Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Fusion Centers Updates Wave 3 JDI

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    NotesSorry I didnt mean to put out wave 2 so early. We forgot about that Tthing.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Af Updates

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    #AllLivesMatter Bad

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    All Lives Matter BadTe !All Lives Matter" oveent $ails%is &ad'(en )*!wen" Ianna #" ph$ %andidate in &fri%an $iaspora Studies at '()er*eley. +When &ll ,ives -atter.+ .p." 2/ $e%. 201. Web. /0 3une 2014.

    http566www.thediasporabla%*mattersissue.%om6owen17In te 'a+land streets on Monda, ni-t respondin- to te $ailure to indi.t Darren Wilson/soe protesters souted !Bla.+ Lives Matter" (ile oters ans(ered (it te revised e.o/

    !All Lives Matter0" Tis .ould &e eard and eld lots o$ (a,s0 But te (a,tat I ear it and ave eard it over te ,ears is as an insisten.e tat (e .an1t2ust do soetin- in te nae o$ &la.+ li$e/ (i. is too spe.i.0 Tesoetin- (e do needs to &e done on &eal$ o$ !all lives0" A de.eptive littlerevision/ a prase tat &eas (it te $alse polis o$ in.lusion0 Itsounds li+e it &roadens our understandin- o$ te +inds o$ &odies (e .are a&out and/ ,et/ alllives" .an1t a..oodate or a..ount $or &la.+ness &e.ause teuniversal !all" .an onl, understand itsel$ trou- te erasure o$ itsoter4 &la.+ness0 M, esitan., around o( to ear te .all o$ !all"

    .oes $ro te (a,s tat ea. su..essive .all$or te eradi.ation o$ tepoli.e/ tri--ered &, te e5tra2udi.ial e5e.utions o$ &la.+ en/ sipl, pass trou-te &odies o$ te dead (itout lin-erin- tere (it te.To assert tatte eruption over (eter &la.+ li$e atters is onl, a s,pto o$ a pro&le tat afe.ts us!all" reinds e/ ri-tl, or (ron-l,/ o$ Frant6 Fanon1s e5a.tin- .riti7ue inBla.+ 8+in/ WiteMas+s o$ Jean 9aul 8artre1s su--estion tat te n:-ritude (as erel, a pase to pass trou-

    to -et at universal issues4 And so it is not I (o a+e a eanin- $or ,sel$/&ut it is te eanin- tat (as alread, tere/ pre;e5istin-/ (aitin-$or e0It is not out o$ , &ad ni--er1s iser,/ , &ad ni--er1s teet/ , &ad ni--er1sun-er tat I (ill sape a tor. (it (i. to &urn do(n te (orld/ &ut it is te tor. tat (as

    alread, tere/ (aitin- $or tat turn o$ istor,0 Instead o$ a du&iousl, universal/.olor&lind insisten.e tat !all" lives atter/ instead o$ insistin- te poli.eurt us all and so(e all sould .are/ instead o$ needin- to re.enter te sel$ as a possi&le vi.ti

    o$ state .oer.ion/ (at a&out de$endin- te .all !&la.+ lives atter" inte spirit o$ &la.+ les&ian $einis tat as lon- asserted tat er-t is ever, -t< Te .entral .lai o$ te Co&aee =iver Colle.tive &ears repeatin-ere/ no(/ !I$ Bla.+ (oen (ere $ree/ it (ould ean tat ever,one else (ould ave to &e $ree

    sin.e our $reedo (ould ne.essitate te destru.tion o$ all te s,stes o$ oppression0" Toa.tuall, &elieve &la.+ lives atter>(itout needin- to revise or &roaden tat7ualied li$e>ore efe.tivel, does (at !all lives" respondents (iste, (ere doin-4 a.tuall, in.ludin- us all0 To tal+ a&out &la.+ li$e isto old t(o e5trees side &, side/ to ia-ine a&2e.ted &la.+nessin.in- .loser to le-i&ilit,0At te sae tie/ to utter or =T #&la.+livesatter is to&e redu.ed/ to .on.ede tat tere is soetin- .alled li$e tat (e are (oll, outside o$0

