gTOCKS STRONG AND DULL. GRAXOERS STILL AHEAD. m KfW Fi:.ViTK!".> OF IM.M1'TAN(*E IN THE SlT-t TLATIDN. 8ALS8 AT THE STo. K I'.XHl IKOl -APRIL 17. GOVERXXEXT BO.YlM*. *Ca4B_Uegi.tsr.sl ... U0..r0». .)2'."s BONDS AND B.1NA* STOCAs. .p"""Tf, Selllenieiil .4. .-..0..0.ij*» J.000.'. MKL.iinl t,-< 1K1. J»P* e<"U * maaa 00.000.4« 40.CO.I. ¦¦**_* S. .h.H...4,4*M l.\000.<8\ «(; (M>(»... -4si, .-..000.4S ailsulM- * »*acillc liieoiue 22.000.ljja S.lHMI. 12**» 1.000.12"m j.OOO.12* Brooklvii Bl lal Laaa.no ( ti N .1 9 M 1.000.\\»\ &.U00.110»i He. 2.000.109** Chi. Bnr * O Ts :..0W.121 ". a.b an.l E 111 0;\« 22.000.ajaj T.oon.B<*« rwe * Ind Coal l«i 0.000.07 ChlcandNor I" lat 8.000."B*s ChlCbtPMAU s.oou.118 PtolotartoMld 1. n.lMS..08 |M Hoca V * Toi 6a aooo.70** 2.000....ao CelHook *Tu 0. Chesana-.M'on rt« 1.000.»?7» Chic Rl*r»o 5* eonuou 10.000.»7 Chic* K Hl lst «. 00.1.116 T>l*nndKegj>4 10.000.io*1* Dei, * Bm> Oraud 4. f.00.8* 3.000.frJ** 7.00-.1.82.. Elirl-ox A B»6a 4.0(H).89 8.000.90 Eric7aConOold flOOO.134»« Vt.('««».185 Lfi.iTenn V A Oa Cor. Gold fta 1 («K..101 Flinl an.l Pero M 5. 1.000.101**a Oco 1'oclr.t O.oOO.108 7 .OOO.IO*1* Houn * Tex Cen latae 1.000.101 1.000.loit SlTsM 10.000.64 1.0(11).63s4 Int .nd(i N con (J» Trr.nt P.ecelpT« 10.000.71 a.i,..u.71*a Im A c Nor i.t 6,000.11* K.DM.l'acl.tcon l.(MH).110 i.uoe.nos 4.000.110\ ; w 1-t:.- 2.000.10US I.oni: l'mk ii» 1.0OH.117*". t.tmt.mv LeneVash Vnlte.1 i;o1<\ 4a i.tlOO.M* l<isi i. x Taa is. 8....M....._as '.'.OOO.^-7. 10..NN1.»M '.i..iim.h2s4 l.o., and K 4.1HU'.11. "a I.f. \ A * .'hlt eon 4.not..9.1* M< ,V lst 6..HM..XI*1' MoK... aml Texa. I.t lO.ooo.<9S 13.000.7g* 4.000.77 7.000.70% 8.000."<.: 9.000.1__ aloKxt. * lex JO 4.000.40 3.000.40% 8.000.40* 7 (>0,i.40'4 ;<i.ooo.4(»»» MUA »f »"""" »at Temi t»» a.O.to..102 Moblle* Ohlo <»M 4.000.6.'.* Mnrs LaadT Of 10.000.1113S Ns.li 0 AML con 2.000.104 "s N Y Cen I 'eb 5s lteir 20.000.100 N V C'em lsl coi' H ,100.l'-6>i N Y I. B s. **vn New 2d Con ll.MIO.1004 10.000.100N X y oi.tan.l W COB 01 2.000.Prt 2.000.96** l«t 1.000.111V> N Y 8us anrt W 2.1 8.000.70* N Y * Perry C4I Mi 4.00B.00** riit.-.t- w.st i»t O.OOO.70\t .»l,i.u an.l l.eanine a m 4. 4.000.1V\ PIul <% liisx.mg 2,1 pi-f I..C S.OOo.85 3d prsf tncome ....ooo.?fl*1 ft.O.H).%AS Penn l'o'»4^l',,.m ...e.M..10.',^ I'.o Klill iLSSt l«t lo.OIM..75*s r.iiii * Dan Dci> '.'.ono.loo Rio<l..ians Wi.l.t .'..ooo.77 MOB.7oS Stl. Ark .in,i T I.t Tru«t Rerelpi. 17.000.«ia4 7.000.. .....rJ2 Hl* Iron Monut Oiiro AiTlut .1.000.100 20 4.000.108\ Bt I, ,t Shii Kr "4 ( la*. C 2.000.H8 ficloto V_y E 4. 10.000.7.f.«4 8.000.112M e.OIM..7.i bt L Ark A 1 i.t 4. int Cert. 3.000. 71l« Tex * Pae i.t .4* ".ooo.aatg lO.ooo. nn l.ooo.f>o\ 1.000.l>(li4 Tex.nd Pae 3d lnc 10.000.8-J 5..MM..32 V 9.1.00O.K2w, 32.00(1_A'A\ 15.000.32'« 20.000 .32<* Toi A A .1- X M I.t 1.000.9fta4 600.!u'.»t 600.97 Con 2.000.H5H TolHt L* K (' lxt 1.000.83 Toi* Oh Cen. l«t l oon.lor.v 8.000.HC'S Un.on Klevated l»t 1.B90.l.»i*a Nor far I.t conn Ncr j'ac 2.1 conn rl.000.lll«s Nor Pac con 0. r..oOo.llo^ I'mou PHCittc I.t .97 1.000.109V tfej 3.000.111V 44.000. f 114 Un Psocol Tr4<»» 11.000.Sl'\ 6.C0O.»«l*s l.OOO.Bl-S. l.mio.»i\ Hot «'»c « Mon Int 4.000.104 2.000.103 Northwe.t con. 6 000.laaa. Rr« C-old H.l. 2.0.HI.12tf Ore B L <to C N'on 20.000.7d«. 4.0(H).70'i 11.000.7ti3« 8.000.77'4 fU'OP.78 Ore.-, n m,u con 5. 4.000.6(ja4 io.oii,i.06 "v 17.000.ot;.. 2.000. liO'V,, 000.72 UnPacDen and (! I.t a, «.,.M,.7:'^. VtrK.Dia MlrlU M Uuar Stamned ft.000.89 Wnba.li It R lst 12.000.101 WaW'iOi K It 2d 1.000.74*4, l.ooo.74'» 4.000.76 ..'.000.76«a WeM S.iorel4td4. 2 OOO.102\ Wcst N Y * Penn 2d 10.000.31'i We*t Pac I on.ie 3.000.loO TBE GEXERAL LIST. aCTt'AI. SALK6. CLOSIIf... No, ->-J share* Op'g.|Hi(!'t Low't Flnal.| Bld. A.k'd, sold. 21-. t>2W Albany a 8.1... AtehTa d V.. AllsDt.e A r-. HaKYAi.91 l.l.i: ti. A'fllt*. pnfl H&r- an. 1'uil CKS.no. wanaila bsuta.- ..1 a.;i rscisu. CsdsrP* *»...- C* ni»i -*«J. Centrsl P.cinc, Chc» *o.... do iiun...- (lo-ia »ru..... Ckua tjni in Chic* K iu wn Caio*aii. chic* Apret.. Chie* N.rwssi C»is * N.t tr\. csie M * 811. .BH»M*»r-t.,. Chi.etP *a*u CStPMAs. W) Ck.cBur * u- vBI* Paciac. CltTS* i-iiu... ColHV*Toi-. CCCAOLU.. ds pral. P.iL* W. .Sl * llUl'.So.i.. L.nv * Ka..^ Lm * BO preL 1. *Jei.i. V*,... L Tanii latnri. B Tenn'su prl.. Klsi *Be>.... Hf.'l,:.. i Al-.M pl. <ii Biv . i.rt .>or t>i»»... Hsne. liou.itm* Ts> UlUi.isV.av.. ii.CM.t raiisoi LB* W . 1.B* W nr:...- LL *Ml. L.So Si.oi... Luiis i.Uuo. l/,ulh * Ns»u- A,NA*Chic... ljuutit Ml. .V 1 Maiil.al ,».-..- slanusl Oosciu. ?l.,rlt * O ..- kiur 11 * U ;... MexCsuu. aiuii ccii. ML bite M.. >;!..- a. *»> vti. Jltnii * OU..... |l A 81 i. -j.el. Hk,t i.i. 2.1*1 sB prol.I 22 Lul'sclBc.j 70 M»l>a O.io N C * 11.... N X OBHUaL N v c *m u.. MlAMi. »r:. NVCAKU.2 Uf -.N 1 l.i A Vt h *i 1.B* \*» pri. M * Nlk. h\XH *li M 0*V... >Vb * B"»tt AW Bft... hor a v>. *Sor AW oroi..{ Boru l-asioc. >tiPse pri....! Ivi Aiu Cu.1 01,10 * MISS.... L>J,iu »out.,...- Uiss.ii luio.... Ul lim. ursi.... UrR* N. Lu Mi.rl 1.11.C. 1' li, t A -tr.... Pl.il* I'.esniui PPW*. ril'lll'g. PCC A.-u. *.uri. P.tL» A b*r... h* wpt. KAWPlvn.... bWAOC. kiotit west... how wei.| aa-.* -ti,A* TH... fell. AATH.,1 r.:l*BJr l.t Ul fctr* iJu,..._ M*ALBrsi.... Ntl' .MlbLAB.. bOUUi Ciru. BbbUiPssiOx.. Tei»» p»c. 'II. I.T. 1.1* Oiuouon. 1.1 * u C pri.. 1.1AAANB .. V A Olkck Ur.. 14 7 ta.cu fscmc. 48». V> I.At.. . i»coe cec.._ V*».»i.ii. '?.sp urst. »* - |. *A-jALBdi«u neslnisnTsj.l ».». ASuiui txur... Aiutr txpr..». ts Lxpu .... WclFiiirse .1 A:. ei C'sBl..... t»M;Os.'lT.... rasUU m«m,, Oausii..-.. LAaerou coau- Csi Uski. (.jSI «.!_. Mtrrluidcssi. Nc*Oei> Ueau. . Teiii,,.;* _.., ia^ Bsoret. BssMMtaaa..... o.ans a.aiii* (JslsuuiTsr.... V|U1..»UTST BIX niun»WiCk. La cr" Tr.... KdiaonKlec.... Xai Coroajie... y.t Csrd pr... N.l i.iD«e.«l AUiSiixarHsiiii ABihwiKeani,! Cvt uii rsuw.. ...*.*.i ~**» .".dOBrt. 49 _**n Trust..... Jj'am hl Twi. *West.. b"I-AAltrrcu Mta Bl raasaix. 61-* 60'. 118 llo 10S*. I0M-. H7*. 74-. 84 ». B2-4. l^»'» 9U'4 108«». lU4-gl34'i'lJ4' Bl*v| U2S BO1* 9*0 V. 9»» OU i*| Wt in iis 6S-, ss-, 1 is .Ir. inviiis i.i'. i.is/ 0,400 077 100 5.2 2^e 2JM 17*4. 17\ i«*B - BMV«. (j M<a io 1 .i*^ 2»-s 28»» 2 17'. 15-* :-o\ poS 17 «a 17 V \:f1 114-* 113H. H4S, ui 1.000 8>i0 100 2..*:"l'6 12.040 L70B 820 10(1 420 1.950 2l-» 21' 1 u s. 21 9'» 10 V lllt I'.ls, AA Sja* 72 V 73V 81* ei<v 143 US 146 i(j'4' 10S .50 720 1,110 4.0 053 100 ll.C-'i 1. 11 '.',,.. 2. 0 100 .OO 241 »('V 87 6.2«0 1(M*| 104 1.815 8tf 40 10 U,lS| 90S 11.450 »J 1I2H l^f'O it> tt>'. Ol'. 2.1* 2i bU& «7S 4BS.' 70 l.i 1^-s. 3.125 ..o 200 16 ii* 3"K) ii .i lon ».46| 3.5v; 70l> _.1I. * '30» TsUltUr^ Mj,j r#r l)v# oar........ .7..220..1I2 jartatBariB.9; >4 H\»* .97^. .»7* -97a .87*»_4o.ooo ___CA 1X0 PllICLS OP PmLAULLi'UlA 6TOCK8._ lild.A.ked. Lchljrh CAN Co.40'. 47 (Nor I'.cltlc.26*>« 20 N'oi Paa i.:d ,.M_ MH Orea * Trsn.....lO I'i'* Pci.ii.vlvai.lB .51*i . .. .. Mid.AsJiea. £ J H cen M 4S.7I"* 7'J'-v J * 11 l»l nf Ss. .62 y Its* ;,.'(, j irf ?^ 20 & bt P..01S Val)ej....4as 35* 20*a 4*»4 ftcsOius- .10«b 10 7 Vo ( SALES AT THE COXSOLIDATED STOCK AXD PE IBOLEUU EXCHAXQE. STOCKS. Open- High- Low. CIov Sh»ro» Namea._fna. eat. cal._I..B-_aolifL^ Am Cee ou Tr n.. Am MiMr lt. 00\ \teh Top A S r..... Sl3! i ;.;.- .e*. Co. «.*. i.luc ll I & P. 74H Chic II A Q. 8. Can f-O'.thern . 51* Chic M v st p. oi'-B (hie fs Northern.1< 8"a 1> ! L t W.IW> Waah. 78** Be .-- fti 70? BM \.t i.e»d Tr. wi io* ia*. \-. coroaa* . BOJi »<>.** w»h No.th Ann-rican . 10*. Wa m v v i, r. a w. -o 20'4 20 9 ; 1 N E. 37-*<4 38', 37> N,.r Paeifle pf. _Fk Or.-> ffil "^B \,.- 1'irllU' . 2..'. '.'.>.. ZVk 2-.¦« V V 0 V W. 17'4 17", g*i (J*. 200 Paeifle Vall . i4»s 8s'4 ¦ 3i Vhll Vltead. fjj Bl BOs BM, llleh & W Pt. 1"\ l'1! l'-» 1". -"'' UnienVelto . 4»«h4 «a2 tft, U I ... j Waiash . 10 . 1 10 10 VVNH V'L E. 32*-. 8.4-% 82* 3;.V BOO Wheej v i. - 7««a Wa *»*a jg Totafsj.. r"es"sol4-"~-.'.112.2.K) BOVOS._ f*J*tsa»i»Plae 4* wi gja 4»'a 25.0...) aiit,,,,,. a Pac i-*« 12V 1-'* i-v 0,.. A".y\- ,0, |0n«i 100»4 100*", I'i"-. B.OO0 ETvVSaai .10l»a 101'a 10l*a 101b f.OOO >l K V T 4*. 70»4 W ,0>< , i M00 Nottbtra Paeifle ta... Sl> Bl'i felu 8_ leOOO lr.w. IP'P 5.. 706, 7.P. 70*1 .(.a 1.000 p ,v i; 2.1 pfd lnc. Ao 3.' Ao 8, B.OOC p a- ii aa pfd mc.2.i> Wt 2i,H 20*. a,ooo K1oGrsnd5t W4»... 77 7. H U Koek Island 6s. 07 07 |7 »7 1.000 t, t, a «. t i.t .... 8ir» H'a P'a 8i'» j.ooo .le.as Paclflc l.t::... Mtg gj, MJ. Texas PaelfiJ 2d. 82's «*4 »«j 3-£ Tnl AA * N'O M lst '..3*h '.>>** OiS 9..** ¦> 0 ^.Shorets. --102's 102* 1Q2^_102«»_MN Total amount.87,000 aturnra stocks. Antorla .02 .04 .01 .04 l.'.no A,,/n ' i.000 1.00 G.00 5.00 ,- 800 H nt .48 .43 .43 .4ft 100 BrunssVlCk.10 .10 .10 .10 20. lal.donla II II.73 .,3 .73 ..A 100 Co.i (al&V'a.13»4 1*4 Wl l;;-* 100 j;i t*ri-to.60 ."<> -o M *,°0. ,-n blv.-r .3-40 3..0O 3..0 8.M BOO olte .03 .03 .08 M -" > Lacrosse .............. .00 -(hi .00 __ 800 LHtc Chief.38 .33 M -33 ..'. Mlddle Bar . -03 .03 .3 MM Occwental.l._\ Lfi » :.' .. ' Hoblnsoi, . .4^ .13 .45 4. 100 rau.-liii-d .loo 1.3-> 1.-0 l-'i_-" lotal sales .11.000 CLOSIN.i- PUICKS OP P.OSTON eiTOCKS. _Boaton, AprU 17, 199L J TfsTerday. To-day. JY!^^7°i?/i r,o->t 1- Mont. 42*3 42»s cal I lle. la.200 200 Vi-nkln. 17 17 lllllo,. .."* 2*3 Kearaaree . lt*. i* . aj'a iiib Qnlliev .I".. 101 Isa.ita Fe Cop.63 x^ Tai. arack .LOO 148 Boston L C . 0>4 Ohz v.\ -t I¦;¦.,.! L ( 0.. 21*» 21J. Atch ti Top. 8.1 > JO Host 4; All,a.i.v-.20J« 203*s Boat & Matnc .-»0»s 201 Chic Hur & Qv.. 80a4 87ji Eaatero H iV*»1^ ^ Kitchburf? pfd... H.l^ .%lt-' Kll.it & P M.-.-- -4 i\ Kll.it 5 I* M pfd .... M Ifaaa central. 1«'« »Ji M. v cont eora.... 20 -O'* M Y . N E. Bga. ff* XU'X E*7B.'.m>B 121*2 B4dl T |e;,10'.e.. 2 3 200>B Old Colony.1043« 104 T^m. Hotl&nd eom. 9 Itutlancl pfd. O.'^ O.i^ Wi. Cent com.... 19 JO'-J Allouez M (new). 8*, 8* AtliiitlC . 10 l-'*'* La)B|BBa St',re .Sj.r 10'4 Wat.r Power. 2*a . .,.. oolal Mln.. 1* .-.-3 N E T & T. 51 MH llutto & Bo. Cop lo lo*t Friday, April 17.p. m. The roport of the Buroau of St-itistir-s of Uio exports in March of tlie principal products of ti.e country, including breadstuffs, cotton, potrolcum and provisions, with live etock, ohows no im- portont liinnaaa in e-onpariaon with the sauic month last yenr. Tlierc WM a fjbarp fallinjr off in brcadstulTs, which was nearly overcomc bf iucroaae ia provisions. The total cxporta iu tho month were a littlc less than in tho same monlh lu«t year. hut for the nlne moutlis of tlie Hscal year they wero about $5,000,000 larger. The followin--- tablee ..omparo the expolts for Mnrch and for nino montlis : Month of March- 1889. .,.,^-.o0 *i..Hs-''l3n S?^.::::::::: S:g:o| §^f «*}®§ p^Sffi,4sg":«ia#«_«_ tt«ffl ToUli..... 849,924,047 $02,700,202 052,499,037 july 1 to Marcli 81. ¦oaaaaaifa .aoi.744.fii7 eno.o2e,im > .-»;..197,431,001 22l.2ji;,059 Petroieun. .... ..... 87,528.938 ao.881.ooa 1-rovl.lou., etc., 63,510,180 _U7,494,40X T0U1 - .......0410,223.122 $490,708,499 $494,004,290 WHAT WAS DONE EN STOCKS. The prominence of the Granpcr stocks in the recent epeculation is circumstantial proof^that the aTinTront dissolutlon of tlie Western Trafllc, Asso¬ clation may have no effect on rates or earniuus. lf it should l>e succceded by a Btronpr OoaUaa- tion it mi«ht be a matter of congratulation tliat Mr Gould had a doctor with him to explain 1ns absence from the Chicago meeting. It seems to lo admitted ou ah si.k-s that there is c.m].lete harmony in railway matirgcment, and thnt M u iccT.ng5 so-ncti.i.e in Ncw-V,-rk httlc diffcrenccs of opinion will bc casiiy arraiiKod. ln fuithcran.-e ol this theory the openlng t<.-day was strong and almost buovant. London WM reported to be a large buyer of stocks and private ndvices of a semi-panio at Paris were not coniiraied. *.>««>; LcSoZ which f,.lh.wcd tl.o openlng was noth.nar more than might have bt>on c.vpoctod, and iu sp te Toubtful nSwa the OOOrae ol pn-es wns; s ea.hl> upward. 'Ihe closing was conlideut, even U U 'Va^lJSw of the market .is that the recent atIvance ln pri<*os has DOt cxcit,,l an out, sTde dem.nd. Tl.cn- is no public intercst in^apec- h-'tittr^ A l.ough the market. WBa Wjg&pjfc day, the flnal advancca were laaa than lP«»fc Tili: DAV IN THE BOND MARIvfl. A aale of Sl 10,00.) Nfdftmd 4 per centa 999, slicht advance waa the feature ol the _<0.** ment boud market Blds for thta.u«ue¦."?