".

Spore Plant 

De+criptin:  spore plant is a mutated &orm o& some venus7&ly7trap7li"eplant, it has )asically two ways o& attac"ing. <ne is a spore which it spitsat its enemies. %he other &orm is a )ite with its thorned maw.

$T: +2 6P: +2 $peed: 4.=DL: - 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: 7 7 7I: 3 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: 7+ 14.A tall0 +72/ l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: /

Cite 1+2@ +dL2 cut L Poison.

Poison pit 1+2@ +d72 corr.

Trait: Cody o& 'ood0 harp %eeth0 %o(ic ttac" 1bD +, a( +, cc 3,Ro! +, Rcl +.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: isc.

Note: Pac".

• #enm: !ollow7up poison, 3/ sec delay, ?%73 to resist. +d

damage, repeating every 3/ min, &or cycles.


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 A$ricola *obot 

De+criptin: Cuilt &or pre7war uranium mining waste disposal, the gricolaro)ots can o&ten )e &ound in a)andoned mines and nuclear waste &acilities.%hey are e(tremely well armored and, more importantly, use vacuum tu)esinstead o& integrated circuits. %his ma"es them almost impervious to theelectromagnetic pulse weapons that are so deadly to other ro)ots. gricolaRo)ots are most o&ten e9uipped with drills and lasers &or cutting roc". Usedagainst human )eings, they are 9uite e&&ective.

$T: +2 6P: 2/ $peed: :DL: +4 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: +2 1!lightI:  Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: 7+ 14.A tall0 +2/ l)s.

Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 3/

Roc" Drill 1+4@ 2d7+ imp.

Easer 1+4@ 3d 12 )urn.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 Curning ttac" 1bD 2/, a(=/, cc 4, Ro! 3, Rcl +0 DR 3/0 6o !ine anipulators0 6o Eegs0 !light0Immune 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: Ceam 'eapons 1Pistol 7+40 Crawling 7+4.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.


De+criptin: %he uto7annon is an autonomous de&ense turret e9uippedwith twin minigun cannons and relatively heavily armored. %hey areusually part o& an automated de&ense system.

%hey can )e &ound at such locations as 6avarro, and can also )e &ound insuch pre7'ar locations as the ierra rmy Depot.

$T: 7 7 7 6P: 2/ $peed: DL: +/ 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: 7 7 7I:  Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:A tall0 3// l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 3/

inigun 1+:@ dL+ pi.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 DR 3/0 om)at Re&le(es0 5(tra ttac" +0?yperspectral >ision0 6o Eegs0 6o anipulators0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 Piercing ttac" 1bD 4//, a( 3///, cc 2, Ro! +//X, Rcl 20


$9i%%: Guns 1Eight achine Gun 7+:.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

• ;un !urret: <ptionally, the twin miniguns may )e replaced )yeither dual plasma cannons, lasers 1treat as ri&les, grenadelaunchers or even roc"et launchers. I such a case, the Piercingattac" advantage should )e changed to either Curning orrushing 1as appropriate, ad the 5(tra ttac" + advantageremoved altogether 1in the name o& play )alance.


De+criptin: %he Cehemoth is the largest and mostdangerous ro)ot roaming the wastes. %his si(7leggedwal"er is similar to the 9uadrupedal Paci&ication Ro)ot,)ut larger and e9uipped with machine guns.

$T: 4 6P: / $peed: .=DL: +3 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: +/I: +2 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: L4 13/A tall0 / tons.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 2//H+//

inigun 1+:@ dL+ pi.

%rample 1+2@ d 1+/ cr.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 om)atRe&le(es0 Detect 1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0 DR 2//1+// legs0 5(tra ttac" +0 5(tra Eegs 1: legs0 ?yperspectral >ision0 6oanipulators0 %elescopic >ision +0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 Piercing ttac" 1bD 4//, a( 3///, cc 2, Ro! +//X, Rcl 20 Reprogramma)le0ealed.

$9i%%: Guns 1Eight achine Gun 7+:.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.


De+criptin: y)erdog is a generic term &or any dog that has )een

modi&ied ro)otically. !or some dogs, such as Dr. ?enry o& 6RAsRo)odog, the modi&ications are )asically physical modi&ications, such asro)otic enhancements to lim)s. <thers, such as Dr. chre)er o& 6avarroAsF7-, are more e(tensively modi&ied, with enhancements to the )rain andvocal organs allowing intelligence and speech.

$T: +2 6P: + $peed: :.=DL: +3 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: +/I: 4 Per: +6T: +4 0P: +4 $M: 72 13A long0 +/73// l)s.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 2/

Cite 1+3@ +d7+ cut.

law 1+3@ +dL2 crush.

Trait: y)org Crain0 achine0 Discriminatory mell0 DR 2/0 harp %eeth0Clunt laws.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+30 %rac"ing 7+3.C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary. %his is a generic e(ample0 individual cy)erdogs vary wildly)y the options that have )een )uilt into them.

Floatin$ E%e

De+criptin: %he !loating 5ye )ot is a hovering security )ot e9uipped witha taser. Resem)ling an eye)all, itAs upper portion houses the PU,motivator and the sensors. %he e(tending arm )elow is e9uipped with alow power energy prod.

%he ro)ot is 9uic", )ut &ragile and was mostly used as a sentry or &orpatrolling important areas in vital &acilities, such as the ierra rmy Depot.

$T:  6P: +/ $peed: :.DL: +: 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: +2 1!light

I:  Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: 73 12A tall0 +// l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 2/

%aser 1+:@ +d73 pi7 L ?%7 1/. a&&.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR 2/0!light0 6o !ine anipulators0 6o Eegs0 Piercing ttac" 1bD =, a( =, cc/, Ro! +, Rcl 20 !ollow7Up@ ?%7 1/. a&&0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: Guns 1Pistol 7+:.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.


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'o7er Bot 

De+criptin: %he ?over Ro)ot is a guard or patrol ro)ot o& some "ind, mostli"ely designed )e&ore the Great 'ar. ItAs are very similar to !loating 5yero)ot )ut &ar more heavily armed. It uses a very 9uiet propulsion system tostealthily approach its target. ItAs armed with &ew roc"ets and a deadly meleeattac".

$T: +2 6P: + $peed: :.DL: +: 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: +2 1!lightI:  Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: 73 12A tall0 +// l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 3/

Roc"et Eauncher 1+:@ :d:(3 e( cr. 14 roc"ets on)oard

laws 1+:@ +d7+ cut.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 law 1%alons0om)at Re&le(es0 Detect 1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0Discriminatory ?earing0 DR 3/0 !light0 ?yperspectral >ision0 6o !ineanipulators0 6o Eegs0 rushing ttac" 1bD 3//, a( +///, cc 3L+, Ro!+, Rcl +0 %elescopic >ision +0 Ultrahearing0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0Reprogramma)le0 ealed.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+:0 Guns 1E' 7+:0 tealth 7+.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

'umanoid *obot 

De+criptin: s the name states, ?umanoid

Ro)ots are )i7pedal, two armed ro)ots, a)outthe si8e o& a large man. 'ith whatever armscan )e &ound, they are attempting toe(terminate all li&e.

%he humanoid ro)ot was not designed toin&iltrate human society. It appears to )edesigned to adapt to human technology and

weaponry. It can use most normal human e9uipment, with any sort o&R723+. inter&ace re9uired )y most ro)otics.

$T: 2/ 6P: 2 $peed: :.2DL: +3 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: :I: +/ Per: +/6T: +2 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:.A tall0 // l)s.Dodge: - Parr<:  DR: 4

Punch 1+@ 2d7+ cr.

<r Cy 'eapon %ype 1+.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 om)at Re&le(es0Detect 1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0 Discriminatory?earing0 DR 40 ?yperspectral >ision0 ilence +0 %elescopic >ision +0Ultrahearing0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 Reprogramma)le0 ealed.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+0 GunsX 7+.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: 9uad.

+oadlifter *obot 

De+criptin: %he Eoadli&ter Ro)ot is a pre7'ar utility ro)ot model. %heEoadli&ter has very strong motivators and is e(ceedingly dangerous inclose7com)at.

$T: 3/ 6P: 3 $peed: 4.DL:  7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: 4I: 4 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: L+ 1-A tall0 =// l)s.Dodge: = Parr<: : DR: 2/

Punch 1+2@ 3d cr.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 DR 2/0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+2.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

&r6 'and% 

%he r. ?andy series o& ro)ots was &irst )rought tomar"et in 2/3= as a general construction andmaintenance unit )y General tomics International.Primarily used in the United tates and e(ico 1where iwas the leader in sales a&ter the e(ico ity 9ua"e o&2/42, the r. ?andy was a relia)le ro)ot. n early )ugthat caused inter&erence in the operation o& the multiplearms was &i(ed with a hardware update in 2/3-, with noma*or pro)lems since then. "ey selling &eature is thenuclear power unit 1a model 23C, licensed &rom

alpower and sel&7maintenance modes. ultiple r. ?andys are capa)le

o& "eeping themselves in wor"ing condition and are also &ully programmedto per&orm nuclear &uel replacements. econdary programming handlesradiation cleansing a&ter re&ueling.

$T: +2 6P: + $peed: :DL: +4 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: +2 1!lightI: +2 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:A tall0 3// l)s.Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 2/

Punch 1+2@ +d7+ cr.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 DR 3/0 5(tra rms 1: rms0 6oEegs0 !light0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 Reprogramma)le.

$9i%%: 5lectronics Repair 1Ro)otics 7+40 ?ouse"eeping 7+:.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

Pacification *obot 

De+criptin: %he Paci&ication Ro)ot is a9uadrupedal ro)ot, )uilt rather li"e a rhino or a)ear on all &ours, with &our stun cannonsprotruding out o& the head. It stands a)out to: &eet tall. Its purpose is crowd control andincapacitating tougher units to )e dealt with )yhumanoid ro)ots.

$T: 2 6P: 3/ $peed: .=DL: +3 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: I: +2 Per: +26T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:A tall0 3 tons.Dodge:  Parr<: 6H DR: 4

tun annon 1+:@ ?%7 1+/ a&&.

%rample 1+2@ 2dL2 1+/ cr.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 om)atRe&le(es0 Detect 1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0 DR 405(tra ttac" +0 ?yperspectral >ision0 6o anipulators0 %elescopic >ision +>ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 !atigue ttac" 1bD 4//, a( 3///, cc 2,Ro! +, Rcl +0 Reprogramma)le0 ealed.

$9i%%: Ceam 'eapons 1Ri&le 7+:.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.


Ro)o)rains or )rain )ots are multi7purpose ro)ots whose

memory and programs are stored inside an organic orpartially organic )rain contained in its dome shell atop themachine. Ro)o)rains were created )e&ore the Great 'ar )yGeneral tomics International &or the U.. military. %hey are

considered superior to most ro)ots, as their human )rains allows it a widerange o& responses and &unctions that other ro)ots. %heir hands are suitedto use most tools and weapons usa)le )y humans.

Ro)o)rains were going to )e the ne(t wave in war&are )ut their costsmade it slow to implement. %hey use mostly human )rains ta"en &romvolunteers pre7war. ost o&ten these volunteers were criminally insane,so the ro)o)rains aren’t the most sta)le group o& A)ots ever assem)led.%han"s to some pre7war technology, the )rains are "ept alive even 2//years a&ter the Great 'ar.


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$T: +/ 6P: + $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: :I: + Per: +/6T: +2 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:A tall0 3// l)s.Dodge: - Parr<:  DR: 4

Punch 1+2@ +d72 cr.

Trait: y)org 1or human Crain0 achine0 )solute Direction0 om)atRe&le(es0 Detect 1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0Discriminatory ?earing0 DR 40 ?yperspectral >ision0 6o !ineanipulators0 %elescopic >ision +0 Ultrahearing0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 ealed.

