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Emergency Management Plan

School Informa�onSchool No:

Campus No:Physical Address:

Phone Number: 03 5678 5354

Email Address: [email protected]

DET Region:

Bureau of Meteorology/FireDistrict:Is the school on the Bushfire At RiskRegister:

Principal approving our plan:

Date Approved:

Next Review Date:

San Remo Primary School





Karen Bowker

14 November 2017

14 November 2018

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1. Purpose2. Scope3. Distribu�on


4. In Case of Emergency5. Emergency Contacts

5.1 Emergency Services5.2 Our School5.3 DET5.4 Local/Other organisa�ons5.5 School Bus Emergency Contacts

6. Incident Management Team6.1 Incident Management Team Structure6.2 Incident Management Team Contact Details

7. Incident Management Team Responsibili�es8. Communica�ons Tree9. Staff Trained in First Aid10. Emergency Response Procedures

10.1 On-Site Evacua�on Procedure10.2 Off-Site Evacua�on Procedure10.3 Lock-Down Procedure10.4 Lock-Out Procedure10.5 Shelter-In-Place Procedure

11. Emergency Response Procedures for Specific Emergencies11.1 Building Fire11.2 Bushfire/Grassfire11.3 Major External Emissions/Spill (includes gas leaks)11.4 Intruder/Personal Threat11.5 Bomb/Chemical Threat11.6 Bomb/Substance Threat Checklist11.7 Bus Emergency While En Route11.9 Severe Weather / Storms and Flooding11.10 Earthquake11.11 Influenza Pandemic

12. Area Map13. Evacua�on Diagram14. Parent/Family Contact Informa�on15. Students and Staff with Special Needs


16. School Facility Profile17. Risk Assessment18. Emergency Response Drills Schedule19. Emergency Kit checklist

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1. Purpose The purpose of this Emergency Management Plan (EMP) is to provide a detailed plan of how this school campuswill prepare and respond to emergency situa�ons.

2. Scope

3. Distribu�on

Name Posi�on Title andOrganisa�on Name

Date Sent Email Address orPostal Address

This EMP applies to all staff, students, visitors, contractors and volunteers at this school campus.

All school staff

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4. In Case of Emergency

In an Emergency

CallPolice, Ambulance,

Fire Services


No�fyDET Security Services

Unit (SSU)

For Advice call yourRegion's Manager

Opera�ons andEmergency


Convene yourIncident Management Team

(03) 9589 6266

Kylie Kaye8765 57450437 313 479

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5. Emergency Contacts

5.1 Emergency ServicesIn an Emergency requiring Police, Ambulance and MFB/CFA a�endance call 000.

5.2 Our SchoolKey Roles Name Phone Phone

(A�er Hours)Mobile

Principal Karen Bowker 5678 5354 5657 4454 0408 221 467

Assistant Principal/s N/A

Business Manager Rosalyn Cleeland 5678 5354 5956 9191 0427 941 230

Year level Coordinators Tracey Wilson (P/1/2) John Manning (3/4) Theresa Gifford (5/6)

5678 5354 5678 5877 N/A 5956 7831

0439 418 242 0407 884 521 0410 778 806

School Bus Coordinators N/A

First Aid Officer Rosalyn Cleeland 5678 5354 5956 9191 0427 941 230

School Welfare Officer N/A

OH and S Representa�ve Rusty Steel 5678 5354 0405 080 153

School Chaplan N/A

SchoolCouncilPresident Steven Kelly 5678 5354 0428 275 560

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5.3 DET

Name Phone Mobile

SEIL 0448 520 931

Regional Manager, Opera�ons and EmergencyManagementRegional Office

SSSO Team Leader

Security Services Unit

Cushman & Wakefield

Employee Assistance Program

Media Unit (on call 24/7)

5.4 Local/Other Organisa�ons Phone

SES (flood, storm and earthquake)

WorkSafe Victoria

5.5 School Bus Emergency Contacts

SOUTH-EASTERN VICTORIAShane Wainright 5625 1002

Kylie Kaye 8765 5745 0437 313 479

[email protected]

Dandenong Moe

8765 5600 5127 0400

Donna Riseley 5662 5838 0409 182 932

(03) 9589 6266

1300 133 468

1300 361 008

(03) 9637 2871

Police Sta�on San Remo 5678 5500 Wonthaggi 5672 1222

Hospital/s - (Bass Coast Regional Health Wonthaggi) 5671 3333

Gas N/A

Electricity (SP Ausnet) 13 17 99

Water Corpora�on (Westernport Water) 5956 4100 1800 249 090 (24Hr Emergency No.)

Facility Plumber (Geoff Owens) 0418 521 425

Facility Electrician (Jesse Wurt) 0418 574 974

Local Government (Bass Coast Shire Council) 5671 2211

132 500

1800 136 089

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6. Incident Management Team6.1 Incident Management Team Structure

6.2 Incident Management Team Contact Details

IMT Role/Ac�vi�es Primary Contact Back Up ContactName













Chief Warden Karen Bowker0408 221 467

Theresa Gifford Cox0410 778 806

Planning tasks will be performe Karen Bowker0408 221 467

Theresa Gifford Cox0410 778 806

Opera�ons (Area Warden) tasks Roz Cleeland0427 941 320

Tracey Wilson0407 884 521

Communica�ons tasks will be p Karen Bowker0408 221 467

Theresa Gifford Cox0410 778 806

Logis�cs (Warden) tasks will be Theresa Gifford Cox0410 778 806

John Manning 0407 884 521

First Aid tasks will be performed Roz Cleeland0427 941 320

Alyce Truscio0437 949 774

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7. Incident Management Team Responsibili�es

Chief Warden


Maintain current contact details of IMT members.Conduct regular exercises/drills.Ensure students/staff with special needs list and staff trained in first aid list are up to date.Ensure our emergency response procedures are kept up-to-date.Ensure staff on the IMT are aware of their responsibili�es.

