DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

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Page 1: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02
Page 2: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................... I

Preface ............................................................................................................ Ii

Daftar Isi/Contents .......................................................................................... iii

Daftar Tabel dan Grafik/Table and Graphics List ............................................ iv

I. Pendahuluan/Introduction ....................................................................... xii

II. Definisi/Definition .................................................................................... xiii

IV. Penjelasan Teknis/Technical Notes ........................................................ xiv

V. Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik/ Tables and Graphics Codification Notes ...................................................................................


VI Data Pendukung/Supporting Data

1. Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariat General .....................................


2. Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General...................................


3. Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Perhubungan

/Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation ......


4. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Perhubungan/Transportation Research and Development Agency .........................................................................................


5. Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek/ Greater Jakarta Transport Authority .................................................................


6. Badan SAR Nasional/National Search and Rescue Agency ........ 6-1

7. Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika/Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency .................................................


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Sekretariat Jenderal / Secretariat General Perencanaan / Planning Tabel/Table B.1.1.01 Perkembangan Tarif Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kelas

Ekonomi / Trend of Economic Fare For Passanger Services 2012-2016 ..................................


Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources Tabel/Table B.1.2.01 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Per Unit Kerja Kementerian

Perhubungan / Number of Civil Servants at The Ministry of Transportation by Organization Units 2012 - 2016....................................................................................


Tabel /Table B.1.2.02 Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Per Unit Organisasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Civil Servants by Organization Unit and Gender at The Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ......................................................................... ......


Tabel /Table B.1.2.03 Jumlah Jenjang Pegawai Menurut Pendidikan per Unit Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Civil Servants Units at Ministry of Transportation by Education per Organization 2012 - 2016 ...............


Tabel/Table B.1.2.04 Jumlah Golongan Pegawai per Unit Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Civil Servants at Ministry of Transportation by Class per Organization Units 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.1.2.05 Jumlah Pejabat Fungsional Tertentu Menurut Jenis Jabatan Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Functional Functionary by Type of Position at Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ...............................................


Tabel /Table B.1.2.06 Jumlah Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi dan Administrasi/Struktural, Per Unit Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Structural Officers at Ministry of Transportation by Organization Units 2012 - 2016 ....


Tabel /Table B.1.2.07 Jumlah Unit Kerja dan Jabatan Tertinggi dan Administrasi/Struktural per Jabatan Eselon Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Work Unit and Structural by Echelon at Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ...........


Keuangan / Finance Tabel /Table B.1.3.01 Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis /Satuan Kerja Bagian

Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan Per Unit Organisasi/Number of technical implementation Unit at


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The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02 Jumlah Pagu DIPA 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per

Unit Organisasi) / Number of The Development Project Funds At Ministry of Transportation (By Organization) 2012- 2016 ........................................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.03 Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Unit Organisasi)/Number of Realization of The Budget at Ministry of Transportation By Unit Organization 2012 - 2016......................................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.04 Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Satuan Kerja Bagian Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Provinsi) / Number of technical implementation Unit at Ministry of Transportation by Province 2012 - 2016 ...........................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.05 Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Provinsi) /Number of Development Funds at Ministry of Transportation (By Provinces) 2012 - 2016 .....................................................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.06 Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan (Per Provinsi) / The Realizations of Funds for Development at Ministry of Transportation (By Province) 2012 - 2016 .........................................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.07 Jumlah Unit Akutansi Kuasa Pengguna Barang (UAKPB) Kementerian Perhubungan/Number of Accounting units under Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..................


Tabel /Table B.1.3.08 Jumlah Nilai Barang Milik Negara (BMN) Kementerian Perhubungan/Number Of Assets Value in The Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 .............


Produk Hukum / Regulation Tabel Table B.1.4.01 Produk Hukum Kementerian Perhubungan / Legal

Produce Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016................. 1-21

Produk Umum / General Product Tabel /Table B.1.5.01 Kegiatan Menteri Perhubungan/Activities of Minister of

Transportation 2012- 2016 .............................................. 1-22

Tabel l/Table B.1.5.02 Kegiatan Pengiriman Surat Kementerian Perhubungan /Mails Distribution in Ministry of Transportation 2012-2016


Tabel /Table B.1.5.03 Pengurusan Tata Naskah Kementerian Perhubungan /Mail Handling in Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016


Tabel /Table B.1.5.04 Kunjungan Pasien ke Poliklinik Kementerian Perhubungan/Visitor of Patients in Polyclinic of Ministry Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..............................................


Kommunication Publik/Public Communication

Tabel /Table B.1.6.01 Kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Perhubungan/ Communication Public Activities Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 .............................................


Tabel /Table B. Jumlah, Jenis, dan Materi Pemberitaan Sektor Perhubungan Yang dimuat oleh Media Massa


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Cetak/Amount, Kinds, and the Material for News in the Transportation Sector Published by Printed Mass Media 2012 - 2016 ..................................................................

Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi / Information Technology and Communication Tabel /Table B.1.7.01 Pengembangan Sistem Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi

dan Publikasi Data Kementerian Perhubungan /Development of Information Technology & Communication System and Data Publications Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016.................................................


Produk Pengelolaan Transportasi Berkelanjutan / Sustainable Transportation Management Product Tabel /Table B.1.8.01 Jumlah Unit Pelayanan Dalam Penilaian Unit Pelayanan

Publik/Prima Kementerian Perhubungan / Public Service Assesment (Services Excellence) Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..............................................


Tabel /Table B.1.8.02

Capaian Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca / Achievement of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transportation Sectors 2012-2016.....................................


Produk Kerjasama / Tabel /Table B.1.9.02

Produk Kerjasama Bidang Transportasi / Transportation Coorparations Product Ministry of Communication 2012-2016...........................................................................



Mahkamah Pelayaran / Marine Court Tabel /Table B.1.10.01 Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan

Mahkamah Pelayaran/Number of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision 2012 - 2016 ....... ......


Tabel /Table B.1.10.02 Jumlah Korban Jiwa Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran / Number of Victims According to Marine Court Decision 2012 - 2016........................


Tabel /Table B.1.10.03 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Wilayah Kecelakaan Kapal/Number of Marine Court Decision by Area of Ship Accident 2012 - 2016 ............................


Tabel /Table B.1.10.04 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Jenis Sertifikat/Number of Marine Court Decision by Certificate Types 2012 - 2016 ..................................................... ......


Tabel /Table B.1.10.05 Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Faktor Penyebab Kecelakaan Kapal/Number of Marine Court Decision by Causality Ship Accidents 2012 - 2016 ..... ......


Tabel/Table B.1.10.06 Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif Berdasar Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran/Number of Administrative Sanctions Based on Marine Court Decisions 2012- 2016...................................................................................


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Tabel/Table B.1.10.07

Jumlah Pemafaatan Energi berdasar Pemakaian Listrik Makamah Pelayaran /Amount of Energy use based on Electricity Consumtion of Marine Court 2012 - 2016.........


Tabel /Table B.1.10.08 Jumlah Pemafaatan Energi Berdasar Pemakaian Air Mahkamah Pelayaran/Amount of Energy use based on Water Use of Marine Court 2012 - 2016 .....................


KNKT / National Transportation Service Committee

Tabel /Table B.1.11.01

Kecelakaan Moda Transportasi Di Indonesia Yang Diinvestigasi Oleh Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT)/ Indonesia Rate of Accident Investigated by National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) 2012 - 2016 ..........................................................


Pengawasan / Inspection Tabel/Table B.2.0.01 Jumlah Auditan dan Realisasi Audit dalam Program Kerja

Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan / Number of Auditee and Its Realization In The Annual Audit Program (PKPT) at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016 .................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.2.0.02 Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pengawasan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan/ Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..............................


Tabel/Table B.2.0.03 (Perbedaan Nomenklatur/ different of nomenclature)

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan/Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Issues at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ......................................... ......


Tabel/Table B.2.0.04 Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan/Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Reason at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ...................................... ......


Tabel/Table B.2.0.05 (Perbedaan Nomenklatur/different of nomenclature)

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan/Recapitulation Finding by Sub Sector Based on Various Cause Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ....................... ......


Tabel/Table B.2.0.06 Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan/Recapitulation of Finding by sub sector based on various Cause Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016...............


Pendidikan dan Pelatihan / Human Resources Development Agency Tabel/Table B.3.0.01 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang

diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur


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Perhubungan/Realization of the education and Training Participants Number Organized by Secretariat of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers 2012 - 2016 ........................... .....

Tabel/Table B.3.0.02 Realisasi Lulusan Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan/The Realization of Education and Training Graduates Number Organized by Secretariat of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers 2012 - 2016 .................................................. .....


Tabel/Table B.3.0.03 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor/The Realization of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ....................... ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.04 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor/The Realization of Diploma Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ......................... .....


Tabel/Table B.3.0.05 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor/The Realization of Refresher Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 .................... ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.06 Realisasi Lulusan Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor/The Realization of Refreshing/Upgrading/Proficiency Training Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ................................................... ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.07 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/ The Realization of Upgrading Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 .................................................... ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.08

Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/The Realization of Upgading Education/Training Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.09

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan/The Recapitulation of Permanent Lecturers of Human Resources Development on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ................................................. ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.10 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tidak Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan / The Recapitulation of Temporary Lecturers/Instructors of Human Resource Development


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on Transportation Agency 2012 - 2016 ..................... ...... Tabel/Table B.3.0.11

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan/ The Recapitulation of Instructors Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012- 2016 ...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.3.0.12

Kapasitas Kelas Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/The Classroom Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency of The Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ................................................................. ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.13

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/ The Recapitulation of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ....................... ......


Tabel/Table B.3.0.14

Kapasitas Laboratorium Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/The Laboratorium Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ...................... .....


Tabel/Table B.3.0.15

Kapasitas Asrama Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/The Dormitory Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012-2016.................................


Tabel/Table B.3.0.16

Kapasitas Aula Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/The Hall Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ........................................ .....


Tabel/Table B.3.0.17 Jumlah Simulator Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan / The Number of Simulators of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..............................


Tabel/Table B.3.0.18

Jumlah Mobil/Kapal/Pesawat LatihBadan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan/The Number of Simulators of Human Resources Development Agency Ministry of Transportation 2012 - 2016 ..............................................


Penelitian / Research (Studies) Tabel/Table B.4.0.01 Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Studi) Badan

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan/ Number of Studies carried out by the Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 .........................................................


Tabel/Table B.4.0.02 Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah, Loka Karya Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan/Seminar and Workshop Conducted by Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 .......


Tabel/Table B.4.0.03 Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan/The Researchers Number of Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 .............................. .....


Tabel/Table B.4.0.04

Tenaga Fungsional Penelitian dan Perekayasa (Litkayasa)/Engineering Research Functional of Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 .......................


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Tabel/Table B.4.0.05

Daftar Koleksi Perpustakaan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan / Library Collections of The Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 ....... .....


Tabel / Table B.4.0.06 Daftar Peralatan Penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan/List of Tools of the Research and Development Agency 2012 - 2016 ....... .....


Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek/ Greater Jakarta Transport Authority Tabel/Table B.5.0.01 Angkutan Jabodetabek, Badan Pengelola Transportasi

Jabodetabek / Public Transport in Jabodetabek Greater Jakarta Transport Aouthority 2012 - 2016 ........................ 5


Tabel/Table B.5.0.02 Panjang Jalan Nasional Jabodetabek / Lenght of National Roads in Jabodetabek Greater Jakarta Transport Aouthority 2012 - 2016 ..................................... 5


Pencarian dan Penyelamatan / Search and Rescue Tabel/Table B.6.0.01 Jumlah Tenaga Binaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan

/ Number of Search And Rescue Trainers By Type Technique 2012 - 2016 ............................................... ....


Tabel/Table B.6.0.02 Peralatan Pendukung Operasi SAR di Lingkungan Badan SAR Nasional / Supporting Equipments of Search and Rescue Operation in National SAR Agency 2012 - 2016..


Tabel/Table B.6.0.03 Jumlah Musibah Penerbangan Yang Ditangani Basarnas/Number of Aircraft Accidents Handled by National Search And Rescue Agency 2012 - 2016 ..... ......


Tabel/Table B.6.0.04 Jumlah Musibah Pelayaran Yang Ditangani Basarnas/Number of Accidents at Sea Handled by National Search And Rescue Agency 2012 - 2016 ..... .....


Tabel/Table B.6.0.05 Jumlah Musibah Lain-lain Yang Ditangani Basarnas/Number of The Other Accidents Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency 2012 - 2016 ..... .....


Tabel/Table B.6.0.06 Jumlah Bencana Yang Ditangani Basarnas/Number of Disasters Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency 2012 - 2016 .................................................... .....


Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika / Meteorology, Climate and Geophysic Tabel/Table B.7.0.01 Jumlah Stasiun dan Pos Pengamatan Meteorologi dan

Geofisika Menurut Kelas/Number of Station and Post Observation By Class of Meteorology and Geophysic 2012 - 2016 .................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.02 Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika Berdasarkan Jumlah Pelayanan dan Penerbitan Dokumen/Buku/Buletin/Production of Meterorology and Geophysics by Number of Services and Publications 2012 - 2016 .......................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.03 Peristiwa Cuaca dan Geofisika Ekstern/Extreem Weather and Geophysic Phenomena 2012 - 2016......


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Tabel/Table B.7.0.04

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banda Aceh/ Mounthly Rainfall at Banda Aceh 2012 - 2016.............................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.05 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Medan/Polonia-Kualanamu/ Mounthly Rainfall at Medan/polonia-Kualanamu 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.06 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pekan Baru/Simpang Tiga/ Mounthly Rainfall at Pekan Baru/Simpang Tiga 2012 - 2016.............................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.07 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Padang/Tabing/ Mounthly Rainfall at Padang/Tabing 2012 - 2016.............................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.08 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pangkal Pinang/ Mounthly Rainfall at Pangkal Pinang 2012 - 2016............................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.09 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Sultan Thaha Jambi/ Mounthly Rainfall at Sultan Thaha Jambi 2012 - 2016......................


Tabel/Table B.6.0.10 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Tanjung Karang Lampung/ Mounthly Rainfall at Tanjung Karang Lampung 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.11 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bengkulu/Padang Kemiling Ilir/ Mounthly Rainfall at Bengkulu/Padang Kemiling Ilir 2012 - 2016...............................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.12 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palembang/Talang Betutu/ Mounthly Rainfall at Palembang/Talang Betutu 2012 - 2016.............................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.13 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Serang/Banten/ Mounthly Rainfall at Serang/Banten 2012 - 2016............................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.14 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bandung/Husein Sastranegara/ Mounthly Rainfall at Bandung/Husein Sastranegara 2012 - 2016...........................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.15 Curah Hujan Bulanan di DKI.Jakarta/Kemayoran/ Mounthly Rainfall at DKI.Jakarta/Kemayoran 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.16 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Semarang/Ahmad Yani/ Mounthly Rainfall at Semarang/Ahmad Yani 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.17 Curah Hujan Bulanan di DI.Yogyakarta/Geofisika/ Mounthly Rainfall at DI.Yogyakarta 2012 - 2016................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.18 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Surabaya/Juanda/ Mounthly Rainfall at Surabaya/Juanda 2012 - 2016....................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.19 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Samarinda/Temindung/ Mounthly Rainfall at Samarinda/Temindung 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.20 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palangkaraya/Panarung-Tjilik Riwut/ Mounthly Rainfall at Palangkaraya/Panarung-Tjilik Riwut 2012 - 2016..............................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.21 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Supadio/Pontianak/ Mounthly Rainfall at Supadio/Pontianak 2012 - 2016........................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.22 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banjarmasin/Syamsudin Noor/ Mounthly Rainfall at Banjarmasin/Syamsudin Noor 2012 - 2016...................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.23 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Manado/Sam Ratulangi/ Mounthly Rainfall at Manado/Samratulangi 2012- 2016 ..


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Tabel/Table B.7.0.24 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palu/Mutiara/ Mounthly Rainfall at Palu/Mutiara 2012 - 2016...............................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.25 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Kendari/Woltermonginsisi/ Mounthly Rainfall at Kendari/Woltermonginsisi 2012 - 2016 ..................................................................................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.26 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Makasar/Hasanuddin/ Mounthly Rainfall at Makasar/Hasanuddin 2012 - 2016 ...................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.27 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Gorontalo/Jalauddin/ Mounthly Rainfall at Gorontalo/Jalaluddin 2012 - 2016 ....................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.28 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ternate/Babullah/ Mounthly Rainfall at Ternate/Babullah 2012 - 2016...........................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.29 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ambon/Pattimura/ Mounthly Rainfall at Ambon/Pattimura 2012 - 2016..........................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.30 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Denpasar/Ngurah Rai/ Mounthly Rainfall at Denpasar/Ngurah Rai 2012 - 2016 .................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.31 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ampenan/Selaparang/ Mounthly Rainfall at Ampenan/Selaparang 2012 - 2016 ..................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.32 Curah Hujan Bulanan di El Tari/Kupang/ Mounthly Rainfall at El Tari/Kupang 2012 - 2016..............................


Tabel/Table B.7.0.33 Curah Hujan Bulanan di Jayapura/Sentani/ Mounthly Rainfall at Jayapura/Sentani 2012 - 2016..........................


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Sektor Perhubungan merupakan

bagian integral dari kegiatan

produksi dan distribusi, yang

peranannya pentingdalam

pembangunan nasional, baik

sebagai penunjang maupun

perangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi

dan berbagai sektor pembangunan

lainnya. Untuk bisa menjalankan

peranan tersebut diperlukan

perencanaan, pelaksanaan,

pengendalian maupun pengawasan

program-program pembangunan

sektor perhubungan yang harus

didukung dengan data dan

informasi yang akurat dan lengkap

guna mewujudkan jasa

perhubungan yang lancar, aman,

handal dengan tarip terjangkau oleh


Salah satu usaha yang dijalankan

kearah itu adalah penerbitan dalam

bentuk buku maupun buku elektronik

Statistik Perhubungan yang terdiri

dari volume II berisi data dan

informasi yang disajikan secara

global untuk lima tahun terakhir ini

mencakup mengenai, data Penunjang

sektor transportasi berupa tarif

angkutan, SDM, Anggaran, Produk

Hukum, Kerjasama, Umum, Kajian

Strategis, Teknologi Informasi,

pendidikan dan latihan, penelitian,

Pengelolaan Transportasi

Jabodetabek, cuaca dan iklim,

Mahkamah pelayaran,

SARNAS.Walaupun demikian, data

tersebut cukup mewakili kondisi

perkembangan jasa perhubungan

yang mencermin-kan tingkat

pelayanannya kepada masyarakat,

termasuk faktor keselamatan yang

ditunjukkan oleh statistik kecelakaan

per tahun serta pengawasan yang

dilakukan Inspektorat Jenderal

selaku Aparat Pengawasan Intern

Pemerintah Kementerian


Transportation sector is an integral

part of production and distribution

activities, which has important

roles in the national development

as a supporting and promoting

sector for the economic growth

other sectors development. In order

to conduct those roles, the

comprehensive and accurate data

support for planning,

implementation, monitoring and

controlling of the transportation

development programs are crucial

to promote safe, comfortable,

smooth and affordable

transportation services.

One attempt to promote those

things is by publication in the form

of Transportation Statistics books

and electronic books which

contains two volumes of books

consisting the last 5 years data and

information served globally. The

data it compiles was the supported

transportation sector data which

are public transport tariff, human

resources, budgetary data,

regulations, general affair,

strategic planning, information

technology, education and

trainning, research, Greater

Jakarta Transport Cooperation,

weather and climate, marine court,

and also search and rescue. The

books it self were adequately

represent the development

condition of transportation

services, indicating the level of

service to the public including

safety factors showed by the annual

accident occurrences statistic and

the supervision which is done by

the Inspectorate General as the

Governmental Internal Inspection

Board within Ministry of

Transportation, has a strategic role

in supporting the successful

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Perhubungan memiliki peran

strategis dalam mendukung

keberhasilan pembangunan Sektor

Transportasi. Hal ini dibuktikan

dengan meraih ISO 9001-2008 dari

Badan Sertifikat TŰV Nord pada

tanggal 24 Juni 2015. Sertifikasi

9001-2008 memberikan Jaminan

bahwa kegiatan pada Itjen telah

dibakukan menjadi SOP dan

dilaksanakan secara konsisten.

Paradigma pengawasan dengan

pendekatan koordinatif, partisipatif

maupun konsultatif guna

memberikan solusi atas masalah dan

hambatan yang dihadapi auditan

dalam mencapai tujuan.

Itjen memiliki program Penilaian

Unit Kerja dengan Kinerja Terbaik

yang bertujuan sebagai bentuk

penghargaan kepada Unit Kerja

Terbaik dan mewujudkan Zona

Integritas Kementerian

Perhubungan menuju Wilayah

Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan

Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan

melayani (WBBM). Pemberian

Penghargaan dilaksanakan pada

Hari Perhubungan 17 September

2015 kepada 3(tiga) Unit Kerja

Terbaiksesuai Keputusan Menteri

Perhubungan Nomor KP.411

Tahun 2015 tentang Penerimaan

Penghargaan Unit Kerja dengan

kinerja Terbaik di Lingkungan

Kementerian perhubungan Tahun


Namun demikian penyusunan

elektronik buku ini belum

sempurna, untuk itu perlu

masukan, saran dari Bapak/Ibu

dan Para Pembaca buku ini.

development of the Transportation

Sector. That was proven by the ISO

9001-2008 National Standard

certification from TŰV Nord

National Certification Board dated

at June 24th2015. That certification

gives assurance that every activity

by the Inspectorate General was a

standardized and consistently

implemented SOP (standard and

operational procedure). The

supervision paradigm with a

coordinated, participatory and

consultative approach was

implemented in order to provide

solutions to the problems and

obstacles faced by the audited in

achieving its objective(s).

Inspectorate General has the

Performance Assessment of the

Working Unit program which is

intended forrecognizing the best

Working Unit and achieving the

Ministry of Transportation Zone of

Integrity to wards a Free of

Corruption Territory and also

Clean Regional Bureaucracy and

Services. The award will be

presented at September 17th2015

during National Transportation

Day to 3 Best Working Unit which

was legalized by the

Transportation Minister Decree

No.KP.411 year 2015 on the 2015

Award for The Best Working Unit

Performance within the Ministry of


However, all figures e-book

presented in this publication do not

cover all kinds of transportation

data yet. Therefore, the input and

suggestion from the readers are


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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics



Untuk mencapai suatu keseragaman bahasa dan pengertian dalam membaca statistik perhubungan yang disajikan dalam buku ini, diperlukan suatu definisi baku mengenai istilah-istilah yang digunakan. Definisi ini disajikan menurut moda transportasi yang dimulai dari subsektor perhubungan darat, laut, udara dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya di lingkungan Sektor Perhubungan.


Following is the defenition of several terms that enables readers to get better understanding. The definitions presented according to transport modes; land transport sub sector, sea transport sub sector, air transport sub sector, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, National Search And Rescue Agency, and human resources.

1. Sumber Daya Manusia 1. Human Resources

Pendidikan dan Latihan Luar Negeri Pendidikan dan latihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pegawai sesuai dengan bidang tugas pekerjaannya masing-masing yang mencakup bidang administrasi, teknis fungsional dalam rangka tugas belajar untuk pasca sarjana, pelatihan teknis dan bekerjasama dengan pihak luar negeri.

Overseas Training Short-term course and higher education in the developed countries intended to educated middle and high level employee with advanced knowledges in specific area. The participant get Ph.D, master and non degree certificates which executed overseas cooperated with foreign party.

LATDAS Latihan dasar bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang ditujukan untuk menanamkan rasa disiplin, mewujudkan rasa persatuan, kesatu-an, kekompakan dan menumbuhkan rasa tanggung jawab.

Basic Military Training Training intended to train employees in discipline, integrity, responsibility and national unity.

Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar Program Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana (sebelumnya menggunakan nama Diklat Awal) yang diselenggarakan dengan bekerjasama dengan universitas/Perguruan tinggaiyaitu UI, ITB, UGM, ITS, UNDIP)

Post-Graduate Program Post-graduate Program(former:Initial Education and Trainning) which is executed in cooperation with state Universities like:UI,ITB,UGM, ITS and UNDIP.

Pelatihan Penataran Pendidikan dan latihan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pegawai sesuai dengan bidang tugas pekerjaannya masing-masing, bidang teknis, Pelatihan Fungsional yang diperuntukan bagi aparatur (PNS).

Incumbent Training Technical and Function Traning for Government Officers.

Pelatihan Penjejangan Pendidikan dan latihan Kepemimpinan yang diperlukan dalam rangka peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mencapai jenjang karir yang lebih

Promotion Training Training arrange in some levels according to career planning so that the participants gain sufficient knwoledge and skill for they get promotion/Upgrading Leadership

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


tinggi meliputi Diklat PIM IV dan PIM III.

Trainning include Class IV and Class III.

Pelatihan Prajabatan Pendidikan dan latihan bagi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat diangkat menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil meliputi Golongan II dan Gol. III.

Required Training Training for civil servant candidates that educates the state ideology and introduce the main tasks of the Communications Ministry in general as a requirement to be civil servants for Class II and Class III.

STCW 1978 Standard of Training Certification and Watershipping Sea-farers 1978 yaitu penyesuaian sertifikat dan ijazah kepelautan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang diselenggarakan sesuai ketentuan-ketentuan Konvensi Internasional IMO

STCW 1978 Standar of Training Certification and Wacthkeeping for Sea-farers issued by International Convention of IMO-STCW in 1978 as guidance for the government of Indonesia in the certification.

ATKP Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan

ATKP Safety Aviation And Technique Academy

BPP APPD Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Angkutan Penyeberangan dan Perairan Daratan

BPP APPD Inland Waterways And Ferries Training Center

BPPTD Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat

BPPTD Land Transportation Training

BP2IP Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran

BP2IP Rating and Vocational School

BP2TL Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Telekomunikasi Laut

BPP2TL Sea Transportation Education and Training College

BPP3IP Balai Besar Pendidikan, Penyegaran dan Peningkatan Ilmu Pelayaran

BPP3IP Merchant Marine College

BPP Penerbangan Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Penerbangan

BPP Penerbangan Aviation Training Office

PIP Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran

PIP The Maritime Polythecnic

STIP Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran

STIP Maritim Higher Education Institution

STPI Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia

STPI Indonesia Civil Aviation Institute

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


STTD Sekolah Tinggi Transportation Darat

STTD Land transportation Higher Education


SKK Surat Keterangan Kecakapan Simulator Alat atau sistem yang berfungsi menyimulasikan suatu benda atau peralatan dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya.

SKK Letter of explaning one skill

Simulator Means an instruments or system can

be stimulated or perform as real circumtances.

2. Penelitian dan Pengembangan 2. Research and Development

Ceramah Ilmiah Forum untuk meningkatkan Wawasan peneliti yang dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan..

Scientific Lecture Forum to entrance researchers Knowledge organized by centrers or secretariate Research and development agency.

Lokakarya Forum yang diselenggarakan dalam rangakaian Pelaksanaan Studi oleh masing-masing Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Workshop Forum for implementary the studies results organized by centrers or secretariate Research and development agency.

Seminar Forum yang mengangkat isu bidang transportasi yang bersifat nasional.

Seminar Forum discuss national transportation issues.

Temu Karya Forum bagi peneliti untuk mempresentasikan karyanya yang dilaksanakan oleh Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan.

Scientists Gathering Forum for scientist to presentate their works by organized by secretariate Research and development agency.

3. Badan Search and Rescue Nasional (SARNAS)

3. National Search And Rescue Agency

Latihan Ausindo Latihan bersama dengan negara Australia di bidang kegiatan SAR.

Ausindo Training Joint training between Australia and Indo-nesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

Latihan Indopura Latihan bersama dengan negara Singapura di kegiatan SAR

Indopura Training Joint training between Singapore and Indonesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

Latihan Malindo Latihan bersama dengan negara Malaysia di bidang kegiatan SAR

Malindo Training Joint training between Malaysia and Indonesia in Search And Resque Techniques.

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


Latihan Manuver Latihan yang dilaksanakan untuk menangani operasi SAR dengan menggerakkan unsur-unsur SAR dan menggunakan medan yang sesungguhnya

Manuvre Training Training that trains and counters the parti-cipants with the real like situations of SAR operation

Latihan Posko Latihan yang di laksanakan untuk melatih mekanisme kerja staf dalam menangani operasi SAR yang di-simulasikan.

Posko Simulation Training with simulation techniques for those in charge of Posko (Commanding Team).

Pendidikan Instruktur Pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mem-peroleh seseorang yang dapat menjadi pengajar/pembimbing kegiatan SAR di lapangan

Training of Instructor Tintended to support instructors of SAR with the knowledge of SAR operations

Pendidikan Operator Radio Pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk memperoleh seseorang yang mahir dalam komunikasi radio dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

Training on Radioperator A course to train technical staff of SAR on radio Communication

Pendidikan SAR Pendidikan Koordinator Misi SAR Pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mem-peroleh seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai seorang pengendali operasi SAR.

Training of SAR Training of Mission Coordinator SAR Training intended to prepare the parti-cipants with an coordinating SAR

Pendidikan Standardisasi Pendidikan bagi setiap pegawai baru di BASARNAS dengan tujuan memberikan bekal dasar tentang hal-hal yang perlu diketahui dan yang akan dikerjakan nantinya

Basic Training Training for new employees of National Agency for Searh and Rescue to provide the basic knowledge and skill on SAR.

S A R Singkatan dari Search and Rescue yang merupakan suatu usaha atau kegiatan

S A R Search And Rescue

Hovercraft adalah kendaraan yang berjalan diatas bantalan udara ( air cushion) yang dilengkapi dengan baling – baling sebagai alat pendorong, untuk sarana pencarian dan pertolongan di perairan, lumpur dan rawa rawa. Rescue carrier adalah kendaraan reaksi cepat yang dirancang khusus untuk mengangkut personil SAR

Hovercraft is a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet. Rescue carrier means recovery or preservation from loss or danger, work is the deliverance mankind

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


Mobil ATV Heavy Duty adalah sarana pendukung pergerakan tim rescue di medan berat, seperti pasir pantai dan jalan becek berlumpur Motor Trail adalah sarana mobilisasi personil ke lokasi terjadinya musibah yang tidak dapat dijangkau dengan mobil atau truk Air Boat merupakan perahu datar berbahan dasar aluminium yang dilengkapi dengan baling – baling sebagai alat pendorong, untuk sarana pencarian dan pertolongan di perairan rawa rawa

All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) means of supporting movement of rescue teams in heavy terrain , such as sand and muddy roads muddy Trail is a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country Air Boat means a small vessel for travel, equipped by a pusher propeller blades as a tool , means to search and rescue in the water of swaps and bogs

4. Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika 4. Meteorology and Geophysics

Board Angin Terkencang Angin terkencang yang pernah terjadi pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu

The Fastest Wind The wind with the highest velocity.

Cuaca Bahari Prakiraan cuaca untuk keperluan bahari

Maritime Forecast Weather forecast to be used in maritime.

Cuaca Bandara Prakiraan cuaca untuk bandar udara

Aerodrome Forecast Weather forecast to be used by airport.

Cuaca Bulanan Prakiraan cuaca untuk jangka waktu 1 bulan.

Monthly Weather Forecast Weather forecast made every month for the coming month.

Cuaca Harian Prakiraan cuaca yang dibuat setiap hari dan berlaku untuk jangka waktu kurang dari 24 jam

Daily Weather Forecast Weather forecast made everyday for 24-hours periodes.

Cuaca Pertanian Prakiraan cuaca untuk keperluan pertanian

Agriculture Climate Weather report used by farmers to plan their activities

Gempa Gerakan yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba baik di dalam maupun di atas permukaan bumi sebagai akibat dari aktivitas tektonik maupun vulkanik

Earthquake A sudden and often violent shaking of the ground caused by changes beneath the earth's surface.

Geofisika Ilmu yang mempelajari bumi dengan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah fisika

Geophysics The science concerned with physyics phenomena of the earth.

Hujan Maksimum Sebulan Jumlah curah hujan paling banyak secara kumulatif selama 1 bulan

The Most Monthly Rainfalls Cummulative number of rainfalls in a month that ranks highest

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


Hujan Maksimum Setahun Jumlah curah hujan paling banyak secara kumulatif selama 1 tahun

The Most Yearly Rainfalls Cummulative number of rainfalls in a year that ranks highest in

Hujan Terlebat Kelebatan hujan yang paling banyak dalam sehari (24 jam).

The Fastest Wind The wind with the highest velocity.

Klimatologi Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang iklim.

Climatology The science concerned with climate.

METAR Sandi dalam bentuk angka yang berisi tentang cuaca ringkas yang dipertukarkan setiap jam

METAR Weather code in the form of numbers that is exchanged every hour to report weather briefly.

Polusi Udara Prakiraan terhadap gas dan atau bahan-bahan asing di udara.

Air Pollution The air contaminated by pollutants.

QAM Salah satu sandi Q yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dalam penerbangan yang berisi informasi tentang cuaca meliputi: suhu, tekanan angin, kelembapan, awan, pebanglasan (visibility), fenomena-fenomena lain misalnya hujan, kabut, badai guntur dan lain-lain pada suatu saat tertentu di bandar udara

QAM One of the Q-codes used in air Communications to inform weather conditions such as temperature, wind, humidity, cloud, visibility, rainfalls, fog and storm at certain time.

Skala Richter Suatu skala yang menunjukkan kekuatan gempa bumi (magnitudo), diperkenalkan oleh Richter (1935) di USA

Richter Scale Scale introduced by Richter (1935) to show the magnitude of an earthquake.

SPECI Informasi dalam bentuk sandi yang dibuat pada saat terjadi perubahan cuaca yang berarti.

SPECI Weather report described in codes and made when significant weather changes happened.

Stasiun kerjasama Stasiun meteorologi, klimatologi, dan atau geofisika yang diadakan atas kerja sama antara BMG dan instansi lain

Integrated Station A station that observe climate, weather and geophysic phenomena built by Meteorology and Geophysics Agency in cooperation with other agency.

Suhu maksimum Harian Suhu tertinggi yang pernah terjadi dalam sehari pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu.

Maximum Daily Temperature The lowest temperature in a certain day.

Suhu Minimum Harian Suhu terendah yang pernah terjadi dalam sehari pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu.

Minimum Daily Temperature The highest temperature in a certain day.

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Statistik Perhubunngan /Transportation Statistics


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III. Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik/ Description of Tabel and Graph Codefication

Untuk mempermudah identifikasi masing-masing tabel maupun grafik, digunakan kodefikasi yang terdiri dari 5 digit./ To facilitate the identification of each table or graph, used codification which consists of 5 digit. Masing-masing digit diuraikan sebagai berikut/Each digit is describe as follow : 1. Digit Pertama merupakan pengelompokan data yakni :

First digit show the data :

B - - - - Kode B : Data Penunjang / Support Data

2. Digit Kedua merupakan unit organisasi atau moda sebagai berikut : Second

digit show organization

B 1 - - -

B.1 = Sekretaris Jenderal/ Secretariate General

B.2 = Inspektorat Jenderal / Inspectorate General

B.3 = Badan Pengembangan Sumber Manusia/ Human Resources

Development Agency

B.4 = Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan/Research And Development


B.5 = Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek/Greater Jakarta

Transport Authority

B.6 = Badan SARNAS/Search And Rescue National Agency

B.7 = Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi,Geofisika/Meteorology, Climatology

and Geophysics Agency

3. Digit Ketiga merupakan unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi /moda ( mengikuti Struktur Organisasi KM.189 Tahun 2015) sebagai berikut : Third digit shows unit organization/sub moda of each unit organization (based on the Organization Structur by KM.189 year 2015)

B 1 1 - -

B. = Biro Perencanaan/Bureau of Planning

B. = Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi/ Bureau of Human Resources

and Organization.

