Emedicine Paget

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  • 8/17/2019 Emedicine Paget




    Sir James Paget first described Paget disease (PD) of the breast in 1874. He reported a chronic

    eczematous disease on the skin of the nipple and the areola in 15 women, with an associatedintraductal carcinoma of the underlying mammary gland. In 1881, Thin illustrated the firsthistologic description of PD.

    Mammary PD occurs almost exclusively in women; involvement of the male breast is rarelyreported.

    [1]Patients with Paget disease frequently present with a chronic, eczematous rash on the

    nipple and adjacent areolar skin. Proper recognition of this disorder is required to initiate an

    appropriate workup (eg, skin biopsy) for differentiating it from other benign inflammatorydermatoses and for detecting an underlying breast carcinoma.

    A similar disease involving the skin of female and male external genitalia (ie, vulva, glans penis)

    is known as extramammary Paget disease.


    The histologic features of mammary PD andextramammary PD are similar; however, the histogenesis and the pathogenesis are different.

    Pathophysiology and Etiology

    The pathogenesis of mammary PD and the origin of Paget cells were once controversial. It isnow widely accepted that mammary PD is always associated with an underlying carcinoma of

    the breast. By thorough histologic examination, Muir documented intraepidermal extension of

    malignant ductal epithelial cells through the lactiferous ducts and ductules into the epidermis


    The findings are the basis of the epidermotropic theory of mammary PD.

    Malignant epithelial (Paget) cells infiltrate and proliferate in the epidermis, causing thickening ofthe nipple and the areolar skin. These tumorous epithelial cells are derived from luminal

    lactiferous ductal epithelium of the breast tissue (see the image below).

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     Schematic diagram of female breast depicting widely accepted concept of pathogenesis of

    mammary Paget disease. Malignant Paget cells are derived from luminal lactiferous ductalepithelium (A) of breast tissue with retrograde extension of cancerous Paget cells into epidermis

    of overlying nipple (B). Enlarged circle shows details that reveal thickening both of lining

    epithelium of breast duct and of nipple skin.

    The cells possess microscopic features of glandular cells. Paget cells and underlying ductal

    carcinoma cells have been shown to be positive for the oncogene  HER2/neu, suggesting commongenetic alterations for both the epidermal and breast tumor cells.

    It has been speculated that Paget cells may derive from glandular stem cells or epidermal Tokercells (clear cells of the nipple epithelium).

    [4]Toker cells have been found in about 10% of normal

    nipples and rarely in supernumerary nipples on the mild line and apocrine bearing areas.[5]


    Paget cells of both mammary and extramammary sites, Toker cells contain prominent clear(vacuolated) cytoplasm, and they are considered benign counterparts of Paget cells.

    Mammary Paget cells are malignant epithelial cells derived from underlying ductaladenocarcinoma of the breast that invade into the skin of nipple and areolar areas. Toker cells are

     benign and may sometimes proliferate, resulting in a condition known as clear cell papulosis.[5]

    Kuan et al


    reported on the immunohistochemical expression of apomucin MUC1, MUC2, andMUC5AC in PD and concluded that both epidermal Paget cells and underlying ductal carcinoma

    exhibit the same phenotypic apomucins that are also expressed by the Toker cells.

    Morandi et al[7]

    reported that the chromosomal alterations seen in Paget cells (eg, loss of

    heterozygosity and mitochondrial DNA displacement loop sequence analysis) are different fromthose seen in underlying breast carcinoma cells. They suggested that the epidermal Paget cells

    are genetically different from those of breast carcinoma.


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    A concept of a “collision” between the neoplastic lesion of mammary PD and the underlying

    carcinoma is therefore presented. However, this concept is based on only a few cases. Further

    studies are necessary to arrive at a more definitive conclusion concerning collision lesions.

    Paget cells often express cell markers that mimic those of the underlying breast carcinoma,

    including glandular epithelial cell markers (eg, low-molecular-weight cytokeratins or cellularadhesion molecule [CAM] 5.2).