During Emergency

A�end the emergency control point.Ascertain the nature and scope of the emergency.Ensure that the emergency services have been no�fied.Ensure the appropriate response has been ac�oned.Convene our IMT as required.Ini�ate evacua�on of affected areas/lock-down/lock-out/shelter-in-place as required.Brief the incoming emergency services and respond to their requests.Report the emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.

Post- Emergency

When the incident is rendered safe or the emergency services returns control, no�fy the IMT members tohave staff and students return to normal opera�ons.Organise debrief with the IMT and, where appropriate, with any a�ending emergency Service.Compile a report for the IMT and region and no�fy Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) and the region.



Assist the Chief Warden.Iden�fy resources required.Par�cipate in emergency exercises/drills.

During Emergency

A�end the emergency control point.Ascertain the nature and scope of the emergency.Report any changes in the situa�on to the Chief Warden.Act as directed by the Chief Warden.Plan for con�ngencies.

Post- Emergency

Collect and evaluate informa�on rela�ng to the emergency.Iden�fy recovery needs and develop a recovery plan (if required).

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Opera�ons (Area Warden)


Regularly check and report on deficiencies of emergency equipment and kits.Coordinate Safety prac�ces (e.g. clear egress paths, access to first a�ack equipment e.g. fire ex�nguishersand disposal of rubbish) by wardens throughout their areas.Par�cipate in emergency exercises/drills.

During Emergency

On hearing alarm or becoming aware of an emergency, the Opera�ons Warden will:

A�end the emergency control point.Communicate with the Chief Warden by whatever means available and act on instruc�ons.Implement the emergency response procedure relevant to the floor or area and ensure that the ChiefWarden is no�fied.Direct logis�cs officer (wardens) to check the floor or area for any abnormal situa�on.Commence evacua�on if the circumstances on their floor or area warrant this.Control the movement of people.Co-opt persons as required to assist a logis�cs officer (wardens) during an emergency.Ensure that any implica�ons for regular bus/student transport arrangements for the school or clientsschools are addressed.Confirm that the logis�cs officer’s (warden) ac�vi�es have been completed and report this to the ChiefWarden or a senior officer of the a�ending emergency services if the Chief Warden is not contactable.

Post Emergency

Compile report of the ac�ons taken during the emergency for the debrief.



Assist the Chief Warden.A�end training in the use of the school’s communica�on system.Maintain records and logbooks and make them available for emergency response.Ensure emergency and parent contact details are up-to-date.Par�cipate in emergency exercises/drills.

During Emergency

A�end the emergency control point.Ascertain the nature and loca�on of the emergency. Maintain up to date informa�on.Confirm that emergency services have been no�fied.No�fy appropriate IMT members.At the direc�on of the Chief Warden provide instruc�on and informa�on to staff, students and parents asrequired.Keep a log of events that occurred during the emergency.Act as directed by the Chief Warden.

Post- Emergency

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Collate logs of events completed by all IMT members during the emergency for the debrief and ensure theyare secured for future reference.Contact parents as required.

Logis�cs (Warden)


Ensure staff and students are aware of the emergency response procedures.Carry out safety prac�ces (e.g. clear egress paths, access to first a�ack equipment e.g. fire ex�nguishers anddisposal of rubbish).Par�cipate in emergency exercises/drills.

During Emergency

Persons selected to perform as Logis�cs Warden will carry out ac�vi�es as set out in the emergency responseprocedures and as directed by the Opera�ons Warden (Area Warden).

Ac�vi�es may include the following:

A�end the emergency control point.Operate the communica�on system in place.Check that any fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed.Close or open other doors in accordance with the emergency response procedures.Search the floor or area to ensure all people have evacuated. This func�on is of greater importance than alater physical count of those evacuated.Ensure orderly flow of people into protected area.Assist occupants with disabili�es.Act as lead of groups moving to nominated assembly areas.Report status of required ac�vi�es to the opera�ons officer (area warden) on their comple�on.Act as directed by the Chief Warden.

Post- Emergency

Compile report of the ac�ons taken during the emergency for the debrief.

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8. Communica�ons Tree

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9. Staff Trained in First Aid

Staff Member Training Completed Date Qualified To

Karen Bowker Level 2 Rosalyn Cleeland Level 2 John Manning Level 2 Alyce Houston Level 2 Jennifer Ramage Level 2 Virginai Baxter Level 2 Theresa Gifford Cox level1 Tracey Wilson Level 1 Russell Steel Level 1

March 2017 16/03/2017

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10. Emergency Response Procedures

On-site evacua�on/reloca�on procedure

When it is unsafe for students, staff and visitors to remain inside the school building the Chief Warden on-site willtake charge and ac�vate the Incident Management Team if necessary.

Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Evacuate students, staff and visitors to the basketball courtReport the emergency and evacua�on to Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) on 9589 6266.Take your emergency kit/first aid kit (including your student and staff a�endance lists and a copy of thisEMP).Once at your primary and/or secondary assembly point/s, check all students, staff and visitors areaccounted for.Ensure communica�ons with emergency services is maintained.Wait for emergency services to arrive or provide further informa�on.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management ifrequired.Confirm with emergency service personnel that it is safe to return to normal opera�ons.Maintain a record of ac�ons/decisions undertaken and �mes.Contact parents as required.

Ac�ons a�er on-site evacua�on/reloca�on procedure

Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported.Advise the Security Services Unit and the region (regional Manager, Opera�ons and EmergencyManagement) that the evacua�on is over.Determine whether to ac�vate your parent re-unifica�on process.Determine if there is any specific informa�on students, staff and visitors need to know (for example, parentreunifica�on process or areas of the facility to avoid).Contact the SSSO Network Coordinator if required.Print and issue pre-prepared parent le�ers and give these to students to take home.Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details.Seek support from your region/regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management if required.Undertake opera�onal debrief with staff and Incident Management Team to iden�fy any on-site evacua�onand procedural changes that may be required.Complete your Post Emergency Record.