B. = Biro Keuangan & Perlengkapan / Berau of Finance and supplies

B. = Biro Hukum / Bureau of Law

B. = Biro Umum / Bureau of Public

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B. = Biro Komunikasi dan Informasi Publik / Bureau of Communication

and Public Information

B. = Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi / Centre of Information

Technology and Communication

B. = Pusat Pengelolaan Transportasi Berkelanjutan/ Center of Sustein-

able Transportation Management

B. = Biro Kerjasama/ Bureau of Transportation Cooperations

B. Mahkamah Pelayaran / Marine Court

B. Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi/Transportation Safety

National Committee

B. = Inspektorat Jenderal / Inspectorate General

B. = Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia /Human

Resources Development Agency

B. = Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Research and

Development Agency

B. = Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek / Greater Jakarta

Transport Authority

B. = Badan SAR Nasional / Search and Rescue National Agency

B. = Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika/ Metorology,

Climatology ang Geophysics Agency

4. Digit Keempat dan Kelima merupakan jumlah urut tabel yang dibuat pada

masing-masing sub moda / unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi /moda sebagai berikut : The fourth and fifth digits show number of table of each mode.

B 1 1 0 1

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IV. PenjelasanTeknis IV. Technical Notes 1. Notasi

a. -- =tidak terdapat data

b. . =tanda desimal

c. *) = data sementara d. 0 =nol

e. NA = data belum terkumpul

1. Notation a. --- = null or not available

b. . = decimal point

c. *) = temporary data d. 0 = zero e. NA = Not Available

2. Rumus Rata-rata Pertumbuhan 2. Annual Growth Rate Formula













dengan: where:

g = rata-rata pertumbuhan

gii )1,(

= pertumbuhantahunke-


g = annual growth rate

gii )1,(

= annual rate (i +1) to

year i












Yi=data tahunke-i

i = 1,2,3 ……

Yi=data tahunke-i

i = 1,2,3 ……

n= banyak tahun n= number of year

Contoh : Y2013 = 25 ; Y2014= 30; Y2015 = 32 n = 3







Example :

Y2013 = 25 ; Y2014= 30; Y2015 = 32 n = 3







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Maka :







g iii








Then :







g iii


3. Ratio Bongkar/Muat 3. Loading/unloading Ratio





dengan :

where :

B = jumlah barang yang dibongkar (ton) M = jumlah barang yang dimuat (ton)

B = cargo unloaded (ton) M= cargo loaded (ton)

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Transportation sector is one of the government sector that is important and has vital

supporting act towards the successful implementation of lndonesian development.

That sector performance is reflected by the Transportation data documented within

this book.

Transportation Statistic2016 is an annual publication document based on the results

of compiling and processing of the monthly, quarterly and semi-annual operational

data. Transportation Statistic 2016 contain ftve-year transportation statistic data

within z}fi-2}1rc^ period. Transportation Statistic is divided and published into two

volumes, which are:

- Transportation Statistic Volume I which contains data of infrastructure,facilities, performance and production of Land Transportation, SeaTransportation, Civil Aviation and Railways Sub-Sectors;

- Transportation Statistic Volume ll contains supporting data in theimplementation of transportation policy from the Secretiariat General,lnspectorate General, Human Resources Development Agency, Researchand DevelopmentAgency and related Agencies, namely National CommitteeTransportation $afety, Search and Rescue Agency, and Meteorology,Climatology and Geophysics Agency.

Furthermore, readers of this book are expected to contribute suggestions, inputs

and ideas to improve and to enrich the transportation statistic data, in order toincrease the beneficiality of this book for those who involved in planning, formulatingthe transportation development policies and strategies in the future as an effort toenhance the quality and quantity of transportation services.

Jakarta, Mei 2017



Statisti k Perhub u nga n f Tro n s po rtati on Sfofrsfrcs

Page 26: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

iffi{TEil PEtrITffiJNGANnER BtJ( ri{po}rEfla


Sektor Perhubungan adalah salah satu sektor yang penting dan menentukan dalammenunjang suksesnya pelaksanaan pembangunan oi lndo-nesia. Untuk **ng*trhuikinerja Sektor Perhubungan dapat -Oititrrt metalui- data-dat,

--V"ngterdokumentasikan.Statistik Perhubungan merupakan terbitan tahunan yang mendokumentasikankinerja $ektor Perhubungan berdasarkan hasil kompiiusi"o"n pengolahan dataoperasional secara bulanan, triwulanan, dan semesteran. Statistik F*rr,unundn2016 memuat data 5 t*.) tahun terakhir dari 2012 iu*pri J"ngrn tahun 2016.Statistik Perhubungan Tahun 2016 diterbitkan datam Z tOuliivolume yaitu:

- Statistik, Perhubungan Volume I memuat data prasarana, sarana, kinerja danproduksi subsektor transportasi darat, transportasi laut, transportasi udara,perkereta.apian yang bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal'perhuLungi" D;rt,Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Jenderal perhubun!"n UJriadan Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian Kementerian perhu bu ngan.- $tatistik Perhubungan Volume ll memuat data penunjang dalampenyelenggaraan perhubungan yang bersumber dari Sekretariatienderal,lnspektorat Jenderal, Badan Pengembangan Sumber OaVa Manusia, BadanPenelitian dan Pengembangan, serta lnJtansi terkait yai[u Komite NasionalKeselamatan Transportasi, Badan SAR Nasional, Oan BaUan Meteorologi,Klimatologi dan Geofisika.

Selanjutnya kepada para pembaca, diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan saran,masukan dan pemikiran untuk penyempurnaan dan pengayaan substansi, sehinggabuku inibenar-benardapat bermanfaat nagi pihak-pihak!fig;;*u6ut rnnv" gIil,dijadikan bahan dalam perencanaan, perumusan

- ke-bi;atan dan strltegipembangunan. perhubungan di. masa yang akan datang orrr* rangka untuk

meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanln kepada p*rlgguna jasa trlnspord;idan masyarakat.



Stat i st i k Pe rh u b u n ga n f T ra n s p o rt a t i o n Sfatr'sffcs

Page 27: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Stasiun 120 120 120 120 120


Stasiun 8 8 21 21 21


Stasiun 20 20 16 16 16


Stasiun 81 81 73 73 73


Stasiun 11 11 10 10 10


2 21 21 21 21 27

Stasiun 5 8 8 8 8


Stasiun 9 7 7 7 7


Stasiun 3 3 3 3 3


Stasiun 4 3 3 3 9


Pos 44 44 44 68 68

Post 2 3 3 3 3

3 Stasiun 30 30 31 31 31


Stasiun 10 10 10 10 10


Stasiun 3 4 4 4 4


Stasiun 17 16 16 16 16


Stasiun 0 1 1 1 1


Sensor 287 287 431 431 431


164 164 164 164 165

244 267 264 272 282

4 Pos 6,207 6,372 6,802 6,803

Post 4,263 4,345 4,632 4,633

Pos 6,016 6,137 6,607 6,592 6,614

Post 4,263 4,345 4,595 4,580

Pos 30 30 30 30

Post 17 17 17 16

Pos 29 29 29

Post 20 20 20

Pos 136 136 136

Post 119 119 119

Pos/Post 127 147 227 366 467

Pos/Post NA 82 232 239 339Pos/Post NA NA 104 103 104

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016 / Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Catatan/Note : Tahun 2015 Pos Pertanian Khusus Aktif nilainya digabung menjadi satu nilai/Since 2015 Spesial Agriculture Post, aktif to combined calculation.





Tabel/ Table B.7.0.01

Jumlah Stasiun dan Pos Pengamatan Meteorologi dan Geofisika

Menurut Kelas

Number of Station and Post Observation By Class

of Meteorology and Geophysic

2012 - 2016

2014 2016


2012 2013Uraian


KelasIV / Class IV



Kelas I / Class I

Kelas II / Class II

Kelas III / Class III

Kelas IV / Class IV

Pengamatan Kualitas Udara / Air Quality


GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch)



Pos Penguapan/Evaporation Post

Kelas III / Class III

KelasIV / Class IV

Sensor gempa telemetri/

Telemetry Earthquake Sensor



Kelas I / Class I

Kelas II / Class II

Pos Hujan / Rain Post

Kelas III / Class III


AWS ( Automatic Weather Station)AAWS ( Automatic Agroclimate Weather Station)

- Aktif / active

Pos Iklim / Climate Post

- Aktif / active

Pos Pertanian Khusus/Special Agriculture Post

- Aktif / active

ARG ( AutomaticRain Gauge)





Kelas I / Class I

Kelas II / Class II

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-1

Page 28: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Jumlah Pelayanan/Number of Service Pelayanan 1,134,831 888,375 766,497 1,174,943 1,361,401 a. Penerbangan/Flight Service Service

QAM Pelayanan 310,827 237,965 241,808 254,781 193,935Service

Metar Pelayanan 349,186 464,762 251,255 571,728 840,980Service

Speci Pelayanan 21,647 14,357 20,386 13,027 35,922Service

Route Forecast Pelayanan 31,615 12,769 15,232 12,613 366Service

Flight Forecast Pelayanan 382,000 128,088 202,265 283,134 108,586Service

Terminal Forecast Pelayanan 39,556 30,434 35,551 39,659 54,421Service

b. Informasi Meteorologi Kelautan/ Pelayanan 11,509 12,279 12,936 16,948 Marine Meteorology Service Service

Informasi Cuaca Pelayaran/ Pelayanan 6,222 6,305 8,395 10,950 14,600 Shipping Weather Information Service

Informasi Cuaca Pelabuhan/ Pelayanan 4,758 4,745 4,745 4,745 89,060 harbour Weather Information Service

Informasi Cuaca Khusus/ Pelayanan 529 1,229 1,189 1,253 1,325 Special Weather Information Service

c. Pertanian / Agriculture

Informasi Tingkat Ketersediaan air/ Pelayanan 1,224 1,224 1,224 1,224 1,224

Water Supply Rate Information Service

Evaluasi dan Prakiraan Hujan Bulanan/ Pelayanan 408 408 408 550 500

Monthly Rain Evaluation and Forecast Service

Prakiraan Musim Hujan dan Kemarau Pelayanan 68 68 68 600 600

Wet and dry Season Forecast Service

d. Umum / Public

Prakiraan Cuaca/ Iklim/ Weather / Climate Forecast

- Harian / Daily Pelayanan 7,578 7,578 7,593 10,953 12,410Service

- Bulanan / Monthly Pelayanan 12 12 12 12 12Service

- Musiman / Season Pelayanan 24 24 24 24 24Service

- Informasi Kualitas Udara/ Pelayanan 602 652 629 8,851 Air Quality Information Service

a. Kimia Air Hujan Pelayanan - - - 5,200 5Service

b. Suspended Particxulate Matter (SPM) Pelayanan - - - 2,928 5Service

c. Aerosol (SO2 dan Nox) Pelayanan - - - 384 9Service

d. GRK Pelayanan - - - 330 -Service

e. PM-10 Pelayanan - - - 9 7Service

e. Geofisika / Geophysic

- Informasi Almanak Pelayanan 400 350 400 400 400

Almanac Information Service

- Informasi Garis Ketinggian Hilal Pelayanan 400 350 400 400 400

Hilal Height Information Service

- Informasi tanda waktu Pelayanan 365 365 365 365 365

Time Indication Information Service

- Informasi Magnet Bumi di Indonesia Pelayanan 1 1 2 2 3

Earth Magnet Information in Indonesia Service

- Informasi Kegempaan Pelayanan 372 219 410 218 5,459

Earthquake Information Service

- Informasi Data Petir Pelayanan 12 13 19 21 383

Thunderstorm Data Information Service

- Informasi Data Hisab dan Rukyat Pelayanan 389 389 396 400 400

Hisab and Rukyat Data Information Service

2014No. 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.02

Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika

2012 2013

Production of Meteorology and Geophysics

by Number of Service and Publications

2012 - 2016

Berdasarkan Jumlah Pelayanan dan Penerbitan Dokumen/Buku/Buletin


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-2

Page 29: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

2 Penerbitan Dokumen/buku/buletin Frekuensi 1,036 869 1,280 1,211 995 Document published Frequency

- Laporan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Frekuensi 12 12 12 12 12

Meteorological and Geophysical Report Frequency

- Prakiraan Musim Frekuensi 2 2 2 2 2

Seasonal forecast Frequency

- Buletin Meteorologi dan Geofisika Frekuensi 4 4 4 4 4

Meteorological and Geophysical Bulletin Frequency

- Almanak BMKG Frekuensi 350 350 400 400 400

Almanac of MGA of Indonesia Frequency

- Garis Ketinggian Hilal Frekuensi 350 350 400 400 400

Line of Hilal Height Frequency

- Peta Magnit Bumi (Epoch) *) Frekuensi 1 0 0 1 0

Earth Magnet Map Frequency

- Informasi Gempa Ekstrem Frekuensi 192 9 320 250 35

Extreme Earthquake Information Frequency

- Jaringan Titik Dasar Gaya Berat BMG Frekuensi 125 142 142 142 142

Gravitational Baseline Network of MGA Ind Frequency

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency, 2016

Keterangan / Notes :

*) Informasi dan penerbitan dokumen di buat setiap 5 (lima) tahun / Information and document published every 5 (five) years

0 = tidak ada publikasi / no publication

No. 2012 20162013 2014

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Produksi Jasa Meteorologi dan Geofisika Berdasarkan Jumlah Pelayanan mengalami peningkatan 16.25 % dan Penerbitan Dokumen/

Buku/Buletinmengalami peningkatan 9.25 %. /Production of Meteorologi and Geophysics by Number of Services increased by 16.25% and Publications increased 9.25 %.


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-3

Page 30: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Suhu Udara/Temperature

- Suhu Udara maksimum (tertinggi)/o Cel 36.4 37.6 38.1 38.8 37.8

The highest maximum temperature

- Suhu Udara Minimum (terendah)/o Cel 15.0 15.0 16.3 4.5 7.6

The lowest minimum temperature

2 Kelembaban Udara/Humidity

- Kelembaban Udara maksimum/ % 100 100 100 100 81

The highest maximum humidity

- Kelembaban Udara minimum/ % 27 42 20 20 48

The lowest minimum humidity

3 Angin/Wind Knot 44 49 43 40 35

Angin terbesar/ Maximum velocity of wind

4 Curah Hujan/ Rain fall

- Tertinggi dalam sehari/ mm 360 432 370 206 370

The biggest in a day

- Terbesar dalam sebulan/ mm 1,252 1,923 845 1,004 925

The biggest in a month

- Terbesar dalam setahun/ mm 4,013 4,798 4,400 3,548 5,303

The biggest in a year

5 Gempa/Earthquake

- Jumlah kejadian gempa yang dapat Kejadian 250 239 320 392 353


Number of earthquake event

- Gempa terbesar SR 8.3 7.2 7.3 6.9 7.8

The biggest earthquake (SR)

(S R : Skala Richter/Richter scala)

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency, 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

2012 2014 2016No. 2013 2015

2011 - 2015

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.03

Peristiwa Cuaca dan Geofisika Ekstrem

Extreem Weather and Geophysic Phenomena

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-4

Page 31: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 92 283 143 82 302

2 Februari / February mm 78 136 88 20 270

3 Maret / March mm 100 90 8 124 80

4 April / April mm 79 106 88 355 49

5 Mei / May mm 98 131 46 48 248

6 Juni / June mm 41 167 63 43 55

7 Juli / July mm 28 84 26 84 81

8 Agustus / August mm 38 40 128 55 389

9 September / September mm 78 165 0 185 61

10 Oktober / October mm 117 57 82 221 355

11 November / November mm 199 150 0 246 491

12 Desember / December mm 150 215 2 112 200

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 62 265 50 60 16

2 Februari / February mm 93 240 28 47 191

3 Maret / March mm 202 222 37 17 7

4 April / April mm 280 181 73 82 6

5 Mei / May mm 515 165 143 91 120

6 Juni / June mm 57 122 26 24 69

7 Juli / July mm 279 30 - 28 43 62 169

8 Agustus / August mm 160 166 223 60 109

9 September / September mm 255 157 180 175 533

10 Oktober / October mm 334 386 347 145 344

11 November / November mm 235 268 138 155 93

12 Desember / December mm 270 570 431 59 100

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency, 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

2012 2014


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.04

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banda Aceh (96011)

Monthly Rainfall at Banda Aceh

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.05

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Medan/Polonia- Kualanamu (96035)


Monthly Rainfall at Medan

2012 - 2016



Sejak tanggal 24-25 Juli 2015 BMKG pindah dari Polonia ke Kualanamu/ since 24 - 25 July 2015, The BMKG has moved from Polonia to






Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-5

Page 32: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 67 111 253 140 294

2 Februari / February mm 248 335 14 34 193

3 Maret / March mm 325 339 166 357 178

4 April / April mm 104 172 169 129 310

5 Mei / May mm 183 129 233 140 243

6 Juni / June mm 166 56 119 104 105

7 Juli / July mm 24 134 187 14 273

8 Agustus / August mm 97 186 105 278 44

9 September / September mm 186 142 137 60 274

10 Oktober / October mm 228 478 348 65 147

11 November / November mm 440 381 332 411 514

12 Desember / December mm 241 614 280 317 178

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 216 262 291 160 261

2 Februari / February mm 420 442 200 216 323

3 Maret / March mm 585 81 233 293 654

4 April / April mm 275 456 487 385 460

5 Mei / May mm 215 233 398 98 476

6 Juni / June mm 245 257 224 457 232

7 Juli / July mm 145 184 169 112 142

8 Agustus / August mm 211 469 326 422 372

9 September / September mm 235 379 324 353 381

10 Oktober / October mm 322 366 464 140 436

11 November / November mm 575 426 653 517 291

12 Desember / December mm 568 615 217 395 458

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

2012 - 2016


No. 2014

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.07

2012 2015

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Padang/Minangkabau (96163)

Monthly Rainfall at Padang

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.06

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pekan Baru/Sultan Syarif Kasim II (96109)

Monthly Rainfall at Pekan Baru





2013 2015 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-6

Page 33: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 186 179 218 188 235

2 Februari / February mm 466 336 59 100 602

3 Maret / March mm 258 261 83 397 407

4 April / April mm 127 186 311 223 261

5 Mei / May mm 144 258 156 110 253

6 Juni / June mm 165 120 97 83 171

7 Juli / July mm 193 244 135 23 86

8 Agustus / August mm 4 87 129 14 159

9 September / September mm 14 238 1 0 414

10 Oktober / October mm 46 196 39 32 273

11 November / November mm 216 335 136 135 0

12 Desember / December mm 200 350 270 230 155

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 136 112 92 158 106

2 Februari / February mm 143 119 26 111 190

3 Maret / March mm 222 148 101 178 80

4 April / April mm 244 121 338 304 161

5 Mei / May mm 266 168 109 134 76

6 Juni / June mm 53 143 102 35 63

7 Juli / July mm 108 141 195 73 76

8 Agustus / August mm 55 150 185 37 199

9 September / September mm 53 148 67 0 109

10 Oktober / October mm 277 126 101 36 120

11 November / November mm 150 122 228 345 207

12 Desember / December mm 223 226 238 298 84

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Monthly Rainfall at Pangkal Pinang

2012 - 2016


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.08

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Pangkal Pinang (96237)

2015 20162014No.

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.09

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Sultan Thaha Jambi (96195)

Monthly Rainfall at Jambi

2012 - 2016


2012 2013


2015 20162014

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-7

Page 34: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 227 460 163 239 328

2 Februari / February mm 192 328 22 259 295

3 Maret / March mm 173 178 337 234 295

4 April / April mm 243 242 120 316 196

5 Mei / May mm 96 142 95 58 174

6 Juni / June mm 53 74 79 43 107

7 Juli / July mm 18 234 49 80 96

8 Agustus / August mm 34 22 109 16 54

9 September / September mm 34 51 0 4 173

10 Oktober / October mm 138 133 60 2 103

11 November / November mm 80 168 273 48 230

12 Desember / December mm 397 435 178 330 202

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 231 443 346 433 236

2 Februari / February mm 127 393 214 326 304

3 Maret / March mm 116 232 296 189 628

4 April / April mm 330 216 440 368 201

5 Mei / May mm 142 317 342 50 274

6 Juni / June mm 117 195 107 164 111

7 Juli / July mm 142 466 151 25 137

8 Agustus / August mm 105 196 452 165 481

9 September / September mm 57 350 64 66 163

10 Oktober / October mm 224 194 146 8 303

11 November / November mm 484 486 725 281 609

12 Desember / December mm 479 325 318 476 266

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


2014No. 2015 2016

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Lampung (96295)

Monthly Rainfall at Lampung

2012 - 2016



2012 - 2016



Tabel/Table B.7.0.11

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bengkulu/Fatmawati Soekarno (96253)

Monthly Rainfall at Bengkulu

No. 2015

Tabel/Table B.7.0.10


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-8

Page 35: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 261 281 153 230 218

2 Februari / February mm 374 306 25 179 261

3 Maret / March mm 252 502 114 351 322

4 April / April mm 353 265 257 398 227

5 Mei / May mm 287 88 247 124 200

6 Juni / June mm 136 153 206 130 112

7 Juli / July mm 39 111 54 59 106

8 Agustus / August mm 35 126 62 24 215

9 September / September mm 62 220 21 1 230

10 Oktober / October mm 143 160 15 3 234

11 November / November mm 614 335 394 193 302

12 Desember / December mm 471 598 386 196 159

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, 2016 / Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency, 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 302 424 377 363 126

2 Februari / February mm 191 212 212 241 272

3 Maret / March mm 91 224 103 194 218

4 April / April mm 184 104 72 131 88

5 Mei / May mm 98 261 113 39 137

6 Juni / June mm 36 60 65 83 93

7 Juli / July mm 16 244 232 5 135

8 Agustus / August mm 0 122 10 12 87

9 September / September mm 7 35 22 0 159

10 Oktober / October mm 126 84 21 29 158

11 November / November mm 51 149 155 54 138

12 Desember / December mm 95 381 136 155 164

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


2012 - 2016

No. 20142012

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.13


Monthly Rainfall at Palembang




Tabel/ Table B.7.0.12

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palembang/Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (96221)


2012 - 2016

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Serang/ Banten (96737)

Monthly Rainfall at Serang

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-9

Page 36: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 83 217 259 117 392

2 Februari / February mm 304 250 82 189 194

3 Maret / March mm 156 305 247 319 376

4 April / April mm 291 286 125 285 523

5 Mei / May mm 257 171 177 307 318

6 Juni / June mm 61 232 173 58 139

7 Juli / July mm 34 159 165 0 182

8 Agustus / August mm 0 74 120 7 129

9 September / September mm 27 172 1 43 286

10 Oktober / October mm 125 234 61 38 362

11 November / November mm 537 164 247 455 443

12 Desember / December mm 637 418 236 311 62

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 151 622 399 465 164

2 Februari / February mm 111 147 348 920 517

3 Maret / March mm 178 184 103 212 350

4 April / April mm 196 204 118 78 204

5 Mei / May mm 79 101 41 94 156

6 Juni / June mm 67 257 68 14 202

7 Juli / July mm 21 257 131 0 259

8 Agustus / August mm 0 61 38 5 227

9 September / September mm 20 50 0 0 237

10 Oktober / October mm 20 110 51 0 137

11 November / November mm 315 197 23 89 200

12 Desember / December mm 234 339 211 293 58

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain




No. 2013 20162015

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.15

Curah Hujan Bulanan di DKI Jakarta/Kemayoran (96745)


Monthly Rainfall at DKI Jakarta

2012 - 2016

Monthly Rainfall at Bandung


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.14

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Bandung (96783)



Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-10

Page 37: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 498 508 758 221 276

2 Februari / February mm 328 407 354 260 246

3 Maret / March mm 232 183 228 237 134

4 April / April mm 209 267 53 221 241

5 Mei / May mm 72 210 133 195 160

6 Juni / June mm 79 301 136 40 107

7 Juli / July mm 1 129 179 15 168

8 Agustus / August mm 4 90 14 11 122

9 September / September mm 0 27 0 1 399

10 Oktober / October mm 272 138 33 0 191

11 November / November mm 294 135 196 215 225

12 Desember / December mm 285 263 232 206 112

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 295 493 297 390 153

2 Februari / February mm 388 369 298 184 320

3 Maret / March mm 321 246 157 462 410

4 April / April mm 247 113 177 368 185

5 Mei / May mm 63 222 97 53 140

6 Juni / June mm 4 152 66 49 297

7 Juli / July mm 0 62 51 0 106

8 Agustus / August mm 0 2 0 0 95

9 September / September mm 0 5 0 0 240

10 Oktober / October mm 67 92 3 0 327

11 November / November mm 222 301 370 216 508

12 Desember / December mm 407 446 503 324 267

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


Monthly Rainfall at DI.Yogyakarta

No. 20132012


Curah Hujan Bulanan di Semarang/Ahmad Yani (96839)

Monthly Rainfall at Semarang

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.17

Curah Hujan Bulanan di DI. Yogyakarta/Geofisika (96853)

2012 - 2016


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.16

2015 2016

20162012 2014No.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-11

Page 38: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 446 365 259 465 168

2 Februari / February mm 179 287 247 437 590

3 Maret / March mm 211 461 455 480 252

4 April / April mm 141 310 273 259 235

5 Mei / May mm 114 196 105 182 390

6 Juni / June mm 68 240 202 0 174

7 Juli / July mm 0 109 48 2 210

8 Agustus / August mm 0 1 0 18 101

9 September / September mm 0 0 0 0 142

10 Oktober / October mm 2 4 0 0 466

11 November / November mm 58 108 72 53 108

12 Desember / December mm 171 359 320 130 256

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 327 176 257 333 158

2 Februari / February mm 221 308 157 194 103

3 Maret / March mm 257 288 315 198 118

4 April / April mm 372 338 126 348 383

5 Mei / May mm 127 236 277 214 244

6 Juni / June mm 172 161 169 251 158

7 Juli / July mm 147 145 84 142 171

8 Agustus / August mm 140 90 81 23 101

9 September / September mm 110 299 53 0 267

10 Oktober / October mm 116 227 97 60 185

11 November / November mm 212 315 307 431 292

12 Desember / December mm 220 339 468 263 356

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


2013 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.18

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Surabaya/ Juanda (96935)



Tabel/ Table B.7.0.19

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Samarinda/Temindung (96607)

Monthly Rainfall at Samarinda

2012 - 2016


Monthly Rainfall at Surabaya

2012- 2016

No. 2014

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-12

Page 39: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 435 427 138 286 218

2 Februari / February mm 256 522 149 467 261

3 Maret / March mm 340 253 295 435 322

4 April / April mm 269 252 576 293 227

5 Mei / May mm 229 285 223 326 200

6 Juni / June mm 136 136 208 135 112

7 Juli / July mm 244 243 41 32 106

8 Agustus / August mm 52 7 62 23 215

9 September / September mm 72 159 121 0 230

10 Oktober / October mm 251 121 123 60 234

11 November / November mm 244 319 313 431 302

12 Desember / December mm 476 396 605 263 159

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 148 150 94 278 305

2 Februari / February mm 257 375 109 228 601

3 Maret / March mm 209 262 230 206 516

4 April / April mm 359 343 225 284 211

5 Mei / May mm 222 416 336 207 734

6 Juni / June mm 94 128 254 327 461

7 Juli / July mm 323 274 114 187 338

8 Agustus / August mm 73 208 290 77 41

9 September / September mm 54 231 92 52 291

10 Oktober / October mm 441 240 305 105 306

11 November / November mm 401 299 430 413 339

12 Desember / December mm 502 445 276 280 592

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.20

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palangkaraya/Panarung - Tjilik Riwut (96955)

Monthly Rainfall at Palangkaraya

No. 2012

No. 2014

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Supadio - Pontianak (96581)

Monthly Rainfall at Pontianak

2012 - 2016

2012 2013 2016

2012 - 2016

20162014 2015


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.21

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-13

Page 40: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 221 363 279 461 383

2 Februari / February mm 156 473 303 565 350

3 Maret / March mm 264 331 225 186 329

4 April / April mm 403 227 214 284 333

5 Mei / May mm 126 277 211 158 292

6 Juni / June mm 162 97 194 105 213

7 Juli / July mm 145 177 76 54 129

8 Agustus / August mm 27 127 20 19 81

9 September / September mm 32 74 15 0 155

10 Oktober / October mm 166 89 0 29 201

11 November / November mm 338 347 52 84 449

12 Desember / December mm 463 323 300 501 328

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 323 553 716 398 184

2 Februari / February mm 249 567 231 321 173

3 Maret / March mm 641 78 181 50 12

4 April / April mm 509 386 101 53 175

5 Mei / May mm 269 272 302 155 294

6 Juni / June mm 232 124 253 239 480

7 Juli / July mm 348 420 48 11 268

8 Agustus / August mm 200 251 134 0 40

9 September / September mm 77 192 89 0 339

10 Oktober / October mm 129 182 63 3 201

11 November / November mm 323 282 249 287 369

12 Desember / December mm 514 357 468 203 672

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.23

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Manado/Sam Ratulangi (97014)

2012 - 2016


2012 - 2016


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.22

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Banjarmasin/Syamsudin Noor (96685)

Monthly Rainfall at Banjarmasin

Monthly Rainfall at Manado

2015 20162012No. 2014

2013 2015 2016


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-14

Page 41: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 108 51 137 56 27

2 Februari / February mm 24 28 35 58 30

3 Maret / March mm 46 35 33 65 28

4 April / April mm 99 59 42 70 86

5 Mei / May mm 16 50 69 32 64

6 Juni / June mm 53 97 26 113 68

7 Juli / July mm 166 130 42 21 58

8 Agustus / August mm 84 80 119 5 51

9 September / September mm 16 98 31 20 64

10 Oktober / October mm 41 57 30 12 151

11 November / November mm 28 152 37 43 17

12 Desember / December mm 79 69 105 0 39

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 350 347 82 243 99

2 Februari / February mm 175 188 109 277 330

3 Maret / March mm 157 154 334 252 330

4 April / April mm 69 143 278 172 208

5 Mei / May mm 185 233 406 136 108

6 Juni / June mm 177 293 350 213 269

7 Juli / July mm 105 769 165 42 164

8 Agustus / August mm 65 46 83 1 45

9 September / September mm 21 29 0 0 43

10 Oktober / October mm 58 18 0 5 188

11 November / November mm 56 114 22 5 33

12 Desember / December mm 132 292 437 249 164

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.24

Monthly Rainfall at Palu

2012 - 2016

2013 20162012

2013 2015

Monthly Rainfall at Kendari

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.25

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Kendari/Woltermonginsidi (97146)



No. 2014

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Palu/Mutiara (97072)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-15

Page 42: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 619 1066 845 1004 430

2 Februari / February mm 372 499 1236 543 523

3 Maret / March mm 452 317 218 351 247

4 April / April mm 140 365 284 310 287

5 Mei / May mm 251 76 151 64 158

6 Juni / June mm 71 127 61 144 80

7 Juli / July mm 39 241 27 0 43

8 Agustus / August mm 1 17 13 0 18

9 September / September mm 1 0 0 0 139

10 Oktober / October mm 52 173 0 0 491

11 November / November mm 126 283 138 146 246

12 Desember / December mm 366 809 773 762 443

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 109 144 146 120 102

2 Februari / February mm 130 150 15 68 7

3 Maret / March mm 67 110 108 15 7

4 April / April mm 159 187 124 23 47

5 Mei / May mm 116 257 136 188 241

6 Juni / June mm 205 99 112 177 198

7 Juli / July mm 244 244 45 0 119

8 Agustus / August mm 112 160 54 0 29

9 September / September mm 112 37 6 0 0

10 Oktober / October mm 154 202 73 45 323

11 November / November mm 412 107 321 154 134

12 Desember / December mm 27 166 266 55 294

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Monthly Rainfall at Gorontalo



2012 - 2016


2012No. 2013 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.27

2013 20162012

Monthly Rainfall at Ujung Pandang

2012 - 2016



Curah Hujan Bulanan di Gorontalo/Jalaluddin (97048)

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.26

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Makassar/ Hasannuddin (97180)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-16

Page 43: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 242 178 377 177 65

2 Februari / February mm 137 203 136 10 22

3 Maret / March mm 279 112 60 40 35

4 April / April mm 214 342 110 62 131

5 Mei / May mm 338 367 250 175 225

6 Juni / June mm 224 211 150 185 330

7 Juli / July mm 271 464 37 16 271

8 Agustus / August mm 88 291 218 0 44

9 September / September mm 6 43 93 0 201

10 Oktober / October mm 157 72 15 46 231

11 November / November mm 248 193 197 117 177

12 Desember / December mm 172 244 167 99 517

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 100 252 305 160 70

2 Februari / February mm 119 195 177 196 34

3 Maret / March mm 298 78 60 120 149

4 April / April mm 80 167 154 298 355

5 Mei / May mm 121 395 417 180 239

6 Juni / June mm 1252 360 386 718 199

7 Juli / July mm 1157 1923 226 164 926

8 Agustus / August mm 639 629 498 70 334

9 September / September mm 254 360 117 3 351

10 Oktober / October mm 136 129 129 67 185

11 November / November mm 24 91 31 14 37

12 Desember / December mm 75 220 135 118 119

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.28

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ternate/Babullah (97430)

Monthly Rainfall at Ternate

2012 - 2016

No. 2012

2012 20162013

2012 - 2016





Tabel/ Table B.7.0.29

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ambon - Pattimura (97724)

Monthly Rainfall at Ambon

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-17

Page 44: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 554 661 552 316 134

2 Februari / February mm 209 171 273 179 561

3 Maret / March mm 529 118 57 295 92

4 April / April mm 43 72 30 48 27

5 Mei / May mm 120 134 29 61 109

6 Juni / June mm 4 189 10 2 263

7 Juli / July mm 50 112 49 0 94

8 Agustus / August mm 0 5 5 0 73

9 September / September mm 2 1 0 0 391

10 Oktober / October mm 0 10 1 0 68

11 November / November mm 93 196 151 33 277

12 Desember / December mm 235 437 486 200 399

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 462 389 523 201 200

2 Februari / February mm 234 302 187 122 451

3 Maret / March mm 325 171 176 264 278

4 April / April mm 109 135 110 223 123

5 Mei / May mm 245 163 59 38 68

6 Juni / June mm 2 106 0 6 131

7 Juli / July mm 2 8 26 1 142

8 Agustus / August mm 0 3 1 3 6

9 September / September mm 12 6 0 0 347

10 Oktober / October mm 8 21 2 0 136

11 November / November mm 197 120 102 48 207

12 Desember / December mm 271 412 277 244 303

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.31





Monthly Rainfall at Denpasar

2012 - 2016


2012 - 2016



Curah Hujan Bulanan di Ampenan/ Selaparang (97240)

Monthly Rainfall at Ampenan


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.30

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Denpasar/Ngurah Rai (97230)



Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-18

Page 45: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 553 672 420 470 207

