Commun. Math. Phys. 178, 541-562 (1996) Communications in Mathematical Physics @ Springer-Verlag1996 Four Dimensional Realization of Two Dimensional Current Groups Igor B. Frenkel, Boris A. Khesin Department of Mathematics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA Received: 1 July 1995/Accepted: 17 July 1995 Abstract: The quotient realization of the central extensions of the current groups over Riemann surfaces is achieved by means of the Leray residue theory. This approach replaces de Rham cohomology in the classical WZNW construction for affine Lie groups. Introduction In the past decade the theory of affine Lie algebras and of the corresponding groups has become an established field in mathematics and theoretical physics with diverse connections to other areas in both disciplines. The geometric aspect of the theory was significantly advanced with an explicit realization of the affine Lie groups as quotients of central extensions of the current groups over a two-dimensional disk [W1, PS, M]. This construction is achieved by a striking combination of the basic facts from the theory of simple Lie groups and of de Rham eohomology. The realization of affine Lie groups is also directly related to the geometric approach to representation theory and a class of two-dimensional conformal field theories lmown as the WZNW model. There were numerous attempts to generalize affine Lie algebras and groups to higher dimensions. However, corresponding generalizations of representation theory as well as of conformal field theory always encountered substantial difficulties. In [EF] there was introduced a class of central extensions of two dimensional current algebras and groups on a Riemann surface S (endowed with a complex structure) with values in a complex simple Lie group G that can be viewed as a natural generalization of the one dimensional counterpart. In particular, it was shown in [EF, EK] that the orbits in the coadjoint representation for these groups have a structure similar to those for loop groups. This fact strongly indicates that there exists a rich representation theory that generalizes the classical case of affine Lie groups. It was also shown that the central extension ~s of the current group G z : C~176 G) topologically is a nontrivial fibre bundle with a fibre isomorphic to the Jacobian variety of S [EF].

Four dimensional realization of two dimensional current groups

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Page 1: Four dimensional realization of two dimensional current groups

Commun. Math. Phys. 178, 541-562 (1996) Communications in Mathematical

Physics @ Springer-Verlag 1996

Four Dimensional Realization of Two Dimensional Current Groups

Igor B. Frenkel, Boris A. Khesin

Department of Mathematics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

Received: 1 July 1995/Accepted: 17 July 1995

Abstract: The quotient realization of the central extensions of the current groups over Riemann surfaces is achieved by means of the Leray residue theory. This approach replaces de Rham cohomology in the classical WZNW construction for affine Lie groups.


In the past decade the theory of affine Lie algebras and of the corresponding groups has become an established field in mathematics and theoretical physics with diverse connections to other areas in both disciplines. The geometric aspect of the theory was significantly advanced with an explicit realization of the affine Lie groups as quotients of central extensions of the current groups over a two-dimensional disk [W1, PS, M]. This construction is achieved by a striking combination of the basic facts from the theory of simple Lie groups and of de Rham eohomology. The realization of affine Lie groups is also directly related to the geometric approach to representation theory and a class of two-dimensional conformal field theories lmown as the WZNW model.

There were numerous attempts to generalize affine Lie algebras and groups to higher dimensions. However, corresponding generalizations of representation theory as well as of conformal field theory always encountered substantial difficulties. In [EF] there was introduced a class of central extensions of two dimensional current algebras and groups on a Riemann surface S (endowed with a complex structure) with values in a complex simple Lie group G that can be viewed as a natural generalization of the one dimensional counterpart. In particular, it was shown in [EF, EK] that the orbits in the coadjoint representation for these groups have a structure similar to those for loop groups. This fact strongly indicates that there exists a rich representation theory that generalizes the classical case of affine Lie groups. It

was also shown that the central extension ~ s of the current group G z : C~176 G) topologically is a nontrivial fibre bundle with a fibre isomorphic to the Jacobian variety of S [EF].

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The analogy between loop groups (or affine Lie groups) and double loop groups (or central extensions of current groups on Riemann surfaces) extends a long series of parallel constructions based respectively on real and complex numbers. In fact,

the central extension d s is intrinsically complex, and it does not admit a natural

real form. On the other hand, the original definition of d z in [EF] is based on a real construction of [PS]. The main motivation for this work was an attempt to find a

direct complex realization of this central extension d z that could serve as a starting point for geometric construction of representations. It turns out that there exists a

quotient construction of d r analogous in every step to that for affine Lie groups. In particular, one has to increase by one the complex dimension of the quotient construction rather than the real dimension as in the case of affine Lie groups.

The key element of the realization is embedding of the complex curve Z to a complex surface N (i.e. to a manifold of real dimension 4). To obtain a counterpart of the topological 3-dimensional term of the classical construction we further embed N into a complex three-dimensional manifold M (of real dimension 6) and represent S as a transverse intersection of two complex surfaces N and N ~. The corresponding central extension is constructed with the help of the space of meromorphic forms on M with poles along N and N ~. The Leray residue theory in complex analysis now replaces the de Rham cohomology. Our main result is an explicit "formula" for the

central extension of d E developing in a rather unexpected way the construction of affine Lie groups in [M].

The case of punctured Riemann surfaces fits naturally the meromorphic setting of the paper: the corresponding meromorphic forms have poles along additional curves in N and surfaces in M which meet S at the set of punctures.

Some ingredients of our construction have certain similarity to the four-dimensio- nal analogues of conformal field theories [NS, LMNS], which were important stim- ulus for our work. However, there are fimdamental differences between the two theories (see Sects. 4.1 and 5.3 for discussion). We believe that our realization brings us one step closer towards representation theory of two dimensionl current groups and their relation to four-dimensional analogues of conformal field theories.

We tried to make this paper essentially self-contained adding some basic defi- nitions and results. In Sect. 1 we recall the construction of affine Lie algebras and the corresponding groups, including the direct quotient construction. In Sect. 2, we review the results from [EF] on central extension of current algebras and current groups in two dimensions and generalize them to currents over Riemann surfaces with punctures. After Sect. 3 outlining the preliminaries on the Leray theory, we present four dimensional realization of two dimensional current groups in Sect. 4. We consider the case of punctured Riemann surfaces in Sect. 5.

1. Affine Lie Algebras and Groups

1.1. Affine Lie algebras. Let G be a simply connected simple compact Lie group, and let N be its Lie algebra. Denote by Tr(.) the trace in fq for the adjoint rep- resentation of G. In particular, Tr(XY), X, Y E f# is the Killing form on N. We normalize our form by the following condition: if ha is a coroot corresponding to a longest root c~, then tr(XY) := 2 Tr(XY)/Tr(h 2) so that tr(h~) = 2, see [PS].

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Definition 1.1. The loop algebra N sl is the set C~176 I, f~) of all N-valued smooth functions on the circle, endowed with the pointwise commutator. The (untwisted)

affine Lie algebra f~s' is the one-dimensional nontrivial central extension of the Lie algebra NSl:

0 ~ IR ~ ~ sl ~ fgs' __+ 0.

