English Sample Pape 2

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  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2







    MGMT 6100: Productio !d O"#r!tio$ M!!%##t

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2



  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2





    )'1 G##r!* o+#r+i#, o- o"#r!tio$ )

    )') Product$ .

    )'. Proc#$$ /

    )'/ #rtic!* It#%r!tio

    )' 2#!d M!!%##t

    )'6 C!"!city 6

    )'3 F!ci*ity *oc!tio 6

    )'4 I+#tori#$ 3

    )'5 Su""*y C!i M!!%##t 3

    )'10 Or%!i7!tio89or Forc# M!!%##t 5

    )'11 ;u!*ity 10


  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2



    William Procter and James Gamble founded P&G as a partnership in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio

    by merin Procter!s candle ma"in company #ith Gamble!s soap business$ %he company re#

    to 1mn in sales by 18'($ P&G!s initial foray into brandin #as %he )oon and *tars, a

    trademar" that appeared on all company products startin in the early 18+s$ -n 1887, P&G

    became one of the first companies in .* to offer a profit/sharin proram for its employees$ -n

    1(0, P&G #as one of the first companies to create a mar"et research department to study

    consumer preferences and beha2ior$

    %he company!s mar"etin oraniation and brand manaement system bean to e2ol2e in the

    early 1(3s$ -n 1(33, P&G!s O4ydol soap po#der sponsored a radio serial proram$ P&G had

    been a late lobalier$ 5ut after World War --, P&G bean its international e4pansion in riht

    earnest$ -n 1(8, it established an o2erseas di2ision #hile openin its first 6atin merican

    subsidiary in )e4ico$ P&G entered urope in 1(', *audi rabia in 1(+1 and Japan in 1(73$ 5y

    1(8, P&G #as operatin in 03 countries and reportin o2er 1bn in annual sales$ 5y the mid/

    (s, o2er half of its sales came from outside .*$ s its lobal e4pansion proressed, P&G

    continued to modify its structure and internal processes to ma4imie lobal le2erae$ 9arious

    initiati2es #ere launched to facilitate e4chane of "no#lede and best practices across the


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  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    P&G!s lobal success has led to top honors for the company, for achie2ements ranin from

    en2ironmental protection and animal/testin alternati2es to superior product ?uality and

    mar"etin e4pertise$Fortune maaine has included P&G in its EWorld@s )ost dmired

    CompaniesF list from 1(8' to 01 and, most recently, iff/Ha2is Smart Business editors

    included Procter & Gamble in their 01 list of E%op ' >et *a22y .$*$ Oraniations$F

    >o#adays, P&G is transformin its lobal structure from one based on four eoraphic reions

    into one based on product lines$ %he ne# structure #ill create se2en lobal business units

    responsible for buildin mar"ets at the local le2el and raisin brand a#areness amon

    consumers$ On the production end, P&G is standardiin production lines #orld#ide to better

    alin them #ith o2erall manufacturin capacity$

    )') Product$

    P&G!s products are di2ided into the follo#in maIor roupsB

    S#%#t Br!d$

    B!?y C!r# Pampers, 5ibsters, 6u2s

    B#!uty C!r# Old *pice, Co2er Girl, )a4

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    Product life cycle :P6);B P&G, bein a mar"et leader #ith more than ' cateories and about

    3 brands, has products life cycle in all the four staes, namely introduction, ro#th, maturity

    and decline$

    Product He2elopmentBP&G is uni?ue #hen it comes to inno2ation$ %he company bases its

    product de2elopment stratey onB

    deep understandin of consumers, their habits and product needs$

    %he capability to ac?uire, de2elop and apply technoloy across P&G@s broad array of

    product cateories$

    %he ability to ma"e connections bet#een consumers@ #ants and #hat technoloy can


    )'. Proc#$$

    %he processes 2ary #ith products rane and brand lines$ With the lare 2ariety of product

    cateories and brands to produce, inputs rane from fabrics, to chemical, health, and food


