Society Position Statement Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart Failure Society Joint Position Statement on the Evaluation and Management of Patients With Cardiac Amyloidosis Primary Panel: Nowell M. Fine, MD, SM (Co-chair), a Margot K. Davis, MD, SM (Co-chair), b Kim Anderson, MD, c Diego H. Delgado, MD, d Genevieve Giraldeau, MD, e Abhijat Kitchlu, MD, d Rami Massie, MD, f Jane Narayan, NP, b Elizabeth Swiggum, MD, g Christopher P. Venner, MD, h Secondary Panel: Anique Ducharme, MD, MSc, e Natalie J. Galant, PhD, d Christopher Hahn, MD, a Jonathan G. Howlett, MD, a Lisa Mielniczuk, MD, i Marie-Claude Parent, MD, e Donna Reece, MD, d Virginie Royal, MD, j Mustafa Toma, MD, b Sean A. Virani, MD, b and Shelley Zieroth, MD k a University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; b University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; c Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; d University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; e Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; f McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; g Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; h University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; i Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; j University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; k University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ABSTRACT Cardiac amyloidosis is an under-recognized and potentially fatal cause of heart failure and other cardiovascular manifestations. It is caused by deposition of misfolded precursor proteins as brillary amyloid de- posits in cardiac tissues. The two primary subtypes of systemic amyloidosis causing cardiac involvement are immunoglobulin light chain (AL), a plasma cell dyscrasia, and transthyretin (ATTR), itself subdivided into a hereditary subtype caused by a gene mutation of the ATTR protein, and an age-related wild type, which occurs in the absence of a gene mutation. Clinical recognition requires a high index of suspicion, inclusive of the extracardiac manifestations of both subtypes. Diagnostic workup includes screening for serum and/or R ESUM E Lamylose cardiaque est une cause sous-reconnue et potentiellement mortelle dinsufsance cardiaque et dautres manifestations car- diovasculaires. Elle est caus ee par le d epôt, dans les tissus cardiaques, de prot eines pr ecurseurs mal repli ees prenant la forme de brilles amyloïdes. On distingue deux grands sous-types damylose syst emique entraînant une atteinte cardiaque : lamylose à chaînes l egères dim- munoglobulines (AL), une forme de dyscrasie plasmocytaire; et lamylose à transthyr etine (ATTR), dont il existe un sous-type h er editaire, caus e par une mutation du gène codant pour la TTR, et un sous-type à TTR sauvage, li e au vieillissement et se produisant en labsence de mutation g enique. La reconnaissance clinique n ecessite Canadian Journal of Cardiology 36 (2020) 322e334 Received for publication November 27, 2019. Accepted December 4, 2019. Corresponding authors: Dr Nowell M. Fine, South Health Campus, 4448 Front St SE, Calgary, Alberta T3M 1M4, Canada. Tel: þ1-403-956-3748; fax: þ1-403-956-1482. E-mail: nm[email protected] Dr Margot K. Davis, Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre, 2775 Laurel St, Room 9117, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1M9, Canada. Tel.: þ1-604-875-5759; fax: þ1-604-875-4265. E-mail: [email protected] The disclosure information of the authors and reviewers is available from the CCS on their guidelines library at www.ccs.ca. This statement was developed following a thorough consideration of medical literature and the best available evidence and clinical experience. It represents the consensus of a Canadian panel comprised of multidisciplinary experts on this topic with a mandate to formulate disease-specic recom- mendations. These recommendations are aimed to provide a reasonable and practical approach to care for specialists and allied health professionals obliged with the duty of bestowing optimal care to patients and families, and can be subject to change as scientic knowledge and technology advance and as practice patterns evolve. The statement is not intended to be a substitute for physicians using their individual judgement in managing clinical care in consultation with the patient, with appropriate regard to all the individual circumstances of the patient, diagnostic and treatment options available and available resources. Adherence to these recommendations will not necessarily produce successful outcomes in every case. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2019.12.034 0828-282X/Ó 2020 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart Failure

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rdiology 36 (2020) 322e334

Canadian Journal of Ca

Society Position Statement

Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart FailureSociety Joint Position Statement on the Evaluation andManagement of Patients With Cardiac Amyloidosis

Primary Panel: Nowell M. Fine, MD, SM (Co-chair),a Margot K. Davis, MD, SM (Co-chair),b

Kim Anderson, MD,c Diego H. Delgado, MD,d Genevieve Giraldeau, MD,e Abhijat Kitchlu, MD,d

Rami Massie, MD,f Jane Narayan, NP,b Elizabeth Swiggum, MD,g Christopher P. Venner, MD,h

Secondary Panel: Anique Ducharme, MD, MSc,e Natalie J. Galant, PhD,d

Christopher Hahn, MD,a Jonathan G. Howlett, MD,a Lisa Mielniczuk, MD,i

Marie-Claude Parent, MD,e Donna Reece, MD,d Virginie Royal, MD,j Mustafa Toma, MD,b

Sean A. Virani, MD,b and Shelley Zieroth, MDk

aUniversity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; bUniversity of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; cDalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada; dUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; eMontreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; fMcGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;gRoyal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; hUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; iOttawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;jUniversity of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; kUniversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

ABSTRACTCardiac amyloidosis is an under-recognized and potentially fatal causeof heart failure and other cardiovascular manifestations. It is caused bydeposition of misfolded precursor proteins as fibrillary amyloid de-posits in cardiac tissues. The two primary subtypes of systemicamyloidosis causing cardiac involvement are immunoglobulin lightchain (AL), a plasma cell dyscrasia, and transthyretin (ATTR), itselfsubdivided into a hereditary subtype caused by a gene mutation of theATTR protein, and an age-related wild type, which occurs in theabsence of a gene mutation. Clinical recognition requires a high indexof suspicion, inclusive of the extracardiac manifestations of bothsubtypes. Diagnostic workup includes screening for serum and/or

Received for publication November 27, 2019. Accepted December 4, 2019.

Corresponding authors: Dr Nowell M. Fine, South Health Campus, 4448Front St SE, Calgary, Alberta T3M 1M4, Canada. Tel: þ1-403-956-3748;fax: þ1-403-956-1482.

E-mail: [email protected] Margot K. Davis, Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre,

2775 Laurel St, Room 9117, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1M9,Canada. Tel.: þ1-604-875-5759; fax: þ1-604-875-4265.

