Problem Solving: Tips For Teachers Author(s): Phares G. O'Daffer, Joan Duea and Earl Ockenga Source: The Arithmetic Teacher, Vol. 34, No. 6, FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS (February 1987), pp. 44-45 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41193095 . Accessed: 17/06/2014 09:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Arithmetic Teacher. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:18:26 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS || Problem Solving: Tips For Teachers

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Page 1: FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS || Problem Solving: Tips For Teachers

Problem Solving: Tips For TeachersAuthor(s): Phares G. O'Daffer, Joan Duea and Earl OckengaSource: The Arithmetic Teacher, Vol. 34, No. 6, FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS (February 1987),pp. 44-45Published by: National Council of Teachers of MathematicsStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41193095 .

Accessed: 17/06/2014 09:18

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extendaccess to The Arithmetic Teacher.


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Page 2: FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS || Problem Solving: Tips For Teachers

Problem totoing Tip> For Teacher}

44 Arithmetic Teacher

f // ^ Let your students use a calculator with this experi- I

Él //Strategy Spotlight Ik^ ''^7^^^^^^^^^HIH^^HHHHIHIHHII Experiment 2 I

| USII1ÇJ 3 VsCllCUIclIOr ■ ■ Collect some data. How many times does your I ^^^B heart beat in 1 minute? I

■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My heart beats times in 1 minute. I (number) I

Consider the following experiments to see how the u ,. . ^ , , . . , o I calculator makes it easy to use the answer to one

" u How many times ,. would your heart . ^ beat , , in . 1 . hour? , o

problem to solve another problem. If a calculator with My heart W0U|d beat times ¡n 1 hour. a memory is available, the answer to the first problem (number) can be stored in the memory and easily recalled for m How many hours wou|d jt take your heart t0 beat use in the problems that follow.

ilCfflffiffil, 1 00° 00° times?

Experiment 1 /|| VatCvw* '' W0Uld take hours. / III t* CoHjS^ (number) I

■ Collect some data. How many times / III 7^ C§noJ¡J^^Í ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ can you write your name in 1 / |f>/s*,^2flP'^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ ^^^^^^^F^^^^T^^^^^^B I

I can write my name . ^^^^^B T ^/X^^^l I times in 1 minute.

(number) ^ .

-*^^ ^^^B ) V%^^^^^H ■ How many times can you write your . ^^^^ ^^^^^V/ ^^^^^^^^^^H I

name in 1 hour? preSs 60 0 number El ^^^m ^vStf^^^^^^H f ' to find how many times. ^^^^m ^w^v^* ^^^^^^^H I I can write my name f ' i , v , I ^^^m t^^* ^^^^^H I

times in 1 hour. (number) ' ^ p=^J=^| v ,

^W ^^^^ ^^H ■ How many hours would it take you > ■■■■

K ^m ^^^^^^^H^^^. ^^ to write your name 5000 times? ' ■■■■ K __^^^^^^^^^^^^k_l ' S S S S You may also wish t0 ask students t0 formulate other

L^sUltowSemmy (number) | ' l"""J experimental problems like these ' and extensions to

name 5000 times. ' I Press 5000 0 number Ql «*? wit^ a calculator.


' to find 5000 how r^ny

number hours. I u

The ca culat0J¡

ÏS a students P^werful Problem-solving

calculations tool

I 'J I u because it enables students to compete calculations

' (Tn -

T> with lar9er numbers easily and to store the answer Edited by Phares Phares G. G. O'Daffer O'Daffer "^7 ■ 'J for future use- thus freeing students to think about Phares Phares G. G. O'Daffer O'Daffer

lNormafT6^76ierSity ■■■■ the Problem' its solution' ̂possible extensions. A

Prepared by Joan Joan Duea Duea and and Earl Earl Ockenga Ockenga ■■■■ Studfntis problem-SOlving such

experiences should 1 and

include 2, to

Joan Joan Duea Duea and and Earl Earl Ockenga Ockenga Price Laboratory School [■■■■] ample opportunities, such as experiments 1 and 2, to University of Northern Iowa use the power of the calculator. Cedar Falls, ¡A 50613 ,. , |

Phares Phares G. G. O'Daffer O'Daffer

Joan Joan Duea Duea and and Earl Earl Ockenga Ockenga

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Page 3: FOCUS ISSUE: CALCULATORS || Problem Solving: Tips For Teachers

February 1987 45

^^H I Developing Problem-solving Skills r^^^^ B^^^~=^|Í^^^H H|H Students develop problem-solving skills / ̂ j 7*a* e ̂ ^^^^^-^^^B^^111111^^^^^^! j^J by writing problems. / Aya

e * i.oo* ^^^^^ZH^^^^B HIH Have students list two animals and / t0 u ^°u eVe ^"^"^^^^^B

^LRj two things they like to do. Have them / A/C7yJ u * Ca/o/

eVe *antea "^^^H

^Hl use their lists to write and illustrate a / üs/n b°ok/et tor in Pr *nOty m ^H ^Hh problem. Make sure calculators are / #/ 7o^ Ga/ntê. ^°*to

Pr r?blem ^/

m e aôo, * ^H PI ^Hh available.

problem. Make sure calculators are / / Ä #/ 7o^ Ga/ntê.

h^°r' ^°*to

àyîe^op%vin9? r?blem ^/ e aôo,

S*^ *

A ^H

^n One of our students' favorite prob- / tOr> •• £ '«

"Pro^y go^0.6* ̂Or^°b/e/Ti So/„- ^H

■Hi m^fcTM^" ILO'"'^ "^ - - ^H^ d^^^l ^^■H ^^^HL ^H "^ ^ ^^^^^H

^^H Hello, my name is Smelly. I'm a girunk. I get paid $12 252 a game for playing ^t^'-^^^^^i^^^i ^^H football. I play 16 games a year. How much do I earn in 1 year? In 6 years? ^B^!!z~zf^>^^^|

^H xuòe^s ototo'eïtx Ava^a9 ^^^^^^H Students in the middle K d^^l ^H ^9 vro'awt ^Äftö*^ ,,ne» ^^^^^H grades might like this one! JC^ - ^?^H ^^B «'e ca'as 'V>e ^ xS a>ja»au ^^^^^^H It helps to use a calculator. sfrzzr!^|^^H ^■c^ot wooa^0 ,ina ^^^^^H True or false? A thousand i^^^^?^H ^^A . CO^Ü) ntô he o«ete

,ina HI^^H dollars worth of pennies Vi^^^^^H

^^^t .

aWsW ntô r''ceca°rt'e

he av'^' ^B^^^B will make a stack of pen- P^^^^V^^B

^^A • VHO«6 9t oetW0 0^ W'co'awiS Se ^S ^^^^1 nies over 1 00 meters ni9h- ̂TZZT^ ^H ^^^K

• s^etf«,o^ nOessWxa!;o'j'e^ ̂^^^H (Hint: Collect some data. ^--__ -¿ ^H

^^^^A #SWóe ?we't^ ct©3^6 ^^^^^1 How many centimeters ^ ~^ ^^H ^^^^A cte»se «rtxe^6 ^^^^^^^^H high is a stack of 10 pen- ^===> ^^H ^^^B aoo^eC ^^^^^^■^^^1 nies?) fe=^3 ^H

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