GettingStarted Petroleum

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  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling PetroleumProcesses

    S T E A D Y S T A T E S I M U L A T I O N



    AspenPlus 7




  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    COP YRIG H T 19811999 Aspen Techn ology, In c.ALL RIG HTS RE SE RVED

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  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses iiVersion 10.1-0


    About This Manual

    Modeling P etroleum P rocesses wit h Aspen P lus ............................................................v

    Sessions in this B ook

    U sing B ackup

    For More Informa tion .....................................................................................................vii

    Technical Support ......................................................................................................... viii

    1 Blending Crude and Petroleum Fractions

    P etroleum P rocess Flowsheet ........................................................................................1-2

    St ar ting Aspen P lus.......................................................................................................1-4

    Specifying Title an d G lobal Options .............................................................................1-5

    Specifyin g Component s ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ........1-7

    En tering Assa y Da ta .....................................................................................................1-9

    B lendin g th e Oils ................ .................. ................... .................. .................. ................ 1-16

    G enerat ing P seudocomponents ...................................................................................1-18

    Runn ing the Simu lat ion ..............................................................................................1-20

    Examining Results.......................................................................................................1-21

    P lotting Dist illat ion Cur ves ........................................................................................1-23

    Creating a Backup File.................................................................................................1-29Exit ing Aspen P lus ................ ................... .................. .................. .................. .............. 1-30

    2 Adding a Preflash Tower

    P reflash Tower Flowsh eet .............................................................................................2-2

    St ar ting Aspen P lus.......................................................................................................2-3

    Opening a n Exist ing Run ..............................................................................................2-4

    Sa ving a Run Un der a New Na me................................................................................2-5

    Ch a nging the Run Type ................................................................................................2-6

    Selecting a Dist illat ion Model .......................................................................................2-7

    Defining t he G ra phical Simu lat ion Flow sheet ............................................................2-8

    Specifying Properties...................................................................................................2-11

    En tering St ream Da ta .................................................................................................2-13

    Specifying the P reflash U nit .......................................................................................2-15

    Modifying Pseudocomponents.....................................................................................2-20

    Runn ing the Simu lat ion ..............................................................................................2-22

    Exa mining Sim ulat ion Results ...................................................................................2-23

    Exit ing Aspen P lus ................ ................... .................. .................. .................. .............. 2-29

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    iv Modeling P et roleum P rocesseVersion 10.1-

    3 Adding an Atmospheric Crude Distillation Unit

    Atm ospheric Cru de D istilla tion U nit Flowsh eet .........................................................3-2

    St a rting Aspen P lus.......................................................................................................3-4

    Opening a n Exist ing Run ..............................................................................................3-5

    Sa ving a Run Un der a New Na me................................................................................3-6Adding t he Cru de Dist illat ion U nit t o the Flowsheet .................................................3-7

    Specifying Steam Feeds to the Tower...........................................................................3-9

    Specifyin g th e Atmospheric Tower ................. .................. .................. .................. ......3-11

    Runn ing the Simu lat ion ..............................................................................................3-24

    Exa mining Simu lat ion Results ...................................................................................3-25

    Exa mining the P roduct St ream s.................................................................................3-27

    P lotting Dist illat ion Cur ves ........................................................................................3-29

    Exit ing Aspen P lus ................ .................. ................... .................. .................. .............. 3-32

    4 Adding A Vacuum Unit

    Vacuum U nit Flowsheet ................................................................................................4-2St a rting Aspen P lus.......................................................................................................4-4

    Opening a n Exist ing Run ..............................................................................................4-5

    Sa ving a Run Un der a New Na me................................................................................4-6

    Adding a Vacuum Tower to the Flowsheet...................................................................4-7

    Specifying the St eam Feed ............................................................................................4-9

    Specifying the Vacuum Un it .......................................................................................4-10

    Runn ing the Simu lat ion ..............................................................................................4-16

    Exa mining Simu lat ion Results ...................................................................................4-17

    P lotting Dist illat ion Cur ves ........................................................................................4-19

    Exa mining St ream Results .........................................................................................4-20

    Exit ing Aspen P lus ................ .................. ................... .................. .................. .............. 4-21

    5 Displaying Petroleum Stream Properties

    St a rting Aspen P lus.......................................................................................................5-2

    Opening a n Exist ing Run ..............................................................................................5-3

    Sa ving a Run Un der a New Na me................................................................................5-4

    Adding Sulfur Content Da ta .........................................................................................5-5

    Selecting Options for t he Sulfur P roperty ....................................................................5-8

    Adding the Sulfur P roperty .........................................................................................5-10

    Runn ing the Simu lat ion ..............................................................................................5-14

    Examining Results.......................................................................................................5-15

    Leav ing Aspen P lus .....................................................................................................5-17

    A Connecting to the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0 v

    About This Ma nua l

    Aspen P lus is a pow erful tool th a t a llow s you t o easily model petroleum processes.

    U sing th is book, you will lea rn t he basics of how to build an d run a process model

    of a sim plified crude fra ctiona tion tr a in. After completing th e five sessions in th is

    guide, you w ill be able t o perform ba sic simulat ions of petroleum processes.

    This ma nualassumes you have:

    Insta lled the Aspen P lus Simulat ion Engine and U ser Interface

    Completed the tut orial sessions in Gett i ng Start ed Bui ld in g and Runni ng aPr ocess Model, so tha t you ar e familiar w ith th e basics of how t o use Aspen


    Modeling Petroleum Processes withAspen Plus

    P etroleum refining processes a re highly complex and int egra ted. They ha ve unique

    chara cteristics t ha t set t hem a part from other chemical processes, including:

    Process feedstocks, which consist of complex and wide-boiling mixtures ofhydr oca rbons, wh ose exact compositions a re unknown

    Highly-coupled and heat-integrated fractionation units, used to separatefeedstocks into a var iety of products w ith different specifica tions

    Open steam a nd cooling w a ter for stripping a nd hea t recovery, giving rise toth e presence of tw o liquid pha ses th roughout th e refining process

    Degr ee of separa tion specified in term s of distilla tion temperat ures, ga ps,overla ps, an d other propert ies

    P roduct specificat ions given in t erms of strea m propert ies such a s flash point,pour point, sulfur content, meta l contents, a nd octa ne number

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0vi

    Aspen P lus provides specia l featu res to ha ndle the uniq ue cha ra cteristics of

    petroleum r efining a pplicat ions. With Aspen P lus, you can develop a sim ulat ion

    model of your petroleum process, th en use th is model to study a lterna tive modes

    of operat ion or optimize th e existing opera tion.

    This ma nualguides you th rough some of the key petroleum feat ures in Aspen

    P lus. You ca n use these fea tur es with t he wide ra nge of other Aspen P lus

    capa bilities, such as estima ting a nd regressing physica l propert ies, fitting pla nt

    da ta to simulat ion models, a nd optimizing your process.

    Sessions in this Book

    This book guides you in building a flowsh eet tha t describes a crude fra ctiona tion

    tra in in a petroleum refinery. Ea ch chapter conta ins a tutorial session tha t builds

    one block of th e flow sheet. You can complete t he entir e flow sheet by following ea ch

    chapt er in succession.

    This book includes t he follow ing h a nds-on sessions:

    Complete this chapter To learn how to

    1 Blending Crude and Petroleum Fractions Define components, enter assay data for two crude oils, and blend thecrude oils into a single process feed.

    2 Adding a Preflash Tower Model a preflash tower.

    3 Adding an Atmospheric Crude Distillation Unit Model a crude atmospheric unit.

    4 Adding a Vacuum Unit Model a vacuum unit.

    5 Displaying Petroleum Properties Use petroleum properties with your simulation model to obtain moreinformation about the process.

    Using Backup FilesWe recommend tha t you perform a ll sessions sequentia lly in order to build the

    entire model. However, you ca n skip cha pters a nd w ork on th e session of your

    choice, using backup files conta ining simula tion da ta .

    Aspen P lus provides ba ckup files conta ining a ll problem specifica tions a nd r esults

    for each tut orial session. If you skip a session, you might need to load a backup

    file to supply missing da ta . The chapter d escribes how t o do this. If you perform

    each t utoria l session in order, you can use ba ckup files t o compare your results .

