SCIENCE Fund Committee, Biological Laboratories of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. TENNEYL. DAVIS, Corre.~ponding Secretary SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE DEPART- MENT OF HOSPITALS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK THE executive committee of the Research Council of the Department of Hospitals of New York City at a recent meeting voted grants amounting to $7,875 for studies to be carried on in the Research Division of Chronic Disease, now functioning on Welfare Island, New York. At the meeting, Dr. S. S. Goldwater, commissioner of hospitals, announced the completed organization of the scientific personnel, which includes : Research Director, Dr. David Sccgal, assistant professor in rnedicinc, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Co- lumbia Univcrsity. Clinical Associate, Dr. Arthur J. Patck, Jr., associatc in medicine, Collcge of Physicians and Surgeons, Colunl- bia University. Research Associate in Immuno-Chemistry, Dr. Forrest E. Kendall, assistant profcssor in biochcnlistry, Collcgc of Physicians and Burgeons, Columbia Univcrsity. Research Bellow, Dr. Diekinson W. Jiichards, Jr., as- sistant professor in mcdicine, Collcge of Physicans and Surgeons, Columbia University. Research Pellow, Dr. Kenneth 13. Turncr, associate ill mcdicine, Collcgc of Physicians and Surgcons, Colum- bia University. Resident in Research Medicine, Dr. Alfrcd Stciner, in- structor in medicine, Collegc of Physicians and Sur- geons, Columbia Univorsity. Resident in Research Medicine, Dr. Jamcs S. Mansfield, instructor in medicine, Collcge of Physicians and Sur- goons, Columbia University. Studies which the Research Council is promoting include the following: Thc mechanism of arteriosclcrosis by Dr. I<onnoth B. Turncr and Dr. Alfrcd Stciner. Pulmonary cmphysenia and fibrosis by Dr. Dickinson SV. Richards and Dr. James S. Mansficld. Cirrhosis of livcr and hypertcnsioii by Dr. ArtEiur .J. Patck, Jr. Tho r61e of iiifcctioii in chronic discasos with particular refcrcncc to chronic nephritis by Dr. David Sccgal. Chronic arthritis by Dr. Forrest E. Kendall and Dr. Martin Henry Dawson. The Research Courlcil of the Department of 110s- pitals was organized last year to stimulate scientific research in chronic diseases. Grants macle by the council supplement the grant of $25,000 per annum made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for research work. The officers of the Research Council for the current year are: Marshall Ficld, Chairman; Dr. John A. lIartwell, Vice- chairman; Dr. Bernard Sachs, Treasurel; and Dr. s. S. Goldwater, Secrelary. The Scientific Advisory Committee includes : Dr. Alfred E. Cohn, RoeBcfeller Institutc for Mcdieal liesearch. Dr. Eugene L. Opic, professor of pathology, Corncll Univcrsity Medical School. Dr. W. W. Palmcr, Collcgc of Physicians and Snrgeons, Columbia University. Dr. Alphonse R. Dochez, attcnding physician, Presby- tcrian IIosnital. Ilr. Douglas Symmers, director of the Division of Lab- oratories of the Dcpartmcnt of Hospitals. Dr. William 11. Park, director of T~aborntories emcritus of the Dcpartmcnt of Health. Dr. Martin Henry Dawson is president of the Mcd- ical Board of the Research Division. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE AMERICAN PATENT SYSTEM d CELEBIiATTON of tho one hundredth anniversary of tho American patent system will be hold at the May- flower Hotel, Washington, D. C., on November 23. i\t the invitation of Secretary Danicl C. Roper, of tho Department of Commerce, Dr. Charles F. Kettering, of the General Motors Research Corporation, con- sented to be chairman of the committee in charge. The following program has been arranged: NA,PJONAI, ~CADILAIY Or SCIICNCES AUDITOILIUM- 10 : 00 A.M. “Importance of Inventions to Civilization," by Dr. Harrison E. Howe, cditor, Indzcstrzal and Engiwer- ' ing Chemistry. Thc American Patent System, " by Thomas Ewing, a formor commissioner of patcnts. "Thc Great Iiivoiitioiis of the Ccntuiy, " by Dean Doxtcr S. Kimball, College of Eugineoring, Cornell University. "This is Not tho End-Looking Toward tho Puturo of Invention," by liobert E. Wilson, vice-chairman, Fan Aincricaii Pctroleum and Transport Company. ''Researe11 Parade "-Demonstrations of sciciitific and technical principles and achiovcmoiits wEiic11 havc not yet materialized into industrial applications.