    They also express tumor markers, including carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA); Ca 15-3 (milk fat

    globule protein); oncogenes (TP53,c-erb B-2; about 85% of cases tested for c-erb B-2 are

     positive); and other cell markers, such as epithelial membrane antigen (EMA; all cases tested are

    EMA positive) and gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP-15) found in tumor cells of ductalcarcinoma of the breast.

    Paget cells also share similar immunohistochemical characteristics with eccrine and apocrine

    sweat gland epithelium. Paget cells are periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive and diastase resistant;

    and they are Alcian blue positive at pH 2.5 in 32% and 18%, respectively.

    Advances in immunohistochemistry further define the histogenesis of Paget cells. Cytokeratin 7

    (CK7) has been proposed as a specific and nearly 100% sensitive marker for mammary PD;whereas cytokeratin 20 (CK20) is negative in mammary Paget cells, about 33% of cases of

    extramammary PD express this marker.

    The mechanism by which large neoplastic cells of glandular origin (ie, the Paget cells) infiltrate

    and spread to the overlying epidermal layers of the nipple and adjacent areola is induced by a

    mobility factor (heregulin-alpha) that acts through the HER2/neu receptor.[8]

     Normal epidermal keratinocytes produce and release heregulin-alpha. This factor plays asignificant role in the pathogenesis of PD. Paget cells express heregulin receptors HER2/neu andcoreceptors HER3 and HER4. These receptor complexes on Paget cells bind heregulin-alpha, the

    mobility factor, resulting in the chemotaxis of breast ductal carcinoma cells. This process, in

    turn, causes migration and infiltration of Paget cells into the overlying epidermis of the nippleand the areolar skin.

    Molecular studies have shown that abnormal plakoglobin (one of the cell-to-cell adhesion proteins) may be involved in the formation of some cases of PD of the breast and the vulva; and

    reduced expression of E-cadherin (another cell-cell adhesion protein) may have a role in the

     pathogenesis of extramammary PD.[9]


    In the United States, about 1-4% of female breast carcinoma cases are associated with PD of the

    nipple, the areola, and the surrounding skin; nearly 100% of mammary PD cases are associated

    with an underlying carcinoma, either in situ (intraductal, 10%) or infiltrating cancer (90%).

    Occasional cases of PD have been reported in ectopic breast or supernumerary nipples.[10]

    Worldwide, t he exact frequency of mammary PD is unclear.


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    In female patients with mammary PD, ages range from 24 to 84 years, with a mean age at

    diagnosis of 55 years; the average age range is 53-59 years. The average patient age is 5-10 years

    older for patients with mammary PD than for individuals with breast carcinoma. The age of onsetin male patients is generally in the fifth and sixth decades, with a range of 48-80 years.

    Mammary PD occurs almost exclusively in females; PD of the male breast is extremely rare. Theestimated occurrence of male breast carcinoma is only 1% of the rate in females. A rare case of

    PD in the male breast was recorded after treatment of a prostate carcinoma with estrogen. No

    racial predisposition is reported for mammary PD.


    The prognosis for patients with mammary PD is related to disease stage and appears to be similar

    to that of women with other types of breast cancer.

    Survival is related to the presence or the absence of a palpable breast tumor. When present, the

     prognosis is the poorest.[11] In one study, 31 (62%) of 50 patients with mammary PD presentedwith a detectable breast mass.

    One half (50%) of patients with PD presenting with a palpable breast mass have associated

    axillary lymph node metastasis. Two thirds of patients with axillary node metastasis werereported to have a palpable breast mass, whereas one third of patients with axillary metastasis did

    not have a palpable mass.

    Even in patients with mammary PD and no underlying tumor, 30% may develop an invasive

    carcinoma at a later date, and 20% of patients already have an associated in situ carcinoma of the

     breast. However, other reports indicate that no axillary metastases were detected in patients

    without a palpable breast mass.

    Patients with an identifiable associated underlying breast tumor have a survival rate of 38-40% at

    5 years and a survival rate of 22-33% at 10 years. The death rate for metastatic breast carcinoma

    in patients with mammary PD and underlying cancer is 61.3%, with a 10-year cumulative

    survival rate of 33%.

    The reported survival rate of patients with PD without a palpable breast tumor (prior to surgery)ranges from 92% to 94% at 5 years and from 82% to 91% at 10 years.