%* and the currency <-s were geneially 1-- J««» hlgher. Tlie oloaing QOOtatJoM were as 1o11q*as. >-uio.aUH.."-hia. A.t g^zxg, sBlba**4^ajrap --. _*JZ^?B__3SM__T& itoilwav bonS were ln fair demand, and, M a rul" prices w-re hlfher. JSfiO awoarf oonaola Kidi.cd tho fractlon at 100 3-4, and Mihv.0.111, Ranaae and Texaa Lssuea scored lurther «lnaj 5oSg Soond inoomea, on the other hand, fc 1 per cent, ann BeveraJ cther issues auffewd amalj losVeo. BtttnMX is mude tx. our full report oi )0Mouey continuea to be in amply supply at 3 and 3 1-2 i>er ceut. A little bnsincss wt.s done at hiuhcr rates aud still more at lower ones. As will loans extend over tliree days, the 0BJB was ri>iii,-ilil*CHt)10 Ti.e Cloaring House statement was, aa, lol ows: Kxchangcs. 9llMtff5N ; balum"es'1*?;Bi1 t2(l°";.1P The .Sul-lrrahiiry sO-ilay WBa doMot to i< Clearinc House $474,017. 'Ihe buani.M ol th- . Il-.HIIIH n> **.¦ ____, ..,!.,. *__.,..? no 11, SSJK^MMA'^.k ended »M-M reoeipto ol »1M»M72 &Jg**&£X&Am*X .Mii. Wvina the generel balanoe al fiei,02o,40A tZminat ¦103.748.060 on Anrll 10, Bhowinfl ao i.Vrt-iit "l.^t* V.l -tii.S'r.V.'^. W't deducUng trora Srjavmentt SlTwi,0iJ0 and fr..... the receipte Lw llOOOO t.r itcms which affeol only Ita a. wi;, hM.c.eral lrcasury, Ito M affectti i!.s is i2 0g3.588, bnf thla result Inoludes the tSv-b operationa ooTered: Kcmi.ts ..-.',.'...,- .;.¦.piviieuis, I^BSejlCO; V.H., balanoea ol sIv .;;i.,i-1 cota and s.8,2531,808 onmnoy. Tto Treaaun' boughl 300.0i.inoea ol ailvei bullion rtlPriwa rabging m^. 07.48 to 93 M n l ln ounco. The offerlnga Bmounted tfl oooouncea The purolMaaeaTEsB month kare eeivl'd to-day |ld»,tJa NatisWl bBsah ftOt«« tM ""'^.",.^.,1,8 receipts wcro S4S8,8Sfi, tba in- toi'S n-veii,.'- raicelpta $403,401, an.l the miaccl- in.'ii'is receinta 801,602. , . on hand ar.d rjepoalts in baoka oowparea with the figures of the last previ....s staleim-nt M followa. mil 10 Ai.ril 17. Differ. ...< ¦'.* p__r___Te^^3t9Eti .* _S.^T. *******_H£il!-Dec* 4»MW Actuul ci.«h ln the TiaaaatrT \a.:its ^rt flrst.1"'""'' el09 905,0'IOsai.'.0.809,453 D^r. fl«.B10 cert flcaw. .w!:',,»5 ir 0,1 7'H lnc Not cssu b.l'crs.e*lS8,CS3''280 0180,002,170 lnc. B4MJM The foreign exchanges were dull and intl.cr wei'k. Demand fuff rcinittanee was fully ofTset hy oommerelal und aaontita diafts. The followlng are tl,<- lIlTloaij .n.otutions f..r nctual bualneaa BanJcdS' i.ills. 1^4 19 1-1 an.l |4 BB 1-4 respcctiv.-lv fOI lont! an.l short sterllne French fraiics. .0.18 .1-4 and 3.11 1-4; reichmarks. iJS 3-m and 15 7-8. ln London llriti*). OOOaola fell 3-KI M 101 monev aud 1-8 t.» OlsVlt l.r the ftOBOant, The lkink' of Knglaiid gatned i'40,ooo bulli.,n on for- rtffl baktaea. tha "is-n aaarini Bonojr waa dfiirer at. 3 1-8 and I 1-4 per 000)1 lOTjdiBOoOnte. ilnr silver was BBObangcd :.t 44 1--.I. M onneo. American railway aharea advaneed ln tha aarlj dealinga, but alterward beoama dull and eloaed lrregufar after small oonoeaaions. At Paris Freroh 3 per centa fuither fell to 04.80. -if-ht e.xchonge on London bdftg i triflo ****** *A WM tt****** to tho & Kf.Tliiia. , ______. Tlie 1'aly Mininir, fompntiy lias declared its UBunl nin.itlilv dlvldend, paijrit'-a. by Lounobr-ry & Co., Mllls* I-uil'lliiu, on April 10. RAII-ROA]) IABWK-S. C11ICAGO. MILWAL'RKi: AND ST. PAUL. lt-fO. IS!*0- '*Plnm B****3*t et ******. 6.678 .">¦"'..* _.._*_!"1 S.ond wi.,-k in Anill 8481.847 8100.1.!. .J""!*".-" Jan. l to A|,r.|ll,' 0 1'41.'.'-0 0,010.008 «.'¦ lOWA CENl'HAL. ' Vlimbrr of m'lpa. 9** ___,___, f-e ond wc-k ln April. 8.8.9"'* __'. :.'.'> ._'.:.. Jan, 1 to April 11 600,341 *_4.4_4 V0V1MYUAM, NEW.Olll.F.ANS AND TEXAS. Mwmawt if milea.. .. r*i l-l r-.- oid -«Mk ln Apiii . »_*:4'.."l **£.'**> J.i:i. 1 to April 14_ . 110.'..48 lo, ,0.11 MII.WAUKEE AND NORTH1"Rlf. Number of h.llra. 80f '¦"'" "°2 week ln April *?1 !>¦ I 83?.3*4*4 8fn.'*-' .Ta-i. 1 to April 1 l. 151,888 800,424 4.8.K.2 TO.E_0 AXD Oll I > CENTKAL. Number of mlle*. .rc, -85 .-..nnd week ln April.. 020.841 a-I.WO *PA°i Jan. i t. April 11. ."> 800,313 WIIF.EUXO AND LAKE E1*.IE. Number of mlle*. 1S7 187 237 P84M-4 W0C* ln April 810.071 *2'.'.7.I1 .JA.">:4'.l Jan. 1 tn April 14 243,870 280,851 *2i,1*M KANSAS CITY. MEMPH1S AND BIBMINOIIAM. Si'mlKT of mll.». 1*75 275 27- Fir-t week ln April.... !»14 7-> 818.851 »-*.,hrt** Jan. 1 to AprU 7. 271,008 087,08- 818,788 MI>**Ot"RI, KANSAS AND TF.XAS. Flr»t week ln April.... . i*-H I.*-.'.'*¦ 81" Jan. 1 to April 7. 2,604,07* 2, (..*>, IIOO l.UPUKT- OK 1HIV QOOM. For the week. !--.. l-.o. 188*1. al thc port. 83.101, 4«4 08,0117,027 8*1,611,483 Thmwn on tb* markat, _,:s,i,_-'i 8,14*0,105 i,5.-.'-'*n Mnce Jan. 1 Entered al the port. .. _n,04_.4.r- 68,457.000 44.007.020 Xhrown on tha market.. 50,8VO,803 14,854,080 40,*jii oss -TJ-OPEAX FINAN-. IAI, MAP.KF.TS. T.oidoi. April 17. I p in..(Vi. .¦.' u f-,r monev and 00 8-10 for tl, aerount; Mezlean ordlnary, 41**; Bt Paail i, 02 Pa.l* advlee* qnote :i pi, 0. fror.' nt, :md x r.i. l.ondon at 2~> frane. 23 tenline* foi ehi ka. The amount of bnilloo wo r Into tna Ba k of England on balanee to-dav la A'40,000. ¦fmnnrml. OFFICE OF TIIE ATCHISQN, TOPEKA & SANTA FE R. R. 00., No. 95 Milk Street, **. O. BOX 340, BOSTON, AprU 7, 1881. TO TM FIRST PREFERRED S70CKH0LDERS, St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Company : Tho Clrcular No. 04, l***ucd by tbe At Maaa Cornpany to iu ataek.oMan, aad dated Ma. tt, l***X rxplained the manner ln whleh th- COMJ-OX and PRE1__R_D stock Of tho ST. L0-T8 t SAN J-T.ANCIM (i BAII.WAY COM- l'ANY Bfl 18 **.¦!¦...uif'-d for stock of tlu- Atchlaon Companv. It furthcr Htatrd tliat tho JUST PItF.FF.IUIF.D SToc'K of tht* St. l.oui*. | Snn I-'r*iBdadS IVillway ('nmpany, b-ln? ti,a held i'V 1-811 aai ma. und _aaaa*rilM to .".OOO *** ¦ Bi t!i" par ****** Bf «4,&00,000, wa* not dl-turb'-d; and *o It ha* NBBB.Md ut.tl! B8W, when tho Atehlai n Company Is enabled to Mffa, from practical cxpcrlcnce and knowledgc, upon what tcrm* to base an cqultablc propoaol to the hold¬ ers for an llB8K8_lfn of BCCUlltlea. Tlio nany compli | frnm thc control of tho Atlantlc . l'aclllc Ballroa-l Company IkIin8 exerclaed Jolntly by tho Atehlaon and the Bi Loul* _ Saa Franclaeo Cnm- panle*. and the hope!oannr** of wnrklner under dlvlded owncrshlp, thice ratlwuy* nally 8888prl-od In ono av-tmi. of whlch Ika Atlintlc *t I'aclflc lUilroad wa* an lntr;:ral portlon, con»tltuU*d tho prlmn faclors in iaOai...81 the AtchUon Company to acf|ulro thi- atock* of thr St. Loul* Ban Franclaeo Company at the timo lt did *o, and thu* to removo aU confllctln*' lntornal lnterrat*. The ManaRrmrnt of the St. Eoul* and San Franclaeo Railway Company ha* decldfd to Issuo 8 Now Con*olldntrd four pi-r cont. (Jold Bond. covarlns all of Its proiairtt.-a, cqulpmfci.t, lands, and realtlra, I.i amount a'.O.OOO.OOO.OO, subject only to prior ll'-n* of pre*cnt ont-tuiidln. mortRiiya, aeeurlng Bondt which will bo gradually retlrcd by tho operation of thlr rr«;-,octIvo Slnklng Fund* and n.aturitlis and be replaced by tho new Bonds. The preamt total outstandlr.g Dlreet Morttrage Bond lasuca of the St. ..oui* ond ban Francl»oo lUllwey Com¬ pany on lt* own ond lea^cd Uncs I* 830.077.o00. Thi* wUl leave 813,92-.500.00 New Consolldatod four per cent. Gold Bond* avallable for tho followlng p:ir*.o»ea: To provido for r.tlrem<*nt of $2,800,000.00 Atl*ntlc and I'ac.fli! lUllroid Company'H Seeond Morifiaa alx pr eer:t. B'nd*, g.ia*_.i»ced both fo.- f*t**i*r*i and tateaaal by tho St. Loul* and San FrnncUco Itailw.y Company. To provld" for con.)dete and proper facllltle* and maehln»ry wlth **_.a to eonduct operation* ln tho naturo of Round Hc *e*, Machlno Shops, Stition ai.d otli*r builillnca. lmprovid bfldajaa, and eqalS.eat to complrte tho road and to plico the company and Its propcitlc* ln gound llnanclal aud phy*l8al condition. The AT(III*-ON" COMP-XT *vlll ofler «J4.30O,00O of.h^ New Bonila of ih~ Si. I.onU __ *ainn Franclaeo Hallvvay Compnnr, vvhrn l«*upd. to ihr l.iildrr* of St Loul* nnd Snn I'rnnelaro Il.iihvny ( omp-iny'* I'ira. Prrlrrrrd a-tork on n bnala .Icxelianare ol' p..r for piir, aad ahBro ol «loeU bcinc pnti.lf.l lo *J100 in .M Nr-vv lloniU. Thr*p bondw tlra.v lutrrr*t frou. Oeiobrr 1, IfaOO. nt four por cent. The Atehlaon (.'on.pnny nl»o will rxlrn.l (I.i* lour prr cpnl. ln.orr*t bnrU to .Innn- nry 1, 1S90, ao lh:.t Flrit I'rcferrcd ailocUholiirr*, upon *urrrnder of .hrlr ccrtlllcalc* of aloek, vrlll rc- ceivr par In ll.p B*W llouda nnd Inlrre*. ln rn*h n. four per rent continuou*ly from .Innunry 1. 1MIO. llol.lrraof Fira. Prolerpeil a*tock ol tlie S.. f.oula A: Snn Frnnel*eo Itnllwav Co.npuny .1 i--.li li,« «o make ihp rxehanao propoartl will pl»n*p npplr for blnnk form* oii.erapinnce anil for nny infornintion dcslred, to ihe Vice>Pre*idcnt, !l"> Mllk St., Iloa.ou. t-.EOItf.E ('. *BJ*A*OVBi Chairman. J. W. REINHA-T, Vlee-Prerident. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. NEW-YORK. Feb. 21. 1801. To Holiler* ol Iho llrit ".Ioi-l_n«e Itnllroad nud Slnk- Iiik I nnil I.nn.1 ('rnnf Bond* of tbe Calro nnd Pul.on Rollrond Company. Notlce la ht-raby given to holder* of Calro and Fulton bond* that on preaentttlon of aam* to thc M-rcantlle Tru&t Companr. No. 120 Broadway, New-York, they Wlil ****** payaaeas of the priuclpal of aald bond* and accrucd toteraat up to and inclu-ug Ft-b. L'4, 1891, on whlch latter dato ths bond* wlU 88888 .. *_-w laleisat, A. U. CALEF, Tr*a»urcr. ¦ETMPOlJTiil TI.8T COIPAIT OP TiiKirrv of KBW'XOBM. No*. 39 and .'ifl \\ nll*t. Cnr.llnUn.lSnrpln«..«!.700.080 bca,(iuua oy oian oi oaprea v-...u.. j.r- ., i.-*.! ii* poaitury. Will receiva U'-'jo-n* i .in.i.ey oa lnK-reai., ..ct a* U»cal or t.analer agenu or trusu'o iu, eorporaUo**, mJ aceent ana executc anj o-itai truat., from panon* ,.r ...rpo. ...'ma on a* fa*rar»ble t. rrra ».« othe: aimilar co.npan.u*. TUOMAh liil.l.lK'I'Si:. 1'reatdcnt. FKEDEItli K U. TAl-i'KN. Vlce-Preaidan*. t HAS Ai. JE.t'r. :'.! \'u.-l':t-s:..'.-il. BLVEKLY CI1BW, *.< trna:/. Oj.ur.«.i. D. loAM.i. A^^t.-Sec.re._ry. S200 ISA.\i- 9TOCK -SI IO. I. a 'i r. _m .. ii;. both _ p. r niit la r aud .i,""-' ','-¦*''',:: 11A.\K . 1NV. CO., KAK4JO, N. 1". fMld BAJjl M1N..T 'UN'.!' :.'. D. wi for 1 i uatomi r-. and il j tnnd* "'. * IU 1"" DfiOPi -AL- I'"i; IJO.M.-. 1 ll NDIN.I BOND8, 10-208, 0 PER U.N.. CIl 1 **. \. MO\ 1 ANA. Tl," cuv ,,f il, lena, Monl Ma-. -.'!' 1-¦¦¦ tne .1 iiiiit.,,:i i.f june l l-oi and beai li i ,i,:, *e_il-annuallT; Uitcreat ar.d pilm I ., th .V.tlo.'ial JlanU In the cltv of Wef-Yorh. I 1. The i.. - .. '. ct the itv aft.'t Oairty .... rd .¦-. aei f ii. i.-- f Mi nl wa and api.I lora ol Jv L'.-ii'ial election. Ai.iu 0 1801. _______ , . fc\ BDPclal ,nr fh'' .»"'¦ .,*'i!l.. ilnklna ruiid ?:'r;;.n:;rt:alu':ti,:;,:..1^...:::::.: ::::::¦ Th. rate of tax la liu.lted BB .*_ mlll*. Pre*ent tax 1* ke present boadad t***. 9** tosl-Maa t-'l'*f_/>0 iVl0flo ri--Unl and'ail'-thpr' '...-.".MarVha...' 1801 l .: - .8l37.7O0.80 Th' tnd.Uwm-'beM.ord'-.t puidle an m on Mav ». M at lt ra y th- ..ni" "f tl** Clt* freae-rw ** BM Cltv'of I'lra t. th- hll "I. »!:<*,wl" -i*__aw»-H, Iverv .Ln ^*- ot U'liUa v, 1 1'- -"." <"¦ ""." , ivT. lHfil at 12 m. at th" offlce nf '»'" Cltv frrtuurer ln the Itv'of I r-lria. i, tho *_«,*-" .?.' n-adr f. delven Jnne I. I8V1. New-Yorh drafl pa4 .blc io ordei r.f Clti ti, -,o ount if frf-OCl. " '' ¦""" .j . Itv TM-*-nr.-. I' th blddpr. «s a ea,- .iit.-r i.f ...»d faith Iharitf ***** "'Th'''-' -.. v :,.',_-,,, blda. BOBEnTD.8MrlTH.|t mPER CI ST VVairanf*. ;uiv amount. |dod a* Oo.prn.o.'nt n nd*. Wr'to f-,r partl.-nlar* and rfcrcnen. I*. W. TP.OUNCE. Box 1.581, Kesttle. W**h. sftWitiHs. THE STANDARD CHEMICAL COMPANY OtTer Their Treasur? Stock at$25 Per Share ia Lots to Suit Purchasers. l ln- Pricc will bc advaneed shortly. The Ktindird Chemlcal Comnany was Inrorporatcd In June, Ib'JO. Capital 01,000,000. divldrrt liito 10,000 ahares of 4-100 each; full pald aod una«ac«sable. Faetory and laboratories. Jersey City, X. J. Offl«es. 00 and BJ Uroadway, Neiv-Yorn. IU lusincj u tho nacufacturo and miK. of drugs snd ehenilcals. The company calls attention to the fact that as soon as flve uut of every one hundred (or only 5 per cent.) of the phjsicians in the Inifed States alone use their product, the net profit per annuni will be equal to one-ihird the par value of the capital stock. All the physicians who have osed it predict that (he entire medical profesv sion will gladly prfscribe and use it freely in prefcrence to any of the heretofore used uncertain drugs. The estlrcat. a sale. wiu ylcld a proflt of 0350,000 per innum. The.fi flK,,»c »rpl7 to the Pi.ltcd States alone, and on the fipcctatiun ol a small builJit«s for tho firaC two years. Tlie wiiole clvllired world oftor. a reidy and an eager market for tho company*. product. To provide On funds to mnniifarture on a larpe sesle and tn lntrcslt.ro .nd ndvcrtl«e thelr product strfetly and onlv t., the rhedleal i,r>f"-.