ELSEVIER O143-974X(94)00027-1 J. Construct.Steel Research 34 (1995)249-269 © 1995Elsevier Science Limited Printed in Malta. All rights reserved 0143-974X/95/$9.50 Dynamic Behaviour of Composite Floors G. J. Krige & J. Mahachi Department of Civil Engineering, University of The Witwatersrand P. Bag 3, WITS 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa ABSTRACT As part of an on-going experimental and analytical research effort to evaluate the fatigue strength of composite slabs, 18 Bond-lok composite slabs have been tested statically and dynamically in bending. Special interest has been paid to bond failure between the concrete and steel deck. The effect of both small and large amplitude loading~ on fatigue strength and deformation characteristics has been examined. Based c,n the fatigue strength results, a guide for the design of composite slabs subjected to fatigue loading has been provided. The information is provided in the form of modified Goodman diagrams and algebraic expressions that can be utilised for design. P~ Smax Smin f't fou Ec FFT Nf Kf Load rankle NOTATION Ultimate static load Algebraic value of the maximum load in a cycle expressed as a percentage of the ultimate load Pu Algebraic value of the minimum load in a cycle expressed as a percentage of the ultimate load Pu Modulus of rupture Concrete characteristic strength Modulus of elasticity of concrete Fast Fourier Transform Number of cycles to failure Stiffness at failure Smax-Smin 249

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors

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ELSEVIER O143-974X(94)00027-1

J. Construct. Steel Research 34 (1995) 249-269 © 1995 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Malta. All rights reserved 0143-974X/95/$9.50

Dynamic Behaviour of Composite Floors

G. J. Krige & J. Mahach i

Department of Civil Engineering, University of The Witwatersrand P. Bag 3, WITS 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa


As part of an on-going experimental and analytical research effort to evaluate the fatigue strength of composite slabs, 18 Bond-lok composite slabs have been tested statically and dynamically in bending. Special interest has been paid to bond failure between the concrete and steel deck. The effect of both small and large amplitude loading~ on fatigue strength and deformation characteristics has been examined. Based c,n the fatigue strength results, a guide for the design of composite slabs subjected to fatigue loading has been provided. The information is provided in the form of modified Goodman diagrams and algebraic expressions that can be utilised for design.

P~ Smax


f't fou Ec FFT Nf Kf Load rankle


Ultimate static load Algebraic value of the maximum load in a cycle expressed as a percentage of the ultimate load Pu Algebraic value of the minimum load in a cycle expressed as a percentage of the ultimate load Pu Modulus of rupture Concrete characteristic strength Modulus of elasticity of concrete Fast Fourier Transform Number of cycles to failure Stiffness at failure Smax-Smin


250 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

1 I N T R O D U C T I O N

The use of composite action makes it possible to construct floors that are very light, especially if metal decking is used as a permanent formwork.1 For very thin steel sheet, shear connection is provided by both adhesion and mechanical bonds. The bond depends on panel geometry, surface conditions and the types of embossments or rolled dimples that project into the concrete. The embossments and the geometry of the profile serve to prohibit vertical separation and provide mechanical interference against slip as adhesive bond deteriorates. Long span floors, however, are prone to vibrations that may cause fatigue failure of the bond between the steel and concrete. 2

Fatigue tests are being carried out on composite floors using two different decking profiles, Bond-dek and Bond-lok. This paper describes the results of a series of tests which have investigated the fatigue response of the Bond-lok composite floors subjected to constant minimum load levels (Smi. = constant) with varying maximum load levels (Smax).

Bond°lok are plain profiled sheets (Fig. 1) with some form of re-entrant angle which prohibits vertical separation of the concrete and steel deck, due to the interlocking shape, and also forms a reliable, effective bond.

Main parameters of interest considered are:

• type of loading; • the fatigue life or endurance limit; • mid-span deflections and end-slip; • cracking and/or bond failure; • mode of failure.

