Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of Chaoborus Author(s): Sara F. Tjossem Source: Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 35, No. 7 (Nov., 1990), pp. 1456-1468 Published by: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2837733 . Accessed: 14/06/2014 08:02 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . American Society of Limnology and Oceanography is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Limnology and Oceanography. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 08:02:58 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of Chaoborus

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Page 1: Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of Chaoborus

Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of ChaoborusAuthor(s): Sara F. TjossemSource: Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 35, No. 7 (Nov., 1990), pp. 1456-1468Published by: American Society of Limnology and OceanographyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2837733 .

Accessed: 14/06/2014 08:02

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Page 2: Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of Chaoborus

Limnol. Oceanogr., 35(7), 1990, 1456-1468 ? 1990, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.

Effects of fish chemical cues on vertical migration behavior of Chaoborus

Sara F. Tjossem Ecology and Systematics, Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-2701

Abstract I quantified the diel vertical distributions of Chaoborus (phantom midge) larvae in water that

had been conditioned by fish or not exposed to fish, using flow-through laboratory columns and reciprocal transfers of larvae between a pond with fish and another without fish. The larvae that received fish-conditioned water underwent a significantly greater intensity of migration than did those that received fish-free water. Results support the hypothesis that Chaoborus larvae alter their vertical migration behavior in response to the presence of planktivorous fish, in particular, to associated chemical cues. Their behavioral flexibility in migrating permits response to a patchy environment that is variable both seasonally and between habitats.

Among the many hypotheses for the adaptive significance of vertical migration (see Kerfoot 1985; Bayly 1986), recent the- oretical (Gabriel and Thomas 1988) and field studies (e.g. Stich and Lampert 1981; Gli- wicz 1986) favor predator evasion to ex- plain why zooplankton avoid surface water during the day. Predatory invertebrates are likely to respond to the migration of their zooplankton resources and to the risk en- countered from their own predators (Ger- ritsen 1980). Populations of phantom midge larvae show great variation in migratory be- havior (Luecke 1986). Field observations show that only migratory larvae coexist with fish, and within migrating populations in- dividual larvae in the benthos may not take part in a daily pattern (LaRow 1976). High- ly visible species either are eliminated from lakes by fish predation or they do not occur when fish are present (Stenson 1978; von Ende 1979). In lakes without fish, Chaobor- us larvae tend to be larger species that un- dergo little or no migration, such as Cha- oborus americanus (Fedorenko and Swift 1972), although Swift (1976) found a mi- grating population in the absence of fish.

Acknowledgments Work was partially supported by the American Mu-

seum of Natural History Roosevelt Fund, USDA Hatch Project NY (C)-1 83424 to N. Hairston, the Society of Sigma Xi, and a Mellon grant-in-aid ofresearch. Access to the Amot Pond courtesy of the Amot Teaching and Research Forest.

N. G. Hairston, Jr., C. D. Harvell, B. Peckarsky, G. T. Epp, K. D. Hambright, P. Dawidowicz, and M. L. Dini helped to revise this manuscript.

The underlying mechanisms for this vari- ability are just beginning to be understood.

Luecke (1986) studied the migration of Chaoborusflavicans in Lake Lenore, Wash- ington-a lake known to have been fishless until 1979 when cutthroat trout were intro- duced. In 1976 the larvae were nonmigra- tory, but by 1982 the population had begun migration. He suggested two possible mech- anisms underlying this change: natural se- lection and behavioral changes. He noted that a subpopulation isolated from fish in a nearby pool continued to migrate and con- cluded that selective predation by trout on nonmigrating individuals was responsible for the change in larval migration pattern. It is likely that fish can exclude populations that are unable to migrate (von Ende 1979), but another possibility is that chaoborids possess phenotypic plasticity by which they can adjust migration behavior in response to the presence or absence of predatory fish. I have addressed this question of induced behavioral response in both field and lab- oratory experiments with C. flavicans and Chaoborus albatus. If migration behavior can be altered, the larvae must be able to detect the presence of fish. My experiments indicate that Chaoborus can detect the pres- ence of fish by some waterborne cue, re- sulting in migrating populations of chaobor- ids increasing their intensity of migration when exposed to water conditioned by fish.

Aquatic invertebrates have been shown to respond to chemicals exuded by their predators (Havel 1986; Harvell 1990). Al-


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though much of the work has been on the induction of morphological defenses, be- havioral flexibility is also found in aquatic organisms (Peckarsky 1980; Sih 1986; Dod- son 1988). Many of these results are, how- ever, responses to the proximity of preda- tors, whereas the migration response of Chaoborus seems to be qualitatively differ- ent because the larval behavior changes without the direct presence of predatory fish.

