Career Development - Theoretical Foundations

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  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Career Development:Theoretical Foundations

    Jagdish Bapat

    31 st May 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Career Development: TheoreticalFoundations

    The concepts, S tages of life and development,

    M odels of career development

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Career development theories help make sense of experiences. A theory is, in effect, a rationalized setof assumptions or hypotheses that allows you to

    explain the past and predict the future.As such, theories may provide "direction" and astheories are tested and prove "true", theories may besaid to expand knowledge. There are two types of career development theories:1 structural and2 developmental .

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Frank Parsons (1854-1908 )

    kno w n as the Father of Vocational Guidance . Althoughhe w as educated as an engineer at CornellUniversity, he w rote several books on social reform

    movements and articles related to education. Additionally, he taught history, math, and French in

    public schools, w orked as a railroad engineer, andpassed the state bar examination for la w yers in 1881 .

    H ow ever, Parsons is best kno w n for his interests inhelping individuals make occupational and career choices (Zunker, 2002) .

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Trait and Factor Theory

    This theory began with Parsons , w hoproposed that a choice of a vocation depended upon

    (1)an accurate kno w ledge of yourself,(2)thorough kno w ledge of job specifications, and

    (3)the ability to make a proper match bet w een the t w o .

    Tw o major assumptions of trait and factor theory are:(1) that individuals and job traits can be matched, and(2) that close matches are positively correlated w ith job

    success and satisfaction .

    These ideas are still part of our career counselingapproach today.

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    Developmental Theories

    S upers T heory: A Life- S pan, Life- S pace Approach toCareers

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers Vocational T heory

    History of S upers w orkCareer Pattern S tudy (1985)

    Coming of Age inM


    n: Careers in theM

    akingUnique in espousing a developmentalperspective in vie w ing occupational choice

    14 propositions serve as assumptions of the theory

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers theory

    Life S pace: T he social situation in w hichan individual lives

    Life S pan: life stages such as childhoodw hich are linked to career stagesLife Career Rainbo w

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    Supers Career Life Rainbow

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers T heory

    Life S pan Career S tages Gro w th: (4-1 3yrs) E xploration: (14-24yrs) crystallizing , specifying, and

    implementing an occupational choice E stablishment (25-44yrs) stabilizing, consolidating,

    and advancing in a position M aintenance (45-65yrs) holding on, keeping up, and

    innovating D isengagement (over 65 yrs) deceleration, retirement

    planning, and retirement living

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers T heory

    Career maturity and career adaptabilityProponent of adding a measure of values

    to career batteries S elf-concept systemCriticized for focusing on the majority


  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers T heory:

    Practical Applications Assessments 4 Phases: Career D evelopment Assessment and Counseling

    Life structure andw

    ork role salience Career development status and resources Vocational identity O ccupational self concepts and life themes

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S upers T heory:

    Practical Applications Integration of data and interpretation of results

    The Counseling Process I ntervie w is the prime means of directlyfostering gro w th and exploratory experiences

    Advocates the use of generic counselingprocesses based on the needs of the client

    Cyclical Counseling-composed of directiveand nondirective approaches

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    T heory of Career Construction

    Updates and advances S upers T heoryConsidered more applicable to a multiculturalsociety and a global economy

    Based on the idea that w e each constructrepresentations of realityCareer development is due to the adaptation tothe environment rather than internal maturation

    Career development occurs through an activeprocess of meaning making rather than adiscovery of preexisting facts

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    T heory of Career Construction3 M ain Components of the T heory Vocational Personality T ype

    An individuals career-related abilities, needs, values, and interests S eeks to augment P- E fit theories

    Career AdaptabilityHow one constructs a career; individuals readiness and resourcesfor coping w ith current and imminent vocational development tasks,occupational transitions, and personal traumas

    Life T hemeWhy of vocational behavior in a w ay that is highly unique to eachindividualconsists of a problem or a set of problems w hich a person w ishesto solve above everything else and the means that the person findsto achieve a solution

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    S tages in LifeS tages in Life- -S panS pan