As such, the following parameters were maintained as constant through- out the test program:

• a sinusoidal waveform of loading;

T 150

7 " \ 1 o 0 o ~ ,~ p 8 o

'°3 i _i q v I

Fig. 1. Bond-Lok section.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors

loading frequency of 4 Hz; concrete mix proportions.


2 B A C K G R O U N D OF F A T I G U E

Fatigue is normally the repeated application of working loads. The working loads (cyclic loads) initiate the formation of internal or surface microcracks that are propagated in continued exposures, resulting in fatigue damage and eventually fatigue failure. Development of fatigue cracks form even when the cyclic stresses are below the yield strength of the material.

Fatigue life plots are normally presented as S -N curves (Stress range, S, vs Numbe, r of cycles to failure N). However, for concrete, tests of up to 10 million cycles have failed to establish a fatigue limit 3 and hence the fatigue strength is usually quoted for a specified number of cycles.

Goodman 4 proposed a diagram that depicts the effect of stress range and maximum stress by assuming a linear decrease of the range of stress as the maximum stress increased.

3 E X P E R I M E N T A L P R O C E D U R E

3.1 Materials and specimens

The concrete that was used in the preparation of the test specimens was a pre-mix. The mix design was based on a nominal strength of 40 MPa at 28 days and a slump of 75 mm. The concrete proportions used in the mix are as shown in Table. 1

The initial study described in this paper investigates the fatigue behav- iour of Bond-lok, shown in Fig. 1.

TABLE 1 Concrete Mix Design

Characteristic strength fcu Stone size 19 mm Stone size 13 mm Crusher sand Filler sand O P C Water Admixtures

= 40 M P a

= 912 kg/m a = 228 kg/m 3 = 428 kg/m 3 = 396 kg/m 3 = 390 kg/m 3 = 195 kg/m 3 = 780 kg/m 3

252 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

The Bond-lok 5 had a nominal width of 300 mm, a thickness of 1.0 mm and a nominal yield strength of 200 MPa. The overall nominal dimensions of the whole composite slab were 300mm × 150 mm × 3700 mm long. No additional steel reinforcement was provided.

A total of 18 composite slabs was cast. Consolidation of concrete in the formwork was accomplished by using a poker vibrator. Cubes, prisms and beams were cast according to British Standards, 6 and a summary of the average strength results is given in Table 2. To reduce the effects of shrinkage and aging of concrete, the slabs were cast progressively so that testing of the composite slabs was done after 28 days.

3.2 Test program

The test program included static and fatigue tests on two groups of specimens subjected to different loading.

Group A specimens were subjected to a central line loading and six different test series were investigated as follows:

• Static ultimate tests. • Repeated loading with

varying maximum load • Repeated loading with

varying maximum load • Repeated loading with

varying maximum load • Repeated loading with

constant minimum load Smin=4"0% and

S max •

constant minimum load Sm~. =25"0% and

S m a x •

constant minimum load Smi, =40"0% and

S m a x •

constant minimum load Stain =55"0% and varying maximum load Smax. Static ultimate tests after repeated loading.

Group B specimens were subjected to 2-point line loading and four different test series were carried out as follows:

• Static ultimate tests.

TABLE 2 Concrete Properties at 28 Days a

Characteristic strength (fcu) Modulus of elasticity (Ec) Modulus of rupture (f't) Density of concrete Poisson ratio

= 40"6 MPa = 35 GPa = 5"5 MPa = 2630 kg/m 3 = 0,3

° Concrete properties determined in the lab after 28 days.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 253

• Repeated loading with constant minimum load Smin=4"0°,/o and varying maximum load Smax.

• Repeated loading with constant minimum load Smi.=40% and varying maximum load S~a~.

• Static ultimate tests after repeated loading.

3.3 Test procedure

3.3.1 Static tests Three static tests for the central line loading and three for the 2-point loading were performed to establish the ultimate static strength, Pu, and the load at which debonding first occurs. In all tests the slabs were simply-supported over a span of 3.7 m and the load was applied by a hydraulic actuator. For the 2-point loading, the distance between the line loads was 1100 mm. Mid-span deflections and end-slip were measured by 50 mm dial gauges. Figure 2 shows the static test set-up for Group A specimens with central line loading and Fig. 3 shows a similar set-up for Group B, 2-point loading specimens.