E-mail: [email protected] disclosure information of the authors and reviewers is available from

the CCS on their guidelines library at www.ccs.ca.This statement was developed following a thorough consideration of

medical literature and the best available evidence and clinical experience. Itrepresents the consensus of a Canadian panel comprised of multidisciplinary

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2019.12.0340828-282X/� 2020 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. A

R�ESUM�EL’amylose cardiaque est une cause sous-reconnue et potentiellementmortelle d’insuffisance cardiaque et d’autres manifestations car-diovasculaires. Elle est caus�ee par le d�epôt, dans les tissus cardiaques,de prot�eines pr�ecurseurs mal repli�ees prenant la forme de fibrillesamyloïdes. On distingue deux grands sous-types d’amylose syst�emiqueentraînant une atteinte cardiaque : l’amylose à chaînes l�egères d’im-munoglobulines (AL), une forme de dyscrasie plasmocytaire; etl’amylose à transthyr�etine (ATTR), dont il existe un sous-typeh�er�editaire, caus�e par une mutation du gène codant pour la TTR, etun sous-type à TTR sauvage, li�e au vieillissement et se produisant enl’absence de mutation g�enique. La reconnaissance clinique n�ecessite

experts on this topic with a mandate to formulate disease-specific recom-mendations. These recommendations are aimed to provide a reasonable andpractical approach to care for specialists and allied health professionals obligedwith the duty of bestowing optimal care to patients and families, and can besubject to change as scientific knowledge and technology advance and aspractice patterns evolve. The statement is not intended to be a substitute forphysicians using their individual judgement in managing clinical care inconsultation with the patient, with appropriate regard to all the individualcircumstances of the patient, diagnostic and treatment options available andavailable resources. Adherence to these recommendations will not necessarilyproduce successful outcomes in every case.

ll rights reserved.

Page 2: Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart Failure

urine monoclonal protein suggestive of immunoglobulin light chains,along with serum cardiac biomarker measurement and performanceof cardiac imaging for findings consistent with amyloid infiltration.Modern cardiac imaging techniques, including the use of nuclearscintigraphy with bone-seeking radiotracer to noninvasively diagnoseATTR cardiac amyloidosis, have reduced reliance on the gold standardendomyocardial biopsy. Disease-modifying therapeutic approacheshave evolved significantly, particularly for ATTR, and pharmacologictherapies that slow or halt disease progression are becoming avail-able. This Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart FailureSociety joint position statement provides evidence-based recommen-dations that support the early recognition and optimal diagnosticapproach and management strategies for patients with cardiacamyloidosis. This includes recommendations for the symptomaticmanagement of heart failure and other cardiovascular complicationssuch as arrhythmia, risk stratification, follow-up surveillance, use ofATTR disease-modifying therapies, and optimal clinical care settingsfor patients with this complex multisystem disease.

un fort degr�e de suspicion, fond�e notamment sur la prise en comptedes manifestations extracardiaques des deux sous-types. Le bilandiagnostique comprend le dosage des prot�eines monoclonaless�eriques et/ou urinaires �evocatrices de chaînes l�egères d’immuno-globulines ainsi que la mesure de biomarqueurs cardiaques s�eriqueset un examen d’imagerie cardiaque visant à mettre en �evidence lessignes d’infiltration amyloïde. Les techniques modernes d’imageriecardiaque, y compris la scintigraphie à radiotraceur ost�eotrope miseen œuvre pour le diagnostic non effractif de l’amylose cardiaque ATTR,limitent le recours à la biopsie endomyocardique à titre de proc�ed�e der�ef�erence. Les traitements modificateurs de la maladie ont �evolu�e defaçon notable, tout particulièrement ceux ciblant l’amylose ATTR, et ilest maintenant possible de recourir à des pharmacoth�erapies quiralentissent ou stoppent l’�evolution de la maladie. Cet �enonc�e de po-sition commune de la Soci�et�e canadienne de cardiologie et de laSoci�et�e canadienne d’insuffisance cardiaque pr�esente des recom-mandations fond�ees sur des donn�ees probantes appuyant unereconnaissance pr�ecoce de l’amylose cardiaque ainsi qu’uned�emarche diagnostique et une prise en charge optimales ax�ees surcette maladie. Au nombre des recommandations figurent notammentla prise en charge des symptômes d’insuffisance cardiaque et d’autrescomplications cardiovasculaires (telles que l’arythmie), la stratificationdu risque, le suivi des cas, le recours aux traitements modificateurs dela maladie et l’am�enagement d’un cadre de soins cliniques optimalpour les patients atteints de cette maladie multisyst�emique complexe.

Fine et al. 323CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

Cardiac amyloidosis refers to a group of heterogeneous dis-orders in which misfolded proteins assemble into fibrillardeposits in the myocardium and other cardiac structures,resulting in an infiltrative cardiomyopathy with associatedheart failure (HF) symptoms. The 2 main precursor proteinsleading to cardiac involvement are immunoglobulin lightchains (light chain amyloidosis [AL]) and the liver-derivedtransport protein transthyretin (TTR, or transthyretinamyloidosis [ATTR] when causing amyloidosis), and are thefocus of this position statement. Both have a similar pheno-type, notable for increased left ventricular (LV) wall thicknessand an ability to disguise itself clinically as common cardio-vascular disease states, including HF, atrial arrhythmias, andaortic stenosis (AS). As a result, the disease is believed to beunderdiagnosed, particularly ATTR, for which the true inci-dence and prevalence are uncertain. In autopsy studies,myocardial ATTR deposits have been identified in up to 25%of individuals older than the age of 80 years.1 Noninvasivemethods have identified ATTR in 13% of patients with HFwith preserved ejection fraction,2 16% of patients who un-dergo transcatheter aortic valve replacement for severe AS,3

and 5% of patients with presumed hypertrophiccardiomyopathy.4,5

A number of recent advances have raised awareness ofcardiac amyloidosis and highlighted its importance in thepathophysiology of these common cardiovascular condi-tions. Among them, the repurposing of bone-seeking ra-diotracers has led to the ability, in many cases, todiagnose ATTR noninvasively; the development ofeffective TTR-targeted therapy is anticipated to improvethe historically poor prognosis associated with this con-dition. At the same time, targeted therapies for ALcontinue to evolve, leading to improved outcomes for thisdisease.

It is therefore increasingly important for clinicians whoprovide care for patients with cardiovascular disease torecognize the signs and symptoms of cardiac amyloidosis,understand effective strategies for diagnosis, and be aware ofimportant management advances. The objective of this posi-tion statement is to raise awareness of cardiac amyloidosisamong members of the Canadian cardiovascular communityand provide guidance on best practices for the diagnosis andmanagement of this disease, while highlighting knowledgegaps and identifying areas of evolving understanding.