Methods Chaoborus adults live < 6 d, with females

laying up to 500 eggs in rafts on the water; most eggs hatch in 2-4 d. They pass quickly through the first two instars and can develop to the 4th instar in 6-8 weeks. The fraction of a population that migrates may depend on the depth of the water column, the sea- son, and the instar (Parma 1971). Juday (1921) estimated that an average of 33% of the benthic larvae became planktonic each night, but this average does not indicate an individual's activity pattern. LaRow (1976) noted that, at least under laboratory con- ditions, some individuals may undergo fre- quent emergence and re-entry to the sedi- ments at night. Temperate species of phantom midges generally have one gen- eration per year, and the larvae can over- winter as 3rd or 4th instars (Borkent 1981). Pupation occurs the following spring and takes from 1 d to 2 weeks. Migration ap- pears to be of highest intensity in the 3rd and 4th instars and pupae (Parma 1971).

Two chaoborids, C. flavicans and C. al- batus, were used in experiments to compare the vertical distribution of larvae exposed to treatments of water from ponds that had fish or were fish-free. Each species was cen- sused in the field with a 32-liter Schindler- Patalas trap to quantify both density and extent of migration. For all censuses and experiments the intensity of migration was measured by the difference between mid- night and noon values of the number of larvae per liter. Because C. flavicans oc- curred both in a pond with fish and in a fish- free pond, it could be used in both labora- tory and reciprocal transfer experiments. The larvae were collected from the Cornell University Experimental Pond Facility, a group of 0.1 -ha ponds near Ithaca. The two

ponds were virtually identical in morphom- etry (0.1 ha, 2.3 m deep), stratification (1.5 m), and oxygen (range over depth, 11.0-0.5 mg liter-1); both had an anoxic hypolimnion and both were classified as eutrophic (Wet- zel 1983).

In early June both ponds had similar numbers of zooplankton (+ fish pond = 291 liter-1, -fish pond = 273 liter-'), while in early August the pond with fish had more (+fish = 1,068 liter-1, -fish = 380 liter-1) (K. D. Hambright pers. comm.). Zooplank- ton were collected by vertical tows of a 64- jum mesh net. The pond with fish contained a mixed assemblage of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Both fish spe- cies readily ate Chaoborus larvae (pairs of fathead minnows each ate an average of 7.8 larvae in 5 min, SD = 4.4, n = 6). In June 1989 field trials, each pond held an essen- tially pure population of C. flavicans, al- though some C. americanus were found in the fish-free pond. I attempted to exclude these large C. americanus from all experi- mental populations. During the August 1989 trials, the pond with fish held 77% C. fla- vicans and the fish-free pond held 94% C. flavicans; the balance of larvae was Cha- oborus punctipennis.

Chaoborus albatus was found only in a pond with fish and so it could be used only for laboratory experiments, not for a recip- rocal transfer experiment in the field. The pond with fish (-0.3 ha, 2.5 m deep) was in Arnot Forest, a Cornell Research forest near Newfield, New York, and the larvae were collected with a 300-,um plankton net. Abundances of the larvae were documented at three depths (0.5, 1.25, and 2.5 m) in the water column at 1800 (before dusk), 2400, and 0600 hours (after dawn) on four dates in summer 1988 with a 32-liter Schindler- Patalas trap. The daytime census samples from Amot Forest were taken at 0600 hours, and the Cornell Experimental Ponds were sampled at noon.

Field experiments-Reciprocal transfer experiments with C. flavicans from the two Cornell ponds were carried out once in early summer (15-17 June 1989) and again in late summer (7-9 August 1989). Six wooden- framed enclosures (2.5 x 0.75 x 0.75 m),

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each with its bottom and two sides covered with seamless, 6-mil, clear plastic sheeting and the remaining two sides covered with 750-,um nylon mesh, were anchored in the center of each pond. As the enclosures sank, they slowly filled with pond water and small zooplankton that passed through the mesh sides. A preliminary trial had shown that this mesh size allowed access to some small plankton but prevented the escape of Cha- oborus larvae. Thus the larvae put into the +fish pond enclosures were exposed to the chemical presence of fish without being fed upon by the fish. The tops of all enclosures were covered with 0.5-cm mesh to prevent fish from jumping into them. The enclo- sures protruded from the water -0.3 m, giving a volume of 1,210 liters per enclosure in the -fish pond and 1,320 liters per en- closure in the +fish pond. Because the en- closures were left in the ponds between tri- als, I brushed the sides to free them of attached algae and to encourage water ex- change before the second field trial, pumped out the previous larvae, and then added a new batch of phantom midge larvae taken from the ponds.