-ion and the drux trart. of tlie Unlt-d my j.-e now sellinif » portlon of tho t:-eas. urv .to- lt at *25 per .hare In lots to eult pureha.Ts, at ;helr pfteea. Unlted Bank Dulldlus, 00 and 02 Iiroadway, Ki w-York. The Company has no Indebtcdness ol any klnd. Amonu ths lar?e .tckho'ders nre rieorfe W. Dunn. F--i. Presldent of the rowpany; Fusenp ffjtamv. Kv|. of T. v.'. Myrra ft Cr. I'ankers, Prcxel n.illdlnff, Phll.dei. Olila: Edwaid Kenn.f-v. Baa., of Mf>«W Van Ta.«s«ll & Kearnor Xaw-Torh; .!"». n. Lyneh. Mn-. New-York;- Ifllrird l-'l N'e«. Vorli: ( liren.'e nelnlleid, INo., 3 \vaii-^t Kew-Yorki WlUlaa. n. Beott Esq., 2B Broad- ¦-t. Mill« Rulldtof. N 'W.Torfc, and ,->.¦' rul pniuitnent New. Yorh sentle; isn wh<. wlll have m iBa la tho r.<>..rd ot Dlre.;. Cor* l:,-.«r sa. ApplP.tlon wlll be made to Ust the sharc. on the New- York Stock Kxchangc. The uminiij b at^ck ls a safe, .ound and profttablo Inve^tinent, a> Its bi.slnr.s Is free from the vlei.altudes tliat affret ino-t ontcrprl.e, of a eommerclal or In- dmtrlal nature-..'ood or li.d erofta, th-' n«e or fall of valt.es, b.i«ine.« denresslon or pr>,«p'rltr. wlll not fifTe, t tho <>arn- li-B .oiver of T1I1-: BTANDAllD CHEMICAL COMPANY'S ito, k. Tho buslness and proflts wlll increa.o year after year. Appllcatio.:. for stock, chrcks, 4c., .hould bc aJdrcsscd to OF.OKr.r: W. ptVN, Pre-Ment. 8TANT.ARD CHEMICAL COMPANY. ao and 02 Iiroadway, New-York. HOLDERS OF THE San Antonio anfl Aransas Pass Raflway 6 PER CENT. BONDS DATEO 1885, who are dlssatlsfled with tho Central Trust Company Reorsanlzstlon plan, are hereby notlnVd that $500,000 in amount of tbls bond l.suo have slgncd tha Unlted State. Trust Company Bondholder.' Agreement, thus maklng lt cp'ratlve, and that the tlme during which addltlonal slqnatmres wlll be recelved explrcs AI'UII. 1*4. All parties wlshlng to co-opento with tlie Com¬ mittee must call at the ofllco of COPFIN A STANTON, Ti HKOADWAY, and blgn tho aerccment befo.e that dat». t'O.U.MITTEEi T. L. GILL. Chnlrmnn, |{pprr»cntii!K the Ealnte of Wm. A. Brovrn. JOEL A. HPF.UUY, of Uperry ot Itarne., Now-Hnven, Conn. DAVID WILCOX, of Ilrlitow. Peet A Opclykr. WILLIAM EDWARD t'OFPIN, of Coflin A Stanton. FREDER1CK DAHE, of 11. O. Armnnr iV Co. Trney, "llcFnrland, Irlna, Hoardnmn A Plati, ( ounsel. 6% GITY OF fflCHITA BOIDS. Drnomlnntlon 81,000. Intrrrst .rini.iinmiully ut Ncw-York. Assesset. value. Oct.. 1890, $11,589,637 Real .' " u 35,000,000 Total debt, .' « 7T8,«13 Population 25,000. I.i'snlltr ilnly cri-iilird to by Andlior of State. $11,000, due July, lS'.J-Prlce.I00> 0,000, duo july, leC'S-I'rlce.J00> 7,000, due Julv, lWM-Priee.100 4 7,.'.to, duo Juir, itfOO.Prlce.io}'. 11,000, due July, 1807.Priee.!«. \)i '...ono, d,..^ July, 1800. Prlco.V'\* 8.000, <lu" .fulv, 1800.PHes.X02 0,000, duo July, 1000.Prles.lO^vi Aud sccrued lnt#r.»-t. Tlie city has al.'*av. n;ilnt.iiri"<l gewi ereOlt. Full partlcu- lar* f.irnl.l.'d nn appllcatlon. 1.1 WAI.l. xTltKKT. XEU'.VOHIi. PKOi'UoALa. CITY TREAStTRKR'S OFI-'ICE. BYRaCUSE, N. Y.. Aurll 1. 1391. , seiied proposMs «.i^ ba ratalved: «t lau ein ¦* until Mor.d.y, Ain;l 20 'it A o', lo Ic p. m. for tlie tiurriias- of tr* L'lty Wai r Work. bond. «f tlie City ,.r Brra<us«, to tno amount of One Mllll.i.i Dollars (#1.000.00(1.) Tn» bond, ,:,. to 4 U Ih'Jl. payaWc In iVi'O. v;th int»iest at tli" nt.¦ uf tlir.e \r-\ i-¦ nt. per aiinonv voyablo s-,,,1-aini'iallv 'it the llrtrppolltan iru»t Companv uf Kaa citf of New-York of ti.e denomtnatlon cf i-'iv.. TbouMuid Dof.ara ah. tuu|uii o.- R.-u-i^tcrcl at BM aaiBBB nu. hal ¦¦. T,es. bonds ir^ l*«,:e<l fo» t',i» purpon of ralsln- mon'-v and eonsfri.,-tIo:i of » sy*t-m of Waw Worl;. for tho Cltj of ByrseBBB, and f r the rwrpop .,. .tcitilrl.i-' property. nrht-. prlvileafs and franehlSM Uiere- for or to *' '¦-. I ln ronrfsetloo therewlth. and for pw- ,i,l'i,,t, a ":ic water .upplv f->r Ihe Krl . mia.. »¦><"'¦. h"«" 5*1 r S ::: 1 i*Sf ofi^° VorW, arr.end-M by th« law. of l.v.w. 1 ro- ..,. ,.. r*l'r\ p.irfhas« of ths wnole or part of sald bond. hut not for lr-tsi than atpjr. 1 -lb. fby teaerrei to r")e,t any or »l |,ro- tot the beal BUefieU of U.e (. ity o. ^naaal. m be alrtatei la BVaa4ejs«n<sf avj*a^as. ,:,,i mu.t be nv.ri.'.i ''Piopoeali for Partaaai of Hraaat #eraa 6t& ^ m-bcoH Cttt Twaaarer. City AV W*" ,.\ r».l).-Ti-,;iMii>i' aii'. I!'"Uv"'i'"i toJf6 >> BonOi and WI :i. ii, .. ,.t.r|.n-. Mu.t ,1, to Invost ln ha. Ju.t i»-i _[]_"' Atnple .eeurltv snd « ..-r e.nt .lrliirhtf.il for r."l.l'.i,'e. As'oc *'¦ I-or P<-r- mnibI Int-rvi.-iv addresa F. A.. Boi. -.-' )."-."" /lnancttl fllcctings. TIIK NEW-YOUK. CUICA.iO aM> ST. WUl! .N i.\V -1 OKK .'u en Bl. 1-.il NOTICt IS HKKhllY '.l\ !-.N ih:it the AXXU CUICA.iO aM> st. louis QKAND CENTRAL DEPOT. Av-1 UilK. Aisieii yi. lawl ,ll\ >.l\ L.N ih:it the AL MEET1NU of Uie *jU.enh..Ueri of uc Ncv- k Crileaito and Ut. Lona lUliroad Coinpany, Ior IM tlcction n( btrrctora ..na oihei ifaaral p..ipos.». wi.l bo Kld al 0 B'cloS a. .... or. W.-di..'-lay. Mav 0, lelil. at tho ueaipeara otlaelpal eflka. la cle^iaad ^ -CKffTHAL KA1LROAI. SXWYOIIK. Apr,l itta. 1-1.1. N'OTK'K i" hfro'.v RlYon thal t;.- annnaJ Bsartlni ol tba !s;o.kholdrr- of tl.,- Centrul RsJirssM ..mi'ij ,v of N,-w-J,r«.-y. t., rtael alns a.r. ctor» to »or\o r.a r nV-tl e. Mi st thoofflc-a oTthB coaipaay. In hx«w*aa iha hoatra e* a'etock in. »nd 1 o'rloek p. m. of Kriaav. Maj 8 ''¦ "'«. Tra',»f-r l..rf)k «lll rlo-«ed fr.mi hiti,rdny, the 13Ui to S.turd.y. the Oth proxlmo. It.v order. 8A.M'T.f. KVO.Y. ¦eeresaty. T HE I.OOK OFOPF.K-AlllRPOItTS. o-tino. BDO BJjgaa. .iri. Tl.e .tsnda'U ButAorlir a Xiutti nr an.uaern.-uU. Kule. for .allli.i.'. awtmmlo*. ball WaT- log. aiiixiting. hors-lisck rltlne, A-. tt_ la M_ _n_^J_* cpv. P'lbli.hed bv The Trlbuni-. New-York. EnteiUln- in( ai.d unhctsillv cnmpllroeutta br the »reM. Baitri... ani. Dro'i.n. Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Broker., 17 mtoto srriKKT. mim,*. m ii.mivc. TNTF.I'.I-.KT A_f,oivj.:i) >N DEPOftlT AC-OOHT. -*'*.- JKCJ TO DIlAri' AT MdllT. U-VKRXM-NT. aiTATK. M-NICTFALAND RAILROAD bKCUKITIK- BOUd-T ;;;N:,i',;*',!L*.,-1_."1i.,JAS,H °l- *JVos mauuin. branch OfrPICE, 42DST. AND FAKK-AV-. _Dim..n. -Vot'ces CENTRAL RAII_RO\I)C. .'r.'. .\ V OK NI..V JK1*_TeV. 110 LIBERTY-ST., A-..,..,.,.,, .VEW-VORK, April 13th, 1801. DIVIDLM) of 0NJ2 AM) A HALF por -. %'*. ha* Ul19 *»* bee-i d.cla.ed. parable M*y l»t ['_'« i_._.e ******* bookh uil b" closid irom Satuiday. the 18>h inat., tlil Saturdav, Mav Oth. _j. W. WATSON, Treaaurer. GREAT NORTIII.ltN RAILWAY CO., 40-42 WALL-ST. NEW-TORK. AprU 3. 1«01. fpllK BOARD OF D1RJ-CTOR8 of this Com- -¦- pxny have, declared a quarterly dlvldend of one and 8118 tnartSl (lt*) per cent on tlia Preferred Capltal Stoclt, **9*a** ot thi* oniee on and aftor May 1, 1.01, to stoc-- hoidrrs of record on that dat -. Tho ti-c*fer book* wUl be closed at 3 o'elock p. m.. April 15, 1801, and reopened at 10 o'elock a. B-, May -, 1891._K. T. NIC1IOL-. S.*crc-Ury. THE BOOK OF OPF.N-AIR SI'ORTS, octavo. 800 pa-ee. Iliii>t!»i"d. Tho -tandaid autlior.tr on Amerlc»n ODen- alr amu*phi.-nu. Rule* for salllng, swlmmlna, ball plav- __-, *hoot.ng. horaaba.ic rldlna. *C. -<... In full. 81 o*r <<py. l'-iMUlnd br The Trlbunt'. Ncw-York. Entcrtaln- Ing and universaily compUiaanted by tho pre*a. "Proposals. C ONTRACTORS and Manufiicturors will lind *<J pririosa'i .idvertiaeinenUi ot Nation*. 1, btata* aud Mnnlrioal authorttles and of luilldln. couimltt".*. a* well aa In.portant ***** ot projectrd woru. ln all nnrts of tho l i.It-l Statea an1 C-tnada, not el*"H_rre pjiviou.-Iy pul>- llahed. In Tlllu BNGINU-RINQ RKCORD (prior to 1887 Tho Baaltarjr Eorraeen, New-York. hold by leallug hewadcal ra everywhete,_ I> HOFO^AL- FOR l.NLMAN SUFFL1LS AND A TllANSl'ORlAlIo.N.-Department of the interlor, oi_.-e of indian Aftuhs, WaohinRtmi, Anrll 4, lS'.tl.-Sealed propoaala, indor-.d Propoaala nr Beef. ,blds for Beef i. u-t ba eubmltted in teparate envalopea), iiaeon, VI***, C'lothlng, or Tranaportation, ete.," ,«* tno ea*o may be), iniU 1.(1-00*4 to the Coniini«4-lon-*r of lnUlan Atfalr*. BJee. UA and o: Woo<iter-*t., New-York. wul b" reeeived until l p. m. of Tuewiny, Mav 5, 1801. for furn'.*nli.|* for tho Indian Barrtee abonl bno.ooo pound* Bacon. tfi.oon.ooo pounds Ilwf on tlie hoof, LCOO.OOO pounda »,.( Beef, :.00.00') pounda Beane, si.ooo pound* Bakinrr l'nwder, 2, 100,000 pounds Corn, 5iO,0.:0 pounda Uoffeo, Mi oon.ooo po.iudi Flour. no.coo pounda Feed, 00,000 pound* Hard iir>'_d. ¦10,000 pounda lion:tnv, 30.000 poujuu Lard, o""o bar ei* Mea* I'orK, 96,000 p..iMc|-i Oatmeal. hOO.000 pounda <>ats, 110,000 ponnd* Ki<-*, 22,000 pounda Tea, lif.ix1) pound* Course bait, Iuo,000 pomni-. Un8 Balt, -00,04*0 iioimda boap, 1,100,000 pounds 8ug_r, nnd 412.000 pounda Wheat. Also, Blaukete. W»oien aiid (.ottnn (looda (ronalsting lu part of Xlcklnfi, 17.000 rarda; -tandard ''nico. 100,000 ya.-Us; Di-iilliis, 22.000 viirds: Ducu, frc: fiom all »mnf, 34.000 vi,rv... Donlma, -0.000 yards: Ulnoliam, 3ao,(KHi rarda* Kentuek* Jaana, 11,1x10 yard*: cvviot. 20.0(H) Mird*; lliown -.hOCtlnK. 230,000 -.a.tt-; Uleaclod Slieet- ln. 48,000 yarda; MP-'iorv shirtln,, 15,000 ymd*; Calleo Militln., _.i*m, viirds; VYlneey, 4,000 >ard>) C'lothlng. «.r.ri".s, Kotlona, Hardware, Medleal Buppilea, Hchool Ilooks, ete.. aml a loiii l!'t of mlacelianoous aitiele*. »uch .* Uarnaaa, Plowa, ltaii"*. .'ork*. ata., und for about 675 Wagolis i..,vilrru tor tne srrM.'", t,. -¦¦ drilv.-rwl ».; Chleago, K.-in-ii* City.-und blo"x <lty. Also for .uch Wagon* a* mav t>e "ieo,iilrt.l. ;idapt..-d to tlie ellmat.* of the Pacinc Coast, wltn Callfomla hra.':r» deUvered at S-in Praatlaco. Alao. truu*ia«rt.itlon for »uch of th" ar- tlclea, e and aupplles tnat may not be co'itrieted for to dellverad at tha Aa-enelea. bi<n nmat be I'.^ct.- ont 00 Uovemment bianks. srhcdule* .-ho.vin;. tho kind.-. aml qnantltlea of tuD»uteuee -.uppii-* leqiilied fcr t-a.-h A«.*ncy aad llchaol, a.,<i ihe hlnd* and quantdttM la aroM of all other ciod* and artlelea, together wun ulan!: pr..po*al*. condition* to tv ob*erved by l.ldiicr-. time and pla-" of ttellv.'ry, term* of rontraet iind payaMnt, tran»p.>rt_tlan and all other neceaaary in-tniction-. »iu b" t*t- iilshed uix.Ti appllcatlon to th- InUlai. OHKO ln Wa.hlng- ton, or Nm. .).', anu .)," \Voo*t<'r-*t.. New-Vorl.; th" 4oni- ini*-:i,ie* of t»ub*latence. 17. s. A., at Cherenne, ChK-aeo, Lcaveinvoith, omahu, Balnt l/<>.ils. salnt l'aul. and **:ui Fraaclaco; tlie l*i..tir.a-.to>s at 8lou- Cltv, lowa; Vank- ton, s. Dakota; Arkanaa* City, Ualdwell, Topeka, and WUhlta, liansa*.. and .oeaan, Ai-Uona. The rlgnt is re- *ervcd by tho Uovemment t. rtject any and uil bids, or any part of anr i,!d, and th,-«o proposal- a,0 Invltnl undOf urovlso tliat ai.'.roprtatlon *hall lx* made for the auppllO* by Congre**. Bl. wUl be oiiem-d at the honr and day abovi- ttatCd, and bl'lile.s a;c Invft.-d fo be ])r.*ient ut the ¦ipenlnp. Ceitini'd cheeka..A11 bid* muat b" a"e>nip.inl".l -¦\ eertlflpd chcef.* o- draft* upon *ome Uuitoi f-tutes llenohitorv or tlio Flrat Natlonal B»nH ol san KruncUco, Col., for at I, a-t 0 per cent Of tho amount of the propo*al. T. J. MOH.IAN, Iommlaalonar._ P I.oi'OHALS FOR ARMY 8UPPLIE8.-Offlce 1 Purch.*lng and d o: c'ommlssarv. Armv Bullding, Xo. 80 Whltehall-at., New.Yoi. Cltv, Anrll 16. 1W11. SK.iLI.D PROPOB4._ I.. trlpllcate, sublect to th.- uaital condition*. will I." reeeived »t thi* nfn.v untu 1 *< o'cloek a. m. on lay, April ¦::>. 1~\>L f,.r furni-hln. Boeh rmpptlea ** may be r.-quin-d bv :he Sub*l*tence peoartmen*. Lii.ted Army. Bt'BBISTEXCE STORI-M. ba-on. PMB, green corn, farollv ti.-. tobaceo. *e.. *<*.. *¦. Bi n- SISTEXI C I*,;.'l'litTV.lnfomation ln gch.d'ilc li.*t. pref erenen iflven to all aitiel** of dom^-tlc oroductlon nnd tnanufactiir.