DUBLI BUSINESS SYSTEM Your Turn-Key Solution to Building a Successful DubLi Network Business

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D u b L i b u s i n e s s s y s t e m

Your Turn-Key Solution to Building a Successful DubLi Network Business

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2 3For educational and training purposes only For educational and training purposes only

DubLi Network and DubLi.com are creating something that has never

been done before. Over the last several years we have built DubLi into

an amazing, world-class shopping, travel and entertainment portal unlike

any other in the world. DubLi helps families around the world save lots

of money on the things they already buy every day, and have fun while

they’re doing it. DubLi makes a huge impact on households by improving

a family’s bottom line.

While we have already achieved tremendous success -- with customers

in more than 200 countries -- it’s time to take things to the next level and

get the word out to the rest of the world through DubLi Network, the sales

and marketing engine that drives customers to DubLi.com. I have built

many successful businesses in my career, but the concept of network

marketing is one of the greatest business models I have ever seen.

Network marketing is the perfect vehicle to make DubLi a household

name and a global e-commerce giant. I believe in just a few short years

DubLi will be as well-known as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and eBay.

Why? Because just like those companies, we have an innovative idea

whose time has come.

So if you are ready to become part of the DubLi family and this

unparalleled e-commerce revolution by building a business with DubLi

Network, here are a few personal challenges I want to extend to you:

First, understand this vast market and how perfectly positioned DubLi

Network is to dominate that market. Once you clearly see the window of

opportunity, it’s up to you to determine how much of this market you want

to capture. Get a clear vision early in your DubLi Network career of how

big you want your organization to be and then plan and work towards

making your vision a reality for you and your family.


Welcome to the world of DubLi Network! This is your chance to build an exciting career with one of the most powerful industries in the world today… Global e-commerce!

Table of Contents

Second, know that building a DubLi Network business will require work

and effort on your part. Nothing worthwhile in life comes without effort,

but with DubLi Network I believe you can see a much greater return on

your time and effort than in any other business.. It won’t always be easy,

but I promise you it will be worth it.

Third, follow our DubLi Business System (DBS). These proven, time-

tested principles have built enormously successful organizations all

over the world, spanning many different companies and industries. The

key to big growth in this industry is to create a system that people can

duplicate. Your business can’t be talent or personality-driven and, in

order to succeed, must work for everyone, regardless of their level of

experience. Mark my words: The leaders who copy these principles with

the most precision and the most speed will build the biggest teams and

make the most money.

And lastly and most importantly, treat people right. True success can

only come through treating your leaders and customers with complete

honesty and integrity. Incorporate these principles and you’ll build a

business you can be proud to call your own.

With DubLi Network, you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.

We are here to help you achieve whatever level of success you desire.

Make this your time!

Michael Hansen,

CEO and Founder, DubLi Network

Introduction 3

Foreword 4

The DubLi Business System Flow 5

Step 1: Prospecting 6 - 17Organizing and Continually Developing your prospect list

Step 2: Approach 18 - 29Controlling the Point of Contact

Step 3: Presentation 30 - 37Telling the DubLi Network Story

Step 4: Follow-Up 38 - 43Maximizing Your Results Through Proper Follow-up

Step 5: The Fast Start 44 - 55Getting Your New BA’s Career on the Right Track

Step 6: Duplication 56 - 75Running the DubLi Business System Throughout Your Team

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In that quote lies the genius of so many great companies that have

become household names. The leaders of these companies understood

from the outset that in order to grow, they had to create an easily

replicated process that anyone could follow to generate consistent results.

The McDonald’s Model

One of the most profitable retail businesses in the world, McDonald’s

remains the model upon which an entire generation of entrepreneurs

have built their fortunes — the “turnkey” franchise. Their system

provides a franchisee with not just a brand, but with an entire system

of doing business. All a franchisee needs to do is run the system, and

the system itself will run their business. It does not necessarily require

talent, but rather abilities that are easily learned and developed from

that system.

The turnkey model was constructed so that the entire business system

could be replicated over and over again, with each franchise working as

reliably and as profitably as all the ones that preceded it.

The DubLi Business System

The DubLi Business System (DBS) is your key to replicating this same

type of success as you build your DubLi Network business around the

world. It is based on the same time-tested principles that have formulated

some of the largest companies in our industry. With a system to follow,

the chance of success for most people increases tremendously.

While DubLi Network is not a franchise, we have applied the same

turnkey principles that make the system the solution to your success.

Become a student and master of the DBS. Repeat the Six Steps over

and over again, and you will realize unbelievable success in your DubLi

Network business.

The speed and precision with which you duplicate and execute the

system will largely determine your success, and this accuracy then must

be adopted by your entire team.

You run the system. The system runs your business.

Can “You” Do It?

If you are a person of integrity who possesses a good attitude, a desire to

win, faith in our concept, an aspiration to get more out of life, and is willing

to work hard and follow our system, then the answer is absolutely YES!


“It has been said, and I believe it to be true, that great businesses are not built by extraordinary people, but by ordinary people doing extraordinary things. But for ordinary people to do extraordinary things, a system – a “way of doing things” – is needed to compen-sate for the disparity between the skills your people have and the skills needed to produce the results.”

Make this YOUR TIME!Welcome to DubLi Network!

The DubLi Business System Flow

The repetition of these six easily duplicated steps can lead to the building of a large DubLi Network organization.

Michael Gerber, E-Myth

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Step 1: Prospecting Organizing and Continually Developing your prospect list

Most marketing people who aren’t experiencing the success they desire usually don’t lack a good presentation or timely concept. What they are missing

are qualified people to get in front of on a consistent basis.

Many companies today rely solely on running ads, buying leads and sending mass mailings or email blasts to attract new customers. Most people either

ignore or become annoyed with these unsolicited attempts to contact them. While you can use these methods if you choose, be warned that it is usually

a much tougher path to follow.

Relationship Marketing has proven to be the most effective way to carry a message or product to a particular market. Working in a warm market is not

only a very successful method, but it is also extremely cost effective as well. You must have a systemized method of prospecting. It must not be personality

driven or vary from situation to situation. The system must give the Business Associate (BA) the confidence to follow through each time, which will generate

successful results, and be easy to duplicate.

There are two main areas that will compose your prospect list:

1. Your Warm Market Your warm market consists of all of the people you know, including friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, and business contacts.

2. Networking to Develop New Business ContactsThese are people you meet through personal contact, referrals, the Internet and other social media outlets.

Step 1: Prospecting

Purpose: To organize and continually cultivate all of your resources to identify potential prospects, leaders and customers.

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Making a prospect list is the first step for every new DubLi Network

Business Associate (BA).

Look at this list as people who can benefit greatly from the DubLi Network

opportunity to help make their dreams come true. At the very least, view

them as potential V.I.P. customers to help them save big money on the

things they buy every day. Every name on that list represents a family

that DubLi Network can impact dramatically. Being introduced to DubLi

might change their financial future forever!

Remember, every leader in DubLi Network -- including you -- was once

just a name on someone’s prospect list. Imagine how different the lives

of these leaders would be without DubLi Network.

So don’t just “make a list”. Be enthusiastic about building your

prospect list because those are people whose lives you can potentially

change forever!

1. Don’t leave anyone off your list.

Don’t prejudge people or eliminate them from your list for any reason; for

example, because you think they’re too busy or already have a successful

career. You never know if someone will take advantage of the opportunity,

so let them choose for themselves. Imagine how bad you would feel if

you found out down the road that they were eyeing a career change or

wanted to earn extra money, and you didn’t give them the chance to hear

about DubLi Network.

Also, it’s not just who you know that matters, but also who they know.

The timing may not be right for the person you know, but they may

know people who are interested now. Some of your best leaders could be

recruited from people who don’t become a part of your business.

As the leader, you should sit down with each new BA and his or her

spouse and help create their prospect list. Not only will this exercise

give you the most names, but it will also be a great opportunity to build

a relationship with these team members as you get to know them better.

Use the “Memory Jogger Sheet” to help add as many names as possible

to the list. Have your new BA go through each word on the Memory

Jogger and write down the first name that comes to their mind. Initially,

focus only on the names and they can get the rest of the prospects’

information later.

Your Warm MarketOrganizing Your Prospect List

You will be surprised by the outcome of this exercise, as names will come

to mind that they may have never before considered. This is a great way

for everyone to make their initial prospect list. Go through the entire list

to help them build a huge pool of prospects.

2. Identify your “Top 25” prospects.

Your initial prospect list should have a minimum of 100 names to begin

with and grow from there. From those 100, identify the “Top 25”. Here

are the seven points that make up a highly qualified prospect:

• 25+ years old

• Married

• Children

• Homeowner

• Good business background

• Good income or substantial savings for a cushion

• Want more out of life

There will be exceptions to these guidelines, but in general, the more

of these points a prospect satisfies, the better their chance of success.

3. Expand your list through warm market Social Media prospecting.

Social Media is one of the most dynamic and productive ways to

reconnect with people from your past, and is also a great opportunity to

meet new people to build your prospect list.

There are basically two types of social media sites -- “social sites”

like Facebook, Google+, etc. and “business sites” like LinkedIn, Plaxo

and others.

Social Sites: Facebook, Google+, etc.

For the “social sites”, you should start by signing up for 2-3 social sites

(if you haven’t already). Facebook is, by far, the biggest and Google+ is

making some serious headway. Then make sure you enter all of your

personal information. Enter your education, employment history and

other personal information. This information is key to helping lead you to

people you have known in the past.

Friend suggestions will start popping up furiously -- start adding these

suggested friends to your friends list. You can also search by name and

location. In addition, click on the friends lists of your friends to find new

people; you will be amazed by how quickly your prospect list grows.

Make sure your page is family-oriented and represents your life, not your

business. It is acceptable to share business-related items on your wall

but only at a maximum of 2-3 posts a week. Any more than that and it

becomes annoying to people and they will get the feeling you are pushing

some business on everyone and they will eventually unfriend you. It also

makes your business seem less exclusive and not as special.

Business Sites: LinkedIn, Plaxo and others.

For the “business sites,” repeat the same setup you used for the “social

sites.” The major difference is that these profiles will have a purely

business orientation. You should use business photos and business

language. Post a well-written summary to appeal to new people who

may be interested in becoming part of your business, and share business

updates often to draw attention to your profile.

Not only will you find people you know from your former companies,

but you can also search by universities and companies you have done

business with in the past. The great thing about the “business sites” is

that networking is not only acceptable but actually encouraged. Still,

you want to appear as professional as possible to attract high quality

business prospects.

We will show you how to approach people through social media in the

Step 2 “The Approach”.

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DubLi Memory Jogger

Who do you know that:Likes to shop

Likes to save money

Likes to make extra money

Spends lots of money

Shops online

Is entrepreneurial

Is online all the time

Is on Facebook or Twitter

Likes movies and music

Likes to read

Likes video games

Like to travel

Is on your holiday card list

Is your friend on a social networking site like

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Is in your contacts on your computer and phone

Is in your address book

Would like to stay home with their children

Is a stay at home Mom/Dad

Is retired

Is disabled

Knows everyone

The most outgoing person you know

Belongs to a club

Family & FriendsAdult Children









Best Man

Maid/Matron of Honor



Best Friend

Friends from College


Baby Sitter


Church Friends

Gym Friends Work Associates





Personnel Manager


Sales Person

Office Supply Person

Water Delivery Person

Union Rep

Credit Union Rep

Pension Plan Rep

Security Guard



Mail Carrier

Delivery Person

Copier Repair


Jobs & InterestsAccountant




Auto Sales

Auto Repairing


Apartment Manager



Auto Parts

Airline Employee




Auto Repair

Auto Detailing

Auto Renting

Auto Sales




Beauty Consultant









Computers Copiers











































Martial Arts








Motor Homes








Oil Business






Party Planner

Pet Business










Real Estate











Plays sports




























12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 DubLi Network Top 25 Prospect List

Date: Business Associate Nam

e: Leader:

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The Follow-Up

Call them back in two days on the phone. (One day is too anxious.

Three days is too long, and the person may not remember you.)

Say to them:

Then send the contact email found in Step 2- Approach and follow the

system from there. .

The Approach


Shopping centers and small businesses (i.e. Starbucks).


The best times are between 9:30-11:45am and between 1:15-5:00pm,

when most businesses are the least busy.


Walk into the business and start looking around. The person in the store

will usually ask “May I help you?”

You say (in a very friendly polite tone)-

Then use the F.O.R.M. Method to get a casual conversation going while

you are still browsing to get the new relationship started. Questions like:

Have you worked here long? Do you live close by? Etc.