Once the enclosures were in place, I col- lected Chaoborus at night from each pond with a 300-,um mesh plankton net, including animals from all depths to minimize any bias in migratory tendency while sampling the population. I poured the larvae into a large container filled with water from the fish-free pond, mixed them by gentle aera- tion, and withdrew subsamples for a final density of 1.0 larva liter-1 for all enclosures. This density was chosen to approximate the average density of larvae found during the daytime census of the fish-free pond. About 75% of introduced larvae were 3rd and 4th instars early in summer, but by late summer the population was 90% 3rd and 4th instars. Chaoborus larvae returned to the same pond from which they came are called source lar- vae, those transferred to the other pond are called treatment larvae. The six enclosures in each pond were assigned animals ran- domly so that three enclosures held source animals and three held treatment animals. Three stations outside the enclosures were also sampled.

After 2 d of acclimation, larvae were sam-

pled at noon and midnight for 3 d at three depths (0.3 m, 1.2 m from the surface, and 0.25 m off the bottom) with a hand-oper- ated bilge pump modified with extensions to reach each depth from the side of a boat. A valve prevented water from entering the sampler until the desired depth was reached, and the sampler was cleared after each sam- ple. All enclosure samples were taken at the center of each enclosure, and the maximum sampling depth was 0.25 m above the bot- tom to avoid excessive depletion of animals from the cages, because most larvae were near the bottom during the day. Each sam- ple of 3.5 liters of water was concentrated with an 85-,um collecting filter, rinsed into a sample bottle, and preserved with 75% ETOH. To safeguard against selective re- moval of animals with a particular migra- tion behavior, I removed < 10% of all stocked larvae in field enclosures during sampling.

General laboratory procedure -Experi- ments in the laboratory were carried out in June and August to test the effect of fish chemical cues on the vertical distribution of larvae. I made three separate tests: C. albatus, C. flavicans from a pond with fish, and C. flavicans from a fish-free pond. A peristaltic pump circulated treatments of +fish or -fish aquarium water through six Plexiglas columns (1 10 x 9 x 9 cm). Three columns were used for each treatment in a trial. Although these three columns were not completely independent because they were attached to the same aquarium, each trial was repeated three times over a week, giving a total of nine columns per treatment and three fully independent replicates. The wa- ter in the +fish aquarium was conditioned by placing eight (- 5 cm long) pumpkinseed sunfish in it a day before trials began; the fish remained in the aquarium during the trials to provide fresh chemical cue to the columns. The larvae in the columns were isolated from direct fish contact by the re- circulating water system that was turned on 1 d before each set of observations began. During this time the fish were fed mixed zooplankton that had been collected from and rinsed in fish-free pond water.

The water from each aquarium was pumped through the columns at a water re-

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placement rate of 15 h. Outlfows at the tops maintained 1.0 m of water in each col- umn to give a total volume of 9.2 liters per column. The placement of columns was randomized during each trial to prevent any systematic bias in treatment. Inflow tubes were at the bottom of each column and out- flow tubes at the top ensured turnover of water. Each column was marked in 10-cm increments, with the bottom 10 cm wrapped in black plastic to provide a light gradient for the larvae. As a refuge from light, the bottom of each column was covered with a 1.0-cm layer of washed, black aquarium pebbles. The columns were placed in a walk- in incubator with the photoperiod set to the natural daylength (1 4L: 1 OD) of early sum- mer; the temperature was kept at 1 9?C. Three banks of daylight fluorescent lamps ensured even illumination across all columns as measured by a LiCor light meter submerged at depths in the water columns. The labo- ratory lights were much less intense than sunlight, but provided a gradient of inten- sity sufficient to maintain diel vertical mi- gration.

Larvae were collected at night from the field and immediately brought back to the laboratory and counted out in sets of 30 under dim illumination. Sets of larvae (30 larvae per column) were randomly assigned to treatments of either + fish or - fish water. Chaoborus flavicans larvae were collected with a 300-,um plankton net at night from a + fish and a - fish pond; the C. albatus came only from a pond with fish during census samples. A mix of 3rd and 4th instar larvae was sorted from each population. The larvae in the columns were fed a rinsed, mixed assemblage of zooplankton (exclud- ing Chaoborus larvae) from the fish-free pond. I recorded the number of larvae ob- served in each 1 0-cm increment of each col- umn the following noon, then again at mid- night and the next noon. Each time I randomized the order of observing the col- umns. At the end of each trial I emptied and rinsed the columns with deionized water and began again with fresh water and newly caught animals. Because Chaoborus larvae show least light sensitivity at wavelengths of 620 nm or longer (Swift and Forward 1980), I minimized light disturbance by

conducting night counts with a flashlight whose dim beam was covered with a red gelatin filter (Kodak No. 25 Wratten) to al- low only wavelengths of 6 10 nm and longer to pass. Under this dim light the larvae did not show any noticeable change in behavior while I counted them.

