FOTOHITS XXXX PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILM 2019 · xxxx photography and film fotohits media kit 2019 fotohits magazine is certified by ivw and member of:

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FOTOHITS Magazine ranks among the leading peri-odicals certified by IVW on the semipro and professional photo market. TIPA’s readership survey in 2017 (see page 4) impressively confirmed our readers‘ high pur-chasing power and disposition to buy high-end system cameras and equipment. For this reason, FOTOHITS’ focal points are premium products and challenging but practical photographic topics for better imaging results.

FOTOHITS offers the entire bandwidth of modern media solutions: Starting with FOTOHITS Magazine and its supplement FOTOHITS Special as the classical flag-ships in print to the FOTOHITS Alexa skill for Amazon Echo. FOTOHITS’ ePaper version is available not only for Apple’s iPad, but also for Android tablets, PCs and smartphones.

Thanks to its responsive design, the high traffic website fotohits.de offers an optimized access from mobile de-vices. Furthermore, FOTOHITS stands for a close inte-gration of print and online activities with social media like Facebook.

As a member of the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), FOTOHITS is part of the jury that elects annu-ally the world’s best photo and imaging products and awards them with the prestigious TIPA Awards.

PrOFEssIONALTEsTINGFOTOHITS operates its own camera test lab which was one of the first in Ger-many. Professional con-ducted tests examine and measure the important characteristics of cameras and lenses regarding per-formance, features and handling.Furthermore, our testers also frequently examine in-teresting photo equipment like tripods, flash units, monitors and more.

FOTOHITS is Germany‘s special in­terest magazine for ambitious photo­graphers.

FOTOHITS NEWsLETTErAds in the FOTOHITS newsletter will reach precisely the target group. The newsletter is sent on a daily, week-ly and monthly base. So our readers are sup-plied with current news from the photo scene or get your additional PR information right on time.

FOTOHITS.DEPhotographic news on a daily base are the core content ofwww.fotohits.de The website also of-fers many editorial and interactive elements, not only to inform the visitors but also to get them involved.

FOTOHITS sPEcIALFOTOHITS specials are supplied as a “mag within a mag” and in an “outstanding” DIN-A4 “uber-format”. They cover photographic issues as well as spe-cific products – cus-tomers can even get an entire magazine for their individual use.

FOTOHITS E-PAPEr The FOTOHITS ePaper edition is an alter-native version of the printed magazine. It embeds the identical content into a new medium, with convenient functions for reading, searching and archiving.


FOTOHITS sOcIAL MEDIA On Facebook the FOTOHITS posts are gaining more and more “Followers” and 10.000 „Likes“ (more than 6.000 Followers as of 1/2019).


HITS skill for Amazon’s intelligent Echo speak-

ers is available for free. „Alexa“

reads the latest news from the photo community to photo enthusiasts.


A typical FOTOHITS reader has a higher-than-average house-hold income. Essentially, he is interested in the practical aspects of photography, in didactic articles and comprehensive camera tests. He photographs with 2.3 cameras, which are mainly equipped with APS-C and full format sensors. His photographic equipment is state-of-the-art, he invests in accessories almost the same amount of money as in his cameras. 70% of our readers plan extensive spend-ing in a new camera over the next 24 months, 68,9% plan to buy new lenses.

The monthly net income of all household members amounts:

less than 1.500 Euro ....................................... 6,9 %1.500 to 1.999 Euro ..................................... 12,0 %2.000 to 2.499 Euro ..................................... 14,6 %2.500 to 2.999 Euro ..................................... 13,9 %3.000 to 3.499 Euro ..................................... 13,9 %3.500 to 3.999 Euro ....................................... 9,2 %4.000 to 4.499 Euro ....................................... 8,0 %more ............................................................. 12,1 %no data ........................................................... 9,4 %

rEADEr’s sPENDING POWErSame as in 2015, the 2017 survey proofs the higher-than-average purchas-ing power of FOTOHITS readers: 57,1 percent are above Germany’s average net income2. Almost 30 percent have at least one and a half of this income and 12,1 percent derives an income which is more than twice the average net income.

1 The complete TIPA Readership Survey 2017 is available at „fotohits.de/Leserbefragung“. Realization and analysis: WIP Wissenschaftliches Institut für Presseforschung und Medien-beratung, Dr. Margit Dorn, Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Vogel, Essener Str. 28, 51145 Köln, [email protected]

In 2017, 1.844 readers of FOTOHITS answered the questions of the „TIPA Readership Survey“. We proudly present the most important results for your media planning1. They will confirm your decision for FOTOHITS as one of Germany’s most important special interest magazines for photographers.

2 Source: OECD Better Life Index, http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org

84,3% rate FOTOHITS Magazine as a very important or important publication.


