Gross Anatomy (lower limb)

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  • 8/7/2019 Gross Anatomy (lower limb)


    Gross Anatomy #15 & 16 Gluteal Region & Thigh1) Which of the following muscles is NOT a hip flexor?a) Iliacusb) Psoas majorc) Gracilis

    d) Rectus femorise) Sartorius2) Which of the following muscles is the longest in the body?a) IliacusGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 32 of 45b) Psoas majorc) Gracilisd) Rectus femorise) Sartorius3) Which of the following adductors of the thigh is innervated by the obturator

    nerve aswell as the sciatic nerve?a) Adductor longusb) Adductor magnusc) Adductor brevisd) Pectineuse) Gracilis4) Which of the following muscles does NOT attach to the pubic ramus near thepubictubercle?a) Gracilisb) Pectineusc) Adductor brevis/longusd) Adductor magnuse) Sartorius5) Which of the following is NOT enclosed in the femoral sheath within thesubinguinalhiatus?a) Femoral veinb) Femoral arteryc) Femoral nerved) Femoral lymph nodes6) Which of the following makes up the roof of the femoral triangle?a) Inguinal ligamentb) Sartoriusc) Adductor longusd) Tensor fascia latae) Pectineusf) Iliopsoas

  • 8/7/2019 Gross Anatomy (lower limb)


    7) Which of the following does NOT leave the femoral triangle through thesaphenoushiatus?a) Lacuna lymphaticab) Great saphenous vein

    c) External pudendal arteryd) Superficial epigastric arterye) Superficial circumflex iliac artery8) Femoral hernias are more commonly seen in women.a) Trueb) False, inguinal canal hernias are more commonly seen9) What muscle makes up the lateral border of the femoral triangle?a) Inguinal ligamentb) Sartoriusc) Adductor longusd) Tensor fascia lata

    Gross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 33 of 45e) Pectineusf) Iliopsoas10) Which of the following is NOT a branch of the external iliac artery?a) Obturator arteryb) Popliteal arteryc) External pudendal arteryd) Deep femoral arterye) Superficial circumflex iliac artery11) Which of the following arteries forms an anastamotic ring around the femoralneck?a) Artery of ligamentum capitis femorisb) Descending geniculate arteryc) Ascending branch of medial circumflex femoral arteryd) Ascending branch of lateral circumflex femoral arterye) Perforating femoral arteries (I, II, III)12) Which of the following arteries is NOT matched correctly with its origin fromthelumbar plexus?a) Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve, L1b) Genitofemoral nerve, L1-2c) Lateral curaneous femoral nerve, L1-2d) Femoral nerve, L2-4e) Obturator nerve, L2-413) What nerve innervates the gluteus maximus muscle?a) Superior gluteal nerveb) Inferior gluteal nervec) Obturator nerved) Femoral nerve

  • 8/7/2019 Gross Anatomy (lower limb)


    e) Genitofemoral nerve14) What nerve innervates the gluteus minimus muscle?a) Superior gluteal nerveb) Inferior gluteal nervec) Obturator nerve

    d) Femoral nervee) Genitofemoral nerve15) Which of the following potentially absent muscles can be found on theposteriorabdominal wall?a) Palmaris longusb) Plantarisc) Peroneus tertiusd) Pyrimidalise) Psoas minor16) Which of the following muscles does NOT attach (insert) onto the greater

    trochanter?a) Piriformisb) Gluteus maximusc) Gluteus mediusd) Gluteus minimusGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 34 of 4517) Which muscle (muscle tendon) can be found between the superior andinferiorgemellus muscles?a) Quadratus femorisb) Obturator externusc) Obturator internusd) Piriformise) Gluteus medius18) Which of the following muscles does NOT attach (originate) onto the ichialtuberosity?a) Gracilisb) Biceps femorisc) Semitendinosusd) Semimembranosus19) Pes anserinus (gooses foot) is a term for the facial nerve as well as the leg.Regarding the leg, which of the following muscles does NOT attach to the pesanserinus(superficialis)?a) Sartoriusb) Gracilisc) Semitendinosusd) Semimembranosus20) Which of the following describes the root levels of the sciatic nerve?

  • 8/7/2019 Gross Anatomy (lower limb)


    a) L4-S1b) L4-S3c) L5-S2d) S1-S3e) S2-S4

    21) Which of the following is most likely to be compressed by the piriformismuscle(piriformis syndrome)?a) Posterior cutaneous femoral nerveb) Superior gluteal nervec) Inferior gluteal nerved) Pudendal nervee) Sciatic nerveGross Anatomy #17 Bones of the Lower Limb

    1) Which of the following best describes the femoral angle of inclination seen inyoung

    children?a) 190 degreesb) 145 degreesc) 126 degreesd) 120 degreese) 90 degrees2) Which of the following hip bone (innominate) landmarks is used to determineat whatlevel a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) should be performed?a) Acetabulumb) Greater sciatic notchGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 35 of 45c) Pubic symphysisd) Posterior superior iliac spinee) Iliac crest3) Which of the following bones has a surface called sustentaculum tali?a) Talusb) Cuboidc) Calcaneusd) Naviculare) CuneiformGross Anatomy #18 & 19 Leg & Foot1) Which of the following is the strongest pronator of the foot?a) Tibialis anteriorb) Extensor digitorum longusc) Extensor hallucis longusd) Peroneus longuse) Peroneus brevis2) Triceps surae is the strongest plantar flexor of the foot and is comprised of the