    Mastectomy is the standard treatment of mammary Paget disease. Conservative treatment with

     preservation of the nipple-areola complex results in a higher rate of recurrence than treatment bymastectomy.

    A small number of patients with mammary PD who did not have a palpable breast mass and who

    had a negative mammogram underwent conservative excision of the involved nipple-areola with

    a wedge resection of the underlying breast tissue and remained disease free at 10-year follow-up.

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    Rare cases of recurrent mammary PD have been reported in patients who underwent partial

    nipple excision; however, no patient developed breast parenchymal recurrence at a mean follow-

    up of 36 months.

    In a study of patients with mammary PD (without clinical or mammographic evidence of breast

    tumor) who were treated with radiation therapy alone or excision plus radiation, 3 of 20 patientsdeveloped recurrent disease in the nipple-areola at a mean follow-up of 7.5 years. Those patients

    eventually underwent a mastectomy.

    According to Osteen,[12]

    9 (11.4%) of 79 patients treated by local excision (with or without

    radiation therapy) developed recurrences.

    Patient Education

    Patients should be informed that PD of the nipple-areola complex is a rare form of breast cancerthat is clinically characterized by eczematous changes in the nipple. Clinical symptoms include

    erythema, itching, a burning sensation, thickening of the skin, inversion of the nipple, andsometimes a bloody nipple discharge. Usually, symptoms are present for 6 months or more before the detection of an underlying breast cancer. A biopsy should promptly be performed on

    all suspicious lesions of the nipple area for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

    Failure to educate patients about the potential for invasive breast carcinoma associated with

    mammary PD is a pitfall; without this knowledge, patients may delay further diagnostic

    mammography examination and possibly delay detection of an underlying breast cancer.

    For patient education resources, see the Women’s Health Center  and the Cancer and Tumors

    Center , as well as Breast Lumps and Pain, Breast Self-Exam, Breast Cancer , and Mastectomy.


    Patients with mammary Paget disease (PD) present with a relatively long history of an

    eczematous skin lesion or persistent dermatitis in the nipple and adjacent areas.[13]


    skin lesions are associated with several symptoms, including the following:





    Burning sensation  Ulceration

      Oozing with serosanguineous discharge


      Some combination of the above symptoms

    Early symptoms and signs of mammary PD include the following:


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      Excoriation from itching

      Resolution and recurrence of small vesicles within the skin lesion

    Symptoms of pain, itching, and a burning sensation prompt patients to seek medical attention.

    Physical Examination

    Scaly, erythematous, crusty, and thickened plaques on the nipple, spreading to the surrounding

    areolar areas, are typical (see the images below). Axillary PD can arise from underlying axillaryaccessory breast tissue.


    Biopsy-proven Paget disease

    involving nipple of 56-year-old woman. Patient noted erythematous, swollen, enlarged nipple

    with focal ulceration and oozing; occasional serosanguineous discharge and bleeding were present. Patient was later found to have palpable breast mass and mammography results positive

    for subareolar microcalcification; no auxiliary lymphadenopathy was found. Patient was treated by simple mastectomy. At 5-year follow-up, she was alive, without recurrent or metastatic



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    Mammary Paget disease (PD)

    affecting 48-year-old woman. Patient had experienced prolonged history of chronic eczematousdermatitis of nipple and areolar area for several years. Lesion did not respond to topical

    treatment, and it progressively distorted nipple with expansion into surrounding skin. Note

    markedly scaly, crusted, and deformed nipple with thickened, irregularly outlined adjacent

    nipple-areola complex. Excisional biopsy confirmed diagnosis of mammary PD. Patientdeveloped infiltrating ductal carcinoma of underlying breast tissue with axillary lymph

    metastasis. She was treated by mastectomy and radiation. No metastatic tumor was noted in

    axillary lymph node. Patient was alive and well 3 years after treatment.

    An erythematous patch in mammary PD is usually sharply demarcated and infiltrated (unlikeeczematous dermatitis). Retraction of the nipple or the presence of palpable nodules indicates anunderlying breast cancer. Serosanguineous discharge from the nipple may be present. Lesion size

    ranges from 3 mm to 15 cm in diameter; the mean size is 2.8 cm in diameter. Nipple invagination

    is sometimes seen (see the image below).