    Process %echnoloyBP&G inno2ation focuses on t#o main approaches, thus it becomes an

    industry leader in technoloyB

    *ettin ne# performance standards in e4istin cateoriesB Kecent e4amples include %ide

    and riel compact deterents that remo2e stains and sanitie laundry #hile protectin

    the oriinal fabric colors$

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    Creatin entirely ne# cateories and benefitsB Kecent e4amples include

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    dynamic replenishment$ P&G initiated the Consumer/Hri2en *upply >et#or" based on the

    modelin #or" that 5iosGroup did$

    s a result, P&G is mo2in to a system that has brouht se2eral ad2antaesB

    P&G is loo"in at real/time demand triers, such as point/of/sale information that

    comes directly from a retailer!s scanner$

    P&G is chanin the #ay it plans and manufactures oods$ -nstead of doin batch/

    plannin in plants, #hich the company currently does once a day, the company realied it

    could update the plan t#o or three times durin the course of the day if it had real/ or

    near real/time information$

    s far as less/than/full truc"loads, P&G has made an educated uess and decided to rela4

    the rules by up to 1 percent$

    )'6 C!"!city

    P&G ha2e mainly lare 2olume output capabilities as their process is continuous or lare batch

    sies and mainly produce/to/stoc" rather than produce/on/demand$ 5ein a leader in many of the

    product lines, P&G mainly ta"e ad2antae of economies of scale to ensure product a2ailability to


    )'3 F!ci*ity *oc!tio

    P&G #as moti2ated by Politics, con2enient access to maIor hih#ays and rail#ays, ta4

    incenti2es, and financin$ 4ample, P&G announced in January 01 plans to build an 8',/

    s?uare/foot distribution facility at Gate#ay Commerce Center in )adison County in -llinois$

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    P&G mo2e to consolidate their business at Gate#ay Commerce Center in *outh#estern -llinois

    is proof of ho# ?uic"ly this area is becomin a location of choice for transportation/sensiti2e


    %he company chose to locate the )id#est facility in *outh#estern -llinois because of the area@s

    con2enient access to maIor hih#ays and rail#ays and the #illinness of local, state and county

    o2ernment to #or" #ith them on nterprise one and %a4 -ncrement

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    Pre2ious #or" has reduced the company@s supply/chain cycle from 1/plus days in the 1('s

    throuh the 1(8s to 13 days in the 1((s$ %hrouh an initiati2e the company calls fficient

    Consumer Kesponse --, P&G is loo"in to reduce the cycle further to +' days, ho#e2er, it is not

    an easy tas"$ Currently P&G has , internal Web sites, 0', oraniational nodes, 7,

    materials, 0, products, ', customers, and 1 million parts$

    EWe@re chanin our o2erall approach to supply chain manaement to become e2en more

    consumer centric,F said )i"e Po#er, President, Global 5usiness *er2ices$ EWhen consumers

    #al" into a retail en2ironment, they #ant the riht product at the riht time at the riht place$

    %hey don!t #ant to find it out of stoc"$ %hat@s a disappointment to them and a lost sale for us$

    *ystems based on real/time data allo# us to deli2er a much better result, meanin fe#er out of

    stoc"s, on time deli2ery, more desirable products, and a 2ery satisfied consumer$F

    Goin for#ard, P&G!s 2ision is to e4tend its diital capability to re2olutionie the #ay business

    ets done$

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    )'10 Or%!i7!tio89or Forc# M!!%##t

    Oraniation 0'B %his is a proram that aims to chane P&G@s culture from a conser2ati2e,

    slo#/mo2in, bureaucratic behemoth to that of a modern, fast/mo2in, -nternet/sa22y

    oraniation$ P&G #ants to ma"e faster and better decisions, cut red tape, #rin costs out of

    systems and procedures, fuel inno2ation, set more aressi2e sales oals and nearly double its


    -t in2ol2es comprehensi2e chanes in oraniational structure, #or" processes and culture to

    ma"e employees stretch themsel2es and speed up inno2ation$ %he proram also see"s to le2erae