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Fund Committee, Biological Laboratories of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

TENNEYL. DAVIS, Corre.~pondingSecretary



THE executive committee of the Research Council of the Department of Hospitals of New York City a t a recent meeting voted grants amounting to $7,875 for studies to be carried on in the Research Division

of Chronic Disease, now functioning on Welfare Island, New York.

At the meeting, Dr. S. S. Goldwater, commissioner of hospitals, announced the completed organization of the scientific personnel, which includes :

Research Director, Dr. David Sccgal, assistant professor in rnedicinc, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Co- lumbia Univcrsity.

Clinical Associate, Dr. Arthur J. Patck, Jr., associatc in medicine, Collcge of Physicians and Surgeons, Colunl- bia University.

Research Associate i n Immuno-Chemistry, Dr. Forrest E. Kendall, assistant profcssor in biochcnlistry, Collcgc of Physicians and Burgeons, Columbia Univcrsity.

Research Bellow, Dr. Diekinson W . Jiichards, Jr., as-sistant professor in mcdicine, Collcge of Physicans and Surgeons, Columbia University.

Research Pellow, Dr. Kenneth 13. Turncr, associate ill mcdicine, Collcgc of Physicians and Surgcons, Colum- bia University.

Resident i n Research Medicine, Dr. Alfrcd Stciner, in- structor in medicine, Collegc of Physicians and Sur- geons, Columbia Univorsity.

Resident i n Research Medicine, Dr. Jamcs S. Mansfield, instructor in medicine, Collcge of Physicians and Sur- goons, Columbia University.

Studies which the Research Council is promoting include the following:

Thc mechanism of arteriosclcrosis by Dr. I<onnoth B. Turncr and Dr. Alfrcd Stciner.

Pulmonary cmphysenia and fibrosis by Dr. Dickinson SV. Richards and Dr. James S. Mansficld.

Cirrhosis of livcr and hypertcnsioii by Dr. ArtEiur .J. Patck, J r .

Tho r61e of iiifcctioii in chronic discasos with particular refcrcncc to chronic nephritis by Dr. David Sccgal.

Chronic arthritis by Dr. Forrest E. Kendall and Dr. Martin Henry Dawson.

The Research Courlcil of the Department of 110s-pitals was organized last year to stimulate scientific research in chronic diseases. Grants macle by the council supplement the grant of $25,000 per annum

made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment

fo r research work. The officers of the Research Council f o r the current

year are:

Marshall Ficld, Chairman; Dr. John A. lIartwell, Vice-chairman; Dr. Bernard Sachs, Treasurel; and Dr. s. S. Goldwater, Secrelary.

The Scientific Advisory Committee includes :

Dr. Alfred E. Cohn, RoeBcfeller Institutc for Mcdieal liesearch.

Dr. Eugene L. Opic, professor of pathology, Corncll Univcrsity Medical School.

Dr. W. W. Palmcr, Collcgc of Physicians and Snrgeons, Columbia University.

Dr. Alphonse R. Dochez, attcnding physician, Presby- tcrian IIosnital.

Ilr. Douglas Symmers, director of the Division of Lab- oratories of the Dcpartmcnt of Hospitals.

Dr. William 11.Park, director of T~aborntories emcritus of the Dcpartmcnt of Health.

Dr. Martin Henry Dawson is president of the Mcd- ical Board of the Research Division.


d CELEBIiATTON of tho one hundredth anniversary of tho American patent system will be hold a t the May- flower Hotel, Washington, D. C., on November 23.

i\t the invitation of Secretary Danicl C. Roper, of tho Department of Commerce, Dr. Charles F. Kettering,

of the General Motors Research Corporation, con-sented to be chairman of the committee in charge. The following program has been arranged:


“Importance of Inventions to Civilization," by Dr. Harrison E. Howe, cditor, Indzcstrzal and Engiwer-

' ing Chemistry. Thc American Patent System, " by Thomas Ewing, a formor commissioner of patcnts.

"Thc Great Iiivoiitioiis of the Ccntuiy, " by Dean Doxtcr S. Kimball, College of Eugineoring, Cornell University.