Pathophysiology and Affected PopulationsAlthough more than 30 different precursor proteins can

deposit as amyloid, a limited number affect the heart.6 AL, dueto misfolded clonal immunoglobulin light chains, occurs in thecontext of plasma cell dyscrasias and other B-cell disorders. TTR(also called prealbumin) is a tetrameric protein predominantlyproduced by the liver and named for its role in the transport ofthyroxine and retinol binding protein. The formation of amy-loid from TTR can be directly attributed to mutations of theTTR gene (hereditary ATTR amyloidosis; hATTR), withcertain variants altering protein stability, but is also observed inpredominantly older patients without mutations (wild typeATTR; wtATTR). ATTR and AL amyloidosis are responsiblefor most of cardiac amyloidosis. Demographic profiles of thesesubtypes are provided in Table 1. Other amyloid precursorproteins have been identified in cardiac tissue but are exceed-ingly rare and/or seldom result in clinical manifestations.

Cardiac involvement is present in > 50% of patients withAL amyloidosis and confers a worse prognosis.7 Direct lightchain toxicity (causing lysosomal dysfunction and reactiveoxygen species formation) also plays an important role in thepathophysiology of AL amyloidosis. This feature explains the

Page 3: Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart Failure

Table 1. Demographic profiles of common subtypes of cardiac amyloidosis

Characteristic AL hATTR wtATTR

Age of onset (years) Median age > 60 Variable, depends on genotype Median age > 70Sex Slight male predominance No clear predominance Male predominanceEthnic/geographic

backgroundNone Most common gene mutations in

North American: Val122Ile(West African descent), Thr60Ala(Northern Ireland descent),Val30Met (Swedish, Portuguese,Japanese descent)


Prevalence/incidence Annual incidence 10 per million,increases with age

Variable, depends on genotype Unknown, increases with age

AL, light chain amyloidosis; hATTR, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis; wtATTR, wild type transthyretin amyloidosis.

324 Canadian Journal of CardiologyVolume 36 2020

often dramatic improvement in cardiac function with effectivelight chain suppression.

Cardiomyopathy in ATTR is more heterogeneous anddepends on the mutation, if any. The Val122Ile (pV142I)mutation is the most common cause of hATTR cardiomy-opathy in North America, almost exclusively affecting in-dividuals of African Caribbean descent, and usually presentingas isolated cardiomyopathy with mild or no neurologicinvolvement. This mutation is present in up to 3%-4% ofAfrican Americans, although the penetrance remains uncer-tain.8,9 The Val30Met (pV50M) mutation is the most com-mon cause of familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Europe andJapan, and might have a mixed phenotype with cardiacinvolvement. Other less common mutations with predomi-nantly cardiac presentations include Thr60Ala (pT80A, Ap-palachian and Irish regions), Leu111Met (Denmark), andIle68Leu (Italy).8 Although predominantly found in oldermen, wtATTR is now increasingly recognized in women.Compared with AL cardiomyopathy, ATTR patients areolder, often experience less severe symptoms despite havinggreater ventricular wall thickness, and might have lower LVejection fraction (LVEF).

Heart failure - frequently biventricular, typically preserved LVEF

Atrial fibrillation

Conduction system disease

Ventricular arrhythmia - may be asymptomatic

Aortic stenosis - low-flow low-gradient for wtATTR,typically with preserved LVEF

Figure 1. Cardiovascular manifestations of cardiac amyloidosis.LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; wtATTR, wild type transthyretinamyloidosis.

Clinical Presentation and ManifestationsIn patients with suspected cardiac amyloidosis, a thorough

history and physical examination should be performed toscreen for signs and symptoms of cardiovascular and extrac-ardiovascular manifestations of the disease. HF is the mostcommon cardiovascular presentation for AL and ATTR withcardiac involvement. This might present with predominantlyleft heart symptoms (dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmalnocturnal dyspnea), right heart symptoms (edema and/or as-cites, hepatomegaly, exercise intolerance, abdominal bloatingand early satiety, severe fatigue), or both. Syncope andorthostatic lightheadedness are common; the need to reduceor discontinue antihypertensive therapy in patients with aprevious diagnosis of hypertension, particularly agents such asb-blockers or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in-hibitors, should prompt consideration of cardiac amyloid-osis.10 Conduction system disease and tachyarrhythmias arealso common, particularly atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter (AF).Ventricular arrhythmias might also occur. An increasedprevalence of AS, particularly low-flow low-gradient severeAS, has been reported in older patients with ATTR.3,11

Amyloid deposits around coronary microvasculature can leadto angina or rarely myocardial infarction in the absence ofepicardial coronary artery disease. Figure 1 shows a summary

of important cardiovascular manifestations of cardiacamyloidosis.

Extracardiac manifestations (Table 2) might be animportant indicator of the presence of cardiac amyloidosis andits subtype. Symptoms of dysautonomia, including posturalhypotension; gastrointestinal manifestations such as gastro-paresis, diarrhea and/or constipation; sweating abnormalities;and erectile dysfunction, are common to both subtypes. Pe-ripheral neuropathy can also manifest with both subtypes, andis the primary presentation of many hATTR genotypes. Thetypical presentation is that of a bilateral sensorimotor poly-neuropathy that begins in the lower limbs and follows anascending pattern.10 Carpal tunnel syndrome is very commonand frequently bilateral. In many ATTR patients, carpaltunnel syndrome manifests several years in advance of cardiacmanifestations.5,6 Lumbar spinal stenosis, a history of multi-ple orthopaedic procedures, and spontaneous biceps tendonrupture are also common in wtATTR.5 Other noteworthyextracardiac manifestations of AL include spontaneousbleeding or bruising (commonly in the periorbital regions),soft tissue manifestations such as macroglossia, renal insuffi-ciency, and nephrotic syndrome. Renal involvement is typi-cally less significant in ATTR, and chronic kidney disease ismore often a consequence of HF.

Practical tip. ATTR cardiac amyloidosis is in general aslowly progressive disorder that is most common in oldermen. In comparison, AL cardiac amyloidosis generally has amore rapidly progressive course, a relatively younger age ofonset, and less of a male predominance.

