Gadar Anak

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Gadar Anak

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  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Oswati Hasanah, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An


    PSIK UR 2012

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Sule, mahasiswa keperawatan UR. Ini adalah haripertamanya paraktik di ruang IGD anak. pasienpertamanya pagi ini adalah klien anak, laki-laki, usia 3

    tahun, dengan luka di kaki karena terjatuh daritangga. Anak ini menangis kesakitan dan tampaknyatidak bisa menggerakkan kakinya, ia menolak didekati oleh sule, apalagi melihat sule yang berpakaian

    putih, memakai masker, membawa seperangkat alatyang belum pernah ia lihat sebelumnya, membuattangisannya semakin kuat. Sejujurnya, sule jugabingung harus bagaimana menghadapi anak dengankondisi seperti ini.

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Kelompok 1

    Coba analisa keterampilan apa saja yang harus dimilikioleh sule dalam kasus kegawat daruratan pada anak?

    Coba cari berdasarkan literatur apa saja contoh kasusgawat-darurat pada anak

    Bagaimana aplikasi konsep atraumatic care dalam kasusgawat-darurat anak?

    Kelompok 2

    Apa perbedaan penatalaksanaan kasus gawat-daruratpada anak dengan kasus pada orang dewasa?

    Bagaimana aplikasi konsep family centere care dalamkasus gawat-darurat anak?

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Communicate an attitude of calm confidence Establish a trusting relationship

    Encourage caregivers to stay with the child Tell the truth describing sensation Provide insentives and rewards Assess the child unspoken thoughts and

    feelings listen, avoid yes/no respons

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Childs response to emergencies

    Primary response is fear Fear of being separated from parents

    Fear of being removed from home

    Fear of being hurt

    Fear of mutilation

    Fear of the unknown

    Combat the fear with calm, honest approach Be honest - tell them it will hurt if it will

    Use approach language

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    Infant Toddler

    Preschooler School age Adolescence

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Neonatal stage - birth to 1 month

    Congenital problems and other illnesses often n

    noted Personality development begins

    Stares at faces and smiles

    Easily comforted by mother and sometimes


    Rarely febrile, but if so, be cautious of meningitis

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    Approach to Neonates

    Keep child warm

    Observe skin color, tone and respiratory activity

    Absence of tears when crying indicates dehydration

    Auscultate the lungs early when child is quiet

    Have the child suck on a pacifier

    Have child remain on the mothers lap

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 1-5 months - Characteristics

    Birth weight doubles

    Can follow movements with their eyes Muscle control develops

    History must be obtained from parents


    Keep child warm and comfortable

    Have child remain in mothers lap

    Use a pacifier or a bottle

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    Ages 1-5 months - Common problems


    Vomiting and diarrhea/dehydration Meningitis

    Child abuse

    Household accidents

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 6-2 months - Characteristics

    Ability to stand or walk with assistance

    Very active and explore the world with theirmouths

    Stranger anxiety

    Do not like lying supine

    Cling to their mothers

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 6-12 months - Common problems

    Febrile seizures

    Vomiting and diarrhea/dehydration Bronchiolitis or croup

    Car accidents and falls

    Child abuse Ingestions and foreign body obstructions


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    Ages 6-12 months - Approach

    Examine the child in the mothers lap

    Progress from toe to head Allow the child to get used to you

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 1-3 years - Characteristics

    Motor development, always on the move

    Language development Child begins to stray from mother

    Child can be asked certain questions

    Accidents prevail

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    Ages 1-3 yrs - Common problems

    Auto accidents

    Vomiting and diarrhea Febrile seizures

    Croup, meningitis

    Foreign body obstruction

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 1-3 yrs - Approach

    Cautious approach to gain confidence

    Child may resist physical exam Avoid no answers

    Tell the child if something will hurt

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 3-5 years - Characteristics

    Tremendous increase in motor development

    Language is almost perfect but patients may notwish to talk

    Afraid of monsters, strangers; fear of mutilation

    Look to parent for comfort and protection

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 3-5 yrs - Common problems

    Croup, asthma, epiglottitis

    Ingestions, foreign bodies Auto accidents, burns

    Child abuse

    Drowning Meningitis, febrile seizures

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 3-5 yrs - Approach

    Interview child first, have parents fill in gaps

    Use doll or stuffed animal to assist in assessment Allow child to hold & use equipment

    Allow them to sit on your lap

    Always explain what you are going to do

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Ages 6-12 years - Characteristics

    Active and carefree

    Great growth, clumsiness Personality changes

    Strive for their parents attention

    Common problems


    Auto accidents, bicycle accidents

    Fractures, falls, sporting injuries

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    Age 6-12 yrs - approach

    Interview the child first

    Protect their privacy Be honest and tell them what is wrong

    They may cover up information if they were


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    Ages 12-15 - Characteristics

    Varied development

    Concerned with body image and veryindependent

    Peers are highly important, as is interest in

    opposite sex

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    Ages 12-15 - Common problems


    Auto accidents, sports injuries Asthma

    Drug and alcohol abuse

    Sexual abuse, pregnancy Suicide gestures

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    Ages 12-15 - Approach

    Interview the child away from parent

    Pay attention to what they are notsaying

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    Ages 12-15 - Characteristics

    Varied development

    Concerned with body image and veryindependent

    Peers are highly important, as is interest in

    opposite sex

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Life threatening

    Not life


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    What can you do to help?

    Act Call??


    Obtain code cart Monitor and saturation monitor



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    Airway Clear

    Maintainable simply Head tilt/chin lift (the so-called sniff position)

    Jaw thrust

    Oral and nasal airways

    Unmaintainable Removal of a foreign-body obstruction

    Endotracheal intubation

    Percutaneous needle cricothyrotomy

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Respiratory rate Effort

    Retractions Use of accessory muscles of respiration Nasal flaring Grunting

    Air entry/exchange Symmetric chest expansion

    Breath sounds Paradoxical breathing Stridor Wheezing

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Color Heart rate Blood pressure

    Quality/strength ofperipheral andcentral pulses

    Skin perfusion Capillary refill time

    Temperature Mottling

    End-organ perfusion CNS

    Responsiveness(awake, responds tovoice, to pain,unresponsive)

    Recognize parents

    Muscle tone Pupillary reflexes Posturing

    Kidney perfusion Urine output >1 mL per

    kg per hour

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Shock Hypovolemic shock

    Distributive shock

    Cariogenic shock Trauma Ingestion an poisoning Environmenal emergencies

    Animal, human, snake bites

    Drowning Dental emergencies teeh injured

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    Pneumonia Croup

    Foreign Body

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    Predominately during inspiration

    Increased RR

    Change in voice Hoarse

    Seal like cough


    Poor chest rise

    Poor air entry on auscultation

  • 5/27/2018 Gadar Anak


    Most common in children younger than 5 yo Commonly aspirated objects include peanuts, grapes,

    coins, small toys, jewelry, balloons and hot dogs Suspect in any child presenting with the acute

    respiratory distress with coughing, gagging and stridor especially when there is no history of prodromal