$9i%%: Depends wholly on the #donor$ )rain used.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

• &ark .. *obobrain: %he ar" II, or #?umanoid$Ro)o)rain is essentially the same critter, )ut in amore humanoid con&iguration. dd ilence +,laws 1%alons and remove 6o !ine anipulators.

$c+rr< Ro,ot

%he curry Ro)ot is a utility ro)ot model thatwas most li"ely designed )e&ore the Great 'ar.

Ei"e many o& the other smaller ro)ots, they could)e seen in a variety o& locations. %hey patrolledthe pipes and sewers in ro)ot controlled areas. Ithas a)ility to hide under the sands o& desert andpop out *ust )e&ore unsuspecting victim. Usually

appears in groups. It does not have any ranged attac"s.

$T:  6P: +/ $peed: :DL: +4 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: I: 4 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: 7 1+A tall0 / l)s.Dodge: = Parr<: 6H DR: 2/

Impaling Eim) 1+2@ +d73 imp.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 DR 2/0 laws 1%alons,Impaling0 ilence +0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: amou&lage 70 tealth 7+.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: Pac".

'umanoid *obot 

De+criptin: %he ecurity Ro)ot is a power&ul guard or patrol ro)ot model,most li"ely designed )e&ore the Great 'ar. It typically comes armed witheither - mm G or a Easer.

$T: +4 6P: 2/ $peed: :DL: +2 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: :I: +/ Per: +26T: +2 0P: 7 7 7 $M: / 1:.A tall0 // l)s.Dodge: - Parr<:  DR: 2/

Punch 1+2@ +d cr.

<r Cy 'eapon %ype 1+2.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 om)at Re&le(es0Discriminatory ?earing0 DR 2/0 ?yperspectral >ision0 ilence +0 %elescopic>ision +0 Ultrahearing0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0 Reprogramma)le0ealed.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+20 GunsX 7+2.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: 9uad.

Sentr% Bot 

De+criptin: entries are wal"ing mechanical monstrositiesarmed with miniguns and roc"ets. %hey are apparently)etween and +/ &eet tall and match the appearance o& theupermutants. %hey seem to )e Pre7'ar models, as theycan )e &ound in locations that had )een isolated &rom the'asteland. !or e(ample inside the )un"er in the lowerlevels o& the %o(ic aves in !allout 2.

$T: 3/ 6P: 3 $peed: :.2DL: +3 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: :I: +/ Per: +/6T: +2 0P: 7 7 7 $M: L+ 1A to +/A tall0 + ton.

Dodge: - Parr<:  DR: :/

inigun 1+@ dL+ pi.

Roc"et Eauncher 1+@ :d:(3 e( cr. 1: roc"ets on)oard.

Trait: achine0 'ea" Dedicated I0 )solute Direction0 om)at Re&le(es0rushing ttac" 1bD 3//, a( +///, cc 3L+, Ro! +, Rcl +0 Detect1Radio, Easers, and Radar0 ignal Detection0 Discriminatory ?earing0 DR:/0 ?yperspectral >ision0 Piercing ttac" 1bD 4//, a( 3///, cc 2, Ro!+//X, Rcl 20 %elescopic >ision +0 Ultrahearing0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s0Reprogramma)le0 ealed.

$9i%%: Guns 1Eight achine Gun 7+0 Guns 1E' 7+.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.

Tank Track *obot 

De+criptin: %he %an" %rac" Ro)ot was an utilityro)ot used in agriculture )e&ore the Great 'ar. &terthe 'ar, it was adapted &or close range com)at. Itattac"s with itAs spinning &lails doing great deal o&damage. %hough highly resistant it can )e easilyde&eated )ecause it canAt &it trough most doorwaysand lac"s ranged attac".

$T: 3/ 6P: 3 $peed: 4.DL:  7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: 4I: 4 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: L+ 1+2A tall0 +/// l)s.Dodge: = Parr<: : DR: 2/

!lails 1+2@ dL cr.%rample 1@ 3d 1 cr.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 rushing ttac" 1bD +, a(+, cc /, Ro! +, Rcl /0 DR 2/0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: !arming 7+0 !lail 7+2.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: olitary.


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P$! 8: Appe#dice%


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Appe#di5 7: R#dom E#co&#!e$% 0o$

GURPS Fllo&!

%hese ta)les are intended merely as a source o& inspiration &or the G,they are not to )e ta"en as rules set in stone.

'hile traveling, roll a random encounter once &or every 2/ miles, or onceevery : hours, whichever is more o&ten. I& rolling &or a new location 1li"eRuins etc while party is staying still, ignore the result and assume thatnothing special happens. In case o& an AorA ta)le entry, either choose themore appropriate result or roll dice to determine which alternative applies.

 t &irst, roll 3D: on the ain %a)le, to determine which su)ta)le to use.

In the su)ta)les, when it speci&ies critters in the plural, roll +D3 per partymem)er, or +D: i& the critters are small. 'hen it speci&ies critters insingular, assume + critter per party mem)er.

Dice roll or a num)er in parenthesis 7 li"e 12D72 ; indicates the num)er o&loot items concealed in the location or remains. uccess&ul scroungingrolls and some time are necessary &or ac9uiring the items.

'D& Main Ta,%e

3 pecial 5ncounter  

4 oving >ehicle or Ultra7tech Cun"er  

mall ettlement

: Eone 'anderer  

= aravan or 'asteland Gang Ruins

- >ehicle 1*un"

+/ nimals

++ Remains

+2 Ruins

+3 %rap or m)ush

+4 Raiders or lavers

+ uper utants or anni)als

+: !orti&ication

+= ilitary Unit or ilitary <utpost

+ pecial 5ncounter  

'D& Ani!a%

3 %iger or some other e(otic animal

4 Pre7sentient mutant humans

Giant ants

: Pac" o& wolves or wild dogs

= Radscorpions


- Radscorpion

+/ mall coc"roaches or Gec"os++ utant Rats or Pigrats

+2 olerats or Gec"os and Golden Gec"os

+3 Cig and mall oc"roaches

+4 utant Praying antises

+ Deathclaw or Ca)y Deathclaws

+: entaurs or !loaters

+= liens or !ire Gec"os

+ Deathclaws

'D& Re!ain

3 4D orpses on )attle&ield 14D74

4 orpse o& pec<ps oldier 12D72

orpse o& oldier 1D7+

: orpse o& Eone 'anderer 1roll

= Cones o& 2D: animals

Cones o& 2D: humans 1D37+

- Cones o& a human 1D27+

+/ Cones o& an animal

++ Grave 1D27+

+2 Cones o& 2D: humans 1D37+

+3 Cones o& 2D: animals

+4 Graveyard 1D47+

+ orpse o& Eone 'anderer 1roll

+: Impaled human corpse

+= orpse o& urvivalist 12D72

+ ?angar w. 4D remains 13D73

'D& /ehic%e +n9

3 ain Cattle %an" 12D:72

4 P 13D:73

?ummer 13D:73

: olar ar 1D:7+

= ?ighwayman 1D37+

cout ar 1D37+

- Dune Cuggy 1D47+

+/ aravan %railer 1D37+

++ otorcycleH%ri"e 1D27+

+2 Dune Cuggy 1D47+

+3 emi7%ruc" 12D472

+4 %ruc" 12D:72

+ ?ang7glider 1D27+

+: ingle Prop irplane 13D:73

+= hopper 12D:72

+ Bet&ighter 1D:7+


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'D& R+in

3 Ghost %own 112D:72(+//

4 )andoned !ort 11D:7+(+/

)andoned urvival Cun"er 1D+/7+

: Eooted urvival Cun"er 12D472

= Ruined Gas7station 1D7+

)andoned !armstead 1D:7+

- Ragged %ents 1D47+

+/ Ru))le 1D37+

++ Ruined Cuilding 1D47+

+2 Curned and looted >illage 1D:7+

+3 Ruined ?ighway otel 1D7+

+4 Eots o& Ru))le 12D472

+ Curned General tore 12D:72

+: )andoned amo7net tents 1D+/7+

+= ?idden ache 11D:7+(+/

+ Radioactive rater surrounded )y ruins 11D:7+(+/

'D& Trap

3 nti7%an" ine

4 Roc"slide %rap

Gas %rap

: Poison Dart7%hrower  

= nti7personnel ine

%ripwire )ut no mine

- Pit with sharp stic"s

+/ Ra))it nare

++ ousetrap

+2 Cear7%rap

+3 an7snare

+4 Grenade %rap

+ Earge age with Cait

+: Used up %rap 1roll again &or type

+= ar7)om)

+ %reasure m)ush %rap


'D& ?one 7anderer 

3 C< Paladin

4 ?eavily armed )adass hero1ine

amaritan edic or C< Fnight

: ?elpless and pitia)le victim

= Desert ranger with assault ri&le

urvivalist with R7= or )ow or cross)ow

- ?unter with )ow or ri&le or spear  

+/ Dri&ter with "ni&e or other light weapon

++ cav with pistol or slingshot

+2 %ri)al hunter with )ow or spear  

+3 Raider with .223 ri&le

+4 ercenary with F74=

+ uper utant with &lamethrower or machinegun

+: 5lite ercenary with R7+2 ?CR

+= ?ostile anni)alHerial Filler with Ripper  

+ ?ostile 5vil niper with PG7+ or Carret 22

'D& Mi%itar< Unit Note: U+a%%< either BO$ or Unit< M+tant or


3 !our P s9uad with ?Gs

4 %wo P %roopers

pecial <ps 9uad

: Paratroopers

= %wo rmed Dune Cuggies

%en an 9uad

- !ive an 9uad

+/ %wo an Patrol

++ !ive an 9uad

+2 %en an 9uad

+3 %wo ?U>55s

+4 %wo Ps

+ !our Ps

+: hopper %ransport L Gunship

+= !> &ormation 14 !>s

+ Bet&ighter 'ing o& 2



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'D& Mo)ing /ehic%e

3 ?eavy C%

4 Eight or medium !>

Improvised P

: ?ummer  

= cout ar  


- Dune Cuggy

+/ Cicycle or aravan %railer  

++ otorcycle

+2 %ri"e

+3 emi7%ruc"

+4 %ruc"

+ ?ang7glider or para7glider  

+: ingle Prop irplane

+= Dual prop transport airplane

+ ilitary ircra&t 1chopper or *et

$pecia% (nco+nter

Instead o& rolling randomly, G selects an appropriate pecial 5ncounter.ost pecial 5ncounters are not re7usa)le, and can only appear in thecampaign once. %his list can never )e complete, so &eel &ree to come upwith entirely new ideas &or special encounters...

• ra+he( Shuttle: <dd smashed up rectangular vehicle, whichhas the letters A.P.P. tigaA written onto itAs sides. orpses o&the *umpsuited 1red7shirted crew lie scattered around on theground. uccess&ul scrounging roll will give the &ollowing itemso& loot0 3( ?ealing ?ypo, +( ?and %win"ler, 3( P7!leet ommCadge.

• Recent corpse o& a whale lying ne(t to a )ro"en &lower pot.

• Pair o& lien County ?unters armed with %E- Plasma Clasterar)ines, will only )last small hairy things unless distur)ed.

• +-/s Pontiac %rans m, Clac", in per&ect condition. It will telltoo nosy people to go away with an o)viously arti&icial voice,doors cannot )e opened and any use o& weapons will prove it to)e *ust a)out indestructi)le...

• Rusted giant metal statue o& an tlas )attlemech hal& )uried inglassed desert sand.

• etal cu)e mostly )uried under sand. <n i tAs top there is a hatchwith advanced %E electric loc" 1"ill 2/. Inside there is oneintact hi)ernation capsule with a sleeping cy)org inside.

