\u25a0VOL .VII. , DRY GOODS. -v.:' 25 DRY G00DSI25 PER PER CENT. CENT. Discount GUSTAVE fail •'iowf<t Iff 1 ifc_ BIB Ilowest i KATES ! ?....*???.*??.. J ON ANY . ON ANY AND ALL N. W. CORNER AND ALL Dry Goods ! SEVENTH MD JACKSON Dry Goods ! and STREETS. and NOTIONS! NOTIONS! _________________ , Encouraged by the liberal .response of the public will This Week CONTINUE HIS REBATE SALE! ALLOWING 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT! on any and all Dry Goods and Notions! The discontinuance of the sale may however be looked for at an early date. It will be announced in this paper. Silks, Cashmeres, White Goods ! Velvets, Dress Goods, Table Linens! Satins, Trimmings, Towels, BARGM h EVERY DEPARTMENT! EVERY PURCHASE A BARGAIN ! SjHStore open from 8 a. in. to 9 p. m.-? Gustave Heinemann! 1ST. "W: Cor. Seventh. & Jackson Sts. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS.' t I am Still Here, and also at tlie FRONT! No 25 per cent. Inducements. No 30 per cent. Discounts. No Auction Stock. BUT A COLLECTION OP That for quality of Goods and Newness of Materials, cannot be duplicated in this city, nor offered at prices that are lower than the figures I have placed upon them. i I WON'T BE UNDERSOLD. Have now on my Counters and ready to show, the Choicest line of Summer Silks Ever Brought to St. Paul. Call and see them, you won't regret it. ENORMOUS STOCK OP New White Swisses, Mot Swisses, Figurefl Swisses, .And "White Goods Generally. THE CHEAPEST LINE OF BLACK CASHMERES i THE CITY. Astonnuing Bargains in Blact anfl Colorefl SiKs. In fact, a Bargain is given you in every yard of material you re- ceive at my store. Come and see ifthis is not true. CLARENCE 1. M_9, 384 Wabashaw street, Sunday BOOKS. This Stock is a Special lot of Books bought at a large Bankrupt Sale in New York. .... aiifl Perfect Editions GUARANTEED. I '. REMEMBER ! JS?" This Stock cannot be Replenished. Do not lose the opportunity of Seeing and Selecting from the full assortment. ONLY 39c. Best Editions of Popular Standard 12 Mos. Large clear type, good paper and handsomely bound in cloth. Publishers price .00 and .25. 8,000 COPIES. Robinson Crnsoe. Arabian Nights Entertainment, Swiss Family Robinson. . Children of the Abbey. Don Quixote. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Ivanhoe. Scottish Chiefs. « Thaddeus of Warsaw. Last Days of Pompeii. Andersen's Fairy Tales. •Jane Eyre. The Mysterious Island. Jules Verne. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Jules Verne, Tour of the World in 80 Days. Jules Verne, j Grimm's Popular Tales. Dickens' Child's History of England. Willy Keilly. .Ksop's Fables, over 100 illustrations. Oliver Twist, by Dickens. , Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper. Sketch Book, by Irving. Adam Bede, by George Eliot. Vanity Fair, by Thackeray. - ONLY 74c. Best Editions of Standard Red Line Poets. Without doubt the finest and most complete edition of the poets ever issued in this country, at 'a low price. In 12mo. volumes, illustrated, handsomely bound in cloth, richly embossed in black and gold, full giltedge. Retail price, $1.25. 750 COPIES. Arnold, (Edwin), Hemans, Aytonn, Hood, Burns, Herbert, Byron,* ' Iliad (Homer), Browning, Ingelow,* Chaucer, Keats, Campbell,' Lucille,* Cowper, Milton, . \u25a0 Crabbe, Moore,* Coleridge, Macaulay, Dante,* Meredith, Dryden, Ossian,. Eliot (George), Odyssey (Homer), Favorite Poems, Poe, Goethe,* Poetry of Flowers, Goethe's Faust, Pope, Goldsmith. Procter, Religious Poems, Rosetti (Dante), Schiller,* Scott,* Shakspeare,* Shelley, Taylor's Philip Van Ar- Tennyson,* tevald, Thomson. \ Tapper, - Virgil, White (Kirke), Willis, Wordsworth. . Books marked * are also bound in full Morocco, gilt edges, giltside and back,' Retail price $3. Only $1.18. 