Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu

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  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu




    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinific

    i Enciclopedic.2. Budai, Lszl. 1997.

    Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti:Teora.

    3. Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.Bucureti: Teora.

    4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:

    Ed. Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of EnglishSyntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

    6. Paidos, C. 2001.English Grammar. Theory and Practice. Iai: Polirom.

    7. Vince, M. 2002.Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.

  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu


  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu




    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinifici Enciclopedic.

    2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti:Teora.

    3.Chioran, D.,

    Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.

    Bucureti: Teora.4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:

    Ed. Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of English

    Syntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

    6. Paidos, C. 2001.English Grammar. Theory and Practice. Iai: Polirom.7. Vince, M. 2002.Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.

    Lect. univ. dr. Ana-Maria Trantescu

  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu







    Lect. univ. dr. ANA MARIA TRANTESCU

  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu




    1. Sentence Types

    2. The Noun Phrasea. The Structure of the NP

    b. The Functions of the NP

    - The Subject- The Object


    The Predicative

    - The Predicative Adjunct- The Apposition

    3. The Verb Phrase

    3.1. The Structure of the VP

    3.2. The Function of the VP: the Predicate.3.3. SubjectPredicate Concord

    4. Passive Constructions

    5. Adverbial Modifiers

    6. Complex Constructions


    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinific iEnciclopedic.

    2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti: Teora.3. Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.

    Bucureti: Teora.4.

    Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti: Ed.Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of English Syntax.

    The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

    6. Paidos, C. 2001.English Grammar. Theory and Practice. Iai: Polirom.7. Vince, M. 2002.Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.

  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu


    UNITATEA 1. Types of Sentences

    Obiective: Studenii vor fi capabili:1. S identifice tipurile de propziii.2. S foloseasc corect pronumele i adjectivele nehotrte i negative n propoziiile

    interogative i negative.3. S identifice tipurile de propoziii interrogative.

    Timp de studiu : 4 ore.

    Exercise 1. The following sentences are from The Honorary Consulby Graham Greene.

    In each case identify the sentence form, then suggest their communicative function.

    1. You have to come.

    2. What about a game of chess?3. Don't worry!


    I'm surprised to see you.5. What blunderers you are!6. She can't be his wife, surely?

    7. I wouldn't drink whisky if I were you.

    8. Come up and have a glass.9. Who are you?

    10.Surely you had somebody on the watch?

    Exercise 2. Identify the following sentence forms and their functions. Then rewrite thesentence in another sentence form which carries the same communication meaning.

    1. Forgive my rudeness yesterday.


    I was trying to remember your name.

    3. I wish you wouldn't shout.4. What a clever girl you are!

    5. That's a brilliant idea.

    6. I trust you don't mind if I smoke.7. Go ahead.

    8. How warm it is today!

    9. Isn't that amazing?

    10.How are you?

    Exercise 3. Indicate whether the following sentences are: declarative, interrogative,

    imperative or exclamatory:

    1. They met Ann by chance in the street. 2. Will you read the letter, please? 3. What hasbecome of them? 4. How happy she looks! 5. Don't ever say that again! 6. What did the

    man say? 7. I really enjoyed the show very much. 8. What a good piece of news this is! 9.

    Peter was given a brand new bicycle. 10. How angry Tom was! 11. Have you got any

    stamps left? 12. That's really very nice of you! 13. Would you like another piece of cake?14. It's really quite a bargain! 15. Let's start everything anew! 16. The dog kept us awake

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    all night. 17. Who could advise me on this matter? 18. See you soon. 19. Hurry up! The

    train is leaving in a minute. 20. He has just come. 21. Hasn't he changed! 22. Would you

    open the door, please?

    Exercise 4.Translate into English the following imperative and exclamatory sentences:

    1. Vezi dac poi gsi cartea aceea! 2. Nu-i cheltui toat energia la nceputul cursei! 3.Ascult-m! 4. Ce ploaie! 5. Ferete-i capul! 6. Ce idee bun! 7. Nu pune mna acolo! 8.Deschide ua, te rog! 9. S nu faci niciodat aa ceva! 10. Ce nume caraghios! 11. Doarcteva cuvinte, v rog! 12. n nici un caz s nu accepi! 13. S o lsm singur! 14. Dacar fi posibil! 15. Noroc! 16. Ce pcat! 17. Condu-l pn la gar!

    Exercise 5. Point out what type of sentences there are in the following sentences and

    extracts (simple unextended, simple extended, compound, complex or elliptical


    a) 1. I got here yesterday. 2. Peter promised that he would let us know when he arrivedthere. 3. She entered, locked the door and sat down. 4. Birds fly. 5. Jane asked Tom

    again why he didn't go into the country, as it would do him a lot of good. 6. He is old

    but he is still a very healthy man. 7. "Got a light for me, Bill?" "No".

    b) An hour passed. The pale light of the short, sunless day was beginning to fade. A cryarose. The man in front turned his head. He looked at the man behind. They nodded

    to each other. A second cry arose. It was a wolf. Henry looked up. It was dark. He

    saw a pair of eyes, then a second pair, and a third. The dogs were afraid. Bill couldnot sleep. He saw the shining eyes quite near. (J. London)

    c) Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a

    farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the

    lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles...When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around she could see nothing but the

    great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat

    country that reached the edge of the sky in all directions. (Frank Baum)

    Exercise 6. Turn the following simple unextended sentences into simple extended

    sentences by adding some secundary parts of the sentence:

    1. Richard has arrived. 2. He is unpacking. 3. His friends have come. 4. He is tired. 5.They leave. 6. They do not stay. 7. It is growing dark. 8. They shake hands. 9. The boys

    will meet. 10. Do they talk? 11. They came. 12. Mrs. Johnson is speaking. 13. I work. 14.

    It's raining. 15. They live. 16. We agreed. 17. Paul is driving. 18. I don't understand.


    Exercise 1. Point out all the elliptical sentences and state what part of the sentence is

    missing in each case:

    1. Glad to see you home, and hope you have been keeping well. (D. Maurier)2. Got a cigar, Root? No. (J. Steinbeck)

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    3. Sorry to be late again, he said. Nobody was at home Soames in London, Anetteat a garden party. (J. Galsworthy)

    4. How are you? he asked me. Fine, I said. (E. Hemingway)5. Just at sunset, the air turned cold and sky cloudy. (Ch. Bront)

    6. Why do you come here? For winter sport. (E. Hemingway)


    There were flowers in the dining room, flowers in the library. (D. Maurier)8. You have told no one Im here? he asked abruptly. Not a soul. (H. G. Wells)9. Morning room in Algernons flat in Half-Moon Street.(O. Wilde)10.You must be on your guard against her; you must shun her example; if necessary

    avoid her company. (Ch. Bront)11.Couldnt you be a little bit late today? No, I couldnt. (A. Saxton)12.When tired of the occupation, I would retire from the stairhead to the solitary and

    silent nursery. (Ch. Bront)

    13.Are you scared, Thomas? Of course, I am. (G. Greene)14.Did you understand me? I think I did. (A. Saxton)15.She had found out she wasnt scared. No more thanPatricia was. (D. Carter)


    Do you know, when I said good night and went away, I was almost arrested?Arrested? (J. London)17.Somebody gave it to him. Somebody? You. (Th. Hardy)18.Some of them were getting laid off, the way Pa had been. (D. Carter)

    19.How old are you? Seventeen, Sir. And whats your name? Megan David. (J.Galsworthy)

    Exercise 2. Point out all the one member sentences in the following examples:

    1. A beautiful day, quite warm. (J. Galsworthy)2. A distant flash, a low rumble, and large drops of rain spattered on the thatch above

    him. (J. Galsworthy)


    She went out into the hall and listened. No sound! (J. Galsworthy)4. A footstep on the stairs and now the door was slowly opened. (Ch. Dickens)

    5. My school days! The silent gliding on my existencethe unseen, unfelt progress ofmy lifefrom childhood up to youth. (Ch. Dickens)

    6. Not one little sound of beast or bird or tree; not one bee humming! (J. Galsworthy)7. But the eyes of them! The cold, red and often wet hands! (Th. Dreiser)

    Exercise 3. Point out which sentences are elliptical and which are one member sentencesin the following examples:

    1. The night dark, the wind high and the rain pouring in torrents.

    2. The work is done, the books put away. Really?3.

    The air is pure and fresh, the sun is bright and the sky blue.4. First come, first served.5. Have you ever been in Italy? Never.6. Waiter, another bottle of wine. Red or white? White.7. I know for sure that he works more than I.8. What a day! Rain, rain. November rain.

    9. He is as old as Oscarsson.10.Thomas Gradgrind, sir. A man of realities. A man of facts and calculation.

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    11.See you tonight. Bye-bye.12.What time is it? Four oclock. Thank you!13.Nobody in the room, nobody on the terrace.14.Good-bye. See you tomorrow.

    15.When will you write to him? Tomorrow.


    Will you do it? Ill try.17.Coffee, sir? Yes, please.18.Do you speak German? Yes, I do, a little.19.Any more fares, please?20.Ill send you the books. When?21.What if I refuse to answer?

    22.Your name and address, please.

    23.Who answered the question? John.24.Did you know it? Yes.25.Sorry! I didnt nottice it.26.A beautiful day, quite warm. The garden, an old-fashioned one, full of roses. Time of

    year, July.27.

    Ill send you a word tomorrow. Shall be delighted.28.Glad to meet you.