Off-site evacua�on procedure

If it is unsafe for students, staff and visitors to remain on the school grounds the Chief Warden on-site will takecharge and ac�vate the Incident Management Team if necessary.

Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Iden�fy which off-site assembly point you will evacuate staff, students and visitors to.Evacuate staff, students and visitors to the San Remo Recrea�on Centre (First Op�on) or San Remo BowlsClub (Second Op�on)Report the emergency and evacua�on to Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) on 9589 6266.Take your emergency kit/first aid kit (including your student and staff a�endance lists and a copy of thisEMP).Once at primary and/or secondary assembly point/s, check all students, staff and visitors are accounted for.Ensure communica�ons with emergency services is maintained.Wait for emergency services to arrive or provide further informa�on.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management ifrequired.Confirm with Emergency Service personnel that it is safe to return to normal opera�ons.

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Maintain a record of ac�ons/decisions undertaken and �mes.Contact parents as required.

Ac�ons a�er off-site evacua�on procedure

Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported.Advise the Security Services Unit and the region (regional Manager, Opera�ons and EmergencyManagement) that the evacua�on is over.Determine whether to ac�vate your parent re-unifica�on process.Determine if there is any specific informa�on students, staff and visitors need to know (for example, parentreunifica�on process or areas of the facility to avoid).Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Contact the SSSO Network Coordinator if required.Print and issue pre-prepared parent le�ers and give these to students to take home.Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details.Seek support from your region/regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management if required.Undertake opera�onal debrief with staff and Incident Management Team to iden�fy any off-site andprocedural changes that may be required.Complete your Post Emergency Record.

Lock-down procedure

When an external and immediate danger is iden�fied and it is determined that the students should be securedinside the building for their own safety the Chief Warden on-site will take charge and ac�vate the IncidentManagement Team if necessary.

Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Ini�ate the lock-down and provide instruc�ons to staff, for example, close internal doors and windows,remain in classroom, sit below window level or move into corridors.Check that all external doors (and windows if appropriate) are locked.If available, allocate staff to be posted at locked doors to allow students, staff and visitors to enter if lockedout.Report the emergency and lock-down to the Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) on 9589 6266.Divert parents and returning groups from the school if required.Ensure a telephone line is kept free.Keep public address system free.Keep main entrance as the only entry point. It must be constantly monitored and no unauthorised peopleallowed access.If safe to do so, have a staff member wait at the main entry to the school to guide emergency servicespersonnel.As appropriate, ascertain that all students, staff and visitors are accounted for.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management ifrequired.As appropriate, confirm with emergency services personnel that it is safe to return to normal opera�ons.Maintain a record of ac�ons/decisions undertaken and �mes.Contact parents as required.

Ac�ons a�er lock-down procedure

Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported.Advise the Security Services Unit and the region (regional Manager, Opera�ons and EmergencyManagement) that the lock-down is over.Determine whether to ac�vate your parent re-unifica�on process.Determine if there is any specific informa�on students, staff and visitors need to know (for example, parentreunifica�on process or areas of the facility to avoid).Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Print and issue pre-prepared parent le�ers and give these to students to take home.

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Contact the SSSO Network Coordinator if required.Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details.Seek support from your region/regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management if required.Undertake opera�onal debrief with staff and Incident Management Team to iden�fy any lock-down andprocedural changes that may be required.Complete your Post Emergency Record.

Lock-out procedure

When an internal immediate danger is iden�fied and it is determined that students should be excluded frombuildings for their safety the Chief Warden on-site will take charge and ac�vate the Incident Management Team ifnecessary.

Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Announce lock-out with instruc�ons about what is required. Instruc�ons may include nomina�ng staff to:

Lock doors to prevent entryCheck the premises for anyone le� insideObtain Emergency Kit

Go to the designated assembly points:to the San Remo Recrea�on Centre (First Op�on) or San Remo Bowls Club (Second Op�on)

Check that students, staff and visitors are all accounted for.Report the emergency and lock-out to the Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management ifrequired.Where appropriate, confirm with emergency services personnel that it is safe to return to normalopera�ons.Maintain a record of ac�ons/decisions undertaken and �mes.Contact parents as required.

Ac�ons a�er lock-out procedure

Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported.Advise the Security Services Unit and the region (regional Manager, Opera�ons and EmergencyManagement) that the lock-out is over.Determine whether to ac�vate your parent re-unifica�on process.Determine if there is any specific informa�on students, staff and visitors need to know (for example, parentreunifica�on process or areas of the facility to avoid).Print and issue pre-prepared parent le�ers and give these to students to take home.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details.Contact the SSSO Network Coordinator if required.Seek support from your region/regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management as required.Undertake opera�onal debrief with staff and Incident Management Team to iden�fy any lock-out andprocedural changes that may be required.Complete your Post Emergency Record.

Shelter-in-place procedure

When an incident occurs outside the school and emergency services or the Chief Warden determines the safestcourse of ac�on is to keep students and staff inside a designated building in the school (as evacua�on mightreasonably expose people to a greater level of danger un�l the external event is handled), the Chief Warden on-site will take charge and ac�vate the Incident Management Team if necessary.

Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Chief Warden ac�vates the Incident Management Team.Move all students, staff and visitors to the pre-determined shelter-in-place area: the Shared Area of thePrep, 1 & 2 Building (BER Building)Take your emergency kit/first aid kit (including your student and staff a�endance lists and a copy of thisEMP).

