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Am J Psychiatry 160:5, May 2003 825

Reviews and Overviews


Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression?Choose Horses for Courses

Gordon Parker, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.A.N.Z.C.P.

Kay Roy, B.A.

Kerrie Eyers, M.A., M.P.H., M.A.P.S.

Objective: Although cognitive behaviortherapy is a widely accepted treatment fordepression, the problematic nature of effi-cacy studies is insufficiently recognized.

Method: The authors reviewed originalstudies and quantitative analyses on theuse of cognitive behavior therapy fordepression.

Results: The authors suggested thatclaims for cognitive behavior therapy’s ef-ficacy on depression have been over-stated, questioned whether its efficacy fits

within its theoretical underpinning, andargued against viewing cognitive behav-ior therapy as a universal rather than atargeted strategy.

Conclusions: Although cognitive behav-ior therapy may act more by its nonspe-cific therapeutic ingredients, the authorsargued that by testing cognitive behaviortherapy’s efficacy in heterogeneous studygroups, rather than in specific subgroups,failure to differentiate it from controltherapies may have been ensured.

(Am J Psychiatry 2003; 160:825–834)

Cognitive therapy is the most extensively researchedpsychological treatment for nonpsychotic unipolaroutpatient depressive disorders (1).

Cognitive behavior therapy evolved from cognitivetherapy, which focused on dysfunctional beliefs, and thenincorporated components of behavior therapy. Its role indepression was detailed in a key treatment manual (2)more than two decades ago.

While we observe clear benefit in many of our patientsreceiving cognitive behavior therapy, a careful review ofthe literature challenges cognitive behavior therapy as anymore efficacious than other nonpharmacological thera-pies. There is a need to progress beyond the methods usedso far to investigate cognitive behavior therapy’s efficacy.In Western countries, antidepressant drugs and cognitivebehavior therapy dominate the treatment of depression.Each has been tested in heterogeneous groups of de-pressed patients and, in direct comparisons, has beenfound to have comparable overall efficacy. Studying heter-ogeneous groups is only appropriate, however, when atreatment is effective for all expressions of depression. Inour view, studies have failed to identify the situations andpatient characteristics associated with effective cognitivebehavior therapy.

Clinical management of the depressive disorders cur-rently risks the “affective fallacy”—in literature, a termused to describe the error of evaluating a work by its ef-fects on the reader rather than by the integral strengths ofthe work itself. Similarly, the choice between antidepres-sant and cognitive behavior therapy for an individual pa-

tient often rests simply on the professional and personalbiases of the patient and therapist.

The Acute Phase of Depression

It is difficult to compare individual controlled studies ofcognitive behavior therapy because of methodologicalproblems associated with a psychotherapy that is variablydefined and administered. Assessment of response is alsoproblematic. For example, improvements associated withcognitive behavior therapy have been claimed to occurearly in therapy (3), at mid-term (4), and after a significantdelay (5), raising questions about the appropriate end-point for analysis and exacerbating the usual limitationsof meta-analysis. Although the treatment efficacy of cog-nitive behavior therapy in the acute phase of depressionhas been evaluated in numerous reviews (e.g., references 1and 6) and meta-analyses (e.g., references 7–10), an incon-sistency across reports is worthy of emphasis.

Dobson (7) concluded that cognitive behavior therapywas more effective than behavior therapy, other psycho-therapies, and pharmacotherapy. The largest meta-analy-sis, by Gloaguen and colleagues (9), evaluated 48 random-ized controlled trials that included 2,765 patients withnonpsychotic and nonbipolar major depression or dys-thymia. The treatment of patients receiving cognitive be-havior therapy was quantified as superior to the “treat-ment” of an amalgamated group of wait-listed or placebo-control subjects (20 studies, 29% improvement) and thetreatment of patients receiving antidepressant medication(17 studies, 15% improvement) and “other therapies,”such as supportive and nondirective psychotherapies, in-terpersonal psychotherapy, and relaxation therapy (22studies, 10% improvement). Cognitive behavior therapy

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was no better than behavior therapy (13 trials, 2% benefit).The authors concluded that cognitive behavior therapyhad superior efficacy to both no therapy and all other mo-dalities apart from behavior therapy.