I want to purchase in the coming 4 months: (multiple answers possible)

Digital SLR Photo Camera ............................... 25,4 %Digital Middle Format System ............................ 2,2 %Mirrorless System Camera ............................... 31,9 %Digital Compact Camera ................................. 10,5 %Color Management System ............................... 6,7 %Interchangeable lens(es) .................................. 68,9 %Photo/Imaging Software .................................. 32,2 %Studio Lighting ................................................ 12,2 %Scanner ............................................................. 6,3 %Photo Printer ..................................................... 7,9 %Tripod .............................................................. 15,4 %Accessory ....................................................... 27,4 %Action Cam ....................................................... 6,1 %Camera Drone ................................................... 6,4 %

PUrcHAsEINTENTIONsCompact cameras play a minor role in the purchase inten-tions of readers. But almost 60 percent will invest in a new system camera during the next 24 months. This relates to the high value of interchangeable lenses.

ISSUE NO. / ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE AD DEADLINE PRINTING MATERIALS1-2/2019 January/February (8 week on sale) 03.12.18 08.11.2018 16.11.2018

3/2019 March 04.02.19 07.01.2019 14.01.2019

4/2019 April 11.03.19 11.02.2019 18.02.2018

5/2019 May 15.04.19 11.03.2019 18.03.2019

6/2019 June 20.05.19 22.04.2019 30.04.2019

7-8/2019 Juli/August (7 on sale) 24.06.19 13.05.2019 27.05.2019

9/2019 September 12.08.19 15.07.2019 22.07.2019

10/2019 October 09.09.19 05.08.2019 12.08.2019

11/2019 November 07.10.19 09.09.2019 16.09.2019

12/2019 December 11.11.19 14.10.2019 21.10.2019

1-2/2020 January/February 09.12.19 11.11.2019 18.11.2019


Digital print data: High-End-PDF (PDF/x-1a or PDF/x-3), Color profile: ISO Coated v2 300%

screen ruling: 60 l/cm / 150 lpi (300 dpi)

bleed margin: 3 mm each on outer edges, combined 3 mm perforation margin

Format corners: 3 mm set-off

solid black areas: For multi-colour printing jobs, solid black areas should be back filled with additional 40% Cyan

Over/ under filling: When combining image bar elements, it will be necessary to overfill or underfill.

Ucr/max surface coverage: In colour structures, the sum total of all colours must not exceed 300% surface coverage in neutral image depths.

binding colour proof: Offset print ISO coated V2 standard (with Ugra/Fogra media wedge)

Printed proof to: Weiss Druck GmbH, Mr Knein, Hans-Georg-Weiss-Straße 7, D-52156 Monschau-Imgenbroich

Delivery of data: By E-Mail to [email protected] or CD-ROM to BetterNet GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 60, D-69117 Heidelberg

210 × 297 mm

210 × 96 mm

210 × 195 mm

PrIcEs IN EUrO1/1 8.900,–3/4 6.675,–2/3 5.935,–1/2 4.450,–1/3 2.970,–1/4 2.225,–


ISSUE NO. / ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE AD DEADLINE PRINTING MATERIALS1-2/2019 January/February (8 week on sale) 03.12.18 08.11.2018 16.11.2018

3/2019 March 04.02.19 07.01.2019 14.01.2019

4/2019 April 11.03.19 11.02.2019 18.02.2018

5/2019 May 15.04.19 11.03.2019 18.03.2019

6/2019 June 20.05.19 22.04.2019 30.04.2019

7-8/2019 Juli/August (7 on sale) 24.06.19 13.05.2019 27.05.2019

9/2019 September 12.08.19 15.07.2019 22.07.2019

10/2019 October 09.09.19 05.08.2019 12.08.2019

11/2019 November 07.10.19 09.09.2019 16.09.2019

12/2019 December 11.11.19 14.10.2019 21.10.2019

1-2/2020 January/February 09.12.19 11.11.2019 18.11.2019



Individual design of the inner face flap

€ 6.900,–

ADrEss sHEET(sUbscrIbErs)

Address directly the target group: Your promotion on the address sheet of the subscription print run.

€ 1.990,–both sides


sUPPLEMENTsFOTOHITS Print Run(Retail and subscriptions) = 50.000 copies1)

Total edition Subscription ed.up to 25 gram: € 70,– 2) € 95,–up to 40 gram: € 95,– 2) € 110,–up to 50 gram: € 110,– 2) € 140,–1) please ask for actual print run 2) plus postage



210 × 297 mm

1/2 portrait

100 × 297 mm

1/4 landscp

210 × 72 mm

3/4 portrait

141 × 297 mm

1/2 landscp

210 × 146 mm

3/4 landscp

210 × 220 mm

1/3 portrait

71 × 297 mm

2/3 portrait

135 × 297 mm

1/3 landscp

210 × 96 mm

2/3 landscp

210 × 195 mm

1/4 portrait

57 × 297 mm

1/4 2columns

100 × 96 mm

FrEQUENcy DIscOUNTsFrequency Quantityfrom 4 Ads 5% from 2 pages 5%from 6 Ads 8% from 4 pages 8%from 12 Ads 12% from 8 pages 12%from 18 Ads 15% from 10 pages 15%from 24 Ads 20% from 12 pages 20%

1/6 product spots as advertorial in FotoGuide:Inexpensive, but effective.1 ×: € 200,-6 ×: € 190,- (per spot)


The print magazine’s powerful online companion

Modern – responsive – up-to-date: If you are heading for photo enthusiasts, semi pros and professional photographers with a high purchasing power on the internet, you are perfectly right on fotohits.de.

