COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To , Nat ional Stock Exchange of India Limited Ma na ge r-Listing Ex change Plaza, Ba ndra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051 Tel No. 022-2659 8237 /38 takeover@nse .co.in De ar Sirs, BSE limited General manager-DSC Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Tel No. 022-2272 2039/37 /3121 corp.relations@bse i ndia. com os th February, 2018 Sub: (Al Regulation 33(3) of LODR: Outcome of Board Meeting for Consideration of Un-Audited financial Results of the Comoany and the Un-Audited financial Results of its Subsidiary. Coffee Day Global Limited for the quarter/Nine Months ended December31 5 \2017 This is to inform you that at the meeting held today, the Board of Directors of our Company have approved the Standalone & Consolidated Un-Audited financial results of the Company and the consolidated Un-Audited Financial results of its subsidiary, Coffee Day Global Limited for the quarter/Nine Months ended December 3is t, 20 17, t he meeting commenced at 10:45 AM and ended at 15:20. Enclosure s: A copy of the "Financial Hi ghlights" of Co ffee Day E nterprises Limited & Coffee Day Global Limited is attach ed herewith. A copy of the statement of Standalone & Consolidated Un-Audited financial results of the Company and the statement of Consolidated Un-Audited financial results of its subsidiary, Coffee Day Global Limited along with the Independent Auditors ' Limited Review Report is attached herewith Kindly take the same on record Thanking you, Yo urs Truly, Fo r Coffee Day Enterprises Limited SA DA NANDA TH IM MA POOJ ARY Sadananda Poojary Company Secretary & Compliance Officer FS223 Regd. Office : 23/2, Coffee Day Squ are, Vittal Ma ll ya Road, Bangalore 56000 1 India T +91 80400 1 2345 F + 91 80 400 I 2987 CJ N : L55101KA2008PLC046866, inves tor s@:offeedaygroup .com,www. coffeeday. com

COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

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Page 1: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)


To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051 Tel No. 022-2659 8237 /38 [email protected]

Dear Sirs,

BSE limited General manager-DSC Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Tel No. 022-2272 2039/37 /3121 [email protected]

osth February, 2018

Sub: (Al Regulation 33(3) of LODR: Outcome of Board Meeting for Consideration of Un-Audited financial Results of the Comoany and the Un-Audited financial Results of its Subsidiary. Coffee Day Global Limited for the quarter/Nine Months ended December31 5\2017

This is to inform you that at the meeting held today, the Board of Directors of our Company have approved the Standalone & Consolidated Un-Aud ited financial results of the Company and the consolidated Un-Audited Financial results of its subsidiary, Coffee Day Global Limited for the quarter/Nine Months ended December 3ist, 20 17, t he meeting commenced at 10:45 AM and ended at 15:20.


• A copy of the "Financial Highlights" of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited & Coffee Day Global Limited is attached herewith.

• A copy of the statement of Standalone & Consolidated Un-Audited financial results of the Company and the statement of Consolidated Un-Audited financial results of its subsidiary, Coffee Day Global Limited along with the Independent Auditors' Limited Review Report is attached herewith

Kindly take the same on record

Thanking you, Yours Truly, For Coffee Day Enterprises Limited SADA NANDA ~!ullr>!\l"""""'~A.NANOll.TlllMMAPOOJAAV

~~;:.~:~~~:'~~2-rm TH IM MA ~~::::::~:;:::!!~~.'..im-m1•924< POOJARY ~!~£:!i~E~·

Sadananda Poojary Company Secretary & Compliance Officer FS223

Regd. Office : 23/2, Coffee Day Square, Vittal Mall ya Road, Bangalore 56000 1 India T +91 80400 1 2345 F +91 80 400 I 2987 CJ N : L55101KA2008PLC046866, investors@:offeedaygroup .com,www.coffeeday.com

Page 2: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

CDFFee DillJ


Coffee Day Enterprises Limited

Financial Highlights


Total gross revenue at Rs. 10,978 million; up 27% YoY Total gross revenue at Rs. 30,336 million; up 20% YoY

EBITDA at Rs. 1,951 million; up 11% YoY EBITDA at Rs. 6,157 million; up 24% YoY *

Net profit at Rs. 220 million; up 91% YoY Net profit at Rs. 849 million; up 169% YoY *

Details of Financial performance Rs.in Million

Q3FY18 Q2FY18 * Q3FY17 YoYh YTD YTD YoY

Growt % Q3FY18 * Q3FY17 Growth% Particulars

Gross Operational Revenue 10,978 9,922 8,657 27% 30,336 25,220 20%

EBIDTA 1,951 2,335 1,750 11% 6,157 4,977 24%

Net Profit attributable to owners 220 473 115 91% 849 316 169%

*During the quarter ended 30th Sep 2017, the Group had an exceptional gain of Rs. 532 million & Rs. 388 million, included in EBITDA and PAT respectively; on account of sale of equity stake in Global Edge Software limited.

()9kalylM;inedbyVlERAPPA HEGOE

VEERAPPA HEGDE g~";::~:"p'.:'!'~:.~:,.""°'° ' · GANGAIAH HEGDE SIDDARTHA

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Se1.cl'l" VEERAPPA HEGDE GANGA.IAH HEGOE SIODARTHA Oi te: 20\8.02.lla 11 :44:S910S'l0'

Page 3: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Subsidiary CGFFl!e nag Coffee Day Global Limited- Coffee Business

Q3 - FY 18

Retail Gross Revenue at Rs. 4,090 million; up 12% YoY

Retail EBIDTA at Rs. 738 million; up 11% YoY

Net profit after tax at Rs. 101 million; up 56% YoY

Financia l Highlights

9 Months- FY 18

Retail Gross Revenue at Rs. 11,901 million; up 13% YoY

Retail EBIDTA at Rs. 2,158 million; up 16%

Net profit after tax at Rs. 298 million; up 53% YoY

Note: figures has been rounded off for the purpose of reporting, previous quarter figures are regrouped/reclassified to match with current quarter Details of Financial performance Rs. In Million