Methodological concerns about this meta-analysis in-cluded the amalgamation of placebo-control and wait-listed patients into a composite group, therefore disallow-ing direct comparison with placebo “treatment.” A pla-cebo, by definition, should “please,” while allocation to awaiting list should discourage any improvement since thetherapeutic “gun” has yet to be “fired.” Comparison againsteach group individually is required to understand cogni-tive behavior therapy’s efficacy. Their amalgamated analy-sis resulted in only one study with a placebo cell—the Na-tional Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Treatment ofDepression Collaborative Research Program study by El-kin and colleagues (11). In fact, that cell was described bythe original authors as involving “placebo plus clinicalmanagement,” with the latter component serving “as acontrol for regular contact with an experienced and sup-portive therapist…[and thus] as a useful comparisongroup for evaluating the specific effectiveness of the psy-chotherapies” (p. 977). The outcome there did not differsignificantly from the three active comparison treatments.Thus, the influential meta-analysis by Gloaguen et al. (9)did not truly compare cognitive behavior therapy to pla-cebo, partially disallowing their conclusion that the effectsof cognitive behavior therapy “are not due to placebo and/or demand characteristics.”

Second, their definition of the “other therapies” com-parator group included multiple psychotherapies (as wellas relaxation therapy and alternative bibliotherapy), risk-ing the less powerful therapies in this group, obscuring theadvantages of more efficacious psychotherapies, and thusrisking overstating cognitive behavior therapy’s efficacy.

Third, their conclusions are inconsistent with the earlierDepression Guideline Panel meta-analysis (8), which con-sidered 28 randomized controlled trials of psychotherapyfor depression. Response rates were 50% for cognitive be-havior therapy, 52% for interpersonal psychotherapy, and55% for behavior therapy; this equivalence is in contrast tothe conclusions reached in the study by Dobson (7) andthe meta-analysis by Gloaguen et al. (9). The latter studiesare also inconsistent with a meta-analysis by Leichsenring(10) comparing the short-term efficacy of at least 13 ses-sions of cognitive behavior therapy and behavior therapywith short-term psychotherapy and finding no differencein effects on depressive symptoms, general psychiatricsymptoms, social functioning, or remission and improverrates.

The meta-analyses suggested a narrower question: iscognitive behavior therapy any more effective than non-specific psychotherapy? Stravynski and Greenberg (12)suggested that all models of psychotherapy, including cog-nitive behavior therapy, may be “equally unsound scientif-ically but they energize the therapists and provide useful

fictions to activate the patients to lead somewhat moresatisfactory lives.” Ilardi and Craighead (3) suggested that,since most symptomatic improvement with cognitive be-havior therapy occurs before the formal introduction ofcognitive restructuring techniques, improvement reflectsmore nonspecific treatment factors than the effects of spe-cific cognitive behavior therapy. King (13) reviewed NIMHstudy data (11) and comparisons between cognitive be-havior therapy and 1) interpersonal psychotherapy, 2)brief psychodynamic therapy, and 3) social work counsel-ing and concluded that there was “no evidence that cogni-tive behavior therapy had superior short-term efficacycompared to other psychological treatment, or indeed toplacebo.”

Despite such concerns, a conservative interpretationsuggests that cognitive behavior therapy is efficacious be-cause it is superior to no treatment or the wait list controlcondition. In terms of superiority to other manualizedpsychotherapies or to basic clinical management, we sug-gest that the verdict of the efficacy of cognitive behaviortherapy as not proven holds (the Scottish judicial systemhas an option of “not proven” as opposed to “guilty” or“not guilty,” which is a useful call in this instance). Its effi-cacy may reflect nonspecific ingredients common to anypsychotherapy.

Ongoing Treatment

There are few continuation or maintenance studies ofcognitive behavior therapy. One (14) enrolled patientswith major depression in 16 weeks of acute treatment, fol-lowed by 2 years of maintenance. Group members re-ceived either antidepressant drugs or cognitive behaviortherapy for the acute and maintenance phases or antide-pressants in the acute phase, followed by cognitive behav-ior therapy in the maintenance phase. There were no sig-nificant differences between treatments in improvementor rates of relapse.

Most long-term studies have relied on naturalistic fol-low-up of patients in short-term comparison studies inwhich treatment often ceased after the acute phase orcontinued at varying levels of frequency and complianceand used varying markers of outcome. The DepressionGuideline Panel review (8) suggested that the prophylacticeffects of acute-phase cognitive behavior therapy ap-peared superior to that of pharmacotherapy, although thenature of the data (that is, from open studies) disalloweddefinitive conclusions.

In the large meta-analysis by Gloaguen et al. (9), eight ofthe 48 studies were judged as allowing a comparison ofcognitive behavior therapy with antidepressants at a fol-low-up point of at least 1 year, with respective rates of re-lapse of 29% and 60%. Five of those eight studies were alsoincluded in an analysis by Scott (1), who noted that thenaturalistic follow-ups made comparison difficult butconcluded that there was a “trend for cognitive therapy

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(alone or in combination) to be nonsignificantly betterthan maintenance pharmacotherapy in preventing re-lapse.” The more cautious tone of Scott was appropriatewhen there was a mean cell size of only 13 subjects, whilethe 1-year rates of relapse associated with antidepressantsin each articles’ analyses (60% and 65%, respectively) wereuncharacteristically high.