    Exercise 4. Supply the words necessary to express each idea fully:

    1. Full up! 2. Seats on top. 3. Two cups of coffee, please. 4. Wait! 5. Oh, yes! 6. Just a

    moment! 7. No talking! 8. Ridiculous. 9. Keep left. 10. Anything else? 11. This way,

    please. 12. Never mind. 13. Many happy returns of the day! 14. How much? 15.Welcome!

    Exercise 5. Provide questions to which the following might be replies:1. Yes, please. 2. No, thank you. 3. A quarter to three. 4. Red, please. 5. On Thursday

    next. 6. Two, please. 7. On October 18th

    . 8. Not at all. 9. Thick, please. 10. A pound and a

    half. 11. Yesterday week.


    Exercise 1. In the following quotations from The Human Factor by Graham Greene,

    identify the sentence type and the methods of making them negative.


    For God's sake, Emmanuel, don't do anything rash.2. Don't you get damned lonely sometimes in this outfit?

    3. And they never come home until evening.

    4. But no one knows I'm here.5. The face showed no indication of pain.

    6. There is nothing one can ever do, is there?

    7. That hardly explained the sense of emptiness.8. No, no, don't worry dear.

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    9. Neither of them could see the pavement.

    10.No, I suppose not.

    Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences, moving the negative to the place marked by

    an asterisk, and comment on any change of meaning.


    We were not taught * to notice such things.2. I should not hope *.3. You never can * tell.

    4. When you arrived was * he not alive?

    5. They are * still not married.6. She * tried hard not to be attractive to men.

    7. * By chance they didn't go out.

    8. Not a single man could * understand the situation.

    9. That's not a statement * to be repeated.10.I won't give it to you for * anything.

    Exercise 3. Give two negative answers to the following questions according to the model:MODEL: Did you meet any of your friends at the party?

    No, I didn't meet any of them.

    No, I met none of them.

    1. Are there any chairs in the room?2. Has he/ does he have any relatives in Bucharest?

    3. Did you write any letters to your parents?

    4. Do you see any sheets of paper on my writing table?5. Have you brought anyone with you?

    6. Did you see anybody in the street?

    7. Did he ask for anything to drink?

    8. Did you go anywhere else besides London?9.

    Have you visited anything else this summer?

    10.Will you accept any suggestions for your paper?

    11.Will they ask any questions after the speech tomorrow?12.Did you see any of your colleagues at the festival?

    13.Did you send any cards to your brothers?

    14.Would you bring any friends at the party?

    Exercise 4. Agree with a negative statement by using a special question tag with a falling

    stress. No question mark is required.

    MODEL: The students won't miss the lecture.No, they won't, will they.


    He hasn't eaten anything today.

    2. They haven't caught a single fish.

    3. Cuckoos don't build nests.4. She hasn't won the prize.

    5. It wasn't far from home.

    6. His information is not always accurate.7. He doesn't know the way very well.

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    8. He is not young any longer.

    9. He doesn't understand English.

    10.They didn't enjoy the party.11.I didn't like him at all.

    12.Nick can't read English books in the original.


    She is not old enough for that.

    Exercise 5. Replace the negative forms of the indefinite pronouns in the following

    sentences according to the model:

    1. He said he needed nobodyto help him. 2. I have nothing against it. 3. I had nothing todo with your problems. 4. Nobody knows the answer. 5. They will do nothing for

    money. 6. Have you got nothing else to do? 7. He blamed nobody / no one for it. 8.

    She likes nobody. 9. We had done nothing out of the ordinary.

    Exercise 6. Change the following sentences into the negative by using a non-assertive or

    a negative pronoun, according to the model:

    1. There was some food left in the fridge. 2. I have some problems. 3. I need some help.4. The children made some noise. 5. We have some time to waste. 6. I trust someone. 7.

    There was someone in the office. 8. She can find somebody who knows about it. 9. He

    found something there. 10. Ellis saw something interesting at the supermarket. 11.

    Mother made some cakes.

    Exercise 7. Negate the verb in the following sentences:

    1. She has to be there tomorrow. 2. They have to work on Saturday. 3. Mary has a newdress. 4. I had a very good journey. 5. I have a lot of English lessons now. 6. Open the

    door. 7. She used to play tennis when she was younger. 8. You must pay that fine. 9. You

    may smoke in the child's room. 10. They will visit London this year. 11. That must be his

    cousin over there. 12. You must see that film: it is extraordinary! 13. You must cross thestreet. 14. She is sure about this.

    Exercise 8. Give the negative counterparts of the sentences below; make all the necessarychanges paying attention to indefinite pronouns, conjunctions and adverbs:

    1. He has already finished his task.

    2. The shop is still open.3. It is still raining.

    4. She managed to find something appropriate somewhere else.

    5. He could answer some of the questions on the subject.

    6. There are some letters for me.7. Some students have done well in the exam.


    "I have spoken to the Dean". "So have I".

    9. Peter knows some English and so does John.

    10.Both of them took part in the competition.11.John has also come.

    12.Daddy drinks a lot of coffee now, and he always used to.

    13.I nearly always have to do it myself.14.It's a long time since we last saw them.

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    15.He lives a long way from his friend.

    16.He did too many exercises yesterday.

    17.John will arrive before midnight.18.Both of them needed help.

    19.He ate too many chocolates yesterday.


    I will get there before noon.21.Many people can sing and dance.22.He is already an expert on the subject.

    Exercise 9. Give the affirmative counter parts of the following negative sentences:1. No one of that name ever workes in our office.

    2. I have not got much spare time.

    3. Scarcely anybody expected him to get there until midnight.

    4. No one must smoke in the child's room.5. She couldn't have been gone long.

    6. John can't have done it.


    Ann isn't young anymore.8.

    Hardly does anyone know the truth.

    9. The baby can neither walk nor talk.

    Exercise 10. Rewrite the following using hardlyorscarcelyaccording to the model:1. I have never been on friendly terms with Mary.

    2. The engine driver could see almost nothing through the fog.

    3. I did not quite know what she meant.4. You can't expect her to smile to you after what you said.

    5. He almost never comes to class on time.

    6. I almost never agree to her.

    7. He almost never pays us visits.8.

    You can't expect me to believe you after all your lies.

    Exercise 11. Make a negative statement by adding neither, nor or not... either. Thisaddition requires an inversion of the subject of the sentence and the auxiliary. The

    addition can be used to complete somebody else's remark or one's own statement:

    MODEL: "I don't like this play." "Neither do I/ Nor do I/ I don't like this play either/You don't like this play and neither do I."

    1. The food wasn't bad (drink).

    2. They needn't pay for their entrance (you).

    3. Harry didn't drink his tea in the morning (Mary).4. Tom didn't find his fountain pen (his classmate).


    I cannot believe him (she).

    6. My brother never misses a tennis match (I).

    7. He oughtn't to tease her about being fat (you).8. I won't tell you anything (she).

    9. He can't go there uninvited (I).

    10.I couldn't remember his address (she).11.I'm not a bad boy (my brother).

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    12.I have never had anything in common with him (my friend).

    13.We won't go the seaside this summer (our friends).

    14.We didn't go to the mountains last summer (our relatives).

    Exercise 12.Translate the following sentences into Romanian:


    Not a single word did Peggotty speak (Ch. Dickens).2. Not a hint, however, did she drop about sending me to school (Ch. Bront).3. Never had I seen a face so happy, sweet and radiant (J. Braine).

    4. No where was she to be seen (Ch. Dickens).

    5. Not one minute all that night did Ann sleep (J. Galsworthy).

    Exercise 13. Emphasize the underlined words by placing them first in the sentence:

    1. I didn'trealize how ill he was until I visited him.

    2. I wouldn'tdoubt his integrityfor one moment.


    Such a situation should never againbe allowed to arise.4.

    We dropped no hintabout the state of her health.

    5. The whole truth didn'tbecome known until many years later.

    6. The back of this radio should under no circumstancesbe removed unless the set has

    first been disconnected at the mains.7. I didn't realize how selfish she was until I needed her help.

    8. I will neverforget what you have done for me.

    Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English without using negative


    1. Nu prea tiam unde m aflu. 2. Nu avem dect foarte puin timp la dispoziie. 3. Nueste cu putin. 4. La serat ea aproape c nu a scos un cuvnt. 5. nchide ferestrele ca snu intre mutele. 6. Nu tiu ce s fac. 7. Arcaul nu lovi n int. 8. N-ai putea ajunge latimp dect cu trenul de trei. 9. El este singurul care nu a fost de acord. 10. Nu mai vorbiiatt de mult! 11. Nu am dect o sor. 12. Nu tesuperi dac deschid puin geamul? 13.Nu-i trebuie dect un sfert de or ca s ajung la Universitate. 14. E mult vreme de cndnu l-am vzut. 15. Nu-mi place nici vinul nici berea. 16. Nici unul din ei nu a reuit laexamen. 17. N-ai putea termina la timp dect folosind acest procedeu. 18. Nu mai faceiatta zgomot! 19. M tem s nu vin. 20. Nu mai ninge. 21. Nici unul nu trebuie saccepte dac nu vrea. 22. Nimeni n-a spus nimic despre asta nimnui. 23. Nu mai vorbesccu tine dac nu-i ceri scuze. 24. N-am fost nici la film nici la teatru. 25. Nu s-a plnsniciodat de munca lui i nici nu cred c se va plnge vreodat. 26. Nimeni nu era acoloi nu se ntmplase nimic deosebit.

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    Exercise 1. Identify the functions of the following interrogatives as advice, command,

    disbelief, exclamation, social introduction, invitation, offer, request, statement or

    suggestion.1. A Peer of the Realm! Who'd have prophesied that ... in the days of yore?2. I didn't know you kept a diary, Sillers?