200 Copies Large Octavo Poets Bound in full leather .binding, illustrated with engravings, Retail price $3. Only $1.78. SHAKSPEARE. TEeYS05,BUMS,MT0S, All the American Poets, Mark Twain's Books. Mary Jane Holmes' & May Am Hem- mil's Novels. 100 Copies Dickens' Child's History of England, handsomely bound in cloth. V 25 CENTS. S. CI. DICKINSON, No. 7 Bridge . Sauare. BOOKS! IKS! BOOKS! 50,000J00KS! Dictiii's Big Miffili! GREAT Bankrupt Sale OF BOOKS! 50,000 VOLUMES OF THE— CHOICEST STANDARD LITERATURE, T—X" * 4- ' '?"*'\u25a0 History, _Fibtion, -Poetry, Biography, "Wit and. Humor, Travel and. -A_dventure, &q, &o. BOOKS INSETS! In Qd_ and Half Calf. B_i__s |-| 10 SETS ' " : MACAULAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 5 vols., half calf. \u25a0 •:. Retail price $15. Only $5.48. 25 SETS of the same, 5 vols., cloth, Retail Price $5. Only $1.79. 10 SETS GREEN'S HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH .PEO- PLE, 4 vols., half calf, Retail price $12. 'Only $5.48. 15 SETS of the same, 4 vols., cloth, Retail price $6. Only $2.98. , .. 10 SETS MCCARTHY'S HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES, 4 vols., half calf, Retail price $12. Only, $5.48. 10 SETS of the same, 4 vols., red cloth, gilt top, Retail price $5. Only $3.50. 10 SETS GIBBONS' ROMAN EMPIRE, 5 vols., cloth, Retail price $5. Only $2.88. 20 SETS GEO. ELIOT'S COMPLETE WORKS, 8 vols., red cloth, gilt top, fine edition, Retail price $12. Only $6.88. * 5- SETS DICKENS' COMPLETE.WORKS, 15 vols., half calf, illustrated, .'.•>'" .A Retail price $45. Only $19.88. _———_- 10 SETS of the same, 15 vols., cloth, illustrated, Retail Price $22.50. Only $9.65. 15 SETS SAMUEL SMILES' "Self-Help-Series," "Self- Help Duty," "Thrift and Character," 4 vols., cloth, \;:>'.' v--,v -;''-. Retail price $6. Only $2.88. Alarge selection of - FAMILY BIBLES At 50 per cent below retail price. Catholic Books and Catholic Prayer Books, And Thousands of Miscellaneous Books. 1 0. DICKINSON, No. 7 Bridge Square, ST. PAUL. ST. PAUL, MINN., SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1884. (KlnhE. SPRING GOODS. SPRING mm, 1884! MANNHEIMER BROS' Place on Sale To-morrow 50 pieces Pin stripe Summer Silks at 65c. 50 " Pin checked Summer Silks at 75c. 50 " Shaded stripe Summer Silk at 75c. 50 .. " 24-inch, All-Silk, heavy, Black Satin Brocades at $1.50; worth $2.50. 75 pieces, 22-inch, Black Grosgrain Silks, heavy and durable, at $1; worth $1.50. 75 pieces Black Grosgrains of warranted quality, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. \u25a0 New Surah Silks, including all leading shades. EST OUR Dress (Jowls Department ! WE OPKIST the most perfect line of desirable colors ever shown here-of Albartr dss Cloth, drap Veloute, Cachemere Vigogne, Roye Courtesse, Silk and Wool Plaids and Checks, Summer Camels Hair, Traver Cloth, Venetian, Tricotine, Tappeta, Merveilleux, Foule, Jersey, Imperial Serge, Battiste, Nuns Veilings and Armures in great variety of designs. We are also exhibiting late importations of French Printed Satteens, Zephyr Cloths, Seer Suckers, Linen Lawns, Zanzibar Stripes, etc., and spring assortments of .ft PARIS LISLE THREAD HOSIERY, AND COUSTAURE PARIS KID GLOVES, In street and party shades. : ; POPULAR PRICES! Ml & MINNESOTA SUETS. Out of town Orders receive prompt and careful attention. I AMUSEMENTS.' iV-ht^: ..... .. . . OLYMPLO THEATEE! Seventh Street, Near Jackson. Monday, March 3d!. v Six Nights Only! Greater Than Ever! A Mammoth Entertainment! LESLIE, HOWARD & KAINE'S Allied Attractions and Specialty Co. PROP. "WINGPIELD and his Troupe of Educated Dogs. M'LLE ALPHOUSINE in her wonderful performance on the Revolving Globe. The Great European Artists EICKERTS BROS, in their laughable and grotesque Musical Specialty. JOHNSON & LYON, American and Lancashire clog dancing, reels, jigs, etc. EDWABD LESLIE & WILLIAM DEVERE in their original act, entitled "Just from Doni»al.»' LESTER HOWARD & MISS GEORGIE KAINE in their extrava- ganza, entitled "Political Discussions" The World's Wonder, LE AIRE, in his perilous act upon the flying trapeze; also introducing his wonderful ceiling walking. 