Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial

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  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    DCA23136/CC O A HDocketN o.15-1005-22734-2t S T A T E O FM I N NE S O T AOFFICEO FA DM I N I S T R A T I V E H E A R I NG SF O R DE P A R T M E N T O FC O M M E R C E

    In the Matter .of the Debt Collector _ O R D E R D E N Y I N G L I C E N S ERegistrationApplication of Corey J.Cagle A P P L I C A T I O N ,N O T I C E O FA N D O R D E R


    TO : Corey J.Cagle *300Bainbridge CourtMason, OH 45040

    N O T I C E O F H E A R I N GC O R E Y J . C A G L E ( A P P L I C A N T ) IS H E R E B YN O T I F IE DthattheDepartment

    of Commercehas initiatedthisaction toprovide Applicant with the opportunityto showcause .why hisregistrationapplicationas adebtcollector shouldnot bedenied.

    O R D E R F O R H E A R I N GIT IS H E R E B Y O R D E R ED that ahearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. onThursday,

    M ay 17, 2012 at the Office of Administrative Hearings, 600 North Robert Street, St. Paul,Minnesota. The Chief Administrative L aw Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, hasassigned thismatter to Administrative L awJudge Beverly JonesHeydinger,telephone (651)361-7838. A l lmailsentto the Ad ministrative L awJudgeassigned tothismattershould bedirectedto P .O . Box64620,St. P aul, M N551640620.

    The hearing will be co nducted under the contestedcase procedures set out in chapters 14,45 and 332 of Minnesota Statutes (2010) and the Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1400 (2011) of theOffice of Adm inistrative H earings. A copy of these materials may be purchased fromMinnesota s Book Store, telephone (651) 297-3000, or are available atww w. revisor. leg. state,mn us Copies of the rules are also available at www . oak state,mn us.

  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    The Forney handhng this case for the Department is Assistant Attorney generalMiohaeiJ Tostengar^^5remerTower,^Mirmesota^

    2 ^ ^ ) 7 5 7 ^ 3 ^ Mr Tostengard may he contacted to discuss discovery orinformaldispositionofthismatter.

    A L L E G A T I O N SOn Decemhcr 29, 2011,Apphcant submitted an apphcation for registration a^a

    dchtcoll^ctor. Applicanthas nolicensinghistorymtheState o f M ^2. ^uestion^lontheapplicationstates:Haveyou ever been convicted ofacrime,hada^udgmentwithheldor deferred, or haveyou been chargedwithcommittingacrime7^ It is clearlystatedon the application Ifyou answer yes, youmust submita) awrittcnstatementexplainingthe circumstancesofeachincident,b) acertifiedcopy ofthe charging document,c) accrtificdcopyoftheofficialdocument,whichdemonstratesthe resolution ofthe

    charges or any frnal^udgment.The Applicantanswcrcd^Ycs to this questionedstatedthathewould ^senddocumenta^^The Applicantdid not include any of the required supporting documentation as o u ^application.

    3. On January 4, 2012, the Department sent an email to Account ControlTechnology, the collection agency which Applicant indicated he wouldbe affiliatedwith,ioformingthemthatthe department had not received the legal documcntatiapplicationto be processed.

    4 AccountControlTechnology submittcda 12-pagefaxtothcDepartmcntonJanuary 20, 2012 mrespor e to the Department'srequcst. The documentsprovidedevidence of

    ^thefollowing: OnNovcmber4,2008,Apphcantentcredaplcaofguiltyto the chargeoftheftin

  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    Mason(Ohio)M unicipalCourt. On December29,2008, theApplicantwas sentenced inWarrenCounty(Ohio) Common Pleas Court,for the felony ofinducingpanic and misdemeanortheft.Applicantwas sentenced to five'yearsof community control and restitution in the amount of$21,230.36. On November 10, 2009, Applicant completed probation.' On February 2, 2010,Applicantenteredaplea ofguiltyto domestic violenceinMason(Ohio)M unicipalCourt.

    5. Applicant,did not provide a written statementexplaining the circumstances of

  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    3 Anyparty mending to appe^formandreturnt to theAdn^sfrativcL aw ^

    Statement of Charges Aoopy must he served on the Departments attorney A N o t i c e o fAppearanceformisattached.

    4. At the hearing, ail parties have the right to hereprcschtcdhyicgaicounselthemscives,orhyapcrsonofthcir choiceifnotetheriseprohibitedas theun .

    B ^ .ofiaw The parties are entitled to the issuance of subpoenas tocompelwitnesses to attend thehearing The parties willhave theopportunityto be heardorally,toprescntcvidcnceand cross-examine witnesses,andto submitcvidcncc and argument. Ordinarily thehcaring istape-recorded. The parties may request thatacourt reporterrecordthetestimonyat their expense.