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    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0 vii

    For More InformationOn l i n e He l p Aspen P lus ha s a complete system of online help andcontext-sensitive prompts. The help system contains both context-sensitive help

    a nd reference informa tion. For more informa tion about us ing Aspen P lus help,

    see the Aspen Pl us User Gu i de, Chapter 3.

    Aspen P l u s Get t i n g S ta r t ed Bu i l d i n g an d Ru nn i n g a P r o cess Model Thistut orial includes several ha nds-on sessions to fam iliarize you wit h Aspen P lus.

    The guide t a kes you step-by-st ep to lea rn t he full pow er a nd scope of Aspen P lus.

    Aspen P l us Get t i ng S ta r ted Mode l i ng P r ocesses w i th E l ec t r o l y tes Thistut orial includes severa l han ds-on sessions to familia rize you w ith simula ting

    electrolyte syst ems wit h Aspen Plus.

    Aspen P l us Get t i n g S ta r ted M odel i n g Pet r o leum Pr ocesses This t utoria l

    includes several ha nds-on sessions t o fa miliar ize you w ith simula ting petr oleumprocesses wit h Aspen P lus.

    Aspen P l u s Get t i n g S ta r t ed Cus t om i zi n g Un i t Oper a t i o n Model s Thistut orial includes several ha nds-on sessions to fam iliarize you wit h th e

    customizat ion of unit opera tion models with Aspen P lus.

    Aspen P l us User Gu i de The three-volume Aspen Pl us User Gui deprovidesst ep-by-st ep procedur es for developing an d usin g a n Aspen P lus process

    simulation model. The guide is task-oriented to help you accomplish the

    engineering w ork you need to do, using t he pow erful ca pabilities of Aspen P lus.

    Aspen P l us r efer ence man ua l ser i es Aspen P lus reference ma nua ls providedeta iled t echnical reference informat ion. These ma nua ls include background

    informa tion about t he unit opera tion models an d the physical properties methods

    a nd models ava ilable in Aspen P lus, tables of Aspen P lus data bank par am eters,

    group contribution method functional groups, and a w ide ra nge of other r eference

    information. The set comprises:

    Uni t Operati on M odels

    Physical Proper ty M ethods and M odels

    Physi cal Proper ty Dat a

    User M odels

    System M anagement System Adm in istrati on

    Summ ary Fil e Toolk it

    Aspen P l us app l i ca t i on exam p l es A suit e of sa mple online Aspen P lus

    simula tions illustra ting specific processes is delivered w ith Aspen P lus.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0viii

    Aspen P l u s I n st a l l a t i on Gu i des These guides pr ovide instr uctions on

    plat form a nd netw ork insta llat ion of Aspen Plus. The set comprises:

    Aspen Pl us Installat ion Gui defor Window s

    Aspen Plu s I nstall ati on Gui de for OpenVMS

    Aspen Plu s I nstall ati on Gui de for U NIX

    The Aspen P lus ma nua ls ar e delivered in Adobe port a ble document forma t (PD F)

    on the Aspen Plus D ocumenta tion CD.

    Technical SupportWor l d Wid e Web For a dditiona l informa tion a bout AspenTech products and

    services, check t he AspenTech World Wide Web home pa ge on th e In ter net a t:

    Techn i ca l r esou r ces To obtain in-depth t echnical su pport informa tion on t he

    Int ernet, visit th e Technical S upport h omepa ge. Register a t:

    Approximat ely three da ys a fter registering, y ou will receive a confirma tion e-ma il

    a nd you w ill then be able to a ccess this informa tion.

    The most current H otline conta ct informa tion is listed. Other informa tion


    Frequently a sked quest ions Product training courses Technical tips

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0 ix

    AspenTechHo t l i n e If you need help from a n AspenTech C ust omer Su pportengineer, conta ct our H otline for a ny of the following locations:

    If you are located in: Phone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address

    North America & theCaribbean


    +1-888/996-7001 (toll free)

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  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling Petroleum ProcessesVersion 10.1-0x

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    1 B lending Crude andP etroleum Fra ctions

    This t utoria l cont a ins five sessions to guide you th rough t he process of building amodel of a crude fra ctiona tion tra in typically found in a petr oleum refinery.

    In t his first session, you w ill begin to build the model by defining the crude feed

    to the process, using th e Aspen P lus Assa y D a ta Ana lysis Run Type. You will use

    this run type to analyze petroleum crudes before running a flowsheet simulation.

    In this session you will:

    Define components

    Ent er assa y dat a for tw o crude oils

    B lend th e crude oils to produce th e crude feed

    G enera te pseudocomponents for t he blend

    Run th e Assay Da ta Ana lysis calculat ions Exa mine results

    Allow a bout 45 minutes t o complete th is session.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    1-2 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Petroleum Process FlowsheetThe follow ing illustr a tion show s th e petr oleum process flowsheet you will w ork

    w ith t hroughout this book:

    Problem Definition: Crude Fractionation Train

    The process consists of the following steps:

    1. The process feed (MIXCRUDE), consisting of a blend of two crude oils (OIL-1,see Ta ble 1.1; OI L-2, see Ta ble 1.2), goes to t he prefla sh furn a ce.

    2. The preflas h tower (PRE FLASH ) removes light ga ses and some na phtha fromthe partially vaporized feed.

    3. Preflash bottoms (CDU-FEED) are further processed in the crude distillationunit (CD U ). The CD U consists of a crude unit furna ce and an at mospheric

    tower. First , t he crude unit furnace part ia lly vaporizes the bottoms from th e

    preflash. Then the a tm ospheric tow er sepa ra tes th e preflash bott oms into five


    Heavy na phtha (HNAPH THA)

    Kerosene (KE ROSE NE) Diesel (DI ES EL)

    Atm ospheric ga s oil (AG O)

    Reduced crude (RED -CRD )

    4. Reduced crude goes to the va cuum distillat ion unit (VDU ) for furtherfra ctiona tion under va cuum conditions. The VDU consist s of a va cuum unit

    furna ce a nd va cuum tower. The vacuum t ower produces the follow ing

    addit ional cuts:

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Overhead (OFF -G AS)

    Light vacuum gas oil (LVGO)

    Heavy vacuum ga s oil (HVGO)

    Asphalt ic residue (RES ID U E)

    Table 1.1 OIL-1: (API = 31.4)

    TBP Distillation Light Ends Analysis API Gravity Curve

    Liq. Vol. % Temperature (F) Component Liq. Vol. Frac. Mid. Vol. % Gravity

    6.8 130.0 Methane 0.001 5.0 90.0

    10.0 180.0 Ethane 0.0015 10.0 68.0

    30.0 418.0 Propane 0.009 15.0 59.7

    50.0 650.0 Isobutane 0.004 20.0 52.0

    62.0 800.0 N-Butane 0.016 30.0 42.0

    70.0 903.0 2-Methyl-Butane 0.012 40.0 35.076.0 1000.0 N-Pentane 0.017 45.0 32.0

    90.0 1255.0 50.0 28.5

    60.0 23.0

    70.0 18.0

    80.0 13.5

    Table 1.2 OIL-2: (API = 34.8)

    TBP Distillation Light Ends Analysis API Gravity Curve

    Liq. Vol. % Temperature (F) Component Liq. Vol. Frac. Mid. Vol. % Gravity

    6.5 120.0 Water 0.001 2.0 150.0

    10.0 200.0 Methane 0.002 5.0 95.0

    20.0 300.0 Ethane 0.005 10.0 65.0

    30.0 400.0 Propane 0.005 20.0 45.0

    40.0 470.0 Isobutane 0.01 30.0 40.0

    50.0 550.0 N-Butane 0.01 40.0 38.0

    60.0 650.0 2-Methyl-Butane 0.005 50.0 33.0

    70.0 750.0 N-Pentane 0.025 60.0 30.0

    80.0 850.0 70.0 25.0

    90.0 1100.0 80.0 20.0

    95.0 1300.0 90.0 15.0

    98.0 1475.0 95.0 10.0

    100.0 1670.0 98.0 5.0

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    1-4 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Starting Aspen Plus

    To sta rt Aspen P lus:

    From your Windows desktop, click Start, then select Programs.