There is some indirect evidence of a prophylactic effectof cognitive behavior therapy. Fava and colleagues (15, 16)studied 40 patients with major depression, who, after ta-pering antidepressant therapy, were randomly assigned toeither cognitive behavior therapy for residual symptomsor standard clinical management. The small study groupand the fact that some subjects required antidepressantsfor relapse limited the study’s conclusions. Nevertheless,lower rates of relapse were demonstrated for cognitive be-havior therapy after 2, 4, and 6 years (25% versus 80%, 35%versus 70%, and 50% versus 75%, respectively).

An important question is whether cognitive behaviortherapy has prophylactic potential in preventing relapseor recurrence in partial responders to initial therapy, whensuch subjects are at a greater risk of depression relapse(17). Paykel et al. (18) and Scott et al. (19) investigated pa-tients whose depression had partially remitted with medi-cation and who were randomly assigned to clinical man-agement alone or in combination with 20 weeks ofcognitive behavior therapy while continuing to take anti-depressants. Medication and clinical management ses-sions were maintained during a 48-week follow-up phase.There were no significant group differences over the 20-week acute phase; formalized relapse rates tended to belower in the group receiving cognitive behavior therapy(18), both at the end of the 20-week treatment phase (10%versus 18%) and at the 68-week endpoint (29% versus47%). Monthly depression scores showed an almost im-mediate improvement in the group receiving cognitive be-havior therapy in self-report scores on the Beck Depres-sion Inventory but not until the third month for blind,observer-rated scores on the Hamilton Depression RatingScale. The rapid subjective effect of cognitive behaviortherapy suggests either a placebo effect (with subjectsaware of allocation to additional therapy) or a real cogni-tive impact after initial exposition and implementation ofcognitive behavior therapy.

Thus, some studies indicate ongoing benefits of cogni-tive behavior therapy, but they have generally comparedcognitive behavior therapy to treatment as usual or vary-ing ongoing antidepressant therapies. The comparativeeffectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy and medica-tion is of fundamental importance to clinicians and pa-tients, but the question has been confused by comparingprophylactic cognitive behavior therapy with maintenancemedication treatment. It would be more appropriate tocompare cognitive behavior therapy’s prophylactic poten-tial with cogent clinical management, nonspecific psy-chotherapy, and even psychodynamic psychotherapy

(where the last has been held to demonstrate posttreat-ment improvement [20]) to determine if cognitive behav-ior therapy has specificity.

Superior to Other Psychotherapies?

As discussed, there is no clear consensus whether cog-nitive behavior therapy is superior or inferior to other psy-chotherapies, but there may be specific circumstances inwhich cognitive behavior therapy offers advantages. Forexample, Thase (21) suggested that the structured and di-rected components of cognitive behavior therapy aremore beneficial than introspective psychotherapy, inwhich reflection on negative cognitions may overwhelmseverely depressed individuals. However, Scott (1) re-viewed numerous studies examining predictors of re-sponse to cognitive behavior therapy and concluded thatresearch attempts “to characterize cognitive therapy re-sponders have been disappointing.”

An important advantage to cognitive behavior therapymight be in treating depression in patients with personal-ity disorder, who are recognized as responding less well toall forms of therapy (22). Some reports support specialbenefits of cognitive behavior therapy (e.g., reference 23),but most have been negative (e.g., references 24 and 25).In regard to personality style, cognitive behavior therapyhas been shown to be more effective than interpersonalpsychotherapy for depressed patients with elevated levelsof avoidant personality (26) in the NIMH Treatment of De-pression Collaborative Research Program study, which isreassuring when such a style is an accepted risk factor fordepression.

Other NIMH analyses, as well as other studies (e.g., refer-ence 27), have identified depressed patients with less cog-nitive dysfunction or fewer dysfunctional attitudes havinga superior response to cognitive behavior therapy (28)—which is somewhat paradoxical when cognitive behaviortherapy is designed to redress dysfunctional attitudes.

Cognitive behavior therapy’s psychotherapeutic efficacyhas been linked to therapist characteristics, including thetherapist’s capacity to structure the treatment (29) and, inparticular, to his or her empathy (30). Robinson and col-leagues (31) have noted that the newer psychotherapiesare more effective when practiced by “true believers,”whether reflecting nonspecific effects of the therapist ortherapist proficiency. Thus, there is no clear evidenceidentifying when cognitive behavior therapy might be su-perior to other forms of psychotherapy.