3.3.2 Fati!1ue tests For all tile fatigue tests conducted, servo-controlled hydraulic testing machines were used with a constant sinusoidal loading frequency of 4 Hz. Mid-span deflections and end-slip were measured by LVDTs and dial

Fig. 2. Static test set-up for Group A central line loading.

254 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

Fig. 3. Static test set-up for Group B 2-point loading.

gauges respectively. A summary of fatigue tests performed for Group A specimens is presented in Table 3 and for Group B specimens in Table 4.

Measurement of damping was done using AD12F, a commercial dy- namic software package. This was accomplished by performing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the mid-span deflections and then calculating damping from the half power bandwidth. A logarithmic decrement test 7

TABLE 3 Summary of Fatigue Tests for Group A Specimens

Specimen Mass Concrete Ec f : Smi ~ Sin. x identity" (kg) f cu(MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (%) (%)

B4-10-08 455 40"6 34-2 5-46 4"0 30 B6-10-08 445 41-0 35"4 5"52 4"0 45 B 11-24-08 470 40"2 33"8 5"49 4-0 55 b

B 10-24-08 470 42"0 36"2 5"38 40 55 b B1-10-08 455 41"8 35"6 5"48 40 70

B3-10-08 450 41"5 35"2 5"54 25 70 B5-10-08 440 40"6 36"1 5"50 55 70

The specimen identity was coded as: name tag--day of casting--month of casting. b Subjected to a low load range test after crack developed.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors

TABLE 4 Summary of Fatigue Tests for Group B Specimens


Specimen Mass Concrete Ec f l Stain Smax identity (kg) f cu(MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (%) (%)

B9-24-08 465 40.5 34.3 5.50 4-0 45 BI 3-24-08 455 40.8 33-9 5-45 4.0 55 B 12-24-08 450 41-8 32'8 5.42 4-0 65

B 16-24-01t 460 42.2 34-5 5-52 40 65 B15-24-08 455 41.5 33'5 5'48 40 85

(LDT) was also performed so as to establish the natural frequency and as a basis of comparing the damping ratio with that obtained by FFT.

4 D I S C U S S I O N O F R E S U L T S

4.1 Stat ic tests

A summary of static test results is shown in Table 5. The load-deflection curve for a typical Group A composite slab (B2-10-08) (Fig. 4) has a constant slope up to a load of about 8.5 kN (0.73 Pu), representing a static stiffness of 4420 kN/m. Ultimate failure of the composite slab occurred at a load of 11"5 kN, accompanied by an end-slip of 0.25 mm and a vertical crack at the point of maximum moment, as shown in Fig. 5. The end-slip

TABLE 5 Summary of Static Test Results

Specimen Mass .f cu Static Pu Pu identity (kg) (MPa) stiffness (Exprt.) (Theoret.)

(kN/m) kN kN

GROUP A B2-10-08 435 40"8 4420 11'5 13"5 B7-10-08 440 40' 1 4480 12"0 13"5 B8-10-08 430 39-8 4300 12-5 13"5

GROUP B B 14-24-'08 450 40"0 3600 I 0"5 19"4 B18-24-08 455 41'2 3595 12-8 19"4 B17-24-08 460 40"7 3650 12"2 19'3

Theoret.--Theoretical Exprt.--Experimental.

256 G. J. Kriae, J. Mahachi




Z ~ 8 "0 m 0 "J 6

0 0

Specimen B 2 - 1 0 - 0 8

; i J 1 2 3 4

D e f l e c t i o n ( t u r n )

Fig, 4. Initial ultimate static test for Group A.

Fig. 5. Cracked slab for Group A central line loading.

was observed at one end of the slab. At ultimate load the mid-span deflections increased markedly, accompanied by some creep deflections. The ultimate strength results for Group A compare quite well with the theoretical values, as shown in Table 5.