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Table 2. Extracardiac manifestations of common subtypes of cardiac amyloidosis

Manifestation AL hATTR wtATTR

Renal � Renal insufficiency� Nephrotic syndrome

� Milder renal insufficiency (mainly due to heart failure)

Autonomic � Orthostatic hypotension� Gastroparesis� Sexual dysfunction� Sweating abnormalities

Neurologic � Peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy (might be predominant feature of hATTR, and relatively mild or absent for wtATTR)� Carpal tunnel syndrome (bilateral)

� Spinal stenosis (predominantly lumbar)

Musculoskeletal � Muscle weakness� Arthropathy� Fatigue� Cachexia/weight loss

� Pseudohypertrophy (ie, macroglossia) � Biceps tendon rupture

Gastrointestinal � Elevated liver enzymes� Nausea, constipation, early satiety, abdominal bloating (gastroparesis might be secondary to dysautonomia and/or gastrointestinal


Hematologic � Bleeding and easy bruising(ie, periorbital)

Ocular manifestations � Vitreous opacities

AL, light chain amyloidosis; hATTR, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis; wtATTR, wild type transthyretin amyloidosis.

Fine et al. 325CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

This writing panel has identified 5 features considered tobe of particular importance for raising suspicion for cardiacamyloidosis in the presence of signs and symptoms of HF(Fig. 2). It is important to note that one or more of thesefeatures might be present, but also that their absence does notexclude the presence of cardiac amyloidosis. A high index ofsuspicion in patients with progressive HF symptoms withoutan identified cause is imperative to avoid delays in diagnosis.


1. We recommend diagnostic workup for cardiacamyloidosis for patients who present with signs andsymptoms of HF who have one or more of thefollowing features: (1) unexplained increased LV wallthickness; (2) older than 60 years of age with low-flowlow-gradient AS and LVEF > 40%; (3) unexplainedperipheral sensorimotor neuropathy and/or dysauto-nomia; (4) history of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome;and (5) established AL or ATTR amyloidosis (StrongRecommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).


2. We recommend performance of routine investigationsfor the evaluation of HF in patients who present withsuspected cardiac amyloidosis, including 12-lead ECG,troponin, and BNP/NTproBNP (Strong Recommen-dation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Evaluation of Suspected Cardiac AmyloidosisBecause the cardiovascular signs and symptoms are

nonspecific, suspicion for cardiac amyloidosis is often raisedafter performance of standard investigations for HF. Theseinclude routine laboratory testing, 12-lead electrocardiogram(ECG), troponin and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)/N-terminal proBNP (NTproBNP), and cardiac imaging, typi-cally transthoracic echocardiography. Patients with findingssuggestive of cardiac amyloidosis on initial investigationsshould undergo confirmatory testing (Fig. 3). Classic ECG

findings are well described, and include low QRS voltage,especially in the limb leads, and a pseudoinfarct pattern.12

The sensitivity of these findings are low however, and thecombination of disproportionately low QRS voltage on ECGand increased LV wall thickness on cardiac imaging occursmore often.13 The presence of ECG criteria for LV hyper-trophy does not rule out cardiac amyloidosis.5 Othernonspecific findings include AF, conduction system abnor-malities, and ventricular ectopy. Serum cardiac biomarkerstroponin and BNP/NTproBNP are often persistently elevatedin patients with cardiac amyloidosis, and frequently elevateddisproportionately to the degree of clinical HF.

When suspicion of cardiac amyloidosis is raised, perfor-mance of screening tests for AL amyloidosis is critical. Thisincludes serum and urine protein electrophoresis withimmunofixation and serum free light chain (sFLC) assay.Serum protein electrophoresis and urine protein electropho-resis alone cannot exclude AL because small amounts ofmonoclonal protein might not be detectable, and thereforeimmunofixation and sFLC assay are both necessary.6 Thepresence of monoclonal protein, and in particular anabnormal sFLC kappa/lambda ratio, should raise suspicionfor AL and warrants further investigation. Patients with

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Established AL or ATTR innoncardiac organ/system (ie, renal AL amyloidosis

causing nephrotic syndrome)

Peripheral sensorimotorneuropathy and/or


Unexplained increasedLV wall thickness

Low-flow low-gradientaortic stenosis

with preserved LVEF(> 60 years of age)

Carpal tunnelsyndrome (bilateral)

Figure 2. Key clinical features to heighten index of suspicion and trigger a diagnostic workup for cardiac amyloidosis. AL, light chain amyloidosis;ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.

326 Canadian Journal of CardiologyVolume 36 2020

chronic renal insufficiency often have mildly elevated serumfree kappa and lambda light chain levels (with a preserved ratio)in the absence of plasma cell dyscrasia. Concomitant mono-clonal gammopathy of undetermined significance is also com-mon in older patients with wtATTR, but when suspected amalignant plasma cell dyscrasia must be excluded throughsubtyping of amyloid deposits on biopsied tissue. Patients with aconfirmed diagnosis of AL amyloidosis require urgent hema-tology referral.


3. We recommend that serum and urine protein electro-phoresis with immunofixation and sFLC assay beperformed in all patients with suspected cardiacamyloidosis to evaluate for possible AL amyloidosis orother plasma cell dyscrasia (Strong Recommendation,Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Cardiac imaging plays a critical role in the diagnosticevaluation of patients with suspected cardiac amyloidosis(Fig. 4). Conventional echocardiographic findings associatedwith cardiac amyloidosis include a small or normal LVchamber size, increased biventricular wall thickness andcardiac valve thickness, diastolic dysfunction, and smallpericardial effusion. Each of these findings is nonspecific and

might not be present, particularly in the early stages. In theabsence of another cause, increased LV wall thickness > 1.2cm warrants further investigation and consideration of aninfiltrative disorder.14 Increased LV wall thickness is typi-cally symmetrical, however asymmetric patterns have alsobeen reported.15 LVEF is typically preserved, however mightbe reduced, which might be a late finding and morecommonly occurs in wtATTR. Diastolic dysfunction is ex-pected, but restrictive physiology by Doppler assessmentmight be a relatively late finding. LV longitudinal systolicstrain measurement using speckle-tracking echocardiographyshowing reduced global longitudinal strain with apicalsparing (base to apical gradient) is a relatively more specificfinding and can be helpful for differentiating cardiacamyloidosis from other causes of increased LV wallthickness.13,16

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) ishighly valuable for the evaluation of suspected cardiacamyloidosis, because of its superior spatial resolution andtissue characterization capabilities. Findings associated withcardiac amyloidosis include late gadolinium enhancement(LGE) in a diffuse transmural or subendocardial pattern,although other patterns might be present.14 Although asubendocardial LGE pattern might be more prevalent withAL and a transmural pattern with ATTR, respectively,CMR cannot reliably differentiate subtype.17 Elevatednative (noncontrast) T1 mapping time and post contrastextracellular volume expansion are highly sensitive

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Figure 3. Diagnostic algorithm for the evaluation of suspected cardiac amyloidosis. * Endomyocardial biopsy should be performed if noninvasiveevaluation is equivocal or negative despite a high index of clinical suspicion. y Tissue biopsy analysis includes Congo red staining for amyloiddeposits. z A diagnosis of AL cardiac amyloidosis should prompt urgent hematology referral. AL, light chain amyloidosis; ATTR, transthyretinamyloidosis; BMB, bone marrow biopsy; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CMR, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging; EMB, endomyocardialbiopsy; hATTR, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis; IHC, immunohistochemistry; MS, mass spectrometry; NTproBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natri-uretic peptide; PYP, pyrophosphate; wtATTR, wild type transthyretin amyloidosis.