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    gastrocnemius and the:a) Plantarisb) Tibialisc) Soleusd) Peroneus

    e) Popliteus3) Which of the following muscles originates near the knee, has a small belly,and has along tendon, which may be mistaken for a nerve?a) Plantarisb) Tibialisc) Soleusd) Peroneuse) Popliteus4) Which of the following fascial compartments is most likely to have minorcompartment syndrome seen in athletes or during a workout?

    a) Posterior compartment of the armb) Anterior compartment of the armc) Posterior compartment of the legd) Lateral compartment of the lege) Anterior compartment of the leg5) Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the tibial nervea) Triceps suraeb) Tibialis posteriorc) Popliteusd) Extensor hallucis brevise) Flexor hallucis longus6) Which of the following is NOT a border of the popliteal fossa?a) Biceps femorisGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 36 of 45b) Semimembranosusc) Semitendinosusd) Gastrocnemiuse) Soleus7) Which geniculate artery supplies most of the cruciate ligaments?a) Medial superior geniculate arteryb) Lateral superior geniculate arteryc) Median geniculate arteryd) Medial inferior geniculate arterye) Lateral inferior geniculate artery8) What landmark can be used to find the dorsalis pedis artery for palpation?a) Medial to extensor hallucis longus tendonb) Lateral to extensor hallucis longus tendonc) Posterior to medial malleolusd) Posterior to lateral malleolus

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    e) Superior to medial malleolus9) Which of the following describes the neurovascular structures of the poplitealfossafrom lateral to medial?a) Vein, artery, nerve

    b) Vein, nerve, arteryc) Nerve, artery, veind) Nerve, vein, arterye) Artery, nerve, vein10) What nerve accounts for sensation between the first two toes?a) Suralb) Deep peronealc) Medial plantard) Superficial peroneale) Tibial11) Which of the following is innervated by the lateral plantar nerve?

    a) Abductor hallucisb) Flexor hallucis longusc) Quadratus planaed) Flexor digitorum brevise) Lumbricles12) Which of the following form the plantar arch?a) Lateral plantar artery and deep medial plantar arteryb) Lateral plantar artery and superficial medial plantar arteryc) Anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial arteryd) Dorsalis pedis artery and peroneal arterye) Medial malleolar artery and lateral plantar arteryGross Anatomy #20 Articulations (Lower Limb)

    1) Which of the following joints of the lower limb has a zona orbicularis?a) Sacroiliacb) Hip jointGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 37 of 45c) Knee jointd) Ankle jointe) Tarsometatarsal joints2) Which of the following hip ligaments is the strongest ligament in the body?a) Iliofemoralb) Ishiofemoralc) Pubofemorald) Liagementum teres capitis femoris3) Which of the following is attached to the medial meniscus?a) Tibial collateral ligamentb) Fibular collateral ligamentc) Anterior cruciate ligamentd) Posterior cruciate ligament

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    e) Ligamentum patellae4) Which of the following attaches from the lateral surface of the medial femoralcondyleto the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia?a) Tibial collateral ligament

    b) Fibular collateral ligamentc) Anterior cruciate ligamentd) Posterior cruciate ligamente) Medial meniscus5) Excessive anterior displacement of the tibia on the femur indicates damage towhich ofthe following?a) Tibial collateral ligamentb) Fibular collateral ligamentc) Anterior cruciate ligamentd) Posterior cruciate ligament

    e) Medial meniscus6) When the knee is flexed, the ____ are relaxed and the ____ are taut.a) Cruciate ligaments; Collateral ligamentsb) Collateral ligaments; Cruciate ligamentsc) Cruciate ligaments; Meniscid) Menisci; Collateral ligamentse) Collateral ligaments; Menisci7) When ones legs are bent out laterally at the knee (bowlegged) it is describedas:a) Genu valgumb) Genu rectumc) Genu varum8) Which of the following is NOT a component of the deltoid ligament?a) Anterior tibiotalar ligamentb) Posterior tibiotalar ligamentc) Tibionavicular ligamentd) Tibiocalcaneal ligamente) Calcaneofibular ligament9) Damage at the Lisfranc joint line is seen in automobile accidents, militarypersonnel,runners, and contact sports. What joint line is this?Gross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 38 of 45a) Calcaneocuboid jointb) Ligamentum bifurcatumc) Intermetatarsal jointd) Tarsometatarsal jointe) Subtalar joint10) Laxity in which of the following ligaments would most lead to pes planus(flatfoot)?