2 Februari / February mm 574 472 536 208 146

3 Maret / March mm 721 395 93 333 232

4 April / April mm 253 37 62 73 0

5 Mei / May mm 58 43 16 10 102

6 Juni / June mm 0 67 0 0 3

7 Juli / July mm 7 1 13 3 27

8 Agustus / August mm 0 0 0 0 0

9 September / September mm 2 0 0 0 46

10 Oktober / October mm 3 51 0 0 10

11 November / November mm 294 110 103 7 136

12 Desember / December mm 575 280 173 187 213

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

Keterangan / Notes : 0.0 = tidak ada hujan / there is no rain

Uraian Tren Grafik Satuan

Description Graph Trend Unit

1 Januari / January mm 110 486 189 216 134

2 Februari / February mm 287 228 168 101 93

3 Maret / March mm 340 413 76 120 187

4 April / April mm 203 85 273 75 67

5 Mei / May mm 171 85 91 86 47

6 Juni / June mm 124 147 164 82 70

7 Juli / July mm 76 96 79 133 0

8 Agustus / August mm 71 109 132 45 76

9 September / September mm 163 112 248 177 291

10 Oktober / October mm 120 82 80 53 71

11 November / November mm 202 150 231 88 39

12 Desember / December mm 34 209 308 89 165

Sumber/ Source : Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika 2016/ Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency 2016

*) = Data sementara / temporary




2014No. 2012


Tabel/ Table B.7.0.33

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Jayapura - Sentani (97690 )

Monthly Rainfall at Sentani

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.7.0.32

Curah Hujan Bulanan di Eltari Kupang (97372)

Monthly Rainfall at Kupang

2012 - 2016

2013 2014 2015

2013 2015

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 7-19

Page 46: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Angkutan Kota

Urban Transport

a. DKI Jakarta

within DKI Jakarta

1) Bus Kota / City Bus

- Bus patas / Limited express bus - Penumpang Umum/Public Passenger Rp/pnp 2,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 3,500

- Penumpang Pelajar / Student Passenger Rp/pnp 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 -

- Bus biasa / Regular bus

- Penumpang Umum/Public Passenger Rp/pnp 2,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 3,500

- Penumpang Pelajar Rp/pnp 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 -

- Bus Mikro/Mini Bus

- Penumpang Umum/Public Passenger Rp/pnp 2,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000

- Penumpang Pelajar Rp/pnp 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000

- Bus Kecil (Mikrolet/KWK dan sejenisnya) Rp/pnp 2,500 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

2) Taksi/ Taxi

Tarif Batas Atas/upper limit Tariff - Per km Rp/ km 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

- Flag Fall Rp/ km 6,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 7,500

- Waktu tunggu / Waiting time Rp/ jam 30,000 30,000 36,000 45,000 45,000

Tarif Batas Bawah/Lower limit Tariff - Per km Rp/ km 2,500 2,500 3,500 - -

- Flag Fall Rp/ km 5,000 6,000 6,500 - -

- Waktu tunggu / Waiting time Rp/ jam 25,000 25,000 30,000 - -

b. Bus Kota di Luar DKI. Jakarta

urban bus services out side Jakarta 1) Medan *1)

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 3,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 6,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 1,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000

2) Bandar Lampung **)

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 2,600 - - - 8,500

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 2,400 - - - -

3) Bandung

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 1,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp - 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000

- Penumpang Via Tol - 4,500 4,500 4,500 7,000

4) Semarang

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000

5) DI. Yogyakarta

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 2,400 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000

6) Surakarta *1)

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 2,350 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,500

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 1,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

7) Jember

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 2,100 3,200 3,200 3,200 5,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 -

8) Surabaya

* Tarif ekonomi non Tol Rp/pnp - 2,200 2,200 2,200 -

* Tarif Patas Ekonomi Masuk Tol Rp/pnp - 2,400 2,400 2,400 5,000

* Tarif Patas AC Ekonomi masuk 1 pintu tol Rp/pnp - 3,700 3,700 3,700 5,000

* Tarif Patas AC Ekonomi masuk 2 pintu tol Rp/pnp - 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp 950 1,100 1,100 1,100 -

9) Ujung Pandang

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp 2,000 - - - 4,500

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp - - - - -

10) Mataram

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp - - - - 4,000

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp - - - - -

11) Palembang

- Penumpang Umum/ Public Pass Rp/pnp - - - - 7,500

- Penumpang Pelajar/ Student Pass Rp/pnp - - - - -

No. 2015 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.1.01

Perkembangan Tarif Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kelas Ekonomi

Trend of Economic Fare For Passanger Services

2012 - 2016

2012 2013 2014

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-1

Page 47: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

2 Angkutan Penumpang Jalan Antar Kota *2)

Intercity Passanger road transport

a. Wilayah I*/Region I* *3)

- Tarif batas atas Rp/pnp-km 139 161 177 169 155

Upper Fare


- Tarif batas bawah Rp/pnp-km 86 99 109 187 95

Lower Fare

b. Wilayah II*/Region II* *3)

- Tarif batas atas Rp/pnp-km 154 179 197 104 172

Upper Fare


- Tarif batas bawah Rp/pnp-km 95 110 121 115 106

Lower Fare


3 Angkutan Kereta Api Antar Kota Rp/pnp-km 54.30 54.30 160 212 -

Intercity rail services

4 Angkutan Kereta Api Perkotaan (Jabodetabek) *5) *15)

- 5 Stasiun pertama Rp/pnp-km - 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000

- per 3 Stasiun berikutnya Rp/pnp-km - 500 500 1,000 1,000

5 Angkutan Penyeberangan / Ferry *7)

- Lintas Merak - Bakahuheuni Rp/sup-mil 996.53 1,072.16 1,228 1,227 1,187

Merak - Bakauheuni

6 Angkutan Laut Nusantara Rp/pnp-mil 404.53 404.53 404.53 404.53 392.39

Domestic Sea Service

7 Angkutan Udara Berjadwal

Domestic Scheduled Air Services

Dalam Negeri / Domestic *10) *14)

Tarif rata-rata batas atas Rp/pnp-mil 1,670 1,670 1,970 2,166 1,863

(Average Upper fare)

Sumber/ Source : Biro Perencanaan, Setjen Kemenhub, 2016/ Planning Bureau , Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Catatan / Notes :

*2) KM 1 Tahun 2009 Tanggal 15 Januari 2009 tentang Tarif Dasar Batas Atas dan Tarif Batas Bawah Angkutan Penumpang Antar Kota dan Propinsi Kelas Ekonomi di Jalan

dengan Mobil Umum

*3) PM 64 Tahun 2013 Tanggal 24 Juni 2013 tentang Tarif Batas Atas Bawah Angkutan Penumpan Antar Kota Antar Provinsi Kelas Ekonomi di Jalan Dengan Mobil Bus

*4) Keputusan Direksi PT. KAI No.KEP.U/11.003/VII/41/KA-2013 tanggal 16 Juli 2013 tentang tarif ekonomi angkutan penumpang KA Pasca kenaikan BBM.

*5) PM 60 Tahun 2013 Tanggal 18 Juni 2013 tentang Tarif Angkutan orang dengan Kereta Api Kelas Ekonomi Air Conditioner

*6) PM 71 Tahun 2010 Tanggal 15 Nopember 2010 tentang Tarif Angkutan Penyeberangan Lintas Antar Provinsi

*7) PM 63 Tahun 2013 Tanggal 24 Juni 2013 tentang Tarif Angkutan Penumpan Penyeberangan Lintas Antar Provinsi

*8) KM 8 Tahun 2009 Tanggal 11 Februari 2009 tentang Tarif Batas Atas Angkutan Penumpang Laut Dalam Negeri Kelas Ekonomi

*9) KM 26 Tahun 2007 Tanggal 14 April 2010 tentang Mekanisme Formulasi Perhitungan dan Pentepaan tarif Batas Atas Penumpan Pelayanan Kelas Ekonomi

*10) PM91 Tahun 2014 tanggal 30 Desember 2014 tentang Mekanisme formulasi perhitungan & penetapan tarif batas atas penumpang pelayanan kelas ekonomi angkutan

**) Mulai Januari 2014 Segmen Bus Kota Cabang Bandar Lampung dan Cabang Makassar sudah dibekukan.**11) Mulai Januari 2014 Segmen Bus Kota Cabang Bandar Lampung dan Cabang Makassar sudah dibekukan.

16)***)Mulai tahun 2016 bus kota reguler tidak operasi, digantikan dengan bus way dan tidak ada tarif khusus pelajar.


Wilayah II /Region II (Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan pulau lainnya )

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

*1) Sejak Tahun 2003/ Since 2013 :

Berlaku tarif batas atas dan tarif batas bawah dengan pembagian 2 wilayah

Wilayah I /Region I ( Sumatera, Jawa,Bali dan Nuasa Tenggara )

Angkutan Udara Niaga Berjadwal Dalam Negeri.

12) Nota kesepahaman anatara Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Damri Nomor : 428/III/Pemprov/2014 tentang penyelengaaraan Bus Rapit Transit (BRT)


13) Permenhub nomor PM. 31 Tahun 2015 tentang Tarif Dasar, Tarif Dasar Batas atas dan Tarif Dasar Batas Bawah Angkutan Penumpang AKAP kelas ekonomi di jalan dengan Mobil Bus Umum

14) Keputusan Organda DKI yang tertuang dalam surat No. 512DPD/ORG-DKI/2015 menyebutkan tarif batas bawah dirumuskan dengan tarif buka pintu Rp. 7.500,- tarif per kilometer Rp. 4000 dan

tarif waktu tunggu Rp. 45.000,-

15) PM35 Tahun 2016 bahwa Tarif KRL dibagi 2 yaitu : 1-25 km pertama Rp.3.000,- dan 10 km berikutnya Rp. 1.000 km.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-2

Page 48: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Sekretariat Jenderal / Secretariate General Orang 941 897 868 865 826


2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang 271 261 263 260 252

Inspectorate General Person

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang 645 649 748 900 904

Directorate General of Land Transportation Person

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang 16,856 15,782 15,708 15,844 15,268

Directorate General of Sea Transportation Person

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang 8,687 8,437 8,612 8,697 6,793

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Person

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Orang 565 574 574 603 593

Directorate General of Railways Person

7 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Orang 2,993 2,917 2,923 2,951 2,821

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation Person

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang 267 251 247 245 191

Transportation Research and Development Agency Person

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Orang - - - - 100

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency Person

10 Diperbantukan/ Dipekerjakan Orang - - - - 1,934

Secondment Person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 31,225 29,768 29,943 30,365 29,682Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen. Kemenhub, 2016 / Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.2.01

Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Unit Kerja

Number of Civil Servants at The Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

No.U r a i a n


by Organization Units











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sekretariat Jenderal / Secretariate General Inspektorat Jenderal Ditjen Perhubungan Darat

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Ditjen Perkeretaapian

Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-3

Page 49: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Sekretariat Jenderal Orang/Person 941 897 868 865 826

Secretary General

a. Laki-laki/ Male Orang/Person 610 578 561 558 535

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 331 319 307 307 291

2 Inspektorat Jenderal 271 261 263 260 252

Inspectorate General

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 187 181 189 189 182

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 84 80 74 71 70

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat 645 649 748 900 904

Directorate General of Land Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 475 489 559 639 655

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 170 160 189 261 249

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut 16,856 15,782 15,708 15,844 15,268

Directorate General of Sea Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 13,996 13,194 13,106 13,180 12,655

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 2,860 2,588 2,602 2,664 2,613

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara 8,687 8,437 8,612 8,697 6,793

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 6,731 6,559 6,700 6,751 5,091

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 1,956 1,878 1,912 1,946 1,702

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian 565 574 574 603 593

Directorate General of Railway

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 406 417 415 432 423

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 159 157 159 171 170

7 Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan 2,993 2,917 2,923 2,951 2,821

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 2,097 2,054 2,057 2,065 1,952

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 896 863 866 886 869

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan 267 251 247 245 191

Transportation Research and Development Agency

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 140 131 128 124 94

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 127 120 119 121 97

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek 0 0 0 0 100

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person - - - - 70

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person - - - - 30

10 Diperbantukan/ Dipekerjakan 0 0 0 0 1,934


a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person - - - - 1,691

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person - - - - 243

Orang/Person 31,225 29,768 29,943 30,365 29,682

Orang/Person 24,642 23,603 23,715 23,938 23,348

Orang/Person 6,583 6,165 6,228 6,427 6,334

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah / Total

a. Laki-laki / Male

2012 2013 2014

b. Perempuan / Female

Number of Civil Servants by Unit Organization and Gender at The Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

No.U r a i a n

2015 2016Description

Tabel / Table B.1.2.02

Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil Per Unit Organisasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin

Kementerian Perhubungan







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

a. Laki-laki / Male b. Perempuan / Female

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-4

Page 50: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



PENDIDIKAN/Educations Orang/Person 31,225 29,768 29,943 30,365 29,682

1 S.3 Orang/Person 21 29 36 45 50

2 S.2 Orang/Person 1,483 1,784 2,057 2,276 2,451

3 Spesialis Orang/Person 111 105 90 99 89

4 Profesi 0 0 59 92 106

5 S.1 Orang/Person 6,184 5,929 6,119 6,624 6,996

6 D.4 Orang/Person 688 887 823 852 860

7 D.3/SM Orang/Person 3,786 3,577 3,594 3,546 3,426

8 D.2 Orang/Person 931 851 844 832 824

9 D.1 Orang/Person 310 287 283 269 239

10 SLTA Orang/Person 15,932 14,874 14,744 14,557 13,698

11 SLTP Orang/Person 1,528 1,265 1,133 1,038 812

12 SD Orang/Person 251 180 161 135 131

1 Sekretariat Jenderal 868 865 826

Secretary General

S.3 Orang/Person - - 7 3 6

S.2 Orang/Person - - 125 136 155

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

Profesi Orang/Person - - 9 4 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - 327 339 309

D.4 Orang/Person - - 7 8 6

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 77 70 78

D.2 Orang/Person - - 3 2 3

D.1 Orang/Person - - 2 0 0

SLTA Orang/Person - - 289 284 252

SLTP Orang/Person - - 9 8 9

SD 12 10 7

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang/Person 263 260 252

Inspectorate General

S.3 Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

S.2 Orang/Person - - 59 64 65

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

Profesi Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - 138 131 129

D.4 Orang/Person - - 7 7 7

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 23 23 21

D.2 Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

D.1 Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

SLTA Orang/Person - - 31 30 26

SLTP Orang/Person - - 2 2 1

SD Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang/Person 748 900 904

Directorate General of Land Transportation

S.3 Orang/Person - - 3 3 1

S.2 Orang/Person - - 159 180 181

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 3 4 3

Profesi Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - 232 282 296

D.4 Orang/Person - - 58 63 60

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 130 182 182

D.2 Orang/Person - - 23 28 28

D.1 Orang/Person - - 3 3 2

SLTA Orang/Person - - 133 152 148

SLTP Orang/Person - - 3 2 3

SD Orang/Person - - 1 1 0

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang/Person 15,708 15,844 15,268

Directorate General of Sea Transportation

S.3 Orang/Person - - 0 2 2

S.2 Orang/Person - - 484 556 627

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 41 44 40

Profesi Orang/Person - - 23 50 71

S.1 Orang/Person - - 2,902 3,206 3,444

D.4 Orang/Person - - 148 175 179

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 1,517 1,507 1,418

D.2 Orang/Person - - 31 32 28

D.1 Orang/Person - - 102 99 91

SLTA Orang/Person - - 9,478 9,254 8,649

SLTP Orang/Person - - 918 855 659

SD Orang/Person - - 64 64 60

No.U r a i a n


Tabel / Table B.1.2.03

Jumlah Jenjang Pendidikan Per Unit Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Civil Servants at Ministry of Transportation

2013 2014 2015

by Education per Organization Units

2012 - 2016


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-5

Page 51: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang/Person 8,612 8,697 6,793

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

S.3 Orang/Person - - 3 6 2

S.2 Orang/Person - - 319 336 365

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 26 29 15

Profesi Orang/Person - - 0 4 3

S.1 Orang/Person - - 1,378 1,489 1,430

D.4 Orang/Person - - 287 286 215

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 1,450 1,418 778

D.2 Orang/Person - - 676 663 247

D.1 Orang/Person - - 164 155 80

SLTA Orang/Person - - 4,102 4,149 3,537

SLTP Orang/Person - - 144 122 81

SD Orang/Person - - 63 40 40

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Perkeretaapian Orang/Person 574 603 593

Directorate General of Railway

S.3 Orang/Person - - 1 1 0

S.2 Orang/Person - - 109 129 138

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

Profesi Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - 284 306 306

D.4 Orang/Person - - 7 9 12

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 76 62 49

D.2 Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

D.1 Orang/Person - - 0 0 1

SLTA Orang/Person - - 88 89 80

SLTP Orang/Person - - 8 6 6

SD Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

7 Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Orang/Person 2,923 2,951 2,821

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

. Orang/Person - - 15 22 24

S.2 Orang/Person - - 723 782 795

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 18 19 19

Profesi Orang/Person - - 27 34 32

S.1 Orang/Person - - 772 790 769

D.4 Orang/Person - - 305 300 283

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 305 276 243

D.2 Orang/Person - - 111 107 100

D.1 Orang/Person - - 12 12 9

SLTA Orang/Person - - 567 548 498

SLTP Orang/Person - - 49 43 34

SD Orang/Person - - 19 18 15

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang/Person 247 245 191

Transportation Research and Development Agency

S.3 Orang/Person - - 6 7 10

S.2 Orang/Person - - 79 93 84

Spesialis Orang/Person - - 0 1 1

Profesi Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - 86 81 57

D.4 Orang/Person - - 4 4 4

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - 16 8 5

D.2 Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

D.1 Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

SLTA Orang/Person - - 56 51 30

SLTP Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

SD Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Orang/Person 100

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency

S.3 Orang/Person - - - - 4

S.2 Orang/Person - - - - 33

Spesialis Orang/Person - - - - 0

Profesi Orang/Person - - - - 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - - - 34

D.4 Orang/Person - - - - 9

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - - - 5

D.2 Orang/Person - - - - 0

D.1 Orang/Person - - - - 0

SLTA Orang/Person - - - - 15

SLTP Orang/Person - - - - 0

SD Orang/Person - - - - 0

10 Diperbantukan/ Dipekerjakan Orang/Person 1,934


S.3 Orang/Person - - - - 0

S.2 Orang/Person - - - - 8

Spesialis Orang/Person - - - - 9

Profesi Orang/Person - - - - 0

S.1 Orang/Person - - - - 222

D.4 Orang/Person - - - - 85

D.3/SM Orang/Person - - - - 647

D.2 Orang/Person - - - - 418

D.1 Orang/Person - - - - 56

SLTA Orang/Person - - - - 463

SLTP Orang/Person - - - - 19

SD Orang/Person - - - - 7

No.U r a i a n

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Description

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-6

Page 52: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



GOLONGAN/ Grade Orang/Person 31,225 29,768 29,943 30,365 29,682

Orang/Person 1,022 1,076 1,196 1,278 1,322

Orang/Person 14,311 14,224 14,954 15,599 16,107

Orang/Person 15,541 14,318 13,732 13,422 12,196

Orang/Person 351 150 61 66 57

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Orang/Person - - 868 865 826

Secretary General

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 117 113 115

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 559 566 537

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 189 183 172

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 3 3 2

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang/Person - - 263 260 252

Inspectorate General

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 57 65 56

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 166 165 167

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 39 29 29

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 1 1 0

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang/Person - - 748 900 904

Directorate General of Land Transportation

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 64 74 78

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 486 559 557

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 197 266 268

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 1 1 1

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang/Person - - 15,708 15,844 15,268

Directorate General of Sea Transportation

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 321 355 378

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 7,746 8,101 8,391

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 7,607 7,350 6,471

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 34 38 28

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang/Person - - 8,612 8,697 6,793

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 175 194 201

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 3,505 3,643 2,898

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 4,920 4,845 3,681

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 12 15 13

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Perkeretaapian Orang/Person - - 574 603 593

Directorate General of Railway

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 54 58 55

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 379 422 434

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 138 120 101

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 3 3 3

7 Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Orang/Person - - 2,923 2,951 2,821

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 342 358 359

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 1,960 1,987 1,992

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 614 601 464

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 7 5 6

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang/Person - - 247 245 191

Transportation Research and Development Agency

Gol. IV Orang/Person - - 66 61 61

Gol. III Orang/Person - - 153 156 115

Gol. II Orang/Person - - 28 28 15

Gol. I Orang/Person - - 0 0 0

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Orang/Person - - - - 100

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency

Gol. IV Orang/Person 16

Gol. III Orang/Person 72

Gol. II Orang/Person 12

Gol. I Orang/Person 0

10 Diperbantukan/ Dipekerjakan Orang/Person - - - - 1,934


Gol. IV Orang/Person 3

Gol. III Orang/Person 944

Gol. II Orang/Person 983

Gol. I Orang/Person 4

Gol. II

Gol. I

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)

2014 2015 2016Description

Gol. IV

Gol. III


Jumlah Golongan Pegawai Per unit Kerja

Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Civil Servants at The Ministry of Transportation

by Class per Organization Unit

2012 - 2016

2012No.U r a i a n

Tabel/Table B.1.2.04

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-7

Page 53: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Pengawas Keselamatan Pelayaran (PKP) Orang/Person 2,477 2,477 2,477 1,466 1,380

2 Teknik Penerbangan Orang/Person 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,120 2,095

3 Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Orang/Person 27 27 27 27 14

4 Perencana Orang/Person 46 46 46 43 38

5 Analis Kepegawaian Orang/Person 89 125 125 120 89

6 Perencana Perancang Perundang-undangan Orang/Person 27 27 27 2 2

7 Arsiparis Orang/Person 103 122 122 96 96

8 Pranata Humas Orang/Person 57 39 39 30 35

9 Dokter Orang/Person 20 11 11 8 14

10 Dokter Gigi Orang/Person 19 19 19 15 13

11 Perawat Orang/Person 9 9 9 11 12

12 Perawat Gigi Orang/Person 5 5 5 10 7

13 Bidan Orang/Person 2 2 2 1 1

14 Pranata Komputer Orang/Person 56 55 55 51 53

15 Statistisi Orang/Person 28 28 28 26 20

16 Pedal Orang/Person 18 18 18 13 9

17 Auditor Orang/Person 124 124 124 93 138

18 Peneliti Orang/Person 97 97 97 87 82

19 Litkayasa Orang/Person 73 73 73 60 62

20 Dosen Orang/Person 413 485 413 474 576

21 Widyaswara Orang/Person 32 21 32 38 24

22 Radiografer Orang/Person 4 4 4 2 2

23 Instruktur Orang/Person 158 113 158 161 95

24 Apoteker Orang/Person 4 2 2 2 2

25 Perekayasa Orang/Person 12 27 27 23 14

26 Fisioterapi Orang/Person 2 1 1 4 1

27 Penerjemah Orang/Person 3 3 3 4 2

28 Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan Orang/Person 1 1 1 1 1

29 Sanitarian Orang/Person - 3 3 0 0

30 Asisten Apoteker Orang/Person - 2 2 1 1

Orang/Person 5,306 5,366 5,350 3,989 4,878


Jumlah / Total

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Penambahan pejabat fungsional adalah hasil verifikasi data terbaru dari masing-masing pengelolaan administrasi jabatan fungsional, untuk jabatan yang mengalami penurunan dikarenakan

pejabat ybs telah pensiun

Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Functional Functionary by Type of Position

at Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

2012No.U r a i a n

2014 2015 2016Description


Tabel / Table B.1.2.05

Jumlah Pejabat Fungsional Tertentu, Menurut Jenis Jabatan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-8

Page 54: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

No. U r a i a n Satuan

Description Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Orang/Person 139 139 143 143 174

Secretay General

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 109 109 112 109 133


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person 4 5 4 4

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person 11 11 10 9

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person 25 28 25 30

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person 69 68 70 90

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 30 30 31 34 41


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person 0 0 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person 0 0 1 2

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person 7 7 9 9

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person 23 24 23 29

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person 0 0 0 0

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Orang/Person 26 22 23 25 25

Inspectorate General

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 17 15 17 19 12


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 5 5 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 2 3 5 4

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 8 8 8 7

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 9 7 6 6 13


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 1 1 0 6

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 1 0 0 1

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 5 5 6 6

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Orang/Person 124 122 116 126 133

Directorate General of Land Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 108 106 101 106 115


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 0 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 3 4 5

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 29 28 27 30

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 67 66 74 76

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 4 4 0 3

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 16 16 15 20 18


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 0 0 1 1

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 3 1 4 3

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 13 14 11 13

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 4 1

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Orang/Person 1,017 1,018 1,025 1,017 978

Directorate General of Sea Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 926 921 927 918 888


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 35 34 34 33

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 167 168 167 158

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 655 660 653 636

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 63 64 63 60

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 91 97 98 99 90


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 13 13 13 13

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 77 77 78 72

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 7 8 8 5

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Orang/Person 559 534 553 697 645

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 502 471 488 615 563


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 0 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 12 14 15 12

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 67 71 85 82

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 267 273 322 296

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 124 130 192 172

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 57 63 65 82 82


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 1 0 0 2

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 9 9 10 9

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 34 37 49 48

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 19 19 23 23

2013 2014 2015 20162012

by Organization Units

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.2.06

Jumlah Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi dan Administrasi/Struktural Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Unit Kerja

Number of Structural Official at Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-9

Page 55: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

No. U r a i a n Satuan

Description Unit

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Orang/Person 87 82 87 116 117

Directorate General of Railway

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 72 68 71 96 98


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 5 5 5

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 19 20 27 28

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 44 45 63 64

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 15 14 16 20 19


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 2 2 3 3

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 12 14 17 16

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

7 Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Orang/Person 211 219 223 226 221

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 171 175 176 177 172


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 7 8 7 9

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 39 35 42 44

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 92 96 105 98

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 36 36 22 20

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 40 44 47 49 49


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 2 2 2 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 4 5 6 7

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 19 21 28 31

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 19 19 13 11

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Orang/Person 42 44 45 40 47

Transportation Research and Development Agency

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 21 21 24 20 23


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 3 5 4 2

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 9 8 8 9

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 9 11 8 11

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 21 23 21 20 24


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 1 1 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 2 0 1 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 2 4 4 3

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 19 16 14 21

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Orang/Person 29

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person - - - - 21


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - - - - 0

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - - - - 4

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - - - - 12

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - - - - 5

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - - - - 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person - - - - 8


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - - - - 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - - - - 0

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - - - - 1

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - - - - 6

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - - - - 0

Jumlah / Total Orang/Person 2,205 2,180 2,215 2,390 2,369

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 1,926 1,886 1,916 2,060 2,025


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 8 9 10 11

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 83 85 84 79

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 357 361 386 397IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 1,211 1,227 1,303 1,283

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) - 227 234 277 255

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 279 294 299 330 344


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 0 1 2 2

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 6 3 5 11

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 41 41 49 49

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 202 208 226 242

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 45 46 48 40

Terkait kebutuhan data yang lebih detail untuk buku statitik 2013 ada penambahan isi data yaitu tabel pejabat struktural berdasarkan

Jenis kelamin sampai eselon terendah sehingga data tahun 2008 s.d 2012 data tersebut belum ditampilkan

Terkait Nomenklatur Jabatan eselon dengn UU No. 5 Tahun 2014 Undang-undang Aparatur Sipil Negara.

2015 2016

Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Keterangan :

Terkait isu gender untuk buku statistik tahun 2010 ada penambahan satu jenis tabel pejabat struktural berdasarkan jenis kelamin

sehingga data tahun 2008 s.d 2009 data tersebut belum ditampilkan

20142012 2013

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-10

Page 56: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

No. U r a i a n Satuan

Description Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal

Secretay General

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 12 12 10 9



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 6 6 5 5

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 11 11 10 11

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 36 36 39 37

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 99 99 110 110

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

2 Inspektorat Jenderal

Inspectorate General

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 1 1 1 1



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 6 6 6 6

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 4 4 4 4

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 13 13 13 13

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat

Directorate General of Land Transportation

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 13 13 13 27



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 5 6 6

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 32 32 33 50IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 84 84 87 162V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 4 4 4 0

4 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut

Directorate General of Sea Transportation

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 324 324 324 324

JUMLAH JABATAN PIMPINAN TERTINGGI DAN Orang/Person - 1,030 1,035 1,043 1,043


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 35 35 35 35

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 183 183 185 185

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 743 744 750 750

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 68 72 72 72

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 137 180 179 179



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 15 16 14 14

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 85 99 94 94

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 314 382 366 366

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 152 236 236 236

2014 2015 2016

Number of Work Unit and Structural by Echelon at Ministry Of Transportation

by Sub Sector

2012 - 2016

2012 2013

Tabel / Table B.1.2.07

Jumlah Unit Kerja dan Jabatan Pimpinan tertinggi dan Administrasi / Struktural Kementerian Perhubungan

per Jabatan Eselon

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-11

Page 57: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

No. U r a i a n Satuan

Description Unit

6 Ditjen Perkeretaapian

Directorate General of Railway

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 4 10 10 10



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 5 5 5

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 23 31 31 31

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 58 80 80 80

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

7 Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 22 23 27 27


ADMINISTRASI / STRUKTURALOrang/Person - 207 211 233 233


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 9 9 9 9

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 39 42 48 48IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 112 122 141 141

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 46 37 34 34

8 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Transportation Research and Development Agency

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - 1 1 1 1


ADMINISTRASI / STRUKTURALOrang/Person - 46 46 46 46


I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - 1 1 1 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - 5 5 5 5

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - 12 12 12 12IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - 28 28 28 28

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek

Jabodetabek Transportation Coordinating Agency

Jumlah Unit Kerja Unit - - - - 1



I (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya) Orang/Person - - - - 1

II (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama) Orang/Person - - - - 4

III (Jabatan Administrator) Orang/Person - - - - 13

IV (Jabatan Pengawas) Orang/Person - - - - 11

V (Jabatan Pelaksanaan) Orang/Person - - - - 0

Jumlah Unit Kerja/Total Organization Unit Unit - 514 564 565 579

Jumlah Jabatan Struktural/Total Structural Orang/Person - 2,239 2,445 2,469 2,585


Sumber/ Source : Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Personnel and Organization Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)


Terkait Nomenklatur Jabatan Eselon disesuaikan dengan UU no. 5 Tahun 2014 Undang-undang Aparatur Sipil Negara

Terkait perubahan dan penambahan unit kerja/organisasi di lingkungan Kementerian Perhubungan pada tahun 2013 maka data tahun 2009 s.d 2012 data tersebut belum bisa ditampilkan

2012 2013 2014 2015

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-12

Page 58: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Sekretariat Jenderal UPT/Satker 18 18 18 18 19

Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal UPT/Satker 1 1 1 1 1

Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat UPT/Satker 82 82 82 65 47

Directorate General of Land Transport

4 Ditjen Perkeretaapian UPT/Satker 23 23 21 17 14

Directorate General of Railway

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut UPT/Satker 350 347 328 328 329

Directorate General of Sea Transport

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara UPT/Satker 163 162 162 173 173

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan UPT/Satker 5 5 5 5 5

Transportation Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia UPT/Satker 24 25 26 28 31

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek UPT/Satker - - - - -

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

UPT/Satker 666 663 643 635 619

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Description


Tabel / Table B.1.3.01

Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis /Satuan Kerja Bagian Anggaran 022 Kementerian PerhubunganPer Unit Organisasi

Number of Technical Implementation Unit at Ministry of Transportationby Subsector

2012 - 2016

Jumlah/ Total









2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sekretariat Jenderal

Inspektorat Jenderal

Ditjen Perhubungan Darat

Ditjen Perkeretaapian

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-13

Page 59: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp. 462,851,552,000 1,019,145,232,000 1,450,724,713,000 884,093,531,000 804,757,664,000

Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp. 69,099,045,000 85,751,703,000 79,618,815,000 100,311,699,000 100,159,772,000

Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Rp. 2,859,805,219,000 3,013,165,225,000 3,619,419,968,000 6,077,124,600,000 3,518,426,925,000

Directorate General of Land Transport

4 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Rp. 9,252,127,787,000 9,372,585,739,000 11,907,537,498,000 18,697,965,926,000 10,407,315,735,000

Directorate General of Railway

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Rp. 11,550,550,774,000 11,622,244,994,000 9,619,949,589,000 22,842,956,017,000 12,905,773,625,000

Directorate General of Sea Transport

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Rp. 6,898,259,870,000 7,568,474,138,000 7,505,786,101,000 11,762,586,856,000 9,555,530,015,000

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp. 194,878,759,000 221,298,005,000 205,717,711,000 228,259,100,000 206,259,234,000

Transportation Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Rp. 2,611,975,246,000 3,023,619,998,000 2,867,346,836,000 4,532,882,248,000 5,653,018,967,000

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Rp. - - - - -

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

Jumlah/ Total Rp. 33,899,548,252,000 35,926,285,034,000 37,256,101,231,000 65,126,179,977,000 43,151,241,937,000

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Jumlah Unit kerja UPT mengalami penurunan menjadi 0,37 % dengan Jumlah Pagu DIP Anggaran 002 Kementrian Perhubungan Melalui Peningkatan 18,46%, Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran Kementrian Perhubungan mengalami peningkatan 15,39%

Jumlah Nilai Barang Milik/Kekayaan Negara (BMKN) Kementrian Perhubungan Mengalami peningkatan 4,49%. /Number of Project at Ministry of Transportation by sub sector decreased 0,37 %, Number of Budget in The Ministry of Transportation Increased

18,46%, Number of Realization of The Budget increased 15,39%, and Number Asset Value in The Ministry of Transportation Increased 4,49 %.

2012 2013 2014 2015

By Subsector

2012 - 2016

No. 2016

Jumlah Pagu DIPA 022 Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Unit Organisasi

Number of Development Project Funds at Ministry of Transportation

Tabel / Table B.1.3.02







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sekretariat Jenderal

Inspektorat Jenderal

Ditjen Perhubungan Darat

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Badan Pengembangan Sumber DayaManusia#REF!