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     Nipple invagination, deformednipple-areola complex, marked erythema, and alternating hyperpigmentation and

    hypopigmentation noted in adjacent skin of breast in 65-year-old woman with biopsy-proven

    Paget disease. Note focal scaling of previous biopsy site. Nipple changes were associated withintraductal carcinoma of breast. Patient was treated by conservative excision of lesion and

    lumpectomy for in situ carcinoma. No recurrence or metastatic disease was noted at 6-year


     Nipple changes are associated with an underlying carcinoma of the breast (ie, in situ, infiltrating

    ductal carcinoma) in more than 98% of patients; as many as two thirds of patients have a palpable breast tumor.

    Unilateral involvement is the rule; however, bilateral mammary PD has occasionally beenreported.

    [15]Rare cases of female patients with PD of supernumerary nipples have been


    Pigmented mammary PD and pigmented extramammary PD are rare clinical entities in both

    males and females. These diseases may mimic malignant melanoma both clinically and

    histopathologically. They may also mimic melanoma on dermatoscopic examination.[17]

    In pigmented lesions of PD, increased numbers of benign melanocytes are present, which may

    interfere with the correct diagnosis of PD, resulting in misinterpretation of this condition as

    malignant melanoma.[18]

    Diagnostic Considerations

    Proper recognition of mammary Paget disease (PD) is required to initiate an appropriate workup(eg, skin biopsy) for differentiating it from other benign inflammatory dermatoses and for

    detecting an underlying breast carcinoma. Early dermatologic consultation and a tissue biopsy of

    the lesion on the nipple and/or the areolar area are necessary for accurate diagnosis of mammaryPD. Regular mammographic examinations aid in early detection of in situ and invasive breast

    cancer. A new development in the diagnosis of mammry Paget disease is the use of reflectance

    confocal mircroscopy, which Guitera et al concluded is likely to facilitate earlier diagnosis of


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    Paget's disease and the instigation of appropriate management with concomitant improvement in

    clinical outcomes.[19]

    Other problems to be considered include the following:


     Nipple duct adenoma  Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple (a benign neoplasm of the major nipple ducts)

      Benign Toker cell (clear cell of the nipple epidermis) hyperplasia

      Malignant melanoma in situ

    Differential Diagnoses

      Bowen Disease 

      Cutaneous Melanoma 

      Drug Eruptions 

      Irritant Contact Dermatitis 


     Nodular Localized Cutaneous Amyloidosis 


    Radiographic changes seen in mammary Paget disease (PD) include the following:

      Subareolar microcalcifications (helpful in evaluating and locating clinically occult, nonpalpable

    underlying breast carcinoma)

      Architectural distortion

      Thickening of the nipple and the areola (reflecting edema)

      Nipple changes (in a minority of patients)

    About 50-70% of patients with biopsy-proven mammary PD show positive findings onmammography; image-guided biopsy is assisted by positive results on mammography.

     Ninety-four percent of patients with biopsy-proven PD as the only physical finding had anunderlying carcinoma, and nearly 60% had unifocal disease. However, negative preoperative

    mammography findings did not reliably exclude an underlying carcinoma. Statistical evidence

    suggests that in the setting of negative mammography findings, magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of the involved breast can detect otherwise occult PD and thus facilitate treatment

     planning for patients with PD.[20]

    Tissue Analysis

    Scrape cytology

    Scrape cytology has been suggested as a noninvasive and reliable, rapid diagnostic screeningmethod for mammary PD. Scrape the affected area of the nipple with a glass slide or a woodenspatula and stain the smears with Papanicolaou or Giemsa stain. The presence of large cells with


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    a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, occasional acinar formation, and intracytoplasmic vacuoles

    is diagnostic for malignant Paget cells.

    Using histochemical staining methods for the presence of e pithelial mucin and

    immunoperoxidase stains (eg, anti-carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA]) enhances cytologic results

    and confirms the diagnosis of mammary PD. Drying artifact on the microscopic slides may produce both false-positive and false-negative results.


