FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

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Page 1: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:


Page 2: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

What you picture when you think about French food:

Page 3: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Le Pain

Page 4: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Les viennoiseries

Une baguette viennoise

Un pain au chocolat

Un croissant

Un chausson aux pommes

Page 5: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Les pâtisseries

Un éclair au chocolat

Une religieuse au chocolat

Un fraisier

Une tarte aux pommes

Page 6: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Le Fromage



Saint Agur

Boursin Camembert

La vache qui rit

Page 7: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Les plats français

Bœuf bourguignonCanard confit

Coq au vin

Fondue savoyarde Gratin dauphinois

Page 8: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Les spécialités de ma région

Page 9: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Produits locauxBrittany is an important producer

of artichoke, oyster and scallops

Un artichaud

Une bourriche d’huîtres

Une coquille saint-jacques

Page 10: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

La galette saucisse

Lait ribot

Page 11: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Nos gâteaux

Les palets bretons

Le kouign amman

Les craquelins de saint-malo

Les gavottes

Un far breton

Page 12: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Nos boissons

La bolée de cidre

Le chouchen

Page 13: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

La crêperie

Une galette complète

Une crêpe beurre sucre

Page 14: FRENCH FOOD. What you picture when you think about French food:

Let’s practise now!Voulez-vous du fromage?Oui je voudrais du ……… s’il-

vous-plait.Et comme boisson?du vin rouge/ du vin blancVoila!Merci. Hum c’est délicieux!

Les fromages: du briedu camembert,du Boursin,du Port-Salut,Du Loup-Pérac