8 FRANKLINS, character change artists and vocalists. The whole to conclude with Howard & Kaine's great afterpiece, ; THE CROWDED HOTEL! Characters by the full strength of this mammoth company. in connection with the above the Emerson & West Co. remain one night longer— evening. Family Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Reserved seat tickets on sale at Merchants Hotel News stand, without extra charge. \u25a0 i ' ' CLOTHIERS. B. O. P. C. H. "We can make it to your interest to trade with us at any season of the year, particularly at this sea- son, as we are cleaning out/the balance of our winter stock at ridiculously low prices. Being 'headquarters for anything in our line. We are enabled to offer a large assortment and lower prices than smaller houses can do. We make a specialty of Chil- dren's Clothing, Latest Hats, Finest Clothing, Best Furnishing Goods. IBMM-aJR_K HOUSE Cor. Third and Robert Streets, St. PauL . BUSINESS COLLEGE. * \u25a0 . AND TBLEGRAPHIO INSTITUTE Has long since established its claims to public favor and has now entered upon its 15th year under the most favorable auspices. Send for catalogue, giving full particulars. - Cor. Third :. and Jackson , : . W. A. FADDIS, Principal. TAILORING^ I \u25a0 FI^^ T^ILOKLTSTGr. ftlWAY ft IMftM 30Eastr_irdstreet, VUlMll QCMlUil, St. Paul, Mian. DRY GOODS. HIE SUCCESS! The Inauguration of the Great. Eiitej Sale Of 11,500 Yards of HAMBURG Edgings AND IISERTIMS, RESERVE STOCK, Called lortti an Immense Concourse of People Yesterday. To-Morrow Tbe Sale Will Be NO. 02. CONTINUED, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The Best, Largest & Most . Varied Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS AND Musical Irctauise, IN Tim NORTHWEST, We guarantee lower prices, easier terms and better good* than any small dealer can possibly offer. THY 03. 148 & 150 East Third St. ___\u25a0__\u25a0__ ——— —— ——__M—_ AMUSEMENTS. Grand Opera House! L. N. SCOTT, Kasaqmb. Thursday, Friday* Saturday, MARCH 6, 7, & 8, SATURDAY MAT] .1 THE CHAXFK AUS! HENRIETTA A PRANK. RKVEKTOIBBi Thursday and Saturday, Kit, the Arkansaw Trawler. By Mr, Chanfran. Friday, - - - The Bankrupt's Wife. Saturday Matinee, - - - Isabel Vane. A new version by Mrs. Chanfrau. Sale of feats commences Wednesday, 9 a.[m. Prices Si, 75c, 50c, and 25c. Grand Opera House! ST. PAUL, .MINN, The Magnificent <))><t» Pirates of Penzance. BY TUB STILLWATER CHORAL UNION. Grand; chorus. 50 VOICES 50 ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 ! Prices: $1.00, ;."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. 50c an I 25c. Sale of reserved \u25a0eats commences Monday, March yd, B a. in., at box bfflce. The new and handsome Drop CVutai* will 1»\u25a0 exhibited on this occasion, for the :;r-i time. And iu Addition an Immense Reduction Will be Made in TABLE LINENS. It is now an established fact that |1 lie Greatest Bargains ever offered in the Northwest are to be fouudfat the ALL ABOUND THE GLOBE. The wool growers of Utah have appoint dele- gates to the Denver convention, The manufacturers of confections In New York who prepared Easter prize packages have been arrested. , - Mrs. Minnie McOill was arrested at Williams- burg, N. v.. for kidnapping her own child. $40 000 Geo. II. Mills, convicted in Brooklyn the other day fur the murder of his wife, is sentenced to hang April is, At last it i- anpposed that the murderers of tin) Crouch family, near Jackson, Mich" are arrested, Jndd Crouch and Dan S. Holcomb, members of the family, being the parties. Parties in Philadelphia, tellta ; pistols to school boys, have been arrested. The insurance or Powers & Weigetman'aj chemical works, Philadelphia; is {389,800. Asiiniii Sale The iron manufacturers of the United States haver entered a protest against Morrison's tarilt bill.. Philadelphia Is still sending relief to tho flood sufferers, and San Francisco yesterday sent $3,100 to Louisville, Ky. At Hartford, Conn., the United State* Stamp- tag works were burned yesterday, entailing a Iosj of 1400,000. OF THE Mrs. Spellmeyi .