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Report the emergency to the Security Services Unit (24 hour, 7 days) on 9589 6266.Check that all students, staff and visitors are accounted for.Ensure communica�ons with emergency services is maintained.Wait for emergency services to arrive or provide further informa�on.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management ifrequired.Where appropriate, confirm with emergency service personnel that it is safe to return to normalopera�ons.Maintain a record of ac�ons/decisions undertaken and �mes.Contact parents as required.

Ac�ons a�er shelter-in-place procedure

Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or other needs are supported.Advise the Security Services Unit that shelter-in- place is over.Determine whether to ac�vate your parent re-unifica�on process.Determine if there is any specific informa�on students, staff and visitors need to know (for example parentreunifica�on process or areas of the facility to avoid).Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Print and issue pre-prepared parent le�ers and give these to students to take home.Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee Assistance Program contact details.Contact the SSSO Network Coordinator if required.Seek support from your region/regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Management as required.Undertake opera�onal debrief with staff and Incident Management Team to iden�fy any shelter-in-placeand procedural changes that may be required.Complete your Post Emergency Record.

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11. Emergency Response Procedures for Specific Emergencies

Building fireCall 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Ac�vate the fire alarm.If appropriate, follow the procedure for on-site evacua�on.Report the emergency immediately to the Chief Warden who will convene your IMT if necessary.Ex�nguish the fire (only if safe to do so).Evacuate to the Basketball Court (First Op�on) or Oval Area (Second Op�on) closing all doors andwindows.Check that all areas have been cleared and no�fy the Chief Warden.Check that all students, staff, visitors and contractors are accounted for.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Contact parents as required.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment

BushfireCall 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Report the emergency immediately to the Chief Warden who will convene the IMT if necessary.Determine appropriate response strategy (evacuate or shelter-in-place) in consulta�on with emergencyservices, if possible.If evacua�on is required and �me permits before you leave:

make sure you close all doors and windowsturn off power and gas.Shelter-In-Place.

Check that all students, staff, visitors and contractors are accounted for.Report the emergency to Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.Listen to TV or local radio on ba�ery-powered sets for bushfire/weather warnings and advice.Ensure staff and students do not hinder emergency services or put themselves at risk by going neardamaged buildings or trees.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Contact parents as required.

Major external emissions/spill (includes gas leaks)

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Call 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Report the emergency immediately to the Chief Warden who will convene the IMT if necessary.Turn off gas supply.If the gas leak is onsite, no�fy your gas provider.If safe to do so, evacuate staff, students, visitors and contractors

If safe to do so, evacuate staff, students, visitors and including contractors to Basketball Court(First Op�on) or Oval Area (Second Op�on). If necessary, choose an off-site loca�on San RemoRecrea�on Centre (First Op�on) or San Remo Bowls Club (Second Op�on)

Check students, staff and visitors are accounted for.Report the emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Await 'all clear' advice from emergency services or further advice before resuming normal schoolac�vi�es.Direct all Media enquiries to the DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Contact parents as required.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment

IntruderCall 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Report the emergency immediately to the Chief Warden.Do not do or say anything to the person to encourage irra�onal behaviour.Ini�ate ac�on to restrict entry to the building if possible and confine or isolate the threat from buildingoccupants.Determine whether evacua�on, lock-down or shelter-in-place is required. Do this in consulta�on withthe Police where possible.Evacua�on only should be considered if safe to do so.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Contact parents as required.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facili

Bomb/substance threat

If a suspicious object is found (or the threat iden�fies the loca�on of a bomb)

Immediate response

Immediately clear and cordon off the area in the vicinity of the object.Call 000 for police and seek and follow advice.Report the threat to the Chief Warden/principal who will coordinate the emergency response un�l policearrive.Report the emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.Do not approach, touch, �lt or tamper with the object.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment.

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Evacuate the school and:Ensure students and staff are not directed past the objectAlert any other services co-located at the school siteCheck that all students, staff and visitors are accounted forRestrict all access to the site and ensure there are no barriers inhibi�ng access by policeAs appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you haveiden�fied in your risk assessment.


Provide police with details of the situa�on, including ac�ons you have taken and intend to take. Followany advice provided by police.Contact parents when evacua�on is complete and it is safe to do so.No�fy your regional emergency management contact and seek advice if necessary.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Await 'all clear' advice from police before returning to school buildings to resume normal schoolac�vi�es.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment.

If a bomb/substance threat is received by telephone

DO NOT HANG UPKeep the person talking for as long as possible and obtain as much informa�on as possible.Without aler�ng the caller, signal a co-worker to:

call 000 for police on a separate phoneno�fy the Chief Warden/principalreport emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.

Fill out the Bomb Threat Checklist and record the following details while you are on the phone to thecaller (The Bomb Threat Checklist is provided in the 'Related forms' sec�on of your on-line EMP. Thechecklist should be located with staff who normally answer in-coming phone calls):

gender of callerage of calleraccents and speech impedimentsbackground noiseskey phrases usedwhether the threat is automated/taped/recorded.

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Ask the caller:where exactly is the bomb/substance located?what �me will the bomb explode/the substance be released?what will make the bomb explode/how will the substance be released?what does the bomb look like?what kind of device/substance is it?who put the bomb/substance there? Why was it put there?what kind of substance is it (gas, powder, liquid)? How much is there?where are you? Where do you live?what is your name? What are your contact details?

Once the call is finished:DO NOT HANG UP - it may be possible for police to trace the call if the telephone line is keptopen, regardless of whether the caller hangs up.Immediately:

inform the Chief Warden/principal if this has not yet been donecall 000 to report threat to police if this has not yet been done - use a different telephoneline or mobile phoneo clear and cordon off the area if the caller iden�fied the loca�on of the object. Do notapproach, touch, �lt or tamper with the object.

implement evacua�on and communica�on procedures as indicated in sec�on 'If a suspiciousobject is found' abovereport the emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266ensure all of the caller informa�on has been wri�en down and provided to police on arrival.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you haveiden�fied in your risk assessment.