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-14

Page 60: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp. 411,518,528,429 948,593,821,331 1,304,788,013,172 620,790,175,350 634,583,954,041

Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp. 59,121,535,979 61,513,781,022 65,505,785,715 93,653,661,027 89,860,225,270

Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Rp. 2,589,613,928,114 2,676,674,735,763 3,228,271,086,124 5,629,793,365,269 2,836,894,157,566

Directorate General of Land Transport

4 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Rp. 8,533,415,434,067 8,330,100,669,230 6,816,859,034,086 12,563,760,933,460 5,803,677,507,034

Directorate General of Railway

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Rp. 9,999,138,815,756 9,907,083,665,695 7,850,516,806,726 14,478,296,156,761 9,572,726,938,386

Directorate General of Sea Transport

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Rp. 5,978,559,038,291 6,996,350,020,107 6,847,838,653,597 9,793,136,550,670 8,229,608,438,845

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp. 183,336,466,775 187,328,077,130 162,673,554,235 167,854,403,443 156,672,937,177

Agency of Research and Development Tranportation

8 Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Rp. 2,251,170,653,773 2,599,151,555,791 2,429,971,591,565 3,770,739,390,647 4,449,313,912,914

Transportation Human Resources Development Agency

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Rp. - - - - -

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

Jumlah/ Total Rp. 30,005,874,401,184 31,706,796,326,069 28,706,424,525,220 47,118,024,636,627 31,773,338,071,233

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Tahun 2014 terdapat perubahan data yang sebelumnya data SAI Unaudited diubah dan disesuaikan dengan data SAI Audited

Tahun 2015 terdapat perubahan data yang sebelumnya data SAI Unaudited diubah dan disesuaikan dengan data SAI AuditedTahun 2016 merupakan SAI Unaudited

2012 2013 2014

Number of The Realization of The Budget at Ministry of Transportation

By Unit Organization

2012 - 2016

No. 2015 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.3.03

Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Unit Organisasi

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-15

Page 61: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Aceh/ Aceh UPT/Satker 20 21 21 20 19

2 Sumatera Utara/ North Sumatra UPT/Satker 35 35 33 33 32

3 Sumatera Barat/ West Sumatra UPT/Satker 11 11 10 10 10

4 Riau/ Riau UPT/Satker 20 20 20 20 19

5 Jambi/ Jambi UPT/Satker 9 9 10 8 8

6 Bengkulu/ Bengkulu UPT/Satker 7 7 7 7 6

7 Sumatera Selatan/ South Sumatra UPT/Satker 9 9 9 7 8

8 Lampung/ Lampung UPT/Satker 12 12 12 10 9

9 DKI Jakarta/ Jakarta UPT/Satker 72 73 73 70 71

10 Jawa Barat/ West Java UPT/Satker 13 13 12 12 13

11 Jawa Tengah/ Central Java UPT/Satker 23 22 21 21 19

12 DI Yogyakarta/ Yogyakarta UPT/Satker 3 3 3 2 1

13 Jawa Timur/ East Java UPT/Satker 29 29 30 30 28

14 Bali/ Bali UPT/Satker 13 13 13 11 11

15 Nusa Tenggara Barat/ West Nusa Tenggara UPT/Satker 13 13 13 11 12

16 Nusa Tenggara Timur/ East Nusa Tenggara UPT/Satker 33 33 32 31 30

17 Kalimantan Barat/ West Borneo UPT/Satker 14 14 14 14 13

18 Kalimantan Tengah/ Central Borneo UPT/Satker 20 20 20 18 18

19 Kalimantan Selatan/ South Borneo UPT/Satker 11 11 10 9 9

20 Kalimantan Timur/ East Borneo UPT/Satker 33 33 19 19 18

21 Sulawesi Utara/ North Celebes UPT/Satker 17 17 16 16 16

22 Sulawesi Tengah/ Central Celebes UPT/Satker 23 23 22 20 21

23 Sulawesi Selatan/ South Celebes UPT/Satker 28 28 27 29 28

24 Sulawesi Tenggara/ South East Celebes UPT/Satker 12 12 12 14 13

25 Maluku/ Moluccas UPT/Satker 33 30 24 29 27

26 Papua/ Papua UPT/Satker 53 53 53 54 53

27 Maluku Utara/ North Moluccas UPT/Satker 19 19 17 19 18

28 Gorontalo/ Gorontalo UPT/Satker 8 7 7 7 7

29 Bangka Belitung/ Bangka Belitung UPT/Satker 8 8 8 8 7

30 Banten/ Banten UPT/Satker 11 11 11 11 12

31 Papua Barat/ West Papua UPT/Satker 28 28 28 29 28

32 Kepulauan Riau/ Riau Islands UPT/Satker 18 18 17 17 16

33 Sulawesi Barat/ West Celebes UPT/Satker 8 8 7 7 6

34 Kalimantan Utara/ North Borneo UPT/Satker 0 0 12 12 13

UPT/Satker 666 663 643 635 619

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2014 2015 2016Description

Jumlah / Total

2012 2013

Per Provinsi

Number of Technical Implentation Unit at Ministry of Transportation

By Provinces

2012 - 2016


Tabel / Table B.1.3.04

Jumlah Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Satuan Kerja Bagian Anggaran 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-16

Page 62: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Aceh/ Aceh Rp. 280,145,886,000 312,180,501,000 487,366,534,000 696,842,010,000 420,995,380,000

2 Sumatera Utara/ North Sumatra Rp. 1,162,531,587,000 846,930,743,000 1,142,606,737,000 4,114,618,943,000 2,927,815,145,000

3 Sumatera Barat/ West Sumatra Rp. 326,838,754,000 321,080,984,000 352,901,743,000 720,321,872,000 339,379,381,000

4 Riau/ Riau Rp. 283,474,122,000 311,253,341,000 270,333,829,000 484,305,173,000 335,064,772,000

5 Kepulauan Riau Rp. 449,166,698,000 494,269,372,000 419,431,290,000 1,262,992,493,000 684,080,927,000

6 Jambi Rp. 83,470,632,000 174,112,029,000 312,602,158,000 325,520,608,000 257,214,973,000

7 Bengkulu Rp. 241,336,688,000 314,859,490,000 113,423,909,000 230,830,516,000 222,943,265,000

8 Sumatera Selatan Rp. 376,298,548,000 302,936,167,000 365,753,793,000 2,426,527,797,000 1,203,610,386,000

9 Lampung Rp. 212,221,112,000 255,975,054,000 241,059,620,000 331,075,921,000 468,349,334,000

10 DKI Jakarta Rp. 9,853,995,921,000 9,817,419,668,000 13,980,011,263,000 27,543,508,050,000 17,599,868,157,000

11 Jawa Barat Rp. 1,180,485,240,000 916,424,155,000 1,225,936,133,000 940,441,682,000 857,293,415,000

12 Jawa Tengah Rp. 4,172,293,035,000 5,695,646,690,000 3,180,745,343,000 3,021,133,323,000 1,770,608,434,000

13 DI. Yogyakarta Rp. 207,525,518,000 263,234,749,000 1,197,806,940,000 15,808,831,000 20,283,743,000

14 Jawa Timur Rp. 1,988,685,011,000 2,208,291,122,000 1,503,246,604,000 3,034,711,354,000 2,407,890,891,000

15 Bali Rp. 216,257,046,000 320,773,302,000 353,158,447,000 492,007,961,000 454,727,563,000

16 Nusa Tenggara Barat Rp. 386,616,454,000 283,280,133,000 189,224,233,000 197,085,693,000 192,868,532,000

17 Nusa Tenggara Tmur Rp. 1,854,450,434,000 1,668,588,599,000 947,661,705,000 1,643,082,722,000 849,860,039,000

18 Kalimantan Barat Rp. 574,178,385,000 584,944,245,000 480,774,367,000 724,004,801,000 415,539,453,000

19 Kalimantan Tengah Rp. 631,757,715,000 616,030,132,000 560,553,442,000 816,537,683,000 793,778,970,000

20 Kalimantan Selatan Rp. 249,338,529,000 302,352,496,000 225,572,369,000 406,798,735,000 215,248,618,000

21 Kalimantan Timur Rp. 901,612,970,000 949,222,688,000 617,742,818,000 893,939,277,000 544,681,699,000

22 Sulawesi Utara Rp. 493,581,792,000 711,467,027,000 655,336,800,000 994,253,646,000 562,891,727,000

23 Sulawesi Tengah Rp. 634,839,890,000 911,683,718,000 574,563,297,000 946,934,213,000 653,717,839,000

24 Sulawesi Selatan Rp. 1,054,415,142,000 1,300,030,949,000 1,264,742,058,000 1,996,654,021,000 1,565,841,616,000

25 Sulawesi Tenggara Rp. 488,482,423,000 615,917,934,000 499,236,224,000 1,063,824,053,000 567,379,610,000

26 Maluku Rp. 1,116,807,765,000 957,016,627,000 940,905,071,000 1,879,633,228,000 960,519,887,000

27 Papua Rp. 1,310,714,143,000 1,521,330,687,000 1,822,189,799,000 3,046,090,476,000 2,064,457,308,000

28 Maluku Utara Rp. 812,381,535,000 671,480,462,000 698,289,777,000 908,293,662,000 614,067,212,000

29 Gorotalo Rp. 206,295,763,000 223,269,373,000 270,310,697,000 440,121,964,000 195,238,997,000

30 Bangka Belitung Rp. 141,080,389,000 92,268,087,000 91,842,095,000 128,616,004,000 98,334,040,000

31 Banten Rp. 875,481,538,000 766,600,944,000 640,758,079,000 1,087,391,976,000 1,326,210,480,000

32 Papua Barat Rp. 927,678,342,000 923,421,161,000 1,071,151,474,000 1,421,976,707,000 1,029,245,550,000

33 Sulawesi Barat/ West Celebes Rp. 205,109,245,000 271,992,405,000 145,641,597,000 352,680,406,000 107,007,061,000

34 Kalimantan Utara/ North Borneo Rp. 0 0 413,220,986,000 537,614,176,000 424,227,533,000

Jumlah / Total Rp. 33,899,548,252,000 35,926,285,034,000 37,256,101,231,000 65,126,179,977,000 43,151,241,937,000

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

2012 - 2016


Tabel / Table B.1.3.05

Jumlah Pagu Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) 022

Kementerian Perhubungan

Per Provinsi

Number of Development Funds at Ministry of Transportation

By Provinces

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-17

Page 63: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Aceh/ Aceh Rp. 227,372,181,572 293,960,008,346 444,450,304,845 608,831,850,082 379,428,959,020

2 Sumatera Utara/ North Sumatra Rp. 887,305,199,129 726,670,515,726 1,003,158,228,711 3,354,212,959,217 1,752,728,638,118

3 Sumatera Barat/ West Sumatra Rp. 309,920,619,772 298,621,455,902 278,872,946,748 599,820,860,532 305,587,764,973

4 Riau/ Riau Rp. 263,507,351,982 293,102,200,648 227,527,042,055 380,802,732,776 297,705,602,016

5 Kepulauan Riau Rp. 394,556,063,708 429,561,315,666 362,729,112,222 960,422,462,810 611,653,409,231

6 Jambi Rp. 74,107,336,373 88,699,349,195 220,445,385,864 282,709,934,363 180,964,941,425

7 Bengkulu Rp. 212,994,358,623 269,621,250,516 106,011,048,563 186,383,325,291 206,616,300,942

8 Sumatera Selatan Rp. 353,599,316,905 277,052,237,897 344,729,245,847 1,867,820,548,793 670,560,324,335

9 Lampung Rp. 203,569,167,409 248,575,847,724 233,352,120,930 258,006,071,500 448,470,309,647

10 DKI Jakarta Rp. 7,918,816,340,873 8,148,148,969,662 9,175,587,120,162 17,111,750,270,319 11,035,517,531,740

11 Jawa Barat Rp. 1,167,115,625,040 878,785,095,713 1,020,223,153,595 643,002,792,437 690,881,432,111

12 Jawa Tengah Rp. 3,881,004,321,028 5,208,032,162,921 2,736,196,306,517 1,791,890,037,736 1,330,026,899,384

13 DI. Yogyakarta Rp. 153,344,833,507 204,036,373,851 277,054,444,120 15,322,168,450 19,678,135,413

14 Jawa Timur Rp. 1,754,382,048,973 1,837,275,844,377 1,233,892,165,447 2,500,402,309,142 2,008,368,933,853

15 Bali Rp. 185,913,491,119 295,481,216,240 330,104,082,543 372,340,300,397 369,597,019,790

16 Nusa Tenggara Barat Rp. 373,551,643,471 263,800,124,852 174,349,389,181 149,736,771,860 176,470,771,114

17 Nusa Tenggara Tmur Rp. 1,802,483,846,005 1,591,845,708,467 897,319,719,068 1,402,223,581,426 753,040,112,380

18 Kalimantan Barat Rp. 535,401,592,390 559,056,123,742 437,032,830,785 640,426,881,039 385,159,349,897

19 Kalimantan Tengah Rp. 621,389,555,589 587,747,162,928 518,172,700,839 716,836,051,106 675,934,566,879

20 Kalimantan Selatan Rp. 228,486,034,996 256,211,653,247 161,624,654,154 270,744,722,035 190,780,333,173

21 Kalimantan Timur Rp. 795,631,818,740 844,082,460,507 836,383,586,446 913,565,092,152 492,388,678,218

22 Sulawesi Utara Rp. 479,030,020,411 657,763,969,736 607,011,767,897 820,443,605,123 519,189,874,771

23 Sulawesi Tengah Rp. 604,155,732,133 844,479,835,359 521,786,095,161 733,047,845,563 623,218,207,356

24 Sulawesi Selatan Rp. 957,044,157,628 1,230,366,131,642 1,100,256,034,329 1,710,523,507,734 1,380,232,572,850

25 Sulawesi Tenggara Rp. 478,712,918,897 578,259,455,014 465,589,187,428 874,085,157,650 529,929,861,511

26 Maluku Rp. 1,021,258,489,354 794,829,587,843 848,846,984,766 1,587,962,447,585 778,813,115,089

27 Papua Rp. 838,606,207,212 1,395,875,462,792 1,647,038,428,960 2,625,449,053,659 1,869,525,331,788

28 Maluku Utara Rp. 738,754,796,383 605,151,226,014 599,537,456,445 837,401,295,445 530,047,592,156

29 Gorotalo Rp. 150,262,242,864 152,333,241,617 172,355,317,230 362,961,642,871 130,543,387,743

30 Bangka Belitung Rp. 136,927,627,297 88,405,526,995 83,598,400,414 106,912,126,022 93,309,003,715

31 Banten Rp. 836,245,436,881 686,671,489,533 536,528,976,867 919,955,097,785 956,472,395,478

32 Papua Barat Rp. 1,229,470,377,025 852,988,362,914 935,365,706,690 1,132,644,873,946 889,138,532,535

33 Sulawesi Barat/ West Celebes Rp. 190,953,647,895 219,304,958,483 94,577,544,180 280,015,202,273 98,859,427,139

34 Kalimantan Utara/ North Borneo Rp. 0 0 74,717,036,211 99,371,057,508 392,498,755,443

Jumlah / Total Rp. 30,005,874,401,184 31,706,796,326,069 28,706,424,525,220 47,118,024,636,627 31,773,338,071,233

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Tahun 2014 terdapat perubahan data yang sebelumnya data SAI Unaudited diubah dan disesuaikan dengan data SAI Audited

Tahun 2015 terdapat perubahan data yang sebelumnya data SAI Unaudited diubah dan disesuaikan dengan data SAI Audited

Tahun 2016 merupakan data SAI Unaudited

2013 2014 2015 2016No. 2012

Tabel / Table B.1.3.06

Jumlah Realisasi Anggaran 022 Kementerian Perhubungan

Per ProvinsiThe Realizations of Funds for Development

By Provinces

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-18

Page 64: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Sekretariat Jenderal UPT/Satker 18 18 18 18 18

Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal UPT/Satker 1 1 1 1 1

Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat UPT/Satker 82 82 82 65 47

Directorate General of Land Transport

4 Ditjen Perkeretaapian UPT/Satker 23 23 21 17 14

Directorate General of Railway

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut UPT/Satker 350 347 328 328 337

Directorate General of Sea Transport

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara UPT/Satker 163 162 162 173 172

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan UPT/Satker 5 5 5 5 5

Transportation Research and Development Agency

8 Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia UPT/Satker 24 25 26 28 31

Agency of Human Resources Development Transportation

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek UPT/Satker - - - - -

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

UPT/Satker 666 663 643 635 625

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2013 2014 2015 2016Description


Jumlah Unit Akutansi Kuasa Pengguna Barang (UAKPB)

Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Accounting units under Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016


Jumlah/ Total

Tabel / Table B.1.3.07

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-19

Page 65: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Sekretariat Jenderal Rp 976,384,012,648 1,066,267,106,562 1,163,409,306,244 1,340,374,494,876 1,341,424,387,673

Secretary General

2 Inspektorat Jenderal Rp 18,692,535,501 22,579,186,501 27,305,809,501 24,577,739,976 26,448,726,481

Inspectorate General

3 Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Rp 5,262,010,458,914 6,840,777,629,289 9,130,816,752,591 11,904,883,780,217 14,214,244,211,083

Directorate General of Land Transport

4 Ditjen Perkeretaapian Rp 74,691,808,297,718 84,909,693,338,180 92,125,390,562,286 97,038,687,448,618 97,083,561,138,131

Directorate General of Railway

5 Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Rp 13,242,351,336,825 15,803,534,017,940 19,600,648,952,867 32,818,646,215,493 36,025,941,352,244

Directorate General of Sea Transport

6 Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Rp 33,634,078,377,895 43,501,951,902,846 50,690,188,801,199 59,143,116,397,911 59,664,272,064,067

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

7 Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rp 30,289,461,630 50,597,890,072 63,768,175,868 56,501,225,445 57,540,130,444

Agency of Research and Development Transportation

8 Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Rp 7,803,230,602,407 9,045,323,540,608 10,914,714,513,808 12,356,689,480,534 12,457,169,020,892

Tranportation Human Resources Development Agency

9 Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek Rp - - - - -

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

Jumlah/ Total Rp 135,658,845,083,538 161,240,724,611,998 183,716,242,874,364 214,683,476,783,070 220,870,601,031,015

Sumber/ Source : Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan , Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Finance and Logistic Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)


Tahun 2014 terdapat penyesuaian data sesuai Laporan Intrakomptabel Audited

Tahun 2015 terdapat penyesuaian data sesuai Laporan Intrakomptabel Audited

Tahun 2016 data sesuai Laporan Intrakomptabel

No. 2012

2012 - 2016

2013 2014 2015 2016

Number of Asset at Ministry of Transportation

Tabel / Table B.1.3.08

Jumlah Nilai Barang Milik Negara (BMN)Kementerian Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistic 1-20

Page 66: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Peraturan/Regulation Lembar/Pieces 1,160 1,484 667 941 1,069

a. Undang-Undang/Acts Lembar/Pieces 0 0 0 0 0

b. Peraturan Pemerintah Lembar/Pieces 5 2 1 2 2

Government Regulation

c. Peraturan Presiden Lembar/Pieces 2 0 0 0 4

President Regulation

d. Peraturan Menteri Lembar/Pieces 49 77 99 202 153

Minister of Transportation Regulation

1) Transportasi Darat/ Land Transportation Lembar/Pieces 6 6 10 18 18

2) Transportasi Laut/ Sea Transportation Lembar/Pieces 8 15 8 35 26

3) Transportasi Udara/ Civil Aviation Lembar/Pieces 5 10 15 85 32

4) Perkeretaapian/ Railways Lembar/Pieces 7 7 15 15 12

5) Penunjang/ Non Transportation Regulation Lembar/Pieces 23 39 51 49 65

e. Keputusan Menteri Lembar/Pieces 1,097 1,389 550 724 905

Minister of Transportation Decree

1) Transportasi Darat/ Land Transportation Lembar/Pieces 0 1 14 16 11

2) Transportasi Laut/ Sea Transportation Lembar/Pieces 733 821 500 112 120

3) Transportasi Udara/ Civil Aviation Lembar/Pieces 16 13 10 20 19

4) Perkeretaapian/ Railways Lembar/Pieces 3 11 7 18 19

5) Penunjang/Non Transportation Regulation Lembar/Pieces 345 543 19 558 736

f. Surat Keputusan Bersama Lembar/Pieces 7 16 17 13 5

Memorandum of Understanding

2 Kesepakatan Bersama Kemenhub Lembar/Pieces 3 3 2 2 1

dengan Perguruan Tinggi

Memorandum of Understanding

between Ministry of Transportation

and University

3 Kontrak-Kontrak/Contracts Lembar/Pieces 22 10 8 35 5

4 Pendapat Hukum Kontrak/Legal Opinion Lembar/Pieces 36 44 32 10 30

5 Penyelesaian Perkara Lembar/Pieces 8 12 12 16 22

Settlement of Disputes

a. Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Lembar/Pieces 3 3 2 11 18

State of Administration Court

b. Pengadilan Negeri Lembar/Pieces 5 9 10 5 4

Court of first Instance

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.4.01

Produk Hukum

Kementerian Perhubungan

Legal Product

Ministry of Transportation

No.U r a i a n


Sumber/Source : Biro Hukum, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 /Legal Affairs Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-21

Page 67: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



1 Sidang Kabinet Terbatas/Cabinet Session Kali/Times 39 29 13 41 63

2 Sambutan/Speech Kali/Times 83 119 71 107 150

3 Rapat Kerja DPR-RI/Parlementry Session Kali/Times 15 32 25 18 33

4 Rapat Koordinasi/Coordination Meeting : Kali/Times 73 93 120 53 105

a. Bidang Perekonomian/Economic Kali/Times 22 61 48 32 54

b. Bidang Kesra/People Welfare Kali/Times 4 23 24 4 13

c. Bidang Polhukam/Politic Legal and Securities Affair Kali/Times 1 3 5 8 16

d. Bidang Khusus/Special Meeting Kali/Times 46 6 43 9 22

5 Kunjungan/Visit : Kali/Times 37 45 15 59 63

a. Ke Luar Negeri/Abroad Kali/Times 3 5 2 6 4

b. Ke Daerah/Regional Kali/Times 34 40 13 53 59

Kali/Times 247 318 244 278 414Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali /recompiled)



1 Pos/ Mail Buah/Unit 1,254 1,761 1,655 1,812 1,626

2 Caraka/ Courier Buah/Unit 4,525 4,857 5,013 4,715 4,512

3 Pengiriman Ke Luar Negeri/ Diplomatic Bag Buah/Unit 1,694 1,836 1,725 1,654 1,537

4 Pengiriman Dari Subsektor/ Intern Buah/Unit 4,216 3,893 4,112 3,856 3,634

Buah/Unit 11,689 12,347 12,505 12,037 11,309Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali /recompiled)


Rata-rata Pertumbuhan Kegiatan Pengiriman surat terdiri dari Pos, Caraka, Diplomatik Bag, Intern mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2.07 %/ The Growth Rate per year 2010-2015 of

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

2012 - 2016



Keterangan/Note : Kunjungan Ke Daerah Tahun 2014 terjadi penurunan dikarenakan adanya Kampanye/Visit to Regional decreased cause by campaigne

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Kegiatan Menteri selama 2012-2016 secara keseluruhan meningkat sebesar 12,42%, terdiri dari Sidang Kabinet Terbatas meningkat 14,76%,

Sambutan meningkat 10,58%, Rapat Kerja DPR-RI meningkat 21,47%, Rapat Koordinasi meningkat 24,53% dan Kunjungan meningkat 4,18% / Growth Rate of Activities of

Minister of Transportation increased 12,42%, include Speech increased by 10,58%, Parlementry increased 21,47%, Coordination Meeting increased 24,53%, and Visit increased by


Tabel/ Table B.1.5.02

Kegiatan Pengiriman Surat Kementerian Perhubungan

Mails Distributions in Ministry of Transportation

2014 2015 2016Description


2012 2013

Tabel/ Table B.1.5.01

Kegiatan Menteri Perhubungan

Activity Minister of Transportation

2012 - 2016


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-22

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Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Surat Takah / Takah

a. Biasa / General

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 352 368 265 73 85

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 297 305 0 0 0

b. Rahasia / Convidential

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 32 37 264 508 0

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 22 32 0 0 0

c. Khusus / Spesial

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 82 85 0 0 0

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 72 74 0 0 0

d. Pensiun/Janda / Retiret

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 50 57 37 20 28

2 Surat Non Takah / Non Takah

a. Rahasia (Dosir RHS)

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 715 750 670 547 625

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 62 65 70 67 75

b . Khusus (Dosir APHB)

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 850 905 911 599 642

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 250 582 486 250 336

3 Surat Pribadi / Personal

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 10,315 10,435 13,375 35,000 36,200

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

4 Dosir (PHB)

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 50,250 38,488 41,875 28,965 37,560

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 7,525 6,913 5,635 6,346 7,212

5 Telegram / Telegram

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 345 356 231 531 620

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

6 Naskah Khusus

1) Masuk / In Buah/Unit 90 64 0 0 0

2) Keluar / Out Buah/Unit 5,517 5,509 834 2,855 3,156

Buah/Unit 76,826 65,025 64,653 75,761 86,539Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali /recompiled)


2012 2013 2014 2015

Mail Handling in Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

No. 2016

Tabel/ Table B.1.5.03

Pengurusan Tata Naskah Kementerian Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-23

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Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Dokter Umum/Physician Orang/Person 6,942 6,472 6,183 7,523 7,719

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 3,435 3,512 3,382 4,536 3,992

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 3,507 2,960 2,801 2,987 3,727

2 Dokter Gigi/Dentist Orang/Person 2,450 2,784 2,425 1,653 1,917

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 1,326 1,433 1,322 913 1,088

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 1,124 1,351 1,103 740 829

3 Spesialis Jantung/Cardiology Orang/Person 57 65 46 3 15

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 26 32 22 3 7

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 31 33 24 0 8

4 Spesialis Mata/Opthalmology Orang/Person 39 106 58 61 43

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 6 55 22 28 14

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 33 51 36 33 29

5 Laboraturium Klinik/ Clinical Laboratory Orang/Person 226 220 466 371 642

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 120 136 265 195 338

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 106 84 201 176 304

6 Radiologi/Radiology Orang/Person 122 129 233 75 90

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 62 72 140 47 42

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 60 57 93 28 48

7 Rujukan Askes/Insurance Health Consul Orang/Person 0 0 0 0 0

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 0 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 0 0 0 0 0

8 Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Berkala/Medical

Check up Orang/Person 270 300 155 152 213

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person 135 169 87 91 138

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person 135 131 68 61 75

9 Fisioterapi/Physiotherapy* 0 632 724 656 710

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person - 158 262 351 310

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person - 474 462 305 400

10 Keluarga Berencana/Family Planning* 0 151 310 519 561

a. Laki-laki/Male Orang/Person - 0 0 0 0

b. Perempuan/Female Orang/Person - 151 310 519 561

Jumlah/Total Orang/Person 10,106 10,859 10,600 11,013 11,910

Sumber/ Soursce : Biro Umum, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Public Bureau, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali /recompiled)

Keterangan :

* Tahun 2012-2016 data jumlah kunjungan masih tergabung dalam kunjungan ke dokter umum

Untuk Point 7 (Rujukan Askes) berjumlah 0 dikarenakan dengan diberlakukannya Peraturan Menteri kesehatan RI No. 416/Menkes/PER/II/2011

yang mensyaratkan bahwa untuk rujukan Askes hanya boleh dikeluarkan oleh Puskesmas, Poliklinik Desa, Dokter Keluarga dan Dokter Gigi Keluarga.

Pertumbuhan Rata-rata Kunjungan Pasien ke Poliklinik Kementerian Perhubungan per tahun 2012-2016 mengalami peningkatan 2,13 %, untuk Kunjungan Dokter Umum

meningkat 0,76%, Dokter Gigi meningkat 3,68%, Spesialis Jantung meningkat 98,91%, Spesialis Mata menurun 6,06%, Laboraturium meningkat 19,15%, Radiologi meningkat

5,19%, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan berkala meningkat 9,64%, Fisioterapi meningkat 4,47% dan Keluarga Berencana meningkat 60,27% / Growth rate per year of Patients Visits to

Clinies of Ministry Transportation increased by 2,13 % include of Physician increased 0,76%, , Dentist increased by 3,68%, Cardiology increased by 98,91%,, Opthamalogy decreased

6,06%,, Laboratory increased 19,15%,, Radiology increased 5,19%,, Medical Check Up increased 9,64%, Physiotherapy increased 4,47% and Family Planning increased 60,27%

2012 - 2016

No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Tabel/ Table B.1.5.04

Kunjungan Pasien ke Poliklinik Kementerian Perhubungan

Visitor of Patients in Polyclinic at Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-24

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1 Sosialisasi/Socialization Kali/Times 430 1,158 989 759 786

Televisi /Television : Kali/Times 326 406 290 288 298

Radio/Broadcasting Kali/Times 88 680 639 400 418

Media Massa Cetak/ Kali/Times 3 60 54 65 66

Printed Mass Media

Langsung/Bellow the line Kali/Times 6 6 0 0 0

Iklan Luar Ruang/ Bilboard Kali/Times 7 6 6 6 4

2 Pameran/Exhibition Kali/Times 7 7 7 9 5

3 Penerbitan Buku/Publication Judul/Title 7 3 4 3 3

4 Penerbitan Video Profil Kementerian Perhubungan Kali/Times

Video of the profil of Ministry of Transportation 0 0 0 0 2

5 Koran/Newsletter Kali/Times 19 19 19 15 10

6 Majalah Transmedia/ Magazine Kali/Times 12 9 12 8 8

7 Dokumentasi Foto/ Photo Document Kali/Times 277 298 235 518 771

8 Dokumentasi Video/Video Document Kali/Times 59 38 32 31 49

9 Wawancara Pers/Perss Interview Kali/Times 393 108 149 153 157

10 Jumpa Pers/Perss Conference Kali/Times 57 84 162 160 206

11 Siaran Pers/Perss Release Kali/Times 77 40 48 90 394

12 Berita Website/Website News Kali/Times 712 409 414 662 511

Kali/Times 2,050 2,173 2,071 2,408 2,902

2014 2015 2016Description

Sumber/ Source : Biro Komunikasi dan Informasi Publik, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Bureau of Public Communication and Public Information, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah

kembali /recompiled)

Pertumbuhan Rata-rata per tahun 2012-2016 untuk Kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Perhubungan meningkat 5,30 % dengan rincian yang menurun

signifikan yaitu Pameran sebesar 10,83% dan yang meningkat sangat signifikan yaitu Siaran Pers sebesar 85,04% / Growth rate per year 2012-2016 for Public

Communications Activities in Ministry of Transportation increased by 5,30 %, include of Exhibition decresed by 10,83% and Perss Release increased by 85,04%.


Tabel/ Table B.1.6.01

Kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Perhubungan

Public Communications Activities in Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016


2012 2013

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-25

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1 Sektor/Subsektor Pemberitaan Kali/Times 11,820 11,099 9,109 23,211 52,303

Sector/Subsector news

Kementerian Perhubungan Kali/Times 1,067 992 834 3,055 7,123

Ministry of Transportation

Ditjen Perhubungan Darat Kali/Times 3,092 2,258 1,493 6,152 8,909

Directorate General of Land Transport

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Kali/Times 1,526 1,823 1,752 4,465 4,909

Directorate General of Sea Transport

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kali/Times 3,862 3,560 3,356 7,120 14,746

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Ditjen Perkeretaapian Kali/Times 2,255 2,458 1,674 2,315 7,535

Directorate General of Railway

Badan Penunjang Kali/Times 18 8 - 104 9,081

2 Jenis Pemberitaan/Kind of News Kali/Times 11,820 11,096 9,109 23,211 52,303

Berita/News Kali/Times 11,129 10,724 8,799 22,371 51,282

Artikel/Article Kali/Times 195 68 88 283 168

Tajuk Rencana/Editorial Kali/Times 236 62 49 76 254

Surat Pembaca/Readers Forum Kali/Times 251 242 173 481 574

Iklan atau Tajuk Rencana/ Advertorial Kali/Times 9 - - - 25

3 Substansi Pemberitaan Kali/Times 11,820 11,099 9,109 23,211 52,303

Substance of News

Kebijakan/Policy Kali/Times 1,145 1,395 1,082 2,803 11,302

Pelayanan/Public Service Kali/Times 2,493 8,435 7,132 19,014 12,867

Kecelakaan/Accident Kali/Times 594 254 233 288 1,160

Pembangunan/Development Kali/Times 1,594 1,011 662 1,106 15,937

Penyimpangan/deviation Kali/Times 125 4 - - 766

Lain-lain/Others Kali/Times 5,869 - - - 10,271

4 Spokesperson Kali/Times 1,729 1,786 1,458 2,921 2,479

Menteri Perhubungan Kali/Times 393 375 363 1,279 1,901

Wakil Menteri Perhubungan Kali/Times 262 355 241 0 -

Sekretaris Jenderal Kali/Times 23 15 11 15 85

Inspektur Jenderal Kali/Times 6 - - 25 14

Dirjen Perhubungan Darat Kali/Times 129 100 98 111 110

Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Kali/Times 93 191 169 940 67

Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kali/Times 273 244 209 207 42

Dirjen Perkeretaapian Kali/Times 233 134 170 90 38

Kepala BPSDM Perhubungan Kali/Times 5 31 18 56 8

Kepala Badan Litbang Kali/Times 16 3 21 0 10

Kepala BPTJ Kali/Times - - - - -

Biro KIP Kali/Times 296 338 158 198 204

Staf khusus Menteri Perhubungan Kali/Times 0 0 0 0 -

Kali/Times 37,189 35,080 28,785 72,554 159,388

Rata-rata pertumbuhan beberapa kegiatan Komunikasi Publik Kemenhub selama tahun 2012-2016 terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan yaitu sebesar 31,20%

dengan rincian sektor, jenis, dan substansi pemberitaan meningkat sebesar 32,64 %, serta spokeperson menurun sebesar 2,93% / Growth Rate per Year until 2012-2016

Amount, Kinds, and the Material for News in the Transportation Sector increased by31,20 % include sub sector, kind of news and substance of news increased by32,64 %, while

spokeperson decreased by 2,93%.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Description

Jumlah/TotalSumber/ Source : Biro Komunikasi dan Informasi Publik, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ Bureau of Public Communication and Public Information, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah

kembali /recompiled)

Published by Printed Mass Media

2012 - 2016


Amount, Kinds, and the Material for News in the Transportation Sector

Tabel/ Table B.1.6.02

Jumlah, Jenis, dan Materi Pemberitaan Sektor Perhubungan

Yang dimuat oleh Media Massa Cetak

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-26

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U r a i a n Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Pengembangan Sistem Teknologi

Informasi & Komunikasi

Development of Information System

a. Pembuatan Aplikasi Aplikasi/ 9 11 14 15 20

Development of Application (software) Application

1) Penunjang Operasional Aplikasi/ 5 6 9 11 13

For operational Usage Application

2) Penunjang Administrasi Aplikasi/ 4 5 5 4 7

For Administrator Usage Application

b. Pengembangan Jaringan Titik/ 740 366 416 588 1,013

Development of Networks Point

c. Pengguna e-mail/Used e-mail Orang/Person 1,094 1,600 31,710 32,934 38,469

2 Pengelolaan Data

Data Management

Penerbitan Buku/Publication Judul/ Title 17 12 15 15 12

a. Tahunan/ Annualy Judul/ Title 13 10 15 15 12

b. Semester/Semester Judul/ Title 2 0 0 0 0

c. Kuartalan/Quartly Judul/ Title 2 2 0 0 0

Keterangan :

Pertumbuhan rata-rata per tahun Pengembangan Sistem Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi Kementerian Perhubungan untuk Pengembangan Sistem Informasi terdiri antara lain

Pembuatan aplikasi operasional meningkat 8.90%, penunjang administrasi meningkat menjadi 5.47 %, Pengembangan Jaringan meningkat 18.11%, Penggunaan e-mail meningkat

23.52 %, sedangkan Penerbitan Buku menurun 5.04%/Growth rate per year of Development of Information System and Data Publications Ministry of Transportation include

Development of Application (software) for operational usage increased 8.90 %, for administration Usage 5.47 %, Development of Networks increased 18.11 %, e-mail Used

increased 23.52 %, Publication decreased 5.04 %.

No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Tahun 2014-2016 telah dibangun aplikasi operasional yang mendukung Contact Center yaitu : CRM, EMS, Sosmed dan Knowledge Based/Year 2014-2016 has been built operational

applications that support the Contact Center are: CRM, EMS, Sosmed and Knowledge Based.

Tahun 2016 terjadi peningkatan Pengembangan Jaringan sebesar 18,11% karena adanya kegiatan Renovasi Ruangan/In 2016 there was an increase in Network Development of

18.11% due to the Renovation Room..