-. New York, got jealous of hcT husband and shot herself. KEMAM Mrs. Lnngtry's stage properties have been at- tached in New York, under a claim of §1,501) damages, on account of her not appearing at a matinee at the New Park theater. She said s.hu was sick, and her physician ordered her not to leave home. The widow of Salmi Morse is.on the way from California. Be left a number of manuscript poems,plays and lectures, which will; not bu unsealed until she arrives. I Mi-*Blackburn wishes "On the Yellowstone" to be rewritten, so that there may bo ."less talk and more notion." —. .' At Port Jarvis, N. C, yesterday, Dr. Robert- son, inventor of a Hying machine, dropped dead from heart disease. J StoclofDrrGoods The Liberal Reform club, Boston, I* taking measures to call a convention in New York of all of those who approve the civil service reform es- pecially, irrespective of party. From Montreal it is learned that the snow blockade has caused great irregularity of tho train-. At 422 Wabashaw- Street. At North Wheeling last evening, a conplc ot man quarrelled In a ganililiug saloon, when pno of them was shot through the head. Tho mur- derer was arrested. The Van Riper family, the Ave viitims of tho fire in a tenement house at Sew Vort, were buried yesterday.- McKerson & Collator's flouring n.'ll nt Pent- water, Mich.,'burned, last night. Loss §i5,000; insurance §7,000. .\u25a0'..' iJ'-. * - On account of the burning of Po-Vnrs and Weightman's establisment _ Philadelphia, the price of quinine has -•'">\u25a0\u25a0 up nearly 50 .yer cent. AtCentalia, Pa., apart] of Hungarians camped, quarreled, and two men and a woman were fa- tally stabbed.. ;,,'^- \'.:,- r ;-:••/ For the first time in ten years' Houesvi.'Je has elected a Tit-publican council, through the bolt- ing.of the Democrats. 1 The new American ship Bavin has been lest on the voyage to Japan. She had-a cargo of oil valued at 171,000, and the ship cost §135,000. esse! and cargo were insured. SILKS, SATINS, \u25a0"-' ..!•••// CASHMERES, The Bed river in Mississippi has risen so much that the levees are breaking and the plantation* &ie being overflowed In all directions. The .water is higher than last year, and within ten Inches of 18S-'. DRESS GOODS, , ; FLANNELS, The Arkansas river has overflowed, and sev- oral have been drowned whilo trying to tare their stock. \u25a0 If the levee breaks at Hcicma, Ark., tho whole .town will be flooded and the people are ordered to hold themselves . in readiness so that, when the alarm is given, they may go at onto to try and stop the break. In fact, everything in the line of Dry Goods, at prices with which,' competi- tion is an utter impossibility. » Francis J. Smith, city treasurer at iiayonnc, N. J., is short §37,000, and a warrant is out for hi* arrest.- . -' , ", , :. \u25a0 / In San Francisco, the Chinese. cigar makers struck on account of the restriction act, and the manufacturers now order a lockout of the Chi- nese, retaining only the white*. . P. T. K_WANAGH, ':. At Bazoo, Mo., two masked men went' to jho house ot B. H. Wells, and shot and killed John E. Wells, aged-sfcety-flve, in the presence of hie 5 wife. They demanded money, but shot htra be- lore he could reply. They got only a silver watch. Auctioneer!