Particulars Q3YOY 9 M YOY

Q3-FY 18 Q2-FY 18 Q3-FY 17 9 M-FY18 9 M-FY17 Growth% Growth%

Gross O~erational Revenue 4,962 4,917 4,079 22% 14,926 12,537 19% Retail 4,090 3,994 3,647 12% 11,901 10,500 13% Procurement, Production & Export 872 923 432 102% 3,025 2,037 48%

EBIDTA 750 735 672 12% 2,199 1,883 17% Retail 738 723 667 11% 2,158 1,863 16% Procurement, Production & Export 11 12 5 142% 41 21 99%

Profit before Tax (PBT) 159 151 121 31% 481 326 48%

Profit after Tax (PAT) 101 95 64 56% 298 194 53%

Particulars Q3-FY 18 Q2-FY 18 Q3-FY 17

Average Sales Per Day (ASPD) 15,572 15,244 14,815

Same Store Sales Growth (SSSG) 7.08% 6.81% 6.08%

Particulars Q3-FY 18 Q2-FY 18 Q3-FY 17

Cafe outlets count 1,704 1,700 1,654

40,0131 VEERAPPA Oi9t<tlly dqn~ byVEERAPPA HEGDE


Vending Machines count 45,919 44,419 HEGDE ON.celN,o,,,PerS<>l'lal, po1ta1Cod e,.S6000 I, ~t· Ka• naLll<a, 2S.4.20=26S85'9ac0lcaf31811dcd8cf4

GANGAIAH 3dc6l4 1 7'9e339'd22f9f9<.1c&U6~7c6


HEGDE ~rl<i 1Numbtr;;1357seaa0b1a7a1 4aef25

1 b4'bb41 Ob90a't6addfoa8da<7l2dfcbt>f 4a6767S"1,cn .. VEEMPPA HEGDE


Date: 20 18.02.081 1;'47:01+0S'30'

Page 4: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

BS R & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants

Maruth1 Info-Tech Centre 11-12/1 Inner Ring Road Korarnangala Bangalore 560 071 India

Telephone: -t· 91 80 3980 6000 Fax: + 91 80 3980 6999

Limited Review Report on Quarterly Consolidated Financhtl Res ults of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited Pu rs uant to th e Rc!!,11la t ion 33 of the E BI (List ing Obligat ions and Disc losu re Requirements) Regulations, 2015

To the Boa nl of Directo rs of Coffee Day En tcrprises Lim itcd

We have revie\\'ed the accom panying statement of Consol idated Financial Resu lts ("the Statement") of Coffee Day En terprises Limited (herein after referred to as ·'the Holding Company"), it subsidiaries. associates and joint ventures as lis ted in note I to the Stat ment (collectively referred to as "the Group") .for the quarte r and nine months ended 31 December 2017, attached herewith, being submitted by the Company in accordance with the requirement or Regulation 33 of the SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Req ui rements) Reg ulati ons. 201 5 (' SEBI Regulations').

This Statemem is the respons ibility of the Comp:rny' s Management and ha been approved by the Board of Direcrors in the ir meeti ng held on 8 Februa1)' 2018. Our respon ibilit) is to issu a report on these fina ncial res ults b:ised on our n::v iew.

We conducted our rev iew in accordance with the Sta nda rd on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, ' Review of Interim Financial Info rmation Performed by the lndependent Audito rs of the Ent ity ' issued by the Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obta in moderate assurance as to whether the financial re ults are free of material misstatements . A review is li mited primar ily to inquir ies of company per onnel and analytical procedures app lied to fi nancial data and thus provide It's assura nce than an audit. We have not pe rfo rmed an audit and accordingly , we do not express an audit opi nion.

We did not review the unaudited fina ncial res ul ts of certain subsidiaries inc luding step down subsidiaries incorporated in the Swtement, wh ich accounts fo r 54.83 % and 50.99 % of the total income from operations, including other income fo r the qua1·ter and nine months ended 31 December 2017, as considered in the Statement. The tatement also includes Rs. 247 .02 111 il l ion and Rs. 688.09 111 ill ion of share of net profit , for tile quarter and ni11l'. mon ths ende I 31 December 201 7 respective ly, in respect of certain joint ventures and associates, whose fi nancial resul ts have not been reviewed by us. These fi nancial results have been reviewecV aud ited by other auditors whose reports have been furni shed to us by Management, and our op inion on the unaudited consolidated financial results, in so far as it relates to the amounts included in respect of thesil subs idiar ies. joint ventures and associmes is based solely on the reports of other aud itors.

We did not review the financia l resul ts of fi ve step down ·ubsicliaries whose financial resul ts account for 0.59 % and 0.60 % of the agg regnte of torn! re ve nues (includ ing othe r income) for the quarter and nine months ended 3 l December 20 17, as cons idered in the Statement. These fina ncial results are unaudited/ not rev iewed and have been furn ished to us by tile Management and our opin ion on the Statement, in so far as it relates to the amounts included in respect orthese subs idiar ies, is based solely on such unaudi ted financial resu lts. In our op inion and according to the in formation and exp lanations given to us by the Management, these fi nanc ial results are not material to the Group.

B $A & Co. (a partnership l1rm with Reg1strat1on No BA61223J converted mto BS R & Co. LLP {~ lJtnited L1abllny Partnership with LLP Registrauon No A.AB-81811 with eftec! from October 1-!, 2013

Regl•• • r•d Office : 1st Floor. Lodha Excel us Apollo Mills Compcund N.M. Josn1 Marg , Mahalakshmi Mumba, · 400 011

Page 5: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

BS R & Co. LLP

Limited Review Repo rt (Co ntin ued)

\ e draw attention ro Note 5 to the financial results regarding the scheme of merger accounted by the Company. Thi! Company vide its Board meeting dated l I August 201 6 had approved for the scheme of merger(' cheme ') between Coffee Day Oversea Private Limited (CDOPL) and the Company. On 31 August 2017, the Compnny ha obta ined approval from National Company Law Tribunal (NCL T) with the appo inted elate of the scheme being I ugust 1016.