*: for auch detail* see aehcdule. Informatlon wlth condition*. llst of iirtb'le*. ouontlti ¦-. kind. modca of p.i"klng. te., obMlM.'d at this otllco. The rlL-ht - re- -,- \ il t, r,*jr"t anv or a'l propoaala. Envplon-*-* .'oiir.nln. Ing blda ihould i.- marked "PronoBala for Sunelstenee Sup. opened Anrll -..',. 1801." and addwaaad to tin* umlcr- »lgned ... I'.r.i.i,, A. C"q. 8.. u. B. A._ PR0l"O3AL3 FOR COAL FOR TIIP, NAVY VAItD. NOKPOtiK, VA.-April 18, ISOI.-S-iiIhI ;)ro* po^als, inuor^ed, ..1'rnpo-ial* for 4 oui for Uie Navy *. ard. Va., to he opened April 28. 1801." will h, reeeived Ht the nn.,-11 of I'rovl.Inn- and < lothlnit. Navv D"|»artnie:it, Waaniiigton, D. ... untll lt.' o'cloek, noon, April 28, 1801. and ii'iiiiMv opened Iminedtate!) thereafter, to fur.ii-h ut the Norfolk Navv V.ird S.000 tona t'lf:nilriou* eoll. Iho coil muat COnlorm to th" N*w -tumlard and pa-*a th" uaual na\al iii-peetioii. Blank propoMl* «iu be nirnlshed upon apnlleatleu t.. the Commandant of th" Nmy lard. th" *4_v~ PaV Oillce. Norfolk, Vn.. or t:) the Bureau. Tle blda, nll other thUiga belng equal, decided by lot. The Department * :.i" rlphl to ivalve dpfect* oi- to rrje.-t anr or all i,,i. not ii,.,-' advanUgeou* 10 the Govemment. !_». S\ IN s n-.\\ A KT, l*v ma »--r-. ient r 1! C, S, Navy._ i. ROFOSALSFOR STAT10NKRY.-W»r De- 1 iwrtfnent. Waahlngtoo. D. C, A.prtl 12. I801.-S"aied uropoani-, iu duplleato, wUl be reeeived at thi* ofHce untll ,-' .,',,, d, PR1BAY, MAV. IV 1801, for CunUhlng Stitionerv for ihe War Pe.,art:rent su'd Its Bureau* ln Wa.ahli.aton during the -.*eal year ending Juno so. 1S92. B'ank form* of propoaala. *howlne th" ltonw and oatli ou-ntitiea renulred, will be fomlabcd on ._viili"atinii to m,i* .v,,. Blda will be ronaldi red on eaeh lt Prnpoanla mu«-t bo Indorned on tba ont Ide ofthe envelopf -il« for BtaUonery," and addresiicd to M. R. TH^RP, Supply Dlvltlon._ DROFOSALS FOR FRESH B_EF, Oflico I A. C. 8.. Wlllets Point. N. V. II Hareh 21, y*\rr. Bealed propo**'*, In trlpllcate, inbjeet to the nw-J e-__u- tiona, wlU be r.Ived -.t tht* offlce untll 13 o'cloek noon, Mondav. Apr!l 80. 1801, and 0i*s**ed *****>**^*£Jg: ,1. iii'id.r. for fuiniahing and dellverlnf ***** ,h i.. r renu-red by the Subaletcnce Department. 1 ?.._¦«_, at Wllfeti Point N. v. H.. for laane ******. *'(** diirln" tiie fi«al vear coomeni'liiL' July 1. ly1-, ,,.**" wiala muat b- ncloaed In ***_led enyelo|*«H marked "Jfn. r fr-.h beef." and tAinuti w tne under-.. 'i'lie (lov.-rnr nit ie*.-rv"- the right to reject all or any no' Full informatlon can bi obtalned by.apollca. t oTto thi* offlce. <iHO. A. Z1VX, Ueute_8nl ot __. Clne»rs. A. C. B. ^_ Gtcamboiiis. NOR WICH LINE V»w.Loui'o*-l Noi«'!'. 0- »; Wor.-*_l.r,8'-; Bo»-n.83. sTKvMLi'Vl'av.- I'l.'l- .<-. XORTH K-V>>1_., iiP-tt PIFP ABOVE.li.l*_UO-i--l--_-bT. F-UIBT. DAlLV (Sua- &a^4tc5»w/-W_!m.. tlcheu and lJ»__rooma 8_j "Tuwd it_ji«B*e.8_ oi-cea ln Ncw-York. BrooiUyn and jci.yy City._:__,- . STOXnCTO**/ LI.\E. lNblDl, UOl IL. A-L lAKl.S KKllbLED. UO-sTON. 8a.00| PKOVIIltACK, »'-".->. _. attcausn leati now I'ler 80, ». *%, ono iboi abova Canal-*t., at 6 p. m. daliy._excc|it_Sundiy. a LUANY BOATS. I'LOl'LL'a LINE, A St-.mers DRKW and DEAN BICHMOND leavo old PlTr 41 N 11. foot Canal br.. at 0 P. M. daily. bu-day. excepted. bta'.o-rooin* warmed._ , .TSKILL, HUD80N AND COXSACKIE BOAT8iL-AVB rVEftY WU-.K DAV FBOSt FOOX r.vv¦*-'¦. n ft.. at n P. M._ C ni-' I- or KINOSTON aivi Intei»-di8te LandinRs i Stea-.'-r- JAMES V.'. 11AI.DW1N and WILLIAM 1- pjSmEII DAI-Y at 4 o'cloek. hot* faot of Wcst ifkh-t.. ***** *£*:. __ .*** ****._ Nr.\ -ii \\']..\.-'-toaiBcri loavo i'eck Slip il'ler 28." E- II.) at 3 i>. m. and 11 p. m._(*_*i*id*y» ex. tep._d____rr_.__n(______im^_L_^ _ TROY R0AT8 City ol Troj or ciaraton loavo Pler 40 N. P... foot Weat lorh-at.. dallv. ****** Sotui.f. 0 P .''¦ Bunaay ateame touehaa at Albany. $.> CHl TO BOSTON for liist-clas*. liiiii'^-i *}»S)<1 -Bt* ¦:--.-.; leed 1 I FALL RIVF.fl 1 iM- Bteamai*. PLYMOUTH and lii.'.l'.l.M ln eom- Leave n w-York from Plee C*<. N'. ll.. foot of Mnrrar-at. dl 0 *>0 p. m. Con. m .tion by Annex beat fr m Broohlyn at 4:30, Jersey City 4 .! n: An orehe-tra on earh -te»mer. fflnsual 3n*-trn!iicat_. AI* ASSOBTMENT of *eernd.hand drand, Uprlght. and squa-e I'Uno* of our ma.e. in Deif-ot couiitlon and fully warranteii. Al*o a nurr.ber of »eeoud-Uand Pl*nv4* «I olhcr primin^nt in»K*r» at very low prleea. Wll. KNAUK Ar CO., 14S .1TII.AVE- . NEAR-0Tll-_r.. XEW.rOS.. T *A*niiscmfni3. ONY PASTORfl TIlKATRi:. TIIE 0:-.EAT Fl'.ANK nCSH. LOTT1E ..II.-S'.N. KO&b t PENTOX. VND 10XY PA8-0K- IU'- LQMPA.NY. UTH STREET TH_ATR_, N«ar Cth-ave. Evary nt.h' Matlncs Wid. aud Sat l'caervcd Beat*. On-h.-arra Cirelo and B*lcouy, 60c. KCaervea c ^ y p ,, p n y in KK11RY OQW. __ X *it week-Murpl.y ln Shaun Rhue._ C Ccctnr.s ano i.Uetiii9«. 0_T:_nSA^OLLl .1; 1.: SAll'RDAY MORNINO FREE LECTCRES. Owlng to Dr. II M. L-ipxlger'* Indlapoaitlon no lecture In thla eourss wlU bo dellverr- on April 18. bETn LOW, LL. D., PrOBi8._B .AmnacmfTiis. y|A Dlb0T^LrAIli^AlfrDt^. last week iitT oxi:. . . Exhlbltiog In llru-.Mui ... Almiday. AuM 27. at fstrsv u>aa snd Hal .v »t». ....»., TIIE UEANDUsl' allOW EVER OROANE&ED. 20.000 DELIUHTED PEOPLE DAILY. CROWDED TO TIIE DOORS at evcrv PKRFORMANCB. UAKNLM AND BAJLEY'S GRLATE&T S11UVV ON EAlJiTL OVERFL.-oW.NU uutaE-s at ovtry I'lMUotlMANCE. URLATLoi' UllUW ItAANL'Al A.\l> UAlL-i L*'Ei* PRI.SENIED. 1 King., 2 Elevatod bLanei. Raclnf TracB, '2 jleiiagertci, 2 llcrtl- of ^,1. pnouM, 2 l)r.,ves of CaincU, My«tify!ng Eiu-.on., 10cj C.rcus I', rtorme.-s, 100 Aii.aiing A, ts. Au Entlru Wor.J of .Martili.g l-'tstures, To.Bti.er wltn the i.rat.d bpoctscle of NERO; OR, THE DESTiUcilON OP ROME. IMRE KlitAi.iV, Author, lytrector, snd rrodaoar. Attuiliy 1,200 Character. In t*e Ca.t. 300 i.rii-oiul JIsllH uirU. 400 Aetora Chariot..¦¦.r». lt.m aa Soldler., Senator*. ae. Maff.iin.ent PiiHtaoU. Costly Co*tumea, Rsr.. A.iimaU. Armor. weapo:.; devteas, *t. Y. T. UARNIM .nd J. A. BAlLE*i,f eaual owa«ra. TWO PKRI'.iUMAM 1..S DAILY, at 2 and * p. m. D.ors ojieii at 1 and 7 p. m. NO FREE TICKETS ANY OXE. Admission, 60 ccnt. V2Qih and 2ith »t. daors). Chii. dren und-r 9 .e»r«, 25 cenU. Reserved sea.. BI aiH #1 50. Private" boxos, ai, »0, and 012, according to nuui- ber of »eaw and locatlou. Uox offlce open from 0 a. m. to 0 p. m. aauy._ A-NEW MUeUC HALL. (RecitAl HaJl.) 57TH-M' AND 7TII-AVE., FRIDAY EVENINO, APRIL 24TH, ATB30. PIAXO KECITAL BY_ LKOFOLD (i O D O W S E Y. I XAs8lsted bv M.ss'eM.MA HECKLK. -Sopraao. Full partleular. ln future advertlaopicnta. li AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE. 80UTH. THF 1'A.MOrs nERESTCHAOlN. VERESTC11AOIN Open day & evo'B, COLLECTION. I Admission. i hundaj affns. COLLEOTION. J 50 centa At the eoocluslon of this cxhlbltlou the entire collsvuoe wlll be sold at auction. _ V'-CENfTX LiGEHM. A* THF.ODORM TIIOMA&-S LAST C0NC.-.RT, To-morrow evonina;, April 10. l.iwl. the followlng dl.tiiiBi.lsin-d \o,al ancl lii.trumeuUl nololsts will sppeart MUe. CLEMENTJ N'K DE VERE. Prlm* Donna bopraao. Mlss MAUD POWKLI.. Vlollnlsl. Miss ADKI.E Al--. DBR OHB, Planl.t. Slgnor 1TALO CAMI'ANIM. T.-nor. rilgnor ImiSEPPE DEL PUENTE, Hvltone. Seats .nd boxes can now be securvd a: ttaJM omcav Lenox Lyceum, whieh Is open dally 8:80 to 6 :»0. CADKNIY, ONE OF THlT LAST MATS. 10-DA*. CADEMY. -A9fl DAYS, JF**.**'* ENDS THE OLD IIOMESTEAD, M*- NEXTWKEK. DF.NMAN THOMPSON. I W.d. faat. "HOME, SWKI". r HOME." AKOI'T_REAPY. AMHLRU TllhAll'K. Irvin'.' PL* lStFlt. Tod.y, Katlaea: streltm.n'i. "Poor Jonsthan.' Bv«a> liiK: "Die .Somie." Monday: Streltmann. "Hedermaua ...e>duv: 'iM. s.iiiie.' Wcdtifsday (ftr»t timo thU Streltm.ni.. "Se.-en huablana," K«50Kl.i N lil.'LIfVKMONIC. THEODORE THOMAS, Conduttcr. LAST CONCF.RT OF THE 8EAS0N. BATURDAY EVENINO, APRIL 18, Al 8:13. OUCIinSTRA oFoNK IICNDRED. REQCEST~Tr.O,;ilAMME SvmDhony Xo. S. n mlnor (uutliililied).... . .Sehtin-rB l..ne Faust UuM-rturo.*?¦?*"?* Marche Fiinebro .i_____'Ui.Cl.upui Aclapted for or, he->tra bv lheodJM TI)on.a«. Symphony No. 7, A u.ajor. op. 1)2.lieethovea Tleket. and reserved seat. at F. H. CH.VNDLER'S, 800 Fufteoaa___________^_^_^ I> R(\\DVVAV TUllATKK. Cor. 4lst-afc. £VENINOS AT 8....MATINEE SATPRDAY AT 3, a*'*" iv.nw in aARDOlPa DAVENTf j RT '. i * CLEOPA'l'HA._ IJl.U TilLATKi:, lirooidWBJ, ncir 30t!i-s» Every nlaht Matlnee. Wednesday ar.d Saturday. "Tlio funnleu of all funny perfonnanic^." NAT. C. (JUOOWIN NAT. C. OOODWIN In tho j'liliest of lar,e L.n.edle», THE NOMINEE. TBE NOM1NEE._ BKSEBXIXi PoB Uroonria, To-Dtj, NF.W-YOUKS (PICKED N1NF.) va. MAMIA'ITA.N A. C , Game 8:45 p. m._Adn.lssion 25 eents.^ r\rjlNU. 1-liO ..I .'.'. ;il,<l a'.lth-st. Evenlng. .t 8.1:*.^ ^MaBiaae Ta4ay at 2. XUE ttSsfa'I CCMLOY OPERA, POOR JONATIIAN. Adml.slon, 50 cent*. Seati on aale one month ah.-ad. ..- Al'itil. ::3lii. "AN»< AL FLORAL M'llli." liUOiil I'bUUOKMANCE OF X'Uhi Oi'LitA. Haia af -at. now progroymg._m DiLTS. Maiineo Tn-riay at 2. aly'S. to-nk;ht f/VBCtUALUt AE 8. *5. : 8upport"d by 1 MISS R0S1NA VOKES, : FF.Ll.v MOlfiilS, x.* AND BBB LONDON COMKDY COMPANY. At 9 o'cloek."A OAMr. 'ii . vl.DS." vt 0 oVlc.'k."WXU AND OOW.N." At 10 oc.ock'.."THE HOlv.il I-IAMUNI-.'J r^AliDh.N' Tili..\TJ;i.. SESinee To-day at '.< \_J MADI80N.AVE. AN1> *;TII-S'\ Mr. T. H. FRENCH.Manairaa 3D WEEK OF ALPUONNE HAtDET'S OREA J 8l'( ci>s. " BBTROTHED, "Tiir; (AitMVAi. ai NICE." "TIIF BRIDAL <TJA.Ml!l'.i:> OF THE MARQt'IS." ¦TIIK CL0I8TEB8 OF TIIE DLfE LAlill^Ji.'._ /1BANU Ol'LKA UOISfc VJI Rsaervai S"ats.Orchestra Clrcle ind Baleoar-aOe. EWEvgilnf. mxKV. _*£& Next week.w. J. sca.nl.vn. in Byle. Aro-,... Next Bunday, --C.loiad,., tlie Backixin.- of Uie Republlc." Cr inwell. l\ II h.>:KAiA.VY-, TU1.ATK1-; ALL THE CO.MFORTS Oi' IIOMK. MATLNEE TO-DAY. i, tte'a Boaring Coruedy! Dlrcctl il. o! Ct,as. Fr 11 35TH-ST. AND OTH-AVE - m w iianlky.aianagsa, 1231. TO 130TB PERFORMANCE. li IfR. EDWAHD IIAURIOAK. MAI.J.WEB. UE1LLY ANU TUi; 400. AM) SAf. AMMEttSTE.N'S OFERA HOUSE. MAi XO-DAY THE DE.VD HEART. JAMES O'NEILL, TO-NIOirT-MONTK CBBTO. NEXT WEEK-AONE8 Hl N llMiTON. C\ OLl 34BI ri Tfica,!.'. I*i5tl k\ '.ox.-uvc. / J. K. UNCLE JOB; or, EMMKT. : FRITZ l.\ A .M VDIML'^L. PLINLIMMON, THE B5.000 DO(i. _* x..xt v.eek-ROSE CUOHLAN._ jg-Qbl'EK fc bUL'S. .Mats. Mon.. Wed., Sat. f CARMICNCITA_I stept. &____j)_o, DiRi-h Qaiv. ..''. Wartcnbcrga LVOKIIM TUEATBE 4th-a\e. & I'ad-st. bVn'L FROHMAN'S ELABOBATE I'UODL'CTIOJI [flrst t'nie in A..e:ia ln ,,,-tiii:,,- m n uriDi AND fClNi} 1 ."-.ARl-v :. .: 8lS hLads and y6uno iibabK _Uv... Id^Sr^/ ^n^l^^^^'-rwor^''' JOTS g^gj^l^^^aiXEE SATURDAY, », E\V PARK THEATRE, Rrisid.rav and 3..thst, 13TH WDLa^ND^?0NTI^E&.0OCBfB "{MLSiiTfLV ta N F.vetiiny. s*. 8:l">. Matlnees TO-DAY AND THCRSDAY Al 2:1 .. N [BLO'a Mat. r.Oc, Pu-served flaMBL IBLO'S. To-day. 50c, Orch.-Or. A BftaJ LYDIA TIIUMl'-SON. THE DAidZLLH. Next .vc.H-'-P. 8 MAIL." MATS. WED. AND .SAI._ D UUCTOKS THLATKE. S8D-ST. ROARSI BHOCT8I ROARS! Mr. Charles Frolin.an pr> aeota a company, of comcdlaas I* WM. t.ll.Ll-T. I. s Jlli,. T MK. WILKINSON'S WID<nVS. ^ __XMa't1.m'.I'.> I" Dil AND WEDXEhilAY. PALMEB'S THEATRE. Bpgins at 8, ,._____--x iarewell MR. & UBS. KKND.VL. __'_._,.x App**ar«nef . This Sstnrdsy Mi.tlnoe-WealBer Sax. Thl. Sata iirUj, Eveolnf-QUEI S a 8HILLI.NO. vi \T it-ar'w^ll. WEEK: Mooday Ti.es-lsy «nd fst-.n ds, v'. ...J W-d ,-s.l.^ Matln-e-lUONM\SrEit W.d^ iritAP Oi PAPER. Thufsdav. K.idsj-MO.N KY lER and t'NCLE'B WILL. hat. Mat-(JUEEN'ff S111LLixb! Seatsjecured for any ot the abov«. M .¦ADISUX sgL'AHE THEATRE. LH MA. A. M. PALMER...... SolcManagei Beai.s st 8 liO. Ovr sl 10:55. ...."*...." Mr. AUOUtaTUB TIIOMaS'S **.'" aN- tharmlng Amerlean Play, ENOIlMOt'S : X .j .1.411¦'. ' X. bCCcLBSl ^ ALALAMA. j "".'it"oue-Vit to llve snd »y« .eea by cverybody wao lovaf "¦jm.A^^ad'Mi'liiBe Ot "ALAilAMA." UTAE THEATRE. LAST 3 WKEKS. O TUE MO^T AMIHTIOVS AND MERITORIOUt DRAMA PR..DI CED IN YEARS. THE POWER OF TUE BRESS. RESERVED SFATS 6Cc, 75c. Bl ANI) Bl 50. ADMISSION. 50c. OALLF.R1 '.'5c. Bcglns st 8. o\er at 10:40._Matints batiirdaj 2TAM)AKD. ooly matlnee Saturday. U. & I., the great lauzhlng fsttlval GUS WlLLLAM-i, JOHN F. KELLY and OEO. W. LEDERER'i CCM1C PLAYERS. 1 LvVr MATINEE AND LAST EVENINO OF OTERO AT THE BDEN M'M i; rTMt).NS(jlAHE'iTirr.'A?rRE J Sl HfOlgr U Ca-s^MTrHWY MAT.N.;t. April li, Funnlest of nll l-'sr> eCn.oliea. TWO OF A K1ND. TWO ()F A K1ND. IWO OF A KINI). rwo OF A glNP- ' TWO OF A KfND. BT THOMAS W.0D&