Classic banners, native advertising, advertising in our newsletter or cross-me-dia interactive formats: We at FOTOHITS share our offices with BetterNet’s internet experts and programmers who are in care of many very big photo websites. This is why we are able to implement cutting edge online advertising ideas for you which makes us different from any other photo magazine.

If you don‘t have online advertising material, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We will develop it for you: fast, reliable and at a fair price.

FOTOHITS.DE is a highly efficient platform for your online advertising campaigns – with an average of 189.659 page impressions and 51.369 unique visitors per month.

All statistical data refers to the period from 1.11.2017 to 31.10.2018



Ad media1 Format in Pixel cPM2

Leaderboard 728 × 90 40 €Leaderboard, Plus 970 × 90 55 €Billboard 970 × 250 50 €Skyscraper (links) 160 × 600 40 €Skyscraper (rechts) 160 × 600 40 €Fireplace - 75 €Wallpaper - 75 €Medium Rectangle 300 × 250 60 €Halfpage 300 × 600 40 €

Leaderboard Plus Skyscraper Fireplace

Wallpaper HalfpageMedium Rectangle


1 additional banner formats on request2 minimum 500 Euro


Ad format for mobile devices


Large Mobile Banner 300 × 100 Mobile Banner 320 × 50 Medium Rectangle 300 × 250Tablet

Leaderboard 728 × 90 Medium Rectangle 300 × 250 Wide Skyscraper 160 × 600

QUOTA WINNEr: THE FOTOHITS-NEWsLETTErThe FOTOHITS newsletter system gives the recip-ients the choice between daily, weekly or monthly delivery. Since the recipients are signing for it vo-luntarily, our subscribers are a highly interested and attentive audience.You can use our newsletter for your promotions: with image-ads, text-ads or advertorials, which we will happily create for you. But we can also dedi-cate a special FOTOHITS newsletter exclusively to your message. This extra edition of our newsletter will be sent separately from the usual delivery. This way, your message will get maximum attention – an opening rate of 34% reinforces this.


36.329photo enthusiasts receive the

FOTOHITS newsletter1..

Newsletter Price2

Ad (640 × 255) 40 €

Special newsletter 60 €

Advertorial 50 €

1 as of December 2018

2 Cost per Mille (Cost per 1.000 newsletter subscribers)

“Send promotion messages mixed with current news from the world of photography di­rectly to your target group: the FOTOHITS newsletter.”


Newsletter Ad

Special (Dedicated) Newsletter

sPEcIAL AD FOrMATs, ONLINEOnline-advertorial & native advertisingInteractive “Hitech Explorer”Webinars on productsCreating specials for the ePaper app


Photo competions“Readers test …” (in addition to editorial stories)Individual photo contests


“Banner advertising is not the whole sto­ry. In times of massive use of ad blockers, there are numerous attractive alterna­tives and additions to send your message to the web community.”

Contests / Test By ReadersOnline­Advertorial Individual Photo Competitions



EDITOr IN cHIEF: Dr. Martin Knapp

EDITOr- MANAGEMENT: Dipl.-Ök. Antonia Serrano

PUbLIsHErs: Dr. Martin Knapp und Dipl.-Ök. Antonia Serrano ADVErTIsING: Ulrich L. Horst BetterNet GmbH Tel.: 0 24 35/33 51 Mobil: 01 77/42 45 421 Mail: [email protected]

PUbLIsHEr AND BetterNet GmbHEDITOrIAL Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 60, 69117 HeidelbergOFFIcE: Tel.: 0 62 21/6 59 92 90, Fax: 0 62 21/2 45 65 www.fotohits.de Mail: [email protected]

PrINTAbLE PDF BetterNet GmbHFILEs: Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 60 69117 Heidelberg Mail: [email protected]

sEND INsErTs & Weiss Druck, Hr. Knein: für FOTO HITS, Werk 2PrINT PrOOFs Am Handwerkerzentrum, 52156 Monschau-Imgenbroich

MAGAZINE National: Annual subscription € 49; single issue € 4,90PrIcEs:

PUbLIcATION: 10 × per year (monthly with two double issues)

PAyMENT TErMs: 30 days net after date of invoice

PrINT rUN: FOTOHITS MAGAZINE voluntarily undergoes — in contrast to several other german photo magazines — the strict control of the “Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Ver-breitung von Werbeträgern e.V.” (IVW, German Audit Bureau of Circulation Control)

Print run: 50.000 copies Distributed copies: 23.171 copies Sold copies: 22.893 copies Subscribers: 6.122

(data from 4th quarter 2018)