Our opinion on the Statement is not modified in rela tion to the above matters.

Based 011 ou r rev iew conducted as above. nothing has come to our attention that causes us to bel ieve that accomp:inying Statement fo r the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 20 17 prepared in accordance with ap plicable accounting standard i.e. Indian Accounting tandards (Ind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of the Compan ies A1.;t. 20 13 read with re leve1nt ru les issued thereunder and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not di sclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obliga ri ons and Disclosure Requirements) Regu lations, 20 15 including the manner in which it is to b dis ·Iosecl, or that it contains any material misstatement .

for B S n ~ Co. LLP Char/ereJ Accountams Fir reg istration numbe r· I 0 I 24 8W/ W- l 00022

~ Supreet Sachd ev Partner Membership number: 205385

Place: Bangalore Date: 8 February 20 18

Page 6: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Coffee D11y Enterpr ises Limit<"d

C IN: L55101KA2008PLC046866

Reg is tered office: 23/2, Co ffee Day Squ are, Vitt al Mall ya Road, Bengaluru 560 001

Pan J: Statement of consolida1ed ummd1tcd inte rim fi nancial results for the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 20 17 J unrl<" r ended

SI. Particul:1rs 31-Dec-17 30-Sei>-17 31-Dec-16

No. U1rn udit ed Unn udited Una udit ed "'

1 Income

Revenue from operations 9,653 8,78 1 7,633

Other income 136 248 157

T ot;ll income 9,789 9,029 7,790

2 E .\'. pCllSl'S

Cost of materials consumed 1,847 1,983 1,362

Cost of integrated logistics services 2,439 1,717 1,803

Purchases of stock-in-trade 143 46

Changes in inventories of fi nished goods, stock- in -t rade and work- in-progress 8 1 16 83

Employee benefits expense 1,338 1,233 1,034

Finance costs 845 857 80 1

Deprec iation and amortizat ion expense 65 5 639 577

Other expenses 2,39 1 2,328 1,896

Total expensl's 9,596 8,916 7,602

3 Profit befo r e exception:tl items, share o r profit from associates and joint Vl'Utures

:1ccounted using equity method and t:.x (1 ~ 2) 193 113 188

4 Excepuonal 11ems (refer note 6) 532

5 P r ofit before share of p1·ofit fr om associates and joint Ycntures accounted using

equity method and tax (3 + 4) 193 645 188

6 Share of profit fro m associates and joint ventu res accounted usi ng equity method 258 194 184

7 Profi t before tax (5 + 6) 451 839 372

8 Tax expense 139 24 1 173

9 Profi l for th e per iod (7. 8) 312 598 199

Attributable to owners of the company 220 473 115

Attributable to non-contro ll ing 111tcrests 92 125 84

Oth er comprehensive incom e

Items that will not be reclassified to profit o r loss, net of ta'< 27 (84) (30)

Items that will be reclassifi ed to profi t or loss, net of tilX ( 15) II 6

10 Other conq>rcheus ive income I (loss) for the period, net of lax 12 (73) (24)

All rib ul:tble to owners of the company 14 (66) (20)

Attr ibutable to non-controlling in terests (2) (7) (4)

II Tottt l comprehensive incomt~ fo r lhe p('riod (9 + 10) 324 525 175

At1 1·ibut i1bl(' to owners or the company 234 407 95

Attr ibutable to non-controlling interests 90 118 80

12 Paid-up equity share capita l (face va lue of Rs I 0 each) 2,113 2,060 2,060

13 Reserves excluding revaluatio n reserves

14 Earnings µer share.

Basic earn ings per share l ln R.s) I. II 1.98 0.46

Diluted earnings per share (In Rs.) I. II 1.93 0.45

. Refer note S See accompanying notes to the inter im fi nanc ial result s

come Di'J

(Rs m /viii/ion)

Nine mont hs t"nded Ye~r ended

31-Dec-17 31-0ec-1 6 31 -Mar-1 7

Un:wdit ed Unaudited "' Audited "'

26 ,577 22,2 59 3 1,196

545 495 638

27,122 22,754 3 1,834

5,923 4,873 7,298

5,870 4,824 6 1688

263 151 454

157 146 64

3,605 2,946 3,91 1

2,520 2,3 17 3,172

1,925 1,678 2,268

6,357 5,394 7,344

26,620 22,329 31 ,199

502 425 635


1,034 425 635

679 557 736

1,713 982 1,37 1

53 8 444 SSS

1,175 538 816

849 316 469

326 222 347

16 33 30

( 18) 16 18

(2) 49 48

J 35 JO

(5) 14 18

1,173 587 864

852 350 499

32 1 23 7 36S

2,113 2,060 2,060

25, 136

4.03 1.70 2.42

4.03 J.68 2.39

~"t<Wd..,llliWtA HlGDli

VEERAPPA HEGDE ="=.!:"'.:;.;:..._,. GANGAIAH ~.11 • ..-.Jol HEGDE ::~·~~=; SIDDARTHA .,~ .. -..... -.. _ ...............

tlt(;[)O SID(WIJHll 0...JIHUUllll:Sl<J7.Ql°JO

Page 7: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Coffee Day Enterprises Limited C IN : L55 101KA2008PLC046866

Register ed office : 23/2, Coffee Day Square, Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru 560 00 1

COFFl!I oa~

Pa11 ll : SeAmem Info nnation

Based on the "nrnnagement approach" as defi ned in Ind AS 108 - Operating Segments, the ChiefOp ernting Decision Maker ("CODtvl11) evaluates the Group


perfo1111ance and a lloca tes resources bnsed o n an analys is of various perfonnance indicmors by busine ss segm ents. Accord lngly, information has been presented along these business segments viz. Coffee and related business, [ntegrated multimodal logistics, Financial services, Leasing of commercial office

spa..:c , Hospita lity services and lnvcsunent nnd other coq>orate operations.

