EFL / ESL - Climate Change Lesson Plan

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  • 8/9/2019 EFL / ESL - Climate Change Lesson Plan



     A. Students and Setting:

     Age: 18-25

    Grade level: first-entry environmental engineering students.

    English level: Students have received twelve years of instruction in Eng. at school focusing mainly ongrammar and voca!ulary. As a result their reading and writing s"ills show a much higher develo#ment$high !eginners% than their listening and s#ea"ing s"ills $fa"e !eginners%.


    • &y#e of institution: #u!lic university

    • Students #er class: 15-2'

    • Sessions #er wee": 2 (uration: )' mins. ea. *lassrooms are #rovided with a multimedia #ro+ector 

    and ,ii nternet access. /any students own a la#to#. &he instructor #ossesses his own la#to# and


    B. Lesson Background:

    &he to#ic *limate *hange is !eing introduced to the students !ut they are fairly familiar with it. *limate

    change is a common concern among #eo#le today given the re#ercussions it is having and will have over 

    the world. &he students will deal with this to#ic along their studies and careers. or this #articular class

    session students will form grou#s $2-0 #artici#ants ea.% to come u# with eam#les of those sim#le things

    $es#ecially recycling% common #eo#le can do to hel# reduce climate change. n the net class sessions

    students will !ring environmentally friendly inventions $realia% to the classroom and e#lain their use and

    manufacturing. Seuence e#ressions seen in the #revious class session will !e used for the


    C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:Students will:

    • &eam u# to wor" for a common cause.

    • 3ecome aware of the im#ortance of climate change in the world and as a result in #eo#le4s lives.

    • Share and discuss im#ortant #oints a!out this current issue.

    • (evelo# their negotiation and colla!orative s"ills to come to a consensus and #roduce a wor" in


    • ractice their English writing #ronunciation listening and s#ea"ing.

    • 6se their s#irit of research and creativity to find ways to mitigate climate change.

    • 6se English seuence e#ressions to show how to create and use environmentally-friendly devices.

    • Echange ideas a!out why to use those devices and how to im#rove them in needed.

    . !aterials and Sources:


    &his is a #rogram of the 6.S. (e#artment of State administered !y the 6niversity of 7regon. /77* Sha#ing the ,ay ,e &each English. *o#yright 2'15 6niversity of 7regon. All rights reserved.hase 1 esson lan &em#late age 1


  • 8/9/2019 EFL / ESL - Climate Change Lesson Plan



    • *limate *hange Survey etracted from Survey /on"ey !y the teacher. &he teacher will monitor the

    students4 filling out the survey.

    •  Articles Climate Change in Depth from 33* 9ews and Climate Change from riends of the Earth.

    &he materials to !e used !y the students for their #ro+ects are not listed. Given the fact that students4

    creativity is one of the main goals of this lesson students are free to use any materials they find useful.


    • Survey on Glo!al Environmental ssues. $n.d.%. n Survey Monkey. etrieved from:



    • *limate *hange in (e#th. $2''8%. n BBC News. etrieved from: 


    • *limate *hange $n.d.%. n Friends of the Earth. etrieved from:


    E. "rocedures / #i$ing:

    Teacher does/says . . . Stde!ts do/say . . .A""ro#$%atet$%e !eeded

    Gives students a survey on

    Glo!al Environmental ssues

    and as"s them to fill it out


    ill out the survey. 5 mins.

    Go over the answers and hold a discussion on the survey items. Students are

    encouraged to e#ress their view#oints freely. &he teacher encourages them

    to #artici#ate and serves as a mediator to lead the discussion in andorganiDed and tolerant way.

    1' mins.

    6sing the multimedia

    #ro+ector the teacher shows

    students some animated

    diagrams and infogra#hics

    a!out climate change from

    the article *limate *hange in

    (e#th 33* 9ews.

    1' mins.

    orms grou#s of 2-0

    students of varying Eng.

    levels and as"s them to

    discuss and re#ort on what

    they have +ust seen focusing

    on the im#lications of climate

    change for the world and as

    (iscuss the to#ic !ased on the #rovided info.

    and any other source they have !een

    e#osed to. *ome to a consensus on the

    most critical #oints res#ecting climate

    change. eed!ac" each other a!out content

    and language when necessary. A##oint a

    s#ea"er #er each grou# to share their ideas

    2' mins.


    &his is a #rogram of the 6.S. (e#artment of State administered !y the 6niversity of 7regon. /77* Sha#ing the ,ay ,e &each English. *o#yright 2'15 6niversity of 7regon. All rights reserved.hase 1 esson lan &em#late age 2


  • 8/9/2019 EFL / ESL - Climate Change Lesson Plan


    a result for humanity.

    /onitors the grou#s and

    #rovides feed!ac" if  


    with the whole class.

    Given the students4 !eginning level they are

    allowed to use some 1 during the grou#


    Students are encouraged write the re#orts in

    order to avoid missing im#ortant #oints and

    reduce stress while #resenting. &his also

    a##lies to the oral #resentations.