Stay no longer than 3-5 minutes. Don’t talk about the business. As you

leave, ask if they have a card so you can remember where this store is.

If they don’t have a card, ask for their name and write it down with the

store name after you leave.

Networking to Develop New Business Contacts Never stop networking your network business opportunity. It is crucial you continue to build your prospect list by constantly adding new people. These introductions will come through personal contact, referrals, the Internet and other social media outlets.

Personal Contact

The key to introducing the DubLi Network opportunity to personal contacts

is to be natural; don’t say too much. Nobody wants to be overwhelmed,

no matter how good the message is.

As you go about your day, look for people with whom to start a

conversation. Study the following example, and then use the F.O.R.M.

method to help develop a new warm market by meeting new people.

Remember: No matter where you meet someone, keep in mind the basic

recruiting principles and never say too much to scare the person off. Your

goal is to get the person to attend a presentation or webinar, or, at the

very least, visit your DubLi landing page.

The F.O.R.M. Method

The F.O.R.M. Method helps you to remember the four great conversation-

starter topics. This method always works best by initially sharing some

personal information about yourself and your family.

F Is for “Family.” You might ask someone about their spouse or children.

O Is for “Occupation.” What do they do for a living? How long have they

been there? Do they enjoy their job? What would they like to be doing


R Is for “Recreation.” You can ask them about their favorite activities or

hobbies. What do they like to do as family in their spare time?

M Is for “Message.” Briefly mention what you do to create some interest.

Get their name (ask for a business card) to call or email some information.

If they ask you what you do for a living, simply say “I’m putting together

a marketing team for an exciting new company that is expanding in the

area.” Don’t go into any further details. You don’t want to give too much

away at this point. We just are looking for them to recognize you and to

get their contact information.

The Power of “Friendship Farming”

Friendship Farming is one of the secrets that many leaders use to

add prospects to their list. Leaders at all levels have hours scattered

throughout the day that are usually filled with “busy work.” These hours

can be used more efficiently to add new BAs to their team. Friendship

Farming is also a great way to replenish your warm market or to help you

get started in a new geographic area.

Keys to Friendship Farming- • Remember: It is “Win Friends” then “Influence People,” not the

other way around. Don’t go for the sale on the first contact.

• Understand the power of “The Law of Averages and the Law of

High Numbers”

• Don’t forget: People need the DubLi Network opportunity to make

a serious second income, or to make a career change. This is the

most powerful crusade we have -- let them feel it from your heart.

Here is how it works:

“No, thank you. I have an appointment nearby and I arrived a little early and I am just killing a few minutes. This is a nice store-- are you the owner?”

(The person usually isn’t but wishes they were, and this question usually gets them talking)

“Hey _______,

This is _________. I am not sure if you remember me but I was in your store the other day and we talked about __________. (Use a subject from your “F.O.R.M.” Discussion) Listen, the reason I am calling is because I am working with an rapidly growing international company that is expanding in this area, and we are looking for people who want to make a serious second income or a possible career change.

Now, I don’t like running ads because you never know who is going to respond, but you seem like the type of person we are looking for. I would like to send you an email that has some information about us, so you can see if you might be interested. Worst case, you may know someone sharp like yourself who may be interested. What is the best email address for you?

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Getting Referrals during the Approach StepA good time to get referrals is after the approach has been made, even

if the prospect is not interested in attending a presentation or exploring

the option of becoming a customer.

Sample Script:

Getting Referrals during the Presentation StepIf the prospect has attended the presentation (whether at the office, one-

on-one, or online) and is not interested in signing up, there is still an

opportunity to get referrals.

Sample Script:

Getting Referrals during the Product Presentation The Product Presentation is one of the best times to get referrals. Once

prospects have seen the power of DubLi Network and how it can save

people a lot of money on the things they buy every day, they realize that

this is a concept that applies to everyone.

Sample Script:

“I appreciate getting to meet with you today. As you can tell, DubLi can save people a lot of money on the things they buy every day and is a growing and unique concept. _______ (Their name), I have built my business on referrals from quality people like you. Would you be kind enough to write down the names of a few people who think might benefit from what DubLi has to offer?”

Possibility Projections from Friendship Farming:If you spend 4-6 hours friendship farming you can expect to pick up 40-60 business cards/names.

What if only 20-30 people of the 40-60 calls you made (very low aver-

age) allowed you to send them an email?

What if only 7-10 people of the 20-30 who see the email actually see a

DubLi Network Presentation?

What if only one person of the 7-10 who sees the presentation actually

joins? (VERY low average)

This would mean, using very low averages that you would get 1 new

personal recruit for every 4-6 hours of Friendship Farming. If you did this

5 days a week for 4 weeks that would be 20 personal recruits in one

month. When was the last time you did that?

Most people will have better averages than this but it shows that even

if you weren’t very good at Friendship Farming, you can use the “Law

of Averages and the Law of High Numbers” to launch your next wave of

personal bandwidth.

Warm Market Referrals

Referrals are the lifeblood of your business. Every new prospect, recruit or customer you come in contact with can lead to even more prospects, recruits and customers through being systematic about getting warm market referrals. You can ask for referrals during any of the steps in the DubLi Business System, including the Approach, Presentation, and the customer presentations.

Overcoming Objections in the Referral ProcessHere are the three most common objections when attempting to

garner referrals:

1. Some customers feel uncomfortable because they may upset their friends and relatives by giving their name as a referral. This comes from people who have dealt with over-aggressive sales

people who were too pushy with them in the past. It is important for you

to let them know that you will not pressure the referrals in any way if

they are not interested in meeting. Due to the potential savings then can

realize from DubLi, these people should at least have the opportunity to

hear about it.

2. Some prospects will rule out certain people based on their own personal judgment. It is important that you remind your contact that DubLi has appeal to

everyone who wants to save money. It is important to tell your contact

not to prejudge anyone and to let each person decide whether he wants

to hear about DubLi.

3. Contacts feel like they don’t know anyone. It’s possible that they cannot think of anyone at the moment. Most people

know more people than they realize. This is where the Memory Jogger

sheet from Step 1 of the DubLi Business System comes in to help refresh

their memory.

Once you master overcoming objections, you will truly have a

successful turnkey method of getting referrals at each step to help build

your business.

“I appreciate how you feel, but let me ask you a quick question before we get off the phone. I’ve found my best new associates come through referrals from quality people like you. Who do you know that may be interested in getting involved in a new business venture or a possible career change?”

“As you can tell, the DubLi Network concept will have a dramatic impact on your finances and can save you a lot of money on the things you buy every day. The amazing part is that most people have never even heard of DubLi. Who do you know that at least needs to have a chance to hear about DubLi so they can have the same opportunity as you did?”

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Method 1 – Phone Contact

Sample Phone Script-

Set a time for the appointment or give the referral directions to the

location of the group presentation. If they don’t commit to meeting, you

can invite them to a webinar or, at the very least, send a link to your

DubLi landing page.

Note: Make sure you are aware of your country’s laws concerning cold

calling, and do not violate these laws. If you and/or any of your BAs engage

in cold calling, please make sure everyone follows the laws and rules and

instruct your BAs to pass along the message to their downlines as well.

Method 2 – Email Contact

Sample Email:

If the person replies and doesn’t commit to meeting, you can invite them

to a webinar or, at the very least, send a link to your DubLi landing page.

Contacting the New ReferralsThere are two effective methods for contacting new referrals:

Become systematic at procuring referrals, and teach your leaders to do the same, so that your team will consistently appear in front of good, quality

people who need to hear about DubLi Network to help you take your business to the next level.

These are hypothetical situations for illustration purposes only. There are no guarantees, but the harder you work, statistically speaking, the greater your

chances for success.

The Power of Referrals Here’s what one BA can do personally, starting with just one sale and getting 10 referrals from each new customer.

Relationships Are the KeyAll of the methods outlined in this step will enable you to consistently

maintain a large prospect list. You will always have quality prospects

to contact about the DubLi Network opportunity. These people aren’t

just “names on a list”. These are people and families who have

relationships and trust with the people you know or were referred by.

These relationships are the key to building a quality pool of prospects

to contact.

It’s Not Just Who You KnowRemember, it’s not just who you know but who others know that will

make you a great prospector. Get into the habit of always asking people,

“Who do you know that may be interested in making extra money?” or

“Who do you know that would like to get up to 70% on the things they

buy every day?” You will soon realize that every person you know -- or

come in contact with -- can lead you to many other quality people you

would have never otherwise met.

Prospecting Conclusion

Systematic Wins the RaceRemember to take a systematic approach toward prospecting, and apply

this approach to all the steps in the system. Avoid the temptation to

make it personality driven or to vary your methods from situation to

situation. Give the Business Associates (BAs) a consistent track to run on

so they will have the confidence to follow through each time to generate

successful results that are easy for them to duplicate.

Top Prospecting Secret of Industry LegendsExecute these methods properly and you will never have to consider

buying leads or working a cold market where the percentage of success

go way down. Relationship Marketing/Prospecting is the key to building

a successful team with leaders who can duplicate what you are doing

to build your organization. This is one of the top secrets from the great

legends of our industry. Make it work for you.

Week or Month No. of Sales No. of Referrals(10 per Customer)

V.I.P. Sign-Ups(50%)

1 1 10 5

2 5 50 25

3 25 250 125

4 125 1250 625

5 625 6250 3125

“Hello, _______, (Their name) I am a friend of _______ (Referrer’s name) and I recently shared a concept with them that they were really excited about. They really liked what we are doing to save families money on the things they buy every day, and was kind enough to mention that you might be interested in hearing more about it.

There are two ways that work best for me to share this information with you. I can either set an appointment to come by and see you at your home, or we have a group presentation on Tuesday night at 7:30. Which of these options works best for you?” (WFA)

“Dear __________, (Person’s name) I am a friend of _______ (Referrer’s name) and I recently shared a concept with them that they were really excited about. They really liked what we are doing to save families money on the things they buy every day, and was kind enough to mention that you might be interested in hearing more about it.

There are two ways that work best to share this information with you. I can either set an appointment to come by and see you at your home, or we have a group presentation on Tuesday night at 7:30. Which of these two ways works best for you?

I look forward to hearing back from you-____________ (Your name)

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Step 2: ApproachControlling the Point of Contact

Step 2: Approach

Purpose: To effectively approach a prospect and set an appointment to attend a presentation at the office, one-on-one, or online within the next 24-48 hours.

90% of the failure in this business takes place in the approach. But luckily, there are only two simple reasons why most people fail in the approach:

1. They do it wrong or 2. They don’t do it at all

Mastering a quality “Invitation” using proven, time-tested methods gives you the “know-how” and confidence to make a large number of high quality

approaches to help build your business. The key is to give prospects just enough to intrigue them without giving away too much, which might cause

them to jump to conclusions and not give this business the full attention it deserves. Great leaders become “Master Inviters” and build many more

“Master Inviters” throughout their team.

There are a few proven methods you can use to make an effective approach:

1. Video approach using an email or social media invitation2. Personal phone invitation

Both of these methods are highly effective in allowing the prospect to feel your enthusiasm, pique their curiosity, and set a time to see the presentation,

all of which are critical to a successful approach.

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Approach BasicsNo matter what method of approach you choose, you must master several basics.

Keys to an effective approach:

1. Show genuine enthusiasm and passion. We have a first-class

company with a revolutionary concept that people need to hear.

People can make and save a lot of money with DubLi Network, so

you can really have an enormous positive impact on their lives by

introducing DubLi to them.

2. Don’t answer a lot of questions. If you say too much, people will

jump to conclusions. Our goal is not to “give” the presentation

at this point, but rather to “get” them to a meeting, whether in a

group setting, one-on-one or online.

3. Build a rapport with them. Remember, these are friends.

4. Whenever possible, invite both spouses to see the DubLi Network

story together. There is magic involved when a couple hears the

story together.

5. Ask your guests to arrive 30 minutes early to meet the speakers

and leaders and help remove any skepticism they may have.

6. Master the approach. The leaders and teams with the highest

success rates have the most people see their presentation, which

leads to more recruits, bigger teams, and a bigger customer base

-- and the result is more income for everyone.

Understanding How People Think

When making an approach you have to understand how people think.

You must remember:

• Many people are usually a little skeptical at first, but if they feel

that you are genuinely and sincerely trying to help them better

their life -- not just trying to sell them something -- they will open

up to you.

• Most people are naturally curious, but if you say too much in

the initial approach, they might jump to conclusions and stop


• Some people may initially seem uninterested, but remember that

most people dream about owning their own business and being

their own boss. They just haven’t had the money, opportunity or

know-how to find and start the right business.