    Punch, wedge, or excisional biopsy of the lesional skin of the nipple-areola complex to includethe dermal and subcutaneous tissue for detailed microscopic examination provides an adequate

    sample for the accurate diagnosis of mammary PD.

    Histologic Findings

    Common histologic features of Paget disease

    Several variants of PD of the breast show identical histopathologic features. The epidermis

    exhibits hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and acanthosis. Infiltration occurs by variable numbers oflarge, rounded or ovoid, signet-ring forms and sometimes mucin-positive, malignant-appearing

    tumor cells that are present in all layers of the epidermis. The tumor cells contain abundant pale-

    staining or sometimes eosinophilic cytoplasm and large vesicular-to-hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli (see the images below).

    Photomicrograph of mammary Paget

    disease lesion. Note nests of malignant Paget cells predominantly involving lower layers of epidermis.

    Cytoplasm of tumor cells contains abundant pale-staining, granular, mucinous material. Occasional small

    glandular structures can be seen within malignant cell nests (hematoxylin-eosin, ×100).


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    Composite photomicrograph of

    mammary Paget disease depicting nests, islands, and individual tumor cells in epidermis (left;

    hematoxylin-eosin, ×250), along with tumor cells stained positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

    (right; immunostain with anti-CEA, ×250).

    The malignant cells infiltrating the epidermis of the nipple are CK7 positive, exhibiting a typicalinvasive “shotgun” pattern. Epidermal keratinocytes are negative for CK7.

    Mitotic figures are occasionally identified. The cytoplasm may contain periodic acid-Schiff(PAS)–positive, diastase-resistant granules, indicating the presence of neutral

    mucopolysaccharides. Less often, acid mucopolysaccharides (sialomucin) may be identified by

    Alcian blue reaction at pH 2.5, but not at lower pH (0.4) or by aldehyde Fuchsin.

    Melaninlike pigment that is dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)-negative is occasionally noted.

    Paget cells are devoid of intercellular bridges on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained sections.They often compress the basal keratinocytes that lie between the Paget cells and the papillary

    dermis. Paget cells are arranged singly or in a nested pattern, with occasional ductal formations.

    Masses of large cells with numerous mitoses are observed in the advancing border of mammary

    PD. In the ulcerated lesions of mammary PD, the epidermis is totally replaced by Paget cells.

    Paget cells do not invade the dermis directly; however, they frequently extend along thefollicular and sweat gland epithelia.

    A large biopsy or excision may demonstrate the presence of epidermal Paget cells and an

    underlying infiltrating or intraductal carcinoma of the breast. The epidermal involvement by

    Paget cells is not always immediately adjacent to an underlying breast carcinoma.

    Types and characteristics of Paget cells

    The several histologic variants of PD are as follows:

      Adenocarcinomalike cell type - Cells are columnar similar to an adenocarcinoma metastasizing

    to the skin.


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      Spindle cell type - Tumor cells are angular, elongated, arranged in a nested pattern, and grow in

    compact masses.

      Anaplastic cell type - Cells resemble those seen in Bowen disease. Pleomorphic tumor cells may

    be present in a full-thickness, distorted epidermis; a nested pattern is usually not present.

    Apoptotic (necrotic) tumor cells, mitotic figures, and multinucleated tumor cells are common.

    Acantholysis with cleft formation are helpful features. Positive immunoperoxidase staining for

    the presence of markers, such as CEA, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and c-erb B-2, favors

    a diagnosis of mammary PD and militates against a diagnosis of Bowen disease.

      Acantholytic cell type - This subtype may overlap with the anaplastic variant. Prominent

    acantholysis may lead to the misinterpretation of mammary PD as an acantholytic disorder

    involving the skin of the nipple and the areola.

      Pigmented cell type - Rare cases of pigmented mammary PD have been reported.[21]


    pigmented Paget cells are DOPA negative. The melanin pigment is transferred from the

    melanocytes into the malignant Paget cells. The number of melanocytes is not increased in

    these lesions. A reticulated variant of pigmented PD has recently been described.[22]

    Tumorous Paget cells are negative for estrogen and progesterone receptor sites, though one half

    of breast carcinomas are positive for these hormone receptors. In cases of positive estrogen and progesterone receptors in an underlying breast carcinoma, the overlying Paget disease is negative

    for these receptors. Paget cells are negative for mammary gland markers, such as lysozyme, k-casein, and alpha-lactalbumin.