4. We recommend echocardiography with longitudinal LVstrain measurement, or CMR with LGE and T1 map-ping imaging be performed in all patients with suspectedcardiac amyloidosis to evaluate for characteristic featuresof cardiac amyloidosis or alternative causes of HF(Strong Recommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Values and preferences. Although findings on echo-cardiography and/or CMR might be highly consistent withcardiac amyloid infiltration, in isolation these tests aregenerally not considered confirmatory of the diagnosis, andneither test can reliably differentiate subtype. The choice ofechocardiography and/or CMR should take into accountlocal availability, expertise, and contraindications to CMRincluding advanced renal dysfunction for LGE imaging.

Values and preferences. In the setting of a subtype-confirmed diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis (AL orATTR) on the basis of noncardiac tissue biopsy, charac-teristic findings on echocardiography and/or CMR com-bined with clinical and serum biomarker assessment mightbe sufficient to conclude the presence of cardiac involve-ment without the need for further testing.

Fine et al. 327CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

quantitative techniques associated with cardiac amyloiddeposition.18,19

Nuclear scintigraphy with bone-seeking radiotracer has ahigh level of diagnostic accuracy for confirming ATTRcardiac amyloidosis in the absence of monoclonal pro-tein.20,21 In the presence of a positive result, defined asgrade 2 or higher uptake (greater than or equal to boneuptake), or a heart to contralateral lung uptake ratio � 1.5,a diagnosis of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis can be madewithout the need for tissue biopsy after monoclonal proteinhas been excluded.21 99mTc-labelled compounds includingpyrophosphate, 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylicacid, and hydoxymethylene-diphosphonate are all highlysensitive for this indication, even for early stage disease,14

although only 99mTc-pyrophosphate is available in Can-ada. The use of single-photon emission computed tomog-raphy imaging is recommended for all patients inconjunction with planar imaging, and can help differentiatemyocardial uptake from overlying bone or blood poolsignal. Single-photon emission computed tomography canalso help differentiate the regional myocardial uptake seenin patients with a history of myocardial infarction from thediffuse myocardial uptake typical of ATTR, improvingdiagnostic accuracy in this setting.14

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5. We recommend performance of nuclear scintigraphywith bone-seeking radiotracer (if available) to evaluatefor cardiac involvement when ATTR cardiac amyloid-osis is suspected after exclusion of AL (StrongRecommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).


6. We recommend the performance of endomyocardialbiopsy for diagnosis and subtyping with mass spec-trometry or immunohistochemistry/immunofluores-cence (if available) when the existing diagnostic workupfor cardiac amyloidosis is equivocal or discordant withclinical suspicion (Strong Recommendation, Low-Quality Evidence).

328 Canadian Journal of CardiologyVolume 36 2020

Practical tip. Patients with AL cardiac amyloidosis (orother rare non-ATTR subtypes) might have radiotracer uptakeby nuclear scintigraphy, and a positive scan does not excludeAL. Serum and urine screening for monoclonal protein (asdescribed earlier) is required for all patients with suspectedcardiac amyloidosis.

Endomyocardial biopsy remains the diagnostic gold stan-dard for all subtypes and should be performed when nonin-vasive evaluation yields equivocal results or clinical suspicionremains high despite a negative workup. Biopsy samplesshould be stained with Congo red, with amyloid depositsshowing green birefringence when viewed under polarizedlight.7 Identification of subtype requires immunohistochem-istry, immunofluorescence, or laser microdissection with massspectrometry, the latter of which is now more commonly

Figure 4. Findings on cardiovascular investigations associated with cardiaccardiogram findings and representative example. (B) Echocardiogram findinbiventricular wall thickening, preserved ventricular size, valve thickening,speckle-tracking echocardiography (top right) showing preserved apical straCardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging findings with representative emapping (top left), reduction in post contrast T1 (Post-T1) mapping (topendocardial late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) of the left and right venshowing increased myocardial uptake in a patient with transthyretin cardiacpatient without this diagnosis (right panel). GLS, global longitudinal strain;tricular. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance images in (C) provided courtesimages in (D) provided courtesy of Dr Denise Chan, University of Calgary.

used to identify the misfolded precursor protein.22 Thesetechniques are not widely available and should only be per-formed in laboratories with significant expertise. The diag-nosis of AL amyloidosis requires tissue biopsy confirmation.Patients with monoclonal protein identified using screeningtests often undergo bone marrow biopsy to exclude concur-rent multiple myeloma, which might stain positive for amy-loid deposits. Biopsy of remote sites (such as abdominal fatpad, rectum, colon, or other soft tissue) have variable diag-nostic yield but might obviate the need for endomyocardialbiopsy when positive and combined with imaging evidence ofcardiac involvement. Direct biopsy of a clinically involvedorgan has the highest sensitivity.

amyloidosis along with representative examples. (A) Typical electro-gs, with imaging from the apical 4-chamber view (left image) showingand biatrial enlargement, with longitudinal strain measurement onin with impaired basal and middle segment values (bottom right). (C)xamples showing diffuse elevation in native T1 (no contrast; Pre-T1)right), increased extracellular volume (ECV; bottom left), and sub-tricles (bottom right). (D) 99mTc-pyrophosphate nuclear scintigraphyamyloidosis (red arrow, left panel) and absent myocardial uptake in aHCL, heart/contralateral lung ratio; LV, left ventricular; RV, right ven-y of Dr James White, University of Calgary, and nuclear scintigraphy

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Fine et al. 329CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

Practical tip. Abdominal fat pad aspirate/biopsy and bonemarrow biopsy are less invasive approaches for detecting sys-temic amyloidosis compared with biopsy of organs with sus-pected involvement, however, have a relatively lowerdiagnostic yield. The reported yield of abdominal fat padbiopsy in cardiac amyloidosis ranges from 15% to 84%,depending on subtype, and is highest for AL.23 A negativeresult does not exclude the diagnosis in patients with sus-pected cardiac amyloidosis.