If a bomb/substance threat is received by le�er

Place the le�er in a clear bag or sleeve and store in a secure placeAvoid any further handling of the le�er or envelopeCall 000 for police and seek and follow adviceNo�fy the Chief Warden/principalIf the le�er iden�fies the loca�on of a device, immediately clear and cordon off the nominated area. Donot approach, touch, �lt or tamper with the object.Implement evacua�on and communica�on procedures as indicated in sec�on 'If a suspicious object isfound' above.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment.

If a bomb/substance threat is received electronically e.g. by email

DO NOT DELETE THE MESSAGECall 000 for police and seek and follow adviceNo�fy the Chief Warden/principalIf the email iden�fies the loca�on of a device, immediately clear and cordon off the area. Do notapproach, touch, �lt or tamper with the object.Implement evacua�on and communica�on procedures as indicated in sec�on 'If a suspicious object isfound' above.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment.

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If you are at the site of an explosion

Direct staff to shelter students under sturdy tables or desks if objects are falling around you.Implement evacua�on and communica�on procedures as indicated in sec�on 'If a suspicious object isfound' above. Do not retrieve personal belongings or make phone calls when evacua�ng.Help others to leave the area. Use stairs instead of elevators.Be aware of weakened floors and stairways and watch for falling debris.Once out of the affected building:

Move students away from windows and glass doors or other poten�ally hazardous areasUse cau�on to avoid debris that could be hot or sharpCall 000 for emergency services and seek and follow adviceReport the emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266Be aware of any poten�al secondary explosionsLimit use of phones as communica�ons systems may become congested.

As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment.

Bomb/Substance Threat Checklist

This checklist form is available on the online EM Plan and is also printed at the end of the plan.

Internal emission/spillCall 000 for emergency services and seek and follow advice.Report the emergency immediately to the Chief Warden who will convene your IMT if necessary.Move staff and students away from the spill to a safe area and isolate the affected area.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.Seek advice in regards to clean up requirements, and if safe to do so, the spill can be cleaned up by staff.Personal Protec�ve Equipment should be worn as per the requirements of the Material Safety Data Sheetand Safety Work Procedure.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Contact parents as required.No�fy the Victorian WorkCover Authority if required.Report on eduSafe.Direct all Media enquiries DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.

Severe weather eventCall 000 if emergency services are needed and seek and follow advice.Before the storm, store or secure loose items external to the building, such as outdoor furniture andrubbish bins.Secure windows (close curtains and blinds) and external doors. If necessary, tape windows and glassentrances. U�lise boards and sandbags if required.During a severe storm:

Remain in the building and keep away from windows.Restrict the use of telephone landlines to emergency calls only, par�cularly during athunderstorm.

Report any ma�er concerning the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and visitors to the Chief Warden.Disconnect electrical equipment - cover and/or move this equipment away from windows.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.Listen to local radio or TV on ba�ery-powered sets for weather warnings and advice.As appropriate insert any addi�onal mi�ga�on steps relevant to your facility that you have iden�fiedin your risk assessment

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A�er the severe weather event

A�er storm passes, evaluate the need to evacuate if uncontrolled fires, gas leaks, or structural damagehas occurred as a result of the storm.Direct all media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.Contact parents as required.

EarthquakeCall 000 if emergency services are needed and seek and follow advice.The Chief Warden will convene the IMT if necessary.Report emergency to the Security Services Unit on 9589 6266.No�fy your region and seek advice from your regional Manager, Opera�ons and Emergency Managementif required.

If Outside

Instruct staff and students to:

Stay outside and move away from buildings, streetlights and u�lity wires.DROP, COVER and HOLD

DROP to the groundTake COVER by covering your head and neck with their arms and handsHOLD on un�l the shaking stops.

If Inside

Instruct staff and students to:

Move away from windows, heavy objects, shelves and so onDROP, COVER and HOLD

DROP to the groundTake COVER by ge�ng under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture or go into the corner of thebuilding covering their faces and head in their armsHOLD on un�l the shaking stops.

A�er the earthquake

Evaluate the need to evacuate if there are uncontrolled fires, gas leaks or structural damage to thebuilding you are in.If you evacuate, watch out for fallen trees, power lines, and stay clear of any structures that may collapse.Arrange medical assistance where required.Help others if you can.Report any ma�er concerning the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and visitors to the Chief Warden.Contact parents as required.Tune in to ABC radio if you can and follow any emergency instruc�ons.If the school property is damaged and it is safe to do so, take notes and photographs for insurancepurposes.Direct all Media enquiries to DET Media Unit on 9637 2871.

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Influenza Pandemic

PREPAREDNESS STAGE The scale and nature ofpreparedness ac�vi�es is the same

for all possible levels of clinicalseverity

Descrip�on - No novel strain detected (or emerging strain under ini�al detec�on)

Category Key Ac�ons

Review EmergencyManagement Plan

Review your Emergency Management Plan (EMP), including:

pandemic planning arrangementscontact lists of staff, students, families, local services and DHHSEmergency Management coordinatorscommunica�on tree of key staff.

Preparedness ac�vi�es should beincorporated into normal business. This includes incorpora�ng acomprehensive risk managementstrategy that takes an 'all hazards'approach and includes influenzapandemic as a specific hazard thatneeds to be considered. Regularly review, exercise andupdate plans. Communicate pandemic plans withstaff.

Influenza preven�on Promote basic hygiene measures within the school by:providing students and staff with informa�on about the importanceof hand hygiene (more informa�on is available at Be�er Health)providing convenient access to water and liquid soap and alcohol-based hand sani�sereduca�ng staff and students about covering their cough with a�ssue or their inner elbow to prevent the spread of germsensuring careful disposal of used �ssues.