GREAT Bankrupt Sale · Jules Verne. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Jules Verne, Tour of the World in 80 Days. Jules Verne, j Grimm's Popular Tales. Dickens' Child's History of England

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Page 1: GREAT Bankrupt Sale · Jules Verne. 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Jules Verne, Tour of the World in 80 Days. Jules Verne, j Grimm's Popular Tales. Dickens' Child's History of England

\u25a0VOL .VII. ,

DRY GOODS. -v.:'



Discount GUSTAVE fail•'iowf<t Iff 1 ifc_ BIB Ilowest

i KATES ! ?....*???.*??.. JON ANY . ON ANY


Dry Goods ! SEVENTH MD JACKSON Dry Goods !and STREETS. and

NOTIONS! NOTIONS!_________________ ,

Encouraged by the liberal .response of thepublic will



on any and all

Dry Goods and Notions!The discontinuance of the sale may however be looked for at

an early date. Itwillbe announced in this paper.

Silks, Cashmeres, White Goods !Velvets, Dress Goods, Table Linens!

Satins, Trimmings, Towels,


SjHStore open from 8 a. in. to 9 p. m.-?

Gustave Heinemann!1ST. "W: Cor. Seventh. &Jackson Sts.



Iam StillHere, and alsoat tlie

FRONT!No 25 per cent. Inducements.

No 30 per cent. Discounts.No Auction Stock.


That for quality of Goods and Newness of Materials, cannot beduplicated in this city, nor offered at prices that are lower than thefigures Ihave placed upon them. i

I WON'T BE UNDERSOLD.Have now on my Counters and ready to show, the Choicest line of

Summer SilksEver Brought to St. Paul. Call and see them, you won't regret it.


New White Swisses,„ Mot Swisses,

Figurefl Swisses,.And "White Goods Generally.


Astonnuing Bargains in Blact anfl Colorefl SiKs.In fact, a Bargain is given you in every yard of material you re-

ceive at my store. Come and see ifthis is not true.

CLARENCE 1. M_9,384 Wabashaw street,


This Stock is a Special lot ofBooks bought at a large BankruptSale in New York. ....

aiifl Perfect EditionsGUARANTEED.

I '.

REMEMBER !JS?" This Stock cannot be Replenished. Do not

lose the opportunity of Seeing and Selecting

from the full assortment.

ONLY 39c.Best Editions of Popular Standard 12 Mos. Large

clear type, good paper and handsomely boundin cloth. Publishers price .00 and .25.

8,000 COPIES.Robinson Crnsoe.Arabian Nights Entertainment,Swiss Family Robinson. .Children of the Abbey.Don Quixote.Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress.Ivanhoe.Scottish Chiefs. «Thaddeus of Warsaw.Last Days of Pompeii.Andersen's Fairy Tales.•Jane Eyre.The Mysterious Island. Jules Verne.20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Jules Verne,Tour of the World in 80 Days. Jules Verne, jGrimm's Popular Tales.Dickens' Child's History of England.WillyKeilly..Ksop's Fables, over 100 illustrations.Oliver Twist, by Dickens. ,Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper.Sketch Book, by Irving.Adam Bede, by George Eliot.VanityFair, by Thackeray. -

ONLY 74c.Best Editions of Standard Red Line Poets.

Without doubt the finest and most completeedition of the poets ever issued in this country,at 'a low price. In 12mo. volumes, illustrated,handsomely bound in cloth, richly embossed inblack and gold, full giltedge. Retail price, $1.25.

750 COPIES.Arnold, (Edwin), Hemans,Aytonn, Hood,Burns, Herbert,Byron,* ' Iliad (Homer),Browning, Ingelow,*Chaucer, Keats,Campbell,' Lucille,*Cowper, Milton, . \u25a0

Crabbe, Moore,*Coleridge, Macaulay,Dante,* Meredith,Dryden, Ossian,.Eliot (George), Odyssey (Homer),Favorite Poems, Poe,Goethe,* Poetry ofFlowers,Goethe's Faust, Pope,Goldsmith. Procter,Religious Poems, Rosetti (Dante),Schiller,* Scott,*Shakspeare,* Shelley,Taylor's PhilipVan Ar- Tennyson,*

tevald, Thomson. \Tapper, - Virgil,White (Kirke), Willis,Wordsworth.. Books marked *are also bound in full Morocco,giltedges, giltside and back,'

Retail price $3. Only $1.18.