Superior to Antidepressant Drugs?

There are several theoretical situations in which cogni-tive behavior therapy may be superior to antidepressantmedication, for example, when patients have antipathy tomedication, an inability to tolerate medication, or are atspecial risk (e.g., pregnancy, high suicidality). Nonmedica-

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tion options can be useful when there are concerns aboutprescribing antidepressant drugs to children and adoles-cents—a group for whom cognitive behavior therapy issaid to be of benefit (32)—and, in particular, to preventrecurrence (33).

Thase (21) and Fava et al. (34) observed that there weremany reports of patients with “drug-resistant” depressivedisorders responding to cognitive behavior therapy, so pa-tients with nonresponsive and partially responsive disor-ders may benefit. The studies reported by Paykel et al. (18)and Scott et al. (19) support such a role, while the report byFava et al. (34) found a 63% rate of remission in a course ofcognitive behavior therapy in patients who had achievedno benefit in two antidepressant trials.

Augmentation of Antidepressant Drugs?

Conte and colleagues (35) conducted a meta-analysis ofstudies investigating psychotherapy and pharmacother-apy, separately and in combination, and concluded thatthe combination was slightly more effective. Although sev-eral cognitive therapy and behavior therapy studies wereincluded in the overall analysis, neither was specificallyexamined in the analyses of combination effects.

It has been claimed that combination therapy withcognitive behavior therapy is particularly beneficial forchronic and treatment-resistant depression (21, 36, 37) aswell as recurrent depression (38), but few such studies havebeen reported. One (39) found some support in chronicallyill and severely depressed subjects, with combination ther-apy showing slight superiority to cognitive behavior ther-apy or pharmacotherapy alone. The most positive study (4)suggested synergistic benefits in chronic depression, withsubjects receiving either nefazodone alone, cognitive be-havior therapy alone, or the combination of the two; re-spective rates of remission were 29%, 33%, and 48%. Thestudy design requires repeating with antidepressant drugsof broader action.

Paykel (40) noted that combination therapy could aidmedication compliance but, apart from some anecdotalreports, was unable to find any systematic controlled trialsof any such effect. Thus, the empirical literature in regardto cognitive behavior therapy is slight, and there is a needto clarify whether any benefits emerge from the combina-tion of medication and cognitive behavior therapy itself,from varying sequences of medication and cognitive be-havior therapy, or from effects on compliance.

Relation to the Cognitive Theory of Depression?

Bowlby (41) argued that early attachment anomalies,especially uncaring and/or overprotective parenting, gen-erate cognitive schema or internal working models thatnegatively shape the child’s later interpretation of inter-

personal interactions, therefore inducing and maintainingdepression. Beck et al. (2) developed the model and ad-vanced the application of cognitive behavior therapy, stat-ing that his reformulation involved the depressed patienthaving a “global negative view of himself, the outsideworld, and the future” (the so-called cognitive triad), neg-ative schemas (or stable faulty cognitive patterns), andcognitive errors (or faulty information processing) (2). Heproposed that both stable depressogenic schema and situ-ation-specific cognitive distortions contributed to depres-sion (42). The first component is essentially a diathesisstress construct; the second suggests that stressful eventsreactivate earlier beliefs to precipitate depression.

If his model is valid, we would expect depressed indi-viduals to show cognitive vulnerabilities upon recovery.Our review of more than 30 studies (43) failed—almostwithout exception—to identify differences between indi-viduals with and without a history of depression. It ispossible that the measures used—most commonly theDysfunctional Attitudes Scale (44) and the AutomaticThoughts Questionnaire (45)—may not truly measurecore beliefs and schemas. Ingram and colleagues (43) alsosuggested that negative studies could be explained by theenduring depressogenic schema existing at a deeperlevel, while Miranda and colleagues (46) similarly arguedthat cognitive vulnerability factors remain dormant,awaiting activation by a negative mood. Thus, predis-posed individuals may have latent beliefs awaiting activa-tion by stress and only measurable under conditions ofstress. If so, their presence should be identifiable beforethe first depressive episode. Our review with Gladstone(47) identified only one supportive study (48).