    Select AspenTech, then Aspen Plus 10.1-0, then Aspen Plus User Interface.

    The Aspen Plus Startup dialog box appears.

    Aspen Plus displays a dialog box whenever you must enter information or make a

    selection before proceeding. In t his simu lat ion, you w ill use an Aspen P lus


    Point the mouse to the Template radio button and click the left mouse button.

    Click OK.

    The New dialog box appears.

    U se the New dia log box to specify th e Applica tion Type a nd R un Type for t he new

    run. Aspen P lus uses t he Applicat ion Type you choose to set a ppropriat e default s

    for your a pplicat ion. For t his simulat ion, you will use the P etroleum w ith E nglish

    U nits template an d the Assay Da ta Ana lysis Run Type.

    Use the left mouse button to select the Petroleum with English Units template.

    Click the arrow to the right of the Run Type box to display the available run types.

    From the list, select Assay Data Analysis to specify an Assay Data Analysis/PCS run.

    Click OK.

    Note If t he Connect H ost dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    Wa it a few seconds w hile the cha nges a re applied.

    The Aspen P lus gra phics w orkspace is sha ded beca use you do not use a gra phica l

    simulat ion flowsheet in specifying a n Assa y D at a Ana lysis run.

    U se the Aspen P lus expert guida nce Next function to ta ke you to th e next

    required input specifica tion.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    In the toolbar, click Next.

    The Setup Specifications Global sheet appears.

    Specifying Title and Global Options

    The Setu p Specifica tions G loba l sheet displays t he default s Aspen P lus uses for

    other forms. You will use th is form to:

    Specify a t itle for your simula tion

    Review t he global set t ings t ha t w ere set w hen you selected the P etroleumw ith E nglish U nits Applica tion Type

    The Run Type Assa y D a ta Ana lysis is a lready selected. You do not need tochange th is field.

    It is a lwa ys good pra ctice to describe your problem by entering a tit le for the

    simulat ion.

    In the Title box, type Getting Started With Petroleum -- Session 1. Press Enter.

    Since you chose the P etroleum wit h E nglish U nits Applica tion Type wh en you

    sta rt ed this session, Aspen Plus ha s set the following global defaults for input


    ENG P ETRO units (English E ngineering units a ppropriat e for P etroleum

    applications, such as volume flow in barrels per day)

    St dVol flow ba sis for a ll flow inputs

    Free-water calculations

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    1-6 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    The form is complete, and a ll the defaults set by t he P etroleum wit h En glish

    U nits Applica tion Type ar e appropriat e for t his problem:

    On the Setup Specifications form, click the Next button at the right of the toolbar.

    The Components Specifications Selection sheet appears.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Specifying Components

    U se th e Component s S pecifica tions S election sheet t o specify components for t hesimulation.

    Enter the component IDs and component names shown below:

    Component ID Component Name









    You will define tw o crude a ssa ys, OIL -1 and OI L-2.

    In the next Component ID field, type OIL-1.

    In the Type field for OIL-1, click the left mouse button and select Assay.

    Enter OIL-2and identify it as an Assay, in the same way as you did for OIL-1.

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    1-8 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    The Components Specifications form is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Components Assay/Blend Basic Data form for OIL-1 appears.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Entering Assay DataOn th e Component s Assa y/B lend B a sic Da ta form for OIL -1, you will enter th e

    labora tory a ssa y da ta for OIL-1 (Ta ble 1.1).

    In the Distillation curve type field, click the list box. Select True boiling point (liquidvolume basis) to indicate you are entering data for a TBP curve on a standard liquidvolume basis.

    In the Bulk gravity value box, select the API gravity option by clicking the radio button.

    In the API gravity field, enter 31.4.

    In the Percent Distilled and Temperature fields, enter the following TBP distillationvalues for OIL-1:

    Percent Distilled Temperature F

    6.8 130

    10.0 180

    30.0 418

    50.0 650

    62.0 800

    70.0 90376.0 1000

    90.0 1255

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    1-10 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    The Components Assay /B lend B a sic Da ta Dist Cur ve sheet for OIL -1 is complete:

    Click the Light Ends tab.

    The Light Ends sheet for OIL-1 appears.

    U se this sheet t o enter l ight ends a na lysis data , given a s a fra ct ion of the a ssay


    In the Component and StdVol Fraction fields, enter the following light ends analysisdata:

    Component Fraction StdVol

    C1 0.001

    C2 0.0015

    C3 0.009

    IC4 0.004

    NC4 0.016

    IC5 0.012

    NC5 0.017

    The Light Ends sheet for OIL-1 is complete:

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Click the Gravity/UOPK tab.

    The Gravity/UOPK sheet for OIL-1 appears.

    In the Type box, select API gravity by clicking the radio button.

  • 7/22/2019 GettingStarted Petroleum


    1-12 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    In the Mid percent distilled and API gravity fields, enter the following API gravity curvedata:

    Mid Percent Distilled API Gravity5.0 90.0

    10.0 68.0

    15.0 59.7

    20.0 52.0

    30.0 42.0

    40.0 35.0

    45.0 32.0

    50.0 28.5

    60.0 23.0

    70.0 18.0

    80.0 13.5

    The G ra vity /U OP K sh eet for OIL -1 is complete:

    Click the Next button.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    The Assay/Blend Basic Data form for OIL-2 appears.

    Enter laboratory assay data for OIL-2 (Table 1.2) in the same way as you enteredassay data for OIL-1.

    In the Distillation Curve Type field, click the list box. Select True boiling point (liquidvolume basis) to indicate you are entering data for a TBP curve on a standard liquidvolume basis.

    In the Bulk gravity value box, select the API gravity option by clicking the radio button.

    In the API field, enter 34.8.

    In the Percent Distilled and Temperature fields, enter the following TBP distillationvalues:

    Percent Distilled Temperature F

    6.5 120.0

    10.0 200.0

    20.0 300.0

    30.0 400.0

    40.0 470.0

    50.0 550.0

    60.0 650.0

    70.0 750.0

    80.0 850.0

    90.0 1100.0

    95.0 1300.0

    98.0 1475.0

    100.0 1670.0

    The Assa y/B lend B a sic Da ta form for OIL -2 is complete.

    Click the Light Ends tab.

    The Light Ends sheet for OIL-2 appears.

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    1-14 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    In the Component and StdVol Fraction fields, enter the following light ends analysisdata:

    Component Fraction StdVol

    H2O 0.001

    C1 0.002

    C2 0.005

    C3 0.005

    IC4 0.01

    NC4 0.01

    IC5 0.005

    NC5 0.025

    The Light Ends sheet for OIL-2 is complete.

    Click the Gravity/UOPK tab.

    The Gravity/UOPK sheet for OIL-2 appears.

    In the Type box, select API gravity by clicking the radio button.

    In the Mid percent distilled and API gravity fields, enter the following API gravity curvedata:

    Mid percent Distilled API gravity

    2.0 150.0

    5.0 95.0

    10.0 65.0

    20.0 45.0

    30.0 40.0

    40.0 38.0

    50.0 33.0

    60.0 30.0

    70.0 25.0

    80.0 20.0

    90.0 15.0

    95.0 10.0

    98.0 5.0

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    The G ra vity /U OP K sh eet for OIL -2 is complet e.

    Click the Next button.

    The Required ADA/PCS Input Complete dialog box appears.

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    1-16 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Blending the Oils

    You should be view ing t he Requ ired ADA/P CS Input Complete dia log box.

    To specify a blend, select Modify assay/blend specifications.

    Click OK.

    The Assay/Blend Object Manager appears.

    Select New.

    The Create New ID dialog box appears.

    Enter MIXOILas the ID.

    Select BLENDas the Type.

    Click OK.

    The Mixture Specifications sheet for MIXOIL appears.

    U se this sh eet to define the fra ctions for each crude oil in the blend.

    Click the first Assay ID field and select OIL-1.

    In the StdVol Fraction field, enter 0.20.

    Click the next Assay ID field and select OIL-2.