I& awa"ened, the cy)org will attempt to assimilate all sentientcar)on )ased li&e&orms on the planet.

•Ruined 6et7ca&e with one active &ully &unctional des"topcomputer still connected to the Internet. eems that onlyadware, viruses, scams and porn we)sites survived the war...

• Clue %elephone Cooth suddenly appears &rom thin air, only todisappear moments later.

• hot7down U!< with AsectoidA aliens trying in vain to e&&ectrepairs. ectoids are armed with Plasma Ri&les and havetelepathic powers.

• ?ighway motel and a )ar in the middle o& nowhere. 'ords A%itty%wisterA read in )rightly lit neon7letters...

• oncrete )un"er with the words Atormtrooper ar"smanship cademyA written over itAs sliding doors. ercs dressed intowhite com)at armor live inside the )un"er, and &or some oddreason they will always miss with their &i rst shot or )urst directedagainst a ma*or character li"e a player character...

%he dec" seems to )e stac"ed against them in other ways aswell 7 ny hit getting through DR o& their armor always disa)lesthem, no matter how little actual damage was done..

• <dd group o& ro)ed people wearing ''2 gas mas"s passes )yin a single line, care&ully stepping into each otherAs &ootsteps...

%he Player haracter with the highest level o& Desert urvivals"ill cannot resist saying@ ...sand people, they always travel in asingle &ile to hide their true num)ers...

• <n the coast, &rom thic" &og comes an ancient sailship. %heoriental crew promises to ta"e any willing champions to theAIslandA &or the A%ournamentA...

• Eightly damaged )lac" 8eppelin has )een moored down &orrepairs. "ull and cross)ones insignia and words ACad OearA can)e seen written on the 8eppelins sides in )ig )old white letters.%he "y Pirates are mainly concerned a)out repairing their ride,and clever surprise tactics might allow the party to de&eat them..

•   trac"ed vehicle with huge nuclear warhead )olted onto itAs)ac" 1+/ megatons. I& the warhead is tampered with, it willdetonate... %here are )ullet holes in the vehicle, and several1already looted raider corpses are scattered around it. Driverside door o& the vehicle is open. eems li"e it could )e a ris"yride trying to ta"e the warhead to any place which might )einterested in it...

• Fallut !rper+: Group comes across a platoon o& Crotherhood1or 5nclave soldiers called the Roughnec"s holed up in a)un"er. I& they stay &or a while, the )un"er is surrounded )ythousands o& Gints, antisA, Roaches, and any other )ugs.%he leader orders his troops to give it everything theyAve got,even though there isnAt nearly enough ammo &or all the )ugs.Resolution is up to the G 1a dropship to pull them outJ .

• ;r*: Party encounters a thin, )eauti&ul man wandering in thedesert. ?e as"s them i& they gro". nswer no, nothing happens. nswer yes, and they have gained an interesting ally...

• +a: %he party comes upon an underground cham)er, with anenormous, warm metal statue inside. Inscri)ed on the side o&the statue is the name o& the deity 7 Usa&. %he sheer might andpower o& the statue is enough to ma"e anyone in the party a)eliever. %he statue o& Usa& is, o& course, a missile withU...!. on the side.

• My name i+@@@: 'hen party is in the city a man dressed in asmart )lac" suit 1with a )eauti&ul girl ne(t to him comes into a)ar that players where *ust passing )y. &ter a moment somenoises can )e heard@ gunshots, some )urst &rom automaticweapons, e(plosions, noise o& )ro"en &urniture and glass... %heneverything stops and the same guy in suit 1no evidence o& whathave happened inside can )e seen on him comes out o& the)uilding with a di&&erent )eauti&ul girl. 'hen he is passing near

surprised player he says to the girl@ !orgive me my lac" o&manners, I &orgot to introduce mysel&. y name is Cond, BamesCond.

• alirnia Smith:  guy in a )rown &edora and a leather *ac"etwill )e &ighting against some 5nclave troopers over a tri)al pieceo& art, all the while yelling stu&& li"e, #this )elongs into amuseumX or #I hate these damn 5nclavesX I& the players helphim, he will give them some water out o& the tri)al cup7 itactually has healing powersX 1strong medipac.


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Appe#di5 (: Sce#6i#6 Tble% Fo$

GURPS Fllo&!

%hese ta)les can )e used &or randomi8ing loot items &ound through the useo& crounging s"ill. lternatively, G can simply decide what "inds o& itemsare &ound on a corpse, location or in a random encounter.

In a typical ruined area, it usually ta"es at least 7+/ minutes o& e&&ort andone success&ul crounging roll to &ind one item o& loot. ?owever, i& the lootis easily accessi)le and visi)le, as i& placed on a very recent corpse orsimply sitting on a shel&, no scrounging rolls are necessary to get it.

I& the crounging roll is a critical success, s"ip the main ta)le and rolldirectly &rom the AUnusual and Greatly Use&ulA ta)le. I& the crounging roll

succeeds )y +/ or more, it discovers L+D: more o& the availa)le loot itemsat once 1)ut o& course cannot discover more items than the area contains.

In case o& AorA line either roll randomly or choose )etween the alternatives.

Optiona%: %here is a /K chance that any scrounged item will re9uire littlee(tra wor" with the right s"ill 1and perhaps some spare part to get itwor"ing.

'D& Main Ta,%e

3 Unusual and Greatly Use&ul

4 Cody rmor and 'eapon


: Cody rmor  

= pare parts 13D:(W worth


- !ood

+/ onsumer 5lectronics

++ !ood

+2 Power ources

+3 Cottled Ei9uid

+4 %ools

+ urvival 59uipment

+: 'eapon

+= Cody rmors 1+DL+ L 'eapons 12D

+ >ehicle, could )e &i(ed

'D& Con+!er (%ectronic

3 PipCoy 2///

4 Palmtop omputer  


: ellular Phone 1no signal

= ini7Radio

Easer Pointer  

- 'al"man or D 'al"man

+/ 'ristwatch++ !lashlight

+2 Porta)le tereo

+3 hort7Range Radio Phone

+4 ?elmet Eight

+ RadarHEaser Detector  

+: Digital >ideo amera

+= 6ightvision Goggles

+ %hermograph ensor  

'D& 0ood Ro%% 1D& for the a!o+nt of !ea% -orth fo+nd

3 !resh and %asty Tuality !ood

4 Cottle o& adeira 1unspoiling strong wine

Cottle o& 'ine1gar

: o&&ee in %hermos7)ottle

= oncentrated Rations

5di)le Plants

- Dry Pet !ood

+/ anned Pet !ood

++ Partly poiled !ood 1some mold and maggots &or &lavor

+2 un7Dried eat

+3 ereals or uesli or R5s

+4 Cottles o& 6u"a7ola

+ Ciscuits or Ceer  

+: utated !ruits

+= Crandy

+ Cottle o& Rotgut

'D& Po-er $o+rce

3 !usion ells@ +D7+ icro !usion Pac"s, +D iro !usion ells,+DL+ mall 5nergy ells

4 !usion ells@ +D7+ icro !usion ells, +DL+ mall 5nergy ells

ar Catteries 1+D:

: + !usion ell

= olar Panel Cattery harger  

olar Panel

- +d73 olar Panels

+/ Porta)le Petrol Power Generator  

++ olar Panel

+2 +d73 olar Panels

+3 olar Panel Cattery harger  

+4 + !usion ell

+ ar Catteries 1+D:

+: !usion ells@ +D7+ icro !usion Pac", +D icro !usion ells,+DL+ mall 5nergy ells

+= !usion ells@ +D7+ icro !usion ells, +DL+ mall 5nergy ells

+ !usion ells@ +D7+ icro !usion Pac"s, +D icro !usion ells,+DL+ mall 5nergy ells


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'D& A!!+nition 1D& %, -orth

3 Roc"et or nti7%an" issile

4 4/mm Grenade

.=(2mm or 4.:(3/mm

: .44 agnum or .3= agnum

= +2G hell or +2G lug or .3 pecial

-(+-mm or .4 P or -(+mm

- rrows or Colts or Bavelins

+/ Pellets 1lingshot, Prodd or irgun

++ .22ER or .2 P or Paint)alls

+2 .:(4mm 6%< or =.:2(3-mmR

+3 =.:2(+mm 6%< or =.:2(4mmR

+4 +2.=(--mm or +4.(++4mm

+ .33 Eapua agnum or .3/7/:

+: ?and Grenades

+= 4.=3(33mmE% or 2/(2mm auser  

+ annon hell

'D& Bott%ed ?i;+id 1D& ;+art -orth

3 ercury

4 %hermite


: Gasoline

= ethanol 1to(ic, &uel


- Buice

+/ 'ater  

++ 6u"a ola

+2 o&&ee

+3 Ceer  

+4 ulphuric cid

+ %oluene

+: Red 6u"a ola

+= Oellow 6u"a ola

+ 6itroglycerin

'D& Too%

3 Casic %ool"it

4 Porta)le %ool"it

Celt %ool"it

: lcohol till or pot 'elder  

= harpening 'heel or ultitool

hainsaw or Cu88saw

- row)ar or ledgehammer  

+/ ?atchet or ?ammer or crewdriver  

++ Colt7utters or 'rench

+2 Power Drill or Bigsaw

+3 ?ammer and nvil

+4 Clowtorch or Co( o& Dynamite

+ Eoc"pic"s

+: Celt %ool"it

+= Porta)le %ool"it

+ Casic %ool"it

Note: In case o& a tool"it, roll D:@ +7S%E=, :S%E.

'D& Bod< Ar!or 

3 %74d Power rmor  

4 om)at rmor  

5nvironmental rmor or upermutant etal

: etal rmor or upermutant ar7%ire

= ar7tire rmor or hield or upermutant Eeather  

Eeather rmor  

- Eeather *ac"et and pants 1DR+

+/ ?eavy Coots 1DR 2 or P5 Goggles

++ loth rmor or CDUs 1DR+

+2 Riot ?elmet with Ple(an >isor 1DR 4+3 PG% ?elmet or !la" >est

+4 om)at ?elmet

+ Cullet Resistant >est 1DR +2

+: Eight 'eave Undersuit 1DR 4

+= 'eave Undersuit 1DR+2

+ %7+) Power rmor  

Note: Roll 3D: &or the % si8e the )ody rmor is made &or, it is possi)le towear LH7+ si8e armor.

Note #: In case o& torso or &ull armors, roll D2 &or the gender it is shaped &or0+S!emale, 2Sale.


