THE WASHINGTON TIMES THTHSDAT AUGUST 4 1910 10 fw F b i R- I Wall Street Market Very Dull Following London Quotations NEW YORK STOCKS ARE SLUGGISH WITH PRICES SAGGING IN EARLY TRADING Street iMrve Men weak aad s- iri ugalsr TIle syentna waa tor moox of the iebjOers at a iecHae nusama iroot- fracttdHn te a fUll potnC XorUkern a fattta eff of aad R ad willie Third Avem wMeh today has b en ajBjtte active was off more than a wfert- Jt Wr vdhntes after the open prices seessed to steady Cor a time and to several cases a good advance was scored Mat toward noon tradma became very dnH and the tendency of prices was a pUn downward In some cases prices leu below the opining sad at yOltJC sIecIrs 11 WaD hat than IIuIt atght vIe u Pad6e opeIIed at advaiac 0Jt 7 Nzw 4 Pa- d awed aa Isw an York Stock Exchange Prices fnratobad by W B Hibba Co mtmbara New York Stock Xx- caaa waatatnctoa Stuck r aag end CbJcaaai Beard at Trade Hlbbs BoOdtac oas I New > INDUSTRIALS Kanal Copper I K- ui Beet aBsarcom 2fH M- AM Can eewa 7 W T As CM- Am Jfc Fdy com 4t 44 44 I 4- 5Au Car Fdy pCd M- Am Cotton OU com ABL Cotton OOp IMCH Am Ice SecnHOes MK MK M94 I M 4- MK ttk H4I SID Re cecn- Am Sugar 4k Ret ee 1U7 Asa Sugar pfr 1- 1AS TeL Tel M1H MH MWk I M i Am Woolen eon 38 5 i 27H Woolen pfd SH- Aaacoada Copper Vff mi 38 Leather corn 32 4 tl p I1K L com S 96 i 38 J 4 Con Gas K T 3t 1M M I IK- KCP Rcons IK- C P R P Dist Securities General EJectrte 3 M Northern Ci JUt KK I 61 Inter Paper fit Inter Steam P 48 JfK S i Mackay Co eom I 8Z- UMaekay Co vM 7 National BoseoH aNl Nt Ml I1MH- KttoMU Biscuit VUiJStHk TOHfA MTi J- Kat Lead eom Mfe 4 4tTi I K YAB J M Pac Mail Steam SH Peo Gas of Chi MUi 3M4 SMK I M8 Ire Steel Car eom I 3 fe PuUmaa Company I let Ry Steel Spg com 30- R Steel Spcs pfd K Rep L tc S com 38 3Wi 3 I 38 Rep LAS p M i S Teen Copper a U S C 1 P eom is I 5 US Rubber com 33 U Rubber pCd 3MK 3M u S Steel eom K r d u S Steel jMtd 1M B4M IM I U4H Utah Copper 44t 4 f4 Htl 44 K Va Car Chem ones loft 4 CM 1 8 Va Irwn Coal Coke 73- Weat Union Tel e K I 2 West See MaR KKI S- SAnter Tobacco P- Aiaer Tobacco rs- Atck Conv s B AO Oen 4s BR T Corn 4 W4 78 W 98 8 MM t 72 I 7m I later Metro 4s- X r Pac P L Ts- P Con s m- Se thm Ry 5s 78 73 i 7 e I 78- JM MK Ki SB u s steel Sd v Mt 188 MM I IMfc- ieev ioe a I lozv xw a iI1 I8i lit pIIL Car I Ifi Am IAce Am Ioeo u i A lMitftot Am SIlL I it lid I t Ref k W Z I Coat 31 Cent Leather n CM F A eL Bock C I I I I I Great Ore I II I h I j I I 1 1 u SR I com I s JMIt Iw I on I BONDS I I JIIiM 4 p434 I II 1 i8- C L APac s I I e I G Pvc Cse 1 1N Tee lUrk pm se a 2 I 4 i m d- Am S AmTobceose t- Am m l SoesSSLec a- 34 U34 le 4 34 3 34 N34 31434 I3 J- sCBQJ4z 1634 WA ii- 4CRLP4 34 m 34 g ± > noon prices gencralty wece one to two points below test nights dose Market news was not on the whole un- favorable Pretty mod raiDs have taDea- te the last twentyfour hours ta the corn and cotton belts sad the conditions for a wbeat harvest in the Northwest favorable The mornings slump ta prices was largely following Lon don secuiittes there betas In an unset tied condition Recently cotton crop figures seem to have a depressing ef- fect upon the market and the uncer- tainty of the weather conditions caustid market te purely professional today commission house orders hems small Caation in commitments and taking profits on the bnisje to the advice sent out from all the Wall Street houses to- day con- tinue some anxiety among A60r traders The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RAILROADS I lJ HftgJi Low am Ctaaa- T S Je com 95K XK I 4- AT SFe pffd 98 S8 84 I 98 Atlantic Cost Line 107 Mm Wife I M7K Balto Ohio corn JOS MKK M I BJKK BahoA Ohio pfd I 99 Brooklyn 7 t MK 1li I MM Canadian PacMc MC 3K 18S CCC SCUcom I 18- Che Ohio BM 99 ittt I Wtt- Cand GW now I a- CM StP eom iSHk 198 B3 I mV- kCiLft StP pM MCM M8 M9 114- 6CA KW com 14 14 14ft I Ml- Cel Soathcom I Del Hudson eLLackWestern r- DenftRGcom DenA RCjrfd I Erie eom K 29 9SI 94 FAte hat pfd 98V 98 38V I 98 Erie M pfd I 9t Great North pf JSP SZ 12S I JZ2 Illinois Central BTfe ifttk TSPt 11X3 inter MetnH eom M U Mi M- Inter Metro pfd 44 4S Kan City So eom I 17- Kan City So pTd I 10 Louis A NashvSte 1197- I Mexican Cent eOs I 91- Mo K 4b T com 3VK 38 38 i 32- I Mo K T pfd 92 I IlK I MSP SSMcom 1 191 HI i 199- 114f Missouri 49 4 fc 4f41 49 T C ft H R l f MMk i 119 CStJLe NT C 3CL 9a X Y Ont TPT Norfolk West Northern PactSc 114 1H 1M Pennsylvanht 138 K3 128 I K7 com JStt I9B 196 I U7 Rork IL com 39 9t 39 I 29 ttjj jg jjj jy St L St S W pM i H4 So FactOr com IiI Mi 119 So Railway com 91 21 H 2Z- So Railway pfd 49 49 49 I 49- Toxas Pacific I 25 Third Aieirae s 7 8 I S I W coat 99 20K I 99 St L S W pM 46 4SU I 44 Union PIM com Ml 198 MM I Union r cinc VA JB M 98 Wabash corn am- Wabasfc pfd 9E 9T i 39- Wbj Cent eom I 47 Western M 4Z SALE OP STOCK BT HOURS 9Qg 180 MB 1 Mfc 29t 909 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Wheat Open High Low 130 May IsfML M9 MWi MS September 1 B 2V KB 1C2 4 December Jj MS 39C 106 fS 5 64 September G 2 C 2 i i December W4 894 K 41 u Rap Traa I I I Ilk u II1il lift t I xSP JIC m Pa- N Ilk Y 00 4t I A A I I PCC A SLL 0 Pea41a1C odt aIL p4 Rt- St L I S F C4i I eo I m I 4ft I s- IT 4t SIlK tAt I eo JIlt 00 I noes I Clay u Tea m I 4 34 SSt aP 3 L1 IS 114 334 5534 4 artsto11am 2 54 4 34 34 55 < FINANCIAL FINANCIAL Capital 5JOOO Deposits Over 4000000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 28693186 When Comes to Selecting a Bank J W OFFICERS- A H Church PreadcnL N H Shea Vice President A G Oapham Vice President John Poole Cashier Samuel J Henry Asst Cashier Herbert V Hunt Asst Cashier DIRECTORS Walter A Rrowa lame A Cabin W A H Cbwrea- A G ClaphaT- ai i arUs toa EMridce E Jotpaa- Rudabjih TT ii a ai- iRabh W Lee W Jn dareftc B Ptiraa Nellie Btarhart Robert B Rooaevalt- Wat T Ham Uooe C H SlIM C Stevens it Sow hIIIaL L A A rsCIIuIea F k Byyc Jstun M ars 2cb14- lehe IL My J HBradley 3sasa Fred > > the wise depositor usually favors the bank in which GOOD SERVICE is an abso lute certainty We number among our de- positors many of the most con- servative business and men of Washington men whose conection with a ink proves the soundness of its polities and the excellence of service- S BotSi business ahd per- sonal accounts invited profes- sional I ¬ ¬ Travelers Checks and Letters of Credit issued THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Corner 14th and G Streets NW 14th St Savings Bank Open to 9 PM Interest on Saving 3 Accounts 14th and U Sts N W 9 AcM oecUL- f otkeast Make Yow Ikucy Wirk Per You f PEN an account with this where your money win absolutely safe and earn 3 PER- CENT INTEREST compounded every six months UNION SAVINGS BANK The OMesc Savings Rank in Wasntajtoa 710 14th Street NW I I strong old Savings Bank be I Bid and Asked On Local Exchange GOVERNMENT BONDS BM Aafc U S R rs 1M 4 Ml U Coup M u s R rs MI U Coup rs M u S JU 4 s USy U a Onnn 4s B District fF W GAS BONDS Georgetown Gas Fs 37 Gas 4 Wash Qas Cert TiAlLROAD BONDS Cap Traction R R Fs Jt i Columbia R R 5s Ml Columbia R R s M Metropolitan R R 5s i Wash Ry Electric fs Wash AleX Mt V r- Cokmal Beach 5s 7 MISCELLANEOUS BOXD6 Potomac Cons 5s Potomsc Eke Lt V C P Telephone Mflk Mtfc Amer TeL f ft Emerson Steam Pump C SS PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction Wash Rr Elec corn at Wash Alex Sit X vi Steamboat Washington Gas 72 Gas TYPE MACHINE STOCKS M r unaieY Linotype 2i4- Lanston Monotype at- MDTIXG STOCXS Greene Cananea I NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American Nat Bank ITS City Nat Bank Jill Ut Columbia National Bank Commercial National