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m KfW Fi:.ViTK!".> OF IM.M1'TAN(*E IN




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ailsulM- * »*acillcliieoiue

22.000.ljjaS.lHMI. 12**»1.000.12"mj.OOO.12*

Brooklvii Bl lalLaaa.no

( ti N .1 9 M '«1.000.\\»\&.U00.110»i


Chi. Bnr * O Ts:..0W.121 ".

a.b an.l E 111 0;\«22.000.ajajT.oon.B<*«rwe * Ind Coal l«i0.000.07

ChlcandNor I" lat8.000."B*s


PtolotartoMld 1.n.lMS..08

|M Hoca V * Toi6a

aooo.70**2.000....aoCelHook *Tu i»

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1.000.»?7»Chic Rl*r»o 5*


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«.00.1.116T>l*nndKegj>410.000.io*1*Dei, * Bm> Oraud



Elirl-ox A B»6a4.0(H).898.000.90


Lfi.iTenn V A OaCor. Gold fta1 («K..101 *»

Flinl an.l Pero M5.

1.000.101**aOco 1'oclr.tO.oOO.1087.OOO.IO*1*

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New 2d Conll.MIO.100410.000.100N

X y oi.tan.l WCOB 01



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I'.o Klill iLSSt l«tlo.OIM..75*s

r.iiii * Dan Dci>'.'.ono.loo

Rio<l..ians Wi.l.t.'..ooo.77MOB.7oS

Stl. Ark .in,i T I.tTru«t Rerelpi.17.000.«ia47.000.. .....rJ2

Hl* Iron MonutOiiro AiTlut.1.000.100


Bt I, ,t Shii Kr"4 ( la*. C

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bt L Ark A 1 i.t4. int Cert.3.000. 71l«

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Ore B L <to C N'on20.000.7d«.4.0(H).70'i11.000.7ti3«8.000.77'4fU'OP.78

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I.t5.01.0.70 a,«.,.M,.7:'^.

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Wcst N Y * Penn2d

10.000.31'iWe*t Pac I on.ie3.000.loO


aCTt'AI. SALK6. CLOSIIf... No,->-J share*

Op'g.|Hi(!'t Low't Flnal.| Bld. A.k'd, sold.


Albany a 8.1...AtehTa d V..AllsDt.e A r-.HaKYAi.91l.l.i: ti. A'fllt*.pnfl H&r- an.1'uil CKS.no.wanaila bsuta.-..1 a.;i rscisu.CsdsrP* *»...-C* ni»i -*«J.Centrsl P.cinc,Chc» *o....do iiun...-(lo-ia »ru.....Ckua tjni inChic* K iu wnCaio*aii.chic* Apret..Chie* N.rwssiC»is * N.t tr\.csie M * 811..BH»M*»r-t.,.Chi.etP *a*uCStPMAs. W)Ck.cBur * u-vBI* Paciac.CltTS* i-iiu...ColHV*Toi-.CCCAOLU..ds pral.

P.iL* W..Sl * llUl'.So.i..L.nv * Ka..^Lm * BO preL1. *Jei.i. V*,...L Tanii latnri.B Tenn'su prl..Klsi *Be>....Hf.'l,:..i Al-.M pl.<ii Biv .

i.rt .>or t>i»»...Hsne.liou.itm* Ts>UlUi.isV.av..ii.CM.t raiisoiLB* W.1.B* W nr:...-LL *Ml.L.So Si.oi...Luiis i.Uuo.l/,ulh * Ns»u-A,NA*Chic...ljuutit Ml. .V 1Maiil.al ,».-..-slanusl Oosciu.?l.,rlt * O ..-

kiur 11 * U ;...MexCsuu.aiuii ccii.ML bite M..>;!..- a. *»> vti.Jltnii * OU.....|l A 81 i. -j.el.Hk,t i.i. 2.1*1 sBJ» prol.I 22

Lul'sclBc.j 70M»l>a O.ioN C * 11....N X OBHUaLN v c *m u..MlAMi. »r:.NVCAKU.2 Uf-.N 1 l.i A Vth *i 1.B* \*» pri.M * Nlk.h\XH *liM 0*V...>Vb *B"»tt AW Bft...hor a v>.*Sor AW oroi..{Boru l-asioc.>tiPse pri....!Ivi Aiu Cu.101,10 * MISS....L>J,iu »out.,...-Uiss.ii luio....Ul lim. ursi....UrR* N.Lu Mi.rl 1.11.C.1' li, t A -tr....Pl.il* I'.esniuiPPW*.ril'lll'g.PCC A.-u.*.uri.

P.tL» A b*r...h* wpt.KAWPlvn....bWAOC.kiotit west...how wei.| aa-.*-ti,A* TH...fell. AATH.,1r.:l*BJr l.t Ulfctr* iJu,..._M*ALBrsi....Ntl' .MlbLAB..bOUUi Ciru.BbbUiPssiOx..Tei»» p»c.'II. I.T.1.1* Oiuouon.1.1 * u C pri..1.1AAANB ..

V A Olkck Ur.. 14 7ta.cu fscmc. 48».V> I.At... i»coe cec.._V*».»i.ii.'?.sp urst.» * - |.*A-jALBdi«uneslnisnTsj.l ».».ASuiui txur...Aiutr txpr..».ts Lxpu ....

WclFiiirse .1A:. ei C'sBl.....t»M;Os.'lT....rasUU m«m,,Oausii..-..LAaerou coau-Csi Uski.(.jSI «.!_.Mtrrluidcssi.Nc*Oei> Ueau. .

Teiii,,.;* _.., ia^Bsoret.

BssMMtaaa.....o.ans a.aiii*(JslsuuiTsr....V|U1..»UTST BIXniun»WiCk.La cr" Tr....KdiaonKlec....Xai Coroajie...y.t Csrd pr...N.l i.iD«e.«lAUiSiixarHsiiiiABihwiKeani,!Cvt uii rsuw.....*.*.i ~**»

.".dOBrt. 49_**n Trust.....Jj'am hlTwi. *West..b"I-AAltrrcuMta Blraasaix.


118 llo

10S*. I0M-.


84 ».B2-4.





9*0 V. 9»» OU i*| Wtin iis6S-, ss-,

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2l-» 21'1 u s. 219'» 10 V

lllt I'.ls,AA Sja*72 V 73V81* ei<v143 US






1. 11

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»('V 87 6.2«01(M*| 104 1.8158tf 40 10U,lS| 90S 11.450»J 1I2H l^f'Oit> tt>'. Ol'.2.1* 2i bU&«7S 4BS.' 70l.i 1^-s. 3.125

..o 20016 ii* 3"K)ii .i lon».46| 3.5v; 70l>

_.1I. * '30»TsUltUr^ Mj,j r#r l)v# oar........ .7..220..1I2jartatBariB.9; >4 H\»* .97^. .»7* -97a .87*»_4o.ooo___CA 1X0 PllICLS OP PmLAULLi'UlA 6TOCK8._

lild.A.ked.Lchljrh CAN Co.40'. 47(Nor I'.cltlc.26*>« 20N'oi Paa i.:d ,.M_ MHOrea * Trsn.....lO I'i'*Pci.ii.vlvai.lB .51*i

. .... Mid.AsJiea.£ J H cen M 4S.7I"* 7'J'-vJ * 11 l»l nf Ss. .62

y Its* ;,.'(, jirf ?^ 20

& bt P..01SVal)ej....4as


4*»4 ftcsOius- .10«b 10 7 Vo (



Open- High- Low. CIov Sh»ro»Namea._fna. eat. cal._I..B-_aolifL^

Am Cee ou Tr n..Am MiMr lt. 00\\teh Top A S r..... Sl3!

i ;.;.- .e*. Co. «.*.i.luc ll I & P. 74HChic II A Q. 8.Can f-O'.thern . 51*Chic M v st p. oi'-B(hie fs Northern.1< 8"a1> ! L t W.IW>Waah. 78**

Be .-- fti 70? BM\.t i.e»d Tr. wi io* ia*.\-. coroaa* . BOJi »<>.** w»hNo.th Ann-rican . 10*. Wa mv v i, r. a w. -o 20'4 209 ; 1 N E. 37-*<4 38', 37>N,.r Paeifle pf. _Fk Or.-> ffil "^B\,.- 1'irllU' . 2..'. '.'.>.. ZVk 2-.¦«V V 0 V W. 17'4 17", g*i (J*. 200Paeifle Vall . i4»s 8s'4 ¦ 3iVhll Vltead. fjj Bl BOs BM,llleh & W Pt. 1"\ l'1! l'-» 1". -"''UnienVelto. 4»«h4 «a2 tft, U I ...jWaiash . 10 . 1 10 10VVNH V'L E. 32*-. 8.4-% 82* 3;.V BOOWheej v i. - 7««a Wa *»*a jgTotafsj.. r"es"sol4-"~-.'.112.2.K)

BOVOS._f*J*tsa»i»Plae 4* wi gja 4»'a 25.0...)aiit,,,,,. a Pac i-*« 12V 1-'* i-v 0,..

A".y\- ,0, |0n«i 100»4 100*", I'i"-. B.OO0ETvVSaai .10l»a 101'a 10l*a 101b f.OOO>l K V T 4*. 70»4 W ,0>< , i M00Nottbtra Paeifle ta... Sl> Bl'i felu 8_ leOOOlr.w. IP'P 5.. 706, 7.P. 70*1 .(.a 1.000p ,v i; 2.1 pfd lnc. Ao 3.' Ao 8, B.OOCp a- ii aa pfd mc.2.i> Wt 2i,H 20*. a,oooK1oGrsnd5t W4»... 77 7. H UKoek Island 6s. 07 07 |7 »7 1.000t, t, a «. t i.t .... 8ir» H'a P'a 8i'» j.ooo.le.as Paclflc l.t::... Mtg *£ gj, MJ.Texas PaelfiJ 2d. 82's «*4 »«j 3-£Tnl A A * N'O M lst '..3*h '.>>** OiS 9..** ¦> 0^.Shorets. --102's 102* 1Q2^_102«»_MN

Total amount.87,000aturnra stocks.

Antorla .02 .04 .01 .04 l.'.noA,,/n ' i.000 1.00 G.00 5.00 ,- 800H nt .48 .43 .43 .4ft 100BrunssVlCk.10 .10 .10 .10 20.lal.donla II II.73 .,3 .73 ..A 100Co.i (al&V'a.13»4 1*4 Wl l;;-* 100j;i t*ri-to.60 ."<> -o M *,°0.

,-n blv.-r .3-40 3..0O 3..0 8.M BOOolte .03 .03 .08 M -" >

Lacrosse .............. .00 -(hi .00__

800LHtc Chief.38 .33 M -33 ..'.Mlddle Bar . -03 .« .03 .3 MMOccwental.l._\ 1» Lfi » :.' .. '

Hoblnsoi, . .4^ .13 .45 4. 100rau.-liii-d .loo 1.3-> 1.-0 l-'i_-"

lotal sales .11.000


_Boaton, AprU 17, 199L J

TfsTerday. To-day. JY!^^7°i?/ir,o->t 1- Mont. 42*3 42»scal I lle. la.200 200Vi-nkln. 17 17lllllo,. .."* 2*3Kearaaree. lt*. i*

. aj'a iiibQnlliev .I".. 101Isa.ita Fe Cop.63 x^Tai. arack .LOO 148Boston L C . 0>4 Ohzv.\ -t I¦;¦.,.! L ( 0.. 21*» 21J.

Atch ti Top. 8.1 > JOHost 4; All,a.i.v-.20J« 203*sBoat & Matnc .-»0»s 201Chic Hur & Qv.. 80a4 87jiEaatero H iV*»1^ ^Kitchburf? pfd... H.l^ .%lt-'Kll.it & P M.-.-- -4 i\Kll.it 5 I* M pfd .... MIfaaa central. 1«'« »JiM. v cont eora.... 20 -O'*M Y . N E. Bga. ff*XU'X E*7B.'.m>B 121*2 B4dl T |e;,10'.e.. 2 3 200>BOld Colony.1043« 104 T^m.Hotl&nd eom. 9Itutlancl pfd. O.'^ O.i^Wi. Cent com.... 19 JO'-JAllouez M (new). 8*, 8*AtliiitlC . 10 l-'*'*

La)B|BBa St',re .Sj.r 10'4Wat.r Power. 2*a. .,.. oolal Mln.. 1* .-.-3

N E T & T. 51 MHllutto & Bo. Cop lo lo*t

Friday, April 17.p. m.

The roport of the Buroau of St-itistir-s of Uioexports in March of tlie principal products of ti.e

country, including breadstuffs, cotton, potrolcumand provisions, with live etock, ohows no im-

portont liinnaaa in e-onpariaon with the sauic

month last yenr. Tlierc WM a fjbarp fallinjr off in

brcadstulTs, which was nearly overcomc bf "»

iucroaae ia provisions. The total cxporta iu tho

month were a littlc less than in tho same monlhlu«t year. hut for the nlne moutlis of tlie Hscal

year they wero about $5,000,000 larger.The followin--- tablee ..omparo the expolts for

Mnrch and for nino montlis :Month of March- 1889. .,.,^-.o0 *i..Hs-''l3n

S?^.::::::::: S:g:o| §^f«*}®§p^Sffi,4sg":«ia#«_«_ tt«fflToUli..... 849,924,047 $02,700,202 052,499,037

july 1 to Marcli 81.¦oaaaaaifa .aoi.744.fii7 eno.o2e,im> .-»;..197,431,001 22l.2ji;,059Petroieun. .... ..... 87,528.938 ao.881.ooa1-rovl.lou., etc., 63,510,180 _U7,494,40X

T0U1 - .......0410,223.122 $490,708,499 $494,004,290WHAT WAS DONE EN STOCKS.

