» A TA G ui de li ne s f or S hi pp in g L it h iu m B at t er ies byAir » A TA Gui del ines for Shi pp in g L it hi um Batteries by Ai r 18 Common scenarios - Section II The following 6 examples demonstrate, using common scenar ios , what should appear on an air waybil l and.packaqe inthe example scenar ios of exc ept ed (Se cti on II)lithiu m battery shipment s. In each scenar io the shipper will need to ensure comp liance with the relevant sect ions of the lATADGR Note: No shipper' s declarations for dangerous goods are required for batteries shipped in compliance wi th Sect ion IIof the applicable packing instruction. Sec ti on I I L it hi um I on C el ls ~ 2 0 Wh S ec ti on I I L it hi um I on B at te ri es ~ 10 0 W I' :! S ec ti on I I L it hi um M et al C el ls ~ 1 9 L it hi um S ec ti on I I L it hi um M et al B at te ri es ~ 2 9 L it hi um 19

Guidlines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air 2

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Page 1: Guidlines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air 2

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»ATA Guidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air »ATA Guidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air


C om m on scen ario s - S ec tio n II

The following 6 examples demonstrate, using common scenarios, what

should appear on an air waybill and.packaqe inthe example scenarios of

excepted (Section II) lithium battery shipments.

In each scenario the shipper will need to ensure compliance with therelevant sections of the lATADGR

Note: No shipper's declarations for dangerous goods are required for

batteries shipped in compliance with Section IIof the applicable packing


Section II Lithium Ion Cells ~ 20 Wh

Section II Lithium Ion Batteries ~ 100 WI':!

Section II Lithium Metal Cells ~ 19 Lithium

Section II Lithium Metal Batteries ~ 29 Lithium


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»IATA Guidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air > > lATAGuidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air

E xam ple 1 :

Lithium Ion Batteries - Section II

S~ipper: ABC co.

Montreah Quebec

Consignee: DEF co.

London, England

I ONO~oo C~R~~~~

M~~ . tPAMP

CAUTION!! . ~ ,y!

Packed in accordance with Packing Instruction 965 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "Lithium Ion Batteries" and a telephone

number where additional information can be obtained,

Airpcrtof besuneuon

IRequ sledFgh Dae

I IA m ou n t o f I ns ur an c e T I N SU R A. N C :: E .- I I c a rr le r. O lf er s I ns u ra nc e . a nd s u cn i ns u ra n ce I s

. r eq ue sl edma cc or da nc ew h h cco nd on st her eo n dca ea mou n

tobe jnsured Infgures mboxmarked "Amouno jnsurance"

H an d n g I n or ma o n

Lithium ion batteries, not restricted, PI965


~j~C~~I Gross kg ~ P=jhar9,ea,b1e I R at e / T T Tolal II

Rep . I We gh Ib I C Y mm~~~y We gh / Charge

I-"-l+-----f"l I I _Uf-------llll--'-----1

Na t u re and Quan t it y o f Goods( n cl D m en si on s o V ou me )



E xam ple 2 :

Lithium metal batteries - Section II

Shipper: ABO co.


Consignee: OEFco.

London, England



No QM ~ A 1 >" " - - - < o j I . . . .. . . ., . . " ,

Packed in accordance with Packing Instruction 968 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "Lithium Metal Batteries" and a

telephone number where additional information can be obtained,

-rpo of Destnaon

IAcq ostedFghDne

I IAmoun of Insurance I IN S UR A . N e E -If carnero ers insurance andsuchinsurance

requeslednaC<Xrdancewrhhecond onslhereo ndcaeamoun

tobensured infgures Inboxmarked "Amoun o Insurance"

Hand ng no ~a on .