Bank 00 Hf Far A M ch Nat Bank Me 3 Lincoln Nat Bank 13B OS Metropolitan National 3nc m s Nat Bank Second National Bank JBt Nat Bank of Washington 335 District Nat Bank JJ TRUST COMPANY STOCK3- Amer Sec Jfc Trust US Nat SaY Trast Mi Unto Trust 13 Wash Loan A Trust MCfc United States Trust 114 US SAVINGS BANK STOCKS me Savings Merch Mech Union SartnKs S4t Mi Dime Savinm Bank 11 J9 East Wash SaY Bank M Provident 9K H FIRE IXSURAKCK STOCKS Arlinsu a Fire Insurance M Com lire Insurance Corcorin Fire Insurance 7- 7Flremcns Fire Insurance 1 GerAmer Fire Insurance 35 Union Fire Ins Potomac Fire Ins S TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS Colun hia Title Ins fc Real Estate Ins f Washington Title Ins a Colonial Beach tf MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Emerson Steam Pump IS Grapho pfd K- Merch Trans A 3tora em5 Security Storage SW WashIngton Market 0 THE DAYS SALES Metropolitan BoOkend r s Potomac Electric Cons Potomac Electric rs M4JI07H Washington Rvtlwmr a Xlectric- Mergenthater 2Jc2tt Mggtf Commercial National Fnk 3 19t Union Trust 1 I314 Afte caM Lanston 3 J 0 FINANCIAL- Capital SIMS Surplus Dont Leave Your Valuables unprotected during your absence from town Secure a Safe Deposit Box in the tire and surgiar proof vaults of this company J75 year up UNION TRUST COMPANY- 15th and H Sts N W Kdirard J StellvraKen Prexldeat Capital and etXSits Over M00004 Travelers Checks Letters of CreditT- his is prepared to furnish prospective tourists with TRAVELERS CHECKS and LETTERS OF CREDIT- in various denominations the most convenient forms of cur- rency for use abroad The Washington Loan and Trust Company- Cor 9th and F Sts TOHN TOY BDSON President Draw 3 Interest- on your minimum balances in out banking dept Deposits to check U S Government supervision OFSaTe Deposit Boxes 93 year up 1405 G Street iny5tutgutf The Safest Investments- Are condlOoaa of Ute money or stock First deed ot trust notes men cases c red oa real ostate M District of Columbia conatitHte edit They do not depend uoa UH- BBjandal responsibility of individuals or eer- ons for their stability sod are exempt uucatioc sis persona property We caa Investments in amounts free ill award Send for booklet Ieaiu Investments Swartzeil Rheem Co 15tb Street 2f W s SOs KJ s or CokmMIa s k h Vt A I Tel eo A A Ver Ii I 11 Ocorgi 0 51 h II no I lit u 111 A A Sa 5 It Na i 25 aIIICil JMI4 CCQWJ JZ 81 l l14 3 I Surplus 1- CapitalnOOOOOI sub t S Trust Co Are that not Cactuat1t t mar- kets Ant well ua ts such Hens y 27 7 i 7 i Washington 3 3 3 5 k S 31 3 Rio 1 117 3 2534 11 3 tOwn 7 315 255 1 3 10 3 ISO 5 4 105 1 ueoo corn 1I e Z115004 company Us thO do dUr3g pnt lrm z5 T > < < > > > < ½ SELL IN FRAGMENTS Bonds wwr the chief feature of aowian Of tiLe kjcal StoCk Xxckan e Metropolitan V Potomac Ktec those DurchaeA fct about tile cur Tent ratef Jn all 97CM face vml were taken over by brokers on sate tat broken lots of tw ntythre shares Merxrcntlialor went on record- at 218 Cwcmerelal National Bank at m and Trust 1X1 After call tbreeAftbs of a share oC raton sold at M No Interest was taken in One though tHe usual bid and asked prices were entered NEW YORK CURB MARKET FanHahad to Waahlnstea by Barrtoaaa O Xw York G B ChtgamB- manaajnr local braacfc CMorado fcalUlla- gCanadiaa Mines Co Chino Copper 11 ro mlt Ontral J Ely Centcal f4 t- lt 114 Con Sft A 36 La Rose Con 4 Miami Copper tH 3t 1- NJpleine Mines W Mfe HP Rawhide Coalition ISfe ISfe 15 Ray Central yu Ms 2 Wholesale Produce Market EOS Cheese aad Butter B New York sew MalT- cVirslata ac Saotbem c- Batt r Paacy talk c paints Oe tab 3fr print S e Dx iMna lU c per Ib luyatan war Bx dock HeFnat hacteltibarrtai sad per at P W B r en- Cucaaahera MeslL per hathal si- aaaaa H3a2 per hot bests 9c per esupvaat We per crate tiaTtr crate tte to 5e apiece cants loupes HSaJ6 per crate 5sJ5c per jN Live Calves p 1me SaHc per lb medium Te common fc choIr beef 6 7c PT b medium S per lb U t per Ib- TSTSlls eXxa 1 BA KNOW THYSELF of th rx t This is IMPRESSION CO 724 1 1th St V Talk to the Town Through The TimesT- he Average Ad Costs Less Than 25c Call Up Main 5260 PERSONALY- OUNG MAX OF GOOD APFEARAXCE of good position and in pod dr cnnutance wishes to meet a re- fined young tady not ver Mi matrimoalalty inclined must be wUimjc to live on Pactnc coast and be prepared to so In near ra tore local reference if necenary terc answered returned strictly confidential Apply BOX 3M Times office 1 I Have Tea Tried It HerrmannTs Famous Ginger Ale REFUSE 12 roar eaat supply you PHONE L 1VSI196- A G HERRMAXy 7i 7 t l th t S LOST AND FOUND I LOST The foUowtec articles have Mea te and may be had by prerfaz property WASHINGTON TKRMIXAX CO WASHINGTON STOCKS atltlJl to- day n1c the eld t bonds of tile y were the common was quite at 3 at TIle on- t HJP Low Last 0 I n J 8- 1Giroux Mining fh 1 I SI- aGneae Kerr lI 4 4 B1i I J pw pw ME om- asL1t Nx per cease aJIIIlt lice ante idI lie 51Tepta 1 2 lei MIL Gseda tIt I x hose CiiL eB T Treatment YJ tfl 1 n r of h ha t xa y trollbhs the Lii1n truth NATIONAL mes Want Ads all E turned Cooal1Iaed Wa tod mortgage aaoe Railway SrI Oss 7 7 j Gui 3 Caaenss 1 4 1 Lake 4 1534 1 7 bth grads rats acy 11c- Liv FenkiySprtus 271c 14nlle AX35c ree Wofrnit P7 sr plc- asOes pes L per black- berelsa Pnesat 3 I- Gcaea vlag due pn cabbage Stock ear hr tght y Ing Ii ue- W cure a1 > dealer > 7 t tots 2 pair eyessasses 2 pair Elevw 2 grips 1 rIng wobrellas pac 1f 1 btKkftt baby hoods 1 pair ntoooaslas 1 t I elIDe I fan LOST waj ladys geld oval locket msnoyam- L T M oa one lINe on other Return M F M N W Reward LOST SmaU Mack sad tea dog and harDeN Retain to 212 MMe XE LOST Boston bull brows sod white an- swers to the name of Patsy ta ro- 1M7 ward K ietaiaed ts Hotel Mt Pleasant car 17th sad H JIltS N W ladys gold open free watch initiate ME I Reward If retarsed to Mi Stage ave X E 1X6T Aag t 1 said bracelet eoaraved K C C Rerarn WATCHMAX Caton- BM r r LOST A reward of IS for1 the retam of heavy white hell terrier dog to ARTHUR ORR cor AtlsatK at sad Breokvilte road lost lilt a la or Kd- Tfl JUt St S E 1 POCXD Fswa chet aetwen 12th and 13 4- ste Address T 6 TREXART SIT S- Pa SITUATIONS WANTED I WAITED By stwdent medicine wtth I aagvntty an fpood haalaMc tralMtag week after 6 p m MeswccaptieT sad typewriter these lafiiyeaces iiiiiamauaC BOX Ml Tins yoaag of need haaita- kta fl JC at S TV eMlaJ lag lower I ftW tag HIS Reward 1 LOST t and Its N L on to a CIaM- eLOSTPaIr near the mme us non J x Ve 1 Male of alai 1 eC UIf on Speed ave 31 b Chewy eegIssew suele Tesa wenda 1 1rne 3tAU5drla ions 5 ¬ SITUATIONS WANTED Female AXntt By trained la r e city I 4lh t N WAJTKr PoiUtoa aa cook pod reference HELP WANTED 2 Je and Female AKB TOT LOOKING FOR SCHOOL Perhaps Weeds CfcSMaerdal- fleboet Mir Capitol at will tail yea as fer ia- twearjrflv years many have leaned short artUuacttc TIlls does not ser noeL bat oar doss It to free mm we want yea to have one COURT F WOOD JPrta WANTKDCompetent- sslrfrrepfrs are ta demand The host pise to lean to at STRATsBTS BCSUOESB COU- LBGE Old XaMolc Tesnpte fth aad r ate Day and night school all inminar Oaoteat room la city PostUoaa fur sjadaatas Free classes OR Saturdays pfaeae or call for catalogue YOUNG MAN OR LADY tee aciavln de- partmeat west have experieatce BOX 2M TIne office TAIljOR Firatclaae at once KM N Op- at urns OR BOY White cashier Sunday af- teraooa CLCB HOUSE I4 C N W 1 HELP B to learn htojbdaaa French ditaaiiiHliia ilii aiiiiililiii designing you caa lena la z or Z week 1115- O at- OOOK Sbort cedars and all around Apply 7 oclock STAR IA IfCH U flub COOK Cotorec can make cood bieail Itli- K X V 1 