Tahun 2012-2016 Pertumbuhan rata-rata pengguna e-mail meningkat dikarenakan Instruksi Menteri Perhubungan untuk menggunakan alamat email resmi:

https://mail.dephub.go.id//Year 2012-2016 The average growth of e-mail users increased due to the Ministry of Transportation's Instruction to use the official email address:

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.7.01

Pengembangan Sistem Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi dan Data

Kementerian Perhubungan

Development of Communication & Information Technology System and Data Publications

Ministry of Transportation

Sumber/ Source : Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, Sekretariat Jenderal, Kemenhub, 2016 /Informasi Technology and Communication Center, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016. (d iolah

kembali /recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-27

Page 73: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Jasa Angkutan Bus Unit 7 - 6 - 6

Bus Transport Service

2 Jasa Balai Pengujian Laik Jalan dan Unit - - - - -

Sertifikasi Kendaraan Bermotor

The office of Motorized Vehicle Exam.

and Sertification Service

3 JasaTerminal Penumpang Angkutan Darat Unit - - 3 - 12

4 Jasa ASDP/Ferry Service Unit - - 4 - 1

5 Jasa Stasiun Penumpang KA Unit 10 - 10 - 10

Railway Station Service for passengers

6 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Kapal Laut Unit 7 - 2 - 6

Ship Service for Passengers

7 Jasa Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Laut Unit 17 - 17 - 15

Terminal Port Service for Passengers

8 Jasa Kepelabuhanan Unit 5 - 10 - 10

Port Service

9 Jasa UTPK Unit 6 - 11 - 13

Port Service for Cargo

10 Jasa Administrasi Pelabuhan Unit 10 - 16 - 25

Port Administration Service

11 Jasa Terminal Penumpang di Bandara Unit 22 - 18 - 24

Airport Service for Passengers

12 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Pesawat Terbang Unit - - - - -

Flight Service for Passengers

13 Jasa Pelayanan Pesawat Terbang di Bandara Unit 13 - 20 - -

Ground Handling Airport Service

14 Jasa Administrasi BandaraUnit 2 - 1 - 4

Airport Administration Service

15 Jasa Angkutan Penumpang Taksi Unit 2 - 2 - 2

Taxi Transport Service

16 Jasa Penjualan Ticketing dan Counter Pesawat Unit 11 - 14 - 8

Ticketing and Counter Sales Service Aircraft

17 Layanan Pendidikan Transportasi Unit 6 - 11 - 12

Transportation Education Services

18 Jasa perizinan Kantor Pusat Unit - - 2 - 1

19 Jasa Kesehatan Sektor TransportasiUnit - - 1 - -

JumlahUnit 118 - 148 149

Sumber/ Source : Pusat Pengelolaan Transportasi Berkelanjutan, Setjen, 2016/ Sustainable Transportation Management Center, Secretariat General, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel / Table B.1.8.01

Jumlah Unit Pelayanan Dalam Penilaian Unit Pelayanan Publik/Prima

Kementerian Perhubungan

Public Service Assesment (Service Excellence)

Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-28

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Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Transportasi Darat/Land Transportation Kali/Times 0.068 0.122 0.173 0.413 1.560

a. Mendorong Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Sistem

Transit - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)/Encouraging

Guidance and Development System Transit - Bus Rapid

Transit (BRT)

Kali/Times 0.023 0.024 0.053 0.183 1.376

b. Pembangunan budaya berkendaraan yang lebih baik /

Construction of a better driving culture

Kali/Times 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 -

c. Pembinaan Pengembangan Prasarana Kendaraan Tidak

Bermotor dan Pejalan Kaki (NMT)/

Kali/Times - 0.002 0.002 0.002 -

Development of Infrastructure Development of Motor

Vehicles photo and Walking (NMT)


Pemanfaatan Teknologi Lalu Lintas di Jalan Nasional/

Kali/Times 0.453 0.095 0.117 0.227 0.184

Utilization Technology in the National Road Traffic

e. Penerapan Pengendalian Dampak Lalu Lintas di Jalan

Nasional/Application of Impact Management in the

National Road Traffic

Kali/Times - 0.000 0.000 0.000 -

2 Transportasi Laut/Sea Transportation Kali/Times - - 0.118 0.129 0.990

a. Efisiensi Manajemen Operasional Pelabuhan

(Pembangunan Teknologi Sollar Cell pada Sarana Bantu

Navigasi Pelayaran (SBNP)/

Kali/Times - - 0.118 0.129 -

Port Operations Management Efficiency (Solar Cell

Technology Development in Support Help Navigation

Sailing (SBNP)

b. Efisiensi manajemen operasional pelabuhan Kali/Times - - - - 0.290

(peningkatan kinerja pelabuhan dan pelaksanaan


c. Peremajaan kapal dan teknologi kapal Kali/Times - - - - 0.700

3 Transportasi Udara/Civil Aviation Kali/Times 0.995 1.114 0.307 0.552 0.092

a. Peremajaan Armada Angkutan Udara/Air Transport

Fleet Revitalization

Kali/Times 0.166 0.207 0.251 0.323

b. Penyempurnaan Sistem dan prosedur Pengoperasian

serta perawatan Pesawat Udara/Completion of Operating

Systems and procedures as well as maintenance of Aircraft

Kali/Times 0.061 0.046 0.055 - -

c. Implementasikan Jalur Penerbangan

Langsung/Implement Direct Flight Paths

Kali/Times 0.201 0.225 - - -

Direct Routes, RNAV 5, RNP 10 - - -

d. Prosedur Pelayanan Navigasi(Continous Climb and

Descent Operations (STAR-SID-RNAV1)) /Procedure

Navigation Services

Kali/Times 0.536 0.600 - - -

e. Pembuatan Prosedur RNP Approach (RNP 0.3, RNP

0.1) /Making RNP Approach Procedures

Kali/Times 0.032 0.036 - 0.221 -

f. Penghijauan Lingkungan Bandar Udara/Environmental

Greening airport

Kali/Times - - - 0.008 0.008

g. Pemanfaatan Energi Terbarukan/Utilization of

Renewable Energy

Kali/Times - - - 0.000 0.083

4 Perkeretaapian/Railways Kali/Times 0.015 0.014 0.013 1.239 1.116

a. Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Lintas Utara Jawa /

Northern Trails Development Dual Line Java

Kali/Times - - 0.004 0.728 0.509

b. Pembangunan KA Perkotaan Jabodetabek /Railway

Jabodetabek Urban Development

Kali/Times 0.015 0.014 0.009 0.511 0.502

c. Terbangunnya Jalur KA Trans Sumatera Kali/Times - - - - 0.105


1.079 1.250 0.610 2.333 3.758

Sustainable Transportation Management Center

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sumber/ Source : Pusat Pengelolaan Transportasi Berkelanjutan, Setjen, 2016/ Center of Sustainable Transportation Management, Secretariat General, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

2012 - 2016


Achievement of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transportation Sector

Tabel / Table B.1.8.02

Capaian Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Sektor Transportasi

Pusat Pengelolaan Transportasi Berkelanjutan

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-29

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U r a i a n Satuan

Description Unit

1 Perjanjian Internasional Dokumen/ 5 23 15 13 10

International Treaties Documents

a. Kesepakatan Bersama/ Dokumen/ 3 5 10 8 1

Memorandum of Understanding Documents

b. Perjanjian/ Dokumen/ 0 14 1 - 4

Agreement Documents

c. Ratifikasi Perjanjian/ Dokumen/ 2 4 4 5 5

Ratification Agreement Documents

2 Pertemuan Internasional Pertemuan/ - - - - 20

International Meeting Meeting











Sidang/pertemuan internasional yang dihadiri :








8. Pertemuan Indonesia-Australia Transport Safety and Security Forums













No. 2012 2013 2014

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.1.901

Produk Kerjasama Bidang Transportasi

Kementerian Perhubungan

Transportation Cooperations Product

Ministry of Transportation

Rata-rata Pertumbuhan Produk Kerjasama yaitu Perjanjian Internasional mengalami penurunan 5,46% / The Growth Rate of International Treaties decreased by 5,46%

Sumber/Source : Biro Kerjasama, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Transportation Cooperation Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Catatan/Note : Pada tahun 2015 Perjanjian dan Ratifikasi Perjanjian digabungkan pendataannya/ In 2015 Agreement and Ratifikasi Agreement has combined to counting.

2015 2016

Pertemuan Bilateral mengenai Air Service Agreement RI-Latvia di Riga, Latvia pada 18 Maret 2016

BIMP-EAGA Task Force Meeting (TFM) dan Senior Official Meeting di Kuching, Malaysia, 19-20 Mei 2016

31st ASEAN Transport Facilitation Working Group (TFWG) di Hai Phong, Vietnam, 14-17 Maret 2016

The 41st ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM)/ASEAN STOM 41 di Manila, Filipina pada tanggal 26-28 April 2016

Kunjungan kerja Indonesia Infrastruktur Forum (IIF) di Los Angeles dan rangkaian pertemuan dengan mitra kerja Kementerian Perhubungan di Washington DC tanggal 12-13

Mei 2016

6th Six Bilateral Economic Working Groups Ministerial Meeting Indonesia-Singapore, di Singapura, 30-31 Mei 2016

Penyelenggaraan Pertemuan 8th Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Working Group on Infrastructure and Transportation, Aceh, 24-25 Agustus 2016

Pertemuan Ke-11 Tingkat Menteri Transportasi BIMP-EAGA, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 26 Oktober 2016

Sidang Majelis ICAO ke-39 di Kantor Pusat ICAO di Montreal, 27 September – 5 Oktober 2016

Pertemuan ke-42 ASEAN Senior Transport Officials (STOM) dan Pertemuan ke-22 ASEAN Transport Ministers (ATM) pada tanggal 14-16 November 2016 di Manila, Filipina

Pertemuan Third Session of the Ministerial Conference on Transport UNESCAP dan ASEAN-Russia Transport Ministerial Meeting, Moskow, Rusia, 5-9 Desember 2016

MoU between the Ministry of Tranportation of the Republic of Indonesia and the Environment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Feasibility Study of Development of

Jakarta Port ditandatangani pada 23 November 2016

Perjanjian internasional yang ditindaklanjuti dalam kerangka Regional/Sub Regional, Bilateral dan Multilateral yaitu :

Air Service Agreement between RI-Swiss Federal Council relating to Schedule Air Services (ditandatangani 31 Maret 2016)

Letter of Intent between Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the European Union on Certain Aspects of Air Services ditandatangani pada 25 Oktober 2016

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the European Union on Certain Aspects of Air Services ditandatangani pada 25 Oktober 2016

Agreement on Maritime Tranport Between the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of South East Asia Nations and the Government of The People’s

Republic of China (ACMTA) ditandatangani pada 2 November 2016)

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rule for International Carriage by Air (Diratifikasi dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2016 tanggal 23 November 2016)

Ratifikasi Agreement On Maritime Transport Between The Governments Of The Member Countries Of The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations And The Government Of

Ratifikasi ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transportt (Diratifikasi dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 2016 tanggal 12 Feb 2016)

Ratifikasi ASEAN Multilateral Agreement On The Full Liberalisation Of Passenger Air Services (Diratifikasi dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2016 tanggal 12 Feb

Ratifikasi Air Transport Agreement Between The Governments Of The Member States Of The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations And The Government Of The People's

Republic Of China (Persetujuan Angkutan Udara Antara Pemerintah Negara-Negara Anggota Asosiasi Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara Dengan Pemerintah Republik Rakyat

Tiongkok), Diratifikasi dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tanggal 12 Feb 2016

Kunjungan Menteri Perhubungan RI di Mumbai 12-14 Februari 2016 dan New Delhi 14-17 Februari 2016

BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) 2016 di Davao City, Filipina, 23-26 Februari 2016

Pertemuan The 14thASEAN - Japan Senior Transport Official (STOM) Leaders Conference di Hotel Akita Castle, Akita Prefecture, Jepang pada tanggal 25-27 Juli 2016

Pertemuan 9th Cooperation Forum, 41st Meeting of The Tripartite Technical Experts Group dan Project Coordination Committee Programme, Yogyakarta, 26-30 September


Penugasan khusus Menteri Perhubungan RI terkait Pencalonan Republik Indonesia sebagai Anggota Dewan ICAO Kategori III periode 2016-2019, ke negara-negara Kawasan

Eropa Tengah dan Timur (ETT), 31 Juli – 17 Agustus 2016

Pertemuan 32nd ASEAN Transport Facilitation Working Group (32nd TFWG) dan Pertemuan 8th ASEAN Transit Transport Coordinating Board (8th TTCB) di Hanoi,

Vietnam, tanggal 9-11 Agustus 2016

Persiapan menjadi tuan rumah 4th Asia-Europe Meeting Transport Ministers’ Meeting (4th ASEM TMM) pada tahun 2017 di Riga, Latvia, tanggal 28-30 April 2015

Persiapan Penyelenggaraan Pameran Promosi Terpadu Tourism, Trade and Investment (TTI) di India pada 7-9 Oktober 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-30

Page 76: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



Jenis Kecelakaan/Type of Accident













Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Prosentase jumlah kecelakaan kapal berdasarkan Keputusan Mahkamah Pelayaran mengalami peningkatan sebesar 18.26%, Prosentase Jumlah Jenis Kecelakaan kapal tenggelam

meningkat sebesar 18.09%, Prosentase Jumlah Tubrukan meningkat sebesar 25.68 %, Kandas meningkat 102.75%,Terbakat menurun sebesar 8.90 % / Number of ships accident

that enter and finished by Marine Court inecreased amount to 18.26%, Number of srunk increased by 18.09%, Number of Colission increased 25.68%, Number of Grounded

increased 102.75%, Number of Fired decreased 8.90%.


Jumlah/ Total34 33 49 19 33

Number of Accident

5 Lainnya/Others 2 3 2 2


4 Terbakar/ Fired 6 5 5 3 2

3 Kandas/Grounded 3 14 13 2


2 Tubrukan/ Collision 7 8 19 3 6

1 Tenggelam/Sunk 16 3 10 9

20162012 2013

Tabel / Table B.1.10.01

Jumlah Kecelakaan Kapal Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran

Number of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision

2012 - 2016

No.U r a i a n

Discription2014 2015












2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Tenggelam/Sunk Tubrukan/Collision Kandas/Grounded Terbakar/Fired Lainnya/Others

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-31

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U r a i a n Satuan

Discription Unit

Jenis Korban/Type of Victim

1 Luka-luka/Injure Orang 14 0 3 0 14


2 Hilang/Missing Orang 35 1 40 0 12


3 Meninggal/Death Orang 68 8 16 7 10



PersonSumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )



Wilayah Kecelakaan/Area of Accident

1 Indonesia Bagian Barat/Western Part Indonesian Lokasi 20 21 33 13 20


2 Indonesia Bagian Tengah/Central Part Indonesian Lokasi 12 12 15 4 10


3 Indonesia Bagian Timur/Eastern Part Indonesian Lokasi 2 0 1 2 3



LocationSumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah/ Total34 33 49 19 33

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Number of Region

2012 - 2016

No.U r a i a n


7 36

Tabel / Table B.1.10.03

Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran menurut Wilayah Kecelakaan Kapal

Number of Marine Court Decision by Area of Ship Accident

2014 2015 2016

Jumlah/ Total 117 9 59

2012 2013

Tabel/ Table B.1.10.02

Jumlah Korban Jiwa Manusia Berdasarkan Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran

Number of Victims According to Marine Court Decision

2012 - 2016










2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Luka-luka/Injure Hilang/Missing Meninggal/Death

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-32

Page 78: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02



Jenis Sertifikat/Type of Certificate

1 Ahli Nautika I/Deck Officer First Class Lembar 3 9 7 1 9


2 Ahli Nautika II/Deck Officer Second Class Lembar 3 0 5 1 3


3 Ahli Nautika III/Deck Officer Third Class Lembar 4 7 6 0 6


4 Ahli Nautika IV/Deck Officer Fourth Class Lembar 7 11 18 5 8


5 Ahli Nautika V/Deck Officer Fifth Class Lembar 12 9 20 6 11


6 Ahli Teknik Teknika I/Engine Officcer Fisrt Class Lembar 0 1 0 1 4


7 Ahli Teknik Teknika II/Engine Officcer Second Class Lembar 0 0 0 0 1


8 Ahli Teknik Teknika III/Engine Officcer Third Class Lembar 0 0 0 0 0


9 Ahli Teknik Teknika IV/Engine Officcer Fourth Class Lembar 0 1 0 0 0


10 Ahli Teknik Teknika IV/Engine Officcer Fifth Class Lembar 0 0 0 0 0


11 MPT (Mualim Pelayaran terbatas)/ Lembar 1 0 0 0 0


12 AMKPT (Ahli Mesin Kapal Pelayaran terbatas)/ Lembar 0 0 0 0 0


13 MPR I (Mualim Pelayaran Rakyat I) Lembar 6 2 2 2 0


14 MPR II (Mualim Pelayaran Rakyat II) Lembar 0 0 1 2 1


15 SKK (Surat Keterangan Kecakapan)/ Lembar 1 2 0 1 0

Certificate of Proficency piece

16 WNA (orang Indonesia mempunyai

sertifikat nakhoda dari negara

asing/Master Certificate



1 1 0 0 1

17 ANT D (Ahli Nautika Tingkat Dasar)/ Lembar 0 0 0 0 0



pieceSumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

19 44Jumlah/ Total 38 43 59

Tabel / Table B.1.10.04

Jumlah Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran Menurut Jenis Sertifikat

Number of Marine Court Decision by Certificate Types

2012 - 2016

No.U r a i a n

2013 2014 2015 2016Discription


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-33

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Faktor Kecelakaan/Factor of Accident

1 Faktor Manusia/Human Error Factor Kejadian 17 18 25 7 23


2 Faktor Alam/Force Majeure Factor Kejadian 11 7 18 11 4


3 Faktor Lainnya/Others Factor Kejadian 6 8 6 1 6



AccidentSumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )



1 Peringatan/notice Orang 12 8 11 3 4


2 Sanksi Administratif <6 bulan Orang 13 21 24 12 11

Administrative Sanctions Person

3 Sanksi Administratif 6 bulan Orang 0 1 2 1 5

Administrative Sanctions Person

4 Sanksi Administratif < 12bulan Orang 0 3 0 0 1

Administrative Sanctions Person

5 Sanksi Administratif > 12bulan Orang 0 1 0 0 4

Administrative Sanctions Person

6 Sanksi Administratif Maksimum (2 tahun) Orang 0 0 0 1 2

Administrative Sanctions Person

7 Bebas Orang 12 9 23 2 16


8 Di luar Yurisdiksi Mahpel Orang 1 0 0 0 1



AccidentSumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah/Total 38 43 60 19 44

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Description


Tabel/ Table B.1.10.06

Jumlah Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif berdasar Hasil Putusan Mahkamah Pelayaran

Number of Administrative Sanctions Based on Marine Court Decisions

2012 - 2016

Jumlah Faktor/ 34 33 49 19 33

Number of Factor

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Discription

No.U r a i a n

Tabel / Table B.1.10.05

Jumlah Putusam Mahkamah Menurut Faktor Penyebab Kecelakaan Kapal

Number of Marine Court Decision by Causality Factors Ship Accidents

2012 - 2016







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Faktor Alam/Force Majeure Factor Faktor Lainnya/Others Factor Faktor Manusia/Human Error Factor

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-34

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Bulan / Month Trend Grafik Satuan

Grafic Trend Unit

1 Januari/ January KWH 6,488 7,469 8,974 9,098 11,036

2 Februari/ February KWH 6,326 7,057 8,025 10,562 14,118

3 Maret/ March KWH 6,394 8,553 8,055 10,345 10,945

4 April/ April KWH 7,249 7,674 10,343 11,920 14,121

5 Mei/ May KWH 7,778 7,495 8,910 11,844 13,851

6 Juni/ June KWH 8,007 8,267 8,939 10,761 13,747

7 Juli/ July KWH 6,348 7,089 13,817 10,264 11,142

8 Agustus/August KWH 7,431 8,838 10,669 10,556 10,321

9 September/ September KWH 6,420 7,989 12,664 11,416 13,574

10 Oktober/ October KWH 7,828 5,732 12,653 11,762 15,455

11 November/ November KWH 10,262 6,508 15,615 12,018 12,433

12 Desember/ December KWH 10,436 5,567 9,866 10,317 13,175

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Bulan / Month Trend Grafik Satuan

Grafic Trend Unit

1 Januari/ January m3 123 679 0 167 236

2 Februari/ February m3 99 369 84 242 0

3 Maret/ March m3 173 351 268 260 0

4 April/ April m3 228 336 396 255 279

5 Mei/ May m3 322 324 273 274 1061

6 Juni/ June m3 391 212 248 244 797

7 Juli/ July m3 289 224 330 238 408

8 Agustus/August m3 326 219 371 487 362

9 September/ September m3 246 329 333 298 597

10 Oktober/ October m3 312 293 344 540 531

11 November/ November m3 424 271 300 236 526

12 Desember/ December m3 327 679 322 717 1089

Sumber / Source : Mahkamah Pelayaran, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016 / Marine Court, Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah/Total m3 3,260 4,286 3,269 3,958

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016No.


Tabel/ Table B.1.10.08

Jumlah Pemafaatan Energi berdasar Pemakaian Air Mahkamah Pelayaran

Amount of Energy use based on Water Use of Marine Court

2013 2014 2015 2016

2012 - 2016

Jumlah/Total KWH 90,967 88,239

No. 2012

128,530 130,863 153,918

Tabel/ Table B.1.10.07

Jumlah Pemafaatan Energi berdasar Pemakaian Listrik Makamah Pelayaran

Amount of Energy use based on Electricity Consumtion of Marine Court

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-35

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Uraian Trend Grafik Satuan

Description Grafic Trend Unit

1 Moda Perkeretaapian Kecelakaan 3 2 6 7 6

Railway Modal Korban Luka-luka 42 0 10 50 0

Korban Meninggal 4 0 3 0 1

Jumlah Laporan Final 4 2 6 4 0

Rekomendasi 31 14 26 35 5


2 Moda Pelayaran Kecelakaan 4 6 7 11 18

Marine Modal Korban Luka-luka 10 9 4 2 18

Korban Meninggal 13 65 22 85 31

Jumlah Laporan Final 4 6 5 0 1

Rekomendasi 28 47 25 11 35


3 Moda Penerbangan Kecelakaan 13 6 7 11 35

Aviation Modal Korban Luka-luka 9 8 6 10 58

Korban Meninggal 58 2 169 65 5

Jumlah Laporan Final 8 19 22 7 18

Rekomendasi 62 81 44 70 12


4 Moda LLAJ Kecelakaan 8 8 5 5 6

Land Tansport Modal Korban Luka-luka 141 228 86 141 140

Korban Meninggal 84 109 19 69 57

Jumlah Laporan Final 8 8 4 3 1

Rekomendasi 79 91 63 66 66

KeselamatanSumber/ Source : KNKT, Setjen, Kemenhub, 2016/ NTSC, Secretariate of General, Ministry of Transportation, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

2012 - 2016

No. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

by National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC)

Tabel/ Table B.1.11.01

Jumlah Kecelakaan di Indonesia Yang diinvestigasi

Oleh Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT)

Indonesia Rate of Accident Investigated

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 1-36

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Trend Grapik Satuan

Graphic Trend Unit


a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 541 553 555 553 548

b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 487 437 444 333 456

c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 485 453 442 331 381

d. Prosentase % 99.59% 103.66% 99.55% 99.40% 83.55%


a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0

b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0

c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 0 0 0 0 0

d. Prosentase % 0.00% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!


a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 117 111 89 87 29

b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 117 111 89 85 28

c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 117 111 88 68 29

d. Prosentase % 100.00% 100.00% 98.88% 80.00% 103.57%

a. Jumlah Auditan Auditan/Auditee 658 664 644 640 577

b. Program Audit Auditan/Auditee 604 548 533 418 484

c. Realisasi Audit Auditan/Auditee 602 564 530 399 410

d. Prosentase % 99.67% 102.92% 99.44% 95.45% 84.71%

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2016/Inspectorate General, 2016

Program Audit terjadi penurunan 4.45 % / Audit Programs decreased 4.45 %.

Realisasi Audit mengalami penurunan 8.5 % / Audit Realization decreased 8.57 %.

Jumlah auditan dalam Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT) 2012 - 2016 menurun sebesar 3.14 %/Number of auditors in the

Annual Supervision Work Program (PKPT) 2012-2016 decreased 3.14%.

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi kegiatan penunjang di Inspektorat Jenderal dari tahun 2012-2016 rata-rata sebagai berikut / The production and

potency rate of supporting activities in the Inspectorate General for 2012-2016 :

Jumlah /Total

Unit Pelaksana Teknis

Terpadu Bawasda

Satuan Kerja

2012 2014 2015

2012 -2016


Tabel / Table B.2.0.01

Jumlah Auditan dan Realisasi Audit dalam Program Kerja Pengawasan Tahunan (PKPT)

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Number of Auditee and Its Realization In The Annual Audit Program (PKPT) at Inspectorate General

Ministry of Transportation











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Tahun

Jumlah Auditan Program Audit Realisasi Audit

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2-1

Page 83: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Trend Grapik Satuan

Graphic Trend Unit


a. BPK Buah/Unit 92 98 20 58 89

b. BPKP Buah/Unit - 28 36 - 8

c. Itjen Buah/Unit 3,826 3,642 3,070 2,596 2,205


a. BPK Buah/Unit 73 35 15 56 89

Prosentase % 79.35% 35.71% 75.00% 96.55% 100.00%

b. BPKP Buah/Unit - 4 19 - 8

Prosentase % 0.00% 14.29% 52.78% 0.00% 100.00%

c. Itjen Buah/Unit 2,100 1,552 289 2,591 1,899

Prosentase % 54.89% 42.61% 9.41% 99.81% 86.12%


a. BPK Buah/Unit 19 63 5 2 -

Prosentase % 20.65% 64.29% 25.00% 3.45% 0.00%

b. BPKP Buah/Unit - 24 17 - -

Prosentase % 0.00% 85.71% 47.22% 0.00% 0.00%

c. Itjen Buah/Unit 1,726 2,090 2,781 5 306

Prosentase % 45.11% 57.39% 90.59% 0.19% 13.88%

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2015/Inspectorate General, 2016

Keterangan/Note :

Terjadi perubahan data dari Tahun 2008 s.d 2010 disebabkan karena pemantauan pengawasan tindak lanjut SAR Nas dan BMG

mulai dari Tahun 2008 sudah tidak dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan.

Changes in the data from 2008 to 2010 due to surveillance monitoring and follow-up SAR Nas and BMG start of 2008

was not implemented by the Ministry of Transportation.

Tindak lanjut Temuan dengan status tuntas oleh Inspektorat Jenderal meningkat 89.31 %, sisa Proses meningkat 17.03 %./

Follow Up of Final Audit for Completed Status increased 89.31 %, for on going process Status increased by 17.03 %.

Temuan Pemeriksaan oleh Inspektorat Jenderal mengalami penurunan 13.31 %/ Final Audit by Inspectorate General

decreased 13.31%

Tindak Lanjut/Solution




Description20162012 2013

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.2.0.02

Temuan dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pengawasan

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Issues and Follow Up Final Audit by Inspectorate General

Ministry of Transportation

2014 2015










2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Tahun

Temuan/Issues Tindak Lanjut/Solution Sisa/Process

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-2

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Uraian Trend Grapik Satuan 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Description Graphic Trend Unit

1. 1.01.00 Kasus/ Issue 202 283 283 198 322

% 5.28% 7.77% 9.22% 9.49% 14.60%

2 1.02.00 Kasus/ Issue 131 129 89 61 93

% 3.42% 3.54% 2.90% 2.92% 4.22%

3 1.03.00 Kasus/ Issue 120 109 97 106 161

% 3.14% 2.99% 3.16% 5.08% 7.30%

4 1.04.00 Kasus/ Issue 818 1110 680 418 496

% 21.38% 30.48% 22.15% 20.03% 22.49%

5 1.05.00 Kasus/ Issue 0 1 1 0 0

% 0.00% 0.03% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00%

6 2.01.00 Kasus/ Issue 426 337 352 205 185

% 11.13% 9.25% 11.47% 9.82% 8.39%

7 2.02.00 Kasus/ Issue 673 595 650 419 298

% 17.59% 16.34% 21.17% 20.08% 13.51%

8 2.03.00 Kasus/ Issue 553 374 367 273 346

% 14.45% 10.27% 11.95% 13.08% 15.69%

9 3.01.00 Kasus/ Issue 97 78 67 67 31

% 2.54% 2.14% 2.18% 3.21% 1.41%

10 3.02.00 Kasus/ Issue 25 15 16 44 6

% 0.65% 0.41% 0.52% 2.11% 0.27%

11 3.03.00 Kasus/ Issue 781 611 468 296 267

% 20.41% 16.78% 15.24% 14.18% 12.11%

Jumlah/Total 3,826 3,642 3,070 2,087 2,205

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2016/Inspectorate General, 2016

Keterangan/Note :

1.01.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang menimbulkan kerugian negara/non-compliance with regulatory that inflict losses on

state finance

1.02.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian negara/

non-compliance with regulatory that potentially inflict losses on state finance

1.03.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang mengakibatkan kekurangan penerimaan negara/daerah atau perusahaan milik negara/

daerah/non-compliance with regulatory that inflict deficiency on state finance/regional or state-owned enterprises/regions

1.04.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang bersifat administrasi/ Non-compliance with administrative regulations

1.05.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berindikasi tindak pidana/Indications of non-compliance with regulatory offenses

2.01.00 : Kelemahan sistem pengendalian akuntansi dan pelaporan/Weakness accounting controls and reporting systems

2.02.00 : Kelemahan sistem pengendalian pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja/

Weaknesses of the implementation of control systems revenue and expenditure budget

2.03.00 : Kelemahan struktur pengendalian intern/Weaknesses of the internal control structure

3.01.00 : Ketidakhematan/pemborosan/ketidakekonomisan/Uneconomical

3.02.00 : Ketidakefisienan/Inefficiency

3.03.00 : Ketidakefektifan/Ineffectiveness

Tabel B.2.0.03 berubah menjadi Tabel B.2. 0.03a Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & RB Nomor 42

Tahun 2011 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Ikhtisar Laporan Hasil Pengawasan Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah .


Tabel / Table B.2.0.03

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan

Inspektoral Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Issues at Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2015

Statistik Perhubungan/ Transportation Statistics 2-3

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Trend Grapik

Graphic Trend

1. 10100 Kasus/Issue 299 279 243 193 201

% 7.81% 7.66% 7.92% 7.43% 9.12%

2. 10200 Kasus/Issue 269 213 218 191 110

% 7.03% 5.85% 7.10% 7.36% 4.99%

3. 10300 Kasus/Issue 801 838 597 490 414

% 20.94% 23.01% 19.45% 18.88% 18.78%

4. 10400 Kasus/Issue 527 562 379 285 270

% 13.77% 15.43% 12.35% 10.98% 12.24%

5. 10500 Kasus/Issue 437 342 290 255 167

% 11.42% 9.39% 9.45% 9.82% 7.57%

6. 10600 Kasus/Issue 221 258 222 238 135

% 5.78% 7.08% 7.23% 9.17% 6.12%

7. 10700 Kasus/Issue 594 579 678 478 604

% 15.53% 15.90% 22.08% 18.41% 27.39%

8. 10800 Kasus/Issue 10 8 0 0 1

% 0.26% 0.22% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05%

9. 20100 Kasus/Issue 361 293 277 272 149

% 9.44% 8.05% 9.02% 10.48% 6.76%

10 20200 Kasus/Issue 217 186 113 124 114

% 5.67% 5.11% 3.68% 4.78% 5.17%

11. 20300 Kasus/Issue 90 84 53 70 40

% 2.35% 2.31% 1.73% 2.70% 1.81%

3,826 3,642 3,070 2,596 2,205Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2016/Inspectorate General, 2016

Keterangan/Note :

10100 : Kelemahan dalam organisasi/Weakness in organization

10200 : kelemahan dalam kebijakan/Weakness in policy/wisdow

10300 : Kelemahan dalam perencanaan/Weakness in the plan

10400 : Kelemahan dalam prosedur/Weakness in procedure

10500 : Kelemahan dalam pencatatan dan pelaporan/ Weaknees in record-keeping and reporting

10600 : Kelemahan dalam pembinaan personil/Weakness in personel construction

10700 : Kelemahan dalam Pengawasan Internal/Weakness in internal control(intern review )

10800 : Sudah tidak berlaku berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & RB Nomor 42

Internal Supervisory Apparatus. Tahun 2011 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Ikhtisar Laporan

Hasil Pengawasan Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah/This kode has expired according Regulation of

MENPAN &RB Number 42 Year 2011 about Implementation Guidelines Monitoring Reports Overview

Preparation of Government

20100 : Penyebab Ekstern Hambatan Kelancaran Proyek/Cause of fundamental extern barrier project

20200 : Penyebab extern kelancaran tugas pokok/Cause of fundamental extern duty fluency

20300 : Penyebab ketidaklancaran pelayanan aparatur pemerintah/BUMN/BUMD kepada

masyarakat/ cause of not of service of government employee/BUMN/BUMD to public

At Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Reason

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab



Rata-rata pertumbuhan Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab mengalami penurunan

sebesar 1.66% / Growth Rate Recapitulation of Follow Up Final Audit Based on Reason decreased 1.66%.


Tabel / Table B.2.0.04


2012 - 2016


DescriptionSatuan/ unit 2013

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-4

Page 86: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grapik Satuan

Description Graphic Trend Unit


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 31 43 49 56 50

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 73 132 130 115 154

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 74 63 82 80 65

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 12 19 6 8 23

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 11 21 12 12 26

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 1 2 1 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 0 5 3 5 4

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 202 285 283 276 322


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 17 24 14 5 9

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 63 67 45 38 25

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 35 37 24 48 27

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 12 4 4 7 9

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 4 5 1 4 23

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 1 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 0 3 0 1 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 131 140 89 103 93


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 6 10 8 4 4

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 60 57 39 59 89

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 43 42 45 63 54

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 5 3 1 9 7

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 3 2 4 8 5

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 3 1 0 1 1

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 120 115 97 144 161


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 91 117 87 53 18

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 441 472 351 238 225

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 211 367 163 110 200

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 28 47 19 25 8

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 35 72 46 29 33

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 3 8 10 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 7 5 4 9 8

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 1

Sub Total 818 1088 680 464 496

Tabel / Table B.2.0.05

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Temuan

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan


Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

2012 - 2016

2013 2014 2015

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-5

Page 87: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grapik Satuan

Description Graphic Trend Unit20162012 2013 2014 2015


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 0 1 1 0 0

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 0 1 1 0 0


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 38 35 27 27 9

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 220 200 186 128 102

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 129 76 111 72 44

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 8 6 9 9 2

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 19 16 16 13 19

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 5 5 2 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 6 2 1 1 5

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 1 0 0 0 1

Sub Total 426 340 352 250 185


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 72 66 106 79 19

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 336 291 278 213 172

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 188 172 196 149 62

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 31 26 29 19 5

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 30 30 33 25 28

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 8 2 5 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 8 8 3 5 9

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 673 595 650 490 298


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 25 39 20 24 24

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 301 184 176 135 193

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 149 115 130 121 77

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 8 9 6 8 19

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 47 23 28 22 21

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 5 0 2 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 18 4 5 7 8

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 1

Sub Total 553 374 367 317 346


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 13 11 9 3 6

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 41 36 21 47 9

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 26 19 17 44 10

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 8 8 12 11 3

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 8 1 8 9 0

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 1 3 0 1 2

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 97 78 67 115 31

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-6

Page 88: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grapik Satuan

Description Graphic Trend Unit20162012 2013 2014 2015


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 4 3 3 2 1

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 13 5 7 38 0

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 6 5 4 36 5

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 0 2 1 7 0

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 1 0 1 4 0

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 1 0 3 0 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 25 15 19 87 6


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 93 85 63 63 39

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 393 279 212 119 118

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 186 170 137 124 80

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 47 29 20 9 10

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 50 32 25 31 18

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 3 10 8 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 7 6 0 4 2

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 781 611 465 350 267

3,826 3,642 3,070 2,596 2,205

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2016/Inspectorate General, 2016

Keterangan/Note :

Tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Ikhtisar Laporan Hasil Pengawasan Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah .

1.01.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang menimbulkan kerugian negara/non-compliance with regulatory that inflict losses on state finance

1.02.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian negara/

non-compliance with regulatory that potentially inflict losses on state finance

1.03.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang mengakibatkan kekurangan penerimaan negara/daerah atau perusahaan milik negara/daerah /

non-compliance with regulatory that inflict deficiency on state finance/regional or state-owned enterprises / regions

1.04.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang bersifat administrasi/ Non-compliance with administrative regulations

1.05.00 : Ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan yang berindikasi tindak pidana/Indications of non-compliance with regulatory offenses

2.01.00 : Kelemahan sistem pengendalian akuntansi dan pelaporan/Weakness accounting controls and reporting systems

2.02.00 : Kelemahan sistem pengendalian pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja/

Weaknesses of the implementation of control systems revenue and expenditure budget

2.03.00 : Kelemahan struktur pengendalian intern/Weaknesses of the internal control structure

3.01.00 : Ketidakhematan/pemborosan/ketidakekonomisan/Uneconomical

3.02.00 : Ketidakefisienan/Inefficiency

3.03.00 : Ketidakefektifan/Ineffectiveness

Tabel B.2.0.03 berubah menjadi Tabel B.2. 0.03a Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & RB Nomor 42 Tahun 2011


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-7

Page 89: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Trend Grapik Satuan

Description Graphic Trend Unit


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 17 25 25 18 19

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 193 138 128 85 93

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 61 64 70 62 55

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 4 5 7 7 4

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 17 19 11 16 23

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 5 4 2 5 4

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 299 255 243 193 201


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 17 21 16 9 6

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 175 97 118 78 56

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 49 69 62 66 37

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 10 4 4 11 3

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 12 8 15 26 7

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 1 2 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 6 1 1 1 1

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 269 201 218 191 110


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 115 140 90 77 52

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 334 378 268 207 155

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 235 233 156 141 133

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 56 44 28 23 20

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 45 37 45 31 40

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 9 8 7 0 3

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 5 15 3 9 11

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 801 855 597 488 414


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 34 41 28 49 17

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 280 293 206 136 150

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 171 150 114 64 52

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 4 35 7 0 10

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 26 21 20 9 28

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 5 6 4 0 4

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 5 3 0 0 9

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 527 549 379 258 270


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 26 36 24 34 8

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 252 223 158 84 73

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 90 86 76 69 57

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 17 13 8 5 10

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 31 24 16 21 12

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 7 1 7 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 14 6 1 2 6

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 437 389 290 215 167

2014 20152012 20162013

2012 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.2.0.06

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pengawasan

Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab

Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan

Recapitulation Finding by sub sector based on various Cause

Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-8

Page 90: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 21 25 27 13 4

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 114 95 116 94 89

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 53 82 60 60 26

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 6 6 8 8 2

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 20 15 10 12 12

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 2 1 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 6 2 0 0 1

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 1 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 221 227 222 187 135


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 82 79 97 27 49

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 284 271 254 185 331

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 158 163 238 140 163

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 30 23 30 13 18

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 33 39 43 8 35

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 1 4 6 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 6 6 10 8 4

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 3

Sub Total 594 585 678 381 604


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 1 1 0 0 0

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 3 1 0 0 1

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 5 3 0 0 0

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 0 2 0 0 0

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 1 3 0 0 0

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 10 10 0 0 1


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 52 47 50 31 9

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 159 104 114 103 57

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 110 117 93 45 61

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 23 18 11 9 8

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 15 17 9 16 11

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 4 0 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 2 0 0 0 3

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 361 307 277 204 149


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 20 13 19 14 13

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 103 92 54 48 54

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 82 67 31 18 31

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 6 1 2 0 11

BPSDM/Development Human Resources Agency Kasus/Issue 5 6 3 6 4

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 0 0 2 0 1

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 1 0 2 6 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 217 179 113 92 114


Ditjen Perhubungan Darat/Directorate General of Land Transportation Kasus/Issue 5 5 10 1 2

Ditjen Perhubungan Laut/Directorate General of Sea Transportation Kasus/Issue 44 32 30 11 28

Ditjen Perhubungan Udara/Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kasus/Issue 33 32 9 6 9

Ditjen Perkeretaapian/Directorate General of Railways Kasus/Issue 3 2 2 0 0

BPSDM/Human Resources Development Agency Kasus/Issue 3 13 2 1 1

Badan Litbang/ Research and Development Agency Kasus/Issue 1 1 0 0 0

Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariate General Kasus/Issue 1 0 0 0 0

Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General Kasus/Issue 0 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 90 85 53 19 40

3,826 3,642 3,070 2,228 2,205

Sumber/Source : Inspektorat Jenderal, 2016/Inspectorate General, 2016

Recapitulation of Final Audit by sub sector based on various Cause Inspectorate General Ministry of Transportation decreased 0.77 %.

Rekapitulasi Hasil Temuan Pemeriksaan Per Sub Sektor Berdasarkan Jenis Penyebab mengalami penurunan 0.77 % /


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 2-9

Page 91: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar (S2/S3) *) Orang 298 323 353 177 66

Graduate/Post Graduate Program person

2 Pelatihan Prajabatan **) Orang 0 91 461 1,446 0

Service Training person

3 Pelatihan Penjenjangan **) Orang 476 488 413 445 150

Upgrading Training person

4 Pelatihan Penataran/Short Course **) Orang 7,032 7,577 7,909 10,045 10,843

Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Training person

5 Pelatihan Luar Negeri *) Orang 189 125 95 0 0

Overseas Training person

Jumlah/ Total Orang /Person 7,995 8,604 9,231 12,113 11,059

Sumber/Source : Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, 2016/ Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan/No Activity

, = Tanda Desimal/Decimal

* = Data Sementara/Temporary Data

0 = Nol/Zero

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Rintisan Pendidikan Gelar (S2/S3) *) Orang 75 65 27 109 42

Graduate/Post Graduate Program person

2 Pelatihan Prajabatan **) Orang 0 91 461 1,445 0

Service Training person

3 Pelatihan Penjenjangan **) Orang 476 488 413 443 149

Upgrading Training person

4 Pelatihan Penataran/Short Course **) Orang 5,877 6,739 7,289 10,003 10,467

Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Training person

5 Pelatihan Luar Negeri *) Orang 189 125 95 0 0

Overseas Training person

Jumlah/ Total Orang/ Person 6,617 7,508 8,285 12,000 10,658

Sumber/Source : Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, 2016/ Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

2012 - 2016

and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.01

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur


The Realization of Education and Training Participants Number Organized by Secretariat of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers

2012 - 2016

Realisasi Lulusan Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur


Tabel/ Table B.3.0.02

The Realization of Education and Training Graduates Number Organized by Secretariat of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Rata-rata Pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan

2016 sebesar 9.36 %/Growth Rate of 2012-2016 The Realization of Education and Training Participants Number that Organized by Secretariat of Human Resource Development on

Transportation Agency and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers is 9.36 %.

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Realisasi Lulusan Peserta Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan dan

Pusbang Aparatur Perhubungan sebesar 14.37 %./Growth Rate of 2012-2016 The Realization of Education and Training Graduates Number Organized by Secretariat of Human

Resource Development on Transportation Agency and Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers is14.37 %

Keterangan Data/Information :

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-1

Page 92: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat Orang

Land Transportation Sub Sector person

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 557 585 615 755 1,065

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 400 445 566 607 504

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 120 208 318

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 170 174 176 169 168

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 120 120 118 114 101

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,247 1,324 1,595 1,853 2,156

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut Orang

SEa Transportation Sub Sector person

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1,995 2,089 2,228 2,116 1,832

Maritime Institute person

PIP Semarang Orang 1,720 1,782 1,884 1,817 1,444

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 1,393 1,642 1,560 1,439 2,237

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 1,251 1,208 1,476 1,747 1,558

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 479 835 714 480 763

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 940 1,032 537 549 361

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 232 389 582 709 376

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 176 277 456 715

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 60

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 60

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 8,010 9,153 9,258 9,313 9,346

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara Orang

Civil Aviation Sub Sector person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,630 1,533 1,564 1,585 1,318

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 444 515 623 705 912

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 265 322 368 369 391

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 243 264 404 454 527

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 102 135 142

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 2,582 2,634 3,061 3,248 3,290

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 11,839 13,111 13,914 14,414 14,792

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Berdasarkan Sub Sektor 6.51 %/ Growth Rate of 2012-2016 The Realization of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on

Transportation Agency is 6.51 %

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.03

The Realization of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-2

Page 93: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

- Pada tahun 2016 Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat menambah jumlah penerimaan taruna/i untuk memenuhi banyaknya pendaftar

In 2016 the Institute of Land Transportation increases the number of cadets quota to meet the numbers of enrollments

masing kelas menurun atau tidak terpenuhi sesuai target yang telah ditentukan.

At the Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety - Tegal, a derivation occurs due to the low number of participants in 2016 or the unexpected target

not met according to predetermined targets.

- Akademi Perkeretaapiaan Indonesia mengalami kenaikan karena adanya penerimaan melalui jalur mandiri pada tahun 2016 untuk menambah jumlah

penerimaan taruna/i dan memenuhi banyaknya pendaftar pada Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun. API Madiun juga telah menggunakan

sistem Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum per Oktober 2016.

Indonesian Railways Academy has increased the quota due to the number of enrollments and independent enrollment in 2016

Indonesia Railways Academy has also been using a system of the Financial Administration of the

Public Service as of October, 2016.

- Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran mengalami penurunan peserta karena penerimaan untuk tahun 2016 hanya 15 kelas dan tidak ada kelas Officer Plus


Jakarta Maritime Institute has only 15 classes in 2016 and there is no cOfficer Plus (OP) class.

- Pada PIP Semarang Jumlah peserta masuk atau calon taruna baru pada setiap tahunnya tidak selalu sama. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena

menyesuaikan dengan jumlah kapasitas asrama yang tersedia.

At Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, every year there are differences in numbers of new cadets because it depends on the availability of the

dormitories capacity.

- PIP-Makasar mengalami peningkatan jumlah peserta karena pada tahun 2016 dibuka penerimaan Program Diploma-IV program dan Diklat Pembentukan

ANT/ATT III Non Diploma.

Makassar Merchant Marine Poytechnic has increased the number of participants since 2016 due to the new Diploma-IV Program and ANT/ATT III

Non Diploma Program.

- Pada BP2IP Tangerang Peserta Diklat Pembentukan pada tahun 2016 ada perubahan yang signifikan, hal ini dikarenakan menurunnya

peminat akibat biaya permakanan yang tidak ditanggung Negara.

In Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School, There is a significant change on the numbers of Diploma Program participants due to no government

subsidy on cadets dietary.

- BP2IP Sorong mengalami penurunan karena biaya diklat sudah tidak menggunakan biaya DIPA

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School has decreased in participants numbers due to non DIPA tuition fee

- BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Peserta diklat Pembentukan mengalami kenaikan dikarenakan kapasitas kelas yang memadai.

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School has increased the numbers of Diploma Program Participants due to the availability of classroom capacity

- Pada Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya adanya penambahan jumlah taruna masuk sehingga total 39 kelas

At Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy, there is an addition of new cadets numbers so that a total of 39 classes

- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar penambahan jenis diklat pembentukan yang dibuka pada tahun 2016 yaitu D-III Telekomunikasi

dan Navigasi Udara Angk. VIII A, D-III Lalu Lintas Udara Angk. X A dan D-III Komunikasi Penerbangan Angk. II A

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy has new diploma programs in 2016. They are DIII Air Telecommunication and Navigation, DIII Air Traffic Batch XA

a nd DIII Flight Communication batch II A

- Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi pada tahun 2016 BP3 Banyuwangi 3 kelas pembentukan

Banyuwangi Flying School in 2016 has 3 classes of Diploma Program

- Pada Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal, penurunan dikarenakan jumlah peserta pendidikan baru pada tahun 2016 untuk masing-

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-3

Page 94: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 110 130 180 176 159

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 100 0 62 142 142

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- -- -- --

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 52 55 55 54 58

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 47 60 60 58 0

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 309 245 357 430 359

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut Orang

SEa Transportation Sub Sector person

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 455 403 413 395 452

Maritime Institute person

PIP Semarang Orang 330 293 336 405 399

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 154 292 262 320 268

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 304 371 211 168 319

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 321 180 198 240 237

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 250 267 325 294 247

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang -- -- -- 123 153

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- -- -- -- 160

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- --

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- --

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,814 1,806 1,745 1,945 2,235

3 Sektor Perhubungan Udara Orang

Civil Aviation Sector person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 617 405 155 406 343

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 264 107 173 185 214

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 45 56 80 85 89

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 67 46 97 115 95

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 12 21 0

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 993 614 517 812 741

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 3,116 2,665 2,619 3,187 3,335

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan

Sub Sektor menurun 9.66 % / Growth Rate of 2012-2016 of The Realization of Diploma Graduates of Human Resources Development on Transportation Agency

is 9.66 %

- Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat mengalami penurunan jumlah kelulusan sebanyak 17 orang. Hal ini disebabkan karena ada beberapa taruna yang

DO (2), mengundurkan diri (1), dan cuti akademik (14).

Institute of Land Transportation has decreased the number of graduates as many as 17 persons because there are some cadets DO (2), resigned(1),

and an academic leave (14).

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.04

Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan Pembentukan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

The Realization of Diploma Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-4

Page 95: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

- Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali pada Tahun 2014 Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat Bali tidak melaksanakan peneriman

taruna/i baru Program Studi D II Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor dikarenakan adanya moratorium (pemberhentian sementara).

Bali Land Transportation School in 2014 did not carry out the enrollment of new cadets for DII Vehicles Examination due to moratorium

- Pada PIP Makassar Input taruna yang telah melaksanakan praktek darat dan laut selama tahun 2015 menurun sehingga output lulusan pada

tahun 2016 menurun pula.

In Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic, there are less number of cadets who carry out land amd sea OJT in 2015 so the graduates in 2016 are less as well

- BP2IP Tangerang mengalami penurunan jumlah lulusan dari tahun 2016 dibandingkan lulusan tahun 2015, hal ini disebabkan banyaknya

peserta menyelesaikan pendidikan di 2017.

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School has decreased the number of graduates in 2016 compared to 2015 graduates due to the many

participants graduated in 2017.

- Pada tahun 2016 tidak ada lulusan dikarenakan masih dalam proses pembelajaran untuk memenuhi jam terbang. Hal ini terkendala Karena jumlah

pesawat yang dimiliki oleh BP3 Banyuwangi terbatas.

In 2016 there are no graduates because the students have to meet the required flying hours. The limit of the aircraft numbers is the main cause.

U r a i a n


1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Orang 2,640 2,772 2,728 2,763 348

Human Resources Development Center of Land Transportation person

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 240 456 576 494 540

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 1,199 792 383 1,834 2,142

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 187 191 296

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat Palembang Orang 297 354 361 167 714

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 755 792 957 1,100 817

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 5,131 5,166 5,192 6,549 4,857

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

SEa Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Orang 194 374 499 109 210

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 31,950 22,780 33,874 59,076 84,169

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 11,496 20,433 41,052 33,500 28,792

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 23,576 40,276 52,467 100,944 57,120

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 14,990 18,729 35,762 51,545 57,648

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 17,499 18,291 30,786 64,650 47,223

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 16,294 25,641 49,099 36,724 47,506

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 1,494 1,518 1,427 964 1,631

Sea Transportation Education And Training College person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 4,189 5,153 4,546 17,953 14,069

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 1,016 994 1,162 3,666 4,535

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 1,287 3,700 7,964 27,501

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 1,473

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 1,058

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 122,698 155,476 254,374 377,095 372,935

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

2012 - 2016

Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2016

Realization of Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

No 2014 2015

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.05

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-5

Page 96: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 856 724 803 533 400

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 482 670 602 713 740

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 391 769 630 1,121 1,287

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 721 1,368 1,004 1,248 638

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 877 1,109 295 867 440

Civil Aviation Safety and Engineering Academy - Makassar person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 680 931 885 893 669

Civil Aviation College - Palembang person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 530 670 798 724 652

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 17 55 121

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 811 1,044

Curug Civil Aviation College

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4,537 6,241 5,034 6,965 5,991

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 132,366 166,883 264,600 390,609 383,783

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan dari Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

berdasarkan Sub Sektor 2012-2016 sebesar 32.64 %./ the growth rate of 2012-2016 the Realization of Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Training Participants of

Human Resources Development Agency is 32.64 %.

- PPSDM Perhubungan Darat mengalami penurunan adanya revisi nama diklat atas permintaan kebutuhan diklat dari Direktorat Hubdat, terkait

UU 32 Tahun 2015 tentang Otonomi Daerah bahwa terminal type A diserahkan ke Pusat.

Human Resources Development Center of Land Transportation has low number of participants due to the revision of Courses Names based on the demand of DGLT

training needs related to Law No. 32 Year 2015 on Regional Autonomy that all Bus Stations type A managed by the government

- Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat mengalami kenaikan banyaknya peserta dari daerah-daerah yang ingin mengikuti berbagai macam diklat di Sekolah

Tinggi Transportasi Darat

Institute of Land Transportation has increased the number of participants from areas that want to participate in various trainings at

the Institute of Land Transportation

- Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal mengalami kenaikan karena adanya beberapa diklat baru termasuk diklat kerja berbasis

kompetensi dimana sasaran pesertanya adalah masyarakat umum

Polytechnic Road Transport Safety - Tegal has increased the number of the participants due to several new training including competency-based job training where

the target participants are from public

- Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun terjadi kenaikan adanya banyak kegiatan pelatihan Teknis pada Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia

Madiun tahun anggaran 2016

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun has increased in their many technical training activities in 2016

- Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat Palembang terjadi peningkatan karena pada tahun 2016 terdapat diklat pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan target

480 orang dan tercapai 100%

Palembang Land Transportation School has increased the number of the participants since 2016. CSR training has 480 participants on target and it achieved 100 %

- Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali terjadi penurunan dikarenakan perbedaan metode pelaksanaan diklat teknis pada tahun 2015 yang dilaksanakan

di tiap-tiap daerah tertinggal, sedangkan di tahun 2016 pelaksanaan hanya di BPPTD Bali saja

Bali Land Transportation School has decreased the number of participants due to course implementation held in remote areas in 2015

while in 2016, the course held at BPPTD Bali

- PPSDM Perhubungan Laut mengalami kenaikan di tahun 2016 terjadi peningkatan lulusan peserta diklat dikarenakan adanya penambahan jenis

diklat yang menjadi standar kompetensi diklat teknis

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center has increased the number of the participants because there is an additional training type which becomes

competence standard of technical training.

- Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran mengalami Peningkatan di tahun 2016 karena tingginya minat masyarakat untuk menjadi pelaut dan adanya

perubahan peraturan yang mengakibatkan setiap pelaut wajib merevalidasi sertifikat keterampilan pelautnya

Maritime Institute has Increased the number of the participants in 2016 due to the high public interest to become seafarers and any regulatory changes

which oblige each seafarer to revalidate their competence sertificates

- PIP Semarang mengalami Penurunan jumlah peserta DKP karena terdapat perbedaan cara perhitungan dengan tahun sebelumnya,dimana pada tahun

lalu diklat pelatihan teknis DKP dimasukan ke perhitungan diklat pemutakhiran dan juga terkait dengan program STCW 2010 yang akan

diberlakukan diawal tahun 2017

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic has decreased the number of the participants because of STCW 2010 program to be applied in 2017

- POLTEKPEL Surabaya Jumlah peserta sesuai dengan target dan arah kebijakan BLU yang memaksimalkan diklat yang didanai oleh swadaya

dan APBN

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic number of participants in accordance with the target and the direction of BLU policies to maximize the training funded by

personal budget

- PIP Makassar terjadi peningkatan signifikan dibanding tahun sebelumnya (tahun 2015) sebagai imbas dari pemberlakuan STCW Ammandement

Manila tahun 2010

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic has significant increase over the previous year (2015) as the impact of the implementation of STCW 2010 Manila


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-6

Page 97: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

- BP2IP Barombong terjadinya peningkatan jumlah peserta pelatihan teknis pada tahun 2016 dikarenakan tingginya jumlah peserta diklat

Barombong Mercant Marine Rating School has an increase in participants number in 2016

- BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta terjadi peningkatan dikarenakan bertambahnya kegiatan pelaksanaan program diklat DIPA BPPTL dari 36 diklat Tahun

2015, sedangkan pada tahun 2016 40 program Diklat BPPTL, 12 program Diklat kerjasama dan 6 program Diklat BLU

- Sea Transportation Education And Training College-Jakarta has increased the participants due to the increase 36 trainings in 2015

40 trainings in 2016, 12 cooperation training programs and 6 trainings of BLU program

- BP2IP Sorong di tahun 2015 mengalami peningkatan karena keinginan masyarakat untuk mengambil diklat keterampilan untuk bekerja dikapal dan

juga ada program Diklat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat yang gratis

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School in 2015 has increased the number of the participants due to people's interest to take proficiency training for working onboard

and free CSR Training Program

- BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar mengalami kenaikan karena Jumlah Peserta Pelatihan Keterampilan Khusus mengalami kenaikan dikarenakan

adanya kelas yang memadai, penambahan jumlah instrukstur nautika dan teknika yang termasuk dalam tenaga pendidik dan penambahan jenis

pelatihan yang dilaksanakan BP2IP Malahayati Aceh pada tahun 2016

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School has increased Number of Participants for Specialized Skills Training increased due to the adequate

class, increasing number of instructors and additional types of training in 2016

- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya pada tahun 2016 terdapat 42 diklat yang jadi dilaksanakan

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy executes 42 trainings in 2016

- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan mengalami penurunan karena Jumlah peserta diklat pada tahun 2016 menurun dikarenakan terdapat

beberapa diklat yang ditawarkan untuk aparatur perhubungan di lingkungan direktorat perhubungan udara kekurangan peserta dan bahkan tidak

terlaksana karena tidak ada peserta

Medan Civil Aviation Academy has decreased the training participants number in 2016 because of the lack of participants from the government


- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar pada tahun 2016 mengalami penurunan dibandingkan pada tahun 2015, dikarenakan adanya

pemotongan anggaran sehingga ada beberapa program diklat yang tidak dilaksanakan

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy in 2016 has a decreased number of participants compared to 2015, due to budget self blockings

- Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura mengalami penurunan karena Daya minat peserta diklat rendah dan banyak peserta diklat yang mengundurkan

diri dari beberapa diklat yang diselenggarakan, beberapa alasan dari peserta diklat mengundurkan diri adalah kekurangan personil, kepentingan

kedinasan dan alasan kesehatan

Jayapura Civil Aviation College has decreased the participants number due to the less training participants interest and a lot of training participants who withdrew from

some trainings , some of the reasons of the training participants to resign was a shortage of personnel, the official matters and

health reasons

- Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang mengalami penurunan jumlah peserta diklat pada tahun 2016 target 1.096 realisasinya 714 karena adanya

penghematan pagu anggaran perjalanan dinas

Palembang Civil Aviation College has decreased the number of training participants in 2016. From the target of 1.096 participants, achieved 714 due to self

blocking budget

- Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi mengalami peningkatan jumlah peserta diakibatkan dari penambahan diklat-diklat teknis yang dibuka oleh

BP3 Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi Flying School has increased the number of participants resulting from the addition of technical courses

- Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug mengalami peningkatan jumlah pelatihan teknis dimana jumlah Output lebih banyak dikarenakan jumlah Diklat

kerjasama yang dilakukan lebih banyak dibanding pada Tahun 2015/

Curug Civil Aviation College has increased the number of technical training participants. The number of output is more due to the number of cooperation trainings

more than in 2015

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-7

Page 98: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Orang 2,639 2,772 2,726 2,034 348

Human Resources Development Center of Land Transportation person

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 240 456 576 494 540

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 1,199 792 383 1,828 1,701

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 187 190 296

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 297 354 361 167 714

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 755 792 957 1,100 817

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 5,130 5,166 5,190 5,813 4,416

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut/Sea Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Orang 194 374 281 109 210

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 31,950 22,780 33,874 59,076 84,169

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 11,496 20,433 41,052 33,500 28,792

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 23,576 40,276 52,467 100,944 57,120

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 14,990 18,729 35,762 51,545 57,648Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 17,499 18,291 30,786 64,650 60,626

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 16,294 25,641 44,706 36,724 47,506

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 1,493 1,513 1,427 964 1,624

Sea Transportation Education And Training College person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 4,189 5,153 4,831 16,579 9,944

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 1,016 994 1,162 3,666 4,535

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 1,287 3,700 7,964 27,501

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 1,473

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 1,058

Minahasa Selatan Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 122,697 155,471 250,048 375,721 382,206

2012 - 2016

Realisasi Lulusan Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course ) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub Sektor

The Realization of Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Training Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.06

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-8

Page 99: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara/ Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 856 724 803 533 400

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 442 670 593 713 740

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 368 719 586 1,121 1,287

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 682 1,366 1,004 1,248 637

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 818 1,107 295 865 581

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 680 931 885 893 667

Civil Aviation College - Palembang person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 530 666 798 724 545

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 17 67 121

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 763 1,039

Curug Civil Aviation College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4,376 6,183 4,981 6,927 6,017

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 132,203 166,820 260,219 388,461 392,639

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan Realisasi Lulusan Pelatihan Teknis (Short Course) di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Berdasarkan Sub

Sektor sebesar 27.27 % /The Growth Rate of Realization of Refreshing/Updating/Proficiency Training Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation

Agency is 27.27 %.

- PPSDM Perhubungan Darat terjadi penurunan karena adanya revisi nama diklat atas permintaan kebutuhan diklat dari Direktorat Hubdat,

terkait UU 32 Tahun 2015 tentang Otonomi Daerah bahwa terminal type A diserahkan ke Pusat

Human Resources Development Center of Land Transportation has a decreased number of graduates due to the revision of Courses Names based on the demand of

DGLT training needs, related to Law No. 32 Year 2015 on Regional Autonomy that all Bus Stations type A managed by the government - Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat mengalami peningkatan karena adanya banyak kegiatan pelatihan Teknis pada Akademi Perkeretaapian

Institute of Land Transportation has increased the number of the graduates because of their many technical training activities in 2016

- Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal terjadi penurunan karena adanya beberapa diklat baru termasuk diklat kerja berbasis kompetensi

dimana sasaran pesertanya adalah masyarakat umum

Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety - Tegal has decreased the number of graduates because some of the new trainings including competency-based job training

which the target participants are from public

- Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun terjadi peningkatan karena adanya banyak kegiatan pelatihan Teknis pada Akademi Perkeretaapian

Indonesia Madiun tahun anggaran 2016

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun has increased because of their many technical training activities in 2016

- Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang mengalami kenaikan pada Tahun 2016 terdapat diklat pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan target

480 orang dan tercapai 100%

Palembang Land Transportation School has increased the number of graduates in 2016 because target of 480 persons for CSR Training Program is achieved 100%

- Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali mengalami penurunan dikarenakan perbedaan metode pelaksanaan diklat teknis pada tahun 2015 yang

dilaksanakan di tiap-tiap daerah tertinggal, sedangkan di tahun 2016 pelaksanaan hanya di BPPTD Bali saja

Bali Land Transportation School has decreased the number of participants due to course implementation held in remote areas in 2015

while in 2016, the course held at BPPTD Bali

- Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Peningkatan di tahun 2016 terjadi peningkatan karena tingginya minat masyarakat untuk menjadi pelaut dan adanya

perubahan peraturan yang mengakibatkan setiap pelaut wajib merevalidasi sertifikat keterampilan pelautnya

Maritime Institute has Improvement in 2016 increased due to the high public interest to become sailors and any resulting regulatory Maritime Institute has Increased the number of the participants in 2016 due to the high public interest to become seafarers and any regulatory changes

changes each sailor must merevalidasi skills certificates sailors which oblige each seafarer to revalidate their competence sertificates

- BP3IP Jakarta mengalami Penurunan jumlah lulusan DKP karena terdapat perbedaan cara perhitungan dengan tahun sebelumnya,dimana pada tahun

diklat pelatihan teknis teknis DKP dimasukan ke perhitungan diklat pemutakhiran dan juga terkait dengan program STCW 2010 yang akan

diberlakukan diawal tahun 2017

Jakarta Merchant Marine College-Jakarta experienced a decrease in the number of DKP graduates because there are differences in the calculation of the

previous year. Last year DKP training incorporated into the calculation of updating training and also related to STCW 2010

program which will be implemented in 2017

- PIP Semarang mengalami Penurunan jumlah lulusan DKP karena terdapat perbedaan cara perhitungan dengan tahun sebelumnya,dimana pada tahun

lalu diklat pelatihan teknis DKP dimasukan ke perhitungan diklat pemutakhiran dan juga terkait dengan program STCW 2010 yang akan diberlakukan

diawal tahun 2017

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic experienced a decrease in the number of DKP graduates because there are differences in the calculation of

previous year. Last year DKP training incorporated into the calculation of updating training and also related to STCW 2010

program which will be implemented in 2017

- PIP Makassar Terjadinya peningkatan jumlah lulusan disebabkan oleh mengikuti jumlah peserta yang meningkat

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic has An increasing number of graduates due to the increasing number of participants

- POLTEKPEL Surabaya mengalami penurunan dari 2016 dibandinga 2015 karena Kelulusan sesuai dengan target dan arah kebijakan BLU yang

memaksimalkan diklat yang didanai oleh swadaya dan APBN

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic has a decreased number of graduates in 2016 compared from 2015 due to BLU policies to

maximize the training funded by personal budget

- BP2IP Barombong terjadinya peningkatan jumlah lulusan disebabkan oleh mengikuti jumlah peserta yang meningkat

Barombong Merchant Marine School has an increasing number of graduates due to the increasing number of participants

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-9

Page 100: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

- BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta mengalami peningkatan dikarenakan bertambahnya kegiatan pelaksanaan program diklat DIPA BPPTL dari 36 diklat

Tahun 2015, sedangkan pada tahun 2016 40 program Diklat BPPTL, 12 program Diklat kerjasama, dan 6 program Diklat BLU

Sea Transportation Education And Training College-Jakarta has increased the number of graduates due to the increase of training program from 36 trainings

in 2015 to 40 Trainings in 2016, 12 cooperation Training programs, and 6 BLU Training programs.

- BP2IP Tangerang mengalami Penurunan yang signifikan, hal ini dikernakan penurunan jumlah peserta karena pemisahan diklat pemutakhiran,

dan juga dikarenakan perubahan system penerbitan sertifikat di Ditperla sehingga memperlama proses penerbitan sertifikat

Merchant Marine Rating School - Tangerang has a significant decrease because of the change of issuing certificate process

- BP2IP Sorong mengalami peningkatan karena Lulusan di Tahun 2016 meningkat karena minat masyarakat yang ingin ikut Diklat Keterampilan guna

Bekerja di kapal

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School has increased the number of graduates in 2016 increased due to public's interest to join Training for Working on board

- BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar mengalami kenaikan karena Lulusan Peserta Pelatihan Keterampilan Khusus mengalami kenaikan dikarenakan

adanya kelas yang memadai, penambahan jumlah instrukstur nautika dan teknikayang termasuk dalam tenaga pendidik dan penambahan jenis

pelatihan yang dilaksanakan BP2IP Malahayati Aceh pada tahun 2016.

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School has increased Number of Participants for Specialized Skills Training increased due to the adequate

class, increasing number of instructors and additional types of training in 2016

- PPSDM Perhubungan Udara meningkat karena Hal ini dikarenakan Pusat Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Udara hanya menargetkan

pelaksanakan diklat untuk para instructor serta peningkatan SDM Aparatur dengan mengirimkan aparatur Perhubungan Udara untuk mengikuti diklat-

diklat di dalam maupun di luar negeri

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center has increased the number of graduates because the target to educate the instructors and government officers

in Indonesia and overseas is achieved

- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya mengalami penurunan karena Jumlah peserta diklat pada tahun 2016 menurun dikarenakan terdapat

beberapa diklat yang ditawarkan untuk aparatur perhubungan di lingkungan direktorat perhubungan udara kekurangan peserta dan bahkan tidak

terlaksana karena tidak ada peserta

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy has decreased number of graduates g in 2016 because there are some trainings offered to DGCA officers have less participants

or no participants at all.

- Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang mengalami penurunan jumlah peserta diklat pada tahun 2016 target 1.096 realisasinya 714 karena adanya

penghematan pagu anggaran perjalanan dinas

Palembang Civil Aviation College has decreased the number of training participants in 2016. the target is 1.096 and it achieved 714 because of budget self-blocking

ceiling for official travel

- Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura mengalami penurunan karena Daya minat peserta diklat rendah dan banyak peserta diklat yang mengundurkan

diri dari beberapa diklat yang diselenggarakan, beberapa alasan dari peserta diklat mengundurkan diri adalah kekurangan personil, kepentingan

kedinasan dan alasan kesehatan

Jayapura Civil Aviation College has decreased the graduates number due to the less training participants interest and a lot of training participants who withdrew from

some trainings , some of the reasons of the training participants to resign was a shortage of personnel, the official matters and

health reasons

- Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi mengalami kenaikan pada tahun 2016 BP 3 Banyuwangi meluluskan peserta sebanyak 121 peserta ini

menandakan bahwa ada kenaikan jumlah lulusan pendidikan teknis dibanding tahun sebelumnya karena semakin banyak pelatihan teknis yang

diselenggarakan oleh BP3 Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi Flying School has increased the number of graduates in 2016. There are 121 graduates indicates that there are more courses held in 2016.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-10

Page 101: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 41 17 0 20 20

Institute of Land Transportation person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 41 17 0 20 20

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1,097 1,178 3,315 7,472 4,571

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 5,648 6,092 8,997 20,440 33,667

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 832 868 995 3,054 79,631

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 671 570 431 2,741 5,657

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 2,845 1,657 1,634 2,916 37,999

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 7,886 9,182 3,481 8,716 32,416

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 921 563 0 323 6,418

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 269 300 181 441 726

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 75 142 118 307

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 20,169 20,485 19,176 46,221 201,392

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 134 81 91 172 82

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 63 37 47 28 11

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 197 118 138 200 93

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 20,407 20,620 19,314 46,441 201,505

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata Pertumbuhan Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

sebesar 5.34 %/the Growth rate of Realization of Upgrading Education/Training Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is

5.34 %.

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran karena sudah hampir seluruh pelaut telah melaksanakan diklat sesuai dengan STCW

Amandemen 2010 sehingga terjadi penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya

The data shows a decrease of participants number at the Maritime Institute because most seafarers had been carrying out training in accordance with

STCW Amendments 2010 on the previous year

- Peningkatan data 2016 di BP3IP Jakarta karena peningkatan peserta diklat akibat meningkatnya animo masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan diklat pelaut

dan belum ada perubahan dalam waktu pembelajaran. Peningkatan jumlah peserta Pemutakhiran,Penyegaran dan Pengukuhan terkait dengan program

STCW 2010 yang akan diberlakukan diawal tahun 2017

The data shows an increase number of participants at Jakarta Merchant Marine College due to the increasing training needs related to the implementation

of STCW Amendments 2010 on the beginning of year 2017

- Peningkatan data 2016 di PIP Semarang adanya peraturan yang termuat dalam STCW 2010, bahwa pelaut pemegang sertifikat STCW 1978

Amandemen1995 harus disesuaikan berdasarkan STCW 1978 amandemen 2010 dari tingkat dasar sampai tingkat I hingga 31 Desember 2016

The data shows an increase of participants number at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010 on the

beginning of year 2017

Realisasi Jumlah Peserta Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

The Realization of Upgrading Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.07

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-11

Page 102: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

- Peningkatan data 2016 di PIP Makassar karena peningkatan peserta diklat yang signifikan karena penerimaan peserta diklat penjenjangan dilakukan

3 (tiga) periode dan dibuka program Diklat Pemutakhiran dan Penyegaran

The data shows a significant increase of participants number at Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to 3 periods of upgrading, updating and refreshing

training programs.