    The dermis contains a dense infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells, and occasionallyeosinophils.

    The ultrastructural features of Paget cells are those of glandular epithelial cells. The pale

    cytoplasm of Paget cells lacks the dense CK filaments and keratohyalin granules of

    keratinocytes. Numerous free ribosomes, lysosomes, enlarged mitochondria, prominent smooth

    and rough endoplasmic reticulum, tonofilaments, Golgi membranes, and microvilli are presenton the cell membrane (see the image below).

    Low-power view of transmission

    electron micrograph displaying malignant Paget cells in lower layer of epidermis. Note large Paget cell

    containing ovoid nucleus (N), scanty nuclear chromatin, large nucleolus, and abundant pale-staining


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    cytoplasm with smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum (arrow), scattered enlarged mitochondria,

    free ribosomes, and lysosomes. No desmosomal attachments are seen between Paget cells and adjacent

    keratinocytes. Tonofilaments are seen in keratinocytes (uranyl acetate and lead citrate, ×5,500).

    Desmosomal attachments between Paget cells and adjacent keratinocytes are fewer and smaller

    than those between keratinocytes. Paget cells do not directly contact the basal lamina, and no gap junctions or tight junctions are present.

    The cytoplasm of Paget cells contains numerous rounded, membrane-bound mucin granules ofvarying electron density (see the image below).

    Cytoplasm of malignant Paget cell is

    packed with numerous rounded, membrane-bound mucin granules with various electron densities

    (uranyl acetate and lead citrate, ×12,000.)

    Histologic features distinguishing Paget disease

    The intraductal carcinoma underlying mammary PD typically shows distended lactiferous ductal

    lumen by pleomorphic tumor cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic

    ratio, and a frequent gland-in-gland (cribriform) pattern (see the image below).


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    Photomicrograph of intraductal carcinoma of breast

    underneath Paget disease of nipple in 56-year-old woman. Note expansion of ductal lumen, which is

    filled with irregularly sized tumor cells of ductal epithelial origin. Nuclear hyperchromatism and gland-in-

    gland (cribriform) pattern are evident. Tumor was detected by positive mammogram result depicting

    focus of microcalcification beneath nipple.

    Both allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis and fixed drug eruption of the

    nipple-areola complex show histologic features of an inflammatory dermatosis. No Paget cellsare seen in these conditions.

     Nipple duct adenoma or erosive adenomatosis of the nipple may mimic mammary PD clinically;however, the histologic features of the former are those of a benign neoplasm of the major nippleducts. The adenoma cells are negative for c-erb B-2, which is positive in 85% of cases of PD


    The following 2 histologic features differentiate Paget cells from melanoma cells:

      Paget cells are situated suprabasally above flattened basal keratinocytes with occasional ductal

    formation, whereas melanoma cells are located in the basal epidermis and all layers of theepidermis, the so-called intraepidermal pagetoid spread (see the image below)

      Paget cells are not present freely in the dermis, whereas melanoma cells are capable of invasion

    into the dermis. An intraductal or infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast can be seen in

    association with mammary Paget disease.


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    Photomicrograph of malignant

    melanoma in situ of skin displays prominent intraepidermal pagetoid spread. Note that

    melanoma cells are present in all layers of epidermis, mostly in single units. Cytoplasm of

    melanoma cells is vacuolated. Moderate upper dermal chronic inflammatory infiltrate is present

    (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×250). S-100 protein and homatropine

    methylbromide immunostains are positive in melanoma cells, whereas carcinoembryonic

    antigen is negative. No epithelial mucin is seen in these tumor cells.


    Immunohistochemistry allows definitive diagnosis of mammary PD. Paget cells can be

    demonstrated by immunohistochemical methods using several antibodies to cell surface and

    cytoplasmic markers (eg, low-molecular-weight keratins found in simple epithelia, EMA, c-erb 

    B-2, polyclonal pCEA+).[23]

    Paget cells differ from melanoma cells by negative cytoplasmic epithelial phenotype markers(including pancytokeratin), positive homatropine methylbromide (HMB-45), and positive Melan-

    A (Mart-1) activity in the melanoma cells.[9]

    Paget cells show negative staining by anti-S-100

     protein, which serves as a differentiating feature from malignant melanoma in situ. Most Paget

    cases are positive for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP-15).