EXPERIENCED 1 CASHIER Wanted sjr large More at- aaad and references pei- Addroa BOX M4 Tlma GIRLS Two a cask 23 C at X W GIRL to do sssral biiui K W ost be aHa to GIRL ieara to BM Eve at X W ipata wish with bm club hsua JU GIRLS to lenin Preach aU- Ittaerr G M- LAniBB Two this dry a- right Ttn St seCwaea Mr CARp ExpertaseaA WEST JEXD- LACNDRT 173 Pa are KAXGLK PBEDKRS and cartchara KUTB 17 Mth at N W PAKTRT WOMAN waitrcM for Athunle CIt BURGESS HO EEL AGE3CCT MS HTa at PLAIX COOKS MS IttH X SALESLADY Ezprrtaneed for caObic on i tell trade miss ta city BOX OX Tteaea- otncc SKIRT HAM In MuHcT tell orinv poattloa aKorcd to right only those that have had sp- l nee with ladle taMer Mtb at SEAMSTRESS ExprrteMoed work Apply STCMP 4fc LTFORI Tito TRIMMER Del mUlbterr WAIST HAJOMI In bx cut fit and tasa- waiata for attc flratc Tight party Mat p tailoring who charge aa silk WArniES kJtperteoced white BOttXS CAFE 17H Pa ave WAITRESSES Two misted work cad OMhwaahon Apply Ma 7th WAITRESS Wage f7 per week O SIb at On duty tn boors TOTXO LADIES Or 4 to ing abampooifag aad ncalp trcataaeBt MM F t X W YOUNG LADT that call a gcrad rapId band and accorat at making out Mite salary irotnotion BOX Jfc TUHM oOea- TOCNG LADY PtaaMUH far nght office werfc Apply at onea 5412 nth at N W TOfNG LADY to aartat te prtetteje dice to begin Apply BOX I I3K- TOCNG LADY ptano player Apply after S p m ACME THEATER MM 14th at XWT- OTTXG GIRLWhite for waabiag or cooking FRECXTTS SIS Mth at X WArfTED MALE BARBER WUe at rlyartanDe Shop Md Good BARBER FlratclasB H guaranteed 7S- th t 8 E 1 BLACKSMITHS HELPER one that can at shoes Apply T B XOWLAXD Hell aad P ate S E 1 BLACKSMITH Ail around i- DEMAREST Reasira Va BOTS Three stoat wiit Apply TROXCLAE ROOFEJO CO 1412 N W BOY for ecreeri factory as BOX M Tluiai office BOT for Mda foontata amat here sand ref- erence ant he a hastier Apply OR1SR 4k GRIER 9th and X T are X W 1 BOr Colored with wheel and 4e 11 vw IMPERIAL TAILORS BUTL S bell boys EXCHANGE MX Uth X W f COLLECTORF- or Installment house moat be to glee bond dr M BOX MI TImes office FEW YOUNG HEX of rood character to chaatTeum antomoMIe salBnaita factory sacs and garage managers COM to learn IK small half payable after yon sec me a postthm Call for special Information THE AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE- OF WASHINGTON 1 K Mth s N W Laraeat School hi the UniteS States MAX between a aad M years of for ew- lleettes and office work must rIde wbrel- chasm for promotion MAX with a or 4th class engineers to run engine sad wood COHSX BROS 2d and N ate S W 2 liEN at once who u demand umroogniy- hsdtes and gee tlemeaji dothec Mead ab wag s Q week 73 H at X E 1 MEAT CLSRK Experienced far retail store I Apply at once Two good bring tools Apply WM V MAHOXKT H Pta ave S E I PAPERHANGER waaud Roses 2 13 X T ave SALESMEX legIon retail trade for local Sew liberal commission BOX 17X Times office SHRIXKSR Stt F at N W UPHOLSTERERS Goo lursnilinctd men- The STAR UPHOLSTERING CO Jenifer BMg 7th awl D N 1 LATBERStt to week in and of town Apply r P MANN St7 P C- K W 1 N W OFFCTT TRTBBT- WAXTED One englneec n aid at per diem A competitive trtmtnation will be held AMTDM 1 for the porpoee of- nlHng the above position for farther m- fermatlon addreae Comma art int Navy Yard Waablngtoa D C VKT- OCXG MAX ar years of age as Bkrae corporation moderate AsMroaa BOX SM- TOTOG MA2S wt- tfawety baataai I curse care ol InwaBd 011 Apt TIle Eo Wilt er cad ALICS CARTER In1 K at A GOOD jsat What y8U tnewrIt and this oilaad podau eDt 1 WANTEDFEMALE APP TI r- are guaranteed a good podUcla alter IlL psdtlca ogice III 35 at sasersi aM e w JI 8011 n I canes lit to u Cab at t sacoad za- K OLE GIRL LAt 1IoDR1 paId W FIn a first the peTty 1 is u MIl B- at W can tab where X n 1 z Sw 1 scr write to Ja wk with Add U per ram JIG stay w- HELP y Job G wt dow who kaewlae t wiring to P X 1 die sad ref Ad BOX omcs Scans w La see at ce call Ins Uwoera lU at work between S sad 1t WOOD WATCHXAXERFIrstdaS at Is JH for 1aIt wit C8IDe- r I 1111 T- o 1 cike f r i 0 151 ftl1 ut vast he bssiu sue lIaj writing is is- MflueIos and catalogue strabns sad Write leers log plea geed and chssabuemad on e peg GlRfrWbIte for honswrk s ese 14 N- APPRT1C lair wsilppear is sney preddoa S sad e n ins 1 way b ws woId awohwo cins apply asdyv puena N srtuft Is the ho sad last employed iea cafe a- tNW hers wea asaim V r week oa3c swsak at sigkts Ree ave wagu UsaI help Or at hee ewo puwo W mane ps14Uon her ape Adthma no- r mooring Lao 3 cepeble to on Wash on One an repair Apply > nm anon 3113- r cap 2541 35 25 misname aslary be btler sad woO > ¬ < FOR RENT ROOMS K Faraichei- K K W ta ssBeptlonaUy kept aiet home sc- capltd by wee btaatMsinr famtafca or M- fanrianrd wish all mooera eaaraBAeneea wtth tat masses of talon Ouaioa convenient direly catertKK to rHwn4 adatte only K E 41 Cxosadbsgty hssilmiasa room parlor flc r flat fumlabed s the beat of style complete for hiimuasspins everything sew modem convenience JBZJ per month KM i inlodo- di H T B 8 Three brght- beaotiful rooms haada mey sad ly tan far hooaetoepiag erarythlna sew great here IJTH ST X W BI eairable bed btssiaeaa rooms or hneatJBBpphic tea O ST W 22J Lsrs eol rootaa n- secead floor sear the bath formtabe er writ ST K W story rooms SIted for ttght- adakta eeaual C ST N X in Xear Capitol and cjumiiisalcnrwg mama hoiia- TKNX AVE N K M Three Uiuaaa Tery THE NEW BERXE Front roses bath ad JolsJag in family of S adults Apt 42 1 G ST N W 427 Large front home keeping roses for couple isaannabla I married couple with heard if shad eaavealeat iiuaoaaalB HOTEL WB8T New Mrfctly maSses ran seoaMe hatha Opp Halebdi Hotel Rates 0M 7s ave X W K ST N W Jm Nicely faaaJahcd i facing park cooL m ST N E Ma LSOTS seam let fleer with private family caaviialast ts 2 car Sass isanaatlt- XTK CT N W att Bsraad noor treat ratt- M D ST N W 11 Bright fsaalshsa frost room aattabte for two gent teamen er light keepteg 1 H ST X W 4M FsnUahad H ST N W 4H Two nicety farahmed ream B t per month bath 1 BTH 81V N W Sm frost rooms alee hall room resale aabte 1 ST N W 4M Two back Mothers n panne light be asekiep- O ST N W 4 Large back room H ST N W 71J Froat room aa let and M floor alee other roma hot water dally 7TH ST S W Bi Famished rant haH roeas tlM week 1 fTH ST N W 7 Laraa ssat cw second floor aaothera SL St SM FOR REMT ROOMS FAIRMONT ST 1 4 ML PleaaaatThroer- entna prtvate bath beaoUfat reused hoax while marble front light ajasialaitp hw life and light fumlabed JIll papered low rest R ST X W K Three for light Imalau aplei M- nt twat1 Sled three reams V sionth all ootakie Mrs X C AVE S E 0 Three roooM second floor Mat sad back porch two car naraa ao children taken C ST X r T3 Three roesu for light O ST N W IZI3 Bright rntana OR bath ream floor separately or ea anise 1 X J AYE X W in Three rooms beat gee sad bath light boaaekeepiag- aCTRTLE ST E 57 Three natfwsJahed reams light housekeepIng adults IMt- H ST x E with bath necoad floor rear porch all modern improvements FOR Faraisbed sad TJnftraisbsd MYRTLE SV E 8 Three large cool communicating ooma M free couvealeac for light houaekeepiiis if desired reasonable 2D ST N W J 1 wo large cool ones mtickUag rooms ttxtat booaekeeptoa tf ROOMS AND BOARD X J AVE N W ggCemlemau board- er wanted MM per week 1 IITH ST TM neoma and hoar i table G ST N W COLUMBIA ROAD US Dellghtroi second atory front room oraiabed or anfaralahed including beiird CS month flee hens table Ool M6- SItTH ST N W asCool rooms sad board lid table board reasonable 1 COUNTRY BORD R ST N w Two double coot furnished rooms wWI board suitable lee asarrted couple eae aloe ly laratafcnd room with board