The prominence of the Granpcr stocks in therecent epeculation is circumstantial proof^that the

aTinTront dissolutlon of tlie Western Trafllc, Asso¬clation may have no effect on rates or earniuus.lf it should l>e succceded by a Btronpr OoaUaa-tion it mi«ht be a matter of congratulation tliatMr Gould had a doctor with him to explain 1ns

absence from the Chicago meeting. It seems to

lo admitted ou ah si.k-s that there is c.m].leteharmony in railway matirgcment, and thnt M u

iccT.ng5 so-ncti.i.e in Ncw-V,-rk httlc diffcrenccsof opinion will bc casiiy arraiiKod. ln fuithcran.-eol this theory the openlng t<.-day was strong andalmost buovant. London WM reported to be a

large buyer of stocks and private ndvices of a

semi-panio at Paris were not coniiraied. *.>««>;LcSoZ which f,.lh.wcd tl.o openlng was noth.narmore than might have bt>on c.vpoctod, and iu sp te

Toubtful nSwa the OOOrae ol pn-es wns; s ea.hl>upward. 'Ihe closing was conlideut, even U U

'Va^lJSw of the market .is that the

recent atIvance ln pri<*os has DOt cxcit,,l an out,

sTde dem.nd. Tl.cn- is no public intercst in^apec-h-'tittr^A l.ough the market. WBa Wjg&pjfcday, the flnal advancca were laaa than lP«»fc

Tili: DAV IN THE BOND MARIvfl.A aale of Sl 10,00.) Nfdftmd 4 per centa 999,

slicht advance waa the feature ol the _<0.**ment boud market Blds for thta.u«ue¦."?%*and the currency <-s were geneially 1-- J««»hlgher. Tlie oloaing QOOtatJoM were as 1o11q*as.

>-uio.aUH.."-hia. A.t

g^zxg, sBlba**4^ajrap --.

_*JZ^?B__3SM__T&itoilwav bonS were ln fair demand, and, M a

rul" prices w-re hlfher. JSfiO awoarf oonaolaKidi.cd tho fractlon at 100 3-4, and Mihv.0.111,Ranaae and Texaa Lssuea scored lurther «lnaj5oSg Soond inoomea, on the other hand, fc

1 per cent, ann BeveraJ cther issues auffewd amaljlosVeo. BtttnMX is mude tx. our full report oi

)0Mouey continuea to be in amply supply at 3and 3 1-2 i>er ceut. A little bnsincss wt.s done at

hiuhcr rates aud still more at lower ones. As

will loans extend over tliree days, the 0BJB was

ri>iii,-ilil*CHt)10Ti.e Cloaring House statement was, aa, lol ows:

Kxchangcs. 9llMtff5N ; balum"es'1*?;Bi1 t2(l°";.1PThe .Sul-lrrahiiry sO-ilay WBa doMot to i<

Clearinc House $474,017. 'Ihe buani.M ol th-. Il-.HIIIH n> **.¦

____, ..,!.,. *__.,..? no 11,SSJK^MMA'^.k ended»M-Mreoeipto ol »1M»M72 &Jg**&£X&Am*X.Mii. Wvina the generel balanoe al fiei,02o,40AtZminat ¦103.748.060 on Anrll 10, Bhowinfl ao

i.Vrt-iit "l.^t* V.l -tii.S'r.V.'^. W't deducUng troraSrjavmentt SlTwi,0iJ0 and fr..... the receipteLw llOOOO t.r itcms which affeol only Ita a.

wi;, hM.c.eral lrcasury, Itok«M affecttii!.s is i2 0g3.588, bnf thla result Inoludes the

tSv-b operationa ooTered: Kcmi.ts ..-.',.'...,-.;.¦.piviieuis, I^BSejlCO; V.H., balanoea olsIv .;;i.,i-1 cota and s.8,2531,808 onmnoy.Tto Treaaun' boughl 300.0i.inoea ol ailvei

bullion rtlPriwa rabging m^. 07.48 to 93Mn l ln ounco. The offerlnga Bmounted tfloooouncea The purolMaaeaTEsB month kare

eeivl'd to-day |ld»,tJa NatisWl bBsah ftOt«« tM

""'^.",.^.,1,8 receipts wcro S4S8,8Sfi, tba in-toi'S n-veii,.'- raicelpta $403,401, an.l the miaccl-in.'ii'is receinta 801,602. , .

on hand ar.d rjepoalts in baoka oowparea with the

figures of the last previ....s staleim-nt M followa.mil 10 Ai.ril 17. Differ. ...< ¦'.*

p__r___Te^^3t9Eti.* _S.^T. *******_H£il!-Dec* 4»MW

Actuul ci.«h ln theTiaaaatrT \a.:its

^rt flrst.1"'""'' el09 905,0'IOsai.'.0.809,453 D^r. fl«.B10cert flcaw. .w!:',,»5 ir 0,1 w« 7'H lnc

Not cssu b.l'crs.e*lS8,CS3''280 0180,002,170 lnc. B4MJMThe foreign exchanges were dull and intl.cr

wei'k. Demand fuff rcinittanee was fully ofTset hyoommerelal und aaontita diafts. The followlngare tl,<- lIlTloaij .n.otutions f..r nctual bualneaaBanJcdS' i.ills. 1^4 19 1-1 an.l |4 BB 1-4 respcctiv.-lvfOI lont! an.l short sterllne French fraiics. .0.18 .1-4and 3.11 1-4; reichmarks. iJS 3-m and 15 7-8.

ln London llriti*). OOOaola fell 3-KI \» M 101monev aud 1-8 t.» OlsVlt l.r the ftOBOant, Thelkink' of Knglaiid gatned i'40,ooo bulli.,n on for-rtffl baktaea. I» tha "is-n aaarini Bonojr waa

dfiirer at. 3 1-8 and I 1-4 per 000)1 lOTjdiBOoOnte.ilnr silver was BBObangcd :.t 44 1--.I. M onneo.American railway aharea advaneed ln tha aarljdealinga, but alterward beoama dull and eloaedlrregufar after small oonoeaaions. At Paris Freroh3 per centa fuither fell to 04.80. -if-ht e.xchonge

on London bdftg i triflo ****** *A WM tt****** totho & Kf.Tliiia. , ______. _»

Tlie 1'aly Mininir, fompntiy lias declared itsUBunl nin.itlilv dlvldend, paijrit'-a. by Lounobr-ry& Co., Mllls* I-uil'lliiu, on April 10.


lt-fO. IS!*0- '*PlnmB****3*t et ******. 6.678 .">¦"'..* _.._*_!"1S.ond wi.,-k in Anill 8481.847 8100.1.!. .J""!*".-"Jan. l to A|,r.|ll,' 0 1'41.'.'-0 0,010.008 «.'¦


Vlimbrr of m'lpa. 9** ___,___,f-e ond wc-k ln April. 8.8.9"'* __'. :.'.'> ._'.:..Jan, 1 to April 11 600,341 *_4.4_4V0V1MYUAM, NEW.Olll.F.ANS AND TEXAS.

Mwmawt if milea.. ..r*il-l

r-.- oid -«Mk ln Apiii . »_*:4'.."l **£.'**>J.i:i. 1 to April 14_ . 110.'..48 lo, ,0.11

MII.WAUKEE AND NORTH1"Rlf.Number of h.llra. 80f '¦"'" "°2

week ln April *?1 !>¦ I 83?.3*4*4 8fn.'*-'.Ta-i. 1 to April 1 l. 151,888 800,424 4.8.K.2

TO.E_0 AXD Oll I > CENTKAL.Number of mlle*. .rc, -85.-..nnd week ln April.. 020.841 a-I.WO *PA°iJan. i t. April 11. ."> 800,313

WIIF.EUXO AND LAKE E1*.IE.Number of mlle*. 1S7 187 237P84M-4 W0C* ln April 810.071 *2'.'.7.I1 .JA.">:4'.lJan. 1 tn April 14 243,870 280,851 *2i,1*MKANSAS CITY. MEMPH1S AND BIBMINOIIAM.

Si'mlKT of mll.». 1*75 275 27-Fir-t week ln April.... !»14 7-> 818.851 »-*.,hrt**Jan. 1 to AprU 7. 271,008 087,08- 818,788

MI>**Ot"RI, KANSAS AND TF.XAS.Flr»t week ln April.... . i*-H I.*-.'.'*¦ 81"Jan. 1 to April 7. 2,604,07* 2, (..*>, IIOO

l.UPUKT- OK 1HIV QOOM.For the week. !--.. l-.o. 188*1.

al thc port. 83.101, 4«4 08,0117,027 8*1,611,483Thmwn on tb* markat, _,:s,i,_-'i 8,14*0,105 i,5.-.'-'*n

Mnce Jan. 1Entered al the port. .. _n,04_.4.r- 68,457.000 44.007.020Xhrown on tha market.. 50,8VO,803 14,854,080 40,*jii oss

-TJ-OPEAX FINAN-. IAI, MAP.KF.TS.T.oidoi. April 17. I p in..(Vi. .¦.' u f-,r monev and

00 8-10 for tl, aerount; Mezlean ordlnary, 41**; Bt Paaili, 02 Pa.l* advlee* qnote :i pi,

0. fror.' nt, :md x r.i.

l.ondon at 2~> frane. 23 tenline* foi ehi ka. The amountof bnilloo wo r Into tna Ba k of England on balaneeto-dav la A'40,000.




No. 95 Milk Street,**. O. BOX 340, BOSTON, AprU 7, 1881.


FIRST PREFERRED S70CKH0LDERS,St. Louis & San Francisco Railway

Company :

Tho Clrcular No. 04, l***ucd by tbe At Maaa Cornpany to

iu ataek.oMan, aad dated Ma. tt, l***X rxplained themanner ln whleh th- COMJ-OX and PRE1__R_D stockOf tho ST. L0-T8 t SAN J-T.ANCIM (i BAII.WAY COM-l'ANY Bfl 18 **.¦!¦...uif'-d for stock of tlu- Atchlaon Companv.It furthcr Htatrd tliat tho JUST PItF.FF.IUIF.D SToc'Kof tht* St. l.oui*. | Snn I-'r*iBdadS IVillway ('nmpany, b-ln?ti,a held i'V 1-811 aai ma. und _aaaa*rilM to .".OOO *** ¦

Bi t!i" par ****** Bf «4,&00,000, wa* not dl-turb'-d; and *o

It ha* NBBB.Md ut.tl! B8W, when tho Atehlai n Company Isenabled to Mffa, from practical cxpcrlcnce and knowledgc,upon what tcrm* to base an cqultablc propoaol to the hold¬ers for an llB8K8_lfn of BCCUlltlea.

Tlio nany compli | frnm thc control of thoAtlantlc . l'aclllc Ballroa-l Company IkIin8 exerclaed Jolntlyby tho Atehlaon and the Bi Loul* _ Saa Franclaeo Cnm-

panle*. and the hope!oannr** of wnrklner under dlvldedowncrshlp, thice ratlwuy* nally 8888prl-od In ono av-tmi.of whlch Ika Atlintlc *t I'aclflc lUilroad wa* an lntr;:ralportlon, con»tltuU*d tho prlmn faclors in iaOai...81 theAtchUon Company to acf|ulro thi- atock* of thr St. Loul*Ban Franclaeo Company at the timo lt did *o, and thu* toremovo aU confllctln*' lntornal lnterrat*.

The ManaRrmrnt of the St. Eoul* and San FranclaeoRailway Company ha* decldfd to Issuo 8 Now Con*olldntrdfour pi-r cont. (Jold Bond. covarlns all of Its proiairtt.-a,cqulpmfci.t, lands, and realtlra, I.i amount a'.O.OOO.OOO.OO,subject only to prior ll'-n* of pre*cnt ont-tuiidln. mortRiiya,aeeurlng Bondt which will bo gradually retlrcd by thooperation of thlr rr«;-,octIvo Slnklng Fund* and n.aturitlisand be replaced by tho new Bonds.

The preamt total outstandlr.g Dlreet Morttrage Bondlasuca of the St. ..oui* ond ban Francl»oo lUllwey Com¬

pany on lt* own ond lea^cd Uncs I* 830.077.o00. Thi*wUl leave 813,92-.500.00 New Consolldatod four per cent.Gold Bond* avallable for tho followlng p:ir*.o»ea:

To provido for r.tlrem<*nt of $2,800,000.00 Atl*ntlcand I'ac.fli! lUllroid Company'H Seeond Morifiaa alx preer:t. B'nd*, g.ia*_.i»ced both fo.- f*t**i*r*i and tateaaalby tho St. Loul* and San FrnncUco Itailw.y Company.To provld" for con.)dete and proper facllltle* and maehln»rywlth **_.a to eonduct operation* ln tho naturo of RoundHc *e*, Machlno Shops, Stition ai.d otli*r builillnca.lmprovid bfldajaa, and eqalS.eat to complrte tho road andto plico the company and Its propcitlc* ln gound llnanclalaud phy*l8al condition.The AT(III*-ON" COMP-XT *vlll ofler «J4.30O,00O

of.h^ New Bonila of ih~ Si. I.onU __ *ainn FranclaeoHallvvay Compnnr, vvhrn l«*upd. to ihr l.iildrr* of StLoul* nnd Snn I'rnnelaro Il.iihvny ( omp-iny'* I'ira.Prrlrrrrd a-tork on n bnala .Icxelianare ol' p..r for piir,aad ahBro ol «loeU bcinc pnti.lf.l lo *J100 in .M Nr-vvlloniU. Thr*p bondw tlra.v lutrrr*t frou. Oeiobrr 1,IfaOO. nt four por cent. The Atehlaon (.'on.pnny nl»owill rxlrn.l (I.i* lour prr cpnl. ln.orr*t bnrU to .Innn-nry 1, 1S90, ao lh:.t Flrit I'rcferrcd ailocUholiirr*,upon *urrrnder of .hrlr ccrtlllcalc* of aloek, vrlll rc-

ceivr par In ll.p B*W llouda nnd Inlrre*. ln rn*h n. fourper rent continuou*ly from .Innunry 1. 1MIO.llol.lrraof Fira. Prolerpeil a*tock ol tlie S.. f.oula A:

Snn Frnnel*eo Itnllwav Co.npuny .1 i--.li li,« «o make ihprxehanao propoartl will pl»n*p npplr for blnnk form*oii.erapinnce anil for nny infornintion dcslred, to iheVice>Pre*idcnt, !l"> Mllk St., Iloa.ou.

t-.EOItf.E ('. *BJ*A*OVBi Chairman.

J. W. REINHA-T, Vlee-Prerident.

St. Louis, Iron Mountain and SouthernRailway Company.

NEW-YORK. Feb. 21. 1801.To Holiler* ol Iho llrit ".Ioi-l_n«e Itnllroad nud Slnk-

Iiik I nnil I.nn.1 ('rnnf Bond* of tbe Calro nnd Pul.on

Rollrond Company.Notlce la ht-raby given to holder* of Calro and Fulton

bond* that on preaentttlon of aam* to thc M-rcantlle Tru&t

Companr. No. 120 Broadway, New-York, they Wlil ******payaaeas of the priuclpal of aald bond* and accrucd toteraatup to and inclu-ug Ft-b. L'4, 1891, on whlch latter datoths bond* wlU 88888 .. *_-w laleisat,

A. U. CALEF, Tr*a»urcr.


No*. 39 and .'ifl \\ nll*t.Cnr.llnUn.lSnrpln«..«!.700.080

bca,(iuua oy oian oi _¦ oaprea v-...u.. j.r- ., i.-*.! ii*

poaitury. Will receiva U'-'jo-n* i .in.i.ey oa lnK-reai., ..cta* U»cal or t.analer agenu or trusu'o iu, eorporaUo**, mJaceent ana executc anj o-itai truat., from panon* ,.r ...rpo....'ma on a* fa*rar»ble t. rrra ».« othe: aimilar co.npan.u*.

TUOMAh liil.l.lK'I'Si:. 1'reatdcnt.FKEDEItli K U. TAl-i'KN. Vlce-Preaidan*.t HAS Ai. JE.t'r. :'.! \'u.-l':t-s:..'.-il.BLVEKLY CI1BW, *.< trna:/.Oj.ur.«.i. D. loAM.i. A^^t.-Sec.re._ry.

S200 ISA.\i- 9TOCK -SI IO.I. a 'i r. _m

.. ii;. both_ p. r niit la r aud .i,""-' ','-¦*''',::11A.\K . 1NV. CO., KAK4JO, N. 1". fMld BAJjlM1N..T 'UN'.!' :.'. D. wi for 1

i uatomi r-. and il jtnnd* "'. * IU 1""

DfiOPi -AL- I'"i; IJO.M.-.1 ll NDIN.I BOND8, 10-208, 0 PER U.N..

CIl 1 **. \. MO\ 1 ANA.Tl," cuv ,,f il, lena, Monl

Ma-. -.'!' 1-¦¦¦tne .1 iiiiit.,,:i i.f

june l l-oi and beai li i,i,:, *e_il-annuallT; Uitcreat ar.d pilmI ., th .V.tlo.'ial JlanU In the cltv of Wef-Yorh. I

1. The i.. - .. '.

ct the itv aft.'t Oairty ....rd .¦-. aei f ii. i.--f Mi nl wa and api.I lora ol Jv

L'.-ii'ial election. Ai.iu 0 1801._______, .

fc\ BDPclal ,nr fh'' .»"'¦.,*'i!l.. ilnklna ruiid

?:'r;;.n:;rt:alu':ti,:;,:..1^...:::::.: ::::::¦Th. rate of tax la liu.lted BB .*_ mlll*. Pre*ent tax 1*

ke present boadad t***. 9** tosl-Maa t-'l'*f_/>0 iVl0flori--Unl and'ail'-thpr' '...-.".MarVha...' 1801

l .: - .8l37.7O0.80Th' tnd.Uwm-'beM.ord'-.t puidle an .« m on Mav ».M at lt ra y th- ..ni" "f tl** Clt* freae-rw ** BM

Cltv'of I'lra t. th- hll "I. »!:<*,wl"-i*__aw»-H, Iverv .Ln ^*- ot

U'liUa v, 1 1'- -"." <"¦ "".", ivT.

lHfil at 12 m. at th" offlce nf '»'" Cltv frrtuurer ln theItv'of I r-lria. i, tho *_«,*-".?.' n-adr f. delven Jnne I. I8V1.

