CARBUTEROL EQUATES WITH SALBUTAMOL IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA But its selectivity may have less effect on the cardiovascular system I na double-blind crossover study. 27 bronchial asthma patients, with more than 20 % airway obst ruction following isoprenaline( isop rote renol) inhalation , received the new ftl ·adrene rg ic bronchodi lator carbuterct . 3mg tid, 2rng tid, and salbutamcl 4mg tid orally . Patients were given each dru g for 6 days. with an intervening I-da y wash-our period . Objea iYe Incrovenems in respiratory function we re significa nt on all 3 active regimens. but there were no significant differences between them. Ca rbuterol 2rre showed sUbjective irrorcverrem in 19 pa tient s, a 3mg dose resulted in 21 pat ients i mpro\'ed, while 20 patients i "", nwed on salbutaltDl 4mg. Ca rbuterol 3rng tid was pr ef erred by 11 oft he 27 pat ients. and only 6 pat ient s needed additional drugs. Salbutarrol 4mg produced increases in heart r ates an d blood pressure. which fell when patients crossed mer to both dosa ge sched u les of ca rbuterol (althoug h the higher dose p rod uced less o f a decrea se). Neit her drug exhibited any further s ide e ffects on the ca rdiovascular system. and ot her effects were minor. consisting mainl y of tr emors with ca rbutero t and lmg ( 3 patients each) and restlessn ess w i th salbuta lOOl (3 patients). MISnI. N P, et al.: Journal of l nlernatioroal Medical Research 9: 161( No 4. 19811 0 156·2703 / 8 1/08 21-0009 $OO, SOlo C ADIS Press lNPHARMA 22 Aug 1981 9


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But its ~2 selectivity may have less effect on the cardiovascular systemIn a dou ble-blind crossover study . 27 bronchial as thma pat ients , with more than 20 % airway obst ruction fol lowingisop renaline( isoprote renol) inhalation , received the new ftl·adrene rgic bronchodi lator carbuterct . 3mg tid, 2rng tid, andsalbutamcl 4mg tid orally . Patients were given each dru g for 6 days. with an intervening I-da y wash-our period . ObjeaiYeIncrovenems in respira tory function we re significa nt on all 3 act ive regimens. but there were no significant differences betweenthem. Ca rbuterol 2rre showed sUbjective i rrorcverre m in 19 patients, a 3mg dose resulted in 21 patients impro\'ed, while 20patients i"",nwed on sa lbutaltDl 4mg. Ca rbuterol 3rng t id was prefer red by 11 oft he 27 patients . and only 6 pat ient s neededaddit iona l drugs. Salbuta rrol 4mg produced increases in heart rates an d blood pressure. which fell whe n pat ients crossed mer toboth dosa ge schedules ofca rbuterol (although the higher dose produced less of a decrea se). Neither drug exhibit ed any furthers ide effects on the ca rdiovascular system. and ot her effects were minor . consisting mainl y of tr emors with ca rbutero t 2~ andlmg ( 3 pat ients each) and restlessn ess wi th sa lbuta lOOl ( 3 patients).MISnI. N P, et al.: Journa l of l nlernatioroal Medical Research 9: 161( No 4. 19811

0 156·2703 / 8 1/08 21-0009 $OO,SOl o C ADIS Press lNPHARMA 22 Aug 1981 9