Financial infonna tion on our consolida1ed reponable operating segments fo r the quarter and nine months end ed 3 1 December 20 17 is set out as below: (Rs in Mil/Joni

SL Quaner ended Nine months ended Year ended

Particul:u-s 31 -Dec- l 7 30-SCD-l 7 31 -Dec-16 3!-Dec-1 7 31-Dec-16 3!-Mar-1 7 No. Unaudited Unaudited Unaud ited " Unaudited Unaudited* Audi ted•

1 Segnwnt revenue

a) Coffee and related bus iness 4 ,960 5,103 4 ,152 15,236 12 ,747 18 ,274

b) Integrated multimodal logistics 3,732 2,779 2,675 9,357 7,326 10,329

c) Financial services 1.676 1,487 1,288 4.035 3,549 4,760

d) Leasing of commercial office space 363 353 349 1,084 1,042 1,392

e) Hospita lity services 97 75 94 279 268 355

!) Investment and other corporate operations 150 125 99 345 288 410

Gross revenues 10,978 9,922 8,657 30,336 25,220 35,520

2 Segment resuh

a) Coffee and related business 749 735 67 1 2,198 1,882 2,606

b) Integrated multimodal logistics 441 4 17 435 1,322 1,165 1,654

c) Financ ial services 177 146 133 450 43 1 556

d) Leasing of conunercial office space 294 297 288 9 12 863 1,165

e) Hospitality services 16 (5) 20 35 36 49

!) Investment and other corporate operat ions 274 745 203 1,240 600 781

Tomi 1,95 1 2,335 1,750 6, 157 4,977 6,811

J Reconciliation to consolida ted financial results

Segment revenue 10,978 9,922 8,657 30,336 25,220 35,520

Less : r econciling items

Taxes and discmmts on sa les 1,143 1,0 13 893 3,298 2,647 3,807

Inter-segment revenue 182 128 13 1 461 314 517

Revenue from operations 9,653 8,781 7,633 26,577 22,259 31 ,196

Segment result 1,95 1 2,335 1,750 6, 157 4,977 6,811

Less : reconciling items

Depreciation and amonisation expense 655 639 577 1,925 1,678 2,268

Finance costs 845 857 80 1 2,520 2.317 3,172

Tax expense, net 139 24 1 173 538 444 555 Profi t for the period 312 598 199 1,175 538 816

*Refe1 note J

Notes to the segment information:

a) Segment result represents EB ITDA i.e. earnings before interest expense, depreciat ion I amortisation expense and tax. For the purpose of segment repo1ting, the Company has included share of profits from associates and joint ventmes under respective business segments. Further, it also includes exceptional gain on account of sale of equity stake in Global Edge Software Limited (refer note 6).

b) Since the infonna1jon about segment assets and segment liabilities are not reviewed by the CODM, the Company has not presented such mfonnation as a pan of its segment disclosure, which is in accordance with the requirements of Ind AS 108.

Page 8: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)


The above consolidated interim finan cial results of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited ("the Company") and its subsidiaries, associates and j oint ventures (collective ly

known as "the Group") have been prepared in l\ccordance wi th the I.ndian Accounting Standard (' Ind AS') prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read

with rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Ruic:;, 20 15 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendm.ent Rules, 20 16 and in terms of SEBf

(Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requireme11t ) Regulations, 2015.

These interim results are prepared in accordm1ce with the requirement of the Indian Accounting Standard 110 "Consolidated Financial Statements" and presented in the format prescribed under Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board oflndia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter

referred to as "the Listing Regulations, 20 15" )

The consolidated figures above include tigures of the subsidiaries including step subsidiary companies namely Coffee Day Global Limited, Tanglin Developments Limited, Coffee Day Ho1e ls and Resorts Pri va te Limited, Coffee Day Trading Limited, Way2Wealth Securities Privutc Limited, AN Coffeeday International Limited,

Classic Coffee Curing \.\'o rks, Co ftCelab Limited, Coffee Day Gastronomic Und KafTechandles GmbH, Coffee Day CZ a.s., Tanglin Reta il Realty Developments Private

Limited, Sica! Logistics Limited, Sica! Infra Assets Limited, Sica] Iron Ore Terminal Limited, Sica! Iron Ore Terminal (M angalore) Limited, Norsea Offshore India Limited, Bergen Offshore Logistics Pie Limited, Norsea Global Offshore Pte Limited, Sical Mult imodal and Rai l Transport Limited, Sica! Adams O ffshore Limited,

Sical Saumya Mining Limited. Sical Bangalore Logistics Park Limited, Sica! Mining Limited, PNX Logistics Private Limited. PAT Chems Private Limited, Girividhyuth India Limited, Wilderness Reso rts Private Limited

1 Karnataka Wildli fe Resorts Private Limited, Man di2Market Traders Private Limited, \Vay2Weahh Distributors

Private Limited, Way2Wcalth Capital Private Limited, Way2Wealth Enterprises Private Limited, Way2Wealth Brokers Private Limited, Way2Wealth Insurance Brokers Priv_atc Limited, Alplrngrep Securities Private Limited, Way2Wealth Commodit ies Private Limited, Way2Wealth Illuminati Pte Limited, A...lphaGrep Holding HK Limited, A...l phaGrep UK Limited, Shanghai Dao Ge International Trading Limited, A1phagrep Commodities Private Limited, Magnasoft Consulting India Private

Limited, Magnasoft Europe Limited and Magnasoft Spatial Services Inc.

The consolidated net pro fil presented includes Group's share of profi t I loss from joint ventures namely Coffee Day Schaerer Technologies Priva te Limited, PSA Sica! Terminals Limited and Sica! Sanva Rai l Terrninal Private Limited as we ll as the Group's share of profits from associate companies namely lttiam Systems Private

Limited, Mindrree Limited and Barefoot Resorts and Leisure India Private Limited (also refer note 6).

The Statement of unaudited consolidated in1 erim financial results ( "the Statement" ) of the Group for the quarter and nine months ended 3 1 December 2017 has been

reviewed by the Audit Comminee and thereafte r approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 8 February 20 18.