The approach -- and recruiting for that matter -- is a lot like fishing.

You don’t just jump in the water and force a lure down a fish’s mouth.

You find bait the fish wants, and then you carefully entice and then

withdraw the bait by working the fishing pole so that when the fish

bites, it bites hard.

Great inviters and recruiters never bug or beg anyone. They entice and

withdraw and find the hot buttons that will make a new recruit WANT to

join with full enthusiasm. People want to believe that they came up with

the idea on their own, all you do is plant the seed.

The Video Approach

The best way to control the point of contact is to use one of the current DubLi contact videos or opportunity webinars.

The Potential of the Video Approach Here is an example of one Business Associate using the video approach.

Every person should experience a minimum 20-30% recruiting success

rate using this method.

The video approach helps solve many of the problems in approaching

your prospects:

• You don’t have to talk to prospects alone. Your leader will help you

each step of the way.

• You don’t have to make a presentation. The video or webinar

makes the presentation for you.

• You don’t answer questions from a prospect. Your leader will

handle this for you

This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only. There is no assurance that these results can or will be achieved.

Week or Month No. of Sales 20 Videos Approaches Each Recruit (20%)

1 1 20 5

2 5 100 25

3 25 500 125

4 125 2500 625

5 625 12500 3125

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The Video Approach FlowApproach Preparation:

The Approach:

You can’t fail. How simple is it? You send them an email or a message through social media, i.e. Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. It is just that simple.

(Be sure to read the “Tips on Social Media Approach” before sending a message through Social Media that you will find later in this chapter)

Sample Message


I wanted to message you about a new business opportunity that I am involved with. The concept is simple, yet powerful… What if you could get up to 70% Cashback on the things you already buy every day?

It doesn’t matter if its clothes, travel or whatever else you buy. And what if there is an opportunity for both of us to make money by helping others to do the same? We could finally start making money from the Internet. What message could be more powerful in this day and age?

There is a lot more to it than that, but take a look at this link (insert link to the contact video or webinar you would like to use) and I will contact you within the next 24-48 hours, unless you get back with me first. I look forward to speaking with you more about this soon.”

• Train your BAs to run the video approach. (See “Drill for Skill on the Approach” below)

• Your primary goal should be to have your team approach as many prospects as possible in the shortest period of time. Statistically speaking, the

more darts you throw, the more bulls eyes you’ll hit

• The best way to accomplish this is to use the company-approved email below

• Remember the only way you need to respond to questions is, “That’s a good question. Why don’t you watch the video first and then discuss it.

Fair enough?” Don’t get into any other details with them. Let the video do the work for you.

The 3-Way Phone Follow-Up:

The purpose of the 3-Way Phone Follow-Up is to get the prospect, the inviter, and their leader all on the phone together to entice the prospect to take the

next step by attending a presentation in a group setting, one-on-one, or online.

The first thing a new recruit has is a believability problem with friends and associates. People trust their friends, but they don’t necessarily believe that

they are the ones who can show them how to make lots of money. This is where the leader comes in. The friend who has invited them brings the “trust

factor” and the leader brings the “believability factor.”

The upline leader then calls the new prospect and says:

If they say, “No, I haven’t looked at it yet,” the leader then says:

“No problem, but this company is helping many families around the world make and save money, a lot of money.

I encourage you to watch the video in the next day or two and we will call you back in a few days.

Fair enough?

The BA then says:

“______ (new prospect), I have never seen anything like this. The money you can make here is truly amazing, and you know if I can do it, you can too. I’m going to give you back to ______ (the leader). ______ (the leader) is a really good person and can really help us make some serious money while helping others.

The leader then says:

(choose a Group Meeting Invitation, Webinar Invitation, or One-On-One Invitation found below depending on what type of meeting you are inviting them to.)

If they say, “YES, I’ve looked at it,” without hesitation,

the leader then says:

“Great, ______ (the BA) and I are really excited about this. DubLi Network is doing fabulous things to help people save money, and has an amazing income potential. You’re not going to believe what a dynamic team ______ (the BA) is building. At the pace he/she is going he/she should be earning a second income of more than he/she is making at their full time job (or from their business) in the next six months. ______ (the BA) is here with me now and wants to say hello.”

“Hello ______ (new prospect),This is ______ (Leader). I’m a ______ (leader’s title) with DubLi Network and I’m working with______ (the BA), who is one of our top up-and-coming leaders in the area. When I asked______ (the BA) who were some of the most ambitious people he/she knew, your name was at the top of the list. I know ______ (new BA) sent you a video link to check out. Did you get a chance to watch it?”

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The Phone Invitation Script

The phone invitation is a little more difficult since the BA has to actually speak live alone with the prospect, but if you use the Drill for Skill techniques

found later in this chapter, you can master the phone invitation.

One-on-One Invitation

Follow these steps to the letter and you will see amazing results. This type of approach has recruited millions of people into networking over the years,

so don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Remember what you read in the introduction: The leaders who copy these principles with the most precision and

speed will build the biggest teams in DubLi Network and will make the most money.

Group Meeting Invitation

Webinar Invitation

The Personal Phone Invitation

Another very effective approach method has always been the one-on-one phone invitation. It requires a little more work and skill on the inviter’s part, but phone invitations have always been highly effective.

“______ (new prospect),I’m sure you want to learn how to increase your income over the next few months or, worse case learn about how you save a lot of money on the things you buy every day. You need to do your best to rearrange your schedule to give an hour or so to check this out. We are doing a meeting at ________ (place) on either this Tuesday or Thursday night. Which of those two nights is best for you?” (WFA) “Great ______ (new BA) will come by your home around __:__ (time) to pick you up or you can just follow him/her to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you on ______ night. Goodbye.”

“______ (new prospect),I’m sure you want to learn how to increase your income over the next few months or at least learn about how you can save a lot of money on the things you buy every day. You need to do your best to rearrange your schedule to set aside an hour or so to check this out. We are doing a webinar this Tuesday or Thursday night. Which of those two nights is best for you?” (WFA) ”Great ______ (new BA) will send you an email with the link to the webinar. We look forward to seeing you on the webinar on ______ night. Good-bye.”

“______ (new prospect),I’m sure you want to learn how to increase your income over the next few months or at least learn about how you save a lot of money on the things you buy every day. You need to do your best to rearrange your schedule to give us an hour or so to check this out. We have some appointments in your area on this Tuesday or Thursday night. Which of those two nights is best for you?” (WFA) ”Great. We look forward to seeing you at your home on ______ night. Goodbye.”

Call the prospect on the phone (Or Skype or other service) and say:

“Hi_______, this is ___________.” (Have some brief small talk.)

“___________, I’m involved with an exciting international company that has launched a new business model to help people earn up to 70% Cashback on the things they buy every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s clothes, travel, or whatever else they buy. The com-pany has really saved us a lot of money and is giving me a chance to help others save money, and I can finally start making money from the Internet to do many of the things we‘ve always dreamed of doing, such as...”

(Use four to five of your own goals and dreams here)

• Start making my dreams come true • Get out of the job that I am in• Have an option on whether or not my spouse needs to work• Get paid what I’m really worth • To build my family’s dream home • To build the quality of life we have always wanted• Take control of my income, time and business life once and for all• Build a second-income business • Be in a business that truly helps people• Or any other goal that is important to you

“Now it takes about 30-40 minutes to do this justice and there are some things you need to see for yourself for it to make sense. But I would like to… (Then use the Group Meeting Invitation, Webinar Invitation, or One-On-One Invitation found above depending on what type of meeting you are inviting them to.)

If they say “NO” to an invitation to attend any type of meeting, then the leader says:

“I understand ______ (new prospect). ______ (BA) and I have some other calls to make, but we would love to get with you if your circumstances change. At the very least, we need to meet with you to see how much money DubLi can save you and your family.”

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We covered the power of using social media to reconnect with people

and to meet new people as well. But it is important to understand that

there is a social media etiquette that must be followed to approach

people in the right way.

As we mentioned in Step 1, you must remember that “social sites” like

Facebook, Google+, etc. are just that -- they are designed for social

interaction. Sites like LinkedIn, Plaxo and others are “business sites”

and are designed for business networking. Therefore, the rules for

approaching are different.

“Social Sites” -- Facebook, Google+, etc.

For the “social sites,” you need to approach people exactly as you would

in a real-world social setting.

Once you find people from your past using the methods we covered in

Step 1, it is time to approach them. It has probably been awhile since

you have seen many of these people. An easy first message should be

something like:

This message is what you expect from an old friend or acquaintance and

doesn’t make you seem as if the only reason you contacted them was

to talk to them about a business. They will usually respond with a polite

message updating you on their life and then will ask about your life. Here

is a great response-

They will usually respond with their email address and then you simply

use the steps in the Video Approach above to make contact.

Overcoming Objections in the ApproachWhen prospects start asking questions, the first thing you should do is understand that a question really is just a request for a little more information.

Unfortunately, we don’t want to go into a lot of detail in the approach phase.

This is the purpose of Step 3 - The Presentation.

Either way, the key is to stay in control and overcome their objection. Because there are so many ways prospects can build a DubLi Network business, they

really can customize this opportunity. They can sell memberships to customers if they’d like, but they don’t have to. They can build a team if they want,

but they don’t have to. It is entirely their choice. Flexibility is one of the unique qualities of the DubLi Network opportunity.

Tips on Social Media Approach

“Business Sites”… LinkedIn, Plaxo and others.

You can approach people more directly on the “business sites,” since it

is acceptable to network and extend business opportunities to people.

Use the same scripts from the Video Approach that we covered earlier

in the chapter. Also, be up front and don’t try to make DubLi Network

appear like a salaried position. The DubLi Network opportunity stands

strong on its own and is very attractive to entrepreneurial people from all

business backgrounds, whether they are looking for a career change or

just a second income.

Be sure and make Social Media a big part of your business efforts, but

do it right and extend the same courtesy you would like extended to you.

Social Media “Memes”

Another popular method of exposing the business to people in a low-key,

yet effective way is the use of memes. Memes come in all forms but are

mostly comprised of pictures, catch phrases, videos, etc., that people

share on social media. They can be inspirational, thought-provoking or

just funny.

DubLi and DubLi Network often publish memes on our social media sites

that you can share with your friends on your wall. Just go to your social

media sites, search for the DubLi Network and DubLi pages, click “like”

and you will start receiving the feeds. When you see memes you like,

simply click “like” and then “share” to post the meme on your wall with

your comments.

Your friends will then see the inspirational and entertaining memes and,

their curiosity will be aroused. After doing this consistently, many DubLi

BAs have been contacted by friends who want to know more about DubLi

Network. This is a great way to expose the opportunity to the people you

have connected with on social media outlets. Get in the habit of “liking”

and “sharing” the company’s memes to help grow your business.

“Is this network marketing?” just say “Why, do you like network marketing?”

If they say “Yes,” just say,

“Great, you‘re going to love this.”(?) If they say “No,” just say,

“Great, you‘re going to love this.”

If they say “Yes,” just say,

“Great, you‘re going to love this.” If they say “No,” just say,

“Great, you‘re going to love this.”

“Is this sales?” just say “Why, do you like sales?”


“Glad to hear things are going well for you. Things have been amazing with us lately. I recently got involved in a new business where people can get up to 70% Cashback on the things they already buy every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s clo-thes, travel, or anything else. We saw it as a chance to finally start making money from the Internet, and it has changed our lives. If you would like, I could email you some informa-tion so you can see exactly what we are doing and how it works. What is the best email address for you?”

“_______ (their name), It has been a long time. I hope life has been treating you well. What are you up to these days?”

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Drill for Skill on the approachSince 90% of the failure in this business takes place in the approach and there are only two simple reasons why most people fail in the approach -- by either doing it wrong or just not doing it -- you must train each associate to become a “Master Inviter”.

You can’t learn how to do this from just reading about it, and you certainly

don’t want your new BAs to practice on their prospects and make a bad

first impression. The best way is to train your BAs old and new just like

the airlines train their pilots.

Creating a Training Simulator

Did you ever wonder how pilots become so good at flying in bad weather?

They certainty don’t tell brand new pilots, “Look there is a storm! Take

this multi-million dollar airplane up there and fly into it and let’s see how

you do.” The airlines use multi-million dollar simulators that simulate

the worst conditions possible, and pilots spend thousands of hours

training before taking to the air. Thanks to their extensive training in the

simulators, the pilot’s reaction becomes second nature, no matter what

situation arises.