suitable for oae or twr yooaa men te beautiful sobarbaa hen em dcoig lo iii Heftghtc Phoae West a Take Oeometown car via F st seed SUMMER BOAI1DR1K wanted Apply to Mrs W A THOMPSON WarreaUMi Va Boardera oa RemlBgtoa miles from Wa hh ia ftae table vegetabtea milk fruit fnaitltes- Mr W A- I lUNG Remington Ffcrqater count Vs 1 ROOM AND BOARD so children seer electric sod ateam road BOX 32 Uantju- Md 1 BALTIMORE COTTAGE Rehoboth directly aa surf span Joae 9 meg perches ex- cellent meals term moderate taJ faaa lisa BOWEN Prop Coloalal Beach JOHNSON HOUSE On Boardwalk Open for 3CT ROSE HOUSE Flrstctosa accommoda- tions tomes to 16 pee week Mrs SMOOT ProprK trees BKXTLKYS PAVILION HOTEL Ideal spot of Celestial seta easIer at boardwalk beet home cooking aotet j r sea toed diaaers crabbtoe sad nehmf a pa TiUon THE NEW W1LLARD semtre from ell flnmt aocotnmodsttoaii exeeUeat beard t5f- daliy W week Special party rates Kwm BOARD MlFIrstcIaee table e rd- O month SZM week deserts waffles and imrftfa idea WANTED ROOMS grntieman two caring rooms unfurnished with or without humid oa or nest E Cap ac Term BOX 45 l i O WINDOW CLEANING MOW ABOUT THOSE DIETT WINDOWS White help and moderate prices LEON I- GABOON Acme Window Cleaning Co N W Phase M T Q WORKINGMENS WANTS The Mek of healthy mule ta leuuuetf to impress some penpte hot I 215Large cool room few t an w aU cana JIPt Two eeDlMCtt uw J K- IT Stat 1 IDIf cheap bath 1 cool ST N W 17JtAuau ream private tsr g8IUe- III free tot cool for two for tao Lare Jet 2d tIIInI y far for bo- W IT N W 1aIrw COIIII- aJtIWb tt dIIep eIGMU cars NwdI 5TH ST X W remas I- U G ST N W coot omauctiag bt with eater 1 lie ell fT S E essath rauma mJRGDI 1 sAl nenr two car G ST N W rooms 1 > JaTwo or three large RENTROOMS pret lue C4 1 large CHI airy sacelkea If deIIIIM 1 trasater to Tenleytowa car W TED term ii lee or parties desired per Sly rates terms mod Go E 5 K ST w F ST N W ibe SOOI Jx to j By a 1 L re mooed to m G at come is tailored RIIt sII8IIdT wed ptita TU91Rs OLD S1U 531 D 1- I tarnished won Ooeanoant niT nsma honshec ralyansansie hmad141 N Union eams 5ea P ooorIsbis Ia boos adtbl man 50 bosh 1 a honasisapleg iama ressas light gee azd floor K ro ais tIg psosed s bath sear Phone lilt ISSFaralihed bousekeapl eStk 413Lar hosaskeeping rooma Uaftraiaked ysema ma Socabos- 5TH IIiPbrr- esm 41 two nsstbra upseort buoag cuseesiusces 2n anTwo large ssrard- oers 35 and 25 ewae deehed santinoan es breakfast evera3 roosm beard resoo able Phone 1505 234 mse tress 25 week sao5 Jebsuen Prop shads N 151Do you west Jele bloat of eldluk1o hoes k- eeal mother used make reaeosssble WANTED caia a hecas Wke ou tare een an- a 35 is 3 one > > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ AUTOMC3IUS ajaoa coo outfit FOR Ste ea taailag ear sh j- ctsmttten A barga CARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION m snout Mraaea at l4iad TM BOSCAM Aim CO- ms n M J w agE BI L1XO FOR nftl a fhsi Chadaaera teortac c- Z Lt MOTOR CAB OOi- IZB J BENXKR I at X- ef hicaclaas aMd can hi wiaafciii roll 8AJL lxMnensblle rnsslmsT j man ma order will ifcjinnajaiian area BOX Xfl Times offica GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS tee X autws- See MCJUtEZXER Mth JS W JU- roodlUea AUTO LI VEST CO six 1 WHAT WK DO rehaild care tow in all work ehaea naaoaaMe 1 TRICT AUTO REPAIR Jfc MACfcU WORKS JAW CX W LKT US DO IT Wa eRa pot year auto a and radiator into peeper oomdittoa at a small to you Aloaipt work faction MOORE A CO SOS Marahab man JIG AGENTS FOR 8WIVEBART TIRE bliss J M DOYLE 3 Pa ave The STUD BAJC R OO KB Ji A W OUlLD AUTOS FOR HIRE PRIVATE toortag can 1 pllaSiir- taa for tripe 2 said 2 hoar M Central Auto Ca W Baraaa Max let P x W MOTORCYCLES KKADCKG STAKDARD Bteght yllBd r lfc T N MCDZ Jfc Itc X Y see BICYCLES TIcKING a wheel with ac- dltisnsl r raat ie for one all tree see as before boylag T K TCl t JR CCC HORSES AND VEHICLES Will a NEW rubber tirs SURREY canopy leather ww Trim and all J Probey Carriage Co See Ovr Cosoplote JIlt sC VebJciea- 22M 23d st N W WAKTKD Horaaa in tTrbanaja for clear lots near street car Write or call on MARTIN DODGE Heighta Car Sheriff rend sad Cedax- JR r D Xo J Beaaiac 10 SHETLAND PONIES TRAPS AND HARNESS A J STABLER a D X W WvXTED By geatlfana and wile w of care vary bust ueiaiii 11 FOR SALE Horse hew sad ha year old genUe lady can drive PAIR VIEW TOCK FARM B you ipechu treatment phone IX WXETS BLEB M aas- GAXTZ baa M car loads at ranabocs 7 aprinc w none Ww s 13W X at X W liable place to buy new asS a rc trap umj ranatmits Dayton wagons 1S op i- 2Ua 34 11th at N W FOR EIRE Pleasure teams for month at reduced rates 24OGLE rear 337 Pa ave N W WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH prieee paid for worn lag either ladle or pats aecd p 3 will calL E TARSHES 13D 7th i N- WAXTBD Secoajdbaad furattorc A- ktajdc also carpets matting stoves r I pay the Tiirhirt each prices S- ar phone D NOTES O3 La ave I PAT the highest cast prices for uu- geaitlcnieaa and childrens eaat jC- arcMtre drop poatal wIll cell C LIV1- STfOX 129 7th at N W or Phone X rt y- H1GHSST CASH paid for indies or KUU Scat postal ealL AELPER 12S Jtk st N W BEST PRICES paid for ladta or ger- MVC clothing can write or pbor- xSTEINBERG CM 4V at S W Phoae M w- WAXTED To buy every aato tire ard r- tabe hi Waantngton amen acrap metal r North I ER CO 20S 7th St X W Drop in WAXTED ftsraitore for good to the Bjaui who gives yon m money See HOPWOOD Kth and K WAXTED Feather beds feather beds ntgheat casK pricea pa so postal aad oar maa will call SOLTUl FEATHER CO SIS 4th at X BIG MONEY paid los cast sat cjotnlng s hats she shirts drop postal wiil- H GEWIRZ 13M 7th at X V- WAXTKU Farnitore ant carpets coc for cash air I ae aro dealings ALBAUCH SM F N MARKETS FISH MARKET 209 211 lOfch St THE FISH OF QUALITY Blue Gala Sea Ram trust Small trout Halibut 1lc 11 Soft Orbs 50 to 65 ets doz Crab C y Clams ShoelM to Order Come and Inspect my store J ROBERTS COLBAANS OYSTER HOUSE 14W P ST N W Select flab crab wbUe yoa wait Satcial price on large oroara UMBRELLAS RECOVERED a H PHIIJ ITT awl I FOR oLE f lilt e WIlla SiLK JIll tjou POIt JIOIt J 1 u r ear a FOR k11Mer 0rd ua assoirrxr T e- J WE can to maL aM iu- lJ Y MaIn Sib cia peK ua reac L floor 1011 r i yrt t sell au l J a teed plaCe mstig trucks carraep 0 SoE BABGAUQI pod band Y aeo 2 MiL goo 1 will U im Twit 1 top tetl1e EASY or a ae ne i- Ie Thees 4IIIDc- eSDCGLI lid tire r aIL a BOX FOR brick 421 th 8 w FOR SALESmali dTivng horse l two buggies il12 GLAn FOR SALEI F PI 1 catch HaI- IIIMIt horse sad Cc W u Da in ron down a rest S3 f- oL cost 0068WELL tile sad rr n livery t J z horse by T at X p wr s E sat spot cash prices t i t Li- t e at W 3 flit IaoWOIII a 1 11 Meat Oc gt LelDP FIakef 7Se buad J LEE iJIID U3 to flake PHO Oaa I PtsAII Co OM I I sat silk tJ E XW heeiis dillon rsjj fobs in aaa 1ALW1 Pullman ee ft ealllp bat cons SAZZlI15 pni MWSIBT 25uTh- Diip1JtnoT ot iza aSIee ml mska sad 14y trom is st asreral- ly gesaaty soses fur auw besinz- d laa a r av ae- t 3 3r st lIP coacrot aster A1lldevatai tailcab bodies Repair or ella zaa and aconsassies sat est Fee sad ut 1 car sj Pb sic Or W vain We sell yea gene rLk 2ew are brie t lbs TERMS arban ai r and sorray far he daring ma bma y karma rob boorBk also lid tin cltlu5 H Times ek RBNTLarge stable 5 14 i chuep buggy herne- Pacas Adduem Rib at or aesdu aWs eels and reard3e s s 15 cheapest L larnma 34 inert or a oas wagon week er IL a Phone NorG T i 3 mes wore germants a t Bus cash y once te bskbi 4 6e Croons diced Owe picking Pauc7 clams P14517 order meet am crabs stm N1 Refls5bee Mabel speirisg ang cog weibky > < > > < < > < > > > > <