"This is Not tho End-Looking Toward tho Puturo of Invention," by liobert E. Wilson, vice-chairman, Fan Aincricaii Pctroleum and Transport Company.

''Researe11 Parade "-Demonstrations of sciciitific and technical principles and achiovcmoiits wEiic11 havc not yet materialized into industrial applications.



Patent Office Society dedication ceremony.

' ' Patented '' Dinner. ''Mother Necessity, '' by the New York Theater Guild,

Lawrence Langner, director. Address by the IIonorable Daniel C. Roper, Secretary

of Commerce. Address by the Honorable Conway P. Coo, Conimis-

sioner of Patents. 'I'oastmastev's addrcss--Dr. Charles F. Ketteving. Radio program.

Patent Office Society dance.


HENRY MINER EAI~IN, director of the section of hydrodynamics of the Soil Conservation Service of the Department of Agriculture, died on October 20. ETe was fifty-three years old.

DR. LOWELL C. LLOYD,of the depai-tment of zoology

of the University of Washington, died on October 7 a t the age of thirty-two years.

PROFESSOR I'ARICS,WILLIAM ARTI~UI~ formerly head of the department of geology and paleontology of the University of Toronto, and director of the Royal On- tario Museum of Paleontology, has died in his sixty- ninth year.

WILLIAM SOLLAS, for thirty-nine years professor of geology a t the University of Oxford, died on October 2'2 at the age of eighty-seven years.

THE Journal of the American Medical Association states that a fund that it is hoped will amount to '$100,000 is being solicited by Northwestern University to establish a foundation in memory of Dr. Howard Taylor Ricketts, who graduated from the Medical School in 1897 and who died in 191 0 from typhus fever incurred in Mexico while engaged in a study of its mode of transmission. Dr. Ricketts was later associate professor in pathology and bacteriology a t the Uni- versity of Chicago. I n 1910, the year of his death, he accepted an appointment as professor of pathology ilt the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

SCIENTIFIC NOTES AND NEWS TIIE American Public Health Association a t its

meeting in New Orleans awarded the Sedgwick Me- morial Medal for distinguished service in public health to Dr. Frederick F. Russell, lecturer in preventive medicine and public health in the Harvard Medical School and in the Harvard School of Public Health, formerly director of the International Health Division .of the Rockefeller Foundation.

BROXZEmedals were presented to Dr. William J . Mayo and Dr. Charles H. Mayo a t the twenty-first an- nual banquet of the Interstate Post-Graduate Medical Assembly of North America a t St. Paul, Minii., on October 14. The presentation was made by Dr. David Riesman, of the University of Pennsylvania, president of the association.

TIIE University of Bldinburg-h conferred on Septeni- ber 17 the degree of doctor of laurs on Dr. William Bowie, chief of the division of geodesy of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Dr. Bowie was attending the meeting of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics a t Edinburgh, of which he was presi- dent, when he received the degree.

PRO~ESSOEJOELFI. HILDEERAXD, of the department of chemistry of the University of California, has re-turned from abroad. I'le gave in September one of the introductory papers before the meeting of the E'araday Society a t the University of Edinburgh.

During his visit to Edinburgh he waa elected to hon- orary life membership in the Chemical Society of the nniversity.

DR. NORMAN L. BOWEN, petrologist of the Geo- physical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, was recently elected a member of the German Academy of Scicnce a t Halle. Presentation of the diploma was made by the German Ambassador on October 14, at a luncheon given at the Gelman Em- bassy in Washington.

AT the recent celebration of the centennial of Mark Hopkins a t Williams College the depee of doctor of laws was conferred among others on President James R. Angel], of Yale University; President I<arl T. Compton, of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology ; President Livingston Farrand, of Cornell University; President IJotus D. Coffman, of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, and 1'1-esident Mildred Helen McAfee, of Wellesley College.

PGBLKC were on October 15 incelebrations held Lynn and Detroit marking the fiftieth anniversary of the development of electrical resistance welding by Dr. Elihn Thomson. 1Ie was represented a t Detroit by his son, Malcolm Thomson, a welding expert at the l g n u River Works of the General Electric Company, who read greetings from Dr. Thomson to the Detroit see- tion of the American Welding Society. Following the