    3. Will you put the kettle on?

    4. Won't you have some tea?5. Shall we go back?

    6. Can I give anyone a lift?

    7. Isn't that smart?

    8. Why don't you see a doctor?9. Would you oblige me by removing your hat?

    10.I don't know whether you've met Odo Stevens, Bernard?

    Exercise 2. Change the following questions into indirect speech reflecting, wherever

    possible, the type of question:

    1. "Was not that the case?"

    2. "You gave the price he demanded?"3. "Aren't you clever?"

    4. "I hated it and who wouldn't?"

    5. "You're always doing it, aren't you?"6. "Who did you see?"

    Exercise 3. State the type of the questions below:

    a. 1. "Can you lend me some money?" "What do you want it for?"2. "Alec won't help." "And why won't he?"

    3. Am I going to break the news to Mrs. Hopper or are you? he said. (D. du Maurier)

    4. What train are you going home by?5. Don't you want to eat something?

    6. You won't mind my doing so, will you?

    7. "I had the bill sent to your wife." "You had it sent to who?"8. "I'm going to Bucharest tomorrow." "Are you, indeed?"

    9. What glorious roses! Aren't they a picture?

    10."Have you finished?" "Have I finished, did you say?"

    11."He has married at last." "He's what?"12."I'll call on them personally." "But when, for heaven's sake?"


    Are you leaving tonight?

    14.How did you get here?

    15.How many friends have you got there?16.Where were you an hour ago?

    17."Is she angry with me?" "Angry with you?"

    b. Higgins: "What's the matter? Anything wrong?"

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    6. He comes to London about once a month.

    7. My room isfour metres by five.

    8. This magnifying glass isfor counting stamp perforations.9. Mary lives about five miles away.

    10.He fell about fifty feet down the mountain.


    They have postponed the trip because of the weather.12.The bridge is built of reinforced concrete.13.He earns about twenty five pounds a week.

    14.It takesfour hours to get there.

    15."Deceitful" means dishonest.16.He went this way, not that way.

    17.These areJohn'sbooks.

    18.He isfriendly, generous and kind-hearted.

    19.He is tall, thin and has short black hair.20.I like rockmusic.

    21.I want the felt-tip pen not the ballpoint.


    He is lookingfor a new job.23.

    The weather is hotin July.

    24.The child is playing in the park.

    25.I visit him once a week.

    Exercise 9. Turn the following sentences into the interrogative. Pay attention to the

    change ofsomeand its compounds:

    1. John was conscious that someone was there.2. He lent his book to someone.

    3. Somebody told him that there was to be a race.

    4. Bertram met someone who told him something about the meeting.

    5. I want some more coffee, please.6.

    The doctor said that you must take some rest.

    7. There is something I can do about it.

    8. There was someone at home when he called.9. I have dropped my pencil somewhere on the floor.

    10.He will go to the hospital with someone.

    11.My friend used to lend me some of his best novels.

    Exercise 10.Fill in the spaces with the correct form of have.

    1. How many sides ... a pentagon?

    2. You ... a good journey yesterday?3. You ... children?


    English people always .... roast beef for lunch?

    5. ... you a match on you?

    6. How did you damage your car? ... you an accident?7. What time ... you breakfast?

    Exercise 11.Use question tags to express sarcasm or to make incredulous comments onthe statements below:

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    Exercise 1.Here are ten quotations from The Watchers on the Shoreby Stan Barstow. All

    are imperatives, but none has the function of giving a command. Suggest the function of

    each sentence:1. Excuse me, Miss Pennyman.2. Let me help you with this lot, Albert.

    3. Come on, lets go help ourselves.4. Dont say anything to my mother or anybody, will you?5. Take it easy.

    6. Dont forget to put your clocks back.7. Dont take any notice of your mother, Vic.8. Here, listen to this.9. Give my love to Yorkshire.

    10.Go on with you.

    Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences in two different indirect ways:

    1. Stop talking, she told us.2. I suggested, Let them have a go.3. Stop there, I shouted.4. Do invite Charles, she pleaded.5. Look what youre doing!6. Dont go away, I said to them.7. The users manual says, Oil the spindle frequently.8. Nobody move, he warned.9. You just keep your big mouth shut, he said to me.10.Do as you please!

    Exercise 3.Express these commands more politely. Use more variants:

    1. Pass me the salad! 2. Dont sit there! 3. Ring me up tonight! 4. Drive carefully! 5. Feedthe cat! 6. Sign here! 7. Dont smoke in little Toms room! 8. Show me your passport!


    Exercise 1. Change the following statements into exclamations introduced by what or

    how:1.She looks very well. 2.The book is very interesting. 3.The poem is wonderful.

    4.John is an extraordinary man. 5.She was wearing a lovely green dress at the party.

    6.He played the piano beautifully. 7.It was foolish of my brother to make such a

    mistake. 8.Pete is running very fast. 9.It is easy for you to say such a thing. 10.Ellenis pretty. 11.The party is very well organised. 12. She got good marks.

    Exercise 2. Make up exclamatory sentences of your own according to the followingformulae:

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    1. What + NP + S + V !

    2. How +A/ Adv + S + V !

    3. Here / there + S (= personal pronoun) + V!4. Here / there + V + S (= noun)!

    Exercise 3.Form exclamatory sentences:1. The problem is very difficult. 2. You look healthy after your vacation. 3. Mike is anabsent-minded boy. 4. They had an awful morning. 5. She solves the problems quickly. 6.

    This is a hot day. 7. She is an affectionate mother.

    Exercise 4.From a given affirmative statement, construct possible related interrogative,

    negative, imperative and exclamatory sentences. Make the necessary changes.

    1. You came early. 2 You brought a nice present for your sister. 3. You are a good boy,

    Paul. 4. He solved the problems efficiently. 5. She is smart. 6. They bought a lovelyhouse. 7. Nick came up with an interesting project.

    Exercise 5. Translate into English:1. Ce minunat lucru! 2. Ct de frumos vorbete! 3. Ce furtun! 4. Ce idee strlucit! 5. Cegrele sunt bagajele! 6. Numai dac ar fi posibil! 7. n nici un caz s nu accepi!


    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinific iEnciclopedic.

    2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti: Teora.3. Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.

    Bucureti: Teora.4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti: Ed.


    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of English Syntax.

    The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.6. Paidos, C. 2001.English Grammar. Theory and Practice. Iai: Polirom.7. Vince, M. 2002.Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan.

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    UNITATEA 2. The Subject

    Obiective:Studenii vor fi capabili:1. S identifice tipurile de subiect.

    2. S foloseasc corect subiectele it i there.

    Timp de studiu: 4 ore.

    Exercise 1.Point out the subject in the following sentences and state by what part ofspeech it is expressed:

    1. Old Gordon and Oliver were close friends and neighbours.

    2. The brandy and soda was cool and comforting.

    3. The brandy and the soda have not cooled as yet; they are still in the fridge.4. The two walked in silence.

    5. One of the clerks entered with a sheaf of documents.

    6. It was bitterly cold; the wind cut like a knife.

    7. One should do ones duty.8. On the shore there was a group of fishermen.


    The stronger among the girls ran about and engaged in active games.

    10.Neither she nor any of her family had ever been to visit me.11.It was time for him to be off.

    12.Perhaps its no use my mentioning it at present.

    13.There followed a list of things to ask.14.My answering in the affirmative gave him great satisfaction.

    15.He isnt likely to come.

    16.To talk of those merry school-days makes me young again.

    17.Playing ball and talking about cars are his chief interests.18.There are no matches left in the box.

    19.Whoever did that will be punished.

    Exercise 2.Identify the constituent which realizes the subject function in each of the

    following sentences:

    1. The light of a torch flickered.2. It is sometimes argued that there is no real progress.

    3. The wind coming down from the snowfields above woke us every night as we

    lay in our tent.4. There were about half a dozen men seated in the bar.

    5. It was my great good fortune to meet him before he died.

    6. There is no way of knowing what goes on in their minds.


    Somebody close the door!8. You dont say it!

    Exercise 3.Analyse the subjects in the following text and translate it into Romanian:1. Wasnt it late? she asked. They hadnt come home yet. He flicked his watch

    carelessly open. But it was only just past seven. He held his watch open for a

    moment, deciding that he would tell her what he had felt on the terrace. To beginwith, it was not reasonable to be so nervous. Andrew could look after himself. Then,

    he wanted to tell her that when he was walking on the terrace just now here he

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    16.It is important that our delegates should have been discussing all matters


    Exercise 7.Change the sentences including aning form into equivalent sentences by

    using it in subject position. Analyze the role of it and the type of subject it

    represents:1. Going to bed is highly advisable.


    Meeting the same people so often isnt amusing.

    3. Finding synonyms for these words was easy.4. Learning new things is always interesting.

    5. Smoking so many cigarettes a day is not good for your health.

    6. Arguing is advisable if you are convinced of the correctness of your point of

    view.7. Calling a meeting tomorrow is not a bad idea.

    Exercise 8.Extrapose the subject in the following clauses:

    1. That Pam is seeking divorce surprised us.2. To leave without saying goodbye was bad manners, really.


    Who she goes out with doesnt interest me.

    4. To swim in a cold lake is not my idea of fun.5. That recognizing syntactic categories at first sight is not easy is obvious.

    Exercise 9. State the nature of the itsubjects below:1. I dont much like the heat. Oh, I do. I find it stimulating.