The theoretical ultimate strength results were determined by simple

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 257

rectangular' stress block theory, assuming full intersection between the two elements with concrete in compression at a uniform stress of 0"67fcu and the steel at its design yield strength. Concrete in tension was neglected.

For Group B specimens, a diagonal crack characteristic of a shear bond failure formed in the concrete near one of the loaded points, as shown in Fig. 6. The', load-deflection curve for a typical slab (B14-24-08) has two distinct slopes (Fig. 7). The diagonal tension crack formed at a load of 6.0 kN. This was followed by sounds of slippage or bond failure between the steel deck and concrete. The initial stiffness was reduced from 3600kN/m to 2150kN/m as soon as bond failure commenced• The ultimate failure load of the slab occurred at 10-5 kN when composite action over the shear span length was lost. The maximum recorded end- slip was 0.4 mm. The average ultimate load for Group A, 12.0 kN, was of the same order as Group B, 11.83 kN, suggesting that the mode of failure for both groups could be shear bond failure.

4.2 Damping and natural frequency

The values; of the damping ratio obtained by performing a FFT on the mid-span deflections using AD12F package compared quite well with the values obtained by the logarithmic decrement method• The natural fre- quencies for the composite slabs obtained by the logarithmic method also

• • . : ~

Fig. 6. Cracked slab for Group B 2-point loading.

258 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

1 2




0 0

S p e c i m e n B 1 4 - 2 4 - 0 8

i J J

1 2 $ 4

Deflection (mm)

Fig. 7. Initial ultimate static test for Group B.

compared well with the theoretical values. The theoretical natural frequency was determined by assuming the slab to be a beam simply- supported over a span of 3.7 m. A summary of the measured dynamic properties is shown in Table 6. On average, the experimental

TABLE 6 Summary of Dynamic Properties

Specimen Mass Natural frequency Dampin# identity (kg) ( H z) ratio (%)

Experimental Theoretical LDT FFT

B1-10-08 455 21-0 17'9 1.35 1'35 B2-10-08 435 20"0 18-2 1.06 1'40 B3-10-08 450 19'0 17.9 1.05 1 '40 B4-10-08 455 20"5 17.6 1-06 1-45 B5-10-08 440 19"5 18"4 1.10 1.45 B6-10-08 445 20"0 18.1 1.02 1.42 B7-10-08 440 19"5 18.0 1.02 1-30 B8-10-08 430 20"0 18" 1 1-10 1-40 B10-24-08 470 21"0 17.8 1-15 1.45 B 11-24-08 470 18'5 17'2 1 '25 1"45 Average 450 19"9 17.9 1.12 1.41

LDT--Logarithmic Decrement Test. FFT--Fas t Fourier Transform.

natural fi'equency of 1-41%.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 259

of the slabs was 19.9Hz, with a damping ratio

4.3 Fatigue tests

4.3.1 Group A A summary of fatigue test results for Group A specimens is shown in Table 7. The group was further subdivided into four groups (I-IV) depending on the minimum load, Smi n.

Specimen Group I: Sml n =4.0%. The stiffness of the composite slabs subjected to a maximum load Smax < 50% increased slightly with number of cycles (N), as is shown in Fig. 8 for a typical slab (B4-10-08) and thereafter remained more or less constant. These slabs sustained 4.5 mil- lion cycles; this suggests that there was some work-hardening effect during fatigue loading and that the normal elastic fatigue loading could be sustained indefinitely.

Ultimate static tests following 4.5 million cycles of repeated loading for slab (B4-10-08), as shown in Fig. 9, indicated that the ultimate load- carrying capacity could still be developed. Similar failure modes were observed as for the static test, with no previous load history. The initial static stiffness before fatigue loading was 4500 kN/m and after 4.5 million cycles was 4800 kN/m. The ultimate static load of 11-3 kN was accom- panied b,.: an end-slip of 0.86 mm.