Because C. albatus came only from a pond with fish, I had to remove fish chemical cues from their home pond water to create a fish- free water treatment. I reasoned that if the fish cue were proteinaceous, it would be de- natured by high heat (Haschemeyer and Haschemeyer 1973). I had also observed in preliminary trials that the effect of fish-con- ditioned water was short-lived (1 d) if the water was not continuously renewed with + fish aquarium water. In 1988 1 autoclaved (45 min at 250?C) the Arnot +fish pond water and then aerated it. In 1989 experi- ments on both C. flavicans and C. albatus, I used water from the fish-free Cornell pond filtered through 75-,um mesh instead of au- toclaved water.

The significance of differences in vertical distributions between treatments was tested with ANOVA and planned comparisons of the means (Snedecor and Cochran 1980).

Results Field experiments-The vertical distri-

butions of both C. flavicans and C. albatus from field samples show that the larvae un- dergo a distinct pattern of diel vertical mi- gration, since the greatest numbers of ani- mals were in the water column at night (Fig. 1). Both populations of C. flavicans under- went migration, but the larvae from the pond with fish showed a much greater intensity of migration than did those from the fish- free pond. The C. flavicans larvae in the pond with fish were not up in the water column during the day, whereas larvae from the fish-free pond showed a lower intensity of migration and some were found through- out the water column both day and night. The intensity of migration was defined as the difference between midnight and noon values of the number of larvae per liter. The C. albatus in the pond with fish showed a marked pattern of vertical migration.

For maximal depth values, the sampling pump collected animals 0.25 m above the

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C. albatus 12


. 8- Night

6 -

25 Jun 8 ~ul 31 Jul 22 Aug 24 Sep

CORNELL PONDS C. flavicaits


6 -

42- O+ F nih


" ^ ^ ~~~~~~~- F night E--_ -- --- ---Day -Fday

0 --*-+ dv

11 Jul 18 Jul 3 Aug DATE

Fig. 1. Field census data for Chaoborus albatus ( 1 988) and Chaoborus flavicans (1 9 89) . Schindler-Pa- talas samples at three depths were pooled for a whole- water-column estimate. Chaoborus albatus densities are C 1 SE (n = 2); C flavicans samples are not repli- cated.

bottom of the enclosures, and missed those larvae on the very bottom. The number of larvae right on the bottom has been roughly calculated by knowing that the initial stock- ing densities were 1.0 larva liter-' and as- suming that mortality was negligible over the 3 d. If the samples at each depth are representative of densities in the water col- umn, one can take the average of the den- sities at the three depths and calculate the density over all depths except for the very bottom. The three depths are then consid- ered to represent the water column. For ex- ample, in early summer the average number of larvae over the surface, middle, and max- imal depths was 0.3 liter-v in 1,069 liters.

With a stocking density of 1.0 liter-', 320 larvae were in the upper 1,069 liters of wa- ter, and the remaining 890 larvae were in the bottom 141 liters of the enclosures (see Figs. 2-3).

I then pooled the number of larvae in the surface and middle ofthe water column from the three sampling days and compared the difference between mean numbers at mid- night and noon to determine the intensity of migration (Table 1). These depths were chosen because the light levels at both were determined to be high enough for fish to locate larvae (Vinyard and O'Brien 1976). Vinyard and O'Brien (1976) calculated light levels typically limiting to planktivorous fish. Although the light levels for fathead minnows are unknown, I assumed that bluegills are representative of pumpkin- seeds, which are in the same genus. Light levels at maximal sampling depth in the pond with fish were equivalent to the larvae being hidden from view on the bottom of the enclosures, with only 1.0 x 10-7 % sur- face light in early summer and 0.2% in late summer. The overall pattern in the field tri- als was that larvae from both the +fish and the -fish ponds showed a significantly greater intensity of migration under the fish treatment than in the fish-free treatment.