The consolidated interim financial results fo r the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 20 17 was subjected to "Limited Review" by Statutoty Auditors of the Company. The review repo11 of the Statutory Auditors is being fil ed with the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange and is also available on the Company's website www.coffeeday.com

Pursuant to the provisions o f Listing Agreement , the Management has decided to publish unaudited consolidated interim finan cial results in the newspapers. However,

the unaudited standalone interim financia l results of the Company wi ll be made available on the Compa11y's website www.coffeeday.com and also on the website ofBS E

(W\VW. bseind ia.com) and NSE (www. nseindia.com).

During the previous qua11er, the Comp<my obta ined approval from the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) dated 3 1 August 20 17 to merge Coffee Day Overseas

Private Limit ed (C DOPL) with itself. CDOPL is a Private limited Company and holds 3.2 t % of shares in Coffee Day Global Limited, a subsidiary of CDEL. The appointed date of the scheme is I August 20 16 which is the e ffective date of merger as approved by NC L T. The Company has considered the said merger as an asset acquisition from the appointed date and accord ingly has restated its results for the quarters ended 31December 20 16, nine months ended 3 1 December20 16 and year

ended 31 March 20 17. The consideration for the said asset acquisition has been d ischarged by issue of 52,50,000 shares of Rs . IO each at premium of Rs.23 5 per share.

In the preceding quaner, " Global Edge Soflware Limited" ceased to be an assoc iate of the Group pursuant to a sale of95% of the stake in the entity held by the Group. T he Group has given the effect of this sale during the quarter and has recorded profit on sale of stake amounting to Rs. 532 million; and has also disclosed the same as an except ional item for that quarter. The Group, however, has accounted share of profit using equity method upto the date of transaction i.e. 25 September 2017, post which it ceased to be an associate.

During the previous quarter, Income Tax department conducted search/ survey under section 132/ 133A of the Income Tax Act , 196 1 on Coffee Day Enterprises Limited and its subsidiary companies from 21September 20 17 to 24 September 20 17. The Company submitted a statement to the stock exchanges on 25 September 20 17 to this effect. The search/ survey proceedings are still underway and the Company is responding to the queries being raised by the department. The Company does

not envisage any material impact on the fi nancial statements of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited.

fo r and on behalf of Board of Directors of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited


V.G. Si ddlrnrtha Chairman & Managing Director

Place: Bangalore Date: 8 February 20 18

Page 9: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

B S R & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants

Maruthi Info-Tech Centre 11-12/1 Inner Ring Road ' or mangala Bangalore 560 071 India

Telephone: + 91 BO 3980 6000 Fax: + 91 BO 3980 6999

Limited R ev iew Rep ort on Quarterly Stnndalone Financial Resu lts of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited p urs ui111t to Regulntion 33 of th e SEl3 1 (Lis ting Obligations and Disclos ure

Requi re ments) Regulations, 2015

To the Bonrcl o f' Direc tors of Coffee Day Enterprises L imited

We have re viewed the accompanying statement or unaudited standalo ne financial results (" 'Statement") of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited (' the Company' ) fo r the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 20 17 a!lached herewi th, being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requi rements of Regu lation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Di sclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201 5.

This Statement is the respon ib ility of th · Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting he ld on 8 February 20 18. Our responsibi li ty is to issue a report on these finallcial resu lts based 011 our review.

W conducte I our re view in accordance with the Standard on Re iew Engagement (SRE) 2410,

·Review of Inter im Financi:-il Information Perfo rmed by the Independent Audito rs of the Enti ty' issued

by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ind ia. Thi s standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance about whether the financial results are free of material misstatements. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an aud it and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinio n.

We clrm attention to ote 7 to the financial re ults regard ing the scheme of merger accounted by the Company. The Company vi de its Board meeting dated I I August 20 16 had approved fo r the scheme of

merger ('Scheme') between the Company and Coffee Day Overseas Private Limited (CDOPL). On 31 August 2017, the Company has obtained approval fro m Nat ional Company Law Tribunal (NCL T) with rheappoint ddateoftheschemebeing I Augusr2016.

BS R & Co {a partners11ip firm with Registration No. BA61223J converted into 8 S R & Co LLP la Limited Uab1h1V Pannarsh10 with LLP Registration Mo AAB-8 181 ) wrth eftect fro,.n October 1-l. 2013

Reglst1ted Office : 1st Floor. Lodha Excolus Apollo Mills Compound N.M. JQsh1 Mar9. Mahalakshmi Mumbai · 400 011

Page 10: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

B S R & Co. LLP

Based on our revie w conducted as above, nothing has come to our att ention that causes us to bel ieve that the accompanying fina ncial resull s prepared in accordance with appl icable accounting standards i.e. Jnd AS prescri bed under ect ion 133 of the Compan ies Act, 20 13 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other recognized accounti ng pract ices and policies has not disclosed the information

required to be disclosed in terms of Regulati on 33 of the SEBI (List ing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regul at ion -, 20 15. includ ing the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any materi al misstatement.

Our opinion is not mod ified in respect or the abov matte r.

for B S R c' • C o. LLP

Chartered .·lccou111ants

Suprcct Sac hdev Partner

Membership 10 . : 205385

Place: Benga luru Date: 8 February 2018

I 0 I 248W/ \V- I 00022

Page 11: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Coffee Day Enterprises Limited C IN : L55101KA2008PLC046866

Regis tered office: 23/2, Coffee Day Square, Vitta l Mallya R oad, Bengaluru 560 001

DUFFll8 DilY

Statement of unaudited standalone financia l results for the nuancr and nine month ended 31 December 20 17 (Rs in million except per share data )

SI. No. Particulars Quarter ended 9 months ended Year ended

31 Decem ber 30 September 3 1 December 3 1 Decem ber 31 Decem ber 31 Ma rch 201 7

2017 2017 2016 2017 2016

Unaudited "" Unaudited• Unaudited "" Unaudited "" Unaudited * Audi ted *

I Jncome a) Revenue from o perations 2 16.55 347.16 11 7.54 855.59 324.96 964 .59

b) Other income 6.32 5.63 5.7 1 24.79 18.53 19. 18 Total incom e la+bl 222 .87 352.79 123. 25 880.38 343.49 983.77