F fw Wall Very Dull Following - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov fileF fw Wall Very Dull Following - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov

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Page 1: F fw Wall Very Dull Following - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov fileF fw Wall Very Dull Following - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov


IWall Street Market Very Dull Following London Quotations



Street iMrve Men weak aad s-

iri ugalsr TIle syentna waa tor moox ofthe iebjOers at a iecHae nusama iroot-fracttdHn te a fUll potnC XorUkern

a fattta eff of aad R ad

willie Third Avem wMeh today hasb en ajBjtte active was off more than awfert-

Jt Wr vdhntes after the openprices seessed to steady Cor a time andto several cases a good advance wasscored Mat toward noon tradma becamevery dnH and the tendency of priceswas a pUn downward In some casesprices leu below the opining sad at

yOltJC sIecIrs 11 WaDhat

than IIuIt atght vIeu Pad6e opeIIed at advaiac 0Jt7

Nzw 4

Pa-d awed

aa Iswan

York Stock Exchange Pricesfnratobad by W B Hibba Co mtmbara New York Stock Xx-

caaa waatatnctoa Stuck r aag end CbJcaaai Beard at Trade Hlbbs BoOdtac




Kanal Copper I K-

ui Beet aBsarcom 2fH M-AM Can eewa 7 W T

As CM-Am Jfc Fdy com 4t 44 44 I 4-5Au Car Fdy pCd M-

Am Cotton OU comABL Cotton OOp IMCH

Am Ice SecnHOes MK MK M94 I M 4-

MK ttk H4I

SID Re cecn-

Am Sugar 4k Ret ee 1U7Asa Sugar pfr 1-1AS TeL Tel M1H MH MWk I M i

Am Woolen eon 38 5 i 27HWoolen pfd SH-

Aaacoada Copper Vff mi 38

Leather corn 32 4 tlp I1K

L com S 96 i 38J 4

Con Gas K T 3t 1M M I IK-KCP Rcons IK-C P R PDist SecuritiesGeneral EJectrte 3 M

Northern Ci JUt KK I 61Inter Paper fitInter Steam P 48 JfK S iMackay Co eom I 8Z-UMaekay Co vM 7National BoseoH aNl Nt Ml I1MH-KttoMU Biscuit VUiJStHk TOHfA MTi J-

Kat Lead eom Mfe 4 4tTi I

K Y A B J MPac Mail Steam SHPeo Gas of Chi MUi 3M4 SMK I M8

Ire Steel Car eom I 3 fePuUmaa Company I letRy Steel Spg com 30-

R Steel Spcs pfd KRep L tc S com 38 3Wi 3 I 38Rep LAS p M

i S

Teen Copper aU S C 1 P eom is

I 5U S Rubber com 33U Rubber pCd 3MK 3Mu S Steel eom K r du S Steel jMtd 1M B4M IM I U4HUtah Copper 44t 4 f4 Htl 44 K

Va Car Chem ones loft 4 CM 1 8Va Irwn Coal Coke 73-

Weat Union Tel e K I 2West See MaR KKI S-

SAnter Tobacco P-

Aiaer Tobacco rs-Atck Conv sB A O Oen 4sB R T Corn 4

W4 78 W

98 8 MM

t 72 I 7m I

later Metro 4s-X r Pac P L Ts-P Con s m-Se thm Ry 5s

78 73 i 7 e I 78-JM MK Ki SB

u s steel Sd vMt 188 MM I IMfc-ieev ioe a I lozv

xw aiI1 I8ilit




Am IAceAm Ioeo u i

A lMitftotAm SIlL I it lid I

t Refk


Coat 31

Cent Leather nCM F A

eL Bock C I I




Great OreI







u S R I comIs JMIt IwI

on I


I JIIiM4 p434


i8-C L APac s I


e IG Pvc Cse 1

1N TeelUrk pm

sea 2





Am S

AmTobceose t-







U34 le

434 3 34

N34 31434 I3J-

sCBQJ4z 1634 WA ii-4CRLP434





noon prices gencralty wece one to twopoints below test nights dose

Market news was not on the whole un-favorable Pretty mod raiDs have taDea-te the last twentyfour hours ta the cornand cotton belts sad the conditions fora wbeat harvest in the Northwest

favorable The mornings slumpta prices was largely following London secuiittes there betas In an unsettied condition Recently cotton cropfigures seem to have a depressing ef-fect upon the market and the uncer-tainty of the weather conditions caustid

market te purely professional todaycommission house orders hems small

Caation in commitments and takingprofits on the bnisje to the advice sentout from all the Wall Street houses to-day


some anxiety among A60r traders The







HftgJi Low am Ctaaa-T S Je com 95K XK I 4-

AT SFe pffd 98 S8 84 I 98Atlantic Cost Line 107 Mm Wife I M7KBalto Ohio corn JOS MKK M I BJKK

BahoA Ohio pfd I 99Brooklyn 7 t MK 1li I MMCanadian PacMc MC 3K 18S

CCC SCUcom I 18-

Che Ohio BM 99 ittt I Wtt-

Cand GW now I a-CM StP eom iSHk 198 B3 I mV-kCiLft StP pM MCM M8 M9 114-6CA KW com 14 14 14ft I Ml-

Cel Soathcom I

Del HudsoneLLackWestern r-

DenftRGcomDenA RCjrfd I

Erie eom K 29 9SI 94

FAte hat pfd 98V 98 38V I 98

Erie M pfd I 9tGreat North pf JSP SZ 12S I JZ2Illinois Central BTfe ifttk TSPt 11X3

inter MetnH eom M U Mi M-

Inter Metro pfd 44 4S

Kan City So eom I 17-

Kan City So pTd I 10Louis A NashvSte 1197-

I Mexican Cent eOs I 91-

Mo K 4b T com 3VK 38 38 i 32-

I Mo K T pfd 92 I IlKI MSP SSMcom 1 191 HI i 199-

114fMissouri 49 4 fc 4f41 49

T C ft H R l f MMk i 119


Norfolk WestNorthern PactSc 114 1H 1MPennsylvanht 138 K3 128 I K7

com JStt I9B 196 I U7Rork IL com 39 9t 39 I 29

ttjj jg jjj jySt L St S W pM i H4So FactOr com IiI Mi 119So Railway com 91 21 H 2Z-

So Railway pfd 49 49 49 I 49-

Toxas Pacific I 25Third Aieirae s 7 8 I

S I W coat 99 20K I 99St L S W pM 46 4SU I 44

Union PIM com Ml 198 MM I

Union r cinc VA JB M 98Wabash corn am-Wabasfc pfd 9E 9T i 39-Wbj Cent eom I 47Western M 4Z


180 MB1 Mfc 29t 909


May IsfML M9 MWi MSSeptember 1 B 2V KB 1C2 4December Jj MS 39C 106

fS 5 64September G 2 C 2 ii December W4 894






Ilku II1il

lift t


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I Clayu







aP 3 L1 IS





544 34

34 55



Capital 5JOOO Deposits Over 4000000Surplus and Undivided Profits 28693186

When Comes toSelecting a Bank



A H Church PreadcnLN H Shea Vice PresidentA G Oapham Vice PresidentJohn Poole CashierSamuel J Henry Asst CashierHerbert V Hunt Asst Cashier


Walter A Rrowalame A CabinW A H Cbwrea-A G ClaphaT-

ai i arUs toa

EMridce E Jotpaa-Rudabjih TT ii a ai-iRabh W LeeWJndareftc B PtiraaNellie BtarhartRobert B Rooaevalt-

Wat T HamUooe

C H SlIMC Stevens


Sow hIIIaL


rsCIIuIea Fk

Byyc Jstun

M ars2cb14-

lehe ILMyJHBradley

3sasa Fred



the wise depositor usuallyfavors the bank in whichGOOD SERVICE is an absolute certainty