In June both the source of the larvae and the treatment of presence or absence of fish cue had a significant effect on larval distri- bution in the water column (Table 2). I used further analyses of variance, with noon and midnight means as repeated measures, to compare the mean number of larvae in the water column between treatments. Al- though there was no difference in the num- ber of larvae from the fish-free pond up at noon between treatments (Table 1), signif- icantly more of these larvae (3 x) were up at night in the pond with fish compared to the fish-free pond (P < 0.01). The larvae from the fish-free pond seemed to spend more time at the surface at noon in the + fish treatment than in the -fish treatment, but the treatment means did not differ signifi- cantly. The larvae from the pond with fish in June were 4 times more likely to be up at noon in the -fish treatment compared to those in the +fish treatment (P < 0.05) (Table 1). At midnight, larvae from both

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No-Fish Pond No Fish -> No Fish No Fish-> Fish # larvae / liter

O 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sur 0 Day . Night



Inferred Bottom

Fish Pond Fish -> Fish Fish -> No Fish O 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

. * . * . * | I . . * ., * . I . * . * . l . . . . .




Inferred Bottom __._

Fig. 2. A comparison of the early summer vertical distribution of the average number of larvae outside cages with the number inside cages across treatments. For the treatments, each bar is the mean (+ 1 SE) of three replicate cages. The bottom layer is an extrapolation from the three sample layers, given the stocking density of 1.0 larva liter-'. The bottom layer could not be extrapolated for the samples outside the enclosures because absolute density was not known.

ponds were at least twice as abundant in the water when exposed to the +fish treatment than those in the -fish treatment (P < 0.00 1). As expected, no larvae were up in the water column at noon outside the en- closures in the pond with fish (Table 1). The densities and vertical distributions within the enclosures are similar to those outside in the ponds, suggesting that there was no confounding effect of enclosures on Cha- oborus migration behavior (Fig. 2).

The late-summer enclosures were again stocked with 1.0 larva liter-'. In August, the early summer pattern of greater intensity of migration in +fish treatments was still pres- ent regardless of the source of the larvae (Table 1). Unlike early summer, however, the source of the larvae was no longer a

significant factor, and the larvae from the fish-free pond showed no significant differ- ence in vertical distribution between treat- ments at night (Table 2). In addition, the larvae from the pond with fish did not show a significant increase in the water column at noon in the -fish treatment. Further ANOVA with noon and night as repeated measures showed significantly more larvae were up in the +fish treatment at night (P < 0.01) compared to the -fish treatment.

In late summer the vertical distribution pattern outside the cages was still similar to that inside the cages. Larval abundance above the sediments increased outside the enclosures compared to that inside the en- closures (Fig. 3), despite the census data (Fig. 1) showing a slight decrease in the overall

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1462 Tjossem


No-Fish Pond No Fish-> No Fish No Fish-> Fish # larvae/ liter

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Sur ODay . Night

6 Mid


Inferred Bottom

Fish Pond Fish-> Fish Fish-> No Fish 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 5 6




Inferred Bottom

Fig. 3. As Fig. 2, but for late summer.

outside population size. The number per liter outside the enclosures suggests that a decreased proportion of the pond popula- tion may have stayed close to the pond bot- tom (Fig. 3).

I see an interesting pattern emerging from the proportion of larvae up in the water

(Table 3), as calculated from the average number of larvae up in the water column over all depths (Figs. 2-3). In early summer, more chaoborids were up in the water col- umn in the +fish treatment than in the -fish treatment, regardless of their source pond. The probability that larvae from the fish-

Table 1. Mean number of larvae per liter (? 1 SE, n = 9) up in the water column in the cages compared with the number of larvae per liter outside the cages for the reciprocal transfer experiment with Chaoborusflavicans. Source (S) refers to the pond from which the larvae came; treatment (T) refers to the pond in which they were placed.

Avg No. up inside cages Outside cages

S T Day Night Day Night

Early summer -fish +fish 0.56(0.19) 1.27(0.14) -fish 0.40(0.09) 0.34(0.08) 0.34(0.09) 0.43(0.18)

+fish +fish 0.06(0.04) 2.50(0.38) 0.00(0.00) 2.56(0.71) -fish 0.59(0.12) 0.99(0.20)

Late summer -fish +fish 0.12(0.10) 1.85(0.33) -fish 0.28(0.11) 1.39(0.21) 1.48(0.73) 3.21(0.51)

+fish +fish 0.12(0.07) 1.94(0.44) 0.03(0.03) 5.34(0.89) -fish 0.12(0.07) 1.11(0.18)

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Table 2. Two-factor ANOVA using the difference between midnight and noon values as a measure of intensity of migration for Chaoborus flavicans in the reciprocal transfer experiment.