Burns and Spangler (49) examined patients treated withcognitive behavior therapy over a 1-week period. Theyfound no support for three hypotheses: 1) a cognitive me-diation hypothesis—that changes in dysfunctional atti-tudes lead to changes in depression during treatment, 2) amood activation hypothesis—that changes in depressionlead to changes in dysfunctional attitudes, and 3) a circu-lar causality hypothesis—that negative emotions and dys-functional attitudes have reciprocal causal links. Theiranalyses favored a common cause model, with a state de-pressogenic factor driving both depression and dysfunc-tional attitudes (e.g., a loss of hope) and with therapy pro-viding hope. However, Teasdale (50), who argued for a“shift in construct accessibility” model, showed that re-covery associated with cognitive behavior therapy (in lieuof pharmacotherapy) involves modifying emotional pro-cessing, therefore changing the capacity of triggeringclues to reactivate depressogenic processing.

Is it possible to define more homogeneous subsets ofindividuals for whom the cognitive theory is relevant? Ourkey-and-lock hypothesis (51, 52) views “locks” (cognitiveschemas laid down by early adverse events) as beingprimed when an individual faces a mirroring life event (a“key”). Key-lock links were found in only a minority of indi-

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viduals, were more common in nonmelancholic depres-sion, and, seemingly counterintuitively, were more evidentin those with reactive rather than neurotic depression. Wesuggested that reactive depression might be less a responseto a severe stressor and more a response to a mirroringstressor that activates latent cognitive schema. Other anal-yses (e.g., reference 52) failed to find clear evidence thatcognitive schema were latent locks and favored them asconsequences of (or elicited by) a depressed mood. That is,when depressed, an individual may feel worthless (orhopeless) and then interpret recent stressors and the ear-lier environment according to the cognitive impact of thedepression, in line with the Teasdale model (50).

DSM-IV includes a category for depressive personalitydisorder, with criteria including self-beliefs of inadequacy,worthlessness, and low self-esteem. Individuals with suchsymptoms appear ideal for assessing the relevance of cog-nitive behavior therapy, but we suspect a paradox. Sincemany have experienced profound childhood privation, thecapacity of cognitive behavior therapy (like any other psy-chotherapy) to improve resilience may be limited. Resis-tance of such individuals to cognitive behavior therapymay explain the apparently paradoxical results from theNIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative ResearchProgram study, in which those with more cognitive dys-function (as shown by higher dysfunctional attitudescores) benefited less from cognitive behavior therapy (28).

In summary, the theoretic basis for cognitive behaviortherapy in depression is difficult to validate. We suggestthat viewing cognitive behavior therapy as potentially ef-fective across heterogeneous expressions of depressionleads to its being tested in those in whom a cognitive pre-disposition may be of quite variable relevance. A state in-fluence model might apply in most instances and a di-athesis stress model in only a minority.

Relation to Depression Severity?

It is uncertain whether cognitive behavior therapy isequally efficacious in depression of varying severity. The8-week NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Re-search Program study (11) compared four treatments formajor depression: imipramine, cognitive behavior ther-apy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and placebo plus clini-cal management, each having comparable rates of re-sponse. However, in a subset of more severely ill patients,imipramine was superior (53). There are several otherstudies suggesting that severely depressed patients are un-likely to respond well to cognitive behavior therapy (e.g.,references 54 and 55).

DeRubeis and colleagues (55) undertook a mega-analy-sis of four randomized trials and concluded that cognitivebehavior therapy “fared as well as antidepressant medica-tion with severely depressed outpatients.” In response,Klein (56) noted the “flawed nature of the cited data,” thefailure to consider relevant databases, and the “irrele-

vance of placebo-free experimental designs to claims forequivalent efficacy.” Others have accepted a differentialeffect of cognitive behavior therapy across varying gradesof severity. Shapiro and colleagues (57) found that severelydepressed patients improved substantially more after 16than after eight sessions. Thase and colleagues (58) pro-posed that the difference in improvement reflected aslower response rate and recommended more intensive orextended courses for more severely depressed patients.

We suspect that severity may sometimes serve as aproxy for biological depressive conditions such as melan-cholia and that it may be more important to examine theefficacy of cognitive behavior therapy across differing de-pressive disorders.

Is Efficacy Comparable for All Depressive Subtypes?

The depressive disorders essentially comprise threeclasses—psychotic, melancholic, and a heterogeneousresidue of nonmelancholic disorders. The first two classesare generally viewed as more biological disorders, having alow placebo response and superior responses to physicaltreatments such as drugs and ECT. Their low rate of non-specific improvement suggests that each is unlikely to re-spond to psychotherapy or to nonspecific elements oftherapy. Conversely, the high nonspecific improvement ofnonmelancholic depression means that any therapy hasconsiderable potential for nonspecific improvement.