TABLE 7 Summary of Fatigue Tests Results for Group A

Specimen Group Load range Cycles Stiffness identi~y identity (%) to at

failure failure Stain Sma x (Nf) (k f)


B4-10-08 I 4"0 30 * 4850 B6-10-08 I 4"0 45 * 4800

B 11-24-08 I 4"0 55 200 1610

B10-24-08 II 40 55 700 1730 B 1-10--08 II 40 70 500 2300

B3-10.-08 III 25 70 440 1560 B5-10.-08 IV 55 70 0 1700

* Deck did not fail after 4-5 million cycles.

260 G. ,I. Krige, ,I. Mahachi


6ooo ~ ~ _ . ~ ~ ~

E ~. 4000 Z v

QO 3000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aO 4) ~- Specimen B4-10-08 m

2000 . . . . . . . .

1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 I I I I

0 1 2 3 4 Number Of Cycles (N) (Millions)

Fig. 8. K - N curve for an uncracked Grup A slab.

f 1 0


i ~ j Specimen B4-10-08

0 I I

0 1 2 3 4 Deflection (ram)

Fig. 9. Ultimate static test after 4"5 M cycles.

For slab (B11-24-08), subjected to S m a x = 55%, a crack was developed at mid-span immediately after 200 cycles. The load range also dropped drastically. The load-deflection curve for this slab after 200 cycles is shown in Fig. 10. From the figure it can be seen that the stiffness was reduced tremendously from an initial value of 3800 kN/m to 1600 kN/m after

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 261


Specimen Bl1- :~4-08





1 ~ • C y c l e s

~ r - - 2 0 0 Cycles

0 I I I I I

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Deflection (ram)

Fig. 10. Static test for a cracked Group A slab after 200 cycles.

200 cycles. The same cracked slab was then tested for fatigue under a lower load range of (4.0-30%).

The cracked composite slab (B11-24-08) showed better performance for a lower load range. The ability to continue to withstand further loading was probably due to the profile of the deck having a re-entrant angle that prevented the separation of the concrete and the steel deck.

Load-deflection curves after various numbers of cycles (N) of repeated loading had two distinct slopes, the second, less steep, slope characterising the stiffness of the slab when the crack was fully open. A typical load-deflection curve after 840 500 cycles is shown in Fig. 11 and the curve of the stiffness (with the crack fully open) versus number of cycles is shown in Fig. 112. From Fig. 12 the composite slab managed to survive 4.0 million cycles with a reduction in stiffness from 1880 to 1540kN/m. Ultimate static test after 4-0million cycles showed that the maximum ultimate strength was 5-45 kN. In this case, end-slip occurred early, at a load of 4-65 kN, and the maximum end-slip was 0.33 mm.

For Group I specimens it was concluded that the behaviour of the composite slabs under repeated high load range was inferior to that observed for the low load range and was characterised by a crack after a few hundred cycles. Thus for S m i n = 4"00,/o, the endurance limit for 4-5 mil- lion cycles is about 50% of the ultimate endurance.

Specimen group II: Sr, i .=40%. For the composite slab (Bl-10-08) subjected to a maximum load range of 40-70%, the slab failed after

262 G. J. Kri#e, J. Mahachi



A z 8


O ..J

0 I I I I

0.5 1 1.6 2 2.5

D e f l e c t i o n (ram)

Fig. 11. Static test for a cracked Group A slab after 840 500 cycles.


8peolmen B l l o 2 4 - 0 8


E z

o 1 7 0 0 m O

1 6 0 0

160© ~ i J l

0 1 2 3 4

N u m b e r O f Cycles (N) (Millions)

Fig. 12. K - N curve for a cracked slab.

500cycles, with a noticeable crack at mid-span, and the load range suddenly dropped. The initial static stiffness of 4185 kN/m dropped after 500 cycles to 2300 kN/m (a reduction of 45%). The slab was then subjected to a lower load range of 20-40%. For this load range the crack developed further and the stiffness was further reduced to 1736 kN/m. The slab could not carry the load range after 119 000 cycles.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 263

Another test (B10-24-08) was performed with the same minimum load, Stain = 4 0 % , but with a maximum load reduced to 55% (6-5 kN). As with the above case, a crack developed at mid-span after 700 cycles. The slab was then tested for a lower load range (4-30%). The behaviour was similar to that of a Group I cracked slab (Bll-10-08) with two distinct slopes for the load-deflection curves.