200 Copies Large Octavo PoetsBound in full leather .binding, illustrated withengravings,

Retail price $3. Only $1.78.

SHAKSPEARE. TEeYS05,BUMS,MT0S,All the American Poets, Mark Twain's Books.

Mary Jane Holmes' & May Am Hem-mil's Novels.

100 Copies Dickens' Child's History of England,handsomely bound in cloth.


S. CI. DICKINSON,No. 7 Bridge . Sauare.


50,000J00KS!Dictiii's Big Miffili!


Bankrupt SaleOF



CHOICEST STANDARD LITERATURE,T—X"* 4- ' '?"*'\u25a0History,


Biography,"Witand. Humor,

Travel and. -A_dventure,&q, &o.

BOOKS INSETS!In Qd_ and Half Calf. B_i__s •


5 vols., half calf. \u25a0 •:.

Retail price $15. Only $5.48.

25 SETSof the same, 5 vols., cloth,

Retail Price $5. Only $1.79.


PLE, 4 vols., half calf,

Retail price $12. 'Only $5.48.

15 SETSof the same, 4 vols., cloth,

Retail price $6. Only $2.98. ,.. 10 SETSMCCARTHY'S HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES,

4 vols., half calf,

Retail price $12. Only, $5.48.

10 SETSof the same, 4 vols., red cloth, gilt top,

Retail price $5. Only $3.50.

10 SETSGIBBONS' ROMAN EMPIRE, 5 vols., cloth,

Retail price $5. Only $2.88.


red cloth, gilt top, fine edition,

Retail price $12. Only $6.88.

* 5- SETSDICKENS' COMPLETE.WORKS, 15 vols., half

calf, illustrated, .'.•>'" .ARetail price $45. Only $19.88.

• _———_-

10 SETSof the same, 15 vols., cloth, illustrated,

Retail Price $22.50. Only $9.65.

15 SETSSAMUEL SMILES' "Self-Help-Series," "Self-

Help Duty," "Thrift and Character," 4 vols.,cloth, \;:>'.' v--,v -;''-.

Retail price $6. Only $2.88.

Alarge selection of -FAMILYBIBLES

At 50 per cent below retail price.

Catholic Books andCatholic Prayer Books,

And Thousands ofMiscellaneous Books.

1 0. DICKINSON,No. 7 Bridge Square,





SPRING mm, 1884!MANNHEIMER BROS'Place on Sale To-morrow

50 pieces Pin stripe Summer Silks at 65c.50 " Pin checked Summer Silks at 75c.50 " Shaded stripe Summer Silk at 75c.50 .. " 24-inch, All-Silk, heavy, Black Satin

Brocades at $1.50; worth $2.50.75 pieces, 22-inch, Black Grosgrain Silks, heavy

and durable, at $1; worth $1.50.75 pieces Black Grosgrains of warranted quality,

at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. \u25a0

New Surah Silks, including all leading shades.


Dress (Jowls Department !WE OPKIST

the most perfect line of desirable colors evershown here-of Albartr dss Cloth, drap Veloute,Cachemere Vigogne, Roye Courtesse, Silk andWool Plaids and Checks, Summer Camels Hair,Traver Cloth, Venetian, Tricotine, Tappeta,Merveilleux, Foule, Jersey, Imperial Serge,Battiste, Nuns Veilings and Armures in greatvariety of designs.

We are also exhibiting late importations ofFrench Printed Satteens, Zephyr Cloths, SeerSuckers, Linen Lawns, Zanzibar Stripes, etc.,and spring assortments of


COUSTAURE PARIS KID GLOVES,In street and party shades.


Ml& MINNESOTA SUETS.*£ Out of town Orders receive prompt and careful attention.

I AMUSEMENTS.' iV-ht^: ..... .. . .