    2. It was but natural that she should be angry.

    3. It was yesterday that they came.

    4. At nine oclock the next day I went out. It was cold and rainy. At the firstcorner, I came upon a man who seemed strangely familiar. It was uncle

    Caesar, an old negro who wore the most remarkable coat that I had ever see. It

    was long and had been grey. But rain and sun had changed it that it wasimpossible to name the colour. (O. Henry)

    Exercise 10. Translate into Romanian:

    1. There comes John! There he comes! 2. Theres the bell ringing. 3. There he goesgrumbling again. 4. Post this letter for me, there is a good boy! 5. There soon

    appeared, pausing in the doorway a grey-haired man. 6. Once upon a time, in a very

    small country town... there lived a little man named Nathaniel Pipkins.

    Exercise 11. Point out the difference in form and meaning between a and b.

    1. a. There is a man in the garden.

    1. b. Who else is there to help? There is the man in the garden.2. a. There was an accident caused by the truck drivers carelessness.

    2. b. There is the accident.

    3. a. There was an old photo, two pencils and a rubber in the bag.3.b. What is there in the bag? Theres the old photo, the pencils and the


    Exercise 12. Paraphrase the following sentences using introductory there:

    MODEL: Something must be wrong. - There must be something wrong.

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    1. Someone to see you is outside.

    2. Nothing is funnier than a kitten with a string.

    3. A building was torn down on main street.4. Is anything bothering you?

    5. Some stores are staying open all night, arent there?

    6. Five men have been working on the project.7. A greater dramatist has never existed.


    Does anyone not understand?

    9. I could do nothing.

    Exercise 13. Fill in the blancks with it or there. Mention the roles of it and there.

    1. ....... is three miles to the station. 2. ......... is a long time since I gave up smoking. 3.

    ..... is time to finish the cleaning before we go. 4. ....... is no place like home. 5. Donteat that, ...... is a poisonous mushroom; .... are many of them in these parts. 6. ..... is a

    shame that even today ...... are so many unkempt gardens around. 7. ...... is something

    fishy going on there and ....... is your job to find out what. 8. ...... was a long time

    before I got an answer. Then, one day a letter arrived well, ...... was not really aletter, for ...... was only one sentence on the paper. 9. ..... was a hotel in the village so

    we decided to stay there. ..... was a charming village and I was very happy there, but

    my children were bored because ..... was nothing to do in the evenings.

    Exercise 14. Apply the following statements to new subjects (either in the affirmative

    or in the negative).MODEL: He must go.So must the others.

    I have not read the book.Nor/neither have we.

    1. You can come whenever you like.

    2. I like poems by Dylan Thomas.3. She hasnt finished her work yet.

    4. You shouldnt smoke so much.


    She didnt meet him yesterday.6. I dont want to interfere.

    7. Nick wrote me a letter.

    8. She prefers to go by plane.

    9. He doesnt like Janes attitude.

    Exercise 15. Disambiguate the following sentences:

    1. Visiting relatives can be boring. 2. Flying planes can be dangerous. 3. Washingmachines will be unnecessary in the future. 4. The lamb was too hot to eat. 5. The

    shooting of the hunters surprised the people. 6. What bothered Henry was being

    investigated by the police.

    Exercise 16. Analyse the subjects in the sentences below in terms of thematic roles:

    1. John opened the door. 2. Chicago is windy. 3. Windows break easily. 4. Paper tears

    instantly. 5. Flowers sell quickly. 6. The door was opened by the janitor. 7. The stonemoved. 8. The bed has not been slept in for several nights.

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    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinifici Enciclopedic.

    2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti:

    Teora.3. Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.

    Bucureti: Teora.

    4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:Ed. Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of English

    Syntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

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    3. There were six of us. He is the greatest man that ever was. For there to be life

    there must be air and water. Dont be long. Let them be. He is off to London. I

    have been to see my uncle. Have you ever been to Scotland? Has the postmanbeen?

    TO HAVE1. Have you done it? I shall have done it by next week. You ought to have done.

    Had I known I should not have worried.

    2. How many days has June? Has the house got a good garden? Has she blueeyes or brown eyes? He hasnt got a good memory for poetry. What kind of

    holiday have you in mind? I wont have such conduct. I wont have you say

    such things about an innocent man. Did she have the opportunity of practising

    her English?3. Do you often have to go to the dentists? Have you got to go to the dentists

    today? The children dont have to go to school in the afternoon, do they? You

    havent got to go to school today, have you? Did you have to leave early?

    These shoes will have to be repaired. Do you have much time for reading?Have you got time to come with me to my tailors?


    Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? What shall we have for dinner? Let

    me have a try. We didnt have much difficulty. Did you have a good holiday?Youd better have your bad tooth taken out.

    TO DO1. He did not go. Thats exactly what he did say. Does he agree to it? So hard

    did they work that they forgot all about their rest. Not only did they promise

    to help but personally came down to see about the matter. Do tell me what

    happened.2. She plays the piano better than she did. He lives in Bucharest, doesnt he? She

    doesnt speak French; nor does her sister. Who broke the window? I did.


    What are you doing now? What shall I do next? I will do what I can. Whatsdone cannot be undone. Its easier said than done. Well begun is half d one.

    When in Rome do as the Romans do. You would do well to take the doctors

    advice. She is doing her homework now. I have a lot of correspondence; I

    shall do my best to finish it by noon. Do your duty!

    Exercise 4. Analyse the nominal predicates in the following sentences:

    1. The day was overcast and utterly still.2. They are our best experts in the field.

    3. It is simply out of the question.

    4. Outside it was getting dark.


    Days are getting shorter already.6. Trees have turned yellow.

    7. It was growing dark and foggy and beginning to rain too.

    8. He seems terribly upset.9. He did not seem in the least tired.

    10.The night had seemed strangely silent.

    11.This cloth feels soft and smooth like a velvet.12.Dont you feel tired of so much talking?

    13.Whatever she cooks always smells tasty and appetizing.

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    UNITATEA 4. The Subject Verb Concord

    Obiective:Studenii vor fi capabili s:1. S identifice tipurile de acord.

    2. S foloseasc corect verbele n cazul subiectelor exprimate prin

    substantive nenumrabile.

    Timp de studiu : 4 ore.

    Exercise 1. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets, paying attention to the

    agreement between the subject (expressed by pronouns) and the predicate:

    1. Nobody in my family (have) ever dreamt of such a thing.

    2. Everyone in the office (like) her.3. (Do) either of you know anything about him?

    4. None of them (like) fried chicken.

    5. (Be) anyone interested in this?

    6. Neither of the stores (be) open on Saturday afternoon.7. Nobody in the group (know) about this.


    Every one of the drivers (check) the brakes before starting the race.

    9. Each of the students (try) to give a good answer.10.(Do) either of you meet him at the station?

    11.Each of them (type) forty words a minute.

    Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form by observing the agreement

    between the subject and the predicate:

    1. Phonetics (be) very important when learning a foreign language.

    2. The local police (have) helped the firemen to put out the fire.3. (Be) mathematics your favorite subject?

    4. Fortunately, all the crew (be) saved.


    The poultry (be) fed three times a day.6. The Romanian army (have) fought for the countrys independence.

    7. The U.S.A. (have) Washington as the capital.

    8. The Sketches by J. K. Jerome (be) on sale in any bookshop.

    9. The Times (not publish) the strip cartoons that are common in many otherpapers.

    10.Nearly all the class (be) given good marks.

    11.Our new committee (consist) of several members.12.Five dollars (be) too much to pay for a used book.

    13.Three weeks (be) no time at all when you spend your vacation in such

    pleasant surroundings.


    The class of 1973 (request) your presence at a reception to be given Thursday,June 3, at eight oclock.

    Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:1. A knowledge of rules (help) you use English correctly.

    2. A bunch of fresh flowers (be) on his desk.

    3. The kind of western movies that I see these days (bore) me.4. Bread and butter (be) usually served for breakfast.

    5. The writer and the editor-in-chief (have) just entered the room.

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    4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:

    Ed. Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of EnglishSyntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

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    UNITATEA 5. Passive Constructions

    Obiective:Studenii vor fi capabili s:1. S recunoasc clasele de verbe ce pot fi trecute la diateza pasiv.2. S transforme o propoziie de la diateza activ la diateza pasiv.

    Timp de studiu : 4 ore.

    Exercise 1.Consider the following quotations from South Wind by Norman Douglasand decide why and with what effect the writer chose to use passive verb forms:

    1. He took out his watch. Two more hours of discomfort to be gone through!

    2. A few words of civility.... had lead to an exchange of cards a continentalcustom Mr. Head always resented. It could not easily be avoided in thepresent case.

    3. Under the fierce attraction of the sun, the fogs were drawn upwards.

    4. Mr. Head was intercepted on his way to the hotelby the genial priest.

    5. Poor folks! They ought to be sent home. They dont belong here.

    Exercise 2. Where possible, give a passive form to all verbs in the following

    sentences, noting any change in emphasis and meaning. Indicate also the effect ofretaining or dropping the active subject in the passive form:

    1. I ate my breakfast. 2. They serve breakfast from seven until ten thirty. 3. Peter said

    that Alan had paid the bill. 4. He was looking for somewhere to stay. 5. We requestthe public to cooperate. 6. Handel composed the music for The Messiah. 7. The

    computer has come up with some strange information. 8. She left John all her money.

    9. We had a stroke of bad luck last week. 10. The British drink too much alcohol.

    Exercise 3. Change the following sentences into the passive voice:

    1. They will lose sight of the ship in a few minutes.


    She is washing the dress.3. My colleague spoke to me on my way to school; he wanted to know the truth.

