Construction Claims Basis

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  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


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  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis



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  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


    5ie( *n!ine-"(n!"ad Issue 6 -)7

    re'i"us Issues

    5ie( *n!ine-"(n!"ad Issue 6 -)7

    re'i"us Issues
  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


    5ie( *n!ine-"(n!"ad Issue 6 -)7

    re'i"us Issues

    5ie( *n!ine-"(n!"ad Issue 6 -)7

    re'i"us Issues



    Analysis of Claims Based on Provisions in 4th Edition of FIDIC ContractsDr C.S.Suryawanshi 8 Sr Techn" Le#a! C"nsu!tant Mu% ai

    C!ai%s and C"unter C!ai%s in a!! C"nstructi"n C"ntracts p!a+ an i%p"rtant r"!e in the C"ntractua!re!ati"n ship et(een e%p!"+er and c"ntract"r. Genera!!+ C!ai% is reck"ned in practice as 9anasserti"n f"r additi"na! %"nies due t" a part+ "r f"r e/tensi"n "f ti%e f"r c"%p!eti"n. Thisinterpretati"n is c"nstrued fr"% a ("rdin# "f the C"ntractua! pr"'isi"n. Ar itrati"ns "n the c!ai%%atters are "n its rise. En#ineer ar itrat"rs interpret the pr"'isi"ns "f Standard C"ntract )"r%s inthe traditi"na! (a+: & !e#a! pers"nne! interpret in the !e#a! sense.

    This paper discusses s"%e "f the princip!es as re#ards asis "f c!ai%s and c!arifies the pr"'isi"nspertainin# t" 95ariati"ns 9as e% "died in the present da+ Standard C"ntract )"r%s8 "f )I-IC.


    T+pica! s"urces "f disputes and c!ai%s are ("rth n"tin#8 ef"re (e c"nsider its Ana!+sis.The"retica!!+8 an+ c!ause in the c"ntract can ec"%e the asis "f a c!ai%. Indeed8 it is a ("nder
  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


    that c"ntracts ha'e n"t ec"%e %uch si%p!er "n this acc"unt a!"ne. 3"(e'er8 (e are #"'erned +e/p!icit !a(8 e/pressed + a pr"fessi"n (h"se %a,"r pr"duct is %"re ("rds; Genera!!+8 disputes%a+ e identified as arisin# fr"% an+ "ne "f the f"!!"(in# %ain #r"ups.F "f the Red B""k7.

    A claim under the contract and based on its pro$isions

  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


    As pre'i"us!+ stated8 the Red B""k re#u!ates the ri#hts and " !i#ati"ns "f the parties t" thec"ntract. Its pr"'isi"ns specif+ (hat sh"u!d e d"ne + the t(" parties "r their a#ents andser'ants and the c"nse4uence if (hat "u#ht t" e d"ne is either n"t d"ne8 "r if d"ne8 is n"t d"ne(ithin the ti%e specified.

    C!ai%s (i!! 'er+ "ften arise in a traditi"na! c"nstructi"n c"ntract ecause it is perhaps the "n!+c"ntract (here the price "f the end resu!t is defined ef"re the pr"cess "f pr"ducti"n@ e'en starts.Acc"rdin#!+8 in the c"%petiti'e at%"sphere "f tenderin# (hich acc"%panies such a c"ntract8 !itt!e"r n" %ar#ins are !eft f"r future unkn"(ns in a !"n# and c"%p!e/ peri"d "f c"nstructi"n.)urther%"re8 as the rates and prices ha'e t" e ased "n certain assu%pti"ns (hich are8 in turn8

    ased "n the pr"'isi"ns "f the C"nditi"ns "f C"ntract8 an+ chan#e et(een (hat (as assu%ed and(hat actua!!+ happens %a+ f"r% a seed f"r a c!ai%.

    As a!read+ stated8 c!ai%s under this cate#"r+ %a+ e di'ided int" . In "ne part "f the c!ause it %eant 9ph+sica! %eans "f access since that part a!s" referred t" the c"nditi"n "f the access. An"ther part "f C!ause >p!aced an " !i#ati"n "n Si%"n Car'es t" 9aff"rd access t" LRE. This %eant that Si%"n Car'esundert""k that at the re!e'ant ti%e there ("u!d e a ph+sica! %eans "f access and a!s" that LRE("u!d e #i'en the "pp"rtunit+ t" enter the site + %eans "f that access. *n this interpretati"n it(as he!d that there (as n" reach "f c"ntract. Si%"n Car'es had pr"'ided LRE (ith the"pp"rtunit+ "f enterin# the site + the re4uired %eans "f access. The fact that the+ (ere

    pre'ented fr"% d"in# s" (as n"t a reach "f c"ntract.Standard )orms

    The standard f"r%s #enera!!+ e/press!+ state the resp"nsi i!ities f"r access t" Site8 in ter%s (hichref!ect the t+pe "f ("rk en'isa#ed and the e/pected use "f the f"r%s.