    9eraps/ ten/ to sa, tat not all &ut &la.+ li$e atters is to so unsettlete .ontented .ate-or, o$ !te uan" tat/ &, insistin- on its

    possi&le pro5iit, or penetration &, &la.+ness/ (e i-t ope todestro, !te uan" alto-eter0 Te unspo+en .opanion/ te e.oto ever, oarse .r, tat !&la.+ li$e atters" is tat &la.+ li$e doesnot atter at all.8till/ Audre Lorde instru.ts us/ !it is &etter to spea+ % ree&erin- %(e (ere never eant to survive0" We .an &urn tis sit do(n and +eep ea. oter (ar? (e.an do &ot at te sae tie0 Tis tor. is ours to sape/ to raise0

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    @an., and Butler CardsUtteran.es o$ !All Lives Matter" are te (ron- startin-point and never a..ount $or &la.+ lives0 Tis o&s.ures te.riti.al .onversations needed to spea+ &a.+ a-ainst anti;

    &la.+ $or.es and dan-erous $ors o$ (iteness0@an., Butler )8 9eorge professor of philosophy at $u:uesne'niversity; 3udith -arofessor in the department of %omparativeliterature and the program of %riti%al theory at the 'niversity of (alifornia")er*eley? Whats Wrong With @&ll ,ives -atterA in ew Bor* Times 3anuary12" 2014 http566opinionator.blogs.nytimes.%om620146016126whatsCwrongCwithCallClivesCmatter6ADrE1J.B.:Racism has complex origins, and it is important that we learn the history of racism to

    know what has led us to this terrible place. But racism is also reproduced in the present, in

    the prison system, new forms of population control, increasing economic inequality that

    affects people of color disproportionately. These forms of institutionalied destitution and

    inequality are reproduced through these daily encounters ! the disproportionate numbers of

    minorities stopped and detained by the police, and the rising number of those who fall

    "ictim to police "iolence. The figure of the black person as threat, as criminal, as someone who is, no matter where he isgoing, already-on-the-way-to-prison, conditions these pre-emptive strikes, attributing lethal aggression to the very figure who suffers

    it most. The lives taken in this way are not lives worth grieving; they belong to the increasing number of those who are understood asungrievable, whose lives are thought not to be worth preserving.But, of course, what we are also seeing in the recent and continuing

    assemblies, rallies and vigils is an open mourning for those whose lives were cut short and without cause, brutally extinguished. The

    practices of public mourning and political demonstration converge: when lives are considered ungrievable, to grieve them openly is

    protest. o when people assemble in the street, arrive at rallies or vigils,demonstrate with the aim of

    opposing this form of racist "iolence, they are #speaking back$ to this mode of address,

    insisting on what should be ob"ious but is not, namely, that these lost li"es are unacceptable

    losses.%n the one hand, there is a message, #Black &i"es 'atter,$ which always risks being

    misheard (#)hat* %nly black li"es matter*$+ or not heard at all !"these are #ust people who willprotest anything$%. &n the other hand, the assembly, even without words, enacts the message in its own way. 'or it is

    often in public spaces where such violence takes place, so reclaiming public space to oppose both racismand "iolence is an act that re"erberates throughout the public spherethrough various media.

    .-.:()ve heard that some white people have held signs that read "*ll +ives atter.$J.B.:)hen some people reoin

    with #/ll &i"es 'atter$ they misunderstand the problem, but not because their message is

    untrue. 0t is true that all li"es matter, but it is equally true that not all li"es are understood

    to matter which is precisely why it is most important to name the li"es that ha"e not

    mattered, and are struggling to matter in the way they deser"e. )hiteness is less a property

    of skin than a social power reproducing its dominance in both explicit and implicit ways.

