™-^*L iSR* _ ,^RL *9R!. S^ Wf ^^•^ WL..WL w UP LOOK Materials Problem Modeling and Simulation Methods In Materials Characterization Eminent industrial and academic scientists wilt demonstrate the important role that modeling now plays in characterization. Sessions include relevant and topical areas such as simulations and interpretations of optical and vibrational spectra, solid state NMR chemical shifts, electrical properties, crystal morphology and crystallization phenomena, as well as advanced crystallographic methods. These techniques will be illustrated in application to a range of solid state materials, including polymers, ceramics, molecular solids, and homogenous and heterogenous catalysts. Discussions will cover the application of these tools as valuable additions to current discovery and optimization methods. Learn illustrative methods that can be applied to your immediate research problems. The agenda will include IBM workstation demonstrations of actual characterization problem solutions. SPEAKERS INCLUDE: A SEMINAR SERIES] featuring Distinguished Speakers The Latest Methods and Results Your "Hands-On" Opportunity Tues. Thurs. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Mon. Tues. Wed. Frl. April 19 April 21 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 6 Los Angeles San Francisco I Houston Cleveland Philadelphia Boston Copenhagen Frankfurt Paris London Dr. M. AI la vena (NRS Dr. F.li. Axe BIOS* M Prof. C.R.A. Catlow Ko\ul Institution Dr. Anne Chaka The l.nhri/ol Corp. Prof. A.K. t heetham l ( ' S;<ntsi Barhura Dr. CM. Freeman BIOSYM Dr. R. Frey KIOSVM Dr. A. (v or man KIOSVM Dr. D. King-Smith KIOSVM Dr. S. M. Levine KIOSVM Dr. S. F. Mum by KJOSVM Dr. J. M. Newsam KIOSVM Prof. J.K. Norskov I . I . Denmark Prof. J.J. Rehr l n i \ t * r s i t > of Washington Dr. D.ll. Righy KIOSVM Prof. R.A. van San ten I . I . Y. indhiMpn Dr. P.W. Saxe KIOSVM Dr. P.A. Sterne IT l ) a \ i s , I I M Dr. J. Stieht KIOSVM Prof. N. Quirke KIOSVM Dr. K. Wimmer KIOSVM Dr. M. Wrinn KIOSVM ISHIBBI This Seminar is free, but space is limited, so please Register Early. Fax our SEMINAR HOTLINE at (619) 597-9777 (San Diego) or call Christine Sheppard at (619) 597-9712 or Caroline Blase (Munich) at 89-429322 CIRCLE 16 ON READER SERVICE CARD Get A .«•M:* At Your ©ο

Get A CLOSE UP LOOK At YOUR Materials Problem

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™-^*L iSR* _ ,̂ RL *9R!. S^ Wf

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Materials Problem Modeling and Simulation Methods In Materials Characterization

Eminent industrial and academic sc ient is ts wilt demonstrate the important role that m o d e l i n g n o w plays in characterization. S e s s i o n s inc lude relevant and topical areas such as s imula t ions and interpretations of optical and vibrational spectra, so l id state N M R chemical shifts , electrical properties , crystal m o r p h o l o g y and crystal l izat ion p h e n o m e n a , as wel l as advanced crystal lographic m e t h o d s .

T h e s e t echn iques wil l be i l lustrated in appl icat ion to a range of so l id state materials , i n c l u d i n g po lymers , ceramics, molecu lar so l ids , and h o m o g e n o u s and h e t e r o g e n o u s catalysts. D i s c u s s i o n s wil l cover the appl icat ion of these tools as va luab le add i t ions to current discovery and opt imiza t ion m e t h o d s .

Learn i l lustrative m e t h o d s that can be appl i ed to your immedia te research prob lems . The agenda wil l inc lude IBM workstat ion demonstrat ions of actual characterization problem so lut ions .



Distinguished Speakers

The Latest Methods and Results

Your "Hands-On" Opportunity

Tues. Thurs. Mon. Tues . Wed. Thurs.

Mon. Tues. W e d . Frl.

April 19 April 21 April 2 5 April 26 April 27 April 28

May 2 May 3 May 4 May 6

Los Angeles San Francisco I Houston Cleveland Philadelphia Boston

Copenhagen Frankfur t Paris London

Dr. M. AI la vena ( N R S

Dr. F.li. Axe B I O S * M

Prof. C.R.A. Catlow K o \ u l I n s t i t u t i o n

Dr. Anne Chaka T h e l . n h r i / o l C o r p .

Prof. A.K. t heetham l ( ' S;<ntsi B a r h u r a

Dr. C M . Freeman B I O S Y M

Dr. R. Frey K I O S V M

Dr. A. (v or man K I O S V M

Dr. D. K i n g - S m i t h K I O S V M

Dr. S. M. Levine K I O S V M

Dr. S. F. Mum by KJOSVM

Dr. J. M. Newsam K I O S V M

Prof. J.K. Norskov I . I . D e n m a r k

Prof . J . J . Rehr l n i \ t * r s i t > o f W a s h i n g t o n

Dr. D.ll. Righy K I O S V M

Prof. R.A. van San ten I . I . Y. i n d h i M p n

Dr. P.W. Saxe K I O S V M

Dr. P.A. Sterne I T l ) a \ i s , I I M

Dr. J . St ieht K I O S V M

Prof. N. Quirke K I O S V M

Dr. K. W i m m e r K I O S V M

Dr. M . W r i n n K I O S V M


This Seminar is free, but space is limited, so please Register Early.

Fax our SEMINAR HOTLINE at (619) 597-9777 (San Diego) or call

Christine Sheppard at (619) 597-9712 or

Caroline Blase (Munich) at 89-429322


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At Your