When ATTR is confirmed, genetic sequencing to differ-entiate hATTR from wtATTR should be performed. This hasrelevance for prognostic assessment, the likelihood of extrac-ardiac involvement, the need for family member screening,and eligibility for novel ATTR-targeted therapies. When aTTR gene mutation is identified, referral for genetic coun-selling is recommended.


7. For patients with a diagnosis of ATTR cardiacamyloidosis, we recommend the performance of genetictesting to differentiate hATTR from wtATTR (StrongRecommendation, Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Management of Cardiac AmyloidosisThe management of cardiac amyloidosis can be divided

into 2 parallel pathways (Fig. 5): (1) management of end-organ sequelae, including HF and arrhythmias; and (2) pre-vention of further amyloid deposition with disease-modifyingtherapies.

Cautious use or avoidance of β-blockers,calcium channel blockers,

ACEI/ARBs and digoxin


Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation/flutter

Pacemaker implantation forsymptomatic bradycardia

Defibrillator implantation for secondaryprevention in appropriate patients

Consideration of heart transplantationfor highly selected patients


Figure 5. Parallel management pathways in cardiac amyloidosis. ACEI, angiangiotensin receptor blocker; hATTR, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis;amyloidosis.

Management of HF symptoms

The physiology of cardiac amyloidosis involves progressionto restrictive cardiomyopathy coupled with variable degrees ofautonomic dysfunction. These factors often lead to poortolerability of many common agents used to treat HF,including b-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE in-hibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and digoxin. Althoughdata regarding the safety and efficacy of traditional HF ther-apies are limited, dietary sodium restriction and diuresis (usingloop diuretics, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, andthiazide diuretics as needed) are considered the mainstay ofHF supportive management.

Practical tip. b-Blockers, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensinreceptor blockers are frequently poorly tolerated by patientswith cardiac amyloidosis, and if indicated should be used withconsiderable caution. Furthermore, limited data and reportssuggest an increased risk of local toxicity with digoxin andcalcium channel blockers24,25 and these medications shouldbe similarly used with caution or avoided altogether ifpossible.

Advanced HF therapies

In cardiac amyloidosis patients with refractory HF symp-toms, advanced therapies may be considered. Contemporarydata series indicate that outcomes after heart transplantationin carefully selected patients with ATTR and AL are similar tothose in other patients.26,27 Long-term outcomes, particularlyfor AL patients, have not been reported in the modern era.Selection criteria have been published by several institutionsand typically involve exclusion of clinically relevant extrac-ardiac involvement.28,29 In AL patients, autologous stem celltransplantation (ASCT) has been performed after successfulheart transplantation, although some centres reserve this

Chemotherapy with or without autologousstem cell transplantation for AL

Tafamidis for wtATTR orhATTR cardiomyopathy

with NYHA I-III symptoms

Inotersen or patisiran forhATTR with ambulatory

polyneuropathy symptoms

Liver transplantation for hATTR


otensin converting enzyme inhibitor; AL, light chain amyloidosis; ARB,NYHA, New York Heart Association; wtATTR, wild type transthyretin

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Values and preferences. Cardiac amyloidosis appearsto be associated with a particularly high rate of left atrialthrombus, stroke, and systemic embolism. This risk is notcaptured by risk scores such as CHADS265 or CHA2DS2-VASc.

330 Canadian Journal of CardiologyVolume 36 2020

approach for patients in whom adequate light chain controlcannot be achieved with chemotherapy alone.28,29 Livertransplantation can be performed as a disease-modifyingtherapy for hATTR by halting production of mutant TTRprotein, and this approach has been more commonly used totreat familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Heart-liver trans-plantation (combined or sequentially) has been performedwith success in patients with hATTR with cardiac involve-ment.30 The advent of effective TTR-targeted medical ther-apies might reduce the need for liver transplantation in thissetting. The use of durable LV assist devices has not been wellstudied in cardiac amyloidosis, however, small case seriessuggest that outcomes might be inferior compared with pa-tients with dilated cardiomyopathy, particularly when LV sizeis small.31 To date, consensus criteria to improve patient se-lection are lacking and the role of LV assist device therapy forcardiac amyloidosis remains uncertain.


8. We recommend that heart transplantation be consid-ered for select patients with advanced HF due to car-diac amyloidosis, in whom significant extracardiacmanifestations are absent and the risk of disease pro-gression is considered low and/or amenable to disease-modifying therapy (Strong Recommendation,Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Values and preferences. Although older reports iden-tified poor outcomes among cardiac amyloidosis patientswho received heart transplants, contemporary reportsgenerally indicate similar short- and intermediate-termoutcomes to other heart transplant recipients. This islikely because of advances in light chain-directed therapyin AL and improved patient selection.

Arrhythmias and thromboembolic risk

Atrial arrhythmias are common in patients with cardiacamyloidosis. There are no data to inform the choice between arate or rhythm control strategy. Traditional rate controllingmedications are often poorly tolerated and amiodarone mightbe the best tolerated agent. The long-term efficacy of rhythmcontrol strategies, including left atrial catheter ablation, isuncertain although might be poor because of diffuse atrialamyloid deposition.32 Cardiac amyloidosis patients with AFare at a particularly high risk of left atrial thrombus andthromboembolic events.33 Left atrial thrombus has been re-ported in patients receiving therapeutic anticoagulation and inpatients in sinus rhythm.33,34 There are no data to support aspecific anticoagulation strategy.


9. In the absence of contraindications, we recommendtherapeutic anticoagulation in patients with cardiacamyloidosis and AF, regardless of calculated risk ofstroke or systemic embolism (Strong Recommendation,Low-Quality Evidence).

Practical tip. There are no data to inform the choice be-tween warfarin and direct oral anticoagulants, which might bepreferable because of the ease of administration and relativelylower risk of intracranial hemorrhage shown in other cardio-vascular disease populations.

Practical tip. In patients with cardiac amyloidosis, highrates of left atrial thrombus have been reported on imagingand at autopsy, even in patients with adequate durations oftherapeutic anticoagulation or with brief durations of AF.Thrombus has also been reported in patients in sinus rhythm.Transesophageal echocardiography should be consideredbefore cardioversion in stable patients, regardless of durationof arrhythmia or anticoagulation.