    1laiming that #all li"es matter$ does not immediately mark or enable black li"es only

    because they ha"e not been fully recognied as ha"ing li"es that matter . ( do not mean this as an

    obscure riddle. ( mean only to say that we cannot ha"e a race2blind approach to the questions: which

    li"es matter* %r, which li"es are worth "aluing* 0f we ump too quickly to the uni"ersal

    formulation, #all li"es matter,$ then we miss the fact that black people ha"e not yet beenincluded in the idea of #all li"es.$That said, it is true that all lives matter !we can then debate

    about when life begins or ends%. But to make that uni"ersal formulation concrete, to make

    that into a li"ing formulation, one that truly extends to all people, we ha"e to foreground

    those li"es that are not mattering now, to mark that exclusion, and militate against it.

    /chie"ing that uni"ersal, #all li"es matter,$ is a struggle, and that is part of what we are

    seeing on the streets.'or on the streets we see a complex set of solidarities across color lines that seek to show what aconcrete and living sense of bodies that matter can be.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Wite allies .an &e invested in deonstrations a-ainstanti;&la.+ ra.is tat .an re.ede (iteness in order toen-a-e in a .ross ra.ial stru--le o$ solidarit,0

    @an., Butler )8 9eorge professor of philosophy at $u:uesne'niversity; 3udith -arofessor in the department of %omparative

    literature and the program of %riti%al theory at the 'niversity of (alifornia")er*eley? Whats Wrong With @&ll ,ives -atterA in ew Bor* Times 3anuary12" 2014 http566opinionator.blogs.nytimes.%om620146016126whatsCwrongCwithCallClivesCmatter6ADrE1

    )hiteness is not an abstraction3 its claim to dominance is fortified through daily acts which

    may not seem racist at all precisely because they are considered #normal.$ But ust as

    certain kinds of "iolence and inequality get established as #normal$ through the

    proceedings that exonerate police of the lethal use of force against unarmed black people, sowhiteness, or rather its claim to privilege, can be disestablished over time. This is why there must be a collective reflection on, and

    opposition to, the way whiteness takes hold of our ideas about whose lives matter. The norm of whiteness that supports both violence

    and ineuality insinuates itself into the normal and the obvious. nderstood as the sometimes tacit and sometimes explicit power to

    define the boundaries of kinship, community and nation, whiteness inflects all those frameworks within which certain lives are made

    to matter less than others.(t is always possible to do whiteness otherwise, to engage in a sustained and collective practice to uestion

    how racial differentiation enters into our daily evaluations of which lives deserve to be supported, to flourish, and which do not. But itis probably an error, in my view, for white people to become paraly/ed with guilt and self-scrutiny. The point is rather to

    consider those ways of "aluing and de"aluing life that go"ern our own thinking and acting,

    understanding the social and historical reach of those ways of "aluing. 0t is probably

    important and satisfying as well to let one4s whiteness recede by oining in acts of solidarity

    with all those who oppose racism. There are ways of fading out whiteness, withdrawing its

    implicit and explicit claim to racial pri"ilege.5emonstrations ha"e the potential to embody

    forms of equality that we want to see realied in the world more broadly. )orking against

    those practices and institutions that refuse to recognie and mark the powers of state racism

    in particular, assemblies gather to mourn and resist the deadly consequences of such

    powers. )hen people engage in concerted actions across racial lines to build communities

    based on equality, to defend the rights of those who are disproportionately imperiled to

    ha"e a chance to li"e without the fear of dying quite suddenly at the hands of the police.There are many ways to do this, in the street, the office, the home, and in the media. %nly

    through such an e"er2growing cross2racial struggle against racism can we begin to achie"e a

    sense of all the li"es that really do matter.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    #Bla.+LivesMatter#Bla.+livesatter is essential to uani6e &la.+ people/e5pose te nas.ent anti;&la.+ violen.e o$ te U080/ and.reate te politi.al possi&ilities o$ 2usti.e and solidarit,