2 Ex11enses a) Purchase of stock in trade (0.00) 140.28 33 .87 260.52 103 .74 393.15

b) Employee benefit expense 19.50 19.5 6 16.77 56.76 49.05 67.02

c) Finance costs 3 13.04 322.33 304.58 95 1. 2 1 920.60 1,225 . 16

d) Depreciat ion and a111011ization expense 0.93 1.05 l.30 3.28 3.96 5.05 c) Advert isement expenses 1.24 1.02 0.47 2.32 6.08 12.16

f) Other exnenses 19.77 17.55 20. 46 56.02 5 1.69 77.0 1

Tomi exncnses ta+b+c+ d+e+ f'I 354.48 501.79 377.45 I 330. 11 1 135.12 1.779.55

3 Loss before ta x (1-2) (131.61) (149.00) (254.20) (449. 73) (791.63) (795.78)

4 Tax cxp1mse - -5 Loss for the •ic r iod 0 -41 113 1.611 1149.001 1254.20' 7449,73' 179 1.631 1795.781

Other comprehens ive income Items Lhat w ill not be rec lassified to profit or loss 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.29 0. 27 0.38

6 Other comprehensive income fo r the 11eriod, net of tax 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.29 0.27 0. 38

7 Total com11 rehcns ivc loss for the 1)criod t5+6\ 11 31.511 11 48.901 1254.1 (\ ' 449.44\ 1791.361 1795.401

8 Paid-up equity share capital (face value ofRs. 10 each) 2, 11 2.52 2,060.02 2,060.02 2, 112.52 2,060.02 2,060 .02

9 Reserves excluding revaluation reserve 16,027.48

10 Earnings per equity share for continuing o perat ions (not annualised) (a) Basic (Rs) (0 64) (0 .72) ( 123) (2 17) (3.84) (3 86) l(b) Diluted 1Rs1 (0.64) I0 .72) 11.231 12. 171 '3.841 (3 86)

* Refer note 6

See accomoanving notes to the financial results

Page 12: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)


The Statement of unaudited standalone fi nanci al results ('the Statement') of Coffee Day Enterprises Limited ('the Company') for the quarter and nine month ended 31December2017 has been reviewed by the Audit Committee and thereafter approved by the Board of Directors 111 the meeting held on 8 Februa1y 20 18.

2 The figures for the quarter and nine month ended 31December 20 17 was subjected to 'Limited Review' by Statutory Auditors of the Company. The review repo rt of the Statutory Auditors is being Jil ed with Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange and is also available on the Company's website www.coffeeday.com.

Pursuant to the provisions of Li sting Agreement, the Management has decided to publish unaudited consolidated financial results in the newspapers. However, the unaudited standalone financial results of the Company will be made available on the Company's website www.coffeeday.com and also

on tile website ofBSE (www.bsei ndia.com) and NSE (www.nseindia.com).

4 These interim financia l results have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standard (' Ind AS') prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read wi th rule 3 of the Companies (Ind ian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016 and in terms ofSEBJ (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 20 15 and SEBJ circular dated 5 July 2016.

In accordance with Ind AS 108, Operating segments, segment information has been provided in the unaudited conso lidated financial resul ts of the Company and therefore no separate disclosure on segment information is given in these standalone financial results.

6 During the previous quarter, Income T<LX departm ent conducted search/ survey under section 132/ 133A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 on Coffee Day Enterprises Limited and its subsidiary compani es fro m 21September 20 17 to 24 September 20 17. The Company submitted a statement to the stock exchanges on 25 September 2017 to this effect. The search/ survey proceedings are still underway and the Company is responding to the queri es be ing ra ised by the department. The Company does not envisage any material impact on the financial statements of Coffee Day Enterpri ses Limited.

7 During the prev ious quarter, the Company obtained approval from the National Company Law Tribunal elated 31 August 2017 to merge Coffee Day Overseas Private Lim ited (CDOPL) with itself CDOPL is a Private limited Company and holds 3.21 % of shares in Coffee Day Global Limited, a subsidiary ofCDEL. The appo inted date of the scheme is I August 20 16 which is the effective date of merger as approved by NCLT. The Company has considered the said merger as an asset acquisition from the appointed date and accordingly have restated its results for the quarters ended 31 December 2016, nine months ended 31 December 20 16 and year ended 31 March 2017. The consideration for the said asset acquisition has been discharged by issue of 52,50,000 shares of Rs. I 0 each at premium of Rs.235 per share.

/or and on behalfofBoarcl of Directors of


V, G. Sidclhartha Chairman and Managi ng Director Coffee Day Enterprises Limited Place: Bangalore Date: 8 February 2018

Page 13: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

B S R & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants

Maruthi Info-Tech Centre 11 -12/1 Inner Ring Road

Koramangala Bangalore 560 071 India

Telephone: + 91 80 3980 6000 Fax: + 91 80 3980 6999

Limited Review Repor t on Quarterly Consolidated Financial Results of Coffee Day Global Limited Pu rsuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBr (List ing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regul:it ions, 2015

We have reviewed the accompanying stateme nt of Consol idated Financ ial Resu lts ("the Statement") of Coffee Day Globa l Lim ited (''the Compa ny"), its subsidinries and joint venture ns listed in note 2 to the Statement (co llectively rd' ·1Tecl to as ·'the Group") fo r the qua1ter and nine months ended 31 December 20 17, attached herewith, be ing subm itted by the Company in accordance with the requi rement of Regul ation 33 of tile SEB I (Lis ti ng Obligations and Disclosu re Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("SEBl Regulat ions") read along \\ ith note 3 to the Statement. wherein it is stated that the Management has voluntarily adopted th preparlllion of this State ment fo r its submission to Bombay Stock Exchange and

ational Stock Exchange. Ind ia.