    In the StdVol Fraction field, enter 0.80.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    The MI XOIL Mixture Specifica tions sh eet is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Required ADA/PCS Input Complete dialog box appears.

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    1-18 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Generating Pseudocomponents

    By default, Aspen Plus generates a set of pseudocomponents for your simulationbased on a ll the a ssay s a nd blends in your problem. H owever, in th is problem, the

    pseudocomponent s should be ba sed on t he blend only.

    You sh ould be viewing t he Requ ired ADA/P CS Input Complete dialog box.

    Select the Specify options for generating pseudocomponents.

    Click OK.

    The Petro Characterization Generation Object Manager appears.

    Select New.

    Enter CRUDEas the new ID, and click OK.

    The Specifications sheet for CRUDE appears.

    Click the Assay/Blend ID field and select MIXOIL.

    The Specifica tions sheet is complete. You do not need to enter da ta in a ny oth er


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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Click the Next button.

    The Required ADA/PCS Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Select Go to Next required input step, and click OK.

    The Required Properties Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Click OK.

    The Required Assay Data Analysis/Pseudocomponent Generation Input Completedialog box appears.

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    1-20 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Running the SimulationYou ha ve entered the da ta a nd specifica tions for th is session. You can now r un

    the Assay D at a Analysis.

    In the Required Assay Data Analysis/Pseudocomponent Generation Input Completedialog box, click OK.

    Aspen Plus displa ys th e Control P a nel. The Control P a nel allows you to monitor

    a nd intera ct w ith t he Aspen P lus simulat ion ca lculat ions.

    As Aspen P lus performs t he an alysis, sta tus m essages w ill display in the C ontrol

    Panel. Soon you will see the message Resul ts Avai labl ein the s ta tus bar a t t he

    bott om of the ma in window.

    Use the vertical scroll bar to the right of the Control panel window to see themessages.

    You can now examine the r esults of your an alysis.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Examining ResultsAn ADA run calcula tes a w ide variety of properties for th e assa ys, blends, and

    genera ted pseudocomponents.For t his session, you will review pseudocomponent properties a nd TB P curves for

    the oils and the blend.

    Click the Check Results button on the Control Panel.

    The Results Summary Run-Status form appears. It indicates that calculations werecompleted normally. The main properties for each pseudocomponent appear on theComponents Petro Characterization Results Summary sheet.

    Expand the Components folder.

    The Assay/Blend and the Petro Characterization folders are revealed.

    Expand the Petro Characterization folder.

    The Results form is revealed.

    Click Results.

    The main properties for each pseudocomponent appear on the Components PetroCharacterization Results Summary sheet.

    Click the scroll arrow at the bottom left of the form to scroll through the componentproperties.

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    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Plotting Distillation Curves

    You will plot t he TB P curves for t he blend a nd ea ch crude oil in a single plot. Theresults for ea ch assa y or blend a ppea r on the Components Assay/B lend Results

    form. To plot t he TB P curve for OI L-1:

    From the Data Browser, click the Assay/Blend folder to expand it.

    The MIXOIL, OIL-1, and OIL-2 folders are revealed.

    Click the OIL-1 folder to expand it.

    The Results form is revealed.

    Click the Curves tab.

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    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    The Curves sheet for OIL-1 appears.

    To plot th e TB P curve:

    Select the Percent distilled column by clicking on the column heading.

    From the Plot menu on the Aspen Plus toolbar, select X-Axis Variable.

    Select the True boiling pt. (liquid volume) column by clicking on the column heading.

    From the Plot menu, select Y-Axis Variable.

    From the Plot menu, select Display Plot.

    The TBP curve for OIL-1 appears in a new window.

    To label t his cur ve for OI L-1:

    Double-click the legend box.

    The Plot Legend Box dialog box appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Select True boiling pt (vol).

    Edit the Text field to read TBP for OIL-1.

    Click Replace.

    Click OK.

    To plot t he TB P curve for OIL-2, select t he da ta a nd a ssign it t o the X and Y-a xes

    th e sam e wa y you did for OIL-1.

    Expand the OIL-2 folder in the Data Browser.

    The Results form is revealed.

    Click the Curves tab.

    The Curves sheet for OIL-2 appears.

    Select the Percent distilled column.

    From the Plot menu on the Aspen Plus toolbar, select X-Axis Variable.

    Select the True boiling pt. (liquid volume) column.

    From the Plot menu, select Y-Axis Variable.

    To add th is curve to the plot cont a ining t he curve for OI L-1: .

    From the Plot pulldown menu, select Add New Curve.

    The Plot Window List dialog box appears.

    Select the available item, and click OK.

    The curve for OI L-2 appea rs on t he plot. To label t his curv e for OIL -2:

    Double-click the legend box.

    The Plot Legend Box dialog box appears.

    Select True boiling pt (vol).

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    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Edit the Text field to read TBP for OIL-2.

    Click Replace.

    Click OK.

    To plot th e B LE ND curve:

    In the Data Browser, click the MIXOIL folder to expand it.

    The Results form is revealed.

    Click the Curves tab.

    The Curves sheet for MIXOIL appears.

    Add t his curve to the plot cont a ining curves for OIL-1 an d OIL -2, using the sa meprocedure as for OIL-2.

    Select the Percent distilled column.

    From the Plot menu on the Aspen Plus toolbar, select X-Axis Variable.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Select the True boiling pt. (liquid volume) column.

    From the Plot menu, select Y-Axis Variable.

    To add th is curve to the plot cont a ining t he curve for OI L-1 an d OIL -2: .

    From the Plot pulldown menu, select Add New Curve.

    The Plot Window List dialog box appears.

    Select the available item, and click OK.

    The curve for MI XOIL a ppea rs on t he plot. To label th is curve for MI XOIL:

    Double-click the legend box.

    The Plot Legend Box dialog box appears.

    Select True boiling pt (vol).

    Edit the Text field to read TBP for Blend.

    Click Replace.

    Click OK.

    To combine the y-axes:

    Double-click on the plot.

    Select the AxisMap tab.

    Select All in One, and click OK.

    Edit the plot title to read TBP Curves for Crude Oils and Blend.

    Double-click the plot title to select it.

    Type TBP Curves for Crude Oils and Blend.

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    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Click OK.

    As t he completed plot s hows, t he TB P curve for t he blend is betw een the curves

    for each oil. Curve loca tions depend on th e proportions of the t w o oils you define

    for the blend:

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 1-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 1

    Creating a Backup File

    Once you a re sat isfied w ith your Assay Da ta Ana lysis results, you can save thissimulation as a backup file. This allows you to use the a ssay dat a a na lysis you

    ha ve developed in a nother Aspen P lus simula tion.

    To save this simula tion as a ba ckup file:

    From the File menu, select Save As.

    In the Save As dialog box, select Aspen Plus Backup Files for the Save as type.

    In the File name field, enter BLEND.

    Your working directory appears in the Save In box.

    Your simulat ion is sa ved as blend.bkp.

    A dialog box asks if you also want to save the simulation as an Aspen Plus Documentfile.

    Click No.

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    1-30 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Blending Crude

    and Petroleum


    Exiting Aspen Plus

    To exit Aspen P lus:

    From the Aspen Plus File menu, select Exit.

    This run will be used as the starting point for the session in Chapter 2.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    2 Adding a P refla sh Tower

    In t his session you w ill add a preflash t ower to the simulat ion. You w ill a lso

    specify options for pseudocomponent generation.

    You w ill: Define the flowsheet graphically

    Specify properties, feed streams, and preflash tower

    Modify cuts specifica tions for pseudocomponents genera tion

    Run th e simulat ion

    Exa mine simula t ion results

    Allow a bout 45 minutes t o complete th is session.

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    2-2 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding a



    Preflash Tower Flowsheet

    Figur e 2.1 show s t he process flow sheet for this session. The process feed, consist ingof the oil blend, goes first to the preflash furnace where it is partially vaporized.

    The partially vaporized feed then enters the preflash tower. You will model the

    tower a nd the furna ce simultaneously w ith a single P etroFrac block.

    St eam is fed to the bottom of the tower. The tower produces a w ide napht ha cut

    a s a dist i l la t e product .