    4. They asked me many questions.

    5. Mother made them work very hard.

    6. My brother is going to fix the washing machine.7. I havent found your book yet.8. They showed us the house.

    9. They blamed my sister for the failure.10.His relatives deprived him of his fortune.

    11.They offered her a nice present.

    12.She will give us the answer tonight.


    He promised me a better equipment.14.Someone has robbed me!

    15.Dont worry! People will soon forget it.16.You must finish the article by five oclock.17.The jury awarded the Pulitzer Prize to my friend.

    18.What should one do in such conditions?

    19.They evicted the family for not paying the rent.20.Nobody can do it.

    21.All the employees congratulated him on his great success.

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    22.They say that dogs are very intelligent.

    23.People expect that he will win the competition.

    Exercise 4.Rewrite the sentences into the passive:

    1. His friends believe him to be a hero.

    2. Didnt they promise you a rise last year, too?3. Someone left me a legacy.


    They have turned on the lights.

    5. Buses take them home in the evening.6. People speak English in many different parts of the world.

    7. They brought us the list.

    8. The neighbours took great care of her little son.

    9. Who discovered the phenomenon?10.I will meet you at the station.

    11.Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before.

    12.I had already sent the letter when you phoned me.

    13.She had cooked the dinner by seven oclock.14.The doctor will have examined the children by noon.


    They are cleaning the house.

    16.She was teaching them a new rule.17.They didnt agree upon the problem.18.The scientific team talked about the matter very much, but they didnt arrived

    at any conclusion.19.She gave me an interesting novel.

    20.They envied my luck.

    21.The project has not been carried out.

    22.They charged him with a difficult mission.23.I helped him with a painting.

    24.The critics consider that his last novel is the best.

    Exercise 5.Change the following sentences into the passive voice:

    1. They objected to my suggestions.

    2. They always listen to this radio program.

    3. He insisted upon the problem.4. John sent for the doctor.

    5. We often refer to his works.

    6. Everybody will laugh if you wear that funny dress.7. I will deal with this matter at once.

    8. They didnt think of a crisis.9. We will come to these aspects soon.


    We looked after Mary.

    Exercise 6.Change these sentences from the passive into the active voice:

    1. The children were left at home. 2. I was invited to the party. 3. You will be toldeverything about the negotiations. 4. By whom has the parcel been brought? 5. The

    doctor will be called for. 6. The text was being typed. 7. You have been waited for

    since ten oclock. 8. He was not expected to behave like that. 9. We were shownsome famous monuments. 10. The will was lost track of for a long time until it was

    accidentally discovered by the old servant.

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    Exercise 7.Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as

    possible to the sentence before it:1. The car completely destroyed my motorbike.

    My motorbike ...................

    2. The teacher refused his permission to take the test later.He ...............


    Nobody ever let me study the guitar when I was a child.

    I ..................4. It is often said that John never wrote such articles.

    John ................

    5. There were once thought to be aliens on Mars.

    It ..................6. From what we understand, there was an attack last night in the outskirts of the


    There is ...............

    7. Its a widespread assumption that George was wrongly accused.George ..................


    You have to clean these rooms by noon.

    These rooms are ...................9. Under no circumstances should you cross this line.

    This line is ....................

    10.The first prize was awarded to a young poet.A young poet .............

    11.She vaguely remembers that she was knocked by a car.

    She has vague memories of ...............

    12.Its never very nice when people stare at you.Being .............

    13.I really wish I hadnt been forced to do that horrible thing.I really regret ...............

    14.He didnt remeber that he had been asked to invite her to the party.He had no recollection of .....................

    15.Because I was told it was cheaper, I naturally bought that TV set.

    Having ................

    Exercise 8.Decide in each sentence whether only one or both verbs underlined are

    suitable:1. My brother was/gotkilled in the World War II.

    2. I had/gotmy homework done although I was so tired.

    3. I must have/getthese shoes repaired.


    I was/gotleft behind when the mini-taxi drove off.5. Paul was/got injured after he had been playing for only ten minutes.

    6. They had/gottheir house painted in blue last year as usual.

    Exercise 9.Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the


    1. People think that neither side wanted war.Neither side .............

    2. Everybody knows that eating fruit is good for health.

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    Eating fruit ...............

    3. People thought the statue had been destroyed.

    The statue ..............4. People say that the late Mr. Johnson was difficult to work with.

    The late Mr. Johnson .................

    5. People think the expensive watch was stolen by his own son.His own son ...................


    It is believed that the Chinese invented the gunpowder.

    The Chinese ....................7. Apparently the warehouse did not sustain any damage.

    The warehouse .................

    8. There is a rumour that the escaped prisoner is living abroad now.

    The escaped prisoner ....................

    Exercise 10.Translate into English using the Passive Voice:

    1. Aceast emisiune nu a fost nc transmis.2. Acum se construiete o nou coal pe acest teren. 3. Mi s-a artat o nou cale de a rezolva problema.4.

    Acest roman se vinde foarte bine.

    5. S-a trimis dup un specialist.6. Toate porelanurile s-au spart cnd ne-am mutat.7. De cine vor fi ngrijii copiii?8. Ni s-a promis un nou calculator.9. A fost rnit n lupt.10.Barca n-a mai fost zrit din pricina ceii groase.11.Bluza se spal foarte uor.12.Lumina fusese deja aprins.13.Aceste probleme vor fi tratate mai trziu n capitolele urmtoare.14.Nimeni n-a dormit n aceast camer n ultimul timp.15.

    I s-au dat multe bijuterii.16.S-a ajuns la un compromis.

    17.Fusesem sftuii s ne reconsiderm poziia.18.Se crede c morcovii mbuntesc vederea.19.Fiind pltit lunar cu o sum mic nu mi-am putut achita datoriile.20.i amintea c fusese luatde acolo cnd era mic.21.Era considerat a fi principalul responsabil de tot ce se ntmplase.

    22.Fiind nepat de albine, nu pot suferi aceste insecte.

    Exercise 11.Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate:

    1. A lot of houses in the area have been being broken into by burglars.


    As I drove south, I could see that the highway was rebuilding.3. I suppose the letter will have been delivered by now.

    4. There is nothing more annoying than been interrupted when you are speaking.

    5. Jim was been given a prize for his activity.6. Somehow without my noticing my wallet had been disappeared.

    7. I am been questioned by the investigators.

    8. The new clinic was opened yesterday.9. A lot of meetings have been held, but nothing has being decided yet.

    10.Last week it is decided not to have a shareholders meeting after all.

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    Exercise 12.Rewrite each sentence so that it does not contain the words underlined

    and so that it contains a passive form:1. Someone left the phone off the hook all night.

    2. The government has announced that the prices will rise again.

    3. A burglarbroke into our house last week.4. Peopleasked me about his life many times.


    Its time the police did something about the crime in the area.6. The politicians change the law.7. Theyhave to fill in an application form.

    Exercise 13. Put each verb in brackets into the Passive in an appropiate tense:

    1. The luggage ................... (not pack) yet.2. Your lunch ....................... still (prepare).

    3. The new ship ...................... (launch) next week.

    4. We had to go on holiday because our house .................... (decorate).

    5. The flight ..................... (cancel).6. Hurry up! All the tickets ............... (sell) by the time we get to the theatre.


    All main courses ................ (serve) with vegetables or salad.

    8. The letter ................. (write) yesterday.9. The cathedral ................ (build) in the sixteenth century.

    Exercise 14.Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning staysthe same:

    1. A friend lent John the car he drove in the race.

    The car John drove in the race ................... .

    2. At the time my aunt was looking after the children for us.At the time our children ............... .

    3. The police have issued a description of the wanted man.

    A description ................. .4. My lawyer told me not to say anything at this time.

    I have .................... .

    5. There is no definite decision yet about the new project.

    Nothing ..................... .6. Nobody had told me the truth.

    I ...................... .

    7. It was a mistake to elect Mr. Brad.Mr. Brad should not ................. .

    Exercise 15.Rewrite each sentence in a more formal style so that it contains a passiveform of the word given in capitals:

    1. The inspector is grilling my brother down at the station. QUESTION

    ...................................................................................2. The archeologists found the remains of an old Roman villa. DISCOVER


    3. They stopped playing the match after half an hour. ABANDON...................................................................................

    4. I dont know your name. INTRODUCE

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    5. People usually eat this kind of fish with rice. SERVE

    ...................................................................................6. They took James to court for crime. PROSECUTE


    7. Weve lost your application. MISLAY...................................................................................

    BIBLIOGRAFIE:1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinific

    i Enciclopedic.2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti:

    Teora.3. Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.

    Bucureti: Teora.4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:

    Ed. Lucman.5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of English

    Syntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

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    UNITATEA 6. Adverbial Modifiers

    Obiective:Studenii vor fi capabili s:1. S identifice tipurile de complemente circumstaniale.2. S identifice prile de vorbire prin care sunt exprimate complementelecircumstaniale.3. S aeze complementele circumstaniale n ordinea corect n propoziie.

    Timp de studiu : 4 ore.

    Exercise 1. Point out the Adverbial Modifiers of Place in the following sentences;state by what they are expressed:

    1. Everywhere grew clumps of palms and magnolia trees.2. About a quarter of a mile off, in a quite substantial looking street stood an old

    redbrick house with three steps before the door. (Ch. Dickens)3. Down jumped the driver and out got Mr. Peggotty. (Ch. Dickens)4.