We number among our de-

positors many of the most con-

servative business andmen of Washington

men whose conection with a

ink proves the soundness ofits polities and the excellenceof service-

S BotSi business ahd per-

sonal accounts invited





Travelers Checks and Letters of Credit issued


14th St Savings BankOpen to 9 PM

Interest on Saving 3

Accounts14th and U Sts N W

9 AcM




Make Yow Ikucy Wirk Per You

f PEN an account with thiswhere your money win

absolutely safe and earn 3 PER-CENT INTEREST compoundedevery six months

UNION SAVINGS BANKThe OMesc Savings Rank in Wasntajtoa

710 14th Street NW



strong old Savings Bankbe


Bid andAsked OnLocal Exchange


U S R rs 1M 4 MlU Coup Mu s R rs MIU Coup rs Mu S JU 4 s USyU a Onnn 4s BDistrict fF W

GAS BONDSGeorgetown Gas Fs 37

Gas 4Wash Qas Cert

TiAlLROAD BONDSCap Traction R R Fs Jt iColumbia R R 5s MlColumbia R R s MMetropolitan R R 5s iWash Ry Electric fsWash AleX Mt V r-Cokmal Beach 5s 7

MISCELLANEOUS BOXD6Potomac Cons 5sPotomsc Eke Lt VC P Telephone Mflk MtfcAmer TeL f ftEmerson Steam Pump C SS

PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKSCapital TractionWash Rr Elec corn atWash Alex SitX vi SteamboatWashington Gas 72


M r unaieY Linotype 2i4-

Lanston Monotype at-


NATIONAL BANK STOCKSAmerican Nat Bank ITSCity Nat Bank Jill UtColumbia National BankCommercial National Bank 00 HfFar A M ch Nat Bank Me 3Lincoln Nat Bank 13B OSMetropolitan National 3nc m

s Nat BankSecond National Bank JBtNat Bank of Washington 335District Nat Bank JJ

TRUST COMPANY STOCK3-Amer Sec Jfc Trust USNat SaY Trast MiUnto Trust 13

Wash Loan A Trust MCfcUnited States Trust 114 US


Merch MechUnion SartnKs S4t MiDime Savinm Bank 11 J9East Wash SaY Bank MProvident 9K H

FIRE IXSURAKCK STOCKSArlinsu a Fire Insurance MCom lire InsuranceCorcorin Fire Insurance 7-7Flremcns Fire Insurance 1

GerAmer Fire Insurance 35Union Fire Ins


Colun hia Title Ins fc

Real Estate Ins fWashington Title Ins aColonial Beach tf

MISCELLANEOUS STOCKSEmerson Steam Pump ISGrapho pfd K-Merch Trans A 3tora em5Security Storage SWWashIngton Market 0

THE DAYS SALESMetropolitan BoOkend rsPotomac Electric Cons

Potomac Electric rs M4JI07HWashington Rvtlwmr a Xlectric-

Mergenthater 2Jc2tt MggtfCommercial National Fnk 3 19tUnion Trust 1 I314Afte caM Lanston 3 J 0


Capital SIMS Surplus

Dont Leave Your Valuablesunprotected during your absencefrom town Secure a Safe DepositBox in the tire and surgiar proofvaults of this company J75 year upUNION TRUST COMPANY-

15th and H Sts N WKdirard J StellvraKen Prexldeat

Capital andetXSits Over M00004

Travelers ChecksLetters of CreditT-

his is prepared tofurnish prospective touristswith TRAVELERS CHECKSand LETTERS OF CREDIT-in various denominations themost convenient forms of cur-rency for use abroad

The Washington Loanand Trust Company-

Cor 9th and F StsTOHN TOY BDSON President

Draw 3 Interest-on your minimum

balances in out banking deptDeposits to check U

S Government supervisionOFSaTe Deposit Boxes 93 year up

1405 G Streetiny5tutgutf

The Safest Investments-Are condlOoaa of Ute money or stock

First deed ot trust notes mencases c red oa real ostate MDistrict of Columbia conatitHte editThey do not depend uoa UH-BBjandal responsibility of individuals or eer-

ons for their stability sod are exemptuucatioc sis persona property We caa

Investments in amounts free illaward Send for bookletIeaiu Investments

Swartzeil RheemCo

15tb Street 2f W

s SOsKJs

or CokmMIa s

k h Vt

AI Tel eo

AA Ver IiI 11

Ocorgi 0 51

h IIno I


u 111


A Sa








JZ 81l l14






sub t

S Trust Co

Are that not Cactuat1t tmar-kets Ant

well ua



Hens y27




Washington 333


k S 31


Rio 1117


11 3tOwn










1 ueoo

corn 1I e




thO do dUr3g








> >




Bonds wwr the chief feature ofaowian Of tiLe kjcal StoCk Xxckan e

Metropolitan V Potomac Ktec

those DurchaeA fct about tile curTent ratef Jn all 97CM face vml weretaken over by brokerson sate tat broken lots of tw ntythreshares Merxrcntlialor went on record-at 218 Cwcmerelal National Bank atm and Trust 1X1

After call tbreeAftbs of a share oCraton sold at M

No Interest was taken in One thoughtHe usual bid and asked prices wereentered

NEW YORK CURB MARKETFanHahad to Waahlnstea by

Barrtoaaa O Xw York G B ChtgamB-manaajnr local braacfc CMorado fcalUlla-

gCanadiaa Mines CoChino Copper 11ro mlt Ontral JEly Centcal

f4 t-

lt 114

Con Sft A36

La Rose Con 4Miami Copper tH 3t 1-

NJpleine Mines W Mfe HPRawhide Coalition ISfe ISfe 15Ray Central yu Ms 2

Wholesale Produce Market

EOS Cheese aad ButterB New York sew MalT-cVirslata ac Saotbem c-

Batt r Paacy talk c paints Oetab 3fr print S e

Dx iMna lU c per Ib luyatanwar Bx dock HeFnat

hacteltibarrtai sadper at P W B r en-

Cucaaahera MeslL per hathal si-aaaaa H3a2 per hot bests 9c peresupvaat We per crate tiaTtrcrate tte to 5e apiece cantsloupes HSaJ6 per crate 5sJ5cper jN

LiveCalves p 1me SaHc per lb medium Te

common fc choIr beef 6 7c PT bmedium S per lb U t per Ib-

TSTSlls eXxa 1 BA

KNOW THYSELFof th rx t This is


Talk to theTownThroughThe TimesT-

he Average Ad Costs LessThan 25c

Call Up Main 5260


OUNG MAX OF GOOD APFEARAXCEof good position and in pod dr

cnnutance wishes to meet a re-

fined young tady not ver Mi matrimoalaltyinclined must be wUimjc to live on Pactnccoast and be prepared to so In near ratore local reference if necenaryterc answered returned strictly confidentialApply BOX 3M Times office 1

I Have Tea Tried ItHerrmannTs Famous Ginger Ale

REFUSE12 roar eaat supply you

PHONE L 1VSI196-A G HERRMAXy 7i 7 t l th t S


ILOST The foUowtec articles have Mea

te and may be had by prerfazproperty WASHINGTON TKRMIXAX CO



dayn1c the eld tbonds of tile ywere

thecommon was quite at 3


TIle on-tHJP Low Last

0 InJ 8-1Giroux Mining fh 1 ISI-aGneaeKerr lI 4 4




pw ME om-asL1t Nx

per cease aJIIIlt liceante

idI lie51Tepta

12 lei MILGseda


I x hose

CiiL eB T


YJ tfl 1 n rof h ha t xa y

trollbhsthe Lii1n truthNATIONAL

mesWant Ads




Cooal1Iaed Wa todmortgage aaoe

Railway SrI


7 7jGui

3Caaenss 1 4 1




bthgrads ratsacy 11c-

Liv FenkiySprtus 271c14nlle

AX35c reeWofrnit P7 sr plc-

asOes pesL per black-


Pnesat 3 I-





ear hr tghty Ing Ii ue-

W cure a1




7t tots2 pair eyessasses2 pair Elevw2 grips1 rIng


1f 1 btKkfttbaby hoods

1 pair ntoooaslas

1tI elIDeI fan

LOSTwaj ladys geld oval locket msnoyam-L T M oa one lINe

on other Return M F M N W RewardLOST SmaU Mack sad tea dog

and harDeN Retain to 212 MMe X E

LOST Boston bull brows sod white an-swers to the name of Patsy ta ro-

1M7 ward K ietaiaed ts Hotel

Mt Pleasant car 17th sad H JIltS N Wladys gold open free watch initiate M EI Reward If retarsed to Mi Stage aveX E1X6T Aag t 1 said bracelet eoaraved

