Google Earth Geography LP

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  • 8/9/2019 Google Earth Geography LP


    Melissa Murphy

    Geography Lesson Plan


    Cardinal Directions: North, South, East and West

    United States and Virginia

    Length of lesson: 45 minutes

    Virginia Standards of Learning

    o Geography 1.4 The student will develop map skills by (b) using cardinal

    directions on maps 1.5 The student will construct a simple map of a familiar area

    using basic map symbols in the map legend.

    Learning Objectives

    Students will:

    demonstrate understanding of the cardinal directions

    construct a map to include a compass rose

    Teaching and Learning Sequence

    Introduction/Anticipatory Set

    Call attention to the front of the class

    Throw the tennis ball up in the air and ask the class, "What direction did the ball go when

    I threw it?"

    After the students answer "up," ask them "Does anyone know another name for the

    direction up, especially on a map?" Explain to the class that in this lesson we will learn

    some new words for different directions.

    Ask the students, "If we are giving some directions on how to get to school, what are

    some words we might use?" (i.e. straight, turn left/right, up, down, forward, backward)


  • 8/9/2019 Google Earth Geography LP


    Melissa Murphy

    On overhead, show a simple map of the school. Mark a starting point and an ending

    point. Ask students for directions on how to get to the specified destination. They will use

    terms such as up, down, left, right.

    Draw a cardinal rose on the board using north, south, east, and west. Draw another one

    beside it using up, down, left, and right.

    Point to each direction and recite the name of each. Have children repeat.

    Explain North is another word for up, South is another word for down, etc.

    Lesson Development-

    Show class the globe and point out the United States. Explain that a globe is a round

    model of the Earth.

    Show class the map of the United States. Explain that a map is a drawing. Point out the

    compass rose.

    Point out North, South, East and West on the map.

    Point out Virginia and ask the students where Virginia is on the map.

    Explain events that happen in each direction. (i.e. North-cold, South-warm, East-sunrise,


    Explain to students that we will now take a virtual field trip.

    Use projector to make Google Earth large enough for all students to see.

    Enter the school's location and zoom in from space to see a roadside view as well as an

    aerial view.

    Chose Disney World as a destination.

    Ask the students which direction we need to travel to get to Disney World from Virginia.

    "Fly" down to the destination.


  • 8/9/2019 Google Earth Geography LP


    Melissa Murphy

    Turn on the 3D feature and zoom in close.

    Ask the students for directions to navigate the 3D maps to find various rides.

    Once the students successfully locate an attraction, preview that attraction with a 30

    second video clip on Google Earth.

    Pretend that we are "riding" the attraction. Put hands up in the air, as we are going down

    a hill, etc.


    Call attention to the front of the class and tell students to return to their desks

    Give pneumonic for remembering the cardinal directions: Never Eat Soggy Waffles

    As a final review for the day, point to few different states on the map and ask students to

    identify in which direction they are located.

    Explain Homework: Tell students to create a map of their bedroom. They are to include

    things such as their bed, dresser, toy box, etc. and of course, a compass rose. The map

    should be neat, use a ruler, and colorful. Parent help is permitted.

    Model this for them by creating a map of my bedroom.


    Map of bedroom



    Listen to each child as they answer questions and give directions

    Watch students for comprehension as we take out virtual field trip.



  • 8/9/2019 Google Earth Geography LP


    Melissa Murphy

    Check homework for correct representation of the compass rose, neatness and use of


    References Introducing the Cardinal Directions in the Classroom: Teaching North,

    South, East, West. Retrieved from Using Google Earth in the Elementary Classroom. Retrieved from