You must do the same thing in your business. You should create training

sessions with your leaders that “simulate” real approaches. Since most

of the things that new BAs need to learn are the scripts they will actually

say over the phone (Or Skype or similar technology), then using the

phone is the best way to train them.

Just get at least three BAs on the phone and take turns being the

leader, the new BA, and the prospect. Take it easy at first, until everyone

gets comfortable with the flow. Then gradually have the BA playing the

prospect get tougher and more skeptical and start asking more difficult

questions. This way, both the leader and the new BA will learn how to

overcome almost every situation.

This type of simulator training will not only give your new and old leaders

the knowledge and experience to make quality invitations, but it will also

give them the confidence to make even more approaches. Your team will

really start growing at a feverish pace.

The Approach Conclusion

Enthusiasm is Key

Don’t forget to show genuine enthusiasm and passion when making

an approach. We have a first-class company with a revolutionary

concept that people will want to hear about. People can make a lot

of money and/or save a lot of money with DubLi Network so you can

really have a huge effect on their lives by making the introduction.

Understanding Human Nature

You must remember that people are sometimes skeptical, curious

and seem uninterested. Don’t get discouraged. Just learn how to hit

people’s hot buttons and use the “entice and withdraw” method to

interest them in hearing more about DubLi.

Drill for Skill on the Approach

Take the time to make sure all of your leaders are trained in the

approach. Don’t assume they will figure it out. You can’t afford

to leave this to chance.

Build a Team of Master Inviters

Remember: The leaders and teams who execute the most

qualitative approaches attract the most people to view the

presentation, which leads to more recruits, bigger teams, and a

bigger customer base, which ultimately leads to more potential

income for you and your leaders.

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Step 3: PresentationTelling the DubLi Network Story

Step 3: Presentation

Purpose: Show the power of the DubLi Network opportunity to the new prospect.

Now that we have made our prospect list and contacted the prospects, it’s time to tell them the DubLi Network story by way of a presentation.

There are four types of presentations:

Group PresentationThese meetings take place in hotels or offices in front of a live crowd. They are very effective because the prospect sees the story in person and gets to

feel the energy of the crowd.

Online PresentationOnline Presentations, or webinars, are meetings that take place online and are live or pre-recorded using services like Go-to-Meeting and others.

One-On-One PresentationThese are meetings that take place in the home of the prospect usually with a new BA and his leader.

Home Party PresentationThese meetings take place in the home of a BA or a customer who is looking to add V.I.P. Members to their referral network and is sponsoring the party.

You must be signed up for the Business Builder Max Package to receive the tools and custom landing page to host DubLi Home Parties. See your back

office for more information.

All of these types of presentations are highly effective and you can use one or a combination of them to help build your DubLi Network business

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Presentation DynamicsNo matter which format(s) you choose, the presentation must be compelling and powerful, and should be conducted by your most enthusiastic leaders.

Even if you are not the greatest speaker, keep in mind that people respond

to presenters who are genuine and passionate about what they do. These

are the most important characteristics for an effective presentation.

Newer leaders should always let their upline leader share the story

on their behalf. Never tell the story to your prospect until you are very

experienced. The leader will be most helpful in moving the prospect to

the next step as well.

Subliminal Messages that Should Come Across in a Good Presentation

• There’s a huge need for what we do; people want and need to save

money, and make more money.

• We are good people doing good things to help other people.

• There is good money to be made with DubLi Network.

• People from all walks of life have become successful with DubLi

Network, and you have the same potential for success.

• DubLi Network, while part of a global, public company is run as a

family-oriented business.

Key Points of a Successful Presentation

• Keep the meeting simple. Don’t complicate it.

• Use the company-approved business presentation.

• Use a conversational speaking style and an easy, pleasant delivery.

Let your presentation come from the heart.

• Market the potential of the business opportunity, but don’t overhype

it. Be honest about the business and the people in it.

• Be sure to make the comparisons between a network marketing

business and a traditional job or business:

• No fixed working hours vs. fixed working hours

• Unlimited income potential vs. fixed salary

• Be your own boss vs. reporting to a boss

• Leadership vs. management

• Business tax deductions vs. no business deductions

• Complete time freedom vs. fixed schedule

• Time leveraging vs. trading hours for dollars

• Build your own business vs. building someone else’s business

• Love what you do vs. doing what you have to do

• Control your life vs. having your life controlled by someone else

• Keep an exciting, fun pace. Don’t let the meeting get bogged down.

• Make people feel special. Make the extra effort to call people by their

names from the stage so they feel as if they’re part of the meeting.

• Study audio and video recordings of other leaders giving the


• Always demonstrate a great deal of respect between you and your

business partner during the introduction.

• Always give strong attention to the tremendous consumer value

proposition of DubLi.

When presenting, make sure each prospect feels the tremendous

conviction and enthusiasm you have for DubLi Network and this great

opportunity. Imagine each prospect in your audience becoming a DubLi

Network SVP, and how that could change their family’s financial

future forever.

The Group PresentationThe Group Presentation takes place in hotels or offices in front of a live crowd.

Group Presentations are very effective, since the prospect witnesses the

story in person, feeling the energy of the crowd. The more people who

attend: the more exciting the meeting.

Pre-Presentation Preparation

It is important to be totally prepared for every Group Presentation.

Everything you do contributes to creating an exciting, yet professional

environment. The appropriate environment will help the new guest feel

good about becoming part of DubLi Network.

Meeting Room Logistics

Prepare the room by setting up your equipment (computer, projector,

screen, etc.) in advance and ensuring a comfortable temperature. Play

upbeat music before the meeting to help set the tone. Prepare the sign-

in sheets and any other handouts well in advance. Have hot or cold

drinks (no alcohol) prepared to be a good host and to help create an

appropriate environment for socializing.

BAs should finish the logistics 45 minutes before the meeting to have

plenty of time to greet the leaders and guests as they arrive. Guests

should arrive 30 minutes early to meet the speakers and leaders, and to

help alleviate any skepticism they may have. Building a rapport with the

new guests is essential to breaking the ice and making them comfortable.

Encourage the presenters to meet as many guests as possible before the

meeting starts.

Mental Preparation

Prepare yourself mentally before the meeting. Your enthusiasm and

passion needs to be conveyed during your presentation. Leave any

negatives outside the door.


Wearing appropriate attire is very important. This is a business meeting,

regardless of whether you are speaking or not.

Pre-Presentation Activities When you arrive, go directly into the meeting room and introduce

yourself to all attendees to create a warm, welcoming environment. Do

not wait out in the hallways or lobby. Keep your conversations positive

and upbeat.

Have everyone sign in and take a name tag. Use one color name tag for

BAs and another for new guests. Write the first names large on the tag

so that the speakers can call people by their name. Introduce your guests

to your leaders and to the presenter, and then find a seat for your guests

near the front of the room.

During the Meeting

Cue up the current DubLi Network presentation and any recruiting videos

you would like to show on a computer with a projector.

If you are not the speaker, do not talk or answer any questions the

speaker asks the crowd during the meeting. Give the new guests a

chance to answer so they can become part of the meeting. Try not to

get up and leave during the meeting, and even if it is your thousandth

meeting, look interested and take notes. Following these guidelines will

contribute to the importance of the meeting in the eyes of the new guest

and give energy to the speaker.

The Meeting Close

The presenter will close the meeting by issuing a challenge to the new

guests that begins the follow-up process.

The presenter will say something like:

This close will be the perfect set-up for Step 4: The Follow-Up.

It is important to devote the time immediately following the meeting to setting appointments and answering questions for new guests. Once all the guests’ needs are satisfied, business or leader meetings can be conducted.

“Thank you for coming out tonight. If you are excited about exploring the DubLi Network opportunity further or simply just becoming a customer of DubLi to save money for your family, we ask you to please touch base with the person who invited you here and set an appointment with their leader to meet within the next 24-48 hours.

Why in the next 24-48 hours? Well, statistics have proven it is always better to continue the dialogue when impressions are still fresh in your mind. Plus, our most successful leaders are usually the ones who get off to a fast start. So please make sure to set an appointment before you leave, and we will make sure you are started on the right track. Thanks for coming out tonight. We will be around for a while if you have any questions. Thank you again.”

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The Online PresentationThe Online Presentation is one of the best ways to spread the DubLi Network story to a large number of people in multiple locations or for people who can’t attend a live meeting.

In today’s fast-paced world, with family demands, people struggle to find

the time to attend a meeting or host someone in their home. The online

presentation, or webinar, as it is called, is a perfect solution.

Run your Online Presentations on a regularly scheduled basis 2-3 times

a week and be prepared to conduct impromptu one-on-one Online

Presentations as needed throughout the week. You should even have

an approved recorded version that streams 24/7 to fit every schedule.

Online Meeting Presentation Preparation

Online presentations can be done from anywhere you, a computer, high-

speed Internet connectivity, and software like Go-to-Meeting, WebEx,

Microsoft 365, Infinite Conferencing, or any others are easy to deploy

Materials and Room

Make sure you use the current, approved DubLi Network Presentation

and reserve a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Please avoid

hosting an online meeting from an airport or any other busy place so as

not to be distracted by outside noise or influences.

Mental Preparation

Be prepared mentally before starting. You must convey your enthusiasm

and passion for what DubLi Network can do for your guests during your

presentation. Eliminate any negative thoughts from your mind.

The Online Presentation

Since the guests can’t see your body language (unless you are using

a service the uses video), focus on your content and tone of voice to

communicate your message effectively. Keep the presentation fast-

paced to keep their interest.

The Close

The presenter will conclude the meeting by issuing the same challenge

to the new guests as with the Group Meetings, with just a few small

changes in the wording.

The presenter will say something like:


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“Thank you for joining us tonight. If you are excited about exploring the DubLi Network opportunity further or simply just becoming a customer of DubLi to save money for your family, just get in touch with the person who invited you to this presentation and set an appointment with their leader in the next 24-48 hours.

Why in the next 24-48 hours? Well, we have found it is al-ways better to meet when your thoughts and impressions of what you saw today are still fresh in your mind. Plus, our most successful leaders are usually the ones that get off to a fast start. So please make sure you set an appointment as soon as we log off to get you started on the right track. Thanks for taking the time to listen tonight. I look forward to meeting you personally at the next DubLi Network event.

Thank you again.”

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The One-on-One PresentationWhen you can’t get the prospect to a live Group Presentation, you can also schedule a One-on-One Presentation at the prospect’s home or office, or at a restaurant.

One-on-One Presentation Preparation

It is important to be totally prepared for every One-On-One Presentation

exactly as you would for a Group Presentation. Everything you do

contributes to creating a good image of yourself and DubLi Network

when you meet with them.

Mental Preparation

Prepare yourself mentally before you arrive. You must convey your

enthusiasm and passion for what DubLi can do for them during your

presentation. Leave any negative thoughts outside their home.


Proper attire is very important. You should be dressed in business attire

or sharp business casual.

Build Rapport

Take time before you start the presentation to build rapport with them so

that they will be more comfortable with you and so you can know more

about them and their family. Try and get both the husband and wife to sit

down with you for the presentation.

The One-on-One Presentation

Use the current DubLi Network presentation and any recruiting videos

you would like to show on a notebook computer. Try to engage the

prospect and his spouse throughout the presentation with tie down

questions to get them involved. Make consistent eye contact and ensure

that they feel your conviction and enthusiasm for the great opportunity

that is DubLi Network.

If you accompany the presenter but are not presenting, remember to

appear very interested and allow the presentation to flow by remaining

silent unless the presenter asks you to comment. Make sure to smile.

One-on-One presentations are a great tool to help build your business.

You get to see families in their home or sit down for great breakfast and

lunch meetings near your prospects’ places of employment.

One-On-One Presentation Close

If the prospect wants to join immediately, sign her up and then set a date

for their Getting Started Interview or Fast Start Class.

If the prospect decides not to join, at least try to get them to become a

DubLi customer. Remember to ask for referrals of anyone they know who

would like to save or make extra money.

Home Party Presentations

The Presentation Conclusion

The purpose of the DubLi Home Party Presentation is to create a fun,

educational and social setting that focuses on bringing on new V.I.P.

Members and encouraging new members to host subsequent parties

with their friends.

A Home Party gives consumers a chance to see DubLi’s products and

services first-hand, then ask questions and hear others’ opinions. At the

same time, it gives associates the chance to tell the DubLi story to many

people in a centralized, comfortable and fun social setting.

To get all the information and tools you need to go the Business Builder

Max page in your DubLi Network back office.

The Business Builder Max package is an essential tool for anyone

planning to build a huge DubLi Network Business.