    Figure 2.1 Flowsheet for Preflash Tower

    You w ill simulat e the tower w ith 10 theoretical st ages, no reboiler, a nd a part ia l

    condenser. The condenser operat es a t 170 F a nd 39.7 psia, w ith a pressure drop

    of 2 psi. The t ower pressu re dr op is 3 psi.

    The tower is st ripped w ith open st eam in t he bott om. The stea m st rea m is a t 400

    F a nd 60 psia , a nd ha s a flow ra te of 5,000 lb/hr. The furna ce opera tes a t a

    pressure of 50 psia a nd a tempera tur e of 450 F. The distillat e rat e is estima ted a t

    15,000 bbl/da y. It s va lue is ma nipulat ed to produce a w ide napht ha cut wit h a nASTM 95%tempera tu re of 375 F.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Starting Aspen Plus

    To sta rt Aspen P lus:

    Use the Windows Start menu, or double-click the Aspen Plus icon on yourdesktop.

    Note If t he Connect H ost dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus Startup dialog box appears.

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    2-4 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding a



    Opening an Existing RunIf you saved the assa y dat a a na lysis simulat ion created in Cha pter 1:

    In the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, select Open an Existing Simulation .

    If your sa ved file blend.bkp a ppea rs in t he list box:

    Select blend.bkp in the list and click OK.

    If your sa ved file blend.bkp does not a ppea r in t he list box:

    Double-click on More Files in the list box.

    The Open dialog box appears.

    Navigate to the directory containing your saved file blend.bkp.

    Select blend.bkp from the list of files, and click Open.

    Note If t he Connect t o Engine dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus main window appears.

    If you did not creat e the assa y da ta a nalysis simulat ion in Chapter 1, you can

    open th e backup file blend.bkp in t he E xam ples folder.

    From the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, select Open an Existing Simulation, thenclick OK.

    The Open dialog box appears.

    Click the Look in Favorites button .

    B y default , th e Favorites l ist conta ins f ive folders tha t a re provided w ith

    Aspen P lus.

    Double-click the Examples folder.

    Select blend.bkp, and click Open.

    Note If t he Connect t o Engine dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus main window appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Saving a Run Under a New Name

    B efore you creat e a new run a dding a prefla sh tower, you will creat e and sa ve acopy of B LEND w ith a new Run ID , P REF LASH . Then you can ma ke modifica tions

    under this new Run I D.

    From the File menu, click Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

    Choose the directory where you want to save the simulation.

    In the File name box, enter the new filename PREFLASH.

    From the Save as Type list, select Aspen Plus Backup Files (*.bkp).

    Click Save to save the simulation and continue.

    A dialog box asks if you also want to save the simulation as an Aspen Plus Documentfile.

    Click No.

    The current Run ID, PREFLASH, appears in the titlebar.

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    2-6 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding a



    Changing the Run Type

    In Cha pter 1, the BLE ND run you performed wa s an Assa y Da ta Ana lysis run. Inthis session, you will perform a flowsheet simulation. You need to switch to the

    Flowsh eet Run Type.

    From the Data menu, select Setup.

    The Setup Specifications form appears.

    Click the Run type field. Select Flowsheet from the list.

    Change the simulation title to Getting Started with Petroleum-Session 2.

    Close the window.

    The gra phics w orkspace is now a ctive a nd rea dy for you to build the flow sheet.

    No more cha nges to this form a re necessa ry.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Selecting a Distillation Model

    Aspen P lus offers severa l distilla tion models. To determine w hich is appropriat e forthe preflash tower, you will use prompts and online help.

    From the Aspen Plus main window, click the Columns tab on the Model Library.

    The list of available distillation columns is displayed.

    Move the mouse over any model in the Model Library and read the description in thelower left of the window.

    From th e prompts, i t a ppears t ha t P etroFrac is appropriat e for t his petroleum

    problem. You can obtain more extensive information on PetroFrac by reading the

    online help:

    Click PetroFrac.

    Press the Help KeyF1 on most systems.

    A Help window appears, with detailed information about PetroFrac.

    Review this information to confirm that PetroFrac is the best choice, then close theHelp window.

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    Adding a



    Defining the Graphical SimulationFlowsheet

    Now you w ill begin t o build th e process flowsheet. S ince you will enter your own

    block and st ream I Ds, you must turn off the default Crea te a uto block ID a nd

    Crea te aut o stream ID options, which provide these IDs a utomat ically.

    From the Tools menu, select Options.

    The Options dialog box appears.

    Click the Flowsheet tab.

    Click the Automatically assign block name check box, to deselect this option.

    Click the Automatically assign stream name check box, to deselect this option.

    Click OK to apply these changes.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    You are rea dy t o build your flowsheet. Figur e 2-1 show s th e process flow dia gra m

    for this session. To review how t o define a flow sheet gr a phica lly, see Getting

    Star ted Bu il di ng and Ru nni ng a Process M odel, Cha pter 2.

    To place a nd connect th e distillat ion un it on t he flow sheet:

    Click the Column tab in the Model Library.

    In the Model Library, select PetroFrac, the unit operation model that you want to placein your process flowsheet.

    You can choose a different icon for the model:

    Click the down arrow next to the PetroFrac block icon to display all the icons availablefor the PetroFrac model.

    Move the mouse over the icons to see a name (or label) for each.

    In this exercise, you will select the PetroFrac icon PREFL1F.

    Hold down the mouse button on the PetroFrac icon PREFL1F, and drag the icon to theProcess Flowsheet window. Release the mouse button when the icon is in the desiredlocation.

    The Input dialog box appears.

    Enter the Block ID PREFLASH, and click OK.

    Connect a nd na me the str eams, a s shown in Figure 2.1. You can use the port

    na mes shown below t o connect to the a ppropriat e port .

    Stream Port

    MIXCRUDE Main Column Feed

    PF-STEAM Main Column Feed

    LIGHTS Vapor Distillate from Main Column

    PF-WATER Condensed Water Decant for Main Column

    NAPHTHA Liquid Distillate from Main Column

    CDU-FEED Bottoms Product from Main Column

    Click the Material Stream icon on the left side of the Model Library.

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    2-10 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding a



    Move the cursor to the Process Flowsheet window. Point to the Main Column Feedport on the PetroFrac and click to create a new stream.

    Point to a blank part of the process flowsheet window where you want the feed tooriginate and click once.

    Enter the Stream ID PF-STEAM, and click OK.

    Create the remaining streams in similar fashion.

    For the MIXCRUDE stream, first connect it to the bottom feed port and then drag it tothe desired location in front of the feed furnace.

    In the Aspen Plus main window toolbar, click the Next button to guide you to the next

    required input.

    The Flowsheet Complete dialog box appears.

    Click OK.

    The Properties Specifications Global sheet appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Specifying Properties

    U se the P roperties Specifica tions G lobal sh eet to select the t hermodynamicmethods used to calculate properties such as K-values, enthalpy, and density.

    Property methods in Aspen Plus are arranged according to Process Types, and in

    logica l groupings called B a se Methods. The B K10 physica l property option set

    (B ra un K -10 meth od) is a ppropriat e for most r efining applica tions involving hea vy

    petroleum fractions a nd low pressures.

    To select the BK10 option set for the physical properties, click the arrow to the right ofthe Process Type box, and select REFINERY.

    Click the arrow to the right of the Base Method box, and select BK10.

    Since you selected th e P etroleum wit h E nglish U nits Applica tion Type in Cha pter

    1, Aspen P lus ha s selected a ppropriat e defaults for petroleum a pplica tions.

    Steam Tables (STEAM-TA) is the default for the free-water phase properties, as

    shown in th e Free-w a ter m ethod field. Aspen P lus ha s a lso selected Method 2 for

    th e wa ter solubility defa ult, a s shown in t he Wa ter solubility field. The Wa ter

    solubility option controls the met hod for calculat ing t he solubility a nd K -va lue of

    w at er in the hydrocar bon phase.

    You do not need to cha nge an yth ing on this form.

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    Adding a



    Click the Next button.