    DevelopmentDevelopmentPrenatal Infancy Early childhood

    Late childhood Adolescence

    Early adulthood Middle adulthood

    Late adulthood

    Conception to birthBirth to ~ 18 mo~ 18 mo to ~ 6 yrs~ 6 yrs to ~ 1 3 yrs~ 1 3 yrs to ~ 20 yrs~ 20 yrs to ~ 30 yrs~ 30 yrs to ~ 65 yrs~ 65 yrs and older

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    E riksons Life- S pan D evelopmentT heory

    D evelopment proceeds in stagesE ach stage is characterized by apsychosocial challenge or crisisS tages reflect the motivation of theindividual

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    E rikson:8 Psychosocial stagesE rikson:8 Psychosocial stages Trust vs . M istrust (0T rust vs . M istrust (0--2 yrs . )2 yrs . ) Autonomy vs . S hame & doubt (2 Autonomy vs . S hame & doubt (2--4 yrs . )4 yrs . ) Initiative vs . Guilt (5Initiative vs . Guilt (5--7 yrs .)7 yrs .) Industry vs . Inferiority (8Industry vs . Inferiority (8--12 yrs .)12 yrs .) Identity vs . Role confusion (13Identity vs . Role confusion (13--22 yrs . )22 yrs . ) Intimacy vs . Isolation (23Intimacy vs . Isolation (23--35 yrs .)35 yrs .)Generativity vs . S tagnation (36Generativity vs . S tagnation (36--50 yrs .)50 yrs .)

    Integrity vs . D espair (50 yrs .Integrity vs . D espair (50 yrs . --death)death)

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    E rik E riksons E ight S tages of H uman

    D evelopment

    1 - T rust vs . mistrust2 - Autonomy vs . shame and doubt

    3 - Initiative vs . guilt

    4 - Industry vs . inferiority5 - Identity vs . identity confusion

    6 - Intimacy vs . isolation7 - Generativity vs . stagnation

    8 - Integrity vs . despair

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    E riksons H uman D evelopment S tages

    1 - Trust vs. Mistrust0 1 years

    2 - Autonomy vs.S hame and Doubt13 years

    3 - Initiative vs. Guilt35 years

    D eveloped throughconsistent love and

    supportIndependence fosteredby support andencouragement

    D eveloped by exploringand accepting challenges

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    E riksons H uman D evelopment S tages

    4 - Industry vs.Inferiority6 years pub erty

    5 - Identity vs. RoleConfusion


    6 - Intimacy vs.IsolationEarly ad u lt years

    M astery comes fromsuccess and recognition

    E xploration of differentpaths to attain a healthyidentity

    Form positive, closerelationships w ith others

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    E riksons H uman D evelopment S tages

    7 - Generativity vs.S tagnation

    Mi ddle Ad u lthood

    8 - Integrity vs. Despair Late Ad u lthood

    T ransmittingsomething positive to

    the next generation

    Life revie w andretrospective

    evaluationof ones past

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    S trategies for E riksons S tages of D evelopment

    Initiative Encourage social play Have children assume responsibility

    S tructure assignments for successIndustry

    Nourish motivation for masteryBe tolerant of honest mistakes

    IdentityRecognize that identity is multidimensional Encourage independent thinking S timulate students to examine different


  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    D aniel LevinsonsD aniel Levinsons

    Lifes AdultT

    ransitionsLifes AdultT

    ransitions S tudy done at Yale UniversityS tudy done at Yale University Intervie w ed men at midlife (35Intervie w ed men at midlife (35--45 yrs .)45 yrs .)

    Gail S heehys PassagesGail S heehys Passages Identified 3 major crises of adulthood,Identified 3 major crises of adulthood,

    early, middle, and late life transitionsearly, middle, and late life transitions During transitions, developmentalD uring transitions, developmental

    tasks and conflict resolution musttasks and conflict resolution mustoccur occur

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    D evelopmental tasksD evelopmental tasks

    Primarily the tasks of each transitionPrimarily the tasks of each transitionperiod are to:period are to:

    ReRe--evaluate the existing life structure,evaluate the existing life structure,E xplore the possibilities of change andE xplore the possibilities of change andM ake choices that w ill restructure life in theM ake choices that w ill restructure life in thenext era . next era .