New-Yorh drafl pa4 .blc io ordei r.f Cltiti, -,o ount if frf-OCl. " '' ¦"""

.j . Itv TM-*-nr.-. I' th blddpr. «s a ea,-

.iit.-r i.f ...»d faith Iharitf *****

"'Th'''-' -.. v :,.',_-,,, blda.

BOBEnTD.8MrlTH.|tmPER CI ST VVairanf*. ;uiv amount. |dod

a* Oo.prn.o.'nt n nd*. Wr'to f-,r partl.-nlar* andrfcrcnen. I*. W. TP.OUNCE. Box 1.581, Kesttle. W**h.



OtTer Their Treasur? Stock at$25 PerShare ia Lots to Suit Purchasers.

l ln- Pricc will bc advaneed shortly.

The Ktindird Chemlcal Comnany was Inrorporatcd InJune, Ib'JO. Capital 01,000,000. divldrrt liito 10,000ahares of 4-100 each; full pald aod una«ac«sable.

Faetory and laboratories. Jersey City, X. J. Offl«es.00 and BJ Uroadway, Neiv-Yorn.

IU lusincj u tho nacufacturo and miK. of drugs sndehenilcals.

The company calls attention to thefact that as soon as flve uut of everyone hundred (or only 5 per cent.) of thephjsicians in the Inifed States aloneuse their product, the net profit perannuni will be equal to one-ihird thepar value of the capital stock.

All the physicians who have osed itpredict that (he entire medical profesvsion will gladly prfscribe and use itfreely in prefcrence to any of theheretofore used uncertain drugs.

The estlrcat. a sale. wiu ylcld a proflt of 0350,000 perinnum.

The.fi flK,,»c »rpl7 to the Pi.ltcd States alone, and onthe fipcctatiun ol a small builJit«s for tho firaC two years.

Tlie wiiole clvllired world oftor. a reidy and an eagermarket for tho company*. product.

To provide On funds to mnniifarture on a larpe sesle andtn lntrcslt.ro .nd ndvcrtl«e thelr product strfetly and onlvt., the rhedleal i,r>f"-.-ion and the drux trart. of tlie Unlt-d

my j.-e now sellinif » portlon of tho t:-eas.urv .to- lt at *25 per .hare In lots to eult pureha.Ts, at;helr pfteea. Unlted Bank Dulldlus, 00 and 02 Iiroadway,Ki w-York.

The Company has no Indebtcdness olany klnd.

Amonu ths lar?e .tckho'ders nre rieorfe W. Dunn.F--i. Presldent of the rowpany; Fusenp ffjtamv. Kv|. ofT. v.'. Myrra ft Cr. I'ankers, Prcxel n.illdlnff, Phll.dei.Olila: Edwaid Kenn.f-v. Baa., of Mf>«W Van Ta.«s«ll &Kearnor Xaw-Torh; .!"». n. Lyneh. Mn-. New-York;-

Ifllrird l-'l N'e«. Vorli: ( liren.'e nelnlleid, INo.,3 \vaii-^t Kew-Yorki WlUlaa. n. Beott Esq., 2B Broad-¦-t. Mill« Rulldtof. N 'W.Torfc, and ,->.¦' rul pniuitnent New.Yorh sentle; isn wh<. wlll have m iBa la tho r.<>..rd ot Dlre.;.Cor* l:,-.«r sa.

ApplP.tlon wlll be made to Ust the sharc. on the New-York Stock Kxchangc.

The uminiij b at^ck ls a safe, .ound and profttabloInve^tinent, a> Its bi.slnr.s Is free from the vlei.altudestliat affret ino-t ontcrprl.e, of a eommerclal or In-dmtrlal nature-..'ood or li.d erofta, th-' n«e or fall of valt.es,b.i«ine.« denresslon or pr>,«p'rltr. wlll not fifTe, t tho <>arn-li-B .oiver of T1I1-: BTANDAllD CHEMICAL COMPANY'Sito, k.

Tho buslness and proflts wlll increa.o year after year.

Appllcatio.:. for stock, chrcks, 4c., .hould bc aJdrcsscd to


ao and 02 Iiroadway, New-York.


San Antonio anfl Aransas Pass Raflway6 PER CENT. BONDS DATEO 1885,who are dlssatlsfled with tho Central Trust CompanyReorsanlzstlon plan, are hereby notlnVd that $500,000in amount of tbls bond l.suo have slgncd tha UnltedState. Trust Company Bondholder.' Agreement, thus

maklng lt cp'ratlve, and that the tlme during which

addltlonal slqnatmres wlll be recelved explrcs AI'UII.

1*4. All parties wlshlng to co-opento with tlie Com¬mittee must call at the ofllco of


and blgn tho aerccment befo.e that dat».

t'O.U.MITTEEiT. L. GILL. Chnlrmnn,

|{pprr»cntii!K the Ealnte of Wm. A. Brovrn.JOEL A. HPF.UUY,

of Uperry ot Itarne., Now-Hnven, Conn.DAVID WILCOX,

of Ilrlitow. Peet A Opclykr.WILLIAM EDWARD t'OFPIN,

of Coflin A Stanton.

FREDER1CK DAHE,of 11. O. Armnnr iV Co.

Trney, "llcFnrland, Irlna, Hoardnmn A Plati,( ounsel.


Drnomlnntlon 81,000.Intrrrst .rini.iinmiully ut Ncw-York.

Assesset. value. Oct.. 1890, $11,589,637Real .' " u 35,000,000Total debt, .' « 7T8,«13

Population 25,000.I.i'snlltr ilnly cri-iilird to by Andlior of State.

$11,000, due July, lS'.J-Prlce.I00>0,000, duo july, leC'S-I'rlce.J00>7,000, due Julv, lWM-Priee.100 47,.'.to, duo Juir, itfOO.Prlce.io}'.

11,000, due July, 1807.Priee.!«. \)i'...ono, d,..^ July, 1800.Prlco.V'\*8.000, <lu" .fulv, 1800.PHes.X020,000, duo July, 1000.Prles.lO^vi

Aud sccrued lnt#r.»-t.Tlie city has al.'*av. n;ilnt.iiri"<l gewi ereOlt. Full partlcu-

lar* f.irnl.l.'d nn appllcatlon.

1.1 WAI.l. xTltKKT. XEU'.VOHIi.


,seiied proposMs «.i^ ba ratalved: «t lau ein ¦* until

Mor.d.y, Ain;l 20 'it A o', lo Ic p. m. for tlie tiurriias- of tr*L'lty Wai r Work. bond. «f tlie City ,.r Brra<us«, to tnoamount of One Mllll.i.i Dollars (#1.000.00(1.) Tn» bond,,:,. to 4 U Ih'Jl. payaWc In iVi'O. v;thint»iest at tli" nt.¦ uf tlir.e \r-\ i-¦ nt. per aiinonv voyablos-,,,1-aini'iallv 'it the llrtrppolltan iru»t Companv uf Kaacitf of New-York of ti.e denomtnatlon cf i-'iv.. TbouMuidDof.ara ah. tuu|uii o.- R.-u-i^tcrcl at BM aaiBBB

nu. hal ¦¦.

T,es. bonds ir^ l*«,:e<l fo» t',i» purpon of ralsln- mon'-vand eonsfri.,-tIo:i of » sy*t-m of Waw

Worl;. for tho Cltj of ByrseBBB, and f r the rwrpop .,.

.tcitilrl.i-' property. nrht-. prlvileafs and franehlSM Uiere-for or to *' '¦-. I ln ronrfsetloo therewlth. and for pw-,i,l'i,,t, a ":ic water .upplv f->r Ihe Krl . mia..»¦><"'¦. h"«" 5*1 r S ::: 1 i*Sf ofi^°VorW, n« arr.end-M by th« law. of l.v.w. 1 ro-

..,. ,.. r*l'r\ p.irfhas« of ths wnole or

part of sald bond. hut not for lr-tsi than atpjr.1 -lb. fby teaerrei to r")e,t any or »l |,ro-tot the beal BUefieU of U.e (. ity o.

^naaal. m be alrtatei la BVaa4ejs«n<sf L» avj*a^as.,:,,i mu.t be nv.ri.'.i ''Piopoeali for Partaaai of

Hraaat #eraa 6t& ^ m-bcoH Cttt Twaaarer.City AV

W*" ,.\ r».l).-Ti-,;iMii>i' aii'. I!'"Uv"'i'"i toJf6>> BonOi and WI:i. ii, .. ,.t.r|.n-. Mu.t

,1, to Invost lnha. Ju.t i»-i _[]_"'Atnple .eeurltv snd « ..-r e.nt

.lrliirhtf.il for r."l.l'.i,'e. As'oc *'¦ I-or P<-r-mnibI Int-rvi.-iv addresa F. A.. Boi. -.-' )."-.""

/lnancttl fllcctings.TIIK NEW-YOUK. CUICA.iO aM> ST. WUl!

.N i.\V -1 OKK .'u en Bl. 1-.il

NOTICt IS HKKhllY '.l\ !-.N ih:it theAXXU

CUICA.iO aM> st. louisQKAND CENTRAL DEPOT.Av-1 UilK. Aisieii yi. lawl,ll\ >.l\ L.N ih:it the

AL MEET1NU of Uie *jU.enh..Ueri of uc Ncv-k Crileaito and Ut. Lona lUliroad Coinpany, Ior IM

tlcction n( btrrctora ..na oihei ifaaral p..ipos.». wi.l boKld al 0 B'cloS a. .... or. W.-di..'-lay. Mav 0, lelil. at thoueaipeara otlaelpal eflka. la cle^iaad ^-CKffTHAL KA1LROAI.

SXWYOIIK. Apr,l itta. 1-1.1.

N'OTK'K i" hfro'.v RlYon thal t;.- annnaJBsartlni ol tba !s;o.kholdrr- of tl.,- Centrul RsJirssM

..mi'ij ,v of N,-w-J,r«.-y. t., rtael alns a.r. ctor» to »or\or.a r nV-tl e. Mi st thoofflc-a oTthBcoaipaay. In hx«w*aa iha hoatra e* 1« a'etockin. »nd 1 o'rloek p. m. of Kriaav. Maj 8 ''¦ "'«.

Tra',»f-r l..rf)k «lll t« rlo-«ed fr.mi hiti,rdny, the 13Uito S.turd.y. the Oth proxlmo.

It.v order. 8A.M'T.f. KVO.Y. ¦eeresaty.

T HE I.OOK OFOPF.K-AlllRPOItTS. o-tino. BDO BJjgaa..iri. Tl.e .tsnda'U ButAorlir a Xiutti

nr an.uaern.-uU. Kule. for .allli.i.'. awtmmlo*. ball WaT-log. aiiixiting. hors-lisck rltlne, A-. tt_ la M_ _n_^J_*cpv. P'lbli.hed bv The Trlbuni-. New-York. EnteiUln-in( ai.d unhctsillv cnmpllroeutta br the »reM.

Baitri... ani. Dro'i.n.

Kissam, Whitney & Co.,Bankers and Broker.,

17 mtoto srriKKT. mim,*. m ii.mivc.TNTF.I'.I-.KT A_f,oivj.:i) >N DEPOftlT AC-OOHT. -*'*.-

JKCJ TO DIlAri' AT MdllT. U-VKRXM-NT. aiTATK.M-NICTFALAND RAILROAD bKCUKITIK- BOUd-T;;;N:,i',;*',!L*.,-1_."1i.,JAS,H °l- *JVos mauuin. branchOfrPICE, 42DST. AND FAKK-AV-.

_Dim..n. -Vot'cesCENTRAL RAII_RO\I)C. .'r.'. .\ V OK NI..V JK1*_TeV.

110 LIBERTY-ST.,A-..,..,.,.,, .VEW-VORK, April 13th, 1801.DIVIDLM) of 0NJ2 AM) A HALF por

-. %'*. ha* Ul19 *»* bee-i d.cla.ed. parable M*y l»t['_'« i_._.e ******* bookh uil b" closid irom Satuiday.the 18>h inat., tlil Saturdav, Mav Oth.

_j. W. WATSON, Treaaurer.


NEW-TORK. AprU 3. 1«01.

fpllK BOARD OF D1RJ-CTOR8 of this Com--¦- pxny have, declared a quarterly dlvldend of one and

8118 tnartSl (lt*) per cent on tlia Preferred Capltal Stoclt,**9*a** ot thi* oniee on and aftor May 1, 1.01, to stoc--hoidrrs of record on that dat -.

Tho ti-c*fer book* wUl be closed at 3 o'elock p. m..April 15, 1801, and reopened at 10 o'elock a. B-, May -,

1891._K. T. NIC1IOL-. S.*crc-Ury.

THE BOOK OF OPF.N-AIR SI'ORTS, octavo. 800 pa-ee.Iliii>t!»i"d. Tho -tandaid autlior.tr on Amerlc»n ODen-alr amu*phi.-nu. Rule* for salllng, swlmmlna, ball plav-__-, *hoot.ng. horaaba.ic rldlna. *C. -<... In full. 81 o*r<<py. l'-iMUlnd br The Trlbunt'. Ncw-York. Entcrtaln-Ing and universaily compUiaanted by tho pre*a.

"Proposals.CONTRACTORS and Manufiicturors will lind*<J pririosa'i .idvertiaeinenUi ot Nation*. 1, btata* audMnnlrioal authorttles and of luilldln. couimltt".*. a* wellaa In.portant ***** ot projectrd woru. ln all nnrts of thol i.It-l Statea an1 C-tnada, not el*"H_rre pjiviou.-Iy pul>-llahed. In Tlllu BNGINU-RINQ RKCORD (prior to 1887Tho Baaltarjr Eorraeen, New-York. hold by leallughewadcal ra everywhete,_I> HOFO^AL- FOR l.NLMAN SUFFL1LS ANDA TllANSl'ORlAlIo.N.-Department of the interlor,oi_.-e of indian Aftuhs, WaohinRtmi, Anrll 4, lS'.tl.-Sealedpropoaala, indor-.d .¦ Propoaala nr Beef. ,blds for Beefi. u-t ba eubmltted in teparate envalopea), iiaeon, VI***,C'lothlng, or Tranaportation, ete.," ,«* tno ea*o may be),iniU 1.(1-00*4 to the Coniini«4-lon-*r of lnUlan Atfalr*. BJee. UAand o: Woo<iter-*t., New-York. wul b" reeeived until lp. m. of Tuewiny, Mav 5, 1801. for furn'.*nli.|* for thoIndian Barrtee abonl bno.ooo pound* Bacon. tfi.oon.ooopounds Ilwf on tlie hoof, LCOO.OOO pounda »,.( Beef, :.00.00')pounda Beane, si.ooo pound* Bakinrr l'nwder, 2, 100,000pounds Corn, 5iO,0.:0 pounda Uoffeo, Mi oon.ooo po.iudiFlour. no.coo pounda Feed, 00,000 pound* Hard iir>'_d.¦10,000 pounda lion:tnv, 30.000 poujuu Lard, o""o bar ei*Mea* I'orK, 96,000 p..iMc|-i Oatmeal. hOO.000 pounda <>ats,110,000 ponnd* Ki<-*, 22,000 pounda Tea, lif.ix1) pound*Course bait, Iuo,000 pomni-. Un8 Balt, -00,04*0 iioimdaboap, 1,100,000 pounds 8ug_r, nnd 412.000 pounda Wheat.Also, Blaukete. W»oien aiid (.ottnn (looda (ronalsting lupart of Xlcklnfi, 17.000 rarda; -tandard ''nico. 100,000ya.-Us; Di-iilliis, 22.000 viirds: Ducu, frc: fiom all »mnf,34.000 vi,rv... Donlma, -0.000 yards: Ulnoliam, 3ao,(KHirarda* Kentuek* Jaana, 11,1x10 yard*: cvviot. 20.0(H)Mird*; lliown -.hOCtlnK. 230,000 -.a.tt-; Uleaclod Slieet-ln. 48,000 yarda; MP-'iorv shirtln,, 15,000 ymd*; CalleoMilitln., _.i*m, viirds; VYlneey, 4,000 >ard>) C'lothlng.«.r.ri".s, Kotlona, Hardware, Medleal Buppilea, HchoolIlooks, ete.. aml a loiii l!'t of mlacelianoous aitiele*. »uch.* Uarnaaa, Plowa, ltaii"*. .'ork*. ata., und for about675 Wagolis i..,vilrru tor tne srrM.'", t,. -¦¦ drilv.-rwl ».;Chleago, K.-in-ii* City.-und blo"x <lty. Also for .uchWagon* a* mav t>e "ieo,iilrt.l. ;idapt..-d to tlie ellmat.* ofthe Pacinc Coast, wltn Callfomla hra.':r» deUvered atS-in Praatlaco. Alao. truu*ia«rt.itlon for »uch of th" ar-tlclea, e and aupplles tnat may not be co'itrieted forto b« dellverad at tha Aa-enelea. bi<n nmat be I'.^ct.- ont00 Uovemment bianks. srhcdule* .-ho.vin;. tho kind.-. amlqnantltlea of tuD»uteuee -.uppii-* leqiilied fcr t-a.-h A«.*ncyaad llchaol, a.,<i ihe hlnd* and quantdttM la aroM of allother ciod* and artlelea, together wun ulan!: pr..po*al*.condition* to tv ob*erved by l.ldiicr-. time and pla-" ofttellv.'ry, term* of rontraet iind payaMnt, tran»p.>rt_tlan

and all other neceaaary in-tniction-. »iu b" t*t-iilshed uix.Ti appllcatlon to th- InUlai. OHKO ln Wa.hlng-ton, or Nm. .).', anu .)," \Voo*t<'r-*t.. New-Vorl.; th" 4oni-ini*-:i,ie* of t»ub*latence. 17. s. A., at Cherenne, ChK-aeo,Lcaveinvoith, omahu, Balnt l/<>.ils. salnt l'aul. and **:ui