Exercise appropriate home-based exclusion from school among staff andstudents with flu-like illness.Encourage staff to seek immunisa�on for seasonal influenza.

Communica�ons Communicate personal hygiene messages to staff and students. Convey seasonal influenza messages as directed by DET.

Travel advisories Encourage staff and parents/carers to access the smartraveller website priorto interna�onal travel.

Business con�nuity Ensure currency of business con�nuity plan which:iden�fies minimum requirements and key staff for con�nuedopera�ons (including planning for the absence of the principal andschool council)considers workforce strategies to enable con�nued opera�ons, ifpandemic impacted a por�on of the workforce.

RESPONSE STAGE - STANDBY Clinical severityDescrip�on - Sustained community person-to-person transmission detected overseas

Category Key Ac�ons Low Med HighReview EmergencyManagement Plan

In April, (or at the �me of the overseas detec�on, if earlier):ensure EMP (including emergency numbers and key contacts) are upto date and pandemic planning arrangements are includedensure contact lists of students, staff, families, local services andDHHS Emergency Management Coordinators are up to dateensure communica�on tree of key staff is circulated to nominatedschool Incident Management Team members.




Incident response In April, (or at the �me of the overseas detec�on, if earlier):prepare to enact pandemic response sec�on of your EMP withstakeholdersprepare to ac�vate Incident Management Team.







Hygiene measures Con�nue to reinforce basic personal hygiene measures within schoolsincluding:

provide students and staff with informa�on about the importance ofhand hygiene (more informa�on is available at Be�er Health)provide convenient access to water and liquid soap and alcohol-based hand sani�ser.educate staff and students about covering their cough with a �ssueor their inner elbow to prevent the spread of germs




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careful disposal of used �ssues. Ensure germicidal wipes are available in sta�onary supplies for staff to cleanstaff administra�ve area, telephones etc.




Communica�ons In May, (or at the �me of the overseas detec�on, if earlier), ensure hygieneinforma�on/posters are communicated/ displayed. In late May, (or at the �me of the overseas detec�on, if earlier), considerproviding informa�on sessions for staff and parents/carers about:

the local statusthe risk of influenza and how to iden�fy pandemic influenzasymptoms and cases of possible influenza based on the current, up-to-date case defini�on by the Chief Health Officer, DHHSbest prac�ce hygiene prac�cesconsidera�ons for vulnerable children.

Access and follow Chief Health Officer, DHHS/Cth Chief Medical Officer, CthDepartment of Health advice provided by DET and distribute consistentmessaging to staff, children and parents/carers. Encourage staff and parents/carers to obtain seasonal flu vaccina�on asappropriate (especially those people/families at a greater risk of infec�on). School Nursing Program nurses may assist with informa�on dissemina�on(provided by the DHHS) as directed by School Nursing Area Managers (basedat regional offices). Prepare sample le�ers for parents/carers for next stage (if required).





As required














Travel advisories Encourage staff and parents/carers to access the smartraveller website priorto interna�onal travel. Where appropriate, consider implemen�ng procedures to repatriate staff andstudents who are overseas on a school trip if there is a risk of travelrestric�ons and overseas border closures, or risk of pandemic in a nearbycountry. For interna�onal students studying in Australia, provide advice to studentsand their parents/carers that in the event of an increased influenza pandemicrisk, students may be sent home and, if travel restric�ons apply, how theschool will meet its duty-of-care obliga�ons etc.










Business con�nuity Ensure currency of business con�nuity plan which:iden�fies minimum requirements and key staff for con�nued schoolopera�ons (including planning for the absence of the principal)considers workforce strategies to enable con�nued opera�ons, ifpandemic impacted a por�on of the workforce.

Apply Apply Apply

RESPONSE STAGE - INITIAL ACTION Clinical severityDescrip�on - Cases detected in Australia - informa�on about the disease is scarce

Category Key Ac�ons Low Med HighReview EmergencyManagement Plan

In April, (or at the �me of the overseas detec�on if earlier):ensure your EMP (including emergency numbers and key contacts)are up to date and pandemic planning arrangements are includedensure contact lists of students, staff, families, local services andDHHS Emergency Management Coordinators are up to date.

Ensure communica�on tree of key staff is circulated to nominated schoolIncident Management Team members.







Incident response Enact your EMP. Ac�vate school Incident Management Team (IMT) to implement theorganisa�on's response as appropriate to advice from the DET.

Seek advice



Seek advice




Hygiene measures Reinforce basic hygiene measures including:provide students and staff with informa�on about the importance ofhand hygiene (more informa�on is available at Be�er Health)




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provide convenient access to water and liquid soap and alcohol-based hand sani�sereducate staff and students about covering their cough with �ssue orinner elbow to prevent the spread of germscareful disposal of used �ssues.

Ensure germicidal wipes are available in sta�onary supplies for staff to cleanstaff administra�ve area, telephones.




Communica�ons Follow and distribute informa�on and advice from DET in accordance withinstruc�ons, including informa�on about:

the local statuspersonal hygiene measurescontainment measures, including any plans for closure if applicableto staff, parents/carers using templates developed by DET.

Communicate the risk of influenza and how to iden�fy cases of possiblepandemic influenza based on current, up-to-date case defini�on by the ChiefHealth Officer, DHHS. School Nursing Program nurses (or equivalent) may assist with informa�ondissemina�on as directed.










Containment strategies The appropriate containment strategy will vary depending upon the level ofclinical severity as determined by the DHHS. Encourage staff who develop flu-like symptoms to:

Leave school immediately and seek medical a�en�onStay away from school un�l completely well.

Follow the advice of the DHHS and DET regarding service closures andexclusion periods for infec�ous diseases. If required, schools may be closed on advice of the Chief Health Officer,DHHS. In these circumstances:

inform teachers of their obliga�ons during school closuresfor students at home, provide access to educa�onal materialsincluding online learning.

