Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    , ~ 0 1 0 [ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ReportRequiredbytheE, hi1 / 2 o o 8 [ FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 r 5 u . s .c . ~ p p . H w ~ - t 1 1 )1. Persnn Reporting (last nam e, firsl, middle initial) 2. Court or O rganization 3. Date of ReportSuddaby, Glenn r. Northern Districy of New York 05/11/2010

    4. Title (Arlicle 111 judges indicate active or senior status: 5a Report ~lype (check appropriate type) [ 6. Rt:porting Periodmagistrate judges indicate rut!- or part-time) ] Nomination, Date 01/01/200912/3112009

    5bo [] Amended Report7. ~hambers or Office Address 8. On the basis of the information contained in this Report and anym~difications pertaining thereto, it is, in m.v opinion, in compliance] O0 ,~otllh Clinton Street with applicable laws and regulations.3rd FloorSyracuse. New Y ork 13261-7198 Re~i~wing Officer Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The instructions accompanying this form must be followed Complete all parts,checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reportable in formation. S ign on lastpage.

    i . P O S I T I O N S . c n ~ r o . m g individual onl.r: see pp. 9-13 of f!ling instructioma)~ NONE (No repor table pos i t ions . )


    NO NE ( N~ reportable agreements.)D A T E PARTIES AND TE~S

    1. 1977 New York Slate Employees Retirement System Payment upon Retirement

  • 8/3/2019 Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ,~ .... fP ..... R ~ , o ~ t i . ~ I ~ t ~ o f R e p . r t [Iage 2 of 7 Snddaby, Glenn T. 05,11/20101 1 1 . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . ~R epo,, i , ,x i .a;~i~.~l~., t ,~,o.~.; ~, .p, . ~z-:~,,~.~ ~ ....... ~ 0 . . ~ )A. Filers Non-Investment Income

    N O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE IN C O ME

    (you~, not spouses)





    F L Spouses Non-Investment Income - t/yo~ were married during any portion of th~ reporting year. complete this section.(Dollar amount not required except for honororia )----1 N O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)

    D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE1. 2009 Oswego County Board of Cooperative Educational Services- Salary




    IV. REIM B URSEM ENTS -,~.,,.,po .,.,,o,,.(Includes those to spouse anal depe~d~.nt cttilalren," see pp 25-27 of liling mst~action )

    NO NE ( No reportable reimbursements.)SOURCE D A T E S kOCATION P U R P O S E I T E M S P A I D O R P R O V ID E D





  • 8/3/2019 Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT~ ....~ .....~ . g IPage 3 of 7 Suddaby. O,..oV. GI F TS ...a~ ,~o.~ ,o ~ ..... . ~ ~.~.,..~.: ~ ~,~. 2~-~ ,~i.g

    N O N E (No reportable g~s.)S O U R C E D E S C R I P T I O N V A L U E

    V I . L i A B i L I T I E S . (Inrtuaes those ~f sp ...... a a e p e n a e n t c ~ i t , e n ; s e e p p . 3 2 - 3 3 o f f i ti n g~ N O N E (No reportable liabilities.)

    CREDITOR DESCRIPTION VALUE CODEI. K ey bank Pre~?~cd Line of C~edit L2. Key Bank Credit Card J3. Federal Credil U~fi~n Credit Card J4.

  • 8/3/2019 Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [.~ .... fPeraon Reporling ] Da,eolRtportPage 4 of 7 I S.~dabr, G~en.F. [0 S i ~ ~ / 2 0 ~ 0

    NONE ~Vo reportable income, assets, or trans~ctions.)