Explicitly, f# sl is a linear space of all pairs {(X,a) IX C C~(SI , fq) ,a E IR} with the commutator given by the relation

[ ( x ( t ) , a) , (Y( t ) , b)] = ((X-r - rx)(t), c(X, Y)),

where c(X, Y) is the Maurer-Cartan lR-valued 2-cocycle

c(x, r) = /tr(x(t)dr(t)) (l l) S 1

1.2. Affine Lie groups. Let G s~ = C~(S 1, G) be the loop group with the pointwise product corresponding to the Lie algebra N sl .

^S 1 Theorem 1.2 ([PS]). There exists a central extension G of the group G Sl by means of the circle S 1

I ~ S 1-+ d sl --+ G sl ~ 1 ,

with the Lie algebra ~ s~. Moreover, the universal extension G sz in the category of Lie groups is simply connected, and it is singled out by this property among all extensions of G s~ by means of S 1.

However, the explicit construction of the corresponding affine Lie groups is not as straightforward as that of the Lie algebras, since the group central extension is topologically nontrivial.

1.3. Affine Lie groups as quotients. The following explicit realization of G s~ as a quotient group was obtained in [M] and is implicitly contained in the WZNW model [W1], and in the more general topological approach of [PS]. We are split- ting the construction into several steps for comparison with the higher-dimensional counterpart.

The group G s~ can be regarded as the quotient GD/GZ], where G D := C~ G) is the group of currents on the 2-disk D and G~ is the subgroup of G D which consists of the currents equal to the identity id c G on the boundary 0D = $1:

G D : = {g E GD[ g]Sl=aD = id} .

Let ~D be the central extension of the group G D by a circle S 1 = lR/2n~ defined by the 2-cocycle

l / 1 7 ( g l , g 2 ) = ~ tr(g I dgl A d g 2 921) mod27z, (1.2)


where gl, 92 E G D are two group currents.

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is Note, that the infinitesimal version of this cocycle for the Lie algebra ~ ~X, Y

c(X,Y)= f t (dX AdV)= f t (XdV), D S 1


where the latter expression (being the standard form of the cocycle of affine Lie algebras on S 1) is obtained by application of the Stokes formula to ~?D = S 1.

Theorem 1.3 ([M]). There is an embedding of the gauge group G z] into OD as a

normal subgroup such that the quotient GD /G~ is isomorphic to the extended loop

group .

1.4. Construction of the embedding. The embedding mentioned is constructed as follows. Consider a three-dimensional ball B with the boundary S 2 presented as a union of two disks D and D' which intersect along a common circle aD = 0D' = S 1.

Given a G-valued map g E G~ we extend it by identity to the sphere S 2 and consider an arbitrary extension ~ E Coo(B, G) of it to a map of the 3-dimensional ball B "filling in" S 2 to the group G.

Proposition 1.4. The number

2(g) - - l l zc / t r@-ld#) 3 (1.4)


is well-defined modulo 2~ in spite of the ambiguity of the extension ~ for the map g.

Indeed, any two such extensions 0 and ~ are related by a factor h E C~176 G) such that h]aB=s2 = id. Thus it represents a homotopy class in ~z3(G) _~ 7Z and is

determined by the integral 2-~fs3Tr(h-ldh)3.

Now the desired embedding is G z] ~ g -+ (g,)o(g) mod2~) E GDthanks to the relation

~ ( g l g 2 ) -- ~-(gl ) - - ,~(g2) = 7 ( g l , g 2 ) .

One can check that the image of Gs D is a normal subgroup in ~ , and we will do it in a more general setting in Sect. 4.

One can define the cocycle ?(gl,g2) modulo 2~k for any real k. However, the

embedding G~ --+ ~D exists only when k c g. Thus the topology of G imposes restrictions on possible central extensions of G D corresponding to the Lie algebra

.~ st. We call k E 7Z the level of the central extension, and the basic extension is the one associated to the level 1. This notion corresponds to representations of level k

of the affine Lie algebra ~ sl. We conclude this section with a note that all the above constructions remain

unchanged if we choose G to be a complex simply connected simple Lie group, the corresponding complex Lie algebra and consider central extensions with values in I12. It turns out that the constructions of the next sections are intrinsically complex and do not admit a straightforward real form.

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2. The Lie Algebra and Group of Currents over a Riemann Surface

2.1. The current Lie algebra over a Riemann surface. Let G be a simply connected simple complex Lie group, and ~ a nonsingular oriented two-dimensional closed surface of genus g. Define G s = C~176 G) to be the group of all smooth mappings from 2; to G. Its Lie algebra consists of all smooth g-valued functions on X, and it is denoted by N z.

Fix a complex structure on the surface S. Denote by ~ I ( N ) the space of holo- morphic differentials on S. It has the complex dimension g.

Definition 2.1. The central extension ~ of the current algebra N z with the center yfl(2;), is defined by means of the Yfl(s 2-cocyele C(X, Y), X, Y E N x such that

r ) , 0) = / t ~ ( X d X ) A O. (2.1) t ~

(c(x, N

for any hoIomorphic differential 0 E jr1(2;) .

2.2. The case of punctured surfaces. The construction above can be generalized to the case of a punctured Riemann surface. The form 0 admits poles on a finite se t /7 = {P l , . . . , Pr} of 2;. We will only consider the case of simple poles. Denote by N~ a subalgebra of N s which consists of g-valued functions on 2; assuming zero values at each point of H. Let Jg I (S \H) denote the space of meromorphic differentials on 2; with possible simple poles at the points o f / 7 (dime ~g,~ = g + r - 1).

Proposition 2.2. The formula (2.1)for 0 ~ J4~l(2;\H) 9ires rise to a 2-cocycle on N~ with values in ~ t ( S \ / 7 ) * .

Proof Let Ue(Pi) be a circle of radius c around a point Pi E 17 in a local coordinate S n zi and let S~ := \(Ui=lUe(pi)). Then for any function f ~ C~~ we have

.l I "I " d f A 0 := lira d f A 0 = - lira ~ f ( z ) O(z) = --2~i~f( l~j)res O(pj) e~0 e'---+ 0 i=1 j= l

z s~ Iz, l=e

by the Green theorem. This implies skew-symmetry of the form C(X, Y) for currents X, Y vanishing on 17:

J (C(X, Y) + C(Y,X), O) = d(tr(XY)) A 0 = - 2 ~ i 2 t r ( X Y ( p j ) ) res O(pj) = O. j= l


Similarly one verifies the cocycle identity ~{x,t,z}C([X, Y],Z) = O. []

The Green theorem above has a far reaching generalization based on the Leray theory of higher dimensional residues. This simple yet fundamental fact underlies our consideration.

