Elie Wiesel’s Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize

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  • 8/9/2019 Elie Wiesel’s Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize


    Elie Wiesel’s Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize The following are excerpts from the prepared text of the acceptancespeech by Elie Wiesel,the winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prie, at a ceremony in !slo"#

    $t is with a profo%nd sense of h%mility that $accept the honor yo% ha&e chosen to bestow%pon me" $ 'now( yo%r choice transcends me" This both frightens and pleases me"$t frightens me beca%se $ wonder( do $ ha&ethe right to represent the m%ltit%des who ha&eperished) *o $ ha&e the right to accept this greathonor on their behalf) $ do not" That wo%ld bepres%mpt%o%s" No one may spea' for the dead,no one may interpret their m%tilated dreamsand &isions"

    $t pleases me beca%se $ may say that thishonor belongs to all the s%r&i&ors and their children,and thro%gh %s, to the +ewish people withwhose destiny $ ha&e always identied"$ remember( it happened yesterday or eternitiesago" - yo%ng +ewish boy disco&ered the'ingdom of night" $ remember his bewilderment"$ remember his ang%ish" $t all happenedso fast" The ghetto" The deportation" The sealedcattle car" The ery altar %pon which the historyof o%r people and the f%t%re of man'ind were

    meant to be sacriced"$ remember( he as'ed his father( ./an thisbe tr%e) This is the 0th cent%ry, not the 2iddle-ges" Who wo%ld allow s%ch crimes to be committed)3ow co%ld the world remain silent)4-nd now the boy is t%rning to me( .Tellme,4 he as's" .What ha&e yo% done with myf%t%re) What ha&e yo% done with yo%r life)4-nd $ tell him that $ ha&e tried" That $ ha&etried to 'eep memory ali&e, that $ ha&e tried toght those who wo%ld forget" 5eca%se if we forget

    who the g%ilty are, we are accomplices"-nd then $ explain to him how nai&e wewere, that the world did 'now and remainedsilent" -nd that is why $ swore ne&er to be silentwhen and where&er h%man beings end%re s%eringand h%miliation" We m%st always ta'esides" Ne%trality helps the oppressor, ne&er the&ictim" 7ilence enco%rages the tormentor, ne&er

  • 8/9/2019 Elie Wiesel’s Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize


    the tormented"7ometimes we m%st interfere" When h%manli&es are endangered, when h%man dignity is in eopardy, national borders and sensiti&itiesbecome irrele&ant" Whene&er men or women are

    persec%ted beca%se of their race, religion orpolitical &iews, that m%stat that momentbecome the center of the %ni&erse": ;es, $ ha&e faith"