This Statement is the responsib il ity of the Company 's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors in the ir meeting held on 8 February 2018. Ou r responsibility is to issue a repo1t on these financial resu lts based on our rev iew.

We conduc ted our rev iew in accordance with the tandard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, 'Review of' Interim Financial In format ion performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Institute of Chanered Accountants of India . This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate a surance as to whether the financi al results are free of material misstatements. A review is limited I rimar il y to inquiries of company personnel and analyti ca l procedures appl ied to financ ial data and thus provide I .ss assurance than an audi t. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not expres an audit opinion.

We did not review the unaudited financial resu lts of certa in subsidiaries and joint ventu re which have been incorporated in the Statement. The financial results of these subsidiaries and joint ventures have not been subjected to review either by us or other aud itors, and therefore, the unaudited financi al results for the quarter have been furnis hed to us by the Management. These subsidiaries acco unt for 1.52% and 1.32% of the total income from operations , includ ing other income for the quarter and nine months ended 31

December 201 7 respectively as shown in the Statement.

e s A & Co. fa partnership firm With Registration No. BA612231 converted into B S R & Co. LLP {ct Lm11ted Liability Pannersh1p with LLP R&g1strat1on No. AA6-S 181J wsth effect I ram Oc1ober 14. 2013

Registered Ofnct: 1st F/001, Lodha Excelus Apollo Mills Compound N.M . Joshi Marg, M atwlakshmi Mumbai - 400 01 1

Page 14: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

8 SR & Co. I LP

Based on our re icw condu ted as above, nothing has come to our attention that cau es us to believe that

accompanying Statement for the quarter ended J l December 20 17 prepared in accordance wi th applicable accounti ng standard i.e . Indian Accounting Standnrds ("Ind AS") prescri bed under Section 133 of the

Companies Act 20 13 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other recogn ized accounting practice

and po li cies has not d i ~closed the in format ion requi red to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI {L is ting Ob ligations and Disclosure Req uirements) Regulat ions, 2015 including the manner in which

it i to be di clo. ed. or that ii conta in any material misstatement.

for BSH& Co. LLP Char1ered Ac(·o 11111w11s

Firm regi stration number: IOJ248W/W-100022

Partner Membership number: 205385

Place: Bangalore

Date: 8 February 2018

Page 15: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Coffee Day Global Limited COFFiii CIN : U851 IO KA l993PLCOl 500 1

Register ed Office ; KM Road, C hikmagalur aa1 Sta1ement of unaud ited consolidated interim financial results for the quaner and nine months ended 31 December 201 7 (Rupees in million except per share data)

Qmirter ended Nine months end ed Year ended

31 December 30 September 31 December 31 Decem ber 31 December 31 March 201 7 Particulars 2017 2017 20 16 20 17 2016

Unaudited Unau dited Unaudited Unaudited Una udited Audited

I Income a) Revenue from operations 4,350.19 4,303.73 3,458.67 13,058. 15 10,844.42 15,354.66

b) Other income 34.94 44.68 53.23 145 .54 189.14 283.65

Toh1l in co me (a+ b) 4,385.13 4,348.41 3,511.90 13,203.69 11 ,033.56 15,638.3 1

2 Expenses

a) Cost of materials consumed 1,835.79 1,929.06 1,329.22 5,848.28 4,799. 12 7,205 .84

b) Changes in inventories of fini shed goods, 8 1.33 18.49 83.14 158.5 1 146.12 64.06

work-in-progress and stock-in-1rade

c) Employee benefit s expenses 614 .28 611. 14 521.45 1,8 17.43 1,551.23 2,082.43

d) Finance costs 156.10 159.58 135 .08 429 .83 334.59 478.95

e) Depreciation and amortization ex pense 433.83 425 .03 414 .03 1,286.72 1,220.88 1,632.65

I) Other expenses 1,104. 13 1,054.83 906.51 3, 180.76 2,653.96 3,676.81

Total expenses (a+b+c+d+e+f) 4,225.46 4,198.13 3,389.43 12,721.53 10,705.90 15,140.74

3 Protit before share of protit from joint ventures accou nted using equity method and tux (1-2)

159.67 150.28 122.47 482.16 327.66 497.57

4 Share of pro fi t I (loss) from joint venture accoun1ed using (0.75) 0.56 (1.3 7) (0.84) (2.03) (3.54)

equ ity method

5 Profit before tax (3+4) 158.92 150.84 12l.I O 481.32 325.63 494.03

6 Tax expense 58.38 55.93 56.73 182.95 131. 19 230.49

7 Profit for the period (5-6) 100.54 94.91 64.37 298.37 194.44 263.54

Attriburnble to: Owners of the Company 100.54 94.9 1 64.3 7 298.37 194.44 263.54

Other com1irehensive income

Items that wi ll not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax 0.02 0.02 (0.93) 0.06 (2.78) (0.87)

l1ems that wi ll be reclassified to profit or loss, net of 1ax 0.18 2. 14 (4.75) (4.7 1) 1.15 14.46

8 Other comprehensive income for th e period, net of tax 0.20 2.1 6 (5.68) (4.65) (1.63) 13.59

Attr ibutable to: Owners of the Company 0.20 2.16 (5.68) (4.65) (1.63) 13.59

9 Total comprehensive income for the period (7+8) 100.74 97.07 58.69 293.72 192.81 277.13

Attributab le to: Owners of the Com pany 100.74 97 .07 58.69 293.72 192.81 277. 13

10 Paid-up equity share capital (face value of Re . I each) 170.52 170.52 169.91 170.52 169.9 1 169.9 1

II Reserves excluding revaluat ion reserves - - - 8,536.63

12 Earnings per equity share for conti nuing operations (not

annual ised)

Basic (Rs) 0.59 0.57 0.45 1.72 1.1 5 1.64

Diluted (Rs) 0.53 0.51 0.40 1.54 1.03 1.47


VEERAPPA HEGDE ~~::'.":,';!!:""""' GANGAIAH ~~=;::;:::1c10<1

HEGDE ~~=::;t;r~~~ SIDDARTH A :;:,:;;=''""'"""'""


Page 16: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)

Coffee Day Global Limited CDFFll CIN: U85 110KA1993PLC015001 Dll Registered office: KM R oad, Chikamagalur

Segment Information

Based on the "management app roach" as defined in Ind AS 108, "Operating Segments", the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM) evaluates the Group performance and allocates resources based on an analysis of various performance indicators by business segments. Accordingly, information has been presented

along tl1csc bus iness scgrncms viz. Production, procurement and expon division and retai l operations as its operating segments.