K C C Rerarn WATCHMAX Caton-BM r rLOST A reward of IS for1 the retam of

heavy white hell terrier dog to ARTHURORR cor AtlsatK at sad Breokvilte road

lost lilt a la orKd-

Tfl JUt St S E 1

POCXD Fswa chet aetwen 12th and 13 4-

ste Address T 6 TREXART SIT S-Pa


I WAITED By stwdent medicine wtthI aagvntty an fpood haalaMc tralMtag weekafter 6 p m MeswccaptieT sad typewriter

these lafiiyeaces iiiiiamauaC BOX Ml Tinsyoaag of need haaita-

kta fl JC at S TV

eMlaJ lag lowerI


tag HIS



LOST t and Its N L onto



near the mmeus non J x

Ve 1


alai 1

eC UIf

on Speed


31 b


suele Tesawenda 1

1rne 3tAU5drla





AXntt By trainedla r e cityI 4lh t N

WAJTKr PoiUtoa aa cook pod reference

HELP WANTED2 Je and Female


fleboet Mir Capitol atwill tail yea as fer ia-

twearjrflv years many have leaned shortartUuacttc

TIllsdoes not ser noeL bat oar

doss It to free mm we want yeato have one COURT F WOOD JPrta

WANTKDCompetent-sslrfrrepfrs are ta demand The host pise

to lean to at STRATsBTS BCSUOESB COU-LBGE Old XaMolc Tesnpte fth aad r ateDay and night school all inminar Oaoteatroom la city PostUoaa fur sjadaatas Freeclasses OR Saturdays pfaeae or callfor catalogueYOUNG MAN OR LADY tee aciavln de-

partmeat west have experieatce BOX 2MTIne officeTAIljOR Firatclaae at once KM N Op-

aturns OR BOY White cashier Sunday af-

teraooa CLCB HOUSE I4 C N W 1

HELPB to learn htojbdaaa French

ditaaiiiHliia ilii aiiiiililiii designing

you caa lena la z or Z week 1115-

O at-

OOOK Sbort cedars and all around Apply7 oclock STAR IA IfCH U flub

COOK Cotorec can make cood bieail Itli-K X V 1

EXPERIENCED1 CASHIERWanted sjr large More at-aaad and references pei-Addroa BOX M4 TlmaGIRLS Two a cask

23 C at X WGIRL to do sssral biiui


ost be aHa to

GIRL ieara toBM Eve at X W

ipata wish

with bm club hsua JU

GIRLS to lenin Preach aU-Ittaerr

G M-

LAniBB Twothis dry a-

right Ttn St seCwaeaMr CARp

ExpertaseaA WEST JEXD-LACNDRT 173 Pa are

KAXGLK PBEDKRS and cartchara KUTB17 Mth at N W



MS IttH XSALESLADY Ezprrtaneed for caObic on i

tell trade miss ta city BOX OX Tteaea-otnccSKIRT HAM In MuHcT tell

orinv poattloa aKorcd toright only those that have had sp-l nee with ladle taMerMtb atSEAMSTRESS ExprrteMoed

work Apply STCMP 4fc LTFORI Tito

TRIMMER Del mUlbterr

WAIST HAJOMI In bxcut fit and tasa-

waiata for attc flratcTight party Mat p

tailoring whocharge aa silk

WArniES kJtperteoced white BOttXSCAFE 17H Pa ave

WAITRESSES Two mistedwork cad OMhwaahon Apply Ma 7th

WAITRESS Wage f7 per week O SIb atOn duty tn boors

TOTXO LADIES Or 4 toing abampooifag aad ncalp trcataaeBt MM

F t X WYOUNG LADT that call a gcrad rapId

band and accorat atmaking out Mite salaryirotnotion BOX Jfc TUHM oOea-TOCNG LADY PtaaMUH far nght office

werfc Apply at onea 5412 nth at N WTOfNG LADY to aartat te prtetteje dice

to begin Apply BOXI


TOCNG LADY ptano player Apply after Sp m ACME THEATER MM 14th at XWT-

OTTXG GIRLWhite forwaabiag or cooking


WArfTED MALEBARBER WUe at rlyartanDe

Shop Md Good

BARBER FlratclasB H guaranteed 7S-th t 8 E 1

BLACKSMITHS HELPER one that canat shoes Apply T B XOWLAXD Hell

aad P ate S E 1

BLACKSMITH Ail around i-

DEMAREST Reasira VaBOTS Three stoat wiit


BOY for ecreeri factory asBOX

M Tluiai officeBOT for Mda foontata amat here sand ref-

erence ant he a hastier Apply OR1SR 4kGRIER 9th and X T are X W 1

BOr Colored with wheel and 4e11 vw IMPERIAL TAILORS

BUTL S bell boys EXCHANGE MX UthX W f

COLLECTORF-or Installment house moat be to gleebonddr M BOX MI TImes officeFEW YOUNG HEX of rood character to

chaatTeum antomoMIe salBnaitafactory sacs and garage managersCOM to learn IK small half payable after yonsec me a postthm Call for special InformationTHE AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE-


Laraeat School hi the UniteS StatesMAX between a aad M years of for ew-

lleettes and office work must rIde wbrel-chasm for promotion

MAX with a or 4th class engineersto run engine sad wood COHSX

BROS 2d and N ate S W2 liEN at once who u demand umroogniy-

hsdtes and geetlemeaji dothec Mead ab wag s Q week73 H at X E 1

MEAT CLSRK Experienced far retail storeI Apply at once

Two goodbring tools Apply WM V MAHOXKT

H Pta ave S E IPAPERHANGER waaud Roses 2 13 X


legIon retail trade for local Sew liberalcommission BOX 17X Times officeSHRIXKSR

Stt F at N WUPHOLSTERERS Goo lursnilinctd men-

The STAR UPHOLSTERING CO JeniferBMg 7th awl D N 1

LATBERStt to week in andof town Apply r P MANN St7 P C-

K W 1


WAXTED One englneec n aid atper diem A competitive trtmtnation will

be held AMTDM 1 for the porpoee of-nlHng the above position for farther m-fermatlon addreae Comma art int Navy YardWaablngtoa D C VKT-

OCXG MAX ar years of age asBkrae corporation moderate

AsMroaa BOX SM-

TOTOG MA2S wt-tfawety baataai


curse care ol InwaBd011 Apt TIle


Wilt er cad ALICS CARTER In1 K at


jsat What y8U

tnewrItand thisoilaad podaueDt



r-are guaranteed a good podUcla alter



III 35 at

sasersi aM

e w

JI 8011 n Icanes littou Cab att sacoadza-


LAt 1IoDR1



FIn afirst thepeTty


is uMIl B-

at W

can tabwhere

X n 1

z Sw



to Jawk withAdd

U perram




y Job

Gwt dow whokaewlae t wiring

toP X


diesad ref Ad



La seeat ce


Ins Uwoera lUat

work between S sad




for1aIt wit C8IDe-

r I 1111 T-o 1



r i 0

151 ftl1

utvasthe bssiusue lIaj writing is is-MflueIos andcatalogue

strabns sad




geed and chssabuemad

on e peg

GlRfrWbIte for honswrks ese14 N-


wsilppear issney preddoaS sad e n ins

1 way b wswoId awohwo




srtuft Isthe ho sad lastemployed iea




wea asaimV r


swsakat sigkts

Reeave wagu

UsaI helpOr


hee ewo


mane ps14Uon



Adthma no-r

mooring Lao


cepeble to on Wash


anrepair Apply > nm

anon 3113-

rcap 2541

35 25misname

aslary be btler sadwoO






Faraichei-K K W

ta ssBeptlonaUy kept aiet home sc-capltd by wee btaatMsinr famtafca or M-

fanrianrd wish all mooera eaaraBAeneea wtthtat masses of talon Ouaioa convenient

direly catertKK to rHwn4 adatte onlyK E 41 Cxosadbsgty hssilmiasa

room parlor flc r flat fumlabed s thebeat of style complete for hiimuasspinseverything sew modem convenience JBZJper month KM


diH T B 8 Three brght-beaotiful rooms haada mey sad

ly tan far hooaetoepiag erarythlnasew great hereIJTH ST X W BI eairable bedbtssiaeaa rooms or hneatJBBpphic teaO ST W 22J Lsrs eol rootaa n-

secead floor sear the bath formtabe er

writ ST K Wstory rooms SIted for ttght-

adakta eeaualC ST N X in Xear Capitol and

cjumiiisalcnrwg mama hoiia-

TKNX AVE N K M Three Uiuaaa Tery

THE NEW BERXE Front roses bath adJolsJag in family of S adults Apt 42 1

G ST N W 427 Large front homekeeping roses for couple isaannabla I

married couple with heard ifshad eaavealeat iiuaoaaalB

HOTEL WB8T New Mrfctly maSses ranseoaMe hatha Opp Halebdi Hotel

Rates 0M 7s ave X WK ST N W Jm Nicely faaaJahcd i

facing park cooL

m ST N E Ma LSOTS seam letfleer with private family caaviialast ts

2 car Sass isanaatlt-XTK CT N W att Bsraad noor treat ratt-


D ST N W 11 Bright fsaalshsa frostroom aattabte for two gent teamen er light

keepteg 1

H ST X W 4M FsnUahad

H ST N W 4H Two nicety farahmedream B t per month bath 1

BTH 81V N W Smfrost rooms alee hall room resale aabte 1

ST N W 4M Two backMothers n panne light be asekiep-

O ST N W 4 Large back room

H ST N W 71J Froat room aa let and Mfloor alee other roma hot water dally

7TH ST S W Bi Famished rant haHroeas tlM week 1

fTH ST N W 7 Laraa ssat cwsecond floor aaothera SL St SM


FAIRMONT ST 1 4 ML PleaaaatThroer-entna prtvate bath beaoUfat reused

hoax while marble front light ajasialaitphw life and light fumlabed JIll paperedlow restR ST X W K Three

for light Imalau aplei M-

nt twat1 Sledthree reams V sionth all ootakie Mrs

X C AVE S E 0 Three roooM secondfloor Mat sad

back porch two car naraa ao children takenC ST X r T3 Three roesu for light

O ST N W IZI3 Bright rntana OR bathream floor separately or ea anise 1

X J AYE X W in Three rooms beatgee sad bath light boaaekeepiag-aCTRTLE ST E 57 Three natfwsJahed