    )IDIC *++,

    The )I-IC Red8 *ran#e and e!!"( )"r%s =HHH p!ace the %ain resp"nsi i!it+ f"r access "n theC"ntract"r and ref!ect the internati"na! and ci'i!$%echanica! t+pe "f ("rks en'isa#ed.

    C!ause >.> "n!+ re4uires the E%p!"+er t" pr"'ide reas"na !e assistance8 and then "n!+ at theC"ntract"r@s re4uest8 f"r the C"ntract"r@s app!icati"n f"r per%its8 !icences "r appr"'a!s inc!udin#

    c!earance thr"u#h cust"%s and e/p"rt "f the C"ntract"r@s E4uip%ent (hen re%"'ed fr"% Site.C!ause .=? %akes the C"ntract"r resp"nsi !e f"r specia! and$"r te%p"rar+ ri#hts "f (a+ inc!udin#th"se f"r Access t" the Site.

    nder C!ause .= it is f"r the C"ntract"r t" satisf+ hi%se!f as t" the suita i!it+ and a'ai!a i!it+ "f access t" the Site8 and is resp"nsi !e f"r " tainin# per%issi"ns t" use the r"ute and si#ns. C!ause

    .= e/press!+ pr"'ides that the E%p!"+er d"es n"t #uarantee the suita i!it+ "r a'ai!a i!it+ "f particu!ar access r"utes.

    The re%ed+ in "th "f these t+pes "f c!ai% is desi#nated in the c"ntract and the c!ai% %a+ inc!udethe f"!!"(in#.? app!+D

    . "%it such ("rk pr"'ided it is n"t t" e carried "ut + the e%p!"+er "r + an"ther


    c. chan#e the character "r 4ua!it+ "r kind "f an+ such ("rkD

    d. chan#e the !e'e!s8 !ines8 p"siti"n and di%ensi"ns "f an+ part "f the ("rksD

    e. e/ecute additi"na! ("rk "f an+ kind necessar+ f"r the c"%p!eti"n "f the ("rksD

    f. chan#e an+ specified se4uence "r ti%in# "f c"nstructi"n "f an+ part "f the ("rks.

    ara#raph 6f7 "f su :c!ause =.= (hich is a ne( pr"'isi"n under the )"urth Editi"n assu%es that

    s"%e specified se4uence "r ti%in# "f c"nstructi"n had a!read+ een %ade in the c"ntractd"cu%ents. It adds a ne( di%ensi"n t" the %eanin# "f a 'ariati"n fr"% pre'i"us editi"ns "f theRed B""k in that it enc"%passes the ti%in# "f c"nstructi"n and its pr"#ra%%e. An+ chan#e fr"%the specified se4uence "r ti%in# stated in a pr"#ra%%e su %itted + the c"ntract"r under c!ause= and instructed + the en#ineer under c!ause = ("u!d theref"re 4ua!if+ as a 'ariati"n. Such achan#e %a+ e in the f"r% "f a re4uire%ent t" acce!erate the ("rk "r t" 'ar+ its ti%in#.

    Su :c!ause =.= "f the Red B""k a!s" pr"'ides that an+ 'ariati"n instructed + the en#ineer sh"u!dn"t 'itiate "r in'a!idate the c"ntract. It has een su##ested that as a %atter "f usiness efficac+8this pr"'isi"n %ust e su ,ect t" an i%p!ied !i%itati"n "f reas"na !eness in s" far as instructi"nscann"t stra+ "utside the C"ntract@. E/tras8 theref"re8 %ust n"t e "f a certain 'a!ue and t+pe and

    %ust n"t e instructed at a ti%e (hich ("u!d render the c"ntract inapp!ica !e.

    &esponsibility for $ariations

    The a!!"cati"n "f !ia i!it+ f"r the 'a!ue "f an+ 'ariati"n instructed + the en#ineer is dependentup"n (hether "r n"t the necessit+ f"r it is due t" s"%e defau!t "f "r reach "f c"ntract + thec"ntract"r. Acc"rdin#!+8 an+ additi"na! c"sts attri uta !e t" a 'ariati"n necessitated + s"%edefau!t "f "r reach "f c"ntract + the c"ntract"r are t" e "rne + hi%D see su :c!ause =.=.

