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Did You Ever Wonder Why Your Towels Smell Like Mildew?

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An article that was published in the St. Louis Health And Wellness Paper to educate its readers on the usefulness of antimicrobial treatments.

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Page 1: Did You Ever Wonder Why Your Towels Smell Like Mildew?

Health & Wellness April 2012 - St. Louis Edition26

www.STLHealthandWellness.c o m

Most people have experienced the unpleasantness of mildew-smell-ing towels and stinky socks!

:H� OHDYH� RXU� ZHW� WRZHOV� RQ� WKH� ÀRRU� RU� RXU�sweaty socks in the car and what are we left with? A rather funky smell… but WHY??

Bacteria, fungi and mold love to live in damp textiles and fabrics, e.g. your sweaty socks or damp towels. These are the perfect breeding grounds for odor-causing bacteria, mold and fungi. Once they start to grow, you will smell that distinct moldy, mildew odor, which is hard to get rid of. The bacteria and fungi produce foul RGRUV��DQG�WKH\�DOVR�HDW�DZD\�DW�WKH�¿EHUV�RI�WKH�textile. This causes a shorter life span for cloth-ing and household items.

There is a solution!Antimicrobial treatments for textiles are used LQ�WKH�KHDOWKFDUH�¿HOG��DQG�WKHUH�DUH�PDQ\�PRUH�DSSOLFDWLRQV� IRU� DQWLPLFURELDO� ¿QLVKHV� RQ� WH[-tiles. Antimicrobial fabric treatments reduce the level of odor-causing bacteria and fungi, as well as discoloration and degradation of fabric. They are extremely useful in everyday home-care. If you think you have to live with mildew smelling towels, or dog beds that reek of the neighbor’s pond, there is a solution! Just think: if it stinks, you can treat it!

A few examples of household items that can be treated include towels, wash cloths, sheets, pillow cases, curtains, couch covers, gym clothes, socks, sports uniforms, under shirts, blankets, … and more!

While a house that smells fresh and odor-free is ideal, it is also important to keep in mind the main use for antimicrobial treatment for fabrics: the reduction of bacteria, mold, and fungi. Especially in the spring, pollen LV� HYHU\ZKHUH��0ROG� DQG� IXQJL�ÀRXU-ish, making the use of antimicrobial treated textiles a must in every home. Many antimicrobials have a reduction rate of 99.90% in 24 hours but a select few have a reduction rate of 99.99% in 8 hours! This means that in the span of 8 hours, while you are at work, your towel is “at work” too, reducing bacteria, mold, and fungi by 99.99%. Explore the possibility of treating your fabrics that need it most!

Every antimicrobial fabric or textile treat-ment is different. Make sure the treatment you use is the right one for you! Many treatments are coatings on the surface of the textile and do not last long, while oth-HUV�DUH�LQIXVHG�LQWR�WKH�¿EHUV�RI�WKH�IDEULF�and last up to a year or longer!

Before choosing an antimicrobial treatment for your household goods, ask yourself these questions:

��Does the chemical leach out of the fabric and onto my skin?

�� ,V� WKHUH� GDWD� WR� VXSSRUW� WKH� SURGXFW� HI¿-cacy claims?

�� Is it re-treatable?

Once you get your household fabrics treated, embrace the spring season!

You can open the windows without fear of air-borne microbes taking over, with odor-causing mold or fungi infesting your blankets, pillows and sheets. Imagine! You can shower with a towel that smells clean, fresh and mildew-free.

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Did You Ever Wonder

Why Your Towels Smell Like Mildew?