There are no data specifically examining the efficacy ofcognitive behavior therapy in psychotic depression, sug-gesting its inappropriateness, while the situation for mel-ancholia is more problematic. It is commonly claimed(e.g., reference 59) that melancholia/endogenous depres-sion is unresponsive to nonsomatic treatments, but earlystudies of cognitive behavior therapy (e.g., references 39and 60) reported a positive response. Thase and Friedman(61) reported an uncontrolled study in which 38 patientswith Research Diagnostic Criteria-defined endogenous de-pression received 20 weeks of cognitive behavior therapysessions, and 70% responded. One report from the NIMHstudy (28) concluded that “endogenous depression was anoverall predictor of lower depression severity at termina-tion across all conditions,” but elsewhere it was stated thatthe relationship “was not observed” for cognitive behaviortherapy. A key difficulty in analyzing such studies is thatmelancholia is variably defined and diagnosed.

A review (61) noted such limitations before concludingthat the “data are somewhat suggestive that cognitive be-havior therapy and behavior therapy are useful treatmentsfor some outpatients with endogenous depressive fea-tures” (p. 7) but that “there is still not yet compelling evi-dence that they (i.e., those with melancholia) will respondas well to psychotherapy as pharmacotherapy” (p. 15).

We now consider the situation in regard to nonmelan-cholic depression. Most studies of patients with cognitive

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behavior therapy have been undertaken in patients withdiagnoses of major depression or dysthymia. Such diag-noses reflect a nominalistic approach to psychiatric nosol-ogy, with patients diagnosed as having, for example, majordepression more distinguished by the commonality of itslabel than by the commonality of its essence.

In such a case, high placebo and spontaneous rates ofremission are observed, limiting the capacity to assess thetrue efficacy of any treatment and best illustrated for ma-jor depression, in which the apparent equivalence of quitedifferent treatments is striking. For antidepressant drugefficacy, a representative analysis by Janicak et al. (62)quantified the rates of response as 63% to tricyclic antide-pressants (in 79 studies), 66% to a monoxidase inhibitor(in 16 studies), and 60% to 79% to four selective serotoninreuptake inhibitors (in 21 studies). Comparisons of drugtreatments and psychotherapy suggest similar rates of re-sponse. For example, Robinson et al. (31) examined 60psychotherapy studies and, although treatment outcomefor psychotherapy was somewhat superior to that of phar-macotherapy, only trivial differences were evident aftercontrol for the researcher’s allegiance to psychotherapy.Similar rates of response emerge across other treatmentmodalities. For instance, Williams et al. (63) quantified a62% rate of response (across 14 studies) to hypericum (St.John’s wort), and Mynors-Wallis and Gath (64) reportedsimilar responses to problem solving and antidepressantmedication.

Such data suggest that about two-thirds of patients withmajor (nonmelancholic) depression improve in responseto nonspecific factors. In representative trials (62), pla-cebo rates of response ranged from 32% to 48%, whileQuitkin (65) suggested a placebo response rate in drug tri-als of 25% to 60%. Kirsch and Sapirstein (66) argued thatresponse during receipt of an antidepressant drug com-prises 24% natural history, 51% placebo effect, and 25%true drug effect. If similar response proportions apply toother therapies, it may be impossible to demonstrate a dif-ferential effect of treatment in patients with nonmelan-cholic depression.

We suspect that cognitive behavior therapy is more effi-cacious for nonmelancholic depression than in othertypes of depression but that efficacy estimates are influ-enced by the high responsiveness of those in the heteroge-neous nonmelancholic group. It is unhelpful to continueto study the efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy acrossbroad spectra (such as major depression and dysthymia)and expect differentiation from other treatments. More in-formation is required on the subgroups that do and do notrespond.

Application and Tolerability

Establishing the effectiveness of any psychosocial treat-ment is complicated by a range of variables in the therapy,therapist, and patient that are less important in the evalu-

ation of physical treatments. These include the variedbackgrounds, disciplines, and competence of therapists aswell as paradigm fidelity (67), particularly since the abilityto structure the treatment may be the component mostclosely related to outcome (68).

Keijsers and colleagues (69) identified qualitative as-pects of the therapeutic relationship that affect outcomesof cognitive behavior therapy and suggested that cognitivebehavior therapy appears to require more active directionby the therapist and higher levels of emotional supportthan insight-oriented therapies. Characteristics of thetherapist associated with outcomes of superior cognitivebehavior therapy include standard nonspecific compo-nents (i.e., empathy, nonpossessive warmth, and positiveregard) as well as the patient perceiving the therapist asself-confident, skillful, and active (70). Patients who ratedtheir therapist as significantly less empathic were morelikely to drop out of therapy, not complete homework as-signments, and fail to improve (71).