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'D& $+r)i)a% (;+ip!ent

3 Radiation ounter or olar Panel

4 urvivalists ?and)oo"

Issue o& ats Paw aga8ine

: Group Casics or !ace Paints

= !ishing Eine and Eures

anteen or unglasses

- ompassLmap or Eighter  

+/ urvival Fni&e or leeping Cag

++ Cinoculars or ?atchet

+2 %ent or !ilm Cadge

+3 'ater !ilter or Cag o& alt

+4 Insect Repellent

+ 5thanol !ireplace

+: olar Cattery harger  

+= Ghillie uit

+ 5nvironmental rmor  

'D& Medica%

3 5mergency upport Unit

4 Radaway or Rad7N

Cottle o& %ran9uili8er  

: Cu&&7<ut Pills

= urgery Celt Fit or Radscorpion ntidote

Bar o& Pain"iller Pills

- Candaids or Bimmy ?ats Crand ondoms

+/ Cottle o& Desin&ectant or ?ealing Powder  

++ !irst id Fit or timpac"

+2 Bar o& >itamin Pills or ?ypodermic needle

+3 tethoscope or Recreational Drugs

+4 Bar o& Iodine Pills

+ entats or Psycho

+: Doctors Cag

+= ontact Eenses or uper7timpac"

+ Cionic 5ar or Cionic Prosthetic


'D& 7eapon

3 Ceam 'eapon 15P or Easer or Plasma

4 ./ cal niper Ri&le 1w. scope

niper Ri&le 1with scope or PD'

: G or ssault Ri&le

= emiautomatic Ri&le or +2G hotgun

?unting Ri&le or R7= 5(plorer  

- Revolver 1o&ten .3 special or .44 ag

+/ Cow or pear or Post76uclear ae( or Fni&e

++ uper lingshot or word or pi"ed Fnuc"les

+2 ross)ow or Prodd or teel Cow

+3 utomatic Pistol or Falashni"ov

+4 .223 Pistol or !lamethrower  

+ +4mm P Pistol or Punch Gun

+: uper ledgehammer or Ripper or ?F G++

+= Roc"et Eauncher or Grenade Eauncher  

+ achine Gun

'D& Un++a% and Great%< Uef+%

3 !ully loaded com)at vehicle in good condition

4 Earge lcohol till or %G Eauncher  

5lectronic Eoc"pic" "2 or mall till

: >ehicle 1&unctional or easy to &i(

= Casic %ool"it %E or o&&7road )icycle

Celt %ool"it %E or 5lectronic Eoc"pic"

- olar Panel or Ri&le copeLGuncam

+/ Radiation ounter or 4 Creaching harge or Pip)oy2///

++ 6> Goggles or ili tary Ri& le or Daylight Easer ight

+2 5nvironmental rmor "2 or om)at rmor  

+3 %hermograph or mmo ache 1ammo worth 3D:72(+///W

+4 Ceam 'eapon or achine Gun or Roc"et Eauncher  

+ ?ei Gui rmor  

+: dvanced Power rmor  

+= ui tcase %actical 6u"e wi th +7+/ "iloton Adial a yieldA

+ !unctional 6uclear Reactor or ?umanoid Ro)ot



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Appe#di5 8: Smple Ade#!&$e:


Gremlins is a GURP$: 0a%%o+t dventure which can )e located in anymedium to large town at moderate tech level within the !allout setting.%his module is devised to )e played )y a single thie&7type character. I& thisadventure is played )y a party o& people, the G is advised to raise thenum)er o& opponents encountered. %he adventure is mainly meant to )e achallenge &or thieving characters.

The $tor<

Imagine a house &ull o& pre7war technology. Imagine )eing the only one

who "nows a)out it.Eocated within a more or less &orgotten part o& town lies the Gunsus!acility. Ce&ore the great war, this place had )een a construction site &orroc"et guidance microchips. 6ow, it is *ust a )ig construction with )ro"enwindows and a crac"ing paint coat. %he place has )een stripped o& allusa)le machinery long ago, and there is nothing else o& interest le&te(cept the )ig power generator outside the )uilding. ince the rest o& theplace is completely in&ested with cave rats, no one really en*oys entering it.

%hree wee"s ago, the old generator had )een success&ully repaired )ynear)y residents. ome had wor"ing on it &or years, )ut the real)rea"through came with a trader called Inos. ?e installed some new plugsand got the machine running, thus )ecoming the mos popular guy in town.%he &act that he’s now dealing with electricity doesn’t )other people much. s to the &acility

'hen the generator was reactivated, an emergency system )elow the

&acility got powered up again. It’s & irst directive was to reactivate themachines on the &irst level o& the &acility. ?owever, the system 9uic"lyreali8ed that this was not possi)le. During the past three wee"s, it had)een re)uilding its systems and gaining intelligence a)out the surroundingarea. Fnowing that it would need resources to repair the whole &acility, itsent out scouts to search &or spare parts and e9uipment. East night, thescouts stole di&&erent o)*ects &rom all the traders in the neigh)orhood.'ell, &rom all )ut one our #hero$, o& course, wasn’t ro))ed.

cGee will pay the character a visit &or some )usiness and some gossip.?e will actually )e more interested in the latter and will tal" a )it to thecharacter@

Oesterday, someone ro))ed Inos’ place. Got into that old )uilding7 peopleheard gunshots outta there y’"now. 'onder what anyone’d li"e to have&rom that old coot.

6ow that I thin" o& it7 Cetty told me that Ron’s place was emptied, too. nd there’s also that greasy )oy there’s missin’ some parts. 6ot that I’dcry seein’ that )astard loose some merchandise, )ut still7 it’s weird, ain’titJ

<h, )y the way7 you )een missin’ anythin’, tooJ %hought I’d as" you7y’"now with everyone missin’ stu&& an’ all. Don’t mind me as"in, do yaJ

6ow, even i& it doesn’t )ecome clear to the character at this point o& time, itshould soon )ecome clear that he’s heading towards )eing the mainsuspect here. ?e’s the only one whose shop hasn’t )een ri&led. Ctw, i& theplayer had opted not to play with a &acade, then the G should ma"e himclear that someone else is o)viously pushing into his tur&X I& that too isn’tmotivation enough &or the character, then the G could have himencounter one o& the systems’s scouts during the night 1see )elow.

It would also )e possi)le to have the character sent out &or aninvestigation through the local thie& guild 1or local crime lord. %hishowever is only possi)le i& the character is part o& such an organi8ation. I&the character opts into )eing in a guild, the G may ta"e the one )elow or create an individual one.

The O+tco!e

%here are di&&erent "inds o& people interested in solving the mystery )ehindthe ro))eries. %he traders want to have their merchandise )ac" and topunish the thieves. %he residents are a&raid o& )eing the ne(t in line. %heauthorities are interested in returning the so called peace. !urthermore,the local thieves guild wants to "now who’s challenging their territory. !or detailed descriptions o& the &actions, see people places section )elow.

olving the mystery will not )e easy as the only one who actually saw thesystemAs scouts is Inos, who has armed all the traps around his place andloc"ed himsel& in his house. I& the character somehow ma"es it past the)oo)y traps 1using his %raps s"ill, he might get a chance to tal" to Inos.?e is "nown to )e the only one who has the "eys to the old &acility, so thecharacter will have to tal" to Inos at some point o& the adventure.

Un&ortunately, Inos has 1more or less lost his mind and goes on ram)linga)out #Gremlins$. I& the character somehow can calm him down, Inos willsay that he lost the "eys to Greasy Bohnson during a dart game. inceBohnson won’t give the "eys away, the only way is to steal them &rom him,win it in a dart game 13 rolls7 %hrown 'eapons, highest result wins or tryto enter the )uilding without the "eys.

'ithout the "eys, one would have to clim) the walls o& the &acility to enterthrough the )ro"en windows 1some 24 &eet a)ove ground or pic" theloc"s on the door 1loc"pic"s 6D tool "it are needed.

<nce inside, a care&ul search will reveal a small entry )ehind a piece o&heavy machinery leading down. Rummaging around will stir up a lot o&annoying rats, though 1see )elow. %he level )elow ground is inha)ited )ya &amily o& pig rats, which are gnawing on the remains o& a )ig cat. It ispossi)le 1)ut di&&icult to snea" past these creatures into a stairway leading)elow. n electronic loc"pic" 1or some patience is needed to get throughthe door to the main &acility. %he door will open every twelve hours and letout a #Gremlin$ in search o& raw materials and spare parts. %he thie& might)e a)le to snea" past 172 due to heightened senses o& the Gremlin.

Inside are various Gremlins attending to tas"s involving repairs andprocessing o& e9uipment. s long as the thie& does not stir up too muchattention, the Gremlins will ignore him and go on with their )usiness. %heonly Gremlin who will notice the thie& is a large red one. Getting rid o& thered one will put the whole system on alert, so more su)tle ways 1such astealth are needed. %he computer room o& the &acility will have thereactivation log &iles on the networ". o, using the omputer <perations"ill might help there. Disa)ling the system 1)y cutting the connection tothe power generator, shutting the generator down or )lowing up thenetwor" will deactivate the red unit )ut will also let all the other Gremlinsloose. %hey might continue with their last assignment or *ust do randomtas"s7 this is up to you, the G.

Fnowing what’s going on, the thie& might either uncover the whole thing,conse9uently gaining some regard 1and thus strengthening his cover7 a&teall, who’d suspect a respected adventurer and )usinessman to )e a thie&Jor use the situation &or his advantage 1)y returning &rom time to time andstealing some o& the e9uipment each time. 5ither way7 some goodmoney is guaranteed.

<ne last word@ Please read the descriptions o& the 6Ps )e&ore headingo&& &or the adventure. Cesides stats and characteri8ation, there are alsorumors, 6P "nowledge and story details listed )elow. o ta"e your timereading through the descriptions.

Peop%e and P%ace


n Shrt: Inos is a small sian man in his late &i&ties. ?e developed anervous twitch and spea"s with a hissing voice, clutching at his hotgunthe whole time. alming him will not )e easy, as he saw how one o& thesmall Gremlins ripped through his guard dog, %eddy, with only one stri"e.

Inos has )een traveling the wastes &or a while. During his last stop, hediscovered that some plugs he was carrying &it into the generator o& the)uilding he had the guts to stay in. ?e had intended to live o&& the rats &or a

while, )ut decided to live o&& #his generator$ instead. s he encounteredthe system scouts, he nearly lost his mind. ?e is a&raid o& leaving hishouse and o& meeting the #Gremlins$ as he calls them. ?e "illed one o&them while it was trying to steal the remaining high7tech plugs. ?e tied the#corpse$ o& the small creature onto a small stic" and stuc" it into theground at his &ront door.

?e has now set up a variety o& traps around his house and the &acilitysince he &ears that the Gremlins will return to avenge their "ind. ?e hasn’t)een out o& house &or a wee".


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$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: .DL: +2 7i%%: +2 Mo)e: I: +: Per: +46T: +/ 0P: ++ $M: /Dodge:  Parr<: - DR: /

Unarmed 1+/@ +d72 thr H +d sw cr.

oss)erg -/ 1+/@ +dL+ pi7.

Trait: 6one o& note.

$9i%%: Physician 7+:0 Diagnosis 7+=0 urgery 7+0 5lectronics <peration1edical 7+=0 5ngineer 15lectric 7+=0 echanic 15lectric 7+=0 5lectronics<peration 1ecurity 7+=0 crounging 7+0 ath 7+0 omputer <peration7+=0 omputer Programming 7+=0 %raps 7+:.

In)entor<: oss)erg -/ hotgun, DoctorAs )ag, %ool Fit, Cig Coo" o&cience, 3/( gold coins, 2 stim pac"s, Eoc"pic"s.


n Shrt: %om is almost dea&, so tal"ing to him is a real pain in the ass as hewill want everything repeated ( times. %om is an honest shop owner andvery heavy smo"er. ?e deals in all "inds o& household items, e9uipment,some )oo"s and &ew weapons and armor. ?e’s a strong loo"ing, )ig )aldman with a rough and loud voice, who’s pretty pissed at )eing ro))ed. ?e’s)een at home all the time and can’t e(plain how the thie& actually got intothe )uilding. ?e &ound small &ootsteps at the &ireplace near the chimney,though and suspects a little gal called aren. ?e still hasn’t cleaned hisroom, )ecause he wants the authorities to ta"e #&ingerprints$. ?e has set upa reward o& 2// coins &or the thie&’s arrest.

$T: +2 6P: +2 $peed: DL: +/ 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: I: +/ Per: 6T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: /Dodge:  Parr<:  DR: 3 1Eeather rmor ". II

Unarmed 1+3@ +d7+ thr H +dL2 sw cr.

aul 1+:@ +dL: cr.

Trait: ddiction 1%o)acco0 ?ard o& ?earing.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+30 Guns 1Pistol 7+40 erchant 7+40 %hrown 'eapons7+0 %wo7?anded (eHace 7+:.