    The Required Properties Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Correct representa tion of physica l properties is essentia l to process modeling. F or

    ma ny simula tions, the only physica l property specifica tion you must provide is toselect a n option set. The Required P ropert ies Input Complete dialog box is a

    reminder tha t t he Aspen P lus physical property syst em ha s ma ny optional

    capa bilities tha t you can use to increase the a ccura cy of physica l property


    Click OK.

    The Stream MIXCRUDE Input form appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Entering Stream Data

    You should be viewing the Str eam MIXCRU DE Input form, as indicat ed in theDa ta B rowser window tit le bar. MIXCRU DE is the crude oil blend feed stream to

    the tower. You will enter condition and flow ra tes for the MIXCRU DE strea m.

    In the Temperature field, enter the feed temperature 200. The default units F(Fahrenheit) are correct for this session.

    In the Pressure field, enter 60. The default units PSI are correct for this session.

    Enter 100000 for the MIXOIL component flow value. This is the oil flow rate in bbl/day.

    The St reams Input form for MIXCRU DE is complete:

    Click the Next button.

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    Adding a



    The Input form for PF-STEAM appears. PF-STEAM is the steam feed to the tower.

    In the Temperature field, enter 400 F.

    In the Pressure field, enter 60 PSI.

    In the Composition area, click the arrow and select Mass-Flow to specify the steamflow in lb/hr.

    Enter 5000 for the H2O component value, to enter a Steam flow rate of 5000 lb/hr.

    The In put form for P F-S TE AM is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The PREFLASH Setup Configuration sheet appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Specifying the Preflash Unit

    U se the PRE FLASH S etup Configurat ion sheet to enter configurat ion a ndopera ting specifica tions for t he column, including:

    Number of theoretical stages

    Valid pha ses in th e column

    Dist il la te vapor fract ion

    In the Number of stages field, enter 10for ten theoretical stages.

    Click the Condenser list box and select Partial-Vapor-Liquid. This indicates that thereis a partial condenser with both vapor and liquid distillate.

    In the Reboiler field, the defa ult None-B ottom-Feed is a ppropriat e, since the

    column ha s no reboiler and t here is a bottom st eam feed.

    In the Distillate rate field, enter 15000to specify an estimate for the distillate rate of15,000 bbl/day.

    The distilla te ra te w ill be manipula ted t o achieve a specifica tion on the ASTM

    95%temperatur e for t he na phtha product .

    The B locks P RE FL ASH Set up Configura tion sheet is complete.

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    Adding a



    Click the Next button.

    The Blocks PREFLASH Setup Streams sheet appears.

    You w ill enter feed loca t ions and conventions for t he MIXCRU DE strea m.

    For MIXCRUDE, enter10in the Stage field. Click the convention list box, and select

    Furnaceto indicate that a furnace is attached to the tower on stage 10. The feed goes

    to the furnace first.

    For PF-STEAM, enter 10in the Stage field. Click the convention list box and select


    The Blocks PREFLASH Setup Streams sheet is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Setup Pressure sheet for the PREFLASH block appears. On this sheet, you willenter the column pressure profile, or specify a top stage pressure and a pressure dropor the rest of the column.

    Click the arrow to the right of the View box to display a list of available views. Select


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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Enter the following pressure profile data:

    Top Stage Pressure 39.7 PSI

    Second Stage Pressure 41.7 PSI

    Bottom Stage Pressure 44.7 PSI

    The S etup P ressure sh eet is complete.

    Click the Next button.

    The Setup Condenser sheet appears.

    Click the Temperature radio button. Enter a value of 170 F.

    The S etup C ondenser sheet is complete.

    Click the Next button.

    The Setup Furnace sheet appears.

    Select Single stage flashas the furnace type.

    Enter the following information to specify furnace operating conditions:

    Furnace temperature 450 F

    Furnace pressure 50 PSI

    These specifica tions model the furn a ce a s a single-sta ge flash a t t he specified


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    Adding a



    The Set up Furn a ce form for the P RE FLASH block is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Required Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Click Cancel.

    Next, you need to set up a design specifica tion for the product q ua lity of the

    na phtha strea m, using the ASTM 95%tempera ture. You w ill manipula te the

    dist il la te ra te to achieve this target .

    From the Data Browser, select the PREFLASH blocks Design Specs folder.

    The Design Specs Object Manager appears.

    Select New.

    In the dialog box, click OK to accept the default ID, 1.

    The Design Spec 1 form appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    On the Specifications sheet, enter the following information for the naphtha productdesign specification:

    Type ASTM D86 temperature (dry, liquid volume basis)

    Target 375 FLiquid % 95

    Click Next.

    On the Feed/Product Streams sheet, move the NAPHTHA stream from the Availablestreams area to the Selected streams area using the single arrow key.

    Click Next.

    On the Vary sheet, select Distillate flow rate from the available list.

    Click the Next button.

    The Required Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Click Cancel.

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    Adding a



    Modifying Pseudocomponents

    In Chapter 1, Aspen Plus generated all pseudocomponents using default options. Inth is session, you w ill modify t he number of pseudocomponents genera ted for

    different temperat ure ran ges.

    From the Data Browser, click the Components folder to expand it.

    Expand the Petroleum Characterization folder. Click Generation.

    The Object Manager appears.

    Click CRUDE, then click the Edit button.

    The Specifications sheet appears.

    Click the Cuts tab.

    Click the Range and Increments radio button.

    Enter the following temperature ranges and increments to generatepseudocomponents for this problem:

    Lower temperature 100 Upper temperature 800 Increment 25

    Upper temperature 1200 Increment 50

    Upper temperature 1400 Increment 100

    Upper temperature 1640 Increment 120

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    The Cuts sheet is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Required ADA-PCS Input Complete dialog box appears.

    Click OK.

    The Required Input Complete dialog box appears.

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    Adding a



    Running the Simulation

    To run th e simula tion:

    Click OK in the Required Input Complete dialog box.

    The Control Panel appears.

    As the run proceeds, sta tus messa ges appear in the Control Pa nel. I t t akes a bout

    a minut e for Aspen P lus to process input specifica tions a nd perform th e

    simulation. When the calculations finish, the message Resul ts Avai labl ea ppears

    in the stat us bar a t th e bott om of the main w indow.

    Use the vertical scroll bar to the right of the Control panel window to see the


    When the Results Available message appears in the toolbar, click the Close button toclose the Control Panel window.

    Click the Close button to close the Data Browser.

    You can now exa mine the results of your run.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Examining Simulation Results

    Aspen Plus produces a wide variety of simulation results. In this session you willexamine:

    Condenser dut y

    Dist i lla te ra t e

    Temperature profile

    Cr ude TB P curves

    Condenser duty results a ppear on the P REF LASH Results S umma ry sheet . To

    exa mine these results:

    Select the PREFLASH block by clicking the PREFLASH icon.

    Press or click the right mouse button to display the Block menu.

    Select Results.

    The Results Summary form for PREFLASH appears, showing a summary of allcondenser and bottom stage results.

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    Adding a



    Dist il la te ra te results appear on the P REF LASH Design Specs 1 Results sheet .

    To examine distillate rate results:

    Expand the Design Specs folder in the Data Browser, and click design-spec 1.

    The Design Specs 1 form is revealed.

    Click the Results tab.

    The Results sheet appears, showing the distillate rate value that Aspen Pluscalculated to satisfy the design specification.

    The temperat ure profile for the column appear s on the P RE FLASH P rofile form.

    To exam ine results by plotting a tempera tur e profile:

    In the Data Browser, click the Profiles form.

    The PREFLASH Profiles form appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    To plot the temperature profile:

    From the Plot menu, select Plot Wizard.

    The Plot Wizard Step 1 dialog box appears.

    Click the Next> button.

    Click the Temperature Plot Type.

    The Plot Wizard Step 2 dialog box appears.

    Click the Next> button.

    The Plot Wizard Step 3 dialog box appears.

    Click the Next> button.

    The Plot Wizard Step 4 dialog box appears.

    Click the Finish button.

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    Adding a



    The temperature profile plot appears.

    You can follow t he sam e steps to display a ny other column profile. You ma y w a nt

    to close some forms to ma ke space for t he new plots.

    The True B oiling P oint curves a ppea r on the S tr eam Results Vol.%Cur ves sheet.