    Amid the green pastures lie fields yellow with golden green. (Ch. Mansfield)5. From behind the sand hills came the whisper of the sea. (D. H. Lawrence)6. Near at hand, on a shelf, were his books. (Norris)7. In front of the window was a plot of grass with old lilacs round it.8. He drew from his pocket a scrap of what I took to be a very dirty letter. (E. A.

    Poe)9. I have walked a long way.10.She had wandered about the woods by the rivers brink all day.11.She had been walking a very great distance.12.High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince.

    (O. Wilde)

    Exercise 2. Insert where necessary the required prepositions making PrepositionalModifiers of Place:

    1. The Danube rises ................ the Black Forrest and flows ............... the BlackSea.

    2. Step ......... this ladder but be careful you dont fall ........ it.3. Look out! Theres a car racing ............ you!4. When I go ........ the office, I go ......... Victory Road. I pass the museum .......

    my way. I stop ........ the traffic lights. When the lights turn green, I go ........the road, ........... a gate and into the Cimigiu Gardens.

    5. We were having tea ............ the fire place.6.

    The top of the mountain is 2,000 feet ......... the sea level.7. The wreck was lying on the bottom, 100 feet ........ the surface of the sea.8. She took her handkerchief ......... her pocket.9. He threw the cigarette .......... the window.10.Before geting ......... the station the train passed ......... the tunnel.11.The little girl was sitting ......... me and her mother.12.Their house is placed ........... the town.

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    Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the(Prepositional) Adverbial Modifiers of Place:

    1. Femeia s-a aruncat la picioarele lui i l-a implorat s n-o trimit n oraul deunde venise.

    2. Au luat-o pe crarea cu pietri, strjuit de plopi tremurtori care ducea sprelocul unde se ridica mnstirea.

    3. Doreau s ajung n vrf de unde aveau imaginea panoramic a ntregii vi.4.

    Peste tot ntlneau oameni generoi.5. Te voi atepta n locul obinuit.6. Planta ar crete mai repede dac ai pune-o ntr-un loc mai luminos.7. Niciodat n-am mai fost n asemenea locuri minunate.8. Peste tot se puteau vedea fotografii de familie.9. Unde ai fost n tot acest timp?10.n zona aceasta pdurile se ntind pe zeci de kilometri.11.i-a scos cheia din buzunar i a bgat-o n broasc.12.Aceti muni se ridic la 2500 de metri deasupra nivelului mrii.13.Cutremurul a ngropat sute de oameni sub drmturi.14.Rnitul se tr pn la marginea drumului unde se ntinse sub nite tufe. 15.

    Pmntul se nvrtete n jurul soarelui.16.Treci pe lng pot n drum spre coal?17.Unde duce poteca de acolo? Dac mergem pe poteca aceea peste dealuri,

    ctigm timp.18.Este mai bine s urmm cursul prului; curge prin satul spre care ne

    ndreptm.19.Nu v jucai lng lac; s-ar putea s cdei n ap.20.La munte am mers cu telefericul i astfel am putut admira vasta panoram

    care se ntindea sub noi.21.Primul lucrupe care vreau s-l fac e s dau o rait prin ora.22.Bunica uit totdeauna unde-i pune ochelarii i de fiecare dat cnd are nevoie

    de ei i caut prin toat casa.

    Exercise 4. Point out the Adverbial Modifiers of Time in the following sentences;state by what they are expressed:

    1. Towards the evening of the following day a letter arrived addressed to herself.(Coppard)

    2. At parting, my aunt gave me some good advice.3. My dear girl was to arrive at five oclock in the afternoon. (Dickens)4. They say, said Mary Jane, we havent had snow like it for thirty years...

    (J. K. Jerome)5. Thus they had often finished their breakfast and were out in the summer air by

    seven oclock.6. I woke and looked at my watch; it was five oclock. I had been asleep for

    hours.7. Youll haveforgotten me by then.8. What have you been doing during my absence?9. In the afternoon he would go out alone and walk for hours.10.I paused outside the parlour door, on hearing my mothers voice. (Dickens)11.My mother, after vainly trying to restrain herself, began to cry. (Dickens)12.Having taken the key from the lock, she led the way upstairs.

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    13.Coming near, I found the door slightly ajar.14.The dinner being at length quite ready, he dished and served it up.15.The conference over, he returned to the office.16.The atticcs was Maggies retrat on a wet day. (G. Eliot)17.Not one minute all that night did Ellen sleep.

    Exercise 5.Write the following sentences with the Adverbial Phrases of Time in thecorrect order:

    1. I have heard the accident happened (at about seven oclock, on a Mondayevening).

    2. I was born (in the afternoon, on November 16th1938, at two oclock).3. We arrived at the seaside (in July, at four oclock, one Saturday, in the

    afternoon).4. When the tourists went out of their tent they saw that the mountain was

    covered with snow (in the morning, early).5. The great fire of London broke out (in 1666, one night in September).6. The news was broadcast (last Saturday at half past two).7. We shall come here (in future, every morning, at nine).8.

    They went away (on Sunday, for a week).

    Exercise 6.Change the Adverbial Clause of Time to an Adverbial Modifier of Time:1. While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.2. Before I left from work I ate breakfast.3. When the child was told to go to bed he started to cry.4. Since Mary came to this town, she has made many friends.5. When young children are left alone, they can get themselves into all sort of

    troubles very quickly.6. After he had finished his homework, he went to bed.7. When an American woman meet someone for the first time, she may or may

    not offer her hand.8. After she saw a documentary film on the way of life of a primitive tribe in the

    Philippines, Kristen decided to become an anthropologist.9. After I read the chapter four times I understood the authors theory.

    Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English using adverbs of indefinitetime and frequency:

    1. Ei vin ntotdeauna la timp.2. Profesorul nostru de englez nu ne vorbete niciodat n limba romn.3. Nu voi uita niciodat ziua aceea.4. Cteodat nu tiu ce e bine i cee ru.5.

    L-am ntrebat deseori despre asta.6. V putei adresa totdeauna lui Tom cnd avei nevoie de ajutor.7. ntotdeauna ne vom aminti cu plcere acele zile vesele.8. Nu trebuie s mai faci asta niciodat.9. ntotdeauna lucrezi att de mult?10.l ntlneam uneori la bibliotec.11.Ai fost vreodat la Paris?

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    Exercise 8. Insert where necessary the required prepositions, making PrepositionalAdverbial Modifiers of Time:

    1. My children need to sleep .......... the afternoon.2. Her friend is coming ............. Friday.3. The teacher said that we would make our first trip ........ May.4. You want to go skiing .......... summer and swimming ........ winter.5. The school year begins ......... September 15th.6.

    The baby cried several times ........... the night.7. Why cannot you sleep ........ night?8. Many families lost their houses ....... the storm.9. I think I can solve the problem .......... ten minutes.10.I shall have finished fixing the car ....... next Sunday.11.She will come back ........ three monthss time. 12....... reaching the resort, I checked in the best hotel.13.Where are you going ...... New Years Eve?14.The agency is open ..... the morning ...... 9.00 ..... 11.15.He started teaching English in 1980. It is now 2004. He has been teaching

    English ........ 24 years.16.

    Our friends stayed with us ..... a month.17.Lets go for a swim tomorrow. Can you be ready ...... 8.00? Im afraid I

    cant. I have lessons ...... lunch time. In fact, I will not finish ...... half passedtwelve.

    18.The projector broke down twice ........ the showing of the film.19.My friend has been in England ........ 2002.

    Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to thePrepositional Adverbs of Time:

    1. Expediia plec n zorii zilei.2. n clipa aceea apru n u un brbat de vrst mijlocie.3.

    n vacana de iarn s-au prezentat piese pentru copii la toate teatrele din ora.4. Serbarea va fi organizat de Crciun.5. Nu mai vizitasem oraul meu natal de foarte mult vreme i eram hotrt s-

    mi petrec vacana acolo. M-am hotrt n prima zi s-mi vizitez toi colegii decoal.

    6. n fiecare diminea se plimb n aer liber o or.7. Dac ai s vii pe la ora cinci, ai s o gseti acas.8. N-am fost acolo de mult timp.9. Mi-a scris c se afl la Bucureti de dou sptmni i c va rmne acolo

    cteva zile.10.Te rog s termini lucrarea nainte de sfritul sptmnii.11.

    E neaprat necesar s gndeti nainte de a face un lucru.12.A izbutit s predea lucrarea la termen.13.Un nou sediu de banc va fi construit aici peste cteva luni.14.Va trebui s-i refac planul lucrrii pn lunea viitoare.15.Pn la sfritul sptmnii va fi adunat toate datele necesare.

    Exercise 10. Answer the following pairs of questions using since or for whichintroduce Adverbial Phrases of Time:

    1. a. Do you happen to know Tom?

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    b. How long have you known him?2. a. Do you often read English books?

    b. How long is it since you last read an English book?3. a. Is the new plan in operation now?

    b. Since when has it been in operation?4. a. Is her brother a student?

    b. How long has he been a student?5.

    a. Does he smoke?b. Since when has he been smoking?

    6. a. Is he still trying to learn English?b. How long has he been trying to learn English?

    7. a. Are they still waiting?b. Since when have they been waiting?

    Exercise 11.Translate the following sentences into English:1. Abia acum o lun am aflat c s-a mritat.2. nc din anul 55 .C. Iulius Cezar a debarcat cu trupele sale pe rmurile

    Angliei. Dar adevrata cucerire a Angliei a devenit un fapt abia n anul 43d.C.