In)entor<: ledgehammer0 Eeather rmor F II0 3 stimpac"s, lighter, 2pac"s o& cigarettes.

Greas% 8ohnson

n Shrt: !ull7time psycho and ma*or asshole, Bohnson is the wealthiest1and most irritating person around. ?e "eeps his hair #nice n shiny$ )ut itactually loo"s greasy. Bohnson sells weapons, armor and all "inds o&mechanical gi8mos including nun7&unctioning *un". ?e may not )e smart ora good trader, )ut he "now’s when he’s screwed and acts very )ris"ly. ssoon as he reali8ed that his super tool "it was stolen, he sent out &orcGee and his )oys to clear things up.

?e hasn’t )een in the shop that night since he was playing darts in themooth Car. ?e’s got an ugly old cat called Ripper who occasionally goesout &or a stroll through a small opening in the door. Ripper hasn’t )eenaround &or a while. ?e thin"s that the #scrap7diggin’ rat$ Earson might havestolen his goods, so he re&uses to )uy anything &rom the )oy.

$T: +4 6P: +4 $peed: DL: +/ 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: 

I: +/ Per: +26T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: /Dodge:  Parr<:  DR: /

Unarmed 1+3@ +d thr H 2d sw cr.

witch)lade 1+:@ 2d73 cut H +d7+ imp.

-mm auser 1+3@ 3d7+ pi7.

Trait: <dious Personal ?a)its 73 1Pric"0 'ealth 1om&orta)le.

$9i%%: Crawling 7++0 Guns 1Pistol 7+30 Fni&e 7+:0 erchant 7+2.

In)entor<: witch)lade, -mm auser, 2( -mm, 43( gold coins, 3(stimpac", 4( psycho.

%he traders all have their own stores and usually do not go to themar"etplace. %he mar"etplace is used )y the residents o& this part o& townto e(change goods and to )uy &ood or water. %here are hunters, travelingmerchants, caravans and all "inds o& other pro&essions concentrated in themar"etplace, with an average o& some +// people )eing there at one time.



n Shrt: n old woman with a shaven head and golden &ront teeth. heli"es smiling a lot7 )ut the smile doesn’t loo" nice or com&orting7 more li"e ashar"’s smile. 6o)ody really "nows what Cetty does &or living, )ut sheseems to get )y pretty good. Cetty "nows every action o& everyone at anytime. In truth, she’s a #retired$ thie& who hit the )ig one long ago. he &eelsthat this isn’t *ust thievery going on and will )e interested in solving thepro)lem.


n Shrt: a young lad, claiming to )e aren’s )oy&riend. %his witty )oyusually runs around )are7&ooted and with a load o& scrap metal on his )ac",selling his &indings to the traders. &ter )eing put o&& )y Bohnson, Earsonwent to Inos to sell his latest &indings. ?e actually saw Inos &ight against the#small people$ and le&t the place in a hurry. Domini" hasn’t )elieved him andhe was too shy to as" cGee, so he le&t it at that this was two wee"s ago.

%here are some three hundred to &our hundred residents at this part o&town, )ut there are *ust some people which are "nown )y almost everyone.%he two a)ove are such persons. !eel &ree to add others and to addsu)plots at will.



n Shrt: Dancin’ cGee is the owner o& the mooth Car and the leading#authority$ as well. ?e’s young enough to rum)le, )ut old enough to "now)etter. ince he has a secret agreement with the thieves guild,cGee "nows that it couldn’t have )een them 1although he chec"ed witheach mem)er *ust to )e sure. ?e’s )een as"ing everyone i& they’venoticed anything unusual, )ut so &ar the only thing he got was somethinga)out #pea"ing Rats$ &rom that drun"ard Ren. ?e didn’t pay muchattention to Bohnson’s or %om’s speculations since he "nows that neitheraren nor Earson would dare pic"ing their way into three houses,snea"ing past the owners and getting away with it. o &ar, he is clueless7and this is )othering him a lot. ?e thin"s a)out adding into the pool o&rewards to put up a total o& :// 1which would include Bohnson’s, %om’s

and the residents money, )ut he would pre&er the money &or himsel&.

$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: DL: +/ 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: I: +/ Per: +36T: ++ 0P: +/ $M: /Dodge:  Parr<:  DR:  1etal rmor

Crass Fnuc"les 1+@ +d7+ cr.

?F ' 1+=@ +dL+ pi7.

Trait: Greed0 Eegal 5n&orcement Powers0 ecret 1In )ed with the %hievesGuild.

$9i%%: (eHace 7+40 Crawling 7+0 Guns 1hotgun 7+=0 !irst id 7+/0%hrown 'eapons 7+4.

In)entor<: ?F ', Crass Fnuc"les, etal rmor, +-( +27Guage

lugs, =2( gold coins, 2( stimpac".


n Shrt:  dimwit i& you ever met one. Cig, strong, slow. Domini" iscGeeAs employee 1and son, though that &act is tightly hidden &romeveryone7 including Domini". ?e is a act &irst7 don’t thin" at all person whowill )ore you to death with all the details o& caverat7)all and the art o&)rewery. ?e hasn’t paid attention to the latest happenings as he was too)usy drin"ing with his pal, Ren and hanging around with his girl aren. sEarson tried to tell him something a)out #small people$, he *ust shoved the)oy o&&, telling him that he’d s9uash him li"e a )ug i& he told any &airy talesagain.


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$T: + 6P: + $peed: DL:  7i%%: = Mo)e: I: = Per: +/6T: +2 0P: +2 $M: L+Dodge:  Parr<:  DR: 2 1Eeather rmor

pi"ed Fnuc"les 1+4@ +dL3 crHimp.

%hrowing Fni&e 1+4@ +d imp.

Trait: Eegal 5n&orcement Powers0 <dious Personal ?a)its 7+ 1 terri)le)ore.

$9i%%: (eHace 7+20 Crawling 7+40 Guns 1hotgun 7+20 %hrown 'eapons7+4.

In)entor<: %hrowing Fni&e, pi"ed Fnuc"les, Eeather armor, 4( %hrowingFni&e, rope, stimpac".

%he law in town consists o& only two people ; cGee and his deputyDomini". I& cGee runs into trou)le he canAt handle, he also has theauthority to deputi8e towns&ol".

Thie)e G+i%d

%he Guild consists o& some 2/ people, hal& o& them )eing "ids. Eisted )eloware the important people within the guild.


n Shrt: Since he "eeps his &ace covered, no)ody really "nows *ust who1or what the shadow is, or what he 1sheJ loo"s li"e. ince he agreed on

stealing &rom merchants and travelers only, hadow’s )een having a goodtime. %his also shows in his latest choice o& employees 1or partners, as hecalls them. hadow is very interested in &inding out more a)out thesituation. ?e "nows that it can’t )e any o& hi+ thieves, so he has guessedthat there must )e a new player in town.

%here aren’t any o)vious newcomers around, so the person )ehind thismust )e operating &rom the shadows 1li"e himsel&. ?e has guessed that theideal place to start an operation would )e the one located right in themiddle o& the events ; the old &acility. ?e plans to send some o& his thugs inthere to see #what’s going on$.

$T: +/ 6P: +/ $peed: ./DL: +2 7i%%: +4 Mo)e: I: +4 Per: +36T: +/ 0P: +/ $M: /Dodge:  Parr<: - DR:  1etal rmor

Unarmed@ 1+@ +d72 thr H +d sw cr.olt :2/ 1+=@ 2d piL.

2:+ !rag Grenade 1+@ dL2 cr e( 2dQ.

Trait: Paranoia.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+0 lim) 7+0 5lectronics <peration 1ecurity 7+30 Guns1Pistol 7+=0 Fni&e 7+:0 Eoc"pic"ing 7+40 Pic"poc"et 7+0 tealth 7+=0%hrown 'eapons 7+.

In)entor<: olt :2/ +/mm Pistol, etal rmor, 3( +/mm B?P , 3+( goldcoins, igarettes, stimpac", )u&&out, 2( *et, 2( mentats, 2( !rag Grenades.


In hort@ Ren li"es to drin" a lot. ?is constantly red nose a)ove theun"empt )eard have )een his trademar" &or years. lthough he has seen

the Gremlins a couple o& times, Ren hasn’t paid attention to them since hethought them to )e *ust another drin"ing &antasy. ?e has seen them whilehe was trying to pic"loc" his way into cGees )ar and stopped his e&&orts)ecause he thought that he was too drun" to steal anything. Ren tal"sa)out all "inds o& things when he’s drun", so getting in&ormation out o& himis an easy tas". Cecause o& this, he’s never allowed to accompany theothers to hadow’s hideout. Oet, since he’s not the curious type, thisdoesn’t )other him much.

$T: ++ 6P: ++ $peed: :.2DL: +4 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: :I: +/ Per: +36T: ++ 0P: ++ $M: /Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 2 1Eeather rmor

pi"ed Fnuc"les 1+:@ +dL+ crHimp.

om)at Fni&e 1+@ +d7+ cutHimp.

Trait: lcoholic0 ddition 1%o)acco, Bet0 hummy.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+:0 lim) 7+20 Guns 1Pistol 7+0 Fni&e 7+0 Eoc"pic"ing7+:0 Pic"poc"et 7+40 tealth 7+40 %hrown 'eapons 7+.

In)entor<: pi"ed Fnuc"les, om)at Fni&e, Eeather rmor, stimpac", +(gold coins, )u&&out, igarettes, *et.


n Shrt:  young, athletic curious man, timpy acts as a trader. timpyhas )een in the thieves guild &or years and is a very loyal henchmen o&hadow. ?e o&ten acts as a spy &or hadow and usually does the dirtywor". ?e’s not a good )urglar, )ut a very silent "iller. couple o& monthsago, he got addicted to *et and has since then )ecome more and moreparanoid. ?e was one o& the &irst to gather in&ormation on the #Gremlins$and is )urning to &ind out more a)out them. ?e will )e hanging around inshops and the )ar, tal"ing to people casually a)out the latest events,including the )urglaries.

$T: +4 6P: +4 $peed: :.2DL: +4 7i%%: +/ Mo)e: :I: +/ Per: +36T: ++ 0P: ++ $M: /Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 2 1Eeather rmor

pi"ed Fnuc"les@ 1+=@ +dL2 crHimp.

witch)lade 1+:@ 2d73 cut H +d7+ imp.Trait: ddiction 1%o)acco, Bet0 Paranoia.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+=0 lim) 7+0 5lectronics <peration 1ecurity 7+30 Guns1Pistol 7+:0 Fni&e 7+:0 Eoc"pic"ing 7+20 Pic"poc"et 7+20 tealth 7+0%hrown 'eapons 7+.

In)entor<: pi"ed Fnuc"les, witch)lade, Eeather armor, 33( gold coins, *et, stimpac", )u&&out, igarettes.


n Shrt: Ooung 1+:, )eauti&ul, )ut nave, poses as a huntress aren is yetnew to the guild and still has to prove hersel&. he hasn’t )een interested inthe events, )ut has )een around the mar"etplace, pretending to listening topeople while going a&ter their purses. he’s actively loo"ing &or a )oy&riendwhile trying to "eep Earson away &rom her at the same time. he hangs

around with Domini" a lot and pretends to )e #his girl$, only to get the latestin&ormation &rom the authorities. he will report anything interesting tohadow and will also try everything to gain in ran" within the guild. he isn’the )rightest one though7 so &ar, her e&&orts have )een &utile.

$T: ++ 6P: ++ $peed: :.2DL: +2 7i%%:  Mo)e: :I:  Per: +:6T: +2 0P: +2 $M: /Dodge: - Parr<: +/ DR: 2 1Eeather rmor

pi"ed Fnuc"les@ 1+4@ +dL+ crHimp.

olt .223 Ri&le 1+:@ d pi.