    P&G!s lobal presence$ -t is intended to boost sales and profits by introducin an array of ne#

    products, by closin plants and by eliminatin Iobs$

    %he cultural chanes introduced by Oraniation 0' is creatin an en2ironment that produces

    bolder, more stretchin oals and plans, bier inno2ations and reater speed$ s of the #hole

    stratey the re#ard system #as redesined in order to strenthen the lin" bet#een e4ecuti2e

    compensation and results$

    OutsourcinB *ee"in to focus on increasin sales of its consumer products, P&G is proressin

    #ith a plan to hire other companies to ta"e o2er 2arious administrati2e tas"s$ P&G says this plan

    #ill allo# it to use the e4pertise of other companies in certain areas, so it can concentrate on

    buildin sales of its nearly 3 consumer brands$

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    P&G has an areement in principle #ith Jones 6an 6a*alle -nc$, a Chicao/based real

    estate manaement firmL the deal is to co2er all of P&G@s research centers and offices$

    1/year contract for =e#lett/Pac"ard Co$ to assume its information technoloy ser2ices$

    =e#lett/Pac"ard is to absorb 1,8' P&G employees$

    P&G also hopes to reach separate deals to hire out its employee ser2ices and accounts

    payable operations, #hich also #ould in2ol2e transferrin #or"ers to the contractors$

    )'11 ;u!*ity

    P&G uses its Muality ssurance Proram to help the company achie2e superior business results

    by pro2idin hihly effecti2e and user/friendly ?uality systems #hich simultaneouslyB

    ssure consumers et productspac"aes at desined acceptance$

    ssure productspac"aes and sites meet all reulatory re?uirements

    *inificantly contribute to speed and profit oals

    stablish a World Wide Muality Culture

    -n order to facilitate this 9ision, P&G utilies a system of 1( "ey elements that allo# it to

    measure the results in its ?uality systems and implement chanes in such a #ay that help it

    achie2e its obIecti2es$ %hose Dey lements are as follo#sB

    1$ 6eadership

    0$ %rainin

    3$ Hesin, Construction & -nstallation


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    +$ 9alidation

    7$ =ouse"eepin, Pest Control, *anitiation & )aintenance

    8$ *tartin )aterials

    ($ )a"in Operations

    1$ Pac"in Operations

    11$ *torae & =andlin of

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    impro2e PG$com$ We@re constantly tryin to impro2e the ?uality of the ser2ices and features #e

    offer on PG$com$ Ho you ha2e a suestionN -nternet is a reat #ay to stay close to increasinly

    #ired consumers :5arlas, 03;$

    .'1 Bu$i#$$ to Co$u#r

    P&G has o2er 3 different consumer sites promotin its products$ )ost products ha2e their o#n

    site, #here customers can learn product tips, technoloy behind the products, ne# inno2ati2e

    uses for the products and pro2ide feedbac"$ P&G@s main corporate #eb site, httpB###$p$com,

    has 2aried information about the company and in addition it is e/commerce enabled$ Consumers

    interested in ne# and cuttin ede products li"e Crest White*trips #hich are not yet a2ailable

    nationally, can purchase them there$ On 5eauty sites, li"e Olay, consumers can submit their

    names and addresses to recei2e samples of their preferred products in the mail$

    %estin ne# products and sendin samples to consumers is an e4tension of an old P&G

    mar"etin techni?ue, #hich is usin the #eb to better taret customers$ P&G usually sends out

    millions of samples #hene2er they launch a product in a ne# mar"et$ >o# they do it o2er the

    -nternet to customers #ho are interested in the products, impro2in the response rate$

    P&G ad2ertises its products on -nternet sites li"e yahoo, #omen$com and bebe$com, #here it

    percei2es it@s taret audience to be$ 5anner ads #ere the first -nternet initiati2e that P&G too"

    before it e4panded into sponsored sites and content on #omen$com and bebe$com$ P&G is

    e4perimentin to see #hat #or"s on the -nternet$ -t is usin the net to e4tend its old techni?ues of

    mar"et research, samplin, feedbac" and pro2idin coupons to users$ %he techni?ues that #or"

    best shall be adopted and the others discarded$

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    .') Bu$i#$$

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    *copeB P&G intends to create one lobal information system usin the -nternet and internet