    Toker (clear) cell hyperplasia of the nipple and the areola is a benign condition without well-defined clinical manifestations. Unlike the Paget cells, the large clear cells do not contain

    epithelial mucin, and no association with an underlying breast carcinoma exists. Benign Toker

    cells are positive for CK7[24]

     but negative for CEA and S-100 protein.

    The similarity of the immunophenotypes suggests that Toker cells may be the origin of

    intraepithelial Paget cells.[5]

    In cases of florid papillomatosis of the nipple, some CK7-positivecells may be found in the epidermis, a pitfall to be aware of when diagnosing PD of the nipple.

    Furthermore, the intraepidermal portion of the nipple ducts can be a pitfall for intraepidermal

    CK7-positive cells.


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    Pagetoid squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen disease) of the breast is rare, and it can be

    distinguished from Paget disease by negative CK7, positive K903, and positive p16 activity in

    the former and the reverse result for these antibodies in the latter. CEA is positive in Paget cellsand negative in keratinocytes, thus differentiating Paget disease from Bowen disease.

    Pseudo-Paget disease may, on occasion, be seen in the major nipple ducts. Large histiocytesinfiltrate the epithelium and impart a histologic pattern mimicking Paget disease. The large cells

    are CK7 negative and strongly positive for CD68.


    Mammary Paget disease has been classified into 4 clinical stages.

      Stage 0 - Lesion confined to the epidermis, without underlying in situ ductal carcinoma of the


      Stage 1 - Associated with in situ ductal carcinoma just beneath the nipple


    Stage 2 - Associated with extensive in situ ductal carcinoma  Stage 3 - Associated with invasive ductal carcinoma

    Of all patients with mammary PD, 40-50% have either stage 1 disease or stage 2 disease. These patients have no palpable breast tumor. A palpable breast tumor is a rule in stage 3; more than

    half of patients have coexisting axillary lymph node involvement. Patients with breast carcinoma

     previously treated by local excision and radiation therapy may present with PD of the nipple.

    Surgical Management

    Mastectomy (radical or modified) and lymph node clearance are appropriate therapies for

     patients with mammary Paget disease (PD) with a palpable mass and underlying invasive breast


    As many as two thirds of patients are reported to have axillary lymph nodes

     positive for metastasis. Noninvasive breast carcinoma (in situ carcinoma) is found in about 65%of patients with mammary PD without a palpable mass.

    Conservative management includes a combination of local excision of the nipple, wedge

    resection of the underlying breast, and radiation therapy. The number of patients treated by 1 or

    more conservative measures (eg, nipple excision and wedge excision of the underlying breast,

    cone excision, radiation therapy) is small.

    Patients who underwent cone excision and elective tamoxifen therapy had recurrences after anaverage follow-up of 4.6 years; some developed metastases. Therefore, cone excision is not

    sufficient therapy for patients with disease limited to the nipple.

    Wide local excision with axillary node sampling is recommended for patients with or without a

    clinical mass.


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    Radiation therapy alone does not always control occult breast cancer; however, it may be used

    for patients who refuse mastectomy or those who are medically unfit for surgery.

    Medication Summary

    The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and prevent complications.

    Topical Skin Products

    Class Summary

    These agents provide a photodynamic treatment for low-risk malignant cells and may improvemorbidity.

    View full drug information 

     Aminolevulinic acid (Levulan Kerastick) 

    A recent Cochrane review of aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for mammary and

    extramammary Paget disease identified 21 retrospective and 2 prospective noncomparative

    studies with a total of 99 patients. The results suggest that this modality might be considered asadjunctive therapy for selected patients.


    Aminolevulinic acid is a metabolic precursor of the photosensitizer protoporphyrin lX. Whenexposed to light of appropriate wavelength and energy, it induces local cytotoxicity through a

     photodynamic reaction.