  • 8/7/2019 Gross Anatomy (lower limb)


    a) Long plantar calcaneocuboidb) Short plantar calcaneocuboidc) Plantar calcaneonaviculard) Calcaneofibulare) Deltoid

    Gross Anatomy #21 Clinical Correlations (Lower Limb)1) Which of the following scenarios would most likely cause a posterior femoralheaddislocation?a) Falling 5 metes and landing on your feetb) Falling 5 meters and landing on your backsidec) A head-on car accident with your knees hitting the dashboardd) Being tackled from the side by an American football playere) A forceful kick to the back of the thigh during a soccer game2) Which of the following ligaments is NOT usually associated with an unhappytriad

    or terrible triad knee injury, seen in American football when a lateral force isplaced onthe knee while the foot is fixed and externally rotated?a) Anterior cruciate ligamentb) Tibial collateral ligamentc) Fibular collateral ligamentd) Medial meniscus3) A patient presents after being struck with a beer bottle to the lateral portion oftheknee. Examination reveals foot drop. What nerve is likely damaged?a) Sciatic nerveb) Tibial nervec) Femoral nerved) Obturator nervee) Peroneal nerve4) Pott fracture is an archaic term used to describe an injury where an eversionforce isapplied while the foot is abducted and externally rotated, such as during an

    Americanfootball tackle. Which of the following is/are fractured in this type of injury?a) Tibiab) Fibularc) Medial malleolusd) A & Ce) B & C5) What cutaneous innervation level covers the anterior knee?a) L1b) L2c) L3Gross Anatomy Part 1 Quiz

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    Version: 13Jul2008 Page 39 of 45d) L4e) L56) What cutaneous innervation level covers the back of the thigh and leg?a) S1

    b) S2c) S3d) S4e) S57) What cutaneous innervation level covers the big toe?a) L1b) L2c) L3d) L4e) L58) The superficial vein that is found on the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus

    is the:a) Small saphenousb) Poplitealc) Great saphenousd) Anterior tibiale) Posterior tibial9) A patient presents with pain down the lateral side of the left calf, decreasedsensationon the skin between the 1st and 2nd toes, and weakness on heel walking. Themost likelycord level compromised is:a) L4b) L5c) S1d) S2e) S310) A patient presents with decreased patellar reflex and weakness on hip flexionagainstresistance. The most likely compromised nerve is the:a) Obturatorb) Femoralc) Tibiald) Surale) Common fibular11) During the stance phase of gait, which of the following groups of muscleswould beleast active?a) Dorsi flexorsb) Flantar flexorsc) Hip flexors

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    d) Evertorse) Hip extensors12) Of the six actions that occur at the hip joint, which muscle group would beleastactive in providing stability to the lower extremity during the stance phase of gait?

    a) Abductorsb) AdductorsGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 40 of 45c) Flexorsd) Extensorse) Medial rotators13) Which muscle of the medial compartment of the thigh also crosses the knee

    joint?a) Adductor magnusb) Sartorius

    c) Gracilisd) Semitendinosuse) Adductor longus14) Which muscle of the anterior compartment also flexes the hipa) Articularis genub) Vastus lateralisc) Tensor fascia latad) Sartoriuse) Adductor longus15) Which muscle functions to unlock (flex) the knee from full extension?a) Vastus medialisb) Vastus lateralisc) Gastrocnemiusd) Popliteuse) Semitendinosus16) Which tendon helps to give support to both the lateral longitudinal andtransversearches of the foot?a) Tibialis anteriorb) Tibialis posteriorc) Flexor hallucis longusd) Flexor digitorum longuse) Fibularis longus17) The ability to sit down gracefully on the toilet is due in part to paradoxicalrelaxationof the:a) Gluteus maximusb) Piriformisc) Tibialis anteriord) Biceps femoris

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    e) Iliopsoas18) The part of the foot and ankle where inversion occurs is the:a) Forefootb) Midfootc) Hindfoot

    d) Medial malleoluse) Lateral malleolus19) Which muscle helps eversion of the foot but does NOT pass around thelateralmalleolus?a) Tibialis anteriorb) Extensor hallucis longusc) Fibularis brevisGross Anatomy Part 1 QuizVersion: 13Jul2008 Page 41 of 45d) Fibularis tertius

    e) Soleus20) Stroking the skin on the lateral side of the foot is activating sensory fibersfrom whichcord level?a) L4b) L5c) S1d) S2e) S321) The major blood supply of the deep structures of the foot is the:a) Dorsalis pedis arteryb) Medial plantar arteryc) Anterior tibial arteryd) Lateral plantar arterye) Popliteal artery22) The hip joint is most easily dislocated if the femur is fully:a) Flexedb) Extendedc) Adductedd) Abductede) Medially rotated23) A carpenter presents after falling three meters and landing on the balls of hisfeet. Henow complains of a sharp pain in the plantar aspect of his foot, especially on toe-off. Heprobably has contusion of which structure?a) Tendon of the abductor hallucis longusb) Sesamoid bones in the flexor hallucis brevisc) Common plantar digital nerves from the lateral plantar nerved) Fibularis longus tendon

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    e) Adductor hallucis tendon24) Spasm in which muscle is most likely to mimic sciatic pain?a) Quadratus femorisb) Piriformisc) Gastrocnemius

    d) Gluteus mediuse) Iliopsoas