    1ra"en 6789!0ulia, taff 1eporter at 2uffington 3ost on race relations 3lease topTelling e That *ll +ives atter in the 2uffington 3ost online 0anuary 45, 4675

    http:88www.huffingtonpost.com8#ulia-craven8please-stop-telling-me-th9b9446 percent of police shootings though we

    only makeup 8? percent of the @.A. population,based ondataspanning from 7>>> to 4677.(n the 76? days sinceike Brown was killed by @arren Ailson and left on display in the middle of the street for four and a half hours, at least seven Black males have been

    shot and killed by law enforcement officers.%fficers are pro"ided the unrestricted right to use force at

    their discretion 22 and will not hesitate to do so 22 and Black bodies are more

    susceptible to greeting the business end of those state2issued firearms. 'ultiple

    factors such as clothing, location and indi"idual beha"ior determine who gets

    stopped by the police and when, according to 0ack laser, an associate professor at niversity of =alifornia-

    BerkeleyCs oldman chool of 3ublic 3olicy.DThe way the process works ... is if you take two

    equi"alent people 22 a young white man and a young black man 22 who are dressed

    identically, the black man would still ha"e a greater chance of being stopped, D lasersaid. D/nd its because his race is a basis of suspicion and it interacts with those

    other qualities in a way that makes them all seem more suspicious because it biases

    the udgment of e"erything.ranted, extra#udicial killings havedropped6s, and these young men also comprised 45 percent of police killings between 7>? and


  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    without being upset that this is for %@R DF%D&F 22 and wanting recognition for

    yours in this "ery specific context.Telling us that all li"es matter is redundant. Ae

    know that already. But, #ust know, police violence and brutality disproportionately affectsmy people.Justice is not applied equally, laws are not applied equally and neither isour outrage.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    T 8tuf

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Fusion Centers E Core o$ te Topi.We are TACLU No DateWhatFs the -atter with Gusion (entersAhttps566www.priva%ysos.org6fusion%enters

    The hubs of the post H611 domesti% intelligen%e system are the nations 2fusion %enters.JSin%e 200/" with the assistan%e of $epartment of #omeland Se%urity funding"these new data %olle%tion %enters have been developed for the eriva%y Information (enter 200 3Nune Spotlight on Surveillan%ehttps566epi%.org6priva%y6surveillan%e6spotlight60O06=>I(s Spotlight on Surveillan%e proNe%t s%rutiniKes federal government programs that aPe%t individualpriva%y. Gor more information" see previous Spotlights on Surveillan%e. This month" Spotlight shines onfusion %enters" whi%h have re%eived Q/R0 million in federal grants and millions more from stategovernments.17 There are / %urrent and planned fusion %enters in the '.S." and some states have morethan one.27J& fusion %enter" a%%ording to the $epartment of 3usti%e" is a me%hanism to e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 8urveillan.e E 8p,in-8urveillan.e In.ludes Data Monitorin-

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine

    at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the International Surveillan%e Studiesetwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityA Surveillan%e !perations at#omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%e ol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?

    The '.S. war on terror has fueled remar*able developments in stateGsurveillan%e. In the aftermath ofthe terrorist atta%*s of September 11" 2001"Jthe%ountry witnessed a rise in domesti% spying programs" in%luding warrantlessGwiretaps of the %ommuni%ations of %itiKens" investigations into the borrowingGhabits of library patrons" inMltration of pea%eCa%tivist groups by governmentagents"Gand the establishment of tip hotlines to en%ourage people to reportsuspi%iousGothers8-onahan" 2010?. Lather than interpret these and similar developments asJoriginating with the war on terror" s%holars in the Meld of surveillan%e studiesGhave

    %orre%tly noted that the events of September 11 provided an impetus for aGsurge in many pree

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Counter Interp 8urveillan.e E Data9re$er 'ur Counter Interp Failure to re.o-ni6e tat data.olle.tion is at te eart o$ te topi. i-nores te (a,s in(i. surveillan.e pra.ti.es ave si$ted to(ards less

    overt etods o$ sp,in-Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ineat anderbilt 'niversity and member of the International Surveillan%e Studies

    etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityA Surveillan%e !perations at#omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%e ol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?Gusion %enters are rapidly be%oming a hallmar* of the !bamaadministrationsGdomesti% se%urity apparatus. Sin%e 200H" 1 more fusion %enters have %ome onJline and the $#Sand the $epartment of 3usti%e have pledged more funding supportJfor fusion %enters 8)urdeau" 2010; 9eiger" 200H?. !n the surfa%e" the in%reaseJin Mnan%ial andpoliti%al support for fusion %enters should not be that surprisingJsin%e $#S Se%retary 3anet apolitano was a vo%al advo%ate of the wellCregardedJ&riKonaCbased fusion