Enthusiasm and Passion is Key

Studies have shown that words, or content, account for only 7%

of what communicates things -- 55% is body language and 38%

is tone of voice. So “how” you give the presentation is much

more important that “what” you say. Display your enthusiasm

and your passion, but be genuine and sincere in your approach.

Presentations are the Focal Point of Your Business

Pilots become great pilots not because of how many years they

have been a pilot, or how much schooling they have had, or

how many flight clubs they join. Pilots become great pilots by

logging thousands of hours flying airplanes.

DubLi Network leaders become great leaders not because of

how long they have been in the industry or with the company, or

because of how much training they have received, or how many

meetings they attend. Leaders in DubLi Network become great

leaders by logging thousands of hours with their prospects

giving DubLi Network presentations, whether in group settings,

one-on-one, online or in someone’s home.

The leaders and teams who present the DubLi Network

opportunity to the greatest number of qualified prospects will

have more recruits, leading to bigger teams, a larger customer

base and more potential income for you and your leaders.

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Step 4: Follow-Up Maximizing Your Results Through Proper Follow-up

Step 4: Follow-Up

Purpose: To give each presentation attendee the opportunity to join DubLi Network and/or become a DubLi V.I.P. Member.

Importance of Follow-Up

The follow-up to the presentation is as equally critical as controlling the point of contact when making the approach. The main focus of the follow-up is

always to motivate prospects to join DubLi Network and/or become a V.I.P. Member with DubLi.

When the follow-up is properly executed, you will help save people from themselves, and recruit a higher percentage of prospects. As a by-product of

running the system, you will also bring in a greater number of V.I.P. Members.

Each meeting has a slightly different follow-up, but they all lead to Step 5: The Fast Start, where we move prospects to a “Getting Started Interview” or

a Fast Start Class.

Drill for Skill

Always conduct Drill for Skill sessions with all of your leaders and create “simulator training,” just like we did for the approach. These sessions give your

leaders the confidence to know exactly what they want to say and to master it each and every time.

Master the Follow-Up for Success

Ensure that you and your leaders master the art of the follow-up to maximize the results from all of the presentations your team gives.

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Presentation Follow-up

The follow-up step varies depending on the type of presentation you choose, but one thing does not vary -- you must follow the same process for every meeting.

Group Presentation Follow-Up

As soon as the Group Presentation ends, the follow-up begins. As outlined in Step 3, the presenter issued a challenge to the new guests to meet with the

person who invited them to set an appointment for the Fast Start Interview with their leader in the next 24-48 hours.

Many people say the wrong thing when the meeting ends, which can dramatically effect your results. The tendency is to say something like “So, what did

you think?” This response puts the new guest in the power position, and you lose control of the follow-up. It opens the door for a guest to revert to the

human nature tendencies of procrastinating and making excuses. Instead, follow this time-tested script below.

Sample Script

If they say “OK” or “Yes”, take them to your leader and say:

“_________ (your leader),this is _________ (Guest’s name). I wanted you two to meet so we can set a time for their return appointment.”

If the guest gives the leader a time, set the appointment immediately. If the guest hesitates or makes an excuse like, “Well I am not interested” or “This

is isn’t for me,” the leader then says politely: “Why not?”

The leader then has a chance to address concerns, clear up objections and answer questions, possibly still getting the new guest to join.

At the very least, if the prospect decides he doesn’t want to join DubLi Network, the Leader can help the inviter sign the guest up for a V.I.P.

Membership with DubLi.com.

If a new guest stays, sets an appointment with the leader and keeps that appointment, you know you have a serious person. If a guest leaves quickly

or doesn’t set an appointment, then don’t waste your time trying to get them to join. Either the timing wasn’t right or the business just wasn’t for them.

Move on to the next person on your prospect list.

If they say “No” or “I am not interested”, say:

“No problem, but I promised _________ (your leader) that we would say goodbye before we left.”

Then take them to your leader and say:

“_________ (your leader), this is _________ (Guest’s name). We wanted to say goodbye before we left.”

This indicates to the leader that the inviter needs help; the prospect didn’t want to set an appointment and doesn’t seem interested. The

leader then takes over, shakes the guest’s hand and in a polite, but assertive manner and says:

“_________ (Guest’s name) it was great having you tonight. Is tomorrow or the following day better for us to get together so we can discuss next steps?

Say to your new guest: “Wasn’t that great? Let’s get with ______ (your leader) to set your appointment.”

Online Presentation Follow-Up

As soon as you log off from the Online Presentation, you need to start calling your guests immediately.

They will be expecting a call, since the presenter issued a challenge to the new guests at the end of the meeting to set an appointment with the person

who invited them for the Fast Start Interview with their leader within 24-48 hours.

Just like in the Group Presentation, when you call your guests, resist the tendency to say something like “So, what did you think?” This question puts the

guest in the power position and you lose control of the follow-up. It opens the door for guests to revert to their human nature tendencies of procrastinating

and making excuses. Instead follow this time tested script below.

Sample Script

If they say “OK” or “Yes” immediately tie them in with your

leader on a 3-way call and say:

“Hi, _________ (your leader), I have _________ (Guest’s name) here on the phone with me now and I wanted you two to meet so we can set a time for their follow-up appointment.”

If they say “No” or make excuses, say without hesitation-

“No problem, but I promised _________ (your leader), that I would introduce you two when the presentation ended. Let me connect him/her in with us. Hold on one second.”

If the guest gives the leader a time, set the appointment. If they hesitate or makes an excuse like, “Well I am not interested” or “This is isn’t for me”.

The leader then says politely: “Why not?”

This gives the leader a chance to address concerns, clear up objections and answer questions. The leader may still be able to recruit the guest

to DubLi Network.

At the very least, if the prospect decides he doesn’t want to join, the leader can help the inviter get the new guest signed up as a

V.I.P. Member with DubLi.com

If a new guest sounds excited, sets an appointment with the leader and keeps that appointment, then you know you have a serious person. If they don’t

set the appointment or hesitate on the phone, then don’t waste your time trying to get them to join. Either the timing wasn’t right or the business just

wasn’t for them. Move on to the next person on your prospect list and possibly follow-up with them at a later date.

Call the new guest and say:“Hi, ______ (Guest’s name), “Wasn’t that great! Let’s get you on the phone with ______ (your leader) to set your appointment.“

Then tie in your leader on a three-way and say:

“Hi _________ (your leader), I have _________ (Guest’s name) here on the phone with me now and, as I promised, I wanted to make sure you two met.”

This is the sign to the leader that the inviter needs help – the prospect didn’t want to set an appointment and doesn’t seem interested.

The leader then takes over and says:

“_________ (Guest’s name) it was great having you on the webinar tonight. Is tomorrow or the following day better for us to get together so we can discuss the next step?”

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One-On-One Presentation Follow-UpWhen the One-on-One Presentation ends, it’s time to move a prospect to a recruit decision and set up their follow-up appointment.

If the prospect wants to join immediately, sign him up right there on the spot, and then set a date for his Fast Start Interview.

If they decide not to join, try to get them out to a Group Meeting or at least try to get them to become a DubLi customer. Don’t forget to ask for referrals

of anyone they know who would like to save money or make extra money.

Sample Script

The Follow-Up Conclusion

Enthusiasm is Key

Let your enthusiasm and passion show when you conduct the follow-up.

If you appear nervous or hesitant, the new guest will pick up on this.

Follow the scripts and maintain control of the conversation

Be Aware of Human Nature Tendencies

No matter how excited someone gets about the DubLi Network story,

some people will naturally revert to their human nature tendencies

of procrastinating and making excuses. You must save them from

themselves by using the assertive approach outlined in this section to

help them take the next step.

Drill for Skill on the Follow-Up

Take time to train all of your leaders in the follow-up. Don’t assume they

will just figure it out. “Simulate” the scripts over and over until they

know it completely and have the confidence to do the proper follow-up

every time.

Let Your Leader Do the Hard Parts

Following the scripts outlined above will help new recruits utilize their

leaders’ knowledge and experience to overcome any objections, and

answer any questions they may have to move the recruits on to Step 5:

The Fast Start.

“As you can tell, these concept will have a dramatic impact on your finances and can save you a lot of money on the things you buy every day. The amazing part is that most people have never even heard of DubLi. Who do you know that at least needs to have a chance to hear about DubLi so they can have the same opportunity to hear about it as you did?”

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Step 5: The Fast Start Getting Your New BA’s Career on the Right Track

Step 5: The Fast Start

Purpose: To have all of your new BAs get off to a fast, effective start to help build their DubLi Network business

The Importance of the Fast StartThe first few days and weeks of a BA’s DubLi Network career may mark the most important time in their professional life. History has shown that the faster

you start, the better your chances are of building a successful business.

Very little is accomplished by merely getting someone to sign up with DubLi Network. Your responsibility as a leader is to prepare your new BA for

potential obstacles and to provide positive experiences and results as soon as possible. The leader’s work isn’t complete until the new BA becomes a

self-sustaining, self-replicating leader within DubLi Network.

Building Their TeamWhile all the components of the start-up are important, nothing is more critical than building the recruit’s business by surrounding them with new recruits.

This will put a recruit in the best position for success, motivating them to stick it out on a tough day because they know there is a team in place to benefit

from their commitment and dedication.

Shaping Their MindAs the leader, you will assist in shaping the recruit’s mindset and focus, in addition to creating habits and expectations that will last throughout their DubLi

Network career.

You must also remember that most people come to DubLi Network with an “employee mentality,” unless they have owned their own business. This means

they are used to doing most things slowly, under someone else’s time constraints, which is typical in most corporate cultures. Entrepreneurs, however,

move fast. One of our challenges is to help people make this entrepreneurial-minded shift to compressing a lot of activity into shorter periods of time to

help their business really take off.

The Fast Start InterviewThe Fast Start Interview is a critical way to secure a true commitment and set the direction for the new BA. This one-on-one meeting is the most effective

way to begin the Fast Start Process.

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The Fast Start Interview OutlineThe main focus of the Fast Start Interview is to get the new person started, committed, and off to a fast and productive start.

You should have the following tools to conduct an interview:

• Fast Start Interview Outline

• 4-5 Top 25 Prospect List Forms

• Memory Jogger Sheet

• The Fast Start Guide

• Fast Start Checklist

• The 5x5 Tracker

Key Points on an Effective Interview

The Fast Start Interview Flow

1. Tell me a little about yourself... .

2. From what you have seen so far, what excites you the most about DubLi and DubLi Network??

3. What would you like to get out of building a business with DubLi Network?

4. Do you have any questions that we haven’t covered yet?

(Answer any questions they have so we can move to the commitment part of the interview with no lingering questions or objections)

5. Now, from what you’ve told me, I can’t think of any reason for you not to give this business a try, can you?

If the prospect says “No,” proceed to question 6. If she says “Yes”, ask what that reason would be and overcome any objection they have. If they

are unclear as to why they feel that way just say, “I have really found that there are really only two reasons people don’t join DubLi Network, it’s

because they either don’t believe what we are saying or they don’t understand something. Is there something in particular that you don’t believe

or understand?” Then wait for the answer and overcome any objection they have. Next, move to question 6. If the prospect is still not ready to join,

shift gears toward at least getting them signed up as a DubLi.com V.I.P. Member.

6. Now, as we get started, I have one very important question to ask you… Do you want strong leadership or weak leadership from me?

(Everyone will of course say strong) Then say, “Great. I am glad you said that because a weak leader is someone who wouldn’t give you any direc-

tion and would just hope you figure it out. But a strong leader is someone who will walk you through each step and leaves nothing to chance. That

is what you want right? (They will, of course, say “Yes”.)

7. Great. Then there are four things we need to get done right away to get you started:

First, we need to get you signed up for DubLi Network and select your Package. We will do this in just a few minutes.

Second, we will start your Prospect List today with the goal of coming up with your initial 100 prospects, and then identify your Top 25 prospects.

Third, we will start contacting those prospects immediately to start building your business.

And lastly, we are going to get you signed up as a V.I.P. Member so you and your family can start saving money on the things you are buying every

day. While it’s not required to do this, it just makes perfect sense because you can save so much money, and it is really hard to convince others to

sign up when you don’t use DubLi.com yourself.

(If the prospect gives you any pushback on any of these items just say, “Well when I asked you if you wanted strong or weak leadership from me

and you said strong, were you serious or not?” They will usually answer that they were serious. Then say, “Well then let’s get __________ (the

item that gave you push back on) handled today. Fair enough?”

8. Sign them up with DubLi Network and help them choose which package they should is appropriate for them.

9. Use the Memory Jogger Sheet to at least get their Top 25 Prospect List, but if it is going well and you have the time, try and get their

initial 100 names.