Note, that Proposition 2.2 holds for a more general (than Nr~ ) subalgebra of N s consisting of g-valued fmactions on S which at each point pj c f l assume values at a certain nilpotent subalgebra (depending on j ) .

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2.3. Central extensions of the current 9roup.

Theorem 2.3 ([EF]). There exists a central extension d z of the current 9roup G z by means of the Jacobian variety J of the Riemann surface 22, such that the Lie

algebra of the extensions is (~z.

This theorem is a counterpart of Theorem 1.2 (due to [PS]), and the group can be constructed by the procedure described in [PS, Chapter 4], see [EF]. Namely, one defines the left invariant holomorphic 2-form C on G x equal to C ( . , �9 ) on the tangent space at the identity id E G z. The integrals of this form over integer 2-cycles in G x fill the lattice L = HI(2; ,Z) in Z/gl(Z) *. Therefore, there exists a holomorphic principal bundle over G z with fiber J = ~ I ( Z ) * / L being the Jacobian of the surface 27, and with a holomorphic connection whose curvature form is 2~C.

The group G~ is the group of all transformations of the constructed bundle that preserve the connection and project to left translations on the group G r. It is the desired central extension of G z by J .

A straightforward modification of this argument leads to the following

Theorem 2.3'. The current 9roup G~ on the Riemann surface Z punctured at 17 can be extended by means of the Jacobian f = 21gl(22\17)*/L ', where the lattice L' is L' =H1(22\ H, 7/) (and for 22 of genus g it is spanned by 2g independent l-cycles on Z and by contours around each but one removed point Pi).

3. Preliminaries on the Leray Theory

3.1. The Leray residue. Let M be an n-dimensional compact complex manifold, and N C M a nonsingular complex hypersurface (such that for every point P0 E N the submanifold N is defined in a neighborhood U(po) as a zero level of some holomorphic function 0p0 with nonzero gradient).

Let co be a closed Coo-smooth k-form on M \ N which has a pole of the first order on N. The latter means that the product 0po" co can be extended to a C ~ form in U(po). Throughout the paper we assume that all poles are of the first order unless the opposite is explicitly stated.

Theorem-Definition 3.1. In a neighborhood U(po) of an arbitrary point Po E N the closed k-form co can be decomposed into the sum

dO co= ~ - A 0 + ~ (3.1)

outside of N, where the forms 0 and ~ are smooth in U(po). The restriction O[N is a well-defined (i.e. independent of the choice of O) closed (k - 1)-form. The form-residue res co of the form co is the closed (k - 1)-form on N such that in any neighborhood U(po) of an arbitrary point po c N it coincides with the form 0 IN of the decomposition (3.1): resco = 0 IN. I f CO is holomorphic on M \ N, then resco is holomorphie on N.

Note that a cohomology class of res co depends only on a class of co. Thus we get a map

Res : Hk(m \ N) --~ Hk- l (N) .

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3.2. The coboundary operator. Define now the coboundary Leray operator

5 :Hk-I(N) ---+Hk(M\N)

between the homology groups (of chains with compact support). This operator as- sociates to every point P0 c N a topological circumference 6po c M \ N such that the following three conditions hold.

Assume that in local coordinates (Zl,... ,z~) in a neighborhood U(po) the surface N N U(po) is defined by the constraint zn = 0. Then l ) the circle 5po C U(po) is determined by the equation Iz~] = 1; 2) the set UpEN~p is continuous; and 3) ~hp ~ N 6p" = (3, whereas pt :t: p" .

Now any (k - 1)-cycle a on N gives rise to a k-cycle in M \ N. Moreover, the 5-operator commutes with the de Rham boundary operator ~, therefore, we have an operator between the corresponding homology groups

5 : Hk - I (N) - -~Hk(M\N) .

Theorem 3.2 ([L]). Let cr c N be a (k - 1)-dimensional cycle in N and let co E Coo(M \ N) be a closed k-form with a polar set N of order 1. Then

fco=27rifresco. The theory above admits a natural generalization. Let N1 . . . . . Nr be complex

submanifolds of M of codimension 1 in a general position. Let co be a smooth closed k-form on M \ N (where N :-- NI U ..- U Nr) which has a pole of the first order on all the submanifolds (and respectively, the pole is of order higher than 1 on their mutual intersections).

Then one can define the residue form res co as above in generic points of N1, i.e. on N1 \(N1 N(N2 U . . . UNr)). The residue resco will have poles on the sub- manifolds N1 N N2 . . . . ,N1 N Nr, etc. The corresponding operations Res and 6 on cohomology and homology of the above spaces are well defined and are related by Theorem 3.2.

One can go further and compose the Leray operations. Say, for two submanifolds N1,N2 in M one has the mappings

Res 2 : Hk(M\(NI UN2)) ---+Hk-2(N1 AN2)

3 2 : Hk-2(N1 AN2) --+Hk(M\(N1UN2)).

Theorem 3.2 now reads that for any ( k - 2)-cycle 6 representing an element of Hk-2(Nl N N2) and for any closed C ~ k-form co whose cohomology class is in Hk(M \ (N1 U N2)) we have

f co = (2~i)2/res2co. 6 2 ff O-

3.3. The Leray Stokes Theorem. The following statement relating de Rham and Leray theories is a cornerstone of the further constructions.

Let M be a complex compact manifold of complex dimension n, and N a com- plex hypersurface.

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Theorem 3.4 (cf e.g. [GS]). Assume that a 2n-form # = dc~ A p on M \ N is a wedge product of an exact smooth n-form de with ~ C Qn-I(M) and a mero- morphic n-form p on M with a polar set N of order 1. Then the form # is an integrable form on M, and


Proof. To show that # E LI(M) recall that in a neighborhood of any point P0 C N (where in a coordinate system (zl . . . . . zn) the polar submanifold N is defined by the

1 condition zn = 0) the form # grows at a rate ~ as z, ~ 0. On the other hand, the

(real) codimension of N equals 2, that makes all the improper integrals converge. Split M into two parts by a submanifold 6~N (where 6 is the Leray operator,

sending a point P0 E N into the circumference Iz, I = r M = ge(N) U Ue(N) so that U~(N) is an c-neighborhood of N. Then by definition of an improper integral for an Ll-form we obtain

M Ue(N) beN N [z. [--e

where the form # is smooth in U~(N) and the Stokes formula reduces the integral to that over beN = ~Ue(N) = -OU~(N).

dz, AO+fi In a neighborhood of every Po E N the form p decomposes as p = z-~- with holomorphic 0 and ft. Hence

/ # - - / a A ( l i m / ~ - ~ J~ ( d z n A o + f l ) )

M U \ ]z.[=r

As e ~ 0, the contribution of ~/~ fi vanishes, while Leray Theorem 3.2 (or the classical Cauchy theorem) reduces the integral of the first term to the corresponding residue: fg# = --2ni fya Ares p. []

It is clear from the proof that Theorem 3.4 remains true if p is allowed to have poles of the first order along a union N1 U �9 �9 - U Nr of manifolds of codimension 1.

