Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application and Constraint in Implementation – A Perspective From Indonesia Tomy Perdana Center for Agricultural Supply Chain and Logistics System Studies Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2014 in Bangkok

Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

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Page 1: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application and Constraint

in Implementation – A Perspective From Indonesia

Tomy Perdana Center for Agricultural Supply Chain and Logistics System Studies

Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University

Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2014 in Bangkok

Page 2: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application


Development of Indonesian fruits and vegetables products is a strategic effort in developing the Indonesian agriculture

The fruit and vegetables (FFV) demand (local and export) is not balanced with the FFV supply from the domestic production

Traditionally, most of the Indonesian FFV producers have small scale economics and scattered in several production centers

Page 3: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application




Production/Supply Expenses Market

HowtochangeTheTradi onal(unstructured)Agrisupplychain

Market Expenses Production/Supply

Page 4: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application


Facilitating FFV small farmers to involve in modern agri supply chain is a strategic effort in globalization and free market

To be more effective and efficient, modern FFV supply chain that involving small farmers need using paperless system

This presentation will explore paperless aplication and its obstacles in implementation of modern FFV supply chain development that involving small farmers to fulfill market demand

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Integrating small farmers to modern FFV supply chain


agribusiness cluster development

agricultural logistics service development

Inclusive supply chain management development

1st iteration

2nd interation

3rd iteration



Page 6: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

The Triple Helix as an institutional innovation in agri cluster development





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Page 7: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application



Group Farmer




Gives services in technical, managerial, institutional,

access to technology, financing, and market.

Other Parties

(Banks, Syngenta Foundation,

Supermarket, food industry)

Reduce risks such as cancelled order, delayed payment, climate change

Ministry of Agriculture

Food Crops and Agricultural Services of

West Java

Giving the supporting facilities such as packing house with cold chain

system, irrigation etc

Central Bank,

Supporting Agencies

Funding trainings and building some

demonstration plots

The Role of Each Actor in Facilitating Small Farmers





Page 8: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

Facilitating Trade of Small Farmers (Flow of Materials)

Farmers Farmers


Farmers Farmers


Farmers Farmers




Collec veproduc onsystem

Postharvest,sor ng,grading,packing,pre-cooling,cooling,storage,trading,transport

Distributor Exporter

Logis csServices

Consolida on,qualitycontrol,branding,marke ng


Consolida on,qualitycontrol,marke ng

Consolida on,qualitycontrol,marke ng


Transporta on,administra on

Interna onalmarket

Tradi onalMarket

Domes cmarket

The Triple Helix Facilitation

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Facilitating Trade of Small Farmers

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Page 12: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

Facilitating Trade of Small Farmers (Flow of Information and Money)

Chain Information

Management By The Triple

Helix Facilitation

Web Based Services


Farmers Farmers


Farmers Farmers


Farmers Farmers



Distributor Exporter

Logis csServicesModern



Interna onalmarket

Tradi onalMarket

Domes cmarket

Page 13: Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant …. Mr... · 2015-01-30 · Facilitating Trade of Small Agricultural Enterprises : Relevant Paperless Application

Chain Information Management Systems

Web Based Services

(Paperless Systems)



Cyber Extension


E-Relationship Management


The Triple Helix Facilitation

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Obstacles of Chain Information Management (Paperless Systems) Application

• Understanding the value of transparency among supply chain players and stakeholers

• In the food chain, the main power lies within distributors, exporters and retail. The transformation from paper based to paperless systems must be driven by them

• Lack of awareness and coordination among chain actors and stakeholders in facilitating small farmers using paperless systems

• Lack of IT infrastructure in rural areas

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• Buy in of chain information management systems is necessary from chain actors and stakeholders

• Requires strong market player motivation

• University can be a hub of interaction/coordination between chain actors and stakeholders

• Requires regulations for each component in chain information management systems (paperless systems)

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Thank You

Asia Pasific Trade Facilitation Forum 2014 in Bangkok