Trait: 6one o& note.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+40 lim) 7+0 Guns 1Ri&le 7+:0 Fni&e 7+20 Eoc"pic"ing7+0 Pic"poc"et 7+0 tealth 7+3.

In)entor<: olt .223 ?unting Ri&le, pi"ed Fnuc"les, Eeather armor, 3( .223 !B , 3-( gold coins.

The $<te!

Gunsus !acility was once owned )y GunsRus orporation, )ut when theompany had to close during the war, the army too" over and turned the&acility into a plant &or military e9uipment. %he main generator, as well as allsur&ace systems, were destroyed )y the nuclear shoc"wave and the systemwent to stand )y and waited &or the reactivation o& the generator. 6ow thatthe Gunsus ystem is )ac" up again, it is trying to continue with itsdirective@ produce as much e9uipment as possi)le with availa)le resources


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%he semi7I o& the ystem &igured that it vital systems had to )e repairedand thus assem)led wor" drones. ince the only &unctioning machineswere some old le&tovers &rom GunsRus, the system used those. trangelyenough, these were oversi8ed mechanical children’s toys. littlemodi&ication was enough to turn these into a tas" &orce. %he oldmaintenance )ot who created the &irst drones was dismantled )y thedrones in return.

ince there were NO resources availa)le at all, the system startedsearching &or some in order to get at least the critical systems runningagain. I& le&t alone, it will have reactivated /K o& the &acility within another3 wee"s. It will then start production and produce the &ollowing@

Geiger ounters, otion ensors, ?olodis" Readers, %wo7way radios, andetal Detectors.

The Gremlins

Due to the &ire within the &acility, all the plastic covering o& these children’stoys have melted, so these &igures actually loo" very distorted andmisshapen. %he )ig red one also has organic matter incorporated within its)ody 1pig rat lim)s and has a direct lin" to the system. It serves as theeyes ad ears o& the system and commands the other ro)ots. %he wholesystem is alarmed i& anything happens to the red one.


$T:  6P: +/ $peed: :DL: +4 7i%%: 2/ Mo)e: I: 4 Per: +/6T: +/ 0P: 7 7 7 $M: 7 1+A tall0 / l)s.

Dodge: = Parr<: 6H DR: +/Impaling Eim) 1+:@ +d73 imp.

!usion %orch 1+:@ +d )urn.

Trait: Drone0 achine0 )solute Direction0 om)at Re&le(es0 DR +/0laws 1%alons, Impaling0 ilence +0 >ulnera)ility 15P ttac"s.

$9i%%: Crawling 7+:0 tealth 7+.

C%a: Ro)ot

Note: Pac".

• %he Cig Red Gremlin is as a)ove, )ut change Drone to y)orgCrain, and increase Crawling to +=.


%he town

+. ar"etplace 2. !acility 3. Ison 4. Generator  . mooth Car :. %om =. Bohnson . %hieves Guild

Ion P%ace

Ison has loc"ed himsel& into his house 7 he has &ood and water to last him&or two months and he doesn’t thin" o& coming out. 5very ( is a trap 7 the

door and windows are shut and trapped, too. %he entry to the generatorhouse is also trapped, there’s chic"en wire all around the location. %hehouse is a )ric" )uilding with a wooden H metal roo&. %he traps around thehouse are e(plosives, those at the )uildings are use &rag grenages. Isonhas put up warning signs all over the place to show that he means it.

The $!ooth Bar 

%his is cGees mooth Car. It is a very popular place with a niceatmosphere and moderate prices. cGee sometimes tends to hiscustomers himsel&, )ut usually there is a )artender called Co). %he )ac"room )ehind the )ar is cGees o&&ice. t the north side o& the )uilding,you’ll see a sheri&& star a)ove the door. Domini" ca )e &ound there most o&the time.

The 0aci%it< Gro+nd 0%oor


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%his place is inha)ited )y cave rats and pig rats. <ld production machinesand ro)ot parts are scattered around the place. %he roo& is mainly )ro"endown and de)ris covers the &loor. %he stairs )elow are in the right uppercorner.

The 0aci%it< $+, ?e)e%

ost doors are )ro"en down, the whole place is dusty and dirty. %he stairsa)ove are occupied )y a &amily o& pig rats. %he entry is loc"ed andguarded )y two Gremlins. %he main hallway is used )y the droids&re9uently. %here’s a /K chance to meet the red one at any one place.

%urning the main system down is the only way to get rid o& all droids atonce. %he la)s have computers to access the system. hutting down thegenerator or cutting down the power connection 1see map will also wor".ost droids are in the production and testing halls, assem)ling e9uipmentand machinery and repairing systems. %he illumination is down to the red&lic"er o& the emergency lights.

%here are various pieces o& e9uipment to )e &ound in 1mostly loc"edchests and loc"ers@

Geiger ounter, otion ensor, ?olodis" Reader, %wo7way radio, etalDetector, .3= Desert 5agle, Radaway, 2 timpac"s, 2 !lares. lso, theproduction schemes o& various pieces o& e9uipment can )e &ound on thesystem and can )e loaded onto an empty holodis" 1&inding one could )e ama*or pro)lem, though.

Appe#di5 9: Biblio6$p"y


Interplay. !allout@ Post 6uclear Role Playing Game 1Interplay +--=.

Interplay. !allout 2@ Post 6uclear Role Playing Game 1Interplay +--.

Interplay. !allout@ >an Curen %ech Demo 1Interplay Ureleased.

Interplay. !allout %actics@ Crotherhood o& teel 1Interplay 2//+.

Cethesda o&twor"s. !allout 3 1Cethesda o&twor"s. 2//.


Bason ical. !allout PnP version +.+ 1JJJJ.

David E. Pulver and ean . Punch. GURP Casic et@ haracters, 4thedition 1teve Bac"son Games 2//4.

David E. Pulver and ean . Punch. GURP Casic et@ ampaigns, 4thedition 1teve Bac"son Games 2//4.

David E. Pulver and Fenneth Peters. GURP Ultra7%ech, 4th edition1teve Bac"son Games 2//=.

hawn !isher, ichael ?urst and ?ans7hristian >ortisch. GURP ?igh7%ech, 4th edition 1teve Bac"son Games 2//=.

hris Davis and Dominic ovey. DarwinAs 'orld urvivors ?and)oo"1RPG <)*ects 2//3


5ricAs y)erdungeon 1 http@HHmem)ers.co(.netHcy)erdungeonH 

!allout GURP 1 http@HHgurps.&allout.&ree.&rH 

Duc" and over 1 [email protected]"andcover.c(H 

%he >ault ; !allout 'i"i 1 http@HH&allout.wi"ia.comHwi"iHainfPage 

 nd various ideas shamelessly stolen &rom the teve Bac"son Games we)&orums 1 http@HH&orums.s*games.comH . %han"sX


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NOTICE. .his 0ocument contains in3ormation a33ecting the nationa' 0e3ense o3 the -nite0 tates 1ithin the meaning o3 the 7e1Amen0e0 Es&ionage Act8 96 -,,",8 :! an0 :2, Its transmission or the ree'ation o3 its contents in any manner to an unauthorie0

 &erson is &rohi4ite0 4y the 'a1,

Welcome o !e V"#l o$ !e %##&e


%e'come to <au't*!:8 the 'atest in a series o3 &u4'ic 0e3ense 1or$s 3rom <au't*.ec8 your contractor o3 choice 1hen it comes to the 4estin nuc'ear she'ters, <au't*.ec8 America=s Fina' %or0 in >omes, .his 0ocument8 <.+*66!8 the Vault Dwellers Survival Guide8 is 3or theeents 3o''o1ing a 1or'0*1i0e nuc'ear 1ar, In the case o3 a 'imite0 sca'e nuc'ear 1ar8 or other 1or'0 en0ing catastro&he8 &'ease re3erto the a&&ro&riate 0ocumentation (see a'so &age !,?)@

E() o$ Wo&l) C"#*e  Doc#me( + Tle 

#imite0 ca'e 7uc'ear %ar <.+*662 Vault Dwellers Survival Guide (a4ri0ge0 ersion)

Disease <.D*66! Coping with Mr. Virus! 

taration <.*66:  How to Eat Rat  

F'oo0ing <.F*!66  Flotation Homes & Seaweed  

Meteor <.M*626+  How to Dodge Falling Ros" 

BDocument not aai'a4'e at this time8 1i'' 4e aai'a4'e the :r0 Cuarter o3 26?,

%hi'e 1e ho&e that &eace 1i'' &reai' an0 the nee0 3or such 3rom the groun0 u& to &roi0e the 4est chance 3or a goo0 'i3e 3o''o1ingnuc'ear armage00on, It is the 0uty o3 eery American citien to 'earn an0 use the s$i''s necessary 3or a com3orta4'e <au't 'i3e,

 Dont let what ould have happened #other $ou. %e have enough pro#lems to deal with in the here and now.  'verseer  

.he <au't series o3 suria' she'ters are 0esigne0 3rom the groun0 u& to &roi0e the 4est chance 3or a goo0 'i3e 3o''o1ing nuc'eararmage00on, It is the 0uty o3 eery American citien to 'earn an0 use the s$i''s necessary 3or a com3orta4'e <au't 'i3e, .he 4est &'aceto start is 1ith a 0escri&tion o3 your ne1 home,

Imo&"( V"#l *"*c*

V"#l N#me&  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!:S"&(/ co(*&#co( )"e ,,,,,,,August 26:E()(/ co(*&#co( )"e ,,,,,,,,,,March 26S"&(/ B#)/e  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,566866686668666%("l B#)/e, ! (e&e* ,,,,,,,,59866686668666To"l (#me& o$ occ#"(* ,,,,,,,!8666 (at ca&acity)

To"l )#&"o( ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!6 years (at ca&acity)N#me& o$ l1(/ #"&e&* ,,,,,,,,,!66 (hot 4un$ing reCuire0 i3 at maHimum ca&acity)Doo& !c3(e** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 yar0s8 stee'E"&! co1e&"/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:82668666 tons o3 soi'8 at 266 3eetCom#e& co(&ol *4*em ,,,,,,,,,.hin$ machineP&m"&4 oe& *#l4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Geo*therma'Seco()"&4 oe& *#l4 ,,,,,,,,,,Genera' Atomics 7uc'ear o1er 4ac$u& systemsPoe& &e#&eme(*  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,?m$1/0aySo&e* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"om&'ete construction eCui&ment8 hy0ro*agricu'tura' 3arms8 1ater &uri3ication 3rom un0ergroun0

rier8 0e3ensie 1ea&onry to eCui& !6 men8 communication8 socia' an0 entertainment 3i'es (3or tota'0uration)


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N#cle"& l"* e$$ec*

<au't*!: is 0esigne0 to &roi0e &rotection 3rom the e33ects o3 a nuc'ear 4'ast, .o 4etter un0erstan0 the &rotection &roi0e08 1e haeinc'u0e0 a section 3rom the >igh Energy %ea&ons FAQ that eH&'ains ho1 a nuc'ear 4'ast causes 0amage, .he 3irst thing 4om4 ictimseH&erience is the intense 3'uH o3 &hotons 3rom the 4'ast8 1hich re'eases 6*?6J o3 the 4om4=s energy, .he e33ects go u& to thir0 0egreetherma' 4urns an0 are not a &retty sight, Initia' 0eaths are 0ue to this e33ect, .he neHt &henomenon is the su&ersonic 4'ast 3ront, Kousee it 4e3ore you hear it, .he &ressure 3ront has the e33ect o3 4'o1ing a1ay anything in its &ath, A3ter the 3ront comes the oer&ressure &hase, It 1ou'0 3ee' 'i$e 4eing un0er1ater a 3e1 hun0re0 meters, (At a 3e1 thousan0 meters un0er the sea8 &ressurie0 hu''s im&'o0e,).he &ressure gra0ua''y 0ies o338 an0 there is a negatie oer&ressure &hase8 1ith a reerse0 4'ast 1in0, .his reersa' is 0ue to airrushing 4ac$ to 3i'' the oi0 'e3t 4y the eH&'osion, .he air gra0ua''y returns to norma' atmos&heric &ressure, At this stage8 3ires cause0