3.4. Meromorphic setting of the Leray theory. It turns out that the construction of central extensions of the current groups uses naturally the language of meromorphie differential forms. We are grateful to A. Todorov for detailed explanations of the results on Leray cycles. We formulate the theorems of this section in the minimal generality required below. For more general setting we direct the reader to references [T, GS, Ch].

Let Yfk(M) be the space of holomorphic k-forms on a manifold M. For a hypersurface N C M we denote by ~vfk(M \ N) the space of meromorphic k-forms with poles of the first order on N. Note that for k = n = dime M the holomorphic forms are automatically closed. Moreover, if M is Kfihler, they are harmonic and therefore the space •n(M) is isomorphic to the Hodge space Hn'~ 112).

Theorem 3.5 (e.g. [Ch, Chapter 15]). For a hypersurface N C M in a complex n-dimensional manifold M with vanishing Hodge dimension hn,l(M) = 0 one has

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the following exact sequence:

0 ~ ~ " ( M ) ~ J f " (M \ X ) ~ ] f " - l ( N ) --+ 0 , (3.2)

where the maps are inclusion and taking the residue respectively.

Proof sketch. Present an arbitrary holomorphic (n - 1)-form 0 E ~fn- l (N) as the distribution form 0 A ~X on M, where IN is the 2-form with support on N (and Poincar6 dual to N itself). Then ~(0 A IN) = 0, because 0 is holomorphic and N is a complex surface. Since hn, l (M) = 0, the ~-closed form 0 A IN is 8-exact: 0 A iN = 3CO for some co C : / f" (M\N) . The latter means that res co = 0. []

Remark. This proof as well as most of what follows admits an alternative algebro- geometric description. For instance, start with a short exact sequence of sheaves of holomorphic functions:

0 --+ (gM(--N) ---+ 0 M ~ (~U ----+ O ,

where (gM(--N) is the sheaf of functions vanishing on N. Then tensor multiplication by (gM(N), the (inverse) sheaf of functions on M associated to a divisor N gives

0 --+ (9 M --+ ( g M ( N ) --+ (~M(N) I N --+ O .

Now the tensor product of this sequence with sheaf of holomorphic n-forms Q~ on M yields

0 ---+ (2~t ---+ (2h(N) ---+ (2~(N)[ N ---+ 0.

Notice that Q~/(N)[ N ~ (2~v -1 due to Theorem-Definition 3.1. It allows one to write the corresponding long exact sequence

0 ---+ HO((2nM) -~ H~ --+ H~ -I ) -~ H 1 ( ~ ) ,

the last term of which vanishes by virtue of the assumption. This is the desired sequence (3.2) modulo notations.

The main application of the Leray theory below is the case of a 3-dimensional complex manifold M and a pair of 2-dimensional complex submanifolds N1, N2 C M whose intersection N1 • N2 is a complex curve Z. Now let us fix a holomorphic 1-form 0 on S = N~ n N2.

Corollary 3.6. The (complex) dimension of the space o f all meromorphic 3-forms C ~,~3(M\(N1 UN2)) is equal to d i m ~ l ( X ) + d i m ~ 2 ( N 1 ) + d i m ~ 2 ( N 2 ) +

dim ~ 3 ( M ) , provided that h2,1(N1 ) = h2'a(N2) = h3,i(M) = 0.

Proof. This is a repeated application of Theorem 3.5. Indeed, by virtue of that theorem meromorphic 2-forms on NI with prescribed residue 0 E j f l ( x ) along S differ by holomorphic 2-forms on Na, i.e. by elements of Jd2(N1). Every such 2- form is the residue of a meromorphic 3-form on M with poles along N1 U N2. The 3-forms with equal residue along N1 differ by meromorphic 3-forms on M with poles along N2, i.e. by the elements of ~s \ N2). The latter space is isomorphic to ~2(N2)@ ~f~3(M) by Theorem 3.5. []

To describe the corresponding splittings in the "dual" spaces we need the following

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Definition 3.7. Let N be a complex hypersurface in a complex n-dimensional manifold M. Denote by {H~(M, 7Z)/7Z[N]} the quotient of the homology group Hn(M, 2g) over the space 7Z[N] generated by all n-cycles in M coming from the hypersurface N.

This quotient space is spanned by the homology classes of all n-cycles in M which are orthogonal to 71[N] with respect to the intersection bilinear form in Hn(M, 2g). Such cycles in M can be "moved away" from N. The quotient may have torsion.

Theorem 3.8 (c.f [T, C1]). The homology groups of N / \ S, i = 1,2 and M \ (N1 U N2) have the following decomposition in terms of the homology groups of M, N1, N2, 27 and of the cycles being images under the Leray operator 5 :

H2(Xi \ Z,~) = {H2(Ni,~)/TZ[~]} + 6(~1(~, ~) ) , (3.3a)

2 H3(M \ (X~ u N2), 2~) = H3(M, 2~) | ~{6(H2(N~,~)/2~[Z]})


| ( S, 2g)), (3.3b)

provided that H3(NI) = H3(N2) = 0. In particular, the maps 6 and 6 2 in this case are monomorphisms.

Proof of (3.3a). The long exact sequence of relative homology groups for a pair S C N gives

H2(S,~) ~ H2(N, 7/) ---+ H2(N,Z; 2~) ~ HI(S, 7Z) --+ HI(N,~) -= O.

Using Definition 3.7 for the embedding H2(S, ~) -+ H2(N, 27) one can rewrite it as

0 --+ {H2(N, 2~)/2g[S]} -+ H2(N, S; 7Z) -+ Hi(S, ~) ~ O.

Note that the space H2(N, Z; ~) is dual to H2(N \ S, Z). Hence using representation of the quotient {H2(M, TZ)/Z[N]} by the 2-cycles in N which do not meet S and by passing to the dual spaces one obtains the exact sequence

0 +-- (H2(N,~)/TZ[Z]} +- H2(N \ Z, TZ) +-- Hi(S, 7Z) +-- 0,

where the embedding HI(Z, 2~)---+ H2(N \ Z, 7/) is nothing else but the Leray map 6. It completes the proof of (3.3a).

Notice, that there is a natural map (H2(Ni, Z)/~[S]}-+H2(Ni \X,7/): every 2-cycle in N which does not intersect 27 can be regarded as an element of the ho- mology group H2(Ni\S). The embedding in the opposite direction H2(Ni \ S, 27) ---+ H2(N/,2~) is tautological. The formula (3.3b) is proved similarly, see details in [T]. []

In the decomposition (3.3b) we will call H3(M, 27)| ~ = 1 {~(H2(Ni, ~)/TZ[S]}) the subspace of non-Leray cycles in H3(M \ (N1 U N2),TZ). The following theorem provides us with a source of manifolds satisfying a certain quantization condition described in the next section.