Source of variation df MS F P

Early summer Source pond 1 34.4 26.8 0.0008 Treatment

(+F, -F) 1 73.4 57.3 0.0001 Source x

treatment 1 10.1 7.9 0.023 Error 8 1.3

Late summer Source pond 1 0.009 0.004 0.95 Treatment

(+F, -F) 1 20.5 8.9 0.02 Source x

treatment 1 0.44 0.19 0.67 Error 8 2.3

free pond were up in the water column (sur- face, middle, and maximum depths com- bined), day and night, was about two times higher in the +fish treatment than in the -fish one (Table 3). They were more evenly distributed by depth in the -fish treatment than in the +fish treatment, but most larvae were still on the bottom (Fig. 2). All pop- ulations were mostly on the bottom, even though larvae from the fish-free pond mi- grated less than the larvae from the pond with fish. In late summer, the proportion of larvae in the water column increased to at least 3/4 of the larvae at all times (Table 3). Nevertheless, most were at the maximal sampling depth during the day and rose in the column at night (Fig. 3).

Laboratory trials-The density of larvae up in the water column did not differ sig-

Table 3. The average proportion of larvae up in the water column in the enclosures.

Proportion up

Source Treatment Day Night

Early summer -fish +fish 0.6 0.5 -fish 0.3 0.2

+fish +fish 0.7 1.0 -fish 0.4 0.4

Late summer -fish +fish 0.75 0.75 -fish 0.75 0.75

+fish +fish 0.75 1.0 -fish 0.75 1.0

nificantly within treatments between trials (ANOVA, P > 0.05), thus results of trials were pooled for further analysis. The pres- ence of fish chemical cues affected the mi- gratory behavior of Chaoborus larvae in both the lab and the field by altering the intensity of migration. In contrast to the field, how- ever, a somewhat greater fraction of larvae were up in the water column in the -fish treatment than in the +fish treatment. Al- though the fish cue did not measurably alter the behavior of Chaoborus from the fish- free pond (Fig. 4A), the lack of cue did alter the behavior of the larvae from the pond with fish (Fig. 4B), so that more larvae were up in the water column during the day, and intensity of migration decreased. The lab- oratory experiments cannot rule out the possibility that the lack of mechanical stim- ulus (fish movement) produced this re- sponse, but it can be ruled out by the field trials because larval behavior changed in the field where it was unlikely that any me- chanical cue came through the large enclo- sures. Migration was quantified by com- paring the number of larvae per liter in the top 90 cm of the column with the number in the bottom 10 cm covered in black plas- tic, but the treatment effects reported were also evident at 30- or 50-cm divisions.

For C. flavicans, either the source or the treatment of the larvae significantly affected the number of animals up in the water col- umns in the laboratory. Regardless of water treatment, the C. flavicans larvae from the fish-free pond were 2-3 times more abun- dant at noon than larvae from the pond with fish. The mean numbers of larvae from the fish-free pond that were up (Fig. 4A) were not different between treatments during the day, but the night averages showed slightly more up in the +fish treatment (P > 0.05). The larvae appeared to be sinking at night when compared to daytime densities, per- haps due to their having abundant food in the day. The C. flavicans larvae from the fish-free pond were a third more abundant in the water column in the day than at night. At all times, more larvae from the fish-free pond than from the pond with fish were up in the water column. In contrast, for larvae from the pond with fish (Fig. 4B), the pres- ence of fish cue produced a significant de-

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Page 10: Effects of Fish Chemical Cues on Vertical Migration Behavior of Chaoborus

1464 Tjossem

Laboratory Columns:

A. Fishless Pond C. flavicans

4- C0 Noon E * Midnight


2 2


With Fish Without Fish

B. Fish Pond C. flavicans

4 El Noon E Midnight

3 3-



With Fish Without Fish

Fig. 4. Treatment effects on the mean number (+ 1 SE) of Chaoborusflavicans larvae liter-' in the upper, lighted layer (top 90 cm) of replicate (n = 9) laboratory columns containing 30 larvae each.

crease (P < 0.005) in the number of larvae up in the water column during the day, with no difference between treatments at night. The larvae from both the fish and fish-free sources were similar in the number up at night.

Chaoborus albatus in the laboratory ex- periments from both 1988 and 1989 (Fig. 5) responded in a manner similar to C. fla- vicans in the pond with fish. Removing the fish cue resulted in more larvae up in the water during the day and thus a lesser in- tensity of migration. Significantly more lar- vae (2-3 x) stayed up in the water at noon when exposed to fish-free water than when they were treated with water circulated through the aquarium with fish (P < 0.05). At night there was no significant difference

Laboratory Columns:

Amot Forest 1988

7- O Noon

6- Midnight

t 5-

. 4-

3 3


* I


With Fish Without Fish

Arnot Forest 1989

7 El [ 1Noon

8 6- Midnight

. 5 4

4 2


*! 1X 0

With Fish Without Fish

Fig. 5. Treatment effects on the mean number (+ 1 SE) of Chaoborus albatus larvae up in the laboratory water columns at noon and midnight. The 1988 means are from five replicate columns; the 1989 histograms are based on n = 9.

between the water treatments. These results were thus consistent from year to year and between species.