    3. n 1440, Guttenberg inventase deja tiparul.4. El tia s citeasc nainte de a merge la coal.5. Enescu a nceput s cnte de mic copil. Era nc un copil cnd a aprut prima

    dat ntr-un concert public.6. El a nceput s nvee engleza abia anul trecut.7. Plecase nainte de a ajunge eu acolo i n-am putut vorbi cu el dect mult mai


    Exercise 12.Point out the adverbial modifiers of manner in the following sentences;state by what they are expressed:


    He looked up in surprise.2. The walls were whitewashed as white as milk. (Ch. Dickens)3. She walked on and reached a station, hot and cross. (J. Galsworthy)4. There was a wind like ice.5. Bosinney and June entered the theatre in silence. (J. Galsworthy)6. How did you get out without his seeing you?7. They were to go on Sunday morning by the seven oclock train.8. I did as requested.9. I saw her looking at him anxiously.10.Manson walked quickly down the platform, searching eagerly for some sign

    of welcome. (A. Cronin)11.

    Soames stood in the dinning room window gazing gloomily into the square.(J. Galsworthy)

    12.The man spoke with a quiet earnestness.13.I looked in astonishment towards the old man.14.Nothing can be more lovely than this late autumn day.15.He was silent as though to fit in with her mood.16.By this time it was getting dark and snowing pretty heavy.17.Thus ended Peggottys narration. (Dickens)

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    18.Like all other Forsytes of a certain age they kept carriages of their own, andnever took cabs by any means if they could avoid it. (J. Galsworthy)

    19.She hastily dried her eyes to see what was coming. (L. Carroll)20.Annixter bore the case into the sitting room of the house and, hammer in

    hand, attacked vigorously. (Norris)21.Mr. Pullet, by an unaccountable lapse of memory, had forgotten it and

    hastened out, with a stricken conscience, to remedy the omission. (G. Eliot)22.

    Screaming, cursing, and praying, laughing, singing, and moaning, they rushpast side by side. (J. K. Jerome)

    Exercise 13. Change the following sentences by using Adverbial Modifiers ofManner instead of adjectives:

    1. Peter is a slow worker. 2. Jane is agood dancer. 3. He is a badactor. 4. Ourteacher is afluent English speaker. 5. Mary is a hard worker. 6. Nick is afastrunner. 7. He is an optimisticspeaker. 8. Ann is a carefultypist. 9. Father is acarelessdriver. 10. Paul is an attentivelistener.

    Exercise 14.Rewrite the following sentences substituting -lyadverbials of manner forthe underlined phrases:1. He smiles a contemptuoussmile. 2. I pick my staff in a careful manner. 3. Oh,John, she said in ahoarsevoice. 4. He bade us farewellin a cold voice.5. She criedwith bitter tears. 6. He came up to me at a slow pace.7. He spoke about the trip in anexcited voice.8. They defended their friend in convincing words.9. She stared at mewith a fixed look.10. The Indians lived a simple life, hunting and fishing.

    Exercise 15.Replace the underlined words by a single adverb of equivalent meaningmaking any necessary changes in word order:1. The effect of the chemical substance was to change the colour of the tissue little bylittle.2. The little village had change in a fundamental way since I was there last. 3.The two friends are by disposition and character quite fit for their risky job. 4. Ithought he was right inpart. 5. He looked without interest at the landscape around,thinking only of his mission there. 6. The old man considered it with much calm. 7.Dont you feel for me, Lord Warburton? Oh, yes, oh, very much, said thegentleman addressed as Lord Warburton, without delay.(H. James)8. The resolutionwas carried with the agreement of all. 9. Men are now able to produce more and moreraw materials by artificial means. 10. An avid reader, he reads all books withoutregard to differences in quality or theme. 11. The patient was, through an oversight,given the wrong prescription. 12. Having no mind of his one, the critic adopted withcomplete lack of originality the opinion of others. 13. This course of action could, itmay be imagined, lead to ruin.

    Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences, rendering the underlined words intoequivalent English Adverbials of Manner:1. El i-a exprimat punctul de vedere n foarte puine cuvinte. 2. Ei au ntreprinslucrarea de bun voie. 3. Acest pictor a adoptat stilul lui Picasso cu o complet lipsde originalitate. 4. Bumbacul, ce era cules cu mna, e acum cules cu ajutorul mainii.5. Acest elev a ctigat premiul cinci ani la rnd.

    Exercise 17.Insert the given Adverbials of Manner in the correct places:

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    1. His education has been neglected. (sadly) 2. He put it in English. (well) 3. It wasput in English. (well) 4. He misled us. (deliberately) 5. He spoke. (slowly anddeliberately) 6. He offered to put me up. (kindly) 7. I was learning to spell.(painstakingly) 8. I wanted to see it. (very badly) 9. She sang the tune. (cheerfully)10. She offered her apologies. (humbly) 11. He flapped his hands at his sides(limply). 12. Her suggestion was welcomed. (warmly) 13. His work is appreciated byhis colleagues. (highly) 14. This town has been bombed. (severely) 15. These flowerswere thrown away. (carelessly) 16. The room has been cleaned. (thoroughly). 17.This rule must be understood. (clearly) 18. The food was served. (beautifully)

    Exercise 18.Rewrite the following sentences placing the adverbs in brackets in theircorrect place according to the model:MODEL: He dealt with the subject/it. (perseveringly)

    He dealt perseveringly with the subject.He dealt with it perseveringly.

    1. The teachers talked about the new methods of teaching. (endlessly) 2. On Sundaysthey walked about the town. (slowly) 3. She spoke to me. (tenderly) 4. He laughed atus. (kindly) 5. The critics spoke of the play. (highly) 6. Nicholas glanced about him.(quickly) 7. Aided by the wind the fire spread over the whole city. (rapidly) 8. Thechildren surrounded the teacher and listened to the story. (eagerly)

    Exercise 19. Rewrite the sentences below replacing the adverbial phrase by anadverb:

    1. The audience waited in silencefor the play to begin.2. Do your work with more care.3. Mary passed the exam with ease.4. He earns a good salary and they live in prosperity.5. The winning swimmers returned in triumphwith the silver medal.6. This carpenter does his work with great skill.

    Exercise 20. Change the underlined noun to a verb and use an Adverbial Modifier ofManner:1. He gave an accurate descriptionof the house. 2. She heaved a sadsigh. 3. Marysengagement came as a greatsurpriseto her friends. 4. He gave the rope a violent tug.5. The student received high praisefrom his teachers. 6. She made a quick summaryof the story. 7. There was a sudden change in his behaviour towards me. 8. Helengave the room a thorough cleaning. 9. There was an appreciable dropin temperature.10. The bus had to make a quickstop.

    Exercise 21. Point out the differences between the sentences:1.

    a. The expedition was planned scientifically.b. Scientifically, the expedition was a success.

    2. a. George wrote to Mary foolishly.b. George, foolishly, wrote to her a letter.

    3. a. I spoke to the child simply.b. I simply spoke to the child.

    4. a. That hairdresser cut your hair badly.b. Your hair needs cutting badly.

    5. a. Naturally, he expressed his thanks.

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    2. Wed like to have a ................ large living room in our new flat.3. I think that his latest book is ................ more interesting than the earlier ones.4. She told me that she was ..................... surprised at my behaviour.5. I showed him the essay and he was ............. interested.6. He has a ................... bad cold.7. I know her .................. well.8. When you go to the hospital youll find that Mary is .............. better today.9.

    These are good students. The exercises will be .............. easy for them.10.Can you carry all these parcels? Im afraid they are ............. heavy.11.Im feeling ............... tired.12.Its .............. windy today.


    1. Bdescu, Alice. 1984. Gramatica limbii engleze.Bucureti:Ed. tiinifici Enciclopedic.

    2. Budai, Lszl. 1997. Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii. Bucureti:Teora.


    Chioran, D., Panovf, I., Poenaru, I. 1995.English Grammar. Exercises.Bucureti: Teora.

    4. Gleanu-Frnoag, G. 1996. Sinteze de gramatic englez. Bucureti:Ed. Lucman.

    5. Murar, I., Pisoschi, C., Trantescu, A. M.. 2005. Essentials of EnglishSyntax. The Simple Sentence. Craiova: Ed. Universitaria.

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    UNITATEA 7. Complex Constructions

    Obiective:Studenii vor fi capabili s:1. S identifice i s defineasc construciile complexe.

    2. S reduc propoziiile subordinate la construcii complexe.

    3. S transforme construciile complexe n propoziii subordonate.

    Timp de studiu : 4 ore.

    Exercise 1. Define the following complex constructions:

    1. He is said to be a good teacher.

    2. This course on Linguistics is intended to be suitable for advanced students.

    3. It is important for Dora to behave properly.4. He was surprised at Janes expressing her refusal.

    5. I want you to obey the instructions.

    6. He warned me not to miss the classes.

    7. It is advisable for him to come earlier.8. Do you mind me smoking here?


    He left earlier, the luggage to be sent later.

    10.A strange object was seen flying over the sea.11.I heard them coming.

    12.Your leaving so early surprised me.

    13.I must have this watch repaired.14.A noise was heard coming from that room.

    15.Everything being ready, they left the house.

    16.I want this finished immediately.

    17.She sent the e-mail first, the letter to come later.18.I feel the earth moving; I think its an earthquake.

    19.His work finished, he called me.


    I heard my name called.21.He ordered the cabman to drive on.

    22.I really cannot allow this matter to go any further.

    23.Do you wish me to be at home earlier?