Lithium metal batteries, not restricted, PI968


~~C~S I Gr?ss I ~ ' jR a e C as sRCP We gh Ib II I Commod~ty

I I 1 " ' m "

~ I R a ! e / I I I Na ur e a nd Qua n y o G oo dsI _ _ _ j _ 1 / Charge l l f---" -" -" ----1

1f -- -( in -o '- . D _;m _" _S io _" ,_ o_ rV _o I" _m _',_ ~


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,> > lATAGuidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air

E xa m ple 3 :

Lithium lon batteries contained in equipment - Section II

Packed in accordance with Packmq Instruction 967 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "lithium Ion Batteries" and a telephone

number where additional information can be obtained. ..

'The label is only required when the packaqe contains more than 4 cells

or 2 batteries except that button cells installed in equipment need not be

considered, for this count.

A ir po r o D es t na o n


R eq ue s ed F g h l Da e.1. Amoun of Insurance I ~~qu~~ ~c ;n-, e thereo indCa ~~oun

I "b , ;" . " " , , ' ;g " " . ;"b"~; '" ;d 'A;" ;" " 'ol , "co, , " , , '

H an d n g I n o rm a o nf

Lithium ion batteries, riot restricted, PI967


No , 0 1 , I Gross< , R a e C as s

~ IR " / c l I I Total IIN a ur e a nd Q Ua n y o G oo ds


( n cl D m en si on s o V ou me )R e p Wegh

'",I Commod y

I e m N o1 l I J 1 J l


> > lATAGuidelines for Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air

E xa mp le 4 :

Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment - Section II

Packed in accordance with Packing Instruction 966 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "Lithium Ion Batteries" and a telephone

number where additional information can be obtained.

RequesledF gh Oae

IA mo un o I ns ur an ce I I NS UR AN CE " c ar r er o ~ rn i ns ur an ce a nd s u ch insu~ance."

requesednaccordancew Mhecond onshereof n caeamoun!

tobe inSl1redinfgures inboxmarked "Amoun of Insurance"

A lr po r o D ea n a r o n

I. IH an d n g I n o rm a o n

Lithium ion batteries, not restricted, PI966


No , 0 1 , I , Gross <0 R a e C as s

~ IR " / c I I J INa ur e an d Q 1 an y o Go od s

PiecesWegh Gommody Charqe

Toa ( n c D me ns io ns o V o um e)RCP Ib I e m N o1 l J J 1 J l


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> > lATAGuidelines for Snipping Lithium Batteries by Air

Exam ple 5: .

Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment - Section II

O Q ~ ~ l , ? t , ~ ~ : : = ~ ~ O I I Tr .. .. .. . _ _ ' .. . ", . .. .. .«"

Packed in accordance with Packing Instruction 970 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "Lithium Metal Batteries" and a

telephone number where additional information can be obtained.

The label isonly required when the package contains more than 4 cells

, or 2 batteries except that button cells installed in equipment need not beconsidered, for this count.

I RequasledFghVDaa


A m ou n t o f I n s ur a nc e I I N S U R A . N e E . u c a rr ie r. o ff er s I ns u ra n ce , a n d s u c h I ns u ra n ce i s

requ8sednaccordancewrhhecond onshereofnd caeamoun

1 0 b ej re u re d i n f i gu r es m O O K ma r ke d " Am o un l o r jn s ur e nc e ",

Airportof nesnnancn

H an d n g I n on na o n

Lithium metal batteries, not restricted, PI970 SCI

N c . o ~ I Gross I k Q j 1 1 R a e C a ss

~~~es I Wegh lib II I C~:mmo~IY

I 1 1 1 1


»ATA Guidelines forShipping Lithium Batteries by Air

E xa mp le 6 :

Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment - Section II

Shipper: ABC co,


C o n a l g ! 1 \ f l ¥ j O e F GO ,





""_,_.., . . . . . . " ." " .. "

Packed in accordance with Packing Instruction 969 (Section II)

The label must be completed with "Lithium Metal Batteries" and a

telephone number where additional information can be obtained.

I NS UR AN CE - c a rr e ro e r s n su ra ne e a nd s uc h m so ra oc e i s

requesednaccordaneewh hecond onsthereo ndcaeamoun

tobe insured infgures in boxmarked "Arnoun o Insuranc;e"

A sp or o D es t na o n

H an d n g I n o rm a o n


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