Make sure the Fast Start Interview is conducted at the office or at another quiet location during the day. If possible, the recruiter should attend as well. We are using the team mindset to build a business so all who can contribute positively to the new recruits experience should.

Spend five minutes or so building a rapport and getting to know the new recruit.

Follow the outline below. It works!

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10. Introduce them to the 5x5 program to put them in the best position for success.

Say to them, “As we get started, I want you to know that with DubLi Network, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. In a sense, we

are building your own company within DubLi. So of all the people on this list, should be considered the 12 people you have always wanted to be

in business with and would want to have on your “Board of Directors?” (Have them check or star the ones they select)

Then say, “Great, our goal is to get at least 5-6 of these people in business with you in the next 2-3 weeks. I would consider anything less to be a

very slow start, and we don’t want a slow start do we?” (They will, of course, say “no”.)

“And by the way, what do you think we are going to do for them once they come on board?” (They will usually say the same thing or they don’t

know) “Right, we are going to do the exact same thing for them and the people they bring on board because they are all building their own com-

pany within a company as well. Can you see how big your team can get in a fairly short period of time?”

(You will hear more about the 5x5 in Step 6 Duplication.)

11. Schedule when and how you will help them to start contacting their prospects using the methods found in Step 2- Approach.

12. Sign them up as a DubLi.com V.I.P. Member so they can start saving money on the things they are buying every day. Give them a quick tour of

how it all works including shopping, entertainment, and travel and encourage them to start using DubLi every day and have their spouse

do the same.

Use this Fast Start Interview with each prospect who attends a presentation. It will help solidify the new new recruit with the right commitment and direction and will get them started right away doing the things that put you and them in best position for success.

Sign up for DubLi Network and select your Package

Start your Prospect List with your initial 100 and identify your Top 25 prospects.

With the help of your leader, start contacting those prospects immediately to run the 5x5, get your first 5 recruits and start

building your business.






Sign up as a V.I.P. Member so you and your family can start saving money on the things you are buying every day.

Plan to Attend Upcoming Company Events

Next Local Meeting: Date:

Next Country Meeting: Date:

Next Company Event: Date:

Other Upcoming Events: Date:

Complete your DubLi Academy Fast Start Training Classes

• DubLi Network Fast Start Class

• DubLi Orientation Class

Fast Start Check List Success demands that you complete this entire Fast Start Check List quickly to maximize the DubLi Network opportunity.

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Developing a Business PlanEvery BA needs to create a business plan to help them reach their goals.

• A good business plan helps to develop a clear, concise mental

picture of what you want your DubLi Network business to give you,

both short- and long-term.

• The initial business plan will most likely be simple and basic, but

you will constantly make changes to the plan as you hit your goals

and grow in the business.

The Components of a Great Business Plan

• Set your exact goals for the number of new BAs, V.I.P. Members,

promotions, income, etc.

• Determine exactly how much time, resources and effort you are

willing to devote to achieve these goals.

• Set definite deadlines for your short-term and long-term goals and

commit to it.

• Develop an action plan and get started immediately.

• Review your business plan twice daily, and visualize what your life

would be like if you achieved your goals.


• Write deep and important emotions into your statement.

• Read inspirational books to help you grow. Supplement your

reading with good audio files and videos from company leaders as

well as from other quality speakers.

• Control your associations. Nothing drains your energy faster than

spending time with negative people. The law of attraction works

both ways.

• Challenge your team to achieve their goals -- not yours -- and

help them do so.

• Maintain high, positive expectations and standards of excellence.

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Fast Start Business Plan Worksheet

1. How much time will you be able to invest in your business? Total hours /week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



2. How much long-term time will you commit to building your business?

(Minimum one year)

3. How many business webinars per month will you attend?

4. How many training webinars per month will you attend?

5. How many business contacts per week will you make?

6. How many customer contacts per week will you make?

7. How many business presentations per month will you make?

8. What are your cash flow goals from DubLi Network?

1st 90 days $

1st six months $

1st year $

9. What are your personal goals that you hope to achieve with DubLi Network?

1st 90 Days

1st Six Months

1st Year

Long Term

Master the Art of Field Training

Field Trainer Standards of Excellence

Three Field Training Keys:

• Every new BA should immediately sign up with DubLi Network and

get off to a Fast Start.

• Every new BA should immediately be assigned a Field Trainer.

• Every new BA should immediately have at least one new recruit.

The No. 1 responsibility of every leader in DubLi Network – become a

Field Trainer.

The Field Trainer is responsible for training the new BA in:

• Prospecting

• Approach

• How to give a winning presentation

• How to do a Fast Start Interview

• How to get more V.I.P. Members

Perform field training with the new BA with a 30-day goal of having

• 5-10newBAsinthefirstfewweeksusingthe5x5

• Minimumof5PersonalV.I.P.Members

Field Train three to four nights per week and weekends, if they choose,

with a goal of a minimum of 10 presentations a week.

Contacts/Week Presentations/Week Recruits /Week V.I.P. Customers/Week

Poor 0 - 10 0 - 5 0 0

Fair 11 - 20 6 - 10 1 - 2 1 - 2

Good 21 - 30 11 - 15 3 - 5 3 - 5

Great 31 - 40 16 - 20 6 - 9 6 - 9

Excellent 41+ 21+ 10+ 10+

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Weekly Accountability Worksheet

Name Date

Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Goal Result

Read Business Plan

# of New Prospects

# of New Referrals

Per. Invitations

Live Pres. Guests

Online Pres. Guests

One-on-One Pres.

New Per. BAs

New Team BAs

Personal V.I.P.s

Team V.I.P.s

Appts. for Next Week

Per DubLi.com Activity




Cash Flow



Set High Expectations and Standards Up Front

New BAs are excited and they will respect your lead. Shape the proper

mindset and focus to create habits and expectations that will carry them

throughout their DubLi Network career.

Become a Master of Doing the Fast Start Interview

Master the Fast Start Interview to maintain true commitment and set the

direction for each new BA. This is the most effective way to begin the

Fast Start Process.

The Fast Start Conclusion

Have a Fast Start Mentality

History has proven that the faster someone starts, the better his chances

at building a successful business. Overcome the “Employee Mentality”

of doing things slowly; change your approach to the “Entrepreneur’s

Mentality” of moving fast. Compress a wealth of activity into shorter

periods of time to help a BA’s business really take off.

Surround the New BA with People

Your number one focus is to surround the new BA with a team of their

own BAs. This will put the BA in the best position for success, motivating

them to stick it out on a tough day because they know they have a team

in place to benefit from.

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Step 6: Duplication Running the DubLi Business System Throughout Your Team

Step 6: Duplication

Purpose: To build and run a business system that produces leaders and customers simultaneously, leading to exponential growth.

The DubLi Business System (DBS) provides solutions for your success.

• Allows you to leverage your time to multiply your efforts and earnings

• Allows you to spend time doing the work you love to do, rather than the work you have to do

• Allows for duplication from others so that the thousandth leader is a good as the first

• The system does not require talent. It requires abilities that can be learned and developed

• It is system driven, not personality driven

• It is foolproof, predictable and profitable

• You run the system, the system runs the business

To build a business that enables you to achieve your dreams, you must:

• Duplicate yourself and the system with your leaders to build a giant distribution system

• Have a continuous opening of new “outlets” to build your business

• Use the DBS which allows you to experience exponential growth

• Work on your business, not in your business. Work on building a business, not on doing business

• Build a “prototype” that can be duplicated

Keep in mind that you must always implement easily duplicated steps that your entire team of new BAs can follow. The DBS is the blueprint for your success.

Remember two Things:

1. The key is to imitate, not create

2. Marketing is the opening of outlets and the gathering of customers simultaneously

Become a Master Duplicator/Replicator

Repeat the DBS’ 6 Steps over and over again. The speed and precision with which you copy and execute the system will largely determine your

success, and this precision must be duplicated throughout your team.

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5 Steps to Turn Yourself into the Perfect Copy Machine

1. Find a plan that works (The DBS)

2. Repeat it over and over again

3. The repetition of simple things leads to an inevitable explosion

4. Develop a cookie-cutter exactness

5. Create a machine that builds and runs your business for you

Mass duplication requires an easy-to-follow blueprint. This is where the DBS comes in.

The Key Components of Duplication Include:

• A recruiter’s mentality

• A builder’s mindset

• Allowing time for your efforts to compound

• Don’t quit -- most people have a “survival phase” as they get their

business up and running

The Power of Duplication

Train each BA to ensure you have duplication throughout your team.

Teach exactly what they need to know to win.

• Keep the information and training simple

• Create an easy-to-follow, transferable blueprint for your business,

motivation, recognition systems and recruiting programs

• Follow the DubLi Business System (DBS)

• Master the system, and then keep it the same

• Study the blueprints repeatedly in every facet of the business

• Make sure the master copy is worth duplicating to ensure a high

performance level

Harness the Power of Exponential Growth

One of the most exciting aspects of the DubLi Network opportunity is the chance to grow your business exponentially, allowing you to leverage your time

and resources. It stems from having a viral concept and a simple system that allows rapid duplication and geometric growth on a global scale.

To fully understand the “Magic” of exponential growth, let’s explore this hypothetical example.

Imagine you had a choice of two 30-day jobs. One pays $100,000 a day for thirty days. The other pays $.01 on Day One and then doubles every day for

30 days. Which job would you pick? Most people would pick the $100,000 a day job, but let’s see what happens.

After 10 DaysDay $100,000aDayJob $.01DoubledEverydayJob

1 $ 100,000 $ .01

2 $ 100,000 $ .02

3 $ 100,000 $ .04

4 $ 100,000 $ .08

5 $ 100,000 $ .16

6 $ 100,000 $ .32

7 $ 100,000 $ .64

8 $ 100,000 $ 1.28

9 $ 100,000 $ 2.56

10 $ 100,000 $ 5.12

Total $ 1,000,000 $ 10.23

The $100,000 a day job is looking really good after 10 days,

but lets’ go 10 more-

After 20 DaysDay $100,000aDayJob $.01DoubledEverydayJob

1 $ 100,000 $ 10.24

2 $ 100,000 $ 20.48

3 $ 100,000 $ 40.96

4 $ 100,000 $ 81.92

5 $ 100,000 $ 163.84

6 $ 100,000 $ 327.68

7 $ 100,000 $ 655.36

8 $ 100,000 $ 1,310.72

9 $ 100,000 $ 2,621.44

10 $ 100,000 $ 5,242,88

Total $ 2,000,000 $ 10,485.75

The $100,000 a day job is still looking really good after 20 days and

the month is almost over, but lets’ go 10 more days-

After 30 DaysDay $100,000aDayJob $.01DoubledEverydayJob

1 $ 100,000 $ 10,485.76

2 $ 100,000 $ 20,971.52

3 $ 100,000 $ 41,943.04

4 $ 100,000 $ 83,886.08

5 $ 100,000 $ 167,772.16 (First day it catches up)

6 $ 100,000 $ 335,544.32

7 $ 100,000 $ 671,088.64

8 $ 100,000 $ 1,342,177.28

9 $ 100,000 $ 2,684,354.56

10 $ 100,000 $ 5,368,709.12

Total $ 3,000,000 $ 10,737,418.23

The power of geometric progression and exponential growth made over a $7.5 million difference in the two jobs in only 30 days! Imagine the effect

“Magic of the Multiples” could have on your DubLi Network business!

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The 5x5 will help:

• Lock in new BAs

• Put them in the best position to succeed

• Protect your time investment in new BAs who later decide that this

business might not be for them

• Create quantum growth throughout your team

One of the biggest problems in our business occurs in the Fast Start. We

have a brand new BA who just saw the DubLi Network story, got excited

about the idea of building a team to build a good quality of life, and then

decided to join. Then we either use the…

Orchestrating Exponential Growth - The 5x5It is important to understand that multiples and exponential growth doesn’t just happen. It has to be orchestrated and all starts with your next new BA. We call it the 5x5 program -- you saw the script for it in Step 5- The Fast Start. 1 gets 5

Then help them get 5 BAs each5 x 5 = 25

And continue the process…25 x 5 = 125

125 x 5 = 625

The Power of the 5x5Help everyone get 5 new BAs in their first 2-3 weeks

It does not take long for exponential growth to take over and build a large organization quickly for a new BA. Even if people fall a little short and only get three to four new BAs in their first 2-3 weeks the numbers and results are still very exciting.

In the “Scenario of Disaster” we have a new BA who was excited about

the possibility of building a team when they saw the presentation, but

then was trained by their leader on the technicalities of marketing only

the services we have.