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Theorem3.9. For Kiihler manifolds X, Nb N2, M with H3(N1)= H3(N2)= H3'I(M) = 0 the subspace of 3-forms q E 2/F3(M \ (NI UN2)) with vanishing in- tegrals over non-Leray 3-cycles in H3(M \ (N1 U N2), 7/) has dimension at least g = dime ~1(S) .

Proof. The number of constraints on the meromorphic forms is majorated by the dimension of the space H3(M, 7Z)| ~=16(H2(N,Z) ) . Notice, that each summand in this sum imposes as many nontrivial conditions on t/'s as the dimension of the corresponding space of holomorphic forms ~2(N/) or ~3 (M) .

For instance, decompose the space of complex cycles H3(M, II2) on the Kfihler manifold M into the Hodge subspaces H3 =//3,o | | | Poincar6 dual to the corresponding spaces of differential forms. Then the integrals over all (3,0)-cycles with complex coefficients spanning the space H3,0(M) prescribe ex- actly dimH3,0(M)= dimJfB(M) conditions. On the other hand, the integrals of meromorphic forms over an arbitrary 3-cycle representing a homology class from other summands are automatically zero: by the Poincar6 duality f t / = fM~ A ~ = O, where ~ c H 1'2 @H 2'1 @H 3'0 is dual to the cycle a E H2,1 @HI,2 @Ho,3, while the meromorphic form t/has the type (3,0).

Notice that the integral of a differential form over any cycle of finite order, i.e. generating torsion in ~ 3 ( M \ (NIL/ N2)) is automatically zero.

Thus the dimension of the meromorphic 3-forms on M furnishing the re- quired constraints is not less than the dimension of holomorphic 1-forms on Z by Corollary 3.6. []

4. Four-Dimensional Realization of Central Extensions

4.1. The two-dimensional current algebra as a quotient. Consider an embedding of the complex curve X into a complex compact surface N with h2'l(N) = 0 (i.e., into a simply connected surface Hi(N) = H3(N) = 0). Let NN = C~(N,N) be the Lie algebra of all smooth maps from N to a simple complex Lie algebra ~ with the pointwise commutator. Define

~N := {X E ,~N I 2127 = 0}

to be a subalgebra of maps "based" at S C N. Now the two dimensional current Lie algebra Nz can be viewed as a quotient

algebra ~x _~ ~qN/NN. Denote by G N the current group of all smooth contractible maps of N into G, and by G N the corresponding subgroup

G N : = { g C G N] g l z = i d } "

GN/G x They are related by the same identity G Z _~ / x, since all maps of N into G (i.e. all elements of G z) are contractible for a simple simply connected group G : ~c2(G ) = H2(G) = 0.

The next step is to define the central extensions of the Lie algebra NN and the Lie group G N.

For this purpose, given any holomorphic 1-form 0 c 24~1(N) on N we pick out a meromorphic 2-form co E ~ 2 ( N \ X) on N which has a polar set of the first order on X and such that 0 - res co.

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As we mentioned above, for any meromorphic 2-form on N with poles on 2; the residue is a holomorphic 1-form on 2;. Conversely, if H 3 ( N ) = 0 then every holomorphic 1-form on 2; is the residue of some meromorphic 2-form on N by virtue of the exact sequence (3.2). The kernel of the residue map consists of all holomorphic 2-forms on N (and it is trivial, for instance, for N = 112p2).

Definition 4.1. Let us fix a lifting

11 : ~1 (~) --+ ~2(N \ Z, ~)

of the holomorphic 1-forms on S to the meromorphic 2-forms on N with poles on

S, such that Res o 11 = Id. We define the central extension ~r with the center 3tfl(S) * = ( J f2(N \ S)/W2(N))* by means of the cocycle

(c(x, Y), o) = c,,~o~(x, Y) , (4.1)

where the complex-valued two-cocycle Cos(X, Y) associated to a meromorphic 2- form co E ~2(N \ ~, C) is

Co,(x,r) = 2@i / t r ( d X /\ dY) A co . N


The proof of the cocycle identity for C literally repeats the 1-dimensional case. It is clear that the central extension is independent of the choice of the embed- ding q, Evidently, the 2-cocycle depends only on the cohomology class of 69 in J~2(N \ Z, r

Proposition 4.2. Let 2; be embedded into a complex surface N with hZ,l(N) = 0.

Then the Lie algebra ~N is an ideal in ~N. The quotient algebra ~N /~N is natu-

rally isomorphic to the central extension ~z of the current algebra on Z, defined by the cocycle (2.1).

Proof. It is an immediate corollary of Theorem 3.4 applied to the manifold N and the 4-form # = tr(dX A dY) A co whose primitive 3-form a = d-leo is taken to be

= tr(XdY) A co:

Co~(X, Y ) = A f tr(dX A dY) A co = - / res (tr(XdY) A co) = f tr(Xdr) A O. z n t j


This shows that Nu is an ideal in --NN. The quotient algebra is isomorphic to - z , see Definition 2.1. []

Note that though the realization described goes through for any C ~ form co on N \ Z and without the assumption h2J(N) = 0, the condition on co to be meromor- phic makes the construction canonical.

Remark 4.3. A stimulus for our consideration was a similar cocycle expression f t r (dX A dY) A co with a K/ihler form co appeared in the work [LMNS, NS]. How- ever, the orbit structure of the algebra with a Kfihler form is rather obscure. Already for an abelian group G the coadjoint orbits of the corresponding current group are at least as complicated as for the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphism of

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a three-dimensional manifold. In our construction, the de Rham theory of smooth forms is replaced by the Leray residue theory, which is more appropriate for the

complex-valued setting. The corresponding group d z comprises a nice orbit structure ([EF, EK]), that indicates the existence of interesting representation theory.

4.2. The extension of the current groups. Similarly to the classical WZNW-con-

struction of affine groups, we proceed by defining the group extension d ~x corre-

sponding to the Lie algebra f~N of currents on a complex surface N containing the curve S.

Definition 4.4. The central extension ~X of the Lie group G N with the center ocf1(Z)*/L, where L is a certain lattice, is given by the following 2-cocycle

( T ( g l , g 2 ) , O) = F~(o)(g l ,g2)

defined for any two group currents gl,g2 E G x ~-- Coo(N, G) modulo the lattice L. Here for any meromorphic 2-form e) on N with polar set Z o f the f r s t order


One can check directly the cocycle property as in the WZNW classical case.

Verification of the fact that the Lie algebra corresponding to the Lie group ~N

coincides with ~N is immediate. Note that the definition makes sense for a trivial lattice L = 0, defining a central extension of G n by the whole space J f I (Z)*.

