Fecundity, egg development and growth of juvenile cray®sh Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi (Villalobos 1955) under laboratory conditions M Rodrõ Âguez-Serna 1 , C Carmona-Osalde 2 , M A Olvera-Novoa 2 & J L Arredondo-Figuero 1 1 Universidad Auto Ânoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I), Divisio Ân Ciencias Biolo Âgicas y de la Salud, Planta Experimental de Produccio Ân Acuõ Âcola, Av. Michoaca Ân y la Purõ Âsima S/N, Iztapalapa 09340, Me Âxico DF 2 Centro de Investigacio Ân y Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV-IPN) Unidad ME Â RIDA, Laboratorio de Nutricio Ân Acuõ Âcola. Km 6 Ant. Carr. a Progreso, AP 73 CORDEMEX, Me Ârida, 97310,Yucata Ân, Me Âxico Correspondence: M Rodrõ Âguez-Serna, Centro de Investigacio Ân y Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV-IPN) Unidad ME Â RIDA, Laboratorio de Nutricio Ân Acuõ Âcola, Km 6 Ant. Carr. a Progreso, AP 73 CORDEMEX, Me Ârida, 97310,Yucata Ân, Me Âxico Abstract Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi (Villalobos 1955) is a cray®sh endemic to south-eastern Mexico with aquaculture potential. This study intends to enhance knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species under laboratory conditions, including fecundity, egg development and juvenile growth. Mean fecundity was 311 eggs/female, and egg development occurred in seven stages over a 27- to 30-day time range. The best growth results were obtained at a density of 50 organisms m ±2 . Procambarus llamasi is considered to perform well in aquaculture contexts. Introduction There are 50 cambarid species in Mexico, 39 from the Procambarus genus, one from Orconectes and 10 from Cambarellus (Villalobos-Figueroa 1983). Despite this great variety of cray®sh species, few are used regularly in aquaculture as little is known of their biology (Avault & Huner 1985; Huner 1981, 1988; Avault 1996). In order to protect and utilize this abundant crustacean better, this study intends to increase knowledge of two Procambarus species on the Yucatan Peninsula (Villalobos-Hiriart, Cantu Â, Dõ Âaz- Barriga & Lira-Ferna Ândez 1993). One of these, Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi (Villalobos 1955), is widely distributed in south-east Mexico, from Veracruz to Campeche, and forms part of the diet in some rural communities on the Yucatan Peninsula. There are some studies on the biology (Morales & Bozada 1987), ecology (Morales, Bozada & Casanova 1987; Villalobos-Hiriart et al. 1993) and reproduc- tive behaviour (Mendoza 1994) of this species, but more research is needed on its use in aquaculture. To address this need, a study was carried out to determine Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi fecundity, egg development and growth under controlled conditions. Material and methods Five hundred juvenile P. llamasi were collected at Ignacio Zaragoza, in the state of Campeche (18° 21¢N, 91° 13¢W) and transported to CINVESTAV- Me Ârida. They were then placed in static tanks with a 0.30-m water column, constant aeration and natural photoperiod. They were fed shrimp pellets (40% protein) ad libitum. Tanks were cleaned daily and supplied with shelters made of PVC pipe sections. Spawning cycles were studied in eight 1-m 2 tanks under natural conditions. Animal size ranged from 30 to 70 mm, with a 1:1 male:female sex ratio and a density of 80 organisms m ±2 . Temperature was recorded continuously with an automatic recording thermometer (HOBO Temp). To estimate fecundity, eggs from 25 females were separated with forceps and counted. The total R # 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd 173 Aquaculture Research, 2000, 31, 173±179

Fecundity, egg development and growth of juvenile crayfish Procambarus (Austrocambarus) llamasi (Villalobos 1955) under laboratory conditions

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