    technoloies$ -t is #or"in on creatin tradin standards so that all it@s customers and suppliers

    can easily use online mar"et places to trade and impro2e supply chains$

    *trateic prioritiationB P&G is ma"in the #eb part of e2erythin it does$ %he company mo2ed

    slo#ly in the initial years e2en thouh they snapped up a fe# hundred domain names$ >o# they

    ha2e put appro4imately + of them up for auction on GreatHomains$com, an -nternet domain

    name auction site$

    .'/ P&G=$ Itr!#t

    -nternally, P&G bean the e2olution to an e/culture by connectin nearly all employees to the

    -nternet and pro2idin self/ser2ice applications, includin a broad rane of e/employee

    applications li"e online benefits enrollment, salary manaement, and option e4ercise, to name a


    P&G!s corporate portal is no# a2ailable to more than +8, employees #orld#ide, 3', of

    #hom ha2e adopted it as their primary tool for daily Iob/related information access$ P&G

    e4pects impro2ed access to internal information and applications #ill help sharpen mar"et focus,

    shorten product de2elopment cycles and impro2e sales throuh faster in?uiry response$ Other

    benefits includeB

    -ncreased producti2ity

    -mpro2ed resource utiliation

    Content consolidation and cost reduction

    *tandards for future application de2elopment

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  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    hihly reliable results that enable P&G to et to mar"et faster #ith ne# products that customers

    #ill buy$


    arly -nternet initiati2es, at P&G, in2ol2ed ta"in current business processes to the

    -nternet$ P&G became a maIor ad2ertiser on #ebsites, and it created destination #ebsites

    for its products$ -n the ne4t phase, P&G is reducin costs by ta"in its supply chain to the

    -nternet, it is increasin re2enues by offerin its patents for licensin or sale, and it is also

    usin the -nternet as a collaboration tool bet#een it@s 2arious research centers around the

    #orld$ 2entually P&G #ishes to see all its processes -nternet enabled, to impro2e

    supply chain manaement, collaboration and mar"etin of its products$

    %he company!s strenths lie in its commitment to pro2idin products of superior ?uality

    and 2alue that impro2e the li2es of the #orld!s consumers, bein a #orld leader in

    rele2ant scientific research and technoloy, and maintainin economic success based on

    P&G!s e4perience in manain the business #ith e4cellence and in2estin in a #ell/

    trained #or" force$

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2



    Proctor & Gamble, Chemical Webpae$ :n$d$; httpB###$pchemicals$com?uality$shtml$Ketrie2ed on July ', 03

    Ha2is, J :)arch 13, 00;$ Proctor and Gamble re#or"s its supply chain$httpBarchi2e$info#orld$comarticleshn4ml13131313hnpn$4ml$ Ketrie2ed on July ',03

    scet :1(((;$ 9olume 1$ Proctor & Gamble$ httpB###$ascet$comdocuments$aspNd-HQ03Ketrie2ed on July 7, 03

    *onini, )$ 6$ :00, *eptember 1(;$ ComputerWorld$ Procter & Gamble turns to *P@s POfor supply chain boost$httpB###$computer#orld$comsoft#aretopicserpstory,181,73+,$html$Ketrie2ed onJuly 7, 03

    -ntellient nterprise :01, July 0;$ >e# & nalysis$ Procter & Gamble %a"es on the *upplyChainhttpB###$intelliententerprise$comonlineonlyne#s170$shtml$ Ketrie2ed on July1, 03

    5arlas, H$ :03, pril 11;$ 6ine '+$ Proctor and Gamble$httpB###$line'+$comarticlesdefault$aspNrticle-HQ'+8&mlQ3$ Ketrie2ed on July 7, 03

    )cGar2ey, K$ :00,

  • 8/13/2019 English Sample Pape 2


    Proctor & Gamble :n$d$; 5usiness in ndes 03, 5alancin conomic Opportunity and PoliticalKis"$ httpB###$foreinpolicy$comandeansponsorsProctor&Gamble#$pdf Ketrie2ed on July7, 03