However, we will see that in order to define a quotient of ~X over G u the lattice L necessarily contains the lattice of periods Hl(S,2g).

Recall that the subgroup G u of "based" maps is defined as

GN = {g ~ C~176 G) I glz -- id} .

Theorem 4.5. Let Z and N be as in Proposition 4.2. Then there is an embedding

of the group G N into the group ~v as a normal subgroup such that the cor-

responding quotient is isomorphic to the group Oz o f currents on the complex curve Z centrally extended by means of the Jacobian of the curve.

The proof of this theorem occupies the rest of this section. The conditions h2'~(N) = h2'~(2) = 0 are satisfied for simply connected manifolds N and 2~. This is a counterpart of simply connectedness of the disks D and D' in the classical case, see Sect. 1. Note that by passing from the holomorphic category to the C~-category one can drop this requirement in Proposition 4.2 and Theorem 4.5.

We will be looking for the homomorphism G y ~ ~N of the type g ~-+ (g,A(g)), where g E G N, and A(g) E 2/fl(Z) * "resolves" the 2-cocycle F, namely

A(gl g2) - A(gl ) - A(g2 ) = f (g l , g2).

To achieve this we need to move one dimension up as in the classical case, though now we are counting the complex dimensions.

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4.3. Resolution of the eocyele. First we embed the complex surface N into a 3- dimensional complex manifold M and define the curve Z as a transversal intersection of N and of some nonsingular complex surface ~ in M. We demand that the man- ifolds Z, N and M obey the assumptions of Theorem 3.5: the Hodge dimensions h23(Z) = h2J(N) = h3J(M) ~- 0 are trivial. These conditions are technical and re- lated to the consideration of holomorphic and meromorphic forms. They are not required in the C ~ category.

Pursuing the same strategy as before, fix an embedding

t2 " Jta2(N \ Z, I~) ---+ )(ta3(M \ (N U 2), 112)

such that Res o z2 = / d . In other words, given meromorphic 2-form co on N we pick up a meromorphic 3-form t/ in M \ (N U Z) with a pole of the first order on (the nonsingular part of) N U S, such that on the manifold N the 2-form res t/ coincides with the 2-form co. We do not require anything for the restriction res r/12.

Two different meromorphic "extensions" of the 2-form co on N differ by a mero- morphic 3-form on M with the polar set S. Say, for M = IEP 3 one has as many extensions as holomorphic 2-forms on S, according to the exact sequence (3.2).

Given current 9 we define the quantity A(g) assuming values in JF~(S)* by the relation (A(9), O) = Az2(o)(g), where the embedding z 2 := l 2 0 11 is the composition of z2 and l 1.

Definition 4.6. Consider any extension j of a current g E Ca(N, G) from the com- plex surface N to the ambient space M, such that Jl~ = id. We define the quantity

A(g) with values in 2/t~ * by the relation

(A(g), O} = A,2(o)(g ) ,


An(g ) -

and ~l E Jta3(M \ (N U S)).

2~Tr2 f tr(g-ldg)3 M


Such an extension ~ exists due to our assumption on triviality of the homotopy type of the maps 9 : N ---+ G.

As in the classical case, this definition may depend on the choice of an extension 9, and strictly speaking is not well-defined for a given current q. We will show that the ambiguity of the definition of A(g) in the choice of an extension ~ results in shifts by elements from a certain lattice L.

Let us assume for a moment that this is so. Then we have the following

Proposition 4.7 (cf 4.5). Let S and N be as in Proposition 4.2. Assume also that

A(9 ) is well-defined modulo a lattice L in -.all(Z) *. Let ~lv be the central extension of G N by means of the quotient afl(Z)*/L defined by the 2-cocyele F(gug2). Then

the group G N is embedded into 0 N as a normal subgroup, and the Lie algebra of

the quotient 9roup Gz GN /GN is isomorphic to

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Four Dimensional Realization of Current Groups 555

Proof Let us verify here that the embedding G N ~ g H (g,A(g)) E ~v is a group homomorphism. Indeed,

A , ( g l g 2 ) - 212 itr((O102)-l d@lO2))3 A *l M

-- 2 1 7 2 +g2 dg2) A t/ tr(OzlOll(dO1)~2 --1 - 3


= Adgl ) + A~(g2)

! 2 [ t r ( (011d01)2d0202 1 + 0i-~d~Ta(d02 ~7-~) 2) A r/ 87"s d 2


= A ~ @ I ) + A q ( 0 2 ) + ~ 2 d(tr(gl dgl Adg2 g21) )At / '


Applying Leray Theorem 3.4 we transform the last term to the form

l i 4~i tr(OTld01Ad02 021)A rest/ : tr(glldgl Adg2 g21)A co


: r~o(g l , {72 ) .

Here the integral over N tO Z descends to the integral over N due to the following. The currents 01 and g2 are equal to id E G on the surface 2~. Hence the two form fl := tr(glld01 A d02 021 ) vanishes on Z, and so does the 3-form dfl. Therefore, the singularity of the 6-form dfi A */ is removable on Z, and the residue theorem reduces the integral over M to that over N. Proposition 4.7 is proved. []

4.4. The lattice of cocycle values. To complete the proof of Theorem 4.5 we need to analyse the ambiguity in the definition of A(g ).

Let ~ and ~ be two different extensions of a current g, such that g, ~ 12 = id. Then = h 0 for some current h E C~176 G) such that h I~uN= id. We denote the set of

all currents obeying these conditions by G- v The same argument as in the proof of ZUN" Proposition 4.7 shows that A(~) =- A(h~) = A(h) + A(~)+ F(h, 0). However, now F(h, g) = 0, since the restriction of the 1-form h-Idh to Z U N vanishes due to the requirement on the current h that h ]fuN= id.

Hence, it remains to determine the set L of possible values of A(h) for all h E C~2UN. It is clear from the above ambiguity of A(h) that L is an abelian subgroup

of ~ I ( Z ) * . Given current h we rewrite A~(h) for an arbitrary 3-form q as the integral over the 3-cycle Ah, Poincar6 dual in M to the smooth differential 3-form

2]-=2 tr(h- 1 dh )3:

24~2 M Ah

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Proposition 4.8. The 3-cycle Ah Poincard dual to the 3-form -2-~tr(h ldh)3 defines an element of the homology 9roup H 3 ( M \ ( 2 U N ) , ~ ) with integer coefficients. Moreover, every Leray 3-cycle in M \ (2 U N) can be represented by a cycle Ah for some h c G~u x.

Proof Indeed, recall that h is a map M ~ G, and the group G has one-dimensional group H 3 (G, 2g). The 3-form - ~ tr(h- 1 dh)3 is the pulI-back to M of the generator of H3(G, ~) like in the classical case, see Proposition 1.4. Furthermore, the form -2-~2tr(h ldh)3 vanishes on S UN C M. Hence it is Poincar6 dual to some 3-cycle

Ah whose support is disjoint from S U N. Thus the cycle Ah can be considered as an element in H3(M\(~ UN),TZ).