Conduction system disease is also highly prevalent in pa-tients with cardiac amyloidosis. A high rate of progression tocomplete heart block has been reported in hATTR patientsundergoing prophylactic pacemaker implantation,35 and caseseries have reported improved symptoms after pacemakerimplantation for bradycardia.36 The use of cardiac resynch-ronization therapy has not been examined. Cardiac amyloid-osis patients are also at a high risk of sudden cardiac death.This might be mediated by ventricular arrhythmias, bradyar-rhythmias (commonly complete heart block), or pulselesselectrical activity.37 It has not been shown that device therapy(pacemaker and/or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator[ICD]) improves survival. Nonetheless, appropriate shockshave been reported in up to 32% of cardiac amyloidosis pa-tients who received ICDs,38 most for secondary preventionindications. Clear criteria for primary prevention devicetherapy have not been identified.

Practical tip. Although there is a high rate of progressionof conduction system disease in patients with cardiacamyloidosis, evidence does not support the routine prophy-lactic use of pacemakers in patients who do not otherwisemeet standard guideline indications. Although a large pro-portion of deaths might be preceded by bradycardia, includingcomplete heart block, it is not known whether pacemakersimprove survival.

Practical tip. Criteria for primary prevention ICDs havenot been clearly identified. In particular, there is no evidenceshowing benefit of ICDs for primary prevention of suddencardiac arrest/death in cardiac amyloidosis patients with LVEF� 35%. We suggest that ICDs be offered to patients withstandard indications for secondary prevention, and that anindividualized approach be used for primary prevention.

Disease-modifying therapy

In AL, disease progression is attenuated by suppression ofabnormal free light chain production. Untreated, AL cardiacamyloidosis is a rapidly progressive disease with a dismalprognosis. Timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy is

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11. We recommend treatment with a TTR RNA silencingagent (patisiran or inotersen) for patients withhATTR amyloidosis with ambulatory polyneuropathy(Strong Recommendation, High-Quality Evidence).

Values and preferences. To date, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials of TTR silencers have onlyincluded patients with hATTR polyneuropathy and haveexamined their efficacy with respect to neurologic out-comes. Cardiac outcomes have not been rigourouslystudied in patients receiving TTR silencers, and cardiacsubpopulations in trials of these agents did not undergotesting to confirm cardiac involvement.

Fine et al. 331CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

essential for good outcomes. Although a comprehensive dis-cussion of AL-directed therapies is beyond the scope of thisdocument, management typically consists of chemotherapywith consideration for ASCT in eligible patients.

In ATTR, disease progression can be slowed or preventedby novel TTR-targeted therapies (Fig. 6). Tafamidis is an oralTTR stabilizer that binds to TTR tetramers in circulation andprevents their breakdown into unstable amyloidogenicmonomers. In the Transthyretin Cardiomyopathy ClinicalTrial (ATTR-ACT), 441 patients with ATTR cardiomyopa-thy (76% wtATTR, 24% hATTR) and New York HeartAssociation (NYHA) functional class I-III symptoms wererandomized to tafamidis or placebo.39 Over 30 months,tafamidis was associated with a 32% reduction in mortalityand a 30% reduction in cardiovascular hospitalization. Tafa-midis was well tolerated, and was also associated withimproved quality of life and 6-minute walk distance scorescompared with placebo.


10. We recommend tafamidis (if available) for patientswith ATTR cardiac amyloidosis and NYHA class I-IIIsymptoms (Strong Recommendation, High-QualityEvidence).

Practical tip. The ATTR-ACT trial included patients withNTproBNP levels > 600 pg/mL and excluded patients withNYHA class IV symptoms or severe functional disability,measured using a 6-minute walk distance < 100 m, repre-senting criteria that should be considered when determiningeligibility for treatment.

Practical tip. Subgroup analysis from the ATTR-ACTtrial suggested that the reduction in cardiovascular hospitali-zation associated with tafamidis is greatest for patients withNYHA class I-II symptoms.

Inotersen and patisiran are TTR RNA silencing agents thatprevent the hepatic production of TTR protein. Inotersen isan antisense oligonucleotide and patisiran is a small interferingRNA molecule. Both agents have been studied in phase IIIclinical trials involving ambulatory patients with hATTR andpolyneuropathy symptoms. In the Efficacy and Safety ofInotersen in Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (NEURO-TTR) trial, 172 patients were randomized to subcutaneousinotersen or placebo.40 After 15 months, patients randomizedto inotersen had significantly better neurologic function andquality of life compared with placebo. In the A Phase 3Multicenter, Multinational, Randomized, Double-blind,Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safetyof Patisiran (ALN-TTR02) in Transthyretin (TTR)-MediatedPolyneuropathy (APOLLO) trial, 225 patients were ran-domized to intravenous patisiran or placebo.41 Over 18months, neurologic function and quality of life for patients inthe patisiran arm were improved compared with placebo.Neither of these agents has been tested in patients withwtATTR, and neither trial confirmed the presence of cardiacinvolvement with biopsy or scintigraphy. A prespecified sub-group analysis of 126 APOLLO patients with unexplained LVwall thickening suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis showed re-ductions in mean LV wall thickness, global longitudinal

strain, and NTproBNP, and a trend toward lower rates ofmortality and cardiac hospitalizations among patients ran-domized to patisiran compared with placebo.42

Practical tip. In hATTR patients with a mixed phenotype(polyneuropathy and cardiomyopathy), the decision to usetafamidis or a TTR silencer should be individualized and isbest undertaken by a multidisciplinary team including acardiologist and a neurologist, considering variables includingavailability, toxicity profile, ease of administration, anddominant phenotype. The efficacy and safety of combinationtherapy with tafamidis and TTR silencing therapy has notbeen evaluated.

Other potentially disease-modifying agents that have beenexamined in limited off-label studies in patients with cardiacamyloidosis (Supplemental Table S1) include: diflunisal,43

combination doxycycline and either tauroursodeoxycholicacid (TUDCA) or ursodeoxycholic acid (ursodiol),44 andepigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG; green tea extract).45

Diflunisal is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that sta-bilizes TTR, has shown benefit for treatment of hATTRpolyneuropathy, and is generally well tolerated except in pa-tients with significant renal insufficiency or those at high riskfor decompensated HF. The latter 2 therapies have shownamyloid fibril inhibition or degradation properties in vivo andmight have efficacy for patients with either AL or ATTR.Although none of these therapies have been rigourouslytested, they might represent a therapeutic alternative for pa-tients for whom approved therapies are not available. Thesafety and efficacy of combination therapies involving theseagents have not been evaluated.