    %enter" whi%h she helped to %reate when she was governorJof that state 8#ylton" 200H?. &s $#S Se%retary" apolitano8200H? has

    rearmedJthis support5 I believe that Gusion (enters will be the %enterpie%e of state" lo%al"Gfederal intelligen%eCsharing for the future and that the $epartment of #omelandJSe%urity willbe wor*ing and aiming its programs to underlie Gusion (enters.J&ttorney 9eneral =ri%#older 82010? has also armed fusion %enters as vital toJthe ongoing war on terror5 We are at war. This is the reality in whi%h we live. J&nd our fusion %enters are on

    the frontlines of &meri%as best" and most ePe%tive"JePorts to Mght ba%*.J!n a deeper level" fusion %enters are probablyaligned better with the politi%sGof the !bama administration&e.ause itssurveillan.e pra.ti.es appear to &e passive/Jdise&odied/ ando&2e.tive. Gor instan%e" it has profoundly in%reased the useJof unmanned aerial vehi%les 8'&s? internationally and domesti%ally 8Wall and -onahan" 2011;Walters and Weber" 2010?. )arring instan%es of obvious abuse" the fusion and analysis of abstra%t forms of disparate data do not" in themselves"Jseem parti%ularly

    egregious. Indeed" the stated purposes of fusion %enters" at leastJin prin%iple" sound inno%uous and rational5 The fusion7 %enters goalsare to blendGlaw enfor%ement and intelligen%e information" and %oordinatese%urity measuresGto redu%e threats in lo%al %ommunities8'.S. $epartment of #omeland Se%urity"J200R?. &nalysts at fusion %enters %ould be thought of as engaging in types of

    softGsurveillan%e 8-arresident )ush and the relevant se%urityagen%ies"Jsu%h as the Gederal )ureau of Investigation" the (entral Intelligen%e &gen%y" andJthe ational Se%urity &gen%y. -oreover" whereas $#S was establishedrapidly inJ2002" $#SCsponsored fusion %enters did not substantially ta*e oP until 2004. & %aseJ%ould be made that the supposedly obNe%tive" intelligen%eCled orientationof fusionJ%enters was a%tually in tension with the general timbre of aggressive" mas%ulinistJintervention that %hara%teriKed many aspe%ts of the war on terror underthe )ushJadministration. In %ontradistin%tion" the patient poli%e wor* done by analysts inJfusion %enters %ould be viewed as being mu%h smarter and more ree%tive"andJtherefore somewhat feminiKed %ompared to other modalities of the war on terror.J$#S o%ials have e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    tan tat (i.J.ould &e -leaned $ro ore traditional surveillan.ete.ni7ues. =ven more dis%on%ertingJfor individuals is the fa%t that although the data generated by our manyJinformation systems are always partialand sometimes grossly ina%%urate" they %anJstill negatively aPe%t ones life e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Counter Interp 8urveillan.e E Data Colle.tionDoesti. surveillan.e involves ass data .olle.tion o$United 8tates .iti6ensM.Hreal U >rofessor of ,aw" Southern Illinois 'niversity S%hool of ,aw

    >aul" (ountera%ting &mbition5 &pplying (orporate (omplian%e and =thi%s tothe Separation of >owers (on%erns with $omesti% Surveillan%e" S-' ,awLeview" Gall" 200" ,eresidentin this area. &nd Whalen v. Loe n14 further suggests that one su%h %he%*ought to be Nudi%ial review to determine Y1O007 whether the >resident and(ongress have implemented ade:uate safeguards to prevent misuse or

    improper dis%losure of private information.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Fusion Centers E 9redi.ta&leIts predi.ta&le and te eart o$ te topi. $usion .entersare te $oundation $or all sp,in- pra.ti.es