     As"s uestions to the

    s#ea"ers in order to guide

    the class activity if any

    misdirection arises and to

    #rovide indirect corrective

    feed!ac" $*% in the form of 

    clarifications. 7ther forms of 

    * #rovided !y the teacher 

    include elicitation and

    metalinguistic feed!ac".

    S#ea"ers give their re#orts.

    &he other grou# mem!ers are allowed to

    ma"e uestions.

    @uestions can !e answered !y the s#ea"ers

    or !y any mem!er of their grou#s. anguage-

    related uestions can also !e answered !y

    any class mem!er if reuired.

    25 mins.

     Assigns students a #ro+ect

    on the ste#s #eo#le can ta"e

    to mitigate climate change.

    *larify any dou!ts res#ecting

    the #ro+ect.

    eviews seuencee#ressions from the

    #revious class if needed.

    Students as" uestions they may have a!out the

    #ro+ect the sources of research and the

    voca!ulary needed to accom#lish it.

    5-1' mins.

    7utside of the classroom students review the

    article Climate Change from riends of the Earth

    in order to get some ideas for their #ro+ect.

    Fowever they are allowed to do some

    inde#endent research too.


    Note& n the net class session students will #resent their #ro+ect !y e#laining how to ma"e and use

    the a!ove-mentioned devices and how they hel# save the environment. After each #resentation the

    rest of the class is allowed to ma"e comments aiming at im#roving their classmates4 #ro+ects in terms of their #ractically and the !enefits they !ring a!out to the environment.

    %. Learner %eedback/%or$ative Assess$ent:&he feed!ac" #rovided to the learners will come not only from the teacher !ut also from their 


    &his is a #rogram of the 6.S. (e#artment of State administered !y the 6niversity of 7regon. /77* Sha#ing the ,ay ,e &each English. *o#yright 2'15 6niversity of 7regon. All rights reserved.hase 1 esson lan &em#late age 0


  • 8/9/2019 EFL / ESL - Climate Change Lesson Plan


    own classmates. (uring the grou#-discussion and #resentation #eriods students can feed!ac"each other on language- and content-related to#ics. &he idea is to #romote colla!orativelearning. &he teacher on the other hand will #rovide the same ty#e of feed!ac" only if a!solutely reuired giving students as many o##ortunities to actively #artici#ate in the class as#ossi!le. n the case of language-related feed!ac" the teacher will use of #rom#ts $clarificationelicitation metalinguistic feed!ac"% !ecause this method is much more authentic and efficient

    than traditional forms of feed!ac" such as e#licit correction and re#etition. &he teacher will also#rovide feed!ac" in the form of uestions and comments during the grou#-discussion and the#resentation #eriods mainly to ma"e sure the activities follow a #roductive order and as ameans to assess the students4 #rogress.

    &his ty#e of assessment gives the teacher an o##ortunity to !etter evaluate the students4learning !y gaining insight into the use of their actual language resources. ather than focusingon artificial activities su##lied !y language-learning tet!oo"s students wor" on a relevant andstimulating to#ic thus ma"ing connections with the real world as well. anguage is learned as a!y-#roduct of interaction that is the way it is su##osed to !e and not all the way around. &histy#e of learning has #roven more authentic and long lasting as com#ared to the traditionalassessment activities focusing merely on measuring the students4 short-term memory at ta"ing

    tests com#letely unrelated to real life. After all what do we use language for< s it a!out ta"ingtests or communicating among ourselves<

    &. Extended Re'lection:&his lesson #lan is an u#graded version of the #revious one.  Authentic materials $nternet

    resources% realia $#ro+ects% and colla!orative learning are #resent. Fowever more involvement

    on the #art of the students has !een added. &his involvement is reflected in the o!+ectives and

    in the #rocedures. Students are encouraged to #lay a much more active role with res#ect to

    a##roaching the to#ic and using the language in an authentic way not only while wor"ing in

    grou#s and #resenting !ut also while as"ing uestions to the #resenters and answering others

    when necessary. &iming as a result was etended to serve )'-minute class sessions. 1'minutes are devoted to interims among activities then even though the class session lasts )'

    mins the activities are intended for 8' mins. only.

    &heir critical thin"ing is fostered !y selecting a current relevant and controversial to#ic: climate

    change. Students are reuired to reflect on and discuss what they already "now and what they

    are e#osed to in class a!out this to#ic. *reativity and research are also #romoted !y means of 

    a #ro+ect to !e #resented in the net class session which reuire them to investigate using

    resources #rovided !y the teacher and of their own if desired.

     As #reviously stated feed!ac" will !e #rovided !y the teacher and the students through

    uestions corrections and contri!utions. Fowever this feed!ac" will also serve the #ur#ose of 

    guiding the students4 learning as a means of formative assessment. 3y ma"ing students aware

    of their language errors and of im#ortant to#ics li"e climate change feed!ac" hel#s students

    not only im#rove their communicative s"ills !ut also increase understanding of and res#onsi!ility

    for the world.


    &his is a #rogram of the 6.S. (e#artment of State administered !y the 6niversity of 7regon. /77* Sha#ing the ,ay ,e &each English. *o#yright 2'15 6niversity of 7regon. All rights reserved.hase 1 esson lan &em#late age ?