Iden�fy a designated area to keep sick students quaran�ned from the generalschool popula�on un�l they can be taken home by parents/carers.

















Travel advisories Encourage staff and parents/carers to access the smartraveller website priorto interna�onal travel.

Apply Apply Apply

Business con�nuity

Implement business con�nuity plan to promote adequate workforce supplyand capacity to con�nue service, by:

priori�sing work func�ons to ensure adequate workforce availabilityto deliver educa�onimplemen�ng con�ngency strategy, which may include employingreplacement staff and/or modifying programs.

Apply Apply Apply

Governance andrepor�ng obliga�ons

Report confirmed incidents of influenza. You will be advised of any addi�onal repor�ng requirements by DHHS.







RESPONSE STAGE - TARGETTED ACTION Clinical severityDescrip�on - Cases detected in Australia - enough is known about the disease to tailor measures to

specific needsCategory Key Ac�ons Low Med High

Incident response

Enact your EMP. Ac�vate school Incident Management Team (IMT) to implement theorganisa�on's response as appropriate to advice from the DET.







Hygiene measures

Reinforce basic hygiene measures including:provide students and staff with informa�on about the importance ofhand hygiene (more informa�on is available at Be�er Health)provide convenient access to water and liquid soap and alcohol-based hand sani�sereducate staff and students about covering their cough with �ssue orinner elbow to prevent the spread of germs




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careful disposal of used �ssues. Ensure germicidal wipes are available in sta�onary supplies for staff to cleanstaff administra�ve area, telephones.





Follow and distribute informa�on and advice from DET in accordance withinstruc�ons, including informa�on about:

the local statuspersonal hygiene measurescontainment measures, including any plans for closure if applicableto staff, parents/carers using templates developed by DET.

Communicate the risk of influenza and how to iden�fy cases of possiblepandemic influenza based on current, up-to-date case defini�on by the ChiefHealth Officer, DHHS. School Nursing Program nurses (or equivalent) may assist with informa�ondissemina�on as directed.









ApplyContainment strategies

The appropriate containment strategy will vary depending upon the level ofclinical severity as determined by the DHHS. Encourage staff who develop flu-like symptoms during a pandemic to:

leave school immediately and seek medical a�en�onstay away from school un�l completely well.

Follow the advice of DHHS regarding containment ac�vi�es and exclusionperiods for infec�ous diseases. Help lower risk of exposure by reducing non-essen�al school interac�ons andminimising a�endance at mass gatherings such as sports days and schoolfetes. If required, iden�fy a designated area to keep sick students quaran�ned fromthe general school popula�on un�l they can be taken home byparents/carers. If required, schools may be closed on advice of the Chief Health Officer,DHHS. In these circumstances:

inform teachers of their obliga�ons during school closuresfor students at home, provide access to educa�onal materialsincluding online learning.



















Travel advisories

Encourage staff and parents/carers to access the smartraveller website priorto interna�onal travel. Where appropriate, implement procedures to repatriate staff and studentswho are overseas on a school trip if there is a risk of travel restric�ons andoverseas border closures, or risk of pandemic in a nearby country. For interna�onal students studying in Australia, provide advice to studentsand their parents/carers that in the event of an increased influenza pandemicrisk, students may be sent home and, if travel restric�ons apply, how theschool will meet its duty-of-care obliga�ons etc.










Business con�nuity

Implement business con�nuity plan to promote adequate workforce supplyand capacity to con�nue service, by:

priori�sing work func�ons to ensure adequate workforce availabilityto deliver educa�onimplemen�ng con�ngency strategy, which may include employingreplacement staff and/or modifying programs.

Apply Apply Apply

Governance andrepor�ng obliga�ons

Report confirmed incidents of influenza. You will be advised of any addi�onal repor�ng requirements by DHHS.


As required


As required



RESPONSE STAGE - STAND DOWN Clinical severityDescrip�on - The public health threat can be managed within normal arrangements and monitoring

for change is in placeCategory Key Ac�ons Low Med High

Containment strategies

Be aware that mul�ple waves of the virus may occur. Replenish PPE (if required).




As required


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Business con�nuity

Implement business con�nuity plans for resump�on of full business capacitywhich may involve:

restoring workforce capacityfollowing procedures for re-opening of service (if applicable)providing supports, including counselling (if required)monitoring cumula�ve effects of pandemic and iden�fying andsuppor�ng those who may need assistance.

Chief Warden to de-ac�vate Incident Management Team (IMT) and conductfinal debrief(s). U�lise template le�ers if they are prepared by DET to communicate status ofsitua�on to staff and parents/carers, including any available supports. Review effec�veness of EMP and update as appropriate - involving relevantstaff and others (eg. school nurses) par�cularly as mul�ple waves of the virusmay occur.














Communicate the updated status of situa�on to staff and parents/carersincluding supports that may be available.

Apply Apply Apply


Con�nue to encourage staff and parents/carers to access the smartravellerwebsite prior to interna�onal travel.

Apply Apply Apply

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12. Area Map

Date Validated:

13 November 2017

SRPS Area Map

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13. Evacua�on Diagram

Building Name: Date Validated:

SRPS EVAC DIAGRAM 13 November 2017

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14. Parent/Family Contact Informa�on

To ensure adherence to the provisions of the Informa�on Privacy Act 2000,this informa�on is held separately.

15. Students and Staff with Addi�onal Needs

To ensure adherence to the provisions of the Informa�on Privacy Act 2000,this informa�on is held separately.

A summary may be included below where appropriate.

Addi�onal Need Category Number of staff Number of Students


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16. School Facility Profile

General Informa�on

School/Campus Name

Physical Address

Opera�ng Hours:




Number of buildings

Is the School a designated Neighbourhood Safer Place?