- Peningkatan data 2016 di POLTEKPEL Surabaya karena peningkatan peserta diklat akibat meningkatnya animo masarakat terhadap kebutuhan diklat

pelaut dan belum ada perubahan dalam waktu pembelajaran. Peningkatan jumlah peserta Pemutakhiran,Penyegaran dan Pengukuhan terkait dengan

program STCW 2010 yang akan diberlakukan diawal tahun 2017

- The data shows an increase of participants number at Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010 on the

beginning of year 2017

- Peningkatan data 2016 di BP2IP Barombong karena Peningkatan jumlah peserta Diklat Penjenjangan/Peningkatan disebabkan oleh tingginya animo

peserta diklat dapat diterima di BP2IP Barombong sebagai akibat dari telah selesainya pembangunan gedung internasional class sebanyak 3 lantai

The data shows an increase of upgrading training participants at Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School as 3-story -international class building was built

- Peningkatan data 2016 BP2IP Tangerang karena Kenaikan jumlah peserta yang cukup signifikan, karena adanya diklat peningkatan dengan input

ijazah pelaut kapan ikan yang mengikuti diklat kapal niaga dan dimulainya diklat pemutakhiran

- The data shows a significant increase of participants number at Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School because seafarers with fishing boat certificates join

the merchant ship training. There is also an input participants for updating training.

- Peningkatan data 2016 di BP2IP Sorong karena Peningkatan jumlah peserta di Tahun 2016 karena peraturan yang mewajibkan pemutakhiran di akhir

Tahun 2016

The data shows an increase of participants number at Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010 on

the beginning of year 2017

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 di BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar karena Peserta diklat penjenjangan mengalami kenaikan dikarenakan adanya kelas yang

memadai dan penambahan program DP-IV Penjengjangan yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2016

- The data shows an increase of participants number at Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School due to adequate classrooms and an addition of

DP IV Upgrading Training Program in 2016

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 35 41 16 0 0

Institute of Land Transportation person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 35 41 16 0 0

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Maritime Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 812 1,178 3,315 7,472 4,638

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 5,206 6,092 9,437 20,440 33,592

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 360 401 608 2,539 79,563

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 423 491 583 2,618 5,134

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 2,285 1,536 1,634 2,754 23,721

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 7,886 8,947 3,481 8,716 32,416

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 709 308 254 56 144

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 268 300 63 441 726

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 75 142 118 307

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 17,949 19,328 19,517 45,154 180,241

The Realization of Upgading Education/ Training Graduates of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.08

Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-12

Page 103: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 106 81 91 101 65

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 63 19 18 28 11

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 169 100 109 129 76

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 18,153 19,469 19,642 45,283 180,317

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Realisasi Lulusan Pendidikan/Pelatihan Penjenjangan di Lingkungan Badan Pengembangan SDM

Perhubungan sebesar 6.11 %/ The Growth rate of Realization of Upgading Education/ Training Graduates of Human Resource Development

on Transportation Agency is 6.11 %.

- Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Sudah hampir seluruh pelaut telah melaksanakan diklat sesuai dengan STCW Amandemen 2010 sehingga

terjadi penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya

The data shows a decrease of graduates number at the Maritime Institute because most seafarers had been carrying out training in accordance with

STCW Amendments 2010 on the previous year

- BP3IP Jakarta mengalami peningkatan peserta diklat akibat meningkatnya animo masarakat terhadap kebutuhan diklat pelaut dan belum ada

perubahan dalam waktu pembelajaran. Peningkatan jumlah peserta Pemutakhiran,Penyegaran dan Pengukuhan terkait dengan program

The data shows an increase number of graduates at Jakarta Merchant Marine College due to the increasing training needs related to the implementation

of STCW Amendments 2010 on the beginning of year 2017

- PIP Semarang mengalami kenaikan adanya peraturan yang termuat dalam STCW 2010, bahwa pelaut pemegang sertifikat STCW 1978

Amandemen 1995 harus dasar sampai tingkat I hingga 31 Desember 2016 disesuaikan berdasarkan STCW 1978 amandemen 2010 dari tingkat

dasar sampai tingkat I hingga 31 Desember 2016

- PIP Makassar terjadi peningkatan peserta diklat yang signifikan karena penerimaan peserta diklat penjenjangan dilakukan 3 (tiga)

periode dan dibuka program Diklat Pemutakhiran dan Penyegaran

The data shows a significant increase of graduatess number at Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to 3 periods of upgrading, updating and refreshing

training programs.

- POLTEKPEL Surabaya mengalami peningkatan peserta diklat akibat meningkatnya animo masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan diklat pelaut dan

belum ada perubahan dalam waktu pembelajaran. Peningkatan jumlah peserta Pemutakhiran,Penyegaran dan Pengukuhan terkait dengan

program STCW 2010 yang akan diberlakukan diawal tahun 2017

The data shows an increase of graduates number at Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010

on the beginning of year 2017

- BP2IP Barombong mengalami peningkatan tahun 2015 ke 2016 disebabkan telah selesainya gedung internasional class sebanyak 3 lantai

sehingga animo peserta diklat yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikannya dapat terpenuhi sehingga animo peserta diklat yang ingin melanjutkan

pendidikannya dapat terpenuhi

The data shows an increase of upgrading training graduates at Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School as 3-story -international class building was built

- BP2IP Tangerang terdapat peningkatan data dari th 2015 – 2016 disebabkan terjadi peningkatan jumlah peserta diklat pemutakhiran

The data shows an increase of upgrading training graduates at Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School as the increase of participants number

- Di Tahun 2016 di BP2IP Sorong, lulusan diklat peningkatan dan Pemutakhiran mengalami peningkatan karena peraturan bahwa terakhir

pemutakhiran adalah akhir Desember 2016

- The data shows an increase of participants number at Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010

on the beginning of year 2017

- Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia mengalami penurunan karena pada setiap tahunnya STPI tidak membuka program studi yang sama

sehingga menyebabkan jumlah peserta yang selalu berubah

- Indonesia Civil Aviation Institute has decreased number of graduates because it does not open enrollment for the same major each year

so the participants number also changes

- Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan mengalami penurunan pada setiap tahunnya ATKP Medan tidak membuka program studi yang sama

sehingga menyebabkan jumlah peserta yang selalu berubah

- Medan Civil Aviation Academy decreased due to the annual Medan Civil Aviation Academy not open the same course of study leading to an ever-

changing number of participants, causing the number of participants is always changing

- The data shows an increase of graduates number at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic due to the implementation of STCW Amendments 2010 on the beginning of

year 2017

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-13

Page 104: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Unit Graphic

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 41 48 49 47 51

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 15 13 17 18 18

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 17 29 26

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 3 4 5 8 9

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 2 2 4 4 4

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 61 67 92 106 108

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 82 102 81 80 70

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 189 226 28 23 19

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 67 66 70 61 55

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 67 70 66 59 58

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 26 31 20 38 64

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 21 18 22 31 33

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 3 3 3 1 2

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 31 30 33 30 31

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 1 1 0 0 0

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 9 4 5 2

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 25

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 1

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 487 556 327 328 360

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 122 115 115 122 178

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 40 36 36 35 35

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 29 19 19 19 18

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 22 21 18 22 21

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 5 3 3 2 2

Aviation Training Office - Palembang person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 3 3 3 3 3

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- -- -- --

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 18 16

Curug Civil Aviation College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 221 197 194 221 273

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 769 820 613 655 741

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata- rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami

penurunan sebesar 0.65%/ the growth rate of 2012-2016 of the Recapitulation of Lecturers/Instructors of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is

decreased by 0.65 %.

- POLTEKPEL Surabaya terjadi peningkatan jumlah dosen tetap, hal ini dikarenakan kebutuhan dosen semakin meningkat berbading lurus dengan jumlah peserta

diklat yang semakin meningkat

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic has an increasing number of lecturers, this is due to the increasing lecturers need as well as the increasing number of participants

- BP3IP Jakarta mengalami penurunan jumlah instruktur di BP3IP karena terdapat promosi jabatan dan mutasi

Jakarta Merchant Marine College-Jakarta has decreased the number of instructors because there are promotions and transfers

- Penurunan dosen dan instruktur pada tahun 2016 dikarenakan masa purna bakti, dan atau dipromosikan seperti di PIP Semarang, PIP Makassar, BP2IP Malahayati

Aceh Besar dan Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug.

the data shows that in 2016 there is a decreasing number of lecturers and instructors due to retirement, and or promotion such as in Semarang Merchant Marine

polytechnic , Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School , Curug Civil Aviation College.

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.09

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

The Recapitulation of Permanent Lecturers/Instructors of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-14

Page 105: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

61 67 92 106 108


327 328 360

663 686767



Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar/Dosen Tetapper Sub Sektor

Darat Laut Udara














2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar/Dosen Tetap

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-15

Page 106: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat/Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Orang 0 76 76 76 0

Human Resource Development Center of Land Transportation person

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 60 57 57 48 48

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 69 94 94 104 108

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 14 31 38

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 47 46 46 24 13

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 42 43 39 39 19

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 218 316 326 322 226

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut/Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 114 136 121 77 74

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 0 0 0 259 176

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 70 57 53 81 89

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 61 70 75 62 55

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 79 85 85 25 40

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 82 99 115 84 104

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 185 135 150 154 85

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 91 89 75 64 63

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 92 53 50 47 37

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 46 42 52 69

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 4

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 19

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 774 770 766 905 815

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara/Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 30 27 15 0 0

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 315 367 367 432 228

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 4 4 0 4 4

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 71 52 71 132 92

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 57 63 99 99 106

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 58 75 69 40 40

Aviation Training Office - Palembang person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 128 98 98 102 102

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 48 53 53

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 125 122

Curug Civil Aviation College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 663 686 767 987 747

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 1,655 1,772 1,859 2,214 1,788

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 dari Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tidak Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

sebesar 2.69 % /the growth rate of the Recapitulation of Temporary Lecturers/Instructors of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is 2.69 %.

- PPSDM Perhubungan Darat data tahun 2016 nilainya nol (0) karena pada tahun 2016 sudah tidak ada lagi program kegiatan In House Training Bidang Perhubungan Darat

Human Resource Development Center of Land Transportation data in 2016 shows the value of zero (0) since there is no In House Training Programs

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan penurunan jumlah pengajar seperti di Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang, Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali,

BP3IP Jakarta, PIP Makassar, BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta, BP2IP Sorong, Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan,

there is a Decrease in 2016 due to a decrease in the number of lecturers/instructors as in the Palembang Land Transportation School, Bali Land Transportation School,

BP3IP Jakarta, PIP Makassar, Sea Transportation Education and Training College-Jakarta, BP2IP Sorong, Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute,

Medan Civil Aviation college.

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan terjadi penambahan tenaga pengajar/tenaga dosen seperti di Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal, PIP Semarang,

BP2IP Barombong, BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar dan Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar

there is an Increase in 2016 due to the addition of lecturers / instructors number as at the Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety - Tegal, Merchant Marine Polytechnic

-Semarang , Merchant Marine Rating School- Barombong, Merchant Marine Rating School- Malahayati Aceh Besar and Civil Aviation Academy- Makassar,

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen/Instruktur Tidak Tetap) Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.10

The Recapitulation of Temporary Lecturers/Instructors of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

No Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013Description 2014 2015 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-16

Page 107: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

218316 326 322


774 770 766905

815663 686




Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar/Dosen (Tidak Tetap)per Sub Sektor

Darat Laut Udara

1,6551,772 1,859









2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Jumlah Tenaga Pengajar/Dosen (Tidak Tetap)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-17

Page 108: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 16 14 19 18 15

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers person

2 BP3KSDMT Pasir Jambu Orang -- -- -- -- 3

Human Resource on Transportation Character Building School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 16 14 19 18 15

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Orang 2 2 2 2 0

Human Resources Development Center of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 1 0 0 0 0

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 1 1 1 1 1

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 3 2 2 1 0

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 7 5 5 4 1

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Orang 0 0 0 0 0

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center person

Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran - Semarang Orang 0 0 0 0 0

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 0 1 1 0 0

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Laut - Jakarta Orang 2 2 1 1 1

Sea Transportation Education And Training College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 2 3 2 1 1

5 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Penerbangan - Jayapura Orang 0 0 0 0 0

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 25 22 26 23 17

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Rata-rata pertumbuhan dari 2012-2016 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan mengalami penurunan sebesar 7.86%/ The Growth rate of 2012-2016

the Recapitulation of Trainers of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is decreased by 7.86 %.

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan PPSDM Perhubungan Darat mengalami mutasi unit kerja widyaiswara ke Pusat Pengembangan SDM Aparatur Perhubungan

The decreasing data of Human Resource Development Center of Land Transportation in 2016 occurs because there is a transfer to mutated work units widyaiswara to Human Resource Development

Center For Transportation Officers

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 di PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan terdapat 3 Widyaiswara yang mutasi impassing ke jabatan struktural ke unit kerja lainnya.

The decreasing data of Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers because there are 3 trainers promoted to other structural positions in other units

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan/No Activity

, = Tanda Desimal/Decimal

* = Data Sementara/Temporary Data

0 = Nol/Zero

Keterangan Data/Information :

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Widyaiswara Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan

The Recapitulation of Trainers of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.11






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


19 18


75 5 4

12 3 2 1 1

Jumlah Tenaga Widyaswara per sub sektor

Aparatur Darat Laut Udara











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Jumlah Tenaga Widyaswara

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-18

Page 109: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 790 790 790 790 790

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers person

2 BP3KSDMT Pasir Jambu Orang -- -- -- -- 200

Human Resource on Transportation Character Building School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 790 790 790 790 990

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 780 900 900 1,024 1,224

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 440 500 500 920 920

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 735 735 735

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 435 435 464 464 464

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 200 200 282 240 285

Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,855 2,035 2,881 3,383 3,628

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 3,510 4,260 4,260 4,260 4,260

Maritime Institute person

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 1,050 1,700 1,700 1,680 1,590

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

PIP Semarang Orang 1,170 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 1,950 1,800 1,800 2,370 2,771

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 2,400 2,100 2,400 2,880 3,480

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 1,505 1,620 1,890 1,890 2,130

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 510 510 540 480 540

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 930 930 930 900 1,770

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 540 540 540 540 660

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang 390 390 390 900 1,860

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 400

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 780

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 13,955 15,050 15,650 17,100 21,441

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 140 140 258 0 0

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,655 1,650 1,920 1,920 1,560

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute personAkademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 1,560 1,260 1,230 1,260 1,260

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 390 450 590 450 420

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 175 175 607 607 607

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 100 100 160 140 240

Aviation Training Office - Palembang person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 100 160 160 160 160

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- -- 128 128

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 100 600

Curug Civil Aviation College person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4,120 3,935 4,925 4,765 4,975

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 20,720 21,810 24,246 26,038 31,034

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 dari Kapasitas Kelas Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan sebesar 9.62 %/the growth rate of

2012-2016 of Classroom Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is 9.62%.

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan penambahan kelas atau sarana dan prasarana ruang kelas seperti di Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat,

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali, PIP Makassar, PIP Semarang, POLTEKPEL Surabaya, BP2IP Barombong, BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta,

BP2IP Tangerang, BP2IP Sorong, Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang, Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug.

Improved Data in 2016 due to additional classes or infrastructure classrooms like at Institute of Land Transportation, Bali Land Transportation School,

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Merchant Marine Polytechnic-Semarang, Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Merchant Marine Rating School-Barombong,

Sea Transportation Education and Training College-Jakarta, Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School, Merchant Marine Rating School- Sorong ,

Civil Aviation College - Palembang , Curug Civil Aviation College.

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan penghapusan bangunan kelas atau alih fungsi seperti di BP3IP Jakarta, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya

The data shows a decrease in 2016 due to the elimination or diversion of class building as in Jakarta Merchant Marine College, Medan Civil Aviation Academy

and Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.12

Kapasitas Kelas Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan

the Classroom Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubunga/Transportation Statistic 3-19

Page 110: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

1 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 557 602 615 775 1,085

Institute of Land Transportation person

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 299 445 445 607 516

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 120 208 318

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 170 174 176 169 168

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 120 120 118 114 101Bali Land Transportation School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,146 1,341 1,474 1,873 2,188

2 Diklat Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1,428 1,518 1,592 1,770 2,029

Maritime Institute person

PIP Semarang Orang 1,098 1,782 1,264 1,238 1,143

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

PIP Makassar Orang 695 1,062 1,225 1,150 1,493

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 1,536 1,208 1,123 1,747 1,558

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

BP2IP Barombong Orang 479 490 483 480 763

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 426 535 537 549 361

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Sorong Orang 232 325 350 214 376

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang -- 176 277 456 715

Aceh Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 60

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 60

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 5,894 7,096 6,851 7,604 8,558

3 Diklat Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,630 1,533 1,587 1,585 1,318

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 444 515 623 705 912

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 265 322 368 369 391

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 243 264 404 454 549

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- 102 135 142

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 2,582 2,634 3,084 3,248 3,312

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 9,622 11,071 11,409 12,725 14,058

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan sebesar 9.79 %/the growth

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan penambahan jumlah taruna atau pesesrta diklat seperti di Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat, Akademi Perkeretaapian

Indonesia - Madiun, Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, PIP Makassar, BP2IP Sorong, BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar,


the Improved Data in 2016 due to the increase in the number of cadets such as Institute of Land Transportation

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun, Bali Land Transportation School, Maritime Institute, Merchant Marine Polytechnic- Makassar,

Merchant Marine Rating School-Sorong, Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School, Civil Aviation Academy -Surabaya,

Civil Aviation Academy - Makassar and Banyuwangi Flying School.

- Penurunan data tahun 2016 antara lain karena adanya beberapa program studi yang tidak dibuka, menurunnya peminat setelah biaya permakanan tidak

ditanggung Negara, dan Taruna yang sedang melaksanakan Praktek Darat/Laut tidak termasuk pada point tersebut

the data shows a Decrease in 2016, among others due to the existence of several courses that are not opened, less interest of participants

due to non-subsidiary dietary and excluded OJT cadets

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar, BP3

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.13

Rekapitulasi Jumlah Taruna Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan

rate of 2012-2016 of The Recapitulation of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is 9.79 %.

The Recapitulation of Diploma Programs Participants of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubunga/Transportation Statistic 3-20

Page 111: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 60 70 70 40 40

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers person

Unit 2 2 2 1 1

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 60 70 70 40 40

Unit 2 2 2 1 1

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 380 390 390 460 460

Institute of Land Transportation person

Unit 11 11 11 13 13

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 420 150 150 480 480

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Unit 14 14 14 9 9

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 156 241 422

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Unit -- -- 6 8 15

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 139 139 139 285 594

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Unit 9 9 9 15 17

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 180 240 240 145 145

Bali Land Transportation School person

Unit 8 9 9 7 7

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,119 919 1,075 1,611 2,101

Unit 42 43 49 52 61

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 929 1,334 1,334 1,334 1,260

Maritime Institute personUnit 39 45 45 45 45

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 325 325 325 325 350

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

Unit 18 18 18 18 19

PIP Semarang Orang 1,641 1,656 1,656 1,656 1,656

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic personUnit 72 73 73 73 73

PIP Makassar Orang 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,309 1,309

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 77 77 77 78 78

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 777 777 405 670 670

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 50 50 24 27 27

BP2IP Barombong Orang 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 930

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 45 45 45 45 27

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 900 910 910 910 720

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 30 31 31 31 24

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 90 90 90 90 90

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

Unit 3 3 3 3 3

BP2IP Sorong Orang 240 240 240 390 390

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 8 8 8 13 13

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang 420 495 495 495 495

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 14 17 17 17 17

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 340

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit -- -- -- -- 17

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 420

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit -- -- -- -- 14

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 7,861 8,366 7,994 8,439 8,630

Unit 356 367 341 350 357

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.14

2012 - 2016

The Laboratorium Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Kapasitas Laboratorium Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-21

Page 112: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 65 65 85 0 0

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Unit 3 3 4 0 0

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,816 2,055 2,099 2,149 2,397

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Unit 126 145 154 159 131

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 1,760 1,718 1,748 2,246 2,276

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 59 58 59 62 64

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 400 400 510 555 810

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 19 19 21 22 27

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 380 405 1,007 1,007 1,057

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 15 16 17 17 18

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 199 173 144 106 186

Civil Aviation College - Palembang person

Unit 13 11 11 8 9

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 122 122 122 180 180

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Unit 11 11 11 11 11

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 24 42

Curug Civil Aviation College person

unit -- -- -- 1 2

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- -- 16 16

Banyuwangi Flying School person

unit -- -- -- 1 1

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 4,742 4,938 5,715 6,243 6,906

Unit 246 263 277 281 263

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 13,782 14,293 14,854 16,333 17,677

Unit 646 675 669 684 682

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Kapasitas Laboratorium Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan untuk orang sebesar 4.43 % untuk unit sebesar

1.41%/ the growth rate of The Laboratorium Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency for people is 4.43% and unit is 1.41 %.

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 karenaterjadinya penambahan laboratorium atau kasapasitas ruangan seperti di Akademi Perkeretaapian

Indonesia - Madiun,, Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, BP3IP Jakarta, Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan

Indonesia, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan, Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar, Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang,

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug.

The increasing capacity occurs due to additional laboratory or room capacity like at Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun, Land Transportation

School - Palembang, Maritime Institute, Jakarta Merchant Marine College, Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute, Civil Aviation

Academy-Medan, Civil Aviation Academy - Makassar, Civil Aviation College-Palembang, Civil Aviation College-Curug.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-22

Page 113: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 448 448 448 448 462

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers person

Unit 3 3 3 3 3

2 BP3KSDMT Pasir Jambu Orang -- -- -- -- 200

Human Resource on Transportation Character Building School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 448 448 448 448 462

Unit 3 3 3 3 3

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 860 860 860 924 1,197

Institute of Land Transportation person

Unit 6 6 6 7 9

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 488 488 488 848 848

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Unit 8 7 7 13 13

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 240 384 784

Indonesian Railways Academy - Madiun person

Unit -- -- 3 4 6

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 338 338 398 458 402

Palembang Land Transportation Schoolperson

Unit 9 9 10 11 9

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 242 242 202 244 216

Bali Land Transportation School person

Unit 5 5 5 5 5

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,928 1,928 2,188 2,858 3,447

Unit 28 27 31 40 42

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Orang -- -- -- -- --

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center personUnit -- -- -- -- --

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1,556 1,556 1,556 1,772 1,716

Maritime Institute personUnit 13 13 13 15 15

BP3IP Jakarta Orang -- -- -- -- --

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

Unit -- -- -- -- --

PIP Semarang Orang 864 864 880 880 880

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 6 6 6 6 6

PIP Makassar Orang 695 735 768 1,200 1,500

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 4 5 5 6 6

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 1,088 834 1,012 1,128 1,128

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 5 4 5 4 4

BP2IP Barombong Orang 866 640 494 494 966

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 8 7 7 7 7

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 256 256 256 256 256

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

Unit 4 4 4 4 4

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 452 860 860 860 860

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 3 4 4 4 4

BP2IP Sorong Orang 432 432 432 432 432

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School personUnit 1 1 1 1 1

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.15

Kapasitas Asrama Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

The Dormitory Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-23

Page 114: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang 180 360 360 360 360

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

BP2P Padang Pariaman Orang -- -- -- -- 256

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit -- -- -- -- 1

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Orang -- -- -- -- 240

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit -- -- -- -- 1

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 6,389 6,537 6,618 7,382 8,594

Unit 45 45 46 48 50

5 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 102 102 206 42 42

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Unit 4 4 6 1 1

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,530 1,530 1,612 1,914 1,914

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Unit 7 7 8 9 9

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 1,146 1,038 1,038 990 1,022

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 9 8 8 8 9

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 386 280 624 624 624

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 8 5 6 6 6

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 244 244 694 694 694

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 6 6 7 7 7

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 105 165 165 159 159

Civil Aviation College- Palembang person

Unit 4 5 5 5 5

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 120 120 120 152 168

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Unit 5 5 5 5 4

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Orang -- -- -- 126 126

Banyuwangi Flying School person

Unit -- -- -- 2 2

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 246 288

Curug Civil Aviation College person

unit -- -- -- 5 5

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3,633 3,479 4,459 4,947 5,037

Unit 43 40 45 48 48

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 12,398 12,392 13,713 15,635 17,540

Unit 119 115 125 139 143

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan, 2016/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency, 2016

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Kapasitas Asrama Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan untuk jumlah orang sebesar 8.41% sedangkan untuk

Unit kamar sebesar 4.49 %/ the growth rate of 2012-2016 The Dormitory Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency for

person is 8.41%, for unit is 4.49%.

- PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan menurun karena adanya renovasi gedung administrasi menjadi asrama eksekutif (alih fungsi)

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers has a decrease on dormitory capacity because of the renovation of administration building to be diverted

to executive dormitory

- Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat mengalami peningkatan karena ada pengalihan fungsi dari gedung perpustakaan lama menjadi barak dengan

kapasitas 85 (delapan puluh lima) dan ada pembangunan gedung baru Asrama Eksekutif STTD yang memiliki 94 kamar (kapasitas 188 orang) dimana

operasionalnya akan dimulai pada tahun 2017.

Institute of Land Transportation has increased the capacity of dormitory due to the diversion of library building to barrack for 85 persons. Also, there is a new executive dormitory for

188 persons (94 rooms) available in 2017.

- Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun mengalami peningkatan karena adanya pembangunan gedung Asrama Barak 68 Kamar dengan kapasitas

136 orang, Asrama Eksekutif 78 Kamar dengan kapasitas 156 Orang dan Guest House dengan kapasitas 252 orang yang terbagi menjadi 3 tipe yaitu

tipe A 30 Kamar, tipe B 46 kamar, dan Tipe C 20 Kamar

Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun has increased due to the construction of Dormitory building (68 barracks) with a capacity of 136 people,

Executive dormitory (78 rooms) with a capacity of 156 people and a Guest House with a capacity of 252 people, divided into three types: type A 30 rooms, type B

46 rooms and type C 20 rooms

- Penurunan data pada tahun 2016 terjadi karena kapasitas asrama yang sedang dibangun/renovasi seperti di Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, atau dihapuskan seperti di Balai Diklat Transportasi

The Data shows a decrease of renovated dormitory capacities such as at Bali Land Tranportation School and Jakarta Maritime Institute

- Peningkatan data pada tahun 2016 terjadi karena telah selesainya renovasi asrama seperti di PIP Makassar, BP2IP Barombong,

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya, Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura, Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug.

The data shows an increase of dormitory capacities in 2016 due to the completion of dormitory renovation like at Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic,

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School, Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy, Civil Aviation College-Jayapura, Civil Aviation College- Curug.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-24

Page 115: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Orang 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers person

BP3KSDMT Pasir Jambu Orang -- -- -- -- 200

Human Resource on Transportation Character Building School person

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162 1,162

Unit 0 0 0 0 0

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Orang 1,180 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

Institute of Land Transportation person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Orang 500 500 500 500 500

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Orang -- -- 2,500 2,500 2,500

Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun person

Unit -- -- 1 1 1

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Orang 300 300 300 300 300

Palembang Land Transportation School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Orang 185 185 185 200 200

Bali Land Transportation School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 2,165 2,185 4,685 4,700 4,700

Unit 5 5 6 6 6

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Orang 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Maritime Institute person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

BP3IP Jakarta Orang 300 300 300 300 300

Jakarta Merchant Marine College person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

PIP Semarang Orang 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 1 1 1 1 0

PIP Makassar Orang 700 700 700 700 700

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Orang 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

BP2IP Barombong Orang 500 500 500 500 500

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Orang 100 100 100 300 300

Sea Transportation Education and Training College person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

BP2IP Tangerang Orang 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

BP2IP Sorong Orang -- -- -- 0 0

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit -- -- -- 0 0

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Orang 400 400 400 400 400

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,700 5,700

Unit 10 10 10 10 9

Kapasitas Aula Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan

The Hall Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.16

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-25

Page 116: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Unit 10 10 10 8 7

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Orang 100 100 100 100 100

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Orang 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Orang 500 500 500 500 500

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Orang 600 700 500 500 500

Medan Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 1 2 1 1 1

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Orang 200 200 200 200 200

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Orang 700 700 700 700 700

Civil Aviation College - Palembang person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Orang 150 150 150 150 150

Jayapura Civil Aviation College person

Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Orang -- -- -- 0 0

Curug Civil Aviation College personunit -- -- -- 0 0

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Orang/Person 3,250 3,350 3,150 3,150 3,150

Unit 9 10 9 9 9

Jumlah/ Total Orang/Person 13,077 13,197 15,497 15,712 14,712

Unit 24 25 25 23 22

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

-- = Tidak ada kegiatan/No Activity

, = Tanda Desimal/Decimal

* = Data Sementara/Temporary Data

0 = Nol/Zero

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Kapasitas Aula Badan Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan untuk jumlah orang sebesar 3.34 % dan untuk unit kelas

menurun 2.04 %/The growth rate of 2012-2016 The Hall Capacities of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency for person is 3.34%, for unit is -2.04%.

- PIP Semarang pada awal tahun 2016 Auditorium mulai dilakukan pembongkaran dan pembangunan sampai bulan Desember 2016 sehingga tidak

mempunyai Aula/Auditorium

The hall of Merchant Marine Polytechnic - Semarang in early 2016 has begun the demolition and construction until December 2016 So they do not have a hall

Keterangan Data/Information :

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistitic 3-26

Page 117: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Unit -- -- -- -- --

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Unit -- -- -- -- --

Human Resource Development Center of Land Transportation Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Unit 9 9 9 11 11

Institute of Land Transportation Unit

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Unit 5 6 6 6 6

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal Unit

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Unit 3 3 3 3 3

Palembang Land Transportation School Unit

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Unit -- -- -- 1 2

Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun Unit

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Bali Land Transportation School Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 19 20 20 23 24

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Unit -- -- -- -- --

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Unit 14 23 23 23 29

Maritime Institute Unit

BP3IP Jakarta Unit 12 13 16 19 20

Jakarta Merchant Marine College Unit

PIP Semarang Unit 58 59 59 59 59

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

PIP Makassar Unit 24 24 26 27 27

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Unit 26 26 28 28 32

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

BP2IP Barombong Unit 17 17 17 23 23

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Unit 3 3 3 3 3

Sea Transportation Education and Training College Unit

BP2IP Tangerang Unit 7 8 16 16 17

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2IP Sorong Unit 3 3 4 4 6

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Unit 5 6 6 6 6

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2P Padang Pariaman Unit -- -- -- -- 2

Padang Pariaman Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2P Minahasa Selatan Unit -- -- -- -- 2

Minahasa Selatan Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 169 182 198 208 226

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.17

Jumlah Simulator Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan

The Number of Simulators of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-27

Page 118: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Unit 0 3 3 0 0

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Unit 36 21 21 23 23

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Unit 3 3 3 6 6

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Unit 3 4 4 4 4

Medan Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Unit 4 4 4 4 4

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Unit 5 5 5 6 7

Aviation Training Office - Palembang Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Unit -- -- -- 4 7

Banyuwangi Flying School Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Jayapura Civil Aviation College Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 52 41 41 48 52

Jumlah/ Total Unit/Unit 240 243 259 279 302

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

- Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Jumlah Simulator Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan sebesar 5.59 %/The growth rate

of 2012-2016, The Number of Simulators of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is 5.59 %.

- Peningkatan data di tahun 2016 disebabkan karena penambahan simulator seperti di atau peralatannya.Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun,

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, POLTEKPEL Surabaya, BP3 Banyuwangi atau pengadaan

peralatan seperti : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, BP3IP Jakarta

there is an Increasing data in 2016 due to the addition of simulator at Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun, Civil Aviation School

Palembang, Jakarta Maritime Institute, Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Flying School-Banyuwangi or equipment procurement

at Maritime Institute and Jakarta Merchant Marine College

U r a i a n

No Description Satuan Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Unit Graphic

1 PPSDM Aparatur Perhubungan Unit -- -- -- -- --

Human Resource Development Center For Transportation Officers Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 0 0 0 0 0

2 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Land Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Darat Unit -- -- -- -- --

Human Resource Development Center of Land Transportation Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat Unit 7 7 7 12 13

Institute of Land Transportation Unit

Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan - Tegal Unit 5 6 6 6 8

Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal Unit

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Palembang Unit 3 3 3 4 4

Palembang Land Transportation School Unit

Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia - Madiun Unit -- -- -- 3 7

Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun Unit

Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali Unit 7 8 8 8 7

Bali Land Transportation School Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 22 24 24 33 39

3 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Sea Transportation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Laut Unit -- -- -- -- --

Sea Transportation Human Resource Development Center Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Maritime Institute Unit

BP3IP Jakarta Unit -- -- -- -- --

Jakarta Merchant Marine College Unit

PIP Semarang Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

PIP Makassar Unit -- -- -- -- --

Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

POLTEKPEL Surabaya Unit 26 26 26 -- --

Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic Unit

BP2IP Barombong Unit 2 1 1 1 1

Barombong Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BPP Transportasi Laut Jakarta Unit -- -- 4 4 4

Sea Transportation Education and Training College Unit

BP2IP Tangerang Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Tangerang Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2IP Sorong Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Sorong Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

BP2IP Malahayati Aceh Besar Unit -- -- -- -- --

Malahayati Aceh Besar Merchant Marine Rating School Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 32 31 35 9 9

Tabel/ Table B.3.0.18

Jumlah Mobil/Kapal/Pesawat Latih Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan

2012 - 2016

The Number of Vehicles/Training Ships/Training Aircrafts of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-28

Page 119: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

4 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Civil Aviation Sub Sector

PPSDM Perhubungan Udara Unit 0 3 7 0 0

Civil Aviation Human Resource Development Center Unit

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia Unit 46 46 46 46 50

Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Surabaya Unit 2 2 2 2 0

Surabaya Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb Medan Unit -- -- -- -- --

Medan Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Akademi Teknik & Keselamatan Pnb - Makassar Unit -- -- -- -- --

Makassar Civil Aviation Academy Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Palembang Unit 4 4 4 3 3

Aviation Training Office - Palembang Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Jayapura Unit -- -- -- -- --

Jayapura Civil Aviation College Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbang Banyuwangi Unit -- -- 1 12 12

Banyuwangi Flying School Unit

Balai Diklat Penerbangan Curug Unit -- -- -- -- --

Curug Civil Aviation College Unit

Sub Jumlah/ Sub Total Unit/Unit 52 55 60 63 65

Jumlah/ Total Unit/Unit 106 110 119 105 113

Sumber Data/Source : Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan/Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Jumlah Mobil/Kapal/Pesawat Latih Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Perhubungan Perhubungan sebesar 1.95%/ the growth rate of The Number of vehicles/training ships/training aircrafts of Human Resource Development on Transportation Agency is 1.95%.