    "aluation of $ariations

    5a!uati"n "f the 'ariati"ns referred t" a "'e is pr"'ided f"r under c!ause > "f the Red B""k (hichpr"'ides the ru!es f"r such 'a!uati"n. In essence8 the+ are.=8 unti! such ti%e as rates "r prices are a#reed "r fi/ed8 the en#ineer sh"u!ddeter%ine pr"'isi"na! rates "r prices t" ena !e "n:acc"unt pa+%ent t" e inc!uded in an+certificate issued under c!ause F .

    f. The f"urth (a+ in (hich a 'ariati"n %a+ e 'a!ued app!ies (here it is t" e f"und8 "n the

    issue "f the takin#:"'er certificate f"r the (h"!e "f the ("rks8 that the 'a!ue "f 'aried ("rkt"#ether (ith a!! ad,ust%ents up"n %easure%ent "f the esti%ated 4uantities is in e/cess "f =per cent "f the Effecti'e C"ntract rice@. The Effecti'e C"ntract rice@ is defined in su :c!ause

    >.? "f the Red B""k as the C"ntract rice8 e/c!udin# r"'isi"na! Su%s and a!!"(ance f"rda+("rks8 if an+@.

    Then8 a su% is re4uired t" e added "r deducted fr"% the c"ntract price as %a+ e a#reedet(een the en#ineer and the c"ntract"r. There is n" #uidance in the Red B""k as t" h"( this

    su% sh"u!d e ca!cu!ated. It is8 h"(e'er8 apparent that the tar#et "f such ad,ust%ent is thei!! "f pre!i%inar+ ite%s (hich f"r%s part "f the c"ntract price.

    *n pa#e == "f the Guide8 referred t" in Reference at sr!. n" =>8 there is reference t" thepurp"se "f this su :c!ause (here it is e/p!ained that in preparin# a tender8 a c"ntract"r %a+distri ute his "n:c"sts and pr"fit in 'ari"us (a+s8...@8 and an ad,ust%ent "f these is necessar+(here the a%"unt "f ("rk under the c"ntract is 'aried e+"nd the specified percenta#e. )"ran accurate ad,ust%ent8 h"(e'er8 it is i%perati'e that the en#ineer sh"u!d " tain detai!s "f the c"ntract"r@s interna! price %ake:up "f these "n:c"sts and pr"fit ite%s.

    #. Su :c!ause >.?8 (hich dea!s (ith the situati"n (here the 'a!ue "f 'ariati"ns e/ceeds =per cent "f the effecti'e c"ntract price8 defines the 'a!ue "f 'aried ("rk and a!! ad,ust%entsup"n %easure%ents "f the esti%ated 4uantities in the f"!!"(in# %anner.= and >.> sh"u!d e inc!udedD

    ii. a!! ad,ust%ents up"n %easure%ent "f the esti%ated 4uantities is defined inpara#raph 6 7 "f su :c!ause >.? as th"se ad,ust%ents (hich are set "ut in the Bi!! "f 2uantities8 e/c!udin# r"'isi"na! Su%s8 da+ ("rks and ad,ust%ents "f price %ade underC!ause @.

    This definiti"n a!s" c!arifies in precise ter%s the 'a!ue "f additi"ns t" "r deducti"ns fr"%the Effecti'e C"ntract rice@8 "r in "ther ("rds fr"% the C"ntract rice8 e/c!udin#

    r"'isi"na! Su%s and a!!"(ance f"r da+("rks8 if an+@D

    iii. a#ree%ent et(een the en#ineer and c"ntract"r is "nce a#ain ased "n the ne(c"ncept "f due c"nsu!tati"n@ + the en#ineer (ith the e%p!"+er and the c"ntract"r. Where

    n" such a#ree%ent can e reached8 the su% t" e added t" "r deducted fr"% the c"ntractprice is re4uired t" e deter%ined + the en#ineer ha'in# re#ard t" the c"ntract"r@s siteand #enera! "'erhead c"sts "f the c"ntract. The en#ineer8 ha'in# deter%ined such su%8 isre4uired t" n"tif+ the c"ntract"r acc"rdin#!+ (ith a c"p+ t" the e%p!"+erD

    i'. fina!!+8 su :c!ause >.? pr"'ides that the su% t" e added t" "r deducted fr"% thec"ntract price is t" e ased "n!+ "n the a%"unt + (hich such additi"ns "r deducti"ns arein e/cess "f = per cent as fi/ed in su :c!ause >.?. This pr"'isi"n ans(ers the 4uesti"n(hich (as !eft unans(ered in the pre'i"us editi"ns "f the Red B""k. It is n"( c!ear thatthe ad,ust%ent t" the c"ntract price sh"u!d e re!ated "n!+ t" the %ar#in e!"( "r a "'ethe = O. Theref"re8 if f"r e/a%p!e8 there is a reducti"n "f > O in the c"ntract price due

    t" the 'a!uati"n "f 'ariati"ns under su :c!auses >.= and >.>8 the !"sses@ sustained +the c"ntract"r due t" this reducti"n sh"u!d "n!+ e re!ated t" the %ar#in et(een > Oand = per cent8 i.e.8 per cent and n"t the (h"!e "f the > per cent.