Follow-up and monitoring

As disease-modifying therapy evolves, it has becomeincreasingly important to develop methods for measuringresponse to therapy. In AL amyloidosis, cardiac response totherapy is defined by changes in cardiac biomarkers, NYHAclass, and imaging parameters.46 The use of such biomarkers isless well defined in patients with ATTR. Imaging parametersthat might prove useful in AL and/or ATTR include changesin LV wall thickness and global longitudinal strain usingechocardiography and changes in LV mass, T1 mapping, andextracellular volume values in CMR.6,14,46 Further studies areneeded to define optimal surveillance strategies.

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12. We recommend that serial imaging with echocardi-ography or CMR in addition to measuring BNP/NTproBNP levels be used to monitor cardiac diseaseprogression and/or response to therapy in patientswith cardiac amyloidosis (Strong Recommendation,Low-Quality Evidence). RECOMMENDATION

13. We recommend that comprehensive interdisciplinarymanagement be offered to patients with establishedcardiac amyloidosis (Strong Recommendation, VeryLow-Quality Evidence).

Values and preferences. Care provided by multidis-ciplinary teams has not been rigourously studied. Centreswith access to multidisciplinary care should consider pa-tient referral to appropriate subspecialty services to ensureadequate management of multisystem disease and access tonovel therapies and clinical trials, which are more likely to

Figure 6. Disease-modifying therapies for transthyretin amyloidosis. TTR, transthyretin. Modified from Ruberg et al.6 with permission from Elsevier.

332 Canadian Journal of CardiologyVolume 36 2020

Practical tip. The optimal monitoring frequency of serialcardiac imaging using echocardiography or CMR is uncertain,with most reports suggesting a range between every 6-48months, and/or in the setting of clinical deterioration. Acomprehensive approach to interpreting imaging findings in-tegrated with clinical and serum biomarker data is suggested.Nuclear scintigraphy with bone-seeking radiotracer is pres-ently not recommended to monitor disease progression and/orresponse to therapy.

be offered in these settings. This might not be feasible inmany centres.

Considerations for Clinical CareAmyloidosis is a multisystem disease and patients

frequently have complex management considerations. Thediagnosis is associated with a high level of anxiety in manypatients, in part because of confusion around different diseasesubtypes and lengthy delays to diagnosis because of lowphysician awareness. Patients with wtATTR are also typicallyolder and might have a significant comorbid disease burden,further complicating their care.

Amyloidosis is considered a rare disease. Many specialistswill have limited exposure and might not have access tosubspecialty consultation, novel therapies, or clinical trialopportunities. Where possible, the centralization of careamong specialists with expertise in amyloidosis might have

significant benefits. In particular, it might be beneficial forATTR patients to be followed in a setting with access toneuromuscular disease experts to enable decision-makingregarding TTR-targeted therapy. The patient complexitysuggests that support from nursing and pharmacy is likely tobe beneficial.

The prognosis of cardiac amyloidosis at the time of diag-nosis can vary widely, dependent on subtype and the extent ofcardiac and extracardiac involvement. Cardiac troponin andnatriuretic peptide levels are among the strongest predictors ofsurvival in AL amyloidosis47,48 and ATTR.49,50 In ALamyloidosis, a staging system involving cardiac biomarkersdeveloped at the Mayo Clinic, and subsequently revised toincorporate sFLC levels, has been validated and is widely usedto risk-stratify patients and identify those who might beeligible for ASCT.48 For ATTR cardiomyopathy, stagingsystems have also been developed,49,50 although they are notas widely used as the Mayo Clinic system for AL.

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14. We recommend that a validated, serum biomarker-based staging system, inclusive of troponin and/orBNP/NTproBNP, be used to risk-stratify patientswith cardiac amyloidosis (Strong Recommendation,High-Quality Evidence).

Values and preferences. The revised Mayo Clinicstaging system is well validated and widely used to risk-stratify patients with AL amyloidosis (SupplementalTable S2). Staging systems for ATTR cardiomyopathyhave not been as well validated and no single system is usedconsistently, however serum biomarker-based ATTR-spe-cific staging systems have been developed. Multiple cardiacimaging parameters have also shown prognostic utility forpatients with cardiac amyloidosis. A comprehensiveapproach to interpreting imaging findings integrated withclinical and serum biomarker data is suggested.

Fine et al. 333CCS/CHFS Position on Cardiac Amyloidosis

Outcomes among patients with cardiac amyloidosis areimproving with continued development of novel AL- andATTR-targeted therapies. The prognosis, particularly whendiagnosed at an early stage, is now much improved comparedwith previous eras. Nonetheless, patients with advanced car-diac amyloidosis and those who fail to respond to disease-modifying therapy still have a poor prognosis and impairedquality of life. Early referral for palliative care support in thissetting might be beneficial.

ConclusionsApproaches for the diagnostic evaluation and management

of patients with cardiac amyloidosis have improved substan-tially in recent years. The evolution of disease-modifyingtherapies for AL and ATTR has led to an enhanced aware-ness of these disorders and the importance of early recognitionand diagnosis. A high index of suspicion for the clinical cluesthat might accompany cardiac amyloidosis in addition toknowledge of the disease-specific considerations for manage-ment are now imperative for clinicians managing commoncardiovascular disorders. This position statement is intendedto provide clinicians with an overview of key elements forassessment and management, and facilitate early recognition,diagnosis, and implementation of appropriate therapy.Furthermore, development of new targeted therapies remainsongoing for both subtypes, including chemotherapeuticagents for AL, TTR stabilizers and silencers for ATTR, andamyloid fibril-degrading agents for both. These advancementsbring new questions regarding optimal management ap-proaches, including (but not limited to) serial monitoringstrategies and optimal timing and efficacy for potential com-bination use of disease-modifying therapies. This exciting andrapidly changing landscape promises hope for furtherimprovement in outcomes for cardiac amyloidosis patients.

AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the contributions of Niki Bau-

mann (British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons)

for her assistance and expertise with the extensive literaturesearch and review that was performed, and the support ofChristianna Brooks (Canadian Cardiovascular Society) for herhelp during the development of this position statement.


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Supplementary MaterialTo access the supplementary material accompanying this

article, visit the online version of the Canadian Journal ofCardiology at www.onlinecjc.ca and at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2019.12.034.