As soon as they have a bad day, or has a person quit, you will probably

never see that BA again.

In the “Scenario of Success,” we have a new BA who was excited about

the possibility of building a team when they saw the presentation, but

then was led by their leader to building a team.

“Scenario of Disaster”

• Sign up the new BA

• Train them in all the technicalities so he can market DubLi.com and

V.I.P. Memberships

OR we can use the….

“Scenario of Success”

• Surround them with people

• Surround their people with people

As soon as they has a bad day, or has a person quit, they are not going

anywhere because there is a team around them, and very often fear of

loss motivates more than hope for gain. You have “locked them in” to the

business and put him in the best position to succeed.

The key is to help EVERY BA stay focused on working with their leaders to

get at least five direct recruits in the first 2-3 weeks to get things started.

If they do still leave the business for whatever reason, you have protected

your time, because you now have leaders who become direct to you.

Use the 5x5 Script found in the Fast Start Interview in Step 5 every time,

and you are on the way to experiencing exponential growth throughout

your team.

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• You Must Build:• “Wide” – You can never have too many direct leaders.

• “Deep” – Use overlapping leadership to drive the multiples and help your leaders succeed

• “Wide” and “Deep” – Focus on both width and depth at the same time to build a highly successful business

• Two Main Focal Points:1. Get more personal direct BAs

2. Get more prospects and leaders to your Presentations

• Focus on building more “outlets” (new BAs). In this business, every person is an outlet. You are an outlet. An outlet is anyone who can offer DubLi.com to the consumer. Each outlet represents

the potential for more outlets and more V.I.P. Members. The more outlets you have, the more outlets and customers you’ll get.

• Focus on building a big leadership team and a large base of customers simultaneously.

• Realize up front that no matter how good our value proposition is, some people will just not do it. Don’t let that frustrate you. Simply move on to the next new prospect. The scary part is that the ones who are serious and the ones who are not

serious all look the same. You simply have to tell the story over and over to put the law of averages to work for you.

• Compress more activity into shorter time frames to explode growth.

• A successful leader monitors his activity and focuses on results. A leader must:• Track prospect lists and the number of presentation invitations

• Run leaders’ meetings after the presentations to monitor the numbers and follow-up

• Track number of Fast Start Interviews

• Track number of new BA sign-ups

• Track number of new V.I.P. Members

• Must help all of their leaders in these areas to stay disciplined and accountable

Other Keys to Exponential Growth • Use a system of recognition and motivation. Run a “Hero Making Machine” to recognize and motivate your leaders at all levels. People

today are starved for recognition and reward. You can be fun and creative and don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money.

• Have a Fast Start Award for new BAs

• Hold 3-4 day activity blitzes every few weeks

• Hold activity contests that run every 1 –2 weeks

• Establish high expectations and standards for your people

• Share team news

• Create team leader bulletins

• Hold DubLi Days and other local meetings often

• Avoid the three causes of panic leadership:• Lack of activity

• Lack of earnings and savings

• Lack of a definite system

• Two keys to big-time recruiting:• Feel good about what DubLi Network and DubLi can do for people

• Then get others (BAs and Consumers) to feel the same way

• Set a winning example. Always:• Recruit the most

• Make and save the most money

• Be the hardest worker

• Be the most passionate

• Be the most excited

• Be the most positive

• Be the most committed

• Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. How do you know if you’re doing this, simply ask yourself these three questions:

• Question #1 - Do you have your CURRENT top 25 Prospect List with you at all times?

• Question #2 - How many contacts/invitations did you make last week and WHO SPECIFICALLY are you going to contact this week?

• POOR 0-5 contacts a week

• AVG. 5-10 contacts a week

• GOOD 10-15 contacts a week

• GREAT 15+ contacts a week

• Question #3 - Do YOUR LEADERS have their current Top 25 Prospect List; how many contacts did they make last week; and most importantly,

who are they going to contact this week?

• Once these three main points are being focused on, then it’s just a matter of:

• Running smooth, exciting presentations

• Making sure Follow-Up appointments are set

• Ensuring that Fast Start Interviews are done correctly

• Having leaders effectively explain the benefits of DubLi.com

• Making sure new BAs swiftly begin to repeat the process-- DubLi Network is a business of duplication!

• Your ultimate goal as a builder should be to build eight to 10 direct giant VP or SVP-type leaders worldwide.

Recruit 1Recruit 1 Recruit 2Recruit 2

Recruit 1ARecruit 1A

Recruit 1BRecruit 1B

Recruit 3Recruit 3

Recruit 3ARecruit 3A

Recruit 3BRecruit 3B

Recruit 3CRecruit 3C

Recruit 4Recruit 4

Recruit 4ARecruit 4A


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A leader is someone who inspires others to become their best self by

doing the things most people won’t typically do.

It sounds like a daunting task to become someone who can lead others,

but it is not. You must first know leaders aren’t born as leaders; they

are developed. They are built. Leadership, like the DBS, does not

require talent -- it requires only desire and abilities that can be learned

and developed.

Leadership is an art, but it is an art you can learn, develop and master.

The Art of LeadershipMastering the Art of Leadership

The World Needs More True Leaders

The world today is in desperate need for true leadership. Most world and

business “leaders” today have become just “managers”, not true leaders.

• Managers manage things

• Leaders lead people

YOU Can Become a Great Leader

If you have a passion for what you do, and will put time and effort into

your pursuit, treat people right, and are willing to develop into a great

leader, then you can and will become a great leader who

people will follow.

In this segment, we will outline the importance of developing a leadership

mindset and give you the keys to emulate to become a

great leader yourself.

It is important that you know that every great leader in history is just a human being like yourself:

They get scared, frustrated, hurt, and worried just like everyone else. The difference is they go out and make things happen anyway. They don’t look

for excuses; they just find a way to get things done in spite of any obstacles that may appear to be in their way.

They don’t let obstacles affect their attitude. Anyone can stay positive during the good times. Leaders stay positive at all times, especially when

they don’t feel like being positive. When they have a potential negative situation, they share it only with their upline leader. They never spread negatives

down line or to others.

They don’t let obstacles affect their thoughts. Leaders know this: What they think about, they bring about. So they must control their thoughts,

especially in the face of adversity. Think positive thoughts, get positive results. Think negative thoughts, get negative results. Our thoughts are magnets

that attract and create our futures good or bad. It’s the nature of the Law of Attraction.

They don’t let obstacles affect their vision. They stay true to their long-term vision no matter what the circumstances. They know that the road to

success has bumps and detours. They know it is part of the journey and that it will make the reward even sweeter once they achieve success.

They don’t let obstacles affect their actions. When things go bad great leaders charge forward! They keep going when they are down. They have the

heart of a champion that rises to the challenge at all times and in all conditions.

Becoming a Great LeaderGreat Leaders Are Just People

Vision and GoalsGreat leaders have big visions. They dream big dreams for themselves, their team and their customers. They live by the mantra “What you think about,

you bring about.”

They are goal-oriented. They have a business plan they read every day to help them reach their goals. They have a good business plan that helps to

develop a clear, concise mental picture of what they want their DubLi Network business to look like both short term and long term.

The Components of a Great Business Plan• Set your exact goals for the number of new BAs, V.I.P. Members, promotions, income, etc.

• Determine exactly how much time, resources and effort you are willing to devote to achieve these goals

• Set defined deadlines for your short-term and long-term goals, and commit to them

• Develop an action plan and get started immediately.

• Review your business plan twice daily, and visualize what your life would be like if you achieved your goals. Visualization is a valuable technique, if

you can see it, you can do it.

Remember• Write deep and important emotions into your statement

• Read good books to inspire you and to grow. Supplement your reading with good audios and videos from

company leaders as well as other quality speakers

• Control your associations. Nothing drains your energy faster than spending time with negative people

• Challenge your team to achieve their goals -- not yours -- and help them do the same

• Maintain high, positive expectations and standards of excellence

Key Points:• Stay positive and passionate especially through the tough times

• Let your passion and positive attitude show

• Have a no-excuses mentality. You can make money or excuses but you can’t make both

• Accept responsibility for yourself and your life

• Remember that things are never as good as they seem or as bad as they seem. Never get too high or too

low. Be steady through thick and thin.

• Avoid being a cynical, selfish, pessimistic person. People are the creators of their own misfortunes

because of the negative thoughts that they allow to permeate the subconscious mind.

• Push negatives up to your leader, never down or around

• Exercise self-discipline

• Be mentally tough

• Be persistent

• Develop resilience and be able to bounce back. Not every day is a good day.

• Don’t ever let your personal problems and crises affect your people

• Associate with the right people

• Never consider the possibility of failure

Great leaders have learned that they must seal their minds against negative and discouraging influences. The beauty with this practice is that anyone can learn these skills and begin to see an immediate impact on their success.

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They strive to lift up their leaders and become “King-Makers” not “Kings”.

The goal of great leaders is to build others up, not be a ruler over others.

A true leader gives to his people. When the team fails to hit its goals, he

takes the blame. And when the team wins, he gives credit to the team.

Great leaders also understand that it is Our team, not My team, and

Our leaders, not My leaders. They know they are leading a volunteer

army of entrepreneurs, helping those leaders do the same thing. Great

leaders realize they work for their people, not the other way around.

Always remember, there is a very thin line between “long live the King”

and “down with the King”.

All great leaders were, and always are, great followers. They learn and

imitate the successful attributes of other successful leaders through

their associations, as well as through books, audios, and videos. They are

constantly studying and looking for opportunities to learn new leadership

skills and principles.

Great leaders study great leaders of the past and present in books,

movies, TV biographies and other sources, learning great leadership

skills. Studying these leaders can help you adopt good traits and avoid

bad traits.

Great leaders are great note takers and attend every company event.

Technology has allowed people to diminish the learning process by only

recording a session. Leaders understand that what flows through you

sticks to you, and that taking notes is the best way to do this. When the

event is over, they consolidate their notes, incorporating the highlights

into one to two pages and study these notes for weeks after the event to

master the new principles.

Leaders have learned that there are three ways to learn new things:

Most People -- Learn it for themselves.

Good Leaders -- Learn it to teach others

Great Leaders -- Learn it to teach others how to teach it.

Key Points

• Dedicate yourself to being a servant-leader

• Become selfless -- It is Our team, not My team.

We have success, not I.

• Understand the difference between leading a volunteer army of

entrepreneurs and managing a group of employees

• Have a do-it-first leadership mentality and become a master

copy worth duplicating. Your leaders are watching and they will

duplicate everything - the good and the bad.

• Build a big team and make and save big money. Results give you

leadership power. Success replaces all arguments.

• Have a willingness to work hard every day

• Don’t confuse motion with progress -- if it’s not making you

money or moving your business forward don’t do it.

Do something that will

Servant Leadership- Being a “Good” LeaderGreat leaders strive to be servant leaders -- people who are trusted and respected, and inspire others to follow their lead.

You Must Become a Student of Leadership

You will be surprised by your level of success when you start practicing

the third way to learn new things.

Great leaders don’t just read; they study the DubLi Business System

(DBS). They learn it inside and out. They become masters of the system,

and then build other leaders who do the same.

Key Points

• Leadership is a continuous self-improvement journey that never

ends. You should constantly be striving to become a better you.

•Dedicate yourself to continuous personal and professional


• Learn from your mistakes

•Always remain teachable and coachable. Be a student of the system,

and of success.

• Follow the DubLi Business System, which gives you a proven system

to build and run a successful business.

If you ever think your people owe you for what you have done for them,

or for things you have done in the past, you are on your way to being

a has-been. Remember where you came from and always be a good,

caring leader.

Leadership is neither a birthright nor something you earn by just having a

title or a position. You can’t demand respect, trust, loyalty or love. It must

be earned every day. You can’t fake integrity, honesty, or belief. It must

be sincere. You earn respect as a servant leader by doing what is best

for your people and being a do-it-first leader.

• Don’t major in minor things

• Treat people right at all times

• Have a deep belief that DubLi Network can change people’s lives

• Be 100% committed to winning

• Focus on winning, not just getting by. “Almost” is a way of life for

almost everyone, but not for a true leader.

• Understand that the difference between a good leader and a great

leader is that they did the same things, but the great leader did

just a little bit more.

• You only owe people two things -- an opportunity and an

example of success.

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Master the Art of Constant Personal Communication

Great leaders master the art of Constant Personal Communication (CPC)

to maximize your leader’s chances for success.

There are three types of communication you need to have with your BAs:

Constant Personal Motivation

Give praise when someone does well. Encourage when someone is down.