reams light housekeepIng adults IMt-H ST x E

with bath necoad floor rear porch allmodern improvements

FORFaraisbed sad TJnftraisbsd

MYRTLE SV E 8 Three large coolcommunicating ooma M free couvealeac

for light houaekeepiiis if desired reasonable2D ST N W J 1 wo large cool ones

mtickUag rooms ttxtat booaekeeptoa tf


X J AVE N W ggCemlemau board-er wanted MM per week 1

IITH ST TM neoma and hoar i table


COLUMBIA ROAD USDellghtroi secondatory front room oraiabed or anfaralahed

including beiird CS month flee hens tableOol M6-

SItTH ST N W asCool rooms sad boardlid table board reasonable 1


R ST N wTwo double coot furnished rooms wWI

board suitable lee asarrted couple eae aloely laratafcnd room with board suitable foroae or twr yooaa men te beautiful sobarbaahen em dcoig lo iii Heftghtc Phoae West

a Take Oeometown car via F st seed

SUMMER BOAI1DR1K wanted Apply toMrs W A THOMPSON WarreaUMi Va

Boardera oaRemlBgtoa miles from Wa hh ia ftae

table vegetabtea milk fruit fnaitltes-Mr W A-

I lUNG Remington Ffcrqater count Vs 1ROOM AND BOARD so children seerelectric sod ateam road BOX 32 Uantju-Md 1BALTIMORE COTTAGE Rehoboth directly

aa surf span Joae 9 meg perches ex-cellent meals term moderate taJ faaa

lisa BOWEN Prop

Coloalal BeachJOHNSON HOUSE On Boardwalk Open for

3CT ROSE HOUSE Flrstctosa accommoda-tions tomes to 16 pee week Mrs


Ideal spot of Celestial seta easIer atboardwalk beet home cooking aotet j r seatoed diaaers crabbtoe sad nehmf a paTiUonTHE NEW W1LLARD semtre from ellflnmt aocotnmodsttoaii exeeUeat beard t5f-daliy W week Special party rates Kwm

BOARDMlFIrstcIaee table e rd-

O month SZM week

deserts waffles and imrftfa idea

WANTED ROOMSgrntieman two

caring rooms unfurnished with or withouthumid oa or nest E Cap ac Term BOX45 l i O


White help and moderate prices LEON I-GABOON Acme Window Cleaning Co

N W Phase M T Q

WORKINGMENS WANTSThe Mek of healthy mule

ta leuuuetf to impress some penpte hot


215Large cool room

fewt an w aU cana

JIPtTwo eeDlMCtt uw

J K-


Stat 1IDIf

cheap bath 1


ST N W 17JtAuauream private tsr g8IUe-



for two


Lare Jet 2d

tIIInI y

farfor bo-

W IT N W 1aIrw COIIII-aJtIWb tt dIIep eIGMU

cars NwdI

5TH ST X W remas I-UG ST N W coot omauctiagbt with eater 1

lie ellfT S E

essath rauma


sAl nenr twocar

G ST N W rooms1


JaTwo or three large



lue C4 1

large CHI airysacelkea If deIIIIM


trasater to Tenleytowa car

W TED termii

leeor parties desired per

Sly rates

terms mod Go E5

K ST w


to j

By a


Lremooed to m G at

come istailored RIIt sII8IIdT wedptita TU91Rs OLD S1U 531 D 1-






honshec ralyansansie

hmad141 N


eams 5ea

P ooorIsbisIa boos adtbl

man 50bosh


a honasisapleg iama

ressas light

geeazd floor



psosed sbath sear Phone lilt



hosaskeeping rooma


ysema maSocabos-

5TH IIiPbrr-esm 41 two

nsstbra upseort

buoag cuseesiusces2n

anTwo large ssrard-oers 35 and 25


deehed santinoan

es breakfastevera3

roosm beard resooable



234 mse tress

25 week

sao5 Jebsuen Prop



151Do you west Jele bloatof eldluk1o hoes k-

eealmother used make reaeosssble



hecas Wke ou tare een an-a 35 is 3 one










ajaoa coooutfit

FOR Ste ea taailag ear sh j-

ctsmttten A barga


m snout Mraaea at l4iadTM BOSCAM Aim CO-ms n M J w


FOR nftl a fhsi Chadaaera teortac c-



ef hicaclaas aMd can hi wiaafciii

roll 8AJL lxMnensblle rnsslmsT jman ma order will ifcjinnajaiian

area BOX Xfl Times officaGOOD ACCOMMODATIONS tee X autws-


roodlUea AUTO LIVEST CO six 1

WHAT WK DOrehaild care tow in

all work ehaea naaoaaMe 1TRICT AUTO REPAIR Jfc MACfcUWORKS JAW C X WLKT US DO IT Wa eRa pot year auto a

and radiator into peeper oomdittoa at asmall to you Aloaipt workfaction MOORE A CO SOS


bliss J M DOYLE 3 Pa ave


AUTOS FOR HIREPRIVATE toortag can 1 pllaSiir-

taa for tripe 2 said 2 hoarM Central Auto Ca W

Baraaa Max let P x W



a wheel with ac-dltisnsl r raat ie for one alltree see as before boylag



Will a NEW rubber tirsSURREY canopy leatherw w Trim and all J

Probey Carriage CoSee Ovr Cosoplote JIlt sC VebJciea-

22M 23d st N WWAKTKD Horaaa in tTrbanaja for clear

lots near street carWrite or call on MARTIN DODGEHeighta Car Sheriff rend sad Cedax-



WvXTED By geatlfana and wile w

of care vary bust ueiaiii 11

FOR SALE Horse hew sad hayear old genUe lady can drive


ipechu treatment phone IX WXETSBLEB M aas-GAXTZ baa M car loads at ranabocs

7 aprinc w none Ww s13W X at X W

liable place to buy new asS a rc

trap umj ranatmits Daytonwagons 1S op i-

2Ua 34 11th at N WFOR EIRE Pleasure teams

formonth at reduced rates

24OGLE rear 337 Pa ave N W


HIGHEST CASH prieee paid for wornlag either ladle or pats aecd p 3

will calL E TARSHES 13D 7th i N-

WAXTBD Secoajdbaad furattorc A-ktajdc also carpets matting stoves r

I pay the Tiirhirt each prices S-

ar phone D NOTES O3 La aveI PAT the highest cast prices for uu-

geaitlcnieaa and childrens eaat jC-

arcMtre drop poatal wIll cell C LIV1-STfOX 129 7th at N W or Phone X rt y-

H1GHSST CASH paid for indies or KUUScat postal

ealL AELPER 12S Jtk st N WBEST PRICES paid for ladta or ger-

MVC clothing can write or pbor-xSTEINBERG CM 4V at S W Phoae M w-

WAXTED To buy every aato tire ard r-tabe hi Waantngton amen acrap metal r

North IER CO 20S 7th St X W Drop inWAXTED ftsraitore for

good to the Bjaui who gives yon mmoney See HOPWOOD Kth and KWAXTED Feather beds

feather beds ntgheat casK pricea pa sopostal aad oar maa will call SOLTUlFEATHER CO SIS 4th at XBIG MONEY paid los cast sat cjotnlng s

hats she shirts drop postal wiil-H GEWIRZ 13M 7th at X V-

WAXTKU Farnitore ant carpets cocfor cash air

I ae aro dealings ALBAUCH SM F N



Blue GalaSea Ram

trustSmall trout

Halibut 1lc 11

Soft Orbs 50 to 65 ets dozCrab C y

Clams ShoelM to OrderCome and Inspect my store



Select flab crabwbUe yoa

wait Satcial price on large oroara


FOR oLE f lilte WIllaSiLK

JIll tjouPOIt

JIOIt J 1 u r ear aFOR k11Mer 0rdua

assoirrxr T e-J

WEcan to maL

aM iu-lJ

Y MaInSib

cia peK ua reac Lfloor

1011 ri

yrt tsell au l



mstig trucks carraep 0SoE BABGAUQI pod band

Y aeo


goo 1

will U

im Twit

1 toptetl1e


or a

ae nei-

Ie Thees 4IIIDc-eSDCGLI lid tire r

aIL a

BOXFOR brick

421 th 8 wFOR SALESmali dTivng horse ltwo buggies il12 GLAnFOR SALEI F PI 1 catch HaI-

IIIMIt horse sad Cc

W u Da

in ron down a restS3


oL cost0068WELL tile sad rr

nlivery t

J zhorse by



X p




sat spot cash prices t it Li-

t e



3flit IaoWOIII a 1


Meat Oc gtLelDP FIakef7Se buad J





Co OM I I sat silk tJE XW

heeiisdillon rsjjfobs in aaa

1ALW1 Pullman ee ftealllp bat consSAZZlI15pni


Diip1JtnoT ot izaaSIee ml mska sad 14y tromis

st asreral-ly gesaaty

soses fur auw besinz-d laa a



t 3

3r stlIP

coacrot asterA1lldevatai tailcab bodies

Repair orella zaa and aconsassies



Fee sad ut

1 car

sjPb sic

Or W


We sell yeagene rLk

2ew are

briet lbs





and sorray far he daringma bma

y karma robboorBk also lid

tin cltlu5 H Times ekRBNTLarge stable 5



buggy herne-Pacas Adduem Rib at

or aesdu aWs

eels andreard3e s

s 15 cheapest


larnma 34

inertor a oas wagon

week erIL a

Phone NorGT



mes wore germants a



cash y





Owe picking


P14517 ordermeet am crabs stm


Refls5beeMabel speirisg ang cog




> >






> >