 4y e'ectrica' 0estruction an0 ignite0 0e4ris turn the &'ace into a 3irestorm, .hen come the mi00'e term e33ects such as $e'oi0 3ormationan0 retina' 4'astoma, Genetic or here0itary 0amage can a&&ear u& to 3orty years a3ter initia' irra0iation,

Amo*!e&c e$$ec* o$ l"**

T!e M#*!&oom Clo#), .he heat 3rom 3usion an0 3ission instantaneous'y raises the surroun0ing air to !6 mi''ion 0egrees ", .hissu&erheate0 air &'asma gies o33 so much 'ight that it 'oo$s 4righter than the sun8 an0 is isi4'e hun0re0s o3 $i'ometers ($m) a1ay, .heresu'tant 3ire4a'' Cuic$'y eH&an0s, It is ma0e u& o3 hot air8 an0 hence rises at a rate o3 a 3e1 hun0re0 meters &er secon0, A3ter a minuteor so8 the 3ire4a'' has risen to a 3e1 $i'ometers8 an0 has coo'e0 o33 to the eHtent that it no 'onger ra0iates,

.he surroun0ing coo'er air eHerts some 0rag on this rising air8 1hich s'o1s 0o1n the outer e0ges o3 the c'ou0, .he unim&e0e0 inner &ortion rises a 4it Cuic$er than the outer e0ges, A acuum e33ect occurs 1hen the outer &ortion occu&ies the acuum 'e3t 4y the higherinner &ortion, .he resu't is a smo$e ring,

.he inner materia' gra0ua''y eH&an0s out into a mushroom c'ou08 0ue to conection, I3 the eH&'osion is on the groun08 0irt an0ra0ioactie 0e4ris get suc$e0 u& the stem8 1hich sits 4e'o1 the 3ire*4a'',

"o''isions an0 ioniation o3 the c'ou0 &artic'es resu't in 'ightning 4o'ts 3'ic$ering to the groun0,

Initia''y8 the c'ou0 is orange*re0 0ue to a chemica' reaction 1hen the air is heate0, %hen the c'ou0 coo's to air tem&erature8 the 1atera&or starts to con0ense, .he c'ou0 turns 3rom re0 to 1hite,

In the 3ina' stages8 the c'ou0 can get a4out !66$m across an0 56$m high8 3or a megaton c'ass eH&'osion,

Elec&om"/(ec P#l*e (EM), A nuc'ear eH&'osion gies o33 ra0iation at a'' 1ae'engths o3 'ight, ome is in the ra0io/ra0ar &ortiono3 the s&ectrum * the EM e33ect, .he EM e33ect increases the higher you go into the atmos&here, >igh a'titu0e eH&'osions can $noc$out e'ectronics 4y in0ucing a current surge in c'ose0 circuit meta''ic o4Lects * e'ectronics8 &o1er 'ines8 &hone 'ines8 .<s8 ra0ios8 etc,.he 0amage range can 4e oer !666$m,

O1e&1e o$ mme)"e e$$ec*

.he three categories o3 imme0iate e33ects are@ 4'ast8 therma' ra0iation (heat)8 an0 &rom&t ioniing or nuc'ear ra0iation, .heir re'atieim&ortance aries 1ith the yie'0 o3 the 4om4, At 'o1 yie'0s8 a'' three can 4e signi3icant sources o3 inLury, %ith an eH&'osie yie'0 o3a4out 2,9 $i'otons ($.)8 the three e33ects are rough'y eCua', A'' are ca&a4'e o3 in3'icting 3ata' inLuries at a range o3 !$m,

.he 3raction o3 a 4om4=s yie'0 emitte0 as therma' ra0iation8 4'ast8 an0 ioniing ra0iation is essentia''y constant 3or a'' yie'0s8 4ut the1ay the 0i33erent 3orms o3 energy interact 1ith air an0 target ary 0ramatica''y,

Air is essentia''y trans&arent to therma' ra0iation, .he therma' ra0iation a33ects eH&ose0 sur3aces8 &ro0ucing 0amage 4y ra&i0 heating,A 4om4 that is !66 times 'arger can &ro0uce eCua' therma' ra0i*ation intensities oer areas !66 times 'arger, .he area o3 an(imaginary) s&here centere0 on the eH&'osion increases 1ith the sCuare o3 the ra0ius, .hus the 0estructie ra0ius increases 1ith thesCuare root o3 the yie'0 (this is the 3ami'iar inerse sCuare 'a1 o3 e'ectro*magnetic ra0iation), Actua''y the rate o3 increase is some1hat'ess8 &art'y 0ue to the 3act that 'arger 4om4s emit heat more s'o1'y 1hich re0uces the 0amage &ro0uce0 4y each ca'orie o3 heat, It is

im&ortant to note that the area su4Lecte0 to 0amage 4y therma' ra0iation increases a'most 'inear'y 1ith yie'0,

+'ast e33ect is a o'ume e33ect, .he 4'ast 1ae 0e&osits energy in the materia' it &asses through8 inc'u0ing air, %hen the 4'ast 1ae &asses through so'i0 materia'8 the energy 'e3t 4ehin0 causes 0amage, %hen it &asses through air it sim&'y gro1s 1ea$er, .he morematter the energy trae's through8 the sma''er the e33ect, .he amount o3 matter increases 1ith the o'ume o3 the imaginary s&herecentere0 on the eH&'osion, +'ast e33ects thus sca'e 1ith the inerse cu4e 'a1 1hich re'ates ra0ius to o'ume,

.he intensity o3 nuc'ear ra0iation 0ecreases 1ith the inerse sCuare 'a1 'i$e therma' ra0iation, >o1eer nuc'ear ra0iation is a'sostrong'y a4sor4e0 4y the air it trae's through8 1hich causes the intensity to 0ro& o33 much more ra&i0'y,

.hese sca'ing 'a1s sho1 that the e33ects o3 therma' ra0iation gro1 ra&i0'y 1ith yie'0 (re'atie to 4'ast)8 1hi'e those o3 ra0iationra&i0'y 0ec'ine,


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In a sma'' nuc'ear attac$ (4om4 yie'0 a&&roH, !9$.) casua'ties (inc'u0ing 3ata'ities) 1ou'0 4e seen 3rom a'' three causes, +urns(inc'u0ing those cause0 4y an ensuing 3ire storm) 1ou'0 4e the most &rea'ent serious inLury (t1o thir0s o3 those 1ho 1ou'0 0ie the3irst 0ay 1ou'0 4e 4urn ictims)8 an0 occur at the greatest range, +'ast an0 4urn inLuries 1ou'0 4e 3oun0 in 6*6J o3 a'' suriors,eo&'e c'ose enough to su33er signi3icant ra0iation i''ness 1ou'0 4e 1e'' insi0e the 'etha' e33ects ra0ius 3or 4'ast an0 3'ash 4urns8 as aresu't on'y :6J o3 inLure0 suriors 1ou'0 sho1 ra0iation i''ness, Many o3 those &eo&'e 1ou'0 4e she'tere0 3rom 4urns an0 4'ast an0thus esca&e the main e33ects, Een so8 most ictims 1ith ra0iation i''ness 1ou'0 a'so hae 4'ast inLuries or 4urns as 1e'',

%ith yie'0s in the range o3 hun0re0s o3 $i'otons or greater (ty&ica' 3or strategic 1arhea0s) imme0iate ra0iation inLury 4ecomesinsigni3icant, Dangerous ra0iation 'ee's on'y eHist so c'ose to the eH&'osion that suriing the 4'ast is im&ossi4'e, n the other han083ata' 4urns can 4e in3'icte0 1e'' 4eyon0 the range o3 su4stantia' 4'ast 0amage, A 26 megaton 4om4 can cause &otentia''y 3ata' thir00egree 4urns at a range o3 56$m8 1here the 4'ast can 0o 'itt'e more than 4rea$ 1in0o1s an0 cause su&er3icia' cuts,

A conenient ru'e o3 thum4 3or estimating the short*term 3ata'ities 3rom a'' causes 0ue to a nuc'ear attac$ is to count eeryone insi0ethe 9 &si 4'ast oer&ressure contour aroun0 the hy&ocenter as a 3ata'ity, In rea'ity8 su4stantia' num4ers o3 &eo&'e insi0e the contour 1i''surie an0 su4stantia' num4ers outsi0e the contour 1i'' 0ie8 4ut the assum&tion is that these t1o grou&s 1i'' 4e rough'y eCua' in siean0 4a'ance out, .his com&'ete'y ignores any &ossi4'e 3a''out e33ects,

O1e&1e o$ )el"4e) e$$ec*

R")o"c1e Co("m("o(, .he chie3 0e'aye0 e33ect is the creation o3 huge amounts o3 ra0ioactie materia' 1ith 'ong 'i3etimes(ha'3*'i3es ranging 3rom 0ays to mi''ennia), .he &rimary source o3 these &ro0ucts is the 0e4ris 'e3t 3rom 3ission reactions, A &otentia''ysigni3icant secon0ary source is neutron ca&ture 4y non*ra0ioactie isoto&es 4oth 1ithin the 4om4 an0 in the outsi0e enironment,

%hen atoms 3ission they can s&'it in some 56 0i33erent 1ays8 &ro0ucing a miH o3 a4out ?6 0i33erent isoto&es, .hese isoto&es ary

1i0e'y in sta4i'ity; some are com&'ete'y sta4'e 1hi'e others un0er*go ra0ioactie 0ecay 1ith ha'3*'i3es o3 3ractions o3 a secon0, .he0ecaying isoto&es may themse'es 3orm sta4'e or unsta4'e 0aughter isoto&es, .he miHture thus Cuic$'y 4ecomes een more com&'eH8some :66 0i33erent isoto&es o3 : e'ements hae 4een i0enti*3ie0 in 3ission &ro0ucts,

hort*'ie0 isoto&es re'ease their 0ecay energy ra&i0'y8 creating intense ra0iation 3ie'0s that a'so 0ec'ine Cuic$'y, #ong*'ie0 isoto&esre'ease energy oer 'ong &erio0s o3 time8 creating ra0iation that is much 'ess intense 4ut more &ersistent, Fission &ro0ucts thus initia''yhae a ery high 'ee' o3 ra0iation that 0ec'ines Cuic$'y8 4ut as the intensity o3 ra0iation 0ro&s8 so 0oes the rate o3 0ec'ine,

A use3u' ru'e*o3*thum4 is the ru'e o3 seens, .his ru'e states that 3or eery seen*3o'0 increase in time 3o''o1ing a 3ission 0etonation(starting at or a3ter ! hour)8 the ra0iation intensity 0ecreases 4y a 3actor o3 !6, .hus a3ter hours8 the resi0ua' 3ission ra0ioactiity0ec'ines 6J8 to one*tenth its 'ee' o3 ! hour, A3ter B hours (5 hours8 a&&roH, 2 0ays)8 the 'ee' 0ro&s again 4y 6J, A3ter B2 0ays(2 1ee$s) it 0ro&s a 3urther 6J; an0 so on 3or !5 1ee$s, .he ru'e is accurate to 29J 3or the 3irst t1o 1ee$s8 an0 is accurate to a3actor o3 t1o 3or the 3irst siH months, A3ter months8 the rate o3 0ec'ine 4ecomes much more ra&i0, .he ru'e o3 seens corres&on0s toan a&&roHimate tN*!,2 sca'ing re'ationshi&,