    5. Persons attending thchearingshouldbringall cvidcnccbearingon thecase,includingany records or other documents. Beadvisedthati fdatathatis notpublicis admittedintothe record, it may becomepublicdata unless anobjectionis made andreliefis requested

    under M i n n S t a t 1 4 ^ , s u b d 2 ^ 1 ^6. Rcqucstsfor subpoenas fortheattendance of witnesses ortheproductionof

    documents at the hearingshallbe made inwritingto theAdministrativeL aw ^M i n n . R 14007000^011).Acopyofthcsubpoenarcqucstshallbcservedonthe othcrparticsAsubpoena request formisavailable at ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ^ o r by contacts ^AdministrativeHearingsat^l)361-7900^

    7. This cascmay be appropriatcfor mediation. Thcparties are encouragedtoconsiderrequesting the ChiefAdministrativeL awJudge to assignamc^^^canbescheduledpromptly.


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    8 TheOfficeofAdmimsfra^accordance with the Minnesota Rules of Professions Conduct and the ProfessionalismAspirationsadopted hythc Minnesota Supreme Court. A C u i d c to Participating in ContestedCase Proceedings at the OfficeofAdministrativeHearings is available ator hycontactingthcO^cc ofAdmmistrativcHearings a t ^ l ) 361-7^

    9. Anyparty whoneedsan acconunodationforadisahility in order to participate in^

    this hearing process may request one. Examples of reasonable accommodations includewheelchair acccssibitity^an interpreter, orE raillcor large-print materials If any party requiresanmtcrprctcr,mcludmgaforcignlangpromptlynotified. To arrangc for an accommodation or an intcrprctcr, contact the Office ofAdministrativeHearings, PostOfficeBox 64620, St.Paul,Minncsota^l 64-^0, or maycalL^l)361-7900(voicc)or^l)361-7^(TT^

    10. Pursuant to Mi n n Stat 4 5 0 2 7 , s u b d 6 ( 2 0 1 0 ) , Applicant may be sub^ccttoacivilpcnalty not tocxcccd $10,000 per violationuponafinal dctcrminationthat Applicantviolatedany law,rulc or order.Dated:

    R O T H M A NCommissionerMinnesotaDepartment of Commerce^ScvcnthPlaccEast,Suite 500St P a u l , M N55101Telephone: (651)296-4026

  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    'D CA23136/CC O A HDocketNo. 15-1005-22734-2' ST A T E O F M I N N E SO T A

    O FFI C E O F A D M I N I ST R A T I V E H E A R I N G S. F O R T H E D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M E R C E

    Inthe Matter of the Debt Collector Registration N O T I C E O F A P P E A R A N C EApplicationof CoreyJ.CagleDate: Thursday,M ay 17,2012 Time: 9:30 a.m.

    * ,T O : Honorable Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office ofAdministrative Hearings, PostOfficeB ox64620, St.Paul,Minnesota 55164-0620P L E A S E T A K E N O T I C Ethatthe party named belowwillappearat the hearing inthismatter:

    Department of CommerceEnforcementDivision85 East Seventh Place, Suite 500St.Paul,M N55101(651) 296-4026 or (1-8.00) 657-3978

    P L E A S E T A K E F U R T H E R NO T I C E thattheattorneynamed belowwil lappearon behalfofthe Department of Commerce:

    MichaelJ. TostengardAssistant Attorney GeneralAttorneyReg. No. 204973445 MinnesotaStreet,Suite 900 St.Paul,M N55101-2127(651)757-1314

    Dated: M I C H A E L J . T O S T E N G A R D

  • 7/30/2019 Corey Cagle Mason OH Debt Collector Denial


    DCA23136/CC O A HDocketNo. 15-1005-22734-2S T A T E O F M I N N E S O T A 'O F F IC E O F A D M I N IS T R A T I V E H E A R I N G S

    F O R T H E D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M E R C E .Inthe Matter of the Debt Collector Registration N O T I C E O F A P P E A R A N C EApplicationof CoreyJ.CagleDate: Thursday,M ay 17,2012 . Time: 9:30 a.m.'

    fT O : Honorable Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office ofAdministrative Hearings, PostOfficeB ox64620, St.Paul,Minnesota 55164-0620

    P L E A S E T A K E N O T I C Ethatthe party named belowwil lappearat the hearing inthismatter:Name, Address, and.Phone NumberofParty:

    Party's Attorney,OfficeAddress and Phone Number:


    'Signature ofParty/Attorney .)N OTICE: This Noticemustbe served upon theattorneyforthe agency and anyotherknownparty. Afteran

    attorneyhas fileda notice ofappearance,withdrawal is effective only if a notice of withdrawal is promptlyserved on allpartiesand filedwith the judge. The notice of withdrawalmustinclude theaddressandphonenumber of the party. Withdrawal of counseldoesnotcreateany right toacontinuance. M inn. R.1400.5700.AG : 2970630-vl .