- Peningkatan data tahun 2016 dikarenakan karena penambahan armada latih seperti di Sekolah Tinggi Transportasi Darat, Politeknik Keselamatan

Transportasi Jalan - Tegal, Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun, Balai Diklat Transportasi Darat - Bali, Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia

the data shows an increasing number of vehicles/training ships/training aircrafts in 2016 because of training fleet additions such as at the Institute of Land

Transportation, Polytechnic of Road Safety - Tegal, Indonesian Railway Academy - Madiun, Bali Land Transportation School, Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistic 3-29

Page 120: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Description Unit

A Studi Besar/Big Studies*

1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 34 19 18 5 2

Sectoral Study study

2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Transportasi Antarmoda Studi 12 13 13 14 3

Multimodal Transport Management Study study

3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 25 29 32 19 5

Land Transport Study study

4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 16 18 19 17 12

Sea Transport Study study

5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 16 17 12 13 10

Air Transport Study study

Studi 103 96 94 68 32

B Studi Sedang/Midle Studies**

1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 0 0 - 9 0

Sectoral Study study

2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Tranportasi Antarmoda Studi 2 3 2 3 1

Multimodal Transport Management Study study

3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 10 10 8 4 5

Land Transport Study study

4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 4 4 3 2 2

Sea Transport Study study

5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 4 3 5 1 1

Air Transport Study study

Studi 20 20 18 19 9

C Studi Kecil/Small Studies***

1 Studi Bidang Sektoral Studi 0 0 - 0 0

Sectoral Study study

2 Studi Bidang Manajemen Transportasi Antarmoda Studi 51 45 30 29 16

Multimodal Transport Management Study study

3 Studi Bidang Transportasi Darat Studi 89 63 44 96 50

Land Transport Study study

4 Studi Bidang Transportasi Laut Studi 32 32 32 33 35

Sea Transport Study study

5 Studi Bidang Transportasi Udara Studi 69 88 40 54 58

Air Transport Study study

Studi/Study 241 228 146 212 159

Studi/Study 364 344 258 299 200

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan 2016 / Research and Development Agency 2016 (d iolah kembali/recompiled)

Ket : * studi dilaksanakan oleh lebih dari 30 orang

** studi dilaksanakan oleh 10 - 30 orang

*** studi dilaksanakan oleh kurang dari 10 orang

growth rate of Number of Studies carried out by the Research and Development Agency decreased 11.93 %.

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Studi) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan menurun sebesar 11.93 %/

Jumlah Total / Grand Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Tabel / Table B.4.0.01

Hasil Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Studi)

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Number of Studies carried out by the Research and Development Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-1

Page 121: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Description Unit

A Seminar

1 Seminar Bidang Sektoral Kali 1 1 1 1 1

Sectoral seminar Times

2 Seminar Bidang Manajemen Transportasi

Antarmoda Kali 2 0 0 1 3

Multimodal Transport Management



3 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Darat Kali 0 0 1 0 0

Land Transport Seminar Times

4 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Laut Kali 0 0 0 0 0

Sea Transport Seminar Times

5 Seminar Bidang Transportasi Udara Kali 0 1 0 2 0

Air Transport Seminar Times

Kali 3 2 2 4 4

B Temu karya/Intern Workshop

1 Temu Karya Bidang Sektoral Kali 2 2 1 1 2

Sectoral Workshop Times

Kali 2 2 1 1 2

C Ceramah Ilmiah/Symposium

1 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Lintas Sektoral Kali 2 2 1 1 0

Sectoral Symposium Times

2 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Manajemen

Transportasi Antarmoda Kali

0 0 0 0 0

Multimodal Transport Management



3 Ceramah Ilimiah Bidang Transportasi

Darat Kali

0 0 3 0 0

Land Transport Symposium Times

4 Ceramah Ilimiah Bidang Transportasi

Laut Kali

0 0 0 0 0

Sea Transport Symposium Times

5 Ceramah Ilmiah Bidang Transportasi

Udara Kali

0 0 1 1 0

Air Transport Symposium Times

Kali 2 2 5 2 0

NO Uraian Satuan 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Description Unit

D Loka Karya/Workshop/FGD

1 FGD Bidang Sektoral Kali 3 9 3 8 8

Sectoral Workshop Times

2 FGD Bidang Manajemen Tranportasi

Antarmoda Kali

7 8 7 9 0

Multimodal Transport Management



3 FGD Bidang Transportasi Darat Kali 14 12 12 17 12

Land Transport Workshop Times

4 FGD Bidang Transportasi Laut Kali 7 6 6 7 4

Sea Transport Workshop Times

5 FGD Bidang Transportasi Udara Kali 7 7 5 26 3

Air Transport Workshop Times

Kali/Times 38 42 33 67 27

Kali/Times 45 48 41 74 33

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan, 2016/Research and Development Agency, 2016 ( diolah kembali/recompiled)

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan menurun untuk Tahun 2016 sebesar 4.29 %/Growth Rate Seminar and Workshop Conducted

Tema Kegiatan Temu Karya/Ceramah ilmiah/Lokakarya

pada tahun 2016 telah terselenggara kegiatan ceramah ilmiah/temukarya/lokakarya/focus group discussion dengan tema antara lain :

1. Optimalisasi Peran Peneliti dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

2. Mitigasi Bahaya Gempa pada Inftrastruktur Transportasi Indonesia

3. Keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam Trans-Pasific Partnership Tahun 2016

4. Persiapan Pelaksanaan Survei Asal Tujuan Transportasi Nasional (ATTN) Barang Tahun 2016

5. Integrasi Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) di Jabodetabek

6. Antisipasi Kemacetan pada Waktu Libur Panjang

7. Integrasi rencana Pengembangan Transportasi Tingkat Nasional, Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota

- Rata-rata Pertumbuhan per tahun 2012 - 2016 Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah, Loka Karya Badan

by Research and Development Agency is 4.29 %.

Tabel / Table B.4.0.02

Kegiatan Seminar, Temu Karya, Ceramah Ilmiah, Loka Karya

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Seminar and Workshop Conducted by Research and Development Agency

2012 - 2016

Jumlah Total / Grand Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Sub Jumlah / Sub Total

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-2

Page 122: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan

Description Unit





Researchers Multimodal Transport


1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 1 5 6 1 5 6 3 6 9 2 6 8 2 3 5

First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 1 6 7 1 8 9 3 7 10 3 8 11 2 8 10

Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 2 2 4 2 3 5 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6

Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Professor of Researcher Person 0

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal Orang/Person 5 13 18 5 16 21 9 17 26 8 18 26 7 15 22

NO Uraian Satuan

Description Unit




Land Transport Researchers

1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 6 8 14 8 9 17 9 14 23 11 16 27 6 12 18

First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 5 1 6 4 2 6 3 3 6 3 2 5 4 3 7

Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 8 9 17 9 9 18 9 8 17 7 7 14 7 5 12

Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Professor of Researcher Person

Sub Jumlah / SubTotal Orang/Person 19 18 37 21 20 41 21 25 46 21 25 46 17 20 37

20162012 2014 20152013

Tabel / Table B.

Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

The Researchers Number of Research and development Agency

2012 - 2016

2012 20162013 2014 2015

Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-3

Page 123: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan

Description Unit




Researchers of Sea Transport

1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 1 5 6 1 3 4 3 4 7 3 4 7 3 4 7

First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 1 5 6 1 5 6 1 5 6 1 4 5 1 4 5

Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 10 1 11 9 1 10 8 1 9 7 2 9 5 2 7

Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1

Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Professor of Researcher Person

Orang/Person 14 11 25 13 9 22 14 10 24 11 10 21 10 10 20

NO Uraian Satuan

Description Unit




Aviation Researchers

1 Peneliti Pertama Orang 3 6 9 6 8 14 7 9 16 6 7 13 5 4 9

First Researcher Person

2 Peneliti Muda Orang 3 4 7 2 5 7 2 5 7 2 7 9 1 7 8

Junior Researcher Person

3 Peneliti Madya Orang 9 5 14 8 6 14 7 5 12 5 6 11 4 4 8

Middle Researcher Person

4 Peneliti Utama Orang 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Master Researcher Person

5 Profesor Riset Orang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Professor of Researcher Person

Orang/Person 16 15 31 16 19 35 16 19 35 13 20 33 10 15 25

Orang/Person 54 57 111 55 64 119 60 71 131 53 73 126 44 60 104

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan 2016 /Research and Development Agency 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled) Keterangan :

since 2011 research organizations do not have a nexus of research professor since been retired forecast future research needs amt

perempuan sebesar 2.05% / growth rate of The Researchers Number of Research and development Agency for male decreased

4.4 % and famale 2.05%.

Rata-rata pertumbuhan 2012-2016 Tenaga Peneliti Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan Laki-laki menurun -4.4% dan


2013 2014

20142013 2015

Jumlah Total / Grand Total


Sub Jumlah / SubTotal

sejak tahun 2011 badan litbang perhubungan tidak memiliki profesor research karena sudah memasuki masa pensiun prediksi kebutuhan jml peneliti

dimasa mendatang

2015 2016


Sub Jumlah / SubTotal

Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-4

Page 124: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan

Description Unit


A Fungsional Peneliti & Perekayasa (Litkayasa)

1 Litkayasa Penyelia Orang 13 14 27 11 8 19 13 11 24 11 11 22 6 5 11

Supervisory Engineering Research Person

2 Litkayasa Pelaksana Lanjutan Orang 2 1 3 3 2 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 0 0

Second Engineering Research Person

3 Litkayasa Pelaksana Orang 6 6 12 4 6 10 8 4 12 8 5 13 3 3 6

First Engineering Research Person

4 Litkayasa Pelaksana Pemula Orang 4 3 7 4 3 7 - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Beginner Engineering Research Person

Orang/Person 25 24 49 22 19 41 22 18 40 20 17 37 9 8 17

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan, 2016 /Research and Development Agency, 2016

growth rate of Engineering Research Functional Of Research and Development Agency for male decreaed 19.02%, famela decreased 21.22%, for all decreased 20.09%.

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Tenaga Fungsional Penelitian dan Perekayasa (Litkayasa) untuk laki-laki menurun 19.02% dan perempuan menurun 21.22%.secara keseluruhan menurun 20.09%/.


Tabel B.

Tenaga Fungsional Penelitian dan Perekayasa (Litkayasa)

Engineering Research Functional Of Research and Development Agency

2012 - 2016

Jumlah / Total

2012 2013 20152014

Statistik perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-5

Page 125: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

NO Uraian Satuan 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Description Unit

1 Literatur Buku 2,341 2,430 3,104 3,651 5,592 5,740

Literature Book

2 Referensi Buku 405 422 429 429 452 512

Reference Book

3 Dokumen Perhubungan Buku 1,095 1,112 1,124 1,124 1,330 1,369

Transport Document Book

4 Dokumen Non Perhubungan Buku 639 644 653 653 698 742

Non Transport Document Book

5 Statistik Buku 647 668 679 679 725 751

Statistic Book

6 Makalah/Seminar Buku 538 581 596 596 596 596

Journal/Seminar Book

7 UU/PP Buku 1,224 1,225 1,238 1,289 1,330 1,330

Regulation Book

8 Studi Buku 1,271 1,348 1,435 1,435 1,648 1,717

Study Book

Buku/Book 8,160 8,430 9,258 9,856 12,371 12,757

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan 2016 / Research and Development Agency 2016 (d iolah kembali/recompiled)

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Daftar Koleksi Perpustakaan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan sebesar 9.60%/growth rate

Library Collections of the Research and Development Agency is 9.60%.

Jumlah Total / Grand Total

Tabel / Table B.4.0.05

Daftar Koleksi Perpustakaan

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Library Collections of the Research and Development Agency

2012 - 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4-6

Page 126: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Uraian Satuan

Description Unit

1 Hawk eye Mobil Survey/Hawk eye survey car unit - - - 1 1

2 Alat Penentu Kecepatan/Speed Gun unit - - - 15 153 Echo Sounder/Echo Sounder unit - - - 1 1

4 Retroreflectometer/Retroreflectometer unit - - - 1 1

5 Pesawat nirawak/Drone unit - - - 3 3

6 Digital Tachometer units - - - 10 1

7 Manual Traffic Counter units - - - 10 10

8 Jembatan Timbang Portable units - - - 1 1

9 Theodolite units - - - 1 1

10 Triaxal CBR units - - - 2 2

11 Alat Uji Gas Buang units - - - 2 2

12 Hammer Test units - - - 1 1

13 Alat Uji Emisi Bergerak units - - - 2 2

14 Alat Laboratorium Kebisingan dan Getaran Lainnya units - - - 2 2

15 Data Accquisition and Analysis System units - - - 1 1

16 Alat Uji Audit System (Hawk Eye 1000) units - - - 1 1

17 Alat Uji System (ARRB) units - - - 1 1

18 Alat Pendeteksi Dini Longsoran Jalur Kereta Api units - - - 1 1

19 Echo Sounding units - - - 1 1

20 Miniatur Perlintasan Sebidang units - - - 1 1

Software Pemodelan Transportasi

1 Vissim units - - - 1 3

2 Visum units - - - 1 1

3 Viswalk units - - - 1 1

4 Transcad units - - - 1 1

5 Tableau V. units - - - 1 1

6 Expert Choice units - - - - 1

7 Matlab units - - - 1 1

8 Map Info units - - - 3 5

Sumber / Source : Badan Litbang Perhubungan 2016 /Research and Development Agency 2016 (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Daftar Peralatan Penelitian

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

List of Tools of the Research and Development Agency

2015 - 2016

Tabel / Table B.

2016No. 2012 2013 2014 2015

Statistik Transportasi/Transportation Statistics 4-7

Page 127: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Trend Grapik Satuan

Graphic Trend Unit


a. AKAP Trayek 0 0 0 0 62

Public transportation between provinces in trunk line

b. Angkutan Pemadu Moda Trayek 0 0 0 0 22

Airport Bus Connexion

c. Angkutan Perbatasan Trayek 0 0 0 0 194

Public transportation between provinces in feeder line

Trayek 0 0 0 0 278


a. Angkutan Permukiman/ Residential Transport

- DKI Jakarta/ DKI Jakarta Province Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 40

- Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 11

- Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Unit 0 0 0 0 51

b. Angkutan Lingkungan/ Local Transport

- DKI Jakarta/ DKI Jakarta Province Unit 0 0 0 0 14,443

- Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 0

- Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Unit 0 0 0 0 14,443

c. Angkutan Pariwisata/ Tourism Transport

- DKI Jakarta/ DKI Jakarta Province Unit 0 0 0 0 4,914

- Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 172

- Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 55

- Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 564

- Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 88

- Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 56

- Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 -

Unit 0 0 0 0 5,849

d. Angkutan Taksi/ Taxi

- DKI Jakarta/ DKI Jakarta Province Unit 0 0 0 0 24,907

- Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 7,802

- Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 3,380

- Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 300

- Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 5,261

- Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 4,188

- Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 644

Unit 0 0 0 0 46,482

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

Public transport with route in Jabodetabek

Public transport without route in Jabodetabek

Tabel / Table B.5.0.01

Angkutan Umum Jabodetabek

Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek

Public Transport in Jabodetabek

2015 2016

Angkutan Umum Dalam Trayek Jabodetabek

2012 -2016

2012 2013 2014

Sub Jumlah/ Total



Sub Jumlah/ Total

Sub Jumlah/ Total

Angkutan Umum Tidak Dalam Trayek Jabodetabek

Sub Jumlah/ Total

Sub Jumlah/ Total

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 5-1

Page 128: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Trend Grapik Satuan

Graphic Trend Unit

e. Angkutan Sewa/ Rental Transport

- DKI Jakarta/ DKI Jakarta Province Unit 0 0 0 0 429

- Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 211

- Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 15

- Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 -

- Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 429

- Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 -

Unit 0 0 0 0 1,084

Unit 0 0 0 0 68,187

Sumber/Source : Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek, 2016/Greater Jakarta Transport Authority, 2016.

Trend Grapik Satuan

Graphic Trend Unit

1 - Kota Bogor/ Bogor City Unit 0 0 0 0 13.07

2 - Kabupaten Bogor/ Bogor District Unit 0 0 0 0 121.23

3 - Kota Depok/ Depok City Unit 0 0 0 0 10.28

4 - Kota Tangerang/ Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 20.18

5 - Kabupaten Tangerang/ Tangerang District Unit 0 0 0 0 53.70

6 - Kota Tangerang Selatan/ South Tangerang City Unit 0 0 0 0 9.81

7 - Kota Bekasi/ Bekasi City Unit 0 0 0 0 13.72

8 - Kabupaten Bekasi/ Bekasi District Unit 0 0 0 0 19.50

Unit 0 0 0 0 261.49

Sumber/Source : Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek, 2016/Greater Jakarta Transport Authority, 2016.

Keterangan/ Note :

*Jalan Nasional di Jakarta telah berubah menjadi Jalan Provinsi/ *National roads in Jakarta have been transformed into Province Roads.

Jumlah /Total

Sub Jumlah/ Total

2013 2014 2015 2016NoUraian




Jumlah /Total

Tabel / Table B.5.0.02

Panjang Jalan Nasional Jabodetabek

Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek

Length of National Roads in Jabodetabek 2016*

Greater Jakarta Transport Authority

2012 -2016

Wilayah/ Area

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 5-2

Page 129: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

1 Pendidikan / Course Orang / person 400 460 517 332 225

Latihan Dasar SAR (Latdas SAR) Orang / person 103 - 74 196 54

Medical Firts Responder Orang / person 30 31 72 40 -

Jungle Rescue Orang / person 28 114 43 - -

Water Rescue Orang / person 70 38 39 - -

Hely Rescue Orang / person - - 40 - -

High Angle Rescue Technic (HART) Orang / person 28 122 111 - -

Collapse Structure Search and Rescue (CSSR) Orang / person 33 51 - - -

Operator Radio/ Radio Operator Orang / person 54 22 30 34 -

Teknisi Radio Komunikasi SAR / SAR Radio Technician Orang / person - 20 - 30 -

Instruktur SAR / SAR Instructor Orang / person 25 38 - - 119

Perencanaan SAR / SAR Planning Orang / person 29 24 108 32 24

Koordinator Misi SAR/ SMC Orang / person - - - - -

Bimbingan Teknis Peningkatan Kapasitas Kediklatan Orang / person 28

2 Latihan / Exercise

Nasional / National Orang / person 1100 1159 1070 1010 701

- Pos Komando/Command Post Exercise Orang / person 300 30 150 150 -

- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 800 1129 920 860 -

- National SAR Chellenge ke-5 di Palembang Orang / person - - - - 306

- Latihan SAR INSARAG Asia Pacific (AP) Regional Earthquake ResponseOrang / person - - - - 357

- Latihan SAR Simulasi Operasi Bangunan Runtuh Orang / person - - - - 38

Internasional / International Orang / person 208 420 528 578 339

- Malindo

- Pos Komando/Command Post Exercise Orang / person - - 30 30 50

- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 30 100 98 98 -

- Indopura

- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person - - 100 100 15

- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 103 120 100 100 85

- Ausindo

- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person - 100 100 100 50

- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person 75 100 100 100 -

- Asean Sarex

- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person - - - 50 30

- Basah / Manuvre Orang / person - - - - -

- Marpolex

- Pos Komando / Command Post Exercise Orang / person - - - - -

Basah / Manuvre Orang / person - - - - 109

Jumlah / Total Orang / person 1708 2039 2115 1920 1265

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled )

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Tenaga Binaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan 2012-2016 menurun 5.06%/growth rate of Number of Search And Rescue Trainers By Type Technique

2012-2016 decreased 5.06%.

2012 - 2016

U r a i a n


Number of Search And Rescue Trainers By Type Technique

Tabel / Table B.6.0.01

Jumlah Tenaga Binaan SAR Menurut Jenis Kegiatan

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-1

Page 130: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

1 Kantor Pusat Basarnas/Head Office of Sar Agency

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 6 7 19 19 19

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 4 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 - 4 4

- Trail unit 2 2 2 4 6

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 43 43 43

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - 2 2 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 2 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit 7 107 112 118 118

- Rafting Boat unit - - 5 5 5

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

- Hovercraft unit 2 2 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit 4 6 8 8 9

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Cospas Sarsat Ground Segment System

- Local User Terminal / LUT unit 1 2 1 1 1

- Indonesia Mission Control Center (IDMCC) unit 1 1 1 1 1

2 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit 124 144 144 144 144

3 Extended High Communication set - - - - 1

4 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - 1

5 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - 10

6 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set

- For Rescue Boat 1 1 1

7 SAR Communication Vehicle set 3 3 3 3 1

8 Filed Sound Commander set 1 1 1 1 1

9 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set 1

10 Flight Monitor Communication System set 1 1

11 Direction Finder set 3 3 3 3 3

12 Integration Communication System set - 1 2 2 2

13 Portable P25 Communication System set - - 2 2 2

14 Remote Mobile Satellite Communication set - - - 2 2

15 Underwater Communication System set - 5 5 5 5

16 set - - - 1 1

2 Kantor SAR Jakarta/SAR Office Jakarta

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 6 7 1 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 2 2 2 2 3

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 1 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 1 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 3 3 6 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 5 5 5

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 5 5 8 8

- Rafting Boat unit - - 4 4 4

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Transportable communication unit 1 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 41 41 66 66 66

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

Peralatan Pendukung Operasi SAR di Lingkungan Badan SAR Nasional

Tabel / Table B.6.0.02

Supporting Equipments of Search And Rescue Operation in National SAR Agency

2012 - 2016

U r a i a n


Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-2

Page 131: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 1 1 1 1 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

- -

3 Kantor SAR Medan/SAR Office Medan

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 7 9 9 9 9

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 2

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 5 5 5 8 10

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 3 3 4

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 5 5 5 5

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 9 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 6 6 6

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 4 4 4 4 4

- Transportable communication unit 4 4 4 4 4

- Mobile Communication unit 31 33 188 188 188

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 1

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - 1

10 Direction Finder set - - - - 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

4 Kantor SAR Padang/SAR Office Padang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 2

- Truck Personil unit 3 3 1 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 4 4 3 6 6

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 2 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 6 6 8 8

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 79 79 104 104 104

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1


U r a i a n

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-3

Page 132: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

5 Kantor SAR Pekanbaru/SAR Office Pekanbaru

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 1 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 2 2 2 5 5

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 2 4 4

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 6 4 4 6 6

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit 42 42 62 62 62

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

6 Kantor SAR Tanjung Pinang/SAR Office Tj. Pinang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 3 3 4 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 11

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 3 3 3

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 4 4 5 5

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit 1 1 - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 34 34 94 94 94

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-4

Page 133: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - 1 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

7 Kantor SAR Palembang/SAR Office Palembang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 4 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 3 3 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 2 2 1 4 4

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 2 3 3

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 2 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 4 4 6 6

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Transportable communication unit 1 1 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 27 27 32 32 32

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 - 1

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

8 Kantor SAR Pontianak/SAR Office Pontianak

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 38 40 85 85 85

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-5

Page 134: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

9 Kantor SAR Surabaya/SAR Office Surabaya

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 6 7 7 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 2 2 2 2 3

- Truck Personil unit 3 3 4 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 4 4 7 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 3 3 3

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 13 13 13

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit 1 1 - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 5 5 5 5

- Mobile Communication unit 32 40 40 40 40

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - 1 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - -

10 Kantor SAR Denpasar/SAR Office Denpasar

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 6 7 7 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 2 2 2 2 3

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 11

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 2 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 4 4 5 5

- Rubber Boat unit 6 6 6 8 8

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 -


c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 39 39 39 39 39

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Filed Sound Commander set

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - 1

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-6

Page 135: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

11 Kantor SAR Banjarmasin/SAR Office Banjarmasin

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 5 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 3 3 3 4 6

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 4 4

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Air Boat unit - 1 1 - -

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 29 29 69 69 69

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 1 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

12 Kantor SAR Balikpapan/SAR Office Balikpapan

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 7 7 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 4 5 6

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 11

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 1 2 5 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 4 4 5 5

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Air Boat unit - 1 1 - -

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Mobile Communication unit 35 37 82 82 82

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - 1 1

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-7

Page 136: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

13 Kantor SAR Makassar/SAR Office Makassar

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 7 8 7 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 3 3 6 10

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 3 3 5 3

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 3 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 8 8 8 10 10

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Mobile Communication unit 31 31 36 36 36

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

14 Kantor SAR Manado/SAR Office Manado

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 3 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 2 2 1 4 6

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 3 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 3 3 4 4

- Rubber Boat unit 7 6 6 6 6

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 16 16 21 21 21

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-8

Page 137: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

15 Kantor SAR Ambon/SAR Office Ambon

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 5 5 6

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 6 1 1

- Trail unit 2 6 1 9 12

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 4 4 5 6

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 6 6 6 6

- Mobile Communication unit 17 17 17 17 17

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - - 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

16 Kantor SAR Kupang/SAR Office Kupang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 3 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 1 1 3 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 9 11 11

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 19 24 24 24 24

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - - 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -


U r a i a n

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-9

Page 138: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

17 Kantor SAR Biak/SAR Office Biak

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 3 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 8 8

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit 25 25 25 25 25

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

18 Kantor SAR Jayapura/SAR Office Jayapura

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 4 5 6

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 10

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 2 2 2

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 7 7

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Mobile Communication unit 24 24 24 24 24

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - 1 1

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-10

Page 139: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

19 Kantor SAR Sorong/SAR Office Sorong

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 5 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 3 3 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 4 7 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 1 1 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 2 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 6 6 8 8

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2


c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit 27 27 27 27 27

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

20 Kantor SAR Merauke/SAR Office Merauke

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 4 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 2 4 4 7 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 6 6 6 6 6

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 19 19 19 19 19

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 2 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-11

Page 140: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

21 Kantor SAR Timika/SAR Office Timika

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 3 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 2 4 4 7 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 2 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 7 7

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 16 16 16 16 16

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 1 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

22 Kantor SAR N.A.D/SAR Office N. A. D .

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit - 2 2 5 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 5 5 5

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 2 2 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 3 4 4 4 5

- Rubber Boat unit 5 5 5 7 7

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 4 4 4 4

- Mobile Communication unit 45 45 86 86 86

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - 1 - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-12

Page 141: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

23 Kantor SAR Semarang/SAR Office Semarang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 8 7 7 7

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 3 4 3 5 6

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 2 2

- Trail unit 5 7 5 8 10

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 1 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 3 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 4 3 4 5

- Rubber Boat unit 7 8 11 13 13

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit 20 41 56 56 56

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 1 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - 1 1 1

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set

24 Kantor SAR Kendari/SAR Office Kendari

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 4 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 2 4 5 6

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 4 4 4

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 2

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 11

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 2 2 2 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 4 5 5 6 6

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 2 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 26 26 26 26 26

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 2 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 2 2 2 2

11 Integration Communication System set - - 1 1 1

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - 1 1

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-13

Page 142: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

25 Kantor SAR Mataram/SAR Office Mataram

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 5 6 6 6 6

- Rescue Truck unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 2 3 4 4 5

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - 1 1 1 1

- Trail unit 3 5 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 2 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 2 3 3 3 4

- Rubber Boat unit 7 7 7 9 9

- Rafting Boat unit - - 3 3 3

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Transportable communication unit 3 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 22 22 62 62 62

2 Extended High Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 10 10 10 10 10

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set 1 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

26 Kantor SAR Jambi/SAR Office Jambi

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit 1 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 1 1 2 2 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - 1

- Trail unit 1 4 4 7 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - - - 2 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 1 1

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 1 3 3

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit 3 23 23 23 23

2 Extended High Communication set

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-14

Page 143: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

27 Kantor SAR Pangkal Pinang/SAR Office Pangkal Pinang

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 1 1 2 3 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - -

- Trail unit 1 4 4 7 7

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - 2 2 4 4

- Rafting Boat unit - - 8 - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 1 2 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit 8 28 28 28 28

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Field Sound Commander set

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - 1 1

28 Kantor SAR Bandung/SAR Office Bandung

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 2 5 5 5

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 -

- Truck Personil unit 1 1 1 3 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - 1

- Trail unit 2 5 5 8 10

- Rapid Deployment unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - 1 - 1

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - - - 2 2

- Rafting Boat unit - - 2 2 2

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - 2 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 1 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 9 29 59 59 59

2 Extended High Communication set

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - 1 1 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - 1 1 1

7 Field Sound Commander set - - 1 1 1

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set

10 Direction Finder set 1 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - 1 1 1

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -


U r a i a n

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-15

Page 144: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

29 Kantor SAR Palu/SAR Office Palu

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 5 5 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 1 2 4 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 3 3 3

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - -

- Trail unit 1 4 4 7 7

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 2 3

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 2 3 3

- Rubber Boat unit - - - 2 2

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 1 2 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit 1 3 3 3 3

- Mobile Communication unit 8 28 28 28 28

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Field Sound Commander set

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - - 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - 1 1

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - - - - -

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

30 Kantor SAR Ternate/SAR Office Ternate

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit 1 2 3 3 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - -

- Trail unit 1 4 4 7 7

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit 1 1 1 1 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit 1 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - - - 2 2

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit 0 1 1 1 1

- Transportable communication unit 0 1 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit 2 22 22 22 22

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - 1 1 1 1

11 Integration Communication System set - 1 - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-16

Page 145: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

31 Kantor SAR Bengkulu/SAR Office Bengkulu

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit - 1 2 3 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - 1

- Trail unit 2 5 6 9 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - - - 1 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 1 3 3

- Rafting Boat unit - - - 1 -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit - 7 27 27 27

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

32 Kantor SAR Manokwari/SAR Office Manokwari

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit - 1 2 2 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - - 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - 2

- Trail unit 1 4 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - 1 1 1 2

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 1 2

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 3 5 5

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit - 1 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit - 9 29 29 29

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Field Sound Commander set

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-17

Page 146: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

33 Kantor SAR Gorontalo/SAR Office Gorontalo

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit - 1 2 2 3

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - -

- Trail unit 1 4 5 8 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - 1 - 1 3

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 1 3 3

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit - 1 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit - 3 23 23 23

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - 1

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - 2 2

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set

34 Kantor SAR Lampung/SAR Office Lampung

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - - 4 4 4

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit - 2 3 3 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - - 1

- Trail unit 2 5 6 9 9

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - - - - 1

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 1 1

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 1 3 3

- Rafting Boat unit - - 1 - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Transportable communication unit - 1 2 2 2

- Mobile Communication unit - 7 27 27 27

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Field Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-18

Page 147: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

35 Kantor SAR Yogyakarta/SAR Office Yogyakarta

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 3 3 3

- Rescue Truck unit - - - - 1

- Truck Personil unit - 1 1 2 2

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 - 1 1

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - 1 1

- Trail unit 1 4 2 5 8

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - 1 - - -

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 2 2

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 5 7 7

- Rafting Boat unit - - - - -

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - 2 2

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - - 1 1 1

- Transportable communication unit - - 1 1 1

- Mobile Communication unit - - 5 5 5

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set 1 1 1 1 1

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set

7 Filed Sound Commander set

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - 1 1

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set - - - - -

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

36 Balai Diklat

a. Peralatan SAR Darat/ Land Rescue


- Rescue Car unit - 1 1 1 1

- Rescue Truck unit - - 1 1 1

- Truck Personil unit - 2 4 4 4

- Rescue Carrier unit - 1 2 2 2

- All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) unit - - - 1 1

- Trail unit 2 5 2 4 4

- Rapid Deployment unit - - - - -

- Mobil Refueler 5000 L unit - - - - -

- Mobil Trailer Pump unit - - - - -

b. Peralatan SAR Laut / Sea Rescue


- Rescue Boat unit - - - - -

- Rigid Inflatable Boat unit - 1 1 1 1

- Rubber Boat unit - 1 2 4 4

- Rafting Boat unit - - 1 1 1

- Rescue Fast Water unit - - - - -

c. Peralatan SAR Utama / Main Rescue


- Helycopter unit - - - - -

d. Peralatan Komunikasi SAR/ SAR

Communication Equipments

1 Radio Komunikasi/ Communication Radio set

- Base Communication unit - - - - -

- Transportable communication unit - - - - -

- Mobile Communication unit - - 30 30 30

2 Extended High Communication set - - - - -

3 SAR Unit Field Communication set - - - - -

4 Tactical Dual Mode Communication set - - - - -

5 Communication Satellite & Monitoring System set - - - - -

For Rescue Boat

6 SAR Communication Vehicle set - - - - -

7 Filed Sound Commander set - - - - -

8 Electrical Repair Portable Equipment set - - - - -

9 Flight Monitor Communication System set - - - - -

10 Direction Finder set - - - - -

11 Integration Communication System set

12 Integrated Tactical Rescue set - 1 1 1 1

13 Portable P25 communication system set - - - - -

14 Integrated Maritime surveillance System / IMSAR set - - - - -

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled)

U r a i a n


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-19

Page 148: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 21 11 11 18 21

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 21 11 11 18 21

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 968 281 45 879 391

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 899 266 35 645 333

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 69 15 6 230 50

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 0 0 4 4 8

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled)

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 460 617 586 633 715

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 460 617 586 633 715

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 9,451 11,848 4,553 5,097 8,410

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 8,826 11,098 3,884 4521 7780

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 168 336 285 278 371

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 457 414 384 298 259

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled)

2012 - 2016

Number of Accidents at Sea Handled by National Search And Rescue Agency

U r a i a n



Tabel / Table B.6.0.04

Jumlah Musibah Pelayaran Yang Ditangani Basarnas

Jumlah Musibah Penerbangan Yang Ditangani Basarnas

Number of Aircraft Accidents Handled by National Search And Rescue Agency

2012 - 2016

U r a i a n

Tabel / Table B.6.0.03








2012 2013 2014 2015 2016





168 336 285 278 371457 414 384 298 259

Selamat / Safe Meninggal / Death Hilang / Lost











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







15 6


500 0 4 4 8

Selamat / Safe Meninggal / Death Hilang / Lost

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-20

Page 149: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 581 896 823 1046 1195

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 581 896 823 1046 1195

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 3,067 1,788 2,255 2,044 2,387

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 2479 909 1466 1066 1258

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 516 749 695 853 1004

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 72 130 94 125 125

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled)

Satuan/ Tren Grafik 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No. Unit Graph Trend

Jumlah Kejadian / Number of Accident kali / case 171 209 192 178 246

- Dilaporkan / Reported kali / case 171 209 192 178 246

- Jumlah Korban / Number of Victim Orang / person 9,530 28,182 25,865 1,695 1,812

- Selamat / Safe Orang / person 9,377 27,966 25,566 1,588 1,447

- Meninggal / Death Orang / person 128 197 258 81 317

- Hilang / Lost Orang / person 25 19 41 26 48

Sumber / Source : Badan SAR Nasional, 2016/ National Search and Rescue Agency, 2016 (diolah kembali / recompiled)

U r a i a n


U r a i a n


Tabel / Table B.6.0.05

Jumlah Musibah Lain-lain Yang Ditangani Basarnas

Number of The Other Accidents Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency


Tabel / Table B.6.0.06

Jumlah Bencana Yang Ditangani Basarnas

Number of Disasters Handled by National Search and Rescue Agency









2012 2013 2014 2015 2016




1,588 1,447128 197 258 81 31725 19 41 26 48

Selamat / Safe Meninggal / Death Hilang / Lost







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016







749 695



72130 94 125 125

Selamat / Safe Meninggal / Death Hilang / Lost

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-21

Page 150: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statsitic 6-22

Page 151: DAFTAR ISI - ppid.dephub.go.idppid.dephub.go.id/files/buku_statistik_perhubungan_jilid_2_2016.pdf · v The Ministry of Transportation by Sub Sector 2012- 2016 Tabel /Table B.1.3.02