.hese ra0ioactie &ro0ucts are most haar0ous 1hen they sett'e to the groun0 as 3a''out, .he rate at 1hich 3a''out sett'es 0e&en0sery strong'y on the a'titu0e at 1hich the eH&'osion occurs8 an0 to a 'esser eHtent on the sie o3 the eH&'osion,

I3 the eH&'osion is a true air*4urst (the 3ire4a'' 0oes not touch the groun0)8 1hen the a&orie0 ra0ioactie &ro0ucts coo' enough tocon0ense an0 so'i0i3y8 they 1i'' 0o so to 3orm microsco&ic &artic'es, .hese &artic'es are most'y 'i3te0 high into the atmos&here 4y therising 3ire4a''8 a'though signi3icant amounts are 0e&osite0 in the 'o1er atmos&here 4y miHing that occurs 0ue to conectie circu'ation1ithin the 3ire4a'', .he 'arger the eH&'osion8 the higher an0 3aster the 3a''out is 'o3te08 an0 the sma''er the &ro&ortion that is 0e&osite0in the 'o1er atmos&here, For eH&'osions 1ith yie'0s o3 !66$. or 'ess8 the 3ire4a'' 0oes not rise a4oe the tro&os&here 1here &reci&itation occurs, A'' o3 this 3a''out 1i'' thus 4e 4rought to the groun0 4y 1eather &rocesses 1ithin months at most (usua''y much3aster), In the megaton range8 the 3ire4a'' rises so high that it enters the stratos&here, .he stratos&here is 0ry8 an0 no 1eather &rocesseseHist there to 4ring 3a''out 0o1n Cuic$'y, ma'' 3a''out &artic'es 1i'' 0escen0 oer a &erio0 o3 months or years, uch 'ong*0e'aye03a''out has 'ost most o3 its haar0 4y the time it comes 0o1n8 an0 1i'' 4e 0istri4ute0 on a g'o4a' sca'e, As yie'0s increase a4oe !66$. &rogressie'y more an0 more o3 the tota' 3a''out is inLecte0 into the stratos&here,

An eH&'osion c'oser to the groun0 (c'ose enough 3or the 3ire4a'' to touch) suc$s 'arge amounts o3 0irt into the 3ire4a'', .he 0irt usua''y0oes not a&orie8 an0 i3 it 0oes8 there is so much o3 it that it 3orms 'arge &artic'es, .he ra0ioactie isoto&es are 0e&osite0 on soi' &artic'es8 1hich can 3a'' Cuic$'y to earth, Fa''out is 0e&osite0 oer a time s&an o3 minutes to 0ays8 creating 0o1n*1in0 contamination 4oth near4y an0 thousan0s o3 $i'ometers a1ay, .he most intense ra0iation is create0 4y near4y 3a''out8 4ecause it is more 0ense'y0e&osite08 an0 4ecause short*'ie0 isoto&es haen=t 0ecaye0 yet, %eather con0itions can a33ect this consi0era4'y o3 course, In &articu'ar8 rain3a'' can rain out 3a''out to create ery intense 'oca'ie0 concentrations, +oth eHterna' eH&osure to &enetratingra0iation8 an0 interna' eH&osure (ingestion o3 ra0ioactie materia') &ose serious hea'th ris$s,

EH&'osions c'ose to the groun0 that 0o not touch it can sti'' generate su4stantia' haar0s imme0iate'y 4e'o1 the  4urst &oint 4y neutron*

actiation, 7eutrons a4sor4e0 4y the soi' can generate consi0era4'e ra0iation 3or seera' hours,


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.he megaton c'ass 1ea&ons hae 4een 'arge'y retire08 4eing re&'ace0 1ith much sma''er yie'0 1arhea0s, .he yie'0 o3 a mo0ernstrategic 1arhea0 is8 1ith 3e1 eHce&tions8 no1 ty&ica''y in the range o3 266*96 $., ecent 1or$ 1ith so&histicate0 c'imate mo0*e'shas sho1n that this re0uction in yie'0 resu'ts in a much 'arger &ro&ortion o3 the 3a''out 4eing 0e&osite0 in the 'o1er atmos&here8 an0 amuch 3aster an0 more intense 0e&osition o3 3a''out than ha0 4een assume0 in stu0ies ma0e 0uring the siHties an0 seenties, .here0uction in aggregate strategic arsena' yie'0 that occurre0 1hen high yie'0 1ea&ons 1ere retire0 in 3aor o3 more numerous 'o1eryie'0 1ea&ons has actua''y increase0 the 3a''out ris$,

SmTe3 oe&"o(*

.he <au't*.ec esearch Grou& has 0etermine0 that a3ter a 'ong &erio0 o3 security8 many <au't*D1e''ers 1i'' 3ee' uncom3orta4'eO1ith the i0ea o3 returning to the outsi0e 1or'0, .he im.e$ 9666 1i'' &roi0e a sa3e an0 reassuring return to 'i3e on the outsi0e 1or'0,.his cha&ter 1i'' gie you a 4rie3 1a'$*through o3 the o&eration o3 the im.e$ 9666,

RoCo PIPBo4 2000

.o he'& <au't D1e''ers recor0 in3ormation (an0 in3ormation is eHtreme'y a'ua4'e8 in 3act8 it might 4e the most a'ua4'e 1ea&on 1ehae against the en0 o3 cii'iation8 so &ay attentionP)8 <au't*.ec has se'ecte0 the o4"o In0ustries o4"o I+oy 2666 as theersona' In3ormation rocessor o3 choice 3or its <au't D1e''ers,

.he o4"o I+oy 2666 (herea3ter ca''e0 the I+oy)8 is a han0y 0eice that you 1ear on your 1rist, It=s sma''8 es&ecia''y 4y to0ay=sstan0ar0s8 an0 it 1i'' store a goo0'y amount o3 in3ormation 3or you, An0 using mo0ern su&er*0e'uHe reso'ution gra&hics to 4ootP

.he I+oy 2666 can 4e use0 to $ee& trac$ o3 im&ortant 0ates an0 eents, -se it to remem4er eeryone=s 4irth0ay=s an0 anniersaries

so that you (,,,)

%e reprogrammed $our ()(*o$ to eep tra o+ the num#er o+ da$s remaining in the Vault water stores. ,his note is the onl$ thing

 $ou should are a#out until we are sa+e and have a restored water proessing hip.

,he note shows the num#er o+ da$s #e+ore we roa. )+ that happens- $our adventures on the outside wont #e worth a set o+ thermalunderwear in Death Valle$ at high noon! %ell #e dead. /nd we dont want that. Go to it! 

(,,,) an0 it is a ery use3u' too' 3or sche0u'ing meetings an0 a&&ointments, An0 your I+oy has 4een &rogramme0 to &ro&er'y han0'e

a'' ca'en0ar 0ates8 een a3ter the turn o3 the centuryP! 

!Kour I+oy 2666 has a three month 'imite0 1arranty,

V"#l Pe&*o((el

.he $ey to a success3u' reintro0uction o3 cii'iation 3o''o1*ing a massie sca'e nuc'ear 1ar is &eo&'e, >ere at <au't*.ec8 1e are1or$ing to ensure that your 3e''o1 man (an0 1oman) is u& to the tas$ o3 4ringing America 4ac$ 3rom the 0ea0,


<au't*!: comes &re&are0 1ith the 'atest in suria' eCui&ment, .he items in your storage containers 1i'' 'ast!8666 &eo&'e oer !6 years in com3orta4'e an0 mo0ern surroun0ings, %hen it is time to 'eae the <au't8 an0return to re4ui'0 America8 your 3rien0s at <au't*.ec hae &roi0e0 you 1ith eerything that you 1i'' nee0,

%e hae ensure0 that a'' o3 your re4ui'0ing nee0s 1i'' 4e coere0 (,,,)

0eah- right. %ho wrote this1 %hat #udget did the$ get1 %e alread$ used most o+ the e2uipment on +ailed attempts to ontat an

outside ivili3ation. /nd weve #een in here a lot longer than ten $ears. %e have little le+t to give $ou- #ut we will give $ou what wean. 

(,,,) un0ergone eHtensie testing to ma$e sure the eCui&ment is re'ia4'e,


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A))o("l P#lc"o(*

%lo"o( 5ome* "() Se"ee)

A com&'ete suria' gui0e 3or the ocean 4oun0, More ti&s8 instructions8 an0 &'ans than you cou'0 &ossi4'y eer use,

A EMA7E7. .A.E F +EI7GO %E FIE#D*.E. .>E #A.E. %A.EF F 66 -7"EE7 #A7. AGADE7 K- "A7 "ME +A" .P %A.E+ED* A A".I"A# A#.E7A.I<E "I7G %I.> K- 7E% M+I#E>ME


A <au't*.ec &u4'ication&ecia' <au't D1e''ers Issue * u'y 26>ouse4oat "ruise "ontro'P "oming oonP

Co(/ W! M&. V&#*6

An eHten0e0 &am&h'et 3or the 1ho'e 3ami'yP Inc'u0es the &o&u'ar >o1*.o*+urn* Disease0*+o0ies section,

Fi3teenth E0ition * Decem4er 26Featuring the 'atest u&er E4o'a Quarantine .echniCuesP

%A7I7G@A'' re3erences to the goernment sanctione0 an0 contro''e0 FE< irus are not a''o1e0 in this &u4'ication,

V"#l Delle&* S#&11"l '#)e 8"&)/e) 1e&*o(9

A con0ense0 ersion o3 the <DG8 containing Lust the im&ortant in3ormation you nee0P

E33ectie Date March8 26For uriors o3 a #imite0 ca'e 7uc'ear %ar First rinting <.+*2*!:

5o o E" R"

er !6! reci&es8 3rom 4asic mea's to a com&'ete set o3 0ishes8 a'' the 1ay 3rom snac$s to 0essertsP

econ0 E0ition

 7E% F =@!9 3ie*minute eci&es an0 the tasty o0ent a 'a ingP

5o To Do)/e %"ll(/ Roc3*

Aai'a4'e the :r0 Cuarter o3 26?


 Future,e- a division o+ Vault,e- presents the +ollowing advertisement +or $our en4o$ment! 

%hen the A'' "'ear soun0s on your ra0io8 you 0on=t 1ant to 4e caught 1ithout,,,


.he $it inc'u0es@

• B"*e Relc"o& U( * re&'icates 3oo0 an0 4asic items nee0e0 3or 4ui'0ing your ne1 1or'0, ust a00 1aterP (&o1ere0 4yco'0 3usion)

• 5olo)*c Re")e& ! L&"&4 * inc'u0es se'ections 3rom the #i4rary o3 "ongress8 com&'ete set o3 encyc'o&e0ias8 an0 other

'i3e saing in3ormation8 a'' containe0 on 3our*hun0re0 an0 siHty han0y ho'o0iscsP! an0,,, A M("#&e Pe( %l"*!l/!62  5 ouo3 9 nuc'ear scientists recommen0 the Gar0en o3 E0en "reation it oer the other 'ea0ing suria' $itsP

! A con0ense0 ersion is aai'a4'e on three han0y ho'o0iscs2 7ot suita4'e 3or chi'0ren un0er the age o3 three, A 0i33erent toy is aai'a4'e 3or younger chi'0ren, 


Page 80: Gurps.fallout.free.Fr Data GURPS Fallout Compilation

8/9/2019 Gurps.fallout.free.Fr Data GURPS Fallout Compilation

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8/9/2019 Gurps.fallout.free.Fr Data GURPS Fallout Compilation

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