In-class Presentation (12/4) and Written Report (due on 12/4)  Specifics and Requirements The team (2 students) selects a relatively new (published or developed within the past 20 years)  product/technique of bioprocess engineering, or an old product/product with relatively new developments or applications. () !rovid e bac"ground information of the product /tech nique. #escr ibe what the produc t is or how this technique wor"s. $ndentify limitations of the product or technique and ma"e sugges tio ns to tec hni cal ly over come the limita ti ons. %l ter nat ive ly , propos e new applications for the product/technique. The suggestions should comply with the scientific and engineering princi ples. &ffor ts should be made to lin" "nowledge learne d from this class to the selected topic. (2) 'ource s of infor mati on may includ e but not are limited to articles publi shed in scientif ic and engi neer ing ourna ls, pat ents and pat ent applic ati ons (www. uspto. gov) , news, i"ipedia, and websites of companies. (*) +eferences must be properly cited. or websites, pr ovide web address and date of access. or ournal articles, provide author names, article title, ournal title, publication year, and vol ume and page number s. or pat ents and pat ent applic ati ons, provid e names of inventers, patent or application title and number, year of the patent being issued or application being filed. $n the report, references should be listed and numbered at the end of the file and the corresponding numbers should be placed where the cited information is used in the te-t. Example topics and references. ohn !aul 'mel"o, elly +ae iltberger, &ric rancis ic"man, 1everly aney orris, Tobias ames 1lac"burn, and Thomas +yll, Performance of Hi! Intensit" #ed-$atc! %ammalian &ell &ultures in 'isposale $ioreactor "stems , 1iotechnology !rogress, 3olume 24, $ssue 5, %rticle first published online6 24 %7 20 8ulan ang, ong-ing u, ianun 7a ng, eng a ng, 9hristian aisermayer, !aul :hou, Hi ! *ie ld of Human %on ocl onal +nti od " Produced " ta l " ,r ansfected 'rosop!ila c!neider 2 &ells in Perfusion &ulture sin Wae $ioreactor , ol 1iotechnol (202) 52640;4<

Final Project-presentation and Report Guidelines

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8/9/2019 Final Project-presentation and Report Guidelines

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In-class Presentation (12/4) and Written Report (due on 12/4)

 Specifics and Requirements

The team (2 students) selects a relatively new (published or developed within the past 20 years)

 product/technique of bioprocess engineering, or an old product/product with relatively new

developments or applications.

() !rovide bac"ground information of the product/technique. #escribe what the product is

or how this technique wor"s. $ndentify limitations of the product or technique and ma"e

suggestions to technically overcome the limitations. %lternatively, propose new

applications for the product/technique. The suggestions should comply with the scientific

and engineering principles. &fforts should be made to lin" "nowledge learned from thisclass to the selected topic.

(2) 'ources of information may include but not are limited to articles published in scientific

and engineering ournals, patents and patent applications (www.uspto.gov), news,

i"ipedia, and websites of companies.

(*) +eferences must be properly cited. or websites, provide web address and date of access.

or ournal articles, provide author names, article title, ournal title, publication year, and

volume and page numbers. or patents and patent applications, provide names of 

inventers, patent or application title and number, year of the patent being issued or 

application being filed. $n the report, references should be listed and numbered at the endof the file and the corresponding numbers should be placed where the cited information is

used in the te-t.

Example topics and references.

• ohn !aul 'mel"o, elly +ae iltberger, &ric rancis ic"man, 1everly aney orris,

Tobias ames 1lac"burn, and Thomas +yll, Performance of Hi! Intensit" #ed-$atc!

%ammalian &ell &ultures in 'isposale $ioreactor "stems, 1iotechnology !rogress,3olume 24, $ssue 5, %rticle first published online6 24 %7 20

• 8ulan ang, ong-ing u, ianun 7ang, eng ang, 9hristian aisermayer, !aul :hou,

Hi! *ield of Human %onoclonal +ntiod" Produced " tal" ,ransfected

'rosop!ila c!neider 2 &ells in Perfusion &ulture sin Wae $ioreactor , ol

1iotechnol (202) 52640;4<

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• $wan +oberts, 'tefano 1aila, +. 1rent +ice, ichiel &tienne anssens, im =guyen,

 =athalie oens, 8udmila +uban, #iana ernande>, !ete 9offey, 9hris ason, cale-up

of !uman emr"onic stem cell culture usin a !ollo 0re ioreactor , 1iotechnol

8ett (202) *?62*04;2*5

• 9hristoph olff @ 'ascha 1eutel @ Thomas 'cheper, ,uular memrane ioreactors

for iotec!noloical processes, %ppl icrobiol 1iotechnol (20*) <46<2<;<*4

• Aoutami 1aneree, 'u>ana 9ar, ohn '. 'cottB9raig, elissa '. 1orrusch, arei"e

1ongers, onathan #. alton, "nt!etic multi-component en"me mixtures for

deconstruction of linocellulosic iomass. 1ioresource Technology 0 (200) <0<4; 


• %"pinar , Cre" +D. Production of lininol"tic en"mes " solid-state fermentation

usin Pleurotus er"nii. !rep 1iochem 1iotechnol. 202E?2(F)65G2B<4.

• T. 9lement, , . !ere>, .+. ouret, .. 'ablayrolles, 9. 9amarasa, se of a

continuous multistae ioreactor to mimic inemain fermentation.   $nternational

ournal of ood icrobiology. 3olume 50, $ssue , 4 Dctober 20, !ages ?2;?<


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1. Presentation

• 2B5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questioning.

• !resenters bring their !ower!oint slides in flash drives to the class.

• !resenters bring hard copies of the slides (2 slides per page) to the instructor.

!resentation grading criteria


• timing B 5H

•slide appearance B 5H

•  presentation s"ill ; 5H

• spelling and grammar B 0H

• organi>ation ; 0H

• reference ; 0H

Technical content6

• topic selection ; 0H

• clarity of describing the product or technique ; 5H

• how well the "nowledge taught in this class is lin"ed to the topic B 5H

• limitation identification and proposed solution B 0H

• originality (development of new analysis or problem solution) B5H

Total6 00H


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2. Written report

The written report should not only include all presentation components but also address

significant issues raised during the presentation.

+eport requirements6

G pages plus references.

.5 lines spaced, inch margins.

$nclude figures and tables if necessary. The total area covered by all figures should be less

than one page.

+eferences must be included with the same format as in the presentation slides.

ritten report grading criteria


• length, spacing and margins B 0H

• spelling and grammar B 0H

• organi>ation ; 0H

• reference ; 0H

Technical content6

• topic selection ; 0H

• clarity of describing the product or technique ; 5H

• how well the "nowledge taught in this class is lin"ed to the topic B 5H

• limitation identification and proposed solution B 0H

• whether issues raised during presentation is properly addressed ; 5H

• originality (development of new analysis or problem solution) B5H

Total6 00H