OLYMPLO THEATEE!Seventh Street, Near Jackson.

Monday, March 3d!. v Six Nights Only!Greater Than Ever! A Mammoth Entertainment!

LESLIE, HOWARD & KAINE'SAllied Attractions and Specialty Co.

PROP. "WINGPIELD and his Troupe of Educated Dogs.M'LLE ALPHOUSINE in her wonderful performance on the

Revolving Globe.The Great European Artists EICKERTS BROS, in their laughable

and grotesque Musical Specialty.JOHNSON & LYON, American and Lancashire clog dancing,

reels, jigs, etc.EDWABD LESLIE &WILLIAMDEVERE in their original act,

entitled "Just from Doni»al.»'LESTER HOWARD & MISS GEORGIE KAINE in their extrava-

ganza, entitled "Political Discussions"The World's Wonder, LE AIRE, in his perilous act upon the

flying trapeze; also introducing his wonderful ceiling walking.8 FRANKLINS, character change artists and vocalists.

The whole to conclude with Howard &Kaine's great afterpiece,

; THE CROWDED HOTEL!Characters by the full strength of this mammoth company. in connection with the above theEmerson &West Co. remain one night longer— evening.

Family Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Reserved seat tickets on sale at Merchants HotelNews stand, without extra charge.

\u25a0 i' ' —


B. O. P. C. H."We can make itto your interest

to trade with us at any season ofthe year, particularly at this sea-son, as we are cleaning out/thebalance of our winter stock atridiculously low prices. Being'headquarters for anything in ourline. We are enabled to offer alarge assortment and lower pricesthan smaller houses can do.

We make a specialty of Chil-dren's Clothing,

Latest Hats, Finest Clothing,Best Furnishing Goods.

IBMM-aJR_K HOUSECor. Third and Robert Streets, St. PauL


\u25a0 .

AND TBLEGRAPHIO INSTITUTEHas long since established its claims to public favor and has now entered upon its 15th year underthe most favorable auspices. Send for catalogue, giving full particulars. -Cor. Third :. and Jackson ,

: . W. A. FADDIS, Principal.

TAILORING^ I \u25a0 •


ftlWAY ft IMftM 30Eastr_irdstreet,VUlMll QCMlUil, St. Paul, Mian.


HIE SUCCESS!The Inauguration of the Great.

Eiitej SaleOf 11,500 Yards of




Called lortti an Immense Concourse ofPeople Yesterday.

To-MorrowTbe Sale Will Be

NO. 02.



The Best, Largest & Most. Varied Stock of


Musical Irctauise,IN Tim NORTHWEST,

We guarantee lower prices, easier terms andbetter good* than any small dealer can possiblyoffer. THY 03.

148 & 150 East Third St.___\u25a0__\u25a0__ ————— ——__M—_


Grand Opera House!L. N. SCOTT, Kasaqmb.

Thursday, Friday* Saturday,MARCH 6, 7, & 8,



RKVEKTOIBBiThursday and Saturday,

Kit, the Arkansaw Trawler.By Mr, Chanfran.Friday, - - - The Bankrupt's Wife.Saturday Matinee, - - - Isabel Vane.

A new version by Mrs. Chanfrau.Sale of feats commences Wednesday, 9 a.[m.Prices Si, 75c, 50c, and 25c.

Grand Opera House!ST. PAUL, .MINN,

The Magnificent <))><t»

Pirates ofPenzance.BY TUB



WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 !Prices: $1.00, ;."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. 50c an I 25c. Sale of reserved

\u25a0eats commences Monday, March yd, B a. in.,

at box bfflce.The new and handsome Drop CVutai*will 1 »\u25a0

exhibited on this occasion, for the :;r-i time.

And iu Addition an

Immense ReductionWill be Made in

TABLE LINENS.Itis now an established fact that |1 lie

Greatest Bargains ever offeredin the Northwest are to

be fouudfat the

ALL ABOUND THE GLOBE.The wool growers of Utah have appoint dele-

gates to the Denver convention,The manufacturers of confections In New York

who prepared Easter prize packages have beenarrested. • , -

Mrs. Minnie McOill was arrested at Williams-burg, N. v.. for kidnapping her own child.

