158A Subjects peripheral to rock mechanics 1537 NEVIN~AE Geology. Annual review far 1973. 2F,3Ro MINING ENGINEERING, AIME,V26, N2,FEB. 1974, P47- 49. This review is mainly concerned with exploration geology during 1973. Projects which were umdertaken in several regions of the wsrld~ e.g. Carmdian Shield, Chile~ are briefly discussed. Side-looking radar surveys in Brazil, Chile, Australia and South Africa are reported. Materials science 1538 COLLIEU, AM POWNEY,DJ The mechanical and the~-mal l~operties of materials. Textbook. Figs,Tabls, Refs. EDWARD ARNOLD,LONDON, 1973, 296P. This is an introductory text considering the properties of materials as a whole using a molecular theory approach wQrking in each case from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Concrete technology 1539 TARASHCHANSKI I,EG ZYKOV3VA Evaluating deformation stability of asphalt concrete at low temperature, allowing fQr its frost resistance. In Russian. 1R. STROITEL. I ARKHIT~,NlO,1973,PI55-157o 1540 OHTA~ T UNIV. KYUSHU~ FUKUOKA, J NAEAZAWA,T UNIV.MIYAZAKI, J Fundamental studies on elasto-plastlc bendimg shearing of relnfo~ced concrete beams. 16F,5T,5R. MEM. FAC .ENGNG.KYUSHU UNIV.V33, N3, JAN. 1974, P79-96 • An extemded beam theary is l~esemted for the analysis of the bemdimg and sheal- f~lures af simply supported relnfQrced concrete beams. The idealized stress-straln equations of concrete and steel are written in terms of elasto-plastic transitional functions allowlr~ the m~ment curvature equation to be applied to plastic range and facilitates the treatment of flext~al cracking anl their secondary effects. A numerical integrating technique and trial ar~ e~ror_ method are em~ployed to dete~mine the transitional functions anl successive fsrmation of failure mechanisms. The ~ical results of simple reinforced concrete beams with high uniform m~rtar concrete are com- pared wiT/, experimental values to examine the validity of this method. @@@@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~@@@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Fundamental studies on elasto-plastic bending and shearing of reinforced concrete beams : Ohta, T Univ. Kyushu, Fukuoka, J Nakazawa, T Univ. Miyazaki, J 16F, 5T, 5R. Mem. Fac. Engng

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Page 1: Fundamental studies on elasto-plastic bending and shearing of reinforced concrete beams : Ohta, T Univ. Kyushu, Fukuoka, J Nakazawa, T Univ. Miyazaki, J 16F, 5T, 5R. Mem. Fac. Engng


Subjects peripheral to rock mechanics

1537 NEVIN~AE Geology. Annual review far 1973. 2F,3Ro MINING ENGINEERING, AIME,V26, N2, FEB. 1974, P47- 49. This review is mainly concerned with exploration geology during 1973. Projects which were umdertaken in several regions of the wsrld~ e.g. Carmdian Shield, Chile~ are briefly discussed. Side-looking radar surveys in Brazil, Chile, Australia and South Africa are reported.

Mater ia ls science

1538 COLLIEU, AM POWNEY,DJ The mechanical and the~-mal l~operties of materials. Textbook. Figs,Tabls, Refs. EDWARD ARNOLD,LONDON, 1973, 296P. This is an introductory text considering the properties of materials as a whole using a molecular theory approach wQrking in each case from the microscopic to the macroscopic.

Concrete technology 1539 TARASHCHANSKI I, EG ZYKOV3VA Evaluating deformation stability of asphalt concrete at low temperature, allowing fQr its frost resistance. In Russian. 1R. STROITEL. I ARKHIT~,NlO,1973,PI55-157o

1540 OHTA~ T UNIV. KYUSHU~ FUKUOKA, J NAEAZAWA, T UNIV.MIYAZAKI, J Fundamental studies on elasto-plastlc bendimg shearing of relnfo~ced concrete beams. 16F,5T,5R. MEM. FAC .ENGNG.KYUSHU UNIV.V33, N3, JAN. 1974, P79-96 • An extemded beam theary is l~esemted for the analysis of the bemdimg and sheal- f~lures af simply supported relnfQrced concrete beams. The idealized stress-straln equations of concrete and steel are written in terms of elasto-plastic transitional functions allowlr~ the m~ment curvature equation to be applied to plastic range and facilitates the treatment of flext~al cracking anl their secondary effects. A numerical integrating technique and trial ar~ e~ror_ method are em~ployed to dete~mine the transitional functions anl successive fsrmation of failure mechanisms. The ~ical results of simple reinforced concrete beams with high uniform m~rtar concrete are com- pared wiT/, experimental values to examine the validity of this method.