Moreover, consider an arbitrary embedded curve a on the Riemann surface S which represents an element of Hi(X, 7Z). Then its Leray image 62a is an embedded three-toms T 3 E M \ (2 [.J N). Let U(T 3) ~ - T 3 X B 3 be a tubular neighborhood of the toms. Impose the condition on h to send the boundary of the three-dimensional ba l l B 3 (and the whole complement M \ U(T 3) of the neighborhood) to id E G. One may think of h as a map T 3 • S 3 --+ G. Then the desired h is invariant along T 3 and it sends S 3 with degree 1 to a spheroid in G generating rc3(G). Indeed, the support of the corresponding three-form - ~ tr(h- 1 dh)3 is contained in U(T 3). Moreover,

one can see that the integral of this form over any 3-cycle in M \ (2 tJ N) is equal to the intersection number of such a cycle with T 3. By definition, this means that T 3 = ~20" is Poincar6 dual to the 3-form. []

Proposition 4.8 shows that the range of A(h) in 2((1(Z) * contains the lattice HI(Z,Z). Indeed, the Leray operator t52 embeds the set Hi(Z, 7/) as a sublattice of H3(M\(2 UN),TZ), since it is injective (see Sect. 3.4), while the integrals of tl taken over the Leray cycles 62a descend to the integrals of res t/ over a.

Impose the following quantization condition on the embedding fl : ,gfl (Z, 112) --+ -2~3(M\(2 U N),II~). We fix an arbitrary sublattice in H3(M\(2 U N),7Z) comple- mentary to 62(Ha(S,7Z)), and we require the image of t~ o ~l to belong to the sub- space of the meromorphic 3-forms t /E W, 3(M\(ZUN),II~) which vanish on the chosen sublattice. The complex dimension of the vector space spanned by such r/'s is at least dime WI(Z) = g as Theorem 3.7 shows.

It immediately implies that value of A(h) on arbitrm2r three-cycles from H3(M\(2 U N), ~ ) will be necessarily of the form

f t l=-(2~zi)2f res2t/= (27ci)2/0,

where a E HI(Z,~). Thus the values of A(h) form the lattice L = HI(S,~). In other words, for the described embeddings z2 : ~ I ( X , C ) - ~ ~ 3 ( M \ ( 2 U

N), ff~) the projection of the dual spaces send the lattice H3(M\(S U N), 77) to the

lattice HI(Z,~), that gives the desired realization of ~x. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.5. []

4.5, Examples and 9eneralizations. The simplest nontrivial example of our theorem corresponds to an elliptic curve S. In this case we can embed it into N = II~P 2 for which Hi(N) = O. Moreover, we can realize S as a transverse intersection of a cubic surface S and 112P 2 inside 112P 3 (note that h23(ll~P 2) = h2,1(X) = h3'l(~P 3) = 0).

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Four Dimensional Realization of Current Groups 557

Corollary 4.9. Let S be an elliptic curve realized as a transverse intersection S N

~p2 inside CP 3. Then ~z ~- G ^ Ce2/G z ^ ~;,,2.

For a complex curve of an arbitrary genus it is known that it admits an em- bedding in CP 3, but, generally speaking, only immersions in IEP z, see [ACGH]. To obtain a complex surface N with HI (N) = H3(N) = 0 one can resolve double points in II;P 2. Notice, that not all complex curves are complete intersections of algebraic surfaces in CP 3 (see e.g. [ACGH]).

Remark 4.10. One can avoid the use of meromorphic Leray theory outlined in Sect. 3.4 by imposing the same quantization condition on more general liftings

ll : ~ a l (v ) ___+ Z2(N \ Z, C) ,

12 : Z2(N \ S, ~ ) --+ Z3(M \ (N U 2), e ) ,

where Z 2 and Z 3 denote the spaces of smooth closed two- and three- forms with poles of the first order. It is remarkable that these embeddings can be realized within the spaces of meromorphic forms, provided that certain conditions on the manifolds are obeyed.

Remark 4.11. It follows from our construction that the central extension of G ~ by means of the Jacobian variety j is "maximal possible" in the category of Lie groups

with the Lie algebra ~z. In fact, one can show that it is universal in this class of Lie groups. Other extensions correspond to a choice of lattices L C 2/gl(Z) * which contain Hl(Z, ;g) and are obtained via the natural projection J ---+ S I ( s ) * / L .

In particular, we can weaken the conditions on the manifolds M and N in Theorem 4.6 or on the embedding zl o t2 only to ensure that the set of values of A(h) is a lattice L C ~gl(S)*. Then our construction still yields a central extension

of the group G z with the Lie algebra ~z. The quotient group L/HI(S,2g) (or the corresponding index [L : H1(27,~)]) can

be viewed as an analogue of the level in the classical case. Recalling the fundamental importance of level 1 representations of affine Lie groups of ADE types, one wonders whether level 1 representations of central extensions of two-dimensional current groups will play a similar role in representation theory of these groups.

5. Generalizations to Current Algebras on Punctured Complex Curves and Further Perspectives

5.1. Current algebras on punctured curves. One can almost literally generalize the above constructions to the case of punctured Riemann surfaces. Holomorphic 1-forms on ~ are replaced by meromorphic ones with prescribed poles. Their extensions to the spaces N and M also demand the consideration of meromorphic forms with given orders of poles at arrangements of hyperplanes. In this section we just mention several necessary changes in the described realization to include punctures on S into the general scheme.

Let 0 be a meromorphic form on a complex curve X with poles at the set ]7 = { P l . . . . , Pr}. Recall that the algebra N~ consists of N-valued functions on Z

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558 I.B. Frenkel, B.A. Khesin

assuming zero values at each point of 17. The central extension of this algebra is given by the cocycle (2.1).

In order to obtain a four dimensional realization of this algebra we consider an embedding of Z into a complex surface N. Moreover, on the surface N we consider a set of complex curves E := Z U P1 U �9 �9 �9 U P~ in a general position such

r that the intersection of the curve E with all the rest P : = Ui=lPi is exactly the set of removed points Z N P = {Pl, . . . ,pr}. (Say, a Riemann sphere with three punctures, crucial for many constructions in CFT, can be seen here as a quadruple of complex lines in N = 112P2.) Then for the corresponding current algebras one

N N obtains a natural isomorphism ~/~ _ (r162 with the evident notations (r := {X E Coo(m, (r X l x = 0} .

Furthermore, choose an arbitrary closed 2-form co which is Coo-smooth in N \ ~, it has a first order pole along E, and res co]z = 0. Notice, that poles of o~ at the points Pi are of the second order. The 2-cocycle on (r is defined by the formulas (4.1-2).