$40 000Geo. II. Mills, convicted in Brooklyn the other

day fur the murder of his wife, is sentenced tohang Aprilis,

Atlast it i- anpposed that the murderers of tin)

Crouch family, near Jackson, Mich" are arrested,Jndd Crouch and Dan S. Holcomb, members ofthe family, being the parties.

Parties in Philadelphia, tellta ; pistols to schoolboys, have been arrested.

The insurance or Powers & Weigetman'ajchemical works, Philadelphia; is {389,800.

Asiiniii SaleThe iron manufacturers of the United States

haver entered a protest against Morrison's tariltbill..

Philadelphia Is still sending relief to tho floodsufferers, and San Francisco yesterday sent $3,100to Louisville, Ky.

At Hartford, Conn., the United State* Stamp-tag works were burned yesterday, entailing a Iosjof 1400,000.


Mrs. Spellmeyi .-. New York, got jealous of hcThusband and shot herself.


Mrs. Lnngtry's stage properties have been at-tached in New York, under a claim of §1,501)damages, on account of her not appearing at amatinee at the New Park theater. She said s.huwas sick, and her physician ordered her not toleave home.

The widow of Salmi Morse is.on the way fromCalifornia. Be left a number of manuscriptpoems,plays and lectures, which will; not buunsealed until she arrives. I

Mi-*Blackburn wishes "On the Yellowstone"to be rewritten, so that there may bo ."less talkand more notion." —. • .'

AtPort Jarvis, N. C, yesterday, Dr. Robert-son, inventor of a Hying machine, dropped deadfrom heart disease. J

StoclofDrrGoodsThe Liberal Reform club, Boston, I* taking

measures to call a convention in New York of allof those who approve the civil service reform es-pecially, irrespective of party.

From Montreal it is learned that the snowblockade has caused great irregularity of thotrain-.

At 422 Wabashaw- Street.

AtNorth Wheeling last evening, a conplc otman quarrelled In a ganililiugsaloon, when pno

of them was shot through the head. Tho mur-derer was arrested.

The Van Riper family, the Ave viitims of thofire in a tenement house at Sew Vort, wereburied yesterday.-

McKerson &Collator's flouring n.'ll nt Pent-water, Mich.,'burned, last night. Loss §i5,000;insurance §7,000. .\u25a0'..' iJ'-. *- On account of the burning of Po-Vnrs andWeightman's establisment

_ Philadelphia, theprice of quinine has -•'">\u25a0\u25a0 up nearly 50 .yer cent.

AtCentalia, Pa., apart] of Hungarians camped,quarreled, and two men and a woman were fa-tally stabbed.. ;,,'^- \'.:,-r ;-:••/

For the first time in ten years' Houesvi.'Je haselected a Tit-publican council, through the bolt-ing.of the Democrats.1 The new American ship Bavin has been lest onthe voyage to Japan. She had-a cargo of oilvalued at 171,000, and the ship cost §135,000.

esse! and cargo were insured.


SATINS, \u25a0"-'

..!•••// CASHMERES, The Bed river in Mississippi has risen so muchthat the levees are breaking and the plantation*&ie being overflowed In all directions. The .wateris higher than last year, and within ten Inches of18S-'.DRESS GOODS, ,

; FLANNELS,The Arkansas river has overflowed, and sev-

oral have been drowned whilo trying to tare theirstock. \u25a0 Ifthe levee breaks at Hcicma, Ark., thowhole .town will be flooded and the people areordered to hold themselves . in readiness so that,when the alarm is given, they may go at onto totry and stop the break.

In fact, everything in the line of DryGoods, at prices with which,' competi-tion is an utter impossibility.

» Francis J. Smith, city treasurer at iiayonnc,N. J., is short §37,000, and a warrant is out forhi* arrest.- . -' , ", , :. \u25a0

/ InSan Francisco, the Chinese. cigar makersstruck on account of the restriction act, and themanufacturers now order a lockout of the Chi-nese, retaining only the white*. .

P. T. K_WANAGH, ':. At Bazoo, Mo., two masked men went' to jhohouse ot B. H. Wells, and shot and killed JohnE. Wells, aged-sfcety-flve, in the presence of hie5wife. They demanded money, but shot htra be-lore he could reply. They got only a silver watch.Auctioneer!