    To plot TB P curves for PR EF LASH feed a nd product strea ms:

    In the Data Browser, click the PREFLASH Stream Results form.

    The Stream Results form is revealed.

    Click the Vol.% Curves tab.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    The Stream Results Vol.% Curves sheet is displayed.

    To select CDU -FE ED an d MIXCRU DE as dependent va riables:

    Click the CDU-FEED column label to select the column.

    Move the mouse to the MIXCRUDE column. Ctrl-Click the MIXCRUDE column label toselect the MIXCRUDE column in addition to the CDU-FEED column.

    From the Aspen Plus Plot menu, select Y-Axis Variable.

    Click the Volume % column label.

    From the Aspen Plus Plot menu, select X-Axis Variable.

    From the Aspen Plus Plot menu, select Display Plot.

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    Aspen Plus displays the following plot:

    As expected, the preflash tow er removes a s ignifica nt port ion of the light

    ma teria l from th e process feed. This reduces the load for t he subsequenta tm ospheric crude unit a nd increases overall process ca pacity.

    When you finish viewing this plot, close the Plot window.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 2-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 2

    Exiting Aspen Plus

    To exit Aspen P lus:

    From the File menu, select Exit.

    A dialog box asks if you want to save your simulation.

    Select Yes to save the simulation.

    A dialog box asks if you also want save the simulation as an Aspen Plus Documentfile.

    Click No.

    This run w ill be used a s the sta rt ing point for the session in Cha pter 3.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    3 Adding an AtmosphericCrude Distilla t ion U nit

    In t his session, you w ill add a n a tmospheric crude dist il la t ion unit to thesimulat ion you ra n in Cha pter 2.

    You w ill:

    Add th e at mospheric crude distillat ion unit to the flow sheet.

    Specify a ddit iona l feed st reams.

    Specify th e at mospheric crude distillat ion unit .

    Run t he simulat ion.

    Exa mine the results.

    Allow a bout 45 minutes t o complete th is session.

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    3-2 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    Atmospheric Crude Distillation UnitFlowsheet

    Figur e 3.1 shows the process flowsh eet you w ill develop in t his session. The

    topped crude from th e preflash tow er goes first t o the crude furna ce, then t o th e

    atmospheric tower. You will model the crude furnace and the atmospheric tower

    units together, using a single P etroFra c block. This a pproa ch ena bles you to

    adjust furnace variables to achieve certain tower specifications, such as the

    overfla sh. The tower ha s:

    A total condenser

    Thr ee coupled side s tr ippers

    Tw o pumpar ound circuits

    Figure 3.1 Process Flowsheet: The Atmospheric Crude Distillation Unit

    P etroFrac simulates the furna ce and t he at mospheric tower simulta neously, as a

    single unit. The furna ce opera tes a t a pressure of 24.18 psia a nd provides a n

    overfla sh of 3%in t he tower. The furna ce outlet enters t he a tm ospheric tower on

    sta ge 22 of the ma in fract iona tor.

    The ma in fra ctiona tor is modeled wit h 25 equilibrium sta ges. The heavy n a phtha

    product flow is est ima ted a t 13,000 bbl/da y, a nd is ma nipulat ed to achieve a n

    ASTM 95%temperat ure of 375 F. The condenser opera tes a t 15.7 psia w ith a

    pressu re dr op of 5 psi. The tow er press ure dr op is 4 psi.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    The ma in fra ctiona tor ha s 2 pumparound circuits. The follow ing ta ble

    summarizes the pumparound locations and specifications:

    Pumparound Location Specifications

    1 From stage 8 to 6 Flow: 49,000 bbl/day Duty: -40 MMBTU/hr

    2 From stage 14 to 13 Flow: 11,000 bbl/day Duty: -15 MMBTU/hr

    The crude distillat ion unit ha s th ree sidestrippers. Their loca tions a nd opera ting

    specifica tions a re:

    Stripper Location Specifications

    KEROSENE Liquid draw from stage 6

    Vapor return to 5

    Product rate: 11,700 bbl/day

    Steam stripping (CU-STM1)

    4 equilibrium stages

    DIESEL Liquid draw from stage 13

    Vapor return to 12

    Product rate: 16,500 bbl/day (estimate)

    Steam stripping (CU-STM2)

    3 equilibrium stages

    AGO Liquid draw from stage 18

    Vapor return to 17

    Product rate: 8,500 bbl/day

    Steam stripping (CU-STM3) 2 equilibrium stages

    The diesel flow r a te is a n estima te only. You w ill manipula te it to a chieve an

    ASTM 95%temperature of 640 F for the diesel product.

    All sidestrippers a nd th e main fr a ctiona tor use stea m for stripping. The follow ing

    ta ble summa rizes the steam flows a nd condit ions:

    Stream Location Conditions and Flow

    CU-STEAM Main tower 400 F, 60 psia, 12,000 lb/hr

    CU-STM1 Kerosene stripper 400 F, 60 psia, 3,300 lb/hr

    CU-STM2 Diesel stripper 400 F, 60 psia, 1,000 lb/hr

    CU-STM3 AGO stripper 400 F, 60 psia, 800 lb/hr

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    3-4 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    Starting Aspen Plus

    To sta rt Aspen P lus:

    Use the Windows Start menu or double-click the Aspen Plus icon on your desktop.

    Note If t he Connect H ost dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus Startup dialog box appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Opening an Existing RunIf you sa ved the preflash flowsh eet simulat ion creat ed in Cha pter 2:

    In the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, select Open an Existing Simulation.

    If your sa ved file preflas h.bkp appears in t he list box:

    Select preflash.bkp from the list and click OK.

    If your sa ved file preflash.bkp does not a ppea r in t he list box:

    Double-click More Files in the list box.

    The Open dialog box appears.

    Navigate to the directory containing your saved file preflash.bkp.

    Select preflash.bkp from the list of files and click Open.

    Note If t he Connect t o Engine dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus main window appears.

    If you did not creat e the assa y da ta ana lysis simulat ion in Cha pter 2, you ca n

    open th e backup file preflash.bkp in t he Exa mples folder.

    From the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, select Open an Existing Simulation. ClickOK.

    The Open dialog box appears.

    Click the Look in Favorites button .

    By default, the Favorites list contains five folders that are provided with Aspen Plus.

    Double-click the Examples folder.

    Select preflash.bkp and click Open.

    Note If t he Connect t o Engine dia log box a ppea rs, see Appendix A.

    The Aspen Plus main window appears.

    Aspen Plus displays the graphical flowsheet for the PREFLASH run.

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    Saving a Run Under a New NameB efore you create a new run a dding the a tmospheric crude unit , you will creat e

    an d save a copy of PRE FLASH w ith a new Run ID, CRU DE . Then you can m a kemodificat ions under th is new Run ID .

    From the File menu, click Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

    Choose the directory where you want to save the simulation.

    In the Filename box, enter the new filename CRUDE.

    From the Save as Type list, select Aspen Plus Backup Files (*.bkp).

    Click Save to save the simulation and continue.

    A dialog box asks if you also want to save the simulation as an Aspen Plus Documentfile.

    Click No.

    The current r un ID , CRU DE , now a ppears in the t i t lebar. To upda te the t i t le for

    this run:

    From the Data menu, select Setup.

    The Setup Specifications form appears.

    Change the simulation title to Getting Started with Petroleum-Session 3.

    Close the window.

    The gra phics w orkspace is now a ctive a nd rea dy for you to ad d to the existing


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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Adding the Crude Distillation Unit to theFlowsheet

    You a re read y to ad d the crude distillat ion unit to the flow sheet. To make space

    for the new t ower:

    Drag a region around the entire flowsheet.

    Press and hold the left mouse button within the region and drag the flowsheet to theleft, to make room for the crude distillation unit, as shown in Figure 3.1.

    To place a nd connect th e distillat ion un it on t he flow sheet:

    In the Model Library, click the Column tab.

    Select the unit operation model, PetroFrac, to place in your process flowsheet.

    Click the down arrow next to the PetroFrac block icon to display all the icons availablefor the PetroFrac model.

    Move the mouse over the icons to see a name (or label) for each.