Discussion This study documents an inducible mod-

ification of vertical migration behavior in response to changes in some quality of the water associated with the presence or ab- sence of fish. The larvae used in the recip- rocal transfer experiments came from source ponds that were similar except for the pres- ence or absence of fish. Both populations of larvae showed a greater intensity of migra- tion when exposed to fish water. Within this similar pattern of response, the two popu- lations showed different distributions in the water column between day and night. The

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larvae from the pond with fish reacted as predicted when transferred to a fish-free pond by decreasing the intensity of their migration. Nevertheless, when deprived of fish cue they only lessened the intensity of their migration rather than stopping it al- together. Why do chaoborids bother to mi- grate at all in the absence of a specific cue? One might think that, given the costs of vertical migration, natural selection would favor those larvae that migrate only when a certain stimulus is present. The cost of migration, however, is unknown, and if the chemical cue is variable in its reliability, the best compromise might be to maintain the ability to migrate. This decline in migration intensity suggests that in the absence of fish the larvae gain some benefit, such as in- creased feeding, from staying up in the water column during the day.

When the larvae from the fish-free pond were transferred to the pond with fish, they did not immediately disappear from the wa- ter column during the day in response to fish cues. Instead, they showed a difference in migration only at night, with more larvae up in the water column in the +fish treat- ment compared to the -fish treatment. The difference in migration response between the two populations of C. flavicans suggests that the long-term association of a population with fish has a strong indirect or direct in- fluence on migratory behavior. The fish could indirectly affect migration behavior by altering food availability for the cha- oborids, but this interpretation seems un- likely for two reasons. First, when the en- closures were stocked with larvae they also received some other zooplankton at the same time, but this allocation was equal across treatments. Second, during both field trials the zooplankton densities outside the en- closures were very similar in the fish-free pond, and increased in August in the pond with fish. Because food levels for the larvae were sufficient in both ponds during both trials, a difference in food supply does not appear likely to alter migration patterns over the 3-d trials.

A direct response to predators is suggest- ed by Dorazio et al. (1987), who found that vertical migration of Daphnia in Lake Michigan increased between 1983 and 1985

when predation intensity was thought to be greatest. Such a quick response required ei- ther selection or a combination of selection and an induced behavioral response. Be- cause Chaoborus in the pond with fish had been subject to selection pressure by fish predation, an underlying genetic difference in the two populations may have combined with behavioral flexibility to produce the observed different responses of the two pop- ulations of larvae. Distinct genotypes could, however, be maintained only by genotypic- specific habitat selection by the females when they lay their eggs. Swift (1976) dismissed such a process when he observed that Cha- oborus trivittatus in Eunice Lake, British Columbia, migrated without having any fish in the lake at the time of the study. He dis- counted avoidance of fish predation as the proximal cause for migration, although he did not compare the intensity of migration of the population in the fish-free lake to that of a lake with fish. Instead, he suggested that there was enough genetic exchange among neighboring lakes with fish to maintain the genetic basis for a migration pattern. The relative importance of adaptation and be- havioral response may differ between spe- cies or depend on local conditions. These dynamics remain to be explained.

In the laboratory columns, an addition of fish cue does not result in an increased in- tensity of migration for C. flavicans from the fish-free pond, although an increase is observed for larvae from the pond with fish. The differences between laboratory and field results may be due to differences in the con- centration of fish cue, light regime, and depth of the water column.

This study suggests that environmental cues can change migratory behavior without an attendent increase in mortality. The presence of fish chemical cues acts as a sig- nal to the larvae to maintain a strong mi- gratory response or suffer high predation. In contrast, a loss of fish cue may signal a de- cline in the risk of predation and thus a decreasing need to remain hidden in the sediments. Induced behavioral responses can have a short response time and act only when a specific predator is present. Sih (1987) reviewed major categories of anti- predator traits and their evolution and sug-

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gested that the degree of environmental variability may determine when a species relies more on behavioral than on morpho- logical defenses. When the cost of a defense is high, one would expect fixed morpholog- ical defenses mainly in an environment of consistent predation, but flexible behavioral responses under variable predation pres- sure. The larvae of the phantom midge are so small relative to many planktivorous fish that morphological defenses such as spines would be largely ineffective. An induced be- havioral response may still be costly, with lowered reproduction due to the energy re- quirement of the behavior or because avoidance of predators causes the organ- isms to move to areas of lowered food con- centrations. In addition, more time spent in colder water may increase development times (Swift 1976).