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational

    $evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of theInternational Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?In some respe%ts" fusion %enters suPer from a mandate that is too openCendedGand from guidelines that are too ambiguous. The tas* of fusing data toprodu%e intelligen%e that %an be used to prevent terrorist a%ts or respond toall %rimesJor all haKards aounts to an invitation $or individuals attese .enters to en-a-eJin alost an, surveillan.e pra.ti.es tata+e sense to te. &s noted" this ealmer" 200H?. #owever" eviden%e suggests that peopleJat somefusion %enters are also e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 Fusion Centers Are 'nl, Data Colle.tionven i$ te purpose o$ $usion .enters is purel, passivedata .olle.tion/ te, o$ten ties a.tivel, surve, trou-inltration and sp,in-

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?Gusion %enters have also been impli%ated in s%andals involving %overtinMltrations of nonviolent groups" in%luding pea%eCa%tivist groups" antiCdeathpenalty groups"J animalCrights groups" 9reen >arty groups" and others. Themost astonishing of theJ *nown %ases involved the -aryland (oordination and&nalysis (enter 8-(&(?.J In response to an &(,' freedom of informationlawsuit" it %ame to light in 200RJ that the -aryland State >oli%e had%ondu%ted %overt investigations of at least 4/J pea%e a%tivists and antiCdeathpenalty a%tivists for a period of 1 months. TheJ investigation pro%eededdespite admissions by the %overt agent that she saw noJ indi%ation of violenta%tivities or violent intentions on the part of group membersJ 8ew*ir*" 2010?.onetheless" in the federal database used by the poli%e and a%%essedJ by-(&(" a%tivists were listed as being suspe%ted of the primary %rimeJ ofTerrorismXantiCgovernment 89erman and Stanley" 200R5 R?. &lthough it isJun%lear erofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?!ne important issue here is that fusion %enters o%%upy ambiguous organiKationalJpositions. -any of them are lo%ated in poli%e departments or are %ombined withJG)I 3oint Terrorism

    Tas* Gor%es" but their a%tivities are supposed to be separateandJdiPerent from the

    routine a%tivities of the poli%e or the G)I. & related %ompli%ationJis that fusion %enteremployees often o%%upy multiple organiKational roles 8e.g."Jpoli%e o%ers or ational9uard members and fusion %enter analysts?" whi%h %anJlead to an understandable" butnonetheless problemati%" blurring of professionalJidentities" rules of %ondu%t" andsystems of a%%ountability. Whereas in 2010 $#SJand the $epartment of 3usti%e responded to%on%erns about proMling by implementingJa %ivil liberties %ertiM%ation re:uirement for fusion %enters"

    publi% oversightJand a%%ountability of fusion %enters are be%oming even moredi%ult and unli*elyJbe%ause of a %on%erted ePort to e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    legislators wereJ%oer%ed into passing a 200R law that e

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 Inltration e5aples are isolatedNo Te, Arent

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?&lthough it may be tempting to view these %ases of fusion %enter misstepsandJ infra%tions as isolated eennsylvania" and 9eorgia havere%ommended pea%e a%tivists"J -uslimCrights groups" and6orenvironmentalists be proMled 89erman" 200H; Wolfe"J 200H?. The Te

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    Inltration E 8urveillan.eInltration o$ or-ani6ations is a $or o$ surveillan.e

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?Le%ent inMltration of pea%e groups seems to reprodu%e some of the sordidhistoryJ of politi%al surveillan%e of '.S. %itiKens" su%h as the G)I and (I&s(!IT=,>L!J program" whi%h targeted %ivil rights leaders and thosepea%efully protesting againstJ the ietnam War" among others 8(hur%hill andander Wall" 2002?. & %ontemporaryJ %ase involves a '.S. &rmy agent whoinMltrated a nonviolent" antiCwar protestJ group in !lympia" Washington" in200. & military agent spying on %ivilians li*elyJ violated the >osse (omitatus&%t. -oreover" this agent a%tively shared intelligen%eJ with the WashingtonState Gusion (enter" whi%h shared it more broadly 8&nderson"J 2010?.