    In t his exercise, you will select t he P etroFra c icon CDU 10F.

    Hold down the mouse button on the PetroFrac icon CDU10F, and drag the icon to theProcess Flowsheet window. Release the mouse button in the desired location.

    Place the CDU10F icon in the flowsheet, as shown in Figure 3.1. Name the block


    To increase the size of the icon, click the PetroFrac icon, hold down the Shift key, thenpress the + key.

    To reconnect t he distilla tion unit t o the preflash block a lready on the flowsheet:

    Select the CDU-FEED stream.

    Click the right mouse button on the stream, and select Reconnect Destination from themenu that appears.

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    Point to the Main Column Feed port at the bottom of the column.

    Click to connect the CDU-FEED stream to the bottom feed port and then drag it to thedesired location in front of the feed furnace

    To display the flowsheet as large as possible, from the View menu, select Zoom full.

    Connect, move, and name the streams as shown in Figure 3.1. Use the port names inTable 3.1 to help you connect to the appropriate port.

    Table 3.1 Streams and Corresponding Ports

    Stream ID Port Name

    CDU-FEED Main Column Feed

    CU-STEAM Main Column Feed

    CU-STM1 Stripper Steam Feeds

    CU-STM2 Stripper Steam Feeds

    CU-STM3 Stripper Steam Feeds

    CU-WATER Condenser Water Decant for Main Column

    HNAPHTHA Liquid Distillate from Main Column

    KEROSENE Bottoms Product from Stripper

    DIESEL Bottoms Product from Stripper

    AGO Bottoms Product from Stripper

    RED-CRD Bottoms Product from Main Column

    You ha ve finished a dding the dist il la t ion unit t o the f lowsh eet .

    Click the Next button.

    The Flowsheet Complete dialog box appears.

    Click OK.

    The Input form for stream CU-STEAM appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Specifying Steam Feeds to the TowerU se the Input form for str eam C U -STEAM to enter t he specifica tions for the

    steam feed to the ma in column.

    Enter the following state variable and component flow specifications:

    Temperature 400F

    Pressure 60PSI

    Composition Basis Mass-Flow LB/HR

    H2O Flow value 12000 LB/HR

    The I nput form for C U -STE AM is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Input form for CU-STM1 appears.

    Enter the following state variable and component flow specifications:

    Temperature 400F

    Pressure 60PSI

    Composition Basis Mass-Flow LB/HR

    H2O Flow value 3300LB/HR

    Click the Next button.

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    Distillation Unit

    The Input form for CU-STM2 appears.

    Enter the following state variable and component flow specifications:



    Pressure 60PSI

    Composition Basis Mass-Flow LB/HR

    H2O Flow value 1000LB/HR

    Click the Next button.

    The Input form for CU-STM3 appears.

    Enter the following state variable and component flow specifications:

    Temperature 400FPressure 60PSI

    Composition Basis Mass-Flow LB/HR

    H2O Flow value 800LB/HR

    You ha ve finished entering st eam feed specifica tions.

    Click the Next button.

    The Blocks CRUDE Setup form appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Specifying the Atmospheric TowerU se the B locks CRU DE Setup form to specify th e ma in column configurat ion.

    On the Configuration sheet, specify:

    Number of stages 25

    Condenser Total

    Reboiler None-Bottom Feed

    Distillate rate 13000BBL/DAY

    The distillate flow rate is an estimate. This value will be manipulated to achieve

    the desired ASTM 95%temperature for th e heavy na phtha stream .

    Click the Next button.

    The Blocks CRUDE Setup Streams sheet appears.

    Enter the following feed locations and conventions:

    Stage Convention

    CDU-FEED 22 Furnace

    CU-STEAM 25 On-Stage

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    The Fur na ce feed convention a tt a ches a furn a ce to sta ge 22. This furn a ce is

    solved simulta neously w ith t he ma in fra ct ionation column a nd st rippers.

    Click the Next button.

    The Pressure sheet appears.

    Enter the following pressures using the Top/Bottom View:

    Stage 1 / Condenser Pressure 15.7PSI

    Stage 2 Pressure 20.7PSI

    Bottom Stage Pressure 24.7PSI

    Click the Next button.

    The Furnace sheet appears.

    Select the Single stage flash Furnace type

    Specify a StdVol Fractional overflash of 0.03 and a Furnace pressure of 24.18 psi.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    The Fu rna ce sheet is now complete:

    You have completed specifica tions for th e ma in column.

    Click the Next button.

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    3-14 Modeling P et roleum P rocessesVersion 10.1-0

    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    B ecause you a t t ached feed a nd product st reams for t hree sidestrippers in the

    graphical flowsheet, Aspen Plus automatically configured this block with three

    sidestrippers: S-1, S-2, and S-3.

    The Setup form for Stripper S-1 appears.

    Enter the following specifications:

    Number of stages 4

    Liquid draw stage 6

    Overhead return stage 5

    Stripper product KEROSENE

    Stripping steam CU-STM1

    Bottom product flow 11700BBL/DAY

    The S -1 Set up form is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The S-2 Setup form appears.

    Enter the following specifications:

    Number of stages 3

    Liquid draw stage 13

    Overhead return stage 12

    Stripper product DIESEL

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Stripping steam CU-STM2

    Bottom product flow 16500 BBL/DAY

    The S -2 Set up form is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The S-3 Setup form appears.

    Enter the following specifications:

    Number of stages 2

    Liquid draw stage 18

    Overhead return stage 17

    Stripper product AGO

    Stripping steam CU-STM3

    Bottom product flow 8500 BBL/DAY

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    The S -3 Set up form is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Required Input Complete dialog box appears. Click Cancel.

    Next, you will supply specifica tions for P umpa round 1 and P umpa round 2.

    In the Data Browser, click the Block CRUDE Pumparounds folder.

    The Pumparounds Object Manager sheet appears. Select New.

    In the dialog box, click OK to accept the default ID P-1.

    The Pumparounds P-1 Specifications sheet appears.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    To specify P-1, enter:

    Draw stage 8

    Return stage 6

    Drawoff type PartialStdVol Flow 49000 BBL/DAY

    Heat duty -40.0 MMBTU/HR

    The P umpa rounds P -1 Specifica tions sh eet is complete:

    Click the Pumparounds folder to reopen the Object Manager.

    The Pumparound Object Manager appears. Select New.

    In the dialog box, click OK to accept the default ID P-2.

    The Pumparounds P-2 Specifications sheet appears. Enter the following specifications for P-2:

    Draw stage 14

    Return stage 13

    Drawoff type PARTIAL

    StdVol Flow 11000 BBL/DAY

    Heat duty -15.0 MMBTU/HR

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    The P umpa rounds P -2 Specifica tions sh eet is complete:

    Click the Next button.

    The Required Input Complete dialog box appears. Click Cancel.

    You ha ve completed a ll required P etroFra c specifica tions. However, in this

    session you w ill specify t w o design specifica tions, t he ASTM 95%temperat ure for

    HNAPH THA and for DI ES EL.

    From the Data Browser, click the Blocks CRUDE Design Specs folder.

    The Design Spec Object Manager appears. Click New.

    In the dialog box, click OK to accept the default ID 1.

    The Blocks CRUDE Design Specs 1 Specifications sheet appears.First , you w ill enter specifica t ions to have P etroFrac ma nipulat e the dist il la t e

    ra te t o achieve an ASTM 95%t emperat ure of 375 F for H NAP HTHA:

    In the Type field, select ASTM D86 temperature (dry. liquid volume basis).

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-1Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    Enter the following specifications:

    Target 375

    Liquid % 95

    Click the Next button.

    The Feed/Product Streams sheet appears. Move HNAPTHA from the Available streams area to the Selected stream area by

    clicking the > button.

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    Adding an



    Distillation Unit

    Click the Next button.

    The Vary sheet appears. Click the arrow to the right of the Type box, and select Distillate flow rate from the list.

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    Modeling P et roleum P rocesses 3-2Version 10.1-0

    Chapter 3

    The H NAPH TH A design specifica tion is complete.

    Click the Design Specs folder to reopen the Object manager.

    For t he second design specifica