Foreign Phrases Mayank 6

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  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6


    Foreign phrasesForeign phrases

    Idiomatic phasesIdiomatic phases

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    ab initio [L] - From the beginning achtung [Ger] - Take care, look out

    ad hoc [L] - arranged for the purpose ad infinitum [L] - endlessl, to infinit ad libitum !ad lib" [L] - at #ill, at pleasure ad nauseam [L] - to a sickening degree$ disgusting ad %alorem [L] - according to the %alue aide-de-camp [F] - A militar officer acting as secretar and

    confidential assistant to a superior officer of general or flagrank&

    a la carta [F] - b the card a la mode [F] - in fashion, fashionable alibi [F] - the legal defence that the person #as else #here

    #hen the crime #as committed& alter ego [L] - Another side of oneself$ an intimate friend or a

    constant companion

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6


    ante-meridiem [L] - before midda !am" post-meridiem [L] - after midda !pm"

    a%ant-garde [F]- front guard, pioneers, the frontpart of the arm

    ambiguities latens ' doubt

    ambiguitas patens ' doubt appears on firstappearance

    amicus curiae ' a person #ho brings attention ofcourt to a point o%erlooked

    audi alteram partem 'to hear the otherside

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6


    (( beau monde [F] - beautiful #orld, a

    fashionable societ& bildungsroman [Ger] - a no%el #hich

    charts its hero)s earl life !tom sa#er"

    bonafide [L] - good faith, sincere, genuine& bon %i%ant [ F] - good li%ing, a lo%er of

    good li%ing, epicure, gourmet

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    canard [F] - rumour

    carte blanche [F] - blank sheet of paper,unlimited authorit

    certiorari [L] - be informed

    charge de affairs [F] - an ambassador)s deput coup de grace [F] - blo# of merc

    coup d) etat [F] - blo# of state

    creme de la creme [F] cream of the cream cul de sac [F] - bottom of the bag, dead end

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  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    dea %u [F] - the strange feeling that in

    some #a ou ha%e eperienced alread #hat is happening no#

    demarche [F] - #a of #alking, step taken

    to achie%e some end

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    esprit de corps [F] - team spirit

    en masse [F] - all together

    e gratia [L] - a fa%our #ithout an legal


    e officio [L] - b %irtue of his office

    e parte [L] - in the interest of one part


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    facsimile [L] - a perfect cop

    fait accompli [F] - accomplished fact, something thatcannot be changed

    fau pas [F] - a miserable false step, a social blunder,


  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    hors de combat [F] -out of fight, disabled, incapacitated

    hors d) oeu%re [F] - outside normal course of e%ents

    habeas corpus [L] - ou should ha%e the bod, a udicial

    mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate bebrought to the court

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    ibidem !ibid" [L] - in the same book


    infra dignitatem - infra dig [L] - beneath

    one)s dignit

    inter alia [L] - among other things

    in toto [L] - on the #hole, entirel, full

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    lingua franca [L] - common language

    locus standi [L] - place of standing, right to

    appear and be heard in the court

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    magnum opus [L] - a great #ork

    mirabile dictu [L] - #onderful to da, belie%e it or not

    modus operandi [L] - mode of #orking, a #orking

    agreement modus %i%endi L] - mode of li%ing, a temporar

    agreement bet#een t#o parties

    mutatis mutandis [L] - make necessar changes

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    nota bene [L] - note #ell, mark #ell&!1&("

    numero uno [F] - number one

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    obet d) art [F] - obects of artistic %alue

    ombudsman [3#e] - A man #ho in%estigates complaints

    and mediates fair


  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    par ecellence [F]- b #a of ecellence

    per se [L] - b itself, essentiall

    persona non grata [L] - unacceptable person

    persona grata [L] - acceptable person

    post mortem [L] - after death

    prima donna [L] - leading female singer in an opera

    primo uomo [L] - leading male singer in an opera

    prima ballerina [L] - leading female dancer in a balletcompan

    prima facie [L] - at first sight, on the surface

    pro rata [L] - according to the rate, proportionall

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    6ue sera sera [3pa] - #hate%er #ill be #ill be

    6uid pro 6uo [L] -something for something, tit for tat, an

    e6ui%alent echange

    6uo #arranto [L] - b #hat #arrant

  • 7/25/2019 Foreign Phrases Mayank 6



    raison d) etre [F] - reason to be, rational

    ustification for its eistence

    responde8 s)l %ous plait [F] - !7394"

    respond if ou please

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    sine die [L] -#ithout a da, indefinitel, #ithout a da

    specified for a future meeting sine 6ua non [L] - #ithout #hich not, an absolutelessential thing

    status 6uo [L] - present state of things

    sub udice [L] - under udicial deliberation$ before a udge

    or court of la# sub poena [L] - a #rit re6uiring appearance in court to

    gi%e testimon&

    sub rosa [L] - under the rose, in secret$ pri%atel or

    confidentiall 3uo motu [L] - upon o#n initiati%e

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    tete a tete [F] - face to face$ in intimate pri%ac

    tour de force [F] - a feat of strength or skill

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    %ia media [L] - middle course

    %is a %is [F] - Face to face #ith$ opposite to& *ompared#ith& In relation to&

    %i%a %oce [L] - b li%ing %oice, b #ord of mouth, orall,

    %idelicet [L] - that is$ namel, used to introduce

    eamples, lists, items !Abbr& %i8" %olte face [F] - a re%ersal, as in polic$ an about-face

    %o populi [L] - %oice of the people, popular opinion orsentiment

    %o dei [L] - %oice of god