In contrast to studies demonstrating the importance oftherapist characteristics, a randomized controlled studyfound computer-assisted therapy, which allowed targetsfor change to be chosen by the patient, to be as effective astherapist-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (72).

Judging the effectiveness of any therapy includes con-sideration of tolerability and side effects. Jarrett et al. (73)compared cognitive behavior therapy and treatment withphenelzine in a 10-week trial for patients with atypical de-pression. The two active treatments demonstrated identi-cal rates of response (58%), which were superior to that ofplacebo (28%). However, attrition rates were 14% for cog-nitive behavior therapy, 25% for phenelzine, and 64% forplacebo, while adverse side effects were more likely to bereported by those receiving phenelzine than those receiv-ing placebo (92% versus 53%). Tolerability is likely to influ-ence patients’ initial interest in pursuing any therapy andsubsequent compliance.

Possible Action

Cognitive behavior therapy may, as originally proposed,modify ongoing cognitive vulnerabilities, effecting a spe-cific antidepressant action. This may also exert a prophy-lactic effect, either directly or indirectly, by modifying riskthreshold and/or encouraging behavioral strategies thatredress dysfunctional cognitive attributions. If this is valid,two issues must be reconciled. As noted earlier, the au-thors of the NIMH Treatment of Depression CollaborativeResearch Program study observed (28) that “it appearsthat the least cognitively impaired patients respondedmore favorably to cognitive therapy,” challenging any ef-fect of specific cognitive behavior therapy on underlyingcognitive dysfunction. More important, symptomatic im-provement may occur in the course of cognitive behaviortherapy before cognitive restructuring (3). If initial im-provement reflects the impact of hope and other nonspe-

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cific therapeutic ingredients, to what extent is the im-provement trajectory further influenced by any specificinfluence of cognitive behavior therapy?

Second, either the cognitive therapy or behavior therapycomponent of cognitive behavior therapy may be centraland the other secondary. As stated earlier, several meta-analyses have suggested that cognitive behavior therapy isno more effective than behavior therapy, although individ-ual comparison studies (e.g., reference 68) have generallyfailed to establish any differential outcome between, ortarget impact of, cognitive behavior therapy and behaviortherapy. It is possible that the cognitive therapy compo-nent provides logic for a behavior therapy effect.

Third, nonspecific treatment and therapist effects (71)are likely to make a significant contribution to any psy-chotherapy as far as good clinical management.

Fourth, the structure of cognitive behavior therapy mayprovide an effective matrix for therapy. Scott (74) and Stra-vynski and Greenberg (12) identified common factors ineffective psychotherapy. They provided a new frame of ref-erence and a clear rationale, identified a structure withlogical sequences and achievable goals, encouraged inde-pendent use of skills, changed the attributions of the pa-tient, encouraged self-efficacy, and were active and di-rective. Cognitive behavior therapy clearly meets suchcriteria, having logic and possessing a credibility that ap-peals both to patients and to therapists. Hardy and col-leagues (75) suggested that cognitive behavior therapy hasa “treatment principle credibility” advantage that acts be-fore the first treatment.

Fifth, cognitive behavior therapy invites patients to par-ticipate in the process of treatment and thus retain or re-gain control over their lives, which is important whenmany depressed individuals lack mastery, either intrinsi-cally or as a consequence of depression.

Sixth, cognitive behavior therapy meets many needs ofconsumers not to merely receive a drug but rather to haveextended contact with a professional and sense made oftheir personal world.

Seventh, cognitive behavior therapy may act on higher-order or antecedent constructs with any impact on de-pression being a secondary downstream component. Anx-iety is a key candidate, as it increases the chance of depres-sion and is responsive to cognitive behavior therapy.However, there is no evidence that comorbid anxiety pre-dicts a superior response to cognitive behavior therapy. Infact, a majority of studies (e.g., reference 76) suggest theopposite, although another report (77) has indicated thatthose with high anxiety scores required more sessions ofpsychotherapy.


Cognitive behavior therapy has long been accepted as acredible therapy for depression. Despite high use and nu-merous evaluative studies, its efficacy (both acute phase

and prophylactic) remains to be clarified, while proposedmechanisms of action may not be consistent with cogni-tive theories of depression.

We offer two possible conclusions about the true statusof cognitive behavior therapy as a primary treatment fordepression. First, cognitive behavior therapy is of equiva-lent efficacy and utility as other psychotherapies or basicclinical management, but it has a higher cachet because ofextensive scientific evaluation and its credibility to pa-tients and practitioners as a rational and logical approach.Second, cognitive behavior therapy is like all other antide-pressant strategies, with gradients of benefit across heter-ogeneous groupings of disorders, such as major depres-sion and nonmelancholic depression, and with the mostappropriate primary and secondary treatment niches yetto be defined.