Generations of Chaoborus larvae may be exposed to frequent fluctuations in selection pressure because the flying adult females may oviposit at ponds both with and with- out fish. They have not yet been found to show any oviposition site preference that could lead to adaptations to local condi- tions. Regardless of this possibility, any ability of the larvae to escape predation by altering their water-column migration be- havior would increase their chances of sur- vival and eventual reproduction. In lakes with fish, vertically migrating larvae are saf- est from fish predation, while in a fish-free lake, larvae with a lower intensity of mi- gration may encounter more prey in the sur- face waters or possibly develop sooner. The latter possibility is countered by the obser- vation that most larvae still remain at the greatest depth. The cost of possible expo- sure to fish predation may be greater than the cost of lost growth and reproduction due to migration. The safest behavior is, thus, for larvae to show some degree of migration behavior that can be accentuated when trig- gered by fish chemical cues.

My experiments cannot determine whether the behavioral differences between the two populations of C. flavicans are ge- netically based. They do, however, strongly support the hypothesis that a population can have a significant amount of behavioral

flexibility in migratory behavior in response to an environmental cue.

The lack of effect of source pond on the vertical distribution of C. flavicans in late summer enclosures (Table 2) may have sev- eral causes. Because the larvae from the pond with fish had been exposed to predation all summer, those larvae that did not have a strong migratory response probably suffered high mortality. This selective predation could have reduced the number of larvae up in the water, leaving only strong migra- tors in late summer. Yet if selection were the only explanation, one would expect that the intensity of migration would increase only in the pond with fish and not also in the fish-free pond as observed (Table 1). The similar migration patterns between ponds in late summer may result from in- creased water transparency or earlier emer- gence of those larvae that had stayed up in warm water during both day and night in the fish-free pond (P. Dawidowicz pers. comm.). A second possibility is that the pro- longed exposure to +fish water during sum- mer had a lasting effect, causing larvae from the pond with fish to continue to migrate even when fish were absent. Thus larvae that were exposed to the fish factor at a particular stage migrated throughout their lives. A third possibility is that as the risk of visual predation grew larger throughout the summer with older instars, the cost of migration outweighed the earlier benefits of being up in the water. Early in summer the migrators traded the risk of being eaten at dawn and dusk for the benefit of finding prey. By late summer, they had less need for food because they had reached a stage where they could decrease food intake. Al- though older instars eat more prey per in- dividual predator (Fedorenko 1975), they are also the stages that are capable of over- wintering with very little available prey. Predation risks could have remained the same while the nutritional needs of the lar- vae decreased, leading to a reduction in the number of larvae up in the water column during the risky daylight hours. Lastly, it should be pointed out that these factors could act in concert.

The predation hypothesis for vertical mi- gration often depends on the assumption

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that changes observed in vertical migration result from changes in the abundance of spe- cific genotypes brought about by selective mortality (Stich and Lampert 198 1; Luecke 1986). Luecke (1986) found that C. flavicans in Lake Lenore migrated after the intro- duction of trout and he invoked natural se- lection to account for the change in distri- bution. On the basis of my results with the same species, however, environmental in- duction would explain equally well the pat- tern he observed.

The experiments reported here quantified a population response, not the movement of individuals. Understanding individual responses would help to clarify how varia- tion in migration is expressed. The differ- ences in vertical distribution could be due either to some individuals staying up in the water while others stay deep or to a contin- ual shifting among all larvae between the water column and the bottom. The marked tendency for a large proportion of larvae to stay down at all times may indicate that they feed near the bottom or that migration may have a periodicity > 1 d. Further compari- sons of populations of the same species that vary in their rate of encounter with fish may reveal interesting variations in the ability of larvae to respond to the presence of fish.

Chaoborus has been found to escape vi- sual predation because of its great trans- parency, its low activity when not migrat- ing, and its migrations out of well-lit water. It now appears that the ability to migrate can be influenced by fish chemical cues (or their absence) inducing a change in behav- ior. This trait seems to be adaptive for the midges, because over generations individ- uals may encounter habitats with or without predatory fish. Behavioral modifications that decrease the chances of being eaten are like- ly to persist in the populations.

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Submitted: 12 February 1990 Accepted: 8 May 1990

Revised: 6 August 1990

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