Shelter-In-Place loca�on

Number of Students

Total number of Staff

Typical method used for communica�ons to schoolcommunity

Other Services/Users of Site

Service/User Name


Student/Visitor numbers

Opera�ng Hours/Days

Emergency Contact



Note: Outside School Hours Care programs are required to have a stand-alone Emergency Management Plan.

San Remo Primary School



03 5678 5354

[email protected]

03 5678 5310

10 including sheds


BER Building (Prep/1/2 Rooms)



School Newsle�er, Compass


OSHC & Library Room (Room 7)

1-15 maximum

7am-8:45am, 3:30pm-6:00pm Monday - Friday (8:00am-6:00pm in holidays where number permit)

Jenny Ramage


0459 724 685

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Building Informa�on Summary Telephones (landlines)Loca�on Number

Alarms Loca�on Monitoring Company Loca�on of shutoff instruc�ons




U�li�es Loca�on Service Provider Loca�on of shutoff instruc�ons

Gas / Propane



Sprinkler System

Control Valve Loca�on

Shutoff Instruc�ons Loca�on

Boiler Room



Emergency Power System



Provides power to

Shutoff Instruc�ons Loca�on

Building and Site Hazards Hazard Descrip�on Loca�on

Office Ext 11 Principal’s Office Ext 12 Staff Room Ext 13 Music Room Ext 14 OSHC/Library Ext 18 P/1/2 Classrooms Ext 15 3/4 Rooms Ext 16 5/6 Rooms Ext 17


office Security Services Unit (DEECD) Key shutoff inside office door


Front of School (Thomas GrovWesternport Water Authority valve

• Main Switchboard – Offic• North Side of P/1/2 Build• Box on Fence Thomas Gr

SPAusnet Main Switchboard, Thomas Grove




Cleaning Chemicals Cleaners Store (south end of toilet block)

Asbestos 5/6S Room – external cladding, eaves & porch eaves Music Room – Foyer Switchboard 3/4M Room – Book return lining & subfloor Adminstar�on Block entry ways

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Addi�onal Informa�on

Accompanying Images

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17. Risk Assessment

The risk assessment is printed separately and should be included with the printed Plan.

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18. Emergency Response Drills Schedule

Emergency Management Plans need to be tested regularly. Schools listed on the Bushfire atRisk Register (BARR) must prac�ce their evacua�on procedures and drills at least once perterm during the October to April bushfire season. *An ‘Emergency Drill Observer’s Record’ is required to be completed a�er each drill. (An ‘Emergency Drill Observer’s Record’ template is provided in Appendix 3 of the Guide). Period Drill Person Responsible 1. Target date;

2. Date Drill wasperformed


completed *

1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2.

General Notes:

Term 1 Fire Drill (onsite) Principal 16 March 2018

Term 2 Lock Down Principal 20 June 2018

Term 3 Fire Drill (Offsite) Principal 21 August 2018

Term 4 Bomb Threat Principal 22 October 2018

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19. Emergency Kit Checklist

The Emergency Kit Contains:Student data and parent contact informa�on (contained in EMP)

Student and staff with addi�onal needs list (contained in EMP) including any student medica�ons

Staff contact informa�on

Student Release Forms/sign out book

List of staff on the IMT

Traffic/emergency safety vests and tabards

Facility keys

Standard portable First Aid Kit. Refer to First Aid Kits Contents Checklist

A charged mobile phone and charger/s

Torch with replacement ba�eries (or wind up torch)



Portable ba�ery powered radio

Copy of facility site plan and EMP including evacua�on routes


Sunscreen and spare sunhats

Plas�c garbage bags and �es

Toiletry/sanitary supplies

Addi�onal Items in Kit:

Date Emergency Kit checked:

Next check date:

13 November 2017

13 November 2018

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Addi�onal Informa�on

There is no addi�onal informa�on for this Plan.

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STAY CALM DATE CALL RECEIVED: / / TIME OF CALL: TIME CALL ENDED: EXACT WORDING OF THREAT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Could you iden�fy the caller’s phone number?……………………………………….…………………………………………..


When is the bomb going to explode? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Where is the bomb? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

What will make the bomb explode? ………………………………………………………………………….………………………….

What kind of bomb is it? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What does the bomb look like? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Why did you place the bomb here? ……………………………………………………………………………………...................

Where are you now? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

What is your name? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What is your address? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

When was the bomb placed here? .………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Who placed the bomb? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........

DON’T HANG UP(the call may be traceable if the phone line is kept open, even if the caller hangs up!)

CALL DETAILS (where possible to obtain)

Did you recognise the caller? ………… If so, who do you think it was? …………………………………………………

Was the call: □Robotic/Automated □In-Person □Pre-Recorded

Es�mated age of caller? ……………… Did the caller seem familiar with the site?…………………………..


□ Man □ Fast □ Hesitant □ Music

□Woman □ Slow □ Calm □ Talk/voices

□ Child □ Well spoken □ Angry □ Typing

□ Muffled □ Impeded □ Emotional □ Children

□ Unknown □ Stutter □ Loud □ Traffic/streetAccent: □ Nasal □ Soft □ MachineryTELEPHONE □ Uneducated □ Pleasant □ Aircraft

13/11/2017 Emergency Management Plans Online - San Remo Primary School (San Remo) EM Plan

https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/sites/emergencymanagement/_layouts/15/Print.FormServer.aspx 42/42

□ Mobile □ Lisp □ Raspy □ Trains

□ Landline □ Internal Ext □ Incoherent □ Intoxicated □ Railway crossing

□ Overseas □ Slurred: □ Irrational □ Construction

□ Unknown □ Other: □ Other: □ Other:

Phone number call received on: …………………………. School Phone system (e.g. menu): ……………………

Who did you report the threatening call to? ……………………………… Date: / / Time: ……………….. YOUR NAME: ………………………………………………….. SCHOOL/CAMPUS: ………………………………………………………….