F rom these test results it was concluded that any maximum load exceeding 50% of the ultimate could not be sustained.

Specimen group I I I : S,~i, = 2 5 % and Sma x = 7 0 % . Failure of this slab, characterised by a central crack occurred after 440 cycles. The slab was then tested statically and the results show that the stiffness was reduced by about 60% from an initial value of 3800 kN/m.

Specimen group IV." Stain=55% and Smax=70%. For this slab (B5- 10-08) a crack immediately developed on applying the cyclic load. The initial static stiffness of 4300 kN/m was reduced to 1700 kN/m after the formationL of the crack. There was a corresponding increase in mid-span deflection and some creep.

F rom this test it was concluded that the composite deck will not be able to sustain any load range when Smin > 50% of the ultimate.

4.3.2 Group B The specimens for this group were further subdivided into two groups, depending on the minimum load, Smi,, and a summary of the test results is shown in Table 8 below.

TABLE 8 Summary of Fatigue Tests Results for Group B

Specimen Group Load range Cycles Stiffness identi~:y identity (%) to at

failure failure Smi n Sma x (Nf) (k f)


B9-24-08 I 4.0 45 * 4880 B 13-24-08 I 4-0 55 * 3820 B**-24-08 I 4.0 65 600 2350

Bt6-24-08 II 40 65 * 5500 B15-24-08 II 40 85 500 1850

* Deck did not fail after 4.5 million cycles.

264 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

Specimen 9roup I: S mi n = 4 " 0 % . For the composite slab (B9-24-08) with Smax=45%, the behaviour under repeated load was similar to that observed for Group A specimens with Smax <45%. The composite slabs showed a work-hardening effect with a resulting increase in stiffness after a few thousand cycles and thereafter remained more or less constant, as shown in Fig. 13. Static tests after 4-5 million cycles showed that the ultimate load could still be attained.

For the composite slab (B13-24-08) subjected to a maximum load, Smax = 55%, there was an observed decrease in stiffness with the number of cycles, Fig. 14. The decrease could be attributed to the deterioration in the bond between the steel deck and the concrete. The slab, however, managed to survive 4.5 million cycles with a reduction in stiffness of about 20%.

For a maximum load, Smax = 65%, composite slab (B12-24-08) could not survive repeated loading. The maximum number of cycles (600) was accompanied by a shear bond failure, characterised by a crack at one of the loaded points.

From these tests it was concluded that for Smin =4"0%, Sma x is approxi- mately 60% of the ultimate, if repeated loading is to be sustained.

Specimen 9roup II: Smin =40%. For composite slab (B16-24-08) sub- jected to Smi, =40% and Smax =65%, the behaviour was similar to that of Group I specimens, with Smax <55%; whereas for a higher load range,

6 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 ~ ~ _ _ _

4 0 0 0 "

• 8 0 0 0

2 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

0 0

Specimen B 9 - 2 4 - 0 8

J L i

1 2 3 4

Number of Cycles (N) (Millions)

Fig. 13. K - N curve for Group I slab with Sma x =45%.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 265


4800 1 Specimen B13-24-08

.... 4600H E







3400 I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 Number of Cyc les (N) ( M i l l i o n s )

Fig. 14. K-N curve for Group II slab with Smax = 55%.

Smax=85%, slab (B15-24-08) could not survive more than 500 cycles. Failure mode was a shear bond failure.

Thus for Smin = 40%, the maximum load that can be applied repeatedly for a 2-point central line loading is about Smax = 7 0 % of the ultimate if fatigue failure is to be eliminated.