However, the efficacy and role of cognitive behaviortherapy will remain undefined if psychiatry continues toaccept the current dimensionally weighted model of de-pression, which uses pseudocategories to capture dimen-sional extremes and then argues that any therapy is equallyeffective across a heterogeneous group. When therapiesare tested according to that model, all appear similarly effi-cacious. The message that “everyone’s a winner” then al-lows practitioners to back any horse in any race. Currently,a practitioner’s discipline or interest (rather than charac-teristics of the depressive disorder and the patient) maydictate which therapy is chosen—so demonstrating the af-fective fallacy.

We suggest that it is time to focus on determining thecircumstances in which cognitive behavior therapy mightbe a specifically effective primary treatment. Until now,evaluation has conformed to the scientific model of un-dertaking randomized and controlled trials of cognitivebehavior therapy as a primary universal treatment, reveal-ing little definitive information about its specific efficacyand effectiveness. It is not useful to ask whether surgery orchemotherapy is a superior universal treatment for breastcancer. Each, depending on the circumstances, may bemore effective and have advantages as a primary treat-ment, and neither excludes the use of the other or addi-tional approaches. Furthermore, cancers are not classifiedas belonging to severity-based heterogeneous groups(e.g., major cancer, minor cancer, or subclinical cancer).Decisions about cancer treatment respect etiology, dis-ease classification, and subsequent empirical testing ofspecific-treatment modalities.

Stravynski and Greenberg (12) argued for the need formore pragmatic distinctions (e.g., medication for thosewhose neurotransmission is disturbed, marital therapy forthose with marital difficulties, cognitive behavior therapyfor those with irrational thinking, and social skills forthose with interpersonal difficulties). However, such amodel still fails to address the possible advantages of se-quencing different treatments or the use of primary andadjunctive therapies. It has been said that “search[ing] for

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subgroups of patients who may preferentially respond tocognitive behavior therapy or pharmacotherapy has notbeen fruitful” (7), but most attempts have been explor-atory, involved retrospective analyses of data sets assem-bled for disparate reasons, and examined depressive sub-type influences in limited ways.

Further exploration of subgroups responsive to cogni-tive behavior therapy as a primary therapy could involvestudying patients who appear to have achieved not justacute or sustained benefit but also greater resilience to fu-ture episodes. This may define characteristics such as clin-ical features, illness patterns, temperament and personal-ity, cognitive style, attitudes toward therapy, andwillingness to address behavioral tasks. In preparing thisarticle, we found reasonable consistency when askingtherapists to provide a prototypical true responder to cog-nitive behavior therapy. Responders were more commonlywomen with good general coping skills who were commit-ted to their work and to others, with that commitmentseemingly covering poor self-esteem or perceived limita-tions that were making them vulnerable to depression incertain circumstances. They found the theory of cognitivebehavior therapy sensible and intellectually appealing, re-lated well to the therapist, and actively engaged in the ex-ercises to promote behavioral change. If true responderscan be profiled, then controlled studies could test the ef-fectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy in progressivelyextended subgroups to determine the limitations of ther-apy. It would be useful to engage in a similar process toidentify responsiveness to cognitive behavior therapy asan adjunctive strategy.

If similar approaches were undertaken to evaluate otherantidepressant modalities (and, for antidepressant drugs,specific drug classes), we might progressively develop amore rational treatment matrix whereby depressed indi-viduals would be provided with sequenced treatment op-tions appropriate to the characteristics of their disorders.The current treatment model for depression lacks “horsesense” in encouraging the view that any therapeutic mo-dality should be universal rather than targeted. It is likelythat cognitive behavior therapy (like other treatments) hasspecific benefits both as a primary treatment and as an ad-junctive treatment for certain subsets of depressed pa-tients. For those who wish to back the cognitive behaviortherapy “horse,” it would be better to first define its form.

Received Feb. 12, 2002; revision received Aug. 6, 2002; acceptedOct. 12, 2002. From the School of Psychiatry, University of New SouthWales, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia; and the Black Dog Institute, Princeof Wales Hospital. Address reprint requests to Dr. Parker, Euroa Unit,Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick 2031, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia;[email protected] (e-mail).

Supported by a program grant from the Australian National Healthand Medical Research Council (993208).

The authors thank their colleagues in the Mood Disorders Unitand Heather Brotchie and Tony James for assistance with articlepreparation.


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