You should communicate almost daily with your key leaders for their first

two years. This applies whether they are a thousand miles away or in

the same city. This type of communication can mean everything to your

team’s success. Your role is to be a vision stretcher, not a problem-solver.

While adherences to the principles in the DBS are required, people are

human, not perfect.

Constant Personal Information

Everyone loves good news - share it. With technology and the Internet,

getting current news and information to large masses of people has

never been easier. But it still takes a leader to make sure his team is

receiving and implementing this information on a timely basis.

Make sure your leaders are constantly receiving information through every possible method:

• The back office at DubLNetwork.com and the DubLi Network

social sites

• Conference calls

• Webinars

• Events

• Personal letters, emails, phone calls, and team newsletters and


Constant Personal Education

Leaders must make sure that their team has the confidence and skills to

take its game to the next level. You must run a system that emphasizes

teaching the abilities required to build your team members’ DubLi

Network businesses and DubLi customer bases on a regular basis.

Great Leaders Master Communication, Recognition, Motivation and InspirationGreat leaders master all the intangibles that fuel their business. Communication, Recognition, Motivation and Inspiration are key points that must be learned and mastered to build a great team.

Make sure your leaders are taking advantage of every educational opportunity possible:

• Sharing techniques through personal phone calls

• Field training

• Webinars

• Powerful team training classes

• Local DubLi Days

• Company events

• DubLi TV

• DubLi Academy

Communication is the key to building a giant DubLi Network team.

You must give your leaders the high-energy motivation and constant

communication they need to build their business.

Key Points

• Become good at CPC -- Constant Personal Communication. Not just

email blasts to the team, but personal one-on-one calls to uplift

and encourage.

• Become good at CPM -- Constant Personal Motivation. Take the

time to recognize your leaders old and new. People are starved for


• Become good at CPE -- Constant Personal Education. Direct your

leaders to all the places they need to go to learn how to run a

successful DubLi Network business- Events, DubLi Academy, DubLi

TV, The DBS Manual, and local training

• Harness the power of promotions. Constantly push to have all of

your leaders fighting for their next promotion.

• Become a vision stretcher. Focus on what is possible for your

people and push them to see the leaders and experience the events

that will stretch their vision even more.

All you have to become is a “Director of Motivation” – someone who

directs his people to the places, people and events that will stretch their

vision for them.

There are two things you must remember:

1. People will rise no higher than their level of vision

2. People will only change after having a significant emotional experience

Every meeting and DubLi Network event should focus on creating the

perfect environment for vision-stretching and creating significant

emotional experiences. History has proven that many of the legends in

our business heard or felt something at a big event that solidified the

belief that they could become a huge success. What if you or one of

your leaders missed just one meeting, but it was the one that could have

made the difference in making or breaking your career?

Harness the Power of Big EventsMotivating your leaders doesn‘t mean you have to be some great motivator.

• You must commit to do whatever it takes to attend every meeting,

and make sure that every member of your team does the same

• You build your business from great event to great event

• You can always measure the success of a leader by who and

how many follow them to great events. As soon as an event is

announced, you must immediately begin promoting it to your

entire team in all of your communications

Meeting Cycle

1. Presentations lead to DubLi Days2. DubLi Days lead to Big Company Events3. Big Company Events lead to

Massive Success!

1. Arrive prepared – attitude and appearance mean everything.

2. Take notes – you must be a student of the business.

3. Arrive early, stay late.

4. Arrive early with your team to get the best seats up front for each session. It is a totally different meeting when you’re in the front, instead of

sitting in the back.

5. Commit to be the most excited team at the event.

6. Do not leave the meeting or hang out in the hallways.

7. Make sure to have your team recap meeting within the first few days of returning from an event to share the good news with people who were

unable to attend.

History has proven that the leader who has the most people at the most events make the most money. Make sure you and your leaders master the art of becoming a “Director of Motivation.”

Key Points to Teach Your Team How to Maximize the Power of All Events

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Running a DubLi Day

One of the main responsibilities of a big DubLi Network leader is

coordinating and running high-powered DubLi Days. Here are the keys to

running a successful DubLi Day

1. Hold the meeting two to four times a year, depending on the need

for your country or region.

2. Use only approved handouts and training materials.

3. Provide name badges for the event with the first names in large

letters so speakers can see their name.

4. Use motivational music for walk in and for breaks.

5. Use DubLi Network banners and multimedia on the screens to

help create the right atmosphere.

6. Use the latest company videos to add even more excitement to

your event.

7. Make sure your speakers are always enthusiastic, well-prepared

and have demonstrated expertise on their subject.

The Power of DubLi Days DubLi Days have been found to be some of the most beneficial meetings, held on a regional or national level at various times throughout the year. DubLi Days present a dynamic format of information, education, inspiration and recognition, all done on a local level.

8. Use your best local leaders to speak at your event, and bring

in guest speakers when possible. There have always been two

speaker rules in this industry that hold true:

-A prophet has no honor in his own land

-The expert is someone who lives more than 150 km away.

This means that no matter how good a leader you are, it is always

good to bring in leaders from other areas who are aligned with the

system to come in as guest speakers and teach your people.

9. The emcee should be very dynamic, knowledgeable, and

entertaining, with an ability to add to what the speakers said, as

well as build up each speaker with powerful introductions.

10. Prepare a good agenda and use it to stay on time when you

conduct your meetings.

Key Points about DubLi Days

1. The main purpose of DubLi Days is to share the vision of DubLi and DubLi Network.

2. You should have the most enthusiastic and Do-It-First Leaders on the agenda.

3. Make sure you have a first-class location with an exciting and professional atmosphere.

Morning Session

09:30 Doors Open/Walk-in music begins

10:00 Welcome & Set Tone - Emcee:

10:05 The DubLi Network Advantage - Speaker:

10:25 DubLi.com -- The World’s Only Destination - Speaker:

10:45 DubLi Network Income Potential - Speaker:

11:05 Five 3-minute Speakers - Why DubLi Network?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

11:20 Show new company video(s)

12:05 Keynote Speaker: (Sell the Dream/Tell Personal Story)

1:00 Break for lunch

Afternoon Session

2:00 Welcome & Set Tone – Emcee:

2:05 Five 2-minute Speakers – New DubLi Network Stars

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

2:15 DubLi Business System Flow - Speaker:

2:25 Prospecting - Speaker:

2:35 Approach - Speaker:

2:45 How to Run an Effective Presentation - Speaker:

2:55 Follow-Up - Speaker:

3:05 Fast Start - Speaker:

3:15 Duplication- Keynote Speaker:

3:25 How to Get the Most out of Dubli.com – Speaker:

3:40 How to Get More V.I.P. Customers - Speaker:

3:55 DubLi Network Business Tools- Speaker: (Tour of the back office, DubLi TV, Business Builder Max etc.)

4:05 Other New Company Programs or Announcements - Speaker:

4:20 Keynote Speaker: Final Comments/Closing Challenge

5:10 Recognition

5:30 Close

Optional 6:00pm – 7:00pm Sales Director & Up Meeting

DubLi Day Suggested Agenda10:00am - 5:30pm

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DubLi Network Back OfficeThe DubLi Network back office is a virtual office to help you run your DubLi Network Business. In your back office, you will find:

• The latest company news, photo galleries

• Current bonus programs

• Marketing presentations, tools, banners, avatars, logos and DubLi Network merchandise

• Company meeting calendar

• Reporting tools, personal profile, product packages, and much more

• Access to DubLi Academy, Business Builder Max, and DubLi TV

DubLi Network Marketing ToolsDubLi Network provides it leaders with cutting-edge tools to help you build a successful business.

The DubLi Academy provides a world-class online training experience to empower DubLi Network Business Associates (BAs)

around the world with all of the knowledge and education they need to build and run a successful DubLi Network business.

Each course includes written assignments, and is accompanied by video and testing modules.

The Academy gives you a systematic, formatted approach to training every one of the BAs in your business to produce

consistent results, freeing you up to focus your time on recruiting new BAs into the business and acquiring more V.I.P. Members.

Overview of the DubLi Academy Curriculum:

The Fast Start Classes

The DubLi Network Fast Start Class includes everything a new BA needs to know in their first 30 days to get off to a fast start, including their role in

prospecting and contacting, communicating with their upline, and some initial goal setting and planning.

The DubLi Orientation Class provides a tour/overview of DubLi.com so that they will have a better understanding of it and can start using it for all of

their shopping needs.

New BAs should not move to the next phase of the Academy until they have achieved at least the Team Leader position.

The DubLi Business System Modules

The DubLi Business System modules are comprised of six classes that detail

how to build and run a DubLi business. The classes combine the time-

tested, proven methods of the past with today’s cutting-edge solutions. This

turnkey approach gives the BA a track to run on and takes the guesswork

out of building a successful business. The BA simply runs the system, and

the system builds and runs the business.

Compensation/Promotion System Class

The Compensation/Promotion System Class covers how the BAs get paid

and work their way up the promotion ladder from Team Member to Senior

Vice President.

DubLi Leadership Modules

The DubLi Leadership Modules includes classes on leadership principles

to help the BAs become more effective leaders. It also helps establish the

proper culture and passion for DubLi in the hearts and minds of every BA.

DubLi Academy

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The Business Builder Max (BBM) will give Business Associates the extra edge to build a highly successful

business. Using the BBM is a necessity for the serious BA who wants to build a large international

business. This cutting-edge array of premium marketing tools includes such features as:

State-of-the-art reporting toolsSystem Builder MAX provides all of the reporting tools BAs need to effectively monitor and run your DubLi

Network business. BAs have access to detailed organizational reports in many different areas, as well as

reports for personal activity and cash flow.

Home Party ProgramThe Business Builder Max Package contains all the tools necessary to run the DubLi Home Party program

to increase the BAs V.I.P. Member base. This program provides a complete system that creates a fun, educational, social setting that focuses on bringing

on new V.I.P. Members and encourages the new members to host subsequent parties with their friends.

Customer BrochureDubLi has created a helpful and informative brochure as a leave-behind for your potential customers. The brochure is designed to highlight the key

aspects of the DubLi portals. Use it as a means for providing a quick snapshot and reminder of all the value the Free, Premium and V.I.P. Members

customers receive as a result of using DubLi. Use the brochure as a reference guide and recruiting tool when speaking to potential customers. The

brochure is an important tool to assist you in focusing on the most important topics surrounding the value of using the DubLi portal and the important

points to include in your overview and discussion of why they should become DubLi customers. New customers can use this brochure as an educational

guide to using DubLi.com and the features and benefits available to them as DubLi customers.

Inside MagazineBAs are also able to send links to DubLi Network’s powerful Inside Magazine to prospective recruits. The DubLi Network BA ID number is embedded in

these links. The interactive Inside Magazine highlights the latest news and information on DubLi Network and its top leaders from around the world. Inside

Magazine is another dynamic tool to help BAs build and run a successful DubLi business.

Facebook toolsThe Business Builder Max Package will also give BAs the extra advantage of building

their business through the power of social media with special DubLi Network Facebook

tools. These tools allow BAs to post pictures, and links on Facebook that have their

DubLi Network BA ID number embedded in the posts. Imagine the possibilities of

being able to use Facebook to help take your business to the next level!

The Business Builder Max package is an essential tool for anyone planning on building a huge DubLi Network Business. If you haven’t already, be sure and go to your DubLi Network back-office and sign up for Business Builder Max today!

DubLi Business Builder MAX

DubLi TV serves as the one-stop source for the latest in information, inspiration, recognition and motivation in multiple languages for DubLi Network

Business Associates (BAs) and DubLi customers around the world.

Tune in 24/7 to www.DubLiTV.com to see coverage of special corporate programs and events, learn the latest business-building secrets of DubLi’s top

field leaders, and view tips on all the ways you can save money by using DubLi.

You can also contribute your keys to success to DubLi TV by posting your own DubLi videos, creating a viral platform for sharing business and shopping

ideas across the globe.

DubLi TV

This exciting new network serves as another powerful tool to help your DubLi Network business explode!

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DubLi Network will always :• Be a company you can be proud of

• Support your efforts to succeed

• Give you the opportunity to help others save and make more money

• Provide you the chance to build a great quality of life

• Give you the chance to become financially independent

• And finally… give you the chance to take charge of your life once and for all!

But we can’t do it for you. You provide the dreams and the work, and we provide the opportunity and the examples of success. The rest is up to you.

Welcome to the World of DubLi Network!

In Closing… This is Our Promise to You

The DubLi Business System

The DubLi Business System is your turn-key solution to building a successful DubLi Network business. You run the system, and the system will build and run your business.

D u b L i b u s i n e s s s y s t e m