    &%%ording to released do%uments" intelligen%e representatives from as farJaway as ew 3ersey were *ept apprised of the spying5J In a 200R eCmail to an!lympia poli%e o%er" Thomas 9lapion" (hief ofJ Investigations andIntelligen%e at ew 3erseys -%9uire &ir Gor%e )ase"J wrote5 Bou are now partof my Intel networ*. Im still loo*ing at possibleJ protests by the >-L S$S -$Sand other left wing antiwar groups so anyJ Intel you have would beappre%iated.... In return if you need anything fromJ the &rmed Gor%es I will tryto help you as well 8Ibid.5 ?.J 9iven that politi%al surveillan%e under(!IT=,>L! is widely %onsideredJ to be a dar* period in '.S. intelligen%ehistory" the fa%t that fusion %enters may beJ %ontributing to similar pra%ti%estoday ma*es it all the more important to subNe%tJ them to publi% s%rutiny andoversight.

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 Fusion Centers Are 'nl, Data Colle.tionFusion Centers Arent 5.lusivel, Fo.used on DataColle.tion Te, Are Used to B,pass Jurisdi.tionalLiitations o$ La( n$or.eent

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?)y now it should be apparent that fusion %enter personnel are neitherobNe%tivelyJ assessing terrorist threats nor passively analyKing pree

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    (ountyJ one of the safest pla%es in Glorida to live 8-ills" 2010?.JTheimpli%ation of this assertion is that there should not be any Nurisdi%tionalJ orlegal boundaries for law enfor%ement to %olle%t and share data either"in%ludingJ data from the private se%tor" whi%h fusion %enters in Glorida a%%essthrough aJ system %alled Glorida Integrated etwor* for $ata =

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 Ks

  • 7/25/2019 Fusion Centers Updates - JDI 2015


    AT4 Neoli&Te Data .olle.tion o$ $usion .enters is used to prop upte private se.tor eans (e solve te lin+

    Torin Monaan" &sso%iate >rofessor of #uman and !rganiKational

    $evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of theInternational Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?

    Thus" there is also a neoliberal dimension to fusion %enters" in that theypur%haseGdata from the private se%tor" sometimes hire private data analysts" and shareinformationGwith industry partners8-onahan" 200H?. )y forming informationCsharingGpartnerships" analysts at fusion %enters see* to %onne%t the dotstoprevent futureJterrorist atta%*s. -eanwhile" government o%ials are very interested inMguringGout ways in whi%h$#S in general and fusion %entersin parti%ular %an assisttheGprivate se%tor" presumably by enabling and prote%ting the ability of%ompanies toGproMt Mnan%ially8-onahan" 2010?. &s $#S 'nder Se%retary (aryn

    Wagner statedJin her 2010 testimony before the #ouse Sub%ommittee on #omeland Se%urity5JIZ&$#Ss !%e of Intelligen%e and &nalysis7 will %ontinue to advo%ateG forsustained funding for the fusion %enters as the lin%hpin of the evolvingGhomeland se%urity enterprise. While IZ&s support to state" lo%al and tribalJpartners is steadily improving"

    there is still wor* to be done in how bestGto support the private se%tor.We intend to erofessor of #uman and !rganiKational$evelopment and -edi%ine at anderbilt 'niversity and member of the

    International Surveillan%e Studies etwor*" ))The Guture of Se%urityASurveillan%e !perations at #omeland Se%urity Gusion (enters So%ial 3usti%eol. /" os. 2U/ 82010U2011?In some respe%ts" fusion %enters suPer from a mandate that is too openCendedGand from guidelines that are too ambiguous. The tas* of fusing data toprodu%e intelligen%e that %an be used to prevent terrorist a%ts or respond toall %rimesJor all haKards aounts to an invitation $or individuals attese .enters to en-a-eJin alost an, surveillan.e pra.ti.es tata+e sense to te. &s noted" this ealmer" 200H?. #owever" eviden%e suggests that peopleJat somefusion %enters are also e