5.1 Design formulation

5.1.1 Group A specimens--central line loading The fatigue test results were plotted as Smax against Smi,, as shown in Fig. 15. ]From the data points, a lower bound line (design line) of Smax ---- 50% could be deduced, suggesting that the maximum load that can be applied in order to sustain repeated loading is 50%.

5.1.2 Group B specimens--2-point loading For this group, the plot of Smax against Smi, is shown in Fig. 16. Although having insufficient data, a suggested extrapolated design line is shown in the figure. The line is slightly above the no-failure points.

The above two figures can be presented as modified Goodman 4 dia- grams, a,,; are shown in Figs 17-18.

266 G. J. Krige, J. Mahachi

8max(%) 100

8 0

6 0



0 I o 20

I • Failure

i i L 40 60 80


failure . . . . *Deeign line l + No J






0 100

Fig, 15. Group A, Smax VS Smi..

Smax('~) lOO i _ / ~ 100

80 ~' .... ~. . . . . . 80

40 - 40

20 20

0 L t t I 0 20 40 B0 80 100

S m i n ( % )

I Fmllure 4- No failure . . . . . Deelgn line g

Fig. 16. Group B, Smax VS Smi,-

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 267

s . (%) r a i n

1 0 0

8 0

6 0

s (%) m a x

., 1 0 0


6 0

4 0

2 0

0 i L



Fig. 17. Design chart for central line loading.

s . (%) r a i n


8 0

6 0

4 0

2 0

0 ~ ~ h ~ 0

Fig. 18. Design chart for 2-point line loading.

s (%) m t l x

1 0 0

8 0






G. J. Krioe, J. Mahachi

Design method

Analysis of load) Estimate the expected maximum number of repeated cycles (N) which the slab has to resist during its design life. Calculate the ultimate static strength (Pu) of the slab using rectangu- lar stress block analysis. Determine the minimum and maximum design load levels for the specified loadings. For the given minimum load (Smi.) determine the maximum permis- sible load (Sma~) from the design chart (modified Goodman diagram) (Fig. 17 for central line loading and Fig. 18 for 2-point line loading).

For a safe design, the maximum permissible load (Smax) must be greater than or equal to the maximum design load. For example, if Stain=20% then Smax=50% (Fig. 17) for central line load and Smax =65% (Fig. 18)for 2-point line load.

6 C O N C L U S I O N S

Where Bond-lok composite slabs are subjected to repeated central line loading, as in industrial buildings, natural bond cannot be relied upon as a satisfactory form of shear connection, in particular when the load range is high. For low load range, provided that Smax < 50%, fatigue failure is not expected. For any Smi., Sinai > 50%, cracks will inevitably initiate, result- ing in a loss of stiffness, increased mid-span deflections and ultimate failure of the slab.

For 2-point line loading there is an improved endurance to repeated loading, as compared to the central line loading for a given minimum load.


Financial support has been provided by the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and The South African Institute of Steel Construc- tion. Appreciation is extended to Pioneer Concrete for providing the concrete and Brownbuilt Metal Sections for the steel decks.



Porter, M. L. & Ekberg, C. E,, Jr, Design recommendations for steel deck floor slabs, J. Struct. Div. ASCE, 102(ST11) (1976) 2121-2136.

Dynamic behaviour of composite floors 269

2. Wyatt, 71'. A., Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors. Steel Construction Institute, CIRIA, Berkshire, 1989.

3. ACI Committee 215, Considerations for design of concrete structures subjec- ted to fatigue loading, ACI J., 71(3) (1974) 97-121.

4. Conway, J. B. & Sjodahl, L. H., Analysis and Representation of Fatigue Data. Mar-Tesl: Inc., Cincinatti, Ohio, 1991, pp. 147-150.

5. SAISC, South African Steel Construction Handbook (Limit State Design), 2nd edn. SAISC, Johannesburg, 1992, pp. 14.50-14.53.

6. BS8110, ,Structural Use of Concrete Part I, British Standards Institution, 1985. 7. Paz, M., Structural Dynamics--Theory and Computation. Van Nostrand-

Reinhold, 2nd edn, New York, 1991, pp. 8-50.