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    Levinson, cont .Levinson, cont .

    Era's are in bet w een stages of stabilityE ra's are in bet w een stages of stabilitydescribed as young, middle and latedescribed as young, middle and lateadulthood . adulthood . Life structure includes:Life structure includes: Place of residencePlace of residence Career or jobCareer or job

    Family & social groupsFamily & social groups Roles & routinesRoles & routines I nterests & leisure pursuitsInterests & leisure pursuits

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    Levinson, Young AdultLevinson, Young AdultT

    ransition (17T

    ransition (17--22 yrs.)22 yrs


    S eparation from home of originS eparation from home of origin E stablishing separate identityE stablishing separate identity

    E stablishing independenceE stablishing independencePhysicalPhysicalFinancialFinancial

    EmotionalE motional T asks: A young adult mustT asks: A young adult must

    Form a dreamForm a dreamFind a mate and start a familyFind a mate and start a familyChoose and prepare for a career Choose and prepare for a career

    Enter into a mentor relationshipE nter into a mentor relationship

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    Levinson, M idlife T ransition (40Levinson, M idlife T ransition (40--

    45 yrs.)45 yrs

    .) A person at midlife must reappraise the past and A person at midlife must reappraise the past and

    resolve four polarities:resolve four polarities:Young/oldYoung/old

    Destruction/creationD estruction/creation Masculine/FeminineM asculine/Feminine Attachment/ S eparateness Attachment/ S eparateness

    According to Levinson, each polarity or conflict is According to Levinson, each polarity or conflict isresolved by exploring the opposite side from thatresolved by exploring the opposite side from thatw hich predominated prior to midlife . w hich predominated prior to midlife .

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    Levinson, Late Life T ransitionLevinson, Late Life T ransition

    ( Ages 60( Ages 60- -65 yrs.)65 yrs


    A person approaching late life must come to A person approaching late life must come toterms w ith certain realities:terms w ith certain realities:

    Physical declinePhysical declineLoss of the productive roleLoss of the productive roleComing to terms w ith deathComing to terms w ith death

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    John L . H olland

    is an American Psychologist w ho spent much of his career at John H opkins University .H olland Codes represent a set of personalitytypes described in a theory of careers andvocational choice

    Holland is the creator of the best kno w n andw idely researched theory of career choices . Itincludes S ix Personality T ypes that are oftenabbreviated as RIASEC

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    H ollands Model RIA SE C Model

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Realistic - D oers

    Active S table Hands-on or manual

    activities W orking w ith things

    Physical activity O utdoors

    Plants and animals

    Learn by doingCommunicate frankly

    Material things

    S killed in mechanicalactivities

    Technical competencies Military, electrician,

    engineer, vet

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    Investigative Problem S olvers

    Analytical Intellectual O bservant

    Research Mathematics S cience


    Logic S olve problems Introspective Autonomous

    Medical technologist,biologist, chemist,

    systems analyst

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    Artistic - Creators

    O riginal Intuitive Imaginative S elf-expression

    Flexibility Ambiguity

    Impulsive Emotional Expressive and open Musician, reporter,

    interior decorator

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    S ocial - H elpers Humanistic Idealistic

    ResponsibleConcernedGroup activities

    Human relationships S ocial activities

    S olving interpersonalproblems

    W orking w ith people

    W arm and tactfulPersuasive

    Teacher, counselor,social w orker

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    E nterprising - Persuaders

    Energetic Ambitious Adventurous

    S ociable S elf-confident

    Persuasive S ociable

    Assertive S elf-confident

    Leaders S alesperson,

    business executive,manager

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    Conventional - O rganizers


    O rganizedConscientious

    W ell-defined

    instructions O rganize, systematic

    Maintain data O perating equipment Thorough


    S ecretary,

    accountant, banker

  • 8/8/2019 Career Development - Theoretical Foundations


    Thank You

    jnbapat@hotmail .com