    h. Su :c!ause >. dea!s (ith the situati"n (here the en#ineer re4uires certain 'aried ("rkt" e carried "ut "n a da+("rk asis. -a+("rk is usua!!+ c"'ered + a pr": 'isi"na! su% in the

    i!! "f 4uantities (hich %a+ then e used f"r additi"na! ite%s f"r (hich n" i!! ite% isapp!ica !e. Where such a pr"'isi"na! su% is inc!uded in the i!! "f 4uantities8 a da+("rkschedu!e "f rates and prices is appended t" the i!! f"r pricin# + the c"ntract"r. The pr"ceduref"r pa+%ent in respect "f da+("rk is set "ut in su :c!ause >. .

    Theref"re8 in settin# "ut c"%prehensi'e!+ the %anner in (hich 'ariati"ns are t" e 'a!ued8 the RedB""k pr"'ides a re%ed+ in the f"r% "f financia! c"%pensati"n in the anticipated e'ent "f a chan#et" the ("rks ein# instructed + the en#ineer8 "n eha!f "f the e%p!"+er.


    It is e/pected that the Ar itrat"rs (i!! find the a "'e ana!+sis usefu! in interpretin# the pr"'isi"nsthan searchin# the %eanin# fr"% the si%i!ar Standard )"r%s "f C"ntracts.

    Th"u#h "ther c!auses "f the c"ntracts are e4ua!!+ i%p"rtant ut this paper is c"nfined t" "n!+ suchc!auses (hich are "ften a %atter "f de ate ef"re the Ar itrat"rs and the C"urts.


  • 8/10/2019 Construction Claims Basis


    Sur+a(anshi C.S 6-r7 > H8 9C"nstructi"n C!ai%s their Basis$Gr"unds8 Indian 3i#h(a+sP"urna! Sept > H.

    Sur+a(anshi C.S 6-r7 =HH>8 9Le#a! I%p!icati"ns "f *ra! Chan#e *rders in C"nstructi"n

    ractice .

    Rafter+8 P.8 6=HH 78 9Risk Ana!+sis in r",ect Mana#e%ent8 E & )N Sp""n8 L"nd"n.

    Shen8 .P. and Wa!ker8 -.3.T.8 6> =78 9Inte#ratin# *3S8 EMS and 2M (ith C"ntractMana#er rincip!es (hen C"nstructi"n !annin# : A -esi#n and C"nstruct pr",ect case stud+8 The T2M Ma#a0ine8 '"!. =? n". = 8 pp. > :> H.

    Ash("rth8 A.8 6=HH=78 9C"ntractua! r"cedures in the C"nstructi"n Industr+ 8 >nd editi"n8L"n#%an8 L"nd"n.

    C"r ett8 E.C.8 6=HH=78 9)I-IC th :A ractica! Le#a! Guide8 S(eet and Ma/(e!!8 L"nd"n.

    C"r ett8 E.C.8 6=HHH78 9)I-IC@s Ne( Rain "(8 The Red8 e!!"( 8 Si!'er and Green =st

    Editi"ns8 C"r ett & C".8 L"nd"n.

    3arris8 ). and McCaffer8 R.8 6> =78 9M"de% C"nstructi"n Mana#e%ent 8 th editi"n8B!ack(e!! Science Ltd.8 */f"rd.

    1(ak+e8 A.A.8 6=HH 78 9C"nstructi"n r",ect Ad%inistrati"n in ractice 8 L"n#%an8 L"nd"n.

    3a!es ur+@s La(s "f En#!and th Editi"n8

    C"nditi"ns "f C"ntract f"r C"nstructi"n f"r W"rks "f Ci'i! En#ineerin# C"nstructi"n 6)I-IC7)"urth Editi"n =H

    Guide t" )I-IC

    3uds"n Bui!din# and En#ineerin# C"ntracts< = th Editi"n

    1eatin# "n Bui!din# C"ntracts< th Editi"n

    5ari"us Case La(s fr"% Supre%e C"urt "f India.

    -B%C -o$ember /0*0