Financial information on consolidated reportab le operating segments for the quarter ended 31 December 20 17, 30 September 2017 and 3 1 December 20 16, nine months ended 3 I December 201 7 and 3 1 December 20 16 and year ended 3 1 March 201 7 is set out below:

(Rupees in million) Quarter ended Nine months ended Year ended

Particula rs 3 ·1 Dec ember 30 September 31 December 31 December 31 December 3 1 March

201 7 201 7 201 6 2017 2016 2017

Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited

1 Segment Revenue

a) Production, procurement and export divi sion 87 1.90 923.49 43 1.64 3,024.54 2,036.78 3,494.36

b) Retail operation 4,089.85 3,993 .60 3,647.14 11 ,901.40 10,500.49 14,233 .53

Total 4,961.75 4,917.09 4,078.78 14,925.94 12,537.27 17,727.89

2 Segment Results

a) Production, procurement and export di vision 11 .49 12 .03 4.75 40.73 20.50 53.23

b) Retail operation 738. 10 722.86 666.83 2,157.98 1,862.63 2,555.94

Total 749.59 734.89 671.58 2,198.71 1,883.13 2,609.l 7

3 Reconciliation to fi nancial results

a) Segment revenue 4,961.75 4,9 17.09 4,078 .78 14,925 .94 12,537.27 17,727.89 Less: reconciling items

- taxes and discounts on sales (6 11.56) (6 13 .36) (620. 11 ) (1,867. 79) (1,692.85) (2,373.23) Revenue as per financia l results 4,350.19 4,303.73 3,458.67 13,058.15 10,844.42 15,354.66

b) Segment results 749.59 734 .89 67 1.58 2,198.7 1 1,883. 13 2,609.17 Less: reconciling items

- dcprcciarion (433.83) (425.03) (4 14.03) (1,286.72) (1,220.88) (1,632.65) - linancc cost (156. 10) (159.58) (135.08) (429.83) (334.59) (478.95) Profit befo re share of profit from joint 159.66 150.28 122.47 482.16 327.66 497.57 ventu res acco unted using equity method and tax as per financial r esults

Notes to the segment in fo rmation: Since, the information about segment assets and segment liabilities arc not provided to the CODM for his review, the Company has not presented such information as a part of its segment di sclosure which is in accordance with the requirements of Ind AS 108 .


VEERAPPA HEGDE ::':';:;'.:~--1. GANGAIAH ~~~s.•K11J<o1J 1 1 111kdk1oo:io. HEGDE SIDDARTHA

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7S.l , cn-Yt£11A11f'AH(GD(G.\NG.AWI ttlGOlWOOAA'Ttlol O.OC.:JOIWMU:..ll:<lloOS'lO'

Page 17: COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED · COFFEE DAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Manager-Listing Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)


The above interim results of Coffee Day Global Limited ("the Company"), the subsid iaries and a joint venture (collectively known as "the CDGL

Group") arc prepared in accordance with requirement of the Indian Accounting Standard 110 "Consolidated Financial Statement" prescribed by Companies (Indian Accounti ng Standard) Rules, 2015 (as amended) and in the format prescribed under Regulation 33 of the Securities and

Exc hange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20 15 (hereinafter referred to as "the Listing Regulations,

20 15") .

2 The consolidated figures above inc lude figures of subsidiaries namely A.N Coffee day International Limited, Coffeelab Limited, Class ic Coffee

Curing Works , Coffee Day C.Z., Coffee Day Gastronomic und Kaffeehandels GmbH Kaffee and a joint venture namely Coffee Day Schaerer Technologies Private Limited.


As the Company is an un listed entity, it is not mandatorily required to prepare the interim financia l results in accordance with the Listing

Regulations, 2015. However, the Company has voluntarily prepared the interim financial results using the forniat prescribed by the Listing Regulation, 2015 pursuant to listing of shares of Coffee Day Enterprise Limited, its holding company for its submiss ion to Bombay Stock

Exchange and National Stock Exchange.

The figures fo r the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 2017 were subject to 'Limited Review' by Statutory Auditors of the Company. The review report of the Statutory Auditors is being fil ed with Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange and is also available on the

Company's website www.coffeeday.com. The above interim resul ts were reviewed by the Audi t Committee and thereafter approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 8 February 201 8 .

5 The Company vide its Board meeting dated 22 June 2017 had approved for the scheme of merger (' Scheme' ) of Amalgamated Holdings Limited ("AHL"), Coffee Day Properties (India) Pri vate Limited ("CDPIPL") and Ganga Coffee Curing Works Limited ("GCCWL") (together known as the "Trans feror Companies" ) wi th the Company which has been approved by Regional Director, Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) on 30 January 2018 with an appointed date of 1Apri l 20 17, being the effecti ve date as per the Scheme. The merger has been accounted for as required under Appendix C to Ind AS I 03 as per the pooling of interest method as combination under co111111on control entities.

6 During the previous quarter, the Company vi de its Board meeting dated I 0 August 20 1 7 approved the acquisition of ONS Ventures SON. BHD, an enti ty which operates in the retail trading industry in Malaysia. The Company is under process to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals for the acquisition.

for and on bchalfofBoard ofDi rcctors of

Coffee Day Global Limited

VEERAPPA HEGDE =-·--··--·­GANGAIAH HEGDE =::r-::·~~"--· SIDDARTHA ::.-.= .... 4. V.G. Siddhartha

Chairman and Managing Director

Place: Banga lore

Date: 8 Feb ruary 20 18