Energy Energy is a property that enables something to do work Energy has various forms (kinetic, potential, rest energy) Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object mv 2 KE = --------- 2 It takes ~1000 N (or ~ 225 lbs) to hit a nail and drive it 5 mm into a surface. sit www.worldofteaching.com r 100’s of free powerpoints

Energy Energy is a property that enables something to do work Energy has various forms (kinetic, potential, rest energy) Kinetic energy Kinetic energy

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Energy is a property that enables something to do work

Energy has various forms (kinetic, potential, rest energy)

Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object


KE = --------- 2

It takes ~1000 N (or ~ 225 lbs) to hit a nail and drive it 5 mm into a surface.

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Potential Energy

Potential energy is a capacity of doing some work

Potential energy is the energy of position

Gravitational Potential Energy

W = Fd = mgh = PE (potential energy)

PE is relative!PE of a 1000-kg car at the top of a 50-m multilevel parking lot is:mgh= (1000 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(50 m)=490 kJ

Rest Energy

Mass and Energy are related to each other and can be converted into each other.

The rest energy of a body is the energy equivalent of its mass.

E0 = m0c2

E0 (m=1 kg) = 1 kg x (3 108)2 (cm/s)2 ~ 1017 JPE (m=1 kg, h=9 km) = mgh = 1 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 9000 m ~ 105 J

Energy Transformations

Many mechanical processes involve interchanges between KE, PE, and work.

Energy exists in some other forms: chemical energy, heat energy, radiant energy, etc.

Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.It can only be changed from one form to another.

The above statement is called the law of conservation of energy

Chapter 5Light and Atomic Structure

• Light and its properties

• Atomic structure

• Interaction between Light and Matter

• Spectrum

Light in Everyday Life

• Light is a form of energy, radiative energy

1 Watt = 1 Joule/sec

• Light has color

A prism split light into a spectrum (rainbow of colors)

Light travels with a speed of c = 300,000 km/s


Interaction of Light and Matter

• Emission

• Absorption

• Transmission (passing through)

• Reflection (scattering)

Properties of LightLight behaves as both a particle and a wave

Light particles are called photons, which can be counted individually.

Light is also an electromagnetic wave

The wavelength is the distance between adjacent peaks of the electric or magnetic field 1 nm (nanometer) = 10–9 m 1μm (micron) = 10–6 mThe frequency is the number of peaks that pass by any point each second, measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz).

light demo

Light is an electromagnetic wave

Light consists of many individual photons.Each travels at the speed c and can be characterized by a wavelength and a frequency.

Many Forms of Light

The spectrum of light is called the electromagnetic spectrum

Different portions of the spectrum are called:

The visible light - what we see with our eyesThe infrared light - beyond of the red end of rainbowThe ultraviolet light - beyond the blue endRadio waves - light with the longest wavelengthsX rays - wavelengths shorter than ultravioletGamma rays - the shortest wavelength light

Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum

Frequency units – Hertz1 Hz = 1 c1

Light and MatterThe amount of light is called intensity

Studying spectra of celestial bodies one can learn a wealth of information about them

Atomic Structure

92 chemical elements have been identified in the Universe.Nearly 20 more have been created artificially.

Each chemical element is made from a different type of atom.Atoms are made from particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.Protons and neutrons form the nucleus in the center of the atom.Electrons surround the nucleus.

Atomic Structure

Positively charged protons are hold together by the strong force, which overcomes electrical repulsion.

Negatively charged electrons are attracted to the nucleus.

The number of protons in an atom is called the atomic number, which is unique for different chemical elements.

The combined number of protons and neutrons in an atom is called the atomic mass number.Atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons are called isotopes.

Absorption and Emission in Gases

Since electrons in atoms can have only specific energies, the atoms can absorb or release energy only in these amounts (quanta)

Electron gets energy, jumps to an excited state,release the energy, and falls back down

The energy is emitted as a photon of light The photon has exactly the same energy thatthe electron has lost

Types of Spectra

Emission line spectrum consists of photons emitted as each electron falls back to lower levels

Absorption line spectrum appears when photons are absorbed, causing electrons to jump up in energy

Each element or molecule produces its own distinctset of spectral lines

Emission by Hydrogen

Hydrogen lines in the visible

Examples of Spectra

Thermal Radiation

``Complex’’ objects - planets, stars, people - produce thermal radiation

Its spectrum depends only on the object’stemperature

Hotter objects emit more total radiation per unit surface areaThe radiated energy is proportional to the fourth power of the temperatureHotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy

Temperature and Color

Temperature and Intensity

Reflected light

When the light (for example, sunlight) strikes anobject (ground, clouds, people), we see only thewavelengths of light that are reflected

Different objects (fruits, rocks, atmospheric gases)reflect and absorb light at different wavelengths

The Doppler Shift

Radial motion of a distant object can be determined due to the Doppler effect

The Doppler effect causes shifts in the wavelengthsof light

If an object is moving toward us, its entire spectrum is shifted to shorter wavelengthsBecause shorter wavelengths of the visible light are bluer, the Doppler shift of this object is called a blueshiftThe Doppler shift of a moving away object - redshift

Doppler Effect

Demo Doppler effect


Spectral information gives us more knowledge about the objects (composition, surface temperature, moving properties)

Visible light is only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

The Doppler effect tells us how quickly light is moving toward or away from us