    24.They had believed me to be without any friends save them.25.Old Joly on watching from his corner saw his brothers face change, and the

    brooding worried look deepen on it. (J. Galsworthy)

    26.A figure appeared in the distance before long and I soon knew it to be Emily.(Dickens)

    Exercise 2.Combine the two pairs of sentences so that the second one becomes the

    object of the first one:1. a. Teachers dont want it.

    b. The children wont contradict them.

    2. a. I want it.b. You stop pestering me.

    3. a. The doctor doesnt allow it.

    b. John will not go outdoors to play in the snow.4. a. The rule requires it.

    b. A full stop is added at the end of a sentence.

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    Exercise 7. Change these sentences using the Accusative + Infinitive construction:

    1. They told the truth. 2. She answered immediately. 3. He gave me all the details.

    4. Nelly bought the house. 5. She helped John to paint the room. 6. He lent me

    some money. 7. They explained the problem. 8. The inhabitants left the region.Exercise 8. Replace the underlined words by an Accusative + Infinitive construction:


    Evidence showed that she wasinnocent.

    2. Everybody knew that he wasan excellent actor.3. They declared that he isthe best journalist.

    4. The majority of critics thought that the film wasextraordinary.

    5. They consider that Peter liedin the Court.

    Exercise 9. Rewrite the following sentences using an Accusative + Infinitive

    construction. Make all the necessary changes:

    1. We were forced to leave at once. 2. Paul was obliged to do that. 3. I was

    compelled to give up the whole project. 4. I was seen to enter the house. 5. Alanwas forced to respect the agreement. 6. Peter was heard to leave the room. 7. I

    was obliged to stay there. 8. He is considered to have been a hero.

    Exercise 10. Turn the following sentences into the active voice, making all the

    necessary changes:

    1. She was told to keep silent.2. He was made to work harder.

    3. He will be asked to take all the necessary steps to prevent that.

    4. Mike has often been seen to cross the park.

    5. You will be made to change your mind.6. He was ordered to accept the mission.

    7. He was requested to put an end to his experiments.

    Exercise 11.Pick out the Complex Objects:

    1. We could hear her typing in the next room.

    2. We saw him standing in the threshold of his house.

    3. I saw him walking along the pass.4. She felt tears coming to her eyes at the thought of parting.

    5. She watched her mother preparing the tea-things.

    6. He heard a car approaching from the right-hand side.7. I like people laughing when I tell them jokes.

    8. He still found himself struggling towards some solution of the problem.

    9. He pushed back the table with a movement of anger which sent the account

    sheets fluttering to the ground. (J. Galsworthy)10.She heard her sister entering the hall.

    Exercise 12.Use a Complex Object:1. I heard (they, come) and (turn on) the lights.

    2. I notice (you, write) something.

    3. I saw (she, cross) the street.4. They caught (he, steal).

    5. I see (the children, play) in the garden.

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    unul din ei nu a reuit la examen. 17. N-ai putea termina la timp dect folosind acestprocedeu. 18. Nu mai facei atta zgomot! 19. M tem s nu vin. 20. Nu mai ninge.21. Nici unul nu trebuie s accepte dac nu vrea. 22. Nimeni n-a spus nimic despreasta nimnui. 23. Nu mai vorbesc cu tine dac nu-i ceri scuze. 24. N-am fost nici lafilm nici la teatru. 25. Nu s-a plns niciodat de munca lui i nicinu cred c se vaplnge vreodat. 26. Nimeni nu era acolo i nu se ntmplase nimic deosebit.

    Exercise 3.Add suitable question tags to the following statements:

    1. You found the lost book, ...? 2. You don't think we have lost our way, ...? 3. That isyour book, ...? 4. Those are your books, ...? 5. They will never make it, ...? 6. Nothing

    went wrong, ...? 7. Let's start earlier, ...? 8. Don't stay in the draught, ...? 9.

    Everything went according to our plan, ...? 10. Everybody left early, ...? 11.

    Everything seems to have gone wrong, ...? 12. Nobody liked the idea, ....? 13.Anyone can go in for examination, ...? 14. There is a meeting tonight, ...? 15. She

    hardly ever looks at me nowadays, ...? 16. No one thought of it before, ...? 17. Try

    and get there in time, ...? 18. I'm supposed to be there tonight, ...? 19. Don't worry

    about that, ...? 20. Switch off the television set, please, ...? 21. He used to writepoems, ...? 22. You have to finish before ten, ...?

    Exercise 4.Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the placeof some prepositions in interrogative sentences in formal versus colloquial style:

    a. 1. Ce-ai fcut toat dup-amiaza? 2. N-ai fi vrut s vii i tu cu noi? 3. Avei un foc?4. Cui i-ai dat crile? 5. De unde vii? 6. Oare unde le pot gsi? 7. S le iau sau s nule iau? 8. Hai s facem o plimbare, vrei? 9. "Drag, nu vorbi aa. Te faci de rs.""Zu?" 10. "N-o s-o fac aa cum trebuie." "Crezi?" 11. S-a i terminat lecia? 12.Nu-i aa c am avut dreptate? 13. Cui aparin aceste versuri? 14. Cror studeni le-aexplicat aceste exerciii? 15. Cui mprumutase Jane dicionarul cnd i l -am cerut? 16.Despre cine discut prietenii ti att de aprins? 17. n ce ncurctur ai intrat? 18. Cucine vorbeti ore n ir la telefon? 19. Cu ce tren vei pleca sptmna viitoare? 20.Cu cine te-ai mprietenit n tabr i cui i vei scrie primul? 21. De la cine ai primitscrisoarea mult ateptat? 22. De cine depinde aprobarea acestei cereri? 23. La ce ors-a anunat decolarea avionului? 24. Pe care raft ai pus cartea? 25. Pe care dintrestudeni s-i trimitem la concursul naional de traduceri? 26. Pentru ce fel de oamenite zbai tu s obii aprobarea? 27. Pentru ce a fcut logodnicul tu tot circul sta? 28.Pentru cine ai cumprat jucriile acestea? 29. Din ce beau copiii ap? 30. La ceconcluzie ai ajuns dup ce ai citit romanul mpratul mutelorde William Golding?31. De la cine ai cumprat telefonul? 32. Mergi la coal nu -i aa? 33. Eti att debun s-mi uzi florile ct sunt plecat? 34. N-ai mncat niciodat caviar, nu-i aa?



    "Asta-i tare curios!" zise el scuturnd din cap. "Acas n-a venit?" Vitoria nldin umeri, jignit de ntrebare. "Poate-i la iernat cu oile." "De ce nu mi-a trimisrva? De ce nu a venit nici un fel de tire?" strig cu nduf munteanca. "Eu deunde pot ti?" (M. Sadoveanu)

    2. i venea s se opreasc, s fptuiasc ceva nostim, n desvrit contradicie cusituaia lui social. De pild, s sune la o intrare i s ntrebe dac nu st acolodomnul Oreste P. - care nu st nicieri cci nu exist. La rspunsul negativ s seretrag cu mirare i nedumerire: "Nu-i aici numrul 64?" "Ba da!" "Hm! Atunci,cum se face?" (M. Sadoveanu)

  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu


  • 8/11/2019 Cp Engl An2 Sem1 Trantescu



    16.How did you ............ acquainted?

    17.Many men ....... bald as they grow old.

    18.The child is ......... thinner.19.Fruit quickly ............... rotten in hot weather.

    20.She ............. pale when she heard the bad news.

    21.He always ......... angry when he doesnt find his glasses.22.This man cant see; he ........ blind in a bomb explosion during the war.

    Exercise 8. Use the proper form of the verb in brackets:1. What (be) the news? 2. The police (be) investigating the crime. 3. The team

    (consist) of six members. 4. The crew (be) standing in different parts of the ship. 5.

    Two weeks study for this exam (be) not enough. 6. Each of them (come) here everyday. 7. Everybody (be) here. 8. The red and black blancket (be) washed today. 9.Either they or I (be) going to help you. 10. I as well as my friends (be) ready to start.

    11. Neither of you (be) right. 12. Neither my parents nor my brother (be) at home last

    evening. 13. Larry and I (be) both here. 14. A glas of wine or a cup of coffee (be)

    very enjoyable now. 15. A number of students (be) absent yesterday. 16. A variety ofquestions (be) asked to him. 17. There (be) two black sheep in the field.

    Exercise 9. Translate into English:1. Vetile sunt proaste. 2. Cletele este n sertarul de sus al dulapului. 3. Familia meanu pleac n Fgra acum pentru c aici vremea este nc rece. 4. Guvernul sentrunete mine s discute msurile ce trebuie luate. 5. Echipa de fotbal a uzineijoac cu colegii lor de la Galai. 6. Clasa noastr pregtete un spectacol folcloric. 7.Informaiile lui sunt mai totdeauna greite. 8. Sfaturile prinilor se dovedesc deosebitde valoroase. 9. Grupul de strini care ne-a vizitat de curnd coala ne felicit pentrusuccesele noastre. 10. Marfa a sosit la timp n portul de destinaie. 11. Acusticaacestei sli este excelent. 12. Se pred statistica la colile economice. 13. Gimnasticamenine sntatea omului. 14. Atletismul este un sport larg practicat n ara noastr.15. Coninutul romanului a fost ecranizat. 16. Forma este slab ns coninutul estebun. 17. Sfatul meu este s te duci personal i s-i spui totul. 18. El crede c banii iaparin numai lui. 19. Venitul lui a crescut necontenit n ultimii ani. 20. tirile ausosit acum o or i informaiile pe care le cuprind sunt mbucurtoare. 21. Acestmijloc de cercetare a luat extindere n ultimul timp. 22. Familia noastr este plecat nperioada verii. 23. Comitetul de redactare a hot