^Z Proposition 5.1 (cf 4.2). The current algebra (r is isomorphic to the following quotient:

~Z ^N N

The proof of the proposition is immediate. Notice, that if instead of (q/~ we deal with a more general algebra of currents on Z with values in nilpotent subalgebras at punctured points pj C 17, then the algebras (r and (r are replaced by the algebras of currents on N assuming values in the same nilpotent subalgebras on the entire curves Pj C P. Intersections of these curves are related to the intersections of the corresponding nilpotent subalgebras.

^N In the same way one defines the groups G N, G u and the central extension Gp

(see Definition 4.4).

^N Theorem 5.2 (cf 4.5). There is an embedding of the group G N into the group Gp as a normal subgroup such that the corresponding quotient is isomorphic to the

^Z central extension Gri of the group G~ of currents on the complex curve Z which vanish at the punctures II on the curve.

^N To define the embedding G N -~ Gp one has to pass to three complex dimensions.

Fix some embedding of the surface N into a complex three-dimensional manifold M and consider a collection of complex two-dimensional submanifolds E := ~ U/~1 U -. . U/St in a general position in M such that they cut N along the corresponding curves ~ = X U P1 U �9 �9 �9 U Pr.

Again, specify some closed 3-form q which is C~176 in M \ ~, it has a first order pole along E U N, and r e s tit N = CO. Construction of the resolution A(g) of the 2-cocycle transfers literally to this ease.

5.2. Example of punctured sphere." Hyperplane arrangements. Look at the punc- tured Riemann sphere: Z = II?P 1, N = IEP 2 and M = tl2P 3. In the case of two re- moved points (r = 2) one can consider three complex lines E = E U P1 U P2 in a general position in N = I~P 2, and extend them to three planes E = U~=I(EP~ in

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Four Dimensional Realization of Current Groups 559

C1P 3. Then the complement in II]P 3 to "~ U N has the following third homology group:

(4=1 2) (3=1 2) g3(ll~p3\ U C e i 7 / , )= r e ( e 3 \ U e` 71) = 7~. i i

The Leray map establishes the isomorphism of it with the corresponding homology group

HI(Z \ (Pl U P2)) = Hi( CP1 \ (Pl U P2)) = 7Z, cf. Theorem 3.8. For the sphere with three punctures (the key picture in CFT con- structions) the homology group//1 is ~7 | ;g, while the corresponding group Hs is larger.

The case of punctured Riemann surfaces also covers the current groups constructed on smooth complex curves embedded to a complex surface N with self-intersections. Moreover, our construction is self-consistent with respect to de- generations on the boundary of the moduli space of complex curves: the two parts s Us X2 of a nonsingular complex curve X squeezed along some cycle S provide both the punctured surface s and the auxiliary set P = s

5.3. Remarks on representation theory and quantum field theory. The generaliza- tion of two dimensional current groups to the case of punctured Riemann surface strongly allude to the parallel with conformal field theory. But in our setting we expect to attach to a punctured Riemann surface a category of representations of the corresponding current groups rather than a vector space of conformal blocks. These categories are in turn supposed to form a two category similar to the mod- ular tensor category in the classical case and it is natural to expect that the latter category is just a Grothendieck ring of the former two category. This allows us to conjecture that construction of representation theory of two dimensional current algebras and groups will provide a categorical analogue of conformal field theory (cf. [CF]).

An equally interesting direction is a development of a four dimensional quantum field theory associated to our four dimensional realization of current groups. One should note from our construction that unless we consider the example of a sphere with punctures it is impossible to write a Lagrangian in pure exponential form, because the topological term is defined only up to a lattice in a complex space. Thus the relation of our construction with the proposed in [LMNS] four dimensional models is not yet clear.

Another interesting problem is a generalization of the Chern-Simons-Witten theory [W2] to the complex setting. Following the analogy inspired by our con- struction Witten's Lagrangean over a compact (real) three-dimensional manifold should be replaced by the following Lagrangean defined on a Calabi-Yau (com- plex) three-dimensional manifold M:

S = ~ tr A ~ A + 3 A A A A Aq ,

M where A is a N-valued one-form of type (0,1) and t/ is the holomorphic three-form on M. This Lagrangean appears as a low energy limit of open string theory in [W3], where it is argued that this analogue of CSW theory is still finite. Thus it is natural to expect that the complex generalization of Witten's three-dimensional

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topological invariant yields an invariant of Calabi-Yau manifolds. The meromorphic forms appeared in the present paper should play the role of links in real three- dimensional manifolds. The above Lagrangean was also discussed in [BCOV] in re- lation to the Kodaira-Spencer theory, and it is undoubtly encodes deep mathematical structures.

There are evident connections of our realization of the central extension dx with algebraic geometry and complex analysis. Moreover, the analogy of our construction with the WZNW model indicates relations with other areas of mathematics that are not so transparent at the present moment. For example, when Z is an elliptic curve a

representation category of the group GZ should involve essentially the arithmetic of ^S 1

the elliptic curve in a similar way as the representation category of G is associated to the arithmetic of the roots of unity.

Acknowledgements. We have benefited a lot from illuminating discussions with A. Todorov. We are deeply obliged to him, to P. Etingof, M. Khovanov and G. Zuckerman for helpful remarks. We thank G. Moore and N. Nekrasov for discussions and the detailed explanation of their work in progress [LMNS] on the real-valued 4-dimensional WZNW-model, and for providing us with the reference [NS]. The research of I.F. and B.K. was supported by the NSF grants DMS-9400908 and DMS-9307086.




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Four Dimensional Realization of Current Groups 561

[W2] Wi~en, E.: Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial. Comm. Math. Phys. 121, 351 (1989)

[W3] Wi~en, E.: Chem-Simonsgaugetheory as a string theory. IASSNS-HEP 92/45, hepth/ 9207094

Communicated by G. Felder

Note added in proof. Since we submitted this paper there appeared two preprints related to our work:

[1] Losev, A., Moore, G., Nekrasov, N., Shatashvili, S.: Four-dimensional avatars of two- dimensional RCFT, hep-th/9509151

[2] Losev, A., Moore, G., Nekrasov, N., Shatashvili, S.: Central extensions of gauge groups re- visited, hep-th/9511185

The first paper extends the ideas of [LMNS]. In particular, the authors study the algebro-geometric sector of their theory and shed some light on the connection between our construction of the

central extension ~ s and their four-dimensional generalization of WZNW Lagrangean theory. In the second note the authors present the quotient realization for the gauge groups on an arbitrary manifold M by elaborating the ideas of [PS, M]. Their consmaction has a purely real flavor, and it is based on ingenious introducing the currents on the cylinder over M. We note that the realization described in out" paper also admits a generalization to current groups on a complex manifold of arbitrary dimension by using the C c~-version of Leray theory. However, the meromorphic setting exists only in the case of a Riemann surface 2;, and it makes the construction genuinely complex and rather rigid.