Fraaclaco; tlie l*i..tir.a-.to>s at 8lou- Cltv, lowa; Vank-ton, s. Dakota; Arkanaa* City, Ualdwell, Topeka, andWUhlta, liansa*.. and .oeaan, Ai-Uona. The rlgnt is re-*ervcd by tho Uovemment t. rtject any and uil bids, orany part of anr i,!d, and th,-«o proposal- a,0 Invltnl undOfurovlso tliat ai.'.roprtatlon *hall lx* made for the auppllO*by Congre**. Bl. wUl be oiiem-d at the honr and dayabovi- ttatCd, and bl'lile.s a;c Invft.-d fo be ])r.*ient ut the¦ipenlnp. Ceitini'd cheeka..A11 bid* muat b" a"e>nip.inl".l-¦\ eertlflpd chcef.* o- draft* upon *ome Uuitoi f-tutesllenohitorv or tlio Flrat Natlonal B»nH ol san KruncUco,Col., for at I, a-t 0 per cent Of tho amount of the propo*al.T. J. MOH.IAN, Iommlaalonar._P I.oi'OHALS FOR ARMY 8UPPLIE8.-Offlce1 Purch.*lng and d o: c'ommlssarv. Armv Bullding, Xo.80 Whltehall-at., New.Yoi. Cltv, Anrll 16. 1W11. SK.iLI.DPROPOB4._ I.. trlpllcate, sublect to th.- uaital condition*.will I." reeeived »t thi* nfn.v untu 1 *< o'cloek a. m. on

lay, April ¦::>. 1~\>L f,.r furni-hln. Boeh rmpptlea **

may be r.-quin-d bv :he Sub*l*tence peoartmen*. Lii.tedArmy. Bt'BBISTEXCE STORI-M. ba-on. PMB,

green corn, farollv ti.-. tobaceo. *e.. *<*.. *¦. Bi n-SISTEXI C I*,;.'l'litTV.lnfomation ln gch.d'ilc li.*t. preferenen iflven to all aitiel** of dom^-tlc oroductlon nndtnanufactiir.*: for auch detail* see aehcdule. Informatlonwlth condition*. llst of iirtb'le*. ouontlti ¦-. kind. modcaof p.i"klng. te., obMlM.'d at this otllco. The rlL-ht - re--,- \ il t, r,*jr"t anv or a'l propoaala. Envplon-*-* .'oiir.nln.Ing blda ihould i.- marked "PronoBala for Sunelstenee Sup.

opened Anrll -..',. 1801." and addwaaad to tin* umlcr-»lgned ... I'.r.i.i,, A. C"q. 8.. u. B. A._


po^als, inuor^ed, ..1'rnpo-ial* for 4 oui for Uie Navy *. ard.Va., to he opened April 28. 1801." will h, reeeived

Ht the nn.,-11 of I'rovl.Inn- and < lothlnit. Navv D"|»artnie:it,Waaniiigton, D. ... untll lt.' o'cloek, noon, April 28, 1801.and ii'iiiiMv opened Iminedtate!) thereafter, to fur.ii-h utthe Norfolk Navv V.ird S.000 tona t'lf:nilriou* eoll. Ihocoil muat COnlorm to th" N*w -tumlard and pa-*a th" uaualna\al iii-peetioii. Blank propoMl* «iu be nirnlshed uponapnlleatleu t.. the Commandant of th" Nmy lard. th" *4_v~PaV Oillce. Norfolk, Vn.. or t:) the Bureau. Tle blda, nllother thUiga belng equal, decided by lot. The Department

* :.i" rlphl to ivalve dpfect* oi- to rrje.-t anr or alli,,i. not ii,.,-' advanUgeou* 10 the Govemment. !_».S\ IN s n-.\\ A KT, l*v ma »--r-. ient r 1! C, S, Navy._i. ROFOSALSFOR STAT10NKRY.-W»r De-1 iwrtfnent. Waahlngtoo. D. C, A.prtl 12. I801.-S"aieduropoani-, iu duplleato, wUl be reeeived at thi* ofHce untll,-' .,',,, d, PR1BAY, MAV. IV 1801, for CunUhlngStitionerv for ihe War Pe.,art:rent su'd Its Bureau* lnWa.ahli.aton during the -.*eal year ending Juno so. 1S92.B'ank form* of propoaala. *howlne th" ltonw and oatliou-ntitiea renulred, will be fomlabcd on ._viili"atinii to m,i*.v,,. Blda will be ronaldi red on eaeh ltPrnpoanla mu«-t bo Indorned on tba ont Ide ofthe envelopf

-il« for BtaUonery," and addresiicd to M. R.TH^RP, Supply Dlvltlon._DROFOSALS FOR FRESH B_EF, OflicoI A. C. 8.. Wlllets Point. N. V. II Hareh 21, y*\rr.Bealed propo**'*, In trlpllcate, inbjeet to the nw-J e-__u-tiona, wlU be r.Ived -.t tht* offlce untll 13 o'cloek noon,Mondav. Apr!l 80. 1801, and 0i*s**ed *****>**^*£Jg:

,1. iii'id.r. for fuiniahing and dellverlnf ***** ,hi.. r renu-red by the Subaletcnce Department. 1 ?.._¦«_,at Wllfeti Point N. v. H.. for laane ******. *'(**diirln" tiie fi«al vear coomeni'liiL' July 1. ly1-, ,,.**"wiala muat b- ncloaed In ***_led enyelo|*«H marked "Jfn.

r fr-.h beef." and tAinuti w tne under-..'i'lie (lov.-rnr nit ie*.-rv"- the right to reject all or anyno' Full informatlon can bi obtalned by.apollca.t oTto thi* offlce. <iHO. A. Z1VX, Ueute_8nl ot __.

Clne»rs. A. C. B.^_


NORWICH LINEV»w.Loui'o*-l Noi«'!'. 0- »; Wor.-*_l.r,8'-; Bo»-n.83.sTKvMLi'Vl'av.- I'l.'l- .<-. XORTH K-V>>1_., iiP-ttPIFP ABOVE.li.l*_UO-i--l--_-bT. F-UIBT. DAlLV (Sua-&a^4tc5»w/-W_!m.. tlcheu and lJ»__rooma 8_j"Tuwd it_ji«B*e.8_ oi-cea ln Ncw-York. BrooiUyn andjci.yy City._:__,-.

STOXnCTO**/ LI.\E.lNblDl, UOl IL. A-L lAKl.S KKllbLED.UO-sTON. 8a.00| PKOVIIltACK, »'-".->.

_.attcausn leati now I'ler 80, ». *%, ono iboi abova

Canal-*t., at 6 p. m. daliy._excc|it_Sundiy.a LUANY BOATS. I'LOl'LL'a LINE,A St-.mers DRKW and DEAN BICHMOND leavo old

PlTr 41 N 11. foot Canal br.. at 0 P. M. daily. bu-day.excepted. bta'.o-rooin* warmed._ ,


r.vv¦*-'¦. n ft.. at n P. M._Cni-'

I- or KINOSTON aivi Intei»-di8te LandinRsi Stea-.'-r- JAMES V.'. 11AI.DW1N and WILLIAM

1- pjSmEII DAI-Y at 4 o'cloek. hot* faot of Wcstifkh-t.. ***** *£*:.


.*** ****._

Nr.\ -ii \\']..\.-'-toaiBcri loavo i'eck Slipil'ler 28." E- II.) at 3 i>. m. and 11 p. m._(*_*i*id*y» ex.

tep._d____rr_.__n(______im^_L_^_TROY R0AT8 City ol Troj or ciaraton loavo

Pler 40 N. P... foot Weat lorh-at.. dallv. ******Sotui.f. 0 P .''¦ Bunaay ateame touehaa at Albany.

$.> CHl TO BOSTON for liist-clas*. liiiii'^-i*}»S)<1 -Bt* ¦:--.-.; leed 1 I FALL RIVF.fl

1 iM- Bteamai*. PLYMOUTH and lii.'.l'.l.M ln eom-Leave n w-York from Plee C*<. N'. ll.. foot of

Mnrrar-at. dl 0 *>0 p. m. Con.m .tion by Annex beat fr m Broohlyn at 4:30, Jersey City4 .! n: An orehe-tra on earh -te»mer.

fflnsual 3n*-trn!iicat_.

AI* ASSOBTMENT of *eernd.hand drand, Uprlght. andsqua-e I'Uno* of our ma.e. in Deif-ot couiitlon and

fully warranteii. Al*o a nurr.ber of »eeoud-Uand Pl*nv4*«I olhcr primin^nt in»K*r» at very low prleea.

Wll. KNAUK Ar CO.,14S .1TII.AVE- .

NEAR-0Tll-_r.. XEW.rOS..




UTH STREET TH_ATR_, N«ar Cth-ave.Evary nt.h' Matlncs Wid. aud Sat

l'caervcd Beat*. On-h.-arra Cirelo and B*lcouy, 60c.KCaervea c ^ y p ,, p n yin KK11RY OQW. __

X *it week-Murpl.y ln Shaun Rhue._

CCcctnr.s ano i.Uetiii9«.

0_T:_nSA^OLLl .1; 1.:


Owlng to Dr. II M. L-ipxlger'* Indlapoaitlon no lecture

In thla eourss wlU bo dellverr- on April 18.

bETn LOW, LL. D.,PrOBi8._B


y|ADlb0T^LrAIli^AlfrDt^.last week iitT oxi:. . .Exhlbltiog In llru-.Mui ... Almiday. AuM 27. at fstrsv

u>aa snd Hal .v »t». ....».,TIIE UEANDUsl' allOW EVER OROANE&ED.20.000 DELIUHTED PEOPLE DAILY.


GRLATE&T S11UVV ON EAlJiTLOVERFL.-oW.NU uutaE-s at ovtry I'lMUotlMANCE.URLATLoi' UllUW ItAANL'Al A.\l> UAlL-i L*'Ei*

PRI.SENIED.1 King., 2 Elevatod bLanei. Raclnf TracB,

'2 jleiiagertci, 2 llcrtl- of ^,1. pnouM,2 l)r.,ves of CaincU, My«tify!ng Eiu-.on.,10cj C.rcus I', rtorme.-s, 100 Aii.aiing A, ts.Au Entlru Wor.J of .Martili.g l-'tstures,

To.Bti.er wltn the i.rat.d bpoctscle ofNERO;

OR, THE DESTiUcilON OP ROME.IMRE KlitAi.iV, Author, lytrector, snd rrodaoar.

Attuiliy 1,200 Character. In t*e Ca.t.300 i.rii-oiul JIsllH uirU. 400 Aetora

Chariot..¦¦.r». lt.m aa Soldler., Senator*. ae.Maff.iin.ent PiiHtaoU. Costly Co*tumea,

Rsr.. A.iimaU. Armor. weapo:.; devteas, *t.Y. T. UARNIM .nd J. A. BAlLE*i,f eaual owa«ra.

TWO PKRI'.iUMAM 1..S DAILY,at 2 and * p. m. D.ors ojieii at 1 and 7 p. m.

NO FREE TICKETS T« ANY OXE.Admission, 60 ccnt. V2Qih and 2ith »t. daors). Chii.

dren und-r 9 .e»r«, 25 cenU. Reserved sea.. BI aiH#1 50. Private" boxos, ai, »0, and 012, according to nuui-

ber of »eaw and locatlou.Uox offlce open from 0 a. m. to 0 p. m. aauy._



LKOFOLD (i O D O W S E Y. IXAs8lsted bv M.ss'eM.MA HECKLK. -Sopraao.

Full partleular. ln future advertlaopicnta.




Open day & evo'B, COLLECTION. I Admission.i hundaj affns. COLLEOTION. J 50 centaAt the eoocluslon of this cxhlbltlou the entire collsvuoe

wlll be sold at auction._V'-CENfTX LiGEHM.A* THF.ODORM TIIOMA&-S LAST C0NC.-.RT,

To-morrow evonina;, April 10. l.iwl. the followlngdl.tiiiBi.lsin-d \o,al ancl lii.trumeuUl nololsts will sppeartMUe. CLEMENTJ N'K DE VERE. Prlm* Donna bopraao.

Mlss MAUD POWKLI.. Vlollnlsl.Miss ADKI.E Al--. DBR OHB, Planl.t.Slgnor 1TALO CAMI'ANIM. T.-nor.

rilgnor ImiSEPPE DEL PUENTE, Hvltone.Seats .nd boxes can now be securvd a: ttaJM omcav

Lenox Lyceum, whieh Is open dally 8:80 to 6 :»0.



AMHLRU TllhAll'K. Irvin'.' PL* lStFlt.Tod.y, Katlaea: streltm.n'i. "Poor Jonsthan.' Bv«a>

liiK: "Die .Somie." Monday: Streltmann. "Hedermaua...e>duv: 'iM. s.iiiie.' Wcdtifsday (ftr»t timo thU

Streltm.ni.. "Se.-en huablana,"K«50Kl.i N lil.'LIfVKMONIC.




REQCEST~Tr.O,;ilAMMESvmDhony Xo. S. n mlnor (uutliililied)..... .Sehtin-rBl..ne Faust UuM-rturo.*?¦?*"?*Marche Fiinebro .i_____'Ui.Cl.upuiAclapted for or, he->tra bv lheodJM TI)on.a«.Symphony No. 7, A u.ajor. op. 1)2.lieethovea

Tleket. and reserved seat. at F. H. CH.VNDLER'S, 800Fufteoaa___________^_^_^I> R(\\DVVAV TUllATKK. Cor. 4lst-afc.

£VENINOS AT 8....MATINEE SATPRDAY AT 3,a*'*" iv.nw in aARDOlPaDAVENTf jRT '. i * CLEOPA'l'HA._

IJl.U TilLATKi:, lirooidWBJ, ncir 30t!i-s»Every nlaht Matlnee. Wednesday ar.d Saturday.

"Tlio funnleu of all funny perfonnanic^."NAT. C. (JUOOWINNAT. C. OOODWIN

In tho j'liliest of lar,e L.n.edle»,THE NOMINEE.TBE NOM1NEE._


va. MAMIA'ITA.N A. C ,

Game 8:45 p. m._Adn.lssion 25 eents.^r\rjlNU. 1-liO ..I .'.'. ;il,<l a'.lth-st.

Evenlng. .t 8.1:*.^ ^MaBiaae Ta4ay at 2.


Adml.slon, 50 cent*. Seati on aale one month ah.-ad...- Al'itil. ::3lii. "AN»< AL FLORAL M'llli."

liUOiil I'bUUOKMANCE OF X'Uhi Oi'LitA.Haia af -at. now progroymg._m

DiLTS. Maiineo Tn-riay at 2.aly'S. to-nk;ht f/VBCtUALUt AE 8.

*5.: 8upport"d by1 MISS R0S1NA VOKES, : FF.Ll.v MOlfiilS,x.*

AND BBB LONDON COMKDY COMPANY.At 9 o'cloek."A OAMr. 'ii . vl.DS."vt 0 oVlc.'k."WXU AND OOW.N."At 10 oc.ock'.."THE HOlv.il I-IAMUNI-.'Jr^AliDh.N' Tili..\TJ;i.. SESinee To-day at '.<\_J MADI80N.AVE. AN1> *;TII-S'\Mr. T. H. FRENCH.Manairaa


"Tiir; (AitMVAi. ai NICE.""TIIF BRIDAL <TJA.Ml!l'.i:> OF THE MARQt'IS."

¦TIIK CL0I8TEB8 OF TIIE DLfE LAlill^Ji.'._/1BANU Ol'LKA UOISfcVJI Rsaervai S"ats.Orchestra Clrcle ind Baleoar-aOe.EWEvgilnf. mxKV. _*£&

Next week.w. J. sca.nl.vn. in Byle. Aro-,...Next Bunday, --C.loiad,., tlie Backixin.- of Uie Republlc."

Cr inwell.



MATLNEE TO-DAY.i, tte'a Boaring Coruedy!Dlrcctl il. o! Ct,as. Fr

11 35TH-ST. AND OTH-AVE -m w iianlky.aianagsa,





C\ OLl 34BI ri Tfica,!.'. I*i5tl k\ '.ox.-uvc./ J. K. UNCLE JOB; or,


_* x..xt v.eek-ROSE CUOHLAN._jg-Qbl'EK fc bUL'S. .Mats. Mon.. Wed., Sat.

f CARMICNCITA_Istept. &____j)_o, DiRi-h Qaiv. ..''. Wartcnbcrga


[flrst t'nie in A..e:ia ln ,,,-tiii:,,-m n uriDi AND fClNi} 1 ."-.ARl-v :.

.: 8lS hLads and y6uno iibabK _Uv...Id^Sr^/ ^n^l^^^^'-rwor^''' JOTSg^gj^l^^^aiXEE SATURDAY, »,

E\V PARK THEATRE,Rrisid.rav and 3..thst,

13TH WDLa^ND^?0NTI^E&.0OCBfB 0»

"{MLSiiTfLV ta


F.vetiiny. s*. 8:l">. MatlneesTO-DAY AND THCRSDAY Al 2:1 ..

N [BLO'a Mat. r.Oc, Pu-served flaMBLIBLO'S. To-day. 50c, Orch.-Or. A BftaJ



Mr. Charles Frolin.an pr> aeota a company, of comcdlaas I*WM. t.ll.Ll-T. I. s Jlli,.

T MK. WILKINSON'S WID<nVS. ^__XMa't1.m'.I'.> I" Dil AND WEDXEhilAY.

PALMEB'S THEATRE. Bpgins at 8,,._____--x iarewellMR. & UBS. KKND.VL.

__'_._,.x App**ar«nef .

This Sstnrdsy Mi.tlnoe-WealBer Sax. Thl. SataiirUj, Eveolnf-QUEI S a 8HILLI.NO.

vi \T it-ar'w^ll. WEEK: Mooday Ti.es-lsy «nd fst-.nds, v'. ...J W-d ,-s.l.^ Matln-e-lUONM\SrEit W.d^

iritAP Oi PAPER. Thufsdav. K.idsj-MO.N KYlER and t'NCLE'B WILL. hat. Mat-(JUEEN'ffS111LLixb! Seatsjecured for any ot the abov«.


Beai.s st 8 liO. Ovr sl 10:55....."*...." Mr. AUOUtaTUB TIIOMaS'S**.'" aN- tharmlng Amerlean Play,

ENOIlMOt'S : X .j .1.411¦'. ' X.bCCcLBSl ^ ALALAMA. j

"".'it"oue-Vit to llve snd »y« .eea by cverybody wao lovaf

"¦jm.A^^ad'Mi'liiBe Ot "ALAilAMA."




ADMISSION. 50c. OALLF.R1 '.'5c.Bcglns st 8. o\er at 10:40._Matints batiirdaj

2TAM)AKD.ooly matlnee Saturday.

U. & I.,the great lauzhlng fsttlval





rTMt).NS(jlAHE'iTirr.'A?rRE J Sl HfOlgrU Ca-s^MTrHWY MAT.N.;t. April li,Funnlest of nll l-'sr> eCn.oliea.