    D e s c r i p t i o n o f A s s e ~ s I n c o m e d u r i n g G ro ss v a l u e at e n d o f T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g ~ p o m i n g(including ~st as~ts) ~rting period ~ r e p o r t i n g p c f o d _ . ~ ...........................O) (2 ) O) (2) (~ ) (2 ) (3i (4~ (5 ) a c e " ~ X ) " a f te r e a c h a s s e t ~ount T y p e ( e .g . Value Value Y ~e ~e g., D a t e Value G a i n l d c n m ye x e m p t f r o m p r i o r d l~ q o s u r e C o d e I d i v . r e n t , C o d e 2 M e t h o d j buy sell. M o n t h - C od e 2 C o d e I b u y e r ! s e l l e r[ A - ] I ) o r i n t . ) { J - P ) C o d e 3 . r e d e m p t i o n ) D a y ( J - P ) ~ A - ] t ) (ifpnvale

    1. American Funds-Fundamental lnvesto~ A A Dividend K T

    2 American ]:unds-New Perspective Fund-A A Dividend K T3. American Funds-New World Fund-A A Dividend J T4. American Funds-Small Cap World Fund-A A Dividend J T5. American Funds-Capital World Grow th & I A Dividend J Tncome Fund-A6. American Funds-Washington Mutual Invest A Dividend Jors l;und-A7. American Fund.s-Capital Income Builder-A A Dividend J T8. Oppenheimer Funds-Capital Apprecialion N one J TFund-Class A9. Nationv,ide A Dividend J T

    1 0 . Putnam Investment College Advantage Plan None J TA g ~ m e s si v e G r o v n h1 1 . Pumam Investment College Advantage Plan None J TAggressive Growth1 2 . NY S Retirement A l n t . , r D i v . L T

    13. NYS Teachers Retirement A Int./Div. L q-

    1 4 . NY S College 529 Savings Plan A Dividend J T1 5 . NY S College 529 Savings Plan A Di,idend J T1 6 . The Phoemx Companies, hlc A Dividend J "f

    1 7 . Nor~hw esten MutualLife B Dividend K T

    {See Colons (I ~d D3) N -$250,001 - $500,~ 0 =$500,001 - $1,000,0(.~ Pl =51,~0,~i - $5,0{K1,0~ g2 =55,000,001 - $25,~.~

  • 8/3/2019 Glenn T Suddaby Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [ N .... fPer$on Reporti.g [ Dale of Repor~Page 5 of 7 I Suddaby, Glenn T. [ 05/11/2010

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -i ....... . ~ t ~ , . ~ . . . .. . . . i ~ . ~ a , a ,~ , ~ o ~ , o ! ~ . . .. .. ~ ~ , ~ ,~ , ~ i u , ,~ ;~ N O N E ( N o reportable income, as~c~tx, or tran.~actions.)........ ~x. - ..... ~ . - C~ ................

    Descfiptioo of Assets Income during Gross value a~ end of Transactions du~g ~cpo~ing pe~iod(including ~g~ a s s c ~ g ) repomng period reposing period

    exemp~ horn prior disclosure Code I div., rcm Code 2 MctMd buy, sell, [ Month - [ Code 2. Code I]i~(A-H) or inl.) (J-P) Code 3 ~edcmpl ion) [ Day (J-P) (A-Hi

    ( Q - W ) I transaction)

    Columns CI ~nd D3) N =$250.001 - $500,00~1 O =$500,001 - $1,000.g~0 P l =$ I .if..10,001 - !i~.000,01~1 P2 =$5.000,001 - $25.000,~0

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    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT .~ .... fP .... r ~ , o , ~ n ~ I r , ~ , , o f R e p o , ~ 1Page 6 of 7 Suddab.v, Glenn T. 05/11/2010


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    [Namef Ptrson R~porfingI

    D a t e o f R e p o r tFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 7 o f 7 S u d d a b y , G le n n T . 0 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 0IX. CERTIFICATION.

    1 cerli[y thai all information given above (including inform ation pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependen t children, if any) isaccurale, Irue, and complete Io the best of my kno~lcd ge and belief, and that any information not reported ~a~ w ilhheld because il met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-disclosnre.I further certify that earned income from outside employment and hono raria and the acceptance of gifts wh ich have been reporled are incompliance ,~ilh the provisions of S U.S.C. app. 501 el. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.



    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAdministrative Office oflhe United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20544